Gunhouse Lane, Stroud
Gunhouse Lane, Stroud
Miaistryaf Agrieulturw Fiahtrici aad Food FRCA Agricultural Land Classification Gunhouse Lane, Stroud Legend Area (ha) Qmality ao ao 3.7 ao 0.0 Very Poor ao Agricnitural land not surveyed ao Olher land as Boundary of Borvey area Total agricultural land area Total survey area * M M p t t M t i VMhiD n u t t y ink we _L_ no utt liKMKW 4oa I too _l Fuflhtr diuili coniuiK4 in M.M-'F (l9tS) A«iKiiIitTil U s d Otnificttioa •d Ea|ltBd tsd V'llc* - Rcviied luiddLnc) l t d chwiii lur grtditf ibc quUifof ^icaltn/illtad. Maf f Ipabticiuoni), Uadoa U » * TTP. The laforsiukM It t c c t n k M baw Bip tcslc bat lay olintwcBi *oa]d be Mitltodiif, R(pialDi.iia ia vbok ei b pan by any Beaat » prabibiied •hhott Ibe prior p e i a n i M of MAFF. Sarveytd ind d n v n by tbe Rctoarct Pltaaiac Ttaai, F R C \ Wtatera ReaionBittil oa tht I9t4 Ordatac* Sotvey I : VJKM a u p wiih the ptcninian of ttw Cnnitalln af Htt Mt|ctty^ Snriourr Offkt. tJMarboratd rcpTodneiioa iafriacti Crowa Gopyriftii tad mty ktd ID pTnecarion lu l i x l pioccettiagi. MAM- Licence Ha: GUITZXI Source mir^)^ MJWiit Refertnct no; 3i /W P Crown Cnpyr^hi Reterved WW Minialryof Agriculture Fisheries aad Food FRCA Agricultural Land Classificatioa Gunhouse Lane, Stroud Sample Point Map Legend Location of soil pit Location of auger sample point C7 Boundary of survey area 1 Agricultural land not -1 surveyed i i i i i Other land ua 200 _L- 300 I 500 _L_ f-'urihcr dciutt coauiatd in M.^FF (IW^ Atrii^nlivriJ Laid Quufkauan of EtfUiid and V i l a - Rcviied f uiddum tnd ailcria lor |i«diiic the i]iiiiiiy of i f r m i n n J i M d . Majf IpaMitnioni), Loadoa SE9f TTF. The lafannUMn ii accurilc tt but map icilc but u y taluttmeai «wld be Miilttdiog. RepiodiKLiDii IB whole or ia ptii br my n e a u ii pmbibiied aiihiMi ibe prior perauMiM of MAFF. Smverol tod drawn by ibc Retotrce Pltaiiiat Teao, FRCA Wcttera Reason. Bated on i ^ IM4 (.IrdaiKt Surrey 1 : 10,000 n i p with iht prnninion ilf the ConirolItT of Hel Matnty't Sfitinncry Offkt. t'rnuihorj«*d reprmliKlion iofringct Crnvn copyright tnd rrwy lead lo pmtecniioa or tivil piOLttdiagt. UAIO- Ltunct No; 01)271361 Source fflipd): }iU80!!i& Refercne* no: i i ffl Q ('rowt Ci>pyn|hi RetwTtd N9S
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