Introduction to Weight Watchers


Introduction to Weight Watchers
Introduction to Weight Watchers
Weight Watchers is not a diet it’s a lifestyle. Weight Watchers is about helping people make everyday healthier choices for a healthy happier life.
Around the world more than one million people attend a Weight Watchers Meeting every week whilst here in Australasia up to 90,000 people attend one of our
2,200 weekly Meetings.
Sam McSevney
lost 78kg in 128 weeks
With over 36 years experience in educating Australians on how to lose weight, Weight Watchers is the largest and most successful weight-loss organisation in
the country. It is not surprising that one in six of Australian women aged 18 years over have attended a Weight Watchers meeting.1
The Weight Watchers philosophy is centred on achieving and maintaining a healthy weight by adopting a sensible approach of making wiser food choices,
moving more and positive behavioural changes. Weight Watchers is not an advocate of fad diets or quick fix weight loss schemes it is a credible, long
established program and has social and scientific proof that it achieves lasting results.
Magazine Features
Weight Watchers Membership Statistics – Australasia
No. of Members:
up to 90,000 per week
2,200 weekly (1,800 Aust & 400 NZ)
Average Stay per Member:
14.8 weeks
Member Profile:
96% Women - primarily aged 30-50 yrs (54%)
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Specialty Publications
4% Men – largest male membership in Australasia
66% of members have children in the household
Member Feedback:
98% of all current Members would recommend Weight Watchers to their family or friend2
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
1.Source: Omnibus Survey, 2004
2.Source: Weight Watchers 2005 In-meeting Members Feedback Survey
Weight Watchers Magazine
The highest circulating health and lifestyle magazine in Australia.
As part of our commitment to innovation at Weight Watchers, our magazine continues to evolve, inspiring thousands of readers on their weight loss journey,
and helping many more lead healthier happier lives.
Gordana Nestorovic
lost 50.5kg in 106 weeks
Weight Watchers magazine is the ultimate for people who want to make healthy life happen. It’s essential reading for anyone wanting to stay up-to-date with
the latest in health, nutrition, wellbeing, weightloss and weight management. Weight Watchers is committed to providing our readers with up to date
information from leading health professionals in the fields of psychology, nutrition, food, lifestyle, weight loss and fitness.
Weight Watchers magazine reflects the reality of women’s (and increasingly men’s) lives, as well as their dreams and aspirations and gives realistic
feedback, not unattainable solutions to life’s health, weight-loss and motivational dilemmas.
Every issue is brimming with great tasting, easy-to-cook recipes, new food products, the latest on health, effective work-outs, beauty and fashion
features, plus plenty of real-life weight loss success stories. Weight Watchers magazine strives to encourage a positive outlook, boost self-esteem,
vitality and hope amongst its many readers.
Advertising with Weight Watchers magazine ensures your brand is seen by goal orientated consumers looking to improve their lifestyle and well being.
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Weight Watchers magazine statistics
FPC Rate:
Circulation: 3
106,365 (Aus & NZ)
28% via meetings
57% retail outlets
15% loyal subscription
Primary Audience:
Women 25-49 (52%)
Cover Price:
3. Source: ABC Dec 2006
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Magazine Sections
More than just weight loss,
Weight Watchers food advertorials are
Weight Watchers magazine is a must
designed to showcase your product in a
read for anyone wanting to make
beautiful double page spread, styled to
the change for the better. Regular
compliment the food content in our
features include:
magazine. Each DPS advertorial includes:
Exclusive stories featuring celebrities
Recipe development, copy, food stylist and photography
Latest findings on losing weight and keeping it off
Three recipes including the POINTS value or NoCount rating
Psychological help to change habits
Product information and cooking tips
The Panel – experts answer reader questions
Mouth-watering picture of one of the featured recipes
Regular fashion and beauty
Product branding and association
Weight Watchers for Men
Andrea Worm
lost 35kg in 66 weeks
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
The food and nutrition features are
A healthy lifestyle goes hand in hand
devoted to providing our readers with up
with healthy weight loss. Our health and
to date information on seasonal produce,
fitness content provides our readers with
new product launches, food preparation
professional and practical expert advice.
& nutrition. Areas include:
Articles include:
Health watch
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Menu plans
News, views and innovations
Body watch
Reader recipes
New products
Dedicated 8 page health insert covering topics such as diabetes,
fertility, heart disease, bowel disease, etc
Specialty Publications
Fitness watch
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Magazine Demographics4
99% of readers are female.
39% of readers are aged 35-49 yrs.
I love buying
Because I feel
great I love
getting a new
Jennene Moore
Lost 13.5kg in 23 weeks
28% of readers are aged 25-34 yrs.
26% of readers are aged 50+ yrs.
7% of readers are less than 25 yrs.
70% of readers work – 37% full time and 33% part time.
53% of readers have children in the household.
Household Income:
63% of readers have an income of $30,000 to $70,000 pa.
Magazine Features
14% of readers have an income of $70,000 to $89,999 pa.
16% of readers have an income in excess of $90,000 pa.
Magazine Demographics
Leanne Barnes
lost 19kg in 28 weeks
Amy Morrison
lost 17.4kg in 23 weeks
Weekly Booklets
Our Magazine readers are likely to reward themselves by:
Buying new clothes – Almost 90%
Getting a new hairstyle – Over 25%
Specialty Publications
Purchasing make-up – Almost 20%
Partnership Opportunities
When asked what influenced their magazine purchase:
Where is Weight Watchers Magazine sold?
Rate Card
74% stated recipe ideas
40% in Weight Watchers meetings
72% stated food & product information
45% in Supermarkets and Newsagencies
66% stated successful slimmer stories
15% via our loyal subscription
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
4. Source: Weight Watchers Reader Survey (March 2004)
In Meeting Weekly Booklets
Every marketer knows the value of speaking directly to their target market in a climate the consumer trusts. The Weight Watchers meeting is the perfect
environment and as such Weight Watchers has always protected it from advertising outside of partnership promotions. A unique opportunity now exists for
Sara Mercer
lost 18.4kg in 24 weeks
advertisers to be part of this environment via the vehicle of the In-Meeting Weekly Booklets.
Each week a new individually themed Weekly Booklet is handed out to every Member attending one of the weekly Meetings held throughout Australasia. Now
containing 2 x 7day menu plans, they have become even more valuable to our Members.
The Weekly Booklets provide a select number of advertisers with the opportunity to run a Full Page Colour advertisement on the back page of these 12 sided
Print run of 110 000 – 130 000 per week.
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Weight Watchers produces four specifically themed cookbooks each year. The Senior Food Editor ensures all cookbooks are fresh, contemporary and
relevant to our readers needs. We aim to produce simple recipes that are delicious, yet easy to prepare using readily available ingredients.
Louise Graham
lost 28kg in 55 weeks
All cookbooks provide balanced and healthy lifestyle recipes. They also encourage our Members and readers to make healthy choices, at the same time,
teaching them to expand their cooking repertoire and taste buds. Whether you’ve got a family of five to feed or just yourself there’s a Weight Watchers
Cookbook for everyone.
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
In 2006, Weight Watchers launched its innovative and scientifically proven NoCount food plan. Together with the existing POINTS food plan, the Weight
Belinda Andrews
lost 43.3kg in 59 weeks
Watchers Program now offers its Members even greater flexibility and choice than ever before.
Weight Watchers POINTS Guides are a vital link in the Weight Watchers weight-loss program. There are three guides: the POINTS Guide, the Supermarket
Guide, and the Eating Out Guide. Each guide features thousands of basic and branded foods from the supermarket shelves to takeaway outlets and
restaurants, providing portion sizes, NoCount options and POINTS values.
The Weight Watchers guides are available exclusively through our Meetings, mail order and website only.
Ultimate POINTS Guide
A comprehensive alphabetical product
Magazine Features
listing of NoCount options and POINTS
values of over 15,000 basic and
Magazine Demographics
branded food products.
Print Run approx: 240,000
Weekly Booklets
Eating Out Guide
Handbook size listing of NoCount
options and POINTS values of a huge
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
variety of restaurant, café and takeaway meals.
Rate Card
Print Run approx: 145,000
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Specialty Publications
Throughout the course of the year Weight Watchers produces a number of publications especially designed to meet the needs of our Members. From
motivational to educational these publications provide our Members with the tools required to help them reach their weight-loss goals successfully.
Leanne Perryman
lost 9.1kg in 17 weeks
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Partnership Opportunities
The Weight Watchers Slimmer of the Year Awards are not just about weight loss, they
are about success, inspiration, motivation and people changing their lives for the
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
better. Weight Watchers ‘Slimmer of the Year’ Awards is the leading Slimming
Contest in Australasia.
The awards are heavily supported through national media including Television,
Magazine and Radio. Sponsorship of these inspiring Awards is available for a select
number of clients.
Further details are available upon request.
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Rate Card
Casual Rate
DPS Advertorial – (Includes Recipe Development,
Photography, Copy, Styling and Design.)
$ 14,000
Double Page Spread
$ 12,700
Full Page
$ 7,600
Half Page
$ 5,100
One Third Page
$ 3,800
(machine inserted)
Deborah Kenworthy-Dell
lost 15.1kg in 26 weeks
Medical Insert
Price on application
Magazine Features
Premium FPC – (Opposite contents, INBC)
$ 9,100
Inside Cover DPS – (Premium)
$ 16,600
Outside Back Cover FPC – (Premium)
$ 10,000
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Package Rate
(incl FPC, Logo & URL)
$ 15,000
$ 11,000
$ 2,500
$ 1,500
$ 13,000
Eating Out Guide
$ 10,000
$ 5,000
$ 1,800
$ 1,000
$ 6,000
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
$ 12,000
$ 9,000
Specialty Publications $ 8,000
$ 6,000
Weekly Booklets
$ 6,000
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
All rates quoted are exclusive of GST
Magazine – Material Specifications & Deadlines
Weight Watchers Magazine Specifications:
Leanda Altman
lost 28.6kg in 32 weeks
Type Area
Trim Size
Double Page Spread
245 x 382
285 x 422
275 x 412
Full Page
245 x 178
285 x 216
275 x 206
Double Page Spread
Full Page
1 /2
Page Horizontal
118 x 178
140 x 216
135 x 206
1 /2
Page Vertical
245 x 87
285 x 111
275 x 101
Magazine Features
1 /3
Page Horizontal
56 x 178
82 x 216
72 x 206
1 /3
Page Vertical
245 x 56
285 x 82
275 x 72
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Page Horizontal
Page Vertical
Page Horizontal
Page Vertical
Weight Watchers Magazine Deadlines:
Advertorial Booking
Booking Deadline
Material Deadline
On Sale
Mar / Apr 07
3 Nov 06
24 Nov 06
28 Nov 06
14 Feb 07
May / Jun 07
1 Jan 07
15 Jan 07
26 Jan
11 Apr 07
July / Aug 07
2 Mar 07
16 Mar 07
26 Mar 07
13 Jun 07
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Sep / Oct 07
4 May 07
18 May 07
28 May 07
8 Aug 07
All Production Material Enquiries and
all material to be sent to:
Nov / Dec 07
6 Jul 07
20 Jul 07
30 Jul 07
10 Oct 07
Rosie Dimopoulos – Production Assistant
phone: (02) 9577 0260 fax: (02) 9577 0272
email: [email protected]
Jan / Feb 08
31 Aug 07
21 Sep 06
1 Oct 07
12 Dec 07
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
General specifications for supplying artwork
Supplying files by Quickcut and Websend:
All files must be sent via Quickprint 3.0.5 or higher or Websend. We do not accept artwork supplied via E-mail under any circumstances. All digital files must be
Lee Hall
lost 45.4kg in 56 weeks
accompanied by a 3DAP colour proof at actual size. Colour laser proofs are a rough guide only and not to be relied on for colour accuracy. No calibrated colour
is accepted. Text Pacific will not be responsible for any elements trimming off the page if they do not fall within the live area specified for the publication. DPS
(Double Page Spread) advertisements are to be supplied as single pages.
Supplying live files:
Text Pacific prefers advertising material via electronic transfer (Quickcut). However, digital page files can be supplied using Adobe InDesign only. Logos, scans
and illustrations can be created in PhotoShop or Illustrator. EPS and TIFF files must be formatted as CMYK, not RGB or spot colour (PMS). No calibrated
colour is accepted. All screen and printer fonts must be included along with all fonts and relevant support files created in PhotoShop or Illustrator. True Type
fonts are not accepted. Files should be supplied on CD or DVD. Please supply a 3DAP colour proof.
Supplying composite PDF files:
Print ready PDFs supplied on disk only are accepted (Not via E-mail). Files are to be supplied as CMYK and 300dpi. No True Type Fonts or calibrated colour is
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
accepted. Trim marks and bleed must be added to all artwork according to our specifications.
General specifications:
Register and trim marks must appear on all ads. A minimum of 10mm on each edge is required on all bleed advertisements. All reverse lettering is to be no less
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
than 10pt type. It is recommended that where coloured panels join, the dominant colour be enlarged (reverse choked) to create a slight overlap of the two
colours that connect. This will help minimise registration problems. The maximum total ink coverage should be 290%. Text Pacific will not be responsible for
Rate Card
any elements trimming off the page if they do not fall within the live area specified for the publication.
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
Colour proofs:
3DAP Colour proofs (at actual size) must accompany all ads. Colour laser proofs are a rough guide only and not to be relied on for colour accuracy. Text
Pacific Publishing will not be held responsible for any colour inaccuracy on final printed artwork if a 3DAP proof is not supplied.
General specifications for supplying artwork continued
Advertising terms and conditions:
As all material is subject to final approval by Weight Watchers, a pdf of any new creative is required to be sent for approval prior to the despatching of any
Leanne Barnes
lost 19kg in 28 weeks
material. Special care should be taken if any reference or statement is made towards weight loss.
Due to trademark restrictions no use or reference is to be made to either “POINTS” or “NoCount” on any creative material except by registered Weight
Watchers licensees and endorsees.
Weight loss related products should seek initial approval to ensure that they are in accordance with the Weight Watchers philosophy.
Indemnity and Warranty:
The advertiser agrees to indemnify and keep indemnified Weight Watchers in respect of all liabilities, losses, damages, costs of expenses whatsoever brought
by any third party arising out of or in connection with any material published by Weight Watchers on behalf of the advertiser. The advertiser warrants that all
Magazine Features
Magazine Demographics
advertising material and information contained in advertisements is such that its publication will not infringe the provision of any law or statute and will not give
rise to any claim or right of action whatsoever against Weight Watchers whether at common law or under statute.
Weekly Booklets
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
We are proud at Weight Watchers to be ranked Number 1 as the most caring, friendly and trusted brand in Australia!5
For further information about advertising with Weight Watchers publications, please contact:
Marion Sheehan
Joanne Green
National Advertising Manager
Advertising Executive
Publishing and Advertising Assistant
[email protected]
phone: 02 9928 1375
[email protected]
phone: 02 9928 1310
[email protected]
phone: 02 9928 1318
Angela Di Placido
lost 25.5kg in 61 weeks
Emma Lindsay
Magazine Features
For further editorial information please contact:
Jane Waterhouse
Bronwyn Phillips
Lucy Kelly
Editor in chief
Managing Editor
Senior Food Editor
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
Magazine Demographics
Weekly Booklets
Kirsty Creese
Database Content Executive POINTS Guide
[email protected]
Specialty Publications
Partnership Opportunities
Rate Card
Material Specifications
and Deadlines
5. Source: The Young & Rubicam Group, Brand Asset Valuator Study 2003 (Sample 1600 brands).