Honda With DREAMS Magazine Vol.1


Honda With DREAMS Magazine Vol.1
VOL.01 DEC 2006
KDN: PP14168 / 9 / 2007
our newest dream
motor sports
product history
what’s on Honda
Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race (MME) 2006
VTEC Engine
Formula 1 with Jenson Button
Honda Accord
Civic is Car of the Year
Tech Challenge 2006 Results
HondaJet Project
our newest dream
Unlimited Challenge
Merdeka Millennium Endurance Race 2006
MME 12-hour Endurance
@ Sepang Circuit
Message from Honda Malaysia
our newest dream Race for Survival
Welcome to With DREAMS magazine.
Honda believes in offering not only advanced technology but also products
and concepts with dreams. With our challenging spirit, we believe nothing is
impossible to achieve. We understand how hard, and enjoyable, it is to
translate the impossible into reality. The future is made possible through
dreams, and our belief in dreams is stronger than anyone’s. Through the
pages of With DREAMS I would like to share our passion with you. We are
constantly strengthening our after-sales service system by combining four
areas – sales, servicing, parts and customer service. With dreams as our
engine, we will keep running with you.
Yasuhide Mizuno
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
breakthrough VTEC Engine
motor sports Jenson Button
ou r n ewest dream
Race for Survival – MME 12-hour
Endurance at Sepang Circuit
u ser’s voice
Passionate About Honda
breakt h rou gh
A Breath of Fresh Air
mot or sport s
Formula One Hungarian GP 2006
produ ct h ist ory
History Repeats – Accord
wh at ’s on Hon da
Civic is Car of the Year
With DREAMS is a quarterly magazine published by Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. Contents may not be
reprinted or otherwise reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission. Opinions expressed in this
magazine are not necessarily those of Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. The information presented in this magazine is
compiled from various sources and there is no declaration of responsibility as to legality, completeness and accuracy.
EDITOR Jahabarnisa Hj. Mohideen
SUB-EDITOR Jesper Chang
Honda introduced the
ground-breaking VTEC engine
to the world in 1989. The
technology was the result of a
dream that is just as relevant in
A n d i e H a n afi a h • Abdul R a za k & Ha rti ni Za k a ri a • Yo ng Wi ng Ho o n
S r i U t a m a Auto Sdn B hd • Ko s mo Ka rs Sdn B hd • USJ C a r E xpre s s Sdn B hd
We a p p re c ia t e your fe e d back.
ou r n ew d ream
The 12-hour Merdeka Millennium Endurance is the toughest possible
test of man and machine, making it the perfect challenge for Honda.
Please send your comments, suggestions, questions to:
product history Honda Accord
Editorial Team Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (532120-D)
Lot 15, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: 03-7957 5885 Fax: 03-7954 8341
Printed by: Percetakan Zanders Sdn. Bhd. (205766-A)
22A Jalan 12/118B, Desa Tun Razak, Cheras 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia KKDN.0.1780/2474
with dreams
MME 12-hour Endurance
@ Sepang Circuit
Message from Honda Malaysia
our newest dream Race for Survival
Welcome to With DREAMS magazine.
Honda believes in offering not only advanced technology but also products
and concepts with dreams. With our challenging spirit, we believe nothing is
impossible to achieve. We understand how hard, and enjoyable, it is to
translate the impossible into reality. The future is made possible through
dreams, and our belief in dreams is stronger than anyone’s. Through the
pages of With DREAMS I would like to share our passion with you. We are
constantly strengthening our after-sales service system by combining four
areas – sales, servicing, parts and customer service. With dreams as our
engine, we will keep running with you.
Yasuhide Mizuno
Managing Director & Chief Executive Officer
Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd.
breakthrough VTEC Engine
motor sports Jenson Button
ou r n ewest dream
Race for Survival – MME 12-hour
Endurance at Sepang Circuit
u ser’s voice
Passionate About Honda
breakt h rou gh
A Breath of Fresh Air
mot or sport s
Formula One Hungarian GP 2006
produ ct h ist ory
History Repeats – Accord
wh at ’s on Hon da
Civic is Car of the Year
With DREAMS is a quarterly magazine published by Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. All rights reserved. Contents may not be
reprinted or otherwise reproduced in any form whatsoever without written permission. Opinions expressed in this
magazine are not necessarily those of Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. The information presented in this magazine is
compiled from various sources and there is no declaration of responsibility as to legality, completeness and accuracy.
EDITOR Jahabarnisa Hj. Mohideen
SUB-EDITOR Jesper Chang
Honda introduced the
ground-breaking VTEC engine
to the world in 1989. The
technology was the result of a
dream that is just as relevant in
A n d i e H a n afi a h • Abdul R a za k & Ha rti ni Za k a ri a • Yo ng Wi ng Ho o n
S r i U t a m a Auto Sdn B hd • Ko s mo Ka rs Sdn B hd • USJ C a r E xpre s s Sdn B hd
We a p p re c ia t e your fe e d back.
ou r n ew d ream
The 12-hour Merdeka Millennium Endurance is the toughest possible
test of man and machine, making it the perfect challenge for Honda.
Please send your comments, suggestions, questions to:
product history Honda Accord
Editorial Team Honda Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (532120-D)
Lot 15, Jalan 13/6, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan, Malaysia
Tel: 03-7957 5885 Fax: 03-7954 8341
Printed by: Percetakan Zanders Sdn. Bhd. (205766-A)
22A Jalan 12/118B, Desa Tun Razak, Cheras 56000, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia KKDN.0.1780/2474
with dreams
our newest dream
our newest dream
Honda has the power to make dreams come true. Setting the dreams and having
the power to realise them has become the Honda culture.
One of Honda Malaysia’s dreams is
the intention of staging a comeback for
the Merdeka Millennium Endurance
(MME) race at the Sepang Circuit.
Having won it outright two years ago in
the previous version of the Honda Civic,
the company has opted to race the
latest generation Civic in the MME.
To reach that goal, Honda Malaysia
R a c i n g Te a m ( H M R T ) f a c e d t h r e e
challenges. One, build the race cars
completely from scratch at the Malacca
plant. Two, be the first to race the 8th
generation 4-door Civic 2.0. Three, form
a successful new team with all-new
HMRT members. Well…so far, so good.
F o r t h e fi r s t t i m e i n a r a c e s e r i e s ,
Honda is racing two of its 8th Generation
with dreams
Civics launched in Malaysia early this
year (March) in the 12-hour MME race.
Honda Malaysia’s campaign took a
slight dip last year, while still managing
respectable results. But this year, it
intends to get back what it temporarily
lost. For the new racecar, Honda has
fitted a Civic engine K-20A, specially
tuned by Mugen, Japan. Among the
m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e e n g i n e a r e
improved and high quality camshafts,
pistons and a conrod, so the engine
b o a s t s m o r e p o w e r, d u r a b i l i t y a n d
reliability. According to Mugen Motor
Sports Business Department Fourth
Section Assistant Manager Yoshihiro
Nezu, the new 1,997cc engine underwent a dyno test and achieved 200bhp.
“ We h a v e b ro u g h t d o w n t h e re v s b y
about 500rpm. This was to achieve
peak performance that we wanted. We
also replaced the ECU with the latest of
technologies,” he added.
If anything goes wrong with the
engine, the Mugen division brought in
two spare power plants, including other
s p a r e s . A n d i n a n y r a c e c a r, t h e
tweaking. The standard factory fitted
shock absorbers – or dampers – were
retained. The only changes to the
suspension layout, in addition to minor
adjustments, were stiffer coil springs.
“The regulations are pretty clear for
the race. Thus, we have opted to play
around with whatever we can. The only
part we could replace were the springs,
just to add a little stiffness to the car for
better handling especially at the
corners,” Honda Malaysia Racing Team
(HMRT) Chief Engineer Kanno Atsuo
said. Atsuo said following testing of the
car at the track, the team opted for a
slightly more comfortable suspension
set up, which was another reason why
the original dampers were retained.“The
coil springs were brought in from Japan
specially for this purpose,” he added.
However, Atsuo said since the Civic was
a t o t a l l y n e w c a r, c o l l e c t i n g m u c h
needed data and feedback for the
suspension was a little different. “We
don’t have any data to work on. We will
just have to test it out. All we need to do
is ensure that there is a balance that
should be comfortable for all the six
drivers,” he added.
aspiration to once again win the MME,
Yamashita Norihito (Technical Director
HMRT) said it was a completely different
focus this time around. “Ever since we
first entered the race, we have always
l a i d o u r s i g h t s o n w i n n i n g . We e v e n
brought in help from Japan to assist us.
That has hardly changed. However, we
are trying to live the Honda dream here.
“For the first time in history, Honda has
roped in employees from the sales and
m a r k e t i n g , f a c t o r y, a n d a l l o t h e r
departments for their contributions in
b u i l d i n g t h e c a r. T h e c a r i s t h e
development of the Honda family and
this has brought all of us together,” he
added. He said this has motivated the
team including the mechanics to take up
a fresh challenge as well as prove their
capabilities. This in turn will help them
gain a new learning curve. T h e C i v i c
racecar was built at Honda assembly
plant in Malacca. Norihito said the team
mechanics to just seven to maintain the
quality of work done. “Here, we opted
for mechanics who had passion and
were hardworking. This is also another
way we motivate them for future races.
The mechanics change every year,” he
said. “Of course all the mechanics would
want to be involved and thus, we give
them a reason to work harder to be able
to work for the team,” he added.
However, he reiterated that the team’s
main objective was to spread the Honda
family concept, as it was unique to them.
Norihito said the mechanics for the two
teams would be divided into two other
teams, each team re p re s e n t i n g o n e
racecar. “Both teams will share notes
and feedback among themselves as part
of our team work efforts,” he added. Is it
victory for the team then? “It would be
perfect but if it is achieved the Honda
w a y, t h e n t h e v i c t o r y w o u l d b e e v e n
sweeter,” he said. Honda has had a way
in achieving the desired results in the
past, thanks to the power of
its dreams.
Passionate mechanics working hard for the team.
Champion Car
Built from scratch using the base of the 8th Generation 4-Door Civic.
with dreams
our newest dream
our newest dream
Honda has the power to make dreams come true. Setting the dreams and having
the power to realise them has become the Honda culture.
One of Honda Malaysia’s dreams is
the intention of staging a comeback for
the Merdeka Millennium Endurance
(MME) race at the Sepang Circuit.
Having won it outright two years ago in
the previous version of the Honda Civic,
the company has opted to race the
latest generation Civic in the MME.
To reach that goal, Honda Malaysia
R a c i n g Te a m ( H M R T ) f a c e d t h r e e
challenges. One, build the race cars
completely from scratch at the Malacca
plant. Two, be the first to race the 8th
generation 4-door Civic 2.0. Three, form
a successful new team with all-new
HMRT members. Well…so far, so good.
F o r t h e fi r s t t i m e i n a r a c e s e r i e s ,
Honda is racing two of its 8th Generation
with dreams
Civics launched in Malaysia early this
year (March) in the 12-hour MME race.
Honda Malaysia’s campaign took a
slight dip last year, while still managing
respectable results. But this year, it
intends to get back what it temporarily
lost. For the new racecar, Honda has
fitted a Civic engine K-20A, specially
tuned by Mugen, Japan. Among the
m o d i fi c a t i o n s t o t h e e n g i n e a r e
improved and high quality camshafts,
pistons and a conrod, so the engine
b o a s t s m o r e p o w e r, d u r a b i l i t y a n d
reliability. According to Mugen Motor
Sports Business Department Fourth
Section Assistant Manager Yoshihiro
Nezu, the new 1,997cc engine underwent a dyno test and achieved 200bhp.
“ We h a v e b ro u g h t d o w n t h e re v s b y
about 500rpm. This was to achieve
peak performance that we wanted. We
also replaced the ECU with the latest of
technologies,” he added.
If anything goes wrong with the
engine, the Mugen division brought in
two spare power plants, including other
s p a r e s . A n d i n a n y r a c e c a r, t h e
tweaking. The standard factory fitted
shock absorbers – or dampers – were
retained. The only changes to the
suspension layout, in addition to minor
adjustments, were stiffer coil springs.
“The regulations are pretty clear for
the race. Thus, we have opted to play
around with whatever we can. The only
part we could replace were the springs,
just to add a little stiffness to the car for
better handling especially at the
corners,” Honda Malaysia Racing Team
(HMRT) Chief Engineer Kanno Atsuo
said. Atsuo said following testing of the
car at the track, the team opted for a
slightly more comfortable suspension
set up, which was another reason why
the original dampers were retained.“The
coil springs were brought in from Japan
specially for this purpose,” he added.
However, Atsuo said since the Civic was
a t o t a l l y n e w c a r, c o l l e c t i n g m u c h
needed data and feedback for the
suspension was a little different. “We
don’t have any data to work on. We will
just have to test it out. All we need to do
is ensure that there is a balance that
should be comfortable for all the six
drivers,” he added.
aspiration to once again win the MME,
Yamashita Norihito (Technical Director
HMRT) said it was a completely different
focus this time around. “Ever since we
first entered the race, we have always
l a i d o u r s i g h t s o n w i n n i n g . We e v e n
brought in help from Japan to assist us.
That has hardly changed. However, we
are trying to live the Honda dream here.
“For the first time in history, Honda has
roped in employees from the sales and
m a r k e t i n g , f a c t o r y, a n d a l l o t h e r
departments for their contributions in
b u i l d i n g t h e c a r. T h e c a r i s t h e
development of the Honda family and
this has brought all of us together,” he
added. He said this has motivated the
team including the mechanics to take up
a fresh challenge as well as prove their
capabilities. This in turn will help them
gain a new learning curve. T h e C i v i c
racecar was built at Honda assembly
plant in Malacca. Norihito said the team
mechanics to just seven to maintain the
quality of work done. “Here, we opted
for mechanics who had passion and
were hardworking. This is also another
way we motivate them for future races.
The mechanics change every year,” he
said. “Of course all the mechanics would
want to be involved and thus, we give
them a reason to work harder to be able
to work for the team,” he added.
However, he reiterated that the team’s
main objective was to spread the Honda
family concept, as it was unique to them.
Norihito said the mechanics for the two
teams would be divided into two other
teams, each team re p re s e n t i n g o n e
racecar. “Both teams will share notes
and feedback among themselves as part
of our team work efforts,” he added. Is it
victory for the team then? “It would be
perfect but if it is achieved the Honda
w a y, t h e n t h e v i c t o r y w o u l d b e e v e n
sweeter,” he said. Honda has had a way
in achieving the desired results in the
past, thanks to the power of
its dreams.
Passionate mechanics working hard for the team.
Champion Car
Built from scratch using the base of the 8th Generation 4-Door Civic.
with dreams
our newest dream
our newest dream
Kunimitsu Takahashi
At the mere mention of Takuma Sato
people immediately think of Formula
re c o g n i z e d a s t h e fi r s t J a p a n e s e
driver to drive for a Formula One
outfit and it is difficult to separate
him and the Honda brand. However,
there have been many such drivers
over time, one of whom has been
involved in motorsport for more than
40 years.
Honda Malaysia Racing Team scored its
fourth consecutive win in the Merdeka
Millennium Endurance race by taking
the winner’s trophy in Class A. The car,
driven by Hiroki Katoh, Eddie Lew and
Farriz Fauzy, crossed the finish line after
completing 258 laps. The racing team’s
second car was occupying the second
involved in an accident at Turn 7 on Lap
206. This caused major damage which
was hastily repaired by the team,
enabling it to return to the race just a
few minutes before the finish. In doing
so Kunimitsu Takahashi, Hosokawa
Shinya and Ruben Wong still managed
to grab 8th position in the class.
The cohesive team of 30 engineers,
technicians, mechanics and support
staff comprising Honda associates from
its Malacca plant, the Sales and
Marketing office in Petaling Jaya and
Number of laps after 12 hours
Tengku Djan Ley / Faidzil Alang / Damien French (Lotus Exige 300RR) 271laps
Chin Tzer Jinn / Firhat Mokhzani / Eric Yeo (Nissan Skyline R34) 268 laps
Mokhzani Mahathir / Tommy Lee / Sven Herberger (Porsche GT3 Cup) 268 laps
Hiroki Katoh / Farriz Fauzy / Eddie Lew (Honda Civic) 258 laps
Ian Ross Geekie / Dilantha Malagamuwa / Nick Thomas (Porsche GT3) 256 laps
Lai Wee Sing / Nobuteru Taniguchi / Brian Whilock (Honda Integra DC5) 246 laps
Chin Jit Pyng / Chin Tzer Pinn / Jeffrey Wong (Honda Integra DC5) 245 laps
S. Vellumani / Lim Lean Hua / Phillip Tang (Satria GTI) 236 laps
Eric Lim / Yeo Ian Hin / Tan Tee Keon (Subaru WRX STI) 234 laps
10 Farique Hairuman / Syahrizal Jamaluddin / Fauzi Othman (Honda Civic EK) 233 laps
CLASS O (Open class for modified cars)
Tengku Djan Ley / Faidzil Alang / Damien French (Team Proton R3) CLASS A (Production cars above 1900cc)
Hiroki Katoh / Farriz Fauzy / Eddie Lew (Honda Malaysia Racing Team)
CLASS B (Production cars between 1601cc to 1900cc)
S. Vellumani / Lim Lee Hua / Phillip Tang (Danville Motorsports)
CLASS C (Production cars below 1600cc)
Farique Hairuman / Syahrizal Jamaluddin / Fauzi Othman (Team Petronas)
with dreams
their Japanese counterparts showed as
much grit and determination as the
drivers, particularly after the second
car’s crash.
It was a commendable effort,
considering that the two race cars were
built completely in Malaysia using the
mass-produced 8th Generation 4-door
Civic 2.0 as base and transformed into
race cars using genuine Honda parts.
Driving for the Honda Racing Team in
the Merdeka Millennium Endurance
(MME) race at the Sepang International
Circuit in the new, seventh-generation
Honda Civic, 66-year-old Kunimitsu
Ta k a h a s h i i s c e r t a i n l y n o t n e w t o
Malaysia. “I first came here more than
35 years ago. And so, I have made lots
of friends. Even in my capacity as the
Japanese Motorcycle Manufacturer’s
Chief Executive Officer, I have visited
Malaysia on business.”
“I have learnt a lot about the country
and its people. I love coming here and
the circuit is a fantastic circuit. It is very
interesting to drive here.”
When met after a test session of the
team prior to the race, Takahashi said
he seemed quite happy with the results.
“This year’s car is far more comfortable.
The dynamics of the car are well
balanced with the tyres and so it is very
d r i v e r- f r i e n d l y. T h e e n g i n e i s w e l l
balanced. It suits my driving style a lot
b e t t e r. D u e t o t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s i n
Malaysia, tyres will play an important
role but considering this year’s race
starts at night, it will be a lot easier on
my part. It will all depend on the
Takahashi says he finds it hard to
indulge in any hobbies due to his
extremely busy schedule. “Every year, I
take a 10-day vacation from work. A few
days into my vacation, I usually catch
the flu, which is why I’ve shied away
f ro m a n y k i n d o f h o b b i e s , ” h e s a y s .
Following an illustrious career in racing,
one would expect at least one of his
four children to follow in his footsteps,
but that was not to be. “None of my
children are interested in racing,” he
Takahashi made a name for himself
first on two wheels before switching to
four. As an 18 year-old he took a race
win in the 1958 All Japan Motorcycle
Clubman series, and in 1960 he went to
Europe, coming fourth in the prestigious
Isle of Man Tourist Trophy. The next
year, after becoming a works Honda
rider, he took a 250cc Honda RC162 to
victory in the German GP at Hockenheim,
becoming the first Japanese rider to win
a World Championship event, before
Dundrod. Though he continued racing in
World Championship events until 1963,
winning the 1962 Spanish and French
125cc GPs, a serious accident in the
1962 Isle of Man TT cut short his
motorcycling career, and by 1964 he
had made the transition to car racing.
He won several championships
including the Japanese Grand Prix for
sports cars in 1966 and 1971, and came
third in 1967. In 1970 he also won the
annual All Japan All-Star event. He then
went on to racing in Australia, where he
competed in the Bathurst 500-mile race
from 1966 to 1968, taking a win in
Class A in 1966. In 1975, he made his
first two starts in the Japanese F2000
championship, qualifying second at Fuji
but failing to start, and then starting
sixth at Suzuka, before retiring from the
race. Following a successful career in
car races, Kunimitsu established his
own team in 1992, racing a Honda NSX
two years later. In non-championship
events in 1994, Takahashi, in his NSX,
entered Le Mans, where he finished
18th. From then on, Team Kunimitsu
Honda NSX became something of a
fi x t u r e i n J a p a n e s e G T r a c i n g .
Throughout the 1996 JGTC Takahashi
d r o v e i t b u t o n l y a c h i e v e d m i d fi e l d
results, gaining eight points and finishing
the season in equal 26th position. But
after a racing career spanning over 40
years, he stepped down from active
driving duties although he still manages
Team Kunimitsu. In 2000, Kunimitsu
became the President of the GT
Association of Japan and has been
involved in the Merdeka Millennium
Endurance race for the last four years.
Kunimitsu Takahashi, a 66-year-old champion
racer, drives for the Honda racing team.
with dreams
our newest dream
our newest dream
Kunimitsu Takahashi
At the mere mention of Takuma Sato
people immediately think of Formula
re c o g n i z e d a s t h e fi r s t J a p a n e s e
driver to drive for a Formula One
outfit and it is difficult to separate
him and the Honda brand. However,
there have been many such drivers
over time, one of whom has been
involved in motorsport for more than
40 years.
Honda Malaysia Racing Team scored its
fourth consecutive win in the Merdeka
Millennium Endurance race by taking
the winner’s trophy in Class A. The car,
driven by Hiroki Katoh, Eddie Lew and
Farriz Fauzy, crossed the finish line after
completing 258 laps. The racing team’s
second car was occupying the second
involved in an accident at Turn 7 on Lap
206. This caused major damage which
was hastily repaired by the team,
enabling it to return to the race just a
few minutes before the finish. In doing
so Kunimitsu Takahashi, Hosokawa
Shinya and Ruben Wong still managed
to grab 8th position in the class.
The cohesive team of 30 engineers,
technicians, mechanics and support
staff comprising Honda associates from
its Malacca plant, the Sales and
Marketing office in Petaling Jaya and
Number of laps after 12 hours
Tengku Djan Ley / Faidzil Alang / Damien French (Lotus Exige 300RR) 271laps
Chin Tzer Jinn / Firhat Mokhzani / Eric Yeo (Nissan Skyline R34) 268 laps
Mokhzani Mahathir / Tommy Lee / Sven Herberger (Porsche GT3 Cup) 268 laps
Hiroki Katoh / Farriz Fauzy / Eddie Lew (Honda Civic) 258 laps
Ian Ross Geekie / Dilantha Malagamuwa / Nick Thomas (Porsche GT3) 256 laps
Lai Wee Sing / Nobuteru Taniguchi / Brian Whilock (Honda Integra DC5) 246 laps
Chin Jit Pyng / Chin Tzer Pinn / Jeffrey Wong (Honda Integra DC5) 245 laps
S. Vellumani / Lim Lean Hua / Phillip Tang (Satria GTI) 236 laps
Eric Lim / Yeo Ian Hin / Tan Tee Keon (Subaru WRX STI) 234 laps
10 Farique Hairuman / Syahrizal Jamaluddin / Fauzi Othman (Honda Civic EK) 233 laps
CLASS O (Open class for modified cars)
Tengku Djan Ley / Faidzil Alang / Damien French (Team Proton R3) CLASS A (Production cars above 1900cc)
Hiroki Katoh / Farriz Fauzy / Eddie Lew (Honda Malaysia Racing Team)
CLASS B (Production cars between 1601cc to 1900cc)
S. Vellumani / Lim Lee Hua / Phillip Tang (Danville Motorsports)
CLASS C (Production cars below 1600cc)
Farique Hairuman / Syahrizal Jamaluddin / Fauzi Othman (Team Petronas)
with dreams
their Japanese counterparts showed as
much grit and determination as the
drivers, particularly after the second
car’s crash.
It was a commendable effort,
considering that the two race cars were
built completely in Malaysia using the
mass-produced 8th Generation 4-door
Civic 2.0 as base and transformed into
race cars using genuine Honda parts.
Driving for the Honda Racing Team in
the Merdeka Millennium Endurance
(MME) race at the Sepang International
Circuit in the new, seventh-generation
Honda Civic, 66-year-old Kunimitsu
Ta k a h a s h i i s c e r t a i n l y n o t n e w t o
Malaysia. “I first came here more than
35 years ago. And so, I have made lots
of friends. Even in my capacity as the
Japanese Motorcycle Manufacturer’s
Chief Executive Officer, I have visited
Malaysia on business.”
“I have learnt a lot about the country
and its people. I love coming here and
the circuit is a fantastic circuit. It is very
interesting to drive here.”
When met after a test session of the
team prior to the race, Takahashi said
he seemed quite happy with the results.
“This year’s car is far more comfortable.
The dynamics of the car are well
balanced with the tyres and so it is very
d r i v e r- f r i e n d l y. T h e e n g i n e i s w e l l
balanced. It suits my driving style a lot
b e t t e r. D u e t o t h e t e m p e r a t u r e s i n
Malaysia, tyres will play an important
role but considering this year’s race
starts at night, it will be a lot easier on
my part. It will all depend on the
Takahashi says he finds it hard to
indulge in any hobbies due to his
extremely busy schedule. “Every year, I
take a 10-day vacation from work. A few
days into my vacation, I usually catch
the flu, which is why I’ve shied away
f ro m a n y k i n d o f h o b b i e s , ” h e s a y s .
Following an illustrious career in racing,
one would expect at least one of his
four children to follow in his footsteps,
but that was not to be. “None of my
children are interested in racing,” he
Takahashi made a name for himself
first on two wheels before switching to
four. As an 18 year-old he took a race
win in the 1958 All Japan Motorcycle
Clubman series, and in 1960 he went to
Europe, coming fourth in the prestigious
Isle of Man Tourist Trophy. The next
year, after becoming a works Honda
rider, he took a 250cc Honda RC162 to
victory in the German GP at Hockenheim,
becoming the first Japanese rider to win
a World Championship event, before
Dundrod. Though he continued racing in
World Championship events until 1963,
winning the 1962 Spanish and French
125cc GPs, a serious accident in the
1962 Isle of Man TT cut short his
motorcycling career, and by 1964 he
had made the transition to car racing.
He won several championships
including the Japanese Grand Prix for
sports cars in 1966 and 1971, and came
third in 1967. In 1970 he also won the
annual All Japan All-Star event. He then
went on to racing in Australia, where he
competed in the Bathurst 500-mile race
from 1966 to 1968, taking a win in
Class A in 1966. In 1975, he made his
first two starts in the Japanese F2000
championship, qualifying second at Fuji
but failing to start, and then starting
sixth at Suzuka, before retiring from the
race. Following a successful career in
car races, Kunimitsu established his
own team in 1992, racing a Honda NSX
two years later. In non-championship
events in 1994, Takahashi, in his NSX,
entered Le Mans, where he finished
18th. From then on, Team Kunimitsu
Honda NSX became something of a
fi x t u r e i n J a p a n e s e G T r a c i n g .
Throughout the 1996 JGTC Takahashi
d r o v e i t b u t o n l y a c h i e v e d m i d fi e l d
results, gaining eight points and finishing
the season in equal 26th position. But
after a racing career spanning over 40
years, he stepped down from active
driving duties although he still manages
Team Kunimitsu. In 2000, Kunimitsu
became the President of the GT
Association of Japan and has been
involved in the Merdeka Millennium
Endurance race for the last four years.
Kunimitsu Takahashi, a 66-year-old champion
racer, drives for the Honda racing team.
with dreams
user’s voices
H on da H e a ve n
Andie Hanafiah loves her Honda CR-V and is proud to show it.
Honda dealers love your Honda as much as you do and are willing to go the extra mile.
We catch up with three loyal Honda customers and ask them
to share their views about the Hondas they own and the
great service they receive from their Honda dealers.
Andie Hanafiah has owned Hondas for
past 15 years.
Andie Hanafiah (15-Year User)
Abdul Razak Harun & Hartini Zakaria (6-Year Users)
Yong Wing Hoon (3-Year User)
I just can’t think of any other brand. I have had
other makes before but they simply fall short
of my requirements. Their level of customer
service is far from the level offered at Honda.
The Stream is perfect for us. It is comfortable,
handling is good and smooth and the space is
adequate. We opted for the Stream for its sleek looks.
I love my ‘little’ car as it is more reliable than
my last vehicle!
with dreams
HONDA Stream
Retiree Andie Hanafiah bought her first
Honda more than 15-years-ago, just
b e c a u s e t h e b r a n d p ro m i s e d g o o d
resale value. But that purchase, made
purely for monetary reasons, has
provided her with the best car ownership experience she has ever had. She
is so happy with the Honda brand and
the service rendered to her that even
thinking of another brand is almost
impossible. This has led her to buy four
other Honda vehicles, including the
first-generation CR-V, another Civic, the
second-generation CR-V and even a
Honda Jazz for her daughter.
Her first CR-V was bought from Sri
Utama Auto Sdn Bhd at the Setapak
Industrial Area in Jalan Genting Klang
and she has stuck to the 3S dealership
ever since. “They go the extra mile for
their customers. This is what brings me
back. I just need to make one phone
call and I get the assistance required.
They are very friendly and have smiles
on their faces at all times. It is convenient and hassle-free. Car ownership is
no longer a chore,” she remarks, adding
that on many occasions she called the
company’s Managing Director on his
mobile phone to seek help. This
relationship with Sri Utama Auto
Managing Director Wong Chee Keong
has become more a friendship than
anything else in the last 10 years. They
are on a first name basis and frequently
keep in touch. “I just can’t think of any
other brand. I have had other makes
before but they simply fall short of my
requirements. The level of customer
service is far from the level offered at
Honda,” she added.
Andie, who owns the secondgeneration Honda CR-V, said she has
been extremely happy with the car ever
since she purchased it several years
ago. “I have fallen in love with it. I had
the first-generation one and it led me to
upgrade when I could. I like the height,
the handling and the power. Pick-up is
good for my drives while the height
prevents me from getting bullied on the
road.” Given an improved and a fresher
CR-V in time to come, she said she’d
p ro b a b l y b e o n e o f t h e fi r s t t o b o o k
one.“I have been hooked on an SUV.
I can’t imagine driving anything else
especially after driving one for many
years. I just love my Honda.”
Andie’s Favourite Dealer
No. 21, 22 & 23, Jalan Usahawan 5,
Setapak Industrial Area, Off Jalan
Genting Klang, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
: 03-4024 2266 Fax: 03-4024 9320
Email: [email protected]
with dreams
user’s voices
H on da H e a ve n
Andie Hanafiah loves her Honda CR-V and is proud to show it.
Honda dealers love your Honda as much as you do and are willing to go the extra mile.
We catch up with three loyal Honda customers and ask them
to share their views about the Hondas they own and the
great service they receive from their Honda dealers.
Andie Hanafiah has owned Hondas for
past 15 years.
Andie Hanafiah (15-Year User)
Abdul Razak Harun & Hartini Zakaria (6-Year Users)
Yong Wing Hoon (3-Year User)
I just can’t think of any other brand. I have had
other makes before but they simply fall short
of my requirements. Their level of customer
service is far from the level offered at Honda.
The Stream is perfect for us. It is comfortable,
handling is good and smooth and the space is
adequate. We opted for the Stream for its sleek looks.
I love my ‘little’ car as it is more reliable than
my last vehicle!
with dreams
HONDA Stream
Retiree Andie Hanafiah bought her first
Honda more than 15-years-ago, just
b e c a u s e t h e b r a n d p ro m i s e d g o o d
resale value. But that purchase, made
purely for monetary reasons, has
provided her with the best car ownership experience she has ever had. She
is so happy with the Honda brand and
the service rendered to her that even
thinking of another brand is almost
impossible. This has led her to buy four
other Honda vehicles, including the
first-generation CR-V, another Civic, the
second-generation CR-V and even a
Honda Jazz for her daughter.
Her first CR-V was bought from Sri
Utama Auto Sdn Bhd at the Setapak
Industrial Area in Jalan Genting Klang
and she has stuck to the 3S dealership
ever since. “They go the extra mile for
their customers. This is what brings me
back. I just need to make one phone
call and I get the assistance required.
They are very friendly and have smiles
on their faces at all times. It is convenient and hassle-free. Car ownership is
no longer a chore,” she remarks, adding
that on many occasions she called the
company’s Managing Director on his
mobile phone to seek help. This
relationship with Sri Utama Auto
Managing Director Wong Chee Keong
has become more a friendship than
anything else in the last 10 years. They
are on a first name basis and frequently
keep in touch. “I just can’t think of any
other brand. I have had other makes
before but they simply fall short of my
requirements. The level of customer
service is far from the level offered at
Honda,” she added.
Andie, who owns the secondgeneration Honda CR-V, said she has
been extremely happy with the car ever
since she purchased it several years
ago. “I have fallen in love with it. I had
the first-generation one and it led me to
upgrade when I could. I like the height,
the handling and the power. Pick-up is
good for my drives while the height
prevents me from getting bullied on the
road.” Given an improved and a fresher
CR-V in time to come, she said she’d
p ro b a b l y b e o n e o f t h e fi r s t t o b o o k
one.“I have been hooked on an SUV.
I can’t imagine driving anything else
especially after driving one for many
years. I just love my Honda.”
Andie’s Favourite Dealer
No. 21, 22 & 23, Jalan Usahawan 5,
Setapak Industrial Area, Off Jalan
Genting Klang, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
: 03-4024 2266 Fax: 03-4024 9320
Email: [email protected]
with dreams
Dream Strea m
user’s voices
Ja zz It U p
Abdul Razak and his wife
were both born in 1972,
and are proud to show
The Honda Stream is perfect
for its spacious interior and
superb handling.
It was love at first sight
when the couple saw the
Honda Stream.
Yong Wing Hoon has owned her
Honda Jazz for three years.
Abdul Razak&
Hartini Zakaria
A match made in heaven, it seems. A
husband and wife love their Honda
Stream so much that they find it difficult
to part with. And even when they have
to buy another car, it will be another
Honda. The Stream was a perfect
choice as it offers practical features,
drop-dead gorgeous looks, a spacious
interior, seven seats and ample power.
But more importantly, it was the vehicle
of choice because of its established and
well-known brand name.
Abdul Razak Harun and Hartini
Zakaria, both 34, of Bukit Subang in
S h a h A l a m , fi r s t f e l l i n l o v e w i t h t h e
brand as young executives when the
former’s eldest brother bought a Honda
Civic back in 1997. “He has owned the
car ever since. It was then that I
decided to buy a Honda one day. And
when the time came for me to afford
one, I leapt at the chance. It had all the
conveniences for a family and for us –
with dreams
with three children – it was perfect,” he
adds. Handling and power is impressive
and with the children, aged between
one and six, the Stream is perfect for
those balik kampung drives to Baling in
Kedah, some 450 kilometres from Kuala
Lumpur. “ T h e v e h i c l e o ff e r s s t e a d y
highway cruising. It also feels stable at
highway speeds.”
Abdul Razak likes the fact that the
brand is established and that spare
parts are easy to come by. Maintenance
of the vehicle and the service centers
are convenient. He said Kosmo Kars,
the dealership where he sends his car
for servicing, is very professional in their
work. He added that the technicians
and mechanics there were professional
in troubleshooting problems relating to
the vehicle. “They have a good attitude
when facing customers,” he adds.
“The Stream is perfect for us. It is
comfortable, handling is good and
Husband and wife Abdul Razak Harun and
Hartini Zakaria with their Honda Stream.
smooth and the space is adequate. We
opted for the Stream for its sleek looks.
Anything bigger would have been a bit
too bulky and quite difficult for me to
handle,” says Hartini Zakaria, who is
also a fan of Kosmo Kars because it
offers many conveniences, like a
children’s play area, a reading room and
TV rooms. Given the choice, she aims to
purchase a Honda Jazz one day for its
ever more practical space and
Razak & Hartini’s Favourite Dealer
No 3, Jalan Pelukis U1/46, Temasya
Industrial Park, Glenmarie,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
: 03-5569 5259/2136 Fax:03-5569 5259/2136
Yong Wing Hoon
It was either a Honda Jazz or the latest
Civic. Both are Hondas, but still a choice
had to be made. Both look good, have a
reputation for superior quality and the
same established brand name. Power is
ample for both while sporty looks are
almost a given. But after much thought
and deliberation the choice was the
Jazz. It boasts the same I-VTEC
t e c h n o l o g y, h a s t h e u l t r a s e a t s f o r
convenience, is small enough for tight
and narrow roads but most importantly,
is a perfect city car.
Insurance agent Yong Wing Hoon, 29,
from Klang, is happy with her decision.
She has come to love her ‘little’ car as it
is more reliable than her last vehicle
that, more often than not, was at the
workshop. She services her car at USJ
C a r E x p r e s s S d n B h d i n Ta m a n
Perindustrian Subang. “It is only my
second time here. I like coming here
because parking is easy, it is surrounded
by a main business district and is
minutes away from all conveniences –
and for its courteous and warm service.”
“After I purchased my car, I took it to
them for a minor problem. They told me
they didn’t have stock for the part and
said they would call me. By the end of
the day, they called to bring my car in
for a replacement of the part. I find that
very efficient.”
She said the dealership also offered
many other services like a body and
paint section, wheel alignment and
balancing services, a stylish cafeteria,
car wash and WiFi services. “It is a one-stop
centre for everything. It is convenient and
practical to come here.”
Yong has vowed that her next car will
be another Honda, and the brand and
services rendered to her have captured
her heart.
The dealership offers many services, such
as a body and paint section, wheel
alignment and balancing, car wash, and
WiFi services.
Wing Hoon’s Favourite Dealer
Lot 792, Persiaran Subang Indah,
Taman Perindustrian Subang, 47610
UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor.
: 03-5635 8988 Fax: 03-5638 9248
with dreams
Dream Strea m
user’s voices
Ja zz It U p
Abdul Razak and his wife
were both born in 1972,
and are proud to show
The Honda Stream is perfect
for its spacious interior and
superb handling.
It was love at first sight
when the couple saw the
Honda Stream.
Yong Wing Hoon has owned her
Honda Jazz for three years.
Abdul Razak&
Hartini Zakaria
A match made in heaven, it seems. A
husband and wife love their Honda
Stream so much that they find it difficult
to part with. And even when they have
to buy another car, it will be another
Honda. The Stream was a perfect
choice as it offers practical features,
drop-dead gorgeous looks, a spacious
interior, seven seats and ample power.
But more importantly, it was the vehicle
of choice because of its established and
well-known brand name.
Abdul Razak Harun and Hartini
Zakaria, both 34, of Bukit Subang in
S h a h A l a m , fi r s t f e l l i n l o v e w i t h t h e
brand as young executives when the
former’s eldest brother bought a Honda
Civic back in 1997. “He has owned the
car ever since. It was then that I
decided to buy a Honda one day. And
when the time came for me to afford
one, I leapt at the chance. It had all the
conveniences for a family and for us –
with dreams
with three children – it was perfect,” he
adds. Handling and power is impressive
and with the children, aged between
one and six, the Stream is perfect for
those balik kampung drives to Baling in
Kedah, some 450 kilometres from Kuala
Lumpur. “ T h e v e h i c l e o ff e r s s t e a d y
highway cruising. It also feels stable at
highway speeds.”
Abdul Razak likes the fact that the
brand is established and that spare
parts are easy to come by. Maintenance
of the vehicle and the service centers
are convenient. He said Kosmo Kars,
the dealership where he sends his car
for servicing, is very professional in their
work. He added that the technicians
and mechanics there were professional
in troubleshooting problems relating to
the vehicle. “They have a good attitude
when facing customers,” he adds.
“The Stream is perfect for us. It is
comfortable, handling is good and
Husband and wife Abdul Razak Harun and
Hartini Zakaria with their Honda Stream.
smooth and the space is adequate. We
opted for the Stream for its sleek looks.
Anything bigger would have been a bit
too bulky and quite difficult for me to
handle,” says Hartini Zakaria, who is
also a fan of Kosmo Kars because it
offers many conveniences, like a
children’s play area, a reading room and
TV rooms. Given the choice, she aims to
purchase a Honda Jazz one day for its
ever more practical space and
Razak & Hartini’s Favourite Dealer
No 3, Jalan Pelukis U1/46, Temasya
Industrial Park, Glenmarie,
40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
: 03-5569 5259/2136 Fax:03-5569 5259/2136
Yong Wing Hoon
It was either a Honda Jazz or the latest
Civic. Both are Hondas, but still a choice
had to be made. Both look good, have a
reputation for superior quality and the
same established brand name. Power is
ample for both while sporty looks are
almost a given. But after much thought
and deliberation the choice was the
Jazz. It boasts the same I-VTEC
t e c h n o l o g y, h a s t h e u l t r a s e a t s f o r
convenience, is small enough for tight
and narrow roads but most importantly,
is a perfect city car.
Insurance agent Yong Wing Hoon, 29,
from Klang, is happy with her decision.
She has come to love her ‘little’ car as it
is more reliable than her last vehicle
that, more often than not, was at the
workshop. She services her car at USJ
C a r E x p r e s s S d n B h d i n Ta m a n
Perindustrian Subang. “It is only my
second time here. I like coming here
because parking is easy, it is surrounded
by a main business district and is
minutes away from all conveniences –
and for its courteous and warm service.”
“After I purchased my car, I took it to
them for a minor problem. They told me
they didn’t have stock for the part and
said they would call me. By the end of
the day, they called to bring my car in
for a replacement of the part. I find that
very efficient.”
She said the dealership also offered
many other services like a body and
paint section, wheel alignment and
balancing services, a stylish cafeteria,
car wash and WiFi services. “It is a one-stop
centre for everything. It is convenient and
practical to come here.”
Yong has vowed that her next car will
be another Honda, and the brand and
services rendered to her have captured
her heart.
The dealership offers many services, such
as a body and paint section, wheel
alignment and balancing, car wash, and
WiFi services.
Wing Hoon’s Favourite Dealer
Lot 792, Persiaran Subang Indah,
Taman Perindustrian Subang, 47610
UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor.
: 03-5635 8988 Fax: 03-5638 9248
with dreams
Honda VTEC – a “dream engine” and a
completely new driving experience for
motoring enthusiasts around the globe.
The VTEC technology drew considerable praise as
the world’s first valve mechanism, capable of
simultaneously changing the valve timing and lift on
the intake and exhaust sides.
Honda’s ground-breaking VTEC system
is a creative solution to an old dilemma.
“Find a new technology to lead the
next generation of Honda engines,”
was the directive issued by the top
management at Honda R&D.
Ikuo Kajitani, who was employed in the
First Design Department at Honda’s
Tochigi R&D Centre, was involved in the
development of these engines. Through
his experience in engine design, Kajitani
had become convinced that Honda’s
next engine should offer a mechanism
that could alter the timing of the valves.
As with your lungs, engines breathe
air. While exercising or during heavy
physical activity you need more air in
your lungs, and an engine is much the
same. The problem is that the valves in
an engine that control the volume of air
mechanically, and are fixed.
A possibility was identified through
the study of a new valve mechanism
that altered valve operation at both high
and low engine speeds that could be a
solution to higher engine efficiency. As a
core technology for Honda’s proposed
new line of engines, the mechanism
underwent a program of study and
refinement under the careful supervision
of Honda’s research staff. And eventually
the mechanism evolved into Honda’s
V T E C ( Va r i a b l e Va l v e T i m i n g & L i f t
Electronic Control System) engine.
Kajitani was excited about the new
with dreams
opportunity. He knew that working on
VTEC technology would play a major
role in the creation of future powerplant
designs, but he thought the targets set
were too low. As if reading Kajitani’s
mind, Nobuhiko Kawamoto, then
president of Honda R&D, made a
thoughtful suggestion: “Why don't you
raise your target to 100 horsepower per
litre?” he asked. It had always been
thought that a normally aspirated
engine could not be made to produce
100 horsepower per litre. But Kajitani
could see in Kawamoto the passionate
v i s i o n o f a n e n g i n e e r, a n d h e f e l t
i n s p i re d b y s u c h a s t r a i g h t f o r w a rd
proposal. Of course, he knew it would
mean 160 horsepower from only 1.6
l i t re s . “ I t f e l t l i k e a d re a m , ” K a j i t a n i
recalled. “Conventional engines in those
days could only produce 70 or 80
horsepower per litre. But here we were,
being asked to increase it all the way to
100 horses. It wasn’t going to be easy.”
I n a d d i t i o n t o a s i g n i fi c a n t
responsibility for product reliability, the
team had special expectations
regarding the VTEC engine. Said
Kajitani, “We all shared the determination
to apply these technologies to every
Honda model.” The team’s view was
that VTEC technology should be
a d a p t e d t o H o n d a ’s f u t u r e m o d e l
developments. As such, the initial
s p e c i fi c a t i o n w o u l d h a v e t o m e e t
customer expectations.Honda’s new
Integra, equipped with the DOHC/VTEC
engine, was introduced to the market in
April 1989. The VTEC technology drew
considerable praise as the world’s first
simultaneously changing the valve
timing and lift on the intake and exhaust
s i d e s . I n a d d i t i o n t o i t s i m p re s s i v e
output and high-revving energy, the
VTEC powerplant boasted superior
performance at the low end – including
a smooth idle and easy starting, and
improved fuel economy.
I tw a s
truly a “dream engine”– a completely
new driving experience for motoring
enthusiasts around the globe.
“Everyone of us had pledged to do his
utmost to create a world-class engine,”
Kajitani said. “We were confident that
variable valve-timing technology would
be the next big thing. After all, we had
development and testing because we
knew that only our very best effort
would establish this technology.” It
e v o l v e d i n t o t h e t h re e - s t a g e V T E C
engine introduced in 1995, which
demonstrated an even greater degree of
efficiency in output control, benefiting
Honda drivers by being even more
a t h l e t i c a n d e ffi c i e n t . A d re a m t h a t
offers the best of both worlds.
with dreams
Honda VTEC – a “dream engine” and a
completely new driving experience for
motoring enthusiasts around the globe.
The VTEC technology drew considerable praise as
the world’s first valve mechanism, capable of
simultaneously changing the valve timing and lift on
the intake and exhaust sides.
Honda’s ground-breaking VTEC system
is a creative solution to an old dilemma.
“Find a new technology to lead the
next generation of Honda engines,”
was the directive issued by the top
management at Honda R&D.
Ikuo Kajitani, who was employed in the
First Design Department at Honda’s
Tochigi R&D Centre, was involved in the
development of these engines. Through
his experience in engine design, Kajitani
had become convinced that Honda’s
next engine should offer a mechanism
that could alter the timing of the valves.
As with your lungs, engines breathe
air. While exercising or during heavy
physical activity you need more air in
your lungs, and an engine is much the
same. The problem is that the valves in
an engine that control the volume of air
mechanically, and are fixed.
A possibility was identified through
the study of a new valve mechanism
that altered valve operation at both high
and low engine speeds that could be a
solution to higher engine efficiency. As a
core technology for Honda’s proposed
new line of engines, the mechanism
underwent a program of study and
refinement under the careful supervision
of Honda’s research staff. And eventually
the mechanism evolved into Honda’s
V T E C ( Va r i a b l e Va l v e T i m i n g & L i f t
Electronic Control System) engine.
Kajitani was excited about the new
with dreams
opportunity. He knew that working on
VTEC technology would play a major
role in the creation of future powerplant
designs, but he thought the targets set
were too low. As if reading Kajitani’s
mind, Nobuhiko Kawamoto, then
president of Honda R&D, made a
thoughtful suggestion: “Why don't you
raise your target to 100 horsepower per
litre?” he asked. It had always been
thought that a normally aspirated
engine could not be made to produce
100 horsepower per litre. But Kajitani
could see in Kawamoto the passionate
v i s i o n o f a n e n g i n e e r, a n d h e f e l t
i n s p i re d b y s u c h a s t r a i g h t f o r w a rd
proposal. Of course, he knew it would
mean 160 horsepower from only 1.6
l i t re s . “ I t f e l t l i k e a d re a m , ” K a j i t a n i
recalled. “Conventional engines in those
days could only produce 70 or 80
horsepower per litre. But here we were,
being asked to increase it all the way to
100 horses. It wasn’t going to be easy.”
I n a d d i t i o n t o a s i g n i fi c a n t
responsibility for product reliability, the
team had special expectations
regarding the VTEC engine. Said
Kajitani, “We all shared the determination
to apply these technologies to every
Honda model.” The team’s view was
that VTEC technology should be
a d a p t e d t o H o n d a ’s f u t u r e m o d e l
developments. As such, the initial
s p e c i fi c a t i o n w o u l d h a v e t o m e e t
customer expectations.Honda’s new
Integra, equipped with the DOHC/VTEC
engine, was introduced to the market in
April 1989. The VTEC technology drew
considerable praise as the world’s first
simultaneously changing the valve
timing and lift on the intake and exhaust
s i d e s . I n a d d i t i o n t o i t s i m p re s s i v e
output and high-revving energy, the
VTEC powerplant boasted superior
performance at the low end – including
a smooth idle and easy starting, and
improved fuel economy.
I tw a s
truly a “dream engine”– a completely
new driving experience for motoring
enthusiasts around the globe.
“Everyone of us had pledged to do his
utmost to create a world-class engine,”
Kajitani said. “We were confident that
variable valve-timing technology would
be the next big thing. After all, we had
development and testing because we
knew that only our very best effort
would establish this technology.” It
e v o l v e d i n t o t h e t h re e - s t a g e V T E C
engine introduced in 1995, which
demonstrated an even greater degree of
efficiency in output control, benefiting
Honda drivers by being even more
a t h l e t i c a n d e ffi c i e n t . A d re a m t h a t
offers the best of both worlds.
with dreams
motor sports
Jenson Button took his Honda RA106 F1 car to victory in the 2006
Hungarian Grand Prix in August, taking both his and the Honda
Racing F1 Team’s first Formula One victory.
Formula One
The 26-year-old Englishman drove a
stunning race, charging through the field
from 14th place on the grid in changing
track conditions. Capping a fabulous
race for the team, Rubens Barrichello
came home in fourth place. After the
race Button was hardly able to contain
his excitement. “Wow! What a day! This
is such an amazing moment for me, and
one that I have worked my whole motor
racing career for. I always had faith that
we would achieve our objective together
and this victory is testimony to that
b e l i e f . T h e re a re s o m a n y p e o p l e t o
thank right now – everybody in the
t e a m , H o n d a M o t o r C o m p a n y, o u r
partners and, of course, all the fans. I
would also like to pay a very special
tribute to my family who helped me start
out on the path to victory. To win such a
tough and challenging race from 14th
place on the grid is incredible for me
and all the more important because I
know I won on merit today. No one can
dispute that today the Honda Racing F1
Team got everything right,” he said.
The win comes only one race after
Honda celebrated its 300th Formula
One race at the German Grand Prix.
Honda’s first race at the top level of
motor racing was also at the
German Grand Prix in 1964. At that time
legendary 22-kilometre Nüburgring
Nordschleife circuit – a baptism of fire
for the inexperienced but determined
team. Since that time, Honda has
achieved five Drivers’ Championships
and six Constructors’ Championships,
72 wins, 77 pole positions and 173
podiums. At 300 Grand Prix, Honda is
also one of the most established
manufacturers in F1 racing. It is this
enduring challenging spirit that is
t h e c o r n e r s t o n e o f H o n d a ’s r a c i n g
It was an especially important win,
because as was the case in their first
Grand Prix, Honda has been competing
i n t h i s s e a s o n a s a f u l l - fl e d g e d
manufacturer, rather than as an engine
supplier. Takeo Fukui – President and
CEO of Honda Motor Company – was in
Budapest to see the race, and said:
“We are absolutely delighted with this
victory today. We have been aiming for
victory from the first race of this year,
and to have finally reached our goal at
the 13th race of the season makes us
extremely happy. The drivers and all the
members of the team have worked very
hard and done a truly outstanding job.
To d a y w e s h a re w i t h a l l o u r f a n s t h e
thrill of victory. Tomorrow we will once
again be hard at work to achieve yet
more Formula One World Championship
wins. I would like to express my
gratitude to all our fans for their
continuing support. Thank you.”
Honda views its participation at the
forefront of competition as the ultimate
proving ground for its high-tech
products. It’s a deep-seated philosophy
that dates back to the mid-1950s, when
company founder Soichiro Honda
announced his decision to enter the
famous Isle of Man TT race. He believed
the challenge of competing against the
world’s best would enhance Honda’s
technology and engineering skills, while
giving it the opportunity to demonstrate
its capabilities to the world.
Those capabilities were amply
demonstrated on 6 August in Hungary,
and we are likely to see more in the
future. “There are hardly words to
describe this moment. It is an historic
day for Honda and the most incredible
occasion for the whole team, its
associates and fans all over the world.
Everyone has worked so hard for so
l o n g t o s a v o u r t h e t a s t e o f v i c t o r y.
Jenson has remained positive, as has
the whole team, and I am immensely
proud of everyone today, especially as
t h e C E O o f H o n d a M o t o r C o m p a n y,
Takeo Fukui, was here in Hungary to
receive the trophy on our behalf. Now
that we have reached this important
milestone, we know we have what it
takes to go on and do it again and
again,” said Nick Fry, Chief Executive
Officer of the Honda Racing F1 Team.
Hungarian GP 2006
with dreams
with dreams
motor sports
Jenson Button took his Honda RA106 F1 car to victory in the 2006
Hungarian Grand Prix in August, taking both his and the Honda
Racing F1 Team’s first Formula One victory.
Formula One
The 26-year-old Englishman drove a
stunning race, charging through the field
from 14th place on the grid in changing
track conditions. Capping a fabulous
race for the team, Rubens Barrichello
came home in fourth place. After the
race Button was hardly able to contain
his excitement. “Wow! What a day! This
is such an amazing moment for me, and
one that I have worked my whole motor
racing career for. I always had faith that
we would achieve our objective together
and this victory is testimony to that
b e l i e f . T h e re a re s o m a n y p e o p l e t o
thank right now – everybody in the
t e a m , H o n d a M o t o r C o m p a n y, o u r
partners and, of course, all the fans. I
would also like to pay a very special
tribute to my family who helped me start
out on the path to victory. To win such a
tough and challenging race from 14th
place on the grid is incredible for me
and all the more important because I
know I won on merit today. No one can
dispute that today the Honda Racing F1
Team got everything right,” he said.
The win comes only one race after
Honda celebrated its 300th Formula
One race at the German Grand Prix.
Honda’s first race at the top level of
motor racing was also at the
German Grand Prix in 1964. At that time
legendary 22-kilometre Nüburgring
Nordschleife circuit – a baptism of fire
for the inexperienced but determined
team. Since that time, Honda has
achieved five Drivers’ Championships
and six Constructors’ Championships,
72 wins, 77 pole positions and 173
podiums. At 300 Grand Prix, Honda is
also one of the most established
manufacturers in F1 racing. It is this
enduring challenging spirit that is
t h e c o r n e r s t o n e o f H o n d a ’s r a c i n g
It was an especially important win,
because as was the case in their first
Grand Prix, Honda has been competing
i n t h i s s e a s o n a s a f u l l - fl e d g e d
manufacturer, rather than as an engine
supplier. Takeo Fukui – President and
CEO of Honda Motor Company – was in
Budapest to see the race, and said:
“We are absolutely delighted with this
victory today. We have been aiming for
victory from the first race of this year,
and to have finally reached our goal at
the 13th race of the season makes us
extremely happy. The drivers and all the
members of the team have worked very
hard and done a truly outstanding job.
To d a y w e s h a re w i t h a l l o u r f a n s t h e
thrill of victory. Tomorrow we will once
again be hard at work to achieve yet
more Formula One World Championship
wins. I would like to express my
gratitude to all our fans for their
continuing support. Thank you.”
Honda views its participation at the
forefront of competition as the ultimate
proving ground for its high-tech
products. It’s a deep-seated philosophy
that dates back to the mid-1950s, when
company founder Soichiro Honda
announced his decision to enter the
famous Isle of Man TT race. He believed
the challenge of competing against the
world’s best would enhance Honda’s
technology and engineering skills, while
giving it the opportunity to demonstrate
its capabilities to the world.
Those capabilities were amply
demonstrated on 6 August in Hungary,
and we are likely to see more in the
future. “There are hardly words to
describe this moment. It is an historic
day for Honda and the most incredible
occasion for the whole team, its
associates and fans all over the world.
Everyone has worked so hard for so
l o n g t o s a v o u r t h e t a s t e o f v i c t o r y.
Jenson has remained positive, as has
the whole team, and I am immensely
proud of everyone today, especially as
t h e C E O o f H o n d a M o t o r C o m p a n y,
Takeo Fukui, was here in Hungary to
receive the trophy on our behalf. Now
that we have reached this important
milestone, we know we have what it
takes to go on and do it again and
again,” said Nick Fry, Chief Executive
Officer of the Honda Racing F1 Team.
Hungarian GP 2006
with dreams
with dreams
product history
Honda first introduced the Accord at a time when buyers
wanted efficiency as well as luxury. The same holds true today.
In October 1973 war in the Middle
East broke out, sending the world’s
crude oil prices to a level four times
h i g h e r t h a n p re v i o u s l y s e e n . T h e
result was an oil crisis that caused
significant confusion to the global
At the time the world’s automakers were
focusing on larger, more luxuriouslooking and more powerful vehicles:
cars that appeared to glorify the exces16
with dreams
sive use of resources, as if doing so
could be easily justified. But the tide
had already been turning. Regulations
concer ning auto emissions became
much stricter in 1970, and with the U.S.
government’s passing of the U.S. Clean
Air Act, Japan immediately followed suit,
moving to tighten its own regulations.
The oil crisis and new emissions regulations also brought about a shift in the
passenger-car market, reflecting an
emerging consumer trend, in which car
buyers were no longer satisfied to own
cars that eschewed any degree of
functionality in favor of outright size and
luxury. Instead, they wanted cleaner,
more economical family cars that
offered greater fuel-efficiency.
In 1974 Hiroshi Kizawa, a chief
research engineer at Honda R&D,
received an official order from the Board
of Directors at Honda R&D to develop a
car one class above the Civic; a model
that would be the logical step for Civic
owners wanting to upgrade. A project to
develop an upscale version of the Civic
development manager. In the hope of
enhancing its product development,
Honda had earnestly begun the
implementation of a joint project team
c o m p r i s i n g p e r s o n n e l f ro m v a r i o u s
departments in the areas of sales
( S a l e s ) , p ro d u c t i o n a n d p ro d u c t i o n
engineering (Engineering) and product
development (Development). An original
system of product development, the
SED system, emerged from a speech
given by Kiyoshi Kawashima on the
occasion of his appointment as
president of Honda R&D, in which he
asked the company’s board to “think of
ways we can work effectively so that
100 ordinary persons can produce
achievements on the level of one genius,
Soichiro Honda.” Its purpose was to
allow the team members to discuss
matters from the standpoint of their
respective positions and experience,
and to integrate all three aspects into
concentrating on creating a car that felt
good to drive in every respect,” Kizawa
recalled. In those days, air conditioners
were commonly known in Japan as
“coolers,” a term that generally referred
suspended from the instrument panel,
separate from the heater.
H o w e v e r, b y i n t e g r a t i n g t h e a i r
conditioner with the instrument panel,
subtle temperature adjustments for
heating and cooling would become
possible. This integrated air conditioner
offering a full range of functions was the
first of its kind for a car of this class.
As for power steering, which was still
limited to large, luxury cars, the team
studied its use following a comment by
Soichiro Honda during a visit to Wako
R&D Center that the steering felt
“I was doubtful whether we should use
p o w e r s t e e r i n g i n a s m a l l c a r, ” s a i d
Kizawa. “But when I actually drove a car
fitted with it, I was very impressed with
(front-engine, front-wheel drive) car with a
heavy front end, the power steering
d e fi n i t e l y i m p r o v e d h a n d l i n g . S o ,
following the test drive I was convinced
that power steering was an absolute
“Accord” – an English word meaning
“harmony and agreement.” It fully
represented the concept of this new car.
Moreover, it made an original statement,
aspiring to please the driver and
passengers while fostering a new state
of harmony between car and society.
The first Accord model with a novel
t h re e - d o o r h a t c h b a c k d e s i g n h i t t h e
Japanese market in May 1976. At an
invitation test-drive held in Hakone,
automotive journalists raved about virtually
e v e r y a s p e c t o f t h e c a r, f ro m d e s i g n ,
interior comfort and user-friendliness to its
ride comfort and quiet operation. The
Accord’s fundamental concept, too, found
immediate acceptance in the market.
Immediately upon its release, the Accord
was very well received in Japan and
overseas. A new benchmark had been set
for the auto industry in Japan, and
consequently, more compact car lines
began offering the power steering, air
conditioner and other creature comforts
made popular by the Accord.The car’s
stunning popularity was boosted even
further with the introduction of the
four-door sedan introduced in October
The second-generation Accord family
introduced in September 1981
incorporated model changes reflecting
Honda’s shift in emphasis toward the
four-door sedan. This was because the
first-generation four-door model had,
upon its market introduction, received
high marks comparable to those of the
preceding three-door model.
The third-generation Accord was
introduced in 1985, and here, the new
three-door Aerodeck with extended
roofline was added for sale in Japan and
Europe, rather than the familiar
three-door hatchback.
The fourth-generation, released in
1989 saw a further expansion in the
model line, with the Accord Inspire, Vigor,
a n d A s c o t d e b u t i n g t o g e t h e r. T h e
expanded variations were in line with
increasingly diverse and sophisticated
market needs.
The fifth-generation Accord of 1993
grew in stature as well as beauty, with
sleek lines reminiscent of the sporty
Honda Prelude coupe. It was available
in four body types around the world, and
garnered awards such as Japan Car
of the Year in 1993 and 1994, and U.S.
Imported Car of the Year amongst others.
The birth of the sixth-generation
Accord family was celebrated in
September 1997 via the simultaneous
launch of local-specification Accord
models designed exclusively for Japan,
the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Oceania.
T h e s e v e n t h - g e n e r a t i o n A c c o rd
represents a continual evolution of the
p h i l o s o p h y o f t h e fi r s t . W i t h h i g h o i l
prices and world affairs in a similar state
to those in the 1970s when the Accord
was first launched, harmony between
the driver and the surrounding world is
an ideal philosophy.
of Accord
First released with a low-emissions, high-mileage
spec to respond to energy crises and emissions
regulations, the original Accord fulfilled demands
for “Space, Driving Comfort and Style.” Originally
released as a 1600 Hatchback version, with the
four-door saloon added in 1977.
Aiming for the peak of quality for compact car, the
m e c h a n i c s , e x t e r i o r, i n t e r i o r a n d fi n i s h a l l
represented a concentration on quality.
Developed with a stylish aeroshape and a
spacious interior, to give a sporty impression from
any angle, creating a new sense of value.
Amid much discussion of the requirements for a
small sedan during the 1990s, Honda takes a close
look at the basic functions of a car and redevelops
the Accord into a sedan that prioritizes humans.
Proposes a new relationship between people and
society incorporating everything that could be
required of a next-generation sedan: world-class
safety standards, low emissions, environmental
considerations and driving enjoyment.
Development of a flexible platform that can be
used throughout the world as the basis of models
meeting regional needs, offering cutting-edge
sedan and wagon versions with improved driving,
s a f e t y a n d e n v i ro n m e n t a l p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e
Accord Euro-R is introduced in 2000.
Building on the strengths of the previous
generations, the Accord continues to offer
equipment levels and spaciousness, along with the
values that brought about the introduction of the
Accord in 1976.
with dreams
product history
Honda first introduced the Accord at a time when buyers
wanted efficiency as well as luxury. The same holds true today.
In October 1973 war in the Middle
East broke out, sending the world’s
crude oil prices to a level four times
h i g h e r t h a n p re v i o u s l y s e e n . T h e
result was an oil crisis that caused
significant confusion to the global
At the time the world’s automakers were
focusing on larger, more luxuriouslooking and more powerful vehicles:
cars that appeared to glorify the exces16
with dreams
sive use of resources, as if doing so
could be easily justified. But the tide
had already been turning. Regulations
concer ning auto emissions became
much stricter in 1970, and with the U.S.
government’s passing of the U.S. Clean
Air Act, Japan immediately followed suit,
moving to tighten its own regulations.
The oil crisis and new emissions regulations also brought about a shift in the
passenger-car market, reflecting an
emerging consumer trend, in which car
buyers were no longer satisfied to own
cars that eschewed any degree of
functionality in favor of outright size and
luxury. Instead, they wanted cleaner,
more economical family cars that
offered greater fuel-efficiency.
In 1974 Hiroshi Kizawa, a chief
research engineer at Honda R&D,
received an official order from the Board
of Directors at Honda R&D to develop a
car one class above the Civic; a model
that would be the logical step for Civic
owners wanting to upgrade. A project to
develop an upscale version of the Civic
development manager. In the hope of
enhancing its product development,
Honda had earnestly begun the
implementation of a joint project team
c o m p r i s i n g p e r s o n n e l f ro m v a r i o u s
departments in the areas of sales
( S a l e s ) , p ro d u c t i o n a n d p ro d u c t i o n
engineering (Engineering) and product
development (Development). An original
system of product development, the
SED system, emerged from a speech
given by Kiyoshi Kawashima on the
occasion of his appointment as
president of Honda R&D, in which he
asked the company’s board to “think of
ways we can work effectively so that
100 ordinary persons can produce
achievements on the level of one genius,
Soichiro Honda.” Its purpose was to
allow the team members to discuss
matters from the standpoint of their
respective positions and experience,
and to integrate all three aspects into
concentrating on creating a car that felt
good to drive in every respect,” Kizawa
recalled. In those days, air conditioners
were commonly known in Japan as
“coolers,” a term that generally referred
suspended from the instrument panel,
separate from the heater.
H o w e v e r, b y i n t e g r a t i n g t h e a i r
conditioner with the instrument panel,
subtle temperature adjustments for
heating and cooling would become
possible. This integrated air conditioner
offering a full range of functions was the
first of its kind for a car of this class.
As for power steering, which was still
limited to large, luxury cars, the team
studied its use following a comment by
Soichiro Honda during a visit to Wako
R&D Center that the steering felt
“I was doubtful whether we should use
p o w e r s t e e r i n g i n a s m a l l c a r, ” s a i d
Kizawa. “But when I actually drove a car
fitted with it, I was very impressed with
(front-engine, front-wheel drive) car with a
heavy front end, the power steering
d e fi n i t e l y i m p r o v e d h a n d l i n g . S o ,
following the test drive I was convinced
that power steering was an absolute
“Accord” – an English word meaning
“harmony and agreement.” It fully
represented the concept of this new car.
Moreover, it made an original statement,
aspiring to please the driver and
passengers while fostering a new state
of harmony between car and society.
The first Accord model with a novel
t h re e - d o o r h a t c h b a c k d e s i g n h i t t h e
Japanese market in May 1976. At an
invitation test-drive held in Hakone,
automotive journalists raved about virtually
e v e r y a s p e c t o f t h e c a r, f ro m d e s i g n ,
interior comfort and user-friendliness to its
ride comfort and quiet operation. The
Accord’s fundamental concept, too, found
immediate acceptance in the market.
Immediately upon its release, the Accord
was very well received in Japan and
overseas. A new benchmark had been set
for the auto industry in Japan, and
consequently, more compact car lines
began offering the power steering, air
conditioner and other creature comforts
made popular by the Accord.The car’s
stunning popularity was boosted even
further with the introduction of the
four-door sedan introduced in October
The second-generation Accord family
introduced in September 1981
incorporated model changes reflecting
Honda’s shift in emphasis toward the
four-door sedan. This was because the
first-generation four-door model had,
upon its market introduction, received
high marks comparable to those of the
preceding three-door model.
The third-generation Accord was
introduced in 1985, and here, the new
three-door Aerodeck with extended
roofline was added for sale in Japan and
Europe, rather than the familiar
three-door hatchback.
The fourth-generation, released in
1989 saw a further expansion in the
model line, with the Accord Inspire, Vigor,
a n d A s c o t d e b u t i n g t o g e t h e r. T h e
expanded variations were in line with
increasingly diverse and sophisticated
market needs.
The fifth-generation Accord of 1993
grew in stature as well as beauty, with
sleek lines reminiscent of the sporty
Honda Prelude coupe. It was available
in four body types around the world, and
garnered awards such as Japan Car
of the Year in 1993 and 1994, and U.S.
Imported Car of the Year amongst others.
The birth of the sixth-generation
Accord family was celebrated in
September 1997 via the simultaneous
launch of local-specification Accord
models designed exclusively for Japan,
the Americas, Europe, and Asia/Oceania.
T h e s e v e n t h - g e n e r a t i o n A c c o rd
represents a continual evolution of the
p h i l o s o p h y o f t h e fi r s t . W i t h h i g h o i l
prices and world affairs in a similar state
to those in the 1970s when the Accord
was first launched, harmony between
the driver and the surrounding world is
an ideal philosophy.
of Accord
First released with a low-emissions, high-mileage
spec to respond to energy crises and emissions
regulations, the original Accord fulfilled demands
for “Space, Driving Comfort and Style.” Originally
released as a 1600 Hatchback version, with the
four-door saloon added in 1977.
Aiming for the peak of quality for compact car, the
m e c h a n i c s , e x t e r i o r, i n t e r i o r a n d fi n i s h a l l
represented a concentration on quality.
Developed with a stylish aeroshape and a
spacious interior, to give a sporty impression from
any angle, creating a new sense of value.
Amid much discussion of the requirements for a
small sedan during the 1990s, Honda takes a close
look at the basic functions of a car and redevelops
the Accord into a sedan that prioritizes humans.
Proposes a new relationship between people and
society incorporating everything that could be
required of a next-generation sedan: world-class
safety standards, low emissions, environmental
considerations and driving enjoyment.
Development of a flexible platform that can be
used throughout the world as the basis of models
meeting regional needs, offering cutting-edge
sedan and wagon versions with improved driving,
s a f e t y a n d e n v i ro n m e n t a l p e r f o r m a n c e . T h e
Accord Euro-R is introduced in 2000.
Building on the strengths of the previous
generations, the Accord continues to offer
equipment levels and spaciousness, along with the
values that brought about the introduction of the
Accord in 1976.
with dreams
what’s on Honda
Angkasa Motor Sdn Bhd
Imavest Sdn Bhd
Sri Utama Auto Sdn Bhd
Noblekey (M) Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Roda BB Motor Sdn Bhd
Civic Named Car of the Year
Honda Tech Challenge Champ!
Beating several other impressive rivals vying for the same
title, an eighth generation offering from Honda was the big
winner in not just one but two Autocar Asean Car of the Year
Awards 2005/2006.
The Honda Civic 2.0S took home the title Overall Winner
for Car of the Year 2005/2006, and also came out on top in
the Midsize Sedan / Hatchback category. Owners of this
increasingly popular car are already singing its praises, and
now the critics are joining the chorus.
“The Civic fulfils every requirement of a practical family
saloon, but also has the desirability and cool factor
synonymous with the brand,” wrote Denis Wong, Editor of
Autocar Asean.
Judges looked at styling, utility, safety,
features, build quality, handling, performance
and value for money, among other criteria.
It’s a tough list for any brand, but since
the annual awards started three years
ago Honda has won Car of the Year
twice. Now that’s a solid record.
After 150 gruelling competition minutes that included a shop
floor diagnosis and parts replacement followed by five tough
workbench tasks, top marks went to an East Malaysian.
Vernon Timothy Jubang, of Jimisar Corporation Sdn Bhd
in Kuching, Sarawak, beat out 10 finalists from an initial pool
of 91 contestants. According to Managing Director and CEO
of Honda Malaysia Sdn Bhd Mr. Yasuhide Mizuno, the
competition is good news for Honda owners.
“To improve customer satisfaction, we need to first
improve the quality of servicing,” said Mizuno. “The contest
h a s s h o w n H o n d a M a l a y s i a ’s s t r o n g c o m m i t m e n t i n
emphasizing the importance of high quality after-sale service
for customer satisfaction among all Honda dealers.”
Jubang rode away with a special-edition
Honda “Tech Challenge” motorcycle, and will
go on to represent Honda Malaysia at the
international level in the Asia Oceania
Technicians Contest.
New Era Sales (M) Sdn. Bhd
Weststar Auto Sdn Bhd
Peringgit Sri Motor Sdn Bhd
Wegro Sdn Bhd
The Millennium Auto & Carriage Sdn Bhd
MH Prestige Auto Sdn Bhd
558, Batu 3 , Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur.
No. 52, Jalan Memanda 9, Ampang Point, 68000 Selangor.
No. 11 & 12, Lot 378, Jalan Ulu Kelang, 68000 Ampang, Selangor.
No. 21-22, Jalan Usahawan 5, Setapak Industrial Area, off Jalan Genting Kelang, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
Wisma W Shalihudin 1, No. 5, Jalan Perusahaan Kiri, Kawasan Perusahaan Ringan Setapak, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
32D-1, Block B, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur.
Wisma Kah Motor, 339, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur.
No.99, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Park, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.
193 & 195, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Lot 7576-B, Batu 4 , Jalan Kelang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.
109, Jalan Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
68, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
111 - A, Jalan Ulu Klang, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.
No. 171, Batu 3 , Jln Kelang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.
Lot 4523(D), Batu 4 , Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
2007, Wisma Mofaz, Jalan Damansara, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
18, Persiaran Dagang, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kepong 52200 Kuala Lumpur.
03-6257 0608
03-6257 2915
03-4252 8061
03-4252 8264
03-4251 3883
03-4257 3883
03-4024 2266
03-4024 9320
03-4021 2104
03-4025 5116
03-9221 0000
03-9221 1009
03-2698 3358
03-2692 9251
03-2282 5585
03-2282 5248
03-2142 5088
03-2141 7125
03-7983 3230
03-7983 2985
03-2032 2266
03-2031 8989
03-2031 5151
03-2031 2008
03-4251 6151
03-4257 6813
03-7980 0000
03-7981 9482
03-9130 2288
03-9131 6611
03-7728 8866
03-7728 4180
03-6277 5548
03-6277 5469
Lot 21449, Jalan Persiaran Bukit Raja, Bandar Baru Klang, 41150 Klang, Selangor.
8 & 9, Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
No.24, Jalan Serindit 2, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
31, 33 & 35, Jalan Batu Tiga, 41300 Klang, Selangor.
Lot 71 & 72, Jalan Batu 3, 41300 Klang, Selangor.
76B, Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Lot 8229, Jalan 222, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
59, Jalan USJ 10/1, Taipan Triangle, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Lot 792, Persiaran Indah, Taman Perindustrian Subang, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
No.3, Jalan Pelukis, U1/46, Sec. U1, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
17 & 19, Ground Floor, Block 2, Worldwide Business Park, Jalan Tinju 13/50, 40675 Shah Alam, Selangor.
2, Jalan Saujana Indah 5, Taman Saujana Indah, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
No. 2, 3, 4 & 5, Ground Floor, Jalan SR 1/9, Sek 9, Serdang Raya, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
03-3345 2020
03-3343 2298
03-8075 5616
03-8075 3640
03-5882 9200
03-5882 6682
03-3342 0272
03-3342 1682
03-3343 0654
03-3342 5703
03-7960 2828
03-7955 3773
03-7957 6611
03-7957 8718
03-5636 1100
03-5635 7372
03-5635 8988
03-5638 9248
03-5569 5259
03-5569 9836
03-5510 0099
03-5513 0099
03-7845 8837
03-7845 8836
03-8945 9508
03-8945 8953
12 MBAS 1066, Jalan Teluk Wanjah, 05200 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.
Lot 51, 16C-9, Jalan 4/5 Miel, Fasa 1, Kawasan Perusahaan Bakar Arang, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman.
357 & 358, Jalan Petaling 10, 09000 Kulim, Kedah Darul Aman.
Lot 964, Jalan Padang Matsirat, Kampung Yooi, Mukim Bohor, 07100 Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman.
04-7311 766
03-7326 313
04-4210 116
04-4229 119
04-4959 595
04-4909 595
04-9557 002
04-9559 007
25-B, Lebuh Farquhar, 10200 Penang.
124-A, Lengkok Sg. Pinang, 10150 Penang.
1-1-8, Krystal Point 2, Jalan Tun. Dr. Awang, 11900 Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang.
Lot 63, Pesara Kg. Jawa, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas, 11900 Pulau Pinang.
17, Jalan Chain Ferry, 13700 Prai, Seberang Prai Tengah, Penang.
Lot 79, Jalan Bagan Jermal, 12300 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang.
04-2638 244
04-2637 152
04-2815 100
04-2815 409
04-6441 111
04-6442 121
04-6440 000
04-6442 323
04-3905 313
04-3992 139
04-3244 166
04-3333 946
14-20, Jalan Kampar, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
Lot 31216A, Jalan Mariamman Lane 2, off Sungei Pari Road, 30200 Ipoh, Perak.
4, Jalan Charleton, off Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 30100 Ipoh, Perak.
Lot 4572, Jalan Kampong Sitiawan, 32000 Sitiawan, Perak.
Lot 10853, Batu 2 , Jalan Simpang, 34000 Taiping, Perak.
05-2413 433
05-2552 320
05-2532 001
05-2552 320
05-5273 500
05-5273 575
05-6920 028
05-6920 828
05-8483 888
05-8483 266
5488, Jalan Sultanah Zainab, 15050 Kota Bahru, Kelantan.
09-7445 893
09-7484 593
686, Jalan Sultan Mohamad, (Gong Kapas) 21100 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
25-D, Jalan Bukit Kecil, 21100 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
09-6221 796
09-6233 796
09-6221 996
09-6229 396
C311 & C312, Jalan Kuantan, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
H31-32, Taman Muhibbah, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
A57-A59-A61, Jalan Teluk Sisek, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang.
09-2963 308
09-2965 613
09-2961 991
09-2961 991
09-5177 235
09-5178 940
8,10,12 & 14, Jalan Yam Tuan (Paul Street), 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
No. 54, Senawang Light Industries Estate, 70450 Senawang, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
125A & 125B, Jalan Senawang, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
06-7611 120
06-7636 599
06-6772 858
06-6772 735
06-6786 760
06-6786 764
Lot 1783, Jalan Semabok, 75050 Melaka.
06-2833 988
06-2840 200
12-A, Jalan Buloh Kasap, 85000 Segamat, Johor.
No. 1, 2 & 3, Jalan Emas, Taman Kluang Jaya, 86000 Kluang, Johor.
50, 52 & 54, Jalan Kundang 2, Taman Bukit Pasir, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor.
315, Batu 1 , Jalan Bakri, 84000 Muar, Johor.
241, Batu 4 , Jalan Skudai, 81200 Tampoi, Johor Bahru, Johor.
No. 1-H, Jalan Bunga Ros, Majidee Baru, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
07-9313 822
07-9310 986
07-7730 924
07-7739 200
07-4327 890
07-4314 202
06-9522 855
06-9527 669
07-2351 717
07-2329 993
07-3321 888
07-3338 070
62A, Mile 5 , Jalan Tuaran, 88805 Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
088-421 770
088-421 719
Lot 7797, Block 16, KLCD, Jalan Tun Jugah, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak.
55, Krokop Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak.
082-459 322
082-452 322
085-436 746
085-418 876
2KM, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87020 Labuan, FT.
087-412 282
087-416 808
Actmar Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Nanyang General Enterprises Sdn Bhd
Sumber Auto Edaran Sdn Bhd
Tenaga Setia Resources Sdn Bhd
USJ Car Express Sdn Bhd
Kosmo Kars Sdn Bhd
Shared Auto Cars Sdn Bhd
Global Amity Sdn Bhd
Lee Motors Alor Setar (Car Div) Sdn Bhd
Lee Motors Alor Setar (Car Div) Sdn Bhd
Magna Speed Sdn. Bhd
Yooi Cars Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Vivahill Auto Sdn Bhd
Motoria Sdn Bhd
Formula Venture Sdn Bhd
Flying High
Ban Hoe Seng Sdn Bhd
Honda is set to take off – literally.
Honda Aircraft Company, Inc. was established
in August 2006, for the development, production
a n d s a l e s o f H o n d a J e t , a n d w i l l p u r s u e FA A t y p e
certification and production certification in the US. Honda
A i rc r a f t C o m p a n y ' s g o a l i s t o c o m p l e t e c e r t i fi c a t i o n o f
HondaJet in three to four years, followed by the start of
production and delivery of the first plane in 2010.
Boasting a number of innovations including a patented
over-the-wing engine-mount configuration, a natural-laminar
fl o w ( N L F ) w i n g a n d f u s e l a g e n o s e , a n d a n a d v a n c e d
all-composite fuselage structure, the experimental HondaJet is
an advanced, lightweight, compact business jet that features
far better fuel efficiency, more available space in the fuselage
and higher cruise speed than conventional aircraft in its class.
The HondaJet is powered by two GE-Honda HF-118 engines
and carries up to seven passengers including one or two
crewmembers. “This public world debut of the HondaJet
represents the continued advancement of Honda's
long-standing dream of aviation,” said Michimasa Fujino,
HondaJet project leader and vice president of Honda R&D
Americas, Inc., at its debut on July 28, 2005. “We are pleased
and excited to be able to share this dream and our technology
with the aviation community.”
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Sendi Auto Sdn Bhd
Delima Kinta Sdn Bhd
Ban Chu Bee Sdn Bhd
Syarikat Tan Eng Ann Sdn Bhd
Chuan Thye Motor Sdn Bhd
Chuan Thye Auto Services Sdn Bhd
Honhin Auto Credit Sdn Bhd
Ban Lee Heng Motor Sdn Bhd
Wanija Classic (M) Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Haslita Motor Sdn Bhd
Iptimas Motor Sdn Bhd
K.M. Lim Motor Sdn Bhd
Syarikat Motor GS Tay Sdn Bhd
Yong Ming Motor Sdn Bhd
Sri Sutera Auto Sdn Bhd
Fujino also defined Honda’s goal to
deliver three key attributes –
performance, quality and comfort –
beyond what people currently expect
from light business jets.
Boon Siew (Borneo) Sdn Bhd
Jimisar Corporation Sdn Bhd
Heng Ho Hing Co. Sdn Bhd
Premier Motor
with dream
what’s on Honda
Angkasa Motor Sdn Bhd
Imavest Sdn Bhd
Sri Utama Auto Sdn Bhd
Noblekey (M) Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Roda BB Motor Sdn Bhd
Civic Named Car of the Year
Honda Tech Challenge Champ!
Beating several other impressive rivals vying for the same
title, an eighth generation offering from Honda was the big
winner in not just one but two Autocar Asean Car of the Year
Awards 2005/2006.
The Honda Civic 2.0S took home the title Overall Winner
for Car of the Year 2005/2006, and also came out on top in
the Midsize Sedan / Hatchback category. Owners of this
increasingly popular car are already singing its praises, and
now the critics are joining the chorus.
“The Civic fulfils every requirement of a practical family
saloon, but also has the desirability and cool factor
synonymous with the brand,” wrote Denis Wong, Editor of
Autocar Asean.
Judges looked at styling, utility, safety,
features, build quality, handling, performance
and value for money, among other criteria.
It’s a tough list for any brand, but since
the annual awards started three years
ago Honda has won Car of the Year
twice. Now that’s a solid record.
After 150 gruelling competition minutes that included a shop
floor diagnosis and parts replacement followed by five tough
workbench tasks, top marks went to an East Malaysian.
Vernon Timothy Jubang, of Jimisar Corporation Sdn Bhd
in Kuching, Sarawak, beat out 10 finalists from an initial pool
of 91 contestants. According to Managing Director and CEO
of Honda Malaysia Sdn Bhd Mr. Yasuhide Mizuno, the
competition is good news for Honda owners.
“To improve customer satisfaction, we need to first
improve the quality of servicing,” said Mizuno. “The contest
h a s s h o w n H o n d a M a l a y s i a ’s s t r o n g c o m m i t m e n t i n
emphasizing the importance of high quality after-sale service
for customer satisfaction among all Honda dealers.”
Jubang rode away with a special-edition
Honda “Tech Challenge” motorcycle, and will
go on to represent Honda Malaysia at the
international level in the Asia Oceania
Technicians Contest.
New Era Sales (M) Sdn. Bhd
Weststar Auto Sdn Bhd
Peringgit Sri Motor Sdn Bhd
Wegro Sdn Bhd
The Millennium Auto & Carriage Sdn Bhd
MH Prestige Auto Sdn Bhd
558, Batu 3 , Jalan Ipoh, 51200 Kuala Lumpur.
No. 52, Jalan Memanda 9, Ampang Point, 68000 Selangor.
No. 11 & 12, Lot 378, Jalan Ulu Kelang, 68000 Ampang, Selangor.
No. 21-22, Jalan Usahawan 5, Setapak Industrial Area, off Jalan Genting Kelang, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
Wisma W Shalihudin 1, No. 5, Jalan Perusahaan Kiri, Kawasan Perusahaan Ringan Setapak, 53200 Kuala Lumpur.
32D-1, Block B, Jalan Chan Sow Lin, 55200 Kuala Lumpur.
Wisma Kah Motor, 339, Jalan Tuanku Abdul Rahman, 50100 Kuala Lumpur.
No.99, Jalan Maarof, Bangsar Park, 59000 Kuala Lumpur.
193 & 195, Jalan Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
Lot 7576-B, Batu 4 , Jalan Kelang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.
109, Jalan Pudu, 55100 Kuala Lumpur.
68, Jalan Ampang, 50450 Kuala Lumpur.
111 - A, Jalan Ulu Klang, 68000 Ampang, Kuala Lumpur.
No. 171, Batu 3 , Jln Kelang Lama, 58000 Kuala Lumpur.
Lot 4523(D), Batu 4 , Jalan Cheras, 56100 Kuala Lumpur.
2007, Wisma Mofaz, Jalan Damansara, 50000 Kuala Lumpur.
18, Persiaran Dagang, Bandar Sri Damansara, Kepong 52200 Kuala Lumpur.
03-6257 0608
03-6257 2915
03-4252 8061
03-4252 8264
03-4251 3883
03-4257 3883
03-4024 2266
03-4024 9320
03-4021 2104
03-4025 5116
03-9221 0000
03-9221 1009
03-2698 3358
03-2692 9251
03-2282 5585
03-2282 5248
03-2142 5088
03-2141 7125
03-7983 3230
03-7983 2985
03-2032 2266
03-2031 8989
03-2031 5151
03-2031 2008
03-4251 6151
03-4257 6813
03-7980 0000
03-7981 9482
03-9130 2288
03-9131 6611
03-7728 8866
03-7728 4180
03-6277 5548
03-6277 5469
Lot 21449, Jalan Persiaran Bukit Raja, Bandar Baru Klang, 41150 Klang, Selangor.
8 & 9, Jalan Kenari 5, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
No.24, Jalan Serindit 2, Bandar Puchong Jaya, 47100 Puchong, Selangor.
31, 33 & 35, Jalan Batu Tiga, 41300 Klang, Selangor.
Lot 71 & 72, Jalan Batu 3, 41300 Klang, Selangor.
76B, Jalan Universiti, 46200 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
Lot 8229, Jalan 222, 46100 Petaling Jaya, Selangor.
59, Jalan USJ 10/1, Taipan Triangle, 47620 UEP Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Lot 792, Persiaran Indah, Taman Perindustrian Subang, 47610 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
No.3, Jalan Pelukis, U1/46, Sec. U1, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
17 & 19, Ground Floor, Block 2, Worldwide Business Park, Jalan Tinju 13/50, 40675 Shah Alam, Selangor.
2, Jalan Saujana Indah 5, Taman Saujana Indah, 40150 Shah Alam, Selangor.
No. 2, 3, 4 & 5, Ground Floor, Jalan SR 1/9, Sek 9, Serdang Raya, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.
03-3345 2020
03-3343 2298
03-8075 5616
03-8075 3640
03-5882 9200
03-5882 6682
03-3342 0272
03-3342 1682
03-3343 0654
03-3342 5703
03-7960 2828
03-7955 3773
03-7957 6611
03-7957 8718
03-5636 1100
03-5635 7372
03-5635 8988
03-5638 9248
03-5569 5259
03-5569 9836
03-5510 0099
03-5513 0099
03-7845 8837
03-7845 8836
03-8945 9508
03-8945 8953
12 MBAS 1066, Jalan Teluk Wanjah, 05200 Alor Setar, Kedah Darul Aman.
Lot 51, 16C-9, Jalan 4/5 Miel, Fasa 1, Kawasan Perusahaan Bakar Arang, 08000 Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman.
357 & 358, Jalan Petaling 10, 09000 Kulim, Kedah Darul Aman.
Lot 964, Jalan Padang Matsirat, Kampung Yooi, Mukim Bohor, 07100 Langkawi, Kedah Darul Aman.
04-7311 766
03-7326 313
04-4210 116
04-4229 119
04-4959 595
04-4909 595
04-9557 002
04-9559 007
25-B, Lebuh Farquhar, 10200 Penang.
124-A, Lengkok Sg. Pinang, 10150 Penang.
1-1-8, Krystal Point 2, Jalan Tun. Dr. Awang, 11900 Sungai Nibong, Pulau Pinang.
Lot 63, Pesara Kg. Jawa, Taman Perindustrian Bayan Lepas, 11900 Pulau Pinang.
17, Jalan Chain Ferry, 13700 Prai, Seberang Prai Tengah, Penang.
Lot 79, Jalan Bagan Jermal, 12300 Butterworth, Pulau Pinang.
04-2638 244
04-2637 152
04-2815 100
04-2815 409
04-6441 111
04-6442 121
04-6440 000
04-6442 323
04-3905 313
04-3992 139
04-3244 166
04-3333 946
14-20, Jalan Kampar, 30250 Ipoh, Perak.
Lot 31216A, Jalan Mariamman Lane 2, off Sungei Pari Road, 30200 Ipoh, Perak.
4, Jalan Charleton, off Jalan Tun Abdul Razak, 30100 Ipoh, Perak.
Lot 4572, Jalan Kampong Sitiawan, 32000 Sitiawan, Perak.
Lot 10853, Batu 2 , Jalan Simpang, 34000 Taiping, Perak.
05-2413 433
05-2552 320
05-2532 001
05-2552 320
05-5273 500
05-5273 575
05-6920 028
05-6920 828
05-8483 888
05-8483 266
5488, Jalan Sultanah Zainab, 15050 Kota Bahru, Kelantan.
09-7445 893
09-7484 593
686, Jalan Sultan Mohamad, (Gong Kapas) 21100 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
25-D, Jalan Bukit Kecil, 21100 Kuala Terengganu, Terengganu.
09-6221 796
09-6233 796
09-6221 996
09-6229 396
C311 & C312, Jalan Kuantan, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
H31-32, Taman Muhibbah, 28000 Temerloh, Pahang.
A57-A59-A61, Jalan Teluk Sisek, 25000 Kuantan, Pahang.
09-2963 308
09-2965 613
09-2961 991
09-2961 991
09-5177 235
09-5178 940
8,10,12 & 14, Jalan Yam Tuan (Paul Street), 70000 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
No. 54, Senawang Light Industries Estate, 70450 Senawang, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
125A & 125B, Jalan Senawang, Kawasan Perindustrian Senawang, 70450 Seremban, Negeri Sembilan.
06-7611 120
06-7636 599
06-6772 858
06-6772 735
06-6786 760
06-6786 764
Lot 1783, Jalan Semabok, 75050 Melaka.
06-2833 988
06-2840 200
12-A, Jalan Buloh Kasap, 85000 Segamat, Johor.
No. 1, 2 & 3, Jalan Emas, Taman Kluang Jaya, 86000 Kluang, Johor.
50, 52 & 54, Jalan Kundang 2, Taman Bukit Pasir, 83000 Batu Pahat, Johor.
315, Batu 1 , Jalan Bakri, 84000 Muar, Johor.
241, Batu 4 , Jalan Skudai, 81200 Tampoi, Johor Bahru, Johor.
No. 1-H, Jalan Bunga Ros, Majidee Baru, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor.
07-9313 822
07-9310 986
07-7730 924
07-7739 200
07-4327 890
07-4314 202
06-9522 855
06-9527 669
07-2351 717
07-2329 993
07-3321 888
07-3338 070
62A, Mile 5 , Jalan Tuaran, 88805 Inanam, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah.
088-421 770
088-421 719
Lot 7797, Block 16, KLCD, Jalan Tun Jugah, 93250 Kuching, Sarawak.
55, Krokop Road, 98000 Miri, Sarawak.
082-459 322
082-452 322
085-436 746
085-418 876
2KM, Jalan Tun Mustapha, 87020 Labuan, FT.
087-412 282
087-416 808
Actmar Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Nanyang General Enterprises Sdn Bhd
Sumber Auto Edaran Sdn Bhd
Tenaga Setia Resources Sdn Bhd
USJ Car Express Sdn Bhd
Kosmo Kars Sdn Bhd
Shared Auto Cars Sdn Bhd
Global Amity Sdn Bhd
Lee Motors Alor Setar (Car Div) Sdn Bhd
Lee Motors Alor Setar (Car Div) Sdn Bhd
Magna Speed Sdn. Bhd
Yooi Cars Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Vivahill Auto Sdn Bhd
Motoria Sdn Bhd
Formula Venture Sdn Bhd
Flying High
Ban Hoe Seng Sdn Bhd
Honda is set to take off – literally.
Honda Aircraft Company, Inc. was established
in August 2006, for the development, production
a n d s a l e s o f H o n d a J e t , a n d w i l l p u r s u e FA A t y p e
certification and production certification in the US. Honda
A i rc r a f t C o m p a n y ' s g o a l i s t o c o m p l e t e c e r t i fi c a t i o n o f
HondaJet in three to four years, followed by the start of
production and delivery of the first plane in 2010.
Boasting a number of innovations including a patented
over-the-wing engine-mount configuration, a natural-laminar
fl o w ( N L F ) w i n g a n d f u s e l a g e n o s e , a n d a n a d v a n c e d
all-composite fuselage structure, the experimental HondaJet is
an advanced, lightweight, compact business jet that features
far better fuel efficiency, more available space in the fuselage
and higher cruise speed than conventional aircraft in its class.
The HondaJet is powered by two GE-Honda HF-118 engines
and carries up to seven passengers including one or two
crewmembers. “This public world debut of the HondaJet
represents the continued advancement of Honda's
long-standing dream of aviation,” said Michimasa Fujino,
HondaJet project leader and vice president of Honda R&D
Americas, Inc., at its debut on July 28, 2005. “We are pleased
and excited to be able to share this dream and our technology
with the aviation community.”
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Sendi Auto Sdn Bhd
Delima Kinta Sdn Bhd
Ban Chu Bee Sdn Bhd
Syarikat Tan Eng Ann Sdn Bhd
Chuan Thye Motor Sdn Bhd
Chuan Thye Auto Services Sdn Bhd
Honhin Auto Credit Sdn Bhd
Ban Lee Heng Motor Sdn Bhd
Wanija Classic (M) Sdn Bhd
Kah Motor Co. Sdn Bhd
Haslita Motor Sdn Bhd
Iptimas Motor Sdn Bhd
K.M. Lim Motor Sdn Bhd
Syarikat Motor GS Tay Sdn Bhd
Yong Ming Motor Sdn Bhd
Sri Sutera Auto Sdn Bhd
Fujino also defined Honda’s goal to
deliver three key attributes –
performance, quality and comfort –
beyond what people currently expect
from light business jets.
Boon Siew (Borneo) Sdn Bhd
Jimisar Corporation Sdn Bhd
Heng Ho Hing Co. Sdn Bhd
Premier Motor
with dream