June 5, 2016 - Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
June 5, 2016 - Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church
TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Jack Bono Quentin Boyer Emily Brower McLane Burtrum Christopher Cartier Marissa Casolari Mikayla Casolari Minkyung Choi Anthony Clark Rebekah Collier Holly Figurski Tessa Fornari Brendan Heiss Hunter Hilton Jacqueline Hysni PAGE 1 Andrew Kliffel Andrew Kline Gloria Koehler Ryan Kostich Nara Lee Yanru Liang Allison Maiorana Nina Martucci Olivia McCallum Beth Meehan Mateos Mydini Emily Owen Leonardo Parra Giovanni Puma Bianca Ramirez JUNE 5, 2016 Megan Ross Clay Senerius Devin Senerius Nicholas Simonetti Joshua Skaer Liam Sutton Alexandra Troy Sean Wisely Megan Wolowiec Zian Zhao Jian Zheng Xin Zheng Our Lady of the Lakes Waterford, Michigan JUNE 5, 2016 OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 2 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN FR. BRIAN’S BLESSINGS In the Body of Christ, “If one part is honored, all the parts share its joy.” 1 Cor 12:26 I’d like to give heartfelt congratulations to all our Laker seniors (now Laker alumni) on their many accomplishments during their time here. Whether you were with us pre-K through 12 or any other amount of time, you will always be part of our Laker family. God has blessed you with so many gifts—you are scholars, athletes, musicians, leaders, disciples, and my personal favorite, future saints. You are in our prayers as you move on to whatever the Lord has planned for you next. Remember you are always welcome here at your Alma Mater, your dear mother! Come back and share in the Mass or just a few memories. Of course, keep us updated on your many future endeavors and successes. May God be with you and guard and guide you, through Our Blessed Mother’s intercession, in all you do. Give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18). Thank you to the many members of the parish who have helped us with our fundraising for the pilgrimage to Poland for World Youth Day. I am overwhelmed by the response and your generosity. Thank you for investing in our young people and sending them as ambassadors to greet Pope Francis and the rest of the Catholic world gathering in Krakow this summer. We will most certainly pray for all of you and your special intentions entrusted to us on the giving envelopes. May God reward you for all the good you have done. May everything we do begin with God’s inspiration and continue with His saving help! MASS TO HONOR 2016 GRADUATES OF THE PARISH In thanksgiving to God for your many accomplishments, all high school and college graduates of the parish are invited to Mass on Sunday, June 12 at 11:00am. A reception will follow. Please join us in your cap and gown for a special blessing from the parish. RSVP to Fr. Brian at [email protected] or 248-623-0274 x126 by Monday, June 6 DIVINE MERCY My daughter, write down these words: All those souls who will glorify My mercy and spread its worship, encouraging others to trust in My mercy, will not experience terror at the hour of death. My mercy will shield them in that final battle….My daughter, encourage souls to say the chaplet which I have given to you. It pleases Me to grant everything they ask of Me by saying the chaplet. When hardened sinners say it, I will fill their souls with peace, and the hour of their death will be a happy one. (Diary 1540 and 1541) There will be a gathering of the Eucharistic Apostles of the Divine Mercy on Thursday, June 9th in the chapel beginning at 2:30pm. All are welcome to join us. Fr. Brian [email protected] [email protected] 248-623-0274 x126 DOORWAY TO GOD’S MERCY Through November of this year, Pope Francis has asked Catholics around the globe to take part in the Jubilee of Mercy by making a pilgrimage to a Holy Door of Mercy at their local Cathedral. Here in the Archdiocese of Detroit, thousands of Catholics have had a moving, self-guided pilgrimage experience passing through the Holy Door at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament. The experience has helped many members of the faithful to understand God’s unfathomable mercy in new ways. The Holy Door at the Cathedral of the Most Blessed Sacrament is open on Fridays from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m., and on Sundays from 1 until 3 p.m. To learn more about the Holy Door of Mercy, visit www.aod.org/holydoor. SAVE THE DATE PARISH PICNIC JUNE 26th We will be having a Parish Picnic on the school grounds starting a 1:30pm, Sunday, June 26th. The theme for this picnic is summertime fun with the standard backyard games. Our Knights of Columbus will be cooking hamburgers and hot dogs. There will be side dishes, chips, lemonade and water. If you would like to donate a desert, side dish or volunteer to organize a children’s activity like face painting or games please contact Dan Fuller [email protected] 248-761-2244 or Joe Brenner [email protected] 773-631-8497. We hope you all can join us for some fun family fellowship. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 3 ACROSS THE PARKING LOT Artha Horowitz Ann Marie Chambers Michelle Ross I would like to take this opportunity to recognize our outstanding middle school religion department: Mrs. Artha Horowitz/8th grade, Mrs. Ann Marie Chambers/7th grade, and Mrs. Michelle Ross/6th grade. All three teachers are members of Our Lady of the Lakes Parish and worship weekly with their students. Mrs. Artha Horowitz, Director of Religious Education, has worked at the school and parish for the past six years. She prepares the 8th grade students for the Sacrament of Confirmation, as well as teaches daily religion classes. Mrs. Horowitz coordinates the Mass of Anointing reception and Bingo with the Lourdes residents. She also directs the entire Religious Education and RCIA programs at the parish. She is always juggling 100 balls and does it with ease. Mrs. Ann Marie Chambers, Assistant Director of Religious Education, has taught 7th grade Religion for the past four years. In addition, she teaches the “Theology of the Body” Program to her students. Her responsibilities include assisting Artha Horowitz with Religious Education and RCIA classes. Her students enjoy her classes tremendously. Mrs. Michelle Ross, 6th grade Religion teacher, is a joy to have on staff for the past two years. She taught full time for ten years and then stayed home to raise her children for ten years. I urged her two years ago to return part time to teach in the middle school. These three women prepare the lectors for the school Tuesday Masses, teach Circle of Grace, Life Skills, and track their students ten Christian Service hours each year. I feel that the school has a wonderful partnership with our Religious Education Department because of their involvement with the students from Our Lady of the Lakes Middle School. I am blessed to have them in the faith formation of our students. If you have a middle school child and would like to have faith formation for them five days a week, consider registering them for Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School. Kathleen Lewis Middle School Principal Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School 5495 Dixie Hwy | Waterford, MI 48329 (248) 623-2201 | www.OLLonline.org JUNE 5, 2016 NOW ENROLLING! Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School is now accepting applications for enrollment for the 2016-17 school year. Guided by the Holy Spirit, Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School provides students with the opportunity to grow in their relationship with God as disciples of Jesus Christ. Recognizing that discipleship touches every aspect of our students’ lives, our school brings into focus the spiritual, human, intellectual, and pastoral dimensions of the Christian life. To schedule a tour or shadow day for your child or to start the admissions process please contact the Admissions Office at [email protected] or (248) 623-0340. Visit us at www.OLLonline.org to find out more. DO YOU SHOP AMAZON.COM? Did you know that you can earn money for OLL schools by shopping on Amazon.com? Just go to www.ollonline.org, “About OLL”, “Support Our Lady of the Lakes”, click on the “School Rewards” logo and shop as usual. Up to 10% of your purchase comes back to the schools without any additional cost to you. Now Kindle owners can help earn money for OLL too! Simply click on the link found on the school website to purchase a Kindle or content such as eBooks. OLL earns a substantial referral fee! (Please note that subscriptions are not now available in this referral process.) School Website: OLLonline.org COME, ENCOUNTER CHRIST! If you missed "Come, Encounter Christ!" at our parish or wish to encourage family and friends to attend one in their area, the last mission is: June 15-17, St. Louise Chapel, Lapeer 7:00pm Fr. Marko Djonovic & Dcn. Steve Mitchell Music: Mike & Chris Duffy For more information, visit: aod.org/Encounter OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 4 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN Mass Schedule MONDAY, JUNE 6, 2016 St. Norbert 1 KGS 17:1-6 MT 5:1-12 9:00am…John & Clara Ivory requested by Mr. & Mrs. Chuck Schuster 9:00am…Frank & Marcella Daus TUESDAY, JUNE 7, 2016 1 KGS 17:7-16 MT 5:13-16 9:00am…Int. Veda Jeggle 9:00am…Fr. John May WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 2016 1 KGS 18:20-39 MT 5:17-19 9:00am…Int. Gerald Jeggle 9:00am…John O’Sullivan requested by Jim McElmeel THURSDAY, JUNE 9, 2016 St. Ephrem 1 KGS 18:41-46 MT 5:20-26 7:00pm…Martha & William Hannum requested by their Family 7:00pm…Int. Mary Ann Newcombe requested by B & M Tomko FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 2016 1 KGS 19:9a, 11-16 MT 5:27-32 9:00am…Joseph Corbiel, Jr. requested by his Family 9:00am…Charlene Smith requested by Pete & Faye Ronquillo SATURDAY, JUNE 11, 2016 St. Barnabas ACTS 11:21b-26; 13:1-3 MT 5:33-37 5:30pm…Richard & Carol Meyers as they Celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary 5:30pm...Felice & Paul Schneemann as they Celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary 5:30pm...Ignatius Sutherland requested by his Family SUNDAY, JUNE 12, 2016 Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 2 SM 12:7-10, 13 GAL 2:16, 19-21 LK 7:36—8:3 8:00am…John Connarn requested by Lou & Ruth Mazzaro 8:00am…Carmela Mazarro requested by Lou & Ruth Mazzaro 9:30am…Michael & Victoria Molenda requested by their Family 9:30am…John & Sophie Sioma requested by their Family 11:00am…Larry Cole requested by his Family 11:00am...Brady Lund requested by Mark Richer 12:30pm…Pedro Rodriguez requested by Luz Ramos 12:30pm...Parish Family of Our Lady of the Lakes PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY PERSONNEL WO2 Jacob Beno Army † Jenna Beno died 10/15/12 Capt Kelsey (Riise) Beno Army LTJG Laura Bis Navy AMN Stewart Blaquiere Air Force † PFC Damian Bushart died 11/22/03 SSGT Francisco Cantu Caceres LT Patrick G. Carraher Navy Eddy DeRocher Nick DiMercurio SFC Scott Emanuel SSGT Wesley Frankurt Army SSGT Dennis Haskins, Jr. Army EM2 Kyle Haines Navy Jackson Jones Army TSgt Justin Jones Air Force Matt Koetting Marines Robert Maher & Crew Navy LC. Myles Maze Marine SPC James McDermott Army 1st LT. Sean McMahon Marines CPT Matthew McNeill Army † PFC Joseph Miracle died 7/5/07 Army LCP Derek Monday Marines Amanda Paczynski Army PFC Christopher Polidan Army Capt. Adam Renkiewicz Army Capt. Matthew Richards Army Katie Rounds Sgt. Gerald Sanchez Marines Anthony Schmidt Marines LCDR Nick Strelchuk Navy SSGT. Jack Thompson, Jr. Army Cory Vaught Army LSC Colleen E. Ward Navy James Whitlow Navy Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Army Marines Iraq Bahrain Iraq Korea Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Afghanistan Iraq Afghanistan Korea Korea Afghanistan Iraq Bahrain Afghanistan Iraq Iraq Middle East Iraq If your son, daughter or grandchild is serving us in troubled places, please let Fr. Delonnay know. Just drop him a note in the mail, e-mail at [email protected], fax him at 248 623-2723, or call him at 248 623-0274. FUNERAL INFORMATION Funeral information packets are still available. The folder has in it Funeral Readings from the Old Testament, New Testament, and the Gospels. Also, a copy of the worksheet we use here at Lakes to help families to plan for a funeral liturgy and information from local cemeteries and funeral homes. The packets are available in the Parish Center office. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 5 JUNE 5, 2016 OUR PARISH LIFE TOGETHER WELCOME REST IN PEACE Please welcome to our Christian family: Dorothy Goy; and Joe and Bridget Strelchuk and their children, Nathan, Ava, and Michael. Remember those who have gone before us Remember to introduce yourself to new faces in church. We want everyone to feel welcome at Our Lady of the Lakes. Thank You! The Dondanville family would like to thank the Our Lady of the Lakes Parish and School for its outpouring of prayers and support over the past 9 months. So many acts of kindness and encouragement! Let us continue to pray for those who are suffering - spiritually, emotionally and physically; that they may be strengthened by our faith community. God bless you all! WEDDING BANNS Chelsea Foerster and Stephen AuBuchon—III PRAY FOR OUR SICK Eleanor Barnauskas “Happy are those who have died in the Lord; Let them rest from their labors For their good deeds go with them.” Our thoughts and prayers are with their families. May the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. RIDES NEEDED TO CHURCH We have parish members that need rides to church. If you can help, please call Cindy Webster at 248-623-0274. WHEELCHAIRS NEEDED If you have a wheelchair that you are no longer using, please bring it to the Parish Center. We like to keep a wheelchair both in the ushers room at church and in St. Joseph Hall. They help us in emergencies. Both are gone at this time. Please contact Cindy Webster at 248-623-0274 if you have any questions. Please keep in your thoughts and prayers this week the sick members of our Parish: Melissa Stanislow, Cara Mulder, Kathryn Marconeri, Betty Guziak, John McMahon, Shirley Jones, Pat Zurbriggen, Baby Leanne Bassett, Janet Strong, Ruth Lindsay, Sally Popour, Sharon Steimle, Sarah Page, Kurt Anselmi; Sharon Briggs, Brad Baker, Reg Patrus, Suzanne Manus, Mary Noonan, Nick Kotz, John Alfes, Kevin Dalley, Mary Ann Newcombe, Spencer Lawhorn, Terry Grupe, David Comerford III, Barbara Ward, David Fulcher, Paul Barron, Scott Hakim, Cathy McGowan, Angela Phul, Frank Smith, Frank Murphy, Corey Huizenga, Barbara Fluegel, Baby Collin Holman, Duane Bills, Ruth Brueck, William Svavas, Edward Wolowiec, Tina Cribbin, Kathy Gortva, Marina Manalo, Malou Short, Faye Elpedes, Margaret Russell, Roberta Blust, Jerry Moore, Patrick Timulak, Kaylin Place, Debra Appleby, Pat Whalen, Bruce Brendle Sr., Ed Moore, Chevy R., Stephen Swillum, Anthony Centofanti, Crystal Fowler, Clint Beloungea, Karen Aepelbacher, Carol Raymond. May they find peace, strength, and comfort in God’s care. SAVE THE DATE VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL JUNE 27—JULY 1 9:00am—12:00 Noon Registration forms are available in the parish center, school offices and at OLLWaterford.org. Call the Religious Education office at 248-623-0291 for more information. OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 6 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN STEWARDSHIP C S A CSA APPEAL atholic ervices ppeal Name: ________________________________ Address: ________________________________ Goal: $141,017.00 2016 ________________________________ Amount of Gift $_____________________ Amount Paid $_____________________ Balance $_____________________ □ □ 9 Monthly Payments (Starting in July) □ Optional: Please send enrollment form for credit/debit card payment. Quarterly—July/Oct/Jan/April $12,330 9% Checks payable to: OLL CSA 34 of our 2800 registered families have made their pledge for the CSA Appeal. As you can see, we have a long way to go to reach our goal. If you have not yet made your pledge, it’s not too late! You may make your pledge by mail, collection basket, in person at the Parish Center, e-mail ([email protected]), phone (248 623-0274) or by fax (248 623-2723). Our staff is eager to assist you! Please remember that the shortfall will have to be made up out of parish funds. 658 Thank you for supporting your parish! CSA MINUTE SACRED HEART MAJOR SEMINARY Archbishop Allen Vigneron ordained five men to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Detroit last month. Congratulations to Fathers Paul Graney, Dominic Macioce, Kevin Roelant, David Tomaszycki, and Timothy Wezner! Your gifts to the Catholic Services Appeal support men discerning vocations to the priesthood through the assistance of the Office of Priestly Vocations. CSA gifts also help fund the education and formation of men preparing for the priesthood at Sacred Heart Major Seminary, which is the Archdiocese’s college and graduate seminary. Additionally, Sacred Heart’s student body includes lay men in the permanent diaconate program, and lay women and men earning graduate and undergraduate degrees and diplomas in religious studies through the Institute for Ministry. The CSA supports these vocations, too. For more information about CSA-funded ministries, programs, and services, go to www.AOD.org FINANCIAL REPORT Monthly Stewardship Report 2015 (4 weeks April 2016 (4 weeks) w/Easter) $71,944.38 .............. Envelopes .......... $60,630.64 $17,348.03 .............. Loose ................. $14,796.23 $13,677.08 .............. Mail & EFT ......... $14,251.54 $102,969.49 .............. Total ................... $89,678.41 Again we wish to thank all of you who continue to give so generously to our Parish. May God bless each of you for your gift of sharing. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 7 TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME A common theme can be found in today’s Old Testament and Gospel passages: the dead sons of widows are given new life by two great “prophets.” In the First Book of Kings, the widow thinks her son has died as a result of God’s punishment for her guilt. Elijah reassures her that this is not the case, and prays for God to bring her son back to life. In St. Luke’s Gospel, Jesus and His disciples encounter a funeral procession. Out of pity and compassion for the widow, Jesus raises her son from the dead. People are seized with fear and proclaim Him a “great prophet.” These Scripture passages prove beyond a doubt that life is a precious gift from God, which is why the Church has never wavered in her defense of all life, from conception to natural death. Faithful stewards, like St. Paul in his Letter to the Galatians, embrace this teaching by promoting what St. John Paul II called a “culture of life” in response to secular society’s “culture of death.” Pray in front of an abortion clinic to witness life and to experience the remarkable graces that flow from this action. ST. VINCENT de PAUL APRIL UPDATE Our Lady of the Lakes St. Vincent de Paul spent over 80 hours helping 83 individuals in the month of April. We made 114 phone calls, had two home visits and 10 interviews in the parish center. We spent $7,367.16 helping families and made deposits of $4,979.98. Each day we are confronted with individuals asking for our assistance. We are asking that the parish family of Our Lady of the Lakes prays for us. We make decisions daily on how to best assist people in a loving Christian way. Many cases are simple and it is easy to assess if we will help. Other cases are complex and it feels like we might just be buying families more time in a home or with utilities, but their long-term situation might not change. We try to always be good stewards of the funds you so generously give to us. Please pray for us as we continue to make decisions that would be pleasing to God. We thank you for your continued support and prayers. RIGHT TO LIFE-LIFESPAN HAPPY GRADUATION LIFESPAN congratulates all those graduating from school this year. New experiences, new found freedoms, and new friends all await you. You will be challenged in many areas. When the “new” and the “old” conflict, remember the values shared by your parents, church and school. They will help you sort out confusion and provide a clear path. Blessings to you all. JUNE 5, 2016 “GOT YOUR 6” ADULT MEN’S BASKETBALL LEAGUE Please join us every Sunday evening for 2 hours of fun and exercise as we help veterans, firefighters and police officers offset the cost of a great education here at Lakes. This program is a great way to give back to the people in our school that put their lives on the line everyday. Sundays @ 7:30pm Our Lady of the Lakes Gymnasium Parish/School members $5 donation per player per week RSVP if interested or have questions, Chris Fluegel at [email protected] or call him at 248-464-8596. MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING In Mental Health First Aid training, Common Ground’s certified instructors will teach you how to provide the initial help to someone showing symptoms of mental illness or a mental health crisis. Two class formats are being offered: Adult MHFA, which is appropriate for anyone age 16 years and older and Youth MHFA, which is designed for adults who work with adolescents age 12-18. MHFA Adult: June 22 and August 24 MHFA Youth: July 20 All class are 8:30am-5pm at Room 103b, RCC, 1200 N. Telegraph, Bldg 32E, Pontiac. To register call Joan Roberts at 248-451-3733 or visit: commongroundhelps.org. Please join Manresa for our fundraiser: Martinis in the Garden Summer style Saturday, June 11, 2016 7:00 pm $50 per person Enjoy an evening of great food, great friends, and of course…great Martinis at the lovely home and beautiful gardens of our host Jack Krasula. Don't miss his great Sports memorabilia collection. For more information call Manresa Jesuit Retreat House at 248-644-4933 or visit: www.manresa-sj.org OUR LADY OF THE LAKES PAGE 8 WATERFORD, MICHIGAN NEIGHBORHOOD NEWS PRIESTLY VOCATIONS SEMINARY DAY FOR ALTAR BOYS August 5, 2016 As a family we can assist our children in remaining disciples of Christ by encouraging them to hear and answer God’s call in their lives. If your son is an altar boy and has finished 7th grade invite and encourage him to attend the Seminary Day for Altar Boys hosted by the Office of Priestly Vocations held at Sacred Heart Major Seminary. For young men who have completed 7th grade to High School senior. Registration and information may be found on our website: www.detroitpriest.com. NEEDED: T-SHIRTS & SEWERS A ladies group at St. Perpetua’s sew diapers made from used T-shirts and sends them to the Sisters of Charity in Haiti via volunteers who go there to help. They need clean adult colored or printed T-shirts, elastic and Velcro. They need more volunteers to sew the diapers. Call Josie for more information at 248-698-3271. Drop off T-shirts in church by the food bins. The diapers are appreciated so much. Thank you for any help you can give. ATTENTION TIGER FANS! If you are Downtown for a game, stop in for Mass either before or after the game at St. Aloysius Catholic Church. Mass is on Saturdays at 4:00pm or Sundays at 11:30am. We are walking distance from Comerica Park on Washington Boulevard. Playing hooky from work for a weekday afternoon game? We have daily Mass at 12:15 and you can still make the first pitch. Hope to see you soon! LOURDES SENIOR COMMUNITY NEEDS YOU Lourdes Senior Community is in need of volunteers to assist with a variety of different areas in all four of our buildings. These areas include, but are not limited to, visiting with our residents, helping out in the various Activity Departments or assisting with the care of our beautiful grounds. There is a special need at this time for volunteers to assist in the Activity Department at Lourdes Rehabilitation and Healthcare Center. If interested, please contact Robin McClintock at 248-6749590 or by email at [email protected]. Priestly Vocations: THE WATCHMEN REGIONAL DISCERNMENT GROUPS WWME – A Weekend of Discovery… Regional Discernment Groups are for men ages 16-55 who want to actively discern the call of the Lord in their lives. These groups will meet for times of prayer, presentations on discernment, food and fellowship with other like-minded men. SUMMER OF GRACE Upcoming events: Northwest Region: June 12 at 7 PM at St. Mary’s, Royal Oak Northeast Region: June 26 following the 11 am mass at Holy Trinity Parish-St. Joseph site, Port Huron For more information, locations, and dates visit detroitpriest.com SUNDAY HOMILIES Our Sunday homilies are available on the parish app and on our website: ollwaterford.org/homilies. Our app is available for both Android and iPhone by going to the app store for your device. Search for MyParish or text the word APP to 88202. A LIFETIME of LOVE!! The sacraments at the service of Holy Communion are Marriage and Holy Orders. These are sacraments of commitment and service to God, His Church, and one’s spouse. Couples and Priests are blessed in these sacraments with God’s grace to love and serve. The ministry of Worldwide Marriage Encounter offers support, sharing, and strategies for couples and priests to live their vocations in Grace! The 2016 dates are… June 24-26* - Shrine H. S., Royal Oak August 19-21*- St. Lawrence, Utica Sept. 23-25—Holiday Inn Express, Troy Nov. 4-6* - Gabriel Richard H. S., Riverview *In Parish Weekends, Couples go home at night. To apply and more information: Call: 888-322-9963 encounterdetroit.org TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME PAGE 9 JUNE 5, 2016 FOR THE WEEKEND June 11/12, 2016 Time Presiders Servers Lectors Captains Sat: 5:30 pm Fr. Meldrum Deacon Steve TBD Sun: 8:00 am Fr. Meldrum Deacon Steve TBD Mark Blaszkiewicz Mark Blaszkiewicz 9:30 am Fr. Delonnay Deacon John TBD Erin Asdell ALTAR HELP Mary Zednik Tom Brown WEEKEND 6/5/16 Pat Roselli, Patt Polidan, Monika Donohue, Sheliah Denne Jim Bruso Volunteers Needed 11:00 am Fr. Meldrum Deacon Steve TBD Mike Mulligan Phil Nickerson 12:30 pm Fr. Delonnay Deacon John TBD Tom Kendziorski Bev Armstrong OUR LADY OF THE LAKES 5481 Dixie Highway Waterford, Michigan 48329 PASTOR Rev. Lawrence J. Delonnay ASSOCIATE PASTOR Rev. Brian Meldrum PERMANENT DEACON John Schulte PERMANENT DEACON Stephen Talbot PASTORAL ASSOCIATE Cindy Webster Parish Center..................................................... 248-623-0274 Fax .................................................................... 248-623-2723 Business Office [Dawn Stoutenburg] ................. 248-623-0275 Parish Office [Kathie Harroun] ........................... 248-623-0274 Religious Education Office [Artha Horowitz] ...... 248-623-0291 Christian Service Office [Cindy Webster] ........... 248-623-0274 Music Director [Tim Smith]................................ 248-821-8443 Asst. Music Director [Jenna Fuller] .................... 248-623-0274 Facilities Manager [Mike Artley] ......................... 248-342-2299 Web Site ................................................. http://ollwaterford.org E-mail ........................................... [email protected] Prayer Requests ............................. [email protected] SCHOOLS High School Admin.[Richard Vanden Boom] ....... 248-623-0340 Middle School Administrator [Kathy Lewis] .......... 248-623-2201 Elementary School Administrator [Lauri Hoffman] 248-623-0250 Admissions .......................................................... 248-623-0340 Athletic Director [Mark Smith] .............................. 248-623-0274 BULLETIN DEADLINE Mondays, 9:00am at the Parish Center; Kathie Harroun, Editor [email protected] Project Rachel Post Abortion Ministry...1-888-722-4355 National Domestic Violence Hotline...1-800-799-7233 WEEKEND 6/12/16 Suzanne Grimminger, Dianne McMillan, Marilynn Golding, Cynthia Kherker To volunteer to become an Altar Server, Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Cleaner or Sunday Counter please call the Parish office at 248-623-0274 and leave your name & number and we will give your info to the appropriate coordinator. PARISH PASTORAL COUNCIL: Parish Council meets the last Tuesday of every other month at 7:00pm in the Delaney Parish Center. Dennis Strelchuk, President...248-297-5959 Linda Pietrzak, Vice President...248-623-9117 Tim Tomezak, Secretary...248-933-4841 MASSES Saturday Evening....5:30pm Sunday.....8:00, 9:30 & 11:00am, 12:30pm Weekdays: Thursday evenings..... 7:00pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday.....9:00am BAPTISMS: Sundays at 2:00pm. Parents must pre-register and attend a Baptism Class. Call 623-0274 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: Saturdays from 4:00 until 5:00pm EUCHARISTIC EXPOSITION: 3rd Tuesday of every month followed by Rosary and Benediction at 7:00pm RELIGIOUS EDUCATION: Ages 4/5: Sundays 9:30am and 11:00am Tuesdays: Grades 1-7— 6:15pm Sundays” Grade 8—6:30pm RCIC – 6:15pm - RCIA — 7:00pm Wednesdays: Grades 1-8 — 4:30 and 6:15pm WEDDINGS Arrangements must be made at least 6 months in advance. Couples must attend the Pre-Marriage Workshop. REGISTRATIONS: All families must register personally at the Delaney Center. Please notify the parish when moving in or away 623-0274.