Our Newsletter "The Tidings" Special Events - Port Orchard
Our Newsletter "The Tidings" Special Events - Port Orchard
St. Bede Episcopal Church Port Orchard, WA Our Newsletter The Venerable Bede "The Tidings" December, 2015 Special Events Dessert Faire – Sunday, December 13 Holiday Grief Group Wednesdays at 1pm in Parish Hall LONGEST NIGHT SERVICE Monday, December 21 at 7pm CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas Eve: Carols 5:30pm; Service 6pm Carols 10:30pm; Service 11:00pm Christmas Day: 10am – Quiet Holy Eucharist Service Mark your calendars: Annual Meeting: Sunday, January 10 1 2 BAPTISMS If anyone is interested in being Baptized before Easter, Please inform the Church office by Sunday, December 6. Baptisms may take place on Sunday, January 10 Annual Meeting Reports A friendly reminder for chair persons and leaders of ministries that Annual Reports need to be prepared for inclusion in the Annual Meeting Booklet. Annual Meeting will be on Sunday, January 10. Please get your report(s) to the Church office by Sunday, December 20. ST. BEDE FAMILY DECEMBER BIRTHDAYS Linda Varda Gary Ebbert Jon Wilson Christian Saling Joe McGuire JoAnn Chance Ken Hulet Melaine McCann Hannah Hopkins Josh Wilson Ron McAdam 3 GREENING OF THE CHURCH will be DECEMBER 12 at 11am. We are in need of wreaths for doors and garlands for porches and windows. Costco has great stuff! We would also appreciate lavender, Rosemary, holly and evergreen clippings for outside flower pots. Finally, this is looking to be the last year for some of our faux greenery and window decor. Please be looking out for seasonal sales etc for faux garland (the more realistic stuff is much appreciated) Jo-Anns and Michaels tend to have good sales on these things. 4 ST BEDE MARTHA & MARY GUILD (aka Episcopal Church Women) December should be a fun time for the ECW and our St Bede congregation. We will have the Dessert Faire and the Christmas Lunch Party. Sunday, December 13th: Dessert Faire. beginning after the 8 am service. Please share your best baking skills and contribute your wares to the Dessert Faire. Craft items and Christmas ornaments are also welcome. You may bring items on Saturday, which is the day we set up for the Dessert Faire. This event is a fund raiser for ECW. These funds are used to purchase needed items for the church and also for its upkeep. We recently paid for the carpet cleaning in the Parish Hall ($227) and we are in the process of replacing the carpet in the Sacristy ($832). Thanks in advance for you generosity! The Christmas Lunch is open to the entire congregation. It is a pot-luck and a gift exchange ($10 or so). Please think about joining in the fun on Tuesday, December 15th at 11 am in the Parish Hall.. ECW will be electing officers in January. Please consider joining the St. Bede women and share your talents. Merry Christmas to all! Anne Liepman, President 5 FAMILY KITCHEN Our meal in December will be on Monday, December 21st. We will be serving Roast Beef, Mashed Potatoes with Gravy, Green Salad and for dessert we will have Strawberry-Cool Whip Parfait. This meal will be festive and maybe a little more gourmet. We will do this, since we do not have to cook in January due to our Monday being a holiday. So join us in successfully ending 2015! The place is First Lutheran Church on Mitchell Road, beginning time is 11 AM and we are usually done by 6:15 PM. There are opportunities for prepping and cooking food, serving and clean-up. Come for a short while or stay all day. Many hands make work much easier. Thanks for all your past help and also for you contributions. Anne Liepman, Chair, SK Family Kitchen 6 The DAUGHTERS of the KING Daughters of the King members continued to refine the yearly Longest Night Service to be held on December 21. Members were invited to gather at Helen Carter’s home on December 12th at 11AM for our meeting and pot-luck luncheon. Our meeting will feature a talk by Betsy Lee and selecting readers for the Longest Night Service. Kathleen Ebbert was welcomed again into membership in a ceremony conducted by Janice Williamson. Please contact Beverly Westfall or Janice Williamson for more information on the Longest Night Service. FHS, Barbara O’Hearn Come and join us for a wonderful musical experience! 7 OUTREACH COMMITTEE Dear Church Family, When your Outreach Committee met in November, we allocated money to: Helpline, Jubilee Center, ERD for Syrian Refugees, and a scholarship for Zoe Wiltz. Each year we try to provide some kind of help for one of our Church Family who is attending College. This year, Zoe was our recipient and we know she will make us proud. Have you ever thought what you might take if you had to leave your home, taking only what you could carry comfortably? Thousands of people in Syria make that decision daily. They leave their homes with nothing but the clothes they wear and a small suitcase and/or backpack and walk miles and miles, hoping to get to safety and a new start. They need to be housed, fed and, in many cases, receive medical care. ERD is one organization that is helping provide these things. Christmas is coming soon and we will be putting up the Giving Tree. Items in need this year include tarps (6X8 are a good size), rolling suitcases, and large black garbage bags. These are not the usual things we see on our tree, but the homeless use the tarps to lay their sleeping bags on to keep them dry and to make a shelter. The suitcases are easier to transport than other methods and the garbage bags can be used to wrap their belongings and also for a makeshift raincoat. Of course, socks and warm hats and others are also needed, but we will have the ever popular HUGS box again. When you are out and about doing your Christmas Shopping, remember to pick up a gift for the homeless. We have a HUGE church-wide project in the works and we will announce it at the Annual Meeting on January 10th! In the meantime, remember, God works through you and with you. Blessings, Your Outreach Committee 8 PARISH NURSES How Do Thoughts & Emotions Impact Health? Emotions that are freely experienced and expressed without judgment or attachment tend to flow fluidly. On the other hand, repressed emotions (especially fearful or negative ones) can zap mental energy and hope and lead to health problems, such as high blood pressure or digestive disorders. It's important for us to recognize and identify our thoughts and emotions, and to be aware of the impact they have—not only on each other, but also on our bodies, behavior, and relationships. As our awareness increases, we find it easier to recognize what we are thinking, how we are feeling, and our attitude towards the experience. We can then choose to adjust our thoughts and emotional responses. Negativity and physical health Chronic stress from negative attitudes and feelings of helplessness and hopelessness can upset the body's hormone balance and deplete the brain chemicals required for feelings of happiness, as well as have a damaging impact on the immune system. Poorly managed or repressed anger (hostility) is also related to a slew of health conditions, such as hypertension, cardiovascular disease, digestive disorders, and infection. The importance of positivity Positive emotions have two important effects: they broaden our perspective of the world (thus inspiring more creativity, wonder, and options), and they build up over time, creating lasting emotional resilience and flourishing. The physical and emotional benefits of positivity, include faster recovery from cardiovascular stress, better sleep, fewer colds, and a greater sense of overall happiness. The good news is not only that positive attitudes—such as playfulness, 9 gratitude, awe, love, interest, serenity, and feeling connected to others—have a direct impact on health and wellbeing, but that we can develop them ourselves with practice. However, in our wish to defend against threat and loss in life, we tend to prioritize bad over good. While this is a tidy survival mechanism for someone who needs to stay hyper vigilant in a dangerous environment, the truth is that for most of us, this "negativity bias" means that we spend time ruminating over the minor frustrations we experience—bad traffic, a disagreement with a loved one—and ignoring the many chances we have to experience wonder, awe, and gratitude throughout the day. In order to offset the negativity bias and experience a harmonious emotional state, we need to experience three positive emotions for every negative one. This can be done intentionally for those of us less “wired” to positivity. These positive emotions literally reverse the physical effects of negativity and build up psychological resources that contribute to a flourishing life. “The secret to living a strong life is right in front of you, calling to you every day. It can be found in your emotional reaction to specific moments in your life.” ― Marcus Buckingham Ken & Mary Hulet, Parish Nurses 10 ST. BEDE’S CHRISTMAS SERVICES Christmas Eve: Carols 5:30pm; Service 6pm Carols 10:30pm; Service 11:00pm Christmas Day: 10am – Quiet Holy Eucharist Service 11 TIDINGS Published monthly by Services: St. Bede Episcopal Church 1578 SE Lider Rd. P.O. Box 845 Port Orchard, WA 98366 360-876-1182 [email protected] www.stbedeschurch.org Sundays 8:00 AM - Holy Communion without Music 10:00 AM - Holy Communion with Music, and Sunday School Wednesdays 11:00AM - Holy Communion Bible Study and Prayer Rev. Canon Arienne Davison - Vicar [email protected] Jeff Thomassen - Senior Warden Don Lorimor - Junior Warden St. Bede Episcopal Church P.O. Box 845 Port Orchard, WA 98366 In the love of Jesus Christ, St. Bede joyfully welcomes you and seeks to serve and to nurture spirituality in all. 12