- Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Haemostasis
BSTH moving forward Alain Gadisseur, MD, PhD President Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 31 BSTH • 2012 – 20th Annual Mee=ng – 20th anniversary of the founding of the BSTH Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 2 BSTH 1992 -‐ 2012 Year Loca)on (organiser) year Loca)on (organiser) 1993 Woluwe 2003 Het Pand, Gent 1994 Antwerpen 2004 Anderlecht Stadium, Brussels 1995 Liège 2005 Hotel Corinthia, Antwerpen 1996 Gent 2006 Château de LimeleQe 1997 Woluwe 2007 De Mon=l, Affligem 1998 Elewijt Center, Elewijt 2008 Brabanthal, Leuven 1999 IBM Int Educa=on Center, La Hulpe 2009 Château de Colonster, Liège 2000 Château de LimeleQe 2010 Het Pand, Gent 2001 Brabanthal, Haasrode 2011 Crowne Plaza Hotel, Brussels 2002 Hotel Bedford, Liège 2012 Hilton Hotel, Antwerpen Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 3 BSTH 1992 -‐ 2012 year Topic year Topic 2012 Focus on von Willebrand's disease 2002 its prothrombo=c implica=ons Von Willebrand factor : from its haemosta=c to New insights into venous and arterial 2001 treatment Thrombosis and bleeding in women and 2000 Prac=cal topics 2009 thrombosis New insights into venous and arterial 1999 and inflamma=on 2008 Platelets in health and disease 1998 Haemostasis in the young 2007 Thrombosis in women and children 1997 to the therapy 2011 thrombosis 2010 children New insights in thrombosis and haemostasis: New developments in thrombus forma=on and Rela=onship between haemostasis, immunity New an=thrombo=c agents: from the biology 2006 from genes to therapy 1996 Gene=cs in haemostasis and thrombosis 2005 Focus on von Willebrand's disease 1995 Hormonal treatment and blood coagula=on 2004 New insights into atherothrombosis 1994 Thrombosis and the vessel wall 2003 Thrombophilia: what to test and how to treat? 1993 Haemosta=c agents Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 4 Belgian Society onThrombosis & Haemostasis • Founded in 1992 – Gaston Baele (UGent) • first President of the BSTH 1992-‐2000 – Paul Capel (ULB) • first Secretary of the BSTH – – – – – – – Jean Louis David (ULg) Marc De Waele (VUB) Pierre Fondu (ULB) Marcel Moriau (UCL) Marc Van der Planken (UA) Jos Vermylen (KUL) Marc Verstraete (KUL) Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 5 Gaston Baele 1992-‐2000 Founda=on BSTH Annual Mee=ng Courses / workshops Travel grants Kris=n Jochmans 2000-‐2008 New Statutes BSTH website Paul Capel Prize Serge MoQe Alain Gadisseur 2008-‐2012 2012-‐ Consolida=on Thrombosis Guidelines Group Belgian Journal of Hematology Working Group on Oral An=coagula=on Sanofi-‐ Aven=s Prize Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 6 BSTH Board • • • • • • • • • • • Alain Gadisseur, president (UA) Ann Demulder, vice-‐president (ULB) Marc Hoylaerts, treasurer (KUL) Katrien Devreese, secretary (UGent) Hans Deckmyn, webmaster (KULAK) Kris=n Jochmans (VUB) Serge MoQe (ULB) Cedric Hermans (UCL) Philippe Hainaut (UCL) Muriel Sprynger (Ulg) Jean-‐Michel Dogné (Namur) Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 7 The changes Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 8 Aims of changes to the BSTH • • • • • • To make the BSTH more relevant To make the BSTH more visible To make the BSTH more democra=c and transparent To increase BSTH member base To improve the financial status of the society To make the BSTH more professional Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 9 Mission Statement “To bring together the Belgian thrombosis & hemostasis community in order to represent it more effec=vely to the outside world and to promote improved educa=on, clinical care and scien=fic research into thrombosis and hemostasis.” Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 10 Aims of the BSTH (I) • To provide coagula=on and hemostasis exper)se towards the medical community, hospitals and other medical socie=es. • To be the main interlocutor on coagula=on and hemostasis maQers towards the Belgian federal and regional authori=es • To promote research into coagula=on and hemostasis and to be an ac=ve partner, a pres=gious sponsor (in the manner of a quality label) and if possible a financial supporter towards the research community. • To encourage young scien=sts and clinicians in the field of coagula=on by the funding of travel grants and educa=on grants. Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 11 Aims of the BSTH (II) • To provide a forum for networking among the hemostasis community and for contacts between pharmaceu=cal companies and the hemostasis community. • To organize scien=fic and educa)onal ac=vi=es to further the cause of hemostasis in Belgium. • To improve coagula=on awaress in the popula=on and the medical community. Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 12 The changes to the BSTH New statutes New logo New website New organiza=on New ac=vi=es Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 13 New statutes: key points (I) • Membership – Open to all persons interested in the field of hemostasis and working in the area of hemostasis in Belgium. This includes healthcare and research. – Membership by paying yearly membership fees. – The system of effec=ve members is to be abolished. – Coorporate membership will be made possible. – Clear membership benefits will be defined. Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 14 New statutes: key points (II) • Board of the BSTH – Will be renamed as the BSTH Council – Execu=ve board (4 officers) for day-‐to-‐day running of the society. – Composi=on • 7 “university” seats (MD, MSc, PhD) • 2 “non-‐university” seats (MD, MSc, PhD) • 4 “open seats” • Former presidents (up to 60y) – BSTH Council subcommiQees will be set up. – President will be elected by General Assembly Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 15 BSTH ini=a=ves • NOAC Booklet – Cedric Hermans – Supported by Boehringer Ingelheim • Registry of tests (website) – Ann Demulder – Katrien Devreese • Combined mee=ng BSHT-‐BSTH, Norngham, 2013 • New BSTH website • BSTH subcommiQees Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 16 Annual Mee=ng of the Belgian Society on Thrombosis and Hemostasis, 23/11/2012 17 www.bsth.be
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