2005/ 2006 Annual Report


2005/ 2006 Annual Report
Helping people in need for more than 30 years, Common
Ground Sanctuary’s mission is to provide a lifeline for
individuals and families in crisis, victims of crime,
persons with mental illness, people trying to cope with
critical situations and runaway and homeless youths.
We listen, we care, we help…24-hours a day, 7-days a week.
Common Ground Sanctuary serves more than 35,000 individuals per year and is supported in part by state
and federal grants and contracts, individual and corporate contributions, the Oakland County Community
Mental Health Authority and United Way for Southeastern Michigan.
Common Ground Sanctuary helps people in crisis in a number of different ways. Our
extensive services provide our clients with the help they need to face a variety of
issues. When someone seeks our help, we do an assessment that goes beyond
the immediate crisis that brought them to us. Our goal is to get to the root of the
underlying issue and help remedy the cause, not just the symptoms.
Occasionally, our clients’ problems require assistance from other Oakland County
human service organizations. When we don’t have the resources to alleviate the
situation, we work with our clients to find another agency that can help.
Providing seamless services to our clients through internal and external collaboration is one
of the main goals of our strategic plan - one that we strive for and improve upon every day.
Of course, the collaboration doesn’t stop at the staff level. Our Board of Directors, Advisory
Board and Board Committees are also our partners. The time and counsel they give to our
agency is invaluable. We are extremely grateful for all that they do.
We are proud to say that as the result of our team efforts during the 2005-2006 fiscal
year, we were able to achieve two major accomplishments: 1) We secured accreditation
by the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities (CARF) for all of our
programs, and 2) We established and began building an endowment fund with the
Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan.
We also faced a crisis of our own. Ernie Cooper, a devoted 35-year volunteer and cofounder of Common Ground Sanctuary, passed away on June 1, 2006. Working a double
shift (8-hours) every Thursday as a volunteer supervisor, Ernie volunteered more than 400
hours annually, aiding people in crisis on the 24-hour Crisis Telephone Line.
Ernie gave the tremendous gift of his time to ensure that a lifeline exists for those
who need help. We miss him dearly and remember him with grateful hearts. He was
rightfully awarded the prestigious United Way “Heart of Gold Award” earlier in the year
for his work with our agency. (See page 7 to read more about Ernie’s accomplishments.
Tony Rothschild
President and CEO
Steve Mitchell
2005-2006 Board Chair
Telephone Support Services*
24-hour Crisis Telephone Line
1.800.231.1127 or 248.456.0909
Trained volunteers and staff responded to 24,513 calls for
assistance via this anonymous and confidential service offering
counseling and referrals from over 4,500 referral sources.
SaYes Theater Troupe
SaYes Theater Troupe, composed of young people ages 15-20
who perform scenarios about common family or peer interactions
reached 2,558 individuals through 112 performances.
Scenarios range from substance abuse to sexual assault.
Crisis line staff also responds to requests for OCCRO (Oakland
County Crisis Response Organization). The OCCRO team of
Common Ground Sanctuary staff, mental health professionals,
educators, law enforcement personnel and fire department
representatives offer crisis intervention and debriefing sessions.
Support and Education Groups
We offer a variety of support and educational programs.
Offerings include: support for young men and women, parenting
skills class, homicide survivor and suicide survivor groups and
discussions for families of mentally ill loved ones. Please call for
meeting times and registration requirements, most support and
educational groups are offered free of charge.
Teen 2 Teen Talk Line
Staffed by teens, this telephone line is available from 4 -10 p.m.
and offers anonymous and confidential peer support.
Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority
248.456.8140 or 1.800.810.3772
ACCESS line responded to 1,441 calls requesting assistance
and referrals for OCCMHA services.
Advocacy, Education and Support
Legal Clinic
Volunteer attorneys assisted 381 individuals with legal
concerns covering topics such as child custody, divorce and
finance-related issues. Ninety percent of those clients followed
through with the attorney’s legal advice. Other services include
advice, referrals and counseling at no charge.
Victim Assistance Program
Support and advocacy services were provided for 2,363
victims of crime and their families. Assistance includes
on-site advocacy, death notification, personal protection order
assistance and accompaniment for victims to hospitals, police
stations and court rooms. A support group is also available for
victims of domestic abuse.
Mental Health Services*
Crisis Screening Unit
248.456.1991 (24-hours)
44590 Woodward Ave., Pontiac, MI 48341
The Crisis Screening Unit served 3,677 clients in psychiatric crisis.
Onsite psychiatric screening and assessment for adults and children
is available via walk-in, self-referral and mobile crisis transport. The
Mobile Crisis Team is also available for offsite mental health services.
Common Ground Sanctuary also participates in the community-wide
Jail Diversion program. This effort links people with mental illness and/
or developmental disabilities with available treatment, as an alternative
to incarceration for non-violent misdemeanors.
Crisis Residential Unit
The Crisis Residential Unit provided 296 adult clients with
short-term voluntary psychiatric care including medical
supervision, nursing, therapy and discharge planning.
Youth Programs
In-Home Counseling
In-Home Counseling provided counseling sessions for
50 families for a total of 756 counseling hours for youths
ages 10-17 and their families. This program offers in-home and
outpatient short-term counseling and aims to address crises that
threaten to separate the family.
The short-term, safe shelter for runaways and youths in
crisis, ages 10-17, provided 1,466 days of care and 2,407
counseling sessions for 130 youths. Of those clients,
94 percent now report they are living in a safe situation.
Inpatient and outpatient counseling are offered with the goal of
reuniting the youths with their families.
Graduated Apartment Program
Provides apartment living for people ages 17-22 with a goal of
independent living. The program provided 2,096 days of care
for 14 youths, including skill development, peer mentoring,
graduated monitoring/supervision and 24-hour staff availability.
Street Outreach Program
248.336.9272 or 24-hour number 1.800.231.1127
Street Outreach Program made 2,298 contacts with homeless
and at-risk youths. Counselors and peer mentors offer
confidential counseling and advocacy to youths on the streets,
at home, in school, police stations and medical facilities. The
program also helps with homelessness, depression, risk of
suicide, prevention of sexually transmitted diseases, substance
abuse, date rape, birth control, educational assistance, job
placement, food and clothing.
*Funded by Oakland County Community Mental Health Authority
A Step Forward
Transitional living shelter for homeless youths ages 16-20 who
are seeking self-sufficiency. Ten youths received 1,583 days
of care, including counseling, job training, career development,
educational assistance, life skills training, financial subsidies
and medical assistance.
Based Services
Based Services
Total Expenses
Total Revenue
Common Ground Sanctuary celebrated its 32nd year
of Art in the Park on Sept.16-17, 2006. The fine art
event brought more than 200 fine artisans, eight
musical acts, a silent auction and thousands of
shoppers to Shain Park in downtown Birmingham.
A primary fundraiser for Common Ground Sanctuary,
the art fair raised more than $197,000 through T-shirt
sales, the silent auction and the artists’ booth fees.
We owe the success of the event to Common
Ground Sanctuary staff, community volunteers
and our generous sponsors.
Sponsors included Loomis Sayles & Co., L.P.;
Observer & Eccentric Newspapers; Saturn of
Troy, Saturn of Southgate; Shirley K. Schlafer
Foundation; HOUR Detroit; Nordstrom;
Style Magazine; WNIC 100.3 FM; DTE Energy
Foundation; Jimi’s Family Restaurant; MCARE; Michigan Heart Group; Astrein’s Creative
Jewelers; Comerica Charitable Foundation;
Corvus International; Detroit Public Television;
WRCJ 90.9 FM; Edith S. and Barry D. Briskin;
Fifth Third Bank; Health Alliance Plan; National
City Bank; Office Depot; Rochester Insurance
Agency; Sheldon Real Estate of Oakland, Inc.;
The Taubman Company.
Save the date for Common Ground Sanctuary’s
33rd Art in the Park to be held Sept. 15-16, 2007
at Shain Park.
Our dear friend and dedicated
volunteer, Ernie Cooper,
died peacefully on June
1, 2006 at his home in
Lathrup Village. At just
58-years-old Ernie
had touched more
lives than many of
us can even begin
to imagine.
Ernie’s devotion to
Common Ground
Sanctuary was like no
other. During his 35-year
volunteer career his impact
reached far beyond what was
expected of him - clients asked for
him by name. Up until his passing, he worked a
double-shift (8 hours) every Thursday as a Volunteer
Supervisor on the 24-hour Crisis Telephone Line.
He provided more than 400 annual service hours,
offering comfort and hope to people in crisis.
His description of the telephone line: “An interesting
and rewarding place, where there’s never a dull
As a co-founder of the agency, his selflessness and
dedication reached many other areas over the years
- from the medical clinic to the Board of Directors
and from Art in the Park to volunteer training. He
also led debriefings for Common Ground Sanctuary
and Oakland County Crisis Response Organization
(OCCRO) for people in the community who have
experienced traumatic events.
Add up the numbers and conservatively speaking
Ernie spent more than 10,000 hours of his life
helping others and that’s just the ones we’re
counting (from the crisis line). It’s no wonder he was
selected by United Way to receive the prestigious
”Heart of Gold Award” in April of 2006 for his
Common Ground Sanctuary efforts.
Ernie stood out in the crowd. He could move
mountains. He was the calm in the middle of
a storm. He served as an example to us all. To
further honor Ernie and his service, Common
Ground Sanctuary has named the annual volunteer
recognition dinner, the “Ernie Cooper Volunteer
We are grateful to Ernie for his humble service, his
friendship and of course…for sharing his Oreos.
Dear Barb,
I just want to let you know how much I appreciate you for letting
me be a part of your wonderful program. This program has taught
me a lot. It helped me get through to my father, it helped me
with my attitude, it taught me how to come out of my shell. I was
always in the dark afraid to show my true feelings. It brought out
the real me.
Most people that come here really don’t appreciate the second
chance that you are willing to give to so many. This program has
touched me in such a way that I see the world in a whole new
way. I appreciate my father more and I can be Charlene again.
Susan has helped me and touched my heart to the fullest. She has
made me open up my eyes to what has been in front of me for so
long - a Charlene that has a big heart, but was hurt, angry, and
tired. She gave me a second chance.
I will be 15 in July and would like to come back and work for
Common Ground Sanctuary. I would like to show the kids that
there is always a better path to walk - only if you are willing.
Charlene | Former Sanctuary Client
“It’s really crucial that I
can talk to someone at
2 a.m. or whenever
I need it.” - Susan | Crisis Telephone Line Client
In May of 2005, Vicki, a mother of two, found herself
in need of help. Having survived an abusive marriage,
she faced yet another challenge - the emotional fallout
of the situation she had been enduring for years.
After experiencing one last traumatic incident, she
was referred to Common Ground Sanctuary and
began working with the Victim Assistance Program.
Through the program Vicki was able to take back her
life. Vicki met with a victim advocate who helped
her complete a Personal Protection Order, offered
her counseling and helped her join the agency’s
domestic abuse support group. “Just being here
has been comfortable. I don’t feel like I have to hold
anything in,” she said. “I received the care I needed
and I didn’t have to deal with the financial burden.”
Master’s-level counselor Deborah Nicholas (In-Home
Counseling) and program coordinator Margo Eby
(Victim Assistance Program) worked together to
address both the domestic violence issue that Vicki
experienced and the aftereffects of the violence
on the children and the family as a whole. Teaming
together provided the opportunity to offer the family
a cohesive plan.
While working to heal her hurt with the help of
Debbie and Margo, Vicki recognized the need to also
take advantage of other agency programs to help
her children. She attended Love & Logic parenting
classes conducted by the agency’s In-Home
Counseling program and still employs many of the
tactics she learned. She and her children, Isaiah, age
13, and Priscilla, age 9, also began utilizing the InHome Counseling program for family counseling.
Vicki doesn’t hesitate when asked how Common
Ground Sanctuary has helped her family. “I call you
guys my ‘common angels’. You made my family feel
comfortable and gave us undivided attention,” she
said. “This place has brought us out and taught us
not to feel bad.”
Isaiah attended the Boy’s Group, a support group
for young men that teaches social and coping skills,
and had the help of a peer mentor. Isaiah’s take on
the group: “I had a really good time there. I think
more people should get involved because with all the
drama that goes on people need counselors.”
Common Ground Sanctuary counselors worked
quickly to replace Isaiah’s bike when it was stolen,
using funds from the “Give a Christmas” fund. Isaiah
speaks highly of the counselors he has encountered
at Common Ground Sanctuary. “We gave them a
certificate for being the best counselors.”
Priscilla also responds fondly in regard to her
counselors. Her answer is simple: “Cool dudes.”
Today, Vicki and her children are making progress on
their family journey. They have worked hard and plan
to continue to use the tools they have learned from
Common Ground Sanctuary to reach their goals.
“ I breathed a sigh of relief,
and knew this is where
I was supposed to be. ”
- Kim | Former Crisis Residential Unit Client
Benefactor - $25,000 and Above
Edith and Barry Briskin
Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation
McGregor Fund
Pulte Homes Corporation
Shirley K. Schlafer Foundation
The Thompson Foundation
Sustainer - $10,000 - $24,999
Loomis Sayles & Company LP
Saturn of Troy
Family Circle - $5,000 - $9,999
Consumer Insights, Inc.
Council of Michigan Foundations, Inc
DeRoy Testamentary Foundation
Linda Juracek-Lipa and Larry Lipa
Marty Lisiecki and Patricia Lake
Michael & Peggy Pitt Charitable Trust
World Heritage Foundation
Leader Circle - $2,500 - $4,999
The Aronoff Foundation
Comerica Incorporated
Jean and Sam Frankel
Harry & Rose Frankel Philanthropic Fund
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Link2Health Solutions Inc
St James Episcopal Church
Kay White
Partner - $1,000 - $2,499
Gebran and Suzanne Anton Foundation
Irene Astrein
Richard and Debbie Astrein
Astrein’s Fine Jewelry
Cecilia Benner
Mr. and Mrs. John Berbiglia
Birmingham Bloomfield Jaycees
Mr. and Mrs. John C. Carter
Christ Church Cranbrook
Laura Collins
Combined Episcopal Services
Corvus Construction Services LLC
Gary Dembs and Jan Weiss Dembs
Jacquelin Eckhous
Farmington, City of
Ferndale School District
Fifth Third Bank
Global Impact
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Graham
Sylvia and Edward Hagenlocker
Health Alliance Plan
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hermanoff
William G and Myrtle E Hess Charitable Trust
The Ernest and Shirley Hodas Foundation
Fred Fechheimer and Rosemary Holland, PhD
Isdera Corporation, Tom Nardone
Jeanne P Hackett Trust
Sheila Sky Kasselman
Bonnie and William R. Krenz
Rita Margherio
Michigan Heart Group
Michael Mihalich
Steve and Suzie Mitchell
Frances and Dominic Moceri
National City Bank
Office Depot
Meyer & Anna Prentis Family Foundation
Ellen and Joe Price
River Ridge Development Inc.
John M. Roberts
Rochester Insurance Agency
Rochester Rotary Charities, Inc.
Ronald McDonald House Charities
Tony Rothschild and Mona Scott
City of Royal Oak
Charles J. Schmidt
City of Southfield
Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Struck
A Alfred Taubman Foundation
John P. Tierney
City of Troy
Mike Vissatoski
Ira Weinreich
Francine Wunder
YMCA of Metropolitan Detroit
Patron $500 - $999
Maggie Allesee
Paul Barr
Charitable Recycling Program
Christ the Redeemer Catholic Church
Joe Donovan
Norman Dwaihy
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Edwards
John M. Erb
June Everett
Dede Feldman
First Presbyterian Church of Birmingham
Dale and Bruce Frankel
Howard and Pola Friedman
Bill Hahn, Jr
Helen Holmes
Venkata R. Jasty
Tim and Pat Joy
Michael Knable
Elizabeth Knisely
Vickie and Rhein Krigner
John D. Marx
Sharon R. McMurray-Wurtz
Brian M. Dietz and Debra S. Meier
North Congregational Church
Judith O’Brien
Bruce W. Polozker
Becci Reedus
Norma E. Regenold
Sacred Heart Catholic Church
Bob Servis
St Andrew Catholic Church
St Mary Parish
The Real Estate Investment Club LLC
United Methodist Women
Gabriel and Barrie Werba
The Wetsman Foundation
Marilyn L. Williamson
Judy Wright
Supporter $250 - $499
Ann Barbour
Beaumont Weight Control Center
Mr. and Mrs. Ed D. Berne
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Boudreau
Mr. and Mrs. Timothy M. Bradley
Bruce Bethards Family
Douglas A. Cale
Capital Trust Company of Delaware
Mrs. Calvin Chamberlain
Cherry Hill Baptist Church
Liz Christopher
Curtis Cooper
Ernie Cooper
Bobby T. Cox
Richard Ehrlich
Mr. and Mrs. David Elsila
Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Forester
Leo Gerhardstein
Mr. and Mrs. Irving Goldman
Arnold Goldman
Julie B. Gottlieb
Jeffrey Helm
Thomas Ivinson
Patricia Jochim
Alan and Sue Kaufman and Family
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Klein
Sharon Knoppow
Lathrup Village Womans Club
Julie Lichtenberg Stern
Lutheran Church of the Master
Diane Chatterson and Mark Lycette
Pat and Bill MacKinnon
Leonard Marszalek
Merck Partnership for Giving
Michigan Coalition Against Homelessness
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neumark
Robert & Marcia Oswald Family Foundation
Steve Overstreet
James A. Perlaki
Julio and Carole Puzzuoli
Candace J. Repa
Royal Oak Lions Charities Inc
Cathy Rozanski
Robert and Caroline Schwartz Foundation
George and Claudia Snyder
Colette and Tom Stimmell
Temple Beth El Sisterhood
Todd’s Services/Auto Rain Inc
Maury Okun and Tina Topalian
Trinity Health
United Methodist Church Women
Walnut Creek Country Club
Gail Whitty
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Wisniewski
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Zlotoff
Friend $1 - $249
Kimberly A. Abbott
Elizabeth Adair
Lynn Aronoff
Advantage Research Services, Inc
American Express Donation Site
Stephen Babson and Nancy Brigham
Lee Burton and Roberta Shaw-Reeves
Usha Ari
Mr. and Mrs. Craig C. Arnold
Michael and Maggie I. Auld
Ella Ayzenberg
Babes in the Woods Co-Op
John D. Baker
Gregory I. Bald
Dora Baltrusaitis
Mr. and Mrs. William G. Barris
Elaine and Alan M. Belkin
Sue Ellen Simon and Arthur Berlin
Mark Bertler
Kenneth Betty, II
Art Blair
Governor James J. Blanchard
John Blase
Bodman Longley & Dahling LLP
Jason Bodzin
Robert W. Bradin
Frances M. Brady
Kristin Brates
David Braun
Judge David F. Breck, Ret.
Barbara Broesamle
Joann C. Brooks
Ray Buch
Michael and Geraldine Buckles
Elizabeth Buckner
Sally Buick
Rita R. Buschmann
Paula S. Butler
Mrs. Frank Caiati
Carol Camiener
Don Campbell
Cana Lutheran Church WELCA
Julie Candler
James Canvasser
David Carr
Mr. and Mrs. John Cashen
Carol Chambers
Charity Motors Inc
Judith Christie
Dan and Laurie Church
Dana B. Church
Church Women United
Michael J. Clauson
Clawson United Methodist Women
Donald Cohen
Friend Cont.
Douglas and Gale Colwell
Mary J. Connelly
Gerald and Jane Conway
Corporate CPR Specialists
Margaret E. Crawford
Carol Curtis
Nina Cutler
Communications Workers of America 4123 RMC
William Day
Mark and Mona Dembs
Mary C. Dietz
Brian Drumm
DTE Energy Foundation
John Canzano and Rebecca Dudash
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Eason, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest K. Efimoff
John Ellis
Rodger Bruce Emmert
Deb and Bruce Emrick
J. Endress
Donald Epstein
Randy Eschels
Mr. and Mrs. Ben E. Ewing
Exchange Club of Farmington
Rickey Faermark
Melissa and Brian Fahning
Erica L. Finnegan
First Presbyterian Church of Royal Oak
Stephen Fox
Myron Frasier
Cheryl Fulop
Lynda Gale
Richard R. Galpin
Paul Garber
Mr. and Mrs. George Gaston, II
John Gayer, Jr
Thomas George
Patrick M. George
Mr. and Mrs. Steven Gertz
GFWC Clawson Womens Club
Richard L. Gibbs
Peg and Edward Glatfelter
Mr. and Mrs. Carl J. Goerke
Fred and Barbara Goldberg
Dr. and Mrs. Sidney Goldstein
Clayton H. Gordon
Marvin Gordon
Jean McDougall Gramlich
Julie Grassi
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver A. Green
The Honorable David and Dottie Gubow
Janet Gumenick
Cap and Carolyn Hall
George Hallemann
Mrs. John Hamill
Elizabeth Handy
Elizabeth Hanna
Sachinder Singh Hans
James H. Harnden
Bobbie Sue Harris
Mr. and Mrs. Peter H. Hartman
William J. Haubert
Michael B. Haynes
Heart of West Michigan United Way
Holly Hein
Helen C. Henderson
Doreen Hermelin
Wendy and Howard Hertz
Doris J. Hester
David R. Heym
Catherine Hilker
Mr. and Mrs. William Hinch
Kimberley Hodge
Holiday Food Center
Karen Hopman
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Horstman
Ann M. Howard
Gus T. Hughes
Kent L. Hurst
Independent Bank
Myra Jacobs
Mark T. Jahn
Melvin L. Janney
Richard J. Jessup
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Johnston
Stacy Johnston
Paula Jorné
Dick W. Judy
Junkyard Guitars
Rosemary Juracek
Carl M. Kaltwasser
Michael Keefe
Raymond L. Kell
Charles C. Kell
Norb and Carole Keller
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald J. Kennis
Donald and Dorathy Ketai
Thomas Klingler
Charles Knakal
Susan Deutch Konop
Mark Kopson
Sue and Hal Koss
Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Kozlowski
M A Kuhlman
Judith C. Labadie
Dr. and Mrs. Myron LaBan
Mike Labuhn
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
George M Lafata
Lake Orion Window Treatments Inc
Kenny Landa
Trina Lang
Lydia B. Lazurenko
Terra Leach
Lynn D. Legg
Leikin Ingber & Winters PC
Carrie A. LeMieux
Patricia Lent
Sheryl Samuels Lesser
Karen and Scott Lewis
Barbara E. Lewis
June Lieberman
Lincoln Drugs Inc
Annette Longtine
Betty C. Loughlin
Mary Ann Luttermoser
Jane G. Maddox
Ben Magder
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Main, MD
Carl G. and Betty L. Maple
Michelle Martin
Richard H. May
Gail K. Mayer
Richard Mayers
Daniel McCarthy
Michael R. McCarty
Meri & Associates, Meri Pohutsky
Mia Mahalo, Lori Broesamle
Irving Miller
Robert J Mitchell
Modern Road Show
Robin and Mike Montagne
James A. Morandini
Robert Mossman
Stephen Nadelberg
Jerome Neyer
Joel Nosanchuk
Elise Novak
Richard L. Obad
Joseph Obi
Robert R. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. David G. Ong
Optimist Club of the Royal Oak Area
Lawrence Papcun, DDS
Dawn I Parra
Laura Parrett
Lora Weingarden and Mike Pasick
Kathleen Paulen
Steven G Pearce
James S. Perlaki, Sr.
Frank J. Permaloff
Irene Piccone
Joyce and David Pippel
Barbara Plants
Pontiac Academy for Excellence
Lois and Irving Poston
David B. Price
William Price
Mr. and Mrs. Terry Pritchett
Joseph T. Racey
Ben Reedus
Heidi Rehak Lovy
Kathryn A. Reid
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Respondek
Theodore A Reyman
Helen Rice
Joan C. Richards
Jerry and Cheryl Robert
Elsa M. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Roeder
Leslie Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Randy Rosebush
Judy Rosenberg
Gary Rosenblatt, DDS
Raquel Ross
Jill L. Ross-Blair
Allan Rothfeder
Robert S. Sachs
Florence Saltzman
Vera J. Sandage
Linda Sargent
SBC Employee Giving
Robert Schechter
Gerald L. Schick
Rhonda Schmidt
Judith C. Schneider, MSW ACSW
Robert and Franziska Schoenfeld
School District of City of Hazel Park
Mayna Schumacher
Linda Schwartz
James Sellgren
Thomas D Sells
Dorothy J Sheldon
Patricia L. Shelton
Jacob J Sherbin
Francis R. Shor
Lewis Siegel
Leon Siegel
Sharman and Howard Silberman
Edward Y Sing
Christine Skrezec
Teresa Skupinski
Marie Slotnick
Janet Lee Smith
Sandra and Dave Snyder
Ronald Sorey
The Honorable Edward Sosnick
Howard H. Splete
St Patricks Mission Fund
St. Johns United Methodist Women
Janet Stark
George and Fran Stern
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L Stewart
Kate Stocker
Kathleen Straus
Nancy Strodl
Bob Strong
Roger Struck
Christine Strumbos
Jeanne Susalla
Elyse Sutherland
Mr. and Mrs. David Szarenski
Ella Taylor
Lynn Marie Temby
Temple Israel
The Erb Foundation
The Herbert & Barbara Beyer Foundation
Maureen E. Thomas
Denise L. Tingley
Norman Horowitz and Robert Tomasik
Rebecca Tron
Ellen K. Troszak
W. Allan Tuomaala
United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania
United Way Plymouth Community
Roberta C. Urbani
Thomas Van Dusen
Nichole Vanderhoff
June Landis Vaughn
VGs Food Center Inc
Paul T. VonOeyen
C. Warnick
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Weinberger
Sheldon Weinstein
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weisberg
Deborah Weisblatt
Lisa A. Weiss
L. Whitfield
Diane L. Wilbur
Jane A. Wilhelm
William Beaumont Hospital
Karen R. Williams
Jack Wilson
Beryl Winkleman
Marvin I. Wolf
Samuel Wolfe
Mark Woliung
Don and Josetta A. Wood
Friend Cont.
Helene Phillips and Paul Zerkel
Kathy Yaremchuk
Susie Zaks
Helene Phillips and Paul Zerkel
Monica Ziegelman
David L. Zinader
Marsha and Leonard Zucker
Lawrence Zukowski
In Honor of Sascha Stern
In Honor of Judy Adelman
George and Fran Stern
Lainey and Arthur Steuer
In Honor of Mrs. Seymour Adelson
Helen Rice
In Honor of Rachel Basset
Elyse Sutherland
In Honor of Fay Brickner
Sheldon Weinstein
In Honor of Seymour Brode
Lawrence Weisberg
In Honor of Judy Christie
K. Peter Knudsen
In Honor of Liz Christopher
Leonard Johnston
In Honor of Virginia Coombe
Richard Galpin
In Honor of Ernie Cooper
Norman Olshansky
David VanDoorne
In Honor of My Children
George Lafata
In Honor of Gary Dembs
Myra Jacobs
In Honor of John and Babette Dickelman
Kristina and David Szarenski
In Honor of Maxine Frankel
William Barris
In Honor of Jamie Gall
Randy Rosebush
In Honor of Irving and Doris Goldman
Kay White
In Honor of Perry, Andy and Paul Holmes
Helen Holmes
In Honor of Mary and Steve Holmes
and Family
Helen Holmes
In Honor of Cameron Riley Klein
Susie Zaks
In Honor of Carla Kuhlmann
Harold Weiss
In Honor of Barbara Larson
Larry Berkove
In Honor of Robert and Melinda Michlin
Bernice Michlin
In Honor of Steve Mitchell
Alan and Sue Kaufman and Family
In Honor of Sarah Nelson
Kirsch & Satawa PC
In Honor of Anita Novak
Linda Golumbia and Mr. Steve Goldner
In Honor of Irene and Yale Phillips
Julie Lichtenberg Stern
In Honor of Ron and Kitty Thayer
James Blanchard
In Honor of Kay White
Elizabeth Christopher
Joe Donovan
Julie Lichtenberg Stern
In Honor of Mary Lou Zieve
Rudy Simons
In Memory of Ernie Cooper
Don and Catherine Baker
Buddie and Cheryl Baldree
William and Luanne Baldridge
Douglas and Melissa Baltz
Ruth Becker
Christine and Bud Beeler
Birmingham Education Association
Joan Birnie
Michael Pierno and Michelle Blevins
Walter and Debra Boyer
Sharon and Andrew Bradley
John and Sheila Brice
Kenneth Gresh and Sandra Brough-Gresh
Concetta Brown
Linda and John Bruton
Emily and Andrew Buchholz
Alfreda Cass
Elizabeth Christopher
Ellen Cokewell
Gerald and Jane Conway
John and Marjorie Cook
Bonnie Cooper
Margaret Crawford
Patricia and Thomas Dennis
Michael and Ann Dillon
Jean Dostie
Robert and Janice Drager
John and Anita Farrar
David Foster
Richard and Ginny Foster
Nancy Gaydos
Darryl Goldberg
Janet Golden
Carole Goldsmith
Candi and Mark Gorski
Gene and Dee Graeber
Linda Hartz
Raffi Kalousdian and Kathleen Hennessey
Mary Hickcox
Janet Hogan
Julie Hunter
Phil and Georgeann Huszar
Sandra Johnson
Sheila Kasselman
Mary and Tom Kearney
Julia Kreher
Robert and Linda Larson
Deborah and James Lecours
Jean Lichtenberg
Deborah Loupee
Wallace and Arvilla MacPhail
John and Patricia Maloney
Sheara Ferguson and Annena McCleskey
Martin McClure
John and Priscilla Mcfall
Don McLellan
Susan Mcleod
Robert McMurray
Karen Meyers
Barbara Moessner
Kathryn Moessner
Robert and Renee Moore
Eileen Nichols
Charles and Leisa Passarelli
Barbara Pepper
Louis and Josephine Perri
F Spencer and Rebecca Perry
Terry Piper
Susan Pomroy
Joseph and Maria Ponczocha
David Price
Margaret Rabideau
Jack Ransom
Daniel and Kathleen Reeves
Stephen and Kristin Rhodes
Ann Marie Gracy and Theresa Rocklin
Elaine Roseborough
Julie Sanco
Joshua Saslove
Helen Schmelz
James and Cheryl Shettel
Robert and Melinda Sloan
Gail and Robert Stelick
Penny Stoner
Neal and Arliene Stremming
Mary Theisen
Roger and June Van Dyke
Gerard Wardach
Andrew Blinder and Janis Weaver
Abbey and Mark Werder
Kay White
John and Sherill Williams
In Memory of Robert (Robbie) Baker
Jim and Deb Busick
Frank and Mary Ann Schaller
In Memory of Raymond Benner
Cecilia Benner
In Memory of Jonathan Birnberg
Leslie and Dennis Rogers
In Memory of Eddie Lee Campbell
Brian Menghini
Scott Oppmann
In Memory of Jeffrey Cohen
Linda Schwartz
In Memory of Barbara Domino
Barbara Trager
In Memory of Patty Donohue
Karen Davidson
In Memory of Robert S. Fox
Stephen Fox
In Memory of Norman Gallant
Bunny Cooper
In Memory of Sophie Garber
Paul Garber
In Memory of Patricia George
Rita Kerr
In Memory of Kenneth Golla
Kathryn Simon
In Memory of Carrie Green
Eunice Galperin
In Memory of Lillian Grey
Steve and Suzie Mitchell
In Memory of Jerry Norman Hersh
Apple Crest Dental PLC
Judy and Eric Zylinski
Carol Camiener
Edna Duchon
Claudia Heslin
Andrea and Dave Woody
In Memory of Andrew Heslip
Russ and Sue Edwards
Lee Haslinger
Instant Maintenance LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Johnson
Craig Knox
Marilyn Lines
Susan Polakowski
Thomas Riley
James Rivest
Loretta Slee
Beth Ann Swank
Dale Thompson
Charles Williams
In Memory Of Cont.
In Memory of Ben Kaufman
Steve and Suzie Mitchell
In Memory of Brian Joseph LeVasseur
Linda Dickman
EIleen Klick
In Memory of Dean Lubrick
Karen Davidson
In Memory of Michael T. Mackie
Sharon Kaska
In Memory of Art Manson
Robert Sachs
In Memory of Nancy McCubbin
Mary Ann and Danny Weingarden
In Memory of Doris Merkle
Ladies Auxiliary VFW
In Memory of a Beloved Mother
Leslie and Dennis Rogers
In Memory of Paul Myers
Lola Youngman
In Memory of Gemma Papcun
Lawrence Papcun
In Memory of Lois Parra
Dawn Parra
In Memory of Phyllis Payson
Steve and Suzie Mitchell
In Memory of Eric Pekkala
Lawrence J.Hatzenbeler
In Memory of Anne Fisher Rose
Steve and Suzie Mitchell
In Memory of Laurie Ruskin
Bunny Cooper
In Memory of Shirley K. Schlafer
Edith and Barry Briskin
In Memory of Lillian Simon
Randolph Forester
In Memory of Amanda Speck
John Speck
In Memory of Charles Walker
Jeannette MacWilliams
In Memory of Milton Warren
Susan Konop
In Memory of Robin Wisniewski
Ronald Cuff
Erica Finnegan
Mark and Pat Wisniewski
2005-2006 VOLUNTEERS
Judy Adelman
Maggie Allesee
Sylvia Anderson
Usha Ari
Lynn Aronoff
Richard Astrein
Christine Austin
Ella Ayzenberg
Jennifer Baker
Roderica Battle
Hal Bay
Sue Bay
Maria Benson
Ed D. Berne
Peter Bickelmann
Leslie Black
Douglas Boersen
Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Crystal Bouissi
Vicki L. Brennan
Scott Brohaska
Camille Brinston
Edith Briskin
Barbara Broesamle
Steven Brotsky
Ray Buch
Robert W. Burgess
Alex Burmister
Latonna Caleb
Douglas A. Cale
Brandon Calley
Don Campbell
James Canvasser
Theresa Carano
Jack Cardrige
Lorrayne Carless
Diane Cartwright
John C. Cashen
Meghan Cass
Gerald Cavellier
Jillian W. Cavellier
Carol Chambers
Angela Chernyak
Judith K. Christie
Nancy Clark
Laura Collins
Pamela Collins
Curtis Cooper
Ernie Cooper
Catherine Coureters
Linda Cronin
Carman Cushman
Doris Davis
Gary Dembs
Kimberly R. Denoyer
Sharon DesNoyers
Julie Diehl
Mary C. Dietz
Jaison Dietz
Lolita Donner
Joe Donovan
John Doyle
Delphine Drake
Wendy K. Drum
Elise DuBois
Jodi Ehlen
Richard Ehrlich
Pat Eliss
John Erb
Mary Fairman
Sara Falsetta
David Farbman
Fred Fechheimer
Dede Feldman
Marcia E. Femrite
Amy Foley
Chuck Forbes
Ronald Fournier
Regina Franco
Maxine Frankel
Myron Frasier
Myecia Fuller
Terry Gahman
Theresa Gardiner
Mark Gardner
Tonya Garrett
Charles Gehringer, Sr
Peg Glatfelter
Laura Glenn
Carol Glick
Carole Goldsmith
Allison L. Goldstein
Cassandra Goodman
Ba’Shira Goolsby
Michelle I. Gordon
Julie Gottlieb
Stephen I. Greenhalgh
Lynn T. Gross
Lynda Grozjean
Susan Grzesiak
Stefanie Hamilton
Isabel Hansen
Peter Hartman
Lyle Hayman, Jr.
Nikki Heister
Peggy Henwood
Howard Hertz
Doris Hester
Ruth Hiner
Eileen Hitz
Ann Holdreith
Rosemary Holland
Helen Holmes
Renee Hopper
Ann Howard
Amy Hurley
Shannon Hutt
Lisa Johnston
Stacy Johnston
Paula Jorne’
Linda Juracek-Lipa
Eddie Kader
Joyce Kader-Rivero
Carl M. Kaltwasser
Sheila Kasselman
Bridget Kavanaugh
Bernadette Keath
Michael B. Kipatrick
Tonya Klein
Robben Kniffen-Rusu
Carrie Kolasa
Kyle Koppen
Monique LaGarde-Taylor
Trina Lang
Sheryl Lesser
Evelyn Levine
Liz Levine
Lily Levy
Virginia Levy
Joanne Lindensmith
Marty Lisiecki
James Loffredo
Betty Loughlin
Barbara Maher
Kelly Mahla
Carole Malitz
Rita Margherio
Donna Markiewicz
Michelle Marsch
Steve Marsch
John J. Martin, III
Lisa Martinuzzi
Paul May
Martin E. McClure
Dottie McDermott
William J McGrath
Donald G. McGuigan, II
Sharon R. McMurray
Jen Mesko
Shirley Michaels
Thomas J. Miller
Betty Miner
Steve Mitchell
Mike Montagne
Justin Near
Allisyn Negley
Fred Neumark
Eileen Nichols
Laura Nork
Laura Novh
Jo Elyn Nyman
Caitlin O’Connell
Theresa O’Day
Frank O’Donnell
Mary Okray
Emily Oleinick
Megan O’Neal
Keith J. Ostrowski
Chris Pagnucco
Laura Parrett
Kelly Paulisin
Peter Pekkala
Paula Penaud
Maryanne Perkins
Jim Perlaki
Alexa Piszezatowski
Jennifer Raetchi
Karen Reagan
Natalie Rea-Michalak
Heather Reeber
Donna J. Reeves
Lolita Riley-Donner
John Roberts
Judy Robitaille
Donna Rockwell
Sarah Rogers
Jay Rosen
Nancy Rosen
Volunteers Cont.
Judy Rosenberg
Cheryl Ross
Rhonda L. Ross
Will Rossow
Cathy Rozanski
Dennis Ryckert
William Salloun
Charles Schmidt
Karl Schmidt
Lucille Schmidt
Robert Schmidt
Kristen Schreck
Dena Schultz
Mayna Schumacher
Karen Schwartz
Mona Scott
Bela Shah
Heather Shelton
Maxcine Sherman
Edna Shin
Precilla Sigmon
Edward A. Simon
Coleen Sootsman-Eicher
The Honorable Edward Sosnick
Krissie Sophiea
Amy St. Aubin
Brendon St. Aubin
Chandler St. Aubin
Gabe St. Aubin
Andrea Stewart
Dianne Stiener
Colette Stimmell
Carrie Suhr
Becky Sylvester
Sarah Szizotka
Ella Taylor
Ron Teachworth
Jodi Theut
Coletta Thomas
Mark Vanderquest
Thomas Van Dusen
Nichole Vauderhoff
Mike Vissatoski
Judy Walton
Brenda Washington
Lisa A. Weiss
Gabriel Werba
Kay White
Trudy White
Mark Woliung
Judy Wright
Francine Wunder
Susie Zaks
Marsha Zucker
Board of Directors
Steve Mitchell, Board Chair
Sharon McMurray, Chair-Elect
Gabriel Werba, Vice Chair
Kay White, Secretary
Cathy Rozanski, Treasurer
Myron Frasier, Immediate Past Chair
President/Chief Executive Officer
Tony Rothschild
Administration and Community
Intervention Services
1410 S. Telegraph
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302
Business Line: 248.456.8150
Lynn Aronoff
Richard Astrein
Douglas Cale
Donald Campbell
Judith Christie
Laura Collins
Gary Dembs
Mary Cay Dietz
Peg Glatfelter
Doris Hester
Paula Jorné
Linda Juracek-Lipa
Fred Neumark
Charles Schmidt
Lisa Weiss
Mark Woliung
Judith Wright
Francine Wunder
Vice President Business Operations
Vickie Krigner
Vice President Community Intervention Services
James A. Perlaki
Vice President Emergency Psychiatric Services
Elizabeth Knisely
Vice President Human Resources
Becci Reedus
Director of Medical Services
Howard Friedman, M.D.
Director of Communications
Carrie Zarotney
Director of Development
Nanci Ballantyne
Director of Patient Accounts and Medical Records
Veronica Brown
Advisory Board
Maggie Allesee
Sheriff Michael Bouchard
Edith S. Briskin
Joe Donovan
John Erb
Dede Feldman
Maxine Frankel
Howard Hertz
Helen Holmes
Sheila Kasselman
Rita Margherio
Hon. Fred Mester
Jerry Moceri
Priscilla Perkins
John Roberts
Shirley Schlafer (dec.)
Hon. Edward Sosnick
Thomas Van Dusen
Director of Quality Improvement
Jack Wilson
Director of Shelter-Based Services
Steve Overstreet
Program Director, Crisis Screening Unit
Julie Gottlieb
Program Director, Crisis Residential Unit
and Utilization Review
Joanne Lindensmith
24-Hour Crisis Telephone Line
Mental Health Services
Crisis Screening Unit
44590 Woodward Avenue
Pontiac, MI 48341
Crisis Residential Unit
751 Hendrie Blvd.
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Call Crisis Screening Unit
for admittance information.
Youth Programs
Sanctuary Youth Shelter
1222 S. Washington
Royal Oak, MI 48067
A Step Forward
1228 S. Washington
Royal Oak, MI 48067
Youth Outreach Center
1229 S. Washington
Royal Oak, MI 48067
“ I call you guys my
‘common angels’. ”
- Vicki | Victim Assistance Program and
In-Home Counseling Client