centrifuge product guide
centrifuge product guide
CENTRIFUGE PRODUCT GUIDE LAB TECHNOLOGY WELCOME TO HETTICH For more than 108 years Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co.KG has been a leader in centrifugation technology, innovation and safety. Hettich engineers, designs and manufactures its products from its family run headquarters in Tuttlingen, Germany. Hettich is recognized as one of the top clinical/ research centrifuge manufacturers in the world. Applications include separation of blood and fluids in blood banks and clinical laboratories. In the research field our centrifuges are used to separate solutions to extract DNA, proteins and enzymes. We offer a full range of centrifuges from small benchtop microliter centrifuges, mid-sized to large general purpose centrifuges to large floor standing models, we also provide custom built solutions for any laboratory project. Andreas Hettich GmbH & Co.KG Tuttlingen, Germany CONTENTS FIELD CENTRIFUGES MANUAL Centrifuge BENCHTOP CENTRIFUGES 4 MICROLITER CENTRIFUGES COMPARISON CHART 7 MIKRO 120 8 MIKRO 200 10 MIKRO 220 14 COMPARISON CHART 29 ROTOFIX 32A 32 UNIVERSAL 320 36 ROTINA 380 40 ROTINA 420 44 ROTANTA 460 48 FLOOR STANDING CENTRIFUGES SMALL BENCHTOP CENTRIFUGES COMPARISON CHART 55 COMPARISON CHART 19 ROTANTA 460 56 EBA 20 20 ROTIXA 50S 62 EBA 20S 22 ROTO SILENTA 630 RS 64 EBA 21 24 EBA 270 26 INDUSTRIAL CENTRIFUGES ROTOFIX 46 68 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION CABINETS 72 CONTACT/ SUPPORT 74 hettweb.com 3 RESEARCH SPECIFICATIONS MANUAL Centrifuge MANUAL Max Capacity 4 x 15 mL Max RPM/RCF Swing-out 50° (1025) Swing-out 90° (1014) 3,000/ 1,077 3,000/ 1,298 FEATURES: Dimensions (HxWxD) 11.22” x 5.5” x 6.88” Weight 2 lbs Cat. No. w/ out rotor 1011 Cat. No. 50° rotor 1025 (round-bottom tubes only) Cat. No. 90° rotor 1014 (conical tubes only) CENTRIFUGE FOR FIELD APPLICATIONS • Manual powered, light-weight, portable and compact •Self-lubricating gear • Virtually maintenance free •Conical and Round-bottom 4 place rotor systems MOST COMMON PACKAGES ROUND-BOTTOM TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 4 15 17 x 100 RPM G-FORCE 3,000 Pkg No.: 1,077 MANUALROUND CONICAL TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 4 15 17 x 120 Pkg No.: 50° SWING-OUT ROUND-BOTTOM RPM G-FORCE 3,000 1,298 MANUALCONICAL 90° SWING-OUT CONICAL hettweb.com 5 Hettich micro centrifuges deliver on quality, safety and reliability. Offering 12, 24, 30 & 48 place rotor options as well as a 90° swing-out microliter rotor, our centrifuges accommodate all standard microliter tubes 0.2-2.0 mL. These compact units help you manage your samples not your service calls. • Five (5) Year Warranty • Run-Silent™ Operation • 5-point quality inspection • German engineered & manufactured • Over 108 years experience •Easy-Lift™ Lid with stay in place positioning (MIKRO 200, 220) Volume (mL) CENTRIFUGE EFFECTIVE AND RELIABLE: MICROLITER TUBES 0.2 – 2.0 mL Strips (x8) MIKRO 120 24 -- RCF (G–FORCE) 18,626 -- MIKRO 200 30 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 21,382 14,338 MIKRO 220 48 6 RCF (G–FORCE) 18,845 18,845 CRYO TUBES Volume (mL) CENTRIFUGE MICROLITER CENTRIFUGES COMPARISON CHART 1.8 mL MIKRO 200 20 RCF (G–FORCE) 21,130 MIKRO 220 20 RCF (G–FORCE) 18,407 HEMATOCRIT Volume (mL) 1 capillary MIKRO 200 24 chambers RCF (G–FORCE) 21,382 hettweb.com 7 RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL MIKRO 120 MICROLITER CENTRIFUGE FEATURES: • Ultra compact with small footprint •24 place rotor (aerosol-tight, autoclavable, phenol-resistant) • Auto-imbalance detection and shut-off • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 61 dB) • Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge MIKRO 120 Max Capacity 24 x 1.5/ 2.0 mL Max RPM/RCF 14,000/ 18,626 Dimensions (HxWxD) 7.8” x 9” x 11.5” Weight 15.43 lbs Cat. No. 115V 1204-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 120 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 24 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 24 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 14,000 18,626 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (24) Adapters 1.5 mL, (1) Bio-containment Lid Pkg No.: 120MICRO24 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details 24 PLACE ROTOR WITH BIO-CONTAINMENT LID hettweb.com 9 RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL MIKRO 200 MICROLITER CENTRIFUGE FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (MIKRO 200R) •For DNA, RNA & temperature sensitive samples •Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 58 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid •Bio-containment, autoclavable, phenol resistant lids •Fast cool function: down to +4 °C in 10-15 minutes • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge MIKRO 200 Max Capacity 30 x 1.5/ 2.0 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 21,382 Temperature Control -- -10 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 10.23” x 10.8” x 13.5” 10.23” x 11” x 21.53” Weight 25.35 lbs 61.72 lbs 2400-01 2405-01 Cat. No. 115V MIKRO 200R MOST COMMON PACKAGES 200 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 24 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 24 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 15,000 21,382 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (24) Adapters 1.5 mL Pkg No.: 200MICRO24 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 200RMICRO24 (Add a Bio-containment lid): (-BC) 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details 200 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 30 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 30 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 15,000 20,627 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (24) Adapters 1.5 mL Pkg No.: 200MICRO30 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 200RMICRO30 (Add a Bio-containment lid): (-BC) 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details hettweb.com 11 Continued MIKRO 200 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 200 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - STRIP Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 4 PCR Strip (8) -- RPM G-FORCE 15,000 14,338 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor Pkg No.: 200MICROSTRIP Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 200RMICROSTRIP 200 - CRYO TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 20 1.8 -- RPM G-FORCE 15,000 21,130 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 200CRYO 200RCRYO (Add a Bio-containment lid): (-BC) 200R w/TEMP. CONTROL 30 PLACE ROTOR OPTIONAL BIO-CONTAINMENT LID 24 PLACE ROTOR hettweb.com 13 RESEARCH MIKRO 220 ADVANCED MICROLITER CENTRIFUGE FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (220R) •For DNA, RNA & temperature sensitive samples • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 65 dB) •Safety-Lock™ Lid •24 place 90° Swing-out microliter rotor • Autoclavable and Phenol Resistant lids (optional) • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge MIKRO 220 Fixed Angle Capacity (48) 0.2 – 2.0 mL Max RPM/RCF 18,000/ 31,514 Temperature Control -- -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 12.3” x 13” x 16.5” 12.3” x 13” x 25.5” Weight 46.29 lbs 92.59 lbs 2200-01 2205-01 Cat. No. 115V MIKRO 220R MOST COMMON PACKAGES 220 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 24 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 24 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 18,000 31,514 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (24) Adapters 1.5mL, (1) Bio-containment Lid Pkg No.: 220MICRO24 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 220RMICRO24 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details 220 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 90 Qty Volume (mL) Rotor Type 24 1.5 – 2.0 90° Swing-out RPM G-FORCE 13,000 18,516 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (24) Adapters 1.5mL, (1) Bio-containment Lid Pkg No.: 220MICRO90 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 220RMICRO90 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details hettweb.com 15 Continued MIKRO 220 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 220 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 30 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 30 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 14,000 21,255 MIKRO 220R w/Temp. Control 90° SWING-OUT ROTOR Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (30) Adapters 1.5mL, (1) Bio-containment Lid Pkg No.: 220MICRO30 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 220RMICRO30 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details 48 PLACE ROTOR 220 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - 48 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 48 1.5 – 2.0 -- RPM G-FORCE 14,000 21,255/18,845 (OPTIONAL) BIO/AUTOCLAVABLE LID (OPTIONAL) BIO/PHENOL RESISTANT LID Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (48) Adapters 1.5mL, (1) Bio-containment Lid Pkg No.: 220MICRO48 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 220RMICRO48 0.2 - 0.8 mL adapter combinations are available, inquire for details 220 - MICROLITER TUBE PACKAGE - STRIP Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 6 PCR Strip (8) -- RPM G-FORCE 14,000 18,845 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor Pkg No.: 220MICROSTRIP Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 220RMICROSTRIP 220 - CRYO TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 20 1.8 -- RPM G-FORCE 14,000 18,407 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add a Bio-containment lid): 220CRYO 220RCRYO (-BC) hettweb.com 17 SMALL BENCHTOP COMPARISON CHART BLOOD TUBES Volume (mL) 1.6–5 4–7 4–7 8.5–10 Size (mm) 13 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 75 16 x 100 EBA 20 8 8 -- 8 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,697 3,461 -- 3,461 EBA 20S 8 8 -- 8 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,794 6,153 -- 6,153 EBA 21 12 12 -- 12 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,300 4,146 -- 4,146 EBA 270 6 6 6 6 RCF (G–FORCE) 1,807 2,254 1,807 2,254 • Five (5) year warranty • Run-Silent™ Operation •Easy-Lift™ Lid with stay in place positioning • Exclusive Hettich 5-point quality inspection •MDER™ (Medical Device Electrical Requirements) compliant • FDA registered • German engineered & manufactured for over 108 years •Registered under international cTÜVus standard (USAOSHA & Canadian-SCC compliant) URINALYSIS Volume (mL) 12 mL (KOVA) Size (mm) 17 x 102 CENTRIFUGE Hettich small benchtop centrifuges offer the same safety and reliability of our large benchtop centrifuges in a compact housing. Ideal for blood and cell/ tissue culture applications, these centrifuges are rugged with consistent repeatable results spin after spin. CENTRIFUGE PERFORMANCE & VALUE DRIVEN: EBA 20 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,461 EBA 21 6 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,146 PLEASE NOTE The following pages contain information of the most common application packages available for each of our centrifuge models. Additional configurations and specialty application set-ups are available. Our centrifuges accommodate any Clinical, Research & Industrial laboratory application. Please contact us or your local rep for more information. hettweb.com 19 CLINICAL EBA 20 BLOOD/ URINALYSIS FEATURES: • Ideal for Blood and Urine applications • Small, non-refrigerated, clinical benchtop centrifuge • Built-in, multi-functional, 8-place angled rotor • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 54 dB) • Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge EBA 20 Max Capacity 8 x 15 mL Max RPM/RCF 6,000/ 3,461 Dimensions (HxWxD) 8.5” x 9” x 11.5” Weight 8.8 lbs Cat. No. 115V 2002-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 20 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE Qty 8 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 1.6 – 5 13 x 75 4–7 13 x 100 8.5 – 10 16 x 100 RPM G-FORCE 2,697 6,000 3,461 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Built-in Rotor, (8) Adapters 13 x 75 mm, (8) Adapters 13 x 100 mm Pkg No.: 20BLOOD 20 - URINALYSIS PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 4 12 | KOVA 17 x 102 RPM G-FORCE 6,000 3,461 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Built-in Rotor Pkg No.: 20URINALYSIS Built-in rotor for various Blood & Urine tubes hettweb.com 21 CLINICAL EBA 20S BLOOD/ STAT/ COAGULATION/ PPP FEATURES: • 8,000 RPM 3 minute spin for consistent platelet counts less than 10,000 platelets/ µL • Adjustable speed and time • Maintenance free, brushless motor • Imbalance detection • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 55 dB) • Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge EBA 20S Max Capacity 8 x 15 mL Max RPM/RCF 8,000/ 6,153 Dimensions (HxWxD) 8.5” x 9” x 11.5” Weight 13.22 lbs Cat. No. 115V 2080-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 20S - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE Qty 8 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 1.6 – 5 13 x 75 4–7 13 x 100 8.5 – 10 16 x 100 RPM G-FORCE 4,794 8,000 6,153 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Built-in Rotor, (8) Adapters 13 x 75 mm, (8) Adapters 13 x 100 mm Pkg No.: 20SBLOOD Built-in 8-place high-speed rotor FOR BLOOD TUBES Max RCF (G-FORCE) refers to rotor performance. The maximum permissible GFORCE of tube performance should be verified by the tube manufacturer. hettweb.com 23 CLINICAL SPECIFICATIONS RESEARCH EBA 21 BLOOD/ SEROLOGY/ URINALYSIS FEATURES: • Compact, highly versatile, workhorse •Maintenance free, brushless motor • Imbalance detection • Raised panel display (optional) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 66 dB) • Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty Centrifuge EBA 21 Max Capacity 6 x 50 mL Max RPM/RCF 18,000/ 25,718 Dimensions (HxWxD) 9.72” x 10.82” x 13” Weight 24.25 lbs Cat. No. 115V 1004-01 Raised Panel 1004-31 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 21 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 8 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) RPM G-FORCE 8 1.6 – 7 13/16 x 75 5,000 2,879 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (8) Buckets 13 x 75 mm, (8) Buckets 16 x 75 mm Pkg No.: 21BLOOD8 21 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 12 Qty 12 EBA 21 with RAISED panel Volume (mL) Size (mm) 1.6 – 7 13 x 75/100 8.5 – 10 16 x 100 RPM 6,000 G-FORCE 3,300/4,146 4,146 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor, (12) Adapters 13 x 75 mm, (12) Adapters 13 x 100 mm Pkg No.: 21BLOOD12 21 - URINALYSIS PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 6 12 | KOVA 17 x 102 RPM G-FORCE 6,000 4,146 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) Fixed-angle Rotor Pkg No.: 21URINALYSIS ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 25 CLINICAL EBA 270 GEL BLOOD TUBES FEATURES: • 90° Swing-out Built-in Rotor • Ideal for Physicians Offices • Run-Silent™ operation (< 60 dB) • Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge EBA 270 Max Capacity (6) 16 x 100 mm Max RPM/RCF 4,000/ 2,254 Dimensions (HxWxD) 9.4” x 12.8” x 15.31” Weight 28.6 lbs Cat. No. 115V 2300-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 270 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE Qty 6 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 1.6 – 7 13 x 75/ 100 4 – 10 16 x 75/ 100 RPM G-FORCE 4,000 1,807/ 2,254 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Built-in Rotor, (6) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (6) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100 mm Pkg No.: 270BLOOD SMALL IN SIZE, BIG ON RESULTS Blood separation on the EBA 270 spinning a standard 15 mL Gel Tube. (Built in 90° horizontal rotor) hettweb.com 27 BENCHTOP CENTRIFUGES COMPARISON CHART BLOOD TUBES Volume (mL) 1.6–5 4–7 4–7 8.5–10 Size (mm) 13 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 75 16 x 100 ROTOFIX 32A 20 20 16 16 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,558 2,558 2,522 2,522 UNIVERSAL 320 20 20 16 16 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,192 3,192 3,147 3,147 ROTINA 380 64 64 52 52 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,668 4,668 4,668 4,668 ROTINA 420 104 104 72 72 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,030 4,030 4,030 4,030 ROTANTA 460 196 196 148 148 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,906 2,970 2,906 2,970 • Five (5) year warranty • Run-Silent™ Operation • 5-point quality inspection • All-steel construction • German engineered & manufactured for over 108 years • FDA registered •Registered under international TÜV standard (USAOSHA & Canadian-SCC compliant) •Easy-Lift™ Lid with stay in place positioning CELL/ TISSUE CULTURE Volume (mL) CENTRIFUGE Hettich benchtop centrifuges offer quality, safety, performance and capacity in a compact all-steel housing. Ideal for blood, cell/ tissue culture, urinalysis and just about any application suited for a centrifuge. Simply put, you can trust these units in the performance driven laboratory. CENTRIFUGE QUALITY, PERFORMANCE & CAPACITY: 15 (conical) 50 (conical) ROTOFIX 32A 32 8 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,594 2,486 UNIVERSAL 320 32 8 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,283 3,147 ROTINA 380 36 16 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,863 4,863 ROTINA 420 52 20 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,166 4,143 ROTANTA 460 96 40 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,196 3,196 CONTINUED NEXT PAGE » hettweb.com 29 BENCHTOP CENTRIFUGES CONT’D COMPARISON CHART URINALYSIS CENTRIFUGE SIZE KOVA | 12 mL 10 mL conical ROTOFIX 32A 12 12 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,451 2,451 UNIVERSAL 320 12 12 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,102 3,102 ROTINA 380 32 32 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,215 3,215 PLATES CENTRIFUGE SIZE Microtiter Deepwell Filter 96 Wells UNIVERSAL 320 10 2 2 2 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,218 2,218 2,218 2,218 ROTINA 380 10 2 2 2 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,397 2,397 2,397 2,397 ROTINA 420 16 4 4 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 ROTANTA 460 24 4 4 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 4,211 4,211 4,211 4,211 PLEASE NOTE The following pages contain information of the most common application packages available for each of our centrifuge models. Additional configurations and specialty application set-ups are available. Our centrifuges accommodate any Clinical, Research & Industrial laboratory application. Please contact us or your local rep for more information. hettweb.com 31 CLINICAL RESEARCH ROTOFIX 32A BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ URINE/ CYTOLOGY FEATURES: •Rugged, versatile, indispensable benchtop • Wide variety of accessories • All-steel construction • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 57 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTOFIX 32A Max Capacity 4 x 100 mL Max RPM/RCF 6,000/ 4,226 Dimensions (HxWxD) 10.11” x 14.4” x 16.9” Weight 50.7 lbs Cat. No. 115V 1206-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 32A - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 20 1.6 – 7 13 x 75/ 100 16 4 – 10 16 x 75/ 100 RPM 4,000 G-FORCE 2,558 2,522 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100 mm Pkg No.: 32ABLOOD (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 32A - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 16 15 | Conical 17 x 120 4 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,000 G-FORCE 2,612 2,576 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: 32ACELLCULTURE4 32A - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 6 Qty 6 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 15 | Conical 17 x 120 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM G-FORCE 4,000 2,701 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets, (6) Adapters 15 mL Pkg No.: 32ACELLCULTURE6 ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 33 Continued ROTOFIX 32A MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 32A - URINALYSIS PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 12 12 | KOVA 17 x 102 RPM G-FORCE 4,000 2,451 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: 32AURINALYSIS ROTOR 1624 ROTOR 1324 ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 35 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL UNIVERSAL 320 BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ URINE/ CYTOLOGY FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (UNIVERSAL 320R) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 68 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge UNIVERSAL 320 Max Capacity 4 x 100 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 21,382 Temperature Control -- -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 13.6” x 15.5” x 20.5” 13.6”x 15.78”x 27.36” Weight 68.34 lbs 116.8 lbs 1401-01 1406-01 Cat. No. 115V UNIVERSAL 320R MOST COMMON PACKAGES 320 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE Qty 28 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 3,913 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100 mm Pkg No.: 320BLOOD Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 320RBLOOD 320 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 16 15 | Conical 17 x 120 4 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,500 G-FORCE 3,305 3,260 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 320CELLCULTURE4 320RCELLCULTURE4 ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 37 Continued UNIVERSAL 320 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 320 - URINALYSIS PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 12 12 | KOVA 17 x 102 16 10 | Conical -- RPM G-FORCE 3,102 4,500 2,612 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: 320URINALYSIS Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 320RURINALYSIS 320 - PLATE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 10 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 4,000 2,218 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (2) Buckets Pkg No.: 320PLATE Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: UNIVERSAL 320R 320RPLATE ROTOR 1460 ROTOR 1494 ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 39 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL ROTINA 380 BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ PLATES/ BOTTLES FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (ROTINA 380R) •Versa-Rotor™ for multiple applications (no need to exchange rotors) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 65 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTINA 380 ROTINA 380R Max Capacity 4 x 290 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 24,400 Temperature Control -- -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 16.4” x 18” x 23.6” 16.4” x 18” x 29.5” Weight 115V 128.97 lbs 188.49 lbs Cat. No. 115V 1701-01 1706-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 380 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 64 1.6 – 7 13 x 75/ 100 52 4 – 10 16 x 75/ 100 12 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 4,668 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: 380BLOOD4 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 380RBLOOD4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 380 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 32 1.6 – 7 13 x 75/ 100 26 4 – 10 16 x 75/ 100 6 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 4,668 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (2) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): 380BLOOD2 380RBLOOD2 (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 41 Continued ROTINA 380 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 380 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 36 15 | Conical 17 x 120 16 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 4,863 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: 380CELLCULTURE4 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 380 - BOTTLE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 4 250 61 x 122 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 4,863 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: 380BOTTLE Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 380RBOTTLE (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) Compatible with other bottle sizes please inquire for more details 380RCELLCULTURE4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 380 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 18 15 | Conical 17 x 120 8 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM G-FORCE 5,000 4,863 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 15 mL, (2) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: ROTINA 380R ROTOR 1754 ROTOR 1754 ROTOR 1760 380CELLCULTURE2 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 380RCELLCULTURE2 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 380 - PLATE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 10 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 4,000 2,397 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (2) Buckets Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 380PLATE 380RPLATE ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 43 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL ROTINA 420 BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ BOTTLES/ PLATES FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (420R) •Versa-Rotor™ for multiple applications (no need to exchange rotors) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 63 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTINA 420 Max Capacity 4 x 600 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 24,400 ROTINA 420R Temperature Control -- -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 16.6” x 19.9” x 25.5” 16.6” x 28” x 25.7” Weight 115V 185 lbs 257.9 lbs Cat. No. 115V 4701-01 4706-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 420 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 104 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 72 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 24 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,500 4,030 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: 420BLOOD4 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 420RBLOOD4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 420 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 52 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 36 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 12 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,500 4,030 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (2) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): 420BLOOD2 420RBLOOD2 (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 45 Continued ROTINA 420 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D Qty 420 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 52 15 | Conical 17 x 120 20 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,500 G-FORCE 4,166 4,143 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 420 - BOTTLE PACKAGE 4 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 250 61 x 122 400 81 x 136 RPM G-FORCE 4,500 4,166 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets Pkg No.: 420BOTTLE Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 420RBOTTLE 420CELLCULTURE4 (With (4) Adapters for 250 mL): (-250) 420RCELLCULTURE4 (With (4) Adapters for 400 mL): (-400) (-BC) (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): Compatible with other bottle sizes please inquire for more details 420 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 26 15 | Conical 17 x 120 10 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,500 G-FORCE 4,166 4,143 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 15 mL, (2) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: ROTOR 4723 420CELLCULTURE2 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 420RCELLCULTURE2 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 420 - PLATE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 16 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 4,500 3,600 ROTINA 420 ROTINA 420R Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 420PLATE 420RPLATE ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 47 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL ROTANTA 460 BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ BOTTLES/ PLATES FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (460R) • High speed plate rotor (6,446 RCF) •Versa-Rotor™ for multiple applications (no need to exchange rotors) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 68 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTANTA 460 ROTANTA 460R Max Capacity 4 x 750 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 24,400 Temperature Control -- -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 17.9” x 21.8” x 28.1” 17.9” x 30.3” x 28.1” Weight 115V 244.7 lbs 332.8 lbs Cat. No. 115V 5650-01 5660-01 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 460 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 84 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 76 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,471 4,600 4,637 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: 460BLOOD4 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RBLOOD4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 42 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 38 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,471 4,600 4,637 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (2) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add 4 Bio-containment lids): 460BLOOD2 460RBLOOD2 (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 49 Continued ROTANTA 460 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 460 - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - HIGH CAPACITY Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 196 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 148 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 RPM 3,800 G-FORCE 2,906 2,970 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100 mm Pkg No.: 460BLOODHC Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RBLOODHC (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 56 15 | Conical 17 x 120 28 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,600 G-FORCE 4,755 4,613 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: 460CELLCULTURE4 Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RCELLCULTURE4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 28 15 | Conical 17 x 120 14 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,600 G-FORCE 4,755 4,613 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 15 mL, (2) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): 460 - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - HIGH CAPACITY Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 96 15 | Conical 17 x 120 40 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM G-FORCE 3,800 3,196 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No.: 460CELLCULTUREHC Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RCELLCULTUREHC (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 - PLATE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 24 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 4,600 4,211 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: 460PLATE Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RPLATE (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 - PLATE PACKAGE - HIGH SPEED Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 12 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 5,900/ 6,200 5,838/ 6,446 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (2) Buckets, (2) Adapters Pkg No.: Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: (Add (2) Bio-containment lids): 460PLATEHS 460RPLATEHS (-BC) 460CELLCULTURE2 460RCELLCULTURE2 (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 51 Continued ROTANTA 460 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 460 - BOTTLE PACKAGE Qty 4 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 250 61 x 122 750 97 x 152 RPM G-FORCE 4,600 4,873 HIGH CAPACITY ROTOR Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets Pkg No.: 460BOTTLE Pkg No. w/Temperature Control: 460RBOTTLE (With (4) Adapters for 250 mL): (-250) (With (4) Adapters for 400 mL): (-750) (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) Compatible with other bottle sizes please inquire for more details ROTANTA 460R W/TEMP. CONTROL 2-PLACE PLATE ROTOR VERSA-ROTOR™ MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS WITH ONE ROTOR ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 53 FLOOR STANDING COMPARISON CHART BLOOD TUBES Volume (mL) 1.6–5 4–7 4–7 8.5–10 Size (mm) 13 x 75 13 x 100 16 x 75 16 x 100 ROTANTA 460 196 196 148 148 RCF (G–FORCE) 2,906 2,970 2,906 2,970 450 500 750 1,000 ROTIXA 50S 4 4 4 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 5,252 5,252 5,003 5,071 ROTO SILENTA 6/ 12 6/ 12 6/ 12 6 RCF (G–FORCE) 6,498 6,498 6,498 6,520 HIGH QUALITY, HIGH THROUGHPUT: Volume (mL) CENTRIFUGE • Five (5) year warranty • Run-Silent™ Operation • 5-point quality inspection • All-steel construction • German engineered & manufactured for over 108 years • FDA registered •Easy-Lift™ Lid with stay in place positioning BLOOD BAGS CELL/ TISSUE CULTURE Volume (mL) ROTANTA 460 15 (conical) 50 (conical) 96 40 RCF (G–FORCE) 3,196 PLATES Size ROTANTA 460 Microtiter Deepwell 24 4 RCF (G–FORCE) Filter 96 wells 4 4 4,211 BOTTLES Volume (mL) CENTRIFUGE Designed for high throughput laboratories these workhorse centrifuges offer high quality and high capacity coupled with accurate results and repeatability. ROTANTA 460 250 500 8 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 750 1,000 4 4 3,196 ROTIXA 50 4 4 4 4 RCF (G–FORCE) 5,003 5,148 5,184 5,184 hettweb.com 55 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL ROTANTA 460 BLOOD/ CELL CULTURE/ PLATES/ BOTTLES FEATURES: •Save valuable bench space • Position the ROTANTA 460RC anywhere in your lab or under you workbench with its built in wheels • High speed plate rotor (6,446 RCF) •Versa-Rotor™ for multiple applications (no need to exchange rotors) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 68 dB) • Easy-Lift™ / Safety-Lock™ Lid • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTANTA 460RC ROTANTA 460RF Max Capacity 4 x 750 mL Max RPM/RCF 15,000/ 24,400 Temperature Control -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 26.8” x 21.8” x 27.4” 36.6” x 21.8” x 27.4” Weight 240V 308.6 lbs 361.5 lbs Cat. No. 240V 5670 5675 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 460 FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 84 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 76 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,471 4,600 4,637 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCBLOOD4 Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFBLOOD4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD TUBE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 42 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 38 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 8 16 x 125 RPM G-FORCE 4,471 4,600 4,637 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (2) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100/ 125 mm Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCBLOOD2 Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFBLOOD2 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 57 Continued ROTANTA 460 FLOOR STANDING MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 460 FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD TUBE - HIGH CAPACITY Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 196 1.6 - 7 13 x 75/ 100 148 4 - 10 16 x 75/ 100 RPM G-FORCE 2,906 3,800 2,970 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 13 x 75/ 100 mm, (4) Adapters 16 x 75/ 100 mm Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCBLOODHC Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFBLOODHC (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 4 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 56 15 | Conical 17 x 120 28 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,600 G-FORCE 4,755 4,613 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCCELLCULTURE4 Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFCELLCULTURE4 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - CELL CULTURE PACKAGE - 2 Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 28 15 | Conical 17 x 120 14 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM 4,600 G-FORCE 4,755 4,613 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (2) Adapters 15 mL, (2) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCCELLCULTURE2 Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFCELLCULTURE2 (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - CELL CULTURE - HIGH CAPACITY Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 96 15 | Conical 17 x 120 40 50 | Conical 29 x 115 RPM G-FORCE 3,800 3,196 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters 15 mL, (4) Adapters 50 mL Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCCELLCULTUREHC Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFCELLCULTUREHC (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - PLATE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) RPM G-FORCE 24 Microtiter -- 4,600 4,211 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCPLATE Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFPLATE (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 460 FLOOR STANDING - PLATE PACKAGE - HIGH SPEED Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 12 Microtiter -- RPM G-FORCE 5,900/ 6,200 5,838/ 6,446 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (2) Buckets, (2) Adapters Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCPLATEHS Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFPLATEHS (Add (2) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 59 Continued ROTANTA 460 FLOOR STANDING MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 460 FLOOR STANDING - BOTTLE PACKAGE Qty 4 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 250 61 x 122 750 97 x 152 RPM G-FORCE 4,600 5,063 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets Pkg No. 460RC Under-bench: 460RCBOTTLE Pkg No. 460RF Floor-standing: 460RFBOTTLE (With (4) Adapters for 250 mL): (-250) (With (4) Adapters for 750 mL): (-750) (Add 4 Bio-containment lids): (-BC) Compatible with other bottle sizes please inquire for more details VERSA-ROTOR™ MULTIPLE APPLICATIONS WITH ONE ROTOR HIGH CAPACITY ROTOR ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 61 CLINICAL ROTIXA 50S BLOOD BAG CENTRIFUGE FEATURES: •Temperature control optional (50RS) •Best for high sample throughput • Bidirectional serial interface (optional) •Control panel lock with key • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 70 dB) • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTIXA 50S Max Capacity 4 x 1,000 mL Max RPM/RCF 4,500/ 5,252 Temperature Control -- Dimensions (HxWxD) 40.5”x 25.5”x 28.3” Weight 253.5 lbs 379 lbs 4905 4910 Cat. No. 240V ROTIXA 50RS -20 °C to +40 °C MOST COMMON PACKAGES 50S FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD BAG PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) RPM G-FORCE 4 500 4,500 5,003 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: ROTIXABLOODBAG 4-PLACE BLOOD BAG ROTOR ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 63 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL ROTO SILENTA BLOOD BANK CENTRIFUGE FEATURES: •Available with internal or external cooling for GMP and clean-room environments • Non-wind shielded rotor for best sample temperature control • Quiet and smooth operation with up to a 120 gram imbalance • Control panel lock with key • Bidirectional serial interface (optional) • Bar code reader (optional) • Hettinfo software package (optional) • Run-Silent™ Operation (≤ 62 dB) • Five (5) year warranty SPECIFICATIONS Centrifuge ROTO SILENTA 630 RS Max Capacity 6 x 2,000 mL Max RPM/RCF 4,500/ 6,520 Temperature -20 °C to +40 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 38.3” x 32” x 39.9” Weight 400V 208V 3 Phase 782.6 lbs 884 lbs Cat. No. 400V 208V 3 Phase 5005 5005-08 The ROTO SILENTA blood bank centrifuge is the incomparable choice in 12 Liter centrifuges on the market today. Many Blood Bag and Bottle configurations are available. Please inquire for more information. • • • • • • • • Whole Blood Hard Spin Soft Spin Packed Red Blood Cells (PRBC) Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Platelet Concentrates Fresh/ Fresh Frozen Plasma (FFP) Cryoprecipitate/ Cryosupernat MOST COMMON PACKAGES 630RS FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD BAG PACKAGE - 6 Qty Volume (mL) RPM G-FORCE 6 500 4,500 6,384 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets, (6) Adapters Pkg No.: (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): SILENTABLOODBAG6 (-BC) ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 65 Continued ROTO SILENTA 630RS MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 630RS FLOOR STANDING - BLOOD BAG PACKAGE - 12 Qty Volume (mL) RPM G-FORCE 12 500 4,500 6,498 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets, (6) Adapters Pkg No.: SILENTABLOODBAG12 630RS FLOOR STANDING - BOTTLE PACKAGE - 1L Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 6 1,000 96 x 176 RPM G-FORCE 4,500 6,384 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets Pkg No.: SILENTABOTTLE1L (Add (4) Bio-containment lids): (-BC) 630RS FLOOR STANDING - BOTTLE PACKAGE - 2L Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 6 2,000 180x150x100 RPM G-FORCE 4,500 3,848 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets Pkg No.: SILENTABOTTLE2L 6-PLACE HIGH CAPACITY ROTOR for BLOOD BAGS AND BOTTLES Please inquire for more information. ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 67 SPECIFICATIONS INDUSTRIAL ROTOFIX 46 INDUSTRIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL FEATURES: • Temperature control optional +10 °C to +90 °C (46H) • Universal swing-out rotor for tubes & bottles ranging from 3 mL to 290 mL • All steel construction • Specialty applications: – Water in oil – Suspension of particulates – Dairy – Micro fluidics ASTM ChromeSchlenk • Five (5) year warranty Centrifuge ROTOFIX 46 ROTOFIX 46H Max Capacity 4 x 290 mL 4 x 100 mL Max RPM/RCF 4,000/ 3,095 2,000/ 984 Temperature Control -- +10 °C to +90 °C Dimensions (HxWxD) 9.64” x 21.18” x 25.47” Weight 132.27 lbs Cat. No. 115V 4600-01 4600-51 MOST COMMON PACKAGES 46 - ASTM PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 50 45 x 130 58 x 161 4 100 Bath 44 x 168 RPM G-FORCE 984 2,000 961 37 x 200 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets Pkg No.: 46ASTM Pkg No. Heated: 46HASTM (With (4) Adapters for 50 mL): (-50) (With (4) Adapters for 100 mL): (-100A) (With (4) Adapters for 100 mL): (-100B) (With (4) Adapters for 100 mL): (-100C) 46 - CHROME BATH PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) 6 30 24 x 151 RPM G-FORCE 2,000 917 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Buckets Pkg No.: Pkg No. Heated: 46CHROMEBATH 46HCHROMEBATH ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 69 Continued ROTOFIX 46 MOST COMMON PACKAGES CONT’D 46 - SCHLENK TUBE PACKAGE Qty 6 Volume (mL) Size (mm) 25 24 x 146.5 50 38 x 148.5 RPM G-FORCE 783 2,000 805 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (6) Adapters Pkg No.: 46SCHLENK Pkg No. Heated: 46HSCHLENK 46 - BABCOCK TUBE PACKAGE Qty Volume (mL) Size (mm) RPM G-FORCE 4 -- 165 height 934 215 Pkg Includes: (1) Centrifuge, (1) 90° Swing-out Rotor, (4) Buckets, (4) Adapters Pkg No.: 46BABCOCK Pkg No. Heated: PETROLEUM ROTOR 46HBABCOCK CHROME BATH ROTOR SCHLENK TUBE ROTOR ADDITIONAL APPLICATION SET-UPS ARE AVAILABLE PLEASE INQUIRE hettweb.com 71 CLINICAL RESEARCH INDUSTRIAL CABINETS FOR EASY STORAGE AND POSITIONING CABINET - LOW and NARROW Drawers 1 Size (HxWxD) 10.23” H x 21.65” W x 25.5 D Centrifuge Compatibility ROTOFIX 32A ROTINA 380/ R ROTINA 420 ROTOFIX 46/ H UNIVERSAL 320/ R ROTANTA 460 Cat. No.: 4612-K FEATURES: •Save space on the laboratory bench •Add extra storage • Heavy duty castors and wheel locks • Positions centrifuge to a comfortable loading and unloading height • Locking drawers for added security CABINET - LOW and WIDE Drawers Size (HxWxD) Centrifuge Compatibility ROTINA 420R 1 10.23” H x 30.3” W x 25.5 D ROTANTA 460R Cat. No.: 4614-K CABINET - TALL and NARROW Drawers Size (HxWxD) 2 21.65” H x 21.65” W x 25.5 D Centrifuge Compatibility ROTOFIX 32A ROTINA 380/ R ROTINA 420 ROTOFIX 46/ H UNIVERSAL 320/ R ROTANTA 460 Cat. No.: 4613-K CABINET - TALL and WIDE Drawers Size (HxWxD) Centrifuge Compatibility 21.65” H x 30.3” W x 25.5 D ROTINA 420R 2 Cat. No.: ROTANTA 460R 4615-K hettweb.com 73 NOTES NOTES hettweb.com 75 NOTES SUPPORT HERE-TO-HELPSM CONTACT US • A real person every time you call •Full application and technical support • 24/7 support via hettweb.com • Toll Free: 1-866-370-4388 (HETT) • Email: [email protected] www.hettweb.com hettweb.com III LAB TECHNOLOGY www.hettweb.com B-PRODGUIDE-E RevE 10/2012 | © 2012 Hettich Instruments. All rights reserved.
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