intellimatch enterprise management studio
intellimatch enterprise management studio
INTELLIMATCH ENTERPRISE MANAGEMENT STUDIO Redefining the reconciliation service Redefining the Reconciliation Service SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio ensures an efficient and cost-effective reconciliation environment that optimally services many lines of business and operational processes. The studio enables reconciliation centers of excellence to catalogue expected and mandatory behavior across the entire reconciliation landscape, monitor the technical and business performance of processes in real time and over time, and respond rapidly to issues, to improve service quality and efficiency for internal customers. Business overview Within financial institutions, reconciliation centers of excellence are service providers, responsible for delivering multiple and complex sets of processes on a daily basis and on a global scale. As service recipients, lines of business will measure the performance and quality of this activity: not only its cost-effectiveness but also its ability to deliver the right processes, with great precision, at the expected time. To achieve these goals, and attract more subscriptions to the service, the reconciliation center faces three main challenges. Managing multiple distributed teams and operating multiple technology tools is the root cause of gaps in standardization and best practice today. This gap in enterprise reconciliation coverage is well understood: more than a third of firms believe that less than half of their overall reconciliation needs are met.1 SunGard is proud to partner with Intel. Source 1: CEB TowerGroup – Assessing the Global Enterprise Reconciliation Market. Fragmentation Many organizations deploy multiple reconciliation tools and versions across multiple servers, regions and databases. This lowers visibility, promotes inconsistent standards, and hinders maintenance and upgrades of the environment, impacting efficiency and introducing operational risk. Service quality Delivery of high service quality requires agreement, documentation, communication and tracking of expected and mandatory deliverables. A lack of tangible and agreed targets, and inability to monitor the execution of the service against these objectives, leads to reduction in customer satisfaction, ineffective communication and limited expansion of the use of the service within the organization. Enterprise efficiency As the size of the reconciliation service grows, the complexity and scope of the processes it is responsible for also grows. Automation around service activities is essential to maintain lowest operational costs. Often, however, the performance of the service will be judged against technical service level agreements (SLAs) that are transparent to the service recipient but are the foundation for internal cost savings. The service must be able to deliver these efficiencies, and provide clear reporting that demonstrates the effectiveness of the service to stakeholders. [email protected] 3 SunGard can help CATALOGUE SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio ensures an efficient and cost-effective reconciliation environment that optimally services many lines of business and operational processes. The solution enables reconciliation centers of excellence to catalogue expected and mandatory behavior across the entire reconciliation landscape, monitor the technical and business performance of processes in real time and over time, and respond rapidly to issues, to improve service quality and efficiency for their customers. 1.CATALOGUE – Document the full inventory of reconciliations within the service, and define expected and SLA business and technical deliverables to establish clear targets for desired service quality. MONITOR 2.MONITOR – Evaluate the execution of activity across the entire reconciliation landscape against the reconciliation catalogue in real time, and over time, to reduce service level breaches and introduce improved efficiencies. 3.RESPOND – Communicate and escalate potential real-time service delivery issues, and persistent delivery trends, to resolve irregularities rapidly, introduce service efficiency improvements and increase adherence to agreed SLAs. RESPOND 4 ››IntelliMatch Enterprise Trending & Analysis gives reconciliation Solution components SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio solution suite consists of the following components: ››IntelliMatch Administration Monitor allows reconciliation centers of excellence to generate an enterprise-wide inventory of scheduled reconciliation tasks, running across its entire landscape of IntelliMatch Operational Control deployments. The inventory, covering any number of databases, regions, servers and software versions, enables reconciliation service teams to document the expected and mandatory behavior of processes at both business and technical levels. Real-time evaluation of reconciliation activities against these expected outcomes provides service centers with early warning of potential technical or business breaches that could impact service quality or delivery, and enables faster response to potential process issues; significantly reducing operational inefficiency and risk. service teams the ability to monitor the reconciliation inventory over time, for long-term and historical analysis of the enterprise reconciliation environment. IntelliMatch Enterprise Trending & Analysis works in conjunction with IntelliMatch Administration Monitor to provide insight into technical and business performance of the reconciliation service, from rules efficiency to the meeting of SLAs. With such intelligence, teams can both identify opportunities to improve automation and efficiency, and reset service expectations when SLAs prove unrealistic or unachievable, ultimately raising the quality, consistency and efficiency of the service. ››IntelliMatch Enterprise Flow Manager enables reconciliation centers to create automated responses to service and technical issues across the reconciliation landscape. IntelliMatch Enterprise Flow Manager provides more effective notification to colleagues and service recipients of potential or actual SLA breaches, and assigns the resolution of issues to appropriate individuals, attaching information as necessary. By automating notification activity and streamlining escalation processes, teams can improve both efficiency and quality of their reconciliation service. Did you know: In a recent reconciliation survey, CEB TowerGroup stated that confidence in core reconciliation capabilities can sometimes flip into complacency, with firms overestimating the maturity level of their enterprise optimization capabilities.2 Business agility and operational efficiency were the top ranked business objectives in order of priority related to IT spending.3 Source 3: Aite – Capital Markets Technology Spending: Risk, Compliance and Uncertainty Abound. Source 2: CEB TowerGroup – Assessing the Global Enterprise Reconciliation Market. [email protected] 5 1. CATALOGUE: ESTABLISH EXPECTED AND MANDATORY BEHAVIOR Before a reconciliation center of excellence can begin setting, tracking and optimizing against performance and service objectives, it needs to understand and document exactly how the entire reconciliation landscape should and does behave, from both technical and business standpoints. To gain the required global and dynamic view of business processes, it must have the ability to: ››Create an inventory – With an enterprise-wide inventory of all reconciliation-based activity, the center of excellence gains the fundamental means to define and measure its landscape of operations. Describing precise activities and flows of the processes it delivers, the inventory should outline how the landscape’s different systems are configured, the particular jobs they are carrying out, the sequence in which they must occur, and their dependencies. This catalogue supports accurate, detailed planning and change management, and creates the framework necessary to truly capture business requirements and track service quality and efficiency. ››Define expected behavior – The reconciliation team must agree how different configurations and associated reconciliation activities are expected to behave, based on prior experience and existing systems, and taking into account both the technical performance of the enterprise environment and the business needs of service recipients. The difference between expected behavior and mandated service delivery represents the “window” in which the service provider can respond to challenges and still maintain service integrity; improving service quality and reducing operating costs. ››Document mandatory behavior – SLAs must be agreed and should include required business outcomes, such as delivery times and automated match rates, as well as technical indicators such as speed of import and overall data throughput, and should be carefully and constantly reviewed. By measuring actual results against well-defined and measurable SLAs, the provider can demonstrate the value, quality and success of its service, respond to under-performing processes, or realign agreements based upon more achievable expectations; raising service quality and consistency. ‘I now have a window of time to resolve and respond to issues before impacting service delivery.’ Satish Patel, 32 IT systems adminstrator 6 SunGard can help SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio allows reconciliation centers of excellence to generate an enterprise-wide inventory of scheduled reconciliation tasks, running across its entire landscape of IntelliMatch Operational Control deployments. The inventory, covering any number of databases, regions, servers and software versions, allows reconciliation service teams to document the expected and mandatory behavior of processes at both business and technical levels. At individual task level, a wide range of detailed attributes from expected matching levels to file and data sizes can also be recorded, enabling a high degree of accuracy in the capture of SLAs and expected service output. Tasks can be grouped together according to reconciliation or account type, to clarify interdependencies, allow high-level business review and provide greater visibility of overall service expectations and delivery. Did you know: Capture of detailed reconciliation inventory In a recent CEB TowerGroup survey, 57% of respondents stated they have 4 or more dedicated reconciliation teams.4 51% of survey respondents reported that their institution has more than 10 different systems performing reconciliation functions, and of that, 25% respondents reported that the number of systems is higher than 20.5 Source 4 & 5: CEB TowerGroup – Assessing the Global Enterprise Reconciliation Market. [email protected] 7 2. M ONITOR: EVALUATE IN REAL TIME AND OVER TIME With a complete inventory of global processes in place, the reconciliation service team can start monitoring the day-to-day execution of reconciliation tasks against, both business and technical objectives. Analysis should be possible in both the short and long term, enabling reconciliation centers to: ››Monitor in real time – By evaluating the execution of global reconciliation tasks in real time and in one centralized area, reconciliation centers can escalate, annotate and repair issues before they become service level breaches and a risk to the wider organization. Evaluation of technical outcomes enables service centers to react to system or infrastructure faults more rapidly, and minimize their business impact. By monitoring for unexpected business outcomes, they can pre-empt potential escalations from lines of business, collect together supporting information to aid investigation, reduce “noise” by clarifying the cause, and improve overall service quality. In both cases, the inventory provides a true understanding of what is expected of the center. When compared against actual output, this enables a rapid, proactive response. ››Trend over time – While financial institutions must ensure that expectations of their service centers are realistic and achievable, centers themselves must strive to continually achieve and improve upon their initial efficiency and service quality. The ability to monitor adherence to agreed standards, and track the levels of efficiency and delivery quality, is critical to the long-term viability, efficiency and expansion of the service, but can also require constant process evolution or engineering. Service teams must ensure they can continuously meet or exceed agreed SLAs and maintain or improve upon levels of automation, for maximum cost-effectiveness. By analysing patterns in breaches of SLAs, institutions can analyzing potential process enhancements that will reduce the frequency of breaches and enable improvements in configuration, rules or workflow. This will streamline the resolution of such issues and provide recommendations and justification for the realignment of service expectations. Did you know: In a recent CEB TowerGroup survey, only 17% of respondents reported that they have automated the monitoring of reconciliation performance at the enterprise level.6 Improving reconciliation performance requires systematic monitoring of a comprehensive inventory of all enterprise reconciliation tasks.7 Source 6 & 7: CEB TowerGroup – Assessing the Global Enterprise Reconciliation Market. 8 Real-time monitoring available through tablet or web SunGard can help SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio provides centralized monitoring of all reconciliation activities across any number of regions, versions, databases and reconciliation processes. Real-time evaluation of these activities against expected and SLA outcomes provides service centers with early warning of potential technical or business breaches that could affect service quality or delivery. The solution also provides the ability to monitor the reconciliation inventory and executed activity over time. Through analysis of unexpected output, issue resolutions, rules performance and specific activities, such as file delivery time, service centers can determine patterns in performance and processes that enable refinement of expectation and automation. Such insight ensures continual improvement in service quality, alignment and refinement of service expectations, and an increase in overall process efficiency. ‘My service consistently delivers reconciliations at a lower cost and a higher quality.’ Andrew Jackson, 42 operations manager [email protected] 9 3. R ESPOND: ESCALATE, COMMUNICATE AND RESOLVE To raise service quality and lower operational costs through greater efficiency, reconciliation services must seek to: ››Escalate – Any deviation from expected behavior or SLAs provides a window of opportunity to take necessary remedial steps. It is the team’s ability to recognize and utiliize this window that will help them raise service quality, meet SLAs more consistently, and eliminate service disruption. Workflow-driven assignment and escalation ensures that unusual or erroneous events are appropriately routed to the correct individuals and allocated the correct level of priority to ensure timely execution of critical actions with minimal manual intervention. ››Communicate – Through open communication with its customers, the service can ensure that reconciliation recipients are not working on unprepared or erroneous reconciliations, and that they are kept up to date with progress on resolutions to unexpected events; lowering complaints, raising service quality, and reducing wasted effort and time on inaccurate reconciliation packages. Such transparency of information also enables reconciliation service teams themselves to expedite resolution to issues. ››Resolve – Using root cause and resolution statistics gathered over time, teams can derive patterns in behavior of the reconciliation landscape and SLA breaches and resolutions. By applying automated responses to these repeated or predictable business process events, reconciliation service teams can reduce the inefficiency and operational risk caused by dependency on manual tasks. Through such long-term trending, persistent SLA breaches can be analyzed to determine the cause and appropriate response. In many cases the business process itself can be adjusted. However, where expectations are genuinely unrealistic, SLAs can be refined to ensure that they are achievable. ‘I am notified immediately when my reconciliations are ready. I can now complete my reconciliations earlier’. Mary Peters, 52 operations analyst 10 SunGard can help SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio enables reconciliation centers to continually improve the quality and efficiency of their service. The solution provides an early warning system that spots deviations from expected behavior that may not have yet impacted SLA deliverables. By applying automated responses to these warnings, in real time, resolution and repair can often be executed within the required time window that allows for adherence to agreed SLAs despite technical or business events which may well have caused a service delivery issue. Comprehensive workflow drives escalation, assignment and notification of potential service issues, and promotes clear, consistent communication between the provider and customer. The resulting information supports rapid resolution, and prevents redundant or unnecessary actions at the client site or within the service center itself. Did you know: Automated workflow for rapid resolution 39% of survey respondents stated that performance planning to improve and optimize their reconciliation processes was ad hoc or non-existent.8 Source 8: CEB TowerGroup – Assessing the Global Enterprise Reconciliation Market. [email protected] 11 About IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio SunGard’s IntelliMatch Enterprise Management Studio ensures an efficient and cost-effective reconciliation environment that optimally services many lines of business and operational processes. The studio enables reconciliation centers of excellence to catalogue expected and mandatory behavior across the entire reconciliation landscape, monitor the technical and business performance of processes in real time and over time, and respond rapidly to issues, to improve service quality and efficiency for their customers. About SunGard SunGard is one of the world’s leading software and technology services companies. SunGard serves approximately 25,000 customers in more than 70 countries and has approximately 17,000 employees. SunGard provides software and processing solutions for financial services, education and the public sector. SunGard also provides disaster recovery services, managed IT services, information availability consulting services and business continuity management software. With annual revenue of over $4.0 billion, SunGard is one of the largest privately held IT software and services companies. For more information, please visit Look for us wherever the mission is critical. For more information: visit: Contact us: [email protected] Telephone: 001 800 825 2518 Follow us on twitter Americas Australia/New Zealand Western Europe BOSTON, MA NEW YORK, NY PARSIPPANY, NJ WAYNE, PA SAO PAULO, BRAZIL MELBOURNE, AUSTRALIA PERTH, AUSTRALIA SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA CHRISTCHURCH, NEW ZEALAND GENEVA, SWITZERLAND LONDON, UK WINTERTHUR, SWITZERLAND ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Asia Eastern Europe MIDDLE EAST BEIJING, CHINA HONG KONG, HONG KONG SAR JAKARTA, INDONESIA KARACHI, PAKISTAN KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA MANILA, PHILIPPINES SHANGHAI, CHINA SINGAPORE BELGRADE, SERBIA BRATISLAVA, SLOVAKIA Dubai, United Arab Emirates North Africa TUNIS, TUNISIA ©2013 SunGard. Trademark Information: SunGard, the SunGard logo and IntelliMatch are trademarks or registered trademarks of SunGard Data Systems Inc. or its subsidiaries in the U.S. and other countries. All other trade names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective holders.
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