PDF of 3 interviews
PDF of 3 interviews
p t-{ C) .o ?1 F - C) O A I a\ n a 1 a\ -i a trb lJ o) t I >E '-* (6 f o , o ,^w byM&r Frch€r Uoonarrivinqa halfanhourb€lorglhedooFweres.hod900ol th€ uledlo op€nllwo astounded. Apprcximately 1500p€oplelhalattended thisshowwer€akeadylinod upandpr€parodlo srnashtheirvJayin. this wastholilst metalconcedoverheldbv Pulsations. a di6cowhichis mal€dancsrs. usualt lrcquent€d by th€''Chidndales' Afterwalkingundeftho'No Slag€. Diving'signposled on lh€ola66andmiroradentrance.I mademvwavto lhe prtandprepared lor whatlurnedout to b€'on€ol tho mostincr€dible conc€rbf1/ogv€rb€€nto. hitlheshgewithnolhing morclhana spokM€EiChurch en introduclion andslarledbashino oul "Tonof Brick6' pitwas fromtheirlaloslalbum. Seconds liter lheryholo slamming, andpeopls wereflyingallovorlhepiace(mysell thinqaboullhoqrouowas includedl. Themo6tnoticeable be abEdnce of KurdtVanderhool.tle wasrepl-aced by a mannamedMafc{Rilker?l?); I didnlquitocalchhislast allol thesonqswilhout namg.Helit in reallvwell.Dlaved at all.'andstilldanaqedb hav€iuite a bit anvoroblems ol'siaoeoresencs. oth€rsonoithat lollowedwer€: 'Hirm;n'- -Stad tho Fire'. and fie classicGods ol Wrath'.Whatsufp sedmewaslhal DavidWaynswaE al a @nslanl ablelo manlainfie samerawscreamino |are durinorhewholel€nothol thoirldrv'fv€ minuts set..like on'thealbums.Als-o surDsinqwai thalouitadsl cra;owells'hsaddidnlrearoflliis ndk andfallintotho lrom his cont;nuous high-spe€d headbanging. audi6nce DukeEnctson wasa bit'Psycho", ilordlatne.Olh€r6onqs Bassisr -Tho rhatfollowedwere Dark', and'Wahh tie ihe inlensity of lh€ slamming really Children PEy",but "B€yond sradedto prckup lor lh€ finallwo sorgs: lhe "MshlChurch', fealur. Back",andmypersonal favoril€, ino 6omeincredble drumminoby KrrkAr naton. ll se;medlhatalthouoh thenewion6sareoood.'lhe lans gotoll a lotmorcon-thesorgson ihefitsialbUm.M€tal Churcharean incrodible livegroup.howover, lbeypertormwithno props,gimmicks, or lancyclolhing.ll lhey yolr lown,withor wilhoulAnlh|ax,don'lmiss come 'eml lo Altera r€asonable wail,lho lightssla,.lsd to dimanda popularBlu€sBrothecinslrlmenlalsongslartedlo Malshall slacks.Thepil blarsthrouoh lhecamouflaaed aisomeoflhowimp6 inhs balwasnowlill€dh capacity andjoinin conyandsoating ssction decided tob bravo theslammino andmoshino. Thenumb€rof bounc€rs si! to pr€v€nt.peopls lrom lingalong. th-e edgeol thdstage incr€as€d lrcnonsat divrn0 andoellino lhrcwn onslaoe -t',letal th€Goinniioof church6 aboulliv6NOWIWit\outluiheri'€sitation lheliqhtswenton.andAnthrar [P, /4norglho b€ltod outthetitlelraclol lheknewesl scrsaming alongwithB6lla!iv,hg,andhadmanyp€opls Anthrarhada v€ryminimal donna LikeMotalChurch. b€inga larg€banstag€selupwithiheont lhingsadded anda ramol€adioq uob lh€drum nerinth6backqrcund riser-Becaus-e th€vw€rsth€h€adlio-gr5 theirsound havebsenatlsastasgoodasli,lehlChurchl;bul, should suroisinolv. lhiswasnollhecase.Bulhis is a minol qudlm Anfira.x kicksd somg ssrious ass.Thgse beAus€ guyscouldnl havspo66ibly dr€ssod morecasualt.Every(althouqh seeCharlis Beon€inth€band lcouldbarelv drumkit)wasdsck€d outin nantsthrouqh hi; mass:rve theopenhighiycoloied lams'andlshirts.Following ofcoirE€ ino-so;o. thwoli/€d:Cauoht ina Mo6h'{which 'Me-hl Mad''l(theonlv ooioeo'ole rfuihino). ThEshino and arnh6 iondthbvotaved lriimthotirstalbuml, l-avl'. whidiodtevervMvshoutino aldno aqain.oher if it All' (Dan 6onoitheyitavediero''A.D.l.A{oror thatnobody was sFE soloivdstobabay th€onlymoment "lndians' flvinolhrcuoh thoair). Plu6:'Madhous€'. dornq tritl teatui'reo scowianaswellaslheaudbnce in Indian wardanc€ [iosh),a smallguitalsolobyDai (ro sdE,andtuomor€songs n Swadnghe Di.e6eas Vd'uod. to{elher 6in@Novenb€r ol 1983,havemadequile a nameiniheunderoround musicscene.Ther debuial bun, WarandPain,i8 ptovedthalthisbandhasfaceda head{ncollision wilhoriginalily. Ther sryleof nusicand subiecl matte.in lheirly csverymud pac€sVoi'vod1a Voi'vod category oltheirown.Otherthanheirorigcaliry, bandlo b€signed lo rheNose arethefirstnon-European lntematonal lab€l ol WafandPa,n.thevoivodwarriors Totootherelease theirnowclassic, second album, incred' wentbnh feJease iblylilledMotJaaam!!! More.ecenlly,Voi'vodhavefenaneo ledssdhoir thirdalbumenlilledKthnp'Technoloqy, alt€rhowmanhashkenlech.olosyd-'yonohisd&trotard misused il. Havinoalr€advcomoleled th€irUntedslateslourwrlh Kieator,Voivodwereprepared lo creare tabglmiates, Voi'vod wrllonce again th€irlourhalbum.InNovember. tourEurope withtourguestsunknown at fie pointoithis dalein Eerl:n,Wesl writing. Afierthe last European Recoro.ng SIJGsrmany. thE willrelumlo de Musrcab dio to recordtheif lounhabum entilledDilrers,o, Hafdss.Thelollowing is an lntoNiow wilhguibrislPig gy,priorh he Elropean To!f. GRAY ATTER: Whaldid eachmember do befofe VoivodvJasbom? at home PGGY: Woiustwenllo schoolandoracliced Snakeplayedsomebassat this on our iostrunienls. time... GnAYMATTER:Doanyofyouguyshav€occupalions otherlhanVoivod? qoinloVoivod. PIGGY: No.allourenerqies GBAYMATTER:Howo-ldbiadl m€hb€? PIGGY: Blackv:24:Away:24:Snake:n. Piaay:27. GRAYMATTEH:Howlo"ghasVoivod b€€n6d6th€f No',i €mb€l'83. PIGGY: Fiveye6rs...since GRAYMATTEnTWhatplansdo you havefortheiu' lute? PIGGYTTheonlylhingwewanllo dois lo makea living by ourwo* wilhVoivodanddon'ln€€dto do anylhifg eEe. GRAYMATTER:Howislhsund€rgpund sc€n€ inCan' addl PIGGY: Theunderoround scefleis realooodin Easl Canada. Wecansedalotolsl"owshoreinfi,lonlr€ar, alo also.wehavea qoodlollowinq lhere. GRAYMATTEH:HowwaslhetourwilhCeltc Fosl? oacholh€r? wellas"N.F.L.'. Anlhrax letlth€slaoe minus Charlie Bo- Didyougelalongwih lhem...no, it was withlonsol PIGGY: I pfeJeryou lo ask lhat toLJSA. nante whodida greatdrunsqlo,cimplete follo.Jina in lhe bvrheband oood:lhevhavea oood doubls-bass Hswassoonreioined ooundinq. 6RAYMATIER: Whark.nddffiirqs p,ssyouoll? rondrtion ol"A.l.R"andsomeinreresrnq loranincredible "A.l.R.'i PIGGY: Poodgwholrylo slealpeBonalthings iromus twotiirdsofthewaythrough surflis9s. Aboul lout Anthrax torointothoirraosonqwhichI havovetlo hear on moslmornorable onthe7. SunobvScotilana-no FrankBello.itwasEX- GnAYMATTEE:Whatwasth€band's TREMELY luni'y,but alsoveryhealyaswell. Forths momenl? Whenlraf ard Par?wasoul I Ourli|sl oroduce (who wasenough PIGGY: li|stlimslhissv€ning I sawlhobouncer prcduced byus. ofanasshol€ lo rak€mvrelalivelv hamless bool-slrao)entiroly GRAYMATTEF: Waslhereevera s€cond U.S.pr€ssand lauohwhen olitadst Scolt lan oiabbed his crolch ingoi Rniddaaazrtul. R'slyricsonth€albumsloevo? velied:'AI dlthemcanSUCK'"A.l.R." Y MOTHER-FUGKIN' whai'shappened wilhthelyrics. DICKI!'Aflerthis,heycontinued andsurpsed PIGGY: I don'tknow 0n€daylhsyarein,lheotherdaylhgy"kick-ass"? areout... mo60ainbydaying'God Savo he Ouesn' by the Sox Pisis Voivod so tols.Nonupwa6'lmitatioi of Lilo',butI wasverydrs- GRAYMATTER:Whv $€ lovelo tje! q$ | Because w€p.rta lol apDoinled because thevonlvDlayed theslow.noshyhtro. PIGGY: Because Voivod. Cdme onouvsllLot!hsaialloiitnexttimelToLni$ofi ole'erayinourwork,andkrndol worltor GRAYMATTER:Anyll'ng .ew or ol r.tercstlhalyoL D€st would anamazin-o irvgnino thevolavod whatl consideflne likelo add? songollSfueading-he DtieaiqGung-tb. PIGGY: Yoah,wo1lbeginolr'87 Europ€an lourin No' Overali, thiswasanAMAZING conc€n.Bolhol lhese vember,andwelt recordour next(4lh)albumagainin qroups if lheyhaven'l 6hould delinilely nolbsmissed al. Bodiniu6laiterthelour. And.thisalbumwillb€called ieadicomearound. Tlisonlylh'agdisappoiniing wasthal Dine^bn Hat66s.L or "Panic', Anthnx didnlplay'Skeletons inlh6Closet' isslrongerthan €vsrlA butolherwise lheirsound -32- Photo-Bruce Rhodes :; W .rL Ii ;t${ & % -i--tf.L- 1-rf l ided An Interview With: Awav: Drums * * * *+****t ******+ **i *t *it**** *+ + * ** Voi Vod are the next step for meCombining intenser Die Kreuzen tal-. guitar attacks with reminiscent lyricism, the French heavily political plows forth l-ike none Canadian outfit " K i 1 l i n g other.' Their latestl the story. Technology" (Conbat) tells Not present are; Snaket Vocalsl Piggy: Guitars and SlackY: Bass. +**r***t**********Jfia*+*** * ** ** * * *** xXx-Explain the Voi Vod concept. I created the Voi Vod Awav-At first' for- drawings to put out my negative views on the Planet and human When we formed in '82 we society. to use voi ' Vod as a name and the voi Vod world of Morgoth as a concept for the band. The Voi Vod can represent many as in some songs it repiesents oPPression while in other songs it can take the nature I heard the nane of schizophrenia" Voi Vod when I was young as it was the name of a Northern European tribe that drank bl"ood and slaughtered there enemies. I onlY kept the name and made him a nuclear warrior. I took the Voi Vod warrior and Put nuclear weapons in his hands. xxx-What do the characters of the Voi Vod h'orld mean to You? A w a v - S o m eo f b h e r c a t r t a k e i n a g e s of lchizophrenia or violence or superheros who cvercome. I guess that,s.why sornepeople catl us NaziE or Iacrsts. | l l l eu s e n u c l e a r w e a p o n a but.we.don't support them or sh6uiagarnst tnem and some peopLe took ua.ong way. We use the .that-the vor vod or the warriorg of Ice to put out.our feelings. ffre Voi Voa rs aDout evot-oution. In the first p a i n , , ) ( " { a r _ a n d p3rt you can see the confusion infront of nucteat war. After the first album carni out. we overcame a_ lot of probLens and emergeo au. the nore powerfully. ( "Rooaaaar" ) and with- ,'Xiffin!"iectr_ "o+99y" we move beyond, atwayE getrlng stronger. xxx-Why did you choose space as a way out? about our feelings Away-It reflects things like the star wars Proiect. space After the Earth is destroyed, will be the next place to des.troy for the Voi Vod. We caffed the TechnologY" and album "Kilting tried to discuss such things as the Chaflengt the star wars proiectr exploaion and the ohina syndrohe. hle- are al-l very into higll-tech things such as space and artificial and what we choose to intei.lisence talk ab6ut is the verY dark underl"ike that. side of everything song "Ravenous Medthe dk-Weltr icj.ne" on the new albun takeE a pretty hard stand on aniloaL rights. who experinent Away-And ' s c h i z oalso - p e o p lpeople e in society. on xXx-You seen to have a faseination wlth schizoPhrenia. Away-I read a Lot about schizophren: of it and I thintc I have a l-ittle in ny blood. xXx-It aeems that Voi vod have more statement than most of an anti-war other netal bands. Away-Well, when we fomed, most taLking about bands were either sexr drugg and rock and roll- or the; We were about Satan. were talking more like punkera in the streets than Satan freaks and we decided to talk about sonething reaf like I{e thought that nucLee war. nuclear We're more war was the real evll. hlhen we band. of a punk/netal to bands formed. we were listening like Motor:read, GBH and Discharge. We We were.just as punl< as netal-. havenrt changedr werve just prosEach al-bun essed with our nusic. with the Voi Vod is an evoloution growth. otrr and us representing that you're xXx-Is there any statenent "Killing Techntry-i-ng to make with oIogr"? we albun tried to expthis Away-With ress the fact that technological vtithout hwoan evoloution evoloution can be real tlangerous. about the star $ars xXx-lalking Dro.iect. how do feel about it as a Canacla being the first caniaiari' Iine of detectlon. Awav-I think that the star wars joke. pro--ject is a big Political but into Politics fte ire not really againet we only put out feellngs s h out Sti11. we don't directly it. The third albun shows tabout it. hat Etar wars is sonethS.ng we don't If the AmerlcanE donrt do want. StlLlr we itr sonone else r,viLl; to Put our views have the right rr{ant thinlc. nake to we and PeoPle about Satan Instead of talking which wi1] irnprove nobodY's mind, we 'dant to be able to take the kids anat give them something a l-ot more concrete and warn thern aeainst a very real threat. xfx-Do you beiieve there wilf be a nuclear war? Away-I think that if there will' be another war, it won't be a fuflt nuclear war but if there is another be fought with soldiers warr it will I doni.t believe and chenical bonbs. in the planet exPlodins but I do believe that there wi.ll be more uars and more attrocities in other cogntries.as the product of-ioney making. AlL othei peopr.e rn certaln countrles know about is war and they.really beLieve ttrat ie ;-LVto live while other, blg cbuntrlis sit back and nake niney. .War wiil 1lways hapDen but I do;.t u"iiJii].n a nuctear hoLocaust. )d(x-Onto the new musicl lt seems that nato:.j.aJ. i.s getting a J.oi more_-stmctured, aLong the lines u].e tlreuzen or bands like that. Away-Die Kreuzen is one of our fe vorite.bands and they aeem to ha\ taKen the exact same route that we did. Their flrst aLbun is nor hardc6re whil.e ',october File,. is lot more originat. It's rnore oi Epace styLe that you can.t labe1. xXx-hlho eLse do you 1i6ten to? Away-hle have a Lot more infl,uenc€ than you think. We donrt listen a lot of netal, only Motorhead ar Megadeth. We listen to old punk like the Sex Pistols and the-Darnned and newer punk stuff like DRI Ite aLso listen to psycho-stuff I! the Cramps, Bauhaus ind Kllline ; e and we also liEten to industiia bands like Einsturzende Neubautlr Also thererg Eone jazz and Eome cLassicaL as well. I thinl that hy-listen to a lot of differeni tlrllSsr werre opening a lot of, drl'ferent doors and going to a lot of different places iith our music and ideas. blGB thc |i rsH.{6 NAC DEC, PUE'#,elb R0s -'ff' f/vfERV,ElrlS As poor get poorer,rich go shopping In l,os Angeles Couniy areas wberethe sheriffenforcestle law. 79 galg-relatedmurderswere re. cordedby late October,matching ' . the total for all of 1987. 5o wAqfobouf'tt'.q."qs the sheriff DOESt'r v,lhere f;,t'#.ru: i:T,i8 kfii#?" Tud<eydinner kills I penson ER ocfol.- the I6ot i'his inlerllex shoi, -t j.i ho.rl,c've b€ell lon6e!, bur i iLs ra.LL)' slosbsa l'loo b€er all ci,i anc i! clinjain6 bo6oec ooin occ-sl on-l.l,y. J.l,so' (J€s, aai-in) lbe I oGl!!€c out reltuiid r€i.lly ;c!!s you Ll,I th€ lnfo !b-! t.lneq no. 616bt r.D! to:<nor. lt€ry Lncl th€tr lhere L,as LIso o ProlLEEl]aBe b1€d du€ to thc slidbt li Shakers thic,t eccen!, ba!!ier tr.lned ol.r! rell. but 1t s!i1l (h. t. )jfon dld thar !a?!e!? (b. t. )I'v€ !rol'lced tb-! youive ton€d do$n on you! i_oca16.. lot on the De,{ albud and_ (Saake) frauebina] probleE? (snek€)i1!s1, 1t took about 2 or lblee y€als !o do lbe concelt to lhis e.]buD. l{e r.€!e !ou!j.!6 lJi,lb CELTTCIIOS1 \.ben He 1s! Eaarted lirinkind, about tioind tbia nDlEension llatlo-ss" albur. It look a Lo! of !id,e !o Just think abour tir€ concE;t, 1i;.€ n!x;e!iEen_s'r-Voivod,'"henhe trieo to but],o a :arlicIe accelerator, shich ias hi€ beins of Boin6 rbroubb anoth€r d1rnension. ind then !i1e 2ni oDe. "TribaI Convi.cti:ns", afie! h€ Deni to tbLs didension, he Jus! €,r!ived th€:e. lhese lrilcil,j.ve ,eo;1,€ Ltved tber€, li4€ in ihe Jun8le o! soEetbinB, and ri:€ peo;Le i,h€!€ jusr think lhat Voirod j.s a 6od, 'cause be's lnto froe no$here, just alrivillE !bi.6 ciEension. Tben e.f!€:' th€ Voivod exilci1,s the ieolLe tbere, be oeets chaos6'dn6ers, tlbo ale kinda. .. Hilat' s lhe (h.t.)^Fell, on i.1,1 rbe llerious LIb'rr,s, ltou had dlo,iLini; ' screz.i6j.ni,. dby h-ve you tbloaty net €.lbu!? toned co1in oo this (slrake)l *z.n!€o to, ub, ex;Iore a neir ii.nc of sin6inrr. It's afLe! a. uhi.1€, uh' a lot like, of thr-sh riela} b-nds... (h. t. )are 611 & ibat? like slnEi!6 Ar.ti€rJ- (Snak€)Yeah. !u! IrB in llrsic ano l.ben il fo! aysetf first, ok. B,rt it it, everybotiY li{es ano j.! I for oYselI, ls first wi.I'h e lo! iran! to €^terla€nt rha! ,eo?l€ of tbj,nds,-no 6atier say, for E€ IrB iloinb ttrls. yor. li.K€ it' (1,t.)rg lf ya oonrl, fuck it. (b.t. )Thb r€rrorists? 6reat- L (Snak€ )Yee.h, thatrs ri6,ht. tha! $aY th;.i $aY-I fef! te€l it's on this i-IbuE & i ttink al'bu.E' ir' On tbe fllst t'ee.t. kj.nd of feeli.ne,' ias anotber I loved ooln6 but it !i..s tbat. the as 1 loled tbe 1s! albud, i-lbu-es, I c€-use j.t ias al oihe! Il, 'ras diffelent' TSi? rille. Eore Nor rc'r€ oor€ triBiiive. cor;J,!r and Bor€ I'iker uh"' uh' tlylnr; like' I tbink 1t's to tind sorethin6 ne$. 0u! Eusic is -,l!rE jfs io. . . iDl,oLve soti€_uhin; strdn6€, tr'ore rei ro. oole 1nr€lestin6 fo! a]l, th€ rho 11s!en to ir. ',ik€ !€o;fe iih€n your!e lhe $!j.tin! liusic, !hln6 !ha_. cor€s 1n!o fi!si 'r?:hz.t a.o I you! b€ac is, 6oina Hba! r-o I !o oo N0;?" lide, eo l.5oin6 of feelinrj ot! lbis a,1buh? (h. !. )rill-$Ly the a,r!wci,< for to l)a6s dolD6 conlinue the albulig? (Snake)oh, ye.h. tlow be's got a co&?qi€!, so ltrIl be eaale! !o ro!< a.nd fa-ster. (h.r. ):hi.s n€,,, on€, "liBension ilo€snrt seed to bave Ilatloss", a cov€r tha.! !€latres !o the co:lce;t, unlike ;e.st al,bujtrs. rb€ oe.,I r1!b lt? lbal''s ' (Sdake)t€-h, t€llorls!. ieoile =:: , t o E € . k er i o E s . T h e n t h e t e i s a 6ovelnnen! forEitic, uhich e.re the technocrallc oznl?uIa!ora. And then tnerers a .ar betyeen the cbabsEongers z.nd the tecbBocratic i:eolle. ifter those leorIe thai the voivod have Eet intir tbese r,eopler Hhich 1s EroiilnE lh his brain' thelr are they 5o lnto !ts lnvisible, blaln & trY to control bid. Ano "?sychlc Vecuu.a"' tb€Y then in out &try to !u3h tbe apirita he- tliei to aoncentlate bioself ' to leach the !owe! !o t,hrott tbe o u t ' b e d ' 1 n b i s w h o a r e D e o i l e . -rft;r be does, 1!rs dettin6 t|o!8e, rolse, rorser and the 1o6ln6. fhen he d i E e n s l o n s e r e c "Cosdic lraoa" ' 16 destroYed in (h.t.)I-nd thj.s is alL Au6-Yrg tine of thou6ht-be ceie u? vitb all this? (snake)Yeab,he cEne uP Hith tbe idea. but rbe't I'E srltlBg ltrrics, Le tal'k to each otbel ai:o eav, ot, $e'!e Sonna do lt tbls vay o! that. Hera 8o1 a r:!et!Y ielld Dind. Each Dedoe'. ii-a-'oefinrte par! of tbe bendi"' s h 6 t I o e e . nl s ' l t r a l l d e l l E o r o e o n el n V 0 i V 0 ! d i e d ' 1 ! ' a a o t V O l Y o Da n y E o r e . I t ' a a t€ad l! nothrnd can bleak 1l' (b.t.)I'te beard tha: tbe lert nTbe.-;Ibu.d ljll'l be caIled ll rr'!! & t b a ! llotbinE Face" be out on !{echanlc Recoras' Ia tbai ttue? (Snat<e)Yes. IA (h.t.)ifo$, thar's a 1or! Hhal ate !!e son6 tLlLes on the DerJ On€? ( s n a k e) I ! ' s n o ! c o E ; l e r e d v e j bu! there's a sonj [211!l;5ii utect', anolher one called "Into i:y & Hy;ercdb€". "The , I;otbtnd Fac€'., & u.o: "The 04. inorn i:no*s' & uh...,,X_Rav ] { r r r o r " . . . ! i r i D E j sI I x e t b a i , (h.t.)lo you hEve aliy of 1r recolc€c yet? (Snake)1io! recorited, but Just $o!k1n6on i.!. It's 1ike,- Pid;y-ritl "o"" up *iin-i and. lhen we'll. 6e! r IF t t t \ to6ethe! (Snake)l;e're 6onne, recoral in llontreal. (1.r. )I'u. nortced lbat, for tae lst ti6e, yourv€ Er.inted Your._r€6.f.nE-6eson thiE 1a6t !r. dny qtd you ra,it so loni anal $by no'{? R (snake)The Dain leason is because, Eaybe j.n the futule n .,,'ill. youf {h.t.)f:o; nejir atbujr De as lar as a concett-rill 1t be E diff€rcn! one oi carrvirri on fton "Xirension Hatro-ssn oi ra5!? (SDake)It's gonna be a nor'al evolutlon of rhe VOIVOD. I thj,nk af!er 6oin6 into slace & anotler c!iEension, the voivod r,1Ll go lnside. It's gonna be rr4e an lnner voya6,e, to find out Hbere 1t.s flon ort6inal]y 'r-oal's the Eai.n Ld€a of t!. Il gonlra be Like really lsycho e D.o.box la7 '5r... sf-y'1i"f'rl fll,{r iiuebec I fiorin.rr-, 4 CANADIU/t l Sorty,P;111th pf.ofidi fpo.k'of1", Ailn'fl,ir" O,,rt -) A B y o u ' v e r e a d , V O i V O Di . s n o , i o n } : e c h a n i c R € c o l c s a n d i j : tne contract should be in full. E f r e c t b J ' ] ; a r c h 1 i39. Look I c t h i n g l a c e , ' 1 n s L l . n r n € r, 9 9 .