replacement motor cross reference guide
replacement motor cross reference guide
PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 189 REPLACEMENT MOTOR CROSS REFERENCE GUIDE MOUNTINGHP SF SPEEDVOLTAGE AOS EMERSON SQUARE FLANGE - UPRATED 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 1/2 1.30 3/4 1.27 1 1.25 1.5 1.10 2 1.10 2.5 1.00 S S S S S S 115/230USQ1052 B856 ------- 115/230USQ1072 B852 54002 115/230USQ1102 B853 54003 115/230USQ1152 B854 54004 230 USQ1202B855 18254 230 USQ1252B840 13280 -------- SQD50UP1 C1244 SQD75UP1 C1245 SQD10UP1 C1246 SQD15UP1 C1247SQH20UP1 C1284SQH25UP1 C FACE W/THREADED SHAFT - UPRATED 56J 56J 56J 56J 56J 3/4 1.00 1 1.00 1.5 1.00 2 1.00 2.51.00 S S S S S 115/230UST1072 B227 54022 115/230UST1102 B228 54023 115/230UST1152 B229 54024 230 UST1202B23012018 230 UST1252------- -------- C1321 JD75UP1 C1318 JD10UP1 C1319 JD15UP1 C1320 JH20UP1 C1149 JH25UP1 SQUARE FLANGE - FULL RATED 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56Y 56J 56J 56J 56J 56J 56J MGNFRANKLINGE 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 48Y 1/3 1.95 1/2 1.90 3/4 1.65 1 1.65 1.5 1.50 2 1.30 2.51.04 3 1.15 S S S S S S S S 115/230SQ1032 ------- -------- 115/230SQ1052 B846 14796 115/230SQ1072 B847 15815 115/230SQ1102 B848 12504 115/230SQ1152 B858 14728 230 SQ1202 B748 10855 230 SQ1252 ------ -------- 230 SQ1302 B844 16362 C1484SQD33FL1 C1304SQD50FL1 C1305SQD75FL1 C1306SQD10FL1 C1307SQD15FL1 C1308SQH20FL1 --------SQH25FL1 C1449SQH30FL1 C FACE W/THREADED SHAFT - FULL RATED 1/21.60 3/41.50 1 1.40 1.51.30 2 1.20 3 1.15 S S S S S S 115/230ST1052 B126 18330 115/230ST1072 B127 15443 115/230ST1102 B12814542 115/230ST1152 B12916055 230 ST1202 B13013300 230 ST1302 B131-------- C1098 JD50FL1 C1099 JD75FL1 C1100 JD10FL1 C1101 JD15FL1 C1102 JH20FL1 C1440 JH30FL1 ABOVE GROUND POOL & SPA - THRU BOLT 1/21.00 3/4 1.00 1 1.00 1.5 1.00 S S S S 115 ---------- BN2313719 -------- AGL50FL1 115 CBT2072BN2418889 H909 AGL75FL1 115 CBT2102BN2516436 H910 AGL10FL1 115/230TBT1152D BN35 -------- C1901 AGD15FL1 ABOVE GROUND POOL & SPA - THRU BOLT 1/21.00 3/4 1.00 1 1.00 1.5 1.00 1.5 1.00 2 1.00 D D D D D D 115 ----------- -------18264 115 CBS2072BN36 12562 115 CBS2102BN37 15698 115 TBS1152V1BN50 ------- 230 TBS2152HBN34 ------- 230 ---------- BN51------- -------- AGL50FL2 C1902 AGL75FL2 C1903 AGL10FL2 -------- SPL15FL2 -------- SPH15FL2 --------SPH20FL2 SQUARE FLANGE MOTORS C FACE MOTORS MAY FIT DURAGLASS, MAY FIT SUPER PUMP, CHALLENGER, ULTRAFLO, MAXI FLO, MAGNUM, DOMINATOR, WHISPER FLO, AMERICAN, AND AND OTHERS. OTHERS. PAGE 190 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST REPLACEMENT MOTOR MAY BE USED ON: Hayward- Super Pump, Super II, and Max Flo Jacuzzi -Magnum Pentair -Pinnacle 56J Mounting Bracket Aluminum NEMA “C” Bracket Threaded S/S Shaft, CW Rotation 3450 RPM FULL RATED 01W0152050ST1072 ¾ hp AO Smith Motor - 230/115V, 1.5 S.F., Single Speed, 6.0/12.0 Amps (B127) each 305.00 02W0175000 ST1102 1 hp AO Smith Motor - 230/115V, 1.4 S.F., Single Speed, 7.2/14.4 Amps (B128) each 350.00 03W0232050 ST1152 1½ hp AO Smith Motor - 230/115V, 1.3 S.F., Single Speed, 9.2/18.4 Amps (B129) each 465.00 04W0280000 ST1202 2 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.2 S.F., Single Speed, 10.8 Amps (B130) each 560.00 05W0280000STS1102RV1 1/.12 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.4 S.F., Dual Speed, 6.3/2.3 Amps (B975) each 560.00 06W0329000STS1152R 1½/2 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.3 S.F., Dual Speed, 8.9/3.1 Amps (B977) each 658.00 07W0135000 UST1072 ¾ hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 4.4/8.8 Amps each 270.00 08W0145000 UST1102 1 hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 6.0/12.0 Amps each 290.00 09W0170000 UST1152 1½ hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 7.2/14.4 Amps each 340.00 10W0232050 B230SE 2 hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 9.2/18.4 Amps each 465.00 UP RATED = Non-stock item. May require additional freight/handling charges. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 191 SUGG. LIST REPLACEMENT MOTOR MAY BE USED ON: Pentair - Whisperflo, Challenger, Ultraflo Sta-Rite - Dura-Glas, Dura-Glas II, Maxi-Glas, Maxi-Glas II, Dyna-Glas, and Dyna-Glas II FULL RATED Square Flange Mounting Bracket Aluminum NEMA “C” Bracket 3450 RPM Threaded S/S Shaft, CW Rotation 01W0155000 B2847 ¾ hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.65 S.F., Single Speed, 7.1/14.2 Amps (SQ1072) (Sta-Rite A100DHL, Pentair 0752325) each 310.00 02W0185000 B2848 1 hp AO Smith Motor - 115/230V, 1.65 S.F., Single Speed, 8.0/16.0 Amps (SQ1102) (Sta-Rite A100EHL, Pentair 072335) each 370.00 03W0235000 B849 1½ hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.50 S.F., Single Speed, 10.0 Amps (SQ1152) (Sta-Rite A100FHL, Pentair 0752345) each 470.00 04W0290000 B2748 2 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.30 S.F., Single Speed, 11.5 Amps (SQ1202) (Sta-Rite A100GHL, Pentair 0752355) each 580.00 UP RATED SQUARE FLANGE 05W0140000 USQ1072 ¾ hp AO Smith Motor - 230/115V, 1.25 S.F., Single Speed, 5.4/10.8 Amps (B852) (Sta-Rite A100DLL) each 280.00 06W0155000 USQ1102 1 hp AO Smith Motor - 230/115V, 1.25 S.F., Single Speed, 6.3/12.6 Amps (B853) (Sta-Rite A100ELL) each 310.00 07W0182000 USQ1152 1½ hp AO Smith Motor - 230V/115V, 1.10 S.F., Single Speed, 8.3/16.6 Amps (B854) each 364.00 08W0228000 USQ1202 2 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.10 S.F., Single Speed, 10.4 Max Amps (B855) each 456.00 PAGE 192 EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST REPLACEMENT MOTOR MAY BE USED ON: Aquaflo - FMCP, FMHP American- Maxim Hayward - Powerflo, Powerflo LX, and Powerflo II Pentair -Dynamo Sta-Rite -JWPA JETTED TUB, SPA and ABOVE GROUND POOL PUMP MOTORS 48Y Mounting Bracket (A.O. Smith Motors are 56Y drilled to match 48Y bracket) "Thru" Bolt Mount, 3-1/2" Shaft Height CW Rotation, Non-Reversing, Threaded Shaft 01W0115000 BN24V1 ¾ hp AO Smith Motor - 115V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 9.2 Amps (CBT2072) (Sta-Rite AS920DLL, Pentair 356497, Hayward SPX1510Z1E) each 230.00 02W0125000 BN25V1 1 hp AO Smith Motor - 115V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 12.0 Amps (CBT2102) (Sta-Rite AS920DELL, Pentair 356495, Hayward SPX1510Z1XE) each 250.00 03W0147050 BN35V1 1½ hp AO Smith Motor - 115V, 1.0 S.F., Single Speed, 17 Amps each 295.00 04W0140000 BN36 ¾ /.10 hp AO Smith Motor, 115V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 8.8/2.6 Amps (CBS2072) (Hayward SPX1510Z2E) each 280.00 05W0156000 BN37V1 1 /.12 hp AO Smith Motor - 115V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 11.0/2.9 Amps (CBS2102) (Hayward SPX1510Z2XE) each 312.00 06W0215000 BN50V1 1½ /1/6 hp AO Smith Motor - 115V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 15/3.5 Amps (TBS1152V1) (Hayward SPX1515Z2E) each 430.00 07W0198000 BN34V1 1½ /1/6 hp AO Smith Motor - 220V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 9.5/1.9 Amps (TBS2152H) (Hayward SPX1515Z2E) each 396.00 08W0228000 BN51 2 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 10.5/2.6 Amps each 456.00 09W0265000 BN62 3 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, 1.0 S.F., Dual Speed, 12.0/3.5 Amps each 530.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 193 SUGG. LIST REPLACEMENT LOMART / DOUGHBOY MOTORS 01W0122000 BV90 1 hp Replacement Century Motor Right Hand Thread, 115V - Replaces Lomart & Doughboy #300-1027 & #300-1028 each 244.00 02W0122000 BV91 1 hp Replacement Century Motor Left Hand Thread, 115V - Replaces Lomart & Doughboy #300-1017 & #300-1043 each 244.00 UP RATED 56Y Frame 3450/1725 RPM 6 1/2" Dia, 3 1/2" Shaft Height 4 Through Bolts on 5.812 Bolt Circle 03W0233000 B2234 3 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, Dual Speed 10.0/3.5 Amps (Waterway #3721421) each 466.00 04W0279000 B2235 4 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, Dual Speed 12.0/4.4 Amps (Waterway #3721621) each 558.00 05W0330000 B236 5 hp AO Smith Motor - 230V, Dual Speed 16.4/4.8 Amps (Waterway #3722021) each 660.00 PAGE 194 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST SUPER PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 2600 SERIES - MAX RATED - SINGLE SPEED 01W0335000 SP2600X5 ½ hp Hayward Super Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 670.00 02W0357050 SP2605X7 ¾ hp Hayward Super Pump - 115/230V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 715.00 03W0391050 SP2607X10 1 hp Hayward Super Pump- 115/230V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 783.00 SP2610X15 04W0422050 1½ hp Hayward Super Pump - 115/230V, 60 Hz, each Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing 845.00 05W0490000 SP2615X20 2 hp Hayward Super Pump - 115/230V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing each 980.00 SUPER PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 2600 SERIES - MAX RATED - DUAL SPEED 06W0517050 SP2607X102S 1 hp Hayward Super Pump - 230V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing, with Hi/Lo Switch each 1,035.00 07W0555000 SP2610X152S 1½ hp Hayward Super Pump - 230V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing, with Hi/Lo Switch each 1,110.00 08W0632050 SP2615X202S 2 hp Hayward Super Pump - 230V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing, with Hi/Lo Switch each 1,265.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1285 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 195 SUGG. LIST SUPER II PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 3000 SERIES - MAX RATED - SINGLE SPEED 01W0427050 SP3005X7AZ ¾ hp Hayward Super II Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each855.00 02W0467050 SP3007X10AZ 1 hp Hayward Super II Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 935.00 03W0493000 SP3010X15AZ 1½ hp Hayward Super II Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing each 986.00 04W0535000 SP3015X20AZ 2 hp Hayward Super II Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing each 1,070.00 SP3025X30AZ 05W0777000 3 hp Hayward Super II Pump - 230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing each 1,554.00 06W0862050SP303063AZ 3 hp Hayward Super II Pump - 230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 3-Phase, 2" Plumbing each 1,725.00 SUPER II PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 3000 SERIES - MAX RATED - DUAL SPEED 07W0590000 SP3010X152AZ 1½ hp Hayward Super II Pump - 230V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 2" Plumbing, without Switch each 1,180.00 08W0667050 SP3015X202AZ 2 hp Hayward Super II Pump - 230V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 2” Plumbing, without Switch each 1,335.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1286 - 1287 in the parts section. = Non-stock item. May require additional freight/handling charges. PAGE 196 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST TRISTAR PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION MAX RATED - SINGLE SPEED 01W0485000 SP3207X10 1 hp Hayward Tristar Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 2-2½" Plumbing each 970.00 02W0510000 SP3210X15 1½ hp Hayward Tristar Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 2-2½" Plumbing each 1,020.00 03W0554000 SP3215X20 2 hp Hayward Tristar Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 2-2½" Plumbing each 1,108.00 each 1,214.00 each 2,216.00 each 1,450.00 each 1,560.00 TRISTAR PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION MAX RATED - DUAL SPEED 04W0607000 SP3210X152 Hayward Ecostar Pump - 600-3450 RPM, 230V, Variable Speed, 1-Phase, 2-2½" Plumbing, with Unions MAX FLO VS PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION ENERGY EFFICIENT - VARIABLE SPEED 06W0725000 SP2300VSP 1½ hp Hayward Tristar Pump - 208/230V Dual Speed, 2-2½" Plumbing, without Switch ECOSTAR PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION ENERGY EFFICIENT - VARIABLE SPEED 05W1108000 SP3400VSP For replacement parts, see page 1290 in the parts section. Hayward Max Flo VS Pump - 600-3000 RPM, 230V, Variable Speed, 1-Phase, 1½”-2” Plumbing, with Unions SUPER PUMP VS - INGROUND INSTALLATION ENERGY EFFICIENT - VARIABLE SPEED 07W0780000 SP2600VSP Hayward Super Pump VS - 600-3450 RPM, 230V, Variable Speed, 1-Phase, 1½” Plumbing, with Unions PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 197 SUGG. LIST MAX FLO II PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 2300 SERIES - MAX RATED - WITH UNIONS 1½” x 2” 01W0304000 SP2305X7 ¾ hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 115/208/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase each 608.00 SP2307X10 02W0331000 1 hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 115/208/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase each 662.00 SP2310X15 03W0357050 1½ hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 115/208/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase each 715.00 SP2315X20 04W0415000 2 hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 115/208/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase each 830.00 MAX FLO II PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 2300 SERIES - MAX RATED - DUAL SPEED - WITH UNIONS 1½” x 2” 05W0440000 SP2307X102 1 hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 230V, Dual Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, without Switch each 880.00 06W0536000 SP2315X202 2 hp Hayward Max Flo II Pump - 230V, Dual Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, without Switch each 1,072.00 MAX FLO PUMP - INGROUND INSTALLATION 2800 SERIES - MAX RATED 07W0342050 SP2807X10 1 hp Hayward Max Flo Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 685.00 08W0369000 SP2810X15 1½ hp Hayward Max Flo Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 738.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1282 - 1283 in the parts section. PAGE 198 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST MATRIX PUMP - ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Furnished w/6' Cord Standard Plug 01W0227000SP1591 ¾ hp Hayward Matrix Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 454.00 SP1592 02W0234000 1 hp Hayward Matrix Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 468.00 Same as SP1592 except w/Twist Lock Cord each 484.00 1½ hp Hayward Matrix Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Single Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 490.00 Same as SP1593 except w/ Twist Lock Cord each 502.00 03W0242000 SP1592TL 04W0245000 SP1593 05W0251000 SP1593TL For replacement parts, see page 1281 in the parts section. MATRIX PUMP- DUAL SPEED - ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Furnished w/6' Cord Standard Plug 06W0277000 SP15922S 1 hp Hayward Matrix Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing, with Hi/Lo Switch each 554.00 07W0289000 SP15932S 1½ hp Hayward Matrix Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, Dual Speed 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing, with Hi/Lo Switch each 578.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 199 SUGG. LIST POWER-FLO II PUMP - ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Self Priming, Without Cord 01W0224000 SP1750 ½ hp Hayward Power-Flo II Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, Self Priming, 1½" Plumbing each 448.00 02W0230000SP1775 ¾ hp Hayward Power-Flo II Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, Self Priming, 1½" Plumbing each 460.00 03W0235000 SP1780 1 hp Hayward Power-Flo II Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, Self Priming, 1½" Plumbing each 470.00 For replacement parts, see page 1279 in the parts section. POWER-FLO LX PUMP - ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Furnished w/6' Cord Standard Plug 04W0190000 SP1540C 40 gpm Hayward Power-Flo LX Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 380.00 05W0199000 SP1580 1 hp Hayward Power-Flo LX Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 398.00 06W0206000 SP1580TL 1 hp Hayward Power-Flo LX Pump - 115V, with Twist Lock Cord each 412.00 07W0210000 SP1580X15 1½ hp Hayward Power-Flo LX Pump - 115V, 60 Hz, 1-Phase, 1½" Plumbing each 420.00 08W0216050 SP1580X15TL 1½ hp Hayward Power-Flo LX Pump - 115V, with Twist Lock Cord each 433.00 09W0022050 3’ Twist Lock Cord for Hayward Pumps each 45.00 SPX1550WA1 For replacement parts, see pages 1280 in the parts section. PAGE 200 EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION 40% Glass-Filled Thermoplastic "See Thru" Lexan Lid Self Priming Standard Motor - Full Rate 011578 01W0454000 WF-2 ½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 908.00 02W0496000 011579 WF-3 ¾ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 992.00 03W0522000 011580 WF-4 1 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,044.00 04W0568000 011581 WF-6 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,136.00 05W0667000 011582 WF-8 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,334.00 06W0859000 011583 WF-12 3 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,718.00 each 1,018.00 WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS Full Rate Energy Efficient 07W0509000 011512 WFE-3 ¾ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/208/230V, 2” In-Out 08W0550000 011513 WFE-4 1 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,100.00 09W0604000 011514 WFE-6 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,208.00 10W0710000 011515 WFE-8 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,420.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1292 - 1293 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 201 SUGG. LIST WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION 40% Glass-Filled Thermoplastic “See Thru” Lexan Lid Self Priming Uprated Energy Efficient 01W0522000 011517 WFE-24 1 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 115/208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,044.00 011518 02W0565000 WFE-26 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,130.00 03W0620000 011519 WFE-28 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 208/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,240.00 WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION Standard Motor Full Rate 3 Phase 04W0580000 011568 WFK-4 1 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 1,160.00 05W0637050 011569 WFK-6 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,275.00 06W0749050 011570 WFK-8 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,499.00 WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION Full Rate Dual Speed 07W0736000 011522 WFDS-6 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Dual Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,472.00 08W0858000 011523 WFDS-8 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Dual Speed, Full Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,716.00 09W0736050 011524 WFDS-28 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Dual Speed, Uprated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,473.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1292 - 1293 in the parts section. PAGE 202 EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST WHISPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION 40% Glass-Filled Thermoplastic “See Thru” Lexan Lid Self Priming Standard Motor - Standard Efficiency Up Rate 01W0455000 011771 WF-23 ¾ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 910.00 02W0497050 011772 WF-24 1 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 115/230V, 2” In-Out each 995.00 03W0524000 011773 WF-26 1½ hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,048.00 04W0567050 011774 WF-28 2 hp Pentair Whisperflo Pump - Single Speed, Up Rated, 230V, 2” In-Out each 1,135.00 WHISPERFLOXF HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION Drop-in Replacement For all WhisperFlo Models Simple Replacement for Challenger Pumps Dual-Compartment Motor for Simplified Field Wiring Energy Efficient - Full Rate Union Connectors Included for Connecting Directly to 2½” or 3” Plumbing. Extra Large, Robust Basket with Smooth Surface for Easy Debris Removal. Hydraulic Isolator Separates Priming Water from Pumping Water for Faster Priming, more Turbulent-Free Flow and Increased Efficiency. Diamond Seals made of Oxidation-Resistant, Self-Retaining EPDM Rubber for Increased Durability and Tighter Seal. Easy-Carry Handle; Easily Removable Ergonomic Lock Ring; and See-Through Lid for Easy Basket Inspection. 05W0935000 022010 XFE-12 3 hp Pentair WhisperfloXF Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V each 1,870.00 06W0962050 022030 XFJ-12 3 hp Pentair WhisperfloXF Pump - 3 Phase, Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V each 1,925.00 022011 07W1630000 XFE-20 5 hp Pentair WhisperfloXF Pump - Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V each 3,260.00 08W1690000 022031 XFJ-20 5 hp Pentair WhisperfloXF Pump - 3 Phase, Single Speed, Full Rated, 208/230V each 3,380.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 203 SUGG. LIST SUPERFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION Thick Walled Body Parts Silent Running HD 56 sq. Flange Motor Includes 2 Unionized Fittings 1.5" and 2" 01W0304000340036 ½ hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 608.00 02W0325000340037 ¾ hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 650.00 340038 03W0355000 1 hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 710.00 340042 04W0472000 1 hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 230V , Dual Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 944.00 05W0383000 340039 1½ hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 766.00 06W0506000 340043 1½ hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 230V, Dual Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 1,012.00 340040 07W0443000 2 hp Pentair Superflo Pump - 115/230V Single Speed, 1½" - 2" In-Out each 886.00 For replacement parts, see page 1291 in the parts section. INTELLIFLO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION Reduces Energy Consumption Programmable Variable Speed Silent Running 08W1580000 011012 IntelliFlo VF High Performance Pentair Pump - 3.2 KW - 230V, 2" In-Out each 3,160.00 09W1112000011018 IntelliFlo VS 3050 High Performance Pentair Pump - 3.2 KW, 220V, 2" In-Out, 8 Speed with Programmable Time Clock each 2,224.00 10W1302000011017 IntelliFlo VS + SVRS High Performance Pentair Pump - 3.2KW, 230V, 2” In-Out l Meets ASME A112.19.17.2002 Standards l Onboard intelligence senses blockage with auto shutdown l Safety lock-out features l No SVRS calibration required each 2,604.00 For replacement parts, see page 1302 - 1303 in the parts section. PAGE 204 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST DYNAMO SWIMMING POOL PUMPS ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Self Priming Clear Lid 1.5" Plumbing Single Speed 01W0207000 340194 ¾ hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 9.2 Amps Single Speed, 3’ Std. Cord and Switch each 414.00 02W0216000 340197 1 hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 12 Amps Single Speed, 3’ Std. Cord and Switch each 432.00 03W0208000 340104 1 hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 12 Amps Single Speed, without Cord, Includes Switch each 416.00 04W0224000 340316 1 hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 12 Amps Single Speed, 3’ Twist Lock Cord and Switch each448.00 340210 05W0216000 1½ hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 12 Amps Single Speed, 3’ Std. Cord and Switch each 432.00 06W0224000 340063 1½ hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, 12 Amps Single Speed, 3’ Twist Lock Cord and Switch each 448.00 DYNAMO SWIMMING POOL PUMPS ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Dual Speed 07W0241000 340203 ¾ hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, Dual each Speed, 8.8/2.6 Amps with Cord Includes Hi/Lo Settings and Switch 482.00 08W0250000 340204 1 hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, Dual Speed, 11.0/2.9 Amps w/o Cord Includes Hi/Lo Settings and Switch each 500.00 09W0275000 340206 1½ hp Pentair Dynamo Pump - 115V, Dual Speed, 16.4/4.4 Amps w/o Cord each 550.00 For replacement parts, see page 1297 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 205 SUGG. LIST PENTAIR OPTIFLO SWIMMING POOL PUMPS ABOVE GROUND INSTALLATION Clear Lid Metal Base on Motor 1.5” Plumbing 01W0202000 347985 1 hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Single Speed, Vertical Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 404.00 02W0242050 347990 1 hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Dual Speed, Vertical Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 485.00 03W0202000 347982 1 hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Single Speed, Horizontal Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 404.00 04W0242050 347991 1 hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Dual Speed, Horizontal Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 485.00 05W0225050 347986 1½ hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Single Speed, Vertical Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 451.00 06W0268050 347992 1½ hp Pentair Optiflo Pump - 115V, Dual Speed, Vertical Discharge, 3’ Std. Cord each 537.00 For replacement parts, see page 1298 in the parts section. PAGE 206 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST EQ SERIES PUMPS - COMMERCIAL Commerical Grade, Non-Corrosive Plastic Parts 4" Discharge & 6" Suction Flanged Connections Drop-In C Series Replacement Light Weight, Quiet Operation 01W4047050340030 EQ500, 5 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 19.6 Amps, 189 lbs., 1-Phase each 8,095.00 02W3935000340031 EQK500, 5 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 13.5/12.3/6.2 Amps, 128 lbs., 3-Phase each 7,870.00 340032 03W4232050 EQ750, 7.5 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 30.4 Amps, each 235 lbs., 1-Phase 8,465.00 04W4105000340033 EQK750 7.5 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 20.1/18.3/9.1 Amps, 189 lbs., 3-Phase each 8,210.00 05W4575000340034 EQK1000 10 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 27.1/24.3/12.2 Amps, 235 lbs., 3-Phase each 9,150.00 06W4775000340035 EQK1500 15 hp Pentair EQ Pump - 40/36/17.8 Amps, 222 lbs., 3-Phase each 9,550.00 07W0048000357259 Flange 2.5" w/Gasket and SS Hardware each 96.00 08W0050050357261 Flange 3" w/Gasket and SS Hardware each 101.00 09W0066000357262 Flange 4" w/Gasket and SS Hardware each 132.00 10W0098050357260 Flange 5" w/Gasket and SS Hardware each 197.00 FLANGES = Non-stock item. May require additional freight/handling charges. For replacement parts, see page 1299 - 1300 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 207 SUGG. LIST MAX-E PRO PUMPS - FULL RATE INGROUND INSTALLATION Energy efficient pool/spa pumps with 6" trap - UL listed. Includes union connectors. 01W0527000 P6E6D205L ¾ hp Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, Full Rated, 2” FPT In-Out each 1,054.00 02W0564000 P6E6E206L 1 hp Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, Full Rated, 2” FPT In-Out each 1,128.00 03W0605000P6E6F207L 1½ hp Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump - 230V, Single Speed, Full Rated, 2” FPT In-Out each 1,210.00 04W0720000 P6E6G208L 2 hp Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump - 230V, Single Speed, Full Rated, 2” FPT In-Out each 1,440.00 05W0887050 P6E6H209L 3 hp Sta-Rite Max-E-Pro Pump - 230V, Single Speed, Full Rated, 2” FPT In-Out each 1,775.00 each 2,255.00 For replacement parts, see page 1309 in the parts section. INTELLIPRO HIGH PERFORMANCE PUMPS INGROUND INSTALLATION 06W1127050 P6E6VS4H209L Intellipro VS 3050 High Performance 3hp Sta-Rite Pump - 3.2 KW - 230V, 16 Amp, 2” FPT In-Out SUPERMAX PUMPS- INGROUND INSTALLATION Cam and Ramp Lid - Includes union connectors. 07W0335000 PHK2RA6D101L ¾ hp Sta-Rite Supermax Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 1½” FPT In-Out each 668.00 08W0365000 PHK2RA6E102L 1 hp Sta-Rite Supermax Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 1½” FPT In-Out each 730.00 09W0392050 PHK2RA6F103L 1½ hp Sta-Rite Supermax Pump - 115/230V, Single Speed, 1½” FPT In-Out each 785.00 For replacement parts, see page 1310 in the parts section. PAGE 208 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST D SERIES - Especially designed for commercial and public swimming pools and spas, aquatic facilities, water parks and fountain applications where high performance and self-priming characteristics are desired. These self-priming, high performance pumps are available in high head and medium head models, providing a complete range of performance characteristics. Motors are open drip-proof, continuous duty rated 3450 RPM. THERMAL OVERLOAD PROTECTION - Single Phase Motors Automatic reset (3 hp only). Three Phase Motors - External thermal protection required. D SERIES CAST IRON SELF-PRIMING CENTRIFUGAL PUMP - COMMERCIAL 01W1130000 DMH171 3 hp D-Series Medium Head Sta-Rite Pump - 1-Phase, 230V, 17 Amps, 12' Wire, 2" Discharge Port, 135 lbs. each 2,260.00 3 hp D-Series Medium Head Sta-Rite Pump - 02W1050000DMH3171 3-Phase, 230/460V, 10.6-9.6/4.8 Amps, 14' Wire, 2" Discharge Port, 135 lbs. each 2,100.00 03W1400000DMJ172 5 hp D-Series Medium Head Sta-Rite Pump - 1-Phase, 230V, 28 Amps, 8' Wire, 2½" Discharge Port, 178 lbs. each 2,800.00 04W1110000DMJ3172 5 hp D-Series Medium Head Sta-Rite Pump - 3-Phase, 230/460V, 16.8-15.2/7.6 Amps, 12/14' Wire, 2½" Discharge Port, 178 lbs. each 2,220.00 For Trap replacement parts, see page 1314 - 1315 in the parts section. Notes: NSF listing with hair & lint strainers installed. D Series pumps do not include traps. See below for trap information. D Series Traps 05W0130000PKG51 06W0360000PKG56 6" Cast Iron D-Series Pump Trap w/Basket 6" Bronze D-Series Pump Trap w/Basket each each 260.00 720.00 07W0384000PKG98 08W1149000PKG99 8" Cast Iron D-Series Pump Trap w/Basket 8" Bronze D-Series Pump Trap w/Basket each each 768.00 2,298.00 = Non-stock-item. May require additional freight/handling charges. For Trap replacement parts, see page 1312 - 1313 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 209 SUGG. LIST JANDY FLOPRO SERIES PUMPS Medium Head, High-Flow Pump in an Ultra Compact Body Ergonomic Cam-Lock Lid with Easy Aligning Indicators Adjustable Base Allows for Direct Replacement of Super Pump, Whisper Flo or SuperFlo 01W0401000 FHPM1.0 1 hp Jandy FloPro Medium Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 2" Unions Included each 802.00 02W0425000 FHPM1.5 1 ½ hp Jandy FloPro Medium Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 2" Unions Included each 850.00 03W0501050 FHPM2.0 2 hp Jandy FloPro Medium Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 2" Unions Included each 1,003.00 For replacement parts, see page 1317 in the parts section. JANDY STEALTH SERIES PUMPS "Quiet Technology" Design Controls Flow Dynamics within Pump Largest Capacity Basket in the Industry, Maximizes Hydraulic Flow "E+ Energy Efficient" Motor Saves up to 20% on Energy Costs 04W0568050 SHPF.75 ¾ hp Jandy Stealth High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Full Rated, 2" x 2 ½", Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,137.00 05W0614000 SHPF1.0 1 hp Jandy Stealth High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Full Rated, 2" x 2 ½", Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,228.00 06W0672050 SHPF1.5 1 ½ hp Jandy Stealth High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 2" x 2 ½" Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,345.00 07W0795050 SHPF2.0 2 hp Jandy Stealth High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 2" x 2 ½" Quick Connect Unions Included. each 1,585.00 For replacement parts, see page 1319 in the parts section. PAGE 210 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST JANDY PLUS HP SERIES PUMPS Powerful, Efficient, Compant High Head Pump Large Trap Basket for Increased Debris Holding Capacity Ergonomic Cam-Lock Lid with Easy-To-Read Aligning Indicators Ideal for In-Floor Cleaning, Spa-Jet Boosters and Solar Systems 01W0564000 PHPF1.0 1 hp Jandy PlusHP High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Full Rated, 2” x 2 ½”, Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,128.00 02W0597000 PHPF1.5 1 ½ hp Jandy PlusHP High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, 230/115V, Full Rate, 2” x 2 ½”, Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,194.00 03W0520000 PHPM1.0 1 hp Jandy PlusHP High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Max Rated, 2” x 2 ½”, Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,040.00 04W0564000 PHPM1.5 1 ½ hp Jandy PlusHP High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Max Rated, 2” x 2 ½”, Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,128.00 PHPM2.0 05W0597000 2 hp Jandy PlusHP High Head Pump - Single Speed, 230/115V, Max Rated, 2” x 2 ½”, Quick Connect Unions Included each 1,194.00 For replacement parts, see page 1318 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 211 SUGG. LIST JANDY FLOPRO VARIABLE-SPEED PUMP JEP-R Pump Controller Included, Featuring 2 Timers and 8 Speeds Interfaces with iAquaLink, Aqualink Touch, Aqualink RS OneTouch PDA Systems and the JEP-R Pump Controller Features Ergonomic Drain Plugs and Cam-Lock Lid with Easy Alignment Indicators 01W1161000 VSFHP2.0 2 hp VS FloPro Variable-Speed Pump with JEP-R Controller, 230V, 2” Unions each 2,322.00 each 2,260.00 JANDY ePump VARIABLE-SPEED PUMP Includes a Stealth Wet End Interfaces with iAquaLink, Aqualink Touch, Aqualink RS OneTouch PDA Systems and the JEP-R Pump Controller Energy-Saving ECM Permanent Magnet TEFC Motor Extra Long Motor Life and Quiet Operation 02W1130000 JEP2.0 2 hp ePump Variable-Speed Pump 600-3450 RPM JANDY JEP-R PUMP CONTROLLER 03W0142050 JEPR LCD Display and LED Indicators Pump Priming and Freeze Protection Global RPM Limiter Can be Installed Wired up to 200 ft. Away From Pump Includes Two (2) Timers and Eight (8) Speeds that Can be Customer Labeled Variable-Speed Pump Remote Controller each 285.00 PAGE 212 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST WATERWAY SPA PUMPS 01W0206050 3420610-15 1 ½ hp Waterway 48-Frame Spa Pump - Center Discharge, Dual Speed, 115V, 1 ½" Intake / Discharge each 413.00 3420820-15 02W0222050 2 hp Waterway 48-Frame Spa Pump - Center Discharge, Dual Speed, 230V, 1 ½” Intake / Discharge each 445.00 03W0265030 3421221-1A 3 hp Waterway 48-Frame Spa Pump - Offset Discharge, Dual Speed, 230V 2" Intake / Discharge each 530.60 3421821-1A 04W0296000 4 ½ hp Waterway 48-Frame Spa Pump - Dual Speed, 230V, Offset Discharge 2" Intake / Discharge each 592.00 3312610-14 05W0138050 06W0137075 3312620-14 1/16 hp Waterway Tiny Might Circulating Pump Offset Discharge, 115V, 1" x 1”Union each 277.00 1/16 hp Waterway Tiny Might Circulating Pump Offset Discharge, 230V, 1” x 1”Union each 275.50 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 213 SUGG. LIST HAYWARD HIGH RATE SAND FILTERS Inground - 1½" and 2" Plumbing 01W0209000S166T 16" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve, Includes Pump Mounting Base - Requires 100# Sand. each 418.00 02W0242050S180T 18" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve - Requires 150# Sand. each 485.00 03W0269000S210T 20" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve - Requires 200# Sand. each 538.00 04W0302050S220T 22" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve - Requires 250# Sand. each 605.00 05W0314000S244T 24" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve - Requires 300# Sand. each 628.00 06W0346000S244T2 24" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 2” Top Mount Valve - Requires 300# Sand. each 692.00 07W0329050 S270T 27" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 1½” Top Mount Valve - Requires 350# Sand. each 659.00 08W0372000S270T2 27" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 2” Top Mount Valve - Requires 350# Sand. each 744.00 09W0549050S310T2 30" Hayward Pro Series Sand Filter - w/6-Position 2” Top Mount Valve - Requires 500# Sand. each 1,099.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1138, 1143, 1144 in the parts section. Performace Data - Filter Model Number Effective Filtration Design Area Flow Rate S166T S180T S220T S244T S270T2 S310T2 1.40 ft. 2 1.75 ft. 2 2.64 ft. 2 3.14 ft. 2 3.70 ft. 2 4.91 ft. 2 30 GPM 35 GPM 52 GPM 62 GPM 74 GPM 98 GPM Turnover (In Gallons) 8 Hours 10 Hours 14,400 16,800 24,960 29,760 35,520 47,040 18,000 21,000 31,200 37,200 44,400 58,800 PAGE 214 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST HAYWARD SIDE MOUNT SAND FILTERS 01W0476050S200 20" Hayward High Rate Sand Side Mount Filter w/6-Position 1 1/2” Side Mount Valve. Requires 200# Sand. each 953.00 02W0072000 S200PAK3 LIMITED SUPPLY Hayward S200 Pump & Filter Base - w/Rigid, Clear Lexan Sweep Union & Hardware Pre-drilled for Max-Flo,Super & Super II Pumps. each 144.00 03W0503000S244S 24" Hayward Pro Series Side Mount Sand Filter w/6-Position 1 1/2” Side Mount Valve. Requires 300# Sand. each 1,006.00 LIMITED SUPPLY = Discontinued by manufacturer. For replacement parts, see pages 1139 - 1140 in the parts section. Model Number Effective Filtration Design Area Flow Rate S200 S244S 2.20 ft. 2 3.14 ft. 2 44 GPM 62 GPM Turnover (In Gallons) 8 Hours 10 Hours 21,120 29,760 26,400 37,200 HAYWARD VL SERIES SAND FILTER SYSTEMS ABOVE GROUND 1½” Plumbing 04W0204000 VL40T32S Hayward 13” Thermoplastic Filter System 30 GPM Pump, 115V. Holds 42# of sand. Ideal Replacement for Intex Pools. each 408.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 215 SUGG. LIST HAYWARD SAND FILTER SYSTEMS ABOVE GROUND 1½" Plumbing 01W0353000 S166T1580S Hayward 16" Polymeric Sand Filter System 1 hp Power Flo Pump - 6' Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 100# Sand. each 706.00 02W0359000S166T1580STL Hayward 16” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1 hp Power Flo Pump - 6’ Power Cord Twist Lock Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 100# Sand. each 718.00 03W0372000S166T92S Hayward 16” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1 hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 100# Sand. each 744.00 04W0376000 S180T1580S Hayward 18" Polymeric Sand Filter System 1 hp Power Flo Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand. each 752.00 05W0395000 S180T92S Hayward 18” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1 hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand. each 790.00 06W0401000 S180T92STL Same Filter System as S180T92S Except with Twist Lock Cord. each 802.00 07W0384050 S180T1580X15S Hayward 18” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1½ hp Power Flo Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand. each 769.00 08W0404050 S180T93S Hayward 18” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1½ hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand. each 809.00 09W0412050 S180T93STL Hayward 18” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1½ hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Twist Lock Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand. each 825.00 10W0432000 S210T93S 11W0449050 S230T93S Hayward 20" Polymeric Sand Filter System each 864.00 1½ hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 200# Sand. Hayward 23” Polymeric Sand Filter System 1½ hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 300# Sand. each Systems include: Platform base, pump to filter hose, adapters and clamps, (2) 1½” x 6’ filter to pool hoses. 899.00 PAGE 216 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST TRITON II SIDE MOUNT FIBERGLASS SAND FILTER WITHOUT VALVES 01W0360000140236 TR40 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 38 GPM Res. - 38 GPM Public each 720.00 02W0398050140249 TR50 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 49 GPM Res. - 49 GPM Public each 797.00 03W0499000140264 TR60 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 63 GPM Res. - 63 GPM Public each 998.00 140210 04W0699000 TR100 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 98 GPM Res. - 74 GPM Public each 1,398.00 05W0805000140335 * TR100HD Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 98 GPM Res. - 74 GPM Public each 1,610.00 06W0741000140315 TR100C Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 98 GPM Res. - 74 GPM Public each 1,482.00 07W1097050140316 TR140C Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 141 GPM Res. - 106 GPM Public each 2,195.00 08W0933000140310 TR100C-3 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 98 GPM Res. - 74 GPM Public each 1,866.00 09W1309000140342 TR140C-3 Pentair Triton II Side Mount Sand Filter 141 GPM Res. - 106 GPM Public each 2,618.00 Note: Filter prices are without valves. Refer to page 224 for valve options. For replacement parts, see pages 1160 - 1163 in the parts section. * 140335 TR100HD has a maximum working pressure of 75 PSI Triton-C Triton-C3 Turnover Capacity (Gallons) 8 Hours 10 Hours 12 Hours TR 40 18,24022,80027,360 TR 50 23,52029,40035,280 TR 60 30,24037,80045,360 TR 100C47,04058,80070,560 TR 140C 67,680 84,600 101,520 TR 100C-3 47,04058,80070,560 TR 140C-3 67,680 84,600 101,520 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 217 SUGG. LIST PENTAIR SAND DOLLAR SAND FILTER: ALMOND For Above Ground or Inground Installation Thermoplastic Tank 35 psi w/Top Mounted, 6-Position, Clamp Style Valve 01W0219000 145315 SD35 16” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand Filter - 35 GPM, Includes Valve, Requires 100# Sand each 438.00 02W0261000 145320 SD40 19” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand Filter - 40 GPM, Includes Valve, Requires 150# Sand each 522.00 03W0295000 145322 SD60 22” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand Filter - 60 GPM, Includes Valve, Requires 250# Sand each 590.00 04W0304000 145367 SD70 24” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand Filter - 70 GPM, Includes Valve, Requires 300# Sand each 608.00 05W0321000 145333 SD80 26” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand Filter - 75 GPM, Includes Valve, Requires 350# Sand each 642.00 For replacement parts, see page 1165 in the parts section. PAGE 218 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST PENTAIR SAND DOLLAR SAND SYSTEM: ALMOND - Blow Molded Sand Filter System Self-Priming Pump All Non-Corrosive System w/Base 1½” Plumbing w/Hose Kit & 3’ Cord, Switch, and Light-Ready Return Fitting Top Mounted, 6-Position, Clamp Style Valve 01W0325000 PNSD0035DE1160 SD35 16” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - each 1 hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 35 GPM. 100# Sand Required 650.00 PNSD0040DE1160 02W0335000 SD40 19” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - 1 hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 40 GPM. 150# Sand Required each 670.00 PNSD0040DO1160 03W0345000 SD40 19” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - 1½ hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 40 GPM. 150# Sand Required each 690.00 PNSD0040DO1260 04W0350000 SD40 19” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - 1½ hp Dynamo Pump with Twist Lock Cord, 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 40 GPM. 150# Sand Required each 700.00 PNSD0060DO1160 05W0361000 SD60 22” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - 1½ hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 60 GPM. 200# Sand Required each 722.00 06W0366000 PNSD0060DO1260 SD60 22” Pentair Sand Dollar Sand System - 1½ hp Dynamo Pump with Twist Lock Cord 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 60 GPM. 200# Sand Required each 732.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1166 - 1167 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 219 SUGG. LIST PENTAIR TAGELUS SAND FILTER: ALMOND For Above Ground or Inground Installation Fiberglass Tank 50 psi w/Top Mounted, 6-Position Clamp Style Valve 01W0328050 144126 TA40D 19 ½” Pentair Tagelus Sand Filter - 40 GPM, 6 Position Clamp Style Valve. Requires 175# Sand each 657.00 144127 02W0361000 TA50D 21 ½” Pentair Tagelus Sand Filter - 50 GPM, 6 Position Clamp Style Valve. Requires 225# Sand each 722.00 03W0392050 145241 TA60D 24” Pentair Tagelus Sand Filter - 60 GPM, 6 Position Clamp Style Valve. Requires 325# Sand each 785.00 For replacement parts, see page 1164 in the parts section. PAGE 220 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST STA-RITE CRISTAL-FLO II SAND FILTER One Piece Polyethylene Tank w/Top Mount Multi-Port Valve Included. 01W0260000 145360 19" Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II Sand Filter - 48 GPM, 6 Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 150# Sand each 520.00 145362 02W0300000 24" Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II Sand Filter - 70 GPM, 6-Position Top Mount Valve. Requires 300# Sand each 600.00 19" Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II Sand System - 1 ½ hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 40 GPM. Requires 150# Sand each 646.00 04W0355000 SRCF2022DO1160 22" Sta-Rite Cristal Flo II Sand System - 1 ½ hp Dynamo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug and 6-Position Top Mount Valve, 60 GPM. Requires 200# Sand each 710.00 STA-RITE CRISTAL-FLO II SAND FILTER SYSTEM All Connections are 1½" NPT. SRCF2019DO1160 03W0323000 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 221 SUGG. LIST JANDY SFTM SERIES TOP MOUNT SAND FILTER Blow Molded Construction 7-Position Dial Valve with Sight Glass Dial Valve Clamp Allows 360o Rotation for Installation Options Combination Sand and Water Drain Plug SFTM25 01W0324000 SFTM 25" Jandy Sand Filter - 7 Position 1½" Top Mount Valve, 83 GPM. Requires 350# Sand. each 648.00 For replacement parts, see page 1152 in the parts section. JANDY JS SERIES SIDE MOUNT SAND FILTER Heavy Duty Composite Construction User-Fiendly Clean / Dirty Indicator Allows You to Know When to Clean the Filter Combination Sand and Water Drain Plug Valve Must be Ordered Separately 02W0512050 JS60SM 03W0079050 BWVLSLD JS60SM 24" Jandy Side Mount Sand Filter - BWVLSLD Valve NOT Included, 63 GPM. Requires 300# Sand each 1,025.00 2" Slide Valve Assembly Complete for Jandy JS60SM Filter each 159.00 For replacement parts, see page 1153 in the parts section. PAGE 222 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST WATERWAY SAND SYSTEM Spherical Tank Distributes Pressure and Stress Resulting in Greater Strength. Corrision-Proof Tank 7-Position Valve TWM SAND SYSTEM 01W01990505201601 TWM-30-S 16" Waterway Sand Filter System - ½ hp Pump with 3’ NEMA cord, 30 GPM. Requires 50# Sand each 399.00 For replacement parts, see page 1182 in the parts section. CLEARWATER SAND SYSTEMS 02W0267050 52052006S 16” Waterway ClearWater Sand Filter System 1 hp Hi-Flo Pump with 3’ NEMA cord, 35 GPM. Requires 50# Sand each 535.00 03W0279050 52052206S 19" Waterway ClearWater Sand Filter System 1 hp Hi-Flo Pump with 3’ NEMA cord, 45 GPM. Requires 100# Sand each 559.00 For replacement parts, see page 1183 - 1184 in the parts section. PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 223 SUGG. LIST HAYWARD D.E. FILTERS & SYSTEMS Above Ground / Inground - 1½" Plumbing 01W0272050 EC40AC Hayward 20 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter with Valve 40 GPM. Requires 4# DE. each 545.00 EC50AC 02W0345000 Hayward Perflex DE Filter w/Valve 50 GPM. Requires 5# DE. each 690.00 EC65A 03W0517000 Hayward 27 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter w/Valve 54 GPM. Requires 6# DE. each 1,034.00 EC75A 04W0557000 Hayward 40 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter w/Valve 80 GPM. Requires 7# DE. each 1,114.00 05W0516050 EC40C91S Hayward 20 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve, ¾ hp Matrix Pump w/Hose Package, 40 GPM. Requires 4# DE. each 1,033.00 EC40C92S 06W0521000 Hayward 20 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve,1 hp Matrix Pump w/Hose Package, 40 GPM. Requires 4# DE. each 1,042.00 EC40C92STL 07W0529000 Hayward 20 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve,1 hp Matrix Pump with Twist Lock Cord, w/Hose Package. each 1,058.00 EC50C92S 08W0553000 Hayward 25 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve, 1 hp Matrix Pump w/Hose Package, 50 GPM. Requires 5# DE. each 1,106.00 EC50C93S 09W0564000 Hayward 25 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve, 1 ½ hp Matrix Pump w/Hose Package, 50 GPM. Requires 5# DE. each 1,128.00 10W0569050 EC50C93STL Hayward 25 sq. ft. Perflex DE Filter System w/Valve, 1 ½ hp Matrix Pump with Twist Lock Cord, w/Hose Package. each 1,139.00 11W0531000 DE2420 Hayward 24 sq. ft. Pro-Grid DE Filter w/o Valve each 48 GPM. For valve, see part #SP0710XR50. Requires 3# DE. 1,062.00 12W0589050 DE3620 Hayward 36 sq. ft. Pro-Grid DE Filter w/o Valve 72 GPM. For valve, see part #SP0710XR50. Requires 4 ½# DE. each 1,179.00 13W0662000 DE4820 Hayward 48 sq. ft. Pro-Grid DE Filter w/o Valve 96 GPM. For valve, see part #SP0710XR50. Requires 6# DE. each 1,324.00 14W0089050 SP0710XR50 Hayward 6-Position 1½" Valve For Pro-Grid DE Filter. each 179.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1131 - 1136 in the parts section. PAGE 224 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST PENTAIR FNS PLUS SIDE MOUNTED VERTICAL DIATOMACEOUS EARTH FILTER - ALMOND 01W0602050 180007 Pentair FNS Plus 36 Side Mount D.E. Filter - 72 GPM. Requires 3.6# DE. each 1,205.00 02W0677050 180008 Pentair FNS Plus 48 Side Mount D.E. Filter - 96 GPM. Requires 4.8# DE. each 1,355.00 03W0747050 180009 Pentair FNS Plus 60 Side Mount D.E. Filter - 120 GPM. Requires 6# DE. each 1,495.00 Note: Filter prices are without valves. See below for valve options. For replacement parts, see page 1154 - 1155 in the parts section. PENTAIR SMBW 4000 SERIES FILTER Corrosion-Resistant 20” Fiberglass Filter Tank 2” Plumbing Exclusive Clamp Ring Design is Proven to be Safe, Strong and Reliable Unique Spiro-Mite Grid Design Provides High Efficiency Filtration and Longer Filter Cycles 04W0867050 011555 SMBW4048 47 Sq. Ft. D.E. Filter 94 GPM. Requires 4.8# DE. each 1,735.00 05W0922050 147411 SMBW4060 58 Sq. Ft. D.E. Filter 116 GPM. Requires 6.0# DE. each 1,845.00 PENTAIR DIATOMACEOUS EARTH (D.E.) VALVES 06W0094050 261177 Pentair 1½" Multiport Valve Kit Plumbed for FNS Plus Filters each 189.00 07W0141000 261152 Pentair 2" Multiport Valve Kit Plumbed for FNS Plus Filters each 282.00 08W0069050 263064 Pentair 2" PVC Vertical Push-Pull Valve Kit Plumbed each 139.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 225 SUGG. LIST STA-RITE PLM MODULAR MEDIA FILTER SYSTEMS 01W0572050 SRPLM100OE1160 PLM100 Sta-Rite Mod Media Filter System - 1 hp OptiFlo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 100 GPM. each 1,145.00 02W0125000 100 sq. ft. Replacement Media for PLM100 each 250.00 03W0651000 SRPLM150OF1160 PLM150 Sta-Rite Mod Media Filter System - 1 ½ hp OptiFlo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 150 GPM. each 1,302.00 04W0186000 150 sq. ft. Replacement Media for PLM150 each 372.00 270020100S 270020150S For replacement parts, see page 1179 in the parts section. JANDY DEV SERIES DE FILTERS Designed to Work with all Jandy Pro Series Backwash Valves Clean / Dirty Indicator on Pressure Gauge Textured, Easy Grip Handles for Ease of Service Heavy Duty, Anti-Corrosion Band Clamp Corrosion and UV Resistant, High Impact Extra Large Tank Extra Large 2” Drain Port Allows for Easy Cleaning of Debris 05W0725000 DEV48 Jandy DEV Series 48 sq. ft. DE Filter - 96 GPM. Requires 5.0# of DE. each 1,450.00 06W0782050 DEV60 Jandy DEV Series 60 sq. ft. DE Filter - 120 GPM. Requires 6.0# of DE. each 1,565.00 Note: Filter prices are WITHOUT valves, see below for vale options. JANDY VALVE KITS 07W0079050 BWVLSLD 2” Slide Valve Assembly Complete for Jandy DEV48,60 and JS60 Filters, Durable CPVC Thermoplastic each 159.00 08W0143000 BWVLMPV Pre-Plumbed Multiport Side Mount Valve for Jandy DEV48,60 and JS60 Filters, High Impact ABS Material. each 286.00 PAGE 226 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST HAYWARD STAR-CLEAR CARTRIDGE FILTERS Cartridge Included, 1½” Plumbing 01W0149000 C250 Hayward 25 sq. ft., Star-Clear Cartridge Filter - 25 GPM each 298.00 C500 02W0199050 Hayward 50 sq. ft., Star-Clear Cartridge Filter - 50 GPM each 399.00 For replacement parts, see page 1146 in the parts section. HAYWARD STAR-CLEAR PLUS CARTRIDGE FILTERS Cartridge Included C751 03W0253000 Hayward 75 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 1½” Plumbing each 506.00 04W0253000 C7512 Hayward 75 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 2” Plumbing each 506.00 05W0291000 C900 Hayward 90 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 1½” Plumbing each 582.00 06W0291000 C9002 Hayward 90 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 2” Plumbing each 582.00 07W0344000 C1200 Hayward 120 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 1½” Plumbing each 688.00 08W0344000 C12002 Hayward 120 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 2” Plumbing each 688.00 09W0446000 C17502 Hayward 175 sq. ft. Star-Clear Plus Cartridge Filter - 2” Plumbing each 892.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 227 SUGG. LIST HAYWARD EXTREME A.G. CARTRIDGE SYSTEMS 01W0468000 CC10092S Hayward XStream 100 sq. ft. Element Filter System - 1 hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug, 80 GPM. each 936.00 02W0477000 CC10092STL Hayward XStream 100 sq. ft. Element Filter System - 1 hp Matrix Pump - Twist Lock Cord, 80 GPM. each 954.00 03W0502050 CC15093S Hayward XStream 150 sq. ft. Element Filter System - 1½ hp Matrix Pump - 6’ Power Cord Standard Plug, 120 GPM. each 1,005.00 04W0508050 CC15093STL Hayward XStream 150 sq. ft. Element Filter System - 1½ hp Matrix Pump - Twist Lock Cord, 120 GPM. each 1,017.00 For replacement parts, see page 1150 in the parts section. HAYWARD SWIM CLEAR LARGE CAPACITY CARTRIDGE FILTERS Cartridge Included 05W0577050 C2030 Hayward 225 sq. ft. Swim Clear Cartridge Filter - 84 GPM, 2”/2 ½” Plumbing each 1,155.00 06W0681000 C3030 Hayward 325 sq. ft. Swim Clear Cartridge Filter - 122 GPM, 2”/2 ½” Plumbing each 1,362.00 07W0773000 C4030 Hayward 425 sq. ft. Swim Clear Cartridge Filter - 150 GPM, 2”/2 ½” Plumbing each 1,546.00 C5030 08W0956000 Hayward 525 sq. ft. Swim Clear Cartridge Filter - 150 GPM, 2”/2 ½” Plumbing each 1,912.00 For replacement parts, see page 1148 - 1149 in the parts section. PAGE 228 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST SYSTEM 3 MODULAR MEDIA FILTER SYSTEM - No Valve Required 01W0792050 S7M120 Sta-Rite 300 sq. ft. System 3 Mod Media Filter - 50-100 GPM, 2” SR Unions each 1,585.00 S8M150 02W1037050 Sta-Rite 450 sq. ft. System 3 Mod Media Filter - 50-124 GPM, 2” SR Unions each 2,075.00 03W0122050 04W0202050 250210200S 250210202S 100 sq. ft. Repl. Media - Inner for S7M120 (A) 191 sq. ft. Repl. Media - Inner for S8M150 (A) each each 245.00 405.00 05W0242050 06W0329000 250220201S 250220203S 200 sq. ft. Repl. Media - Outer for S7M120 (B) 259 sq. ft. Repl. Media - Outer for S8M150 (B) each each 485.00 658.00 Sta-Rite 60 sq. ft. System 3 D.E. Filter - 60-120 GPM, 2" SR Unions. Must add Valve. Requires 9# DE. each 1,530.00 Sta-Rite 2" Multiport Valve DE only 2" SR Unions, for S7MD60 Filter each 295.00 For replacement parts, see page 1180 in the parts section. SYSTEM 3 SMD D.E. VERTICAL GRID FILTER 07W0765000 S7MD60 SYSTEM 3 VALVES 08W0147050 182010300 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 229 SUGG. LIST PENTAIR CLEAN & CLEAR Thermoplastic Cartridge Filter SYSTEM 1½” Plumbing w/Hose Kit & 3’ Cord Ring Lock Design Light-Ready Return Fitting and Switch 10 Year Tank Warranty All Non-Corrosive System w/Base Self-Priming Pump PNCC0050OE1160 CC50 Pentair 50 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter 01W0371000 System - 1 hp Optiflo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 50 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 742.00 02W0386000 PNCC0075OE1160 CC75 Pentair 75 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter System - 1 hp Optiflo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 75 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 772.00 03W0416000 PNCC0100OE1160 CC100 Pentair 100 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter System - 1 hp Optiflo Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 100 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 832.00 04W0527000 PNCC0150OF2160 CC150 Pentair 150 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter System - 1 ½ hp Optiflo Dual Speed Pump, 3’ Standard Plug, 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,054.00 For replacement parts, see pages 1158 - 1159 in the parts section. PENTAIR CLEAN & CLEAR PLUS Cartridge FilterS NSF Listed Bulk Head Unions for Plumbing Included Cartridge Tension Control Clamp Injection Molded 05W0577050 160310 CCP240 Pentair 240 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Plus Filter - 90 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,155.00 06W0690000 160340 CCP320 Pentair 320 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Plus Filter - 120 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,380.00 07W0783000 160301 CCP420 Pentair 420 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Plus Filter - 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,566.00 08W0970000 160332 CCP520 Pentair 520 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Plus Filter - 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,940.00 The Clean and Clear Filter features a fiberglass reinforced polypropylene, chemical resistant tank with no-tool servicing and a coreless cartridge for easier cleaning. All models are equipped with easy spin-on 2” unions for plumbing hook-ups. These filters are NSF listed for commercial applications and are available in 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 square ft sizes. PAGE 230 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST PENTAIR CLEAN & CLEAR CARTRIDGE FILTER Chemical Resistant Tank Integrated Continuous High FlowTM Internal Air Relief Lock Ring with Spring-Loaded Safety Latches High FlowTM Manual Air Relief Valve 1” Drain and Wash Out 01W0260000 160315 CC75 Pentair 75 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter - 75 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 520.00 02W0329000 160316 CC100 Pentair 100 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter - 100 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 658.00 160317 03W0436000 CC150 Pentair 150 sq. ft. Clean & Clear Filter - 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 872.00 For replacement filter cartridges, see page 241. The Clean and Clear Filter features a fiberglass reinforced polypropylene, chemical resistant tank with no-tool servicing and a coreless cartridge for easier cleaning. All models are equipped with easy spin-on 2” unions for plumbing hook-ups. These filters are NSF listed for commercial applications and are available in 50, 75, 100, 150, and 200 square ft sizes. RAINBOW REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE FILTER 04W0072050 R172425 Rainbow RDC 25 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter 1.5” FPT For replacement parts, see page 1170 in the parts section. each 145.00 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 231 SUGG. LIST JANDY CS SERIES CARTRIDGE FILTERS Designed with Jandy’s Exclusive Versa Plumb System to Easily Connect with other Jandy Products Includes 2" x 2½" Universal Unions Ergonomic, Easy Grip Handles for Ease of Service Compact body Designed to Easily Fit in Small Areas Extra Large Drain Port Allows for Easy Cleaning of Debris High Impact, Corrosion and UV Resistant, Thermoplastic Tank Body 01W0510000 CS200 Jandy CS Series 200 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter - 125 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,020.00 02W0567050 CS250 Jandy CS Series 250 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter - 125 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,135.00 For replacement parts, see page 1151 in the parts section. JANDY CV SERIES CARTRIDGE FILTERS Heavy Duty, Anti-Corrosion Tank Clamp and Easy-Grip Handles Clean / Dirty Indicator on Pressure Gauge Extra Large 2” Drain Port Allows for Easy Cleaning of Debris Includes 2” x 2½” Universal Unions Corrosion and UV Resistant High Impact Extra Large Tank Designed with the Exclusive Versa Plumb System to Easily Connect with Other Zodiac Products Includes a Sweep Elbow for Easy Connection with the Pump 03W0920000 CV460 Jandy CV Series 460 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,840.00 04W1137050 CV580 Jandy CV Series 580 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 2,275.00 JANDY CL SERIES CARTRIDGE FILTERS Textured, Easy-Grip Handles Clean / Dirty Indicator on Pressure Gauge Extra Large 2" Drain Port Allows for Easy Cleaning of Debris Includes 2" x 2½" Universal Unions Corrosion and UV Resistant High Impact Tank Heavy Duty, Anti-Corrosion Tank Clamp CL340 05W0782050 Jandy CL Series 340 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter - 127 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,565.00 06W0877050 CL460 Jandy CL Series 460 sq. ft. Cartridge Filter - 150 GPM, Includes Cartridge each 1,755.00 PAGE 232 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST VALVES FOR PENTAIR FILTERS 01W0094000 261173 Pentair 1½" Threaded Multiport Valve Kit - For Triton Sand Filters or Quad D.E. Filters. each 188.00 02W0141000 261055 Pentair 2" Threaded Multiport Valve Kit - For Triton Sand Filters or Quad D.E. Filters. each 282.00 261177 03W0094000 Pentair 1½" Threaded Multiport Valve Kit - For FNS, FNS Plus and NSP D.E. Filters. each 188.00 261152 04W0141000 Pentair 2" Threaded Multiport Valve Kit - For FNS, FNS Plus and NSP D.E. Filters. each 282.00 263064 05W0069000 Pentair 2" PVC Slide (push pull) Valve - Universal for Sand or D.E. Filters. each 138.00 261050 06W0123000 Pentair 2" Hi-Flo Valve Kit - For Triton Sand Filters or Quad D.E. Filters. each 246.00 07W0092050262506 Pentair 1½" Top Mount Multiport Valve - For Tagelus Sand Filters (TA30/40/50/D) 6” Clamp Style each 185.00 For replacement parts, see page 1350 - 1352 in the parts section. 261055 261152 261173 261177 261050 262506 263064 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT 233 SUGG. LIST LITTLE GIANT WATER PUMPS 01W0103020 5MSP25 02W0092088 Water Wizard Utility Pump - 25’ Cord 1200 G.P.H. @ 1’ each 4 - up 206.40 E 10% The Little Giant Water Wizard is completely portable and easy to use. Just attach a garden hose or 1” pipe, set the pump into water at least 3/4” deep and plug into a grounded 120 volt AC outlet. The Water Wizard removes water within 1/8” of floor. Equipped with 25’ cord with 3-prong plug. Snap off filter screen for instant cleaning. Complete with garden hose adapter. 03W0133034 APCP1700 04W0120001 Pool Cover Pump with Float Switch 1700 G.P.H. @ 1’, 1” FNP Discharge, 25’ Power Cord, 3/4” Garden Hose Adapter. Activates in Approx. 2” of Water. each 4 - up 266.68 E 10% 05W0067054 PE1PCP 06W0060079 Swimming Pool Cover Pump Includes: 25’ Cord, Garden Hose Adapter, Removable Inlet Screen Pumps 170 G.P.H. @ 1’ each 6 - up 135.08 E 10% 07W0171011 505600 08W0154000 Swimming Pool Cover Pump Includes: Stabilizing Plate & Auto Switch, Both are Removable. Auto Switch Activates in Approx. 2.25” of Water. “Off” Level is Approx. 1.5”. Also Includes 25’ Cord & Garden Hose Adaptor. Pumps 1200 G.P.H. @ 1’ each 4 - up 342.22 Non-Electric Siphon -Type Cover Pump For Above Ground Pools. each 12 - up 30.60 E 5% COVERSAVER 09W0015030 5436SL 10W0014054 PAGE 234 ITEM NUMBER LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION UNIT SUGG. LIST PRESSURE GAUGES 01W0003070 30 0 - 30# Pressure Gauge - 1/4" NPT Plastic Case & Lens - Bottom Mount each 7.40 02W0003070 60 0 - 60# Pressure Gauge - 1/4" NPT Plastic Case & Lens - Bottom Mount each 7.40 03W0014025 ECX27091 0 - 45# Pressure Gauge - 1/4" NPT Metal Case - Back Mount each 28.50 04W0004048 EC27091G 0 - 60# Pressure Gauge - 1/4" NPT Plastic Case - Back Mount each 8.95 90093 05W0003070 0 - 60# Pressure Gauge - 1/8" NPT Plastic Case & Lens - Bottom Mount each 7.40 06W0003070 VACGAUGE 0 - 30# Vacuum Gauge - 1/4" NPT Bottom Mount each 7.40 30 VACGAUGE EC27091G 60 90093 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION COMET 2000 - Blower/Liner Vac Tapered Slip Fitting 3' Cord & 3-Prong Plus No Gluing Required High Impact Housing Thermal Protected Motor Rubber Motor Mounts 01W0083025 3210120 Comet 2000 Blower/Liner Vac - 1 hp, 110V, 7 Amps, 3' Cord with NEMA Plug 3218120 02W0112000 Comet 2000 Blower/Liner Vac - 2 hp, 110V, 8 Amps, 3' Cord with NEMA Plug UNIT 235 SUGG. LIST each 166.50 each 224.00 SILENCER - Blower Tapered Slip Fitting Integrated Bell Box No Gluing Required U.L. Thermal Protected Motor Hard Wired Spring Check Valve 03W0143000 6316120F Silencer 1½ hp Blower 110V, 7 Amps, 120 CFM each 286.00 6316220F 04W0151050 Silencer 1½ hp Blower 220V, 3.5 Amps, 108 CFM each 303.00 05W0168050 Silencer 2 hp Blower 220V, 6 Amps, 112 CFM each 337.00 1,222.00 6320220F COMMERCIAL BLOWERS Regenerative Blower 1 Year Warranty 06W0611000RB31011 Duralast 1.0 hp Commercial Spa Blower - Single Phase each 07W0984000RB422 Duralast 2.0 hp Commercial Spa Blower - Single Phase, 115/220V, 26/13 Amps each1,968.00 Commercial blower prices are subject to change, please call to confirm current price. COMMERCIAL BLOWERS - Perfect for health spas, apartment complexes and condominium developments. Commercial blowers have built-in silencers making them extremely quiet. These compact blowers are built for endurance with reports of 25,000 hours of use not unusual. Motors are thermally protected; no lubricants needed since ball bearings are permanently sealed. * 3 Phase blowers are available, call for pricing. PAGE 236 EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 SQ. FT. UNIT 01W0003043 T380 Harmsco 6 Commercially Approved Grade 100/case each 02W0008057C2302 Rainbow 14.5 Hi-Flow9/case each 17.14 03W0008028C2303 Rainbow 8.5 Chloro9/case each 16.56 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 2000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE 04W0002097 C2304 Skim Filter 3.7 4/case SUGG. LIST 6.86 each 5.94 each 33.24 4000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGE 05W0016062C4301 Martec Pacific 28 6/case 06W0024038C4305 Martec 50each 48.76 Cal Spas 6/case 07W0010003 C4310 Skim Filter 10 4/case each 20.06 08W0005048 C4313 Aqua Leisure 2.5 4/case each 10.96 09W0012020 C4320 each 24.40 Hayward CX200RE (C120, 200, 225) 20 6/case 10W0013066 C4325 Hayward CX225RE 25each 6/case 27.32 11W0013082C4326 Waterway 25 6/case each 27.64 12W0018006 C4329 Icon Spas 25 4/case each 36.12 13W0016002C4332 Martec M32 32each 32.04 Polynesian Spas 1988 on 6/case 14W0018080C4335 Rainbow 35each 37.60 4/case 15W0024088 C4351 Icon Spas 50 4/case each 49.76 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT 237 SUGG. LIST 4000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W0025037 C4401 Rainbow DSF35 Skimmer Filter 35 (2 pieces per each) each 4/case 50.74 02W0017068 C4402 Aqua Spa Old Style ASOS 20each 6/case 35.36 C4405 03W0029072 59.44 Rainbow DSF50 50 (2 pieces per each) each 6/case Nemco 30 each 04W0020022C4429 6/case 40.44 05W0027088C4440 Sundance 40 each 4/case 55.76 06W0006035 C4600 Muskin A2300 8 each 15/case 12.70 C4605 07W0006035 each 15/case 12.70 08W0005052C4607 Lomart/Coleco PC7 F120 ----- each 15/case 11.04 C4625 09W0018022 Rainbow 172325 In-Line 25 Sweetwater (Skimmer/Filter) each 6/case 36.44 10W0022045 C4950 Rainbow 172380 50 Dynamic 2/3, Baja, Heldor each 6/case 44.90 11W0029035 C4975 Rainbow RTL-75 75 each 4/case 58.70 12W0039040C4995 Waterway 95each 4/case 78.80 Muskin PMS8 8 195-8714, 195-8715 5000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 13W0007055 C5301 Pelican Rec 8 each 6/case 15.10 14W0010015 C5315 Intex “B” Filter 15 each 20.30 15W0015068 C5330 Intex “D” Filter 30 each 31.36 16W0023005 C5345 Rec Warehouse 45 each 4/case 46.10 PAGE 238 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT SUGG. LIST 5000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W0025091 C5346 Marquis Replacement 50 each 6/case 51.82 02W0027072 C5374 Rec Warehouse 65 each 4/case 55.44 03W0040000 C5396 Waterway, Coast Spas 100 each 4/case 80.00 04W0032025 C5397 Rec Warehouse 80 each 4/case 64.50 05W0029092 C5404 Ozone (Evolution) 40each 59.84 06W0019017 C5423 Marquis Spa Pacific - new 34each 6/case 38.34 07W0016009 C5601 Jacuzzi Whirlpool 6199000 25 Skimmer Filter For all Jacuzzi models from 1986 on. each 6/case 32.18 08W0016038 C5624 Jacuzzi Whirlpool 2590000 25 Meridian, Sienna, Avanza, Celeste each 6/case 32.76 09W0018066 C5625 Jacuzzi Brothers CFT/CFR 25 25 In-Line Espree, Caressa each 6/case 37.32 10W0021022 C5626 Marquis Spa 25 each 6/case 42.44 6000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 11W0020015 C6300 Jacuzzi Whirlpool 2730000 Quanta 30 each 40.30 12W0019072 C6430 Watkins Hot Springs 30 each 39.44 13W0031018 C6475 Advanced Spa 75each 62.36 14W0025032 C6600 Watkins Hot Springs 45 each 50.64 15W0023015 C6601 Aqua Spa New Style ASNS 25 each 46.30 Muskin PMS16 16 195-8714, 195-8715 each 6/case 23.70 16W0011085 C6616 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT 239 SUGG. LIST 7000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 01W0021058 C7330 Unicel Micro 30 each 43.16 02W0031098 C7350 Caldera Spa 50 each 63.96 03W0041008 C7367 Dimension 1 67 each 82.16 04W0041098 C7370 Sundance 2-1/2" ID 75 each 83.96 05W0037002 C7375 Caldera Spa 75 each 74.04 06W0033046 C7415 Rec Warehouse 65 each 66.92 07W0043066 C7418 Rec Warehouse 100 each 87.32 08W0029094 C7442 Hayward CX410RE 40 each 59.88 09W0036040 10W0030025 C7447 Hayward CX470RE 50 each 72.80 C7449 Unicel Skim Filter 50 each 60.50 11W0034086 C7455 Hayward CX550RE 55 each 69.72 12W0037048 C7458 Hayward C2025 56 each 74.96 13W0047082 C7459 Jandy CL340 85 each 95.64 14W0041015 C7465 Sundance 2-1/6" ID 65 each 82.30 15W0041015 C7466 Sundance 2-5/8" ID 65 each 82.30 16W0060031 C7468 Jandy CL460 115 each 120.62 17W0038066 C7469 Clean & Clear Plus 60 each 77.32 18W0049042 C7470 Clean & Clear Plus 80 each 98.84 19W0060066 C7471 Clean & Clear Plus 105 each 121.32 20W0069051 C7472 Clean & Clear Plus 125 each 139.02 21W0038054 C7477 Hayward CX570RE 75 each 77.08 22W0038012 C7479 Caldera Spa 75 each 76.24 23W0072028 C7482 Jandy CL580 145 each 144.56 24W0040097 C7483 Hayward C3025 81 each 81.94 25W0051097 C7487 Hayward CX870RE 100 each 103.94 PAGE 240 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT SUGG. LIST 7000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W0054071 C7488 Hayward C4025 106 each 109.42 02W0056031 C7489 Hayward CX875RE 112 each 112.62 03W0066026 C7490 Hayward CX1380RE 137 each 132.52 04W0064074 C7494 Hayward C5025 131 each 129.48 05W0065011 C7495 Hayward CX1260RE 125 each 130.22 06W0062008 C7499 American 29.37 100 each 124.16 07W0036062 C7605 Baker Hydro 17B2055 50each 73.24 08W0020042 C7626 Hayward CX250RE 25 each 40.84 09W0039058 C7650 American/Premier - 6 oz. 50 each 79.16 10W0033043 C7656 Hayward CX500RE 50 each 66.86 11W0036054 C7660 Pac Fab 60 GPM Repl. 60 each 73.08 12W0045009 C7676 Hayward CX750RE 75 each 90.18 13W0054089 C7698 Hayward CX1000RE 100 each 109.78 8000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 14W0045015 C8311 Hayward CC1000RE 100 each 90.30 15W0065002 C8316 Hayward CC1500RE 150 each 130.04 16W0055085 C8320 Hayward CC1750RE 175 each 111.70 17W0055085 C8325 Sundance Spas 125 each 111.70 18W0057005 C8326 Sundance Spas 125 each 114.10 19W0028065 C8341 Micro Filter Repl. 40 each 57.30 20W0031002C8350 Vita 50each 62.04 21W0042063C8380 Sundance 80 each 85.26 22W0045077 Caldera Spa 100 each 91.54 CX900RE/PXC95 90 each C8399 23W0050069C8409 101.38 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT 241 SUGG. LIST 8000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W0048072C8411 CX760RE/PCX75 75 each 02W0063041 C8412 Hayward CX1200RE 120 each 126.82 03W0069086 C8413 Sta-Rite PCX125RE 125 each 139.72 04W0094083 C8417 Hayward CX1750RE, Sta-Rite PXC150 175 each 189.66 05W0101066 C8420 Waterway Pro Clean C1900 200 each 203.32 06W0031002C8450 Coleman 50each 62.04 07W0039060 Watkins Hot Springs 65 79.20 Coleman 75 each 74.44 C8465 08W0037022C8475 each 97.44 09W0048035 C8600 Hayward CX800RE 80 each 96.70 10W0061060 C8610 Hayward CX1100RE 100 each 123.20 9000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 11W0049051C9401 Waterway 75 each 99.02 12W0060075C9402 Waterway 100 each 121.50 13W0080005C9403 Waterway 150 each 160.10 14W0040048C9405 Clean & Clear/Predator 50each 80.96 15W0049051C9407 Clean & Clear/Predator 75each 99.02 16W0060075C9410 Clean & Clear/Predator 100each 121.50 17W0080005C9415 Clean & Clear/Predator 150each 160.10 18W0099089 C9419 Clean & Clear/Predator 200 each 199.78 19W0098071 C9421 Jandy CJ200 200 each 197.42 20W0117020 C9422 Jandy CJ250 250 each 234.40 21W0045003 C9475 Jacuzzi Brothers CFR75 75each 22W0078049 C9478 Jacuzzi Brothers CFR150 150 each 156.98 23W0081060 C9481 Jacuzzi Brothers 120 each 163.20 90.06 PAGE 242 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT SUGG. LIST 9000 SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W0053049 C9485 Hayward CX850RE 85 each 106.98 02W0071069 C9499 Hayward CX1250RE 120 each 143.38 03W0037011 C9650 Jacuzzi Brothers CFR50 50each 74.22 04W0066005 C9699 Jacuzzi Brothers CFR100 100each 132.10 UHD SERIES 05W0030098WC10855S2X Sta-Rite TX35 (UHDSR35)35 each 61.96 06W0038035 WC10856S2X Sta-Rite TX50, PTM50 (UHDSR50)50 each 76.70 07W0047074 WC10857S2X Sta-Rite WC10857S2X (UHDSR70)70 each 95.48 08W0062074 WC10858S2X Sta-Rite WC10858S2X (UHDSR100)100 each 125.48 09W0078058WC10859S2X Sta-Rite PTM135 (UHDSR135)135 each 157.16 10W0078058 WC10870S2X Sta-Rite TXR135 (UHDSR137)137 each 157.16 CH SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES 11W0016034 4CH20 Unicel 20 each 4/case 32.68 12W00180324CH21 Unicel 19each 36.64 4/case 13W00180404CH24 Unicel 25 each Saratoga, Nemco, Gatsby 4/case 36.80 14W00190024CH30 Unicel 30 each 4/case 38.04 15W0025009 4CH50 Unicel 50 each 4/case 50.18 16W0017034 34.68 4CH925 Strong Spa Cartridge (PSANT20P3) each 17W00250094CH940 Unicel each 4/case = Non-stock item. May require additional freight/handling charges. A 15% upcharge may be added if ordered in less than case quantities. 50.18 PAGE EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 LINE REF. ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT 243 SUGG. LIST CH SERIES REPLACEMENT CARTRIDGES continued 01W00220955CH35 Unicel 35 each 45.90 02W0021028 5CH352 Unicel - Marquis 35 each 6/case 42.56 03W0025077 5CH502 Unicel - Marquis 50 each 6/case 51.54 04W00170866CH25 Unicel 25each 35.72 05W00240386CH35 Unicel - 7 Seas, Pacific, Thermo Spa 35 each 48.76 06W0024040 Unicel 40 each 48.80 07W00290086CH502 Unicel 50 each 58.16 08W00240626CH940 Unicel 45 each 49.24 6CH47 09W0030017 6CH960 Unicel - Jacuzzi 52 each 60.34 10W0030017 6CH961 Unicel - Jacuzzi 60 each 60.34 11W0024011 7CH322 Unicel 32 each 48.22 12W0030025 7CH50 Unicel - Coleman 1" 50 each 60.50 13W0030025 7CH502 Unicel - Coleman 2" 50 each 60.50 14W0031029 7CH552 Unicel 52 each 62.58 15W0037086 7CH975 Unicel - D-One Spas 55 each 75.72 16W00450898CH66 Unicel 60 each 91.78 17W0040085 8CH950 Unicel - Bullfrog 50 each 81.70 FG SERIES REPLACEMENT FILTER GRIDS 18W0008088 FG1002 Filter Grid 12" - American, Hayward Pac Fab, Astral each 10/case 17.76 19W0011089 FG1003 Filter Grid 18" - American, Hayward Pac Fab, Sta-Rite, Astral, Waterway (Full Grid) each 10/case 23.78 20W0014091 FG1004 Filter Grid 24" - American, Hayward, Jandy, Pac Fab, Sta-Rite, Astral, Waterway (Full Grid) each 10/case 29.82 PAGE 244 LINE REF. EFFECTIVE 01-02-13 ITEM NUMBER PRODUCT DESCRIPTION SQ. FT. UNIT SUGG. LIST FG SERIES REPLACEMENT FILTER GRIDS continued 01W0018063 FG1005 Filter Grid 30" - American, Hayward, Jandy, Pac Fab, Sta-Rite, Astral, Waterway (Full Grid) each 10/case 37.26 02W0021049 FG1006 Filter Grid 36" - American, Hayward Pac Fab, Sta-Rite (Full Grid) each 10/case 42.98 03W0010014 PG1902 DE Grid 12" - Hayward, Sta-Rite American, Pac Fab (Partial Grid) each 10/case 20.28 04W0013035 PG1903 DE Grid 18" - Hayward, Astral, Waterway American, Pac Fab (Partial Grid) each 10/case 26.70 05W0016082 PG1904 DE Grid 24" - Hayward, Astral, Waterway, Jandy, American, Pac Fab (Partial Grid) each 10/case 33.64 PG1905 06W0020017 DE Grid 30" - Hayward, Astral, Waterway, Jandy, American, Pac Fab (Partial Grid) each 10/case 40.34 07W0023054 PG1906 DE Grid 36" - Hayward American, Pac Fab (Partial Grid) each 10/case 47.08 FILTER DISCS 08W0010091S0175 Sta-Rite each 22/case 21.82 GRID SETS 09W0096062 FS2003 Grid Set 18" - Pac Fab, American and Hayward (7 Full / 1 Partial) set 193.24 10W0121018 FS2004 Grid Set 24" - Pac Fab, American and Hayward (7 Full / 1 Partial) set 242.36 11W0150057 FS2005 Grid Set 30" - Pac Fab, American and Hayward (7 Full / 1 Partial) set 301.14
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