Term 2 Week 5 - Kemblawarra Public School
Term 2 Week 5 - Kemblawarra Public School
Term 2 Thursday 26th May 2016 Kemblawarra Public School & Preschool Principal: Mrs Eleanor Thompson School News ATHLETICS CARNIVAL NATIONAL RECONCILIATION WEEK Thursday June 2 2016 we will be holding our annual athletics carnival at Beaton Park. This day is a school day and all students are expected to attend the event. 27 MAY - 3 JUNE Beaton Park is a fantastic facility which allows our students to experience the athletics carnival as an authentic sporting event with real running tracks, new and appropriate equipment for discus, shot put, long jump and high jump. We unfortunately do not have facilities on our school grounds that allow for such a great experience. Assistant Principal: Assistant Principal: Ms Rebeka Schroder Mrs Amy Murray If you need a payment plan to assist in paying the cost of attending the athletics carnival, please speak to your classroom teacher. Please ensure your child's permission note is returned as soon as possible, regardless of paying late or using a payment plan. It is essential we have your child's signed note to attend the event. National Reconciliation Week is an annual celebration and is a time for all Australians to reflect on our shared histories, and on the contributions and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. Reconciliation Week runs from 27 May – 3 June. This year the theme is ‘Our History, Our Story, Our Future’. Students will complete activities and have discussions in regards to the theme and celebration throughout the week. As a whole school we will acknowledge the start of Reconciliation Week in assembly this Friday 27 May. All students are allowed to wear mufti clothing in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander colours on this day. Please ensure students wear clothing that is appropriate to complete sport activities on Friday afternoon. The cost of the carnival is $10 which covers bus travel to and from Beaton Park and track hire. Assistant Principal (Relieving): Mr Calum MacLeod Students are also reminded to bring recess, lunch, hats and water bottles. Running, field and novelty events will be conducted on the day. If you have any concerns please speak to your child's classroom teacher. Thank you School Administrative Manager: Mrs Debbie Smith CRAZY HAIR DAY Thank you to everyone who participated in Crazy Hair Day and made donations towards this important cause. Our school raised $93.20 in total. A huge effort and some fantastic hair styles on the day! Instructional Leader: Please be aware due to a number of different policies and legislation, Parents/Caregivers are not able to approach students attending the school or on school grounds in regards to behaviour or issues that may have occurred in the playground or classroom. If you are concerned in anyway that there has been an incident or you are unhappy with the actions or behaviour of another student attending the school, please speak to a teacher or executive member of the school. Under no circumstances is it acceptable to approach the student. Once a teacher or executive member has been made aware of your concerns, appropriate measures will be put in place to investigate and follow up on the concern. Your cooperation in this utilising this system is much appreciated. Mrs Kylie Pratt LOYALTY AND SERVICE STUDENT WELFARE Upcoming Events Reconciliation Week-Mufti Day—Friday 27th May School Athletics Carnival—Thursday 2nd June Weekly Awards Primary Merits Green Award— Tyson, Chloe, Nicole, Kristian, Liam, Asritha, Ashton, Jaiden, Stephanie, Zachery, Kathleen, Dylan Ashton, Dylan, Daniel, Braiden, Morgan, Justin Gold Award –Mya, Caleb, Infant Merits Ivana, Zak, Dylan (below)- Amelia, Kilarni, Maton, Principals Awards (above) Medal—Dylan Class of the Week Birthday’s District Cross Country HB6 Caught You Being Good Reading Award– Jake, Zak, Nicholas, Ivana, (below) RJ, Yonas, Asritha, Aaron, Kilarni, Madison, Bernice, Declan, Evan, Amelia, Caleb, Tyson, Tahj, Breakfast Club Ashton, Tyrese, Malakye Award– Zachary Cox Term 2 Week 4 Class Attendance % Chart Week 4 HB1 HB2 HB3 HB4 100% HB5 100% 86% 82% 87% HB6 HB7 HB8 Attendance Class of the Week HB9 98% 91% 87% 68% HB1 & HB5 100% School Weekly Attendance Rate Going to school is important. It makes learning easier for your child and helps to build and maintain friendships with other children. If you are having difficulties in getting your children to school on time you should contact the Principal as soon as possible to discuss the problem and ask for help. 89% We have been exploring our creative side in Wondangar this term. We choose what we would like to paint on the iPad and then copy it. Some of us are experts at painting Angry Birds, guess who... Kemblawarra Public School, Pre School Term 2, Week 5 Buroo Room & Wombat Room What’s happening in our rooms this week? In the wombat room we are discussing babies. We would like to extend this interest and ask that each child, if possible, bring in a baby photo. If you would like to email it rather than bring an orig inal, please see Amanda. We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents with the colder weather creeping up on us, please consider keeping your child at home to recuperate when they are sick. Birthdays This week in the Buroo room, Beau and Jaiden celebrated their 4th birthdays! Jaiden - 21st May, Beau – 20th May Reminders Please remember to bring a spare change of clothes. Please remember to label all of your child’s belongings, so they can avoid being lost. A good sun protective hat shades the head, face, eyes, ears and neck. Bucket, wide-brimmed or legionnaire hats are best. Baseball caps do not offer enough protection for the cheeks, ears and neck, and are not recommended. http:// www.sunsmart.com.au/communities/parents Healthy Eating Water is the healthiest drink for children. It is also the cheapest. Most tap water is fortified with fluoride for strong teeth too. Please avoid packing juice, cordial, flavoured milks, up and go’s etc. http://raisingchildren.net.au/articles/healthy_food_preschoolers.html Beau enjoying his Minion cake KEMBLAWARRA PUBLIC SCHOOL PO Box 114 Port Kembla NSW 2505 Phone: 4274 2024 Fax: 4276 2871 Email: [email protected] Safety and Security Students, staff and school property are protected under the Enclosed Lands Act. It is an offence to verbally and physically assault any student or staff member on school premises. School grounds are private property. No one is allowed on school grounds out of school hours unless they have permission. If anyone sees anybody they think shouldn’t be on the school grounds please contact School Security on 1800 880 021 or the Police on 4232 5599.