This publication, designed by the Office of Graduate Student


This publication, designed by the Office of Graduate Student
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
This publication, designed by the Office of Graduate Student
Services, is meant to provide an introduction to your voyage
at SEAS. Please read through all the materials as there is
information that requires your prompt follow-up.
Admission Response Confirmation
1. New Graduate Student Orientation
2. Provisional Status
3. English Certification Test Requirements
page 3
Fall 2009 Academic Information
1. Registration Timeline
page 4-5
New Student Check-List
1. Email and SSOL Account Activation
2. MMR Form
3. Student ID
4. Financial Services & Billing
5. Student Information Updating
6. Campus Ministries
page 6-12
page 6
page 7-8
page 9
page 10
page 12
page 12
English Certification Test (ECT) Information
1. Testing Dates
2. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
3. Language Resources in New York
page 13-16
page 13
page 14-15
page 16
Housing Information
1. On-Campus Housing (UAH) FAQ’s
2. Brief Alternative Housing Solutions
3. International House Application (I-House)
4. Exhaustive Alternative Housing Solutions
page 17-34
page 17-19
page 20-21
page 22
page 23-34
Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGSC) page 35
1. Welcome Letter
A. Webpage,
Fall 2009 Admission
We are pleased to confirm the receipt of your Admission Response Form for the Fall 2009 class of the Fu Foundation School
of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) at Columbia University.
As you plan your upcoming semester, you may have questions about life at the Fu Foundation School of Engineering and
Applied Science. In order to assist you, please make note of the following email correspondence; respond where necessary.
I. We have scheduled a New Graduate Student Orientation program to be held:
• Tuesday, September 1st, 2009 through Friday, September 4th, 2009.
• Please RSVP on the following website:
• Schedule is subject to change, students will be notified.
• Classes begin on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009.
At orientation, you will learn more about campus facilities and services. You will have an opportunity to meet with
departmental faculty and/or administrators to plan your academic program and course of study for the Fall semester.
II. Provisional Status Students (Previous transcripts and degree conferral).
• If you know that we are missing any final and/or official transcripts, official degree certificate or other materials, have
these items forwarded to us as soon as possible.
• If unsure about transcript status or this process, please contact Jonathan Stark, [email protected]
• An official transcript and degree certificate, which indicates the confirmation about your degree being awarded along
with final grades, must be sent in a sealed envelope from the institution in which the degree was awarded to the following
Jonathan Stark, Student Affairs Officer
Office of Graduate Student Services
Columbia University School of Engineering & Applied Science
500 West 120th Street, MC 4708
New York, NY 10027
Alternatively, you may request that your institution give your final official transcripts directly to you in a stamped and sealed
envelope. If you select this option, you must keep the transcript in the original sealed envelope and deliver to our address
provided above.
You will not be permitted to register for classes beyond your first term if we do not receive all required documents by
October 15th, 2009. You may also incur late registration fees as a result of this. Your academic department will be notified
of your status. If you will need more time to obtain the official documents, please stop by our office prior to registration to
discuss this matter.
III. English Certification Test (ECT) Requirement.
Students who have earned their undergraduate degree at an institution located in a country where English was not the
primary spoken language, you must take the ECT and attain the following level of proficiency before graduation. If you
are unsure as to whether you are required to take the ECT, please contact Jonathan Stark, [email protected].
Level 8:
Level 10:
M.S. and Professional (and MS portion of MS/PhD track program)
Ph.D. and Eng.Sc.D. (and PhD portion of MS/PhD track program)
The ECT will be offered during orientation at no charge. Students must take it during their first semester of study. If the
required level of proficiency is not met, arrangements to retake the test will be the responsibility of the student. You must
wait a period of six months after the original test date to retake the exam. See section of New Student Checklist on ECT.
If you have any questions about any of these items in this notification, do not hesitate to contact the Office of Graduate
Student Services at (212) 854-6438. We look forward to welcoming you in August!
Jonathan R. Stark
Student Affairs Officer
[email protected]
~Fall 2009 Information~
Class Schedules: Classes begin on Tuesday, September 8th, 2009. Fall 2009 class schedules are available through internet
and through SSOL (Student Services Online). To access either, please use the following means:
Internet: or
University Registrar - Kent Hall, 2nd Floor
Academic Advising and Registration: Students should report to their academic departments to review their course
selection with a faculty advisor prior to registration. Course registration at Columbia is conducted via the Internet and
telephone. Fall registration for new students will be available on Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009.
Please note that the last day to register for classes to avoid a late registration fee is Friday, September 4th, 2009.
Registration for International Students: You are expected to maintain full-time registration throughout your program of
study. For further information about this requirement, please contact the International Students and Scholars Office
Drop/Add: The last day to add a class is Friday, September 18th, 2009. The last day to drop a course without financial
penalty is Friday, September 12th, 2008. Students are responsible for paying full tuition for courses dropped after this date.
The last day to drop a course without academic penalty is Thursday, November 19th, 2009.
Withdrawals: Refunds are assessed by the date the student’s completed withdrawal paperwork is received by the Office of
Graduate Student Services. Please note that some fees are not refundable and that all students who are registered for
courses and who are withdrawing from School will be charged a withdrawal fee of $75. For additional information,
please contact the Office of Graduate Student Services. Students planning to resume their studies at a later date should
consult their department regarding an official Leave of Absence.
Holds on your record: Your acceptance to Columbia is contingent upon receipt of your undergraduate and prior graduate
transcripts. If you have not submitted all final and official transcripts, please contact your institution(s) immediately and
have them forward an official transcript(s) with a confirmation of degree awarded in a sealed envelope to the Office of
Graduate Student Services. If all transcripts are not received by the end of the Fall 2009 term, you will not be permitted to
register for Spring 2010 courses.
ID cards: ID cards can be obtained in 204 Kent Hall. Please note that students are eligible to receive their ID cards only
after they have registered for classes. Students must have their ID cards validated, every term in which they are enrolled,
in order to utilize campus resources.
Lockers: There are a limited number of lockers available in the Mudd Building. Arrangements for lockers are made by
the Graduate Student Services Office. Preference is given to commuter students and they are allocated on a first-come,
first-serve basis. Also, Butler Library hosts a lottery for lockers during the month of August, please review link for more:
Academic Honesty: Because intellectual integrity is the hallmark of educational institutions, academic dishonesty is one
of the most serious offenses that a student can commit at Columbia and is punishable by probation, suspension, or
dismissal. In making Columbia’s policy on plagiarism and academic dishonesty clear, it is not feasible to include all the
various forms that these actions may take--they are innumerable. Please refer to the Policy on Conduct and Discipline in
the SEAS bulletin and the Code of Academic Integrity. Graduate Student Services does require a signed copy of our
Integrity Code to show that you’ve read and understand Columbia University’s policies.
Personal Information: In order to receive campus mailings and registration announcements, please notify the Registrar
or your academic department each time you change your address. Changes can also be updated using your SSOL account.
Graduate Announcements: There are Graduate Student Bulletin Boards on the 5th Floor of the Mudd Building. General
announcements and information about activities, fellowships, and resources are posted throughout the year. Each
academic department also maintains their own bulletin boards. Other news resources are the Columbia Spectator student
newspaper, Columbia web page, and the University Record. The Fu Foundation School also maintains a graduate student
e-mail list-serve that is used to send out important administrative messages.
Tuition & Financial Aid
Payment of tuition will be due upon registration. If you are receiving financial aid from your academic department it will
be available for disbursement shortly after you register and have your ID card validated. If you have not yet applied for
Federal Student Aid (i.e.: loans and work-study positions) and would like to, please contact Financial Planning in 407
Lerner Hall.
Columbia University Bookstore
The University Bookstore is located in the basement of Lerner Hall, which is located off Broadway between 114th and
115th Street.
Childcare Facilities
Columbia University helps support 5 local day-care centers in the Morningside Heights, West Harlem, and Washington
Heights area. A full listing of these centers and others is available in a comprehensive brochure published by the Office
of Public Affairs in 301 Low Library, (212) 854-4469.
Places of Worship
The Earl Hall Center is the spiritual and humanitarian center of Columbia University. As home to the United Campus
Ministries, denominations of Christian, Jewish, Islamic and Eastern practices are fully represented through out the Earl
Hall Center and provide services on a regular basis. For further information about services and other places of worship in
the area, please visit Earl Hall.
Disability Services
Columbia University is committed to serving the needs of students with disabilities. Services for permanent or temporary
disabilities are coordinated by the University Office of Disability Services in alignment with the academic program and
standards of the school. For further information, please contact either the University Office of Disability Services at (212)
854-2388, Lerner Hall 8th Floor, or the SEAS Graduate Student Liaison in the Office of Graduate Student Services.
Security at Columbia
Columbia University prides itself in being a reasonably safe and crime-free urban campus environment. Security officers
patrol the campus 24 hours a day. Additionally, the Columbia Escort Service will send escorts to accompany students
residing near campus to their door anytime between 8 p.m. and 3 a.m. For an escort, call 854-2798. Crime statistics are
available from the Campus Security Office in 111 Low Library.
Contact Information:
Office of the University Registrar, 205 Kent Hall (212) 854-4330
ID Office, 204 Kent Hall, (212) 854-4323
Financial Planning, 407 Lerner Hall, (212) 854-3711
Bookstore, Lerner Hall Basement, (212) 854-4131
Earl Hall Center, Earl Hall, (212) 854-3574
University Office of Disability Services, Lerner Hall 8th Floor, (212) 854-2388
Campus Security, 111 Low Library (212) 854-2796
Office of Graduate Student Services
524 S. W. Mudd * 500 West 120th Street * (212) 854-6438
Columbia University email and Student Services Online (SSOL) are two of the
most essential tools for our Graduate students in Engineering. Please activate
your UNI , which is the prefix to your email address, as soon as possible.
Step 1
Obtain your UNI
Use the following web-link to locate your UNI:
Type your name into the field. Locate your profile & UNI (if available).
Available no earlier than 72 hours after we have received your deposit for
admissions. Incoming Fall students may have to wait until late May before UNI’s
are generated and accessible for activation. Please be patient.
Step 2
Activate your UNI
This process activates both your email and “SSOL” -Student Services
Online (Billing & Registration) accounts
Use the following web-link to activate your UNI:
Fill in the following fields:
Social Security Number (International Students must contact Jocelyn,
[email protected]) to obtain a temporary number.
Date of Birth
Å Leave this blank
Uni Activation Code
Å Leave this blank
Choose a Password
Retype your chosen password
Step 3
Access and use your Columbia Accounts (Email and SSOL)
Use the following web-links to utilize accounts:
EMAIL: Then type your UNI & Password
Then type your UNI & Password
health services
at columbia
Columbia University Measles, Mumps and Rubella Form
Instructions and explanations are available on the reverse side of this form and at
Student Name:
(Last, First, M.I.)
Birth Date:
Social Security Number:
Columbia School You Will Attend:
Did you attend High School in the United States?
If Yes, State where High School is located:
Name of High School:
Year of Graduation:
New York State Public Health Law 2165 REQUIRES all Students born on or after JANUARY 1, 1957 who will register for
6 or more credits to prove immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
Section A: MMR (Measles, Mumps, Rubella)
Administered after first birthday AND after 1/1/1972
2nd MMR DOSE or 2nd Live Virus Measles Dose:
Administered after 15 months of age and at least 28 days after 1st dose.
Section B-Part 1: MEASLES
1st Live Virus Dose: Administered after first birthday
2nd Live Virus Dose: Administered after 15 months of age and at least 28 days
after 1st dose
History of Illness documented by Health Care Provider
Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing - MUST SUBMIT COPY OF LAB REPORT
Section B-Part 2: MUMPS
Live Virus Dose: Administered after first birthday AND after 1/1/1969
History of Illness documented by Health Care Provider
Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing - MUST SUBMIT COPY OF LAB REPORT
Section B-Part 3: RUBELLA (German Measles)
Live Virus Dose: Administered after first birthday AND after 1/1/1969
Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing - MUST SUBMIT COPY OF LAB REPORT
Note: History of Illness is NOT acceptable
The Information on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge.
Physician/Provider Name (Please Print)
Physician/Provider Stamp & Lic. #
Physician/Provider Signature
Please Return To:
Health Services at Columbia
519 West 114th St., MC 3601
John Jay Hall
New York, NY 10027
212 854-5078 (fax)
Measles, Mumps and Rubella Form Instructions and Explanations
New York State Public Health Law 2165 requires all students born on or after January 1, 1957 and registered for
6 or more credits to document proof of their immunity to Measles, Mumps and Rubella.
Students: Complete the top portion of this form. Once your physician or health care provider has completed this form, make a copy
for your records and return the original to the Immunization Office at the address or fax number listed on this sheet. Be aware that this
form is not valid without your social security number and birth date and will not be processed without a health care provider’s
signature, stamp and license number.
Physician or other Health Care Provider: Complete all parts of Section A OR Section B. For each section, please put a check
beside the relevant documentation being provided and provide the date of immunization, illness and/or serologic testing, in the
corresponding box to the right. Please note the date format of Month/Day/Year (MM/DD/YY). All immunizations must have been
received after the first birthday. Laboratory results must be provided if proving immunity by serologic testing. This form will not be
processed without a health care provider’s signature, stamp and license number.
1. Vaccines
2 doses of live measles virus vaccine, the first dose administered after the age of 12 months
and the second dose administered more than 28 days after the first dose and after 15
months of age. Measles vaccine doses administered prior to 1968 are not valid unless
documentation specifically states it was a LIVE vaccine.
1 injection required. Vaccine was not available in the U.S. until 1/1/69, therefore no
statement of immunization administered before that date is acceptable.
1 injection required. Vaccine was not available in the U.S. until 1/1/69, therefore no
statement of immunization administered before that date is acceptable.
2. Documented History of Illness
If diagnosed by a physician, a history of having had the disease (measles and/or mumps) is acceptable proof of immunity.
The physician or provider must enter the dates of initial diagnosis on the immunization form. A diagnosis of previous rubella
disease is not acceptable proof of immunity under the New York State Health Code.
3. Immunity Proven by Serologic Testing
Immunity to all of the three diseases may be proven by a blood test for antibodies. You must submit a copy of the actual
laboratory report with this form.
4. Exemptions
Medical Exemption from the Immunization Requirements: A letter from your physician giving the specific diagnosis
and/or treatment which you believe precludes further immunizations must be submitted. The final decision to grant an
exemption lies with Health Services at Columbia.
Religious Exemption from Immunization Requirements: Most religious groups which object to immunizations will
provide you with a standard form indicating such objection. Alternatively you may submit a letter explaining the religious
basis of your objection. The final decision to grant an exemption lies with Health Services at Columbia.
Although the following immunizations are not required by law, they are recommended prior to enrollment at Columbia University:
1.Hepatitis B Vaccine: Recommended for all young adults who have not been previously vaccinated.
2.Tetanus Vaccine: Primary series recommended for all persons who never completed the series during childhood; booster
dose recommended for all adults every ten years.
3.Tuberculosis Skin Test (PPD): Recommended for persons who have resided in an area of the world where there is a high
incidence of tuberculosis (TB). (Please note: Some programs in Social Work and at Teachers College may require a
tuberculosis skin test before placement. Please check with your school).
Health Services at Columbia 519 West 114th St., MC 3601 John Jay Hall New York, NY 10027
212 854-5078 (fax)
health services
at columbia
Columbia University in the City of New York
New York, N.Y. 10027
The Columbia University ID Center, located in 204 Kent Hall, welcomes you to the Morningside Campus! In our
efforts to provide you with the most efficient service possible, we would like to be able to have your ID Card ready
for you upon your arrival on campus. To make this happen, you will need to activate your Columbia UNI (email
account) and submit a recent passport-style color picture of yourself.
The color photo must be passport-style: facing forward with your head and shoulders clearly visible. No photos
with sunglasses or hats will be accepted. You will receive your University ID card upon arrival to campus during
your scheduled orientation. Don’t waste important time waiting in line at the ID Center during orientation; make
sure to submit your photo by the deadline.
The University ID card is your passport to Columbia. It grants you access to the Library and secure campus
locations, allows you to purchase services at campus cafes and the University bookstore and enables you to take
advantage of cultural discount programs in New York City. In order to get your University ID card, please submit a
jpeg photo online at beginning in mid-May. You will need your UNI to log-in to the
secure site. You can activate your UNI online at (see instructions in New Student Checklist).
It is important to submit the photo as soon as possible, so that we are able to produce your card in a timely manner.
During the first week of classes, there is a potential for long lines with a considerable wait time to get your ID Card.
You can avoid this by submitting your photo now.
We will not accept any online
photo submissions after July 20, 2009.
Email questions to [email protected] or for more information visit:
The photo deadline is Monday, July 20, 2009.
Students unable to meet this deadline can come to the ID office upon arrival to campus.
Don’t Forget!
ID Pickup Date:
Starting Wednesday, September 2nd, 2009
ID Pickup Location:
Graduate Student Services, FF-SEAS, 524 Mudd
For detailed information, please utilize the following link:
Student Financial Services webpage highlights the following:
•E-billing (Guide and Payment Options)
•Academic Financial Calendar & Guide
•Tax and Learning Credits
•Guide for Sponsored Students
•Direct Deposit Information
•Federal Work Study Information
•Federal Student Loan Interviews
•Tuition Exemption for University Employees
•Staff Contact Information
You must access this information online as the Office of
Graduate Student Services does not receive the published
material in time for this mailing. Online billing is accessible
through SSOL (Student Services Online).
Question about paying your university balance?
Office: (212) 854-4206 or
Online FAQ’s:
Information Update Sheet
Please provide us with your most current information so that we can update
it in our systems. For future reference, once you have access to SSOL
(Student Services Online), you can make changes directly to your student
Please PRINT CLEARLY. Thank you!
First Name:
Last Name:
Date of Birth:
Local Address:
Local Phone Number:
E-mail address:
Social Security Number:
(if this is a new number, please attach a copy of your card for verification purposes)
Please mail or fax this form back to us:
Columbia University
Office of Graduate Student Services
Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science
500 West 120th Street, MC 4708
New York, NY 10027
Fax: 212-854-5900
Or bring it with you to Orientation in August. We look forward to seeing you then!
English Certification Test
All new graduate SEAS students are being reminded if you received your bachelors degree in a country where
English is not the primary language, you are REQUIRED to take the ECT.
No exceptions are granted; this includes students who have earned a masters degree in the U.S. or other country
where English was the primary spoken language.
Masters students must obtain a level 8, and Doctoral students must obtain a level 10. One of your requirements
to graduate on time is obtaining the appropriate score on the ECT.
For your convenience, the Office of Graduate Student Services is offering a group administration of the ECT.
Please choose ONE of the following sessions:
SESSION A: Monday, August 24th, 2009: 9:00 A.M.:
SESSION B: Monday, August 24th, 2009: 2:00 P.M.:
SESSION C: Tuesday, August 25th, 2009: 9:00 A.M.:
SESSION D: Tuesday, August 25th, 2009: 2:00 P.M.:
SESSION E: Wednesday, August 26th, 2009: 9:00 A.M.:
SESSION F: Wednesday, August 26th, 2009: 2:00 P.M.:
SESSION G: Thursday, August 27th, 2009: 9:00 A.M.:
SESSION H: Thursday, August 27th, 2009: 2:00 P.M.:
SESSION I: Friday, August 28th, 2009: 9:00 A.M.:
To register (RSVP) for the group administration of the English Certification Test, please use the web-links
provided no later than Friday, August 21st, 2009.
Please do not register for more than one session. Students who anticipate difficulties with English proficiency
are encouraged to take the ECT on the earliest date available so your test can be scored sooner in the event you
decide to register for a language course during the Fall 2009 term.
If you do not take this opportunity for the group administration, you will be required to make arrangements on
your own to take the ECT during your first term.
FAQ for the ECT
Do I need to take it? Admitted graduate students who are required to submit official TOEFL results are
required to take the English Certification Test (ECT) administered by the American Language Program (ALP)
at Columbia University. Columbia Video Network (CVN) students are exempt from this requirement.
Are the ECT and EPT the same thing? The American Language Program changed the exam from the
English Proficiency Test (EPT) to the English Certification Test (ECT). While some may refer to the exam as
the EPT, SEAS students now take what is called the ECT and it is considered the same exam. The test is now
administered using a computer rather than paper-based which has shortened the time required to administer the
Can I be exempt from the ECT if…I scored high on the TOEFL and/or GRE?
No, students will still be required to take the ECT regardless of their previous test scores from the TOEFL
and/or GRE.
…if I received a waiver for the TOEFL and/or GRE? Rarely do students receive waivers for GRE or
TOEFL for admissions. If a waiver is granted, the student will still be required to take the ECT and pass at
the appropriate level of proficiency prior to degree conferral.
…if I received a masters or doctorate degree from an institution that is located in a country where
English is the primary spoken language? No, the ECT is a requirement that is based on your
undergraduate degree program, regardless if advance degrees were later rewarded.
Is the ECT an academic requirement? Yes, the ECT is an academic requirement for students who are
required to take it. Masters and Professional degree students must score level 8 proficiency prior to degree
conferral. Doctoral students must score level 10 proficiency prior to degree conferral. There may be additional
requirements for Teaching Assistants to pass the oral/spoken exam (students should inquire with their
How do I study for it? There is no prescribed way to study for the English Certification Test. Please contact
the American Language Program for guidance.
When do I take it? The ECT must be taken at Orientation. A student who misses this administration of the
ECT must take the exam at the beginning of the first semester enrolled.
How much does it cost? The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS) will pay for
the scheduled exam during Orientation. The student is responsible for the expense if the exam is taken at any
other time. The current cost is $40.00. Please refer to the American Language Program in the event of a price
What can I expect from the ECT? What is it comprised of?
The ECT is composed of two parts:
A multiple-choice section testing listening, reading, vocabulary, and grammar.
An essay section.
The test is now administered using a computer.
There is only one exam (rather than two separate parts).
How do I find out my score? If you take the ECT during Orientation, you will receive your score report via email from the Office of Graduate Student Services. Please save this e-mail for your records. If you take the
ECT at any other time, you will need to contact the American Language Program directly to obtain your score
report and request score to be forwarded to our office.
What score do I need to have? M.S. and Professional Degree candidates must reach level 8; Ph.D. and
Eng.Sc.D. candidates must attain level 10 on the English Certification Test (ECT) offered by Columbia’s
American Language Program (ALP).
Do I need to give my score to anyone? You must provide a copy of your score report to the Office of
Graduate Student Services (524 Mudd) if you take the exam at any time other than Orientation. Please contact
the American Language Program to ensure that we receive a copy of your results.
How do you track student’s scores? Students are required to submit a copy of their score report to the Office
of Graduate Student Services in 524 Mudd, as well as to their Academic Department. Students are required to
take the ECT during their first semester of study, but have until degree conferral to obtain the required
proficiency level for their degree program. Students who neglected to take the ECT during their first semester
of study may have a hold placed on their course registration for the next academic term. The Office of
Graduate Student Services, in conjunction with the student’s Academic Department, will send periodic
reminders to students regarding their status with the ECT. Students who need to obtain a copy of their score
report should contact the American Language Program in Lewisohn Hall.
When can I take ECT again? The American Language Program regulates how often the exam can be taken.
Current policy dictates that the ECT can only be taken once in a six-month period.
When and how often is the test administered? Incoming students are provided with a free test administration
just before the New Graduate Student Orientation. Otherwise, the American Language Program offers the
testing at various times during throughout the year. Students who do not take it during Orientation must make
arrangements directly with ALP as well as pay for the cost of the exam on their own. For more information:
Do I have to take ALP courses? It is strongly recommended that students enroll in an appropriate ALP course
if they have not achieved the required proficiency after the first examination. The International Student and
Scholars Office (ISSO) will require students to register for an ALP course as a condition of half-time study
where half-time study is unavoidable due to the student’s academic program progress unless they have passed
the ECT. The Office of Graduate Student Services can also provide students with a listing of English Language
Resources in New York City. Note, SEAS students are charge SEAS tuition for ALP courses and this can be
expensive. Please plan ahead.
What if I do not pass at the required proficiency level? Students who do not pass at the required proficiency
level must continue to make an effort to meet the higher level of proficiency. ALP requires that students wait 6
months before they are eligible to retake the ECT. Because of this, we require students to take the ECT early on
in their academic program during the first semester to ensure they are eligible to retake the exam prior to
graduation. As a condition of half-time study, a student will be required by ISSO to take an ALP course during
their final semester of study if they have yet to meet their required ECT level prior to the start of the final term.
Do you provide study guides or test preparation for the ECT? Unfortunately we do not provide study
guides or test preparation for the ECT. Students are encouraged to: take a course with the American Language
Program, find a tutor, utilize library writing resources, or accredited language programs in NYC. Please contact
the Office of Graduate Student Services in 524 Mudd if you need additional recommendations.
Will I still be able to graduate if I do not pass ECT? No. You must reach your required level of proficiency
before you will be eligible for either OPT (Optional Practical Training) or cleared for graduation.
What if I passed at the appropriate level and received my degree but am now working on another degree
program at SEAS, am I required to take the ECT all over again? If you are beginning a new degree
program, your previous ECT score can be used provided the Office of Graduate Student Services has a record
of your previous ECT score. For example, if you received an M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering and
received a level 8 on the ECT during that program, your level 8 would also be acceptable for your new M.S.
degree in any other department at SEAS. If, however, you only received a level 8, but have been admitted to a
doctoral degree program, you will be required to increase your proficiency to the new degree program, which
would be a level 10 proficiency requirement.
What if I know I took the ECT but lost record of my score? Students who took the ECT and would like a
copy of their score report, can obtain a copy by requesting this through the American Language Program in
Lewisohn Hall.
What is the cost of an ALP course? SEAS students will pay SEAS per-credit tuition for ALP courses while
still registered and enrolled in their SEAS graduate program. Funded students must check with their
department’s requirements as funding for ALP courses is not guaranteed and varies by department. The cost of
ALP courses for doctoral students might be covered by your residency unit, however, please check with your
advisor and department before registering.
When should I register for an ALP course? ALP course registration is typically much earlier than registration
appointment times for SEAS course registration. Students are encouraged to inquire with ALP a couple of
weeks before the start of an academic term to inquire about process and timeline for ALP course registration.
How do I know what ALP course to register for? If you have decided or required to take an ALP course,
students should contact the American Language Program’s Academic Director to receive guidance and
advisement of what course would be appropriate based on your current proficiency level.
Who can I contact for more information? You can contact the Office of Graduate Student Services at 212854-8930 or the American Language Program at 212-854-3584.
On-Campus Housing (UAH) Frequently Asked Questions:
University Apartment Housing
1. Is on-campus housing available for graduate students?
Yes, housing on-campus is available for our graduate students – however – housing is extremely limited
and is not guaranteed. Housing is made possible through an online application through UAH (University
Apartment Housing). Students will need a username, password, and CUID#
to obtain access. Please contact the Office of Graduate Student Services for this information.
2. What are the specifics pertaining to the online housing application process (how, when)?
The online application becomes available well before the start of a new academic term. Late October
for Spring term housing. Late February for Fall term housing. There is no housing application available
for the summer. Students will need a username, password, and CUID# to obtain access. Please contact
the Office of Graduate Student Services for this information.
3. What is the likelihood of getting on-campus housing?
As a whole, on-campus housing is extremely limited and the vast majority of our students do not receive
on-campus housing. The Fall term application offers an increased chance of obtaining an approval
versus the Spring term. Typically, priority for housing is given to incoming doctoral, doctoral- track, and
funded students. Housing is not guaranteed for any population of students.
4. How are the housing approvals made?
Since priority is given to incoming doctoral students, doctoral-track, and funded students, the housing
approval process typically begins with this population. If space is still available, approvals for other
applicants will be made taking into account factors such as, but not limited to:
o Academic Department Recommendation
o Distance From Campus
o Time of Housing Application
o Time of Admission Deposit
Typically, housing approvals for the Fall term will begin in late-April and continue through mid-July.
Students that have not been approved by the School will be automatically waitlisted and eligible for the
UAH waitlist process which will begin in late-August. Spring Term approvals will begin in midDecember and may continue through early-January if space is still available.
5. Is there anything I can do to increase my chances of getting housing?
Incoming students are reminded that your housing application will not be considered until we have
received your Admission Response Form, and tuition deposit. International Students must have
received their I-20 from ISSO before a housing application will be considered.
6. Does it matter if I selected single, shared, or couples housing?
Your preferences for housing that you indicated on your application are not a factor for the School’s
housing approval process. The only exception to this is that Spring term housing applicants seeking
couples housing may be declined if UAH has capped the number of approvals for couples housing (as
Spring term units are more limited).
7. If I am NOT approved for housing, what kind of assistance is available?
Columbia University has the Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office (OCHA) which aids in assisting
students to secure off-campus housing by providing guidance as well as an off-campus housing
database. The database is accessible by a separate username and password that students can contact the
Office of Graduate Student Services for. Additionally, the Office of Graduate Students Services
provides supplemental short and long-term housing options that are available in New York City.
8. What if I am approved for housing, but decline, can I give my space to another student?
Students who decline a housing offer from the School, relinquish all rights to that allocation for that
term, as well as future terms. Subsequently, the School also loses the right to that allocation and is
unable to award that housing approval to a fellow engineering student. Because of this, we encourage
students to only apply for housing if they are absolutely sure they need it and will take the unit assigned.
9. What if I am approved for housing, but decline, can I reapply for another term?
All full-time students are eligible to apply for housing. Students that were previously approved that
declined a housing offer from the School will not automatically receive housing if they reapply in the
future. Housing is not guaranteed.
10. What if I am approved for housing, but I am unhappy with the unit available?
If you decline the offer, you lose your housing approval. We encourage students to take the unit
available. UAH does have a transfer process for housing twice a year that is available for students
wishing to reside somewhere other than their current unit. Transfer application restrictions do apply.
Please review UAH webpage or contact UAH for details. Applications for the transfer process are not
11. What if I was approved for singles housing, but in the future would like couples housing?
Plan ahead! Students who reside in single housing and plan to have a significant other or dependants
later join them, must proceed through UAH transfer application process. Transfer application restrictions
do apply. Please review UAH webpage or contact UAH for details. Applications for the transfer process
are not guaranteed.
12. How do I know if I am considered a “New Student” or “Continuing Student”:
A. You are a new student if:
o …you never studied at Columbia before.
o …starting a brand new degree/academic departmental program.
B. You are a continuing student if:
o …you are continuing on with the completion of a degree program.
o …you graduated with your M.S. but have recently been admitted to a higher degree level of
the same department/program.
13. Do “New” or “Continuing” students get priority for housing?
New incoming students generally have priority over continuing students. This is because most
continuing students have had some time to become acclimated to the area and are better suited to getting
around in NYC and finding available off-campus housing.
14. Are there conditions that need to be met to maintain my on-campus housing status?
Yes, students approved and residing in on-campus housing should be aware of the following:
o You must maintain full-time student status (12 credits per term) during the academic year in
order to maintain your student housing.
o Housing is granted for a maximum of 5 years or the length of your original admitted degree
program (whichever is less).
o Doctoral-Track, PhD, or Eng.Sc.D. students who are enrolled in the degree program beyond the
maximum housing limit, must petition to request a housing extension. A letter is required from
the student's faculty advisor outlining the status of the student's academic progress and timeline
as to when the doctoral degree will be completed. This letter must be submitted to the Office of
Graduate Student Services at the beginning of the fifth year in housing. An extension may be
granted for a maximum of one year at a time, renewable annually at a maximum to the 7th year.
o M.S.-only students approved for housing are not automatically guaranteed housing if they later
apply to an advanced degree beyond the M.S. level (i.e. Professional, Doctoral Track, or Ph.D.
program). You must reapply for housing as a continuing student for the term in which you will
begin your new degree level.
o Students approved for housing and then later change or are admitted to a new academic
department within SEAS (i.e.. Mechanical to IEOR) are not automatically guaranteed housing
for their new program. You must reapply for housing as a new student for the term in which you
will begin the new academic program.
o Students approved for housing who later failed to graduate for their designated term are not
automatically guaranteed continuance of housing. These students must contact the Office of
Graduate Student Services regarding extensions.
o Students who request and are approved for a Leave of Absence relinquish their housing through
UAH. The student must vacate the assigned unit, and reapply as a continuing student upon their
return from an approved Leave of Absence.
o Students who withdraw or are withdrawn relinquish their assigned unit through UAH and must
vacate as instructed by UAH.
o Students that will be graduating will be required to relinquish their assigned unit through UAH at
the end of the month the degree is conferred and must vacate as instructed by UAH. So, plan
If you still have questions pertaining to housing, please contact:
University Apartment Housing, (212) 854-9300, [email protected]
Office of Graduate Student Services, (212) 854-8930, [email protected]
In Search of Housing
Off-Campus Housing Assistance Office
419 West 119th St. (Lower Level)
(212) 854-5333
Other Housing Resources: (Select New York from the list of cities and begin your search) New York Times Village Voice (Conduct a search “By College” and use ”Columbia University”) (Database of those who are
wishing to sublet their room and/or apartment)
(This type of accommodation usually has fully furnished private or shared rooms, shared bathrooms, and
sometimes a kitchen available. There is usually a maximum stay of 28 days. Check with each residence
regarding policies and rates prior to making a reservation.)
119 W. 45th Street (between 6th and 7th Ave)
(212) 302-2603
730 Saint Nicholas Avenue (at W. 146th Street)
(212) 491-3892
[email protected]
180 W. 135th Street (between 7th and Lenox Ave)
(212) 281-4100
38 W. 88th Street (at Central Park West)
(212) 787-7706
313 W. 29th Street (between 8th and 9th Ave)
(212) 643-0214
36 W. 106th Street (between Central Park West
and Manhattan Ave)
(212) 932-1600
251 W. 20th Street (between 7th and 8th Ave)
(212) 647-0010
722 St. Nicholas Avenue (at 146th St)
(212) 926-7030
[email protected]
(Operated by the 92nd Street YM-YWHA)
1395 Lexington Avenue (at 92nd St)
(212) 415-5650
3 E. 3ST. DORM
3 E. 3 Street (between 2nd and 3rd Ave)
(212) 533-7749
5 W. 63rd Street (at Central Park West)
(212) 787-4400
(Usually private furnished rooms with shared bath. No cooking facilities but may have some meals provided. Check
with each residence regarding their application and reservation procedures.)
340 W. 85th Street
(212) 496-6901
[email protected]
*Women only
165 E. 88th Street
(212) 369-6647
*Men only
215 E. 15th Street (near 3rd Ave)
(212) 673-1730
145 E. 39th Street
(212) 490-5990
*Women only
500 Riverside Drive (at W. 122nd St)
(212) 316-8473
3041 Broadway (at W. 122nd St)
(212) 280-1313
1230 Amsterdam Avenue (at W. 120th St)
(212) 678-3235
This list is for convenience only and does not imply any endorsement of these establishments.
Prepared by the Office of Graduate Student Services, The Fu Foundation School of Engineering and Applied Science,
March 2005.
International House is a residence and program center for graduate students,
interns and trainees over the age of 21. During the summer session we admit
undergraduate students at least 18 years of age. Our community is comprised of 700
resident members from approximately 100 countries, including the United States,
each academic year attending any graduate program or participating in an internship
program anywhere in the New York City area. We offer a variety of room types with
a wide range of prices. We are located on Riverside Drive and 122nd Street in the
Morningside Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. Academic institutions in the area
include Columbia University, Manhattan School of Music, Bank Street College, Union
Theological Seminary, Jewish Theological Seminary and City College. .
Applications for the academic year are reviewed on a regular basis by the
Admissions Committee in a selective process. Applications for the summer session
are reviewed between April and July on a first-come first-served basis. There is a
minimum stay of 30 days during the summer session.
Scholarships ranging from $500 to $5,000 are offered during the academic year to
maintain the diversity of the community. More than just an apartment, International
House is an international post-graduate residential community with in-house cultural
programming, support services, leadership training, organized excursions,
distinguished speakers' series, career networking opportunities, international dining
fare, musical performances and language exchange groups.
At I. House, your neighbors come from more than 100 countries, work and train at 72
organizations, study at 33 institutions and can teach you French, African Dance or
Tai Chi. You can meet Madeleine Albright over lunch, have dinner with a corporate
CEO or U.N. Ambassador, or learn the intricacies of Azerbaijani folk music.
Suddenly, placing a price tag on the value of the I. House experience becomes more
For more information:
Looking for another Engineering student as a possible roommate?
EGSC would encourage you to use our interactive “Facebook.”
Once you have a Columbia University email, you can register
yourself for this service. Once you are activated with a Facebook
account you can join the EGSC group page.
During the academic year, EGSC posts updates and encourages
students to get involved with the Engineering community,
both on-campus as well as online.
In the discussion board of the EGSC group page on Facebook, you
can post your request for housing under the subject “Looking for
housing?” If you’re not looking for a roommate, but would like to
join up with other students to explore New York City housing
together, we welcome you to use Facebook to coordinate this as
Nonetheless, as an online community, always use your judgment
and caution when posting information online. We hope you find this
service helpful.
Long-Term Accommodations – For Men & Women
The International House staff, 500 Riverside Avenue, New York, NY 10027, compiled this listing. This
listing is meant for reference purposes only to assist in securing long and/or short term housing.
Residences & Apartments
(212) 873-9402
207 West 85th Street
New York, NY 10024
Fax: (212) 799-7820
[email protected]
Weekly single:
Shared bath $275
(212) 685-9600
1186 Broadway
(At West 29th Street)
New York, NY 10001
Fax: (212) 779-4737
(212) 415-5650
(800) 858-4692
1395 Lexington Avenue
(At 92nd Street)
New York, NY 10128
Fax: (212) 415-5578
[email protected]
30-45 days:
Single: $50 per day
Double: $40 per day
Small double: 35 per day
46 days and longer:
Single: $1095
Double: $765-895 per person
31 Lexington Avenue
New York, NY 10010-9998
Rates from $3,500.00 per
at Manhattan School of
(212) 629-7300
134 Claremont Avenue
New York, NY 10027
Fax (212) 736-7950
[email protected]
Single - $79
Shared rooms- $69
Single - $315
Share - $275
Doubles are available with
shared bath. 24 hour security,
air conditioning,TV,
refrigerators and sinks in each
room, laundry room,must
provide own towel. $10 key
deposit required.
Total capacity: 100 rooms.
Unfurnished studio apartments
only. Minimum one-year lease.
Total capacity: 240
Operated by 92nd St.YMYWHA. All rooms have air
conditioning. Shared bath,
kitchen, 24-hour security,
laundry room, maid service,
library,cultural activities,
swimming pool, gym.
Handicapped accessible.
Total capacity: 375 beds.
Student friendly, convenient
locations in the New York City
area.Fully furnished residences
featuring: air conditioning color
TV, 24hour security, kitchens
laundry facilities, computer
packages, health club options.
Daily tours of each residence
available. Please call and/or
visit our website for various
properties and descriptions.
Single and shared rooms
contain a bed, desk, chair,
wardrobe and chest of drawers.
Facilities include, shared
shower and restrooms on each
floor, wheel chair access,
Internet access and 24 hour
security.Cafeteria on site.
Student lounge with a large
screen TV, DVD or video
Minimum stay: 1 week.
Total capacity: 135
(212) 316-8400
Single: $625-738
Open to full-time graduate
students only during academic
500 Riverside Drive
(At 122nd Street)
New York, NY 10027
Fax: (212) 316-1827
[email protected]
Shared apartment: $849-1,155
Studio apartment: $1,2271,367
One-bedroom apartment:
Extra-large apartment with
private bathroom: $1,199
Residence Hall
(718) 488-1046
1 University Plaza,
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Fax: (718) 488-1548
Double room:$2,400 per
Guest rooms: $60 per night
(212) 673-1730
215 East 15th Street
(Near 3rd Avenue)
New York, NY 10003
(718) 260-3240
Metrotech Center
Brooklyn, NY 11202
Fax (718) 260-3755
[email protected]
Daily per person:
SuitesDouble: $40, Single: $60
ApartmentsDouble: $50 Single: $75
Weekly per person:
SuitesDouble: $200, Single: $300
ApartmentsDouble: $300 Single: $400
Monthly per person:
SuitesDouble: $600, Single: $900
ApartmentsDouble: $825 Single: $1,100
Private or semi-private room
available from $500-900 per
(212) 926-7030
722 St. Nicholas Avenue
New York, NY 10031
Fax: (212) 283-0108
[email protected]
Single: $80
Double: $115
year;undergraduates welcome
in summer. Application
necessary for stays of 30 days
or more. Handicapped
Total capacity: 700 beds.
The L.I.U Brooklyn Campus
provides housing
accommodations of higher
education in the New York City
area. Separate meal plan, if
desired.Guest rooms are also
available throughout the year
for individuals,couples and
small groups visiting the New
York City area. Handicapped
Total capacity: about 600.
Operated by Quaker
community, residents are
responsible for sharing in
housework. Two meals per day
(except Saturday) are included
in all rates (breakfast and
dinner). Long waiting list,
reserve early. Total capacity:
25 beds.
Accommodation is available
during the summer from June 1
to August 15 at the 400 bed
Othmer Residence Hall.
For international students only.
Valid passport required for
check-in. Interested students
and travelers should submit an
itinerary with arrival and
departure dates.
Long-Term Accommodations – Women Only
Residences & Apartments
(212) 496-6901
340 West 85th Street
(Between West End & Riverside
New York, NY 10024
Daily $60
Monthly $895-1067
(212) 757-6989
539 West 54th Street
(Between 10th & 11th
New York, NY 10019
Fax: (212) 307-5687
[email protected]
Daily per person:
Single $55
Weekly per person:
Single $175
Double $150
(212) 242-8224
249 West 14th Street
New York, NY 10010
Fax: (212) 242-7233
Double only (for 3 weeks or
more) $50 per person per
day.3-12 weeks: $160 per
Over 3 months: $120 per
(212) 989-5952
253 West 24th Street
New York, NY 10011-1788
Fax: (212) 691-0257
Subject to change; Reasonable,
low rates.
(718) 875-1190 ext.223
30 Third Avenue
(Between Atlantic Ave & State
Brooklyn, NY 11217
Single $55
Single $540
Must call or mail for application
in advance. Two meals included
in rates. Linen service optional.
$50 one-time flat fee.
No maximum stay.
Total capacity: 124.
Operated by the Religious
Sisters of Mary Immaculate.
Curfew: 11:30pm Sun.-Thurs.;
12 midnight Friday and
Saturday. Breakfast and dinner
included in rates. Saturday
breakfast only. Sunday
breakfast and lunch only.
Single women only, 18 to 26
years old.
Minimum stay: 4weeks. Total
capacity: 80 beds.
Letter of recommendation
required. Curfew: 11 pm
Sunday-Thursday; 12midnight
Friday-Saturday. Breakfast and
dinner included in rates.Meals
are Monday-Friday only. Ages
Total capacity: 36 beds.
Monthly rates payable in
advance, must pick up
application, long waiting list.
Laundry, drink machine,
kitchen, dining room.
Total capacity: 140.
Annual membership fee of $50
is required for stay of 2 weeks
or more($25 with school ID).
$20/month for phone. 8-week
deposit for unemployed
students. Large communal
kitchen, laundry
facility,handicapped accessible.
For long term stay must pay 1
month rent & 1month security
in advance. Key deposit $20.
Reference letter required.
Total capacity: 214 rooms.
(212) 242-2400
123 West 13th Street
New York, NY 10011
Fax: (212) 229-2801
Weekly per person:
Single: $230
Large Double: $180
Small Double: $159
Triple: $153
Quad: $138
Operated by the Salvation
Army. 24-hour security, maid
service, 2
meals per day. Each room has
a private bath and telephone.
Minimum stay is 31 days for
weekly rate. Less than 31 day
Single: $73/day or $436/week;
Double: $105/day or
$634/week. 4 week security
deposit required.
(212) 677-6200
18 Gramercy Park South
New York, NY 10003
Fax: (212) 388-7515
Weekly per person:
Single $222
Double $198
$1000 security deposit
$25 non-refundable reservation
(212) 929-5790
432 West 20th Street
New York, NY 10011
Fax: (212) 924-0891
Weekly per person:
Double or single $240
(212) 249-6850
225 East 72nd Street
New York, NY 10021
Fax: (212) 249-4336
[email protected]
Daily: (3-11 nights)
$70 per night
Weekly: (2-11 weeks)
$215 per week
Weekly: (for 12 weeks or
more) $172 per week (2 weeks'
rent and $192 deposit due on
Total capacity: 280 beds.
Operated by the Salvation
Army. 2 meals per day
included. 3 months minimum
stay during academic year; 4
weeks minimum stay in
Age range: 18-35.
Total capacity: 292 beds.
Breakfast and dinner included
Monday through Friday only.
Curfew: Sunday-Thursday 11
pm; Friday-Saturday 12
Total capacity: 28 rooms.
Minimum stay 3 nights. All
single rooms. Shared
bathrooms. Smoke free
building. Kitchen and lounge
available. Write, call or fax to
receive an application.
Total capacity: 147.
Long-Term Accommodations – Men Only
(212) 369-6647
165 East 88th Street
New York, NY 10128
Fax: (212) 987-5652
[email protected]
Daily: $60
Weekly: $175
A $50.00 non-refundable
registration fee is required to
reserve a room. Monday-Friday
one meal a day included lunch
or dinner). Shared bath. Two
letters of reference required.
Students need letter from
parents guaranteeing payment.
Ages 21-35. Reservations
should be made
2-3 months in advance.
Maximum stay: 3 months Total
Capacity: 88 beds.
Short-Term Accommodations
Hostels & Hotels
(212) 579-7500
340 Amsterdam Ave
(At 76th Street)
New York, NY 10024
Fax: (212) 579-6127
[email protected]
Daily per person:
Single w/shared bath:$79
Double w/shared bath: from
Private baths: from $109
(212) 302-2603
119 West 45th Street
(Between 6th & 7th Avenues)
New York, NY 10036
Fax: (212) 302-2605
[email protected]
$91.50 per room (one or two
$34.50 dormitory bed
(per person, four people to a
All rates tax inclusive. Rates
subject to seasonal change.
(212) 679-0680
160 East 25th Street
(Off 3rd Avenue)
New York, NY 10010
Single: $70-85
Double: $85-99
Triple: $110-120
Quad: $130-140
Single: $440-536
Double: $536-624
Triple: $693-756
Quad: $819-882
Advance reservations
required. Color/cable TV,
telephones, air conditioning,
24-hour concierge,
multilingual staff, fax & copy
service at front desk. Cash,
credit cards or travelers
checks accepted.
Maximum stay: 21 days.
Total capacity: 28 rooms.
24 hour reception, free linen,
lockers for valuables, laundry
room,international call and
fax service, common room,
Internet access,fully equipped
kitchen, and back yard.
Total capacity: 100beds.
Pay for weekly rental upon
arrival and receive a 10:
Shared and private baths
available. Each room has a
Total capacity: 54 rooms.
(212) 678-0491
TOLL FREE: (877) 727-5233
19 West 103rd Street
New York, NY 10025
Fax: (212) 678-0453
[email protected]
Daily per person:
(212) 647-0010
251 West 20th Street
(Between 7th & 8th Avenues)
New York, NY 10011
Fax: (212) 727-7289
[email protected]
Daily per person:
Dorm $28-32
Private Room (2 people max)
(718) 961-6880
138-46 Northern Boulevard
Flushing NY 11354
Fax: (718) 445-8392
[email protected]
(212) 545-8000
7 East 27th Street
(Between Madison & 5th Avenue)
New York, NY 10016
Fax: (212) 684-5546
[email protected]
Studio apartments: $99-129
Each room holds 4, 6, 8 or 10
beds. Private 2-bed rooms
are available with shared
bath. Cash or travelers
checks only. No credit cards.
A foreign passport or
international student ID
required to check in.Tours
and airport transfers can be
booked at front desk. 24-hour
security, linens included, airconditioning, lockers,
recreation room with pool
table & TV lounge. Studio
apartments with private bath,
TV, and kitchenette.
Total capacity: 200 beds.
Some rooms available with air
conditioning. Passport
required to check in. Hostel
provides linen, but no towels.
Lockers are available. Please
bring your own lock. Common
kitchen area with coffee and
tea available. Recreation
room with TV,
courtyard,Internet access,
laundry facility.
Weekly: Single: $300
Double: $420
Maximum stay: 14 days.
Total capacity: 325.
Clean, comfortable, safe and
very affordable guest rooms
for men and women. Daily
housekeeping services, air
conditioning and cable
TV.Shared bath. Handicap
Accessible. Easily accessible
by public transportation.
Daily per double:
Economy: $99-119
Standard room: $99-139
Superior: $139-159
Suites: $159-209
Maximum stay 25 days.Total
capacity: 127 rooms.
Dorm rooms of 4 or 10 beds.
TV room is air-conditioned.
Linens supplied, bring your
own towel. $33 (+ tax)
refundable key deposit.
Dorms only: $33-53
Total capacity: 150 rooms.
Single $50
Double $70
Triple: $80
(718) 389-3700
99 Meserole Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11222
Fax: (718) 349-2146
[email protected]
Daily per single:
Economy: $40
Deluxe: $58
Double Occupancy: $70
Weekly per single:
Economy: $231
Deluxe: $300
Double Occupancy: $350
Monthly per single:
Economy: $840 Deluxe:
(212) 281-4100, ext 216
180 West 135th Street
(Between Adam Clayton Powell &
Lenox Avenue)
New York, NY 10030
Fax: (212) 491-3178
[email protected]
(1-800) 909-4776, ext. 146 (US
(212) 932-2300, ext. 155
891 Amsterdam Avenue
(At 103rd Street)
New York, NY 10025
Fax: (212) 932-2574
[email protected]
(212) 316-8473
500 Riverside Drive
(At 122nd Street)
New York, NY 10027
Fax: (212) 316-1827
[email protected]
Double occupancy: $1300
Deluxe $55
Double $95-125
Dorms per night/person:
4 bed dorm: $35
6-8 bed dorm : $32
10-12 bed dorm: $30
Special Rooms per night:
"Family Room"
(1 queen bed, 1 bunkbed):
"Private Room" (1 queen
bed, 1 bunkbed, private
bath): $135
Dorm room: $45-50 per
Guest suite: Single: $120
Double: $130 Triple:$ 150
Guest Suite: Single:$130
Double: $145 Triple:$160
Quad: $175
5 person:$190
Economy room includes only
single bed. Deluxe room
includes double bed, air
conditioning,TV, breakfast.
Double, triple, & quad rooms
available. Access to pool,
sauna, fitness center & weight
room. $20 key deposit. No
cooking in rooms. Shared
Maximum stay: 28 days.
Total capacity: 100.
$15.00 key deposit. Shared
bath. Color TV and air
conditioner in all rooms.
Access to Health Center. Call
for special weekly rates for
students. Maximum stay: 28
Total capacity: 226 rooms.
Reservations should be made
7 days in advance. There are
a few private rooms for
families (sleep 4). Add $3.00
if not an International Youth
hostel member. For one year
membership: seniors (54 yrs.
and up)$18.00, adults (18
yrs-54 yrs.) $28.00. No
Maximum stay: 28days. Total
capacity: 624 beds.
Maximum stay: 20 nights.
(212) 787-7706
38 West 88th Street
(At Central Park West)
New York, NY 10024
Fax: (212) 580-9283
[email protected]
(718) 739-6600
89-25 Parsons Boulevard
Jamaica, NY 11432
Fax: (718) 298-6241
Daily per person:
Dorms $30
Daily per person:
Single: $49
Double: $60
Limited number of rooms
available at monthly rate for
full-time students studying in
New York.
Written application required
for student rate.
(212) 932-1600
36 West 106th Street
New York, NY 10025
Fax: (212) 932-1700
[email protected]
Daily per person:
(212) 280-1313
3041 Broadway
(At 121st Street)
New York, NY 10027
Fax: (212) 280-1488
Single: $55
Double $85 Dorm(4 beds):
Dorm (6-8 beds) $29
Dorm (10-14 beds) $27
Single:$125 Double:$145
Women 6-8 bed dorms.Men
8-10 bed dorms.Communal
kitchen and lounge. No
lockers, but there is a safe
and bag storage area. Bring
own towel. Maximum stayssummer: 7 days;
spring/fall/winter: 2weeks.
Total capacity: 50 beds.
Private rooms with shared
showers or baths, single and
double rooms available.
Conveniently located near
subways, LaGuardia and
kennedy Airports. Free gym
facility, laundry facilities
across the street.$10
refundable key deposit.
Total capacity: 266 beds.
Price per person includes
sheets, towels, blankets and a
light breakfast. All rooms
have air conditioning. Jazz
Cafe and coffee bar,roof top
terrace and garden, Internet
access. Pizza party once a
week. Summer keg parties in
the Jazz Cafe: all you can eat
and drink for $5.
Total capacity: 310 beds.
Single and double rooms
available. Rooms have
refrigerator,cable TV, phone
(w/ free local calling). Some
rooms have kitchenettes. No
maximum stay required.
Total capacity: 25
(212) 831-4440
1596 Lexington Ave
(At 101st Street)
New York, NY 10029
Fax: (212) 722-5746
[email protected]
(212) 394-9686
November to July: Rates
start at $12.91 per night,
plus tax. Packages
of 6 nights available.
$32 per night; $220 special
weekly rate. Private rooms
$80 and up.
(212) 394-5011
337 West 55th Street
(Betw/ Times Square and
Columbus Circle)
New York, NY 10019
Fax: (212) 956-1619
[email protected]
Female dorm available, 6
bathrooms, common room
with fridge,microwave and
table to eat, TV room,
Internet access, all rooms airconditioned, hard-wood
floors. Safety deposit lockers
($1 per stay) are provided,
linens, blankets, and towels
included. Washing machine &
dryer. Passport & ID required
for check in.
Maximum stay:24 days. Total
capacity: 42 beds in 5 rooms.
28 private rooms and 21
dormitory beds available.
Common room with fridge,
microwave and dining table,
TV room, Internet access,
free local telephone, and
large garden. All rooms newly
renovated. Linens, blankets
and towels included. Washing
machine and dryer. Passport
and ID required for check in.
(212) 683-6900
143 East 30th Street
New York, NY 10016
Fax: (212) 545-0103
[email protected]
(212) 666-0559
134 West 119th Street
New York, NY 10026
Fax: (212) 663-5000
[email protected]
Single w/shared bath $91
Single or double w/private
bath from $129-179 (price
do not tax)
Maximum stay: 28 days.
Reservations necessary, cash
& travelers checks only.
Weekly singles subject to
availability. Maximum stay:
21 days. Total capacity: 46
Daily: $65
Private room available,
shared bathroom.
Private rooms available,
shared bathrooms. Maximum
stay: 7 days
(212) 929-0060
113 Jane Street
New York, NY 10014
Fax: (212) 675-8581
[email protected]
Single: $40.65-56.70
Double: $66.75-94.80
Single: $213.20
Double: $318.05-438.45
Manager Gisele Allard can
help students find long-term
accomodations upon request.
Rooms are private with a
shared bath. $5 key deposit.
Maximum stay: 21 days.
Total capacity: 208 rooms.
(212) 677-4800
123 East 15th Street
(At Irving Place)
New York, NY 10003
Fax: (212) 353-0526
[email protected]
Single with shared bathroom:
Single with private
bathroom: $106
Double with shared
bathroom: $96
Advance reservations
required. Visa/Mastercard
guarantees reservation. For a
discount on some rooms,
students can bring a letter
from their school verifying
current registration and a
valid student ID card.
Maximum stay: 21days. Total
capacity: 84 beds.
Double with private
bathroom: $126
(212) 533-7749
3 East 3rd Street
(Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY 10003
Fax: (212) 673-5387
[email protected]
Singles $210
(718) 277-1600
570 Jamaica Avenue
Brooklyn, NY 11208
Fax: (718) 277-2081
[email protected]
Daily: $40
Weekly: $280
(212) 666-0559
239 Lennox Avenue
(At 122nd Street)
New York, NY 10027
[email protected]
(212) 614-0500
209 East 14th Street
(At Third Avenue)
Fax: (212) 614-0512
[email protected]
Daily per person: $25
Single: $109 Double:$129159
Dormitory style w/ communal
bathrooms. Fully furnished,
fridge,vanity, TV. Wireless
internet available for $5 per
week. For single persons
only.1 week security deposit
required. Must call for
appointment (call 9 am-7 pm
Total capacity: 28 beds
Private rooms with shared
baths. Reservations must be
made at least 3 days in
Maximum stay: 28 days
Total capacity: 97 rooms
4-6 people per room, shared
bath. Maximum stay: 7 days
Total capacity: 10 rooms.
45 rooms with private
bathrooms. 24 hour bellman
(212) 756-9600
224 East 47th Street
(Between 2nd & 3rd Avenues)
New York, NY 10017
Fax: (212) 752-0210
Single: $79
Single w/ bath: $110
Double (bunkbed): $89
Double w/ bath: $110
Newly renovated room:
Single: $92
(212) 749-7104
850 West End Avenue
(Between 101st & 102nd Streets)
New York, NY 10025
Fax: (212) 865-5130
[email protected]
(917) 441-8800
5 West 63rd Street
(At Central Park West)
New York, NY 10023
Fax: (212) 579-4200
[email protected]
Shared bath for most rooms.
Washers and dryers for guest
use. Access to fitness center.
Internet access available.
Reservations need to be
made in advance.
Double with semi-private
Daily per person:
Dorm room: weekday:$29.95
weekend: $14.95
Double $99.95
Double Twin: $19.95
Double Double (4 people):
Single w/ shared bath: $79
Double w/ shared bath &
with bunk-beds: $89
Double w/ private bath:
Maximum stay: 25 days.
Total capacity: 542 rooms.
No credit cards. 4 baths
located on each floor for
guest use. Color TV with
cable, Internet access,
laundry service. Kitchenettes
available upon request. Linen
and towels provided.
Maximum stay: 21days. Total
capacity: 80 rooms.
Shared bath for most rooms.
TV in each room. Access to
fitness center. Handicapped
accessible. Prices are subject
to change.
Maximum stay: 25 days.
Total capacity: 460 rooms.
Fall 2009
On behalf of the Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGSC), I would like to
congratulate you on your decision to pursue your studies at the Fu Foundation School of
Engineering and Applied Science (SEAS)! As you are aware, SEAS offers unparalleled
opportunities to investigate a range of academic and outside interests. The EGSC is
committed to having students make the best of these opportunities.
The EGSC is a recognized group that consists of representatives from each of the
nine academic departments at SEAS. The objectives of the EGSC are to foster
interaction among graduate engineering students, to serve as a voice for graduate
engineering students and to sponsor social and educational events of interest to the
graduate engineering community. As a SEAS graduate student, you are automatically an
associate member of the EGSC. However, we encourage you to become an active
member and participate!
The EGSC sponsors a range of social and educational programs throughout the
academic year. More specifically, we organize four major socials to foster interaction
between students, faculty and administrators. We also invite guest speakers from
academia and the business world for professional and personal development workshops.
We are currently in the process of updating our website so that students can be informed
about upcoming events, view pictures of past events, provide suggestions for future
events, and contact us.
We invite you to join and to contribute to the enthusiasm and energy of the EGSC
and we hope that your experiences will be just as fun and rewarding as ours have been.
We look forward to seeing you in the Spring! If you have any questions about the EGSC
or SEAS, please feel free to contact us
The Engineering Graduate Student Council (EGSC)