Part 7 - Arkansas Tech University Library
Part 7 - Arkansas Tech University Library
THE 1938 AGRICOLA ADVE RTI SI NG THE ~--- 1938 AGRIUOLA ------ ---------------------------~1 ·············- IR. Li SS IEJL ILVII IL IL IE. C IHA l\'11 IB IEJR. 0 IF C 0 l\'111\'11 IE. IR. C IE. AN INSTITUTION FOR THE UPBUILDING of RUSSELLVILLE AND POPE COUNTY AT THE SERVICE OF THE PUBLIC AT ALL TIMES Office Located on the Ground Floor of Masonic Temple TELEPHONE 444 THE 1938 AGRICOLA The Bank of Russellville RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS A Bank of Service and Safety ESTABLISHED 1897 OFFICERS A. J. Ma thews ______________________________________ Chairman Geo. S. N eaL______________________________________ President R. L. Jen kins ___________________________ Vice-President L. M. Reed ______________________________________________Cashier M. J. Hickey_________:_ __ Assistant Cashier Genevieve Harmon ________________________Bookkeeper Hervie HilL ___________________________________ Bookkeeper Clarence Allison __________________________ Bookkeeper c _____________ Courteous Treatment Extended to Everybody Deposits Insured By THE, FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Washington, D. C. l. __s_s_o_o_o_-_M_·_a_x_im_u_m_l_n_su_r_a_n_c_e_fo_r_E_.a_c_h_D_e_p_o.-~~-·:_:_~---$--s__~--o_o__.____.J THE i····· 1938 A G -R I U 0 L A ·············---~~~·································1 FOR REAL ENJOYMENT EAT Purity Ice Cream AND Purity Butter MADE IN RUSSELLVILLE We Cater to Parties Purity Ice Cream Co. ···········~ THE 1938 AGRICOLA IPIE()IPILIES IEXCIHANCJIE IBANI~ RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS Capital $100,000.00 Jn o. W. White____________________________________ President L. B. McClure ____________________________ Vice-President E. C. Bradley_-----------------------------------------Cashier C. E. Lemley__________________________ Assistant Cashier J. M. Lewellyn _________________________________________Teller A. M. Withers ________________________ ~ _________Bookkeeper Hazel Gillispie _____________________________ Bookkeeper Member of Reserve System Deposits Insured By THE FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Washington, D. C. $5000-Maximum Insurance for Each Depositor--$5000 THE 1938 AGRICOLA ..-"·-·-·-------·-·----·-··-·------------· .. -----·-· .·-----··· · IFIRlllENIDSIHlllP ., ., •1 THERE'S NOTHING OF AN EARTHLY NATURE MORE VALUABLE THAN FRIENDSHIP Ice refrigeration is the friend of the entire family. It is an unfailing, unvarying guard· ian of food, flavor, weight and appearance, as well as bacteriological condition. Like all true friends ICE is willing and ready to give its life for you. ARl{ANSAS-Ol{LAHOMA ICE CO. MANUFACTURERS OF DISTILLED WATER ICE THE 1938 AGRICOLA IRUSSIEILILVlllLILIE IPILU f\'11IBllN45 &< IHIEA1111N4G C()f\'111PAN'Y F. E. CAMPBELL, Prop. SANITARY PLUMBING AUTOMATIC WATER SYSTEM Vapor, Steam, and Hot Water Systems PHONE 282 113 East Main Russellville, Ark. ·--------------------- ... 1938 THE AGRICOLA, READY-TO-WEAR MILLINERY RUSSELLVILLE'S LEADING DEPARTMENT STORE Supporting and Boosting Arkansas Tech SHOES HOSE Compliments of SMITH-GARDNER CLINIC and ST. MARY'S HOSPITAL Russellville Arkansas I I THE 1938 AGRIUOLA CLOTHING, SHOES, AND FURNISHINGS "For Men and Young Men" The Newest in Style . The Best in Quality . . . ¥ ¥ WE ARE EXPERTS AT TAILORING OF SUITS-GARMENTS GUARANTEED ¥ ¥ NUMEROUS SELECTIONS YOU WILL ALWAYS FIND A WELCOME HERE Make Our Store Your Hangout Compliments of Ritz and New Theatres "ALWAYS THE BEST IN ENTERTAINMENT" Henry A. Brownlee, City Manager I- - - - - - Russellville Arkansas THE 1938 AGRICOLl Compliments of TIHIE NIEW ST()IRJE IN RUSSELLVILLE SINCE 1895 MEN'S AND LADIES' CLOTHING HATS, SHOES AND DRY GOODS OF ALL KINDS S.r A., W AILl~IEIR PRESCRIPTION DRUGGIST "Prescription Compounding Our Specialty" A full line of NATIONAL ADVERTISED DRUGS and DRUG SUNDRIES "King's Chocolates" Russellville, Ark. Phone 57 Next to Bank of Russellville THE 1938 AGRICOLA COUNTY OFFICIALS l M. L. Turnbow ____________________________ County Judge D. A. Bewley____________________ Sheriff and Collector J. N. Alford __________________________________ County Clerk J. T. Murphy __________________________County Treasurer Reuben Chenowith ______________________ ,Tax Assessor DISTRICT OFFICIALS A. B. Priddy__________________________________ Circuit Judge Hays Gibson ____________________________.______ Circuit Clerk Louis Robinson ______________ Prosecuting Attorney J. B. Ward ___ ~ _________________________ Chancellor Judge Boyd Keathley __________________________ Court Reporter Burnett•Wyss Lumber Co. Manufacturers of YELLOW PINE LUMBER Phone 196 RUSSELL VILLE, ARKANSAS ..... ·-------------·--------------- 1938 THE .. ... --- AGRICOLA Good Equipment Makes a Good Farmer Better Horse Drawn Machines Power Farm Equipment I McCORMICK DEERING DEALERS I INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS BLOUNT-BALDWiN COMP ANY CONWAY RUSSELLVILLE FORT SMITH II ~~~~~~~~~------~~~~~--~~~~----~~~~~~~~~--• Substantial Saving on Your Fire Insurance T o Business Men and Home Owners: Can You Afford to Pay 25 Per Cent More Than Your Competitors or Neighbors? Discreet inquiry may reveal that your business associates, fellow club members, even your competitors, men whose judgment you esteem, have long carried their insurance in mutual companies. We do not ask you to blindly follow the judgment of these men but we do suggest that you give this subject of mutual insurance your careful consideration. The aggregate business of Mutual Insurance Companies reaches a figure so gigantic we can scarcely comprehend it. Such a business must of necessity be founded upon the soundest of principles-must have earned public confidence. Those who seek additional information may do so freely, comfortable in the knowledge that their inquiry incurs no obligation. MATHEWS INVESTMENT COMPft...NY, Inc. RUSSELLVILLE, ARKANSAS MASONIC TEMPLE BUILDING TELEPHONE No. 67 -THE 1938 AGRICOLA I I CHIC HATS t t J CO-ED DRESSES I Compliments of I CLAUSSNER HOSIERY CAUDLE and WHITE LAWYERS ()"'VIS fo~hivn lhvppe "We Show the Latest First" BEAUTIFUL UNDIES Russellville, Arkansas PRINTZESS COATS ~~~~~~~~--~~~~-----------~·-·--·-·-------------·-·----·---····-·-·--- Compliments of Compliments of GARDNER-PA TE SHINN & SON FUNERAL HOME Arkansas Burial Society Five Million Six Hundred FUNERAL HOME LADY ASSISTANT Instant AMBULANCE SERVICE Thousand Dollars Burial Protection 319 South Commerce PHONE 368 Russellville, Arkansas Russellville Arkansas I I I .I 1938 THE AGRICOLA WARD'S EAT SHIPLEY'S HO LS UM ICE CREAM "For Pleasant Results Try BUTTEREG AND HONEY KRUSHED WHEAT BREAD WARD'S" SHIPLEY BAKING C. C. W a:rd, Manager COMPANY Fort Smith, Arkansas Fort Smith, Arkansas Compliments of Ask Your Grocer CHEEK for Whoesale Grocer Co. Blue Mountain and Betsy Ross Canned Vegetables and Fruits Betsy Ross Coffee :r. Betsy Ross Tea :r. Peacock Flour ::. Bird Brand Shortening :t- Wholesalers of JACK SPRAT and DEL MONTE FOODS PLUNKETT-JARRELL & Co. Atkins Arkansas "All 0Yer Arkansas" i 1 THE 1938 AGRICOLA , .... ·- -··----------···-·· ····----··-------------------------·A.M.VAUGHT THE LEMINGS COMPANY DRUGS and EVERYTHING Since 1900 "THE STORE OF CORRECT FASHIONS AND BE'TTER GARMENTS" Russellville, Arkansas It's Smart To Wear Comfortable Shoes Florsheirn Friendly Five Fortune PHONE 24 "The .Rexall Store" Russellville, Arkansas LINK-WAY STORES COMPANY Everything in SHOES FOR MEN Enna Jettick Jacqueline Paris Fashion HARDWARE AND FURNITURE SHOES FOR WOMEN WIDTHS AAAAA to BEE Russellville, Arkansas Let Us Fit Your Feet Phone No. 8 THOMPSON "The Store of Economy" Shoe Store ··---------·-·-··-·-·--·-·-·-··--------------·-·---..------4----~----~------------- THE 1938 ~-·•••••aaa•aaaaaaaaa&• 1aa aaa AGRICOLA I aaaaaaaaa&aaaa•aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaa A.M.VAUGHT THE LEMINGS COMPANY DRUGS and EVERYTHING Since 1900 "THE STORE OF CORRECT FASHIONS AND BETTER GARMENTS" Russellville, Arkansas It's Smart To Wear Comfortable Shoes Florsheim Friendly Five Fortune PHONE 24 "The Rexall Store" Russellville, Arkansas LINK-WAY STORES COMPANY Everything in SHOES FOR MEN Enna Jettick Jacqueline Paris Fashion HARDWARE AND FURNITURE SHOES FOR WOMEN WIDTHS AAAAA to EEE Russellville, Arkansas Let Us Fit Your Feet Phone No. 8 THOMPSON Shoe Store "The Store of Economy" 1938 THE AGRICOLA 1 COMPLIMENTS OF CASKEY & SONS .HARDWARE COMP ANY HARDWARE . . . UNDERTAKER Instant Ambulance Service DES ARC ARKANSAS Let 30 Years of Experience BE YOUR GUIDE IN BUYING HOME FURNISHINGS SAFELY GIVE US AN OPPORTUNITY TO SERVE YOU MERRITT FURNITURE STORES RUSSELL VILLE ARKANSAS COMPLIMENTS OF GEORGE H. MATHER 5224 "T" Street, Little Rock Arkansas -RepresentatiYe of- Vestal Chemical Laboratories, Inc. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI SANDUSKY HEADING COMPANY, INC. MAUFACTUREJ?.S OF TIGHT BARREL STAVES AND HEADING FULL DRESSED BEER STAVES RUSSELLVILLE ARKANSAS i I THE 1938 AGRICOLA Y'··---····-···· I TRIBUNE PRINTING COMPANY t PUBLISHERS OF WEEKLY TRIBUNE and COMMERCIAL PRINTING I The Printers of the BIGGER and BETTER ARKA-TECH RUSSELLVILLE ARKANSAS DRINK THE PAUSE THAT REFRESHES IMPLEMENTS HARDWARE R. F. R 0 Y S "HARDWARE SINCE 1873" Russellville GLASS PAINT KREBS BROTHERS SUPPLY CO,MP ANY Complete Equipment For Hotels, Restaurants, Clubs, Hospitals and Institutions CHINA - GLASS - SILVER - KITCHEN EQUIPMENT AND UTENSILS JANITOR SUPPLIES - PAPER GOODS - PAINT - SPORTING GOODS 413-15 West Capitol Ave. Little Rock, Ark. l 938 THE AGRIUOLA Woody's Cafe A. J. Bowden IT DELIGHTS US TO SERVE Cleaner YOU, TECH PHONE 182 Russellville --------------------·····--COMPLIMENTS OF Arkansas ~------------- Faulkner's Jewelry Gift Treadway Electric Co., Inc. Shop ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES "Arkansal First Electrical Jobber" 206-210 Scott Street ARKANSAS LITILE ROCK REGISTERED OPTICIANS 214 WEST MAIN STREET -------------- ----Little Model Cafe For Food That Satisfies Best Coffee on Earth or Anywhere Else Buford Smith, Prop. ..... --.... ----.... Fred C. Burnett & Son Agency Dependable Insurance of All Kinds COMPLIMENTS OF Brooks Hamilton Insurance 121 SOUTH COMMERCE RUSSELLVILLE ARKANSAS --------·---------------We Have a Complete Line of School Supplies for All Students REAL ESTATE - LOANS Pearson Hotel Bldg. -----··········-···· Sterling Store Phone 78 ------------··----------- ··----·----·------------·-·-·-·---------Russellville Steam Laundry WE MAKE SPECIAL RATES TO THE TECH STUDENTS Floyd Ragsdale, Prop. Russellville Arkansas Jackson-Lemley Chevrolet Company For Economical Transportation CHEVROLET Sales-Service Russellville Arkansas --..... THE l 938 AGRICOLA ,...---·-·-·--------·------------·----------·-·-·---··--- ------.--.. • Underwood Typewriters Smith's Cafe J. R. Morris Headquarters for Tech Students When in 'Town Factory Representative USED MACHINES W.W. SMITH, Manager BouGHT - Russellville Arkansas Sow - RENTED 121 So. Commerce Phone 333 Tom L. Spaulding Athletic Goods Co., Inc. Croom Brothers WE CARRY ALL NATIONALLY ADVERTISED LINES 409 Main Street LITTLE ROCK ARKANSAS Pete Vaughn, Mgr. " The Store of Values" :(. :(. Russellville Arkansas Taylor, The Florist COMPLIMENTS OF MRS. W. V. TAYLOR, Prop. Russellville Sheet Metal FLORAL DESIGNS CUT FLOWERS Russellville Arkansas I Co. J. F. BULLOCK, Prop. Russellville Arkansas COMPLIMENTS OF COMPLIMENTS OF Wes tern Auto Associate Store Russell's Store Russellville Arkansas Smith Shoe Shop Russellville Arkansas BRING YOUR TROUBLES TO ALL AROUND SHOE REPAIRERS Berry The Tailor Same Location 22 Years "Over Little Model Cafe" Back of Bank of Russellville Russellville Arkansas THI I938 AGRICOLA ·~~~~~~-------- Royal Typewriters R. C. Allen Adding Machines The Office Supply H. D. Coffee Prop. . ...... Roy's Cafe and Sandwich Shop ADJOINING TECH CAMPUS We Serve Only the Best in Eats Plus Courteous Service Arkansas Russellville Russellville, Arkansas Mays Brothers Dealers in McAlister Shoe Store General Electric - Kelvinators Philco and Zenith Radios Russellville Russellville Arkansas Arkansas Nu-Bake Shop Campbell's Drug Store Cakes and Pastries WELCOME TECH STUDENTS "Pleasing Tech Students T. C. Campbell, Prop. Our Specialty" Arkansas Russellville Dale's Barber Shop Arkansas Russellville Daily Courier Democrat SerYice With a Smile (Member of the Associated Press) Welcome 'Tech Students More Tech News and More Home News . Than Any Other Paper at Any Price / 1I3 Boulder Avenue Phone No. 7 , Russellville Arkansas 50c PER MoNTH Back of Bank of Russellville Arkansas Russellville Odorless Cleaners and Tailors PHONE NO. 9 Russellville Arkansas Lewis S. Talley CLEANER Phone 21 Arkansas Russellville THE I 938 AGRICOLA 1 TECHIONERY Tech's New Book Store and Confectionery TEXT BOOKS SCHOOL SUPPLIES SUNDRIES SANDWICHES COLD DRINKS CONFECTIONS You Will Always Find a Welcome Here and Stgdent Budget-Minded Prices JIM TUCKER, Manager --------- ------- ..... Specializing in Yearbooks, Diplomas, Invitations, School Forms, Class Record Books, Ruled Forms, Binding Russellville Printing Co. -\9_) ~ CATALOG AND COMMERCIAL PRI NTEAS Russellville, Arkansas. ... ··~ THE l 938 AGRICOLA Photographs Live Forever! THE PHOTOGRAPHS IN THIS ANNUAL WERE MADE BY US SPECIAL RATES TO TECH STUDENTS FOR EXTRA PHOTOGRAPHS for TECH . . . first, last and always! ---·------·········--------------············--········· .... THE I 938 AGRICOLA I . . . . . _.. __ . . Annual Architects . - llOWld l'flll<,.loa - . . . ..otldng in ...,......:t <.OOpCT8CIOft "'8<.,i.c.~ prtntn,<nd -- wnh pho- ............................ "" m. beo<fil of the ...... PEERLESS ENGRAVING CQ LITTLE ROCK, ARK. ARTISTS· DESIGNERS .. PHOTO·ENGRAVERS THE t 938 AG RIC 0 LA LION OIL REFINING EL DORADO, ARKANSAS - - - COMPANY T. H. BAR.TON, Preaident