851 Seminar 2 Nov09 - for customers RevisedApr2010


851 Seminar 2 Nov09 - for customers RevisedApr2010
Upgrading to Notes/Domino 8.5.1
Session 2
November 12, 2009
Session 1 - 11/11/09
1. Quality from the Outside-In: Upgrading to Notes/Domino 8.5.1
2. Notes/Domino 8.5.1 Content Review
Session 2 - 11/12/09
3. Upgrading our Customers
4. Supporting our Customers
Agenda – Session 2
3. Upgrading our Customers
Upgrading our Customers
IBM Electronic Support
Deployment Best Practices
Upgrading our Customers
Jim Marsden | Program Director Notes Client Adoption
Notes 6 / 7 End of Service
Notes/Domino 8.5.1
is the best upgrade target
Consumability focus
Customer reported defect fixes
User productivity
Expanded application development
Richer web experience
Investment protection
Newer OS support (Win 7, Snow Leopard, RHEL 5.4)
Platform for embedded Sametime and Symphony upgrades
Install and Deployment Best Practices
Rick Wilson | Notes Senior Technical Staff Member
Tracey Nolander | Client Self-Assist Program Director
IBM Electronic Support (Tracey Nolander)
The NEW IBM Support Portal
Electronic Support Resources
Lotus Product Wikis
The NEW Notes/Domino Upgrade Cookbooks
Discussion Forums
Customer Enablement
The Welcome Letter
Support Content Highlights
Upgrading the Notes Client -- Best Practices (Richard Wilson)
Planning your Notes deployment
Customizing the install kit
Building and testing the deployment package
Piloting the upgrade
Rolling-out your deployment
Managing Notes
IBM Electronic Support
The NEW IBM Support Portal
Evolving from multiple support sites and tools to a single Support Portal
Current State
Different web sites &
multiple tools
IBM Support Portal
Centralized &
simplified experience
Try the new IBM Support Portal today! www.ibm.com/support/entry/portal
The NEW IBM Support Portal
Centralized view of technical information across Information Centers, Wikis, and
Technotes for all IBM products -- Systems, Software, and Services
Some Resources Available via the Portal
Product Wikis – Find best practices, hints and tips, deployment scenarios, enablement
Information Centers – Search product documentation
Browse Technotes – View technotes by Product and Category
Lotus Fix Lists - Find information on upcoming fixes, including release status
Fix Central – Download fix packs
Training and Certification – Find education and the new Multimedia Library for Lotus Notes
Key Content Resources – Get a list of key links for a product
Product Discussion Forums – Engage in customer-to-customer collaboration
developerWorks Lotus – Find white papers and other developer resources
My Notifications – Subscribe to support content including flashes and alerts
Upgrade Central – Access key planning resources
IBM Lotus Redbooks – Find available Redbooks
Service Request (SR) tool – Open and track PMRs electronically
See the “Clickaway” Page for more information www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/
Lotus Product Wikis
Lotus Product W ikis – a rich source of deployment and use scenarios,
enablement materials, and best practices
Product wiki index: www.ibm.com/developerworks/lotus/community/wikis.html
The Notes/Domino Upgrade Cookbooks
Both the 6.5.x to 8.5.1 cookbook (brand new!) and 6.5.x to 8.0.2 cookbook
are available at: www.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/UC1_TableofContents.htm
A powerful one-stop shop for your Notes and Domino upgrade needs
Help others by sharing your upgrading knowledge and experience!
It's Easy to Access the Notes/Domino Upgrade Cookbooks
1. Search the Notes/Domino wiki for "Upgrade Cookbook"
2. Use the left-hand navigator in the Notes/Domino wiki to select “Upgrade cookbooks”
3. Google "Upgrade Cookbook" – it's the first link that comes up!
Customer-to-Customer Discussion Forums
The current Lotus Product discussion forums are a great place to collaborate and solve
Coming soon! The forums will be based on the new XPages technology (sneak peek
screenshot below) allowing for more features and capabilities, such as:
Authors can mark a post
as being answered
Users can mark posts as
useful to them
Forum moderators can
create 'sticky' posts
Users can thank authors
for their posts/help
Authors can mark the
audience for a post and
views to show those
Post tagging
Customer Enablement - the Multimedia Library for Lotus Software
The Multimedia Library for Lotus Notes,
Sametime and Quickr teaches
customers the essential skills they need
to be successful
New employees will learn key tasks and
seasoned employees will learn new
features and productivity tips
"What's New" tutorials teach valuable
skills and benefits of new features
The training solution for end users,
administrative assistants, mobile users
and tech support teams
Customer Enablement - enablement modules on the Notes/Domino wiki
The Lotus Notes and Domino wiki contains a multitude of training and certification
resources, articles, tutorials, and courses for both Notes and Domino
The Welcome Letter
Sent to hundreds of new
customers worldwide who open a
Lotus-branded product PMR in
any given month
Chinese language version also
W elcomes them to Lotus
Technical Support and highlights
our Electronic Support options
and the entire Lotus product line
Thanks them for partnering with
Lotus Technical Support in their
business success
Support Content
Product-specific emails sent to customers
who use Notes/Domino, Quickr, Sametime,
and WebSphere Portal
Includes announcements, featured
technical content, tools and fixes, recent
favorites, electronic support resources,
Mailed monthly/bi-monthly depending on
Previously known as FAQ mailings
Customers can opt out at any time
The content is also copied to the Featured
Documents for each product and can be
accessed through our Web site
Support Content Highlights for Lotus Notes and Domino
Upgrading the Notes Client
Best Practices
Major Steps Upgrading the Notes client
Plan the deployment
Download and customize
the install kit
Build and test the
deployment package
Pilot the upgraded client
Roll out the deployment
Manage the desktop
Quick Reference – Key elements of Notes upgrade & deployment phases
This Quick Reference list
identifies key elements and
options to consider during each
phase of a Notes upgrade and
Use this as a checklist to
determine the types of activity
that you need to do during an
upgrade and to select the
elements that are applicable for
your deployment.
You can find the Quick
Reference list on the “Deploying
Notes 8.5.1 Clients” page of the
Upgrade Cookbook.
Phases 4 thru 6 shown on
next slide.
Quick Reference – Key elements of Notes upgrade & deployment phases
Phases 1 thru 3 shown on previous slide.
Planning your Notes deployment (1/2)
Comments / Reference Materials
General planning
The Notes/Domino 6.5 x to 8.5.1 Upgrade Cookbook: www.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf/dx/
Admin Guide - Notes Client Installation and Upgrade
Notes/Domino Wiki: www.lotus.com/ldd/dominowiki.nsf
Notes/Domino Information Center: publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/domhelp/v8r0/index.jsp
Lotus Notes Technotes: www.ibm.com/software/lotus/support/notes/support.html
“Supported configurations for Notes and Domino 8.5” (most applies to 8.5.1 also):
Detailed system reqs for 8.5.1: www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?rs=688&uid=swg27016975
Server, client,
Recommendation is to upgrade servers first, then the client deployment, and then the templates. Consider use of
local mail replicas to optimize server bandwidth.
Consider the use of Notes shared login, Roaming User, and ID Vault capabilities.
Training and
communication for
new users
Need to make sure you have user acceptance and that they are prepared for new client.
Will significantly reduce support costs in the long run.
Test planning
Consider all the applications that need to be tested with new version of Notes and the time it will take to accomplish
Pilot planning
The pilot is a critical part of the deployment so it needs careful planning.
Feedback from the pilot will help to create a realistic roll out plan.
Deployment planning Deployments are expensive and time consuming - need to be realistic about the time frame in which this can be
If you have 3rd party or custom plugins to deploy consider using the widget catalog.
Admin Guide - “Catalog options and access”
Planning your Notes deployment (2/2)
Comments / Reference Materials
Multi-user install
Use a single user install for power users only (Designer and Admin clients included in Single User Install
recommended for kit). If your previous install was single user you will need to move data to the multi-user layout.
general population
of users
Standard client
Unless hardware is inadequate you should plan to use the standard client. For those cases where basic
client is needed you should install the standard client and configure the installer to launch the basic client
(INI variable or use the "-sa" or "-basic" switch in the shortcut)
Single language kit English only kit is default. If other language is needed get language-specific kit. If multiple language
support needed get MUI Install kit. Consider adding dictionaries to English kit.
Does user data
need to be
If data was in a non-standard location consider moving it to recommended location for multi-user install.
For users who will frequently change machines consider a roaming user deployment.
Other cleanup
Each upgrade is an opportunity to remove extraneous applications from the desktop and clean up
NOTES.INI settings that are no longer required, hard-coded ip addresses of servers in address book, etc
See 'Ask Professor INI' for NOTES.INI setting information
Dictionary and
translated Notes
client related
“Spelling Language Dictionaries in Lotus Notes 8.5.1”
“Making various language spell check dictionaries available to Notes 8.5.1 users”
“Understanding and Supporting the Translated Notes Client”
Customizing the Install kit (1/2)
Comments / Reference Materials
Download the multi-user Notes
client kit for required language
Use a single user install for power users only (Designer and Admin clients included in
this kit). If multiple language support needed consider whether needed on all desktops.
Admin Guide - “Using the Multilingual User Interface (MUI) pack on Windows”
Availability dates for 8.5.1 NL kits: Gp 1+2a+Catalan – Nov 12 ; Gp 2b+3 – Jan 12
New stuff in the Lotus Notes install The kit now includes the translation for all the install panels. This blog reference will
explain the new contents.
Customize which features must be Edit the install manifest to control which features are available for installation and what the
installed, optional, presented in
user sees on the feature installation panel.
feature panel, etc.
Admin Guide - “Customizing the Notes install manifest for supplied Eclipse features”
Remove default components that
If your company is not using Connections, Sametime or Symphony as part of the
are not required by your company standard desktop these can optionally be removed from the kit using the TrimUpdateSite
Admin Guide - “Removing features from the Notes install kit using a supplied tool”
Add custom plugins used by your
If your company uses custom plugins as part of the standard desktop these can be
added to the kit using the AddToKit tool. Use the validation tool to validate your changes.
Admin Guide “Adding new features to the Notes install kit using a supplied tool”
“Validating your customized Notes install kit”
Customizing the Install kit (2/2)
Comments / Reference Materials
Customize Notes installer
Set silent install settings via transforms, default components to be installed via command
line arguments, etc.
Admin Guide - “Automating Notes installation using a silent install”
Set Notes run time settings
These can be Notes.ini, Domino policy and plugin_customization.ini settings. In general
policies are recommended where available. Dynamic policies can only be used from 8.5
on, policies need to be changed when moving from previous releases.
Admin Guide –
“Customizing Notes using a plugin_customization.ini file”
Scriptable setup configuration
Not needed when upgrading, but useful for new installs. This now supports environment
variables in the script (Windows only).
Roaming user will store key data files on server and pull down to new client at initial
setup. ID Vault could be used instead of moving around ID files.
Admin Guide –
“Setting up Notes with a scriptable setup”
Roaming Users
Pre-populate cross certificates in
You can avoid users needing to respond to cross-certificate prompts by pre-populating
the deploy.nsf file with admin-generated cross certificates, which are then copied to the
user address book at first launch. Can also be done via policy.
Admin guide - “Customizing an install kit to set certifier and trust defaults”
Building and testing the deployment package
Comments / Reference Materials
Deployment should be automated
as much as possible by a 'push'
Use silent install settings packed in a 3rd-party 'push' tool like ZENworks®, Tivoli®, SMS,
etc. or Notes-specific tools like Desktop Manager, Marvel Client, Automated Deployment
Toolkit (ADT), InstallPump®, etc.), SmartUpgrade.
Each deployment application is different but SmartUpgrade supports chaining of Notes
client installers. If you need a fixpack it can be deployed along with the install kit..
Admin Guide - “Using Notes Smart Upgrade”
Considerations for un-installing the The upgrade recommended path is to use Notes install to perform the upgrade. For
old client
standardization-type operations that include moving the Notes install directory or
converting from single to multi-user installation you will need to explicitly uninstall the
existing client before upgrading.
Make sure the Notes client is shut
down before new Install
Add scripting to shutdown the Notes client if it is still running. Consider re-booting the
machine via scripting before starting the install.
Use verbose install logging for the
Add parameters for verbose install logging in pilot deployment package
Admin Guide - “Providing command line utilities for Notes install”
AntiVirus settings should be taken
into account
Some antivirus applications can impact the installer, so make sure to test with the settings
that your users have on their desktops.
Consider de-fragmentation before/ This can improve performance in cases where the desktop disks are close to capacity.
after the install
Piloting the upgrade
Comments / Reference Materials
Enable the ADC fault reporting
Ensure that you can compare ADC stats from before the pilot with new stats.
Use the test deployment to pilot the Look for user feedback, other issues with new release. Make sure to check release notes
new release
for known issues, etc. Use pilot experience to estimate support cost of final rollout.
Certify custom apps work with new Notes applications (self-developed and purchased) and 3rd-party applications should be
tested thoroughly.
Consider which users to include in At least 100 users distributed 80% in main site, 20% in remote site, preferably not all IT users.
Consider a separate pilot for Citrix users.
Admin and Designer client feedback can be tracked separately.
Co-existence of old and new
Try to ensure a consistent user experience across the pilot group. For example, if a manager
is in the pilot group consider also including the manager's AA.
Length of pilot
Should allow a month for adequate customer feedback, longer if your schedule permits.
Rolling-out your deployment
Comments / Reference Materials
Plan the rollout based on bandwidth
Consider how many desktops need to be upgraded and plan your roll out based on
network bandwidth as well as your IT support capabilities. In case of low WAN
bandwidth consider alternatives such as LAN storage device etc.
Smart Upgrade governor can throttle server load.
Admin Guide - “Controlling the number of concurrent Smart Upgrade downloads”
Monitor the deployment
Smart Upgrade will provide this – other packages presumably also provide similar
tracking capabilities. View in server NAB also indicates Notes client version for
each user.
Admin Guide: “Smart Upgrade Tracking Reports application”
Have a plan to provide desk side support Use pilot as indicator or how much deskside support will be needed.
Initial policy settings
Use hierarchical policy settings to control the desktop configuration – these are
automatically detected at first client launch so no explicit install action required.
Remember you need to use the new Admin client (8.5 or newer) to set these
Admin Guide - Policies
Update mail templates, folder designs
This should be done AFTER desktops gets upgraded. Note that folder design is not
automatically updated with a template change - it needs to be explicitly set via
desktop policy. Also, administrator should request users to empty their Trash folders
because if these have customized design the contents will no longer remain in the
Trash folder after the new Trash folder design takes effect.
Admin Guide - “Upgrading mail files with the mail conversion utility”
Managing Notes
Comments / Reference Materials
Apply fixpacks as they become available If possible apply fixpacks regularly. Consider using Smart Upgrade for these,
otherwise your favorite 'push' application.
Changes to policy settings as needed
Policies can be added, edited and deleted as necessary.
Admin Guide - “Managing policies”
Updating the Notes desktop to add/
remove features
If necessary you can modify your user desktops by re-running the Installer in
modify mode. This can also be customized as needed.
Admin Guide - “Adding or removing installed Notes features within a release”
Updating components out of cycle
If, for example, you wish to upgrade your embedded Sametime to a newer version
use a Sametime-provided Add On Installer to upgrade to desired level.
Adding new widgets
New widgets can be deployed as needed via the catalog.
Admin Guide - “Deploying client plug-ins with widgets and the widget catalog”
Adding new 3rd-party applications
We provide an Add On Installer framework for building installers for 3rd-party apps if
Admin Guide - “Creating a customized add-on installer”
Find all of this “Best Practice” information, plus more related information, in the:
Notes/Domino 6.5.x to 8.5.1 Upgrade Cookbook
Try the NEW IBM Support Portal!
Access all of these electronic
support resources, including
the Notes/Domino Upgrade
Cookbooks, via the new IBM
Support Portal
Bookmark the IBM Support
Portal URL:
Start using the Support Portal
Agenda – Session 2 (con't)
4. Supporting our Customers
IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Fix Strategy
IBM Lotus Notes and Domino Fix Strategy
Scott Vrusho | Senior Development Manager
Lotus Domino 8.5.1 Serviceability Improvements
● The Email Interoperability feature will address the MIME to Lotus Notes conversion problems.
Value Add: This will significantly minimize customer level of pain
Note: This is iteration #1 in 8.5.1 and continuous improvements are planned for future releases
● NSD/Fault recovery enhancement: When Java is detected within a crash stack this feature will provide the required
Verbose Java CORE file
Value Add: Reduces L2/L3 troubleshooting time
● Per-process Statistics provides new Event Generator & Event Handler in standard template. This helps Support to
troubleshoot and monitor customer low memory conditions
Value Add: Reduces L2/L3 troubleshooting time and provides way for customers to mitigate down-time (they can use
event generators to set warning thresholds)
● NSD/Fault recovery enhancement: Coming post 8.5.1 in an NSD Update/Fixpack. This feature provides LotusScript
Memory dump in the NSD. This is another item that addresses memory usage issues. Most of the HHP is spent on
developing a complete picture of which components are responsible for memory usage. Currently the NSD currently lacks
the LS information provided in memory dumps. This causes a delay for both Support and the customer.
Value Add: Improves first failure data capture and reduces troubleshooting time for memory usage issue.
What is DCT?
Domino Configuration Tuner
Tool that checks various Domino configuration settings
What does it scan (currently)?
Server Documents
Server Configuration Documents
With what differentiators?
32 v. 64 bit
Domino version
Information Flow Overview
Best Practice Information Flow
Support, IS S L
Domino Best
Practices DB
add XQuery
expression and
other details
export to
XML file
DCT: Where can I get it?
● Included in Domino Administration Client install
● Freely available for download http://bit.ly/imblotusdct
● Updates are available from within the application
● Resources
● Notes/Domino Wiki DCT Entry http://bit.ly/wikidct
● 'Tuner Blog http://bit.ly/tunerblog
● DCT Video Tour http://bit.ly/dcttour
● email Scott O'Keefe/Westford/IBM ([email protected])
Client Serviceability: What are all these
Launches other processes. Short lived
Core Notes Client process. (Basic and Standard)
In 8.02 and 8.5, it is started first.
Java/XPD/JVM Client process (Standard Only)
Launched by NLNotes.EXE prior to performing password work
Plugin java code runs in this process
NOTE: On the Mac, there is only a single client process
(Basic and Standard)
performs background operations such as replication
IBM Support Assistant/ISA
In Notes Standard, available from menu
Help \ Support \ IBM Support Assistant
XPD Platform
Platform problem determination files
System log and trace files
Platform provisioning files
System configuration files
Eclipse Update manager files
Java dump files
Problem determination framework internal log files
NSD data from a crash or manual initiation
Notes console files
When to use/request:
Almost always. It can answer common configuration questions which will
avoid needing to go back to the customer for more data/info.
Notes/Domino infocenter
XPD troubleshooting and support
XPD documentation on files collected in ISA
Data collection/analysis: Closing the Loop w/Customers
Project Area
Closing the Loop
Provide crash “annotations” to select customers via
automated Email exchanged.
Match Crashes
Via Email
Mail-In Fault
Analysis Db
Match w/SPR
Via Email
Via Email
Mail-In Fault
Analysis Db
Match Crashes
Match w/SPR
Provide APAR information in “Closing the Loop”
Determine and obtain APAR information for given SPRs.
Determine how to treat SPRs that are either not fixed or are
not in a shipping release, do we inform the customer?
Pilot System Internally
Using externally sourced customer data, as well as IBM data,
prove out the system and data.
Pilot System Externally
Engage select Premium Customers. Propose to leverage
8.5.2 Beta as delivery mechanism. Include checks to limit
usage to Premium Customers.
Delivery Vehicles for Quality Improvement
Feature Release
Large TCO gains
Quality Improvements requiring architectural changes
Maintenance Release
Scheduled, planned bug fix release
Available to all customers via web and CD
Hot Fix/Interim Fix
Fix packs
Safely address a small percentage of defects that
impact the broadest set of customers
Available to all customers via web
Interim Fixes (Hot fixes)
Customer specific fixes, not cumulative*
Interim Fix/CCH for cumulative client hot fixes
Subset posted publically
Fix Pack
Feature Release
Test Coverage
m ainte nac
fi xpack
C u mul ative
cli e nt h otfi x
h otfix
Unit test by Developer
Fix Verification by QE
Automated Test Scripts 1
Development Domain Deployment
Lotus/IBM Deployment
Interop testing with Notes/Domino extended products
Regression Testing
Performance Testing
System Verification Test
Design Partner Program
Targeted re-testing at certain milestones
Public Beta
Private Beta
Automation testing varies greatly. Automation on CCH or HF is limited to DLL Test.
CCHs get pointed install/uninstall and bug validation
* Not typical except for MRs run as feature releases
Criteria for Fix Packs
• Triage Criteria:
As of 8.x, Fix packs are server AND client
High Customer Weighting
Critical Regressions
Common Crash, Hang, Security, Data loss
No fixes that impact translation
No new features
Deployed and working as hot fix or in shipping release
Cumulative on top of last fix pack
8.0.2 FP1
8.5 FP1
8.0.2 FP2
7.0.4 FP1
8.0.2 FP3
8.0.2 FP4
8.5.1 FP1
Jan 2009
Jul 2009
Jul 2009
Aug 2009
Nov 2009
Dec09/Jan 10
Jan 2010
● The huge client investment in Notes 8.0 and 8.5 has sparked tremendous interest. With this
interest, the demand for 8.x client fixes has increased
● Customers get more benefit out of a well tested deliverable (Fix pack) vs limited testing (Hot
● Scheduling more frequent fixpacks provide a more stable well tested fix package that
customers can plan on.
● Goal: Beginning with the 2 most recent releases (8.0.2 and 8.5.1) plan to provide more
frequent fixpacks <schedule on next slide>. Quarterly or better
● Benefit: Reduces dependence on risky less tested interim fixes.
● Solution provided on well tested deliverable intended for broader customer consumption = Fix
Packs for Server and Client
Fix Pack Factoids
● ESD Downloads (excluding Fix Central)
● 8,000 downloads of 8.0.2 FP1 as of Q3 2009
● 2,200 downloads of 8.5 FP1
● 1,500 8.0.2 FP2 downloads
● 30% Fewer Hot fixes built with Fix packs
● Reduced hot fixes for old releases from 77% to 45%
● Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF): >99.99 for Fix Packs
● Fix Packs are cumulative i.e. FP3 includes FP2 & FP1 fixes
● Fix Packs are language independent
● Fix Packs are incremental installs (that’s why they are language independent)
● IBM Strongly recommends deploying latest Fix Pack
Feature Releases
Lotus Notes and Domino Fix List
Tabbed format
RSS Enabled
Highlighting the Top 20 Customer fixes for each MR/Fixpack in the fix list notices view
Fix List entries cross link to Technotes for more in depth information
Fix List contains APAR #’s for cross referencing with PMRs
Updates to Fix List, Release Notice, and Technotes for Fix Packs, Fixed SPRs, and related issues, all
coordinated with eGA
Fix List “In Progress” indication
What’s New tab
© IBM Corporation 2009. All Rights Reserved.
The information contained in this publication is provided for informational purposes only. While efforts were made to verify the
completeness and accuracy of the information contained in this publication, it is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind,
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References in this presentation to IBM products, programs, or services do not imply that they will be available in all countries in
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IBM, the IBM logo, Lotus, Lotus Notes, Notes, Domino, Quickr, Sametime are trademarks of International Business Machines
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All references to companies used for examples refer to a fictitious company and are used for illustration purposes only.