22 Term 1 Week 5 22nd February 2016 Week 09
22 Term 1 Week 5 22nd February 2016 Week 09
Elanora Heights Public School is a White Ribbon School Our School News Week 5 | Commencing 22nd February, 2016 Don’t forget to visit our website at elanorahts-pschool.nsw.edu.au Don’t forget to visit our website at elanorahts-pschool.nsw.edu.au Notes Home This Week Tell Them From Me Student Survey: Years 4 - 6 Zone Swimming Carnival: Week 5 - Term 1 Mon Tue 22 Feb 3 - 6 Assembly Parent/Teacher Interviews Week 23 Feb Wed 24 Feb Thur 25 Feb Last Day For Stewart House Bags To Be Returned Barrenjoey High School Open Night Fri 26 Feb School Banking Day PSSA Begins v Collaroy Plateau Boys Cricket @ Plateau Park Girls Cricket @ Narrabeen Reserve Pittwater Tag @ Narrabeen Nth PS Softball @ Rat Park 3 T-Ball @ Rat Park 4 Selected students Weekly Reminders! Don’t Forget to download our school app Parent/Teacher Interviews Week Stewart House Clothing Bags: Must be returned by Thur 25th PSSA Begins: Fri 26th Week 6 - Term 1 Mon 29 Feb K - 6 Assembly Tue 1 Mar Wed 2 Mar Thur 3 Mar Maths Information Evening K-2 @ 6pm 3-6 @ 6:45pm Uniform Shop CLOSED Fri 4 Mar School Banking Day PSSA v BYE School Banking Day: Fri 26th Feb Lost Property: Parents, please make sure that ALL your child’s belongings are clearly labelled NB: that items for this newsletter will NOT be accepted after the preceding Thursday Uniform Shop OPEN The Tell Them From Me student feedback survey for Year 4 – 6 ONLY I am delighted that this term, our school, like many others in the state, will participate in a Department of Education initiative: the Tell Them From Me student feedback survey. The focus of the NSW-wide survey is on student wellbeing, engagement and effective teaching practices. More information about the survey is available at: http://surveys. cese.nsw.gov.au/information-for-parents I want to assure you that the survey is confidential and school staff will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. The survey is conducted online and will typically take less than 30 minutes to complete. It will be administered during school hours between 14th March and 8th April. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. A consent form is being sent home today. If you DO NOT want your child or children to participate, please return the consent form to school by Friday, 26th February. Updated school app Please make sure that you have the latest version of our school app to receive notifications. Android users need to make sure the app is running in the background and then go into their Notification Settings to make sure the App notification setting is enable for the app. More information about the settings can be found further on in the newsletter. Family accounts I would like to thank everyone who has paid their school Family Accounts. Family Accounts were posted last week. My apologies if you have paid your fees over the weekend and receive an account this week. If you require financial assistance please contact me, all offers of assistance are kept confidential. Student Achievement Tara and Ruby W and Emma and Phoebe M competed in the Forest Hills Pony Club Mounted Games Junior Team and won the championships this weekend on their mounts. Congratulations girls! P&C meeting WHAT A TURNOUT! It was fantastic to see so many new faces at the meeting and people offering to assist. A school needs a vibrant P&C and this year it looks like we will have an enthusiastic group of people working together for our children. Please come along to the meeting as the school, and the students, need you. Parent\Teacher interviews We plan Parent\Teacher interviews at this time of year so that you can meet your child’s teacher one-on-one and have an in-depth discussion about your child. If you still need time for more discussion, talk to the teachers and arrange for a further meeting in the future. P&C Car Raffle This week you will be receiving raffle tickets from the P&C. The vast majority of the money raised will go towards hall stage lighting for our performances this year. The P&C needs to account for every ticket so please return any unsold tickets. More information about the Raffle can be found in the P&C section of the newsletter. I urge you to support this worthwhile P&C initiative. Until next time, Your Principal, Bill Gillespie AWARDS AND THE AWARD GOES T0... The Bronze and Silver awards for K - 2 are handed out to students at the K - 2 assemblies and the Bronze and Silver awards for years 3 - 6 are handed out at the 3 - 6 assemblies. All Gold and Diamond awards are handed out at the K - 6 assemblies. Parents are welcome to attend these assemblies, but please call the office first to confirm that your child will be receiving their award that day. All assemblies are held on Mondays at 2pm and your child’s name will appear in the newsletter on the same day they receive their award. To assist us, when sending in the mini merits/awards from home, please either staple or clip them and make sure your child’s full name and class is on the top mini merit. Please do not send them in in plastic bags or envelopes. The cut-off time to hand in your mini merits/awards is THURSDAY morning as the box is emptied after recess. SILVER AWARDS TAYLOR F TYLER J GEORGIE P SAVANA S THIS WEEKS FEATURES... IN FOCUS BRONZE AWARDS DARCY A DANIEL G JAMIE K MIA S MILLIE A ALEXANDRA H HUDSON K MAX S KIANI B BAILEY H ALEX K BRI S BELLA B ARIELLE H ASPEN L MADDIE S JESSICA B FELIX H MATILDA M LACHLAN S EVAN B ISABELLE H MIA M ANIKA V LILY D SAM H RYAN M KIANNAH W TAYLOR F TYLER J NATAYLA R MIKALA W JAMES G TAYLOR J AMELIA S FOUND A mobile phone has been handed in to the office. It is locked by a password. Should this be yours would you please come to the office and identify it by unlocking it with your password. C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 3 THIS WEEKS FEATURES... IN FOCUS SCHOOL APP School App Messages Not Showing? Try these fix tips to help you sort out the issues with messages on your phone: iOS Devices: Verify that both push notifications and location services are enabled for this app under your device’s settings. * Go to Settings > Notifications and scroll through the list to locate the app. > Once located, you’ll see the types of notifications that are currently enabled listed below the name. > Click on the app to view its notification settings. > Make sure Allow Notifications and Show on Lock Screen are enabled, as well as any other notification types you’d like. (Badge App Icon is the red notifier that appears on the app icon when a push notification is received. Banners appear briefly at the top of your screen when your device is in use. Alerts pop up on the home screen and require you to click View or Dismiss). * Go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services and scroll through the list to locate the app. > Make sure it says Always next to the app. If it says Never, click on the app and change it to Always. > Return to your home screen. * Refresh the app with a force-close, so the server can re-register your device’s location. > Launch the app on your device. > Leave it open until the location arrow at the top right of the screen disappears. > Double-click your home button and swipe upward over the app so it disappears from the screen. > Return to your home screen. * If it still fails to come through, we suggest repeating this process once more. OR If the above processes are complete and you’re still not receiving the push notification, try testing on another iOS device. Sometimes specific devices will present temporary issues. We’re happy to test out push notifications on our end as well, so if you’ve hit a wall, always feel free to email us at [email protected] so we can do some troubleshooting. Android devices: Remember: Android push notifications don’t pop up on the home screen like iOS push notifications do. Make sure you’ve checked your device’s Notification Centre, which is where Android push notifications are stored. Swipe downward from the top of your screen to reveal the Notification Centre. If you scroll through the list and see your push notification, then it came through successfully. OR Keep in mind: Androids often won’t receive push notifications if the app is force-closed, meaning, if you had the app open and hit the back button until you returned to the home screen, this is probably why it failed to come through. Open the app once more, and simply click your device’s home button. Then, lock your screen and try sending the push notification once more. STEWART HOUSE CLOTHING APPEAL The Stewart House clothing bags were sent home last week and are due back no later than this Thursday, 25th February. Stewart House appreciate your generosity. C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 4 THIS WEEKS FEATURES... IN FOCUS MATHS INFORMATION SESSIONS Elanora Heights Public School Mathematics Information Sessions: Number and Algebra Thursday, March 3rd, 2016 6:00 – 6:45pm K-2 School Library 6:45 – 7:30pm 3-6 The aim of these sessions is to outline the important knowledge, skills and understanding addressed in Number and Algebra strand lessons in K - 2 and 3 - 6. Information, activities and ideas for reinforcement at home will be covered through demonstration, handouts, and hopefully some audience participation! We want this session to be both valuable and fun. Parents are welcome to come for one session or stay for both. This year we are adding “Making Friends with Fractions” to our 3 - 6 session! We hope to see you there! Laurinda Lomas Deputy Principal and self-confessed maths enthusiast! 50m Butterfly Records...|...Mrs Clare Hagon Our apologies for omitting that the students below set records at our swimming carnival in the 50m Butterfly: 11 yrs girls Butterfly - Sienna P 12 yrs girls Butterfly - Mikayla F 12 yrs boys Butterfly - Noah L SCHOOL SPORT At School Sport time primary students: • run and sprint Watch this space each week during the School Sport season. Here you will see the subject matter from the Games and Sports strand of the Physical Education Syllabus. School Sport teachers select a continuing variety from this subject matter over the season. Students are able to apply these movement skills in games and sports. Of course, this requires communication, cooperation, decision making and observation of rules. Let’s get moving, Ms. Sherwood C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 5 By KYM GRAY & KRISTIN PRESCOTT TIM COWDERY... SCHOOL BANKING COMMUNITY COUNTS Packed to the Rafters It was almost standing room only at last week’s P&C Meeting, a fabulous turnout of parental talent and participation. It was particularly satisfying to see a huge turnout of Kindergarten parents, you are the immediate future of the school and your engagement with the community augurs well for a vibrant and relevant P&C. A huge thank you to Mrs Yardley who spruiked the the P&C to great effect at the Kindergarten information night; surely now a member of the Committee honoris loco. Everyone at school looks forward to the contribution of as many parents as possible in any manner they deem fit. Ideas, suggestions, contributions, you name it, they all have a place and we look forward to joining you on the journey that is student opportunity. Your active engagement is a wonderful thing. Who wants a new car? All going well your children will bring home a bag of raffle tickets today and the prize is a new car. The more tickets sold the greater the chance of winning the prize. We do ask that you read the instructions carefully as EVERY ticket must be accounted for, whether sold or not. Did I mention the prize is car? Yes it is, a car. SCHOOL BANKING School Banking 2016 is set for the Outback Since 1931, the School Banking program has been introducing interactive and exciting new ways to teach students lifelong money skills. This year’s program invites your child to join the Dollarmites on a wild outback adventure through the Canyon of Savings. The School Banking program continues to encourage good savings behaviour by rewarding students with thrilling reward items. For every 10 deposits made through the program, students can redeem a reward from our Outback Savers range. The first two reward items released in Term 1 include Flying Snake Tails and Wildlife Writer Sets. You could meet Bindi and Robert Irwin at Australia Zoo This year, we’re giving students the chance to win a family trip for up to two adults and three kids to explore Australia Zoo and meet Bindi and Robert Irwin, plus: • A full day Platinum Zoo Adventure Tour, where you’ll get to pat wombats, cuddle koalas and feed wallabies, all while your personal photographer captures every incredible moment. • Domestic return economy airfares to Sunshine Coast, Qld, 4 nights’ accommodation, 5 days’ car hire and $1,000 spending money. Students who make 15 or more School Banking deposits by the end of Term 3, 2016 will automatically receive an entry into the competition. For more information, visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 6 Iolanda Hazell | Canteen Coordinator CANTEEN NEWS Kids Kafe Roster | To volunteer call 9913 2721 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Below is the volunteer roster for weeks 5 to 7 of Term 1, 2016. The canteen strongly relies on volunteers to help operate and offer food to our children. To volunteer, please email Iolanda Hazell on Iolanda.hazell@ hotmail.com or call the canteen on 9913 2721. If your time is scarce, you can help in other ways by donating non-perishable items such as tea towels, containers, cleaning products etc. All donations are welcome and can be delivered directly to the canteen. Term 4 Weeks 5 - 7 MON TUE Week 5 22/2 – 26/2 VANESSA C SAMANTHA A KATHRYN M (from 11am) KELLY C Week 6 29/2 – 4/3 JANINE R LISA H Week 7 7/3 – 11/3 NICOLE L WED THUR ESTHER H RO B FRI RACHEL C MANDY H BEC B JANINE R FIONA B CLARE A Help Needed TANYA P BARB La G LOU E MAGDA M HAYLEY H Help Needed To order school lunches online go to www.munchmonitor.com Sue Garrity & Karen Woodley UNIFORMS Use log in – username: elanora and password: munch2101 Uniform Shop Uniform Shop Coordinator Sue Garrity Contact [email protected] Open on Monday & Thursday from 8.15am to 9.45am (CLOSED 3rd March - OPEN 1st March) Purchase in store or by order form available online via the school website Pay by cash or card (Eftpos, Visa or Mastercard) Alterations & Repairs by Michelle Sturrock (Dressmaker and parent), great rates on offer to Elanora families. Details are available at the Uniform Shop. Second Hand Uniforms Second Hand Uniform Coordinator Karen Woodley Enquiries or Purchase please call 9913 1292 after 9.00am or email [email protected] Uniform donations are most welcome as Second hand uniforms are in demand! C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 7 By Rebecca Heather | Band Convenor MUSIC NOTES Congratulations To Our Musicians of the Week Cooper W (3R) – Trumpet, Training Band Ryan T (4M) - Alto Sax, Intermediate Band Sam B (4C) - Trombone, Senior Band Attention Years 3 to 6 students!! Ever wanted to play an musical instrument? We are looking for students to play the trombone, euphonium and tuba!! If you are interested in the please email Bec Heather at: [email protected] Dates for your diary Tues 26th April Band Intensive Workshop Day 9am-3pm at school - all band members Sun 19th June Wahroonga Music Festival - all bands performing - times TBA Mon 18th July Band Intensive Workshop Day 9am-3pm at school - all band members For more information on our bands please contact: Bec Heather: Convenor @ [email protected] Louise England: Instrument Registrar @ [email protected] Louise England: Intermediate Band Manager @ [email protected] Joanne Glinsky: Training Band Manager @ [email protected] Bec Tyson: Senior Band Manager @ [email protected] Fiona Brock: Strings Manager @ [email protected] C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 8 Kids Karate at Elanora Heights PS ENROLLING NOW New students start on Mon 8th Feb Monday afternoons 3:10pm, 4:00pm & 4:45pm $12 per class for beginners boys & girls 5 - 12 years balance & coordination concentration & focus confidence & self esteem How to enroll? by phone in person on your first day before class Like your child to try it out for free? Register for a Free Trial Class at keymartialarts.com.au 1300 304 532 C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 fb.com/keymartialarts.au Products & Services advertised are NOT endorsed by Elanora Heights P.S. 9 PRINCIPAL Rosemary McDowall BA, Dip Ed, B.Ed DEPUTY PRINCIPAL Ms Ms Denise Wright BA, Dip Ed Ms Cathryn Thompson B.Ed THE FOREST HIGH SCHOOL – GATS TEST, OPEN NIGHT & MEET THE PRINCIPAL DATES The Forest High School will be holding our GATS (General Achievement) Test on the following date: Saturday 12th March from 9.00am to 11.30am Testing will take place in the school hall. If you are unable to attend on this date a reserve session will also be held on Monday 14th March from 4.00pm to 6.30pm Students wishing to be placed in our Gifted and Talented class for Year 7 2017 must first sit for this test. The Year 7 G&T class for Year 7 2017 will be determined after close examination of the test results and the students’ NAPLAN results from Year 5. The cost of the test is $40.00, payable on the day. Students are to bring a 2B or B pencil, an eraser and a ruler. No calculators or dictionaries can be used. The test consists of three parts: Part 1 – Mathematics – 40 multiple-choice questions Part 2 – Reading and Language – 40 multiple-choice questions Part 3 – One writing task Students are requested to arrive at The Forest High School by 8.45am for a 9.00am start or by 3.45pm for a 4.00pm start. They are also requested to bring a copy of their NAPLAN results on the day of the test. Parents are invited to stay for light refreshments from our Barista program in our common room. If you would like your child to sit for this test please ring The Forest High School on 9451 5111 and register your name, your child’s name, address & phone number. Please register by Friday 4 th March. _______________________________________________________________________________________ OPEN NIGHT – Wednesday 9th March 2016 from 6.00pm to 8.00pm Parents and students are invited to attend The Forest High School Open Night The evening includes an address from the Principal & School Captains; displays & activities from each faculty; faculty Treasure Hunt; school tours; music, dance & drama performances; teachers & parents will be available to answer questions _______________________________________________________________________________________ MEET THE PRINCIPAL – dates for 2016 Our informal Meet The Principal sessions give parents and students who are interested in coming to The Forest High School the opportunity to meet with our Principal Ms Rosemary McDowall, have a school tour and ask any questions you may have about The Forest High School and starting high school. Call the School Office on 9451 5111 to book a place or just come to the School Office at 9am on the day Monday 22nd February – 9am Monday 21st March – 9am Monday 16th May – 9am Monday 15th August – 9am Monday 24th October – 9am 135 Frenchs Forest Road, Frenchs Forest NSW 2086 Phone: 02 9451 5111 Fax: 02 9975 3293 www.theforest-h.school.nsw.edu.au C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 Products & Services advertised are NOT endorsed by Elanora Heights P.S. 10 C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 Products & Services advertised are NOT endorsed by Elanora Heights P.S. 11 www.bayviewgolfclub.com.au Kids at Bayview Golf Club Friday 4th March Attention Mums, Dads and Grandparents! Venue: Narroy Rd, Nareen Reserve North Narrabeen Time: 3-6 pm Sunday, March 13th 2016 Featuring: • Free BBQ & drink for participants, or by gold coin donation • Free Jumping Castle Our fundraising activities will include: • Raffle supported by local businesses • Colour $5 • Shave $10 Free Entry for School Aged Kids MOVIE OF THE MONTH "How To Train Your Dragon" Tell your friends and neighbours! proudly presents this community event. Thank you to our sponsors for their support: Bring your friends and family along to colour or shave to support the Leukaemia Foundation’s World’s Greatest Shave. krusty’s bakery Unwind in a relaxed setting overlooking the Golf Course with ample undercover parking MOVIE TO START AT 6.30PM BISTRO OPEN EARLY – $12.50 KID’S MENU AVAILABLE FROM 5.30PM Adults, relax and have a drink & dine in the clubhouse while the kids enjoy a movie & snacks on bean bags! Earth Angels Beauty 9913 3733 The right choice www.drakerealestate.net.au To book a table or enquire, call 9999 3786 today! What better way to start the weekend?? Dad’s and Grandad’s Messy Play Session ….. but mums, Grandma’s, aunts, uncles and carers welcome. This session is a fun and interactive workshop for dads and granddads and their children/grandchildren. Wear some old clothes, bring some water and get ready to be messy and have fun! There will be a sausage sizzle for those that get hungry. Friday 26 February 2016 4pm to 6pm Newport Community Centre To book a place go to http://www.trybooking.com/179544 For more information, call Northern Beaches Family Support Service on 9971 4499. Proudly supported by C O N N E C T | Week 5 - Term 1 Products & Services advertised are NOT endorsed by Elanora Heights P.S. 12