ALC survey map ALCB00699
ALC survey map ALCB00699
MAFF^'o^''^^' FRCA • • • ' * * • Fithericf Agriculture aad Food Agricultural Land Classification Northway Mill Sample Point Map Legend • 1 Location of soil pit ^1 ^ Location of auger sample point cv Boundary of survey area Agricultural land not surveyed Other land Ml _L_ UO _J Fuiiher druili coauuwd in M.^FF (isn^ A|rK«liartI Laad CUtulicatian uf Hi|laiid and Wilet - Rcviicd luidcLnci and ciiitiia fur fttiimf ihc qualii) of agricaltiiilland. ItUff'paMicitioni>, (.nadoii S£99 7Tr. The inloimuton ii accunie •• buc map uile but aay caliu|ciBcni >u«Jd be Mttle*dii(. RepeodDdioi la whale er ia pan by aay Bcua m prohibiinl aiihoai the prior ptraoaioo ol It-KFT. SoiTCTtd aad drawn try ihe Retoarcc Planniac Team. FRCA Weatern R^ion. BMMI aa ihe 1V79 C>rdaaac« Stirvey lOOOfl n i p whli ttte prnginioa of the CnRiroll«r nf H « Mainty't SniiOBerr Office. L'nauihnrtvd reptodaclioa lafringei Crown copyrigbi and may lead ID proMcniioa or pTocerdiapMAM- Lkence No: 01)277)61 Source m»(iU> S09JN*.S09JS» Referetlce na Ot /9» Q t:tBW t^ipynihi Rciwrted IWg Minialryof Agricuilurc Ftabcrici aad Food FRCA Agricultural Land Classification Northway Mill Legend Gride 3b - Gride 4 * Grade 5 1• ~~- 1 1 — Quality Area (ha) Exceltem 0.0 Very Cood 0.0 Good M Moderate 25.7 poor 0.0 Very Poor ao Agricultural land not surveyed 0.0 Other land 13 Boundary of aurvev area Total agricultural land aroa Toial survey area no I MM 400 1 »4 _L_ _J Further iciaili cotuaiiied is M.\FF t l W A(ric«Uaral Uad Clanificauou U Ei(land and Walci - Reviicd |uide(iao and ciileiu lur |iadiB| ihc qualii) of aaiicallarallaDd. M4ii'paMiciuoni), London SEW T l f The inrormtltan >( accualc al tmtt nap icaie but any etuiiieoKDl wvald be iniiifadinf. Rcpiudikiioii LB whole i>i in pari by iny neaiu a pruhibiicd •iihuut the piiot pcrBiuion of M.\FF. Sufvend and drawn by ibe Reiouce PlaD&ian Ttain. F R C \ WMiern Rt^.oti. Bated no the 1974 O i d u a o Surrey lOOOO m p with ihe pamimon of the Cnnirollci of KM Hijeity'i Seilionciy Office. Unauihoriwd leprodiKtion iafiiesei Crown copyrighi and may l«ad to proiecniimi ot i.i>il proLcedinp. MAH- Licente Nu: 01)272)61 Suurce mapW: b093NW;i09JS» Reference n a Oi 199 6 (rowa (jpyriihi Reatrved WK
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