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So why had I requested Nara? I was attracted not only to its natural beauty, but also to Nara's rich cultural history. And indeed, not only have I enjoyed hiking around the stunning mountains, forests, and rivers of Nara, but I have also thrilled to visiting its famous temples, shrines and castles, as well as watching and participating in the local festivals. I have never lived in such a beautiful place as Nara prefecture. I will miss it very much. But the best thing about Nara was the warmth and generosity of my Japanese friends, co-workers, and students. Our Japanese friends have introduced me to traditional Japanese papermaking, swordmaking, pottery, tea ceremony, calligraphy, and cookery. They have put me up overnight in temples, taught me Japanese, and shown me secret treasures of Nara I never would have found on my own. Countless times I have been treated to dinner or invited over someone's house. After two years, I feel like part of the community in which I teach. I feel privileged to have seen Japan from this perspective. I will carry many valuable memories back to America with me. Whenever I feel discouraged, I can remember my exhilarating month of biking around the eighty-eight temple pilgrimage of Shikoku. Or the beauties of Asuka, right in my backyard. Or Takatori Castle, or the inexhaustible treasures of Nara City and Kyoto, or the time I've spent hiking, swimming, and mountain-climbing around Kansai. But the best memories will be of the friends I've made. Thank you very much for letting me be part of your lives. I will cherish these memories forever. by James Kennedy 7'©Õsp1) =+&½Í* 8!V£ 8')«^ " &R'&0 ¿Z&b8'& +,oK)'& w¼Úg&W8 '*)# 'O`8 h¸2$0=& U*,Ñ¿Z·a& =!'7½ÍÇN+ ¨i28¯µ70 &29,¿2¥+'& '*É& +W´~Å&+W'G',ª2¬#% 0 &,(%¼Ú<\Ì +&49 ,¼Ú+¦+Ã!&)¼Ú+ËÄ) ÇN+Ü|*$69 6&¼Ú+à {33¤.+C?AFB<V10 j +x7<h 7zP 78'ºÔÓÏ)3 3<Ê98+,;;8'& ¼ Úg/(Ã':*=!'70= 9<T'&4 &2¼Ú&2#'2':,½Í+Ò3º ز+1)=+«'X©& ½Í +Ò,*¶fy¹d®»» ½ÍÙ×*$%b%90 &À06 %26# 7½Ím<b%26# 7Æ! &,h$69)# 5)¼Ú+ÂÎ+<h %26# 70 ¢9)6 =*l=& ! 7Q*% ! 720 ¿c#%,Æb%8 H+IJ*)# 5*Y%0,=) ±6½Í<h8'&%nL& ,>DE@* =+_)< #%] 70^ "Ö"v=!'*,ÁÁ+ <e%°&0;# }uÛ< -^ "98&4+q$+& 8нr+Ãs¡¼Ú~3a´+k7 )+-6[ &C?AFB 7 M!7{³7%R Z2&4 &2"-=+,¬7t Ò "'+2+&1)=++IÅ*¾9% !%7'0+<#'È §%0 (+- ..$*)*!+) ČĜ^á $) 2. 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It was impressive to see how people built statues of gold to honor Amida. There are many small things in the temples such as bells or incense which are important even though they aren't as big as the statues. Also, each temple has its own history. It is transporting to see the actual temples where Buddhism evolved. We also walked up a mountain through thousands of red gates at Fushimi Inari. It looked like the Ghibli movie "Princess Mononoke." The longer we walked, the darker and creepier it became. It was beautiful, the kind of magic place a foreigner would love to see in Japan. In Arashiyama, we visited the Golden Dragon's Temple and garden. Temples and nature complement each other perfectly. They are so well designed that anywhere you look is picturesque. The wooden floor in the Temple feels soft and smooth underfoot, and walking on it wakens the senses. The painting of the Golden Dragon looked wild but exact. The brush strokes look spontaneous but disciplined. All in all, Kyoto is more magical than we could imagine. Kennedy-sensei sums it up, saying it will be hard to go back home after always being surrounded by beauty. b.\T=D( &TD'B^C^OÜNPĦßOśÕ4.\T?(ĸ ¶4įĞ=DáÏOÜa½]KŅĖNMGI=T/T ?( &ÚDFPTD'ķ½JćK/0Ă/Ę´a7 8GIĢGI/5T=D(oqnhn|O¡,W OO9IJ-UD/J=D(LbLbĻ/I/]K'E bEb7²Ń47MGI5T=D(§Êû4ĩł J½D/K×0ńřO.]'?Q[=/õíJ=D( &œÔJP'ĝŗÜKBOěRÇ5T=D(ÜKß ċK42À/¬şNļ/.GI/T=D(KIWZ7 Å1Iă¹<^I/DOJ'L;a½IW¥OZ0N İ=/OJ?(ÜOðPé[37MV[3MĎøJ' Ļ/I/]K¨4K6?T<^T=D(·ŗO¥P Æ*=7úáŃ4.\T=D(ı¾/Pßċ3HþG DWOJ=D( &ºŞK=IP'µģPČč=I/ DZ\@GKńřĜJ?(Ą1@İ =/WONT^Iÿ«a=DÁJ ĩöNŊ]OPĨ=/E_0'B0 lzueĆÿPTKVI7E</T =D( K==Yb (1) &3-*" /$,+2%0! &»ĩ· Ý ĹZ\',ŇÒaė7£-4üî &ĒŒÉÄJPŖ©ÿO+otfa5æ9I/ DE9]ov{c+aĽè=I/T?(Ŗ©ÿ PÐēŀûĩłÊÏÂŕÐēaę>'±®P ī»3[ī»aōĚ=I2\T?( àJáØ<^D( &ˤã\ó:[^DOP,ġÖë-(âûÃOġÖ ë4'ąûNM_0KÛŜaô\1I/74'ĵľ ROE9PĔIM3GDK/0'ĖÊOğ³aWK N=D¦ĈŗĬ¢OÒĴ(ŝħPĭŌOĤĶÙ( ŇOÿĠ4Ó='ė5ĪGD( &M2'ĀŌOÌ*ʼn¼Ù4'ĺ©ÒĴOŝħas wjotekJņŘJĮù=I/](¦ĈÒĴW ďý.]OJŔŏ=IUIPL0E_0( )ĀŌx+q+Ì*ʼn¼O+~+n !! $! )ÐēŀûÊÏÂŕÐē&!!###%" #',. & »ĩĿ Á'¿¯ĊNăĕ=I/]} q+N'īİOäJ4÷1[^D(;Oĩ ÷1đ1DOP'ï<VOā/4<`X3Md i|+'Þ*NaÑ3A]yryrpg'ŐO ňŎ4i {MmgoMLĴå(çN39I° aª=TAI7^];KE_0( (%3":*#, !+*;&5<3"41" !ĕ®£ÇīÅ_`^l{ qk]e©¦Ćß¹Ĕ2¶ IJĩ$IJIJLŤIJKZAW" ŋÅ[ñKÌ:YA# !IJÙŃ"®£ ĿºÅ 1VĆĸ:YAĆßŏ2ď¡ KøŨ"Û21YA#º_` !¶IJ¶ºŢ»ń¡$êu'|K0-F" IJKŌ>XĕĈÊÇīÅŕ§Ćß¹ıť ĔLĉQÈZ?ĞĆ2ÆZYA# !cysk¯ĥĆßMśĻĞĆGĺŒK4=[ -A#å¤ĔGĔş2ýĵ<A úĝM«ÉĤš H³İ#°Ï"ıťĔŀč"ÇĥèHÎi'wL ĐĄb'm2Ú&´PDF-42"ĔşLĐĄÅMJ ^l{qk]eĂœłÖŎğ[ ŎRXŕėŔ¬ŗ2[ā¼" ğLúăòÅğ2,-:E[ ÆDA# !IJKMęÓ¨)¨" ŞIJKMęÓ¨)¨ 0UOçÓL©¦2ÆZYA#ŋÅ1VSĆßŏ2 Î"ĆßāûSħRAŊļâūĆß2"ęÓ ¨ĭ&LGľìēKðDAĎ"¨úĥţĆ ß"¨êăŚ×Ćß2HSKKijï#êăĆ ßM¨ijïLĜŋéÄĆßHHSK"^ h'o^ĈÊÇīÅČÈďĔäñ2´ġ< A# !ELĔô¥Ŭ2ùPYA8LĔLK, ADFM"ģdzr$ùĦ"öĊłL:\ 2"æĻTKªŦ<AĎ"ř$ńďÀ LŇ&KMÿĒīK9ªŦ-AB-A#,W2H. 9;-P<A# 1J1´PVJ-#ÑWÅ[þDA@LH3"Đ Ąċß2üŮÇÅH´PDA# !8LÀ"ĆßāûLĆä2ÆZY" i'w2ŢÁ ņ#4= 3Lµ"ĢĠÏÇÅLcysk2Ćß āû[ 3ĪFA# $ĈÊÇīÅďũő_`^l{qk]eĂœł =.2$0 8' !_`^l{qk]e©¦ñHJDAď¡# [/Xp't|2 x'l|SLÇ:1VŠ >X#8Y[á6ÕRXAR"szjlqa'wH ¿NYX©¦ē2Āě:YX#«ŦJÈĹTî²[ŭ V7XįàJķʼngi~'|JI2Òŝ:YF-X 2"@YGSëK11XŦMċĪJSL#ÖÝ Ĵ ć"ĴćKıťºG1YA©¦GM"ë2đ/ VYJ1DA# !ËMōĈ[¢>AR"ëLņ«ÃÖ2ÆZY A#½VYAĔśÐLJ1"_`^l{qk]e łV2ëKS 5W" ŋLŖ fyjc[Ā ě#P:KL LŦØCHJD A# Ĭł!łĬL¥Ŭ!ńł 6:)97 $ĕúIJŋÇīÅIJŋ¸ňĆß¹ĔöĥÔ ŢŁĮ¡*ąó¡+$¶IJ çÓ¾õ©¦Lł%tgl$í»ĶĽĴĉ(ę Ó¾õ©¦$ĘÞLł%tgl$Íŋ±ŪĴ ĉ"ŐĥĖŔ Ĵĉ 7 $ĕĈÊÇīÅ_`^l{qk]e©¦Ćß ¹ĔıťºśĆºŢ»Âĕď¡$¶ IJ % ¨ $ $ ú ĥ ţ g n j i fy'dl'h|( ¨$$ŧ ĚŔ(¨#J<$ŊļâūÜ J<(¨$$êăŚ× (¨$$ĜŋéÄ $ĕ®£ÇīÅ_`^l{qk]e©¦Ćß ¹ĔĔşÇīÅď¡$¶$IJ%ęÓ ¨$$úĥţ ( ¨$ $ŧĚŔ (¨$$Ŋļâ ū (¨$$êăŚ× (¨$$ĜŋéÄ !ıťºÇÅô¥Ŭ /-7 $ĈÊÇÅČď·®£ĔıťºśĆĔŭ°ÏÔČ ÈÂď¡"»Âĕď¡$¶IJ$ IJ%tgl $Ņ÷ĴĨıťºÇÅďũőp}'v'|Ăœł ŘãĆß%ĝú÷Ŝ
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