2016 Keynote speaker: Robin Sigars
2016 Keynote speaker: Robin Sigars
Men’s Retreat... March 4-5, 2016 The ethos of the phrase “No Man Left Behind” goes as far back perhaps as the French & Indian War that began in 1756. A group of American soldiers known as Rogers’ Rangers fought for the British against the French. They were known for holding a certain standard, which was to leave no fellow soldier behind. Historical records tell us: “This has been a part of American society before there was an American society. There was a certain mentality of no man left behind.” George Galdorisi, Phillips’ co-author of Leave No Man Behind: The Saga of Combat Search and Rescue, is quoted as saying. “I’m not going to leave my buddy on the battlefield if he’s wounded, I’m going to try not to leave him on the battlefield if he’s dead.” Lake Aurora Christian Assembly, Inc. Summer Camp & Retreat Center 237 Golden Bough Rd ~ Lake Wales, FL 33898 863.696.1102www.lakeaurora.org This principle should apply not only to the American military, but to the Lord’s Church as well. Satan is seemingly having a field day with men in the church. If we’re going to advance against the kingdom of darkness, we’ve got to start fighting back! Keynote speaker: Robin Sigars Lake Aurora Christian Camp The purpose of this year’s retreat is to encourage our men and our churches to learn the skill of holding one another accountable; carry one another’s burdens, and to restore broken relationships with one another. Join us as Robin Sigars, pastor at Carterville Christian Church, MO, challenges us to do life together as men of God! Your brother in Christ, Todd Thomas, 2016 Planning Team Chair Sebastian Christian Church 2016 Robin Sigars Joplin, MO For the past 8 years Robin Sigars has been the Senior Pastor at Carterville Christian Church in Carterville, MO. Since that time, C3 has grown from 200 to over 900 people attending regularly. Previous to his ministry at Carterville Christian Church, Robin was the Director of Conferences at Christ in Youth for 17 years. Robin is also the Chaplain for the Webb City High School Football Cardinals. Robin has had the opportunity to travel all over the world to speak to students and adults alike. He uses humor and tears to bring home the message of grace and peace through Jesus Christ. Robin is married to Jayme, and as a blended family they have 7 children with 3 son-in-laws, 2 wonderful daughterin-laws and 7 awesome grandchildren. Robin loves to go fly-fishing and is an avid Webb City & St. Louis Cardinals fan. Saturday Programming Workshops to challenge you “Great time for me. Great speaker, workshops had me thinking and met some new brothers in Christ.” 2015 Participant Friday, March 4 4:00pm 6:30 7:30 9:00 9:30 10:45 Check In Opens Dinner Main Session #1 Keynote: Robin Sigars Break/Snacks Workshop #1 Break Cost: 69 $ Saturday, March 5 Praise Team returning by popular demand! Kent Hawkins, Cornerstone, Vero 7:00 am Breakfast 8:00 Main Session #2 Keynote: Robin Sigars 9:30 Workshop #2 or Active Options 11:00 Workshop #3 or Active Options 12:30 Lunch 1:30 Main Session #3 Keynote: Robin Sigars 2:30 Closing 3-5 Enjoy the campus - Optional Paintball ($25) - Optional Disc Golf Tourney Downloads available online lakeaurora.org - full color posters - full color brochures - driving directions - registration forms Questions? [email protected] or 863.696.1102 • Strategic Ops...Succeeding in Men’s Ministry • Flying Solo...Single Men’s ministry • Bootcamp..Desiring to be a man of God • No Man Left Behind..Less fortunate in community • Rally the troops...Effective Communication • Frontlines...Being a Godly husband/father • Carry your brother...Ministering to the disabled If a group is requesting the same housing, please send all registrations with deposit, at the same time. Tickets are transferable but not refundable. Submit registration form and deposit to the camp. Register by March 1. 275 tickets. Active Options: City: • 30 ft Tower Climb • 18 Hole Disc Golf • Corn Hole Tournament • Tomahawks • Canoes Location Lake Aurora is located 8 miles east of Lake Wales on SR 60 and Golden Bough Road. The camp entrance is located 1/4 mile down Golden Bough on the left. Check in at the Redmon Ministry Center. Housing is in the Lakeside Dorms & Hillside Cabins. Bring linens for single bunks. Note on registration form if you are physically unable to sleep on a top bunk. Main Sessions will be held in Dining Hall. Complimentary WiFi hat to ring campus wide. ❒ Bible ❒ Towels ❒ Sleeping bag/sheets ❒ Notebook Area hotels at your own expense: ❒ Toiletries ❒ Pen Hampton Inn 863.734.3000 ❒ Pillow ❒ Flashlight Holiday Inn Express 863.949.4800 ❒ Sports shoes ❒ Fishing equipment ❒ Medication(as needed) (if you want to fish) W B This is a camp, so dress is casual. Bring a warm jacket for possible chilly weather. Registration 2016 Men’s Retreat Scan for link to driving directions Name: Mailing Address: Zip: E-mail: @ Phone(s): Home Church: City: Previous Lake Aurora participant? Y or N Housing: 275 beds are available for Fri/Sat retreat. Please state if lodging will not be on campus. ❒ Dorm/Cabin ❒ I am physically UNABLE to sleep on a top bunk. ❒Tent or other:___________________________ ❒ I have a food allergy: ____________________ Deposit: $30 & balance at checkin. Deposit required for reservation o Men’s Retreat: $69/$64 with off campus housing o Part-time: Fri-$30, Sat-$40 o Optional: Paintball $25 Sat 3-5 pm $ Amt. Enclosed:___________ Add 3% surcharge when using corporate credit cards Charge to: Mastercard Am.Express Visa Discover Card #_______________________________ Security code: __________ Or Pay online under “Donate” Exp____/____ Print Holder’s Name: ______________________________________ Holders’ Signature:_______________________ If cardholder address different from above, please include. Lake Aurora Christian Camp 237 Golden Bough Road Lake Wales, FL 33898 863.696.1102 fax - 863.696.1062 [email protected]