2010 annual report - Preservation Virginia
2010 annual report - Preservation Virginia
Pr es ervatio n V i r g i n i a 2010 Annual Report Mo v i n g For wa rd Wh i l e P re se r v i n g T h e Pa st . MISSION STATEMENT View from Cape Henry Lighthouse Lantern Room, Fort Story, Virginia Official Preservation Viginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t P RESERVATION VIRGINIA M i s s i o n S t a t e m e n t The mission of Preservation Virginia is to preserve, promote and serve as an advocate for the state’s irreplaceable historic places for cultural, economic and educational benefits of everyone. w w w. p r e s e r v at i o n v i r g i n i a . o r g A Note from the BOARD PRESIDENT As I reflect upon 2010, my final term as President of Preservation Virginia, my appreciation for the complexity and diversity of programs has grown while serving in office. Preservation Virginia’s strengths lie in its ability to adapt to the changing environment. In 2010, and perhaps more than ever, that characteristic was most prevalent. I am pleased to share the following institutional accomplishments: • Positioning Preservation Virginia as a catalyst in growing the preservation movement—Today, our stewardship of properties continues—those we own and those whose continued existence we support. The Partner in the Field updates vividly describe our work across the Commonwealth. A quick check of the web calendar reveals the activities and programs undertaken by our Branches. • Restructuring the relationship between Branches and the Statewide organization—Expectations of how non-profit organizations operate evolved in the last decade. Transparency and accountability to those we serve is vital. As such, systems and policies equally applied across the organization are necessary. Implementing the Branch Criteria is enabling Preservation Virginia to meet this challenge. • Increasing effective communications—In an organization as diverse as ours, communications on all levels requires diligence and continuous effort. Strides have been made. Consistent branding communicates to potential members and supporters that we are one organization with many parts. Utilizing the website, E-News, Facebook, and YouTube connects current and potential members. Internally, regular communications between Branch leadership, statewide staff and volunteers ensures opportunities for information flow. Is it perfect? No. Striving for continuos improvement is our goal here. • Economic sustainability—Before the recession, Preservation Virginia recognized the need for a new financial model. A multi-prong approach offers stability. New models for historic sites, attracting a younger and more engaged audience and building the endowment and cash reserve P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t funds are just some of the strategies. On the later point, I am grateful to individuals like Mervyn Wingfield, Charles Haynes, Warren Chauncey, Anne DeMarsay and Dexter Guptill for informing us of their plans to support the endowment. This notification allows us to thank them during their lifetime and the ultimate gift is an investment in the future. • Addressing preservation maintenance—Home ownership comes with a never ending maintenance list. Consider owning 28 historic properties! We rely on our Branches to assume the role of stewards at some properties. Projects at the Mary Washington, Montgomery County, Charlotte County and Joseph Bryan Branches are deserving of note. We also seek grant support. In 2010, we undertook a comprehensive list of projects to install new systems and make interior and exterior improvements at the John Marshall House. The projects are funded by the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation, Mary and David Collins and the John Marshall Foundation, through support from an anonymous donor. I am also elated with the announcement of the collaboration with Colonial Williamsburg Foundation. This alliance embraces many of the initiatives in the Strategic Plan. The collaboration creates a new model for the management of historic places. Drawing on the strengths of each organization, the collaboration ensures that Historic Jamestowne attains its full potential by continuing the archaeological research and disseminating those findings to the broadest audience possible. Awareness of this national treasure will be raised through increased public programming and promotion through Colonial Williamsburg’s considerable outlets. This collaboration helps to ensure a sustainable model for this historic site while freeing other resources of Preservation Virginia to concentrate on our statewide mission. Today, our approach adopts twenty-first century methodology while mirroring the vision of Preservation Virginia’s founders. Similarly to our counterparts at the turn of the nineteenth century, our vision focuses on being a catalyst in a Virginia that utilizes its historic places for educational and economic goals. John H. Guy, IV President, 2009 & 2010 Term NEW AUDIENCES Historic Jamestowne Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t REACHING NEW & Young Preservationists Preservation Virginia makes a targeted effort to reach out to new audiences and welcome them as members, visitors, volunteers and preservation activists. We have established a new Young Preservationist of the Year Award, implemented child and family friendly programming at our historic sites and initiated new outreach programs with multiple schools systems in the Commonwealth. Preservation Virginia serves as the leading steward of historic preservation in Virginia and is committed to passing this profound legacy on to the next generation. R eaching new & Y oung P reservationists New Media & P reservation V irginia Preservation Virginia continues to progress in harnessing various forms of new technology to reach a wide and diverse audience. It has launched multi media messaging campaigns to engage, focus, and connect more directly with our preservation audience and potential audiences, using Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube in conjunction with its monthly E-news, website, and preservation blog. The lines of internal and external communications have been greatly enhanced, allowing Preservation Virginia to monitor field preservation issues in real time and offer immediate feedback, advice, and professional assistance. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Preservation Virginia has established a strong and active presence on several social networks as well as its blog and website. These sites include, but are not limited to: • YouTube: www.youtube.com/preservationvirginia • Twitter: www.twitter.com/preservationva • Facebook: www.facebook.com/preservationvirginia • Twitpics: www.twitpic.com/photos/preservationva • Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/preservationva • Blog: www.preservationvirginia.blogspot.com To date, Preservation Virginia has over 1,200 Facebook fans, more than 600 followers on Twitter and its videos on YouTube have been downloaded over 2,500 times. A re you a fan yet ? E -news Anyone? Preservation Virginia has a Facebook account. To find it, visit facebook.com and search for Preservation Virginia. Our page streamlines information about historic preservation events and news right to your live feed on Facebook. By becoming a fan of the page, visitors will have access to a wealth of information and venues for volunteering and contributing to historic preservation causes around the Commonwealth. Preservation Virginia has also initiated a monthly E-Newsletter that affords subscribers an additional method of keeping up to date with statewide events and news. For more information on how you can receive our E-Newsletter, contact Betsy Edwards at [email protected] or 804.648.1889 x311. EXTENDING OUR INFLUENCE PRESERVATION VIRGINIA B RAN CHES Enriching the overall influence of Preservation throughout the Commonwealth When Preservation Virginia was founded in 1889, a branch structure was established that gave the organization a broader base of membership. It also helped the organization to reach out into communities throughout Virginia to identify and save historic landmarks. Originally, Branches were Di s c ov e r . L e a r n. P r e s e rv e . established in New York, Philadelphia, and Tennessee. However, as the need for preservation was seen in other communities across the nation, these out of state branches broke away and S aving V irginia’ s H istoric S ites O n e M e mb e r s h i p At A T i m e established preservation and historical societies focusing on their own state’s resources. Today, Preservation Virginia’s Branches act as advocates for preservation in their cities, counties or regions. The Branches are the base from which the organization operates. Located throughout the state of Virginia, these nineteen branches have their individual areas of focus. Some Branches maintain properties and oversee the interpretation at a site. Other Branches focus on providing their region with educational opportunities related to preservation and preservation advocacy. The Branches are divided into regions to maintain communications and effectiveness of their programs. Branch directors are elected on a rotating basis form the individual memberships and serve volunteer terms. The next page is a listing of Branches and contacts by region. Contact a local branch today to learn more about becoming a member, or visit www.preservationvirginia.org/AboutUs/Branches.php P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Reaching O ut to S upport Community B ased Preservation CENTRAL REGION NORTHERN REGION TIDEWATER REGION WESTERN REGION Charlotte County Branch Mrs. Kay B. Lucado, Director 1325 Country Road Saxe, VA 23967 Phone: 434.454.6238 Mary Washington Branch Mrs. H. Harrison (Gail) Braxton, Jr. Director 1204 Charles Street Fredericksburg, VA 22401 Phone: 540.373.6209 / 540.373.1569 [email protected] Colonial Capital Branch Joe Burkart, Director 217 E.Tazewells Way Williamsburg, VA 23185 Phone: 757.259.9134 [email protected] Montgomery County Branch Mrs. Joann Sutphin, Director 1279 Catawba Road Blacksburg, VA 24060 Phone: 540.552.7812 Fort Henry Branch Alice Martin, Director 1546 Berkeley Avenue Petersburg, VA 23805 Phone: 804.861.8621 [email protected] Hanover County Branch Lyn Hodnett, Acting Director 14372 Riverside Drive Ashland, VA 23005 804.798.4149 Historic Richmond Foundation Mrs. Mary Jane Hogue, Director 4 East Main Street Suite 1-C Richmond, VA 23219 Phone: 804.643.7407 Fax: 804.788.4244 [email protected] Northern Neck Branch Becky Marks P.O. Box 5 Sharps, VA 22548 Phone: 804.394.3102 [email protected] Northern Virginia Branch Robert Orrison, Director 16937 Mommouth Court Dumfries, VA 22026 Phone: 703.431.2869 [email protected] Ralph Wormeley Branch Mrs. Diane S. Gravatt, Director P.O. Box 277 Urbanna, VA 23175-0277 [email protected] Isle of Wight Branch Lanny Hinson, Director 345 Main Street Smithfield, VA 23430 Phone: 757.357.3091 [email protected] Joseph Bryan Branch John Gills, Director P.O. Box 629 Gloucester, VA 23061 Phone: 804.693.6688 [email protected] Northampton Branch Mr. James C. Sturgis, Director P.O. Box 501 Eastville, VA 23347 Phone: 757.678.5183 [email protected] Thomas Rolfe Branch Dr. Phyllis Wacker, Director 252 Riverview Drive Surry, VA 23883 Phone: 757.294.3673 [email protected] Yorktown Branch Frank Edwards, Director 126 Barn Swallow Ridge Yorktown, VA 23692 Phone: 757.898.6638 [email protected] w w w. p r e s e r v at i o n v i r g i n i a . o r g Northern Shenandoah Valley Branch Robert W. Stieg, Jr., Director P.O. Box 32 Millwood, VA 22646 Phone: 540.837.2790 [email protected] Southern Shenandoah Valley Branch Arthur Bartenstein, Director 614 Stonewall St. Lexington, VA 24450 Phone: 540.463.2946 [email protected] Sarah Winston Henry Branch Dorothea Fuller, Director 2940 Rivermont Avenue Apt. 5 Lynchburg, VA 24503 Phone: 434.845.4488 Thomas Jefferson Branch Martin Quarles P.O. Box 187 Ivy, VA 22945 [email protected] GUIDANCE IN THE FIELD Aerial View of Fort Monroe, Hampton P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Proactive Advocacy & Support When the site of one of the most important battles of the Civil War, Wilderness Battlefield in Orange County, was threatened by the proposal to build a Walmart Supercenter, Preservation Virginia proactively stepped in and served as a key supporter of the multi-year campaign to save the contextual integrity of the Wilderness Battlefield site in Orange County. First by listing the site as one of its Most Endangered Historic Sites in 2009 and then partnering with the National Trust for Historic Preservation (NTHP) and additional friends of the Wilderness Battlefield coalition. Preservation Virginia is pleased to announce that those efforts were successful and Walmart has agreed to site the store in a more appropriate location. A second major advocacy effort supported by Preservation in 2010 included the campaign to preserve Fort Monroe. Fort Monroe is a diverse collection of buildings, structures and landscapes rich in military and American history located in Hampton, Virginia and serves as a unique site in Virginia in terms of history and geography. Located on Old Point Comfort, this place has served as the site of fortifications since colonial times. Preservation Virginia partnered once again with the Department of Historic Resources (DHR), the National Trust, Civil War Trust, National Parks Conservation Association and the Citizens for Fort Monroe National Park to ensure that the historic context of this site be recognized, preserved and sustainable for future generations. G uidance I n T he F ield Partners in the Field Program Continues to Provide Much Needed Technical Advice, Research and Educational Opportunities 2010 Progress Report Preservation Virginia’s Partners in the Field Representative, Sonja Ingram, has continued to aggressively provide technical advice and preservation expertise on many local, state and federal issues. Major projects in 2010 included: ARB Survey Project: After receiving a grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, Preservation Virginia began a project to study all Architectural Review Boards/Commissions in Virginia. An online survey Historic Cemeteries was sent to all ARBs to ascertain strengths and weaknesses in an attempt to develop a set of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of ARBs in the Commonwealth. The final report will be complete in Fall 2011 and Preservation Virginia plans to present it at its annual preservation conference in Winchester. Preservation Virginia will also provide online access to the studies findings and intends to present it at the National Alliance of Preservation Commissions’ Forum in Norfolk in 2012. It is anticipated that this study can be utilized not only in Virginia, but by Architectural Review Boards across the country. Wilderness Battlefield Wal-Mart Historic Cemeteries: Abandoned historic cemeteries were nominated to the 2010 Endangered List. The nomination, in conjunction with the Department of Historic Resources’ Cemetery Preservation Workshops, helped to raise awareness of the importance of recording and protecting cemeteries. Sonja Ingram visited with and worked with numerous people and advised them on appropriate ways to record and protect abandoned cemeteries and created an interactive Google map for anyone who wants to map, describe, and help protect cemeteries. Wilderness Battlefield Wal-Mart: Preservation Virginia has been working with the Wilderness Coalition for several years on the Wal-Mart threat in Wilderness Battlefield Wal-Mart P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Orange County which concluded in January 2011 when Wal-Mart ended its endeavor to build a Wal-Mart Supercenter near the battlefield. Currently the Coalition is working with local residents, the business community, governmental and elected officials on a Gateway Study for the Wilderness Battlefield area that will address ways in which development and preservation can work together cooperatively in the region. Downsizing in Danville Blight in Historic Neighborhoods and Demo-by-Neglect: Danville is undertaking a downsizing program (similar to Detroit’s) due to the economic downturn, population decline and high unemployment rates. Danville also has a severe problem with blighted housing which has lead to abandoned buildings becoming haunts for drug dealers and other criminals. The downsizing plan consists of the demolition of many abandoned or not maintained buildings, however many of these buildings are historic, which has lead to protest from the historic preservation community. Members of the preservation community in Danville met with the Lynchburg Housing Authority which has a very successful program Demo-by-neglect in Danville whereby they acquire historic houses, mothball them and market them to new owners with attached covenants. This program was taken to Danville City Manager and the City Council, however it received little interest. In the interim, Preservation Virginia created a Preservation Task Force to work with the city in addressing blight in historic neighborhoods. We are currently focusing on the Old West End Historic District as our first “target area.” The purpose is to work with current owners in maintaining their properties or allowing the historical society to market them to new owners— before they are demolished. If the program is successful in the Old West End, Preservation Virginia hopes to to move to another target area. Demo-by-neglect in Danville G uidance I n T he F ield Demolition-by-neglect and blighted historic buildings are also a major concern in Richmond. Sonja Ingram discussed Lynchburg’s Program and Danville’s issues at length with the Historic Richmond Foundation. The Historic Richmond Foundation presented a “Receivership” Bill (HB2210) to the Virginia General Assembly to assist with blighted houses, however the bill was tabled. Preservation Virginia anticipates that this topic will be a session at the 2011 conference, as it is a trend that needs to be addressed not only in Virginia but in all parts of the US. Other Notable P rojects Abingdon: In an attempt to have more presence in the western parts of the state, Sonja Ingram visited Abingdon several times and met with Abingdon City officials to discuss preservation programs in the region. Preservation Virginia partnered with DHR to provide a Cemetery workshop in Abingdon and worked with a local group on a strategy for saving the Lawson House— a historic house just outside Abingdon. High School Preservation Clubs: In an attempt to get more young people and students interested in preservation, Preservation Virginia has worked locally in Danville with two high schools, George Washington High School and the Galileo School, on creating historic preservation clubs. Some of the programs they are implementing are a scholarship program through Danville Historical Society and a trip to take part in a local archeological dig with Longwood University. The Lawson House, outside of Abingdon For more information on all projects from 2010, please contact Sonja Ingram at 804.551.3249 or [email protected]. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t 2010 Most Endangered Site, St. Francis de Sales School, Powhatan G uidance I n T he F ield Serving as an A dvocate 2010 Most Endangered Sites List For the fifth consecutive year, Preservation Virginia presented its Most Endangered Historic Sites list. This list is comprised each year of sites across the Commonwealth that face imminent or sustained threats to their integrity or in some cases their very survival. The list is issued annually to raise awareness of Virginia’s historic sites at risk from neglect, deterioration, P r e s e rva t i o n V i r g i n i a 2 010 Most Endangered Historic Sites in Virginia lack of maintenance, insufficient funds, inappropriate development or insensitive public policy. The listing is intended to bring attention to the threats described and to encourage citizens and organizations to continue to advocate for their protection and preservation. To learn more about how you can help save these endangered historic places visit www.preservationvirginia/pressroom, or click here. The Carver School, Alexandria Historic Family Cemeteries The Cornland School, Chesapeake In no particular order of severity or significance, these ten Virginia places are considered as Endangered: Old Albemarle County Jail, Charlottesville Gavis Residence , Winchester Cornland School, Chesapeake Historic Family Cemeteries, Across The Commonwealth St. Francis de Sales School, Powhatan Taylor Hotel, Winchester Warm Springs Bathhouses, Warm Springs St. Francis Tower, Belmead, Powhatan Warwick Town, Newport News Carver Nursery School, Alexandria Morrisena, Albemarle County P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Revolving F und P rogress The inspiration behind the Revolving Fund Program is very simple; a pool of capital is created for the sole purpose of saving endangered historically Before and architecturally significant properties from demolition or neglect. After the endangered structure has been acquired, Preservation Virginia places easements on the property to ensure its continued preservation and then it is sold to a sympathetic owner who undertakes its restoration. The money Before from the sale is put back in to the revolving fund and used over and over to buy more endangered historic properties. The demand for our Revolving Fund Program continues to grow rapidly. While the slow economic environment continued to affect the real estate market, the RFP consistently fielded inquires about the properties for sale in the program’s portfolio. Compared to 2009, there was an uptick in requests for technical advice from individuals concerning easement donations, historic register nominations and the rehabilitation tax credit program. In 2011, the RFP will continue to actively seek donations of historic property to boost the fund. The Prentis House, Suffolk, before it transitioned through the Revolving Fund and after it successfully revolved out of the program. After In 2010, the Revolving Fund Program: • Handled over 250 inquiries by email, phone and meetings regarding RFP and technical advice on historic preservation issues •Gave technical advice to over 40 endangered historic properties throughout Virginia • Made 30 sites visits, logging over 4,000 miles • Saw a steady increase in web traffic, averaging over 6,000 hits per month G uidance I n T he F ield Preservation Virginia’s Restoration Crew Gets Hands On One of the key aspects of stewardship is maintaining the historic fabric that makes Preservation Virginia’s sites significant. For most of the fine restoration carpentry, we rely on our own Restoration Staff to keep the properties in sound condition. Their work covers all areas of these buildings from floors and foundations to windows and doors to roofs and gutters. The interior stairs at John Marshall House were among their major projects in 2010. As part of an extensive capital restoration, the crew tightened, repaired, cleaned and sanded the treads original to John Marshall’s time. The stairs, when repaired, were covered with a runner to protect them from further wear while maintaining them in their original place. Preservation Virginia extends additional thanks to the John Marshall Foundation, the Collins Family Foundation, the Mary Morton Parsons Foundation and other significant donors for supporting these projects. Some projects are too large for in-house specialized staff, and we have to call in contractors. One such project begun in 2010 is the rehabilitation of the 1840s Tucker Brothers Store in Charlotte Court House. Using restricted funds held in the Maple Roads Fund, and when finished generating State Tax Credits, this project took an abandoned commercial structure and is bringing it back to appropriate historical condition and making it available for productive use. This project demonstrated to property owners in historic districts in Virginia’s small communities that they too can benefit their buildings and their communities by taking advantage of the Rehabilitation Tax Credits. For more information regarding the Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program click http://www.dhr.virginia.gov/tax_credits/tax_credit.htm John Marshall House Interior Stairs, Richmond Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Tucker Brothers Store Restoration, Charlotte Court House Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS Elizabeth S. Kostelny, Executive Director, Preservation Virginia Colin G. Campbell, Chairman & President, CW John H. Guy, IV, President, Preservation Virginia James Horne, VP of Research & Historical Interpretation, CW P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t The Power of partnership In September of 2010, Preservation Virginia announced a new collaboration between The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation and Preservation Virginia intended to showcase the connected histories of Jamestown and Williamsburg through compelling stories of discovery, diversity and democracy. The initiative will bring together experts from Historic Jamestowne and Colonial Williamsburg to enhance public archaeology and create a broader, more cohesive guest experience through familyfriendly programs. Additionally, to increase national and international recognition of the region’s unparalleled historical and cultural resources, Colonial Williamsburg and Preservation Virginia, with the assistance of the National Park Service, will collaborate to seek designation of the Historic Triangle as a World Heritage Site. Collaboration is a central element of Preservation Virginia’s vision for the future. Working collaboratively on shared educational and program objectives is one of the most effective tools we have to ensure that Virginia’s historic places are preserved and interpreted and provide community benefit for years to come. Preservation Virginia acknowledged this tool in its strategic planning as a way to deploy resources efficiently. At Historic Jamestowne, this effort will support long-held goals for the archaeological research project and disseminate those findings. Coupled with its 70-plusyear partnership with the National Park Service, this expanded model will have positive benefits locally and provide a sustainable example for other localities across the Commonwealth and nation. REDISCOVERY Overview of the South Church Excavation Area, Historic Jamestowne Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Rediscovering America’s Past Archaeology Magazine named the 1608 church foundation found at Jamestown one of the ten most significant archaeological discoveries of 2010. Discovered by a team of Historic Jamestowne archaeologists, led by Dr. William M. Kelso, director of archaeological research and interpretation for Preservation Virginia, the church discovery confirms how significant the Church of England was in the lives of the new world colonists. Archaeologists were searching for the remains of a men’s barracks at Jamestown, the first permanent English colony in North America when, during the course of their efforts, the team discovered five deep postholes spaced 12 feet apart, creating an area that matched historical records identifying a 60-foot long wooden church. Further excavations at the church site led to the discovery of the chancel in front of which, in all likelihood, Pocahontas was married to John Rolfe in 1614. The team also located four graves in the chancel, traditionally the place reserved for the burials of high status individuals. Research about the 1608 church reveals that besides being used for religious services, the facility served as the place, where on occasion, governors and other officials would address the settlers. To date, Preservation Virginia has recovered and cataloged over 1,400,000 artifacts from Historic Jamestowne and continues its strong dedication to researching, conserving and sharing this profound period of American history. SHARING OUR KNOWLEDGE History Camp Participants, Mary Washington House, Fredericksburg Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site S haring K nowledge P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Furthering Our Re ach Success at the 25th Annual Preservation Conference Preservation Virginia and the Department of Historic Resources (DHR) co-hosted the annual Virginia Historic Preservation Conference at Fort Monroe in 2010. The challenges and Benefits of Heritage Stewardship served as the focal point of the conference. Sessions covered a wide range of preservation topics and issues including; Civil War Heritage Preservation, Grass Roots Preservation Advocacy, Green Roofs, Viewshed Preservation, Caring for Historic Cemeteries and Archaeology Participants at the 25th Annual Preservation Conference, Fort Monroe, Hampton for the benefit of the public. The conference hosted over 150 participants from a wide range of disciplines, urban planners, architects, engineers, skilled craftsman and private historic property owners. Restore Virginia Serving as a Valuable Resource The City of Petersburg served as host to Restore Virginia 2010. Restore Virginia is an annual event open to the public and is of particular interest Elizabeth Kostelny Wecomes 2010 Conference Attendees to owners of historic property. This event served as an efficient resource of a wealth of information. Participants were given the opportunity to gain a wealth of knowledge on how to care for the special needs of historic buildings. Skilled craftsman offered hands on demonstrations of historic window repair and maintenance, historic masonry repair and historic roofing techniques. For additional information regarding future conferences and workshops contact Sarah Cooleen, Director of Community Resources and Outreach at 804.648.1889, x 320 or Restore Virginia, 2010 [email protected]. Restore Virginia, 2010 S haring K nowledge Using Historic Sites as Foca l Points for Preservation Education In 2010, Preservation Virginia’s Statewide Education program has continued to engage the local communities surrounding our historic sites by providing specialized programs and facilitating a sense of pride and personal connection to local “historic treasures”. We have been implementing new methods directed towards engaging visitors in innovative and creative ways. This year several new interpretative technologies were piloted: cell phone tours, geocaching, social media, as well as more traditional methods of partnerships, new programming and open house events. Continuing the previous years initiative to engage local area school systems, in 2010 we expanded our local connections to include other cultural institutions and community leaders to find ways to better enhance the regional participation to the sites. These community meetings have lead to partnerships, new programs and an increased communication amongst area attractions. At the John Marshall House, Preservation Virginia has partnered with other downtown venues to offer a progressive cocktail tour of area gardens; partners include Massey Cancer Center, the Museum of the Confederacy, the Valentine Richmond History Center, and Monumental Church. We also partnered with Sports Backers on their second annual Anthem Stride Through Time, which brought over 800 visitors through the doors. The John Marshall House has also been offering quarterly open houses to the local downtown business people. At Scotchtown, we have continued with our successful Second Saturday Hands-on History programs, expanded to include evening and weekend workshops, as well as several thematic programs to attract local families and visitors. Several schools have offered Saturday field trips to Scotchtown as an additional resource to their classroom curriculum. Bacon’s Castle and Scotchtown featured fantastic holiday programs that involved local children and community members in the festivities, including historical skits and costumed interpretation. Both events brought several hundred visitors to the sites. Cape Henry Lighthouse initiated walking tours of the Fort Story historic area in 2010. Cape Henry also worked with the Contemporary Arts Center in Virginia Beach to develop an arts program for students living at Fort Story. The Statewide Education Program also extended its reach within the Preservation Virginia properties and branches, documenting and consulting with the Fredericksburg Mary Washington P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Branch properties, Walter Reed’s Birthplace, Smith’s Fort, and Smithfield Plantation on their educational and public programming efforts. Other partnerships include the American Association of Museums, the Virginia Association of Museums, Richmond Cultural Educators, and National Council for Social Studies Education, the John Marshall Foundation, Road to Revolution Heritage Trail, Statewide home school organizations, Hanover 4-H, Surry County Historical Society, Chippokes Plantation, Hanover Tavern, Parsons Cause Foundation, Polegreen Church, Library of Virginia, Hanover County Public Schools, Elderhostel, 2010 Archeological Field School students, Smiths Fort VCU, the College of William & Mary, Christopher Newport University, Virginia State University, the City of Richmond, and the Patrick Henry Center for Individual Liberties. 2010 History Camp Participants, Mary Washington House, Fredricksburg Spinning Wheel Demonstration, Patrick Henry’s Scotchtown The Mary Washington House, Fredricksburg Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site Elizabeth Kostelny, Executive Director and John H. Guy, IV, President present the Schorsch Family with the 2010 Outstanding Historic Preservation Research Effort Award for Mount Pleasant, Surry P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Awarding Outstanding Preservation In pursuing Preservation Virginia’s mission to preserve, promote and serve as an advocate for Virginia’s irreplaceable historic places for cultural, economic and educational benefits of everyone, Preservation Virginia offers an annual award program honoring outstanding preservation accomplishments. Preservation Virginia announced the recipients of its 2010 Historic Preservation Awards at a January 18 reception held in the penthouse loft of the recently renovated Miller and Rhoads Residences project. The following awards were given: 2010 Community Preservation Award, Blacksburg Motor Company Rehabilitation Project. The Community Preservation Award was given to the Town of Blacksburg for the Blacksburg Motor Company Rehabilitation Project. This project entailed the renovation of the historic Blacksburg Motor Company and serves as a premier example of how energy efficient and sustainable activities can be incorporated successfully and cost effectively into public and commercial projects. 2010 Outstanding Historic Preservation Research Effort Award, Country Stores South of the James River Project. The Outstanding Historic Preservation Research Effort Award was given to Carolyn Keen for the Country Stores South of the James River Project. Ms. Keen was honored for her extensive research documenting over 200 country stores operating between 1750 and 1950. Her project records the history regarding the store buildings, merchants and their families. 2010 Outstanding Preservation Project Award, Mount Pleasant. The Outstanding Preservation Project Award was given to Shelley and Nicholas Schorsch for the Mount Pleasant Preservation Project. The Schorsch’s were honored for commissioning perhaps the most extensive privately funded historic preservation project in Virginia which included exhaustive historical, archaeological, and architectural research of this 300+ acre farm located on the James River. FINANCIAL REVIEW The Cape Henry Lighthouse, Virginia Beach. In 1930, an act of Congress deeded the tower to Preservation Virginia to preserve the light and make it available to the public. Today the Lighthouse serves as one of the most visited attractions in Virginia Beach. Official Preservation Viginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t The FOUNDATION of the organization After appropriate study and restructuring of our business approach in 2009, Preservation Virginia used the year 2010 to refine our programs and services to ensure effective and efficient deployment of resources. A great deal of our focus was to form the collaboration with Colonial Williamsburg for the management of the operations at Historic Jamestowne. On a smaller scale, we formed partnerships and collaborations with local communities and at our properties to broaden our reach and to prudently use resources. Site specific giving and membership programs were launched to appeal to donor’s interests. We continue to study the new trends in giving, revenue and opportunities for collaboration--all impacted by this new economic environment. Financial Review Compo sit io n o f C u r r e n t Re v e nue s The economy of 2010 continued to challenge Preservation Virginia to refine the new models of operation at Historic Sites. While overall visitation declined 10%, sites that implemented new models of operations realized an 8% increase in revenues from retail sales and admissions. Donor support remained steadfast with an increase of 26% in donations to Preservation Virginia Source support the excellent programs offered across of theFunds state. By close of 2010, the endowment December 31, 2010 had rebounded from the prior year, increasing to $9.7 million with a 13% realized total return on investment. 36% Investment Activity 32% Contributions 15% Admissions 10% Museum Shop Sales 7% Program Income Preservation Vi r g i n i a Use of F unds: Contributed and Earned Income are the core revenue sources for the operating funds to support Preservation Virginia programs. Audited financial statements will be available upon request in Fall 2011 from the finance office. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Current E x p e n s e C at e g o r i e s Preservation Virginia serves as a resource to communities throughout the state by providing consulting, advocacy, advice and access to preservation information through the Revolving Fund, the Partners in the Field Program, the Public Policy Advocacy and Education Program and Membership. Historic Sites engage visitors in creative and innovative educational opportunities. Contributions to Preservation Virginia keep these programs active Preservation Virginia Use Funds and available to all constituents served. Thisofchart demonstrates the investment made in these programs. Other Programs Historic Jamestowne Property Support Other Properties Branch Activities Statewide Programs Fundraising Administration Preservation Vi r g i n i a Use of F unds: Preservation Virginia invests 86% of the Statewide annual operating funds in programs and historic property operations and maintenance. Audited financial statements will be available upon request in Fall 2011 from the finance office. HONOR ROLE The John Marshall House, Richmond Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t HONORING THE SUPPORT OF SO MANY Thank you for your generous support of Preservation Virginia in 2010. You are one of more than 1,500 individuals and organizations that supported our work last year and we are proud to have you as part of the Preservation Virginia family. We appreciate the trust you place in us to achieve results that help protect, preserve and promote historic preservation throughout the Commonwealth. We carefully invest your hard-earned dollars in proven solutions and we want you to know that you are making a difference. H ONOR ROLL Preservation Virginia Board of trustees Preservation Virginia extends its thanks to the following individuals for their dedicated board service during the 2010 term. We are grateful for this diverse pool of leaders who provide us with a foundation of knowledge and support; helping us guide our mission with their insight into business, education and technical expertise. Executive Committee Mr. John H. Guy, IV, President Mr. J. Michael Jarvis, Vice President Mr. Eric H. Thorpe, Vice President Mr. Lacy Bennett Ward, Jr., Vice President Dr. Carter L. Hudgins Mr. Gary Ometer, CPA, Treasurer Ms. Genevieve P. Keller Ms. Elizabeth S. KosteIny, Secretary, Ex Officio Board Members Ms. Margaret Karen Berkness Mrs. Sally Guy Brown Mrs. Anne Geddy Cross Mr. John H. Guy, IV, President Mr. Roy E. Hock Mrs. Mary A. R. Howard, Regional Trustee Western Dr. Carter L. Hudgins Mr. J. Michael Jarvis, Vice President Mr. Catesby Jones, Regional Trustee Tidewater Ms. Genevieve P. Keller Mr. William B. Kerkam, III, Regional Trustee Central Ms. Linda H. Marks Mrs. Katherine T. Mears Mr. F. Breckinridge Montague The Honorable W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Mr. Gary Ometer, CPA, Treasurer Mr. Arthur W. Schmidt Mr. Charles H. Seilheimer, Jr. Mrs. Rebecca S. Starling, Regional Trustee Northern Mr. Addison B. Thompson Mr. Eric H. Thorpe, Vice President Mr. Lacy Bennett Ward, Jr., Vice President Colonel Ulysses X. White Ms. Mary Zayde Zeugner Honorary Trustees Mr. William Goode Beville Mr. C. Hobson Goddin Mrs. Shirley T. VanLandingham Mr. D. Anderson Williams Preservation Virginia was featured in Richmond Magazine as one of most efficient nonprofit charities in Richmond. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t PRESERVATION VIRGINIA 2010 LEGACY CIRCLE Preservation Virginia’s Legacy Circle donors have a significant impact on the future of Preservation Virginia. These individuals have made arrangements to remember Preservation Virginia in their estate planning. These planned gifts help build a permanent foundation for historic preservation in Virginia. Preservation Virginia is extremely grateful for their commitment to contribute to the legacy of the historic preservation movement and is proud to see this pool of contributors continue to grow. If you haven’t already, please consider becoming part of this special group of contributors by calling Betsy Edwards, Director of Development at 804.648.1889, x311 or [email protected]. Mr. and Mrs. E. Alan Anstine Ms. Mary L. Hammersmith* Ms. Eugenia V. Robb Ms. Mary B. Ball* Miss Janis M. Horne Miss Helen A. Robertson* Mr. William Goode Beville Mr. John S. Hopewell* Mrs. Mary A. Robinson Mr. Patrick H. Booth, Jr.* Jamestowne Society Dr. M. Leigh Rooke* Mr. Robert I. Boswell* Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kerkam, III Mr. and Mrs.* H. Hill Sandidge, Jr. James B. and Jane R. Bradford Mrs. Mattielene T. King* Mrs. Elizabeth G. Schneider* Mrs. Elizabeth S. Kostelny Mr. James B. Spratley and Ms. Cornelia A. Bryant Mrs. Judith Phelps Letchworth Mr. Warren F. Chauncey Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Lorence Mrs. Fontaine C. Stanton* Mrs. Virginia W. Christian* Mrs. Frances B. Lynn* Dr. W. Taliaferro Thompson, Jr.* Mr. William C. Chronis and Miss Eleanor C. Mabry* Mr. and Mrs. John H. VanLandingham, III Mr. Alastair S. Macdonald Mr. Alan M. Voorhees* and Family Drs. Waverly M. Cole, MD and Mrs. Helen J. Mahone and Ms. Nancy Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Scott Voorhees Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Hunt Endowment Trust Ms. Antoinette M. Brennan John R. Cook, PhD Mr. Tom McDaniel Mrs. Mary N. Spratley* Ms. Dorothea Lane Cutts* Ms. Mary Leigh Seaton Marston* Mr. Dexter Guptill and Mrs. Benjamin W. Mears, Jr. Mrs. Doris I. Wenger* Mr. Robert L. Montague, III Mr. Robert E. Wiggins, Jr.* Miss Bartlett Dunlop Dr. Maxwell R. Mowry Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson Williams Mrs. James Edmundson* Mrs. Madeleine E. Murphy* Mrs. Jane P. Williams* Mr. Robert E. Edwards Mr. James S. Patton* Dr. J. F. Wine* Mr. Sidney P. Fell* Mr. Herbert W. Pelley Dr. Mervyn W. Wingfield and Mr. C. Hobson Goddin Ms. Cynthia Peery Mrs. Elizabeth S. Gray* Mr. and Mrs. John A. Prince Dr. Anne R. Worrell Mrs. Willie Virginia Gwaltney* Mr. and Mrs. James W. Rawles* Mrs. Anne DeMarsay *indicates deceased Mr. Charles W. Haynes H ONOR ROLL Gifts of $50,000-$99,999 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zeugner, IV Mr. Roy E. Hock and Ms. Margaret N. Fowler James City County Jessie Ball duPont Fund Gifts of $1,000-$2,499 Gifts of $20,000-$49,999 John Marshall Foundation Virginia Department of Historic Resources Gifts of $10,000-$19,999 Daniel & Company, Inc. Dominion Resources, Inc. Foundation for Roanoke Valley, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Guy, IV National Trust for Historic Preservation Pulse Electronics Corporation (formerly Technitrol, Inc.) Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Warthen, III Gifts of $5,000-$9,999 County of Hanover Virginia Realty & Relocation Gifts of $2,500-$4,999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John H. Cronly, III National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars Davenport & Company LLC Elmwood Fund Society of John Gaither Descendants Mr. and Mrs. William B. Kerkam, III Mr. and Mrs. F. Breckinridge Montague Rouse-Bottom Foundation Mrs. Alma A. Sitterding* Colonial Dames of America Wilder Foundation Yogg (formerly the Creative System) BB&T Ms. Margaret Karen Berkness and Mr. Alexander C. Graham, Jr. Dr. and Mrs. Warren M. Billings L.S. and J.S. Bryan Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burgess Dr. and Mrs. B. Noland Carter, II Mr. Warren F. Chauncey Citizens for a Fort Monroe National Park Colonial Dames of America, Chapter XXIII VA Mr. and Mrs. Robert Condon The Honorable and Mrs. Elmo G. Cross, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Gregory T. Delawie Fort Henry Branch, Preservation Virginia Mrs. John H. Guy, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick P. Hitz Dr. and Mrs. A. E. Dick Howard Dr. and Mrs. Carter L. Hudgins Jamestowne Society Mr.* and Mrs. J. Michael Jarvis Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Kostelny Mr. and Mrs. Richard M. Ludwig Mr. Alastair S. Macdonald Dr. and Mrs. Norman J. Marks, DDS McKinnon and Harris, Inc. Mrs. Benjamin W. Mears, Jr. Merrill Lynch MLM Charitable Foundation The Honorable and Mrs. W. Tayloe Murphy, Jr. Mutual Assurance Society of Virginia Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Neighbor to Neighbor Governor’s Land Mr. and Mrs. Ray M. Paul, Jr. C.D.L. and M.T.B. Perkins Fund of the Community Foundation P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Mark Perreault Ms. Traci M. Fannin-Poole Questers Robert E. Lee Chapter 60 Virginia Sargeant Reynolds Foundation Mr. Josiah P. Rowe, III Robert Russa Moton Museum The Reverend John R. Stanton Vintage Ladies of Williamsburg, Inc. Wachovia Wells Fargo Foundation Mr. and Mrs. D. Anderson Williams, Christian Giving Fund Gifts of $500-$999 Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. A. Marshall Acuff, Jr. Archeological Society of Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Barranger Mr. Ernest Clifford Barrett, III Mr. William Goode Beville The Honorable and Mrs. H. Harrison Braxton, Jr. Mr. G. Galt Bready Ms. Jan S. Brown Ms. Jane Chambers Miss Ethel R. Chrisman Mr. Edward W. Coslett Mrs. Janet J. Dennis Ms. Shannon B. Downey-Turpin Exxon Mobil Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Giancaspro Mr. and Mrs. Brenton S. Halsey Mr. and Mrs. James C. Hamilton, Jr. Herndon Foundation Colonel (Ret.) and Mrs. Frederick E. Johnston, III Ms. Kathleen S. Kilpatrick Mrs. Patricia R. King Mr. and Mrs. Peter I. C. Knowles, II Mr. and Mrs. David B. Legg Mr. and Mrs.Hugh Breckenridge Little Mr. and Mrs. Louis J. Malon Mr. and Mrs. Gregory May Mr. and Mrs. Michael T. Bradshaw, Melville Foundation Dr. Natalie Goldring, Mr. Mark Merriman and Misses Rachel and Becca Merriman-Goldring Mr. R. Latane Montague, IV Dr. and Mrs. W. Angus Muir Mrs. Frederica C. Mullen-Fenn Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Nocero National Petroleum Council Norfolk Preservation Alliance Northern Shenandoah Valley Branch, Preservation Virginia Order of First Families of Virginia Partnership for Nonprofit Excellence Mr. Catesby B. Jones, Peace Frogs Mr. and Mrs. James D. Penny Mr. and Mrs. George G. Phillips, Jr. Mr. W. Paul Pitts Oliver A. Pollard, Jr. and Elizabeth Pollard Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Seilheimer, Jr., Seilheimer Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Starling Mr. and Mrs. W. McIlwaine Thompson, Jr. Eric H. and K. Michelle Thorpe Mr. and Mrs. John H. VanLandingham, III Mr. and Mrs. B. Briscoe White, III Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Wright, Jr. Gifts of $250-$499 Association for Preservation Technology Mr. Fred Adamchak Mr. and Mrs. Joshua L. Badgley Drs. J. Temple and Mary Lynn Bayliss Mr. Thomas A. Belles Mr. Jeff Brindle Mr. James B. Cook, Jr. Jane Covington Restoration Mr. and Mrs. Paul Denig Ms. Helena W. Devereux Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. DiRienz H ONOR ROLL Mr. and Mrs. William J. Dona Mrs. Henry Elksnin Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Givens Dr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hager, Jr. Heart Sing Foundation Ms. Leslea Heidel Historic Petersburg Foundation Ms. Susan M. Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. John Jenkins Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Johnston, Jr. Mr. Kenneth M. Levine and Ms. Margaret Gunn Mr. and Mrs. Everett A. Martin, Jr. Metropolitan Richmond Sports Backers Mr. and Mrs. Neil Milner Mr. and Mrs. G. Alan Morledge Mrs. D. W. K. Peacock Ms. Felice Proctor Ms. Dorothy M. Ramsey Dr. and Mrs. Arthur G. Randol, III RECO Industries, Inc. Ms. Cynthia Z. Shaughnessy Ms. Laura Shaw and Mr. Jeffrey Bean Ms. Sandra Sill Mr. and Mrs. Randall Smedstad Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Craig Stahl USS Walke Association Williamsburg Community Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Ronald and Patricia Trabandt Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Vaughan Mr. and Mrs. Lacy Bennett Ward, Jr. Miss Isabella G. Witt Gifts of $100-$249 Mr. and Mrs. Carlton S. Abbott Mr. and Mrs. Scott Adams Dr. Steven J. Agosti Mrs. Phoebe F. Antrim Mr. and Mrs. Raymond C. Arendt Mr. and Mrs. Frank F. Arlotto Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Arrington, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael G. Ash Mr. and Mrs. Grant M. Atkinson Susan Bailey and Sidney Buford Scott Endowment Trust Mr. H. Furlong Baldwin Mrs. W. E. Barr Ms. Barbara J. Barrett-Orr Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Bauer Mr. and Mrs. Horton P. Beirne Mr. Guy B. Beltz Ms. Bessie Roberts Bierer Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. Black Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Boland Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey R. Bowles, III Mr. George Walker Box Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Boyd James B. and Jane R. Bradford Endowment Trust Mrs. Arlene R. Bradley Ms. Amy L. Breedlove Mrs. Mary Ann Brendel Mr. and Mrs. Peter E. Broadbent, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Brougher Mrs. Ann Lee Saunders Brown Mrs. Alex G. Brown, III Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Brown, Jr. Mr. Preston Brown Mr. and Mrs. Timothy T. Brown Mr. Mathew J. Burrows Butner Consulting LLC Drs. Ann M. Callahan and Toni L. McDaniel Dr. and Mrs. Edward D. C. Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Campbell, Jr. Mr. Brian M. Cann Mr. and Mrs. John Canning Mr. James Chang Mr. Alan K. Cline Mr. Richard U. Cogswell, Jr. Colonial Capital Branch, Preservation Virginia Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Costello Mr. Danny C. Courtney Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd L. Craighill Mr. and Mrs. Walter W. Craigie, Jr. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. John R. Curtis and Dr. Julia Curtis Mrs. Nancy F. Daughtery Mr. Allan H. Davis Mr. and Mrs. H. Talmadge Day, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Walter K. Dean Mr. and Mrs. Joseph P. Dellinger Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Dilworth Dr. and Mrs. John P. Doley Dominion Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Kirk Dunn Mr. Kenneth L. Eberhart Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth A. Eisenhardt Ms. Robin L. Ellis Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Emory, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Farrell Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Fegan Mr. and Mrs. Duncan G. Fisher Mr. and Mrs. Allen W. Flannagan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. Forsythe Mr. and Mrs. David C. Fratarcangelo Frazier Associates The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia and the Anna and Fleetwood Garner Family Mr. and Mrs. Muscoe R. H. Garnett, Jr. Mrs. Pearson G. Gibson Ms. Ruth Anne Gilbertson and Mr. John J. Lauson Dr. and Mrs. Richard G. W. Gingerich Mr. C. Hobson Goddin Ms. Terry C. Graham Mr. and Mrs. Willard S. Grant Ms. Anne Carter Lee Gravely Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius F. Griffin Mr. and Mrs. Grant H. Griswold Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dun Grover Mr. and Mrs. William A. Gwaltney John H. and Margaret Hager Fund of the Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia Mr. Jim Hall Mr. and Mrs. Lew Halter Mr. and Mrs. John Paul C. Hanbury* The Honorable Frank D. Hargrove Mr. and Mrs. Terrell L. Harrigan Mr. A. Charles Hassell, II Mr. Tony Hawkinson Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Healey Mr. and Mrs. R. Page Henley, Jr. Ms. Marty Hiatt, CG Mr. Roger B. Holnback Mr. Charles R. Hooff, III Mr. John D. Hopson Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Howard, Jr. The Honorable and Mrs. William J. Howell Mr. and Mrs. John O. Hummel Mr. Charles E. Hutchinson, Jr. James River Garden Club Mrs. Phyllis H. Jennings Mr. and Mrs. Jesse H. Johnson, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. O. Fitzhugh Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Christopher H. Jones Mr. William H. Jones, Jr. Nickie Kastros Mr. and Mrs. George A. Kegley Mr. and Mrs. E. Polk Kellam, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald A. Kienlen Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O. Kimball Dr. Julia A. King Dr. John T. Kneebone Mr. and Mrs. Willliam A. Krebs KVA Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henley Lamb John H. Guy, IV, President speaks to Toddsbury Reception Guests H ONOR ROLL Mr. and Mrs. James T. Lambiase, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Chiswell D. Langhorne, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W. Langley Mr. Victor W. Lavenstein Mrs. Anna L. Lawson Mr. and Mrs. H. Pettus LeCompte Mr. Henry A. Lee Mrs. Edward Legum Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Lentz, Jr. Ms. Jan Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Jim Lockard Mr. and Mrs. Jack D. Lockridge Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Logan, III Mr. and Mrs. Rodney E. Lorence Mrs. Betty W. Loving Mr. Edgar E. MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mace Mr. Glenn F. Mackles and Ms. Eleanor Coene Mr. and Mrs. John Mamone Mr. and Mrs. Ronny A. Martin Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. May Mr. and Mrs. William N. Mays Ms. Katherine R. McAloon Mr. and Mrs. John W. McAvoy Mr. and Mrs. William A. McCarty, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John T. McCauley, Jr. Dr. Read F. McGehee, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James M. McKinnon Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. McVey, III MEDSA Summer Institute Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Miller Mr. and Mrs. William A. Molineux Mr. and Mrs. P. William Moore, Jr. Mrs. Vera W. Moore Mrs. J. Frederick Moring Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Morrow Colonel and Mrs. Frederick W. Mueller, Jr. Mr. David J. Neuman Mr. and Mrs. Bruce S. Nicholas Ms. Susie G. Oldham Dr. and Mrs. George J. Oliver, Jr. Mr. George B. Oliver Mr. D. Edwin O’Neal The Honorable and Mrs. Christopher K. Peace Mr. James T. Peeler Mr. and Mrs. Robert Poirier Meredith and Joe Poole, III Mr. Dwight A. Powell Mr. John E. Prevar Mr. and Mrs. Douglas E. Quarles, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. William E. Quarles, Jr. Mrs. Elizabeth K. Quigley Mr. and Mrs. Gary F. Rast Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Rayfield Mr. James E. Rich, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David M. Richards Mr. and Mrs. Allen B. Rider, III Ms. Carolyn P. Roaf Mr. and Mrs. Fred S. Robertson Mr. and Mrs. N. Pendleton Rogers Ms. Susan F. Rogers Mr. and Mrs. R. Soren Rose Mr. Robert Ross Mr. and Mrs. T. Christopher Roth Mr. and Mrs. Douglas P. Rucker, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Russell C.Mr. William W. Scales Mr. H. Paul Scholte, IV Mr. and Mrs. Randall S. Schuler Ms. Mary Scofield Dr. and Mrs. David W. Scott, III Mrs. Frederic W. Scott, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh S. Sease, Jr. Drs. Robert R. Sedivy and Elizabeth S. Curtler Mr. Phil M. Seligman Shenandoah Valley Battlefields Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Barrett L. Shrout Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Simon Mr. and Mrs. Barney J. Skladany, Jr. Ms. Carole R. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Peter P. Smith Mr. R. Blackwell Smith, II Mr. and Mrs. William Francis Smith Ms. Dottie Somerset P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. and Mrs. J. William Speegle Mr. and Mrs. John Speer Mr. and Mrs. Don Stanton Mr. and Mrs. John E. Starling Mr. Rodney C. Steffens Ms. Virginia M. Steiner Mr. Fletcher Stiers, Jr. Mrs. Marion J. Stokes Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Sullivan Dr. John W. Summerville and Ms. Danna E. Johnson Mrs. Cabell Mayo Tabb The Honorable Harry T. Taliaferro, III Dr. Thad W. Tate, Jr. Mrs. Ruth W. Tillar Mr. de Teel Patterson Tiller Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Toler Mr. M. Bradley Tonkin, Jr. Mrs. Terry S. Tosh Ms. Claudia Townsend Mr. and Mrs. Philip Trainer Mr. and Mrs. Kingdon W. Troensegaard Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Troia Mr. C. Wayne Tucker Mrs. Daniel M. Tucker Mr. and Mrs. Gary L. Tyer Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tyng Miss Karen Ulfers Mrs. Carol Underhill Mr. and Mrs. John VanAken Mr. John H. VanLandingham, IV Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore J. Vitale, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Scott R. Warren Mr. and Mrs. John W. Watkins Ms. Leah Watson and Mr. Bari Gashi Mr. and Mrs. David N. Webb Mrs. Sherry M. Welter Mrs. Dorothy J. Werner Mr. James W. Whitehead Mrs. Ellen R. Wigren Dr. and Mrs. Charles D. Wilder Mr. and Mrs. William C. Wilhelm Mr. and Mrs. E. Otto N. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Leland W. Williams Ms. Maude A. Williams Mr. Samuel H. Williams, Jr. Mr. J. Reid Williamson Mr. and Mrs. Peter Williamson Dr. Mervyn W. Wingfield and Mr. Charles W. Haynes Mr. and Mrs. J. Kenneth Wittle Woman’s Club of Smithfield Mr. W. Denman Zirkle Gifts up to $99 (3) Anonymous 20th South Carolina Volunteer Infantry, Inc. Mr. Brad Adams Ms. Jean Adams Mr. Monte Adams Ms. Irene M. Adamski Mr. Herrell Akers Ms. Cathy Albrecht Ms. Barbara Aldridge Mr. David F. Allen Ms. Michelle Alloway Mr. Dale Amason Ms. Joanna Ambridge Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Anderson Ms. Linda Andracke Mr. and Mrs. Peter Andreoletti Ms. Sandra Andriakos Mr. Konrad Antczack Mr. Rod Aquino Ms. Deborah Arambul Mr. William R. Argentieri Mrs. Patsy J. Arnett Mr. Linwood M. Aron Mr. and Mrs. Jon Arutson Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashworth Mr. Keith Attenborough Ms. Deanna Atzinger Mr. Ken Bachman Mr. Tim Bacus Mr. Bruce Bagdasarian H ONOR ROLL Ms. Lisa Bailey Ms. Marilyn C. Bailey Mr. and Mrs. Noel C. Bailey Baker & Hazelwood Mechanical Contractors, Inc. Mr. Mike Baker Ms. Judi Ballard Mr. Mike Baltzell Mr. and Mrs. H. Randolph Barbee, Jr. Ms. Anna Barlier Mr. Steve Barronton Mrs. Joanna Barton Mr. William H. Baskerville Mr. Carl Bass Mr. Clifford Bates Mr. Paul Battiste Ms. Lisa Bautista Ms. Jan Baxter Mr. and Mrs. John Baxter Ms. Sandra L. Bayles Dr. and Mrs. Walter R. Beam Mr. and Mrs. Gary A. Beavers Mrs. Tara Lee Becker Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Beene Ms. Yvonne Behm Mr. and Mrs. Graham Bell Ms. Francesca Bellini de Simone Ms. Jean M. Belton Mr.* and Mrs. FitzGerald Bemiss Ms. Anne Bendt Mr. John Benedict Board member Breckinridge Montague welcomes guests to a summer reception at his Toddsbury Home, Gloucester Mr. David Bennett Ms. Maria Benson Mr. and Mrs. Bob Berg Mr. Paul E. Berger Mr. Don H. Berkley Ms. Lauren Beursken Mr. and Mrs. Michael Biondi Mr. and Mrs. Brad Birchett Ms. Christina M. Bittinger Ms. Ann M. Blair Mr. and Mrs. Dan Blair Mr. John Blair Mr. Dave Blethroade Mr. Donald L. Boebel Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Boing Miss Mary Douglass Boldrick Mr. and Mrs. Mark A. Bolton Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Boone Ms. Lois Borisch Mr. Bill Botkin Ms. Cindel Bottsford Ms. D. E. Bowditch Ms. Kathy Bower Mr. Philip D. Bown Ms. Angela Boyd Mr. Tim Boyden Jerry Boyer Mr. Tate Braden Ms. Melissa Bradley Mr. and Mrs. John P. Bradshaw, Jr. Ms. Janet Branch Ms. Louise J. Brandwein Mr. David Breier Mr. Forrest Breyer Mr. Arthur S. Brinkley Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert C. Brittle, Jr. Mr. Clark Brockbank Mr. Bob Brotherton Mr. C. Dudley Brown Mr. David Brown Mr. and Mrs. Dean Brown Ms. Donna Brown P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. Larry Brown Ms. Lee C. Brown Ms. Pam Brown Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. David S. Brownell Dr. and Mrs. Louis V. Bruno Mr. Ken Bryant Ms. Jean W. Brydon Mr. Larry Buchholz Mr. Steven Buchholz Ms. Gretchen L. Buis Mr. George Bull Alex J. Bullock Ms. Tali Bumgardner Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bundy Mr. and Mrs. James Bunn Ms. Theresa Burbank Mr. and Mrs. J. Russell Burck Mr. and Mrs. Matt Burdick Mr. and Mrs. Peter Burdon Mr. Ted Burgess Mr. and Mrs. Dale Burke Ms. Lisa Burke Mr. James Burr Ms. Caryl Burtner Ms. Kay Butler Mr. Glen Butz Yuriko Byers Ms. Dolores Byrnes Mr. Franklin Calvert Ms. Leslie C. Campbell Mr. and Mrs. Sean Campbell Ms. Sarah Cannon Mr. and Mrs. Tony Capillary Mr. Michael Carbonara Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Eric L. Carlton Ms. Gayle Carlton Mr. and Mrs. David Carrington Ms. Christina M. Carrion Ms. Laura Caruso Capital Management Corporation Ms. Marianne Cash Mr. Walter Cate Mr. Richard Cauley Mr. Frank Cepel Ms. Mary Chamberlain P. Chaplin Mr. and Mrs. James D. Charleston Mr. Harrison Chavis Mr. C. Maurice Cherry Ms. Jenny Chesky Mrs. Melinda Childress Ms. Elizabeth A. Chilipka Ms. Daren Chopin Ms. Barbara Christen Ms. Debbie Christensen Mr. John W. Christian Taylor Christianson Mr. Michael Chrostowski Ms. Jean Chunn Mr. and Mrs. John L. Chute, Jr. Mr. Eugene Cioffi Ms. Debra Clark Mr. Ross A. Clark Captain and Mrs. William B. Clark Mr. and Mrs. William H. Clarke, III Mr. James A. Clay, Sr. Mr. Russell Cline Mr. Donald Cochrane Mr. and Mrs. R. Gent Cofer Mr. Alvin Cohen Ms. Melinda Colchico Mr. Francis D. Coleman Ms. Marilyn Coleman Mr. William P. Collier, Jr. Ms. Diane K. Collin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne S. Combs Ms. Grace T. Colwell Mr. George Conarty Mr. and Mrs. Jim Conger Ms. Judith Cook Ms. Lois Cook Ms. Stephanie Cook H ONOR ROLL Mr. Tom Cook Mr. W. J. Cook, Jr. Ms. Bari Cooper Ms. Bettie Minette Cooper Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Cooper Mr. Gerald Corby Mr. and Mrs. Rich Cormier Mr. David Cornwell Mr. Robert Cornwell Ms. Dorothy Cowley Mr. Ed Cox Mr. J. Neal Cox Mr. Jesse Cox Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cozzi Lieutenant Colonel and Mrs. Alfred C. Crane, Jr. Ms. Bonita Crawford Ms. Charlotte Crawley Ms. Alice T. Cross Mr. and Mrs. Bill Crow Mr. Russell Crupe Ms. Stephanie Cunningham Ms. Melanie Curtin Mr. and Mrs. Rick Czachor Mr. Gunnar Dahlberg Mr. David Daigle Ms. Judith A. Dakin Ms. Patricia Damato Mr. and Mrs. Charles Damm Mr. Jeff Danko Mr. and Mrs. Warren L. Darlington National Society Daughters of the American Revolution, Shadwell Chapter Colonel and Mrs. James A. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Michael Davis Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Davis Mr. Earl J. Dawson, Jr. Mrs. C. B. de Gavre Mr. J. P. Debbink Ms. Teresa DeBruin Mr. Donald Deibert Ms. Cathy Dekker Ms. Caroline Del Vecchio Ms. Alana DeLancey Ms. Jema Delfin Mr. Jeff Deluca Mrs. Janice N. Denman Mr. Ron Dennis Mrs. Carline D’Errico Mr. Paul Di Censo Mr. Richard DiBraccio Mr. Forrest Dickerson Mr. Richard C. Dickson Mr. and Mrs. Gary Dielsi Ms. Bev Digman Mr. and Mrs. Jim Dills Ms. Vicki Dimminch Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Dittmeier Mr. and Mrs. Carl W. Doerflinger Mr. John Dolan Mr. Michael L. Dominguez Ms. Carolyn Donow Ms. Jeanne Double Mr. and Mrs. William E. Dougherty Mr. and Mrs. John Dragan, Jr. Ms. Marion E. Drain Ms. Cindy Drake Mr. and Mrs. Terry C. Drew Mr. Richard Dropik Ms. Ann Drucker Mr. and Mrs. W. Sidney Druen Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuBois Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dudley Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dufek Ms. Isabelle B. Duke Mr. Charles Dumas Ms. Susan A. Dunlap Mr. Ammon G. Dunton, Jr. Mr. Bill Dunwoody Mr. and Mrs. Rick Durkee Mr. Reynold Durre Mr. George Dyer Mr. and Mrs. Richard Eaton Mr. Sherif Ebrahim Colonel and Mrs. Watha J. Eddins, Jr. P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mrs. Betsy Wells Edwards Mr. John D. Edwards Mr. and Mrs. John T. Ehland Ms. Mary Elarton Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Elchenko Mr. Robert E. Ellis Ms. Mary Elmassian Mr. and Mrs. James E. Emory, Jr. Mrs. Marie F. Engel Mr. and Mrs. Allen Engle Ms. Dianne Engling Mr. and Mrs. James E. Ennis, Jr. Mr. David Epler Ms. Marilyn R. Eppler Ms. Marjorie L. Erman Mr. Edwin C. Ethridge Ms. Fan C. Etienne Mr. John Euler Mr. and Mrs. William Euler Mr. and Mrs. Tom Farrand Mr. George Feldner Mr. Richard Felice Mr. Mark Fender Ms. Dorinda Fergason Mr. and Mrs. Donald Ferguson Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Fink Ms. Patricia Finnegan Ms. Arlene Finocchiaro Mr. and Mrs. Brian Firmin Mr. Thomas Fletcher Mr. and Mrs. Bill Flowers Mr. Royce Flowers Mr. and Mrs. Ray A. Foote Mr. and Mrs. H. Ross Ford Ms. Margo Ford Mr. Marshall Forrest Mr. Robert W. Forster Mr. and Mrs. Joe Fortunato Ms. Bernice Foster Ms. Edna Foster Ms. Carol Foust Mr. Mike Fowler Ms. Kara P. Foxe Mr. Sean M. Foxe Mr. Jim Frahm Mr. Tim Frahm Mrs. Frances J. Francis Mr. Steven C. Freeman, Sr. Mr. Bill French Ms. Jean French Ms. Ann Friddell Mr. Timothy Frier Mr. Steve Frye Ms. Dawn W. Fuge Mr. Rod Fulcher Mr. Thomas Fulfaro Mr. Daniel L. Fullen Miss Dorothea M. Fuller Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Furnas Ms. Marian M. Gabel Ms. Aileen D. Gallagher Ms. Kim Gallagher Ms. Cathy Galloway The Reverend and Mrs. Jeremy Q. Galloway Ms. Jane Gans Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gardner Ms. Gloria W. Garner Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Garner, Jr. Ms. Paula Garrigus Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gates Mr. Walter C. Gay Mr. Robert Germany Ms. Carole Getchell Ms. Isabel Gibson Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gilliam Ms. Ardell Gillingwater Mr. Bob Gionesi Ms. Evelyn Giordano Ms. Kerry Gizzi Mrs. James M. Glave Ms. Greta A. Gneiser Mr. Ellis R. Godwin, Jr. Mr. James Gokey Mr. and Mrs. R. Gene Goley H ONOR ROLL Mrs. Ashley Rowland Goodwin Mr. and Mrs. Kirk Goolsby Ms. Helen Gordon Ms. Nancy Gordon Mr. Daniel L. Gothie Ms. Sandra Gouldin Ms. Jennifer Grabinski Mr. Clifford D. Grady Ms. Marian Grammer Mr. Victor B. Grand Mr. Gary R. Grant Ms. Monica Gravinese Ms. Mary E. Green Mr. and Mrs. Bentley C. Gregg Mr. David Gregory Ms. Deborah Gregory Ms. Susan Griffioen Ms. Dianne J. Griffitts Ms. Virginia Grogan Mr. Lincoln Grubbs Mr. Joseph Guerra Ms. Kelly Guerrieri Ms. Lucy D. Gunn Mr. Ron Haenchen Mrs. Valerie M. Haesly-Parson Ms. Dola Haessig Ms. S. L. Hagenhoff Mr. Duane L. Hahn Ms. Margie Hahn Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Halfhill Mr. Channing M. Hall, III Ms. Valerie Hall Mrs. Anne M. Hallett Ms. Abigail B. Halliday Mr. William C. Hamilton Ms. Rosemary Hamm Ms. Jennie Lou Hammerly Mr. and Mrs. Glenn D. Hammett Bryce Hanaway Mr. and Mrs. John Hand Mr. James D. Haney Mr. and Mrs. David Harding Ms. Charlene Z. Harkrader Ms. Deborah Harkus Ms. Rachel Brett Harley Mr. Aubrey K. Harrell Mr. Donald Harrell Mr. Mike Harrigan Mr. H. Richard Harrington Mr. Tom Harrington Dr. and Mrs. John Harris Mr. Stephen Harris Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Harrison, III Mr. Norman Harter Mr. and Mrs. Jim Harton Mr. Eric Harvester Mr. Ben Harvey Ms. Suzanne Haskin Mr. William R. Hass Ms. Marlys Hasz Ms. Marilyn Hatanaka Ms. Janis Hathaway Ms. Shana Haynes Ms. Carol Hazard Mr. Harry Hazlehurst Mr. William J. Heaphy, III Ms. Karen Heath Mr. Jonathan Hecht Ms. Morgan Hecht Ms. Marlene Heck Ms. Marsha Heien Mr. Ben Heiserman Mr. and Mrs. L. James Heller Mr. Stephen P. Heller Ms. Amelia Helmey Mr. William R. Helmey, III Ms. Jean E. Henderson The Reverend Dr. and Mrs. James R. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Paul Henry Mr. Doug Henson Ms. Laura Herczeg Mr. Robert Herner Ms. Anne A. Hetherington Arie Heukels P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. Thomas H. Hibbard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hill Mr. Jim Hiner Mr. and Mrs. Gary Hinkle Ms. Mimi E. Hirsch Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hiscock Ms. Gretchen Hoelscher Mr. Chris Holland Ms. Linda Hollenbeck Mr and Mrs. Robert Holmberg Mr. and Mrs. William K. Holstein Mr. and Mrs. Donald R. Holt Mr. Alan Hood Mr. George Hoop Ms. Victoria Hooton Mr. and Mrs. Ronald D. Hoppers Mr. Lee Horigan Ms. Merri L. Horn Mr. Richard Horn Miss Janis M. Horne Ms. Olivia Hornik Mr. John Hornor Ms. Leslie M. Hornung Ms. Margaret Horvath Mr. and Mrs. Richard H. Hosfield Mr. Lindy Howard Ms. Virginia Hoy Ms. Elizabeth L. Hubler Ms. Rebecca Hudson Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) and Mrs. Carel T. Humme Mr. Alan Hummer Mr. Preston K. Hundley Ms. Diane Huntress Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hurwitz Dr. Thomas W. Hussey Ms. Diana Ice K. Imamura Ms. Irene Ingemi Mr. and Mrs. Frederic M. Ingram Ms. Sonja Ingram Mr. Ron Inman Mr. Arthur Iort Mr. and Mrs. Richard Isaacson Mr. Scott Isgrigg Ms. Charmaine C. Jackson Ms. Jill Jackson Ms. Gail M. Jacobucci Mr. and Mrs. Andrew F. Jaeger Ms. and Mrs. Mark Jauss Mr. Tim Jeffery Mr. Jeff Jenkins Mrs. Susan L. Jennaro Ms. Patricia Jewkes Mr. and Mrs. Allan S. Johnson Ms. Ann S. Johnson Mr. Bill Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Johnson Mr. James R. Johnson Ms. Susan Johnson Mr. Mike Johnston Ms. Barbara C. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Meade A. Jones Mr. and Mrs. Micah Jones Mr. Ralph Jones Mr. and Mrs. Richard Jones Ms. Tracy Jones Mr. and Mrs. William O. Kafes Ms. Claire K. Kalpakjian Mr. Dale Kantz Ms. Karen M. Karger Mr. Steven Karpinski Bryan Clark Green of Commonwealth Architects leads a tour at the Annual Preservation Conference, Fort Monroe, Hampton H ONOR ROLL Mr. Mark Kartman Ms. Ruth Katzner Mr. Robert L. Kauffman Mr. Matthias E. Kayhoe, III Ms. Shelley Kearns Mr. Richard Keating, Jr. Mr. Chad Keegan Mr. George Keith Mr. Michael J. Kelledes Ms. Joann Keller Mr. Jim Kelly Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Kemler Mr. C. D. Kent Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kerby Mr. Jim Kerkman Mr. Dennis Kienitz Mr. Doug Kienitz Mr. Mark A. Kilgore Ms. Linda Killian Mr. Evan Kirby Mrs. Susan H. Kirby Mr. Bill Kirton Ms. Deborah Kising Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kleinbaugh Dr. and Mrs. Rodney J. Klima Mr. and Mrs. Chester Klos Ms. Valarie Klosz Mr. and Mrs. Dave Knappenberger Ms. Cari Koch Mr. Patrick Koenigsberg Mr. Tom Kohler Mr. and Mrs. Bill Korzon, III Ms. Mariann Kosovych Ms. Michelle Kozlowski Mr. Steve Kravec Mr. Tony Kresha Mr. Allen Kuehner Ms. Elizabeth Kusey Mr. and Mrs. Mark Lachewitz Ms. Virginia Laise Mr. and Mrs. Craig Lambert Mr. Wayne Lamke Ms. Linda LaMonica Mr. Henry H. Land Ms. Patricia I. Lane Ms. Julie V. Langan The Reverend Henry V. Langford Mr. Bob Lansdell Ms. Sandy Lapointe Mr. and Mrs. Guy Larkins Ms. Carole Larsen Mr. David Larsen Mr. Robert W. Larsen Mr. and Mrs. John Lash Ms. Sonia Lathan Ms. Sharon Lavender Mr. Preston Le Page Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Leggett, Jr. Mr. N. Leinbach Mr. James Lemery Mr. and Mrs. W. Tucker Lemon Mr. Rosemary Levine Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Lewis Mr. George Lewis Ms. Rita Lewis Ms. Kimberly Leyden Ms. Lauren F. Liebrecht Ms. Paula A. Liebrecht Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Linden Mrs. Barbara Lingberg Ms. Theresa L. Link Mr. and Mrs. Robert Linkert Ms. Gayle Linthicum Ms. Virginia S. Lipford Ms. Lynn Litchfield Mrs. Adele W. Livingston Mr. Dale Lochel Ms. Charlotte A. Locklear Mses. Audrey and Abby Loman Mr. Art Long Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Long Mrs. Joan Losen Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Lovegren Mr. and Mrs. John M. Lovelady P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Ms. Karen Lovitt Ms. Diane S. Luczaj Mr. Austin Ludorf Lunenburg County Historical Society Ms. Madison Lunn Mr. Steve Luthy Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Lynch Mr. and Mrs. Larry Lynn Michael A. Lynn Mr. and Mrs. David MacDonald Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mace Mr. and Mrs. Mel Mack Ms. Ginni Mackenzie Ms. Lisa Mackesy Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Macklin Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Maddox Mr. and Mrs. Linford R. Magaha, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Magee Mr. Mitch Magee Mr. Jerry Mahner Mr. and Mrs. Joel Major Mr. and Mrs. Justice A. Manning Ms. Michelle Marks Mr. Larry Marreel Ms. Amanda Marshall Mr. Ray L. Martin, IV Mr. Samuel Martin, III Mr. and Mrs. Chester Martling Ms. Laurie Martone Ms. Susan Maslowski Mr. Cliff Massa, III Mr. and Mrs. Bill Masters Ms. Mary Matheny Ms. Hilda F. Mathieu Ms. Judith Mattingy Mr. and Mrs. Larry Maxwell Ms. Loretta Maxwell Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mayberry Mr. and Mrs. David Mayer Mr. Ted Mayeux Mr. and Mrs. Ken Mays Mr. James T. McBride-Kelley Ms. Pat McCord Dr. William H. McCormick Mr. Daniel McCown Mr. and Mrs. J. McCullough Mr. Robert A. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Jerry McDowell Ms. Patricia McFail Ms. Flora E. McFerren Ms. Marian McGraw Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. McGregor Mr. and Mrs. James E. McGurn Ms. Shirley McInnes Mr. Michael McKee Ms. Meghan McKenna Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKinney Mr. and Mrs. George A. McLean, Jr. Mr. Wayne McMahen Ms. Ida L. McNamara Ms. Bonnie McPartland Mr. Jeffrey Meissner Mr. and Mrs. Ed Mengel Mr. Al Menger Ms. Wilma Mettlen Mr. and Mrs. Gary Metz Ms. Julia B. Meyers Ms. Sheila Michaelson Mr. and Mrs. Joe Migliorisi Mr. Barry Miller Mr. and Mrs. Robert M. Miller Ms. Barbara W. Millner Mr. Ed Minas Mr. and Mrs. Al Miner Mr. Ben Mingo Mr. Robert H. Mitchell Ms. Nancy Moffett Mr. Michael Molitor and Ms. Judith Simon Mr. Steve Momsen Ms. Melissa Monaghan Ms. Frances J. Montes-Crawford Mooney Girls Ms. Dana Moore Mr. George E. Moore H ONOR ROLL Mr. Jim Moore Mallory Moore and Gillian Moore Ms. Martha Moore Mr. William B. Moore Ms. Kimberly Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Harold Morin Ms. Katherine Morris Mr. Leslie Morrison Mr. Peter Morrison Ms. Cheryl Morton Mrs. Margaret J. Morton Mr. Ronald D. Morton Mr. John Mory Mr. William L. Motley, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Moyer Ms. Leni Mueller Mr. Marshall Mugge Mr. Tim Mulhern Mr. George Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Dexter Mullins Mr. Andrew Myers Ms. Carolyn M. Myers Ms. Amy Nardi Ms. Eileen Nawa Mr. Brad Neal Ms. Peggy Nee Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Neece Ms. Carol Negus Ms. Barbara G. Nehls Ms. Jane Nelson Ms. Pat Nelson Ms. Helen Newell Mr. Thomas H. Newsom Mr. and Mrs. Sterling M. Nichols Mr. and Mrs. Elroy L. Nieweg Mr. and Mrs. Greg Niehoff Mr. Yoji Niho Mr. Ken Noller Ms. Saundra L. Noteman Mr. William F. Noth, Jr. Mr. Bernardo Nunez Ms. Jennifer O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Dan O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Richard O’Donnell Mr. Glenn Ogden Ms. Nina B. Olander Mr. and Mrs. Gary Olin Mr. Donald Olsen Ms. Rene Olson Mr. William Olson Mr. and Mrs. Robert P. O’Neil Ms. JoAnn O’Neill Mrs. Virginia Ortiz-Harford Mr. Daryl Osato Mr. David Osterhage Mr. Cliff Otos Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ottley Ms. Colleen Overbey Mr. and Mrs. Rod Owen Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Owings, III Mr. Robert P. Pace Pacheco Family Mr. Charles Padgett Ms. Charlotte G. Page Ms. Joanne Paisley Mr. Dominic J. Palazzolo Mr. Anthony Palermo Ms. Emily S. Palmer Paragone Family Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Parks Mr. and Mrs. Bruce C. Parker Dr. Ralph A. Parks P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Ms. Joanne Pascoe Mr. and Mrs. Anthony E. Pasek Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pasley Ms. Karen Pastore Ms. Teleia Pastore Mr. David Paton Ms. Eleanor Patterson Ms. Marilyn Patterson Mr. Patrick E. Patterson Ms. Terrie Pau Mr. John Paul Mr. Frederick Pauli Ms. Connie Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Martin Paulson Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Pavey Mr. Aldor J. Payette Mr. and Mrs. Larry E. Peacock Captain and Mrs. Paul R. Peak Mr. and Mrs. John W. Pearsall Ms. Debra Pearson Mr. and Mrs. John Peay Mr. and Mrs. Steve Peay Ms. Ina Ruth Ingram Peele Mr. Ron W. Peil Ms. Barbara T. Burry Pelzel Ms. Donna Penfield Mr. Paul Penfield Mr. Larry A. Perdue Mr. John Perkins Mr. Floyd Perry Ms. Louise Peterson Mr. Gardner G. Phillips, Jr. Mr. Andrew Phipps Ms. Suzette A. Piacine Dr. and Mrs. Paul Pierce Ms. Caroline Pierson Mr. Jules Pigliacampi Ms. Morgan Pine Mr. and Mrs. John Pistrui Ms. Cecile Pitts Ms. Lorraine Plankey Mr. Fred Plenge Ms. Joan Podleski Mr. Don Polacek Mr. and Mr. Daniel V. Poppen Mr. and Mrs. Archie Portis Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth E. Powell Ms. Elaine Powell Mr. James Powell Ms. Mathis K. Powelson Mr. and Mrs. David Powles Ms. Amy J. Prorock-Ernest Mr. Paul Proto Ms. Sarah E. Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Pulliam Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Purcell Mr. and Mrs. Louis Puster Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence E. Putnam Mr. and Mrs. Bob Pyles Mrs. Lenore B. Quandt Mr. Cesar Rafano Ms. Karen Rakowski Ravindranath Ras Mr. Albert W. Rayner Mr. Ron Rayner Ms. Ana Real-Serrano Ms. Candee Reaves Ms. Judyann Reed Ms. Nancy Reed Ms. Rita M. Reed Mr. Art Reeside Mr. Gregory T. Regelski Ms. Diana Reid Mr. F. B. Reid Mr. Joe Reiss Mr. Joseph Reuter Mr. Gregg D. Reynolds Mr. Mark Reynolds Mr. Robert C. Rhodes Mr. TJ Rice Ms. Cheryl Richardson Mr. David W. Richardson Ms. Lisa M. Richardson Ms. Sherry Ricketts H ONOR ROLL Ms. Rosamond S. Ridgley Mr. and Mrs. David Riggans Ms. Judith Rhodes Rightly Ms. Eileen B. Rindaldo Ms. Mary Mallon Rizzi Ms. Tracy Roark Mr. Harry Roberts Ms. Nora C. Roberts Mr. Michael Robertson Ms. Joan W. Robins Mr. Dale G. Robinson Mr. James H. Robinson Ms. Laura Robinson Mr. Roger E. Robinson Dr. Stephen J. Rockower Mr. James A. Roddy Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Rode Ms. Sydney Roe Mr. Justin Rogers and Ms. Mikelle Rogers Mr. Andrew Roland Ms. Catherine Roman Mr. Christopher J. Roman Jordan Ronningen Ms. Shirley Ronningen Ms. Judy Root Mr. Robert Root Terry Root Mr. Newton Rose Ms. Michele Rosewitz Ms. Andie Roskam Mr. and Mrs. Jim Ross Dr. and Mrs. Leonard S. Ross Mr. Keith Rowland Ms. Rachel Rubenfeld Mr. Alan Rudy Ms. Mary Russell Ms. Teresa Russell Mr. Thomas Russell Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Russo Ms. Eva M. Russo Ms. Isobel Rutherford Mr. and Mrs. Mike Rychlik Mr. Frank Ryczak Mr. Mark C. Rzadca Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sachais Mr. Denzel Salathiel Mr. Dale Sall Mr. Tony Sanchez Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sandstrom Mr. and Mrs. Robert Santiman Mr. William C. Santiman Ms. Mimi Santini-Ritt Mr. Nelson Santos Ms. Jan Sarbora Ms. Patricia Saul Ms. Amira Scaramella Ms. Beatrice Sceery Captain and Mrs. Christopher Schanze Mr. Thomas Scheaffer Miss Alana Scheibe Mr. and Mrs. Gus Schlussler Mr. Chad Schmelzer Mrs. Arthur Schmidt, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Schmidt Ms. Jean Schmidt Ms. Lois M. Schmidt Ms. Suzanne Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. Tim Schoonmaker Mr. and Mrs. Rick Schrock Mses. Beth and Brandy Schroeder Ms. Blanche Schuck Mr. Mel Schulman Ms. Donna Schultz Mr. Edward C. Schultz and Ms. Sally E. Huttemann Ms. Georgia Schultz Ms. Wendy W. Schultz Ms. Patricia Schwaninger Mr. and Mrs. Strother Scott Mr. Thomas Scott Ms. Terry Scroggs Mr. and Mrs. K. Sele Mr. John Selig Mr. Charles D. Sellers Dale Sellers P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. Carl Sestito Ms. Lisa Shamlian Mrs. Samuel Lee Shanks, Jr. Ms. Kathy Sharkey Mr. William Sharp Mr. John H. Sharpe Ms. Barbara Shaw Mr. Ronald Sheble Mr. Tim Sheehy Mr. and Mrs. Steve Sheffer Ms. Katharine Shoff Mr. James A. Shook Schinker Family Shumate Boys Ms. Marilyn Sides Dr. and Mrs. Gordon S. Siegel Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Sikora Ms. Katie Simms Ms. Aubrey Simpson and Mr. Andrew Littlejohn Mr. Cletis Sinyard Ms. Deana Skowood Mr. Wyatt Slater Mr. and Mrs. David B. Slankard Mr. Chris Slattery Mr. Craig C. Smith Mr. Gary Smith Ms. Georgia A. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Smith Mr. and Mrs. Randy Smith Ms. Sandy Smith Ms. Toni Smith Mr. and Mrs. John R. Smucker Mr. Charles Smyth Mr. and Mrs. Donald Snook Mr. and Mrs. Roger L. Sonstroem Mr. and Mrs. Mark Sorensen Southside Virginia Genealogical Society Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sova Mr. Tyler Sowell Dr. and Mrs. George F. Spagna Mr. Randall Spalding Mr. William Sparks Ms. Bobbie Spicer Ms. Lynne Spielman Ms. and Mrs. Art Spindler Mr. David Spracklen Ms. Pat Squires Mr. John Stanley Mr. James Stauble Mr. David Steaffens Mrs. Cheryl Vliet Stearns Mr. Robert B. Stecker and Ms. Elizabeth A. Stuart Mr. Kurt Steckley Mr. and Mrs. Russell C. Steele Mr. and Mrs. Timothy P. Stehle Dr. Douglas Stemberg Mr. James Stevenson and Ms. Andrea McBeth Ms. Elizabeth Stewart Ms. Barbara Stiles Mr. Geoff Stillwell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Stolfus Ms. Kim Stone Mr. and Mrs. Steve Stopke Mr. Joseph Stout Mr. Alfred F. Strakshus Ms. Gay Strakshus Mr. and Mrs. Michael H. Stripling Mr. John Stuart Mr. David Suckow Mr. and Mrs. Chip Sudduth Mr. Elie Suida Mr. Joseph P. Sullivan, III Ms. Cathryn Sundback Mr. John H. Surry Mr. Conrad Swanson Ms. Christine Sweeney Ms. Christine Sweeters Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Taft Ms. Carol B. Talbot Mr. Tony Tamberino Mr. Lee Tan Mrs. Anne R. Tankard Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tarlian Mr. Mark Tartino H ONOR ROLL Mr. James Tarrant Ms. Linda Tauchen Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teninty Ms. Brenda Ter Horst Ms. Wendy Terres Ms. Jan Terry Ms. Nora S. Test Dr. Janet A. Thatcher-Davids, Ph.D. Ms. Joan Thibodeaux Mr. Bryan J. Thomas Ms. Dawn Thomas Mr. Eric Thomas Ms. Irene Thomas Ms. Kerrilynne Thomas Ms. Marabeth Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Phillip F. Thomas Ms. Carol Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Daniel J. Thompson Mr. Mac Thompson Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Thompson Mr. Ty Thompson Mr. and Mrs. William T. Thompson, III Mr. William Thoms Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thorn Mr. and Mrs. Jeffry A. Thorpe Mrs. Nancy Threewitts-Hughes* Mr. Ryan Thrun Ms. Louise R. Thyson Ms. Katherine Tiffany Mr. John Tobin Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Todd Mr. Brian Trago Ms. Constance W. Treloar Mr. David Trichilo Ms. Carolyn S. Truitt Mr. and Mrs. Victor R. Tuck Mr. Clay Turner and Ms. Carrie Williams Ms. J. P. Turner Mr. Roger D. Turner Mr. David Tweedie United States Lighthouse Society, Chesapeake Chapter Mr. John M. Urrutia Ms. Katrien Vance Mr. Vijay Varadarajan Mr. John Vaughan Mr. Gary Venable Mr. and Mrs. John Verburg Ms. Alison Vick Mr. John Villyard Ms. Carolyn Virden Ms. Alison Vitucci Mr. and Mrs. Jeremy Vorel Ms. Piper Wade Mr. Steve Wade Mr. Joe Waegele Mr. Daniel W. Wagner and Ms. Elizabeth A. Godfrey Ms. Dorothy Walizer Mrs. Barbara J. Walker Mr. Doug Walker Mr. Grant Walker Walker Family Mrs. Phoebe M. Wallace Miss Alice Lorraine Wallenborn Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth G. Walsh, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James Walther Ms. Nina Walther Ms. Allyson Walton Mr. Dale S. Ward Ms. Elizabeth B. Waters Ms. Michele G. Watson Ceia Webb Mr. and Mrs. Harrison G. Wehner, Jr. Mr. John Wehner Mr. Marshall Weigand Mrs. Dorothy Weinecke Mr. and Mrs. David Weir, Jr. Mr. Nelson A. L. Weller Mr. and Mrs. Hill B. Wellford, Jr. Professor Camille Wells Mr. and Mrs. Don Wells Mr. Robert Wells Ms. Linda West Mr. Jay Wetherby P r e s e r v at i o n V i r g i n i a 2 0 1 0 A n n u a l R e p o r t Mr. Harold W. Wheeler, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Wheeler Mr. and Mrs. Jim White Mr. James H. Whiting Ms. Maridel Whitmore Ms. Robin Whitt Tristan Whitworth Ms. Diane Wieda E.A. Wieda Ms. Melissa Wilcox Ms. Wendy Wilcoxon Wilkes Family Mr. John I. Willard Mrs. Shirley S. Willcox Ms. Betty C. Williams Dr. and Mrs. Carrington Williams, Jr. Ms. Ellen G. Williams Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Williams, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Julien H. Williams Ms. Kay P. Williams Mr. Mern Williams Ms. Alisa Wilson Ms. Alma N. Wilson Ms. Kathy Wilson Mr. W. L. Wilson Mr. William T. Wilson Mr. William A. Wilson Mr. Gary Wingfield Ms. Carol Wion Mr. and Mrs. Raol A. Wolf Mr. Preston Wolfe Ms. Julia Wood Ms. Karen Wood Ms. Aundria Woolard Mr. Roy Worman Mr. and Mrs. John Worrell Ms. Marissa Wright Mr. Eric Wuthenow Ms. Mia Yamamoto Ms. Oy Yamamoto Ms. Nancy Yamauchi Mr. W. Jack Yee Mr. Justin Young Mr. Ken Young Mr. and Mrs. Ken Zacks Mr. Jim Zelenka Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Zetzer Mr. and Mrs. Allen Ziegenhals Ms. Joyce Zimmerman Mr. Garrett Zimmon Mr. and Mrs. Harry Zinskie Ms. Emily Zwiebel In Honor of In honor of Butch Bailey Ms. Julia B. Meyers In honor of Ann C. Berry National Society Daughters of Colonial Wars In honor of Adam Davidson Colonel and Mrs. James A. Davidson In honor of Bill and Ellen Kelso Mrs. Mary Ann Brendel Mr. and Mrs. W. Sidney Druen In honor of Dr. William M. Kelso Mr. and Mrs. William A. Molineux In honor of Louis Malon, Elizabeth Kostelny and Benjamin Knowles The Honorable and Mrs. Christopher K. Peace In honor of Elizabeth Stanton Kostelny The Reverend John R. Stanton In honor of Mrs. Janie Preston Boulware Lamb, Hands On Greater Richmond volunteers participate in the Groovin in the Green Space project, John Marshall House, Richmond Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site H ONOR ROLL Preservation Virginia President (1953-1964) Mr. Robert Henley Lamb In honor of Virginia Wight Lamb Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pasley In honor of Dr. Elizabeth Lee and Mr. Gordon C. Vliet Mrs. Cheryl Vliet Stearns In honor of Jamie May Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. May In honor of Robert L. Montague, III Mr. C. Dudley Brown In honor of Heather Pasley Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Pasley In honor of all who work for preservation Mrs. Ellen Wigren In honor of the Preservation Virginia Board and Staff Mr. and Mrs. Dale L. Kostelny In honor of Mrs. William C. Overman Ms. Claudia Townsend In honor of Shirley T. VanLandingham Mr. John H. VanLandingham, IV In honor of the staff at the Waterford Foundation Ms. Laura Shaw and Mr. Jeffrey Bean In honor of Robert I. Wise, MD, PhD Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Beene In Memory of In memory of Patrick H. Booth, Jr. Mr. William G. Beville In memory of Mildred Warner Taliaferro Wellford Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Boyd In memory of Ann Clark Mr. and Mrs. Peter Dun Grover In memory of William M. Dudley Mrs. Elizabeth L. Dudley In memory of Dr. Emory G. Evans Dr. and Mrs. Warren M. Billings In loving memory of Retired NNPD Clyde and Mrs. Linda Fannin Ms. Traci M. Fannin-Poole In memory of Mary Jeffrey Galt Mr. G. Galt Bready In Memory of Alice S. Heaphy Mr. William J. Heaphy, III In memory of Susan Fisher Lavenstein Mr. Victor W. Lavenstein In memory of James C. Miller Ms. Christine Sweeters In memory of Eleanor Oppenhimer McGehee Dr. Read F. McGehee, Jr. In memory of William P. Moore Mrs. Vera W. Moore In memory of Sara Jo Pitts Mr. W. Paul Pitts In memory of Gladys M. Walls Mr. and Mrs. Norman E. Pavey Ms. Wilma Mettlen In memory of William M. Welter Mrs. Sherry M. Welter In memory of Luther Coleman Wells Mr. and Mrs. Brad Birchett Ms. Caryl Burtner Mr. John D. Hopson Mr. Robert W. Larsen Ms. Virginia S. Lipford Mr. and Mrs. Fielding L. Williams, Jr. In Memory of Carolyn Kelso Welsch Mr. and Mrs. Henry H. Bauer In memory of Catherine D. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Joe F. Beene The 2010 Honor Roll of Donors includes all contributors in our records. However, if we have inadvertently left your name off the donor list please contact us immediately and accept our apologies. Thank you. Smith’s Fort Plantation, Surry Official Preservation Virginia Historic Site We are privileged to serve as the proud steward of the following official Preservation Virginia Historic Sites. 16 17 18 19 1 22 15 12 13 14 11 23 20 8 7 6 21 10 9 5 2 3 4 1. Debtor’s Prison.. ....................................................... 1782............................ Accomac 2. Pear Valley............................................................... 1740............................ Northampton County 3. Eastville Courthouse Buildings................................. 1731............................ Eastville 4. Cape Henry Lighthouse............................................ 1792............................ Virginia Beach 5. Isle of Wight Courthouse.......................................... 1750............................ Smithfield 6. Bacon’s Castle......................................................... 1665............................ Surry 7. Smith’s Fort Plantation............................................. ca. 1751.. ..................... Surry County 8. Historic Jamestowne................................................ 1607............................ Jamestown 9. Walter Reed Birthplace.. ........................................... Before 1850................. Gloucester County 10. Warner Hall Graveyard............................................ 17th Century.. .............. Gloucester County 11. Farmer’s Bank.. ....................................................... 1817............................ Petersburg 12. The John Marshall House....................................... 1790............................ Richmond 13. Cole Digges House................................................. 1805............................ Richmond 14. Old Stone House.. ................................................... 1754............................ Richmond 15. Patrick Henry’s Scotchtown.. .................................. 1719............................ Beaverdam 16. St. James’ House................................................... 18th Century.. .............. Fredericksburg 17. Mary Washington House......................................... Before 1772................. Fredericksburg 18. Rising Sun Tavern................................................... ca. 1760.. ..................... Fredericksburg 19. Hugh Mercer Apothecary.. ...................................... 18th Century.. .............. Fredericksburg 20. Cub Creek Church Site........................................... 1738............................ Charlotte County 21. Thomas Read’s Clerk’s Office.. ............................... 18th Century.. .............. Charlotte County 22. Gravesite of Sarah Winston Syme Henry................ 18th Century.. .............. Amherst County 23. Smithfield Plantation.............................................. 1773............................ Blacksburg P RESERVATION VIRGINIA 2 0 4 W est F ranklin S treet • R ichmond • V irginia 2 3 2 2 0 • 8 0 4 . 6 4 8 . 1 8 8 9 w w w. p r e s e r v at i o n v i r g i n i a . o r g