Small Group - Littleton Vineyard
Small Group - Littleton Vineyard
Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Unit 3: Lost World Lost People Need to See Christianity in Action This Unit has focussed on “Engaging our World,” teaching and encouraging children to live as followers of Jesus building relationships to reach a Lost World. Each week children will experience Small Group life and develop friendships in their little communities. Small Group Elementary Prep Bible Story Matthew 5:13-16; I Corinthians 9:19-23 – The Bible teaches us that Christians are the light of the world. As Christians we are to shine our light in the lost world. By setting a Christ-like example, praying for our lost friends, and not giving up, our lost friends may develop a relationship with God. Bible Verse “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise Your Father in heaven." – Matthew 5:16 Objectives KNOW WHAT (LG): Kids will hear the teaching of Jesus and how He wants us to be light in a lost world. SO WHAT (LG): Kids will learn that as Christians, God wants us to always model a Christ-like example and not give up on our friends. NOW WHAT (SG): Kids will participate in an activity that allows them to consider ways they can shine their light in a lost world. Key Concept Jesus wants us to set a Christ-like example to lost people in order to draw them into a relationship with God. Unit Summary This unit has been teaching kids how to become contagious Christians and extend the message of God’s love and grace. They will learn that lost people matter-to God and they should matter to us, too. In order to reach out to their lost friends, kids will discover and practice ways to help their friends develop a relationship with God. They will learn how to creatively reach out and build a friendship, tell their story, share the story of Jesus, and set a Christ-like example. Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 1 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Leader’s Heart Prep Read Matthew 5:13-16; I Corinthians 9:19- 23. We have all been told to be a good example for someone in our lives. This usually meant we needed to be on our best behavior for what was usually a set amount of time. Sometimes we were good examples and sometimes we weren't. Remember how hard it was to be an example for a younger person when he was continually sticking his tongue out at you and calling younames? But now that we are Christians, we have been asked by God to be good examples to a lost world all the time. Here's the deal. You really don't have an excuse not to be a good example, because God is on your side. You have God abiding and abounding in and through you by His Holy Spirit. This week you are most likely going to deal with some lost people who need to see what it looks like to have God abiding and abounding in you. They are watching. Keep this in mind when you are thinking about giving up. You might wonder how long you should continue praying and setting an example for your lost friends. The answer is as long as it takes. That could be a year, twenty years, or even longer. Take heart! God will give you the grace, patience, and compassion that you need. Just ask. Advance (done by your administrator) In Collect Pencils – 6 Per Small Group Gather Lost & Found Game Cards Used 4 Weeks in The Unit – 1 Set of 12 Cards Per Group. Collect Small Envelopes With The Word "Found" Written On Them– 1 Per Small Group. Prepare Clue Sheet – 1 Per Group Gather Lost & Found Reference Sheets – 1 Per Group Place The Above-Mentioned Items In A Bin For Each Group Leader. Your Morning Schedule 1) Arrive in the Kidatorium 30 minutes before the service begins to meet the rest of your team 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) (Worship Leader and Large Group Leader) and pray. Check your Small Group supplies needed for the morning. Plan to be ready to help greet children 15 minutes before the service begin s, welcome new children and help draw children into a fun welcoming activity. Kids can stop at the memory verse station and earn Promiseland Bucks. (If a child is new, show them the verse sheets on the sign-in table and explain how they can earn Bucks.) Open the Promiseland Store. (One leader should man the store.) Invite kids to play a game with a new friend from the game cabinet. Help lead a simple craft or activity. Children start in Small Groups 5 minutes past the service start to meet YOU, their small group leader. Worship begins 10 minutes into the service. (9:10 a.m. or 10:55 a.m.) Participate with the kids in worship, help kids engage, and model worship! 25 minutes into the service, Large Group teaching should begin. (9:25 a.m. or 11:10 a.m.) Sit with children and help them engage in the lesson. Children go to Small Groups at 9:50 a.m. or 11:35 a.m.) and remain with you in Small Groups for the rest of the service. At the end of the service, help children at the Promiseland Store, help them work on their Memory Verses, and tidy / clean up your Small Group area. Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 2 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Unit 3: Lost World Lost People Need to See Christianity in Action Kid Connection (5 minutes) WELCOME the kids to your Small Group. ASK, them how their week went. CONTINUE, "Do any of you have a story you can tell about trying to reach out to one of the people on your Impact Cards? Did you take the first step and become someone's friend? Did you start up a God talk or bring them to church? Did you tell anyone your story or draw out the Bridge Illustration for anyone?" ENCOURAGE them to share their stories in Large Group when the teacher asks for stories. SHARE a story about someone you are intentionally trying to reach. Transition SAY, "What happens if you build a friendship with a lost person, share your story and share the story of Jesus using the Bridge Illustration, but they aren't interested at the time? Then what? What do you do next? Let's find out in Large Group." [When it’s time for worship to begin, go with your kids to Large Group and be ready to participate in worship. Sit with your group. Help children stay engaged in the teaching.] Small Group (20 minutes) Review ASK, "So, what do you do next if you tell your story and the story of Jesus, but your lost friend isn't interested?" EXPLAIN, "You don't give up, or push, or try to force Jesus on them." ASK, "How can you be a light to the people all. your Impact Cards?" EXPLAIN, "If they are not ready, continue to set an example and pray for them." SAY, "Can you remember the last two motions of the Lost World Cheer? • • IF THEY'RE NOT READY (cross your hands in a sweeping motion while shaking your head no) SET AN EXAMPLE AND PRAY (extend arms out with palms up then put hands together in prayer). Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 3 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Lost & Found The purpose of this activity is to give kids an opportunity to see ways lost people can be reached and learn how they can reach out to people on their Impact Cards. (Provided By Your Administrator) Supplies Lost & Found Game Cards Pencils Found Envelope Clue Sheets Lost & Found Reference Sheet Set-Up DIVIDE kids into teams of two kids per team (maximum of six teams). SORT the Lost & Found Game Cards into three piles: 1) Lost People, 2) Build a Friendship, and 3) Sharing Jesus. Shepherding Tip Point to the Lost & Found Reference Sheet as you introduce the game to help kids follow along. SHUFFLE each pile, and without anyone looking, select one card from each pile and place in the Found Envelope. SHUFFLE together all three piles. DEAL the cards face down to each team. HAND out a Clue Sheet and pencil to each team. EXPLAIN, "The other night one of these four lost people-Eric, Jenna, Ben, or Beth was "found" and chose to follow God. They were found when someone intentionally built a friendship with them by: Starting up a friendship, Inviting to church, Serving, Starting up a 'God talk', or Answering their questions. After someone built a friendship with this lost person, someone also shared Jesus with him or her using the ABC's, My Story, or the Bridge Illustration. We will be talking about the Bridge Illustration in the next few weeks." SAY, "Inside the Found Envelope contains the answers to the following three questions: "Who was found?", "How was a friendship built?", and "What way was used to share the story of Jesus?". To play the game, your team must determine the answers to those questions." CONTINUE, "Look at your team's cards but don't show them to anyone. Your team now knows the cards you have can't be in the Found Envelope, because they are in your hands. Fold your team's Clue Sheet in half. Secretly mark off the boxes next to the names of the cards you have." EXPLAIN, "On your team's turn, you will make a guess of what you think is in the Found Envelope. For example, your team might say, 'We believe Jenna was found when someone built a friendship with her by inviting her to church, and then shared Jesus with her using the ABC's.' Your team will ask the team on your right if any of their cards match what you guess. If they have one of the cards, they will show one to your team only. Check the box of this card off on your Clue Sheet. This will tell you that this card is not in the Found Envelope." CONTINUE, "If that team doesn't have any of the cards you guessed, you will go to the next team, and so on. If no one holds a card that matches your team's guess, you may either end your turn, or make the FINAL GUESS by naming the three cards. You can make only one FINAL GUESS." Leader’s Note If you have more than twelve kids, create some teams with three kids. Also, some teams may receive more Lost & Found Game Cards than other teams. Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 4 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter SAY, "We will go around the circle and each team will guess and mark their Clue Sheets. If your team thinks you know what is in the Found Envelope, you may make your FINAL GUESS. To determine if you are correct, you will look at the cards in the envelope. If your FINAL GUESS is wrong, secretly return all three cards to the envelope. You can make no more guesses and you can only continue to show others your cards that match their guesses. You win the game if your FINAL GUESS is completely correct by naming all three cards in the envelope." PLAY the game. Leader’s Note If time is running out, let each person make a FINAL GUESS to end the game. Wrap-up SAY, ASK, "How many different ways did you learn to share Jesus in this unit? Do you think it is hard to set a good example to the lost people on your Impact Cards? Why? How many of you invited a person on your cards to church or answered some of their questions about God?" CONTINUE, "What did you do when you discovered a person on your Impact Cards who was not ready yet? How long should we continue to set an example for our lost friends?" SAY, "Remember JESUS WANTS US TO SET A CHRIST,LIKE EXAMPLE TO LOST PEOPLE IN ORDER TO DRAW THEM INTO A RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD." (Encourage kids to take their time lines home to help remind them to share their story.) Bible Verse “Let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise Your Father in heaven." – Matthew 5:16 REMIND the kids. “This verse means that Jesus wants us to share our faith and set a Christlike example so that others will want to know God, too. REPEAT the verse with the children out loud and help the children memorize the verse. At this point be sure to give each child 1 Promiseland BUCK just for being at church today. You can remind them that they can earn BUCKS by memorizing verses (5 BUCKS), attending (1 BUCK), bringing a friend (1 BUCK), etc. Prayer ASK KIDS if there’s anything they would like prayer for. Write their requests in your Small Group Prayer Notebook. Invite kids to pray. END PRAYER WITH, Dear God, Thank You for each child here and each lost friend on our impact Cards. Please give us patience and perseverance so we won’t give up on our lost friends no matter how long it takes. Amen. Kid Connection Continues … Small Group Leaders, use this time to continue to build community and learn more about your kids and their concerns. Listen closely so you are better equipped to pray for and reach out to each child. ASK “Do you know anything you could be praying about for the people on your Impact Cards?" PRAY for each of the persons on their Impact Cards with anyone? With whom? How did it go? Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 5 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 6 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 7 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 8 Doing Life With God in the Picture – Year 2 SG - Lesson 13 - Fall Quarter Littleton Vineyard Promiseland - “Inviting children to a LIFE adventure of friendship with Jesus” Curriculum Adapted from Willow Creek Promiseland Fall 5-G Impact for the Littleton Vineyard 9
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