04 June 2015 - Emmanuel Catholic Primary School Mackay: Home


04 June 2015 - Emmanuel Catholic Primary School Mackay: Home
04 June 2015
Dear Parents,
I am sure that many of you would have noticed the number of improvements to our school surrounds that have
occurred since the beginning of the school year. The Junior playground area has recently had new play
equipment installed, whilst the area outside Administration has been transformed with landscaping and the
addition of an Outdoor Classroom space. These projects have been made possible through funding received
from our Diocesan Catholic Education Office in the form of an “Enhancement Grant”. Thank you, to our Director,
Miss Leesa Jeffcoat for this contribution of funds which has greatly enhanced the aesthetic appeal of our outdoor
Further improvements which occurred earlier this year, include the installation of new aluminium doors to all
classroom blocks. These doors have replaced the glass sliding doors, and together with insulation in the
ceilings of all classrooms will provide further cooling, and hopefully contribute to the reduction of electricity costs
in the school. Aluminium tables and seating have replaced the existing timber tables in Prep and the outdoor
shade sail areas outside the Music room. The concrete area outside Prep has also had a „facelift‟ with the
application of a bright and colourful synpave surface.
As we continue to upgrade and improve the outdoor areas of our school, we are also committed to ensuring that
our buildings are „up-to-date‟ and that our physical resources support the 21st Century learning of our students.
Therefore, next term will see the commencement of a major refurbishment to our library. This project will be
funded with a loan which has been accessed through our Diocesan Catholic Education Office. Major work will
take place throughout Term 3 and into Term 4. Whilst this is occurring, our resource centre will be relocated to
the spare classrooms in Q Block, beside our Computer Laboratory. This is an exciting time for us as we await
the completion of such an important project.
Many of the resources which our students enjoy today are the result of the hard work and dedication of the
Parents and Friends Association. Although the school now has a Fundraising Levy in place, over the years our
parent body has worked tirelessly in supporting the fundraising activities of the school. Without their assistance
many projects would not have been possible. Our P&F Association continues to support the school on a number
of initiatives as outlined in a recent school newsletter. The staff, on behalf of the students, is sincerely grateful
for the positive support these resources bring to the work of teaching and learning in our Emmanuel classrooms.
Over the last couple of weeks a great deal of effort has been made to ensure that our Athletics Carnival
scheduled for next Wednesday runs smoothly. Mr Glen Cureton in particular has put many extra hours into the
planning and preparation of events. The teachers have also been very willing to be flexible in order to complete
trials for many events. Lots of parents have also offered to help in many different ways. Without you we could
not have a successful carnival. All we need now is a fine day!
Wishing you every blessing for the coming week,
Geraldine Rostirolla
Thank you to those people who had time to go online
and complete the surveys on prayer over the past six
weeks. We are grateful to the students, teachers and
parents who shared their experiences of prayer. In our
final week of discovering more about prayer in our
school community, I found this little prayer from Pope
It is a lovely way to pray, and it showcases Pope
Francis‟ sense of simplicity, his priority for family, his
love for the poor and also his recognition that prayer is
At 9am, in the Chapel
This week the students will continue to learn what a
WEST person is and also learn about being a Happy
Year 1 Thursday 11 June
Year 6 Thursday 18 June
All parents are welcome.
Mrs Peta Jeppesen
Assistant Principal – Religious Education
Natural Procreative (NaPro) Technology is a new
medical science that aims to investigate causes of
infertility and gynaecological disorders and treat them
in a way that restores health. It is a good option for
couples who want to avoid IVF and hormonal
There will be a free information session presented by
Dr Ciara Ross (Napro Medical Practitioner) and Mrs
Suzanne Clark (Fertility Care Practitioner) on
Saturday 13th June at 2pm at the Mater Hospital
Mackay Meeting rooms (will be signed at the front
Do not miss this great opportunity to discover more
about this new breakthrough in medicine and fertility
awareness. For more information please contact
Suzanne 0422267351.
What is Humility? When you are humble you
don‟t act as if you are more important than other
people. You are happy to serve others and think
other people‟s needs are important. You don‟t
expect others or yourself to be perfect. You don‟t
criticize others or yourself. You admit mistakes
and learn from them. Sometimes mistakes are our
best teachers.
Uniform detentions are given to students in Years 4, 5
and 6 who are wearing incorrect uniform without a
note from a parent to explain the situation. Students
can also be given Uniform detentions for wearing the
uniform incorrectly – that is correct clothing but
uniforms in poor repair or shirts constantly hanging
out or socks which disappear permanently into shoes.
Failure to wear a hat is cause for Uniform detention.
Finally, we thank you, as parents, for your support
regarding Uniform expectations. We appreciate that
you understand our desire to uphold the high
standards on which our school prides itself.
The P & F has received information about the 2015
National Excellence in Teaching Awards.
awards recognise inspirational and dedicated teachers
in our schools. If you would like to nominate one of our
wonderful teachers at Emmanuel, you can nominate
online at asg.com.au/neita. Nominations close 31 July
Once again we would like to say a HUGE THANKYOU
to the vast majority of parents who ensure that students
are dressed in the correct school uniform. Emmanuel
prides itself on the high standards set for students in
our school, of which our uniform plays a major part. It is
an expectation that ALL students will wear the correct
uniform at ALL times unless there is a sudden difficulty,
in which case we ask that parents write a note to
teachers explaining the position. We would also expect
the situation to be rectified as soon as possible. It you
are unsure of aspects of the uniform or what is allowed,
please check with school administration as failure to do
so can be expensive.
We would like to remind parents of the following issues
which seem to constantly arise:
Sports shoes (leather or leather look with fabric) low cut joggers, WHITE laces, WHITE background,
some colour trim is acceptable. Canvas shoes eg.
Dunlop Volleys, high cut basketball shoes and
white/black “street” shoes with coloured laces are
NOT acceptable. NO “FLURO” COLOURS
Sports socks - white with royal blue and gold stripe.
Formal Shoes: Traditional lace-up black leather
school shoes (low cut black leather LYNX are
suitable). Formal shoes are to be BLACK ONLY ABSOLUTELY NO TRIM. Please note that leather
“STREET-STYLE” shoes such as Kustom Brand
and “MARY-JANE” STYLE shoes are NOT
If your child is in breach of the Uniform standards set by
Emmanuel, we ask that you write a note to your child‟s
teacher and rectify the problem as soon as possible.
We expect all students to be dressed in correct school
uniform by the end of the term.
Uniforms are available from Uniform Solutions –
Shop 2, 88 Sydney St Cnr Alfred & Sydney Sts
Mackay. Second hand uniforms are available from
the school and can be purchased on Tuesday
afternoons from 2.30pm – 3.00pm & Thursday
mornings 8.15am – 8.45am.
Congratulations to Brody Morgan
who won first prize in the RSPCA
colouring-in competition which
supported the Million Paws Walk
this year. Brody won a night‟s
accommodation, puppy supplies,
a goody bag of lollies and toys, a football, frisbee and food
Well done Brody!
We would appreciate it if parents could speak with
their children regarding crossing the road safely when
entering / leaving school. The pedestrian crossing is
supervised from 8.00am each morning and 3.00pm
each afternoon, so as to ensure the safety of our
students. If you are using other drop-off points around
the school area, such as Holy Spirit College, we ask
that you personally escort your child across the road,
as the safety of our students is paramount. Thank
you for your support in this matter.
School fees were due three weeks ago. We would
like to thank those families who have paid. It would
be appreciated if you have not finalized your account
if you could attend to this matter as soon as possible.
If you are experiencing difficulties, please contact Jan
or Therese in the finance office.
Tuesday 2.30pm – 3.00pm
Thursday 8.15am – 8.45am
There are no hockey games next weekend due to
our Mackay Representative Players travelling to
Townsville for the Inter-City Clash.
Monday 08 June
Public Holiday
Tuesday 09 June
Help Wanted
Wednesday 10 June
Athletics Carnival
Thursday 11 June
Rebecca Wellbrock
Friday 12 June
Karen Spencer,
Jodi Veronese
Rd 7 Emmanuel 28 def Eimeo 4
An impressive win as we near the end of our
competition. It was great to see all our hard work
from training transferred to the game with many
players attempting some of our set plays. Owen
Schembri displayed inspiring skills while in the
dummy half position, kept our game at a good pace
and successfully converted a try. It was wonderful
to see one of our younger players Tom Burgess run
hard with the ball and involve himself more in the
game this week, which contributed to our success.
Jameson Beatson pushed his way over the try line
to score two of our five tries and like a true forward
made numerous tackles and kept Eimeo away from
the try line. Well done to all the boys on a great
This term the children have been practicing their
athletic skills in preparation for the Emmanuel Athletic
Carnival which will held next week. Some of the field
events will be held on TUESDAY 9 JUNE on Father
Carroll Oval at 12.45pm. The interhouse athletics
carnival will be on WEDNESDAY 10 JUNE. This will
be a day carnival, allowing for maximum participation
with many heats followed by finals. The carnival is for
all students. Prep students will do a non-competitive
sprint event. Years 1-3 will participate in a sprint
event, novelty games and many other fun activities to
be held at Emmanuel. Nine to twelve year olds will
also do a sprint, 200m, 800m and field events. We
welcome all members of the school community to
attend to urge our young stars on.
Things to remember:
 Asthma puffers or epipens are to be taken to
the carnival.
 NO TUCKSHOP on Wednesday 10 June
 Students are to wear their sports uniform with
a ribbon of their House colour OR a T shirt of
their House colour with their sports shorts.
The Emmanuel school hat is to be worn.
 Leave all valuables (ipods, gameboys
watches etc) at home.
 Thank-you to all parents who have offered to
help. Job descriptions will be sent home soon.
 The timetables for the two days have been
Thank-you for your support.
Glen Cureton
HPE Teacher
In accordance with the Australian Track & Field
Coaches Association it is a requirement that all
primary school students participate in high jump
using the Scissor technique.
Provision will only be made for the Fosbury Flop
technique if a letter by a certified coach accompanies
the student before the day of competition. This letter
must include the Coach‟s name and contact number
and when the instruction took place.
Any queries may be directed to Mr Cureton
Emmanuel HPE Teacher via the office.
Good luck to all our boys and girls playing in the
Under 11 and Under 13 age groups.
Rd 8 Emmanuel v Sarina 4pm Field 4
Congratulations to Harrison Turner, Parker Munro
and Jameson Beatson who were selected in the
Mackay Schools u12 Rugby Union team last week.
All the best to the players for the Capricornia trials in
Emerald on the 15 June.
A huge congratulations to
Preetika Vella in Year 5S.
Preetika competed in the
Capricornia Cross Country
earlier in the week, and
came FIRST in her agegroup. Well done Preetika!
She will now move onto the
State Championships on the
Gold Coast on July 19. We
wish you all the best
Mon 8 June
Tues 9 June
Wed 10 June
Fri 12 June
Tues 16 June
Thurs 25 June
Fri 26 June
Queen‟s Birthday Public Holiday
Half day Athletics Carnival
Athletics Carnival
School Disco
School Board Meeting
Mackay Show Day Public Holiday
Last day of Term 2
Yr 1
Yr 2
Zooper Doopers
Whiz Fizz
Mixed Lollies
Red Frogs
Musk Sticks
The HSC Spirit and Action Group will also be selling
Yr 3
Yr 4
Yr 5
Chocolates and Water with funds raised going to their
selected charity. Water will cost $1.50 and
Chocolates $2.50.
If you are available to help set-up on Wednesday 10
June at 7.30am, please contact the school office on
49 425 999.
Thank you.
Yr 6
Phoebe Wheeler
Miley Blackhurst
Hollie Hopson
Hudson Sinnott
Abby McCreadie
Indii Peterstorfer
Dallas Mitchell
Amelia Dolphin
Kaidan Treuel
Sophia Woodwell
Ella Fry
Sonny McGovern
Leah Denning
Mackenzie Maunder
Ben Taylor
Shophia Lo Presti
Alana Hyde
Charlotte Lanigan
Jeremy Pula-Fatu
Lucy Renton
Riley Baretta
Katie Prince
Mia Flakus
Rorie Saron
Eloise Turner
Tayla Camilleri
Erin Synott
Cooper Findlay
Connor Muscat
Eryn DePInto
Kasey Balchin
Chloe Moyle
Ryan Desbois
Emerson Beerhalter
Thomas Fry
Sophie Blundell
Jack Dwyer
Anna Boxall
Parker McGovern
Charli Sammut
Connor DeThomasis
Mitchell Taylor
Kaden Borg
Abbi Smerdon
James Falzon
Harry Kirkwood
Seth Winter
Amelia Davis
Isaac Hinrichsen
Jude Weir
Marissa Denning
Charlie Grima
Demmi Sammut
Kasey Gibbs
Abbey Thompson
Mathew Allen
Stephanie Robertson
Riley Harmsworth