Current Bird Price List
Current Bird Price List
AUSTMLIAN AVICULTURE - OCTOBER 2013 The Avicultural Society of Australia lnc Guide to Bird Prices 2A13-2014 This list is a guide for transactions between members and these points should be noted: o lt is a guide only and applies to Victoria for young visually sexable Pairs in good condition. o Members are fully entitled to place their own valuation on birds they have for sale. r The Society is aware of other species and mutations that exist, but as they are not readily availabte, prices cannot be properly ascertained and are subject to negotiation. L # Denotes species requiring a Wildlife Licence in Victoria. Denotes few transactions or wide variance in price. *FF Denotes fewer hens available, and possibly will cost more than cocks of the species. QUAIL & PARTRIDGE Bob llhite Brown, Normal pied White Button, Black breasted Little Painted Red backed L L L L L L L $40 Button, $400 $400 $300 $150 $80 # Red chested backed Chestnut $65 L $3oo 4 L Californian $100 Japanese, all varielies Kins, all varieties from Par&idge Chukar $10 qrn $60 Stubble $50 Swamp $80 WATERFOWL L Black lailed Native Hen Duck, $40 Blue billed L $400 Black L $40 Goose Carolina Freckled Hardhead L # t $150 Mallard $20 Mandarin $350 Scaup, Shelduck, Canada $600 Cape Banen $150 Egyptian $250 Magpie $250 Pygmy goose, Green $950 White $850 New Zealand $200 Burdekin $350 Musk L # Mountain $150 Pink eared L $500 Paradise $500 Teal, Chestnut, Grey L $80 Ruddy $500 Whistling Plumed L $150 Australasian $400 Whistling Water L $350 Wood Duck I Shoveler, Swan, $40 Black $350 Muie $3,000 PHEASANTS & PEAFOWL Blackneck, Pure Fireback, Golden, Siamese $60 $2,000 Normal $150 $1 50 Black-throated Guinea Fowl, Cinnamon, Silver Junglefowl, Red Kalij, Nepal Mutant" Peafowl, $50 $40 $1s0 LadyAmherst $1 Ringneck, Pure $60 Silver, Blue $60 Swinhoe's, Black, Red tailed White tailed (Baudin's) Yellow tailed Glossy $120 lndian Pied 1st year lndian White 1st year $200 Javanese 1st year $1,000 $1 80 $150 $60 Pure, Cinnamon White 30 Mutant, white tailed (camaby's) lndian Normal 'lstyear Reeves, Mongolian, L L L L L $60 Green $120 $1 00 cl (n COCKATOOS $4,000 $3,000 # $5,000 # $200 Galah Gang Gang L $2,200 Major Mitchelfs L $500 Sulphurcrested Corella, $400 Long-biiled $200 Short-billed $1 50 AUSTRALIAN AVICULTURE . OCTOBER 2013 256 AUSTRALIAN FINCHES Black throated, White rumped White rumped dark lorm Black rumpd (Diggles) Black rumpeddark form Chestnut breasted Grimson, White Double baned, bellied # L L L L $1,000 $80 $70 L Diamond L Gouldian, Masked, Red billed {HecKs) Normal L $90 White eared L $175 L $130 $80 $1,500 headed $60 Black, Red, Yellow $70 Painted, Normal, Yellow Pictorella ## $70 $40 Plum headed Panotfinch, $70 Blue faced $60 Red browed Lesser # $1,500 L Whit*breasted Yellow billed $100 L Beautiful Red eared $80 $50 $250 Black rumped Longtriled, $100 t White rumped Firetail. $100 Star, Yellow rumped Norm, Cinnamon,Yellow Zebra, all varieties $50 L $600 L $70 faced $50 from $20 $80 FOREIGN FINCHES Aberdeen Cardinal, # # $700 Red headed Chaffinch Fire, $80 Red billed Goldfinch Greenfinch, Java, Normal& colour variations Mannikin, Bengalese allvarieties $300 $200 $20 $250 Munia, Nun, $100 Sparrou It Sudan Golden Song Spice StrawbenY, $200 $50 Green # # Red ## $1?0 ! # Twinspot, Dybowski's # # Waxbill, Peter's Black rumped (Senegal $2,000 Blue capped Cordon bleu Black headed $80 Silver headed $80 Orange cheeked $100 Purple Grenadier Javan # $300 # $45 $1,250 *f Bamboo # Red cheeked Cordon bleu $70 Peale's # St Helena $60 $80 Red faced Violet eared # Forest, Pure $1,000 Tri coloured $100 Red faced (Aurora) Red winged (Aurora) $150 91 00 Grenadier, Pure $350 Madagascar, $180 Yellow winged $200 Napoleon Weaver, $1,500 {Pileated) Pelzeln's Whydah, $600 # Yellow rumped European Chat, Crimson L White fronted L $20 $300 $250 # $plendid L $300 Superb L Red whiskered Variegated L White winged L Honeyeater, Scadet L Kookabuna, Laughing L Lapwing, Banded L $120 $300 $300 $700 $400 $70 $800 $700 Pin tailed $1,500 Red shouldered $2,000 ! YellowHammer SOFT BILLED BIRDS Blackbird, Bul Bul, Pure Orange Bishop # Redpoll Fairy wren, ! Plain backed Lavender Orange breasted Tri coloured Saffron, Serin, # # European Red Hooded $1 20 Red crested, $200 Yellow Hooded Melba Pytilia, Siskin, $30 Rufous backed Green $30 $200 $60 Jacarini $100 Grey $400 Himalayan African $60 $30 European Oriental Panotfinch, Singer, $70 Cuban Cut throat # European Silverbill, Masked backed L $80 L $50 Silvereye L $70 Skylark Spofi$d Pardalote rI Lf Lapwing, Magpie' White fiesia, Silver eared # # Robin, Magpie # # Pekin # # Shama # $80 Thrush, Song Wattlebird, Red L $200 $300 AUSTRALIAN AVICULTURE . OCTOBER 2013 257 DOVES & PIGEONS Barbary Barbary 3ar shouldered Bleeding Heart Bronzewing, all vadeties $15 Pied $50 L L Brush Cuckoo Dove, Brown Diamond, Normal, Silver L L $400 I S600 L Flock Rose crowned FruiL Superb Purple crowned L Green uinged lilasked Partridge L Peaceful, $80 $50 $350 Normal $30 Fawn $40 L t $1,000 $500 $50 Senegal Spinifex, $150 $40 $20 $400 $20 $300 Common Crested $60 $350 Chestnul quilled White quilled Rock, Red bellied I $400 White bellied L $400 L $200 Squatter $40 TalPacoti Topknot TonesSfait L $200 $150 Ruddy Turde, Yllhite 4 L breasted, Spotted $10 Ground $150 White headed L Wompoo L # Wonga L $100 $100 FOREIGN PARROTS $9,000 Congo African Grey, Alexandrine Amazon, Blue fronted $3,000 Yellow cncwned $3,500 Double Yellow Head $6,000 Blackheaded White Caique, ## Bellied # Peach- ftonted Gonure, Black Capped Rose Cmwned Crimson Bellied Pearly $150 Lory, Black Capped 9,000 Chattering $4,000 Dusky $1,500 Red Yellow bibbed $500 Lovebid $8,000 $5,000 Fischer's Normal $55 # Masked Normal $300 $4,000 $12,000 Madagascar $1,000 Gotd Capped $300 $2,500 Red & Blue $1,500 $1,000 $80 Cinnamon $8,000 Firey thoulder $60 $100 Nyasa Peach Maeaw, faced Normal $35 Blue & Gold $10,000 $18,000 Green cheeked $120 Grcen winged Cinnamon $150 Hahn's Yellow Slded $200 Yellow Collared $1 Pineapple $700 Scarlet $16,000 Nanday Sun $1,000 $400 $400 $800 Malabar Vosmeri $1,200 $4,000 Grand $2,500 New Guinea Normal Cinnamon, GreY, Blue White GreYgreen, Lutino Pastel Blue, Lacewing $60 $100 $80 $200 ## Normal Blue Senegal SlatYheaded 5,000 $2,500 $300 Plumheaded Quaker, $2,000 $200 Moustached $4,500 Derbyan necked $100 Pied Green naped $1,000 Maroon bellied Eclectus, Red, Yellow fronted $4,000 Blue Throat Jendaya lndian Ring Kakariki, $400 Senegal Slag headed $150 $200 $4,000 $400 AUSTRALIAN AVICULTURE . OCTOBER 201 3 258 AUSTRALIAN PARROTS Bluebonnet, Budgerigar, Naretha L Red vented L $240 Yellow vented L $200 L $300 Bush Normal $30+ I Crimson winged Fig panot, Double eyed L Eclec{us, Austmlian L Golden shouldered L ## $350 L L Little Musk Port Lincoln Princess, $300 $200 Red rumped, $1oo Purple crowned L $250 L $200 Rainbow $60 Red collared $caly breasted Normal $60 Scaly-breasted-0live $100 Varied L Mallee Ringneck, Normal L $300 $200 Mulga ## L $200 Neophema, Blue Blue Pileated, $250 King Lorikeet, $250 $3,000 $8,000 winged normal winged Blue Bourke's normal L $80 L $3,000 $80 Pink $80 Rosa $50 Elegant Nonnal $60 Cinnamon Yellow $60 $400 Scadetchested Normal $100 Full red bellied $90 Sea Green $60 White-Chested Light Olive 0live Rosella, $300 Rock Par Blue Regent, $40 Cream $60 $1 00 $50 $60 Superb, Swift Twenty Eight, ffi \ -rLJ Normal $90 orangefronted $60 Yeliow $60 Yellowfull 0nange fronted $70 lsabel $600 Jade $60 Olive $80 Opaline $250 (Red*apped) L $300 L $250 ## Normal $80 Blue $100 Yellow $600 Normal $40 Blue, Cinnamon, $50 Lutino Limelopalinr $160 Lutino 0paline $100 0paline $60 Pied Platinum $150 Lutino $100 (Smoker) L $200 L $250 Adelaide Elue cheeked L $350 L $300 Crimson Eastem normal $60 Black (metanistic) $000 Cinnamon $200 Lutino $500 Red (opaline) $200 Tasmanian L $200 Golden mantled L $120 Green-(Tasmanian)#; L $900 Northern L $900 L $300 Pale headed Westem normal $300 Red backed $350 Blue $1,500 L $360 Yellow (Barnaband) L $200 L $800 Normal # # $2S0 Blue $3,000 Turquoisine Full $50 Various mutations Hooded Neophema, $15 Cloncurry Cockatiel, $3,000
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