March/April 2016 5776 Adar-Nissan Shalom Rav Rabbi Edward C. Bernstein The Talmud instructs us: Mi she-nikhnas Adar marbim b’simhah, “Whoever enter the month of Adar increases in joy.” The festivity of Purim Day permeates the entire month. This year, with a Jewish leap year, we have two months of Adar. In theory, that is twice the joy. And yet, when I enter the month of Adar, at least for the last 20 years, it is always with a tinge of sadness. On the fifth of I Adar, I remember two dear friends of mine whose yahrzeit is that day. Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker were the best of their generation. They were brilliant, spiritual, and kind. They were leaders and idealists who dreamed of fixing a broken world. Matt and I were classmates in JTS Rabbinical School and were spending our second year at the Schechter Institute in Jerusalem for the 1995-96 year. Sara came to Israel for the year to work in a biology lab at Hebrew University and to be near Matt as their loving courtship was continuing to blossom. Then their dreams were shattered. On February 25, 1996, Matt and Sara were murdered on the Number 18 Bus in Jerusalem. Their deaths left a void that can never be filled. In 1997, one year after their deaths, the Jewish Theological Seminary dedicated a Beit Midrash in memory of Matt and Sara. In conjunction with that ceremony, I compiled a scrapbook of many of their writings that their parents shared with me. The selections include handwritten journal entries, essays, sermons, and scholarly papers in which they each express passion for Jewish life and Israel. Since 1997, the Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker Beit Midrash Memorial Volume has been on display and available for perusal at the JTS Beit Midrash. Now, for the first time, the writings of Matt and Sara are available to the broader public. With gratitude to God, I am pleased to announce the publication of the book that I edited: Love Finer Than Wine: The Writings of Matthew Eisenfeld and Sara Duker, available now on Amazon.com. This book includes the writings of the original Memorial Volume as well as reflective essays by several of their friends. Mike Kelly, author of the acclaimed book The Bus on Jaffa Road that profiles the Eisenfeld and Duker families’ quest for justice in the wake of their loss, contributed a beautiful foreword to my book, for which I am grateful. Continued on Page 4 March 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday 1 HIP Program - Adult Wednesday 2 Thursday 3 Friday 4 5 5 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shabbat Services 6:05 pm Candle Lighting 6 SATO Sunday - USY Social Action Event 7 8 HIP Program - Youth 7 pm Ritual Committee Meeting 14 Daylight Savings Time Begins HIP Program - Youth Purim Carnival 20 10 Shabbat Shekalim 8:00 pm Guest Speaker Shabbat 10:30 am Jr. Congregation 11 12 Rosh Hodesh 2 (Adar II) 9:00 am Shabbat Services Parashat Pekude Rosh Hodesh 1 (Adar II) 7:30 pm Youth Committee Meeting 7:30 pm Guest Cantor Schultz mini concert 5 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 6:09 pm Candle Lighting 8:00 pm Simcha Shabbat 15 16 17 18 19 7:00 pm Executive Committee Meeting 6:30 pm Bar/Bat Mitzvah Family Series 5 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shabbat Services 22 Men’s Club/Sisterhood Breakfast - Sexual Trafficking 7:05 pm Maariv/ Havdalah 10:30 am Jr. Congregation Parashat Vayikra HIP Program - Adult 21 Parashat Vayakhel Father/Daughter Dance– Torah Tots 9:30 am - 10:45 am Bar/Bat Mitzvah Series Class 13 9 Saturday 7:13 pm Candle Lighting 23 24 Fast of Esther Purim 7 pm Purim service and celebration/ Megillah Reading 8:15 am Daily Minyan/Megillah Reading 25 Shushan Purim 5 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 7:16 pm Candle Lighting Shabbat Zakhor Honoring Daily Minyan Attendees at Shabbat Services 26 9:00 am Shabbat Services Parashat Tzav Bar Mitzvah of Holden Kagan 8:10 pm Maariv/ Havdalah 10:30 am Jr. Congregation 27 28 29 7:00 pm Executive Committee Meeting HIP Program - Adult 30 31 7:00 pm Board of Directors Meeting HIP Program - Youth 2 April 2016 Sunday 3 Monday 4 Tuesday 5 9 am Israeli Bonds Breakfast Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 6 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 7:20 pm Candle Lighting 9:00 am Shabbat Services Parashat Shemini Shabbat Parah Blessing of the New Month Minyanaires Tallit & Kippa Ceremony 6 7 8 9 7:00 pm Youth Committee Meeting 12:30 pm Bereavement Group 7:23 pm Candle Lighting 6:20 pm Men’s Club Shabbat Dinner & Service 9:00 am Men’s Club Shabbat Service 10:30 am Jr. Congregation Parashat Tazria Shabbat Rosh Hodesh Shabbat Hahodesh 8:20 pm Maariv/Havdalah 10 11 12 13 14 9:00 am Men’s Club Yellow Candle Packing & Breakfast HIP Program Youth HIP Program - Adult 6:00 pm Congregational Meeting proposed Budget 2016-2017 FY 15 16 6 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 7:26 pm Candle Lighting 9:00 am Shabbat Services 10 am Shabbat B’Yachad 10:30 am Jr. Congregation Parashat Metzora Shabbat Hagadol 17 18 19 HIP Program Youth 7:00 pm Executive Committee Meeting 20 HIP Program - Adult 24 25 9:00 am Service 8:15 am Minyan 8:15 pm Mincha, 5:00 pm Minyan followed by Maariv 2nd Day of Pesach 21 22 23 12:30 pm Bereavement Group Fast of the Firstborn 9:00 am Shabbat Services 12:15 pm - Mincha 6:00 pm Shabbat Service 7:30 pm Candle Lighting Erev Pesach 6:30 pm 1st Seder 1st Day of Pesach 7:00 pm 2nd Seder 26 27 28 29 30 8:15 am Minyan 5:00 pm Minyan 8:15 am Minyan 5:00 pm Minyan 7:00 pm Board Of Directors Meeting 8:15 am Minyan 6:00 pm Service 7th Day of Pesach 7:00 pm Dinner 9:00 am Shabbat Services 6:00 pm Mincha Service 7:34 pm Candle Lighting 9:00 am Shabbat Services (Yizkor) 12:15 pm - Mincha 10:30 am Jr. Congregation 9:00 pm Maariv Service 8th Day of Pesach For information on the community-wide Seders, see the upcoming E-Blasts and Shabbat Bulletins, or call Roberta Zinbarg at (917) 846-4005. 3 Continued from Page 1 A generation has passed, yet Matt and Sara still call to me. They left behind windows into their souls that I believe will inspire people who never knew them. For me, the lasting presence of Matt and Sara through their writings helps restore for me some of the joy of Adar. Note: For a limited time, Love Finer Than Wine is available for sale in the Sisterhood Judaica Shop at $15. All proceeds go to Temple Torat Emet. Changes Coming to Tekiah As has been reported in the weekly E-blast, the production of the monthly Tekiah newsletter is in a state of transition. When our managing editor, Cheryl Goldstein, left the Temple staff for a job opportunity in Chicago, Tekiah, in a sense, went with her; we essentially continued to outsource the layout and other aspects of production to Cheryl until we could see our way clear to bring the production in-house. That opportunity has now arrived, with the permanence of our Temple Administrator, Michelle Kantor, and the stabilization of the office staff. The new point of contact in the Temple office – and the staff individual who will be spearheading production of the newsletter – is Tracy Rosenfeld, the Administrative Coordinator. All administrative actions and queries associated with Tekiah should be directed to Tracy at the main Temple phone number or by e-mail at [email protected]. In addition, please copy Tracy on all submissions to the Editor. It is this transition from outsourcing to in-house – requiring some software changes as well as training on a different program – that has led us to delay the publication of Tekiah this month, and to publish this combined February-March issue. Other changes are being contemplated for the future, most notably more reliance on digital delivery through the Temple website and reducing the frequency of publication to six times a year. Stay tuned! One other change is in the offing, and that is, after more than two years as editor, I will be stepping down from that position to direct my energies to other pursuits. I extend my sincere thanks to all of you who have supported me in this endeavor, which has been both enlightening and challenging. Irv Jacobs, Editor Please note: Please address all future Tekiah submissions to: [email protected] 4 Moving Forward in the New Year Our synagogue has been doing much to respond to the needs of all of our members through the efforts of our hardworking staff and volunteers. So these days you may see some welcome changes when you walk through our doors. First and foremost, we are stepping up security in 2016. As many of you know, our doors have already been locked for safety since the fall, but thanks to Board member Abbie Chapnick, Temple Administrator Michelle Kantor, and their small but dedicated group, you will see additional strides towards enhancing security over the next several months, both inside our building and on our grounds. Look to e-mails, announcements, and the next issue of Tekiah for more information over the next several weeks. Toward the end of 2015, we had begun some cosmetic improvements, with our new signage outside and additional artwork and plaques in the lobby, sanctuary, and social hall, both to update and enhance some of the tribute plaques from Temple Torah and to include some of the artwork brought to us from Temple Emeth with the merger. Special thanks to our Art and Decoration chair, Lilly Felsen, for volunteering her discerning eye and attention to detail to spruce up our beautiful synagogue. In response to our congregation’s request, Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat services now boast two minyan times, 5 pm and 8 pm, with Rabbi Bernstein leading the 5 pm minyan. The 8 pm service launched in December of last year has been very well received, and offers different types of services each week of the month. It is led in rotation by several of our talented members and staff, including Cantor Emil Berkovits, Jan Courte, and Dr. Anschel Weiss. As part of this program, our synagogue community now plans to come together for Shabbat dinner on the third Friday of the month whenever the calendar allows. Many thanks to our Ritual Committee co-chairs Kathy Porges and Anschel Weiss for all their hard work to bring this new Kabbalat Shabbat program forward. Our Religious School has just welcomed Nachum Plotkin as our Interim Education Director. Nachum is relatively new to our community, but brings a wealth of talent and experience to the leadership of our school. We are looking forward to bringing you more updates and information on our Religious School programs over the next several weeks as Nachum settles in and begins to work with our excellent teaching staff in both ESARS and ESARS Plus. We have embraced some staff changes in our office as well, and I am proud to announce that our busy office staff is now officially led by our wonderful Temple Administrator, Michelle Kantor. Michelle is aided by Tracy Rosenfeld, who has also taken on additional responsibilities as our Administrative Coordinator, and Kathy Slutsky, our new Receptionist. These three ladies bring great skill sets and warm enthusiasm to their positions, and we are very proud and happy to have them on our staff. To round out our administrative support, Stacey Ripin’s title and responsibilities have been consolidated into the position of Director of Youth and Community Outreach. Her focus will be honed to help us reach out to the community at large, expanding to all ages from the youth with whom she has already connected so firmly. It’s budget time again, and our treasurer, Gregg Wiston, is now collecting information and requests for next year’s budget. We are requesting that all committees make sure they submit their needs to the treasurer as soon as possible. At this time of year when our focus is on our financial health, I would like to take a moment to give special thanks to the final member of our administrative staff, our Bookkeeper, Sharon Black, for all her efforts in supporting our synagogue’s financial needs and providing excellent service to all of our congregants. It is also nominating time, and Past President Alan Aronson is working hard with his committee to meet all aspiring candidates for Board and officer positions. Thanks to all who have submitted résumés and offered their services for the future success of Temple Torat Emet; your dedication to our synagogue is very much appreciated. The timetable for director and officer selection is short; our goal is to have the slate complete and presented to the Board at its March meeting. Continued on page 15 5 Come Out to This Year’s Bigger and Better Purim Carnival! This year’s Temple Torat Emet “Candyland Purim Carnival” will take place from 11 am until 2 pm on Sunday, March 13 at the Temple. This year, we are looking forward to new, exciting attractions, games, and fun carnival food for purchase (at a nominal price, of course). We will have a minimum of eight attractions, plus cotton candy, popcorn, and snow cones, along with several games where everyone can win fun prizes. We will also be offering sausage and pepper hoagies, hamburgers, hot dogs, corn on the cob, and many more delicious food items available for purchase, brought to you by the Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club. This year’s carnival is not geared only to our youth but it will be fun for all ages. We hope to see you there! If you are interested in volunteering at the carnival or on the committee, please reach out to Erin Feldman, 561312-8187 or [email protected]. Additionally, we are seeking carnival sponsors, so if you or someone you know, perhaps a local business, would like to sponsor an attraction, please contact Erin. We’re looking forward to a great turnout! Erin Feldman, Chair, Programming Committee As you must be aware by now, Simcha Shabbat is one of the four Shabbat Eve services we are now celebrating each month; it occurs on the second Friday of the month. In keeping with that theme, the Ritual Committee would like to honor at that service our congregants who are celebrating a birthday or anniversary during the month; the service will be followed by an enhanced Oneg. If you care to participate, you can help underwrite the evening with a nominal donation of $18, for which you will be tendered an honor during the service if you so choose. In addition, your name will appear in the weekly Shabbat Bulletin. Help us start a new tradition at Temple Torat Emet! 6 The TOV Team Wants You! The TOV Team needs your help in calling and/or visiting our bereaved, homebound, ill, or hospitalized members. If you have a few spare minutes during the day or early evening hours and are willing to become an active member of the Team, we want you. If you are already a member of the Team, we continue to need your help. Please call either of us (our phone numbers are below) so we can update our records or add you to our Team. We are planning to meet to do some brainstorming next month, so we will contact each of you with the date and time. If you are unable to come to a meeting, please let us know and we will be sure you get the necessary information. If you have some new and exciting ideas on how to expand our help within the Temple community, feel free to share it with us. We look forward to hearing from you. Ceil Grossman (561) 733-3755 and Bette Nissenberg (561) 738-5573, TOV Team Co-Chairs 7 New High School Incentive Plan Offers Stipends for Learning Thanks to the vision and support of longtime members Sheila and Marvin Horowitz, and a special educational grant from the Temple Emeth Foundation, students in grades 8-12 will soon have the opportunity to participate in a very unique program called “HIP” (High School Incentive Plan) at our Sheila and Marvin Horowitz Hebrew High School. The program, which began Monday, February 22, provides a financial incentive for students to attend eight specially designed classes. Andy Greenberg, one of our ESARS teachers, in coordination with Ritual Director Michael Klein, has developed a unique curriculum that does not require students to have any knowledge of Hebrew to participate. Classes will include “Jewish Mysticism,” “The Strange Customs of the Modern Day Jew,” The WOW of Judaism,” “Virtues and Values,” “To Jew or Not to Jew,” “The Dating Secrets of the Ten Commandments” (based on a book by Rabbi Shmuley Boteach), and two others. The classes will be held twice a month on Monday evenings from 6:30-8:00 pm, and enrolled students can earn incentives based upon their attendance and referrals, as follows: Students will earn $18 for each class that they attend (8 classes x $18 = $144). Students will earn a bonus of $72 if they attend all 8 classes ($144 + $72 = $216) or a bonus of $36 if they attend at least 6 classes (6 x $18= $108 + $36 = $144 or 7 x $18 = $126 + $36 = $162). Students will be paid a bonus of $36 for every student they refer who is not currently a member of ESARS and if they attend at least 6 classes (unlimited). Any student (Temple member or non-member) in grades 8-12 is welcome to participate. To register or find out more information, please contact Andy Greenberg at [email protected] or 402-250-3895. Steve Gross, Chair, K-12 Education Committee 8 A Message from the Chair of the K-12 Education Committee I would like to take a moment to express my sincere thanks to Estee Gold for the outstanding ideas and vision she brought to our Religious School over the past two and one-half years. I enjoyed working with her, and I’m sure everyone joins me in wishing her and her family well and all the best for the future! During late December, as the search for an Interim Education Director began, I spearheaded an effort to contact and meet with our ESARS and ESARS+ teachers and parents; the primary goal was to ensure that everyone’s voice was heard during this time of change. In addition to many phone conversations and e-mails, we held a teachers-only meeting on Sunday, January 3, as well as a parents meeting on Sunday, January 10. Regarding the Interim Education Director search, I’m pleased to report that a number of our congregants with backgrounds in education/religious education and administration stepped forward and expressed an interest in filling the position. It was a great reminder of the many talented people we have who are members of our congregation! The search process concluded on January 19 when the Temple Board of Directors approved the hiring of Nachum Plotkin as our Interim Education Director for the remainder of this school year. Nachum has an extensive religious education and administration background, and he also served for many years as ritual director at a synagogue in New York. Look for his bio elsewhere in this month’s Tekiah. If you have not yet had a chance to meet Nachum, be sure to pass by the Religious School office during school hours, or you can reach him by calling the Religious School office at 561-369-1112, extension 107, or via email at [email protected]. Best regards, Steve Gross 9 Meet the New Interim Education Director For those of our congregants who have not visited our Esther and Simon Adler Religious School (ESARS) recently, you may not know that we have hired Nachum Plotkin to fill the role of Interim Education Director for the period January - June 2016. Nachum recently retired to our area after an illustrious career, which has included being the Ritual Director at the Hewlett East Rockaway Jewish Centre in East Rockaway, New York; Education Director at the Schechter School in New London, Connecticut; Headmaster of Jewish Education at the Sheffield Jewish Community Centre in Sheffield, England; Headmaster of Jewish Education at Southport Bet Hasefer in Southport, England; and a Hebrew and Jewish Studies teacher at King David Elementary Day School in Liverpool, England. Nachum also spent time in Jerusalem through Aliyat Hanoar and Project Shimshon, where he held the distinction of being the only Male House Mother in Israel! Nachum hails from Scotland, loves his wife Hannah, and has four beautiful children (three sons and one daughter). He became an American citizen in 2002, and he has a great love for acting and the theater. He integrates this love into his work as, from time to time, he has been known to play Moses in school during holiday celebrations. A fun fact about Nachum is that, when he lived in Liverpool, he had the opportunity to spend some personal time with the Beatles. Nachum has been involved in Jewish Education his entire adult life, has a warm and disarming sense of humor, loves working with children, and is a big believer in outreach and communication. He welcomes you to visit him at the school at any time and provide him with constructive feedback. Please help us welcome Nachum to ESARS! Wiston Family Torah Tots - Learning Through Doing Several years ago while on a trip to the Redwood Forest in California, I saw this poster. For anyone who has visited my office, you have seen it framed and hung on the wall. I find the message to be especially relevant at this season, as we at Wiston Family Torah Tots recently immersed ourselves in learning about Tu B’ Shevat. Although it is a relatively minor holiday as Jewish holidays go, Tu B’Shevat can be made especially child-friendly, as it deals with so many of the concepts with which preschool children are already familiar. One example is the birthday of the trees. We all have birthdays and what child does not await, with eager anticipation, the arrival of his or her own special day? This is also a wonderful time to bring in our connection to Israel, as the children see pictures and create artwork illustrative of the blossoming trees in Israel at this time of the year. Continued on page 11 10 Continued from page 10 Planting is an activity with which many children are already familiar. What an opportune time to experiment with planting in the classroom. Will a popcorn seed grow in soil? Will a sunflower seed grow on a wet cotton ball? Is there anything that might grow on a damp sponge? Science and inquiry have been a big part of our days. Each child also had the opportunity to plant parsley, which we hope will be in full bloom for use on the Seder table. What holiday would be complete without a food experience? The children were exposed to the varieties of fruit that are now growing on the trees in Israel: figs, dates, and olives, to name a few. The many things we derive from trees – shade, wood, paper – were introduced, not only as a tie-in to Tu B’Shevat, but as a new way to understand the importance of recycling and taking care of our world. As you can see, we have had so many wonderful ways to expand the children’s experiences as they begin their journeys as Jews. Sharon Feinberg, Director, Wiston Family Torah Tots –Fundraising Update We are happy to report that, as expected, the Avi Hoffman show on December 24 was an overwhelming success. We are grateful to the many members, as well as non-members, who enjoyed the show and supported this tremendous event. Those who attended our New Year's Eve celebration had a wonderful evening enjoying dinner, dancing, and real camaraderie. We thank Carole Lefton, Dick Sandler, and their committee for their efforts. Paula Gervis and Sarah Sandler, Co-Chairs, Fundraising Committee 30th Anniversary Celebration Ramping Up Plans are underway for Temple Torat Emet’s 30th anniversary celebration in 2017. This will be a multifaceted, yearlong celebration, so as many volunteers as possible are needed. To be part of this exciting year, please call Paula Gervis at (561) 375-9116. 11 Meet the New Temple Administrator For those of our congregants who may not have frequented the Temple office lately, you may not know that the former assistant to the Executive Director, Michelle Kantor, has been elevated to the new position of Temple Administrator, the senior position on our office staff. After Michelle had performed the job on a 90-day interim basis, the Board of Directors, at its meeting on January 28, officially voted to keep her in this role permanently. As the Temple Administrator, Michelle oversees all of the Temple’s administrative functions and the personnel who perform them, including the receptionist, the administrative coordinator, the bookkeeper, and the entire facilities staff. Equally important, she serves as the Temple’s initial face to the public. Michelle is well-equipped to perform all of these functions, with almost 20 years of experience in the management field. She began her career with 11 years in the field of hospitality and restaurant management, garnering experience in purchasing, contracting, and financial operations, and culminating in the management of a staff of more than 200 people. She then spent two years as the Assistant Town Clerk and then the Town Clerk for the Town of Loxahatchee Groves, followed by another two years of purchasing and operations for a major restaurant chain. Immediately before coming to Temple Torat Emet, Michelle was at the Mandel JCC of the Palm Beaches, where she worked as the assistant to Development. Michelle holds a bachelor’s of science in hospitality management from Florida International University. Michelle has been married to Kyle since 2003 and they have two sons, Ross, eight, who is in 3rd grade at Ben Gamla Charter School Palm Beach and is also an ESARS Plus student, and Eli, four, who attends Jewish preschool. Meet the New Administrative Coordinator The next time you’re at the Temple, stop by the office and welcome our new Administrative Coordinator, Tracy Rosenfeld. Tracy has been with us since October 2015, having started out as the receptionist, and she’s very excited to take on her new role. In addition to her administrative role, Tracy will also be working as the Managing Editor of Tekiah, and as the producer of our weekly Shabbat Bulletin, and the E-Blast. Tracy lives in Boynton Beach and is the mother of three, twin girls, Madison and Brooke, who are in 8th grade, and son, Brendan, who is in 7th grade; they all attend Somerset Canyons Academy in Boynton Beach. Prior to having children, Tracy worked as a title agent, in which capacity she facilitated the closings of approximately 50 to 60 properties a month. After having her children, Tracy was a stay-at-home mom but, she constantly continued studying the things she loved. She has a passion for fitness, and worked as a personal trainer, health coach, and spin instructor while her children were younger and attended a Jewish preschool. 12 February & March B’nai Mitzvah Dana and Steve Adler were proud to honor their son, Matthew Nathan Adler, as he became a Bar Mitzvah on February 11, 2016. Matthew, a wonderful 13-year-old young man who aspires to be an artist in the media arts field, loves to draw and create movies. He also has a great love for traveling, exploring new places, and meeting people from all over the world. Sarah Esteves, daughter of Karen and Pablo Esteves, became a Bat Mitzvah on February 13, 2016. Sarah is in the 7th grade at Woodlands Middle School in Lake Worth, where she is part of the Cambridge International Program which focuses on critical thinking, in-depth analysis, and strong writing skills. Sarah has a sister, Eliana, who shares her love of horses, and a brother, Octav, who lives in Pennsylvania. Sarah's hobbies include competitive horseback riding as part of the Wall Street Farms IEA Equestrian Team, pleasure riding, and caring for horses and other animals. For her mitzvah project, Sarah fostered a golden retriever puppy, Chanel, from New Horizons Service Dogs, which she has raised and trained from the age of eight weeks. Chanel will be placed with a child who is wheelchair-bound or with a soldier with PTSD. In addition, Sarah volunteered weekly for Animal Rescue Foundation that saves at-risk animals, cares for them, and helps them get adopted by loving families. Jacob Schlessel, son of Gayle and Adam Schlessel, became a Bar Mitzvah on February 15, 2016. Jacob is in the 7th grade at Bak Middle School of the Arts, where he is in the gifted program and is a communications major. Jacob has an older brother, Ben, and grandparents Jack Schlessel and Sue Projain. Jacob is a talented writer and is copy editor for his school's newspaper. His hobbies include playing basketball, fishing, and hanging out with his friends. For his mitzvah project, Jacob has reached out to several retailers to donate fishing equipment/gift cards for "Speak Up! For Kids," an organization that helps abused, neglected children and ensures they have a volunteer child advocate. Jacob is also participating with the "Sea Angels," an organization dedicated to "green," sustainable beach cleanups. Holden Sanford Kagan, son of Michele and Jeff Kagan, will become a Bar Mitzvah on March 26, 2016. Holden, in the 7th grade at Woodlands Middle School, is an avid baseball player and challenges himself to play with the older ball players, many of whom are in 9th and 10th grades. When he is not on the baseball field, you can usually find Holden playing basketball or football with the neighborhood crew. He truly enjoys watching many sports, including baseball, basketball, and football. For his mitzvah project, Holden is raising funds for the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. The West Palm JDRF “One Walk” was on March 5, and he participated in memory of Michael Blumenthal (z’l) and Matthew Cohen (z’l), and in honor of Jake Palmer and his amazing family. 13 World Wide Wrap – Wrap-Up! On February 7, Super Bowl Sunday, the Men’s Club of Temple Torat Emet, along with other members of our congregation, joined with clubs throughout the world in the annual World Wide Wrap. This event, started many years ago by the Men’s Club of Temple Israel in Charlotte, North Carolina, brings together men and women to perform the mitzvah of putting on tefillin. This year’s event, organized by the Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC), was joined by the Women of the Wall in Jerusalem. Our participation took on its own worldwide significance as we were joined via Skype by the Kehilath Shomrei Masoreth from Kasuku in the highlands of Kenya. The purpose of the World Wide Wrap is to encourage and teach men and women how to put on tefillin. Temple Torat Emet’s Minyannaires helped teach our older Religious School students how to put on tefillin. For many, it was for the very first time. Yehudah Kimani, the inspirational director of the Kenyan congregation, whose father founded that congregation almost 15 years ago, also put on tefillin for the very first time. Men’s Club board member Alan Pransky spearheaded the project, and on the morning of the Wrap instructed the Kenyan congregation using four pairs of tefillin provided to them by Temple Torat Emet. Rabbi Bernstein then led us in the Sbeheheyanu prayer to honor the completion of this wonderful mitzvah. Alan brought the original concept to our Men’s Club, and with the help of event chairman Jonathan Shochat, President Jeffry Charnow, and a very cooperative Skype connection, we joined virtually with our brothers in Kenya. We look forward to additional opportunities to work with Yehuda and his congregation in the near future. Jeffry Charnow, President, Temple Torat Emet Men’s Club 14 Ritual Matters This seems to be a season of important happenings and events under the auspices of the Ritual Committee. In this space in the January issue of Tekiah, we reported, among other things, on the success of our new Kabbalat Shabbat service schedule and Shabbat Eve dinners, and the new policy announced by Rabbi Bernstein with respect to Bat Kohein and Bat Levi. In the coming months, we look forward to yet more happenings: At Shabbat morning services on February 27, the Ritual Committee honored our dedicated volunteers Haina Meyer and Phyllis Smith for their hard work as floor gabbaim over the years. Our successful late (8:00 pm) Shabbat Eve service will continue through March and also be held on April 1 and 15 (Men’s Club Shabbat is on the 8th and Passover intervenes on the 22nd and the 29th), and will tentatively continue for the rest of the year. Beginning April 1, the early Kabbalat Shabbat service will shift to 6:00 pm and continue at that time until Eastern Standard Time resumes in November. Watch for further announcements and postings, to include for the schedule of Shabbat dinners during the summer (one is tentatively set for July 15). Megillat Ester will be read for Purim at the Maariv service on Wednesday, March 23 and at the Shacharit service on Thursday, March 24. Join us to drown out Haman’s name! (And see the article else where in this issue about other Purim festivities. Shabbat with a Twist (previously also known as Shabbat Shabang) will return to its old name and continue on the fourth Friday of each month through March. And finally, watch for announcements of the return of Shabbat on the Beach this summer. Two dates that have been proposed are May 27 and June 24, both at 6:15 pm at Oceanfront Beach in Boynton Beach. The Ritual Committee has announced one new policy, approved by Rabbi Bernstein. At its January meeting, the Committee approved a resolution with regard to Torah reading, chanting of the Haftorah, and performance of Hagbah (lifting of the Torah) by congregants. In order to maintain the Temple’s high standards, the Committee respectfully requests that congregants contact Rabbi Bernstein, Ritual Director Michael Klein, or Committee CoChair Anschel Weiss at least two weeks prior to the date of performing one of these mitzvoth for screening and review of these activities. Another policy change, one dealing with the assignment of aliyot on Shabbat morning for a congregant commemorating a yarhzeit, is also being considered. A subcommittee has been formed to further address this proposed change. Kathy Porges and Anschel Weiss, Co-Chairs Continued from page 5 Please note that there will be two congregational meetings in the next several weeks, April 13 for the presentation and approval of the 2016-17 budget, and May 19 for the approval of the new slate of officers. Additional information, including the proposed budget and the slate itself, will be made available shortly. Thank you for your continued support and involvement in our Temple Torat Emet community. B’Shalom, Lori Charnow, President 15 Shomrei Ha’aretz As part of the Men’s Club’s Shomrei Ha'aretz initiative, we are partnering with our Temple’s youth groups and/or social action group (Mitzvah Matters) to clean up the beach. Shomrei Ha'aretz, which means “Shepherds of the Land,” encourages us to step forward and make our world better for us having been here. This time, we focused on cleaning up Gulfstream Park Beach on February 28. Save the Date! Start off Men’s Club Shabbat weekend by joining us for a Shabbat Dinner on Friday April 8, 2016. Services will start at 6:00 pm with dinner immediately following services. $25 per person/adult (11 and over), $15 per child (10 and under). Did you know that our award-winning Men’s Club is affiliated with the International Federation of Jewish Men’s Clubs (FJMC)? This means that we are part of the Conservative-Masorti Movement. It means that we are quite a bit larger than just our shul. To find out more, please stay tuned to our evolving page on the Temple’s website, or come join us at a meeting. 16 Board Briefs The Temple Torat Emet Board of Directors addressed the following items of interest and took the following actions at its meetings on December 17, 2015 and January 28, 2016: Personnel/Administration Wiston Family Torah Tots has promoted Stephanie Rubin to the position of Assistant Director. Tracy Rosenfeld is assuming the permanent position of Michelle Kantor’s assistant. The duties of each office staff member will be evaluated and redefined as necessary. Erin Feldman has agreed to chair the Programming Committee, with Wilma Turk as overseeing Vice President. Marshall Hutton is the new chair of the Social Action (Mitzvah Matters) Committee. Lorraine Weissberg is moving up to the position of co-chair of the Communications Committee. Irv Jacobs resigned his position as a Temple Vice President effective January 26, 2016. For the short term, he will continue to be the editor of Tekiah. An effort will be undertaken to review and update the current Employee Manual and administrative policies. The e-mail system has been upgraded, including a switch to the new templetoratemet.org domain name. Facilities/Ben Gamla Discussions with Ben Gamla regarding space for a proposed middle school have reached an impasse; there does not appear to be any realistic prospect for resolution at this time. Education At its January meeting, the Board welcomed Nachum Plotkin as Interim Education Director. Also at the January meeting, Andy Greenberg, a 7th grade ESARS teacher, briefed the Board on a new curriculum he proposes to offer to students in grades 8 through 12. Called HIP, for High School Incentive Plan, it offers students a small stipend for attending eight twice-monthly classes on Jewish topics in the spring semester. The program will be underwritten by the Temple Emeth Fund. Ritual The Cantor Search Committee has conducted Skype interviews with the most promising candidates for fulltime cantor. Auditions were scheduled with two – Jenna Daniels on February 5 to 7, and Robert Menes on February 19 to 21. The Temple has adopted a new policy allowing women to receive Bat Kohain and Bat Levi aliyot. The 8:00 pm service on Friday evenings is proving to be an early success. There were more than 100 attendees at the first pre-Shabbat dinner. Additional mentors are needed for Bar and Bat Mitzvah students. Financial/Fundraising As of December, the Temple had 631 billable members. There were approximately 75 members and six retired clergy who had not paid any dues in the current fiscal year (FY). The treasurer will be starting the 2016-17 budget process soon, and he requests that all financial information be submitted to the Budget & Finance Committee by February. He will meet with ESARS/ESARS+ and Wiston Family Torah Tots to review their 2015-16 budgets and plan for the next FY. With respect to income from events, last fall’s Kol Nidre appeal came close to budget, and income from the New Year’s Eve party was $5,775, which covered expenses. A drop in bridge income was noted at the January Board meeting. Continued on page 18 17 Continued from page 17 The annual Cabaret is scheduled for Sunday, February 28, and the price will remain at $65 per person. (Note: The Cabaret has been cancelled.) A committee is being formed to plan activities in 2017 to celebrate the Temple’s 30 th anniversary. Only members in good standing will be included in the Temple Directory that is currently in preparation. The Fundraising Committee has proposed consideration of a major gifts program aimed at reducing or paying off the Temple’s mortgage. Social Action A beach cleanup is scheduled for February 7 [actually held on February 28] with Men’s Club and the Youth Group participation. Membership Volunteers are needed to fill leadership positions on the Membership Committee. Men’s Club and Sisterhood are not being notified of new members to the Temple, resulting in these members not being called and welcomed by these two constituent organizations. Security The Temple Administrator is implementing procedures to end the recent spate of costly false alarms to the Palm Beach Sheriff’s Office. Governance/Leadership The Nominating Committee has been meeting weekly with prospective nominees, and plans to present a slate no later than March 17, 2016. The Rabbi and Tracy Smith are being trained to implement Sulam for Emerging Leaders, a USCJ program for cultivating young synagogue leadership. The next phase, a series of sessions for potential leaders at Temple Torat Emet, will start on February 21, 2016. Phil Avruch, Executive Vice President 18 In memory of Yehuda Arkin Gertrude Aronson Ina Bakst Gertrude Banke William Barad James Benson Gabriel Bergman Gabriel Berkovitz Gabriel Berkovitz Alex Berman Regina Bienenfeld Rose Black Bob Block Bob Bloom Lillian Bloom Max Bloom Jean Bomser Nathan Bomser Martin Borowsky Jack Bramson Millard Bresin Norman Brown Rita Buchler Sandra Buckner Estelle Chase Raymond Chase Lilllian Cohan Jack Cohen Joseph Cohen Minnie Cohen Selma Cohen Sidney Cohn Philip Cushner Ennes Danto Mady Deutsch Max Diamond Leonard Dicker Abraham Efrom Miriam Ehrenberg Morris Ehrenberg Natana Estrach Elliott Fagin Michael Feinman Ada Feinstein Meyer Feinstein Mano Feldman Myron Ferguson Sheldon Feuerstein Sheldon Feuerstein By In memory of Elana Blau Alan Aronson Bennett Bakst Abraham Banke Arnold Barad Barry Benson Arlene Jaffe Toni Korman Charles Tobias Pam Berman Fanny Lust Gloria Schancupp Myra Block Terry Bloom Susan Farber Susan Farber Irwin Bomser Irwin Bomser Allen Borowsky Robert Bramson Florence Gottheim Arnold Brown Harold Buchler Nina Weisband Andrea Rocks Barry Chase Josef Cohan Melissa And Howard Cohen Claire And Henry Jur Herbert Cohen Charlene and Arnold Spalter Zane Gubman Barry Wolfe Elliott Danto Tony Deutsch Irene Barth David Dicker Marsha Rafson Tobie And Gabriel Nemeth Tobie Nemeth Zahava Estrach Reva Fagin Anne Feinman Arlene and Richard Sherman Arlene and Richard Sherman Charlotte Katz Sue Dore Jaye Sela Joan Feuerstein David Fisher Irene Ida Fleischer Minnie Forman Thedore Fox Minnie Freedman Ann Gale Sam Garman Harry Gelbard Sylvia Gerchick Ida Gilvarg Herman Gitter Edna Goetz Jack Goldberg Michael Goldberg Rose Goldberg Manny Goldiner Edith Goldstein Justine Goldstein Florence Goodman Ida Goodman Bessie Gordon Dorothy S. Gordon Irene Gordon Netty Gottesman Peggy Greene Henry Aaron Hasson Nathan Hershkowitz Morris Herskovitz Matthew Hertz Samuel Isacson Jay Israel Fannie Jackson Florence Jacobs Irving Jaffe Sylvia Jancolowitz Pearl Cohen Jarett Harry Kahan Sigmond Kahan Lawrence Kahme Ernest Kan Frank Kantrowitz Abraham Kaplan Betty Kaplan Julias Kaufman Leonard Kessler Yitzhak Kessler Blanche Kimmel Sarah Klein 19 By Annette Fisher Toby Markquit David Forman Rhoda And Stuart Fox Sol Freedman Norma Grill Reta Spring Miriam Asher Michael Gerchick Sara Stone Alan Gitter Sheila Aaronson Stuart Goldberg Sheila Avruch William Goldberg Reta and Sidney Spring Susan Richter Sue Projain Helen Mann Jack Goodman Norman Gordon Roberta Gordon Gerald Gordon Israel Gottesman Arnold Greene Esther Herskovitz Allen Weiss Esther Herskovitz Cynthia Hertz Jean Abramowitz Barbara Weingard Ruth Levine Marvin Horowitz Gladys Levinson Marilyn Bernstein Harold Cohen William Kahan William Kahan Helen Kahme Ana Kan David Kantrowitz Sherri Deck Jerrold Kaplan Melvin Krel Sara Black Sam Kessler Morton Kimmel Sheila Avruch In memory of Harry Klein Belle Kopf Irving Kornbrot Louis Kosacoff George Kramer Rose Kronenfeld Alex Kweller Israel Laudon Edythe Lentz Ethel Letzler Benjamin Levine David Levine Ruth Levine Anna Levinson Bernice Levitt Rachel Levy Alfred Lewitt Minnie Lewitt Charlott Libby Joseph Libfeld Joseph Lopatin Jack Lust Samuel Magness Dora Manoach Lewis Megdal Menachen Mendel Megdal Siegfried Meyer Etta Milhauser Richard Morris Samuel Morrison Philip Needle Sarah Needle Saul Nemeth Belle Newmark Boris Novick Edith Chidakel Pascal Ruth Pincus Sidney Popkin Alfred Queller Rose Raucher Sylvia Rich Jean Riegelhaupt Charles B. Rogers Chuck Rosen Jay Andrew Rosen Benjamin Rosenberg Ceila Rosenberg Julius Rost Lillian Rothstein Carl Rozinsky Samuel Rubenstein Isaac Russo Philip Samick By In memory of Sarah Klein Linda Moses Amy Blumenfeld Phyllis Karp Judith Russin Anna Levin Victor Kweller Miriam Laudon Phyllis Smith Sandra Pansick Janice Levine Cecelia and Eugene Levine Allen Weiss Gladys Levinson Alaine Gorfinkle Diane Partnoy Laurie Koen Laurie Koen Roberta Waters Michael Libfeld Shirley and Marvin Wolf Fanny Lust Marlene and Herb Magness Anette Fisher Jerry Kravitz Jerry Kravitz Larry Meyer Alan Weiner Alice Rier Evelyn Goren Paula Shtrum Paula Shtrum Tobie and Gabriel Nemeth Zeta Sudler Marvin Horowitz Paula Pascal Judith Moss Roberta Kline Steve Queller Barbara and Harry Raucher Margot Banke Paula and Marvin Zigman Neal Rogers Diane Partnoy Selma Rosen Paula and Marvin Zigman Paula and Marvin Zigman Vera Kaplan Adelle Cohen Barbara and Alan Rozinsky Steve Rubenstein Joseph Russo Herman Samick Ethel Sapiro Isadore Sapiro Abraham Ben Dav Saruya Sarah Schancupp Philip Schoenfeld Maurice Schrier William Schulman Ethel Schultz Nicole Elizabet Scott Morris Sessler Jack Shapass Israel H. Shapiro Mary Shapiro Abraham Shlichtman Lillian Shlichtman William Shron David Siegel Sarah Siegel Lillie Silverman Rochelle Smaltez Ella Solomon Dr. Benjamin Spector Robert Spiegel Rose Spring Mary Stein Diane Steinberg Pauline Sudler Marshall Swislow Morris Tobias Gerda Todtenkopf Reuben Tolkoff Bessie Townes Benjamin Treitler Helen Treitler Nathan Turin Mitchell Turk Laurie Feuerstein Walsh Laurie Feuerstein Walsh Fred Wasley Phil Weingard Lillian Weinstein Marc Weinstein Morris Weinstein Philip Weinstein Hannah Weinzoff Charles Weiss Mary Weissman Rose Weistrop Morris Werner Ruth Widlitz Mabel Winnig Ann Wolf Irving Yelsky 20 By David Sapiro David Sapiro Rosalind Kaplan Gloria Schancupp Melvin Schoenfeld Robert Schrier Robin Rosen Jan Rottenberg Joan Alefi Sharon Barrie Nadine Fein Bernard Shapiro Marvin Horowitz Arlene and Richard Sherman Arlene and Richard Sherman Carole and Seymore Shron Beverly Radow Ruth Rubin Salina Silverman Max Goren William Goldberg Eugene Wetstein Jack Spiegel Sidney Spring Sarah and Richard Sandler Merle Weiss Morty Sudler Marlene Swislow Linda Cohen Bela Schoenfeld Irving Russo Richard Townes Bruce Treitler Bruce Treitler Irene and Lawrence Turin Wilma Turk Jaye Sela Joan Feuerstein Joe Wasley Hesh (Harry) Weingard Lois Gordon Glenn Weinstein Leonard Weinstein Lois Gordon Wilma Turk Allan Weiss Martin Weissman Martin Weistrop Hilda Hainer Marilyn Widlitz Marilyn Getzoff Shirley and Marvin Wolf Sheila Siegel Esther & Simon Adler Fund March of the Living In memory of Gladys Letin By Kathy & Donald Porges In memory of Leonard Kessler By Kathy & Donald Porges In memory of Leonard Kessler By Joan Feuerstein In honor of Zeta & Morty Sudler’s new home By Lillian Fingerhut In memory of Lois Rashbaum By Kathy & Donald Porges In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Zeta & Morty Sudler In memory of Claire Herschaft By Marlene & Herb Magness Pearl Benson Fund for Special Needs In memory of Leonard Kessler By Marty Aronoff Camp Ramah Scholarship In honor of Corrine & Morton Ingram By Rita Miller In memory of Leonard Kessler By Anna & Irv Jacobs Chuck Rosen Jewish Educational Fund Prayer Book Fund In memory of Leonard Siegler By Joan Baganz In honor of Joe Feder’s 80th birthday By Barbara & Jack Alhadeff In memory of Elliott Fagin By Haina & Gordon Meyer In memory of Rosalie Boxer By Flo & Murray Cohen In memory of Irving Pransky By Deborah & Alan Pransky and Family In honor of Phyllis Smith’s new leaf By Haina & Gordon Meyer In memory of Manny Goldiner By Reta & Sidney Spring In honor of Enid Schneider’s 90th birthday By Carol Erez & Ed Kleiner In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Carol Erez & Ed Kleiner Murray & Rosalyn Kamen Israel Youth Scholarship Fund Sol Turk Youth Program Fund In honor of Travis Grezelak’s Bar Mitzvah By Sarah & Dick Sandler In memory of Leonard Siegler By Kathy & Donald Porges TOV Team In memory of Sidney Schwaidelson By Phyllis & Gary Smith In memory of Lois Rashbaum By Phyllis & Gary Smith Get well wishes to Jack Simon By Enid Simon In memory of Robrert Ashinoff By Phyllis & Gary Smith In memory of Lucille Weldt By Phyllis & Gary Smith Get well wishes to David Eilenberg By Sondra & Barry Zimmerman In memory of Leonard Kessler By Phyllis & Gary Smith In memory of Claire Herschaft By Kathy & Donald Porges In memory of Claire Herschaft By Fran & Richard Townes 21 General Fund In honor of Gay Mandon’s birthday By Sarah & Dick Sandler In honor of Avraham Horowitz’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Bette and Jay Nissenberg’s anniversary By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In memory of Jerry Grossman By Myra Block In honor of Gordon Meyer’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In memory of Stanley Hyman By Marty Aronoff In honor of Gabriel Nemeth’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Judith Danto In honor of Malka Benoff’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Rita & Sonny Fuchs In honor of Ellana Blau’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Bertha & Mike Katz Get well wishes for Barbara Weisberger By Lee Brauer In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Lorna Shuman Get well wishes for Sid Davidson By Lee Brauer In memory of Jerry Grossman By Claire & Henry Jur In memory of Gladys Letin By Sheila And Marty Israel In honor of Sheila And Phil Avruch’s anniversary By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In memory of Leonard Kessler By Sam Kessler Thank You to Temple Torat Emet By Herbert Hertz In memory of Leonard Kessler By Shirley & Gerald Camen In memory of Marvin Goodman By Marcia & Paul Burstein In honor of Anschel Weiss’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein Thank You to Sarah & Dick Sandler By Wilma Turk In honor of Marlene And Herb Magness’s anniversary By Selvia And Leonard Weinstein Thank You to Sarah & Dick Sandler By Eileen Kamhi In honor of Alan Schoen’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein Thank you to Sarah & Dick Sandler By Bobbi & Shelly Beinhacker In honor of Gabriel Nemeth’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In memory of Leonard Siegler By Margot & Abe Banke In memory of Leonard Kessler By Barbara & Hesh Weingard In honor of my Aliyah & Community Temple Torat Emet By Deborah & Alan Pransky In honor of Co-Woman Of The Year Cynthia Gordon By Ricky Rapoport In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Sheila & Bob Berke In honor of Seymour Klein’s 90th birthday By Sheila & Phillip Avruch Get well wishes for Heather Stern By Barbara & Hesh Weingard In memory of Lois Rashbaum By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Sheryl & Arthur Feuerstein By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein 22 General Fund In honor of Tobie Nemeth’s birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Travis Grzelak’s Bar Mitzvah By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of Karen & Daniel Dress for Travis’s Bar Mitzvah By Selvia & Leonard Weinstein In honor of our great - grandson Nezach Aharon Monah By Betty & Jim Wachtel Open Your Heart To Torah Contributions by the following have been made in honor of Endre Schneider’s 90th birthday: Sheila & Phillip Avruch Haina & Gordon Meyer Margot & Abe Banke Tobie & Gabe Nemeth Elana Blau Phyllis & Gary Smith Ethel & Nathan Bornstein Zeta & Morty Sudler Natalie & Leonard Levin Theodore Wolpe Mazal Tov to Beth and David Litsky on the birth of their son and to Ashley on the birth of her baby brother, Ethan Grant Litsky. We apologize to the following members for errors or omissions made in the last issue of Tekiah. Leona & Irwin Chimerine (Supporter) Tillman Family, Bernice & Kenneth (Shomrim) Kol Nidre Donation Kol Nidre Donation In memory of Claire Herschaft, a donation was made by Ethel & Seymour Goldstein. Kathy & Donald Porges (Shomrim) Kol Nidre Donation Happy belated birthday to Rebecca Gabler. 23 Edward C. Bernstein, Rabbi [email protected] Lori Charnow, President [email protected] Michelle Kantor, Temple Administrator [email protected] Daily Services Schedule Sunday - Friday 8:30 am in the Chapel Sunday - Thursday 5:00 pm in the Chapel Irv Jacobs, Editor [email protected] Friday Evenings 5:00 pm & 8:00 pm unless otherwise noted Tracy Rosenfeld, Managing Editor [email protected] Saturday Morning 9:00 am Office Phone: 561-369-1112 Torah Tots Phone: 561-572-2381 ESARS Phone: 561-400-1631 Saturday Afternoon 12:15 pm Note: Beginning on Friday, April 1, 2016 Friday night service times will be at 6 pm & 8 pm. 24 25 26 27 April 2016 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 6 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shabbat Services Parashat Shemini 7:20 pm Candle Lighting 3 10 4 11 5 12 6 7 8 9 7:00 pm Youth Committee Meeting 12:30 pm Bereavement Group 7:23 pm Candle Lighting 9:00 am Men’s Club Shabbat Service 6:20 pm Men’s Club Shabbat & Dinner Parashat Tazria 15 16 6 pm & 8 pm Shabbat Services 9:00 am Shabbat Services 13 14 9:00 am Men’s Club Candle Packing & Breakfast 17 6:45 pm Maariv/Havdalah?? Parashat Metzora 7:26 pm Candle Lighting 18 19 20 21 7:00 pm Executive Committee Meeting 12:30 pm Bereavement Group 22 23 7:30 pm Candle Lighting 9:00 am Shabbat Services Erev Pesach 1st Seder 1st Day of Pesach 2nd Seder Maariv/Havdalah??? 24 2nd Day of Pesach 25 26 27 28 7:00 pm BOD Meeting 29 30 7th Day of Pesach/ Dinner 8th Day of Pesach 7:34 pm Candle Lighting 28 29 30 31 32
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