Bulletin - St John`s Parish


Bulletin - St John`s Parish
The Herald
Sunday, October 16, 2016
Roman Catholic Church
Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
168 Chestnut St., Lockport, NY 14094
Rectory Office: (716) 433-8118
St. John’s Outreach: (716) 433-5252
St. John’s Faith Formation : (716) 478-3565
St. John’s Catholic Store: (716) 434-4219
DeSales Catholic School: (716) 433-6422
^hEzD^^^͗Sat. Vigil: 5:00 PM, Sunday: 7, 8:30, 10 AM & 12 Noon
,K>zzD^^^͗Holy Day: 7:00 & 8:00AM, 12:10 PM & 7:00 PM
/>zD^^^͗Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM
^ZDEdK&ZKE/>/d/KE;KE&^^/KEͿ͗Sat.: 4:00-4:45 PM & Thurs. before 1st Fri.: 4:00-4:30 PM
^d͘:hEKsE͗Tuesday after 8 AM Mass
The October meeting of the St.
Vincent DePaul Society will be held
on Tuesday, 10/18/16 at 1:00 P.M. in
the Outreach dining room. Anyone
interested in learning about the work
of the St. Vincent DePaul Society is
MARRIAGE MATTERS is starting up again
on Saturday, October 22,from 7pm to 9pm in the Bosco
Center. Each month we will be watching a segment of
the popular BELOVED DVD series on marriage,
followed by an informal social time. All Married and
Engaged couples are
invited to attend. Please
bring a snack, appetizer,
or dessert to share, we
will provide the
Can't make it this month? That's okay, come when you
can. Here is the MARRIAGE MATTERS Schedule for
the year, so you and your spouse can plan ahead:
Oct.22, Nov.19, Dec.17, Jan.28, Feb.25 Mar.18,
Apr.22, May 20.
All are Saturday evenings, in the Bosco Center, 7-9 pm.
Questions?? Call Ann or Greg Schuler @ 433-0276.
Cub Scout Pack 4 and Boy Scout Troop 4, both
chartered by St. John the Baptist Church right here in
Lockport, are seeking
adventurous boys for their
programs. Cub Scouts is
boys in the first through
fifth grades, while Boy
Scouts are for boys aged
11-18. Come visit Troop 4
the first, second and third
Tuesdays of any month in
the church hall to check
out the Boy Scouts. For
Cubs, Pack 4 meets the
fourth Monday of each
month, including October
24th, for their Cub Scout
Carnival. Contact
Cubmaster Janis
Lombardi at 504-7306 for Cub Scouts or Scoutmaster
Marc Shurtz at 903-8077 for Boy Scouts.
At present, we need to suspend our Funeral Brunches
because our team captains are either in Doctor’s care
or recovery. These brunches bring great comfort to
families in their time of need, and if the Church can
provide this solace, it is one less burden on a grieving
family. We definitely do not want to see this ministry
be discontinued, so we are expressing an urgent need
for volunteers to assist in all facets of this important
work. Please answer the call to give some of your
time to show kindness and support to those who have
lost a loved one. Call the office today (433-8118) if
you are able to assist and offer compassion to those
who are suffering and help ease their sadness and
distress. Thank you.
Please join us for our Annual Mass for
Deceased and Living Members. It
takes place Tuesday, October 18th at
12:10 PM followed by a luncheon in the
Church Hall.
Mail donaons to:
THE 12:10 PM DAILY MASS will be suspended at least for
now because of decreased clergy availability, the increasing
volume of funerals, and the lack of retired priest help. Daily
Masses will remain at 8am Monday through Saturday. Thank
you for your understanding.
Ministers of the Word
For Sunday 7am and 10am
Masses. It involves a once a
month to two or three times a
month commitment. Call Angie
Hahn at 716-695-4679
St. Kateri Prayer Group
The St. Kateri Intercessory Prayer
group has not met for a few
weeks, but will start up again this
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 in
the Bosco Center at 7:00 pm. If
any questions, please call Ann
Albee at 848-9053.
Our parish has a need to secure additional Ministers of the Word (Lectors)
for weekend Masses as well as substitute Ministers of the Word for weekend
This is a ministry that touches each
and every parishioner. The gift of proclaiming the Word of God and the gift of studying the Scriptures for
meaning and clear, effective presentation are a treasure. For
those who possess these gifts, your talents and abilities will be a
blessing to our parish and a gift of praise to our Lord.
Ministers of the Word read once every four weekends at an assigned Mass time and substitute Ministers of the Word are called
as needed.
Please contact the parish office at 433-8118 to express your response to our need.
CONGRATULATIONS to Altar & Rosary Split Club Winners for the month
of October: Marilyn Stuart, Karen
Kropf, Leo Langdon, Salvatore Furioso, Amaya Mack.
Mark your Calendars! Plan to attend!
A&R will sponsor a Community Event the weekend of October 29th
and 30th 2016 in the Church Hall featuring a (2 )day Basket Raffle.
On Saturday we will feature a Charlie the Butcher Roast Beef
Sandwich meal from Noon until sold out.
We invite you to join us for a Spiritual
Awakening and Renewal of Faith during MISSION 2016 at All Saints Parish,
76 Church Street in Lockport.
Sunday, November 6th thru Saturday,
November 12th.
6:30 PM to 9:30 PM
For more information or to register
please call (716) 280-3625 or visit
Additionally, once again, October 30, 2016, we will host “Donut
Sunday” for your enjoyment as well!
A friendly reminder from St. Patrick’s Cemetery Committee:
It is that time of year again!
The Cemetery Committee asks for your help and support as they
begin cleanup of the grounds for the season.
In keeping with the Rules & Regulations, all pots & flowers that are
wanted are to be removed by October 1st.
Winter decorations are permitted after Dec. 1st and are to be removed by April 1st for the mowing season.
Your assistance is greatly appreciated!
St John’s Outreach Center Hours
Mon., Wed., & Fri: 12-3pm (716) 433-5252
The Clothing Ministry has
begun the distribution of
Winter Outerwear. Additional donations of cold
weather clothing items
would be greatly appreciated.
The next Food Bank delivery is set for this
Thursday around 10 am
at the Outreach Center.
Help is always appreciated!
Saturday, October 15
5:00PM Shirley Tolli by Charlie & Denise Croff
Sunday, October 16
7:00AM John & Diane Jablonski by Friends
8:30AM Louis Molisani by the ChristLife Family at St.
John’s and All Saints
10:00AM DEATH REM: Dorrie Fell by Barb & Norm
12:00PM Helen Baker by Geraldine Stafford
Monday, October 17
8:00AM Frances Villone by Joe & Elaine
Tuesday, October 18
8:00AM Mary Pitiss by Family
12:10PM SPECIAL MASS: Dec’d & Living Members of
The Legion of Mary by Legion Members
Wednesday, October 19
8:00AM 60TH WEDD ANNIV REM: Don Murphy by Caroline
Thursday, October 20
Our work on the Holidays has begun. If you
are interested in joining our Holiday team,
please give us a call.
8:00AM Dolores Conrad by Family
Friday, October 21
8:00AM Joseph Gangi by Wife, Mary
Saturday, October 22
We couldn’t do it without you!
8:00AM Daniel & Mary Waite by Family
5:00PM BIRTH REM: Jim Artieri by Family
Sunday, October 23
Please consider taking
your empty bottles and
cans to Good Neighbor
Redemption Center at
227 Walnut St. across
from Harrison Place.
Proceeds benefit
Thomas Berzer by Amanda
Charles Aul by Rae Greco
Clara Tilney by Jim & LeAnne Siefert
DEATH REM: Marcia Plants by Elaine LaFountain
and Family
The Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week
For the Wedding Remembrance of
Alexander & Julia Naples
For details about this special intention, call the rectory. The Sanctuary
Lamp is the 7-day candle next to the Tabernacle which signifies that the
Real Presence of Christ is within it.
Phone: 434-4219
STORE HOURS: Wed. & Fri. 10-3
and after Masses on the weekend.
Faith Formation
Upcoming Sacrament Parent Meetings
Parent meeting for First Reconciliation (2nd grade) will be
held on Tuesday, October 18th at 6:30pm in St. John’s
Parent meeting for First Communion (3rd grade) will be held
on Thursday, October 20th at 6:30pm in the St. John’s
Church Hall.
One parent needs to attend; children do not need to attend.
We will be going over materials that you will use to prepare
your children for the Sacrament of Reconciliation or Eucharist.
Please bring $20 to cover the cost of the books. Already
have the books from an older child? You may reuse those
books or purchase new ones for the child you are preparing4it’s your choice.
If you have questions or can’t make the meeting date,
please call the Faith Formation Office at 478-3565 or e-mail
[email protected]
10th Grade Faith Formation Sunday night classes begin
on October 16th from 6:30-8pm in the Outreach Center.
Eucharistic Ministers,
Ministers of the Word
& Altar Servers for
Next Weekend: TEAM D
Altar Cleaning for Oct.
22nd, 2016
Angie Hahn &
Molly Plant
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All deceased members and friends of the
St. John’s Parish Community
Michael Alexander, Estabania Andino, Jacqueline
Artieri, Kim Barmasses, Sandra Barone, Mildred
Bartz, Rose Batt, Sandy Benevento, Mary Berg, David
Berhalter, Sally Ann Bernhardt, Mary Ann Bishop,
Elizabeth Bishop, Wayne Bixby, Patrick Bower, Josephine Burgio, John Call, Joanne Chambers, Stella Chiponis, Robert Cinelli, Josephine Cline, Linda Coffey, Mary
Regan Condon, Doug Conlin, Mark Crane, Donald Cutter, Tracey DiNicolantonio, Douglas DeFilippo, Barbara Deuil, Dominic DiGiuseppe, Gary DiMaggio, Ron
Dombrowski, Harold Donoughe, Amy Drake, Erica
Durfee, Jean Dysinger, Carrie Dzierba, Shirley Everleth, Daniel Fitzgerald, Sargent Fitzgerald, Joanne Follick, Terry Fox, Donald Frank, Anita Frey, Bob Frey,
Diane Frey, Joe Furioso, Josie Furioso, Mary Gangi,
Albert Gates, Carol Gavner, Krista Graczyk, Paul
Gregoire, Tom Groff, Charles Guarnieri, Martin Hartz,
Francis Hensel, Darlene Hereth, Travis Heschke, Cindy
Hess, Cecelia Hillman, Art Hintz, Richard Hufnagel,
Cheryl Hughes, Ruth Jagow, Betty Junke, Jerome Kern,
Margaret-Mary Kern, William Kirsch, Deanna
Klumpp, Alyce LaPort, Sandra LeBar, Helene Lee, Janet Leverentz, Josephine Loiacono, Eileen Ludwig,
Brandi Lyness, David Manna, Chyrl Marshall, Lorene
Mayer, Jason McGahan, James McKenna, Lorna
McLean, Margaret Moor, Jane Moore, Dennis Moran,
Karen Moran, Pat Mallow, Diane Moskalik, Jody Mullane, Albert Mullaney, Jamie Naple, Deborah Nichols,
Lynda Niland, Christopher Niver, Debra Nola, Landon
Nowak, Domenica Pagliei, Albert Pascal, Virginia Paulin, Lynn Peacock, Louis Peracciny Jr., Jean Pettit, Barbara A. Poyfair, Carolyn Putalavage, Brandon Rice,
Gretchen Ridler, Connie Rosetti, Jim Ruhlmann, Anthony Sammarco, Diane Sammarco, Robert Sanders, John
Santarsiero, Jeannie Sargent, Patricia Schiavitti, Mary
Schubauer, Cecelia Shanahan, James Shanahan, Karen
Smith, Phillip Smith, John Sommers, Helen Spedding,
Ace Strickland, Anita Sullivan, Jennifer Sullivan, Lorraine Sullivan, Jamey Tatu, Jimmy Tatu, Joanne Tatu,
Mandy Tatu, Rosemary Tatu, Frank Teglash, Alicia
Lynn Tiburzi, Marcia Tilney, Cory Todak, Merry-Lou
Todak, Michael Tomaino, Virginia Tracey, David
Trzyna, Rosemarie Tucker, Margaret Vanderlinde,
Denise Waite, Sandra Weger, Pat Whitmore, MaryLou
Williams, Janet Wilson, Jean Wise and Kevin Wojcinski.
Garden Club meets on
Thursdays at 9am. All
are welcome!