2014 Eagle.pmd - Camp Evergreen


2014 Eagle.pmd - Camp Evergreen
Camp Evergreen
166 Jenkins Road, Andover Ma 01810
978 475 2502
[email protected]
2014 Issue Volume 1
The Evergreen
Want to pay less for
The early bird always gets
the discount! Parents who register
their child for Summer Camp 2015 before January 31st and have their complete
payment in by May 1st , receive a 5% discount on tuition! The 5% discount is also
used toward the cost of weeks added if you should decide to extend your child’s
stay with us. Additional weeks can be added for campers based on availability.
They would remain in the same group. Transportation and extended day are not
Camp Evergreen 2015 application forms will be available soon online at
www.campevergreen.com, Be sure to register early for Summer Camp 2015!
Not only is the discount great, but you will be sure to get the weeks you need.
Sessions are two weeks long and contain a ‘Night Out at Camp’ (additional fee),
fishing trip, canoe trip, and a swim meet, plus all kinds of interesting and fun
activities to make each session unique. No two sessions are alike. Campers may
attend any number of weeks, but must begin with a full 2-week Session before
additional weeks can be added. You cannot start in the middle of a session.
Celebrate Your Next Birthday With Us!!
Camp Evergreen has several great options for your child’s next birthday party! Magic shows, craft
parties, fishing derby parties, sledding parties - we have plenty of options for a great party any time of
year! Even the wildest birthday wishes have been known to come true here at Camp Evergreen! Each
party is custom tailored to fit your needs. Choose from several different themes available for your
birthday party, or simply celebrate on the beautiful campus of Camp Evergreen. Areas available for
birthday parties include, but are not limited to, our soccer field, softball field, sledding hill, game
room, tennis and basketball courts, campfire pits, barbeque area, and our private pond. Call our office
at 978-475-2502 or email [email protected] for more details and availability.
Important Camp Dates For 2015
February Vacation February 16th20th
April Vacation April 20st-24th
Family Picnic Saturday, June 27st
from 1:00pm-3:00pm
First Day of Camp Monday, June
First Day of Indian Summer Monday, August 24th
Tent 1
Summer 2014 was a rockin’ summer for the boys of Tent 1. Ben Barrasso, Teddy
Darlington, Gavin Dong, Jake Burns, and Zachary Bateman dominated the Camp
Evergreen sporting events. From the football field to the tennis courts, those five
boys were always ready for a game. Another sports superstar of the group was Daniel
Regio, who was always up for a good game of soccer. Tent 1 had some awesome
archers, Leo Cordingley and Andre Wu, who enjoyed spending their days hitting
bulls-eyes. Sam Curley and Kaleb Brady enjoyed crafting all kinds of wacky
creations. Corbin Day, Armaun Dehpanah and George Peabody explored all of
camp, going on a new adventure every day. No one enjoyed camp and all if its fun
more than Jack Allen, Matthew Donovan, Samuel Chiungos and Mattheus du
Plessis. These four boys came to camp every day with so much enthusiasm for the
day ahead. During the last week of camp, Tent 1 was fortunate enough to gain one
last new camper, Max O’Connell, who really jumped right into the swing of things.
I hope that the boys of Tent 1 will never forget the summer of 2014 and all of the
fantastic times we had. I never could have done it without the help of my amazing
junior staff, Eddie Riley. I hope everyone is having a great school year! See you all
next summer! -Love always, Marchella Marignoli
Unit 1 kicking up a storm under
the watchful eye of Jr. CIT John
Tent 2 (Sung to “Do you wanna build a Snowman?” from Frozen
Do you wanna go to campcraft? C’mon let’s go and play: We’re not at
school anymore; we like camp more Let’s go have a great dayyyyyyyy;
Let’s play with Bear and Buddy; Or our counselors; Maybe Jr. CITsss!
Do you wanna go to archery? (It doesn’t have to be archery.)
Do you wanna go to nature? Aria’s rowing ‘round the pond Camille’s
frogging and Ally too
While Kendall’s out there playing some sportsball;
Morgan’s with her best buddies Zoe and Lili Watching the summer fly
Do you wanna go to drama? Skyla and Ellie are at drama, So is
Mackenzie Fry.
Addison is playing 4-square, Juliana and Ella are at swim
Rowan has courage and I’m trying to Be a brave kid too! And swim in
the deep ennndd; Liv and Lizzie have each other
Meanwhile Rosemary Loves woodshop with Katja toooooooo
Do you wanna come to Mini-Camp? We have the most fun down in
Just swing on byyyyyy-Mary Frelinger, Danae Anguilo & Quinn
(Tent 2 campers are Aria Nepomnayshy, Camille Cranston, Ally
Shindelman, Kendall Bent, Zoe Stevenson, Lili Wilson, Skyla
Koerner, Ellen (Ellie) Mueller, Mackenzie Fry, Addison Wheeler,
Juliana Klett, Ella Dong, Rowan Foohey, Olivia (Liv) Fritzinger,
Lizzie Santella, Rosemary
Brady, and Katja LatvaKokko)
Tent 3
The summer of 2014 was one of the best to be
at Camp Evergreen thanks to awesome CIT’s
Robert Smith and Sam Murphy, as well as a
big thanks to the campers of Tent 3. Jack Ellis
was always seen at the tennis courts playing
tennis and having an amazing time. Carson Nick
Fetters and Sam Novelline had a blast all Grubin &
summer long playing sports on the softball, one of his
soccer, and whiffle ball fields. Connor Gale amazing
dress up
and Gabe Roman jumped right into camp day
halfway through and started cooking crazy foods costumes
like spider dogs over at campcraft. The Robin
Hoods of Tent 3 consisted of Nick Grubin,
Zack Jacobson, and Liam Wall. Liam Kirwin
and Daniel Leonce had an awesome time at
drama playing charades and other drama games.
Nicholas Metsis enjoyed the pond and frogging
all summer long and he couldn’t stay away. The
Arts and Crafts duo’s Quin Newton and Jack Sarno were always doing
gimp or string crafts. Victor Zeissig was always seen in the pool area having
fun swimming around. Pierce Rowe was Tent 3 Camper of the Summer and
made every day awesome by helping out the new campers and being outgoing
with everyone. This amazing summer would not have happened without this
super group of campers!-Rich Palumbo
Tent M Heroes
Hanging out at trollies was a summer favorite of Lucas Martin and Aaron Juknevicius.
The lovely Katy Kiernan and her campers
On a boat or on the shore, Cooper Fagan, Vanessa Gutierez, and Sammy Wilson were always having fun at the
Getting to know Paul Myatt and Maia Tran was a great experience because they are two of the friendliest
campers in our tent.
When Keira Mahoney and Alyson Gordon started singing, it was hard not to join in as they serenaded us.
Archery was loved by both Kai Zhuang and Finbar Wall.
Ready for anything, Chris Melville and Aaron Murfitt were our best all around campers this summer.
This year’s wonders were Dahlia McPhee, Jack Reichardt, and Siena Firriello. They packed all of their fun
into their two weeks!
Summer would not be the same without our campers of the summer Aidan Barker, Jackson Griffith, and Jonah
This summer was amazing & we definitely had a magical time! -Katy Kiernan, Oliver Dunn, & Emma Malone
Unit 3 Awesomeness
Tent 14.5
This year in Tent 14.5 we had an awesome summer! Ashley Slivka, Cheyenne Smith, and Gianna Coppola were always
rehearsing for the next play at Drama. Nearby, Nora Orpin and Noa Margolin were singing the latest radio song or Broadway
hit! At the courts, Carlie LaFauci, Colleen Riley, Jessica Solecki, and Kiara Nadeau were always shooting baskets and
starting pickup basketball games. Our tent was graced with BFF’s Jordan Boudreau, Kayla Gaudette, and Molly Dugan who
were always playing cool card games at Pine Grove. The other awesome BFF’s who were constantly together were Shea Hanson
and Kayla Cashins! Elaine DeBonis and Joslyn DiFraio were always excelling at a new sport or activity! The Jacks of All
Trades who could pick up anything new or difficult easily were Kathleen Macy, Katrina Garcia, and Vanaja Chavva! Julianna
Slipp and Sofia Garcia Bennett are the reigning queens of arts and crafts, who always amazed our tent with their really cool
creations. No matter where we were as a group, Ella Medford was seen reading the newest book and Molly Larson was wowing
everyone with her nail art! Georgia Poulakis was the Equestrian Princess who rode horses better than everyone at camp! Tent
14.5 had a great year!-Mari Tarantino
Tent 13
Camp Evergreen’s Summer of 2014 was a big one, especially for Tent
13. The kids in this tent were beyond extraordinary, as each one had
such a blast during the time they spent. Tons of activities occupied all
of these children, all with a unique and favorite one that they were
good at. Cole Aubry, Ben Mullin, and Milo Schut had an excellent
time at street hockey, and Milo won the championship for it as well as
the championship for the badminton tournament. Aidan Hartmen,
Chase Carney, and Nick Townshend performed fantastically in their
softball games. Ben Mounts, Alex Shikhanovich, and Jason Goodman
taught other campers about Pokémon, along with their other interests
at camp. Chris Noroian, Fritz Aude, and Alex Selverian showed
excellence in volleyball and Newcomb. Tanush Mittal, Jeffery
Shindelman, Jack Terranova, and Andy Weissman proved to
everyone they were hard to beat in soccer. Dylan Hoyt and Alexander
Dymond/Throop loved the pond, as the cousins both participated in
the fishing and canoe trips heavily. Samuel Pinard, Matthew Legere,
and Erik Roberts were incredible with a deck of cards. Luca Callahan,
Sean Douglass, and Nick Maraganis were practically fish because of
how much they loved swimming and how good they were at it. We had
an fantastic time with these kids, and say thanks to all who came to
make this year wonderful.-Frank Starkweather and Billy Hornby
Tent 17
Waffle-Goatslavia was not just a camp tent, but a great and prosperous
nation. The name was conceived by two of our great founders, Max
Gallagher and Nick Santos, whose passion for waffles, goats and
camp fun are virtually unmatched. Our great country had a rich culture
of intellectuals like Trent DeBonis, Oliver Pullin and Matty McGotty
who enriched our nation with their literary, scientific and linguistic
prowess. Working tirelessly on the infrastructure at Evergreen’s Indian
Village was our great architect Ben Lombardo. Waffle-Goatslavian
cuisine was augmented by our very own master chef, Ben Faro, who
created many Campcraft delicacies. Our very own Connor Whitehouse
proved to be a superb archer and could often be found hitting bullseyes. Nature lovers Jakob Santucci and Charlie Burnham were
always dazzling us with great wild life findings and will undoubtedly
preserve our beautiful nation of Waffle-Goatslavia for years to come.
The game “Spades” is a fun past time in our great nation and our
“Aces of Spades,” Matt Farro, Trevor Kinney, Michael Joyce, and
Evan Nitszchke showed us what team work truly means. Healthy
competition is the life’s blood of our proud nation and the effort and
joy of soccer superstars, Ryan Scherpf, Sam Zion and Kaeson
Sandhu, exemplified just that. The great Evergreen region was
navigated by land and sea by our Waffle-Goatslavian pioneers, Owen
Lannon, Thomas Wudyka and Shawn Belongia. Our great nation is
renowned for its wide array of athletics and our dynamic quartet
comprised of Alex Brincheiro, Matt Deeble, Cam Rosnov, and Zach
Zibaitis were incredible in games ranging from football to newcomb
to tennis. Representing our mighty land in the Softball League were
superstars Dom Pedi, Jackson Hammersly, Michael Selter, Will
Geraghty and Kevin Reichardt. The Evergreen Basketball
Tournament was certainly not sparse for Waffle-Goatslavians as Jack
Shediac, Sam Stella and Griffin Stella created an all camper team
and took on the counselors. One of our very own won the tourney and
many applauded as Danny Hornby hoisted the trophy. Veteran camper,
Riley Connell, only came for one week but we couldn’t have made it
through the summer without him. No great nation is complete with
out its jack-of-all-trades, and in our case he goes by Keegan Hughes,
a.k.a. Keegy Fresh. I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to James Soucy, an incredible junior staff who made this summer amazing
for our campers as well as many others.
-Nick Sievers
Tent 16
This has been a great summer for oldest girls. We had an
awesome group of girls and had a blast all summer long,
we would like to tell you more, but first… let me take a
Super swimmers Claire Collins and Zoe Foldes showed
camp what swimming is all about in both the pool and on
the canoe trip.
Extraordinary sports skills were shown all summer long
by Joanna “Ronaldo” Kellogg and Natalya Sosa.
Laughing all the time and loved by all, Emma O’Regan
was an all around great camper and friend.
Fantastic card abilities were constantly being
demonstrated by Sara Wiley, she could rarely be found
without a deck in hand with Rachel Burba.
Incredible acrobatic feats like flipping upside down were
seen almost daily on the swings by Sara Curran.
Emily Hazard was a wonderful representative of oldest
girls in the camp play as our very own drama mama
Being in the oldest girl’s group is a great time for both
campers and counselors alike. Enjoying the final summer
as a camper before making the transition into Jr. CIT’s and
beyond is always an exceptionally fun experience, and
Miranda and I are both so happy that we were able to share
this journey with all of our campers. Every one of the oldest
girls really shined this summer and we wish you all the
best of luck in the future! -Xoxo Julie Keener & Miranda
Tent 14
Tent 14 had the best summer in the history of the universe. I
believe that we had the best campers and the two best counselors.
Don’t believe me? Well keep reading and I’ll tell you all about
it. Week 1 was a great week to start off the summer. We had one
camper, Ashley Brzezenski, for the first few days. She was
excellent and always wanted to do something new. During the
next couple of weeks more and more campers started to arrive.
Campers such as Mia Gouveia, Megan Carey, Charlotte Stella,
and Vera Bowerman showed their exceptional talent in the camp
plays. One day they will all be on Broadway. Girls like Olivia
Parziale and Caitlin Connell excelled in any sport we played.
They were awesome! There were many dynamic duos this
summer such as Valerie Maffeo & Ashley Barcroft, Shelagh
Downes & Anna Brincheiro, and Eleyna Bayer & Katie Leach.
Girls that always would brighten up the day were Kelly Crossan,
Grace Gwiazda and Sydney Chavous. They were always in a
great mood, which put everyone else in a great mood. Emily
Gillan, Lara Garcia-Vidigal and Elise Theriault were always
up for trying new activities. They always chose a different choice
each day. Kiera Clark was always making bracelets, and one
day we think she will own her own bracelet company! Amelia
Jardine was the funniest camper - even though she didn’t try
to, she could make us all laugh. Co-Campers of the Summer go
to Sophie Gardiner and Estelle Masse. They were all around
great campers and we got to spend the most time with them this
summer. As for my junior staff, I lucked out with such a great
girl...Madi Ryan. She truly made this summer one to remember.
I love each and every one of you girls and thank you for the best
summer ever!
-Love always, Meghan Arsenault
Jordan and
ready for
Circus Day
Tent 15
Just as every summer at camp seems to make me feel, 2014 is
one that I will never forget. Tent 15 was filled with campers
who were continuously making me laugh, and the campers
provided me with memories I will never forget. Throughout
the summer, I was fortunate to have twenty-four campers join
my tent during the eight week summer season. I could not
have asked for a better group of campers; each of which
brought something special to our tent. Our softball sluggers
Jason Simeone, Sean Fahey, and Ethan Weissman
dominated the softball leagues and led their respective teams
throughout the season. Our stars on the football field were
Joseph Faulkner, Tyler Nobile, DJ Repetto, and Henri du
Plessis, who showed excellent hands while making fantastic
catches on the field. On the street hockey courts Jake Ulwick
and Shane O’Connell always led their teams with numerous
great goals. Our archery sharpshooters, Conor Moses and
Kevin Kinney, showed us all how to hit the bulls eye with
relative ease, while also making me realize just how poor at
archery I truly was. Our card sharks Ben Ferrante, Sunil
Kumar, and Luke Huffman, seemed to beat me in most any
card game I would attempt to play. Mason Bush and Stephen
Nalesnik were always our most entertaining campers with
their sense of humor that could make everyone laugh. We
also had a fair share of excellent swimmers, who could even
show Michael Phelps a thing or two. David Schurter, Josh
D’Addario, and Tommy Joyce could always been found
swimming in the pool enjoying the hot summer days. Outside
the pool we had our two ping pong specialists in Theo Hsiao
and Zach Nepomnayshy, who loved competing and playing
with any challenging opponent. We had three specific campers
that truly embodied what a camp experience should be like,
as they approached every day and activity with great
enthusiasm. Because of this, Kobe Richards, Aaron Bektas,
and Jordan Rudolph are our Campers of the Summer! I
cannot thank this group of campers enough for making this
summer so enjoyable. A special thanks to my junior staff Kyle
Corsetti who did an exceptional job with the campers and
was a huge help along the way. Have a great year and I hope
to see all of my smiling campers back next year!
-Owen Marchetti
Tent 9 1/2 boys waiting for their tee time at the clubhouse
Tent 8
2014 was an awesome year for the girls of Pencilvania! Madeline Darlington was
a “darling” addition to Tent 8, along with Margaret Fry and Amelia Church; all 3
girls were always smiling with excitement for the day’s activities. Sarah Barton
enjoyed nature games at nature, while Marina Chiungos was a champion at every
sport, especially swimming and tennis! Grace Terranova and Hannah Selverian
were an inseparable pair, always bringing laughter and joy to the group! Leona
Rogers serenaded the group with her lovely voice, and even performed at the camp
Concert in the Pines!
Sayuri Krygowski,
April Bason, and
Gwen Bronson were
another inseparable
group of friends,
bringing their friendly
faces to all activities.
Avery Davis was
always willing to lend
a helping hand by
teaching everyone the
ropes of camp and she
didn’t hesitate to pick
campers up when they
were feeling down.
Catherine and Amelie
Pinard were two girls
who could always put
a smile on your face,
and had great attitudes
from their first day of
camp till their last!
Annabelle Wilson,
Ellie Griffith, Dylan
Ominsky, Jordan
Unit 2
Michael, and Vanessa
Wright were all
spirited, partaking in
all activities with
bright smiles on their
a rock
faces and would
always have some
and a
gimp in their hands!
Piper Kirwin and Ella
Fritzinger were new
to camp this year, and
not afraid to try all the activities that camp offered. They were a great fit for
Tent 8, and the summer wouldn’t have been the same without them! Another new
camper, Zoey Miller, is the Tent 8 Camper of the Summer! We had an awesome
summer with all of Tent 8! We hope you’re having a great school year and can’t
wait to see you next summer! We’ll miss you all!-Ashley Papa and Sarah Groux
Tent 9.5
I had an absolute blast this summer with the boys of Tent 9.5. I was impressed
every day with how talented and unique every boy was. Each day would start with
Jayden Sigman, Nathaniel Margolin, and Nick Goodman swimming as fast as
Phelps in the swimming pool. Meanwhile, Matt Lombardo and James Goodman
were busy becoming the greatest Pokemon masters ever. After that, we would play
awesome games on the sportsball field. Kevin Selter and Sam Cranston played
hard in the Camp Evergreen softball league. Rocco Beltrandi and James O’Brien
played soccer better than some world cup players this year. We even had a pro
dodgeball player, Richard Hunter, who managed to duck, dip, dive, and yes, dodge
his way to victory every game. At the volleyball net, Gabe Karkache, John Macy,
and Eddie Smith made amazing diving catches in the most intense games of
newcomb that I’ve ever seen. At the courts, Ellix Sandhu beat every other team in
the Unit 2 basketball tournament. Nearby, at drama, Jalen Klett proved to be the
tent’s comedian, and Eric Nitzschke showed off his amazing piano playing prowess.
However, the most dramatic camper was definitely Richard Lally, who became
the star of the “Richard Lally Movie”! Luca Beltrandi proved himself to be an
expert archer, getting more bulls-eyes than anyone else in the unit! Outside of
regular activities, these guys still showed that they truly have camp spirit. Harry
Tapscott brightened up rainy days by dancing around outside our cabin like crazy.
Kyle McCormack and Nathan Miller were always hanging out together and were
the two best friends at camp this year. Finally, our two Campers of the Summer, for
excellence in all things camp, are Harry Gagnon and Justin Tarapata! Thank
you all for such a great summer! -Matty Frelinger
Tent 5.5
What a summer it has been! 8 weeks have flown by, but the kids of Tent 5.5 have made many memories along
the way. My CIT Casey Hughes and I could not have asked for a better group to spend our summer with. At
the pond, Braden Crossan, Donny McPhee, Scott Santangate and Cheng Zhuang displayed their boating
skills and made catching frogs look like a piece of cake. Tent 5.5 was also filled with many athletes. Ryan
Schwartz, Liam Hansen, Aaron Huang, and Dylan Mehta were rising stars in both the softball league and
pick-up games. On the courts, Gavin Magnus, Gus Sanni, Stephen Corbin, and Lucas Masse displayed
their basketball, street hockey, and tennis skills for the rest of the camp. Lucas was a key part of our
championship-winning run in the tennis tournament. Over at the pool, Ben Murfitt, Teddy Capobianco, and
Kyle Nichols trained long and hard to become the next Michael Phelps of the world. Timothy Connors,
Devin Cox, and Peter Remington showed everyone how talented they were at woodshop, making cars, boats,
and much, much more. We also had three “Robin Hood’s in training” in Ben Gwiazda, Sebastian OssaPerez, and Paul Poulakis who displayed their
marksmanship all summer long. Summer 2014 has
definitely been a summer to remember!-Julian Paone
Tent 7
What a summer it has been with all these AMAZING
campers in Tent 7, or should I say “The United States of
Evergreen.” From the depths of the pool to the concrete
at courts, these crazy campers were seen doing it all. I
knew I could always count on my buddies Zain Durrani,
Griffin Connell, Nathan Carlson, and Maxim Zeissig
to start the day with the world’s BIGGEST smiles, and it
always brightened my day. As we moved along in our
summer we had some big hitters over at the softball field.
Joey Casarano, Riley McDaniel, and Drew Carney were
always seen hitting grand-slams like it was their job!
Nothing tops the Pokemon Masters that roam around camp,
including Arthur Casarano, Issac Dinges, Ethan
Belongia, Zack Moskowitz, Alex Melville, Eddie
Santella and Luke Tsiaras. We had many future
Olympians especially when we came to Archery. The
Archery All-Stars this season were Ronan Wall, Jasper
Bent, Gus Cordingley, Hunter Grabar, and Owen
Repetto. We also had some amazing all around athletes
this past summer, such as Owen Mullin on the street
hockey court, or Henry Myatt and Tim Murphy being
the hardest Newcomb players to beat in all of camp. Who
could forget all the memorable tag teams though? I know
you couldn’t go anywhere without hearing Luke Gardiner
and Peter Swain cracking the funniest jokes together. Or
maybe it was Drew Cullen and Michael Young always
being there to join in any sports game going on and being
unbeatable. Overall I can say this has been the best summer
in all my 13 years at Camp Evergreen. I hope to see all of
you next summer guys!!! Have a good rest of the school
year!!! -Aidan Marchetti & Ryan Tarantino
Tent 5
The summer of 2014 was one of the best summers yet! I was so lucky to have 19
amazing campers throughout the summer. From the frog pond to the Archery range
and everywhere in between, the boys of Tent 5 were phenomenal! Jason Curran,
Will Norris, Dylan Moses, Cameron Brosnan, and Kieran Miller were always tearing
up the soccer field. Alex Berman, Magnus Julin, John Maraganis, and Will
Weissman were having a blast no matter what activity we were at! Quinn Hubbard
and Tyler Maddocks were inseparable best friends since day one. We were all
extremely proud of our very own Isaac Medford’s performance in the camp play this
summer. Every chance they had, Ryan Metsis, Eli Bayer, and Connor Mounts were
playing either basketball or street hockey on the courts. And every day you would be
guaranteed to find a smile on Ryan Demers’, Frank Gouveia’s, Mason O’Connell,
Gavin Reichardt’s, and Benjamin Gagnon’s face. I would like to thank all the campers
in Tent 5 that helped make this summer one of the best I’ve ever had! I’d also like to
give a big shout out to my Jr. Staff / CIT Jesse Valway, couldn’t have done it without
you! Thanks again for a great summer,
-Adam ‘Bloooooom’ Bloom-Paicopolos
Tent 10
The cats and dogs of the Un-united States of
Animals got along beautifully this summer, making
for some unforgettable memories here at Camp
Evergreen! Tent 10 had more than a few talented
actresses, including the always outgoing Kyla
Foohey, who made her acting debuts in both The
Wizard of Oz and Mulan. Also eager to get up on
stage was Alexa Gannon, who performed
flawlessly in multiple talent shows. If you were
looking for an interesting conversation, one would
come to speak to Grace Ballantyne. Her always
active imagination sent people on wild adventures!
It was lovely to see Alison Gaudette’s smiling
face and cheerful singing voice, especially during
Tent 10’s Evergreen Blues performance of The
Princess Pat. Another loud and proud singer of
the tent had been Laurel “Lulu” Ballantyne, who
had a personality that could put anyone in a good
mood! We wish Jackie DeBonis and Jessica
Gordon could have joined us for longer, as the
Tent 6
Mess with the
Welcome to Munchkinland! Our Tent 6 Lullaby League and Lollipop Guild had a terrific weeks with them were full of laughter and
summer. Our future equestrian stars, Julia Barnas, Katherine Gordon, Taylor Nichols, enthusiasm. Likewise, Lilly Coble warmed right
Ballantynes at
and Kendall O’Neill were dedicated horseback riders; getting lessons once a week to up to camp and brought tons of smiles to Tent 10.
your own risk!
improve their Bringing her intelligence to Evergreen, Sydney
skills! Taylor Demers lead the girls to victory during Olympic
Nichols also tore Week with her crazy math skills. Go Sydney!
it up on the dance Madison Hughes was definitely one of our
during biggest card queens, along with Amy Pinkham.
dance Sarah Macy was one of the greatest overall
along with our campers, and Madelyn Marcella was a swimming star. Also, Faith Newton and Lilly Wood were talented
singer/songwriter athletes in every sport at camp. Marissa Shaw played a great Mushu in the Mulan play. Sophia Roman, Ashley
group including Whitehouse, and Riley Tasker were a great addition to the tent with their excellent camp spirit and friendly
Neila Foohey, attitudes! While every single camper in Tent 10 had been absolutely phenomenal, our camper of the summer is
Karli Scherpf, Jane Burnham, who shined in everything she did! We would like to thank you girls for the best summer EVER.
Vivian See you next year! -Peace, love, cats and dogs, Miranda Groux & Anna Mankovich
Bateman. You
could always find
g o d d e s s e s Pool
M i k a y l a Summer is not summer without swimming and it is safe to say that we did a lot of that this year at the Camp
S a l e r n o , Evergreen pool. We had a lot of fun during swim time, playing games and having races, but we learned a lot
Isabella Martin, too. It was amazing to see all the progress campers made during their swim time, conquering fears and making
A n n a b e l l e tremendous strides towards becoming competent swimmers. In Mini Camp, Vanessa Gutierrez, Jackson
Karkache, and Griffith, Daniel Leonce, Pierce Rowe, Jake Burns, Zoey Stevenson, Ali Shindleman, and Maia Tran made
Natalie Duncan incredible progress during their swim lessons mastering skills such as underwater swimming, blowing bubbles,
creating a gimp glides, flutter and whipkicks, and bobs! Special thanks to the Jr. Cits, with special acknowledgement to Kiley
masterpiece in Martel, Cory Nobile, Maceo Richards and Cara Grady for their willingness to get in the water every day
Arts and Crafts. and help during Mini Camp swim. Unit 2 had its fair share of star swimmers including Jayden Sigman and
Emma Hughes, Madelyn Marcella, who gets the future swim teacher award! Also, Luca Callahan, Marissa Shaw, Joey
M e r i n a Cassarano, Sydney
Peabody and Demers, Elix Sandhu,
it up as
Anika Mittal and Jason Curran
were the drama showed exceptional
superstars of the improvement in diving
summer, leading skills, flip turns and the
the ensemble butterfly stroke. Unit 3
their was incredible with
standout energy most
and dance moves! Watch out Harvard, Brett Fyfe will be coming your way in a few swimming in level 5 or
years with her scholarly knowledge...maybe she’ll even become the first woman elected above.
president! The sun always shined along with Grace Trachsel as she was our sunshine Coppola, Ben Farro,
sweetheart, always kind to everyone. Congratulations to Claire Mounts for being our Sophie Gardiner, Lara
Camper of the Summer!! She was always smiling, enthusiastic, and embodied the ideal Garcia Vidigal, David
Evergreen camper. Overall, Tent 6 had an awesome eight weeks full of wonderful Schurter, and Vanaja
Chavva, displayed
memories that we will never forget. -XXOO Katey Marinelli and Brianna Knight
dedication and a
friendly competitive
spirit during our weekly
swim meets not to
Tent 9
mention their awesome
This year, Tent 9 was all about the sporty side of Camp Evergreen. We did, however swimming skills! In
have a few Woodshop superstars like Nick Cabral, Jarmo Latva-Kokko, Henry Dinges, addition to all the fun
with the
and Sam Bata. The favoirte sport in Tent 9 was street hockey: Tyler Ulwick, Jacob games that we play
Srivastava, Jack Munini, and Brendan Driscoll were star offensive hockey players during swim time, a
on top!
who showcased their skills trying to get past the defensive “brick wall” of Matty group of kids in Unit 3
McDonald, Nate Flagg, and Charlie Maraganis. Many Tent 9 members liked to tear invented an awesome
it up on the soccer field. Jack Dugan was the soccer MVP of the summer, and we had new game that has since
several other great players like Josh Berman, Jason Carroll, Cole Drouin, and Noah been added to our repertoire of activities. Pool Ball, invented by Keegan Hughes, Dom Pedi, Ryan
Santucci. Jesse Fetters, Cameron Gagnon, and Ryan Cotton dominated the basketball Scherpf, Jason Goodman, Sean Belongia, and James Soucy became a favorite activity during free swim. I
court. Last but not least, Adam Slivka left a wake when it came to swimming in the would also like to give special thanks and acknowledgement to Gillian Cowen and Christian Hannabury for
pool.-Cullen Coulter and Sam Sievers
being part of the most amazing pool staff that this camp has ever seen. See you all next year!-Allie Loscutoff
Camp Evergreen’s Awesome 2014 Specialists!!!!!
It was a wild summer in the wonderful world of Woodshop! We made so many amazing projects together this year; from boats and cars to crazy musical
instruments. Woodshop was also a place of loud music, dancing, and fun! There was never a dull moment. During free choice many campers would come
to Woodshop to build ANYTHING they wanted (except weapons that is). We had everything from spaceships, scooters, butterflies, ships, and castles. We
also had days where the campers were challenged to build something creative using only popsicle sticks and glue. Another favorite activity this summer was
wood painting day! Some of the art, including pieces by Jason Curran in Tent 5 and Cole Aubry in Tent 13, even got put up on the woodshop wall! Many
campers came to woodshop every day during free choice! Some boys, including the one and only Mr. Woodshop, Jayden Sigman, would often stay an extra
period in the woodshop to help the Mini Campers. It made me so happy to see such creativity and helpfulness from all the campers. It was so hard to say
goodbye to my Evergreen family after Week 6 because as you can tell, it was an unbeatable summer in woodshop and I loved every second. -Hope to see you
next year, Skyler, Ms. Woodshop
Arts and Crafts
This summer in Arts and Crafts we had a great time and made so much awesome
artwork. Week 1 we made name tag buttons to get to know everyone. A few
exceptional button makers were Zach Nepomnayshy and Erin Coulter. Week
2 Henry Myatt made his own little tree out of twigs and leaves. Week 3 we had
an egg drop and saw some awesome egg drop designs from campers like Charlie
Skyler helps
Burnham and Juliana Slipp. Week 4 we painted backdrops and got help from
so many campers including Sydney Chavous, Molly Dugan, Jordan Boudreau,
Nicholas Maraganis, and Colleen Riley. Week 5 we made picture frames and
some of the most creative ones were done by Quin Newton, Anna Brincheiro,
Hunter Grabar, and Jason Simeone. Cheyenne Smith also broke her own
record of tissue paper flowers and made twelve. Week 6 we had tie-dye and Arts and Crafts had the help of two awesome Jr.
Cit’s, Kiley Martel and Rachelle Rikove, as well as some younger campers, Amy Pinkham and Georgia Poulakis. Week 7,
Olympic week, we played Pictionary and though competition was fierce, Tent 15 dominated with the highest score in all of
camp at 356 points. Thank you to all the campers and staff who came to Arts and Crafts this summer and made it awesome! :)
-Julia Austein
The pond is an easy going area with comfy seats, good music, and a water front view to relax by. I also like to think it’s one of
the places at camp where you can watch kids have a genuine sense of adventure and curiosity about their surroundings. I
couldn’t tell you how many times kids like Jason Simeone, Jonah Feinstein, Liam Wall and Nick Metsis would run into the
bushes along the banks only to run out minutes later blabbering excitedly about a giant frog they caught or a snake that slithered
away. While the froggers frogged, boaters like Pierce Rowe, Armaun Dehpanah, Gus Sanni, and Jason Curran boated
through the pond pretending to be rescues boats helping others
campers who got stuck. But my most vivid memories took place
under the canopies listening to what the kids had to say. Matty
Paul and the
Macdonald dancing to the music while Danny Hornby rambled
staff baiting
about Hornby’s Corner, a sports talk show he would put on for all
hooks at one
the kids sitting at the tables playing cards, all of which gave the
pond that nice community feel. My favorite part of everyday was
of the fishing
last period which became the “Hang Loose”, a club offered only to
mini campers looking to go frogging and unwind after a long camp
day. All in all, it was a great summer Evergreen, I hope the pond
was a fun place to be for the kids and staff alike and I hope everyone
has a fantastic year.-Chris Cullity
Look at the smiling
faces at Indian Lore
during Indian Summer
The last week of Camp we celebrate Indian Summer with the formation of our awesome
Indian Villlage. Joey Ardizzone, Brenna Barry, John Bomback, Isabel Brozena, Tommy
Casey, Cecelia Clemente, Maya Clemente, Ty Cox, Ian Cox, Kaitlyn Crowley, Christian
DaCosta, Lauren Deskin, Matthew George, Anya Glasko, Klarysa Glasko, Brady
Johnson, Samantha Kinch, Riley Larson, Thomas Loureiro, Shawn Osborne, James
Rogus, Ashlyn Spezzaferro, Rachel Spezzaferro, Luke Stad, Jett Stad, Allison Tarapata,
Eric Thurber, Siena Triola, Claire Wang and Francis Wang joined us for that last week
and it was great having them!
We have had a great summer at Campcraft here at Camp Evergreen! The kids have made some great campfire foods and learned how to be safe
and have lots of fun while camping. Week 1 started with roasting marshmallows and week 8 ended with s’mores. In between we made delicacies
such as “spider” dogs, puppy chow and dough boys…Everyone always wanted seconds and both counselors and campers alike would sneak in
for a taste of one of our tempting treats. Brett Fyfe and Ryan Schwartz would always be lurking to snag an extra marshmallow (and would
usually get them): Those girls from Tent 10 would always have impeccable manners…which would usually get them extra marshmallows also.
Every other week we would have fun filled fishing trips to the pond across the street where the kids could bring their own rods or use one of the
Evergreen poles and fish “Huck Finn” style: a line and hook tied to a long straight stick. Almost as many fish were caught with the homemade
rods as were with normal ones and the kids had great fun constructing their own poles that they could use on the fishing trips. Pierce Rowe and
Hunter Grabar loved building their own rods and would store them proudly to use for future trips. Jason Simeone and Connor Moses were
two of our most expertise fishermen while Henry Myatt absolutely took home the most persistent fisherman award. Besides the fishing and rod
building we would also go for worm catching trips on the days before the actual fishing derby, Faith Newton and Kyla Foohey were usually
there to lend a hand although I don’t think they fished much and Jordan Rudolph of Tent 15 let me know he didn’t really care for fishing but he
was ALWAYS there to help me catch worms. Those who did the fishing should definitely thank these three. Many of the Campcraft free choice
activities were also very popular and great fun for the kids: whether we were learning how to build a campfire or read a compass or how to judge
north from growing moss or even just how to recognize poison ivy. Ben Gagnon was always willing to help with whatever activity was offered,
and Nick Metsis and Nick Grubin were two of my stars at firewood collection which seemed to be offered often to keep the cooking fire going
throughout the summer. Campcraft was even a popular place for the lunch crowd to hang at: Molly Dugan, Molly Larson and Jordan
Boudreau were always a joy to talk with, and Claire Collins and Sara Curran were my two favorite tree namers and cabin neighbors. Besides
the campers, I also had many Jr. CIT’s who were very helpful both with the campfire cooking and campcraft activities. Erin Coulter and Grace
Collins were indispensable with helping me no matter what I needed and things would not have run as smoothly without them. Robbie
McDougal was my CIT all year and without him I don’t know how I would have made it through the summer, I wholeheartedly thank him for
all the work and sacrifice he went through for me and the campers. I already can’t wait for next summer!-Paul Firriello
Camp Evergreen’s Awesome 2014 Specialists!!!!!
This year at Drama we had lots
What a summer what a summer
and lots of talent and creative
we had at Archery this year! The
minds. From crazy awesome
first archer I want to recognize is
Mia and Megan going over lines for
tent names and skits to
Jayden Sigman. Every time he
ridiculous amounts of talent
their starring performances
would come to archery for one of
for both the Concert in the
our mini tournaments I would
Pines and the Talent Show.
think to my self “well here’s who
The first play this summer was
is going to come in first!” And that
the Wizard of Oz. This show
is exactly what happened. He was
was said to be the best play
my bulls eye archer of the year!
camp has ever seen. This
The next archer I would like to
could not be done without all
mention is Isaac Medford! This
the brilliant acting by some of
little dude had to be the most
camp’s best: Mia Gouveia,
enthusiastic and excited archer I
Meghan Carey, Noa
have ever seen in my 14 years of
Margolin, Ella Medford,
archery. Great job bud! The final
Nora Orpin, Ashley Slivka,
archer I would like to mention is
Ella Fritzinger who I can
Cheyenne Smith, Jeffrey
undoubtedly say out shot me
Shindleman, Tanush Mital,
multiple times in shoot outs.
Charlie Burnham, Emily
Every time I offered a “shoot
Hazard, and all of the
Brian Archery
ensemble. Mulan was the
came; I knew I was about to be
second camp play and it was
showing how
embarrassed. Though these were
Ninja-tacular!!!! Everyone
only three of my outstanding
it’s done!
was fabulous in that
archers there were many more
wonderful show! Another
that every time it was their turn
great summer down at
to shoot I know something
Drama!-Collette Fortin
amazing was going to happen.
And indeed it always did. It will forever be a vivid picture in my mind of seeing an archers first bulls eye
or even the first time they held a bow. I thank every camper for the summer of a lifetime! Until next year!
-Cheers, Mr. Archery Brian C.
The summer of 2014 will go down in Camp Evergreen history! From week one we were
blessed with the sunshine, and along with it came Emma Hughes, Ellie Griffith and
Jackson Griffith who were always at Nature with smiling faces. When we went on our
hikes down the nature trail , Nick Grubin and Lucas Masse were always on the lookout
Soccer EXPLODED this year at Evergreen! We had many awesome, multi-tent games on the ballfield. for wildlife or a cheese-a-roo, while Vanessa Gutierrez was sure we would run into the
Tanush Mital emerged as an unstoppable force that even counselors couldn’t contain. My favorite game ghost of silly old Harold Parker. Every now and again I would hear the exclamatory cries
was an epic rain game in which Athlete of the Year, Milo Schut, scored the winning goal. Of course we of Nick Metsis and Jonah Feinstein as they caught another frog, while Keira Sue Mahoney
also rocked the fields of camp with kickball, tenniball, ultimate frisbee, and a legendary week of Man and Ally Shindelmann danced and sang like princesses from an icy kingdom. Whenever I
Down in which superhero Maceo Richards proved he can save anyone, regardess of size. In football had a request for bug hunts, it came from my masters of insects Corbin Day and Cooper
week, Kevin Selter was a great receiver but Johnathan Fasser spoiled my quarterback rating by picking Fagan. Sophie Gardiner made up a new camp game for us and Isaac Medford and Leona
me off out of nowhere! In mini camp whiffleball, Ben Borasso proved that not only could he hit home Rogers stepped up and became the camp dragonslayers! My queens of the Enchanted
runs, he can strike counselors out! The 2014 Street Hockey Tournament was so big it couldn’t be Forest, Statues and all our favorite nature games were Sarah Barton and Lilly Wood.
contained in one unit! Cullen Coulter’s juggernaut of a team went into the finals undefeated, but underdog Scavenger hunts brought out the best in Charlotte Stella and James Goodman. And Jordan
Sammy Sievers’ team got the victory. I am always impressed by the skill and the dedication of the Nichols was ready for every Nature trivia question I threw at her! As week eight comes to
hockey players at camp! My team got eliminated in the semis but I gotta give a huge shout out to Ryan close I am heartbroken to watch as my new summer friends leave, but I know those like
Metsis, Owen Mullin, Keegan Hughes, Madelyn Marcella, and Matty McDonald. Thanks for a Charlie Burnham and Noa Margolin will take what they have learned and use that
great season! Also thanks to Jake and Tyler Ulrich, who are not only tremendous players, but the best knowledge for the future. Lastly I’d like to thank the Jr. CITs who helped me out during the
refs I’ve ever seen. This year I got to be a part of the awesome Late Nights at camp, including Harold summer Sydney Seavey, Hailey Sanphy, Samantha Martel, Abby Carroll, and David
Parker, Barndance, and the wicked awesome Super Scary Late Night. These were all so fun it was Snow. Good luck and have a great school year!!-Alanna Gilbert, Miss Nature
ridiculous. We got
to test out some new
games, including
Harold Parker ’s
World Cup, and
Friday the 13th. We
My spidersense
even played The
tells me....
British are Coming
in the pool! Tim
Camp Evergreen
“Batman” Murphy
is awesome!!
was always pumped
for activities at the
Late Nights! In
Meghan Arsenault
Prisoner Escape, we
with the SLAM!!
added the “Free the
D o g h o u s e
Criminals” element,
and as a result we had several escapes, including Jeffery Shindleman. And in Krackabout, we got 6
new balls but lost them all so now we’re back to 12. At the week 7 olympics, Joanna Kellog proved to
be the fastest girl, and Dominic Pedi was the fastest boy. The tire-flipping team of Joanna Kellog,
Colleen Riley, Cheyenne Smith, and Emma O’Regan pulled a huge upset and defeated the boys team!
Special thanks to everyone who helped with mini camp activities, video projects, and the Baby Shark
performance! Shout out to Ashley Slivka for the tough connect 4 competition, and to my ping-pong
rivals, Hailey Sanphy and Cory Noble. Also to the amazing jr CITs who ran the Late Night. They are
gonna be great CITs next year. The CITs this year were awesome! Let’s face it: Evergreen’s farm system
is stacked! Apologies for all the people I forgot to mention, and be on the lookout for the DVD at
Christmas. See you for bacon and sledding at Wintercamp! -Long Live Evergreen! Jason Miller
The Nation of Jr. Citzerland
Around the World with the Jr. CITs! Our intrepid travelers have
surely left their mark on each continent! From Week 1, becoming
all American Frog Wranglers, stepping up to take the lead in the
Evergreen softball league. Ian McGowan’s home run set the tone.
Week 3; down under was not only full of “goo’ days, mate,” but
with the help of director Erin Coulter and MC Andrew Regan,
the Citzerland Players put on one of the most memorable variety
shows in Camp’s 50 year history!
Our Juniors formed up into amazing crews; like “The
Lunch Bunch” (Eva’s crew!) including Eva Altvater, Nika
Sokolova, Sydney Corsetti, Kerry O’Brien, Julia Tatone, Alex
Faigen, Calvin Fumicello (in his tire!), Ian McGowan, Cory
Nobile, Rachelle Rikove, Sophia Paone, Nathaniel Jardine,
Casey Knight, and Peter Wood. Enjoying each other’s company
on the ballfield, laughter, and fun(and Calvin’s towel). “The Pizza
Bunch” (will you be the extra cheese on my pizza?) giggling
always. Notables Andy Regan, Julie Tschirhart, Cara Grady,
Nate Gardiner, Zoe Nepomnayshy, Aditya Gautham, Max
Shapiro, Nick Whitefield, Trinity Dehoyos, Jack Curtin, Hailey
Sanphy, Sydney Seavey, Maddy Dunphy, Natasha Giadone,
Lindsey Rodrigues, Darya Lee, Samantha Martel, Kiley
Martel, Maceo Richards, Casey Ryan, Alex Manning, Kelton
Lin, Abby Carroll and Taylor Tenaglia.
Week 4 Carnavale in South America topped by a Jr. CIT
tradition, “The Dunk Tank.” It seemed like the whole camp was
lined up for a chance to soak our “Dunk Tank Warrior,” and yes,
the water was “ice cold!” Week 5 found our Juniors back packing
through not only Europe, but through the nature trail into the
wilds of Evergreen Forest. Kudos to Sarah and Mike Wood. One
of our more formative crews, “The Little Theater Crew,” could
often be found contemplating the “State of Evergreen” by the “Frog
Pond!” Erin Coulter, Grace Collins, Melissa Joy, Ariana Mello,
Emma Hoyt, Hannah Desimone, Davey Snow, Jonathan Fasser,
Lacey Douglass, Kyle Shaw, Audrey San Cartier, and Elliot
Bruce pondered life around the fire pit!
With special thanks to John Brzezenski for helping out
at Campcraft, Woodshop, and Tents 3 and 9.5, as well as writing
our “Happy” cover of the Pharell Williams song. Into the wilds
of Africa our colorful crews tie dyed everything they could: Special
thanks to Kylie Martel and Rachelle Rikove. Colorful being an
understatement! Week 7 brought us to Antarctica along with
tournament play; always a great spectator event when counselors
and campers join forces for the right to hold that title for the year.
Basketballers Maceo Richards, Matt Solecki, Casey Knight,
Jared Malone and Michael Riley!!! Go Owen Marchetti!! And
here we are at Week 8, into Asia and reminiscing about our summer.
We have counted our blessings, our friendships, new experiences,
being here at Camp Evergreen. We have humbly proclaimed our
rarity, learned quite a bit about ourselves, we have gone the extra
mile, pushed and often exceeded our limitations. We have used
our power of choice wisely, becoming the example that campers
aspire to be. I can honestly say with great pride, you have done,
not only what you were asked to do, but have far exceeded
expectations: Know that you have done a great job, yes, you are
the example, not the exception to the rule. Bring the Camp
Evergreen spirit with you wherever you go. That having been said,
please enjoy your upcoming school year and thank you for
becoming a wonderfully fond memory of ours! Great job Juniors!!Caesar A. & Sarah L.
This summer, we kicked off our second half century as we traveled around the globe and we brought the
You could search the museums and castles of Europe and not discover a more
perfect staff than our Unit 1 counselors lead by Unit 1 leader Mary Frelinger
and Katy Kiernan, Oliver Dunn, Richard Palumbo and Danae Anguilo,
and their wonderful junior staff consisting of Emma Malone, Eddie Riley,
Quinn Marchetti, Robert Smith, Sam Murphy and Kate Burba. Unit 2
could match the natural wonders of Asia like the Great Wall of China with
their stellar staff led by Unit 2 leader Matt Frelinger and senior staff Adam
Bloooom, Julian Paone, Katey Marinelli, Aidan Marchetti, Sarah Groux,
Ashley Papa, Cullen Coulter, James Randall and Miranda Groux assisted
by the able junior staff of Anna Mankovich, Shaun O’Halloran, Sammy
Sievers, Ryan Tarantino, Briana Knight, Casey Hughes and Jesse Valway
and an occasional guest appearance by Becca Faigen. The revelers in Rio
and South America could not match the enthusiasm and energy of our Unit 3
staff led by Nick Sievers, and Meghan Arsenault, Frankie Starkweather,
Kelsey Hammersly, Owen Marchetti, and Julie Keener and their junior
staff, Madi Ryan, Billy Hornby, Mari Tarantino, Kyle Corsetti, Miranda
Nolan, and superstar James Soucy.
The specialists really “put some shrimp on the barbie” with their
outstanding menu of activities including Woodshop led by the teams of Skyler
McNulty and Sam Murphy, & Victor Gutierrez and Clara Rotger, Arts &
Crafts hosted by Julia Austein and a crew of helpers, Nature guided by Alanna
Gilbert, Campcraft crafted by Paul Fierello and Robbie MacDougall, Tennis
where Brian McSweeney raised a racquet, Sports & movie making directed
by Jason Miller and the amazing Drama program orchestrated by the luminous
Collette Fortin. Our aquatics team welcomed back Pool Director Allie
Loscutoff who captained a team of Gillian Cowen, Christian Hannabury
and Pond guy Chris Cullity who successfully navigated the waters of camp
like they were the Seven Seas.
We also introduced several new
faces to the Indian Summer staff, including
CITs Calvin Fumicello, Eva Altvater, Alex
Faigen, Davey Snow, Julia Tatone, Cory
Nobile, Max Shapiro, Grace Collins and
Adi Gautham. as well as counselor Kelly
McMillan and at Indian Lore Ruthanne Zanti.
Heading up the office efficiently was the Office Goddess, Mackenzie
Cool. The nurse of all nurses was Dianne Pfieffer and the canteen guy was
Mario Ameno. Nowhere in the whole world was there a better administrative
team than Caesar Anguilo, Sarah Loscutoff and Mike Wood. We are all so
grateful for Debby and Little Jim Loscutoff who guided the camp and its
leadership, holding the whole world, the Camp Evergreen world, in their
hands. Next year promises to be equally an adventure...hope to see you all
here in 2015!!