People Working Cooperatively, Inc.


People Working Cooperatively, Inc.
People Working Cooperatively, Inc.
Annual Report
2007 PWC Annual Report
Ramps. Grab bars. Porch repairs.
Nothing was too hard for the 700+ volunteers of Repair Affair ‘08 May 10.
photos by Maureen France
2007 PWC Annual Report
A heart-felt affair
just can’t believe that
people are willing to
come out here and
help me. People in my own family
can’t help me, but total strangers
are willing to spend an entire day
doing something for someone they
don’t even know.”
- PWC Client Diann Lovins
Widower LC Reece, 82,
of Northside said that the
volunteers who helped
repair his back door and
porch are “irreplaceable.”
“If I could do it myself, I
would,” he said. “But my
body just doesn’t do what
Jenette Bryant of Union Township with Spirit of America’s India Davis.
my mind tells it anymore.
These people from PWC
PWC’s next major volunteer event is Prepare
... They are the nicest people on earth. They
Affair, Saturday, Nov. 15. To sponsor or for
want to help. You can’t find that anymore.”
more information, please call Lara Radkey at
Diann Lovins sat on her scooter at the
end of her back yard ramp, and watched
a pack of intensely
focused volunteers
Group leader Tim Deaton
from Advanced
from the Next Chapter
Testing LaboraChurch in Southgate, KY
tory give a mighty
said Repair Affair was the
heave-ho, bringing
perfect vehicle to kick-start
down a shed that
a new service program. His
was quite literally
group of five men and six
rotting in her back
women did double duty,
yard. The Village
with the men repairing
of Fairfax had cited
the home of Goldie Fultz
Client Diann Lovins with News
the chronically ill,
in Covington, KY and
5’s Andrew Setters.
disabled mother
the women potting and
because the shed
delivering brightly colored
was a safety hazard.
annuals to PWC clients in
But with an income of slightly more than
distressed City of Cincinnati neighborhoods
$800 a month, there was no room in her
and cleaning Goldie’s home.
budget to pay the $2,500 quoted by a local
contractor to tear it down.
The Next Chapter crew was so taken with
the chatty senior, they stayed on additional
“I just didn’t know what to do,” she said. “I
days to paint, clean and make additional
barely have money for my groceries or my
repairs to her home.
medicine. I hate asking for help, I really do.
But most days, my legs are so bad I can’t
“She’s really a terrific lady... quite the characeven get up and walk.”
ter,” Deaton said. “We had five men work five
and a half hours on Repair Affair, then two
Nancy Cartwright led the Advanced
days more... we are hiring out the painting of
Testing volunteer group for Repair Affair
the top outside windows, at our expense, so
May 10. They were amongst almost 700
that the work will be complete.
Repair Affair volunteers who spent the day
making home repairs for 70 low income,
“We have had a blast working with Goldie...
elderly homeowners. Cartwright said the
the women have scrubbed her kitchen down
day was well spent.
and bought new curtains and a microwave.
They found new kitchen table and chairs and
“This is a perfect example of how you can
a slightly used stove and refrigerator - all at
make a real difference in the community,”
our expense... we’re so happy we could help...
she said. “... It really feels good to reach out
it was an awesome experience.”
and help.”
Repair Affair ‘08
Title Sponsor
Spirit of America National Bank
Presenting Sponsors
City of Cincinnati
Kentucky Housing Corporation
Supporting Sponsors:
Prus Construction
Advanced Testing Laboratory
Duke Energy
Client Projects:
Applied Energy Products
AT&T Pioneers
Baker Concrete
Becker Electric
City of Fairfield
Custom Home Elevator & Lift
Duke Energy
Mike Hensley Plumbing, Inc.
Hixson Architecture Engineers Interiors
Home Builders Association of
Greater Cincinnati
Ingredient Masters
Jostin Concrete
Keidel Supply Company
Messer Construction Co.
REIA Association
Schlueter Plumbing, Inc.
Senco Fastening Systems
The Home Depot
Viox Services An EMCOR Co.
2007 PWC Annual Report
Modifications make an impact
- Jock Pitts, PWC President
eople Working Cooperatively is such a unique organization. In our 33 years,
we have yet to encounter a similar non-profit that offers home repairs,
modifications and energy conservation to low-income, elderly and disabled homeowners as a comprehensive package. Eighty plus full-time professionals
matched with 6,000 volunteers — each with the heart and a passion to help their
most vulnerable neighbors.
Out of this passion to make a true and meaningful difference emerged PWC’s Modifications for Mobility Program. While we’ve talked about this program for a few years,
you might be surprised to know that this once small part of PWC’s business model
is growing and taking on a significant role in the way we deliver services. We are
meeting needs that were hidden for so long, but so vital to the people we serve. The
program has grown five-fold in three years and we are constantly assessing how we
can do more to meet this critical service need .
Almost everyone knows someone who, because of old age, an accident or illness,
finds themselves unable to navigate around their home. Imagine if you couldn’t use
your own bathroom... or get out of your own home because of steps. What are you
supposed to do? PWC provides real, cost-effective answers. We can install ramps
chair lists, widen doorways, lower cabinets, and even put light switches within easy
PWC has never pretended to have all the answers for every problem or every client.
But we can fix a house and modify it so a client can safely live in their own home.
We’re a unique organization with a unique solution to at least some of the region’s
housing problems. By keeping at-risk elderly and disabled homeowners in their
homes, we can keep neighborhoods thriving and viable. With your help, our programs are growing, thriving and serving more people each and every day.
Thank you for helping us make a difference in 2007.
249 clients served in 175 homes
• 44% African American
• 55% Caucasian
• >1% Other
• Assessments
• Bathroom modifications 19
• Exterior modifications 8
• Kitchen modifications 1
• Handrails/ grab bars
• Ramps
• Stair lifts
• Chair/lift/ ramp repairs 7
• Misc. interior repair 2
Total: 249
2007 PWC Annual Report
building a ramp at Repair Affair
disability rising
here is a tremendous need
for PWC’s Modifications program in the greater Cincinnati
area. According to the 2000 US Census, 17% of the non-institutionalized
population in our service region ages
five and up have a disability. The
number jumps to 40% of the population at age 65 and older.
In Cincinnati alone:
• 53,921 residents over age five have
a disability;
• 11, 775 households with people
who have mobility or self-care limitations have incomes below 50% of
area family income;
• Approximately 60% of those families have housing problems (paying
more than 30% of their income, overcrowded, or no kitchen or plumbing
• 8,310 households with people with
mobility or self-care limitations have
incomes below 30% of median income.
...we recycle ramps, too: Of the
33 ramps PWC installed in 2007, six
were later recovered and reinstalled
on other projects. Thankfully, not
all of these have been returned due
to the passing away of a client. One
ramp was installed for a client who
needed it to go to therapy, and
with therapy, he regained the use of
his legs and no longer needed the
wheelchair or the ramp! The ramp
was removed and given to an elderly
woman who is wheelchair bound.
Real help for real people.
Retired coal miner finds new beginning
photo by Gordon Morioka
PWC’s Sara Bougeois checks
on client Estil Partin of Price
Hill and his daughter,
Rhonda Partin Sharp.
Rhonda Partin-Sharp was horror
struck when she received the call from
Adult Protective Services, informing
her that they suspected her father was
being abused. She had been removed
from her elderly father’s life by his
caretaker, a family member, a few
years before. She had fought to see
him to no avail... and now she knows
why. All of his money was gone. Taken
by his caregiver over the period of
many months, while her father - and
his home - literally deteriorated.
“When I got to his house I just couldn’t
believe it... it was almost falling down,”
she said. “The porch was rotting, and
he couldn’t use the toilet because
the floor had rotted away. He was in
such bad shape and because of my
health problems, I can’t help much.”
Adult Protective Services suggested
that Partin-Sharp call PWC to see if the
home could be repaired.
“It was in pretty bad shape,” said
Modifications for Mobility Manager
John Hay. “ The bathroom was unusable... he had been using a bucket.
The front porch was detaching from
the house. It was so unsafe, and he
was very frail. The whole situation
was heart-breaking.”
The toilet and bathroom were
quickly repaired. A new porch was
built and an aluminum ramp was installed. Freezing rain and thick mud
did little to stop PWC employees
Sara Bougeois and Brad Staggs from
quickly installing the lightweight
ramp - which instantly gave Mr.
Partin the ability to get in and out of
the home with ease.
“There are so many people who
wouldn’t believe that someone in
Cincinnati has these living conditions, but we see it all of the time,”
said Bougeois. “He’s really a very
sweet, proud person who has
worked hard his whole life... then has it
taken away. You want to help.”
A retired coal miner, Mr. Partin spent
several weeks in the hospital this spring
recovering from pneumonia, but is now
well enough to sit on his new porch,
ride his scooter down the ramp and out
to occasional weekend visits to the local
flea market - a hobby he treasures.
“I built this porch myself 30 years ago.
But the work they did was just as good,”
he said with a smile on a bright spring
morning. “Real professional.
“I just didn’t know what to do (before
PWC). I had nothing left. My wife was
gone. My own (family) took from me.
So I can’t believe that these folks took
the time to help someone like me. They
were out here in the rain. Sure something to see. I appreciate it. I’m grateful.”
“PWC saved my father’s life,” said
Partin-Sharp. “I’m sure of it. “
2007 PWC Annual Report
Donors & Volunteers
Pay it forward
Jim Ramsey + Bill Sedwick= friends, volunteers & donors
It’s a warm spring afternoon a PWC
project in St. Bernard, and long-time
field service volunteers Jim Ramsey and
Bill Sedwick are knee deep in some very
dry humor.
“Hey Bill, had enough of digging
latrines?” Jim cracks. “ That’s what you
get for retiring from P&G!”
Their warmth for each other and their
passion for PWC’s mission is self
evident in the care they take with every
project. Both retired from Procter &
Gamble, the pair has volunteered for
PWC a total of 13 years (Sedwick
started in late 2001, Ramsey in 2002)
volunteering almost weekly, or whenever they get the call.
“I had retired in Feb. 2002 and had been
looking for a volunteer opportunity,”
said Ramsey. “I saw a friend with a ‘Repair Affair’ T-shirt and I asked, ‘What’s
that?’ He told me and it sounded interesting. We called, came in for a visit, and
were ‘hired’ on the spot.”
The years volunteering together have
resulted in many memories - and a lot
of humor.
“The bond is that we all share the same
interest and objectives for the home
owners,” Sedwick, 64, noted. “A lot of
us have gotten to know and like each
other at PWC and on repair trips to the
Gulf Coast. The humor comes naturally - we provide the ammunition daily
by our job approaches!
“Probably the most memorable jobs
are those where we have formed a
real bond with the homeowners. Of
particular note... a house in Northern
Kentucky where we installed an outside
2007 PWC Annual Report
Bill Sedwick (left) and Jim Ramsey
are long-time volunteers who donate to PWC’s
Endowment Fund & Annual Support Campaign.
Photos by Mark Bowen
railing system on the front porch. The
husband had started the project several
years before but had gotten sick and
the city was giving them grief about the
appearance. He ‘supervised’ us through
the installation - several days - and it
turned out great - the wife baked us
each of us the best pumpkin pie I have
ever had!”
Stepping up from volunteer to donor
was natural to the pair - the more they
became involved, the more they saw the
need for support.
“I am committed to the work that PWC
does,” said Ramsey, 59. “However, I was
not a donor of any significance until
this year. Honestly, I saw that Bill was
a donor, and I said “I can do this too.”
My wife and I have been blessed with
having more than “enough,” so we are
looking at ways to give back. I gave to
the endowment so our gift will continue
to contribute to PWC’s work.”
“I have always been a United Fund
supporter through my working career so
had the “habit” of giving to charitable
organizations,” said Sedwick. “Made
sense to my wife and me to continue
giving but give directly to organizations
we are actively involved in. It is easy to
see the donations at work every day we
“As long as I can do the work, I will
stay involved with PWC and the Field
Service Volunteer Program. For me,
the program is set up extremely well,”
said Ramsey. “I have not met anyone
at PWC who does not have a special
commitment to the clients and have
not gone out of their way to make the
volunteers feel important to the overall
effort... In general, I am touched by the
real need that there is...right here in our
own community, and the gratitude of
our clients for even a little help.”
photo by Gordon Morioka
In 2007...
• Provided 11,674 home repair,
modifications, energy and
maintenance services to 6,252
• Program costs were 87% of total
expenses, while administrative
and fund-raising costs were
13%. This exceeds BBB and
United Way guidelines.
• 17% growth of the Endowment
• A record 5,941 volunteers donated 32,085 hours of service - a
50% increase from 2006.
• 731 volunteers donated 5,527
service hours for Repair Affair,
serving 82 homeowners.
• 3,234 volunteers donated
19,584 service hours for
Prepare Affair, serving 1,076
The 10th annual Oscar Night
raised over $102,000 for the
Modifications for Mobility
Program - a 22% increase in
net profit.
249 services were performed
through the Modifications for
Mobility Program, a 266%
increase over 2006.
Funds raised in 2007 increased by
46%, through the annual appeal,
event sponsorships, and grants.
PWC increased services by 16%
from 2006 with less funding.
PWC has 88 full-time employees.
PWC 2008
Board of Trustees
Amin Akbar
Todd Arnold
Chris Bell
David Faulk Joe Harten
Ron Henlein
Bill Kelleher
Hagit Limor
Don Lindsey
Jere McIntyre
Anne McKinney
John Post
Steve Ringel
Ed Rust Greg Shumate
Brian Thomas
Mike Viox
Rick Zoller
National City
Duke Energy
Fifth Third Bank
Macy’s Credit & Customer Services (2008 Board Chair)
Watson Wyatt
The Home Depot
PNC Bank
statistics & contacts
2007 PWC by numbers...
Procter & Gamble
Homesteading & Urban Redevelopment
Greenebaum, Doll &
Graydon Head & Ritchey
Viox Services, Inc.
Messer Construction Co.
Management Team
Jock Pitts, President
Nina Creech, Vice President of Operations
Bill Brammer, Chief Financial Officer
Chris Owens, Development Director
Bill Augspurger, Human Resource
Bill Hitch, Volunteer Manager
Kim Sullivan, Marketing Manager
2007 PWC Annual Report
Services & Financials ‘07 People Working Cooperatively Inc.
11,674 services in 6,252 households
2007 PWC Annual Report
• Income below 30% of the median
• Income between 30% & 50%
4,190 2,077
Headed by someone over 60
Single parent head of household
Individuals with a disability Households including a disability
3,416 884 3,577
1,884 55%
African American Caucasian Other
Households served
Individuals served Individuals under 18 6,972 5,625
239 6,252 12,836 3,849 54%
Services Delivered
Energy education & conservation Plumbing Furnace/ AC-repair/ replacement Roofing & gutters Structural, other Electric Accessibility
Volunteer Services 6,040
Financial Statement
Operating Revenue
Energy Services
$4,933,850 Repair Services
$3,094,601 Fundraising
$602,452 In-kind Donations
$216,399 Other
$121,719 Total
$8,969,021 Operating Expenses
Energy Services
Repair Services
Volunteer Services
General & Admin.
• Excess revenue over expenses $161,365
• Net assets, end of year
$4,511,426 $4,309,338
Funding Sources
United Way
In-Kind Donations
$3,297,617 $4,558,642 $172,192 $602,452 $338,118 $8,969,021 PWC at work: (above) Client Robert Smith helping
workers build a ramp for his disabled wife;
Volunteers from Public Allies work on a PWC project in St. Bernard.
2007 PWC Annual Report
State of the agency
PWC 101
HISTORY: In 1975, People Working Cooperatively, Inc. was founded in Covington, Ky. It began
as a CETA work program to provide energy conservation services to low-income households.
In providing those services it soon became apparent that many of the homes also drastically
needed home repairs. The program expanded to include home repairs, and has continued to
grow for over 33 years, to where we now provide home repair, energy conservation, home
modifications, maintenance, and energy conservation education to homeowners’ in 14 counties in Ohio, Kentucky, and Indiana.
SERVICES: PWC focuses on basic living essentials – heat, running water, working toilets,
solid roofing and other repairs that keep a home safe and habitable. We also provide home
modifications for the elderly and persons with disabilities so that their homes are accessible,
safe for the residents, and provide them with the ability to live independently. We implemented an effort we call the “Whole House” strategy, as set forth in our Strategic Plan. When
possible, we combine funds from various sources to provide the most comprehensive approach
to the structure’s overall needs, including home modifications. This reduces our overall costs
by reducing multiple visits by different crews (plumbing, carpentry, electrical, HVAC, etc.) We
are continually cross training our staff and volunteers so that we have multi-disciplined crews
serving the homeowners’ needs and looking out for any additional repair needs in the home.
STAT RECAP: PWC provided over 11,674 services to 6,252 households, assisting 12,836
individuals. Of those, 3,416 households were headed by someone over 60 years of age, 1,884
households included a person with a disability. 3,577 individuals served had a disability. In
providing those services, almost 6,000 volunteers pitched in to help us meet our mission.
STAFF: Our work force is unique. Our staff and volunteers reflect a broad demographic, not
solely motivated by monetary reward. It is not only the quality of work that matters; it is the
compassionate, respectful, personal delivery of the service.
FUNDERS: Our services are supported by Duke Energy, Ohio Department of Development,
Kentucky Housing Corporation, City of Cincinnati, Hamilton, Boone, Kenton, and Campbell
Counties, the City of Middletown, the Federal Home Loan Bank, United Ways of Greater
Cincinnati, Butler County, and Warren County, numerous other foundations and corporations.
Supporting us with volunteer labor were Duke Energy, Spirit of America Bank, Viox Services,
Messer Construction, Fifth Third Bank, Church of the Redeemer, Vineyard Church, Home Depot,
Home Builders Association, Humana, and many others.
AWARDS: In recognition of our work, PWC was a finalist in the Better Business Bureau’s Torch
Award for Business Ethics, and was runner up in the Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
Small Business Excellence Award – Nonprofit Category.
2007 PWC Annual Report
Energy manager Tony Gray displays a low flow
faucet aerator.
SURE, being green is trendy. But
did you know that for PWC, energy & water conservation is the
core of our weatherization program? Our clients, when eligible,
benefit from solid energy conservation education and receive
high-quality energy-efficient
light bulbs, faucet aerators, hot
water heaters, pipe wraps and
more! Multiple programs create
dynamic service values for our
clients. In 2007 we:
replaced 70 water heaters
provided 27,805 energy efficient light bulbs
replaced 1,427 refrigerators
provided 138 low flow
shower heads
replaced 50 furnaces
PWC offers many ground-breaking energy
education programs through our partnership
with Duke Energy. Call 513-351-7921 or visit
Donors make a difference.
Thanks to all those listed here, and more, for the contributions to PWC in 2007. We apologize to anyone omitted... please let us know!
Annual Support Campaign
The Community Foundation of West
Chester/Liberty Twp.
The Lutz Family Fund
Middletown Community Foundation
SC Ministry Foundation
Agnes Nordloh Charitable Trust
Carol Ann & Ralph V. Haile/
U.S. Bank Foundation
The Church of the Redeemer
Fifth Third Bank
Jacob G. Schmidlapp Trusts, Fifth
Third Bank Trustees
Mr. Carl H. Lindner
Macy’s Foundation
Miriam G. Knoll Charitable Foundation
The Thomas J. Emery Memorial
Scripps Howard Foundation
Wm. H. Albers Foundation
The Wohgemuth Herschede Foundation
The Church of the Redeemer
Helen Steiner Rice Foundation
General Mills Foundation
Duke Energy Corporation
• The Joseph J. Schott Foundation
$1,000 plus
Mr. & Mrs. William Augspurger
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Castellini
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Castellini
Mr. & Mrs. Jon Christensen
Community Foundation of West Chester/Liberty Township
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Conway
The David J. Joseph Co.
Emcor Group Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Keckeis
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kohler
Libby, Perszyk, Kathman Inc.
Macy’s Credit & Customer Services
Ms. Mary Beth Mapstone
Maxim Crane Works
Mr. & Mrs. Jere R. McIntyre
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
National City Bank
Mr. Quentin Nesbitt
Mr. & Mrs. J. Patrick Rogers
Sam’s Club -#8131
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Sedwick
Spirit of America National Bank
Trinity Community Church
Western & Southern
Mr. Harris K. Weston
Mr. & Mrs. John Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Richard W. Zoller
$500 - $999
Advanced Testing Laboratory, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Arnold
Aurora Insulation
Baker Concrete Construction, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Phil Beckmann
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Bell
Mr. Richard L. Bere
Mrs. Robert M. Bergstein
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Boehm
The C.W. Zumbiel Company
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Castellini
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Cox
Mr. Thomas R. Dietz
Duke Energy
Mr. & Mrs. David Faulk
Mr. & Mrs. David Freeman
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Harten
Dr. & Mrs. Henry Heimlich
Mr. & Mrs. William Joiner
Mr. & Mrs. Steven A. Jones
Mr. & Mrs. Charles E. Kaiser
Mr. Jerome C. Kathman
Mr. & Mrs. Polk Laffoon
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lippert
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Luebbers
Mr. & Mrs. James Maxwell
Ms. Anne McKinney
Mr. Robert McMahon
Miller-Valentine Group
Mr. C. Bruce Pendleton
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory W. Schube
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smallsreed
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas E. Stegman
Mr. & Ms. Donald Swain
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond van der Horst
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Viox
Mr. George H. Warrington
$100 - $499
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory P. Adams
Ms. Christina Albert
Allen Brothers Landscaping, LLC
Mr. & Mrs. Richard H. Allen
Ms. Sharon S. Barasch
Basco Co.
Ms. Judith C. Bausher
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Becker
Mr. Doug Bell
Mr. & Mrs. Jon H. Bender
Benken’s Florist & Greenhouse
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Berman
Mr. & Mrs. Carl Bimel
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas B. Bishop
Ms. Janet A. Borcherding
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Brammer
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Breen
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Breitenbach
Mr. Brian Brimelow
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Brinkman
Mrs. Mary Alice Burke
Mr. & Ms. Pete Buscani
Calvary Episcopal Church
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Carroll
Mr. & Mrs. Lee Carter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Castellini
Mr. David A. Castellini
Mr. & Mrs. Todd Castellini
Cincinnati Mennonite Fellowship
Ms. Sterling Colvin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Conway
Mr. & Mrs. Terrence R. Cosgrove
Mr. & Ms. John Creech
Mr. John E. Cronin
Mr. James A. Cunningham
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Delorenzo
Mr. Michael L. Dennemann
Ms. Sally Dessauer
Mr. & Mrs. William DeWitt
Mr. Eric Doepke
2007 PWC Annual Report 11
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Doerger
Mr. & Mrs. Robert W. Dorsey
Mr. & Mrs. John F. Douglass, III
Mr. & Mrs. E. Roy Duff
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Ebenschweiger
Mr. David W. Ellis III
Ms. Susan A. Elsasser
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Ashley Ford
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Foster
Ms. Susan L. Fremont
Mr. & Mrs. Lewis French
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Garvey, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Philip O. Geier, Jr.
Dr. & Mrs. Myron Gerson
Mr. & Mrs. George T. Glover
Ms. Elizabeth Goldsmith
Mr. & Mrs. Robert L. Greiwe
Ms. Elizabeth Lovett Grover
Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. Guttman
Habegger Corporation
Mr. Carl Thiem & Mrs. Sara Faith Hall
Mr. Bruce A. Hamilton
Ms. Donna Hartman & Mr. James Scott
Dr. & Mrs. Donald K. Hawley
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Heiman
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Henlein
Ms. Nancy B. Herbert
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Hitter, Jr.
Mrs. Florette Hoffheimer
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Hoffman
The Home Depot
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Noel Horne
Howe Family Foundation
Italian Invitational Golf Classic
Mr. & Mrs. Walter D. Johann
Johnson & Johnson Family of Companies
Mr. & Mrs. Wilson K. Jones
Mrs. David J. Joseph Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Jung
Mr. John Karabaic & Ms. Cheryl E. Crowe
Mr. T. William Kelleher
Mr. & Mrs. Michael P. Kennedy
Mr. & Mrs. Chet Keough
Mr. & Mrs. William Kern
Mrs. Vivian L. Kline
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene W. Koesters
Mr. & Mrs. Darrell Kokx
Mr. & Mrs. Werner Kummerle
Mr. & Mrs. John R. LaBar
Dr. & Mrs. George Lackemann
Dr. & Mrs. Philip K. Lichtenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Don Lindsey
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Long
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth M. Luther
Mr. Mark Lutz & Ms. Leslie St. Clair
Mr. Millard H. Mack
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Maly
Ms. Mary S. March
Mr. & Ms. Bryan Marsh
Mr. & Ms. James R. Mason
Ms. Karen McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph McKenzie
Mike Hensley’s Plumbing
2007 PWC Annual Report
Morris Technologies, Inc.
Mrs. Marjorie Motch
Ms. Laura A. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Ken R. Neiheisel
Mrs. Louise Nippert
Mr. & Mrs. Austin I. Nobunaga
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Ott
Mr. & Mrs. Terry L. Overbey
Mr. & Mrs. James H. Owens
Mr. Don Parker
Mr. & Mrs. Morris Passer
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Patterson
Mr. & Mrs. John E. Pepper
Mr. & Ms. Paul E. Perry
Petermann Ltd.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Picard
Mr. & Mrs. Jock Pitts
Ms. Irmela Kayser-Pogue
Mr. & Mrs. John Post
Mr. & Mrs. James Powell
Ms. Lara Radkey
Rainbow Home Environmental Services, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Raleigh
Ms. Teresa Ramirez
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Reed
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Rees
Mr. & Mrs. John Reichhardt
Ms. Maleah Rhodes & Mr. David D. Moon
Richard Goettle Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. John J. Roth
Mr. & Mrs. James P. Rulli
Mr. & Mrs. Edgar Rust
Mr. & Mrs. William R. Ryan
Mr. & Mrs. Clarence Sampson
Ms. Heidi Schellenbach
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Schroder
Ms. Courtney Schuster
Mr. & Mrs. James Schwertman
Mr. Thomas Sedler
Ms. Rebecca S. Seeman & Mr. David H. Wood
Sibcy Cline, Inc.
Mr. & Mrs. Murray Sinclaire
Mr. Eric Sittner
Mr. Stanley Smith & Mrs. Shirley Gallagher
Mr. Ronald Staggs
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph S. Stern, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Richard G. Stevie
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Stickle
Mr. & Mrs. Alfred Straus
Mr. Charles Straus
Mrs. Peggy K. Stricker
Dr. & Mrs. C. Frederic Strife
Dr. & Mrs. Theodore Striker
Ms. Kimberly Sullivan
Ms. Glenda Suttman
Sycamore National Bank
Ms. Marianne Tait
Ms. Carol G. Talbot & Mr. John Battistone
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Thomas
Mr. Charles L. Thomas Jr.
Mr. Eric Urbas
Mr. & Mrs. Dale Van Vyven
Mr. Bob Volkman
Ms. Jane A. Vollbracht
Mr. Michael Von Hirschberg
Mr. & Mrs. William P. Waham
Mr. Dan Walker
Mr. & Mrs. J. Lee Wallace
Wellpoint Associate Giving Campaign
Ms. Laura Wilson
Wm. Kramer & Son, Inc.
Mr. William E. Wohlwender
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wylly
Mr. Charles F. Yeiser
$1 - $99
Mr. & Mrs. Fred H. Abel
Ms. M. Kathleen Allen
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Anning
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Bates
Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Benken
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Bergman
Ms. Catherine A. Bever
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Biere
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen G. Bill
Mr. E. Douglas Bohannon
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Bonecutter
Mr. & Mrs. Chad Breyfogle
Mr. Timothy J. Brokamp
Ms. Lillian Brooks
Mr. & Mrs. Timothy Burke
Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Calabrese
Mr. & Mrs. LeRoy Campbell
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Canarie
Mr. & Mrs. Ken Carley
Ms. Christine M. Carter
Mr. & Mrs. A. Burton Closson, Jr.
Mr. Mitchell B. Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Philip Cohen
Ms. Patricia Colina
Ms. Bonnie Corns
Ms. Matilda Couch
Mr. & Mrs. Dwayne B. Crawford
Mr. Chris Cubbison
Mr. Lawrence A. Deye
Ms. Sara E. Doepke
Mr. & Mrs. Michael R. Dowling
Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Eaton
Mr. George B. Fee
Ms. Donna L. Finley
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Fischer
Mrs. Kathy Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. James Gaede
Ms. Karen M. Gerrety
Mr. & Mrs. James Gibbons
Mrs. Hilda K. Gilbert
Mr. Bert Goldhoff
Ms. Deborah F. Grace
Ms. Deborah Grayson
Mr. & Ms. Jeff Halsey
Mrs. Alice Harrington
Mrs. Ruth Hartman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hatch
Mr. & Mrs. Mark D. Hazel
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Head
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hecht
Mr. & Mrs. Mike Heideman
Mr. John D. Heile
Mr. & Mrs. Warren Hinsch
Mrs. Charlotte Hirt
Mr. Michael Hoffman
Mr. & Mrs. Edward Hogan
Ms. Kristine Holt
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Howard
Mrs. Rebecca Howard
Mr. & Mrs. Douglas M. Hull
Mrs. Regina Huseman & Mr. David Donovan
Mr. Jerome S. Jackson
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Johnson
Mr. Sherlock A. Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Frederick D. Jones, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Dan Jurkowitz
Mrs. Mary Kartal
Mr. George Kelley
Mr. & Mrs. James Key
Ms. Patricia L. Kirk
Ms. Helen Klein
Dr. & Mrs. Timothy J. Kloppenborg
Mr. Maurice J. Koch Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. John Kornbluh
Ms. Monica Kreiling
Mr. & Mrs. James Krumme
Ms. Kelly A. Kuhl
Mr. & Mrs. Greg Kyser
Mr. & Ms. Tim LaCour
Mr. Ronald C. Lamping
Ms. Minerva Lawson
Mr. & Mrs. P. Lance Layman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian B. Leary
Mr. & Mrs. Louis Lessure
Dr. Gregory Levens
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Levy
Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Sunberg
Ms. Diana Louiso
Ms. Karen E. Lubke
Mrs. Sue Lumb
Ms. Janice Mallory
Mr. & Mrs. Harvey W. Mason
Mr. & Mrs. John McGee
Mr. & Mrs. James McGrory
Mr. & Mrs. James N. McHugh
Mr. & Mrs. J. Michael McNamara
Ms. Lynn E. Meloy & Mr. Lyle Cain
Mr. Joe Mendelsohn III
Mr. & Mrs. Boyd C. Merrell
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Mescher
Mr. Joseph S. Meyer
Mr. Donald C. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Donald K. Miller
Mr. & Mrs. V. K. Miller
Ms. Margo Moats
Mr. & Mrs. John Mol&er
Mr. & Mrs. David L. Moore
Ms. Julie Moorehouse
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Munninghoff
Dr. & Mrs. Charles Myer, III
New Jerusalem Baptist Church
Ms. Darlene Nieman
Ms. Yvonne L. Nunlist
Ms. Gayle Nyswonger
Mrs. Alice C. O’Connor
OKI Systems
Ms. Bettye T. Oldham
Mr. James Ortman
Mr. John W. Plattner
Mr. & Mrs. Harold Pockrose
Mr. Edward Polaski
Dr. Saul Polasky
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Popowics
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Pratt
Mr. & Mrs. Jay Price
Mr. Edward M.Raick
Ms. Ann Ramoniatis
Mrs. Violet Ramsey
Mr. & Mrs. Tom Rasp
Ms. Stephanie L. Rechtin
Ms. Hilda C. Rennert
Mr. William R. Reusing
Mr. & Mrs. James Romine
Dr. & Mrs. Edward Saeks
Mr. & Mrs. Joyce J. Salinger
Ms. Phyllis Sampson
Mr. & Mrs. Caesar R. Santangelo
Mr. & Mrs. Steven E. Schaefer
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard L. Schmidt
Mrs. Berenice H. Schneider
Mrs. Ida Schoemer
Mr. & Mrs. Chris J. Schoenberger
Mr. Steve Schulte
Mr. Stephen Schwartz
Ms. Rosella Searp
Mr. & Mrs. Leo Shuller
Ms. Mary Jean Smethurst
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Specter
Mr. & Mrs. Walter St. Clair
Ms. Wyiona Staffan
Mr. & Mrs. Dorsey Stebbins
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Steffen
Mrs. Bobbie Sterne
Mr. & Mrs. John K. Stewart
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Storey
Mrs. Gerri Strauss
Ms. Tami Strickl&
Ms. Leah A. Terhune
Mr. Roger F. Thesing
Ms. Judith Titchener
Mr. Gerald J. Trentman
Ms. Frances B. Turner
Mr. & Mrs. Donald R. VanVliet
Ms. Rachel L. Villanueva
Mr. Jerry B. Violetta
Mr. & Mrs. Colin Vogt
Mr. Greg Vonder Meulen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph W. Vormbrock
Mr. & Mrs. William J. Walls
Ms. Belle Walsh
Mr. & Mrs. David Weisberg
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Whitney
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene B. Wilger
Ms. Cynthia Williams
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Wilson
Ms. Beverly A. Worsham
Ms. Mattie Worsham
In Honor
In honor of Mr.& Mrs. Louis Dehner
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kirk
In honor of Ms. Ruth Hartman
Ms. Donna Hartman
Mr. Jim Scott
In honor of Ms. Barbara M. Jackson
Mr. Jerome S. Jackson
In honor of Mr. Bart Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Mason
In honor of Mr. Steve Ringel
Ms. Nancy Steffen
In honor of Dr. & Mrs. Richard B. Salzer
Mr. & Mrs. Maurice J. Koch, Jr.
In honor of Skip & Peggy Walker
Ms. Cynthia Williams
In honor of Kathy & Joe Zielinski
Ms. Debra Halsey
In memory of Mr. Thomas Colvin, Sr. & Mr. Russell Davis
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas C. Colvin, Jr.
In memory of Mr. Joe Graf
PWC Staff
Aronoff Center for the Arts/Volunteer Dept.
Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Farwick
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Fischer
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory A. Hughes
Mr. L. E. Matanguihan
Mr. & Mrs. Hilburn D. Rein
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Staffan
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Vormbrock
In memory of Mr. Alexaner Griffin, II
Ms. Shirley L. Griffin
In memory of Mr. John P. Harrington
Mr. & Mrs. Edward A. Hogan
In memory of Ms. Gertrude Kelley
Mr. George Kelley
In memory of Ms. Marjorie E. Klusmeyer
Ms. Karen Lubke
In memory of Mr. John, Sr. & Mrs. Rebecca Lawson
Ms. Minerva Lawson
In memory of Mr. Russell McIntyre
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Bell
In memory of Mr. Dan Ober
Ms. Karen McCormick
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Smallsreed
In memory of Mr. Reynold Peterson
Ms. Gayle Nyswonger
In memory of Ms. Mona C. Poynter
Ms. Mary Jo Ed Hogan
In memory of Mrs. Ursula Stockmeyer
Mr. Donald C. Miller
2007 United Way Designations
Ms. Larita Aubespin
Ms. Shirley Baker
Mr. Mark Bennett
Mr. & Mrs. Walter Burrous
Mr. Walter E. Burrous
Ms. Rachelle Caldwell
Mr. Wayne S. Campbell
Mr. Vincent K. Chan
Mr. Christopher Cope
Mr. James A. Cunningham
Ms. Karen Davis
Ms. Vanessa Eayre
2007 PWC Annual Report 13
Ms. Shirley Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Thinh Ha
Mr. Christopher P. Hoerlein
Ms. Kristina A. Hudson
Mr. William F. Hunter
Ms. Beverly J. Johnson
Mr. James L. Jackson
Ms. Marvina L. Jett
Ms. Dawn Kearns
Mr. Kermit W. Kinne
Ms. Donna Kloth
The Kroger Co.
Dr. George W. Lackemann
Ms. Kathy J. Meinke
Ms. Dana D. Michel
Ms. Dona Middaugh
Ms. Frances Y. Moran
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Ott
Mr. James H. Owens
Mr. Patrick Charles Palmer
Ms. Shauntel L. Poulson
Ms. Cherri Pretty
Ms. Gloria Reed
Ms. Pamela S. Rice
Ms. Elisa J. Risen
Mr. & Mrs. John G. Rose
Ms. Randi Sandlin
Ms. Courtney Schuster
Mr. Larry O. Seward
Mr. Richard Smethurst
Ms. Ingrid L. Smith
Ms. Carla S. Strauss
Ms. Nicki Turley
United Way of Central Indiana, Inc.
Mr. Gene C. Vinegar, Jr.
Ms. Diane C. Vonderheide
Mr. & Mrs. John Whitney
Oscar Night America
Presenting Sponsors
Advanced Testing Laboratory
Duke Energy
Major Sponsors
Greenebaum Doll & McDonald
National City
Nestle USA
US Bank
Viox Services, Inc.
Table Sponsors
Clark, Shaefer, Hackett & Co.
Custom Distributors
Fifth Third Bank
Graydon Head & Ritchey
Huntington National Bank
Bob & Betty Lindner
Johnson Investment Council
Jere & Lyn McIntyre
Messer Construction Company
Recker & Boerger
2007 PWC Annual Report
Schiff Kreidler-Shell, Inc.
Richard & Carol Stevie
Taft, Stettinius and Hollister
Towers Perrin
Media Sponsors
City Beat
Cincy Business
55 KRC/1360 the Source
Oscar Night Donations
Mr. & Mrs. Steven P. Arengo
Mr. & Mrs. William D. Augspurger
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher S. Bell
Ms. M. Patricia Broom
Ms. Mary A. Cinquina
Ms. Robin O. Carley
Ms. Jane F. Clarke
Ms. Julia M. Fisher
Dr. & Mrs. James M. Garvey
Mr. Jeff Huggins
Mr. & Mrs. Donald E. Inderhees
Mr. & Mrs. Bart Kohler
Mr. & Mrs. Robert H. McCoy, Sr.
Ms. Elverna L. Murray
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan L. Olson
Mr. & Mrs. Morry Passer
Ms. Neeta Patel & Mr. Dean Matthew
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Stevie
Mr. Ivan L. Tamarkin
Ms. Joellyn M. Voge
Oscar Night In-Kind Donations
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences
Ms. Edy Allen
anonymous donor
Any Theme Goes
Ms. Jody Aschendorf
Mr. William Augspurger
Bacall’s Cafe
Bacchanal Steel Band
Ms. Denise Bachmann
Mr. Peter Bayes
Ms. Kathryn A. Beck
Beckett Ridge Country Club
Beiersdorf Inc.
Mr. Christopher S. Bell
Mr. Javier Benitez
Ms. Ellen Betsch
The Bistro Group
Mr. Chris Blanken/Compass Group
Mr. & Mrs. David Blocksom
Mr. & Mrs. William T. Boehm
Ms. Cynthia Brown
Bruegger’s Bagels
Mr. Rick Bryan
C.H. Youse Fine Art
Cameron Mitchell Restaurants
Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Castellini
Ms. Dixie Cherrington
Chez T. Cuisine
Churchill’s Tea Room and Shop
Cincinnati Marriott Northeast
Cincinnati Playhouse in the Park
Cincinnati Reds
Cincinnati Shakespeare Company
The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Gardens
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Ms. Kimmi Cohen
Mr. Chris Cone
Mr. Kamren Colson
Community Development Corporation
Mr. & Mrs. Scott R. Culshaw
Custom Distributors
Deeks and Company
Mr. & Mrs. David Denny
Dewey’s Pizza
Dodd Jewelers
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Donnermeyer
Duke Energy/PSI
Effective Office Environments
Ms. Karen Ellis
Emerson Heating & Cooling
Ensemble Theatre of Cincinnati
Fabulous Frames and Art
Mr. & Mrs. David Faulk
Fettner Friedman Furs
Mr. & Mrs. Josh Finnegan
Mrs. Maureen France
Frontgate Outlet Center
Grand Finale Restaurant
Mr. Tyrone Gray
Hader Roofing and Furnace Co.
Ms. Gloria J. Heideman
Ms. Tonia Henry
Mr. James M. Herlihy
Hilton Cincinnati Netherland Plaza
Mr. Andrew Hoerner/ O’Bannon Creek Gold Club
The Home Depot
Ms. Jeanne Houck-Thomas & Mr. David Thomas
J.D. Seibert Company
Ms. Jennifer J. Jackson
Jaguar of Cincinnati
Jeff Ruby’s Steakhouse
Jeff Thomas Catering
Jimmy D’s Steakhouse
Ms. Michele Kaser/Michelle Connley & Co.
The Keebler Company
Kraft Foods
Ms. Peggy Landes/Laurel House Shops
Ms. Minerva Lawson
Ms. Hagit Limor-Sunberg
Mr. Bob Mackey/Sports Plus
Macy’s Credit and Customer Services
Marshmallow Cone Company
Mr. Craig McAfee/
Mr. John McGregor/Play it Again Sports
Ms. Anne McKinney
Messer Construction Co.
Mr. Ronald Meyer
Michelle Connley & Company
Moe’s Southwest Grill
Montgomery Hair Salon
Montgomery Jewelers
Morton’s of Chicago
The National Exemplar
NCR Country Club
Nippert Jewelers
Ms. Paula J. Norton
Olmes Studio and Framing
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan Olson
The Party Source
Ms. Katie Pillow
Play It Again Sports
Powers Agency
Premier Casino Events Inc.
Prestige Audio Visual
Pretty Faces
Professional Therapeutic Massage
Queen City Coffee Company
Mr. & Mrs. David Radkey
Ms. Lara S. Radkey
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Rice
Richter and Phillips Co.
Robert Forsee & Sons
Saks Fifth Avenue
Ms. Sandi Sandfoss/Pampered Chef
Mr. & Mrs. William M. Sasser
Mr. & Mrs. Allan Schroder
Senco Products
Mr. Eric H. Sittner
Skeffington’s Formalwear
Mr. Stanley Smith & Ms. Shirley Gallagher
Sports Plus
Mr. Don Stewart/Stewart Tire and Suto Service
Mr. Bruce Strickland/VIP Back Rubs
Ms. Ida Blanche Suskind
Ms. Glenda Suttman
Taft Museum of Art
Mr. & Mrs. Chris Tanaka
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Tanaka
Thoma & Sutton Eye Care Professionals
Ms. Lynda Thomas
Ms. Maureen C. Tierney
TLC Creations
Tom James Men’s Apparel
Toyota Motor Engineering & Manufacturing., N.A.
United Dairy Farmers
US Food Service
Mses. Michelle & Sara Vance Waddell
Viox Services Inc
Ms. Sharon Voegeli
The Wine Merchant
Ms. Lauren Wingler
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Wylly
Yelton’s Fine Jewelry
Mr. & Mrs. Joe Zielinski
Mr. Fred Zuck
Presenting Sponsors
Church of the Redeemer
City of Cincinnati
Client Project Sponsor
Deltec, Inc.
Duke Energy
EST Analytical
Ingredient Masters
Mt. Washington Presbyterian Church
Northside Bank & Trust
Prus Construction, Inc.
Scripps Howard Foundation
UBS Financial Services, Inc.
Viox Services
Prepare Affair In-Kind Donations
American Red Cross
Avondale Community Center
Bernhardt’s Bakery
Castellini Company
Chiquita Brands International, Inc.
Cincinnati Bell
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Duro Bags
Frito Lay
The Home Depot
Kraft Foods
Macy’s Credit and Customer Services
Pic’s Produce
US Food Service
Mr. John Whitney
Prepare Affair Donations
Ms. Nancy Guerrieri
Ms. Keren Poe
Mr. W. Wilson Stewart
Tristate Wholesale Building Supplies, Inc
Wells Fargo Home Mortgage
Repair Affair In-Kind Donations
Adrian Durban Florists
American Red Cross
Castellini Company
Cincinnati Bell
Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Ms. Kathy Fassee
H. Dennert Distributing Corporation
The Home Depot
The Keebler Company
Kraft Foods
The Kroger Company
M & M Mars
Nestle USA
Papa John’s Pizza
Pic’s Produce
Playground Equipment Services, LLC
Small’s Pro Hardware Inc.
Tara’s Coffee Shop
Tradewinds Beverage Co.
Repair Affair Donations
Cooperative Janitorial Service
Mr. John P. Hasselbeck
Mr. Charles Tassell
Presenting Sponsor
Spirit of America National Bank
Major Sponsors
City of Cincinnati
Supporting Sponsors
Duke Energy
Ingredient Masters
Viox Services, Inc.
Client Project Sponsors
Becker Electric
Dunnhumby USA
Hixson Architecture Engineers Interiors
Home Builders Association of Greater Cincinnati
Jostin Concrete
Keidel Supply Company
Messer Construction Co.
Quikrete Company
Papa John’s
Real Estate Investors Assoc.
Riemeier Lumber
Senco Fastening Systems
The Home Depot
Congratulations to PWC employee Judy
Ott who was recently recognized by her
peers as the Arthur Lee Taylor Employee
of the Year. Ott, an accountant, has been
employed by PWC since 2000. “Judy is a
team player,” said her boss, Bill Brammer.
“... She is constantly looking for more ways
to be efficient and giving of her time.”
2007 PWC Annual Report 15
2007 PWC Annual Report
People Working Cooperatively performs essential repairs
and services so that low-income homeowner’s can remain in their
homes, living independently in a safe, sound environment.
repair affair 08 pages 2-3
modifications 4
cover/client story 5
volunteer/donor profiles 6
Accomplishments / contacts 7
financials/demographics 8-9
PWC101 & going green 10
donors 11-15