Teaching Excellence: Part 2
Teaching Excellence: Part 2
Teaching Excellence Workshop: Part 2The Instructional Design Process Cynthia S. Deale, Ph.D. School of Hospitality Leadership East Carolina University 2 O It is not so much what is poured into the student, but what is planted that really counts. O Anonymous Think about learning and teaching … O Thinking back over your entire life, what are 2 or 3 of the most significant learning experiences you have ever had? O That is, list 2-3 moments (or events) in which you discovered something of lasting significance to your life. O Now, ask yourself the following about each one: O 1. Did it take place in a O O O O classroom? 2. Did it take place in a school? 3. Was a professional teacher instrumental in making the learning experience happen? 4. If the answer to #3 was yes, then what did the teacher do to help you learn? 5. In general, what factors were instrumental in bringing about the learning? Think about a course and how it is or was planned and organized(not the teacher’s style) O Think- Reflect on the best course you ever completed. O Why was it the best? What about its planning, design, & delivery did you like and why? O Pair-Discuss the course with your neighbor O Share-Talk about this with others at your table ??? O Think-Pair-Share again… O How do you do to design a course? O What do you include in your course? O What steps do you follow to plan a course? Course Goal (Description) Course Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes 8 What is instructional design?* O Instructional Design is a way of planning instruction to consider the - learner -end goal or product -assessment O We will consider ADDIE & UDL * O *Note: There are many models of instructional design and Multimedia tools are often used to improve instruction and increase student engagement (Culatta, 2011). The ADDIE Approach to Instructional Design (Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, Evaluate) Think about Room Set-up Hollow Square Conference Schoolroom Theatre (no tables) 11 More Room Set-ups U-shaped Herringbone Circle Axis 12 Think carefully as you develop the course O Will you do your lessons by topic adding resources as needed? O Use the text chapters to guide each lesson? O Use modules? By topic? By week? O Etc.??? O Ask yourself the best way or ways to put all of these materials together Use Universal Design for learning principles to… Provide: O Multiple ways of learning O Multiple ways to demonstrate learning O Multiple ways to engage, challenge, & motivate learners As far as engaging students (and teachers) goes… O What do you think the enthusiasm of a teacher typically looks like over time in a semester or term long course? ENTHUSIASM OF TEACHERS OVER TIME TEACHERS ENERGY ENTHUSIASM TIME 16 As far as engaging students goes… O What do you think the enthusiasm of a student typically looks like over time in a semester or term long course? ENTHUSIASM OF STUDENTS OVER TIME STUDENTS O So think about this when you consider multiple means of motivating & challenging students! ENERGY ENTHUSIAM TIME 18 We have looked at ADDIE and UDL…This is UNC’s Adaptation of the Instructional Design Process* *UNC Chapel Hill To use a text or not? O One major decision will be whether or not to adopt a general text. O It may be unlikely that any one book will meet all your needs. O Most students prefer, however, a textbook that integrates the course for them… O as long as it is understandable and fair-priced. (Ideas from Guptill, et al, 2009) O Think-Pair-Share about the use of textbooks in your courses Another area of importance is technology O Technology is wonderful…but remember O If you are headed in the wrong direction, technology won’t help you get to the right place. O Steven Ehrmann O Think about your use of low-tech, old-tech, high tech, new tech and how it really helps students learn O Think about online, hybrid or blended classes, and what about MOOCS?* O What are your favorite types of technology and why? O *MOOC=Massive Open Online Class When organizing your course sequence… O Whatever you choose, try to make sure the student learning builds on itself. O Tie what you do and what you have students do to learning outcomes O Make sure that the sequence makes sense. O Remember--The order of your topics should support the development of key ideas and skills the students are working to master in the course. Implementing Instructional Design into Your Own Teaching O What further ideas or suggestions do you have for implementing instructional design into your own lessons and courses? O If it is not now, yet it is to be—the readiness is all. O (Based on Hamlet—and from Mrs. Perko— one of my high school English teachers) References-1 O O Anderson, L.M., Evertson, C.M., and Emmer, E.T. (1980). Effective Classroom Management at the Beginning of the School Year. The Elementary School Journal, 80 (5): 219-231 --Cartoon with funnel— CAST (2014). http://www.cast.org/about/index.html O Culatta, 2011. Creating online social learning environments, Keynote Speaker, Florida International University Miami FL, March 25. O Crawford, C. (2004). Non-linear instructional design model: eternal, synergistic design and development, Journal of Educational Technology, 35 (4),413–420. O Fletcher, W. (2009). Universal design for learning, Spotsylvania schools. Presentation . Retrieved 9/29/13 from http://spotsyschools.us/itrt/Resources/ConferenceInformation/2009ConferencePresentatio ns/UniversalDesignforLearning/tabid/4404/Default.aspx O Guptill, A., et al., (2009). How do college students use textbooks? Insights from the literature, College at Brockport Teaching & Learning Day, March. Retrieved 7/1/13 from 27. http://www.bing.com/search?q=to+use+a+textbook+or+not%3F&src=ie9tr References-2 O Instructional Design (2014)—ADDIE model—retrieved 1/9/2014 from http://sustainedgrowth-leadership-development.wikispaces.com/Our+Business++Teaching+and+Learning#Instructional Design O Instructional Design model—UNC-chapel Hill--School of Information and Library Science, UNC Chapel hill. Retrieved 4/24/2013 from http://www.ils.unc.edu/daniel/242/InstructDesign.html O Maribe, R. (2010). Instructional Design: The ADDIE Approach (3rd Ed.). New York: Springer. O A Research Reader in Universal Design for Learning (2012) , Edited by Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Samantha G. Daley, and L. Todd Rose, foreword by Chris Dede, Harvard Education Press. O Rurark, B.E., (2008). The Year 2013:ARDDIE Is IN, ADDIE Is OUT, Training & Development, 44-49. O Smith, P. & Ragan, T.J. (2005). Instructional Design. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley & Sons. O Unger, Jim--Classic Herman cartoon O Willis J (1995) A recursive, reflective instructional design model based on constructivist interpretivist theory, Educational Technology, 35 (6), 5–23.