The Flame - FT Cares Foundation
The Flame - FT Cares Foundation
The Flame A Note from Jane Last month I attended the annual National Alliance to End Homelessness conference in Washington, DC. A couple of thousand people from around the country, the majority of which work in the homeless/social services field, gathered to share their successes, new ideas, and the excitement over how close we are to ending homelessness in this country. Did you know there is a Federal mandate for ending homelessness? It was signed in 2010 and is called “Opening Doors”. The plan puts this country on a path to end “veterans and chronic homelessness by 2015; and to ending homelessness among children, families, and youth by 2020”. Michelle Obama was the keynote speaker at the conference, and eloquently put it this way: “no American service-member who defended his or her country should ever have to sleep on the streets of this country, and no man, woman or child deserves that fate either”. Amen to that. In 2013, on any given night, over 600,000 persons were homeless in this country. At least 300,000 were under the age of 18. Children in families experiencing homelessness have high rates of acute and chronic health problems and the majority has been exposed to violence. These children are also more likely to have emotional and behavioral problems. Opening Doors sums up the problem and its effects like this: “The long-term effects of homelessness on a child’s school performance appear significant and long-lasting.” The Foundation works with many organizations working to end homelessness as well as helping make better lives for kids through education and other positive factors (see next column). “THE TEST OF OUR PROGRESS IS NOT WHETHER WE ADD MORE TO THE ABUNDANCE OF THOSE WHO HAVE MUCH, IT IS WHETHER WE PROVIDE ENOUGH FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TOO LITTLE.” (FDR) August 2014 August 2014 Theme: Education & Child Development It seems impossible it’s time for kids to go back to school, but it’s here! We’re putting the spotlight on Donors Choose, an organization that has harnessed a simple model to make tangible and significant contributions to schools across the nation. Charles Best, Founder and CEO of Donors Choose, is a shining example of the power of an idea to improve the lives of others. Charles started his career as a high school history teacher in the Bronx. He quickly realized that if he wanted to provide needed resources for his students, the funding would have to come out of his own pocket. In 2000 he developed the first version of the Donor’s Choose website and anonymously funded the first 10 projects posted. News quickly spread and the organization began its impressive journey. By 2007, the organization had gone national. Stars like Steven Colbert and Oprah Winfrey took notice and kept the momentum surging ahead. Within minutes of Oprah featuring the organization on her show, $250,000 had been donated to fund projects. To date, Donors Choose has raised over $247 million to help over 56,000 participating schools. And the momentum is still building! How Donors Choose Operates The premise is brilliantly simple. Public school teachers across the country post requests for their classroom projects online, and donors fund the project. Each project undergoes a thorough vetting process, and once a project is funded, Donor’s Choose ships the materials directly to the school. Donors receive a breakdown of every dollar spent, letters from students and teachers, and photos of the project they supported. Charity Navigator has awarded the organization its “highest standard of efficiency”. It is also the first charitable organization to be named by Fast Company as one of the “50 Most Innovative Companies in the Word.” Being the Change The Donor’s Choose story is exciting. It reminds us that ‘being the change we want to see in the world’ (to paraphrase Gandhi) is very much within our grasp. Transforming lives can be as simple as firing up your computer and getting students school supplies! The Foundation salutes (and supports) this organization that is fanning the flames of hope and transformation! We hope you’ll take this opportunity to get involved in making a tangible impact on children and teachers in our schools around the nation. Or tell us what organizations you support! Visit to learn more or to fund a project. The Flame Lisa’s Corner: August 2014 From Sharpies to Sandwiches I have loved back-to-school shopping since I was a kid. From wandering through the drug store looking for brightly colored markers or a new Trapper Keeper (yep, you remember those!) to picking out the perfect outfit for the first day (and even deciding what to have for lunch), I loved the excitement and promise of a new year at school. Now as a mom, the “thrill” of getting ready for the school year isn’t quite the same. My two boys generally detest shopping for anything, let alone trying on clothes, though they do share my love of anything and everything in Office Depot! And don’t get me started on trying to figure out what they’ll not only take in their lunchbox but actually eat! Thankfully, we all have the means to take our kids shopping for school supplies and clothes at the start of the school year. More importantly, we can send them each day with either a nutritious lunch or money to buy hot lunch. Unfortunately, there are a lot of families in and around our towns (and country) that cannot. As you embark on your back-to-school rituals, keep these things in mind: •New isn’t always necessary. Encourage your kids to reuse items from last year and use the money saved to buy supplies to donate. •Consider donating your gently used office/school supplies to an organization like Scarce in Glen Ellyn ( ) which will be happy to collect and recycle or repurpose your supplies (provided they are in good working condition). •According to Feeding Illinois, one in five children in Illinois does not get enough to eat. Help your children understand that some First kids their school may t-shirt! 750 in runners receive a glow-in-the-dark not be able to bring nutritious choices and thatLight they Register at (Keyword: the Torch) should never make fun of what another child brings See for more info to lunch. (and perhaps remind them that sharing is usually much appreciated!) •Northern Illinois Food Bank’s BackPack Program partners with 130 schools across 13 counties to provide food to chronically hungry children with little or no access to food over the weekend. Each backpack contains shelf-stable and nutritious foods to help feed up to three children over the weekend. They can provide a backpack full of food to a child for only $15. Contact [email protected] to help out. G! N I M CO AUGUST 22 l ght the torch 5K Board of Directors: Andy Roggensack Mark Bradley Scott Jardine Lighted 5K Night Run/Walk Friday, September 26, 2014 Activities start at 5:30 PM Race begins at 7:00 PM Fun for all ages, glow giveaways! Luminaries and lighted finish line! Free pre-race kids’ activities! First 750 runners receive a glow-in-the-dark t-shirt! Register at (Keyword: Light the Torch) See for more info Officers: Jane Doyle Christina Knierim Amy Lum Debbie Del Guidice Patricia Costello Director of Development: Lisa Weier