China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report
China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report
Stock Code: 601668 Abbreviation: China Construction China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. 2015 Annual Report Abstrat Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Important Notes This report has been prepared by China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (“CSCEC”) solely for use at the Results Presentation. This report is mainly based on the Section 1-4 part of the CSCEC Annual report 2015. In case of any discrepancy between the Chinese and English version,the Chinese version shall prevail. This report contains statements that reflect the current beliefs and expectations of CSCEC about the future as of the date of this report.These forward-looking statements are based on a number of assumptions about the operations of CSCEC and factors beyond the control of CSCEC and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. Uncertainties include but are not limited to: industry competition; market risk; legal, fiscal and regulatory changes; international economies and financial market conditions; political risk and other risk factors beyond the control of CSCEC. Accordingly, actual results may differ materially from these forward-looking statements. No undue reliance should be placed on these forward-looking statements. Except for audited financial data, all business data contained in the Report are compiled according to the statistical criteria set forth by the Company’s management. Thank you for your attention. 1 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 A Message from the Chairman Dear Shareholders: The start of 2016 marks the strategic transition between the 12th and 13th “Five-year Plans”. As we embark on the new national plan, investors will have a broader vision of the exciting events in the years to come. I. The Year 2015 In 2015, China State Construction Engineering Corporation (“CSCEC”) worked hard toward its ambitions, driven and inspired by challenges and difficulties that we managed to turn into motivation. The value of newly signed contracts executed in 2015 totaled RMB 1,674.0 billion, up 8.9% year-on-year (YoY); Our revenue reached RMB 880.6 billion, up 10.1% YoY; and net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies rose 15.5% YoY to RMB 26.06 billion. Highlights of business development in 2015 included: the value of infrastructure construction contracts exceeded RMB 300.0 billion, up 26.7%; overseas orders exceeded RMB 100.0 billion, up 42.2%. CSCEC made effort no only to stabilize business growth, but also to promote corporate development through the adjusting business structure in 2015. II. The 12th “Five-year Plan” (2011-2015) The 12th “Five-year Plan” period has proven to be a golden period of development for CSCEC. During the five years, the company withstood all challenges and obtained newly signed contracts value over RMB 6.6 trillion, Revenue of over RMB 3.4 trillion, net profit attributable to shareholders of over RMB 98.0 billion, and cash dividends totaling RMB 22.0 billion. Its ranking in the Fortune 500 List rose from 187th to 37th, which means CSCEC has become leader among construction investment conglomerates all around the globe. Our business scale doubled within the space of five years. These remarkable achievements are attributable to contributions made by our shareholders, On behalf of the board of directors,as well as on the senior management team, I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to our investors. III. The 13th “Five-year Plan” (2016-2020) CSCEC’s capabilities will experience new challenges during the transition toward “the New Normal Economy” in the 13th “Five-year Plan” period. Our vision: Building the company into a investment and construction group with the strongest global competitiveness; our philosophy: Combining tradition with innovation; our goal: During 1 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company’s overall revenue will grow at an average rate of 9%, to approximately RMB 1,330.0 billion by 2020. Going forward, we will give top priority to investment, infrastructure construction and overseas businesses related the “Belt and Road”, striving for greater success during the 13th “Five-year Plan” period. IV. The Year 2016 The year 2016 marks the beginning of the 13th “Five-year Plan” period. Guided by the general principle of “steady growth with improved development quality and efficiency”, the Company will align its business operations to the “Three Major Development Strategies” of the state, and implement tasks set out in the 13th “Five-year Plan”, seizing opportunities created by supply-side structural reforms. In 2016, we will seek to increase the value of newly signed contracts to more than RMB 1.6 trillion, and revenue to over RMB 920.0 billion, thereby providing increased returns for our investors. Chairman: Guan Qing 18 April, 2016 2 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Section 1 Definitions I. Definitions Unless otherwise specified in the context, the listed terms below contained in the Report are defined as follows: Definitions of common words and phrases China Construction /the refers to China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. refers to China State Construction Engineering Corp., the controlling Company China Construction Corp. shareholder China Construction 1st refer to China Construction 1st Building (Group) Corp., Ltd.; Building (Group) Corp., China Construction 2nd Engineering Bureau Ltd.; Ltd. - China Construction China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Ltd.; 8th Engineering Division China Construction 4th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.; Corp., Ltd. China Construction 5th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.; China Construction 6th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.; China Construction 7th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.; China Construction 8th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd.; CSCEC Fangcheng refers to China Construction Fangcheng Investment & Development Co., Ltd. CSCEC Development refers to China State Construction Development Co., Ltd. China Overseas refers to China Overseas Holdings Ltd. China Overseas Land & refers to China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (00688.HK) refers to China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Ltd. (00081.HK) China Overseas Property refers to China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd. (02669.HK) China Construction refers to China State Construction International Holdings Ltd. Investment China Overseas Grand Oceans International (03311.HK) Far East Global refers to Far East Global Group Ltd. (00830.HK) China State Construction refers to Real estate businesses operated by China Construction Land except for those operated by China Overseas Land & Investment 3 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 CSCEC Xinjiang refers to CSCEC Xinjiang Construction & Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd. China West Construction refers to China West Construction Group Co., Ltd.(002302.SZ) Articles of Association refers to Existing articles of association adopted by China State Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. The Reporting Period refers to 1 January – 31 December, 2015 4 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Section 2 Company Profile and Key Financial Indicators I. Company Profile Chinese name 中国建筑股份有限公司 Chinese abbreviation 中国建筑 China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited CSCEC English name English Acronym Legal representative Guan Qing (官庆) II. Contact Details Name Meng Qingyu (孟庆禹) Board Secretary No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing 010-88083288 010-88082678 [email protected] Position Correspondence address Tel. Fax Email III. Basic Information Registered address Postcode for registered address Office address Postcode for office address Website Email No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100037 No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100037 [email protected] IV. Information Disclosure and Filing Location Press selected by the Company for information disclosure Website designated by CSRC for publishing annual reports Annual report filing location China Securities Journal, Shanghai Securities News, Securities Times, Securities Daily Office of The Board of China Construction, No. 15 Sanlihe Road, Haidian District, Beijing VI. Other Information Name Accounting firm (in China) engaged by the Company Office address Accountant (signatory) 5 PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian CPAs (Special General Partnership) Floor #11, PricewaterhouseCoopers Center, No. 202 Hubin Road, Shanghai Huang Mingliu (黄鸣柳), Wang Lei (王磊) Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 V. Stock Profile Type Stock exchange A share Shanghai Stock Exchange Stock profile Abbreviation Stock code China Construction 601668 Abbreviation before alteration N/A VII. Main Accounting Data and Financial Indicators (2013-2015) (i) Main accounting data Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Change Main accounting data 2015 2014 2013 YoY (%) Revenue Net profit attributable to 880,577,134 800,028,753 10.1 681,792,424 26,061,898 22,569,967 15.5 20,398,512 25,108,195 20,933,504 19.9 18,632,553 54,603,641 24,906,341 119.2 2,678,228 shareholders of listed companies Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses Net cash flow from operating activities Change End-2015 End-2014 YoY End-2013 (%) Net assets attributable to 167,977,392 139,019,458 20.8 118,036,755 1,074,904,899 919,106,215 17.0 784,108,707 30,000,000 30,000,000 / 30,000,000 shareholders of listed companies Total assets Closing total share capital (,000) (ii) Key financial indicators Change Key financial indicators 2015 2014 YoY 2013 %) Basic EPS (RMB/share) 0.84 6 0.75 12.0 0.68 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Diluted EPS (RMB/share) 0.83 0.75 10.7 0.67 Basic EPS (RMB/share) after 0.80 0.70 14.3 0.62 16.00 17.70 1.7% less 18.60 15.39 16.42 1.03% less 16.99 deducting non-recurring gains and losses Weighted average return on net assets (%) Weighted average return on net assets (%) after deducting non-recurring gains and losses Main accounting data and financial indicators in the three years before the end of the Reporting Period None VIII. Accounting discrepancies under Chinese and foreign accounting standards (i) Differences in net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies disclosed in financial statements concurrently compiled according to international accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards □Applicable √N/A (ii) Differences in net profit and net assets attributable to shareholders of listed companies disclosed in financial statements concurrently compiled according to foreign accounting standards and Chinese accounting standards □Applicable √N/A (iii) Discrepancies between foreign and Chinese accounting standards: □Applicable √N/A IX. Main financial data in 2015 by quarter Revenue Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Q3 Q4 (Jul-Sep) (Oct-Dec) Q1 (Jan-Mar) Q2 (Apr-Jun) 193,767,299 219,966,588 197,607,844 269,235,403 5,624,837 8,108,000 5,310,715 7,018,346 5,645,056 8,145,144 5,106,562 6,211,433 Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies Net profit attributable to 7 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 shareholders of listed companies after deducting non-recurring gains and losses Net cash flow from operating (49,557,997) 20,211,349 13,811,899 70,138,390 activities Note: Main quarterly financial data have not been audited. Discrepancies between quarterly data and data disclosed in regular reports □Applicable √N/A X. Non-recurring items and amounts √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Non-recurring gains and losses 2015 Non-revenue and expenditure 2014 / / Gains/losses on disposal of non-current assets 143,516 213,734 Government subsidies recognized as current 266,084 398,185 25,074 / Other non-revenue and expenditure (net) 176,644 510,618 Non-revenue and expenditure (net) 611,318 1,122,537 (504,249) (206,718) Interest income from commissioned external loans 244,704 276,882 Reversal of impairment provision for receivables 660,233 493,058 3,667 307,712 / 290,687 1,015,673 2,284,158 gains/losses Gains/losses from fair value of identifiable net assets acquired from the acquiree below the acquisition cost Losses from changes in fair value and investment losses from disposal of trading financial assets and financial assets available for sale in separate impairment tests Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investment Revaluation gains on remaining equity after partial disposal of subsidiaries Subtotal 8 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Effect of income tax (320,542) (519,578) Subtotal 695,131 1,764,580 Effect of minority interests (after tax) 258,572 (128,117) 953,703 1,636,463 Total XI. Items measured at fair value Item Financial assets measured at Opening balance Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Effect on Changes in profit for the 2015 year Closing balance 1,037,762 1,130,227 92,465 138,533 2,193,264 2,632,519 439,255 145,609 19,441 - (19,441) 19,441 4,973,477 5,967,372 993,895 (680,644) 8,223,944 9,730,118 1,506,174 (377,061) fair value through profit or loss Financial assets available for sale (Note) Financial liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss Exchangeable bonds Total Note: Financial assets available for sale include bank financial products listed in financial statements as other current assets. 9 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Section 3 Business Overview I. Main Businesses Operated by the Company during the Reporting Period China Construction is one of the most integrated construction and real estate conglomerates in China with the longest history of specialized operation and market-oriented management.During the Reporting Period, core businesses of the Company (divided by business segment) included housing construction, infrastructure construction &investment, and real estate development&investment, design and survey. In addition, the Company as one of the largest international construction contractors in China.has made active efforts to expand overseas businesses. The Company is noted for its comprehensive and balanced business coverage, extensive geographies and robust operations, and ranks among the market leaders in all of its core businesses. It boasts absolute competitive advantages in housing construction, and top rankings in most sub-segments of the infrastructure business, e.g. port, high-speed rail, subway, industrial base and power plant. Over the years, it has focused its efforts on the development of Chinese inner land and overseas markets, and consistently extended its business presence to more than 50 countries and regions worldwide. The Company currently has nine overseas marketing centers and set up over 30 country-specific teams, covering virtually all major markets along the routes of the “Belt and Road”, with an extensive domestic business network throughout China. Featuring “China Overseas Land & Investment” and “China State Construction Land” as the main brands, it operates real estate projects in all major economic regions in the country, and has acquired the largest land reserves among all Chinese real estate developers. The Company is capable of fully integrated property design, construction and land development throughout China, supported by a complete construction industry chain covering product research and development, survey and design, project contracting, real estate development, equipment manufacturing and property management. It is the only fully accredited construction company in China licensed with qualifications at the highest level to undertake the most extensive range of contracting businesses, and has been certified as a premium general contractor for housing construction, road construction and municipal utilities projects, covering construction and engineering general contracting and project management for construction, road, railway, municipal utilities, ports and waterways, water conservancy and hydropower, mining, metallurgy, petrochemical, electricity, etc. projects. The certificates will remain valid until 2021. During the Reporting Period, the Company and its subsidiaries had a total of 787 business qualifications for various construction, survey, design, construction supervision, construction cost and consulting, etc, and 21 among of them were qualified as premium general contractors. 10 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Housing construction Healthcare Education and training Sports venues Defense projects Airport terminals and outbuildings Super high-rises above 300m Exhibition and cultural centers Industrial informatization and scientific research The largest housing property contractor in the world, and the largest housing construction contractor in China Infrastructure construction & investment Roads, bridges and tunnels Railway and urban rail transit Nuclear power, thermal power, hydropower, wind power plants Municipal utilities, water resources projects Achieved top rankings in most sub-segments of the infrastructure business, e.g. port, high-speed rail, subway, industrial base and power plant Real estate development & investment High-end commercial housing Office buildings Upscale hotel Affordable housing “China Overseas Land & Investment” and “China State Construction Land” are the two main brands under China Construction Design, survey, etc. Architectural design Municipal Engineering design Project management Construction general contracting China Construction Engineering Design Group ranked 44 in ENR152 2015, the highest ranking among Chinese architectural design companies In early 2016, the Company’s Board of Directors adopted the 13th “Five-year Plan” corporate development strategy after deliberation, and construction survey and design, construction, investment and new businesses were defined as the four priority business segments for the Company going forward. Please refer to “Discussions and Analyses on Future Development” under the fourth section “Management Discussions and Analyses” for further details. II. Major Changes in the Company’s Main Assets During the Reporting Period No major changes occurred to any of the Company’s main assets during the Reporting Period. Please refer to “Assets and Liabilities Analyses” under the fourth section “Management Discussions and Analyses” for details regarding changes in main operating assets. Where: foreign assets were 1,231 (unit: RMB 100mn; currency: RMB), accounting for ~11.5% of total assets. Foreign assets data above have not been audited. 11 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 III. Core Competitiveness Analysis for the Reporting Period Market-oriented operating mechanism. The Company has always adhered to market-oriented operating mechanisms, and consistently improved its market maneuvering while respecting, abiding by and adapting itself to the market rules. In the face of an increasingly competitive marketplace, we won the trust of existing clients and attracted new ones with high quality products and value added services. In line with our pursuit of profitability-based business expansion, we continue to improve the efficiency of asset turnover and achieved high returns on assets above the industry average through highly efficient resource operations. Our market share has been consistently increased through steady business growth. Business internationalization. While basing our business operations in the Chinese market, we made active efforts to break into overseas markets, aiming to establish the Company as an efficient multinational capable of mobilizing resources on a global scale. Business internationalization has led to increased revenues and profits. More importantly, it enabled us to enhance management standard and staff expertise by competing directly with global leaders. Relevant diversification and vertically integrated business expansion. The Company adopts a relevant diversification approach to product (or service) selection based on its existing technical and marketing advantages. On the back of our traditional advantages in construction survey and design, housing construction and real estate development, we actively increased business coverage to include infrastructure investment and construction, and horizontally toward water supply and environmental protection businesses. Furthermore, the Company strives for vertical business expansion integrating investment, design, construction, operation and service operations, and established a fully-developed investment and risk management system. We accumulated extensive experiences in investment and financing management, and have one of the largest teams of investment operation management professionals. In addition, we have set up a financial business platform and fostered close ties with banks, insurance, trust and fund companies, allowing us to carry out financial intermediation on multiple levels and through multiple channels. High quality, cost-effective and differentiation-based competitive strategy. The Company has always committed itself to providing the public with high quality and cost-effective products and services. We ensure high product quality relying on our technical, talent and management advantages; we ensure cost effectiveness through our integrated operating model, scale effect and economies of speed. We will continue to deepen and optimize our marketing strategy oriented toward “Big Markets, Big Clients, Big Projects”, with the focus placed on the high-end market. This is the differentiator that sets us apart from our competitors. 12 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Strong overall competitiveness with a clear advantage in technology. The Company is a leader in technology research and development and construction technology integration and innovation, and boasts world-class core competitiveness in more than 10 business sectors such as the design, construction and installation of large-span steel structures for super high-rises and in complex spaces. We are the leader in information technology application among Chinese construction companies, with decisive advantages especially in corporate and project information management technology, virtual construction technology, etc. We pioneered BIM application in the construction industry in China, and took the lead in the formulation of the national “Building Information Model Application Standards for Construction Projects”. We have developed several proprietary technologies for “construction industrialization”, including “China Construction” MCB fabricated shear wall structure developed with independent intellectual property right. 13 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 IV. Branding, Credit Standing and Honors Received during the Reporting Period The Company’s brand value, reputation and influence were further improved during the Reporting Period. It ranked 37th in Fortune “Global Top 500” in 2015, the highest ranking among construction and real estate companies worldwide; it ranked 17th of the top-250 global international contractors in ENR. (international business category); the Company was assigned with the highest credit rating, i.e. A (S&P) / A2 (Moody's) / A (Fitch), by all three leading global credit rating agencies, with a stable rating outlook. During the Reporting Period, we won the “Outstanding Board Construction Contributor” and “Outstanding Board Secretary” awards (Gold Prize of Round Table); “100 Listed Companies Most Respected by Investors 2015” award presented by China Association for Public Companies; and “Greater China Investor Relations Excellence Award 2015” presented by the world-renowned IRMagazine. During the Reporting Period, we received 23 Luban Awards for Chinese construction projects, with awards received for all projects submitted; 40 National Quality Project Award; seven Zhan Tianyou Civil Engineering Awards – “New York Hamilton Bridge” was the first foreign construction project that won the Zhan Tianyou Award; and 872 provincial/ministerial-level quality awards. During the Reporting Period, we won three National Science and Technology Progress Awards from the State Council – in particular, “Performance-based Construction Structure Seismic Design Theory, Methodology and Applications” was the first construction design theory to win the first prize of the award; 55 Science and Technology Awards of China Association of Construction Enterprise Management; and 239 provincial/ministerial-level science and technology awards in steel structure, installation, decoration, etc. categories. During the Reporting Period, we won 43 national awards for construction survey and design companies; China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation ranked No. 44 among ENR’s top-150 design companies worldwide, the highest ranking among all Chinese construction design enterprises; the Company received 188 provincial/ministerial survey and design awards in full-year 2015. During the Reporting Period, 108 of our projects were accredited as state-level AAA-grade building sites for work safety, civility, integrity and standardization, accounting for 22% of the total number of AAA-grade construction projects in the country, outperforming all other Chinese construction companies in three consecutive years; a number of our subsidiaries won 13 national civilized organization and outstanding national construction enterprise awards. During the Reporting Period, the Company won 31 National Star Green Building Design titles awarded by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-rural Development; 16 certificates of the US Green 14 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Building LEED, and over 100 national awards for classic housing planning, green construction demonstration projects and intelligent building quality. During the Reporting Period, the brand value of “China Overseas Land & Investment” (affiliated with one of the Company’s subsidiaries) grew to RMB 39.759 billion. China Overseas Land & Investment has been ranked as the most influential brand in the field for many years, and remained the winner of the “Leading Real Estate Brand in China” award in 12 consecutive years. As shown in the “Top 500 Global Brands 2016” rankings released in March 2016 by one of the world’s leading brand rating agencies, UK-based Brand Finance, the brand value of “China Construction” increased substantially from US$ 10.806 bn to US$ 20.214 bn, up 87% YoY; our ranking also improved to 44th (up 71), the biggest jump among the Top 500 brands. 15 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 V. Summary of Earnings Results During the Reporting Period (i) Business data Item Unit 2015 2014 Growth YoY %③ I. Construction (1) Value of new contracts RMB 100 15,190 14,190 7.1 11,962 11,614 3.0 3,140 2,478 26.7 88 98 (10.2) / / / 1. Total construction area 100,624 92,181 9.2 2. Total area of new starts 22,803 29,320 (22.2) 13,441 9,925 35.4 / / / executed in the period mn 1. Housing construction 2. Infrastructure 3. Design & survey (2) Housing construction 0,000 m2 business volume 3. Total completed construction area (3) Infrastructure business volume 1. Roads (new projects in China) Km 1341 762 76.0 2. Area (new projects in China) 0,000m2 805 439 83.4 1,550 1,203 28.8 1,254 988 26.9 1,344 1,036 29.7 1,021 776 31.6 70 68 / 11,529 11,618 (0.8) 6,656 6,800 (2.1) 4,144 3,735 11.0 II. Real estate (1) Contract sales Where: China Overseas Land & RMB 100 mn Investment① (2) Contract sales area 0,000m2 Where: China Overseas Land & Investment (3) Subscription sales (end-2015) RMB 100mn (4) Average selling price RMB/m2 (5) Land reserve at end-2015② 0,000m2 (total) Where: China Overseas Land & 16 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Investment (6) Land reserves acquired (total) 0,000m2 1,260 1,276 (1.3) 596 904 (34.1) 15,621 14,606 6.9 1,119 787 42.2 Where: China Overseas Land & Investment III. By region (1) Value of new contracts executed in China RMB 100 mn (2) Value of new contracts executed outside China Notes: ① “China Overseas Land & Investment” refers to real estate businesses operated by China Overseas Land & Investment and its affiliates, excluding China Overseas Grand Oceans; ② Land reserve at end-2015 = land reserve as of the end of the previous year + newly acquired land reserves – completed construction area during the Reporting Period +/- project area adjustments; ③ Change YoY is calculated directly based on relevant data (unit: RMB 100 mn). 17 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (ii) Business highlights Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Value of new construction contracts Value of new real estate contracts Revenue Net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies 18 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (iii) Business structure Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Breakdown of contract value Revenue by segment Gross margin breakdown by segment Gross margin by segment Note: Denominator in the breakdown by business is the arithmetic sum of the results of the four main business segments (i.e. housing construction, infrastructure, real estate and construction design). 19 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Section 4 Management Discussions and Analyses I. The Macro Environment and Industry Trends With the advent of “the New Normal Economy”, the Chinese economy is expected to gear down from rapid growth to a medium- to –high growth speed in the near future. It will change the original trajectory of economic development in China, as well as the inherent growth momentum in the construction market. Statistics show that China’s total fixed asset investment growth slowed down from the average 26% in the past three decades to ~10% in 2015; during the past 10 years, the total output of the construction industry as a percentage of fixed asset investment from 46% to 33% by the year 2015, marking a long-term transition in the construction market from high growth toward moderate growth. In 2015, the development indicators of the construction industry hit a new low record, with the national construction output grew 2.3% YoY, two percentage points lower compared with the growth rate in mid-2015. A research institute estimates that the growth of national fixed asset investment may dip further in 2016, and all construction companies will be under considerable downside pressure over the near term. From a medium/long-term perspective, however, the construction industry will see more opportunities than challenges. Urbanization is the biggest driving force behind economic development in China, and construction businesses will enjoy broad space for development in the future, because: Urbanization will continue to develop rapidly. The demand for urban construction remains unchanged on the whole. It is estimated that the urbanization rate in China will grow approximately 13 percentage points by 2030. Empirical data suggest that every one unit of urbanization growth leads to 3.7 units of investment growth (i.e. 1:3.7 ratio). Accordingly, fixed asset investment and the Chinese government’s expenditure on the urbanization of farming population will amount to RMB1,000 trillion, and the construction industry will continue to grow driven by urban residents’ demands for products and services of housing, transportation, leisure, entertainment, etc. The New Normal will create new opportunities for the construction market. In the future, the government will increase investments in public service facilities, focusing on shantytown transformation, “agriculture, rural areas and farmers” projects, small and micro businesses, energy conservation, production services, public services such as pension and health and aged care, urban infrastructure, consumption stimulation and other key initiatives facilitating the economic restructuring and improving people’s livelihood. Highlights in infrastructure investment. Increasing effective investment is at the core of supply-side structural reforms and economic growth stabilization. According to investment plans released by Chinese province in early 2016, investments in major projects during the 13th “Five-year 20 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Plan” period will exceed RMB 21 trillion, of which over RMB 2 trillion will be invested in 2016. Most of the projects are infrastructure investment. Multi-dimensional urban construction will bring about new development opportunities. In the future, our cities will become increasingly “three-dimensional” combining flyovers, roads, subways and other underground facilities. Building amenities in multi-level spaces will be the general trend for urban development going forward. Construction industrialization is about to see explosive growth. The transition toward ecological construction and environmental protection dictate that the construction industry must transform itself toward intensive industrial production. After many years of exploratory efforts made in the past with the backing of the government, construction industrialization is expected to bear fruit during the 13th “Five-year Plan” period. The real estate market enters the “silver decade” (a slowdown in development relative to the previous “gold decade”). The real estate market will be characterized by fragmentation and corrections. From a long-term perspective, urbanization is set to move ahead as a natural concomitant of China’s modernization, and demand will remain strong for housing properties and public amenities. Therefore, the development outlook for the construction industry is still positive. The “Belt and Road” boosts overseas business growth. According to incomplete statistics, ~US$1.36 trillion of investment has been delivered for the “Belt and Road” projects so far, and additional tens of millions of dollars have been pledged in framework agreements of unpublicized projects. The “Belt and Road” strategy laid the groundwork for Chinese construction companies launching out into overseas markets, where the top priority should be given to infrastructure interconnection. 21 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 II. Main Earnings Results for the Reporting Period During the Reporting Period, the Company focused its efforts on quality and efficiency improvement, and stepped up business restructuring and upgrade. Steady development has been maintained in all main business indicators, and our performance targets were successfully fulfilled in 2015. During the Reporting Period, the amount of new construction contracts reached RMB 1,519 billion, up 7.1% YoY. As of the end of the period, Executory contract was about RMB 2.3 trillion which was 2.7 times over the same period income, of which 20% was contributed by the infrastructure business. The real estate business segment generated contract sales of RMB 155.0 billion, up 28.8% YoY; contract sales area totaled 13.44 million square meters, up 29.7% YoY. During the period, the Company posted an revenue of RMB 880.6 billion, up 10.1% YoY. Specifically, revenue from the housing construction business was RMB 588.3 billion, up 6.0% YoY; revenue of the infrastructure business was RMB 141.4 billion, up 19% YoY; and that of the real estate business was RMB 142.4 billion, up 15% YoY. The three segments respectively made up 67%, 16% and 16% of the total income, indicating that the Company’s businesses have been restructured in line with our strategic objectives. Our consolidated gross profit was RMB 109.5 billion, up 8.8% YoY, with an operating margin of 12.4%, at roughly the same level as in the previous year. During the period, the Company registered net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies of RMB 26.06 billion, up 15.5% YoY. Business operations have been further stabilized and improved. Gross margins in housing construction, infrastructure and real estate businesses were 7.8%, 11.0% and 31.3%, respectively. The Company maintained its leading position in terms of profitability in the three core businesses. We attached great importance to cash flow management, and ramped up payment collection for construction projects through multiple measures. The Company realized net cash inflow of RMB 64.0 billion in full-year 2015, up RMB35.8 billion YoY. Net operating cash inflow hit an all-time high at RMB 54.6 billion, up RMB 29.7 billion YoY – substantial net cash inflow was achieved in two consecutive years. As of the end of the Reporting Period, monetary capital available at the Company was RMB 216.4 billion, and the asset-liability ratio was kept below 77.8%, down 0.8% YoY. Once large-sum payables and prepayments (that do not cause debt pressure in practice) are deducted, the asset-liability ratio will be reduced further by ~10-15 percentage points, meaning that financial risks were kept within the controllable range overall. We attached equal emphasis on traditional and innovative financing operations, and kept increasing relevant resource inputs and reserves. During the period, the Group obtained a total of RMB 850.0 22 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 billion worth of credit from banks, and issued various bonds totaling ~RMB 30 billion. The financing structure was further optimized accordingly. The first 5-year bonds of US$ 500 million was issued at a fixed price, marking the lowest coupon rate and yield in the history of the Chinese bond market. The Company issued RMB 15.0 billion of preferred shares – the first issue of preferred shares ever launched by a state-owned enterprise under the central government; structured financial businesses, e.g. funds and trusts, were developed in a bid to boost business restructuring and upgrade at the Company. As a champion of “internet thinking”, we made active efforts to promote business standardization and applications of information technology. During the Reporting Period, the Company pushed ahead with the “Smart Building Site” campaign applying mobile internet and Internet of Things (IoT) in on-site project management, which led to significant improvements in project management and control standards and operating efficiency. Supply chain integration and centralized procurement were conducted as an important measure to enhance management quality and efficiency. During the period, RMB 367.9 billion of purchases were completed via the Company’s centralized procurement platform, and the platform was upgraded to a “Cloud Construction Marketplace” developed on Ecommerce Platform v1.0. In addition, the “platform-based overseas project procurement” model was implemented on a full scale; the innovative cooperation model integrating “internet + construction + finance” was introduced, and a vertical construction ecommerce platform was developed jointly with the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) based on the online supply chain finance model. The Company tightened up work safety accountability. As a result, no major work safety incident was occurred in any building site during the period. (i) Core business analysis Analysis of changes in the profit statement and cash flow statements Item Revenue Operating cost Sales expenses Administrative expenses Finance costs - net Net cash flow from operating activities Net cash flows from investing activities Closing balance in Reporting Period 880,577,134 (771,038,770) (2,370,307) (17,186,333) (8,425,866) 54,603,641 (17,993,823) 23 Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Closing balance Change in prev. year proportion (%) 800,028,753 10.1 (699,364,000) 10.2 (2,098,826) 12.9 (15,605,773) 10.1 (7,429,397) 13.4 24,906,341 119.2 (15,466,747) 16.3 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Net cash flow activities R&D expenses from financing 26,950,438 18,194,575 48.1 8,191,526 5,680,341 44.2 1. Income and cost analysis (1) Core business operations by industry and region Segment Housing construction projects Infrastructure Construction & investment Real estate development & investment Survey & design Other Inter-branch consolidation Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Core business operations by segment Revenue Operating Operating GM GM growth Revenue growth cost growth cost (%) YoY (%) YoY (%) YoY (%) 588,267,187 (542,282,880) 7.8 6.0 5.7 + 0.3 141,394,421 (125,797,762) 11.0 18.9 19.2 - 0.2 142,359,570 (97,869,984) 31.3 14.5 18.7 - 2.4 6,510,683 (5,295,690) 18.7 (8.5) (6.2) - 2.0 13,657,573 (11,612,300) (10,748,996) 10,956,542 21.3 / 87.0 / 113.0 / - 9.6 / In China Core business operations by region Revenue Operating GM Revenue growth cost (%) YoY (%) 819,498,776 (715,521,268) 12.7 9.5 Operating cost growth YoY (%) 9.5 Outside China Total 61,078,358 880,577,134 Region (55,517,502) (771,038,770) 9.1 12.4 18.5 10.1 GM growth YoY (%) Unchanged 20.2 10.2 - 1.3 - 0.1 Revenue breakdown in the previous three years Segment Housing construction projects Infrastructure construction & investment Real estate development & investment Survey & design 588,267,187 66.7 554,894,920 69.4 2013 (Restated) 492,937,948 141,394,421 16.1 118,906,581 14.9 98,100,146 14.4 142,359,570 16.2 124,363,882 15.5 88,728,282 13.0 6,510,683 0.7 7,115,410 0.9 6,862,076 1.0 2015 % 2014 24 % % 72.3 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Other Inter-branch consolidation Total 13,657,573 1.6 7,305,128 0.9 6,552,812 1.0 (11,612,300) (1.3) (12,557,168) (1.6) (11,388,840) (1.7) 880,577,134 100.0 800,028,753 100.0 681,792,424 100.0 Descriptions of core business operations by segment and region In recent years, the Company actively restructured the housing construction, infrastructure and real estate businesses according to the business ratio of 5:3:2, with significant progresses achieved in infrastructure, real estate and overseas business development. Housing construction During the Reporting Period, the housing construction registered an revenue of RMB 588.3 billion, up 6.0% YoY; gross profit of RMB 45.98 billion, up 10.3% YoY; and a gross margin of 7.8%, up 0.3% YoY. The Company’s core clientele developed steadily despite the slowdown in demand growth in China’s housing construction market. On the basis of its expanding client base, the Company continued to gain a technical competitive edge in the latest high-end, sophisticated businesses, and expedited the upgrade and transition in its housing construction operations toward upscale, green building and BIM technology applications, providing clients with high-tech value-added services. In the meanwhile, management has been tightened up to ensure project compliance, quality and safety standards. In doing so, our business management philosophy was reinforced, and project profitability further improved. As the backbone of business operations at the building corporations under China Construction, housing construction accounted for nearly 90% of the total business volume in some subsidiaries. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the value of contracts executed for impending housing construction projects exceeded RMB 1.8 trillion. Construction volume was maintained at a high level throughout 2015, and totaled 1 billion square meters, accounting for 66.8% of the total revenue. Furthermore, mega-scale projects undertaken by the Company in recent years (e.g. West China International Expo City, Ping An International Financial Center (Shenzhen) and Donghu Corridor) entered the peak construction period in 2015, resulting in a surge in project account settlement. Infrastructure construction and investment During the Reporting Period, the infrastructure construction and investment business registered an revenue of RMB 141.4 billion, up18.9% YoY; gross profit of RMB 15.6 billion, up 16.6% YoY; and a gross margin of 11.0%, down 0.2 percentage point YoY. Infrastructure is the fastest growing business segment at the Company, as well as the area where breakthroughs are most urgently needed. Given the urbanization drive launched by the state, increasing 25 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 infrastructure market investment will prove the general trend going forward. Therefore, the Company started to divert its business focus toward the infrastructure segment: we focused relevant business operations on municipal utilities and urban rail transit, railways and highways, nuclear power, ports, petrochemical and urban sewage treatment projects; as far as financing is concerned, we promoted the public-private partnership (PPP) model, aiming to establish the Company as a professional infrastructure investment and development operator with core competitiveness in construction financing and investment. Our infrastructure construction capacity kept growing substantially through continuous infrastructure professional team building, and many relevant national and provincial/ministerial licenses have been obtained. In addition, we improved cost and benefit accounting to ensure effective compliance management, ramped up branding and credit building efforts, and innovated existing financing construction models. The gross margin of the infrastructure segment has remained stable, and relevant businesses continued to grow as a result. Real estate development and investment During the Reporting Period, the real estate business registered an revenue of RMB 142.4 billion, up14.5% YoY; gross profit of RMB 44.49 billion, up 6.2% YoY; and a gross margin of 31.3%, down 2.4 percentage point YoY. As the real estate market has become increasingly polarized, the Company seized the opportunity windows arising from government policies and market development to speed up destocking and business turnover, and expedited payment collections. Real estate projects directly operated by China Construction have been integrated with China Overseas Land & Investment in an effort to accelerate business restructuring in the real estate sector. The Company’s real estate revenues mainly came from China Overseas, which accounted for ~84% of the total real estate revenue. The increase in income was chiefly attributable to the large number of new real estate projects launched in the mainland, Hong Kong and Macau and the resultant increase in sales revenues. The brand value of China Overseas Land & Investment outshined most of our competitors, attesting to our effective overseas market development in the UK and the US. Survey and design During the Reporting Period, the construction survey and design business registered an revenue of RMB 6.5 billion, up 8.5 % YoY; gross profit of RMB 1.21 billion, down 17.7% YoY; and a gross margin of 18.7%, down 2.0 percentage point YoY. The Company’s construction survey and design revenues mainly came from China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation, which accounted for ~76% of the total revenue in the business 26 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 segment. Competition in the survey and design market intensified due to changes in external operating conditions, a slowdown in the progress of construction design in certain projects has led to a drop in revenue and gross margin relative to the previous year. The Company will optimize resource sharing and compliance-related interactions between the survey/design and housing construction segments. The focus will be placed on original design featuring Chinese cultural elements, bolstering “cultural identity” of the Company. Other businesses Other business revenues are mostly generated from primary land development, building materials (e.g. steel) sales and property management. During the Reporting Period, other businesses registered an revenue of RMB 13.7 billion, up 87.0 % YoY; gross profit of RMB 2.91 billion, up 28.8 % YoY; and a gross margin of 21.3 %. The rise in revenue was achieved following the establishment of CSCEC Fangcheng last year, as its subsidiaries continuously scaled up primary land development and integrated urban development businesses. Overseas business During the Reporting Period, our overseas business registered an revenue of RMB 61.1 billion, up 18.5 % YoY; gross profit of RMB 5.56 billion, down 3.7% YoY; and a gross margin of 9.1%, down 1.3 percentage point YoY. “Overseas” refers to regions outside mainland China; similarly hereinafter. Refer to “Overseas Business Development” of “Business Development Analysis” in This Section. (2) Cost analysis Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Cost by segment Segment Cost items 2015 Housing construction projects Infrastructure construction & investment Real estate development & investment Survey & design Raw materials, subcontracting costs, labor costs, etc. Raw materials, subcontracting costs, labor costs, etc. Construction and installation costs, land costs, labor costs, etc. Labor costs, equipment rental Labor costs, equipment 542,282,880 70.3 513,205,080 73.4 Growth YoY (%) 5.7 125,797,762 16.3 105,535,529 15.1 19.2 97,869,984 12.7 82,485,688 11.8 18.7 5,295,690 0.7 5,645,346 0.8 (6.2) 10,748,996 1.4 5,047,308 0.7 113.0 Other 27 % 2014 % Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Inter-branch consolidation Total rental / (10,956,542) (1.4) (12,554,951) (1.8) / / 771,038,770 100.0 699,364,000 100 10.2 Cost breakdown Segment Housing construction projects Infrastructure construction & investment Real estate investment & development Survey & design Other Inter-branch consolidation Cost item Product sales cost Subcontracting costs Raw materials Payroll Other costs Subtotal Product sales cost Subcontracting costs Raw materials Staff costs Other costs Subtotal Real estate development products carried forward Payroll Other costs Subtotal Subtotal Subtotal / Total % 1.2 29.5 21.0 2.4 16.2 70.3 0.0 7.6 4.3 0.6 3.8 16.3 12.4 2014 9,167,857 195,585,731 177,989,604 15,623,512 114,838,376 513,205,080 0 50,368,545 30,115,737 4,014,785 21,036,462 105,535,529 80,928,841 % 1.3 28.0 25.5 2.2 16.4 73.4 0.0 7.2 4.3 0.6 3.0 15.1 11.6 Growth YoY (%) 4.9 16.4 (9.2) 19.0 8.7 5.7 0.0 16.1 10.4 19.5 38.2 19.2 18.0 (10,956,542) 0.0 0.3 12.7 0.7 1.4 (1.4) 56,728 1,500,119 82,485,688 5,645,346 5,047,308 (12,554,951) 0.0 0.2 11.8 0.8 0.7 (1.8) 74.9 51.6 18.7 (6.2) 113.0 / 771,038,770 100.0 699,364,000 100.0 10.2 2015 9,615,471 227,688,571 161,591,143 18,595,123 124,792,573 542,282,881 210,357 58,468,011 33,250,827 4,797,518 29,071,049 125,797,762 95,496,658 99,233 2,274,093 97,869,984 5,295,690 10,748,995 Cost analysis statements During the Reporting Period, guided by the operating principle of “improving quality and efficiency”, the Company pushed forward LEAN management, and enhanced the standard of its cost management and control operations. Its operating cost was RMB 771.0 billion, up 10.2% YoY, in line with revenue growth. Judging by cost breakdown, operating cost in housing construction was RMB 542.3 billion, accounting for 70.3% of total operating cost, up 5.7% YoY; operating cost in the infrastructure business was RMB 125.8 billion, accounting for 16.3% of the total, up 19.2% YoY; operating cost in the real estate business was RMB 97.9 billion, accounting for 12.7% of the total, up 18.7% YoY; operating cost in the survey and design business was RMB 5.3 billion, accounting for 0.7% of the total, down 6.2% 28 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 YoY. We reinforced the business philosophy revolving around “low cost competition and high management quality”, and placed great emphasis on construction quality, progress and safety assurance in the face of increasing market competition, to ensure project quality, efficiency and low cost competition. Please refer to Financial Statements Appendix 4 (47), “Revenue and Operating Cost”, Appendix 4 (52), “Cost Breakdown by Business” and Appendix 8, “Branch Information” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. 2. Costs During the Reporting Period, the Company’s sales expenses were RMB 2.37 billion, up 12.9% YoY. The increase was mainly attributable to the recruitment of new sales staff and the resultant increase in performance bonus. Sales expenses accounted for 0.27% of revenue, up 0.01 percentage point from the previous year. During the period, the Company’s administrative cost was RMB 17.19 billion, up 10.1% YoY. It was mainly attributable to a substantial decrease in office expenses. Administrative cost accounted for 1.95% of revenue, i.e. RMB1.95 of cost was incurred for every RMB100 of income generated (roughly at the same level as in the previous year). Fruitful results were achieved in cost control, and the Company remained as an industry leader in this respect. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company’s net financial expenses were RMB 8.43 billion, up 13.4% YoY. Financial expenses were mostly caused by China Overseas’ USD and EUR borrowings and bonds. The year 2015 saw a significant rise in foreign exchange losses due to the devaluation of Chinese Yuan and HK dollar against the EUR and USD. Financial expenses accounted for 0.96% of revenue, up 0.03 percentage point from the previous year. Please refer to Financial Statements Appendix 4 (49), “Sales Expenses”, Appendix 4 (50), “Administrative Costs” and Appendix 4 (50), “Finance Costs” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. 3. R&D expenses R&D investment Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB R&D investments in the period 8,191,526 recognized as expenses R&D investments in the period / 29 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 recognized as capital expenditure Total R&D investment 8,191,526 Total R&D investment as a percentage of 0.9% revenue (%) No. of R&D staff members 8,566 No. of R&D staff as a percentage of total 3.5% headcount (%) Descriptions During the Reporting Period, the Company consistently increased R&D inputs adhering to the overall objective of “green construction, digital construction and construction industrialization”. In 2015, a total of 57 R&D projects (topics) were filed covering infrastructure engineering, overseas business support, construction industrialization, green construction, BIM technology application, professional design integration and generic construction engineering technology, facilitating business expansion into new areas as well as the development of existing core businesses. In addition, we strengthened integration between industry, research and technology application, and more research findings (e.g. BIM, aluminum template technology, robotic welding and IoT) have been applied in practical operations to improve operation efficiency and quality. During the period, the Company was awarded with 33 national grade normalized construction methods, 2,723 patents, 26 national and industry standards and 191 accredited scientific and technological research achievements, ranking it among the leading contributors to construction technology research in China. 4. Cash flow During the Reporting Period, the Company consistently enhanced its cash flow management, and ramped up debt and payment collection efforts to accelerate cash flow, with positive results achieved and operation quality improved. During the period, net cash inflow was RMB 64.0 billion, marking a sharp increase of RMB 35.8 billion YoY. The Company’s net cash flow from operating activities was RMB 54.6 billion, representing a substantial increase of RMB 29.69 billion year-on-year in net cash inflow, up 119.2%. Specifically, net cash flow generated from core construction businesses increased RMB 1.9 billion YoY to RMB 32.2 billion. The Company introduced an innovative restraint and incentive mechanism characterized by profit corrections based on cash flow indicators. Furthermore, quarterly special appraisals and process monitoring were implemented, with core construction businesses serving as a reliable source of cash 30 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 flow; in 2015, the Company posted strong real estate sales, where net cash inflow grew from the negative territory to RMB 23.8 billion, up RMB 28.8 billion; driven by BT and investment and financing businesses, the net cash inflow in general contracting was RMB 1.2 billion, up RMB 1.4 billion YoY. Investment risks were kept in check overall. A net cash outflow of RMB 18.0 billion was recorded in the Company’s investment activities, marking an increase of 16.3% YoY, as a result of the rise in cash payment for the Company’s investments. The net cash inflow from funding activities conducted by the Company was RMB 26.95 billion, up 48.1% YoY. It was largely attributable to an increase in cash receipts from preferred stock and bond issues and borrowings. Please refer to Financial Statements Appendix 4 (61), “Notes to Cash Flow Statement” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. 5. Information about main clients and suppliers During the Reporting Period, revenue generated from the Company’s top-5 clients totaled RMB 22.99 billion, up 36.1% YoY. It accounted for 2.6% of the total revenue, up 0.5 percentage point. During the period, the combined purchase spending on the Company’s top-5 suppliers made up less than 1% of the total operating cost. The Company’s suppliers come from a broad range of industries with a low degree of business concentration, due to its extensive business scale and highly diversified business coverage. Therefore, we do not rely on any individual suppliers. 6. Financing activities during the Reporting Period During the Reporting Period, the Company and its subsidiaries issued par value of bonds worth RMB 26.3 billion, and short-term financing bills worth RMB 4.2 billion, which met its funding needs arising from rapid business growth and business restructuring. The financing structure has thus been further optimized. In April 2015, the Company completed the first issue of 2015 medium-term bills of RMB 3 billion, with a maturity of five years and a coupon rate of 4.65%; in November 2015, we completed the second issue of 2015 medium-term bills of RMB 2 billion, with a maturity of five years and a coupon rate of 3.69%. In November 2015, we issued the 5-year bonds of US$ 500 million, with a coupon rate of 2.95% and yield to maturity of 3.178%, marking the lowest coupon rate and yield to maturity in the history of the Chinese bond market. 31 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Please refer to Section 7 “Information of Preferred Stock” of this Report for further details regarding the preferred shares issued by the Company. As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company’s interest-bearing liabilities in 2015 totaled RMB 277.2 billion, up RMB 41.4 billion and 17.6% compared with the beginning of the year. Specifically, short-term liabilities were RMB 69.8 billion, down 6.5% compared with the beginning of the year; long-term liabilities were RMB 199.5 billion, up 17.7% compared with the beginning of the year. The ratio of short-term liabilities to long-term liabilities was 1:2.9. During the Period, interest payment/redemption concerning the Company’s bonds and debt financing instruments is summarized as follows: Type Medium-term bills Medium-term bills Medium-term bills Debt financing instruments issued through private placement Debt financing instruments issued through private placement Medium-term bills Medium-term bills Medium-term bills Medium-term bills Abbreviation Issued on 10 CSCEC MTN001 11 CSCEC MTN001 11 CSCEC MTN002 2010-09-06 2011-03-07 2011-07-19 Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Interest Mature on Amount payment/ redemption Interest 2020-09-08 100 payment Interest 2018-03-09 60 payment Interest 2016-07-20 40 payment 12 CSCEC PPN001 2012-05-18 2015-05-18 30 Interest payment & redemption 13 CSCEC PPN001 2013-08-09 2016-08-12 30 Interest payment 2014-04-22 2019-04-22 30 2014-09-04 2019-09-04 20 2015-04-24 2020-04-28 30 2015-11-05 2020-11-09 20 14 CSCEC MTN001 14 CSCEC MTN002 15 CSCEC MTN001 15 CSCEC MTN002 Interest payment Interest payment Interest payment Interest payment During the Period, bonds issued by the Company’s subsidiaries are listed as follows: Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Bond 15 CSCEC 3rd Engineering Bureau MTN001 th 15 CSCEC 5 Issued on Matu rity Amount Closing balance 2015-05-21 3 years 500,000 500,000 2015-01-16 1 year 800,000 800,000 32 Issued by China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction 5th Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Engineering Division Corp CP001 15 CSCEC 7th Engineering Division Corp PPN001 15 CSCEC 7th Engineering Division Corp MTN001 15 CSCEC 8th Engineering Division Corp CP001 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. 2015-01-23 3 years 2015-04-24 5 years China Construction 7th 500,000 500,000 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 7th 100,000 100,000 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 8th 1 year 15 CSCEC 8th Engineering Division Corp MTN001 2015-04-29 5 years 100,000 100,000 15 CSCEC Installation CP001 2015-05-21 8 month s 600,000 600,000 2015-06-16 1 year 300,000 300,000 2015-12-21 5 years 600,000 600,000 15 CSCEC 8th Engineering Division Corp MTN002 2015-08-17 5 years 1,600,000 1,600,000 CSCEC FN N2011 2015-11-19 5 years US$ 500,0 00 500,000 CSCEC Capital (Hong Kong) Limited 2015-07-15 4 years EUR 600,000 600,000 China Overseas Holdings Ltd. 2015-11-06 4 years EUR 400,000 400,000 China Overseas Holdings Ltd. 7,000,000 7,000,000 China Overseas Holdings Ltd. 1,000,000 1,000,000 China Overseas Holdings Ltd. 400,000 399,670 China Construction 1st Building (Group) Corp., Ltd. 15 CSCEC Installation Engineering CP002 15 CSCEC 1st Building Corp MTN001 EUR 600,000,000 Guaranteed notes payable, listed in Ireland EUR 400,000,000 Guaranteed notes payable, unlisted 6 years 7 years 9 month s 500,000 500,000 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. 2015-04-14 China Construction 8th 15 China Overseas 01 2015-11-19 15 China Overseas 02 2015-11-19 15 CSCEC 1st Building Corp SCP001 2015-10-13 15 CSCEC 1st Building Corp CP001 2015-12-24 1 year 700,000 700,000 15 CSCEC Strait CP001 2015-08-18 1 year 400,000 400,000 15 CSCEC West Construction CP001 2015-09-19 1 year 500,000 500,000 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction Installation Engineering China Construction Installation Engineering China Construction 1st Building (Group) Corp., Ltd. China Construction 8th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 1st Building (Group) Corp., Ltd. CSCEC Strait Construction and Development China West Construction Please refer to Financial Statements Appendix 4 (33) “Other Current Liabilities”, and Appendix 4 (35) “Bonds Payable” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. 33 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (ii) Significant changes in profit arising from non-core businesses □Applicable √N/A (iii) Assets and liabilities analysis Assets and liabilities Item Monetary capital Accounts receivable Inventory Where: Completed projects pending settlement Total current assets Long-term receivables Total non-current assets Accounts payable Unearned revenue Total current liabilities Long-term borrowings Bonds payable Total non-current liabilities Undistributed profit Shareholders' equity attributable to the parent company (total) Total shareholders' equity End-2015 % 216,409,816 115,556,903 387,589,435 137,843,236 20.1 10.8 36.1 12.8 Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Growth End-2014 % YoY Remarks (%) 154,069,259 16.8 40.5 Note 1 118,430,369 12.9 (2.4) Note 2 348,273,350 37.9 11.3 Note 3 95,701,833 10.4 44.0 / 832,466,607 125,376,445 242,438,292 320,001,082 114,519,512 610,250,977 98,324,864 101,172,467 225,871,201 92,705,780 167,977,392 77.4 11.7 22.6 29.8 10.7 56.8 9.1 9.4 21.0 8.6 15.6 717,376,571 100,069,116 201,729,644 268,431,620 106,344,576 544,638,513 76,124,678 80,064,763 177,554,222 73,752,867 139,019,458 78.1 10.9 21.9 29.2 11.6 59.3 29.2 26.4 19.3 8.0 15.1 16.0 25.3 20.2 19.2 7.7 12.0 29.2 26.4 27.2 25.7 20.8 / Note 4 / Note 5 Note 6 / Note 7 Note 8 / / / 238,782,721 22.2 196,913,480 21.4 21.3 / Note 1: The increase in monetary capital was mainly attributable to the net increase of ~RMB 64.0 billion in the Company’s total cash and cash equivalents during the Reporting Period. Note 2: The decrease in accounts receivable was mainly attributable to the Company’s increased effort in debt collections and remnant asset liquidation through innovative businesses, e.g. factoring and asset securitization. In addition, offsetting of accounts payable and receivable and repossessed assets also led to a decline in accounts receivable. Of all types of accounts receivable, those payable by government investment and financing vehicles and state-owned real estate enterprises have a relatively reasonable aging structure – most of them are less than one year old and therefore involve limited default risks. Note 3: The increase in inventory was mainly attributable to i) as a large number of real estate development projects were completed during the period, a substantial sum was transferred from real estate development cost to real estate products; ii) as business continued to scale up by the year, so did 34 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 the number of completed projects pending settlement, of which approximately 97% are less than one year old – the majority being individual settlement items that have not reached the settlement period. Note 4: The increase in long-term receivables was mainly attributable to sharp increases in project quality deposits, BT receivable and infrastructure project payments receivable in the year. Note 5: The increase in accounts payable was mainly attributable to the business expansion at the Company, a large number of materials purchases, and increases in accounts payable for construction work and real estate development, purchase payments and labor costs. Note 6: The increase in unearned revenue was mainly attributable to an increase in the number of settled but unfinished projects and advances, as the Company ramped up construction project settlement management and marketing quality management. Note 7: The increase in long-term borrowings was mainly attributable to the fact that the Company’s demand for long-term funding continued to grow to support project operations, as a result of the business scale-up and investment and financing operations. Note 8: The increase in bonds payable was mainly attributable to the fact that the Company issued several new bonds at a competitive cost taking advantage of the bond issuance window. 35 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (iv) Analysis of operational information in the construction industry 1. Projects completed and accepted during the Reporting Period √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Housing Infrastructure Special Building construction construction projects decoration Segment Other No. of Total 8,435 944 / / / 9,379 7,263 1,196 / / / 8,459 projects Sum √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Region Within China Outside China Total No. of projects 9,265 114 9,379 Sum 8,239 220 8,459 Description √Applicable □N/A Projects listed above have been completed and settled. 2. Projects under construction during the Reporting Period √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Housing Infrastructure Special Building construction construction projects decoration Segment No. of Other Total 11,528 1,924 / / / 13,452 28,110 7,840 / / / 35,950 projects Sum √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Region Within China Outside China Total No. of projects 13,174 278 13,452 Sum 34,417 1,533 35,950 3. Major ongoing projects □Applicable √N/A 36 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Description □Applicable √N/A 4. Information of overseas projects during the Reporting Period √Applicable □N/A Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Region No. of projects Sum Hong Kong and Macao 102 820 South East Asia 102 278 the Middle East 58 342 North Africa 283 1,127 Central and southern Africa 121 533 Americas 66 278 Europe 16 22 Other 60 117 Total 808 3,517 Description √Applicable □N/A Status of projects listed above include: completed and settled; completed and pending settlement; under construction; other. In the case of overseas projects, contract value is converted from foreign currencies to Chinese Yuan according to the exchange rates specified in the respective contracts, or the exchange rates effective at the time of contract execution. 5. Completed projects pending settlement included in inventory √Applicable □N/A Item Aggregate cost incurred Gross profit recognized Projected loss 26,456 2,469 (20) Amount Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Outstanding Settlement Account payment for balance for settled completed unfinished projects projects 27,790 1,378 2,63 6. Description √Applicable □N/A “Sum” refers to summary calculation of the value of contracted projects. Pursuant to relevant national standards, taking into account its business characteristics and structural development needs, the Company set the coverage of different business segments as follows: 37 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 housing construction projects – general contracting and special contracting (foundation, steel structure, construction and installation, building decoration, etc.); infrastructure construction – transport construction engineering (roads, municipal roads, railways, urban rail transit, airports, ports and docks, car parks, tunnels, bridges, waterways, etc.), energy engineering, petrochemical engineering, water supply and treatment works, environmental engineering, telecommunications engineering, defense, disaster prevention engineering, hydraulic engineering and other construction projects (outdoor sports, outdoor recreation facilities, land reclamation, artificial island, underground pipeline network, pipe network, etc.). 38 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (v) Business development analysis During the Reporting Period, as well as consolidating the housing construction business, the Company swiftly scaled up the infrastructure business, steadily pushed forward investment business development, and actively expanded overseas operations to further optimize the business structure, in response to complex changes in the economic environment. 1. Development of construction survey and design businesses Positioned in the upstream sector of the construction industry, survey and design businesses have been affected by changes in macroeconomic conditions. The value of newly signed survey and design contracts was RMB 8.8 billion, down 10.2% YoY. In response to these changes, architectural design institutes under the Company aligned their operations to the investment direction of the state, and focused on the development of “differentiator” businesses. We won a large number of tenders for high-profile construction projects such as the new airport in Chengdu (master planning and terminal design) and seven of the ten cultural landmark projects in Shannxi Province. Furthermore, we stepped up design business development on overseas markets, and successfully bid for several international projects including the resort hotel in Jamaica, Town of Kham in Yangon (Myanmar) and Algeria highways. As a result, the value of overseas contracts grew significantly to RMB 110 million. China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation ranked 44th in the ENR Global 150 (2015) leading architectural firms, up three places from the previous year. The Company pushed ahead with the specialization oriented development strategy in line with the latest market trends. China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation set up a new subsidiary – China Construction Engineering Infrastructure Survey and Design Co., Ltd. – to facilitate business restructure and upgrade. Drawing on the comparative advantages of the architectural design institutes, we introduced technology integration research topics such as “traditional Tang Dynasty architecture, stadium construction, underground commercial space building, construction for the elderly and high turbidity water treatment technology. “China Construction Design and Survey CAD Drawing Standards (2015 Version)” were compiled and launched online, and relevant custom software centralized purchasing was conducted to lay the groundwork for the development of the Company’s survey and design ERP and collaborative design system. 39 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 2. Construction business development A high-end orientation in housing construction business Over the years, the Company adhered to the “building site-based marketing” principle and the “three overriding” marketing strategies, and strengthened construction compliance, quality and safety assurance management. During the Reporting Period, the Company managed to buck the trend of the general market downturn and executed new housing construction contracts worth a total of RMB 1,196.2 billion, up 3.0% YoY. The housing construction business segment grew steadily during the Period. (1) Deepening upscale marketing, and implementing the “headquarters-to-headquarters” cooperation model to lock in a leading position in the high-end market. We signed strategic cooperation agreements with 22 companies in full-year 2015, and the total number of our strategic clients increased to 114, with key accounts making up 60% of the total contract value; (2) 308 mega-scale projects (above RMB 1 billion) were executed, accounting for nearly 60% of the total contract value realized in the year. We secured eight super high-rise (above 300 meters) projects including Baoneng Shenyang Global Financial Center and Raffles City (Chongqing), attesting to our distinct advantage in the super high-rise construction market; (3) Businesses became increasingly concentrated, with the three main regional markets (i.e. East, South and Central China) accounting for over 60% of the total contract value; (4) Public construction (e.g. education, healthcare and industrial plants) projects grew by more than 20% on average, in line with the latest investment trends in the marketplace. Rapid growth in the infrastructure business The Company continued to enhance its infrastructure investment, construction and operation standards through high-end integration, investment/financing and business model innovations, revolving around the three major national strategies, i.e. the “Belt and Road”, “Jing-Jin-Ji Integrated Development” and “Yantze River Economic Belt”. During the Reporting Period, the value of newly executed infrastructure contracts exceeded RMB300 billion for the first time and hit RMB 314.0 billion, up 26.7% YoY. Nearly half of the amount was generated by projects worth over RMB 2 billion. Thanks to effective client relationship management, we were selected as the contractor for Wuhan Fourth Ring Road, Shenzhen Metro Line 9 (west extension) and Wuhan-Shiyan High Speed Rail projects, by deepening cooperation with existing clients and improving service quality; we also succeeded in gaining new and potential clients, which enabled us to win the bids for a large number of key rail transit projects, e.g. Changsha Metro Line 4 and Line 5. During the Period, we aligned operations at the Company to the state’s strategic investment objectives, and newly signed infrastructure contracts in Jing-Jin-Ji and Yantze River Economic Belt 40 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 amounted to RMB 19.7 billion and RMB 114.7 billion respectively, up 8.7% and 16.4% YoY. From a business-specific perspective, our marketing operations were focused on highways, rail transportation, municipal roads, airports and railways. Of them, the rail transportation sub-segment achieved the highest growth rate; in terms of business coverage expansion, the Company executed new rail transport contracts worth RMB 30.3 billion in full-year 2015, marking a 1.4-fold increase YoY; and more than 80% new airport terminals measuring more than 100,000 square meters were contracted to us. Throughout the period, we continuously increased supports for the infrastructure business – 52 infrastructure investment projects were approved in 2015, corresponding to over RMB 160 billion in general contracting revenue, with each project contributing an average of over RMB 3 billion to the total contracting revenue. 3. Investment and development businesses During the Reporting Period, the Company invested a total of RMB 156.3 billion, up 3.2% YoY; returns on investment totaled RMB 171.3 billion. Therefore, positive net cash inflow was achieved with the investment/income ratio standing at 110%. A solid development was successfully maintained. As of the end of the period, planned investments in projects under construction totaled RMB 1,232.6 billion, of which an aggregate (cumulative investment since project commencement) of RMB 774.5 billion had already been delivered. Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Item Investment during the period % Growth YoY (%) 1,017 65.1 0.1 383 24.5 9.1 116 7.4 57.0 47 3.0 (37.2) Continued investment projects 1,243 79.5 13.0 New projects in 2015 320 20.5 (22.8) 1,563 100.0 3.2 By project Real estate development Construction financing/investment Integrated urban construction Fixed assets and other investments By project duration Total Note: Projects are categorized according to common practices and the Company’s internal management objectives. Project categorization is subject to adjustments based on actual project development. The YoY growth of items affected will be adjusted retrospectively. 41 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Real estate development The Company seized a window of policy and market opportunities to speed up real estate destocking. During the Reporting Period, contracted real estate sales totaled RMB 155.0 billion, and contracted sales area reached 13.44 million square meters, both rising nearly 30% YoY. We took the lead among Chinese real estate companies in stepping up real estate turnover through project development acceleration. During the period, the Company completed investments of RMB 101.7 billion in real estate development projects, staying roughly at the same level as the previous year; as of the end of the Period, there were 291 real estate projects under construction; planned investment and completed investment were RMB 840.0 billion and RMB 567.9 billion, respectively; and sales payment collections totaled RMB 550.4 billion. During the period, the Company acquired 40 parcels of lands in 18 Chinese cities and North America. The planned gross floor area of the lands was 12.6 million square meters, of which 12.08 million was recognized as occupancy floor area, with an occupancy ratio of 96%. As of the end of the Period, the Company’s land reserves stood at ~66.56 million square meters. During the period, real estate new starts measured 10.67 million square meters, down 18.7% YoY; the total area of completed properties was 15.41 million square meters, up 15.9% YoY; and the area of in-progress projects was 25.11 million square meters, down 17.4% YoY. In line with our commitment to corporate social responsibility, we developed affordable housing projects in many cities, with new starts totaling 3.26 million square meters. The total floor area completed within the year was ~810,000 square meters, a 1.1-fold increase compared with the previous year. Please refer to “Real Estate Development Costs” and “Real Estate Development Products” of Financial Statements Appendix 4 (8) “Inventory”, and Appendix 4 (26) “Unearned Revenue” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. Construction financing/investment business During the period, the Company completed construction financing and investment totaling RMB 38.3 billion, up 9.1% compared with the same period in the previous year. There were 157 construction financing and investment projects as of the end of the period; the total planned investment was RMB 261.0 billion, of which RMB 161.2 billion was already delivered; and investment project repurchase payments totaled RMB 74.5 billion. As of the end of the period, RMB 240 billion worth of general contracting contracts were secured through construction financing and investment operations. Specifically, infrastructure contracts accounted for RMB 170.0 billion (71%), indicating that 42 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 construction financing and investment facilitated the business transition toward infrastructure construction. In view of the fact that public-private partnership (PPP) has become a prevalent business model in the construction market, the Company introduced relevant supporting measures and systems, and approved 38 PPP projects in full-year 2015 through various innovation and optimization measures. It is estimated that the total value of general contracting contracts will exceed RMB 100 billion. Effective risk prevention was implemented to safeguard successful model innovations. An input-output closed-loop mechanism was established to ensure sustainable development of investment projects, and well-defined exit mechanisms have been set up for certain PPP projects. During the period, the Company successfully bid for a number of major projects including the Taizhouwan Bridge project and Jimo FAW-Volkswagen Industrial Park, and pioneered equity investment and “sustainable subway operation based on land resources” in Jinan-Qingdao High-speed Rail construction. Furthermore, we capitalized on urban underground utility pipeline investment, construction and operations, and secured underground utility pipeline construction projects in Shiyan, Liupanshui and several other pilot cities. Integrated urban construction and urban-rural development During the Period, RMB 11.6 billion was invested in integrated urban construction and urban-rural development projects, up 57% YoY. As of the end of the Period, we had 19 integrated urban construction and urban-rural development projects in progress, with a total planned investment of RMB 106.5 billion, of which RMB 27.0 billion was already delivered. The Company devoted itself to creating a fully integrated investment platform for “new urbanization” construction initiatives focusing on ten selected tier-1/2 cities. To this end, three business models were established and implemented: (1) land consolidation and construction, where the priority is to stimulate China Construction’s traditional businesses; (2) interactive land development characterized by interactions between tier-1 and tier-2 business segments; (3) investment-based land operations seeking to integrate land investment, construction and operation. The three models are interconnected through progressive business escalation, and are intended to provide a comprehensive solution for new urbanization. 4. New businesses The Company launched into new businesses revolving around key construction related markets such as construction industrialization, energy conservation, environmental protection and construction 43 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 ecommerce. Efforts were made to actively promote financial businesses conducive to construction industrialization and “industry-finance integration”. In terms of industrial innovation, we set up three industrial innovation companies: China Construction Science and Technology Group (CCST), China Construction Water Supply and Water Environmental Protection (CSCEC Water and Environment) and China State Construction Ecommerce Platform (CSCEC Ecommerce). As the promoter of new construction industrialization, CCST developed the China Construction industrialization EPC general contracting system, and is leading the formulation of industry standards for temporary construction standardization. It established seven construction industrialization bases in Shanghai, Wuhan, etc. where 54 construction industrialization projects have been launched or planned integrating 92 housing construction projects and more than 4,700 modules; CSCEC Water and Environment focuses on “sponge city” development aiming to optimize water supply, drainage, pipeline construction and water ecological management. In 2015, it launched water plants, ecological water management and comprehensive river treatment projects in Jing-Jin-Ji, Shenzhen and Chengdu defined as the three major strategic regions; CSCEC Ecommerce focused its efforts on centralized online procurement, and transformed P2P lending into an “industry-internet” enterprise integrating internet finance and construction businesses. In 2015, centralized procurement exceeded RMB 300 billion. In addition, the company developed the “Building in Cloud” platform, and piloted supplier financing at selected subsidiaries in partnership with the ICBC, “in pursuit of our dreams and a bright future”. As for financial business innovation, the Company set up CSCEC Capital, CSCEC Fund and CSCEC Capital (Hong Kong) in 2015, as the vehicles to promote industry-finance integration. Several investment deals have been concluded relying on the headquarters-to-headquarters cooperation framework introduced by CSCEC Fund, and the framework has been playing an increasingly important supportive role for business development across the Company. We sponsored the Silk Road Transport Development Fund and a number of other industry development funds to facilitate industry-finance integration and business transformation and upgrade initiatives launched by subsidiaries. 5. Overseas business development During the Reporting Period, the Company achieved impressive progress in its overseas market expansion efforts, in keeping with the “Belt and Road” national strategy. In full-year 2015, the contracted value of overseas projects (including real estate projects) hit RMB 111.9 billion, surpassing the RMB 100 billion mark for the first time in history. Overseas contracted value grew 42.2% YoY and accounted for 6.8% of the total. 44 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (i) Successful implementation of key the “Belt and Road” projects. To date, the Company has broken into the national markets in 43 of the 65 countries covered by the “Belt and Road” program, where the value of contracts executed in 2015 totaled US$ 6.7 billion. Agreements were signed for the US$ 2.89 billion Pakistani Karachi-Lahore Motorway (Sukkur – Multan section) project and Egyptian New Capital (~US$ 2.7 billion) program, marking a real milestone in our campaign to promote projects related to the “Belt and Road” strategy. Furthermore, we strengthened ties with relevant financial institutions, including Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank, China Investment Corporation and Silk Road Fund. (ii) In recent years, the Company established a “mega overseas business” platform, and expanded our business presence overseas by setting up marketing centers and country-specific teams. In keeping with the changes in relevant national policies, we have set up nine overseas marketing centers and more than 30 country-specific teams, creating a marketing network covering virtually all major national markets in Africa, ASEAN and surrounding regions, Central Asia, Central and Eastern Europe and Latin America. Key projects were actively marketed, and business models were transformed, laying a solid foundation for participating in the “Belt and Road” program going forward. In an effort to promote business model transformation, general contracting businesses were stimulated through proactive financing and investment operations. Overseas concession projects were supported in line with the government’s policies, and concrete progresses have been achieved in certain key projects. (iii) The Company’s major overseas organizations developed steadily, and our global business network has been further consolidated. Driven by robust business operations in traditional regional markets such as Hong Kong and Macao, the Middle East, Singapore, United States and Algeria, we successfully expanded into the surrounding countries. Regional market development started to bear fruit, leading to enhanced overseas resource sharing and operating efficiency. Our new overseas representative organizations in West and Central Africa, Pakistan, etc. grew rapidly, and 45% of our total contracted value in overseas markets was contributed by new overseas contracts executed in 2015. In addition, we further expanded our overseas business network to include the UK, Germany, Brunei, Gabon and Zimbabwe. (iv) Effective risk management and control. Our victory in a number of international suits (e.g. the new airport in Qatar) attests to our growing capabilities in terms of applying international rules to settle disputes abroad. 45 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 6. Specialized business analysis During the Reporting Period, the Company continued to push forward professional resource integration. China Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd (CSCEC Steel Structure), China Construction Installation Engineering Co., Ltd (CSCEC Installation), China State Construction Decoration Group Co., Ltd (CSCEC Decoration) and China West Construction have all established themselves as market leaders in their fields, thereby giving the Company “first-mover” and comparative advantages to compete in various segments of the construction industry. Our core businesses are divided into 13 specialties, and healthy development was maintained across the board. The value of newly signed contracts reached RMB 373.6 billion, up 26.8% YoY; revenue totaled RMB 224.9 billion, up 7.5% YoY; gross profit was RMB 24.33 billion, down 5.2% YoY; operating profit was RMB 10.66 billion, down 2.0% YoY. The Company is also making active efforts to build on its capabilities in specialized businesses such as underground utility pipelines, water supply and environmental protection, industry parks, underground space and “sponge city”. Item Segment Installation Crossindustry Housing construct ion Infrastru cture Real estate Survey & design Newly contract ed value 301 2015 Revenue 372 Growth YoY (%) 27.8 Unit: RMB 100 mn Currency: RMB Growth Growt Operatin Growth profit h YoY g profit YoY 2015 (%) 2015 (%) 35.7 9.9 17.0 19.7 Steel Structure Concrete 98 150 35.1 14.0 14.8 7.0 11.1 174 102 2.0 13.0 6.9 5.9 4.6 Decoration 209 241 6.6 22.0 7.3 8.5 2.5 Gardening 83 14 0.0 0.9 8.9 0.3 (7.4) Municipal Engineering Railway Construction Rail Transit 700 227 8.1 28.0 21.7 15.2 16.9 285 121 (16.0) (4.7) - (11.1) - 303 192 12.9 12.0 20.0 6.0 36.4 Road and Bridge Electric Power Construction Port Engineering CSC Land 825 460 19.5 58.0 16.0 33.9 2.7 85 25 0.0 3.0 (7.8) 2.2 (15.4) 290 58 (6.5) 5.3 0.0 2.0 0.0 295 225 (21.3) 44.7 (32.5) 14.7 (2.0) 88 62 (8.8) 11.4 (14.6) 5.0 (16.7) 3,736 2,249 7.5 243.3 (5.2) 106.6 (2.0) Survey & design Total 46 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 GM (%) Installation Steel Structure 9.6 9.3 8.9 11.3 Concrete Decoration Gardening Municipal Engineering Railway Construction Rail Transit 12.8 12.2 0.6 5.7 4.6 1.1 9.1 6.1 9.1 5.7 0.0 0.4 3.5 1.8 3.7 2.1 (0.2) (0.3) 12.3 (3.9) 9.5 5.1 2.8 (9.0) 6.7 (9.2) 5.5 (1.4) 1.2 (7.8) 6.3 5.6 0.7 3.1 2.6 0.5 12.6 13.3 (0.7) 7.4 9.0 (1.6) 11.8 14.8 (3.0) 8.8 14.4 (5.6) 9.1 8.5 0.6 3.4 2.7 0.7 19.9 18.3 23.1 19.3 (3.2) (1.0) 6.5 8.1 5.2 9.7 1.3 (1.6) 11.8 (1.0) 4.7 5.0 (0.3) Item Segment Cross-industry Housing construction Infrastructure Real estate Survey & design Operating margin (%) Change 2015 2014 YoY (%) 4.6 3.9 0.7 4.7 5.3 (0.6) Change YoY (%) 0.7 (2.0) Road and Bridge Electric Power Construction Port Engineering CSC Land Survey & design Total 2015 10.8 2014 Cross-industry: During the Reporting Period, CSCEC Installation was certified as a premium general contractor for petrochemical engineering, which gave an extra boost to the transition in the equipment manufacturing business toward chemicals, new energy and new product manufacturing equipment. The Company set up business divisions dedicated to Africa, the Middle East and Southeast Asia, and the equipment factory in Pakistan started corporate operation. CSCEC Steel Structure introduced the first intelligent manufacturing simulation line in the Chinese construction steel industry, developed and promoted a world-class lifecycle IT management platform for steel structure operations. As a result, quantity statistics are now generated on a real-time basis with 100% accuracy; China West Construction launched 35 new mixing stations and 70 production lines, corresponding to 20.9 million cubic meters of additional production capacity. The Company became a leader in the admixture industry in terms of business scale and technology, following the acquisition of BASF’s admixtures assets in Sichuan. Housing construction: During the Reporting Period, CSCEC Decoration continued to optimize its business operations. Specifically, new contracts executed in the curtain wall business amounted to RMB 5.5 billion, accounting for 30% of the total contracted value. The quality of marketing operations improved, and large projects (above RMB50 million) make up nearly 70% of the total. New businesses 47 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 such as exhibit display, flood lighting, weak current intelligence, furnishing and decoration continued to scale up. Trade in products has been pushed forward to expand profit sources levering on our overseas business network and supplier resources in China. Furthermore, an international company was established to create a specialized business platform overseas. Infrastructure: During the Reporting Period, the Company stepped up subway marketing efforts fully leveraging its competitive advantages in subway and railway superstructure development; innovated financing and investment models to develop the highway market on multiple levels; further improved its professional qualifications and brand value following the incorporation of Sino Road and Bridge; consolidated the brand influence of China Construction Hydraulic Engineering, and achieved breakthroughs in the strategic Yantze River Economic Belt and traditional markets, relying on its competitive advantages; and ramped up business development in market sub-segments, e.g. airports, transportation hubs, bridges and power engineering, to build China Construction into a leading brand in the field. 48 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (vi) Investment operation analysis 1. Offshore equity investment Offshore equity investments operated by the Company mainly include stocks purchased on the secondary market for sale and equity in listed companies or unlisted companies held not for trading purposes. Relevant accounting items include trading financial assets, financial assets available for sale and long-term equity investments. (1) Major equity investments □Applicable √N/A (2) Major non-equity investments □Applicable √N/A (3) Financial assets at fair value Securities investment No . Type 1 Stock 2 Stock Stock code 600015 .SH 600723 .SH Abbreviation Initial investmen t No. of shares held Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Profit/lo % of total Closing ss in the securities book Reporti investment value ng (%) Period 13,499 53.49 1,430 Huaxia Bank 675 1,111,968 Beijing Capital Retailing (formerly known as “Xidan Market”) 3 Stock / PACIFIC CENTURY 4 Stock / SPH Other securities held at year-end Investment gains and losses from sale of securities during the Reporting Period Total 4,406 599,308 6,658 26.38 1,852 9,161 1,230,000 2,370 9.39 980 1,809 1,833 / 85,000 / / 963 1,747 / 3.82 6.92 / 367 (108) 35,717 17,884 / 25,237 40,238 Descriptions about securities investments ① “Securities investment” above refers to investments in stocks, warrants, convertible bonds, etc. Only stock investments recognized as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are listed; ② Items are arranged in order of closing book value as a percentage of the total securities investment at year-end; the top-4 largest stocks held by the Company at year-end are listed; 49 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 ③ “Other securities investment” refers to stock investments recognized as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, excluding the top-4 stocks. Equity in other listed companies held by the Company Initial investmen t cost Open ing share holdi ng (%) Closi ng share holdi ng (%) Closing book value Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Profit/lo ss during Equity Accounti Sou the changes ng item rce Reporti ng Period 54,088 (106,988) Financial Pur assets cha available sed for sale Stock code Abbre viation 601288. SH Agricu ltural Bank of China Huaxia Bank 796,467 Belo w1 Belo w1 959,920 29,325 Belo w1 Belo w1 586,469 17,512 33,454 Bank of Comm unicati ons Shenzh en Energy 5,582 Belo w1 Belo w1 29,147 1,161 1,993 1,008 Belo w1 Belo w1 9,781 133 1,772 Cheng Du Hi-Tec h Develo pment Xi'an Minshe ng 440 Belo w1 Belo w1 5,423 - 2,036 193 Belo w1 Belo w1 193 75 - Nanjin g Zhong bei Bohai Water Industr y 150 Belo w1 Belo w1 4,145 - 822 1,320 Belo w1 Belo w1 4,718 - 1,714 600015. SH 601328. SH 000027. SZ 000628. SZ 000564. SZ 000421. SZ 000605. SZ 50 Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale Pur cha sed Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale Pur cha sed Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale Pur cha sed Pur cha sed Pur cha sed Pur cha sed Pur cha sed Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 600778. SH 600688. SH 00081. HK Xinjian g Youha o Sinope c Shangh ai Petroc hemica l China Overse as Grand Oceans Total 720 Belo w1 Belo w1 5,957 45 1,140 Financial assets available for sale Financial assets available for sale Pur cha sed 601 Belo w1 Belo w1 601 - - 2,380,092 37.98 37.98 3,555,130 258,627 (382,307) Long-term equity investmen t Pur cha sed 3,215,898 / / 5,161,484 331,641 (446,364) / / Pur cha sed Descriptions about equity in listed companies held by the Company ① The table above contains the Company’s long-term equity investments, and equities in other listed companies held by the Company recognized as financial assets available for sale; ② “Profit or loss during the Reporting Period refers to the impact of a given investment on the Company’s consolidated net profit in the Reporting Period. Equity in financial enterprises held by the Company Target company Initial investment Opening shareholding (%) Closing shareholding (%) Closing book value Huatai Insurance 20,000 1.5 1.5 41,012 Hankou Bank 20,000 0.6 0.6 36,013 255 1 1 255 Greatwall Life Insurance 30,000 2.1 1.3 30,000 Bank of Shanghai 1,641 Below 1 Below 1 1,641 Anhui Guoyuan Trust Total 492,720 40.4 40.4 2,257,125 Bank of Chengdu 564,616 / / 2,366,046 51 Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Profit/loss during the Equity Accounting Reporting changes item Period 2,200 - Financial assets available for sale 2,465 - Financial assets available for sale 97 - Financial assets available for sale - Financial assets available for sale 122 - Financial assets available for sale 349,683 (3,871) Long-term equity investment 354,567 (3,871) / Source Initial corporate offerings Initial corporate offerings Initial corporate offerings Initial corporate offerings Initial corporate offerings Initial corporate offerings / Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Descriptions about equity in financial enterprises held by the Company ① “Financial enterprises” include securities companies, commercial banks, insurance companies, futures companies and trust companies; ② Provision for impairment should be deducted from closing book value; ③ Profit/loss during the Reporting Period refers to the impact of a given investment on the Company’s consolidated net profit in the Reporting Period. (vii) Major asset and equity sales On 20 March 2015, it was approved during the 77th Meeting of the Company’s First Board of Directors that real estate businesses directly operated by the Company and real estate businesses operated by China Overseas be sold to the Company’s subsidiary listed in Hong Kong, China Overseas Land & Investment (00688.HK). Relevant details can be found in the Announcement of Capital Injection by China Construction into China Overseas Holdings Ltd. and Subscription to New Shares Issued by China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. and the relevant resolution announcement. After the deal, real estate businesses operated by the Company were incorporated into China Overseas Land & Investment so as to improve operating efficiency and brand value. (viii) Key companies controlled or invested by the Company 1. Key subscription established or acquired by the Company through investment Company Business China Overseas Holdings Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Shareholding Total Net Net assets (%) assets profit Registered capital Investment holdings 15,432,258 China Overseas Land & Investment Real estate development & operation 34,632,697 China State Construction International Holdings Ltd. Construction and installation China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd. Property management HKD 30,000,000 61.18 Construction and installation 3,766,850 Construction and installation Ltd. st China Construction 1 Building (Group) Corporation China Construction 2nd Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction 3rd Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction 4th 100.00 390,023,614 121,477,572 18,321,007 329,885,979 142,449,307 22,295,937 58,700,067 17,800,718 3,297,300 1,814,432 528,116 94,096 100.00 84,090,481 9,095,435 1,347,430 2,875,290 100.00 71,772,646 10,260,433 2,007,442 Construction and installation 5,039,865 100.00 121,067,392 18,673,998 3,736,669 Construction 2,728,836 100.00 52,363,582 9,387,820 1,486,282 61.18 57.59 1,320,750 52 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 5th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 6th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 7th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction 8th Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. and installation China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation China State Decoration China Construction Fangcheng Investment & Development Construction and installation 3,018,000 100.00 56,474,115 10,528,836 1,936,927 Construction and installation 2,577,946 100.00 34,841,353 4,540,356 674,804 Construction and installation 3,121,540 100.00 61,589,221 10,472,600 1,603,715 Construction and installation 5,662,792 100.00 95,948,291 17,777,589 3,540,540 Construction survey & design Industry decoration 1,308,970 100.00 10,597,744 4,876,411 651,290 690,000 100.00 8,105,705 1,636,288 296,027 Infrastructure construction 5,000,000 100.00 19,139,507 8,046,071 322,686 2. Key subsidiaries acquired by merging enterprises under common control Company CSCEC Xinjiang Construction & Engineering China West Construction Group China Overseas Investment Management (Shenzhen) China State Construction Finance Business Construction and installation Building materials Real estate development & operation Finance Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Shareholding Total Net Net assets (%) assets profit Registered capital 85.00 817,480 516,117 68.73 21,620,734 4,421,309 446,604 12,556,221 4,369,669 366,680 3,327,462 2,705,267 383,556 74,253,252 3,353,341 485,713 100.00 1,950,000 3,000,000 80.00 3. Key subsidiaries acquired by merging enterprises not under common control Company Far East Global Group Ltd. China State Construction Port Engineering Group Business Construction and installation Construction and installation Unit: RMB ,000 Currency: RMB Shareholding Total Net Net assets (%) assets profit Registered capital HKD 100,00 0,000 42.65 1,756,812 808,984 3,399 3,314,281 602,268 104,045 69.88 363,338 53 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 China State Construction Harbour Construction Infrastructure construction 800,000 50.00 4,106,768 1,093,099 Please refer to “Equities in Subsidiaries” of Financial Statements Appendix 6 “Equities in Other Entities” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. (ix) Structured bodies controlled by the Company As of the end of the Reporting Period, the Company did not hold any significant equities in any structured bodies not included in the consolidated financial statements. 54 60,388 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 III. Discussions and Analyses on Future Development (i) Competitive landscape and development trends The Company enjoys a generally favorable external business climate. Refer to “The Macro Environment and Industry Trends” of This Section for further details. (ii) Corporate development strategy During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company will adhere to the guiding principles of “combining tradition with innovation” and “improving development quality and efficiency”, and work toward our mission dubbed “Building Happiness”. Efforts will be made to drive two structural transitions, i.e. shifting toward the infrastructure business and overseas market expansion; to build on the existing three core businesses, i.e. further consolidating our leading market position in our traditional core businesses – construction survey and design, housing construction and real estate development; to foster four prospective businesses, i.e. specialized construction, integrated urban construction, energy conservation and environmental protection, and financial businesses. We will adapt ourselves to the latest market trends, and be actively involved in national development strategies (e.g. the “Belt and Road”, Jing-Jin-Ji synergistic development and Yantze River Economic Belt) while consistently improving our “full lifecycle” professional capabilities in construction and investment businesses, thereby contributing to the transformation of China into a well-off society, building the Company toward a “construction investment group with the strongest global competitiveness”. Taking various factors into consideration, the Company sets the overall revenue growth target for the 13th “Five-year Plan” to be 9% per year, aiming to achieve a “5:3:2” business structure, with overseas businesses accounting for 10%. During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company’s four core businesses (products) are construction survey and design, construction, investment and new businesses. Specifically, construction includes housing construction and infrastructure construction; investment includes real estate development, infrastructure investment and integrated urban construction. Survey & design Construction Development New businesses investment Urban planning and Housing construction design Infrastructure Survey Construction design Real Estate investment Residential real estate Construction Highway investment 55 Construction industrialization Water supply Environmental Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Architectural design Construction Infrastructure design Railway Construction Commercial real estate investment Municipal construction Ecommerce Financial business investment Urban rail transit Highway investment Municipal investment construction Infrastructure protection Specialized Construction Integrated urban construction Steel construction investment Installation Primary land engineering investment Decoration Industrial park Concrete investment Survey and design. Survey and design is at the forefront of the construction industry chain, and is illustrative of the Company’s “soft competitiveness”. “Design is integral to construction excellence”. During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company will continue to scale up housing construction survey and design businesses, and effect a shift toward infrastructure (public utilities, roads, water and power supplies) survey and design. In addition, industrial survey and design operations will be piloted when the time is ripe, and boost the EPC business through construction design. Construction. The construction business provides the basis for the Company to survive and develop. It is our core competitiveness that we rely on for sustained growth. “Construction is the foundation for stable development”. During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company will maintain and further develop the housing construction segment and our share of the construction market, maintaining our absolute leading position in this area. We will continue to build on our competitive advantages in high-end construction projects, e.g. super high-rise and long-span construction, and acquire high-end state-of-the-art core construction technologies. Priority will be given to infrastructure construction, seeking to achieve major breakthroughs in key market segments such as railway transports, intercity rail transit, urban underground utility pipelines, bridges, municipal roads, highways, railways, petrochemical, hydraulic engineering and water conservancy. Furthermore, efforts will be made to optimize the Group’s business structure and safeguard the Company against cyclical economic fluctuations. 56 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 Development investment. It serves as an important vehicle for the Company to expand into upstream sectors of the industry chain and to enhance operating profitability, as well as being a main source of profits. “Investment is the path to wealth”. During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, the Company will continue to consolidate and increase the scale and profitability of real estate development projects employing a vertical integration strategy, and push forward real estate business restructuring, focusing on new real estate related businesses taking into account structural changes in national population, “consumption upgrade” and “new urbanization” development. In the meanwhile, we will push ahead with the internationalization of our real estate businesses, fortifying infrastructure investment operations to drive construction business growth. The proprietary infrastructure operation model will be explored, developed and implemented in key areas. Following the “4 in 1” development philosophy, more efforts will be made to break through bottlenecks in integrated urban construction, revolving around urban renewal and the development of new towns and new industrial centers. New businesses. During the 13th “Five-year Plan” period, we will step up new business development, improving the Company’s business structure for increased returns through new business cultivation and incubation. As the Chinese economy embraces the New Normal growth model, new value can be created through the introduction of new businesses. “Innovation is what it takes to achieve prosperity”. The “venture capital + incubation” business model will be adopted for the development of new businesses at the Company. Based on market-oriented operations, relying on CSCEC Development as the platform, China Construction venture capital fund and online entrepreneur and innovation incubation base will be established to sponsor and foster construction related innovation enterprises and businesses. The new businesses will primarily include new construction industrialization, green building, building energy conservation, new energy, integrated modular mobile homes (temporary construction standardization), water control and ecological environmental engineering, water supply, gas, water and soil comprehensive management and resource utilization, and construction ecommerce. Furthermore, the Company will ramp up financial services for core business development. Efforts will be stepped up to obtain licenses for financial businesses, in a bid to add a financial dimension to the Company’s business operations. 57 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 (iii) Business development plan In 2016, our overall objective for business development is to “stabilize growth, and improve quality and efficiency”. Full-year targets include: newly contracted value of RMB 1.6 trillion, and total revenue of over RMB 920 billion. Prioritizes going forward are defined as follows: Volume consolidation and quality optimization in the housing construction business. (1) Stabilizing business growth, and ensuring steady increases in business scale; (2) Restructuring businesses toward specialization and regional development as the long-term goals; (3) reinforcing “baseline” management – special inspections and management audits to ensure compliance with baseline requirements will become part of the routine at the Company; (4) optimizing resource sharing and compliance-related interactions between the survey/design and housing construction segments. Infrastructure resource integration for leap-frog development. (1) On the basis of business specialization, subsidiaries will be graded based on high-level qualifications for the infrastructure business, so as to create a group of highly competitive infrastructure companies within the shortest time possible; (2) seizing the opportunities arising from the introduction of the PPP model to push forward business model upgrade, ramp up construction contracting, and improve profitability, driven by investment operations; (3) allowing regional headquarters to play a greater role as the infrastructure investment platform and frontline market developer. System optimization and growth acceleration in overseas businesses. (1) Fortifying the “mega overseas business” network, and gradually deregulating foreign operations; (2) Improving the Company’s capabilities of overseas business operations, and strengthening cooperation with leading local enterprises to tap into local resources for market expansion purposes; (3) keeping track of high quality foreign investment targets within the “Belt and Road” program, and stepping up capital operations to boost internationalization and global competitiveness of the Company. Keeping the leading edge in line with the latest trends. (1) Taking advantage of the growing polarization in the real estate industry, China Overseas should maintain its leading market position levering on internet technology and resources available in the Chinese and overseas capital markets, striving for relevant diversification or business expansion as the overriding principle; (2) China Overseas will adhere to the two-pronged strategy giving equal emphasis to overseas real estate development and proprietary properties, steadily scale up real estate operations overseas, and ultimately enhance its brand influence outside China. Consolidation and rapid development of financial businesses. Industry-finance integration will be systematically planned on three stages, i.e. “organizational integration”, “product integration” and “functional integration”, seeking a comprehensive solution to issues concerning “organizational 58 Annual Report of China State Construction 2015 structure and business structure”, “financial product R&D and serving the core businesses” and “full industry chain stimulation through business model upgrade”. (iv) Potential risks 1. Risks associated with government debts Local government debts have been affected by the slowdown in China’s economic growth and fixed asset investment. If local governments default on debt repayment or run up excessive debts in violation of the regulations, the Company will be exposed to risks that may affect its normal operations. We will pay close attention to macroeconomic development, local government debts and credit risks associated with our partners, take advantage of our financial strengths, and strengthen liaison with local governments. Only economically developed local governments supported by high revenues will be selected as our partners so as to avoid government debt related risks as source. 2. Risks arising from overseas operations The Company operates international construction contracting businesses in many countries and regions, with different cultures, customs, political and legal systems, natural environments, economic development, economic policies, etc. Such differences pose challenges to the Company in overseas project operations and management. The Company will align its strategies to the latest developments in the “Belt and Road” program, clarify our strategic market layout overseas, and play an active role in the establishment of ASEAN Free Trade Area, integrating internal resources to sharpen our competitiveness and scale up business operations in overseas markets. Financial risks facing the Company include market related risks (primarily foreign exchange and interest risks), credit risks and liquidity risks. Overall, our risk management plan will revolve around unforeseeable changes in the financial markets, aiming to smooth out negative impacts on the Company’s financial performance. Please refer to Financial Statements Appendix 15 “Financial Instruments and Relevant Risks” of the “Financial Report” in this Report for further details. 59 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITOR’S REPORT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 [English translation for reference only. Should there be any inconsistency between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.] CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED Financial Statements and Auditor’s Report For the year ended 31 December 2015 [English translation for reference only] Content Auditor’s Report Page 1-2 Financial Statements For the year ended 31 December 2015 Consolidated and Company balance sheets 1-2 Consolidated and Company income statements 3 Consolidated and Company cash flow statements 4 Consolidated statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 5-6 Company statement of changes in shareholders’ equity 7 Notes to financial statements 8-163 Supplementary information provided by management 1 Statement of non-recurring profit or loss 1 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share 2-3 [English Translation for Reference Only] Auditor’s Report PwC ZT Shen Zi (2016) No. 10079 (Page 1 of 2) To the Shareholders of China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited, We have audited the accompanying financial statements of China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (hereinafter the “Company”), which comprise the consolidated and company balance sheets as at 31 December 2015, and the consolidated and company income statements, the consolidated and company statements of changes in shareholders’ equity and the consolidated and company cash flow statements for the year then ended, and the notes to the financial statements. Management’s Responsibility for the Financial Statements Management of the Company is responsible for the preparation and fair presentation of these financial statements in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and for such internal control as management determines is necessary to enable the preparation of financial statements that are free from material misstatement, whether due to fraud or error. Auditor’s Responsibility Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with China Standards on Auditing. Those standards require that we comply with ethical requirements and plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. PwC ZT Shen Zi (2016) No. 10079 (Page 2 of 2) An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal control relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements. We believe that the audit evidence we have obtained is sufficient and appropriate to provide a basis for our audit opinion. Opinion In our opinion, the accompanying financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated and company’s financial position of the Company as at 31 December 2015, and their financial performance and cash flows for the year then ended in accordance with the requirements of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises. PricewaterhouseCoopers Zhong Tian LLP Shanghai, the People’s Republic of China April 18, 2016 2 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETS AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] ASSETS Current assets Cash at bank and on hand Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Notes receivable Accounts receivable Advances to suppliers Interest receivable Dividends receivable Other receivables Inventories Including: Work in progress Assets classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current assets Other current assets Total current assets Non-current assets Available-for-sale financial assets Long-term receivables Long-term equity investments Investment properties Fixed assets Construction in progress Intangible assets Goodwill Long-term prepaid expenses Deferred tax assets Other non-current assets Total non-current assets TOTAL ASSETS Notes 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Consolidated Consolidated Company Company 4(1) 216,409,816 154,069,259 19,905,110 16,038,782 4(2) 4(3) 4(5)、18(1) 4(7) 4(4) 1,130,227 6,731,344 115,556,903 27,464,856 324,946 6,831 34,176,902 387,589,435 137,843,236 755,687 33,850,912 8,468,748 832,466,607 1,037,762 5,355,116 118,430,369 31,129,012 166,044 941 24,994,876 348,273,350 95,701,833 9,372,549 17,499,104 7,048,189 717,376,571 19,438 430,449 15,919,421 4,387,256 16,413 11,200,969 29,941,268 10,991,615 10,895,873 2,806,116 1,487,263 97,105,318 108,055 9,230,267 3,270,435 16,413 9,612,693 40,133,072 9,413,289 9,327,016 2,466,528 339,174 90,628,708 5,848,967 125,376,445 26,326,097 30,597,871 24,443,413 10,136,821 8,913,027 2,126,048 388,866 7,137,341 1,143,396 242,438,292 4,968,599 100,069,116 23,310,984 25,267,953 22,883,728 6,704,128 9,238,538 2,022,401 612,203 6,021,207 630,787 201,729,644 1,200,932 13,233,581 99,394,326 478,477 787,085 488,199 140,345 103,918 315,697 116,142,560 1,418,583 8,504,214 75,003,939 496,115 830,579 341,737 143,197 345,659 257,215 87,341,238 1,074,904,899 919,106,215 213,247,878 177,969,946 4(6)、18(2) 4(8) 4(8) 4(9) 4(10) 4(11) 4(12) 4(13) 4(14)、18(3) 4(15) 4(16) 4(17) 4(18) 4(19) 4(20) 4(21) 1 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY BALANCE SHEETS (CONTINUED) AS AT 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY Current liabilities Short-term borrowings Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss Notes payable Accounts payable Advances from customers Including: Advances for contract work Employee benefits payable Taxes payable Interest payable Dividends payable Other payables Liabilities classified as held for sale Current portion of non-current liabilities Other current liabilities Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Bonds payables Long-term payables Payables for specific projects Provisions for other liabilities and charges Deferred income Long-term employee benefits payable Deferred tax liabilities Other non-current liabilities Total non-current liabilities Notes 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Consolidated Consolidated Company Company 4(23) 25,602,969 21,714,536 5,948,080 8,978,275 4(24) 4(25) 4(26) 14,218,247 320,001,082 114,519,512 19,441 12,514,256 268,431,620 106,344,576 84,341 114,100 20,955,146 19,707,083 19,441 41,448 16,004,973 12,168,103 26,322,416 5,867,475 39,244,603 2,489,054 1,342,390 40,408,401 39,317,350 7,239,894 610,250,977 22,825,149 4,228,591 36,939,229 2,346,399 469,247 34,129,378 5,867,944 48,648,524 2,984,772 544,638,513 4,051,532 396,055 1,361,851 821,007 870,000 14,626,603 7,553,566 72,437,832 1,789,621 346,646 1,194,704 846,346 14,271,467 3,629,271 152,587 57,653,261 98,324,864 101,172,467 13,570,706 51,692 76,124,678 80,064,763 11,708,493 47,318 8,805,228 24,102,537 6,801,944 420 3,935,700 26,064,927 5,302,618 2,661 452,609 891,716 297,860 790,886 17,093 - 27,572 - 2,263,177 1,208,518 7,935,452 225,871,201 2,328,999 1,197,748 4,993,477 177,554,222 129,551 39,856,773 115,902 35,449,380 836,122,178 722,192,735 112,294,605 93,102,641 30,000,000 16,972,180 14,975,410 1,996,770 23,526,065 1,667,001 24,735 161,625 2,920,006 92,705,780 30,000,000 1,996,770 1,996,770 28,680,437 2,314,028 22,494 84,162 2,168,700 73,752,867 167,977,392 70,805,329 238,782,721 139,019,458 57,894,022 196,913,480 100,953,273 100,953,273 84,867,305 84,867,305 1,074,904,899 919,106,215 213,247,878 177,969,946 4(26) 4(27) 4(28) 4(29) 4(30) 4(31) 4(32) 4(33) 4(34) 4(35) 4(36) 4(37) 4(38) 4(20) 4(39) TOTAL LIABILITIES Shareholders’ equity Paid-in capital Other equity instruments Including: Preference Share Perpetual bond Capital surplus Other comprehensive income Special reserve General risk reserve Surplus reserve Undistributed profits Total equity attributable to shareholders of the Company Non-controlling interests Total shareholders’ equity TOTAL LIABILITIES AND SHAREHOLDERS' EQUITY 4(40) 4(41) 4(42) 4(43) 4(44) 4(45) 4(46) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 2 30,000,000 16,972,180 14,975,410 1,996,770 44,117,263 (218,580) 2,344 2,920,006 7,160,060 30,000,000 1,996,770 1,996,770 43,986,986 162,220 328 2,168,700 6,552,301 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY INCOME STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] Item Notes 2015 Consolidated 2014 Consolidated 2015 Company 2014 Company 4(47)、18(4) 880,577,134 800,028,753 49,824,619 41,150,633 4(47)、18(4) (771,038,770) (699,364,000) (46,998,740) (39,395,839) Taxes and surcharges 4(48) (31,961,640) (30,891,831) (525,335) (359,961) Selling and distribution expenses General and administrative expenses 4(49) 4(50) (2,370,307) (17,186,333) (2,098,826) (15,605,773) (931,321) (1,049,614) Financial expenses - net 4(51) (8,425,866) (7,429,397) (1,388,414) (1,558,431) Asset impairment losses 4(55) (3,756,309) (4,524,263) (66,401) (607,581) (222,120) (45,462) Revenue Less: Cost of sales Gains arising from changes in fair value Add: Investment income Including: Share of profit of associates and joint ventures 4(53) 4(54)、18(5) Operating profit 130,498 (19,441) 1,855,143 2,321,021 8,296,838 7,615,135 1,558,615 1,506,953 22,275 9,311 47,085,471 42,213,564 8,165,784 6,512,980 Add: Non-operating income Including: Gains on disposal of non-current assets 4(56) 864,704 1,272,406 22,429 8,350 170,680 258,030 9,873 Less: Non-operating expenses Including: Losses on disposal of non-current assets 4(57) (253,386) (149,869) (599) (11,553) (27,164) (44,296) (257) (719) 47,696,789 (11,753,981) 43,336,101 (10,159,287) 8,187,614 (674,549) 6,509,777 (354,582) Total profit Less: Income tax expenses 4(58) Net profit Attributable to shareholders of the Company Non-controlling interests Net amount of other comprehensive income after deducting income tax 4(43) 660 35,942,808 33,176,814 7,513,065 6,155,195 26,061,898 22,569,967 7,513,065 6,155,195 9,880,910 10,606,847 - - (389,072) 1,359,374 (380,800) 207,992 Attributable to shareholders of the Company Items that will not be subsequently reclassified to profit or loss Remeasurements of post-employment benefit obligations (647,027) 1,376,874 (380,800) 207,992 (94,589) 51,133 (18,190) (36,140) (94,589) 51,133 (18,190) (36,140) Items that may be reclassified to profit or loss Shares of other comprehensive income of investments accounted for using the equity method Changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets (552,438) 1,325,741 (362,610) 244,132 (519,364) 41,824 - - (60,970) 429,508 (106,988) 274,157 Currency translation differences 27,896 854,409 (255,622) (30,025) Attributable to non-controlling interests 257,955 (17,500) Total comprehensive income - - 35,553,736 34,536,188 7,132,265 6,363,187 Attributable to shareholders of the Company 25,414,871 23,946,841 7,132,265 6,363,187 Attributable to non-controlling interests 10,138,865 10,589,347 - - Earnings per share Basic earnings per share (RMB Yuan) Diluted earnings per share (RMB Yuan) 4(60)(a) 0.84 0.75 N/A N/A 4(60)(b) 0.83 0.75 N/A N/A The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 3 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED AND COMPANY CASH FLOW STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] Item Notes 2015 Consolidated 2014 Consolidated 2015 Company 2014 Company Cash flows from operating activities Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services Refund of taxes and surcharges Cash received relating to other operating activities 4(61)(a) Sub-total of cash inflows Cash paid for goods and services 796,860,313 766,191,304 48,093,189 35,824 105,221 2,432 43,214,530 1,298 10,054,388 9,616,490 9,125,127 1,584,744 806,950,525 775,913,015 57,220,748 44,800,572 (655,417,782) (664,574,144) (39,967,182) (37,863,812) Cash paid to and on behalf of employees (39,031,581) (34,237,711) (1,649,280) (1,285,416) Payments of taxes and surcharges (47,255,971) (40,754,170) (1,525,675) (1,008,816) (10,641,550) (11,440,649) (1,097,216) (4,281,916) (752,346,884) (751,006,674) (44,239,353) (44,439,960) 54,603,641 24,906,341 12,981,395 360,612 11,378,278 14,050,065 3,909,737 12,810,000 1,300,378 1,300,990 6,368,594 4,971,634 907,616 785,414 20,879 30,644 Cash paid relating to other operating activities 4(61)(b) Sub-total of cash outflows Net cash flows from operating activities 4(62)(a) Cash flows from investing activities Cash received from disposal of investments Cash received from returns on investments Net cash received from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Cash received from disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Cash received relating to other investing activities Sub-total of cash inflows Cash paid to acquire fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets 4(61)(c) Cash paid to invest Net cash paid to acquire subsidiaries and other business units Net cash outflows due to disposal of subsidiaries and other business units Cash paid relating to other investing activities - 28,956 - - 2,468,078 16,054,350 5,511,091 21,676,516 16,877,261 27,176,471 2,999,626 20,811,904 (13,506,484) (13,246,546) (367,404) (510,307) (15,084,308) (19,476,951) (26,557,121) (17,518,019) (725,127) (749,844) (66) 4(61)(d) Sub-total of cash outflows Net cash flows from investing activities - - - (4,732,188) (3,669,922) (21,327,160) (1,731,633) (34,048,173) (37,143,263) (48,251,685) (19,759,959) (17,993,823) (15,466,747) (21,075,214) 1,051,945 15,355,966 4,681,546 14,975,410 1,996,770 Cash flows from financing activities Cash received from capital contributions Including: Cash received from capital contributions by non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries Cash received from borrowings Cash received from issuance of bonds Cash received relating to other financing activities 4(61)(e) Sub-total of cash inflows Repayments of borrowings Cash payments for interest expenses and distribution of dividends or profits Including: Cash payments for dividends or profit to non-controlling shareholders of subsidiaries Cash paid to acquire non-controlling interest of subsidiaries Cash paid relating to other financing activities 4(61)(f) Sub-total of cash outflows Net cash flows from financing activities Effect of foreign exchange rate changes on cash Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Add: Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 4(62)(b) 380,556 2,684,776 - - 111,123,055 74,026,833 10,604,527 14,247,935 30,484,408 32,291,034 4,999,335 2,995,185 3,184,228 753,875 742,654 5,000 160,147,657 111,753,288 31,321,926 19,244,890 (110,457,047) (68,802,508) (12,055,426) (12,428,114) (21,704,776) (18,394,856) (7,308,085) (6,185,933) (2,436,575) (1,926,588) - - (261,622) (6,962) - - (773,774) (6,354,387) - (133,197,219) (93,558,713) (19,363,511) 26,950,438 18,194,575 11,958,415 464,996 546,707 2,001 630,843 (139,595) 64,025,252 28,180,876 3,866,597 1,903,805 145,118,441 116,937,565 16,033,489 14,129,684 209,143,693 145,118,441 19,900,086 16,033,489 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 4 (18,614,047) CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] Attributable to shareholders of the Company Item Note Balance at 1 January 2015 Total comprehensive income Net profit Other comprehensive income Capital contribution and withdrawal by shareholders Capital contribution by shareholders Capital contribution by holders of other equity instruments Share-based payment Effect on changes in shareholding of subsidiaries Others Profit distribution Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve Appropriation to general risk reserve Profit distribution to shareholders Profit distribution to holders of other equity instruments Others Special reserves Appropriation to safety production expenses Use of safety production expenses Balance at 31 December 2015 Other equity instruments Preference Perpetual share bond Paid-in capital 30,000,000 Other comprehensive income Capital surplus - 1,996,770 28,680,437 Total Undistributed Non-controlling shareholders' profits interests equity General Surplus risk reserve reserve 22,494 84,162 - - - - - - - 196,913,480 10,138,865 9,880,910 257,955 35,553,736 35,942,808 (389,072) 5,207,325 380,556 14,904,403 380,556 - - - - - 14,975,410 45,539 - - 77,463 751,306 (123,960) (6,985,025) 5,322,998 (496,229) (2,436,575) (497,102) (8,592,831) (2,436,575) (7,596,575) - - 14,975,410 - - 4(41) 4(59) - 14,975,410 - - 4(42) - - - - - - - - - 77,463 - 751,306 - (751,306) (77,463) (5,160,000) - - - - - 2,241 - - (994,000) (2,256) - - - - - - 13,145,769 - - - 34,744 13,180,513 - - - - - (13,143,528) - - - (33,052) (13,176,580) 14,975,410 1,996,770 23,526,065 1,667,001 4(46) 4(44) 30,000,000 45,539 (5,322,998) 123,087 - 5 24,735 161,625 26,061,898 26,061,898 - 57,894,022 - (5,154,372) - (647,027) (647,027) 2,168,700 73,752,867 - 4(43) - 2,314,028 Special reserve (123,960) - 2,920,006 92,705,780 1,692 70,805,329 (994,000) (2,256) 3,933 238,782,721 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY (CONTINUED) FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] Attributable to shareholders of the Company Other equity instruments Item Note Balance at 1 January 2014 Total comprehensive income Net profit Other comprehensive income Capital contribution and withdrawal by shareholders Capital contribution by shareholders Capital contribution by holders of other equity instruments Share-based payment Redemption of exchangeable bonds Others Profit distribution Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve Appropriation to general risk reserve Profit distribution to shareholders Special reserve Appropriation to safety production expenses Use of safety production expenses Others Balance at 31 December 2014 Paid-in capital Preference Perpetual share bond Other comprehensive income Capital surplus 30,000,000 - - 29,315,286 - - - - - 1,996,770 - 4(46) - - 1,996,770 - 4(44) - - - - - - - - - - 30,000,000 - 1,996,770 28,680,437 2,314,028 4(43) 4(41) 4(59) 4(42) Total General risk Surplus Undistributed Non-controlling shareholders' reserve reserve profits interests equity Special reserve 937,154 32,366 20,162 1,553,720 56,178,067 46,526,762 164,563,517 1,376,874 1,376,874 - - - 22,569,967 22,569,967 - 10,589,347 10,606,847 (17,500) 34,536,188 33,176,814 1,359,374 (634,849) - - - - - (20,797) - 2,711,735 2,684,776 4,052,859 2,684,776 62,174 (593,586) (103,437) - - - 64,000 615,519 (20,880) 83 (4,969,519) 26,959 (1,934,720) 1,996,770 62,174 (614,466) (76,395) (6,224,720) (9,872) 64,000 - 615,519 - (615,519) (64,000) (4,290,000) - (1,934,720) 898 (6,224,720) (8,974) 12,313,841 (12,323,713) - - (539) (4,851) 39,130 (38,232) - 12,352,971 (12,361,945) (5,390) 84,162 2,168,700 - The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 6 22,494 73,752,867 57,894,022 196,913,480 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED COMPANY STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] Item Balance at 1 January 2014 Total comprehensive income Net profit Other comprehensive income Capital contribution and withdrawal by shareholders Capital contribution by holders of other equity instruments Share-based payment Profit distribution Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve Profit distribution to shareholders Special reserve Appropriation to safety production expenses Use of safety production expenses Others Balance at 31 December 2014 Total comprehensive income Net profit Other comprehensive income Capital contribution and withdrawal by shareholders Capital contribution by holders other equity instruments Share-based payment Others Profit distribution Appropriation to statutory surplus reserve Profit distribution to shareholders Profit distribution to holders of other equity instruments Special reserve Appropriation to safety production expenses Use of safety production expenses Balance at 31 December 2015 Note 4(41) 4(59) 4(46) 4(41) 4(59) 4(46) Other equity instruments Other Preference Perpetual comprehensive share bond Capital surplus income Paid-in capital Surplus reserve Undistributed Total shareholders' profits equity 4,301 - 1,553,720 - 5,307,476 6,155,195 6,155,195 - 80,744,537 6,363,187 6,155,195 207,992 - - - 2,058,944 30,000,000 - - - 43,924,812 - - - 1,996,770 62,174 30,000,000 - - 1,996,770 1,996,770 - 62,174 43,986,986 - - 14,975,410 - 130,277 - - - - 14,975,410 - - 45,539 84,738 - - - 751,306 751,306 - (6,905,306) (751,306) (5,160,000) 14,975,410 45,539 84,738 (6,154,000) (5,160,000) 30,000,000 14,975,410 1,996,770 44,117,263 2,016 577,900 (575,884) 2,344 2,920,006 (994,000) 7,160,060 (994,000) 2,016 577,900 (575,884) 100,953,273 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these financial statements. 7 (45,772) 207,992 207,992 Special reserve 162,220 (380,800) (380,800) (218,580) (3,973) 454,924 (458,897) 328 - 615,519 615,519 (539) 2,168,700 - (4,905,519) (615,519) (4,290,000) (4,851) 6,552,301 7,513,065 7,513,065 - 1,996,770 62,174 (4,290,000) (4,290,000) (3,973) 454,924 (458,897) (5,390) 84,867,305 7,132,265 7,513,065 (380,800) 15,105,687 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 1 Company profile China State Construction Engineering Corporation Limited (“the Company”) was established as a joint stock limited company under the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) laws and regulations in accordance with the approval of Guo Zi Gai Ge [2007] No.1495 issued by State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council (“SASAC”) on 6 December 2007. The founder-members of the Company are China State Construction Engineering Corporation (“CSCEC”), China National Petroleum Corporation, Baosteel Group Corporation and Sinochem Corporation (the latter three are called by “other founder-members”). The Company was established on 10 December 2007 in Beijing, PRC, its head quarter is situated in Beijing, PRC. The parent company and the ultimate parent company of the Company is CSCEC. The Company got listed in Shanghai Stock Exchange in July 2009. As at 31 December 2015, the total share capital of the Company was RMB30,000 million with RMB1 par value per share. As at 31 December 2015, CSCEC held 16,879.07 million shares, representing 56.26% of the total share capital. The approved scope of business of the Company and its subsidiaries (together “the Group”) includes survey, design, construction, installation, consultation, development, decoration service, manufacturing, wholesale, retail and imports and exports. The core operations include: offering a full range of construction-related services to foreign and domestic civil engineering and building construction such as construction, installation and consultation, investment and construction of infrastructure projects, foreign and domestic real estate investment and development, architecture and infrastructure construction survey and design, decoration engineering, landscape engineering design and construction, industrial investment, contracting for foreign projects in PRC, import and export, production and distribution of construction materials and other non-metal mineral products, construction-related metalwork & tools and construction engineering & drilling equipment and finance business. Please refer to Note 6 for details of significant subsidiaries included in the consolidation scope in the current year. The Group does not have any important subsidiaries newly included in or excluded from the consolidation scope in the current year. These financial statements are authorised for issue by the Company’s Board of Directors on 18 April 2016. 8 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates Specific accounting policies and accounting estimates were decided by the Group according to the characteristics of its production and operation, mainly including methods of determine provision for bad debts of receivables (Note 2(10)), costing of inventories (Note 2(11)), models for subsequent measurement of investment properties (Note 2(13)), recognition of revenue from construction contract and sale of properties (Note 2(24)), etc.. Please refer to Note 2(31) for the details of the Group’s critical judgments in applying the accounting policies. (1) Basis of preparation The financial statements are prepared in accordance with the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises - Basic Standard, and the specific accounting standards and other relevant regulations issued by the Ministry of Finance on 15 February 2006 and in subsequent periods (hereafter collectively referred to as “the Accounting Standard for Business Enterprises” or “CAS”) and the disclosure requirements in the Preparation Convention of Information Disclosure by Companies Offering Securities to the Public No.15 – General Rules on Financial Reporting issued by the China Securities Regulatory Commission. The financial statements are prepared on a going concern basis. (2) Statement of compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises The consolidated and company financial statements of the Company for the year ended 31 December 2015 are in compliance with the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises, and truly and completely present the financial position of the Consolidated and the Company as of 31 December 2015 and of their financial performance, cash flows and other information for the year then ended. (3) Accounting year The Company’s accounting year starts on 1 January and ends on 31 December. (4) Recording currency The recording currency for the Company and its domestic subsidiaries is Renminbi (RMB). The Company’s foreign subsidiaries choose their recording currency on the basis of the primary economic environment in which it operates, and foreign currencies are translated into RMB when preparing financial statements. The Company adopts RMB to prepare its financial statements. (5) Business combinations (a) Business combinations involving enterprises under common control The consideration paid and net assets obtained by the absorbing party in a business combination are measured at the carrying amount. The difference between the carrying amount of the net assets obtained from the combination and the carrying amount of the consideration paid for the combination is adjusted to capital surplus (share premium). If the capital surplus (share premium) is not sufficient to absorb the difference, any excess shall be adjusted against retained earnings. Costs directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities. 9 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (5) Business combinations (Continued) (b) Business combinations not involving enterprises under common control and goodwill The cost of combination and identifiable net assets obtained by the acquirer in a business combination are measured at fair value at the acquisition date. Where the cost of the combination exceeds the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised as goodwill; where the cost of combination is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets, the difference is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Costs directly attributable to the combination are charged to profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Transaction costs associated with the issue of equity or debt securities for the business combination are included in the initially recognised amounts of the equity or debt securities. Where a business combination not involving enterprises under common control is achieved in stages that involve multiple transactions, the equity interest in the acquire held before the acquisition date is remeasured at its fair value at the acquisition date, with any difference between its fair value and its carrying amount being recognised as investment income. The other comprehensive income held before the acquisition date, which relating to the previously held equity interest in acquire is transferred to investment income. Goodwill is recognised at the excess of the combination cost which is the sum of the consideration paid at the acquisition date and the fair value at the acquisition date of the acquirer’s previously held interest in the acquire, over the acquirer’s interests in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets acquired during the acquisition. (6) Preparation of consolidated financial statements The consolidated financial statements comprise the financial statements of the Company and all of its subsidiaries. Subsidiaries are consolidated from the date on which the Group obtains control and are de-consolidated from the date that such control ceases. For a subsidiary that is acquired in a business combination involving enterprises under common control, it is included in the consolidated financial statements from the date when it, together with the Company, comes under common control of the ultimate controlling party. The portion of the net profit or loss realised before the combination date is presented separately in the consolidated income statement. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, where the accounting policies and the accounting periods of the Company and subsidiaries are inconsistent, the financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted in accordance with the accounting policies and the accounting period of the Company. For subsidiaries acquired from business combinations not involving enterprises under common control, the individual financial statements of the subsidiaries are adjusted based on the fair value of the identifiable net assets at the acquisition date. All significant intra-group balances, transactions and unrealised gains or losses are eliminated in the consolidated financial statements. The portion of subsidiaries’ equity and the portion of a subsidiary’s net profit or loss for the period and comprehensive income not attributable to Company are recognised as non-controlling interests and presented separately in the consolidated financial statements under equity, net profit and total comprehensive income respectively. Unrealised gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets by the Company to its subsidiaries are fully eliminated against net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent. Unrealised gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets by a subsidiary to the Company are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent and non-controlling interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of the parent in the subsidiary. Unrealised gains and losses resulting from the sale of assets by one subsidiary to another are eliminated and allocated between net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent and non-controlling interests in accordance with the allocation proportion of the parent in the subsidiary. 10 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (6) Preparation of consolidated financial statements (Continued) If an enterprise loses control of an investee due to the disposal of a portion of an equity investment or other reasons, the remaining equity investment shall be re-measured at its fair value in the consolidated financial statements at the date when control is lost. The difference between the total amount of consideration received from the transaction that resulted in the loss of control and the fair value of the remaining equity investment and the share of net assets of the former subsidiary calculated continuously from the acquisition date or the combination date based on the previous shareholding proportion, shall be recognized as investment income for the current period when control is lost. The amount previously recognised in other comprehensive income in relation to the former subsidiary’s equity investment should be transferred to investment income for the current period when control is lost. If the accounting treatment of a transaction which considers the Group as an accounting entity is different from that considers the Company or its subsidiaries as an accounting entity, it is adjusted from the perspective of the Group. (7) Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents comprise cash on hand, deposits that can be readily drawn on demand, and short-term and highly liquid investments that are readily convertible to known amounts of cash and which are subject to an insignificant risk of changes in value. (8) Foreign currency translation (a) Foreign currency transactions Foreign currency transactions are translated into RMB using the exchange rates prevailing at the dates of the transactions. At the balance sheet date, monetary items denominated in foreign currencies are translated into RMB using the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Exchange differences arising from these translations are recognised in profit or loss for the current period, except for those attributable to foreign currency borrowings that have been taken out specifically for the acquisition or construction of qualifying assets, which are capitalised as part of the cost of those assets. Non-monetary items denominated in foreign currencies that are measured at historical costs are translated at the balance sheet date using the spot exchange rates at the date of the transactions. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement. (b) Translation of foreign currency financial statements The asset and liability items in the balance sheets for overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the balance sheet date. Among the shareholders’ equity items, the items other than “undistributed profits” are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The income and expense items in the income statements of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates of the transaction dates. The differences arising from the above translation are presented in other comprehensive income. The cash flows of overseas operations are translated at the spot exchange rates on the dates of the cash flows. The effect of exchange rate changes on cash is presented separately in the cash flow statement. 11 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (9) Financial instruments (a) Financial assets (i) Classification of financial assets Financial assets are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, receivables, available-for-sale financial assets and held-to-maturity investments. The classification of financial assets depends on the Group’s intention and ability to hold the financial assets. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss include financial assets held for the purpose of selling in the short term and derivatives. Receivables Receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market (Note 2(10)). Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale financial assets are non-derivative financial assets that are either designated in this category or not classified in any of the other categories at initial recognition. Available-for-sale financial assets are included in other current assets on the balance sheet if management intends to dispose of them within 12 months after the balance sheet date. Held-to-maturity investments Held-to-maturity investments are non-derivative financial assets with fixed maturity and fixed or determinable payments that management has the positive intention and ability to hold to maturity. Held-to-maturity investments with maturities over 12 months when the investments were made but are due within 12 months at the balance sheet date are included in the current portion of non-current assets; held-to-maturity investments with maturities no more than 12 months when the investments were made are included in other current assets. (ii) Recognition and measurement Financial assets are recognised at fair value on the balance sheet when the Group becomes a party to the contractual provisions of the financial instrument. In the case of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss, the related transaction costs incurred at the time of acquisition are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. For other financial assets, transaction costs that are attributable to the acquisition of the financial assets are included in their initially recognised amounts. Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss and available-for-sale financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value. Investments in equity instruments are measured at cost when they do not have a quoted market price in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured. Receivables and held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains or losses arising from change in the fair value of financial assets at fair value through profit or loss are recognised in profit or loss. Interests and cash dividends received during the period in which such financial assets are held, as well as the gains or losses arising from disposal of these assets are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. 12 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (9) Financial instruments (Continued) (a) Financial assets (Continued) (ii) Recognition and measurement (Continued) Gains or losses arising from change in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets are recognised directly in equity, except for impairment losses and foreign exchange gains and losses arising from translation of monetary financial assets. When such financial assets are derecognised, the cumulative gains or losses previously recognised directly into equity are recycled into profit or loss for the current period. Interests on available-for-sale investments in debt instruments calculated using the effective interest method during the period in which such investments are held and cash dividends declared by the investee on available-for-sale investments in equity instruments are recognised as investment income, which is recognised in profit or loss for the period. (iii) Impairment of financial assets The Group assesses the carrying amounts of financial assets other than those at fair value through profit or loss at each balance sheet date. If there is objective evidence that a financial asset is impaired, an impairment loss is provided for. The objective evidence of impairment losses on financial assets refers to events that actually incurred after the initial recognition of financial assets, have influence on the expected future cash flow from the financial assets and the influence can be reliably measured. The objective evidence of impairment losses on available-for-sale financial instruments includes the fair value declined significantly or non-temporarily. The Group assesses the available-for-sale financial instruments individually on balance sheet date. If its fair value at the balance sheet date is lower than its initial investment cost for more than 50% or lower than its initial investment cost for the duration of no less than 1 year, therefore, the impairment loss incurred. However, if its fair value at the balance sheet date is lower than its initial investment cost for more than 20%, but not yet 50%, the Group will take into account other factors, such as price volatility in the judgement of impairment loss. The Group calculates the initial investment cost of available-for-sale financial instruments using weighted average method. When an impairment loss on a financial asset carried at amortised cost has occurred, the amount of loss is provided for at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of its estimated future cash flows (excluding future credit losses that have not been incurred). If there is objective evidence that the value of the financial asset recovered and the recovery is related objectively to an event occurring after the impairment was recognised, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed and the amount of reversal is recognised in profit or loss. If there is an impairment loss on available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value incurred, the cumulative losses arising from the decline in fair value that had been recognised directly in equity are transferred out from equity and into impairment loss. For an investment in debt instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, if, in a subsequent period, its fair value increases and the increase can be objectively related to an event occurring after the impairment loss was recognised in profit or loss, the previously recognised impairment loss is reversed into profit or loss for the current period. For an investment in an equity instrument classified as available-for-sale on which impairment losses have been recognised, the increase in its fair value in a subsequent period is recognised directly in equity. If an impairment loss on an available-for-sale financial asset measured at cost incurred, the amount of loss is measured at the difference between the asset’s carrying amount and the present value of estimated future cash flows discounted at the current market rate of return for a similar financial asset. The previously recognised impairment loss will not be reversed in subsequent periods. 13 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (9) Financial instruments (Continued) (a) Financial assets (Continued) (iv) Derecognition of financial assets A financial asset is derecognised when any of the below criterion is met: (1) the contractual rights to receive the cash flows from the financial asset expire; (2) the financial asset has been transferred and the Group transfers substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset to the transferee; or (3) the financial asset has been transferred and the Group has not retained control of the financial asset, although the Group neither transfers nor retains substantially all the risks and rewards of ownership of the financial asset. On derecognition of a financial asset, the difference between the carrying amount and the sum of the consideration received and the cumulative changes in fair value that had been recognised directly in equity, is recognised in profit or loss. (b) Financial liabilities Financial liabilities are classified into the following categories at initial recognition: financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss and other financial liabilities. The financial liabilities of the Group mainly comprise other financial liabilities, including payables, borrowings and bonds payables. Payables include accounts payable, other payables, etc. which are recognised initially at fair value and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Borrowings and bonds payables are recognised initially at fair value, net of transaction costs incurred, and subsequently measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Other financial liabilities with maturities no more than one year or expected to be settled in a operating period are classified as current liabilities. Other financial liabilities with maturities over one year but are due within one year at the balance sheet date are classified as the current portion of non-current liabilities. Others are classified as non-current liabilities. A financial liability is derecognised or partly derecognised when the current obligation is discharged or partly discharged. The difference between the carrying amount of the financial liability or the derecognised part of the financial liability and the consideration paid is recognised in profit or loss. (c) Determination of fair value of financial instruments The fair value of a financial instrument that is traded in an active market is determined at the quoted price in the active market. The fair value of a financial instrument that is not traded in an active market is determined by using a valuation technique. When measuring the asset or liability at fair value, the group use valuation techniques that are appropriate in the circumstances and for which sufficient data and other information are available to measure fair value, select inputs that are consistent with the characteristics of the asset or liability that market participants would take into account in a transaction for the asset or liability, and give priority to the use of relevant observable inputs. Unobservable inputs are inputs for which market data are not available. 14 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (10) Receivables Receivables comprise accounts receivable and other receivables. Accounts receivable arising from sale of goods or rendering of services are initially recognised at fair value of the contractual payments from the buyers or service recipients. (a) Receivables with amounts that are individually significant and subject to separate assessment for provision for bad debts Receivables with amounts, which are individually significant, are subject to assessment for impairment on the individual basis. If there exists objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms, a provision for impairment of that receivable is made. The criterion for determine “individually significant” amounts The Group determines that any individual amount is more than RMB 10 million is recognised as “individually significant”. The method of providing for bad debts for those individually significant amounts Based on the amount of the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the receivable below its carrying amount. (b) Receivables that are subject to provision for bad debts on the grouping basis Receivables with amounts that are not individually significant and those receivables that have been individually assessed for impairment and have not been found impaired are classified into certain groupings based on their credit risk characteristics. The provision for bad debts is determined based on the historical loss experience for the groupings of receivables with similar credit risk characteristics, taking into consideration of the current circumstances. Basis for grouping is as follows: Group 1 Any accounts receivables except for those included in Group 2 Accounts receivables with no significant credit risk are determined on the basis of business nature and historical transactions with the customer. Group 2 Methods of determine provision for bad debts by groupings are as follows: Group 1 Group 2 Aging analysis method No provision for bad debts The provision ratios used under the aging analysis method for the above groupings are as follows: Aging Provision ratios used for accounts receivable Provision ratios used for other receivables 5% 10% 20% 50% 100% 5% 10% 20% 50% 100% No more than 1 year (including 1 year) 1 to 2 years (including 2 years) 2 to 3 years (including 3 years) 3 to 5 years (including 5 years) Over 5 years 15 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (10) Receivables (Continued) (c) (d) Receivables with amounts, which are not individually significant but subject to separate assessment for provision for bad debts The reason for making separate assessment for provision for bad debts Existence of objective evidence that the Group will not be able to collect the amount under the original terms of the receivable. The method of providing for bad debts for making separate assessment Based on the amount of the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the receivable below its carrying amount. When the Group transfers the accounts receivable to the financial institutions without recourse, the difference between the proceeds received from the transaction and their carrying amounts and the related taxes is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. (11) Inventories (a) Classification The Group’s inventories include inventories of real estate development enterprises, work in progress regarding construction contract, raw materials, turnover materials, working in progress and finished goods. Major inventories of real estate development enterprises include properties under development and completed properties for sale. Inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net realisable value. Cost of inventories comprises construction cost, purchase cost, conversion cost and other expenditures incurred in bringing the inventories to their present location and condition. (b) Completed properties for sale and properties under development Properties under development and completed properties for sale mainly include costs for acquiring the land use rights, expenditures of basic facilities, expenditures of construction and installation work, borrowing costs incurred before the completion of development project, which is eligible for capitalization and other related expenses incurred during the course of development. Properties under development are measured at actual cost. Public ancillary facilities comprise government-approved public ancillary projects, i.e. roads. The relevant costs are recognised under the properties under development, and are recorded by each cost items, the cost paid for land use rights are classified and accounted for as part of properties under development. (c) Construction contract - Work in progress / Advances for contract work Construction contract is disclosed at the aggregate amount of costs incurred and aggregate gross profit / (loss) recognised, less the settlement amount. The excess of the aggregate amount of costs incurred and aggregate gross profit/(loss) recognised over the settlement amount is recognised as “Work in progress” under inventories; while, it is recognised as “Advances for contract work ” under advances from customers when aggregate amount of costs incurred and aggregate gross profit/(loss) recognised is less than the settlement amount. 16 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (11) Inventories (Continued) (d) Costing of inventories of raw materials, turnover materials, work in progress and finished goods Cost is determined using the first in first out or weighted average method. The cost of finished goods and work in progress comprise raw materials, direct labour and systematically allocated production overhead based on the normal production capacity. (e) The Group adopts the perpetual inventory system (f) Turnover materials are amortised into expenses based upon amortization method. (g) Basis for determining net realisable values of inventories and method for making provision for decline in the value of inventories Provision for decline in the value of inventories is determined at the excess amount of the carrying amounts of the inventories over their net realisable value. Net realisable value is determined based on the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business, less the estimated costs to completion and estimated costs necessary to make the sale and related taxes. For inventories with large quantity and low values, provision for decline in value is made based on categories of inventories. The provision for decline in value of inventories relating to a product line that are produced and sold in the same region and with the same or similar end uses or purposes, which cannot be practicably evaluated separately from other items in that product line, is determined on an aggregate basis. Provision for decline in value of other inventories is made based on the excess of cost inventory over its net realisable value on an individual basis. In the circumstances that any factors that previously caused inventories to be written down below cost is no longer exist after the provision, which lead to the net realisable value of inventory is higher than its carrying value, the original provision for decline in value is reversed and the reversal is included in profit or loss for the year. (12) Long-term equity investments Long-term equity investments comprise the Company’s long-term equity investments in its subsidiaries, the Group’s long-term equity investments in its joint ventures and associates. Subsidiaries are the investees over which the Company is able to exercise control. A joint venture is a joint arrangement which is structured through a separate vehicle over which the Group has joint control together with other parties and only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement based on legal forms, contractual terms and other facts and circumstances; An associates is the investee over which the Group has significant influence by participating in the financial and operating policy decisions. Investments in subsidiaries are presented in the Company’s financial statements using the cost method, and are adjusted to the equity method when preparing the consolidated financial statements. Investments in joint ventures and associates are accounted for using the equity method. 17 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (12) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (a) Determination of investment cost For long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination: for long-term equity investments acquired through a business combination involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost shall be the absorbing party’s share of the carrying amount of owners’ equity of the party being absorbed at the combination date; for long-term equity investment acquired through a business combination not involving enterprises under common control, the investment cost shall be the combination cost. For business combination achieved in stages, the cost of long-term equity investment is sum of carrying amount of investment before acquisition and the cost of newly added investment on the acquisition date. For long-term equity investments acquired not through a business combination: for long-term equity investment acquired by payment in cash, the initial investment cost shall be the purchase price actually paid; for long-term equity investments acquired by issuing equity securities, the initial investment cost shall be the fair value of the equity securities issued. (b) Subsequent measurement and recognition of related profit and loss For long-term equity investments accounted for using the cost method, they are measured at the initial investment costs, and cash dividends or profit distribution declared by the investees are recognised as investment income in profit or loss. For long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method, where the initial investment cost of a long-term equity investment exceeds the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the long-term equity investment is measured at the initial investment cost; where the initial investment cost is less than the Group’s share of the fair value of the investee’s identifiable net assets at the acquisition date, the difference is included in profit or loss and the cost of the long-term equity investment is adjusted upwards accordingly. Under the equity method, the Group recognises the investment income according to its share of net profit or loss of the investee. The Group discontinues recognising its share of the net losses of an investee after the carrying amounts of the long-term equity investment together with any long-term interests that in substance form part of the investor’s net investment in the investee are reduced to zero. However, if the Group has obligations for additional losses and the criteria with respect to recognition of provisions under the accounting standards on contingencies are satisfied, the Group continues recognising the investment losses and the provisions. The changes of the Group’s share of the investee’s shareholders’ equity other than those arising from the net profit or loss, other comprehensive income and profit distribution, are recognised in the Group’s equity and the carrying amounts of the long-term equity investment are adjusted accordingly. The carrying amount of the investment is reduced by the Group’s share of the profit distribution or cash dividends declared by an investee. The unrealised gains or losses or losses arising from the transactions between the Group and its investees are eliminated in proportion to the Group’s equity interest in the investees, based on which the investment gain or losses are recognised. Any losses resulting from transactions between the Group and its investees attributable to asset impairment losses are not eliminated. 18 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (12) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (c) Basis for determine existence of control, jointly control or significant influence over investees Control exists when the investor has all the following: power over the investee; exposure, or rights to variable returns from its involvement with the investee; and the ability to use its power over the investee to affect the amount of the investor’s returns. Joint control is the contractually agreed sharing of control of an arrangement, which exists only when decisions about the relevant activities require the unanimous consent of the parties sharing control. Significant influence is the power to participate in the financial and operating policy decisions of the investee, but is not control or joint control over those policies. (d) Joint arrangements The Group classifies joint arrangement as joint venture and joint operation based on its rights and obligations to the arrangements. A joint venture is a joint arrangement, which is structured through a separate vehicle over which the Group has joint control together with other parties and only has rights to the net assets of the arrangement based on legal forms, contractual terms and other facts and circumstances. The investment in a joint venture is recognised as long-term equity investments accounted for using the equity method. A joint operation is a joint arrangement that is not structured through a separate vehicle, over which the Group has rights to the assets, and obligations for the liabilities relating to the arrangement. The Group recognises the assets, liabilities, revenue and expenditures according to its share of the joint operation in is consolidated financial statements. (e) Impairment of long-term equity investments The carrying amounts of long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are reduced to the recoverable amounts when the recoverable amounts are below their carrying amounts (Note 2(19)). (13) Investment properties Investment properties, including land use rights that have already been leased out, buildings that are held for the purpose of leasing, and buildings that are being constructed or developed for the purpose of leasing in future, are measured initially at cost. Subsequent expenditures incurred in relation to an investment property are included in the cost of the investment property when it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and their costs can be reliably measured; otherwise, the expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. The Group adopts the cost model for subsequent measurement of investment properties. Buildings and land use rights are depreciated or amortised based on the same policy as owner-occupied buildings and land use rights. When an investment property is transferred to owner-occupied properties, it is reclassified as fixed asset or intangible asset at the date of the transfer. When properties under development and completed properties for sale or an owner-occupied property is transferred out for earning rentals or for capital appreciation, the inventory, fixed asset or intangible asset is reclassified as investment properties at its carrying amount at the date of the transfer. The investment property’s estimated useful life, net residual value and depreciation (amortisation) method applied are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end. 19 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (13) Investment properties (Continued) An investment property is derecognised on disposal or when the investment property is permanently withdrawn from use and no future economic benefits are expected from its disposal. The net amount of proceeds from sale, transfer, retirement or damage of an investment property after its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. The carrying amount of an investment property is reduced to the recoverable amount if the recoverable amount is below the carrying amount (Note 2(19)). (14) Fixed assets (a) Recognition and initial measurement of fixed assets Fixed assets comprise buildings, machinery and equipment, motor vehicles and office equipment. Fixed assets are recognised when it is probable that the relate economic benefits will flow to the Group and the costs can be reliably measured. Fixed assets purchased or constructed by the Group are initially measured at cost at the acquisition date. The fixed assets contributed by the State shareholders at the organisation of the Company are recognised based on the revaluated amounts approved by the state-owned assets administration department. Subsequent expenditures incurred for a fixed asset are included in the cost of the fixed asset when it is probable that the associated economic benefits will flow to the Group and the related cost can be reliably measured. The carrying amount of the replaced part is derecognised. All the other subsequent expenditures are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. (b) Depreciation methods of fixed assets Fixed assets are depreciated using the straight-line method to allocate the cost of the assets to their estimated residual values over their estimated useful lives. For the fixed assets that have been provided for impairment loss, the related depreciation charge is prospectively determined based upon the adjusted carrying amounts over their remaining useful lives. The estimated useful lives, the estimated residual values expressed as a percentage of cost and the annual depreciation rates of fixed assets are as follows: Estimated Estimated residual useful lives values Buildings Machinery and equipment Motor vehicles Office equipment and others 8-35 years 5-14 years 3-10 years 5-10 years 0%-5% 0%-5% 0%-5% 0%-5% Annual depreciation rates 2.71%-12.50% 6.79%-20.00% 9.50%-33.33% 9.50%-20.00% The estimated useful life, the estimated net residual value of a fixed asset and the depreciation method applied to the asset are reviewed and adjusted as appropriate at each year-end. (c) The carrying amount of a fixed asset is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below the carrying amount (Note 2(19)). 20 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (14) Fixed assets (Continued) (d) Basis for identification of fixed assets held under finance leases and related measurement A lease that in substance transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset is a finance lease. The leased asset is recognised at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the minimum lease payments is accounted for as unrecognised finance charge (Note 2(27)(b)). Fixed assets held under a finance lease are depreciated on a basis consistent with the depreciation policy adopted for fixed assets that are self-owned. When a leased asset can be reasonably determined that its ownership will be transferred at the end of the lease term, it is depreciated over the period of expected use; otherwise, the leased asset is depreciated over the shorter period of the lease term and the period of expected use. (e) Disposal of fixed assets A fixed asset is derecognised on disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. The amount of proceeds from disposals on sale, transfer, retirement or damage of a fixed asset net of its carrying amount and related taxes and expenses is recognised in profit or loss for the current period. (15) Construction in progress Construction in progress is measured at actual cost. Actual cost comprises construction costs, installation costs, borrowing costs that are eligible for capitalisation and other costs necessary to bring the fixed assets ready for their intended use. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use, and depreciation begins from the following month. The carrying amount of construction in progress is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below the carrying amount (Note 2(19)). (16) Borrowing costs The borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition and construction of an asset that needs a substantially long period of time for its intended use commence to be capitalised and recorded as part of the cost of the asset when expenditures for the asset and borrowing costs have been incurred, and the activities relating to the acquisition and construction that are necessary to prepare the asset for its intended use have commenced. The capitalisation of borrowing costs ceases when the asset under acquisition or construction becomes ready for its intended use and the borrowing costs incurred thereafter are recognised in profit or loss for the current period. Capitalisation of borrowing costs is suspended during periods in which the acquisition or construction of a fixed asset is interrupted abnormally and the interruption lasts for more than 3 months, until the acquisition or construction is resumed. For the specific borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by deducting any interest income earned from depositing the unused specific borrowings in the banks or any investment income arising on the temporary investment of those borrowings during the capitalisation period. For the general borrowings obtained for the acquisition or construction of an asset qualifying for capitalisation, the amount of borrowing costs eligible for capitalisation is determined by applying the weighted average effective interest rate of general borrowings, to the weighted average of the excess amount of cumulative expenditures on the asset over the amount of specific borrowings. The effective interest rate is the rate at which the estimated future cash flows during the period of expected duration of the borrowings or applicable shorter period are discounted to the initial amount of the borrowings. 21 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (17) Intangible assets Intangible assets include land use rights, franchise and software, and are measured at cost. The intangible assets contributed by the state shareholders at the Company’s forming period are recognised based on the revaluated amounts as approved by the state-owned assets administration department. (a) Land use rights Land use rights are amortised on the straight-line basis over their estimated useful lives. If the acquisition costs of the land use rights and the buildings located thereon cannot be reasonably allocated between the land use rights and the buildings, all of the acquisition costs are recognised as fixed assets. (b) Franchise The Group involves in several service relate franchise arrangements. The Group is engaged in the construction work for authorised authority in accordance with the prescribed conditions set by the authorised authority, for obtaining licensing of certain assets. The asset under franchise arrangements is recognised as intangible assets or payment receivable from authorised authority. Stipulated in the contract that during a certain period after completion of the infrastructure project, the Group is able to unconditionally charge the determined amount of cash or other financial assets from the authorised authority. The authorised authority is responsible for the compensation for any price differences incurred in the condition that the fee received in provision of management service is lower than a prescribed amount. The financial assets are recognised when revenue is recognised. Stipulated in the contract that after the completion of infrastructure project, the Group has the right to obtain the service fee from the service receiver for a certain period during its operation. However, if the charge amount is uncertain, such right does not constitute a right to receive cash payment unconditionally. Therefore, it should be recognised as intangible assets when revenue is recognised. If it is applicable to apply the intangible assets model, the Group will recognise the franchise under franchise arrangement as intangible assets in the statement of financial position, and amortise the franchise in a straight-line method during the franchising period after completion of related infrastructure projects. If it is applicable to apply the financial assets model, the Group will recognise the rights to unconditional obtain cash or other financial assets under franchise arrangement as long-term receivables in the statement of financial position. Interest revenue from long-term receivables is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The effective interest rate is generally remained unchanged during the period (c) Software Software is amortised on the straight-line basis over their expected useful lives. (d) Periodical review of useful life and amortisation method For an intangible asset with a finite useful life, review of its useful life and amortisation method is performed at each year-end, with adjustment made as appropriate. (e) Research and development The expenditure on an internal research and development project is classified into expenditure on the research phase and expenditure on the development phase based on its nature and whether there is material uncertainty that the research and development activities can form an intangible asset at end of the project. 22 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (17) Intangible assets (Continued) (e) Research and development (Continued) Expenditure on the planned investigation, evaluation and selection for the research object is expenditure on the research phase, which is recognised in profit or loss in the period in which it is incurred. Expenditure on design and test for the final application of the research object before mass production is expenditure on the development phase, which is capitalised only if all of the following conditions are satisfied: the development of research object has been fully justified by technical team; management has approved the budget of development of research object; market research analysis proved the products produced by research object has marketing capabilities; there are sufficient technical, financial and other resources to complete the development and the ability for subsequent mass production; and expenditure attributable to the research object can be reliably measured. Other development expenditures that do not meet the conditions above are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they are incurred. Development costs previously recognised as expenses are not recognised as an asset in a subsequent period. Capitalised expenditure on the development phase is presented as development costs in the balance sheet and transferred to intangible assets at the date that the asset is ready for its intended use. (f) Impairment of intangible assets The carrying amount of intangible assets is reduced to the recoverable amount when the recoverable amount is below the carrying amount (Note 2(19)). (18) Long-term prepaid expenses Long-term prepaid expenses include the expenditure for improvements to fixed assets held under operating leases, and other expenditures that have been incurred but should be recgonised as expenses over more than one year in the current and subsequent periods. Long-term prepaid expenses are amortised on the straight-line basis over the expected beneficial period and are presented at actual expenditure net of accumulated amortisation. (19) Impairment of long-term assets Fixed assets, construction in progress, intangible assets with finite useful lives, investment properties measured using the cost model and long-term equity investments in subsidiaries, joint ventures and associates are tested for impairment if there is any indication that the assets may be impaired at the balance sheet date. If the intangible assets have not reached the condition for use, regardless of whether there is any indication, at least annually test for impairment. If the result of the impairment test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset is less than its carrying amount, a provision for impairment and an impairment loss are recognised for the amount by which the asset’s carrying amount exceeds its recoverable amount. The recoverable amount is the higher of an asset’s fair value less costs to sell and the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from the asset. Provision for asset impairment is determined and recognised on the individual asset basis. If it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, the recoverable amount of a group of assets to which the asset belongs is determined. A group of assets is the smallest group of assets that is able to generate independent cash inflows. 23 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (19) Impairment of long-term assets (Continued) Goodwill that is separately presented in the financial statements is tested at least annually for impairment, irrespective of whether there is any indication that it may be impaired. In conducting the test, the carrying value of goodwill is allocated to the related asset groups or groups of asset groups, which are expected to benefit from the synergies of the business combination. If the result of the test indicates that the recoverable amount of an asset group or group of asset groups, including the allocated goodwill, is lower than its carrying amount, the corresponding impairment loss is recognised. The impairment loss is first deducted from the carrying amount of goodwill that is allocated to the asset group or group of asset groups, and then deducted from the carrying amounts of other assets within the asset groups or groups of asset groups in proportion to the carrying amounts of assets other than goodwill. Once the above asset impairment loss is recognised, it will not be reversed for the value recovered in the subsequent periods. (20) Employee benefits Employee benefits include short-term employee benefits, post-employment benefits, termination benefits and other long-term employee benefits provided in various forms of consideration in exchange for service rendered by employees or compensations for the termination of employment relationship. (a) Short-term employee benefits Short-term employee benefits include employee wages or salaries, bonus, allowances and subsidies, staff welfare, premiums or contributions on medical insurance, work injury insurance and maternity insurance, housing funds, union running costs and employee education costs, short-term paid absences. The employee benefit liabilities are recognised in the accounting period in which the service is rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets. Employee benefits, which are non-monetary benefits, are measured at fair value. (b) Post-employment benefits The Group classifies post-employment benefit plans as either defined contribution plans or defined benefit plans. Defined contribution plans are post-employment benefit plans under which the Group pays fixed contributions into a separate fund and will have no obligation to pay further contributions; and Defined benefit plans are post-employment benefit plans other than defined contribution plans. During the reporting period, the Group's post-employment benefits mainly include basic pensions, unemployment insurance, annuity payment, and supplementary retirement benefits for specific employees. Basic pensions, unemployment insurance and annuity payment belong to the defined contribution plans, while supplementary retirement benefits belong to the defined benefit plans. Basic pensions The Group’s employees participate in the basic pension plan set up and administered by local authorities of Ministry of Human Resource and Social Security. Monthly payments of premiums on the basic pensions are calculated according to prescribed bases and percentage by the relevant local authorities. When employees retire, the relevant local authorities are obliged to pay the basic pensions to them. The amounts based on the above calculations are recognised as liabilities in the accounting period in which the service has been rendered by the employees, with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period or the cost of relevant assets. 24 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (20) Employee benefits (Continued) (b) Post-employment benefits (Continued) Supplementary retirement benefits The Company pays supplementary retirement benefits for its employees who retired on or before 31 March 2007 in addition to the contribution made to statutory insurance schemes. The supplementary retirement benefit is a type of defined benefit plan. The present value of defined benefit plan obligation is calculated annually by an independent actuary using projected unit credit method, which is based on the treasury rate, similar as the duration and currency of the employee benefits obligation. The present value of defined benefit plan obligation is presented as long-term benefits payable in the balance sheet. Service costs related to supplementary retirement benefit (including past service costs and settled gains or losses) and net interest calculated based on defined benefit plan liabilities and applicable discount rate are recognised as profit and loss in current period and changes in re-measurement of defined benefit plans liabilities as other comprehensive income. (c) Termination benefits Termination benefits are payable when employment is terminated by the Group before the normal retirement date, or whenever an employee accepts voluntary redundancy in exchange for these benefits. The Group recognises liabilities related to termination benefits as well as in profit and loss at the earlier of the following dates: (a) when the Group can no longer withdraw the offer of those benefits; and (b) when the Group recognise costs for a restructuring that involves the payment of termination benefits. Early retirement benefits The Group offers early retirement benefits to those employees who accept early retirement arrangements. The early retirement benefits refer to the salaries and social security contributions to be paid to and for the employees who accept voluntary retirement before the normal retirement date prescribed by the State, as approved by the management. The Group pays early retirement benefits to those early-retired employees from the early retirement date until normal retirement date. The Group accounts for the early retirement benefits in accordance with the treatment of termination benefits, in which the salaries and social security contributions to be paid to and for the early-retired employees from the off-duty date to the normal retirement date are recognised as liabilities with a corresponding charge to the profit or loss for the current period. The differences arising from the changes in the respective actuarial assumptions of the early retirement benefits and the adjustments of benefit standards are recognised in profit or loss in the period in which they occur. The termination benefits expected to be paid within one year since the balance sheet date are classified as current liabilities. (21) Dividend distribution Cash dividend is recognised as a liability for the period in which the dividend is approved by the shareholders’ meeting. 25 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (22) Share-based payment (a) Types of share-based payment Share-based payment transaction is for the purpose of transfers of an entity’s equity instruments to its employees who have supplied services to the entity or undertake the liability, which is determined based on equity instruments. Equity instruments including all the equity instruments of the entity, equity instruments of the entity’s parent or equity instruments of another entity in the same group as the entity. Share-based payment transaction is classified as equity-settled share-based payment transactions and cash-settled share-based transactions. Equity-settled share-based payment The equity-settled share-based payment refers to restricted shares and share options granted to certain employees for their services to the Group, which are measured at fair value on the grant date of the equity instrument. The equity instruments will be vested upon the achievement of service or performance conditions during the vesting period. The services received shall be recognized in the profit and loss and shall appreciate in capital surplus based on fair value of the equity instruments on the grant date and based on best-estimated number of equity instruments to be vested during the vesting period. The number of equity instruments to be vested is adjusted to the actual amount on the vesting date if the subsequent information indicated that there are differences between the number of equity instruments to be vested and the previous estimation. Regarding share options, the amount of equity instruments transferred to paid-in capital is calculated and transferred based on actual number of the equity instruments exercised on the exercise date. (b) Method for determine the fair value of equity instruments The fair value of restricted shares was determined based on the market price prevailing on the grant date and the grant price paid by the incentive targets, and taking into account the impact of certain clauses in the Group’s restricted shares plan. The Group adopts the black-scholes option-pricing model in determining the fair value of share options. (c) Best estimation in determining the number of equity instruments to be vested On each balance sheet date, the Group revisits and revise the expected number of equity instruments to be vested in accordance with the best estimation made based on the latest information such as changes of the number of employees of whom the equity instruments are expected to be vested. The final expected number of equity instruments to be vested would be consistent with the actual number on the vesting date. (d) Related accounting treatment for implementation of share-based payment plan On the date restricted shares are unlocked; the Group carries forward the capital reserves determined within the vesting period. On the exercise date of the share options, the Group recognizes paid-in capital and capital surplus and carries forward the capital reserves determined within the vesting period. 26 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (23) Provisions Provisions for product warranties, pending litigation or onerous contracts, etc. are recognised when the Group has a present obligation, it is probable that an outflow of economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation, and the amount of the obligation can be measured reliably. A provision is initially measured at the best estimate of the expenditure required to settle the related present obligation. Factors surrounding a contingency, such as the risks, uncertainties and the time value of money, are taken into account as a whole in reaching the best estimate of a provision. Where the effect of the time value of money is material, the best estimate is determined by discounting the related future cash outflows. The increase in the discounted amount of the provision arising from passage of time is recognised as interest expense. The carrying amount of provisions is reviewed at each balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the current best estimate. (24) Revenue recognition The amount of revenue is determined in accordance with the fair value of the consideration received or receivable for the sale of goods and services in the ordinary course of the Group’s activities. Revenue is shown net of discounts and returns. Revenue is recognised when the economic benefits associated with the transaction will flow to the Group, the related revenue can be reliably measured, and the specific revenue recognition criteria have been met for each type of the Group’s activities as described below: (a) Revenue from sale of goods Revenue from the sale of goods is recognised when significant risks and rewards of ownership of the goods are transferred to the buyer, the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold, and it is probable that the economic benefit associated with the transaction will flow to the Group and the relevant revenue and costs can be measured reliably. The significant risks and rewards have been generally considered transferred upon the shipment of the goods. (b) Revenue from rendering of services Revenue from rendering of services is recognised when services have been rendered, economic interests related to services will flow into the Group, the stage of completion of services can be reliably determined, and the revenue and costs of services can be reliably measured. Revenue is recognised based on the percentage of completion stage and the costs incurred for the completion stage are determined in the proportion of labor costs incurred to the total costs. If the revenue and costs of services cannot be reliably measured, revenue from rendering of services is measured at the amount of actual labor costs incurred and are able to be compensated. The actual labor costs incurred is recognised as contract cost for the period. However, revenue is not recognised if the actual labor costs incurred is unable to be compensated. 27 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (24) Revenue recognition (Continued) (c) Revenue from construction contract In the situation that result of the construction contract can be reliably measured, contract revenue and cost are measured by using the completion percentage method on the balance sheet date. The progress of completion is determined by the percentage of total actual contract cost incurred to the total expected contract cost. In the situation that result of the construction contract cannot be reliably measured, contract revenue is measured at the amount of contract cost, which is able to be compensated, and contract cost is recognised in the profit or loss for the period. However, if the contract cost is unable to be compensated, it shall be recognised immediately as expense in profit or loss, with no recognition of contract revenue. In the situation that the uncertainty factors, which may lead to the result of the construction contract, cannot be reliably measured no longer exist, the related contract revenue and costs are measured by using the completion percentage method. The expected loss which is resulted from the excess of total expected contract costs over the total expected contract revenue, is recognised as expense for the period. (d) Revenue from sale of properties Revenue from sale of completed properties for sale is recognised when the completion of the projects and acceptance of its quality inspection, sales contract with legal binding is signed, significant risks and rewards of ownership of the inventories and completed properties for sale are transferred to the buyer, the Group retains neither continuing managerial involvement to the degree usually associated with ownership nor effective control over the goods sold and other conditions for recognition of revenue from sales of goods listed above. (e) Revenue from Build-Operate-Transfer (“BOT”) Revenue and expenses related to construction service rendered during the construction period are recognised in accordance with the accounting policies as stated in Note 2(24)(c). After the completion of the project, any revenue related to subsequent management services is recognised as the general principle of revenue recognition. (f) Revenue from Build-Transfer (“BT”) Revenue and expenses related to construction service rendered during the construction period are recognised in accordance with the accounting policies as stated in Note 2(24)(c). When the results of the construction contract cannot be reliably measured, revenue from construction contract is measured at the fair value of consideration and recognised as long-term receivable. The long-term receivable is written down upon the receipt of payment from property owners. Interest revenue from long-term receivable is measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. The effective interest rate is generally remained unchanged during the period. (g) Transfer of asset use rights Interest income is determined by using the effective interest method, based on the length of time for which the Group’s cash is used by others. Income for trademark use right is recognized upon contractual terms over the period of the contracts. 28 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (25) Government Grants Government grants are transfers of monetary or non-monetary assets from the government to the Group at nil consideration, including refund of taxes and financial subsidies, etc.. A government grant is recognised when the conditions attached to it can be complied with and the government grant can be received. For a government grant in the form of transfer of monetary assets, the grant is measured at the amount received or receivable. For a government grant in the form of transfer of non-monetary assets, it is measured at fair value; if the fair value is not reliably determinable; the grant is measured at nominal amount. The government grants related to assets refer to government grant obtained by enterprises and used for purchase and construction of long-term assets or formation of long-term asset in other ways. The government grants related to revenue refer to grants other than grants related to assets. A government grant related to an asset is recognised as deferred income, and amortised to profit or loss over the useful life of the related asset using straight-line method. Government grants measured at nominal amounts are recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period. For government grants related to income, where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses to be incurred by the Group in the subsequent periods, the grant is recognised as deferred income, and included in profit or loss over the periods in which the related costs are recognised; where the grant is a compensation for related expenses or losses already incurred by the Group, the grant is recognised immediately in profit or loss for the current period. (26) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are calculated and recognised based on the differences arising between the tax bases of assets and liabilities and their carrying amounts (temporary differences). Deferred tax asset is recognised for the deductible losses that can be carried forward to subsequent years for deduction of the taxable profit in accordance with the tax laws. No deferred tax liability is recognised for a temporary difference arising from the initial recognition of goodwill. No deferred tax asset or deferred tax liability is recognised for the temporary differences resulting from the initial recognition of assets or liabilities due to a transaction other than a business combination, which affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (or deductible loss). At the balance sheet date, deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are measured at the tax rates that are expected to apply to the period when the asset is realised or the liability is settled. Deferred tax assets are only recognised for deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits to the extent that it is probable that taxable profit will be available in the future against which the deductible temporary differences, deductible losses and tax credits can be utilised. Deferred tax liabilities are recognised for temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures, except where the Group is able to control the timing of reversal of the temporary difference, and it is probable that the temporary difference will not reverse in the near future. When it is probable that the temporary differences arising from investments in subsidiaries, associates and joint ventures will be reversed in the near future and that the taxable profit will be available in the future against which the temporary differences can be utilised, the corresponding deferred tax assets are recognised. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are offset when: the deferred taxes are related to the same tax payer within the Group and the same taxation authority; and, that tax payer within the Group has a legally enforceable right to offset current tax assets against current tax liabilities. 29 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (27) Leases A financing lease is a lease that transfers substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of an asset. An operating lease is a lease other than financing lease. (a) Operating leases Lease payments under an operating lease are recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease, and are either capitalised as part of the cost of related assets, or charged as an expense for the current period. Lease income under an operating lease is recognised on a straight-line basis over the period of the lease. (b) Financing leases The leased asset is recognised at the lower of the fair value of the leased asset and the present value of the minimum lease payments. The difference between the recorded amount of the leased asset and the minimum lease payments is accounted for as unrecognised finance charge and is amortised using the effective interest method over the period of the lease. A long-term payable is recorded at the amount equal to the minimum lease payments less the unrecognised finance charge. (28) Safety production expense The Group provides safety production expense according to the Announcement for Printing and Distribution of “Regulation of Provision and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Expense” and Regulation of Provision and Use of Enterprise Safety Production Expense issued by Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Work Safety. Safety production expense is dedicated to improve and perfect the safety production conditions of the enterprise. The provision for safety production expense is recognised as costs of related product or expense for the period; in the meantime, it is also included in the special reserve. The special reserve is written down when the withdraw of safety production cost belongs to the cost expenditure. When the fixed assets are formed with the withdraw of safety production expense, it is recognised as expenses under construction in progress. Construction in progress is transferred to fixed assets when the assets are ready for their intended use and special reserve is written down at the cost of the fixed assets, and accumulated depreciation is recognised for the same amount. The fixed asset is no longer been depreciated for the following period. 30 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (29) Held for sale and discontinued operations A non-current asset or a disposal group is classified as held for sale when all of the following conditions are satisfied: (1) the non-current asset or the disposal group is available for immediate sale in its present condition subject only to terms that are usual and customary for sales of such non-current asset or disposal group; (2) the Group has made a resolution and obtained appropriate approval for disposal of the non-current asset or the disposal group; (3) the Group has signed an irrevocable transfer agreement with the transferee; and (4) the transfer is to be completed within one year. Non-current assets (except for financial assets, investment property measured at fair value and deferred tax assets) that meet the recognition criteria for held for sale are recognised at the amount equal to the lower of the fair value less costs to sell and the carrying amount. Any excess of the original carrying amount over the fair value less the costs to sell is recognised as asset impairment losses. Such non-current assets and assets included in disposal groups as classified as held for sale are accounted for as current assets; while liabilities included in disposal groups classified as held for sale are accounted for as current liabilities, and presented separately in the consolidated financial statement. A discontinued operation is a component of the Group that either has been disposed of or is classified as held for sale, and is separately identifiable operationally and for financial reporting purposes, and satisfies one of the following conditions: (1) represents a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; (2) is part of a single coordinated plan to dispose of a separate major line of business or geographical area of operations; and (3) is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to resale. (30) Segment information The Group identifies operating segments based on the internal organisation structure, management requirements and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which is determined on the basis of operating segments. An operating segment is a component of the Group that satisfies all of the following conditions: (1) the component is able to earn revenues and incur expenses from its ordinary activities; (2) whose operating results are regularly reviewed by the Group’s management to make decisions about resources to be allocated to the segment and to assess its performance, and (3) for which the information on financial position, operating results and cash flows is available to the Group. If two or more operating segments have similar economic characteristics and satisfy certain conditions, they are aggregated into one single operating segment. 31 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (31) Critical accounting estimates and judgments The Group continually evaluates the critical accounting estimates and key judgments applied based on historical experience and other factors, including expectations of future events that are believed to be reasonable. The critical accounting estimates and key assumptions that have a significant risk of causing a material adjustment to the carrying amounts of assets and liabilities within the next accounting year are outlined below: (a) Construction contract As stated in Note 2(24)(c), in the situation that result of the construction contract can be reliably measured, contract revenue and cost are measured by using the completion percentage method. In the situation that result of the construction contract cannot be reliably measured, contract revenue is measured at the amount of contract cost which is able to be compensated, and contract cost is recognised in the profit or loss for the period. However, if the contract cost is unable to be compensated, it shall be recognised immediately as expense in profit or loss, with no recognition of contract revenue. The expected loss which is resulted from the excess of total expected contract costs over the total expected contract revenue, is recognised as expense for the period. Due to the nature of construction contract, the signing date of contract and the completion date of project usually fall in different accounting periods. During the performance of contract, the management of the Group would regularly review the total estimated revenue, total estimated costs, completion progress and costs incurred. In case of changes in revenue, cost or completion percentage, adjustments should be made accordingly, which increase or decrease the revenue or cost, and would be recognised in income statement. 32 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (31) Critical accounting estimates and judgments (Continued) (b) Provision for bad debts The Group recognises provision for bad debts of accounts receivable, based on the present value of estimated future cash flows or actual loss rate of previous year receivables with similar credit risk features. If evidence exists that the present value of estimated future cash flows are under carrying value or should make provision for bad debts under the age analysis by evaluation, provision for bad debts is recognised. The recognition of provision for bad debts requires judgment and estimations. Any difference arising between future and current estimation would affect the carrying value of accounts receivable in the period when estimation result changes. (c) Revenue from sales of properties According to the accounting policy stated in Note 2(24)(d), the assessment of when an entity has transferred the significant risks and rewards of ownership to buyers requires the examination of the circumstances of the transaction. In most cases, the transfer point of risks and rewards of ownership coincides with the date when the equitable interest in the property vests with the buyer upon release of the respective property to the buyer. When signing the sales contract with the customer, who needs to obtain mortgage loan from banks for payment, the Group would sign a tripartite agreement with customer and the bank. Under such circumstances, the customer should pay 20% to 80% of total price as down payment, the Group would provide periodic joint liability guaranty for the mortgage loan the bank granted to customer. Such guaranty ceases when the customer obtains ownership certificate and completes the formalities of property mortgage registration. Under the tripartite agreement, the Group only provides guaranty for the part of mortgage loan, which are not repaid by the customer, during the guaranty period. And the bank will only exercise recourse right when the customer defaults and does not repay the mortgage loan. According to the Group’s experience of the sales of such properties, the Group believes, during the period of providing joint liability guaranty, the probability of bearing guaranty responsibility, in case of customer not repaying the mortgage loan, is considerably low, and the Group can recover the advances paid for such incident by exercising the recourse right to customer to avoid losses by disposing the property in accordance with relative clauses in the sales contract. Therefore, the Group believes that such financial guaranty has no impact over the recognition of revenue from sales of properties. (d) Properties construction cost The Group made estimations and judgments when recognizing properties construction cost based on budget cost and development progress of those properties. If the actual cost was different from the budget cost, it may have effects on construction cost of those properties and the cost of sales. (e) Provision for impairment loss of properties under development and completed properties for sale The Group evaluates the recovery possibility of properties by assessing the net realisable value, including current market price analysis over standards and local comparable properties, and estimates based on construction costs calculated by actual asset structure and price list of labour and material. In case where actual net realisable value is higher or lower than estimation, due to market fluctuation and/ or properties under development deriving from budgeted amount, significant impairment losses might be recognised or reversed. 33 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (31) Critical accounting estimates and judgments (Continued) (f) Estimated useful life and estimated residual value of fixed assets The Group makes estimation over the useful life and residual value of fixed assets. The estimation relies on the experience over the actual useful life and residual value of fixed assets of similar nature and functions, and might vary due to technical improvement or industrial competitions. In case where the estimated useful life and residual value is less than previous estimation, the Group would increase the depreciation rate, or write off or offset the carrying value of fixed assets with obsolete technology. (g) Impairment of goodwill The Group tests annually whether goodwill has suffered any impairment. The recoverable amount of asset groups and groups of asset groups is the present value of the future cash flows expected to be derived from them. These calculations require use of estimates. When assessing impairment of goodwill, if management revises the gross margin that is used in the calculation of the future cash flows of asset groups and groups of asset groups, and the revised gross margin is lower than the one currently used, the Group would need to recognise further impairment against goodwill. If management revises the pre-tax discount rate applied to the discounted cash flows, and the revised pre-tax discount rate is higher than the one currently applied, the Group would need to recognise further impairment against goodwill. If the actual gross margin/pre-tax discount rate is higher/lower than management’s estimates, the impairment loss of goodwill previously provided for is not allowed to be reversed by the Group. (h) Actuary assessment of retirement welfare The Group hires independent actuary to assess the assets and liabilities recognised for the following welfare plan: (1) Supplementary retirement welfare to qualified retired employees and the family dependents of deceased employees; (2) Supplementary medical expense reimbursement or commercial medical assurance to qualified retired employees; (3) Continuous off-post benefits to qualified early retired employees during the period of early retirement. The Group determines the discounted rate based on the yield of national debts, determined the normal retirement age based on statutory age of retirement, and adopts the death rate data of the simulation of annuity life chart of China’s life insurance (Year 2000-2003) for the following two years. 34 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2 Summary of significant accounting policies and accounting estimates (Continued) (31) Critical accounting estimates and judgments (Continued) (i) Income taxes The Group calculated enterprise income taxes according to laws and regulations, as well as applicable requirements and tax preference. The Group is subjected to income taxes in numerous jurisdictions. There are many transactions and events for which the ultimate tax determination is uncertain during the ordinary course of business. Significant judgment is required from the Group in determining the provision for income taxes in each of these jurisdictions. The Group should estimate if extra taxes should be paid for differences that might arise between estimation and final outcome, and estimate if deferred income tax liabilities should be recognised accordingly. Where the final tax outcome of these matters is different from the amounts that were initially recorded, such differences will affect the income tax and deferred tax provisions in the period in which such determination is made. Upon the recognition of deferred income tax assets, the Group considers the probability of realization of deductible temporary differences and deductible tax losses.. Deductible temporary differences mainly include provision for asset impairment, accrued expenses not authorised to be deducted before tax, and elimination of intra-group unrealised profit. The deferred income tax assets are recognised when the Group expects the deductible temporary differences and deductible tax losses could be realized by taxable income through continuous operations in near future. The Group has recognised income taxes and deferred income tax assets and liabilities according to laws and regulations, as well as optimal estimations. In case of changes in laws and regulations or of related situations, the Group will make appropriate adjustments to income taxes and deferred income tax assets and liabilities. (j) Land appreciation tax Land appreciation tax is levied on the land appreciation amount, equal to the selling price of property less deductible costs (including amortisation of land use right, borrowing costs and all the development costs). All the companies engaged in property development in China are subject to such tax, which is included in taxes and surcharges. However, the implementation and settlement of these taxes varies among various tax jurisdictions in cities of the PRC, and the Group has not finalised its land appreciation tax calculation and payments with any local tax authorities in the PRC. Accordingly, significant judgment is required in determining the amount of land appreciation and its related taxes. The Group recognised these land appreciation taxes based on management’s best estimates according to the understanding of the tax rules. The final tax outcome could be different from the amounts that were initially recorded, and these differences will affect the land appreciation tax in the periods in which such taxes are finalised with local tax authorities. 35 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 3 Taxation (1) The main categories and rates of taxes applicable to the Group are set out below: Category Tax base Enterprise income tax Taxable income Tax rate Mainland China: 25% (except for preferential treatment in Note 3(2) China Hong Kong: 16.5% Other overseas regions: 0-35%) 6%, 11% or 17% Value added tax (Note(a)) Taxable value added amount (Tax payable is calculated using the taxable sales amount multiplied by the applicable tax rate less deductible VAT input of current period) Business tax (Note(a)) Taxable turnover amount 3% or 5% Land Appreciation Tax Appreciation amount derived on the transfer of Excess progressive of tax rate (Note(b)) real estate 30%-60% City maintenance and Amount of VAT and business tax paid 5% or 7% construction tax Educational surtax Amount of VAT and business tax paid 3% Note (a): Construction and installation services carried out in the Group are applicable for business tax, the tax rate is 3%; while real estate sales and labor service are applicable for business tax, and the tax rate is 5%. According to Measures for the Implementation of the Business Tax to Value Added Tax Transformation Pilot Program and the relevant regulations of the Circular on the Business Tax to Value Added Tax Transformation Pilot Program for the Railway Transportation Industry and Post Industry (Cai Shui [2013] N0.106) issued by the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation, entities and individuals engaged in transportation industry, pose industry and some modern service industries in the territory of China are recognised as VAT taxpayers. Transportation, movables leasing, design and consultation, prospecting and inspections carried out in the Group’s subsidiaries are applicable for value-added tax. The applicable tax rate for transportation industry is 11%, tangible movables leasing 17%, design and consultation, exploration, detection and inspection 6%. Note (b): Advance payment of land appreciation tax before carrying forward revenues will be calculated and collected on 1.5% to 5% of presale revenues. 36 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 3 Taxation (Continued) (2) Main referential tax treatments Pursuant to relevant stipulations in Income Tax Law of the People’s Republic of China (“enterprise income tax”) issued on 16 March 2007, preferential tax treatment applicable to the Group are as follows: (a) Preferential tax treatment for key high and new technological enterprises encouraged and supported by the state According to the income tax law and other relevant regulations, the Group’s subsidiaries recognized as key high and new technological enterprises encouraged and supported by the state are as follows: Company Name China Construction Communications Engineering Group Corp., Ltd. Beijing China Construction Architectural Scientific Research Institute Limited China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Group Co., Ltd. China Construction Steel Co., Ltd. Third Construction Co., Ltd of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division China Construction Fifth Energy Saving Technology Co., Ltd. CSCEC (Changsha) Fujisrsh Curtain Wall & Decoration Co., Ltd. China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp, Ltd China Construction Seventh Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd China Construction Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. China State Construction Electronic Engineering Co., Ltd. China State Construction Northeast Architectural Design Institute Co., Ltd. CSCEC AECOM Consultants Co. Ltd. China Construction Port Construction Co., Ltd. China State Construction Built Port Group Co., Ltd. Beijing China State Construction Baili Engineering Technology Development Co., Ltd. China Construction Commercial Concrete Co., Ltd. China Construction Design Group Co., Ltd. (parent company) China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd China Construction Fifth Industrial Equipment Installation CO., Ltd. First Construction Co., Ltd of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division The Second Construction Limited Company of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Third Construction Co., Ltd of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Hong Kong Huayi Design Consultants (Shenzhen) Ltd. Shenzhen Hailong Construction Products Co., Ltd. Anhui Hailong Construction Industral Co., Ltd. Certificate of High and New Technological Enterprises GR201311000437 GF201411000258 GR201342000537 GF201444200085 GR201543000010 GF201543000134 GR201543000218 GR201312000129 GF201341000020 GR201331000182 GF201432001249 GR201311001592 GF201421000031 GR201562000021 GR201531000167 GR201437100089 GR201511000143 GF201542000711 GR201411003344 GR201443000426 GR201443000127 GR201437000670 GR201537000614 GR201532001106 GR201444200623 GF201544200541 GF201534000044 The term of validity for the Certificate of High and New Technological Enterprises obtained by these subsidiaries is 3 years and the income tax rate applicable to these companies for the year 2015 is 15%. 37 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 3 Taxation (Continued) (2) Main preferential tax treatments (Continued) (b) Preferential tax policy related with Western Development Strategies and Xinjiang region. Company Name Chongqing China Construction Machinery Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Northwestern architectural design institutes company Ltd. Sichuan Southwest Guangsha Construction Design Institute Co., Ltd. Sichuan Southwest Biaoban Construction Design Institute Co., Ltd. Sichuan Southwest Construction Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd. Sichuan Southwest Engineering Project Management Consulting Co., Ltd. China Southwest Architectural Survey and Design Institute Limited. Zunyi CSCEC Xinpu Construction Development Co., Ltd. China West Construction Group Co.,Ltd (“West Construction”) and some subsidiaries Changji Western Construction Co., Ltd. Hejing xiqing jiyuan Co., Ltd. Yanqi xiqing jiyuan Co., Ltd. Shihezi Western Construction Co., Ltd. Karamay West Construction Building Materials Co., Ltd. Kuitun Western Construction Co., Ltd. Yili Western Construction Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Construction Architectural Scientific Research Institute Preferential Policy (Note) 2015 applicable tax rate Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 15% Cai Shui [2011] No.58 Xin Zheng Fa [2010] No.92 Cai Shui [2011] No.58 and Xin Zheng Fa [2010] No.92 Cai Shui [2011] No.58 and Xin Zheng Fa [2010] No.92 Cai Shui [2011] No.58 and Xin Guo Shui Fa [2011] No.177 Cai Shui [2011] No.58 and Xin Guo Shui Fa [2011] No.177 Xin Guo Shui Fa [2011] No.177 Xin Guo Shui Fa [2011] No.177 15% 20% Xin Di Shui Fa [2011] No.235 15% 12% 12% 12% 12% 20% 20% Note:According to Circular on Issues Concerning Tax Policies for In-depth Implementation of Western Development Strategies (Cai Shui [2011] No.58), the qualified enterprises are entitled 15% preferential income tax rate. According to Implementation of Encouraging Small-and-medium Sized Enterprises (Xin Zheng Fa [2010] No. 92), the qualified enterprises are entitled two years of exemption and three years of half rate income tax allocated to the local tax bureau. According to Guidance on Implementation of Tax Policies to Encourage Small-and-medium Sized enterprises in autonomous region (Xin Guo Shui Fa [2011] No.177), the qualified enterprises can be entitled two years of exemption and three years of half rate income tax allocated to the local tax bureau. According to Notice on Implementation of Preferential tax policies Regarding Reorganized Scientific Research institutions (Xin Di Shui Fa [2011] No. 235), from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2015, qualified enterprises can be entitled exemption from income tax originally allocated to the local tax bureau. 38 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (1) Cash at bank and on hand 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Cash on hand Bank deposits Other cash balances 109,197 211,966,330 4,334,289 106,166 149,782,509 4,180,584 Total 216,409,816 154,069,259 As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the bank deposits that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). Other cash balances represent deposits for bank acceptance notes, marginal deposits for security and marginal deposits for migrant workers’ wages. As at 31 December 2015, the fixed deposits, which would mature after three months, amounted to RMB712,000 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB300,000 thousand). Restricted deposits mainly include Central Bank reserve, deposits for bank acceptance notes, marginal deposits for security, etc.. As at 31 December 2015, restricted cash balances amounted to RMB9,553,074 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB8,692,931 thousand). As at 31 December 2015, the offshore deposits of the Group amounted to RMB53,425,604 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB19,984,089 thousand). (2) Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Investment in equity instrument held-for-trading (Note 1) Designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Note 2) Derivative financial assets 28,612 1,028,011 1,000,000 101,615 9,751 Total 1,130,227 1,037,762 - Note 1: The fair value of investment in equity instrument held-for-trading is determined by the closing price of stock exchange on the last trading day of the year. Note 2: The fair value of designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss is determined by the yield rate published by the financial institution on each trading day. 39 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (3) Notes receivable 31 December 2015 (a) 31 December 2014 Trade acceptance notes Bank acceptance notes 5,163,237 1,568,107 3,780,659 1,574,457 Total 6,731,344 5,355,116 As at 31 December 2015, the notes receivable pledged by the Group are as follows: Trade acceptance notes Bank acceptance notes 1,417,591 114,642 Total 1,532,233 As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the notes receivable that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). (b) As at 31 December 2015, the notes that are not mature but have been endorsed or discounted are as follows: Without recourse right (c) (4) With recourse right Trade acceptance notes Bank acceptance notes 2,017,984 2,402,760 228,807 Total 2,017,984 2,631,567 In 2015, the notes receivable transferred to accounts receivable by the Group due to default by the issuers accounted to RMB20,000 thousand (2014: Nil). Interest receivable 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Interest receivable for entrusted loans Others 184,845 140,101 103,691 62,353 Total 324,946 166,044 40 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (5) Accounts receivable 31 December 2015 (a) 31 December 2014 Accounts receivable Less: Provision for bad debts 125,084,202 (9,527,299) 126,471,646 (8,041,277) Total 115,556,903 118,430,369 The aging of accounts receivable is analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years Total (b) 31 December 2014 93,966,231 19,092,297 6,116,237 3,864,867 2,044,570 101,880,549 15,654,515 4,724,173 2,451,927 1,760,482 125,084,202 126,471,646 Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) With amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 17,236,489 That the related provision for bad debts is provided on the grouping basis 105,898,916 Including: Group 1 Group 2 With amounts that are not individually significant but that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis Total 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) 13.78 (3,056,288) 17.73 13,118,825 10.37 (2,294,351) 17.49 84.66 (5,707,901) 5.39 112,025,943 88.58 (5,165,325) 4.61 53,530,271 52,368,645 42.79 41.87 (5,707,901) - 10.66 - 53,159,961 58,865,982 42.04 46.54 (5,165,325) - 9.72 - 1,948,797 1.56 (763,110) 39.16 1,326,878 1.05 (581,601) 43.83 125,084,202 100.00 (9,527,299) 126,471,646 100.00 (8,041,277) 41 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (5) Accounts receivable (Continued) (c) As at 31 December 2015, accounts receivable with amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis are analysed as follows: Debtor (d) Ending balance Provision for bad debts Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others 356,264 313,201 234,437 233,466 226,954 15,872,167 (69,751) (31,320) (7,472) (20,473) (11,348) (2,915,924) Total 17,236,489 (3,056,288) Provision Ratio (%) 19.58 10.00 3.19 8.77 5.00 18.37 Reason of provision Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Among accounts receivable of which the related provision for bad debts is provided on grouping basis, Group 1 used the aging analysis method analysed as follows: Ending balance Amount Within 1 year 31 December 2015 Provision for bad debts Amount Provision Ratio (%) Ending balance Amount 31 December 2014 Provision for bad debts Amount Provision Ratio (%) 37,509,038 (1,875,452) 5 40,594,549 (2,029,727) 5 1-2 years 9,931,410 (993,141) 10 7,276,058 (727,606) 10 2-3 years 2,807,186 (561,437) 20 2,611,355 (522,271) 20 3-5 years 2,009,532 (1,004,766) 50 1,584,555 (792,277) 50 Over 5 years 1,273,105 (1,273,105) 100 1,093,444 (1,093,444) 100 53,530,271 (5,707,901) 53,159,961 (5,165,325) Total 42 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (5) Accounts receivable (Continued) (e) Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB2,773,716 thousand are accrued in current year. Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB902,441 thousand are collected or reversed in current year. The major amount collected or reversed are as follows: Reason for reversal/ collection Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Basis and rationality for determining the provision for bad debts Amount of reversal/ collection Way of collection Individually provided 42,568 Cash Individually provided 32,978 Cash Individually provided 32,318 Cash Individually provided Provided on grouping basis Provided individually and on grouping basis 25,323 Cash 24,321 Cash 744,933 Cash Total 902,441 (f) Accounts receivable that were unable to collected and written off in current year amounted to RMB16,461 thousand (2014: RMB104,582 thousand), all of which were accounts receivable of projects and design fee due from third parties. (g) As at 31 December 2015, the five largest accounts receivable according to customers are analysed as follows: Amount of provision for bad debt Amount The total amount of the five largest accounts receivables (h) 5,165,300 % of total balance - 4.13 Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets are analysed as follows: Accounts receivable derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets in current year amounted to RMB35,463,053 thousand (2014: RMB24,392,553 thousand). Related loss in current year amounted to RMB1,827,521 thousand (2014: RMB1,538,928 thousand). (i) As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the accounts receivable that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 43 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (6) Other receivables 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Deposits and petty cash receivable Receivables from related parties (Note 9(6)) Advances receivable Deposit receivable Recoursable financial assets acquired (Note) Others Sub-total 15,077,583 3,938,672 4,305,722 1,433,023 2,998,951 9,102,530 36,856,481 12,485,583 5,918,761 2,805,022 1,334,515 4,669,723 27,213,604 Less: Provision for bad debts (2,679,579) (2,218,728) Total 34,176,902 24,994,876 Note: Recoursable financial assets acquired held by the Group is reverse repurchase treasury bonds, which will be sold at a fixed price, with a maturity of 7 days or 14 days, and yield rate varies from 2.80% to 3.71%. (a) The aging of other receivables is analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years 27,324,608 3,969,687 2,604,759 1,443,305 1,514,122 20,421,229 3,156,265 1,118,362 861,116 1,656,632 Total 36,856,481 27,213,604 44 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (6) Other receivables (Continued) (b) Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio(%) With amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis That the related provision for bad debts is provided on the grouping basis Including: Group 1 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio(%) 2,398,657 6.51 (1,213,288) 50.58 974,344 3.58 (806,038) 82.73 33,919,926 5,112,813 92.03 13.87 (1,075,672) (1,075,672) 3.17 21.04 25,647,533 4,311,699 94.25 15.84 (936,852) (936,852) 3.65 21.73 Group 2 With amounts that are not individually significant but that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 28,807,113 78.16 - - 21,335,834 78.41 537,898 1.46 (390,619) 591,727 2.17 (475,838) Total 36,856,481 100.00 (2,679,579) 27,213,604 100.00 (2,218,728) 45 72.62 - - 80.42 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (6) Other receivables (Continued) (c) As at 31 December 2015, other receivables with amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis are analysed as follows: Debtor (d) Ending balance Provision for bad debts Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others 340,000 200,000 149,579 49,603 43,968 1,615,507 (34,000) (200,000) (149,579) (49,603) (43,968) (736,138) Total 2,398,657 (1,213,288) Provision Ratio (%) Reason of provision 10.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 45.57 Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Provided based on evidence and judgment Among other receivables of which the related provision for bad debts is provided on a grouping basis, Group 1 used the aging analysis method analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years 2,820,542 884,100 490,747 338,677 578,747 (141,027) (88,410) (98,149) (169,339) (578,747) Total 5,112,813 (1,075,672) 5 10 20 50 100 46 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) 2,329,040 833,736 334,908 287,942 526,073 (116,452) (83,374) (66,982) (143,971) (526,073) 4,311,699 (936,852) 5 10 20 50 100 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (6) Other receivables (Continued) (e) Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB699,139 thousand are accrued in current year. Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB235,084 thousand are collected or reversed in current year. The major amount collected or reversed are as follows: Reason for reversal/ collection Basis and rationality for determining the provision Amount of for bad debts reversal/ collection Way of collection Company 1 Receivable collected Provided on grouping basis 2,364 Cash Company 2 Receivable collected Individually provided 1,935 Cash Company 3 Receivable collected Provided on grouping basis 1,454 Cash Company 4 Receivable collected Individually provided 1,413 Cash Company 5 Receivable collected 1,240 Cash Others Receivable collected Individually provided Provided individually and on grouping basis 226,678 Cash Total 235,084 (f) In 2015, other receivables that were unable to collected and written off in current year amounted to RMB5,350 thousand (2014: RMB20,492 thousand), all of which were receivable from third parties. (g) As at 31 December 2015, the five largest other receivables according to customers are analysed as follows: Relation to the Group Aging % of total balance Provision for bad debt Company 1 Third party 2,130,418 Within 1 year 5.78 - Company 2 Joint venture 872,353 Within 1 year 2.37 - Company 3 Third party 808,600 Within 1 year 2.19 - Company 4 Joint venture 654,500 Within 1 year 1.78 - Company 5 Joint venture 652,160 Within 1 year 1.77 - 13.89 - Total (h) Amount 5,118,031 As at 31 December 2015, the Company has no significant government grant recognized in other receivables. 47 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (7) Advances to suppliers (a) The aging of advances to suppliers of the Group is analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 Amount % of total balance 31 December 2014 Amount % of total balance Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Over 3 years 22,482,961 4,082,701 387,364 511,830 81.86 14.87 1.41 1.86 28,953,313 1,206,078 191,882 777,739 93.01 3.87 0.62 2.50 Total 27,464,856 100.00 31,129,012 100.00 As at 31 December 2015, advances to suppliers aged more than 1 year amounted to RMB4,981,895 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB2,175,699 thousand), mainly including advances to subcontractors and land prepayment. As the project is not completed, such advances have not been settled yet. (b) As at 31 December 2015, the total amount of the five largest advances to suppliers is analysed as follows: Amount Total amount of the five largest advances to suppliers (8) Inventories (a) Inventories are set forth by category as follows: % of total balance 5,703,494 20.77 31 December 2014 Properties under development Completed properties for sale Work in progress Raw materials Manufacturing goods Finished goods Others Sub-total Less: Provision for decline in the value of inventories Total 31 December 2015 198,235,063 39,426,392 97,657,887 15,081,643 519,013 1,599,356 130,286 352,649,640 (4,376,290) 348,273,350 193,482,712 42,843,671 139,816,133 14,512,067 567,459 1,972,694 236,882 393,431,618 Increase in current year Decrease in current year (1,659,006) 193,113 (5,842,183) 387,589,435 In 2015, the average capitalization rate of the capitalised borrowing costs of inventories is 5.42% (2014: 5.12%). 48 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (8) Inventories (continued) (b) Properties under development Project name Jinan China Overseas Huashan Linglong Beijing Gucheng District C Tianjin Fuxing Jiuli Sili Guangzhou Jinyu Huating Tianjin Huanyu Tianxia Qide 1H Land Fuzhou China Overseas Huanyutianxia No.4 Guangzhou Jinchen Huating Tianjin Fuxing Jiuli Sili HongKong Yaliao Continent Jinan CSCEC Changqing Lake Changsha CSCEC Mei Xi Lake Centre Shenzhen Longhua shangtang Project Wuhan CSCEC Grand Hall (K3、K5) Wuhan CSCEC Yujing Xingcheng CSCEC HuaFu Project, Da Ying Po, Guiyang Shenyang China Overseas Gate of Peace No.1 Wuxi Haiyue Garden Harbin China Overseas Huanyu Tianxia HongKong Xiying Pan Hangzhou Yudaolu Land #40 Kunming Huanhu Road East #A-12 Land Huinan Minju Project Phase 1, Pudong, Shanghai Hangzhou Yudaolu Land #41 Shenyang Huan Yu Tian Xia Shenyang Gate of Peace Guangzhou Jinhui Huating Hangzhou Yudaolu Land #42 Foshan Deng Lake Huafu Guangzhou GISE #137、#138 Land Wuhan CSCEC Tangxu Lake #1 Zunyi CSCEC Xingfucheng Taiyuan Yingze Qiaoxi Project Changchun China Overseas Ziyu Huafu Ningbo China Overseass International Community Estimated Estimated total 31 December 31 December Date of commence completion date investment 2015 2014 Jul.2014 Jun.2014 Jun.2015 Feb.2014 Mar.2015 Feb.2014 Aug.2014 Sep.2014 Jun.2015 Jun.2012 Jun.2012 Jun.2013 Mar.2014 Mar.2015 Dec.2014 Jun.2011 May.2014 Aug.2014 Oct.2014 Dec.2010 Dec.2013 Apr.2014 Nov.2012 Feb.2014 Apr.2011 Jun.2014 Mar.2014 Aug.2013 Mar.2015 Apr.2015 Mar.2011 Jan.2013 Oct.2014 Mar.2015 Jun.2013 49 Dec.2016 Dec.2016 Jun.2017 Sep.2017 Jun.2017 Aug.2017 Jun.2019 Oct.2018 Jun.2019 Aug.2016 Jun.2022 Jun.2018 Sep.2016 Oct.2025 Jan.2019 Dec.2016 Dec.2016 Dec.2018 Dec.2017 Mar.2016 Mar.2016 Apr.2016 Apr.2018 Jun.2018 Jun.2019 Dec.2020 Sep.2017 Nov.2016 Jun.2016 Apr.2017 Sep.2017 Oct.2017 Jul.2017 Dec.2018 Dec.2016 15,136,883 8,300,000 8,135,691 5,820,528 6,514,764 8,942,640 6,924,643 5,982,160 8,500,000 3,515,727 4,500,000 8,000,000 5,870,000 7,793,000 8,758,000 5,700,000 3,162,093 2,215,020 3,440,000 2,839,253 2,451,369 2,641,699 19,382,212 2,542,187 3,709,064 2,850,809 2,562,753 2,145,146 2,664,576 3,033,335 5,451,880 4,800,000 4,816,260 5,538,703 6,987,210 8,365,230 5,433,866 5,109,769 4,914,300 4,850,501 4,732,627 4,525,640 4,455,968 4,301,717 3,090,315 3,030,047 3,011,728 2,941,446 2,932,373 2,919,343 2,695,520 2,614,968 1,570,065 2,536,740 2,517,650 2,363,152 2,342,632 2,241,534 2,184,335 2,167,462 2,151,123 2,139,271 2,051,409 2,051,126 2,027,567 2,019,488 1,831,923 1,730,117 1,678,799 1,676,310 4,163,796 5,595,493 4,108,324 4,103,917 4,090,034 4,092,690 2,463,565 2,114,550 2,330,015 4,416,978 2,029,669 2,167,000 3,084,284 1,157,067 1,368,959 2,085,697 2,203,528 1,447,186 1,014,649 2,002,342 2,646,453 1,802,893 1,779,595 1,924,156 2,775,810 1,064,261 1,138,775 2,341,605 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (8) Inventories (Continued) (b) Properties under development (Continued) Project name Shanghai Meilong New Centre A Foshan China Overseas Jinshali Ningbo China Overseas Huanyu Jimo Wang Village Newtown Wuhan CSCEC Nan Lake NO.1 Wuxi Taihu Xincheng Fenghuang Jingyuan Weifang CSCEC Da Guan Tian Xia Zhengzhou China Overseas Jinyuan Foshan China Overseas Jinyuan Wuhan Zhongjianfudixingcheng Shenyang China Overseas #5 Changsha CSCEC Jiangshan No.1 Harbin China Overseas Yongjing Xian #1 Hangzhou Yudaolu Land #41 CSCEC Xi’an Guo Xi Tai Wuhan CSCEC Grand Hall (K2、K4) China Overseas Mingzuan Garden Urumchi China Overseas Yunding Da Guan Yantai China Overseas International Community Zhenjiang CSCEC Da Guan Tian Xia Jinan China Overseas International Community Shanghai China Overseas Yuefu Phase II Shenzhen China Overseas Tian Zuan Zhuhai Zuoan Lantingzhi Garden Suzhou Shuangwan Jinyuan Shenyang China Overseas Kangcheng Kunming China Overseas Jinyuan Chongqing Lixiang Lake Others Date of commence Estimated Estimated total completion date investment 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Aug.2013 May 2014 Mar.2014 Mar.2015 Aug.2013 Aug.2014 Nov.2009 Jul.2014 Jan.2014 Aug.2012 Mar.2015 Jun.2013 Apr.2014 Feb.2014 May 2013 Oct.2015 Oct.2014 Apr.2013 Dec.2017 Mar.2016 Dec.2016 Dec.2020 Apr.2017 Dec.2019 Jun.2025 Jun.2016 Jun.2016 Mar.2016 Jun.2020 Dec.2019 Aug.2016 Sep.2017 Jul.2016 Oct.2025 Dec.2016 Dec.2019 5,400,000 3,553,084 3,074,510 5,668,255 2,680,000 3,803,790 9,324,420 2,189,773 1,560,120 1,800,000 5,086,421 3,000,000 2,037,379 1,500,019 2,823,740 3,500,000 1,880,181 3,814,620 1,674,343 1,652,984 1,637,539 1,633,559 1,627,567 2,614,155 1,545,847 1,526,256 1,516,788 1,513,680 1,450,609 1,442,778 1,308,668 1,303,847 1,235,561 1,165,989 1,132,854 1,125,529 4,140,798 2,394,180 990,998 2,113,755 1,557,076 1,317,426 1,274,686 1,186,996 17,749 1,131,967 1,367,937 1,199,458 1,802,625 497,314 741,840 Apr.2014 Dec.2011 Dec.2019 Jan.2020 3,336,250 4,444,810 1,095,466 1,094,053 1,363,091 1,693,018 Jun.2010 Nov.2013 Apr.2015 Jul.2015 Mar.2015 Oct.2013 Mar.2015 Mar.2012 N/A Dec.2017 Jun.2016 Jul.2017 Dec.2017 Dec.2016 Dec.2019 Dec.2016 Dec.2016 N/A 15,152,000 1,144,440 2,088,003 1,871,200 1,971,997 2,566,019 1,803,786 3,226,896 N/A 1,089,179 1,080,237 1,077,903 1,057,883 1,054,519 1,022,813 1,008,884 1,005,976 48,581,185 2,518,714 847,038 934,765 1,307,752 708,523 733,355 94,880,711 193,482,712 198,235,063 Total 50 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (8) Inventories (Continued) (c) Completed properties for sale Project name Shanghai CSCEC Grand Hall Tianjin China Overseas Balitai Macau Shuangzuan Jinan CSCEC Jinxiu City Shanghai China Overseas Ziyu Hao Ting Chengdu China Overseas Xinhuafu Changsha China Overseas International Community Phase III Zhenjiang CSCEC Da Guan Tian Xia Changchun China Overseas Ziyu Huafu Changsha CSCEC Meixi Lake No.1 Shanghai CSCEC Gongyuan No.1 Dalian China Overseas Yuhuxigu WeiHai Road Project, Binhai, Tianjin Shenyang Huanyu Tianxia Yantai Ziyu Grand Hall Macau Shuangzuan China Overseas Zhuhai Yinhaiwan #3 Ningbo China Overseas International Community Xi'an CSCEC Guoxitai Foshan Huanyu Tianxia Hong Kong CSCEC Chung Hom Kok Tianjin Fuxing Jiuli Guangzhou China Overseas Yupin Garden Phase III Wuxi CSCEC Xi'an Guandi Wuhan CSCEC Tangxu Lake No.1 Changchun Zi Jin Yuan Shanghai Herui Yayuan Dalian China Overseas Fenghuang Xi'an Shenyang China Overseas International Community Phase II Taizhou CSCEC Jinxiu Longwan Phase I Jinan China Overseas International Community Ningbo Sunshine Rose Garden Shenyang China Overseas Kangcheng Phase I Hong Kong China Overseas Ge Fu Ling Weifang CSCEC Da Guan Tian Xia Wuhan China Overseas Qintaihuafu Beijing CSCEC Hongshan xigu Qingdao China Overseas International Community Nanchang China Overseas Chaoyangjun-Bo Palace Yantai China Overseas International Community Shenyang China Overseas Gate of Peace No.1 Nanchang China Overseas Chaoyangjun-Xi'an Completion date of latest phase 31 December Increase in 2014 current year Decrease in 31 December current year 2015 Dec.2013 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2015 Nov.2014 Oct.2015 3,998,902 907,706 3,371,545 - 2,090,148 2,557,133 4,135,514 962,399 (468,984) (1,363,743) (1,022,208) (2,814,199) (1,056,424) (22,055) 3,529,918 1,634,111 1,534,925 1,321,315 2,315,121 940,344 Dec.2014 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2014 Jun.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2014 Feb.2015 Dec.2014 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Aug.2015 Dec.2013 Sep.2015 Dec.2015 1,379,155 298,116 976,078 62,186 468,130 486,307 918,600 817,435 611,687 1,092,697 1,368,934 759,150 58,804 896,664 - 8,246 891,702 338,317 1,684,524 1,170,485 768,498 510,059 1,462,502 56,936 1,476,124 991,949 4,056,640 844,376 1,713,482 1,268,852 37,251 1,173,637 826,498 603,466 (500,190) (399,496) (561,916) (1,019,454) (453,057) (520,839) (297,801) (1,693,899) (147,002) (428,924) (2,187,520) (339,876) (3,408,183) (197,506) (1,097,815) (667,087) (221,297) (682,106) (361,064) (321,304) (119,240) 887,211 790,322 752,479 727,256 717,428 715,789 698,565 687,203 670,433 668,623 663,773 657,538 652,073 648,457 646,870 615,667 601,765 575,104 550,335 535,600 505,194 484,226 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2013 Feb.2015 Sep.2015 Jun.2015 Dec.2015 Jun.2014 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2014 469,774 282,277 543,359 458,241 305,728 592,390 424,044 - 883,361 913,949 2,213,261 1,611,373 695,764 438,147 1,244,500 1,225,205 1,309,237 916,430 1,452,502 823,046 (871,305) (525,580) (2,121,024) (1,241,358) (348,997) (197,138) (556,537) (911,218) (1,223,808) (1,598,144) (129,186) (623,965) (1,163,702) (544,641) 481,830 388,369 374,514 370,015 346,767 346,221 339,851 333,282 307,125 303,483 294,858 292,465 288,800 278,405 51 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (8) Inventories (Continued) (c) Completed properties for sale (Continued) Project name Completion date of latest phase Shenyang China Overseas International Community Phase IV Jinan Hexin Phase I Zhuzhou CSCEC Yushan Heyuan Zhongshan China Oversea Jincheng Garden Changsha China Overseas International Community Phase IV Xi’an China Overseas City #B Land Yancheng Chengzhong Yayuan Nanjing China Overseas International Community Zibo B10 Others Oct.2015 Dec.2015 Jun.2015 Mar.2015 538,559 483,109 87,954 - Dec.2014 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 Dec.2015 N/A 511,841 109,136 16,147,884 Total (d) 31 December Increase in 2014 current year 40,726 3,419 586,253 1,029,622 Decrease in 31 December current year 2015 (303,315) (237,620) (427,962) (788,306) 275,970 248,908 246,245 241,316 (273,519) 1,495,240 (1,258,980) 136,876 (16,932) 3,746,682 (3,540,614) 332,912 (129,219) 50,685,886 (56,589,591) 238,322 236,260 229,080 206,068 203,693 10,244,179 39,426,392 101,413,129 (97,995,850) 42,843,671 Construction contracts Costs incurred plus/(less) gross profit recognised /(estimated losses) Less: Payment settled Total 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 2,890,534,412 (2,779,013,592) 2,375,346,642 (2,302,469,958) 111,520,820 72,876,684 Work in progress before provision for impairment Less: Provision for impairment of work in progress Work in progress Advances for contract work (Note 4(26)) 139,816,133 (1,972,897) 137,843,236 (26,322,416) 97,657,887 (1,956,054) 95,701,833 (22,825,149) Total 111,520,820 72,876,684 Construction contract projects at end of year: (e) As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the inventories that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 52 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (9) Assets classified as held for sale 31 December 2015 Estimated Book value Fair vale disposal fee Cash at bank and on hand (a) Advances to suppliers (a) Other receivables (a) Inventories (a) Long-term receivables (a) Long-term equity investments (b) Fixed assets Total - 31 December 2014 Estimated disposal time Book value - - N/A 42,113 Estimated Fair vale disposal fee 42,113 - Estimated disposal time 2015 - - 59,724 59,724 - 2015 - - N/A - N/A N/A 114,781 7,884,564 114,781 7,884,564 - 2015 2015 - - - N/A 515,000 515,000 - 2015 755,687 - 755,687 - - 2016 N/A 755,687 680 755,687 680 - 2015 2015 755,687 755,687 - 9,372,549 9,372,549 - (a) In accordance with an irrevocable agreement signed by the Group, the Group should transfer all shares of Shanxi Wuyu Company to an independent third party after the completion of its BT construction contract. The transfer transaction was completed in 2015. (b) In 2014, the Group’s wholly owned subsidiary China State Construction International Co., Ltd. signed an irrevocable agreement with Sinotrans & CSC holdings Co., Ltd. to transfer the equity interest in Beijing Aocheng Wuhe Real Estate Company Limited (“Aocheng Wuhe”), a wholly owned subsidiary of China State Construction International Co., Ltd., to Sinotrans & CSC holdings Co., Ltd. At that time, the shares of interest in Aocheng Wuhe was expected to be transferred in 2015 and therefore was classified as held for sale asset as 31 December 2014. However, despite continuous efforts and taking necessary actions to complete the transfer of the shares of interest during the year of 2015, the completion of the transfer were delayed due to certain procedures surrounding beyond the control of the Group. As a result, the transfer transaction was not completed by 31 December 2015. The Group remains committed to its plan and attempts to complete the transfer transaction and based on its prevailing information available to management, it was expected that the transfer transaction will be completed by 2016. Therefore, as at 31 December 2015, the shares of interest in Aocheng Wuhe continued to be classified as held for sale. 53 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (10) Current portion of non-current assets 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Receivables for BT project Project quality and investment warranty Entrusted loans (Note 4(13)) Receivables for infrastructure construction and other project Others 9,397,892 16,988,082 2,331,750 5,003,044 130,144 5,856,463 10,996,741 645,900 - Total 33,850,912 17,499,104 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 (11) Other current assets Banking wealth management products (a) Prepaid taxes (b) Entrusted loans (c) Others 817,692 5,919,582 40,000 1,691,474 185,000 5,195,895 480,300 1,186,994 Total 8,468,748 7,048,189 (a) Banking wealth management products are short-term wealth management products purchased by the Group, which were issued by banks. (b) Prepaid taxes mainly include income taxes, business tax and land appreciation tax prepaid by subsidiaries, in accordance with regulatory requirements of local tax authorities and VAT yet to be deducted. (c) Details of entrusted loans are analysed as follows: Creditor company Obligor China State Construction Huanggang Construction Third Engineering Bureau Investment Group Co., Ltd. Co., Ltd Entrusted bank Amount Duration Maturity date Interest rate (%) Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank 40,000 12 months 25 August 2016 8.25 54 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (12) Available-for-sale financial assets (a) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Measured at fair value Available-for-sale equity instrument Available-for-sale bonds Other Sub-total 1,745,692 48,925 20,210 1,814,827 1,946,230 45,568 16,466 2,008,264 Measured at cost Available-for-sale equity instrument Less: Provisions for impairment Sub-total 4,074,499 (40,359) 4,034,140 2,985,123 (24,788) 2,960,335 Total 5,848,967 4,968,599 Relevant information of available-for-sale financial assets is analysed as follows: Available-for-sale financial assets measured at fair value: Available-for-sale equity instrument —Fair value —Cost —Aggregate amounts Included in other comprehensive income Available-for-sale bonds —Fair value —Cost —Aggregate amounts Included in other comprehensive income 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 1,745,692 1,194,612 1,946,230 1,310,196 551,080 636,034 48,925 48,576 45,568 45,950 349 Others —Fair value —Cost —Aggregate amounts Included in other comprehensive income Total —Fair value —Cost —Aggregate amounts Included in other comprehensive income 55 (382) 20,210 37 16,466 35 20,173 16,431 1,814,827 1,243,225 2,008,264 1,356,181 571,602 652,083 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (12) Available-for-sale financial assets (Continued) (a) Relevant information of available-for-sale financial assets is analysed as follows (Continued): Available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost: 31 December Increase in Decrease in 31 December Shareholding ratio of Cash dividend 2014 current year current year 2015 the invested entity in current year Available-for-sale equity instrument-cost Tai Zhong Yin Railway Investment Co., Ltd 1,000,000 - - 1,000,000 7.33 - Baha Mar Ltd Shanghai Zhongxin Huidi Investment Centre (LLP) (Note) Tangshan Tangcao Railway Co., Ltd Zhongguancun Development Group 917,852 56,190 - 974,042 10.00 - - 500,000 - 500,000 45.25 - 120,000 120,000 - 240,000 9.60 - 200,000 - - 200,000 2.20 2,686 Others 747,271 528,114 (114,928) 1,160,457 N/A 31,223 2,985,123 1,204,304 (114,928) 4,074,499 N/A 33,909 N/A N/A N/A 33,909 Sub-total Less: Provisions for impairment Total (24,788) 2,960,335 (15,583) 1,188,721 12 (114,916) (40,359) 4,034,140 Note: In January 2015, the Company's subsidiary China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd., as a limited partner, together with Shanghai Zhongxin Chengfeng Investment Centre (LLP) ("Zhongxin Chengfeng"), CITIC-CP Asset Management Corporation Ltd (CITIC-CP) and Shanghai Luhong Investment Management Co., Ltd. ("Luhong Investment"), established Shanghai Zhongxin Huidi Investment Centre (LLP) ("Zhongxin Huidi") with total investment amounted to RMB1,105.1 million, in which China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd contributed RMB500 million with 45.25% shareholdings. According to the partnership agreement, China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd has no voting right in both Investment Decision Committee and Management Committee of Zhongxin Huidi, and it has preferred right to proceeds ceiling to 15% of its investment in Zhongxin Huidi. Therefore, the investment was recognized as an available-for-sale financial asset. 56 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (12) Available-for-sale financial assets (Continued) (b) Relevant information of provisions for impairment of available-for-sale financial assets is analysed as follows: Available-for-sale equity instrument (c) 31 December 2014 24,788 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 15,583 (12) 31 December 2015 40,359 The available-for-sale financial assets measured at cost mainly include the unlisted equity investments held by the Group which are not quoted in an active market and whose fair value cannot be reliably measured as the range of fair value reasonable estimates is large and probabilities for determining these estimates cannot be reasonably determined. The Group has no plan to dispose these investments. (13) Long-term receivables 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Receivables for BT project Receivables for infrastructure construction and other project Project quality warranty and investment margin Loans to related parties (Note 9(6)) Entrusted loans(a) Others Sub-total Less: Provision for bad debts 67,028,288 31,788,958 55,455,663 2,009,928 3,694,340 177,487 160,154,664 (944,293) 55,433,209 19,230,464 38,814,337 1,823,406 2,691,600 181,642 118,174,658 (606,438) Sub-total Less: Current portion of long-term receivables (Note 4(10)) 159,210,371 (33,833,926) 117,568,220 (17,499,104) Total 125,376,445 100,069,116 As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the receivable for BT project were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 57 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (13) Long-term receivables (Continued) (a) Details of entrusted loans are analysed as follows: Creditor company Obligor China Construction Third Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction Third Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan real estate development investment group Co., Ltd Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Investment Co., Ltd. Wuhan Optics Valley Construction Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp, Ltd Tianjin City Infrastructure Construction & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp, Ltd CSCEC Guilin Traffic Construction Investment Company Limited Tianjin City Infrastructure Construction & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd The Company Changsha Metro Group Co., Ltd Wuhan Traffic Engineering Construction Investment Group Co., LTD Tianjin City Infrastructure Construction & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. Tianjin City Infrastructure Construction & Investment (Group) Co., Ltd. Wuhan Traffic Engineering Construction Investment Group Co., LTD The Company The Company The Company The Company Guilin City Traffic Investment Holdings Limited Entrusted bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Guilin Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Wuchang Branch of Huaxia Bank Tianjin Hexi Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Tianjin Hexi Branch of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Guilin Branch of Agricultural Bank of China Changsha Furong Branch of China Construction Bank Amount Duration Maturity date Interest rate(%) 270,000 31 months 28 May 2016 8.75 200,000 22 months 13 Mar. 2016 8.75 300,000 22 months 16 Dec. 2016 9.00 2,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 140,300 36 months 30 Dec. 2017 8.00 4,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 4,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 4,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 2,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 350,000 22 months 11 Mar. 2017 8.75 4,000 36 months 18 Apr. 2016 7.75 140,000 13 months 30 Jan. 2016 8.00 200,000 36 months 29 May 2016 8.75 63,190 36 months 3 Jul. 2017 5.75 63,190 36 months 19 Mar. 2018 5.75 390,000 60 months 27 Oct. 2019 8.25 200,000 96 months 22 Dec. 2023 5.39 Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank 467,750 48 months 28 Aug. 2016 5.75 CITIC Bank 380,000 36 months 19 Jun. 2016 6.15 CITIC Bank 354,000 36 months 1 Nov. 2016 6.15 Wuhan Rural Commercial Bank 155,910 60 months 28 Aug. 2017 5.75 Total 3,694,340 58 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (13) Long-term receivables (Continued) (b) Long-term receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets are analysed as follows: Long-term receivables derecognized due to the transfer of financial assets in current year amounted to RMB4,311,108 thousand (2014: Nil). Related loss in current year amounted to RMB278,028 thousand (2014: Nil). (14) Long-term equity investments 31 December 2015 Joint ventures (a) Associates (b) Sub-total 11,391,164 14,936,527 26,327,691 Less: Provision for impairment (1,594) Total 26,326,097 31 December 2014 11,059,379 12,252,963 23,312,342 (1,358) 23,310,984 As at 31 December 2015, there were no significant restrictions over the realisation of the Group’s long-term equity investments (31 December 2014: no significant restrictions). 59 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (14) Long-term equity investment (Continued) (a) Joint ventures 31 December 2014 Net profit / loss Investment adjusted contribution according to or withdraw equity method Current year movement Share of other Profit/Cash comprehensive dividends Accrual / income under declared by (Reversal) of equity method joint ventures impairment Other 31 December (Note) 2015 Lang Light International Co., Ltd. Nanjing Second Yangtze River Bridge Co., Ltd. Speedy Champ Investments Limited China Overseas port (Laizhou) Co., Ltd 2,481,619 - (16,456) (50,659) (119,400) 50,783 2,345,887 1,190,310 - 140,510 (65,297) (161,129) 64,396 1,168,790 1,444,361 - 104,645 44,818 (46,717) - 1,547,107 605,571 - 59,382 (59,250) (46,179) Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. Shandong China Overseas Huachuang Real Estate Co., Ltd. Tianjin Yingchao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Ningbo China Overseas Hexie Properties Investment Co., Ltd Hangzhou China overseas Younger Real Estate Co., Ltd. Shenzhen China Overseas Xinhe Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd 1,124,786 - 20,468 (60,642) 498,633 - (4,196) 722,205 (608,587) (39,594) 60,034 - 175 745 259,780 - 19,190 - (49,876) 32,664 592,188 - 62,595 1,147,207 - - 494,437 - - 24,148 - - 60,954 - 178,970 (100,000) 169,770 - 8,864 (1,503) - - 177,131 Xing Gui Investment Co., Ltd. Ningbo Cha Ting Properties Co., Ltd 909,279 - 26,858 (50,541) - 50,975 936,571 24,964 - (25,316) - - - Xing Chuang Enterprise Co., Ltd 378,031 - 23,942 - - 367,793 1,190,036 832,770 433,913 (28,314) (281,141) 202,717 2,349,981 11,059,379 224,183 752,385 (354,347) (754,566) 464,130 11,391,164 Others Sub-total Less: Provision for impairment Total 352 (34,180) (1,358) - (1,358) 11,058,021 - 11,389,806 The information of the interests in joint ventures is presented in detail in Note 6(2). Note: Other is mainly caused by the volatility of foreign exchange rate in 2015. 60 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (14) Long-term equity investment (Continued) (b) Associates Investment 31 December contribution 2014 or withdraw Trust House Pte.Ltd. Beijing China Construction Zhongchao Concrete Co., Ltd. DuYun Galactic Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Henan China Construction Municipal Construction Development Co., Ltd. Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd. Anhui Guoyuan Investment Co., Ltd. Anhui Guoyuan Trust Co., Ltd, China Overseas Grand Oceans Group Ltd.(“ Overseas Oceans”) Krimark Investment Ltd. Fast Shift Investments Limited Nanning Metro Line Two Construction Co. Ltd (Note 2) Xuzhou Metro Line One Investment Development Co., Ltd.(Note 2) Jiqing Express Railway Co., Ltd. Shandong Jilai Intercity Expressway Co., Ltd.(Note 2) Others Sub-total Less: Provision for impairment Total Current year movement Net profit / loss adjusted Share of other Profit/Cash according to comprehensive dividends Accrual / equity income under declared by joint (Reversal) of method equity method ventures impairment Other 31 December (Note 1) 2015 103,155 917 18,339 - - 1,108 123,519 25,163 - (1,569) - - - 23,594 38,672 - (5,756) - - - 32,916 185,264 - 22,476 - - - 207,740 1,014,188 - 21,848 - (197,368) - 838,668 680,483 1,951,688 236,724 - 47,176 349,683 (13,098) (3,871) (85,460) (40,375) - 865,825 2,257,125 3,685,744 168,405 1,436,532 - 258,627 (852) (468) (485,304) (2,324) - (6,934) - 102,997 82,104 3,555,130 165,229 1,518,168 1,983,000 - - - - - 1,983,000 - 196,000 1,000,000 - - - - 196,000 1,000,000 980,669 12,252,963 202,450 805,420 2,441,511 96,726 806,230 122,740 308,949 202,450 1,967,163 14,936,527 (12,857) (517,454) (25,535) (355,672) - (236) (236) 12,252,963 (236) 14,936,291 The information of the interests in associates is presented in detail in Note 6(2). Note 1: Other is mainly caused by the volatility of foreign exchange rate in 2015. Note 2: The investment commitment made by the Group to associates is presented in detail in Note 11(4). 61 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (15) Investment properties 31 December 2014 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2015 Cost Buildings Land use rights 20,731,515 6,405,785 3,710,755 2,896,156 (393,615) (186,469) 24,048,655 9,115,472 Sub-total 27,137,300 6,606,911 (580,084) 33,164,127 Accumulated depreciation/amortisation Buildings Land use rights (1,274,625) (593,739) (545,659) (171,909) 17,901 2,758 (1,802,383) (762,890) Sub-total (1,868,364) (717,568) 20,659 (2,565,273) Net book value Buildings Land use rights 19,456,890 5,812,046 22,246,272 8,352,582 Sub-total 25,268,936 30,598,854 Provision for impairment Buildings Land use rights (983) - - - (983) - Sub-total (983) - - (983) Carrying amount Buildings Land use rights 19,455,907 5,812,046 22,245,289 8,352,582 Total 25,267,953 30,597,871 62 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (15) Investment properties (continued) In 2015, RMB601,757 thousand (2014: RMB401,374 thousand) of depreciation was charged for investment properties and no (2014: Nil) provision for impairment was provided. In 2015, the Group changed the use of certain building with a carrying amount of RMB32,671 thousand (a cost of RMB41,146 thousand) to owner-occupied properties, and therefore, such investment properties were transferred to fixed assets at the dates of change in use. In 2015, the Group changed the use of certain buildings with a carrying amount of RMB95,165 thousand (a cost of RMB99,636 thousand) and land use rights with a carrying amount of RMB55,989 thousand (a cost of RMB55,989 thousand) to inventories. In 2015, the Group changed the use of certain buildings with a carrying amount of RMB732,005 thousand (a cost of RMB763,722 thousand) and land use rights with a carrying amount of RMB2,117,174 (a cost of RMB2,117,174 thousand) to lease-out properties, and therefore, such assets were transferred from fixed assets and inventories to investment properties at the dates of change in use. In 2015, ,the Group disposed investment properties with a carrying amount of RMB330,134 thousand (a cost of RMB337,823 thousand), with gains on disposal amounting to RMB788,418 thousand. As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the investment properties that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 63 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (16) Fixed assets Buildings Machinery and equipment Motor vehicles Office equipment and others Total Cost 31 December 2014 Increases in the current year Purchase Transfers from construction in progress Others Decrease in the current year 12,748,578 11,447,877 3,362,180 11,586,903 39,145,538 2,227,067 1,915,155 233,207 3,401,593 7,777,022 325,758 1,376,254 216,306 2,714,235 4,632,553 1,765,499 218,912 - 584,624 2,569,035 135,810 319,989 16,901 (351,894) (453,188) (472,090) (1,411,956) 102,734 (2,689,128) 575,434 Sale and disposal (127,490) (285,574) (235,062) (1,250,571) (1,898,697) others (224,404) (167,614) (237,028) (161,385) (790,431) 31 December 2015 14,623,751 12,909,844 3,123,297 13,576,540 44,233,432 (2,040,095) (4,948,579) (1,592,720) (7,623,875) (16,205,269) Increases in the current year (454,217) (1,363,822) (356,195) (3,204,253) (5,378,487) Accrual of depreciation (419,656) (1,209,735) (348,907) (3,177,640) (5,155,938) (34,561) (154,087) (7,288) (26,613) 88,169 270,259 Sale and disposal 32,115 Others 56,054 Accumulated depreciation 31 December 2014 Others Decrease in the current year 31 December 2015 (222,549) 287,961 1,203,673 1,850,062 216,618 166,131 1,124,685 1,539,549 53,641 121,830 78,988 310,513 (2,406,143) (6,042,142) (1,660,954) (9,624,455) (19,733,694) (7,944) (27,655) (11,441) (9,501) (56,541) (129) (760) - (3) (892) - (711) - (3) (714) (49) - - Provision for impairment loss 31 December 2014 Increases in the current year Accrual of impairment Others Decrease in the current year Sale and disposal 31 December 2015 (129) (178) - 9 56 1,043 1,108 - 9 56 1,043 1,108 (8,461) (56,325) (8,073) (28,406) (11,385) Net book value 31 December 2015 12,209,535 6,839,296 1,450,958 3,943,624 24,443,413 31 December 2014 10,700,539 6,471,643 1,758,019 3,953,527 22,883,728 64 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (16) Fixed assets (continued) As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, buildings, and machinery and equipment that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). In 2015, depreciation charged to fixed assets amounted to RMB5,155,938 thousand (2014: RMB4,477,790 thousand). The costs of fixed assets transferred from construction in progress amounted to RMB2,569,035 thousand (2014: RMB2,111,488 thousand). (a) As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the Group had no significant fixed assets that were temporarily idle. (b) Fixed assets held under finance leases As at 31 December 2015, the fixed assets with a carrying amount of RMB390,428 thousand (a cost of RMB524,733 thousand) are held under finance leases (31 December 2014: a carrying amount of RMB467,764 thousand and a cost of RMB550,791 thousand) (Note 13). The analysis is as follows: 31 December 2015 Cost Accumulated depreciation Provision for impairment Carrying amount Machinery and equipment Motor vehicles 460,575 64,158 (112,658) (21,647) - 347,917 42,511 Total 524,733 (134,305) - 390,428 Machinery and equipment Motor vehicles 478,955 71,836 (64,033) (18,994) - 414,922 52,842 Total 550,791 (83,027) - 467,764 31 December 2014 (c) Fixed assets leased out under operating leases As at 31 December 2015, the fixed assets with a carrying amount of RMB54,902 thousand and a cost of RMB135,666 thousand are leased out under operating leases (31 December 2014: a carrying amount of RMB73,015 thousand and a cost of RMB151,782 thousand). (17) Construction in progress 31 December 2015 Ending Provision for Carrying balance impairment amount Construction in progress10,140,825 (4,004) 10,136,821 65 31 December 2014 Ending Provision for Carrying balance impairment amount 6,708,132 (4,004) 6,704,128 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (17) Construction in progress (continued) (a) Movement of significant projects of construction in progress Project name Aonan #3 Land Office Building Xingfu New Office Building of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. Liutai Building of China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. Beijing CSCEC HongDa Building Reorganization and Expansion Project Chemical Equipment Factory Phase III of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. Headquarters Building of China Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd. Technology Centre Testing Building Reorganization and Expansion Project Western Manufacturing Base of China Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd. Shenyang huanggu thermal power Co., Ltd. – Bajiazi New Heat Source Project Headquarter Building of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. Others Sub-total Less: Provision for impairment Total (b) Budgeted amount 31 December Increase in 2014 current year Transfer to fixed assets Other decreases 31 December 2015 Proportion of Including: expenditure Cumulative borrowing costs incurred to capitalised capitalised in Capitalisation budgeted amount borrowing costs current year rate (%) Source of funds 3,434,160 2,566,675 234,875 - - 2,801,550 81.58 - - - Equity funds 1,600,000 - 1,401,458 - - 1,401,458 87.59 - - - Equity funds 2,559,200 - 1,338,063 - - 1,338,063 52.28 - - - Equity funds 620,000 532,079 50,295 - - 582,374 93.93 - - - Equity funds 648,355 400,274 216,506 - 523,188 95.13 - - - 950,000 158,563 328,680 - (3) 487,240 51.29 6,233 6,233 Equity funds Equity funds and loans 432,300 293,093 89,772 - - 382,865 88.56 - - - Equity funds 450,000 3,845 288,831 - - 292,676 65.04 - - - 364,176 114,672 140,251 188,587 70.00 19,822 7,919 Equity funds Equity funds and loans 180,936 - 180,936 180,936 99.99 - - 45 45 N/A (93,592) (62,495) - (3,841) - 2,638,931 6,708,132 (4,004) 2,071,872 6,341,539 - (2,412,948) (2,569,035) - (335,967) (339,811) - 1,961,888 10,140,825 (4,004) 6,704,128 6,341,539 (2,569,035) (339,811) 10,136,821 N/A 5.56 3.47 4.90 Equity funds Equity funds and loans As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the construction in progress that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 66 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (18) Intangible assets Land use rights Cost 31 December 2014 Increase in the current year Decrease in the current year 31 December 2015 Accumulated amortisation 31 December 2014 Increase in the current year Decrease in the current year 31 December 2015 Provision for impairment 31 December 2014 31 December 2015 Carrying amount 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 4,325,361 Franchise rights Software Others Total 5,514,764 275,207 301,585 10,416,917 193,229 (382,423) 4,136,167 30,420 5,545,184 91,480 (2,794) 15,196 (364) 330,325 (385,581) 363,893 316,417 10,361,661 (568,507) (412,070) (117,346) (74,533) (1,172,456) (92,303) 37,105 (144,691) - (46,370) 1,397 (22,526) 97 (305,890) 38,599 (623,705) (556,761) (162,319) (96,962) (1,439,747) (5,923) (8,887) 3,503,575 3,750,931 - - - 4,988,423 5,102,694 201,574 157,861 219,455 227,052 (5,923) (8,887) 8,913,027 9,238,538 In 2015, amortisation of intangible assets amounted to RMB295,637 thousand (2014: RMB265,013 thousand). As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, intangible assets that were pledged by the Group to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note 4(34)(a). 67 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (19) Goodwill 31 December Increase in Other movements 31 December 2014 current year (Note) 2015 Goodwill China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. Far East Global Group Ltd. Plaza Construction LLP CSCEC Zhong Huan Engineering Co., Ltd. China State Construction Built Port Group Co., Ltd. Jimsar County Tianyu Huaxin Cement Development Co., Ltd. Dezhou Haoyu Investment Co., Ltd. Hubei Civil Air Defense Construction Design Institute Others Sub-total 1,336,127 455,719 135,383 40,103 - 76,384 26,053 8,288 - 1,412,511 481,772 143,671 40,103 15,583 - - 15,583 14,601 13,142 - - 14,601 13,142 11,563 27,923 2,050,144 3,026 3,026 572 111,297 11,563 31,521 2,164,467 Less: Provision for impairment Total (27,743) 2,022,401 (10,096) (7,070) (580) 110,717 (38,419) 2,126,048 As at 31 December 2015, the goodwill of the Group mainly arose from acquisition of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. by the Company’ subsidiary China Overseas Holdings Limited, and from the acquisition of Far East Global Group Ltd. by the Company’ subsidiary China State Construction International Holdings Ltd.(“China State Construction International”). The goodwill of the Group is attributed to several identifiable cash-generating units. Where impairment assessment is conducted for goodwill, the Group assesses China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. and of Far East Global Group Ltd. separately as individual cash-generating unit. Recoverable amount of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. is determined by the fair value of stocks as issued in the open market net of expected transaction fees; recoverable amount of Far East Global Group Ltd. is determined by the fair value of stocks as issued in the open market net of expected transaction fees. Note: Other movements are mainly caused by change of foreign exchange rate in 2015. 68 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (20) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (a) Deferred tax assets without taking into consideration the offsetting of balances 31 December 2015 Deductible temporary differences and Deferred tax losses assets 31 December 2014 Deductible temporary differences and Deferred tax losses assets Provision for assets impairment Elimination of intra-group unrealised profit Accrued expenses Accrued liabilities Deductible losses Discounted long-term receivables Others 11,823,295 3,496,584 11,043,164 235,428 2,924,255 3,169,798 146,538 2,584,589 874,146 2,692,989 58,009 728,761 645,741 34,250 9,743,398 2,910,900 9,686,551 152,355 2,374,772 2,575,450 374,477 2,144,816 727,725 2,372,341 37,872 592,145 525,203 91,224 Total 32,839,062 7,618,485 27,817,903 6,491,326 Including: Expected to reverse within one year (inclusive) 3,356,145 2,741,891 Expected to be reverse after one year 4,262,340 3,749,435 Sub-total 7,618,485 6,491,326 69 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (20) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (Continued) (b) Deferred tax liabilities without taking into consideration the offsetting of balances 31 December 2015 Taxable temporary Deferred tax differences liabilities Depreciation of fixed assets Fair value adjustment of business combinations involving enterprises not under common control (Note 1) Changes in fair value of financial assets Gain from special restructuring of subsidiaries (Note 2) Withholding tax for dividends (Note 3) Revenue from project BT Others Total 31 December 2014 Taxable temporary Deferred tax differences liabilities 400,825 71,227 426,521 78,756 802,565 184,231 755,435 168,427 755,104 174,380 1,047,378 253,950 1,179,437 294,859 1,179,437 294,859 7,463,362 2,107,308 703,888 373,169 479,733 112,063 7,115,274 2,455,310 443,233 355,764 431,930 84,181 13,412,489 1,689,662 13,422,588 1,667,867 Including: Expected to be reverse within one year (inclusive) Expected to be reverse after one year 458,292 239,366 1,231,370 1,428,501 Sub-total 1,689,662 1,667,867 Note 1: Deferred tax liabilities are recognised due to assets value appreciation for subsidiaries acquired. Note 2: According to Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on Enterprise Income Tax Treatment of Enterprise Reorganization (Cai Shui [2009] No.59), deferred tax liabilities are recognised by the Company and other related subsidiaries for the difference between tax base and accounting base of equity investment arising from reorganization of West Construction. Note 3: According to the Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong Special Administrative Region over income taxes to avoid double taxation and tax evasion, signed between Mainland China and Hong Kong, withholding tax for dividends are provided, by domestic subsidiaries, domestic associates and domestic joint vetures of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd, for profit estimated to be distributed to China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. at the tax rate of 5%. 70 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (20) Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities (Continued) (c) Deductible temporary differences and deductible losses that are not recognised as deferred tax assets are analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 8,300,310 9,689,484 6,287,600 6,655,080 17,989,794 12,942,680 Deductible temporary differences Deductible losses Total (d) Deductible losses that are not recognised as deferred tax assets will expire in the following years: 31 December 2015 (e) 31 December 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 477,815 789,161 1,779,800 2,387,158 4,255,550 723,719 511,129 934,253 1,851,955 2,634,024 - Total 9,689,484 6,655,080 Net amounts of deferred assets and liabilities taking into consideration the offsetting of balances are set out as follows: Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities 31 December 2015 Offsetting Net amount after amount offsetting 31 December 2014 Offsetting Net amount after amount offsetting 481,144 481,144 470,119 470,119 7,137,341 1,208,518 71 6,021,207 1,197,748 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (21) Other non-current assets 31 December 2015 Prepayment of investment (Note) Prepayment of land Prepayment of purchase of long-term assets Others Total 31 December 2014 218,298 146,898 526,301 251,899 248,689 50,957 173,595 157,546 1,143,396 630,787 Note: Prepayment of investment mainly includes prepayment of equity acquisition of RMB128,000 thousand to CITIC Fulljoy (Dalian) Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. as made by the Company’s subsidiary China Construction First Building (Group) Corporation Limited. As at 31 December 2015, such equity acquisition is yet to be completed. (22) Provision for assets impairment 31 December 2014 Provision for bad debts Including: Provision for bad debts of accounts receivables Provision for bad debts of other receivables Provision for bad debts of long-term receivables Provision for decline in value of inventories Provision for impairment of fixed assets Provision for impairment of construction in progress Provision for impairment of investment properties Provision for impairment of long-term equity investments Provision for impairment of available-for-sale financial assets Provision for impairment of intangible assets Provision for impairment of goodwill Provision for impairment of other assets Total Increase in current year Decrease in current year Reversal Write-off Recycle and Other movement (10,866,443) (3,543,582) 1,240,508 22,300 (8,041,277) (2,773,716) 902,441 16,461 (2,218,728) (699,139) 235,084 5,350 (2,146) (2,679,579) (606,438) (70,727) 102,983 489 (370,600) (944,293) (4,376,290) (1,659,006) 232,400 - (39,287) (5,842,183) (56,541) (714) - - 930 (56,325) (3,954) 368,792 31 December 2015 (13,151,171) (9,527,299) (4,004) - - - - (4,004) (983) - - - - (983) (1,358) (236) - - - (1,594) (24,788) (15,583) - - 12 (40,359) - - (2,964) (8,887) - - (580) (38,419) - - 50 (95,061) 1,472,908 22,300 (5,923) (27,743) (95,111) (15,459,184) (10,096) (5,229,217) 72 (45,793) (19,238,986) CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (23) Short-term borrowings (a) Classification of short-term borrowings 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Unsecured Guaranteed Impawn 17,357,304 2,531,300 5,714,365 16,609,599 1,891,000 3,213,937 Total 25,602,969 21,714,536 As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the Group’s assets that were pledged to banks for borrowings are presented in detail in Note4 (34)(a). As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, there were no borrowings guaranteed by the parent company of the Company or other related parties. In 2015, the annual interest rate of short-term borrowings varied from 0.35% to 12.50% (2014: 0.35% to 10.10% ). (24) Notes payable 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Trade acceptance notes Bank acceptance notes 2,800,051 11,418,196 2,268,480 10,245,776 Total 14,218,247 12,514,256 73 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (25) Accounts payable (a) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Payables for projects and for real estate development Payables for purchase of materials Payables for services Rent payable Others 171,554,660 102,695,819 35,916,781 7,287,590 2,546,232 141,766,834 88,870,112 29,595,933 6,252,005 1,946,736 Total 320,001,082 268,431,620 As at 31 December 2015, accounts payable over 1 year with a carrying amount of RMB56,278,231 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB45,303,477 thousand) are mainly payables for projects, which are unsettled due to the fact that project have not completed nor settled. (26) Advances from customers 31 December 2015 Amount due to customers for contract work (Note 4(8)(d)) Advances for projects Pre-sales deposits (b) Others Total (a) 31 December 2014 26,322,416 29,744,094 54,929,904 3,523,098 22,825,149 23,282,484 57,289,687 2,947,256 114,519,512 106,344,576 As at 31 December 2015, advances from customers over 1 year with a carrying amount of RMB 7,459,247 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB9,007,699 thousand) are mainly advances for projects and properties pre-sold, which are unsettled due to the incompleteness of projects or the fact that delivery conditions of sale contract are not met for properties sold. 74 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (26) Advances from customers (Continued) (b) Pre-sales deposits Project name Jinan China Overseas Huashan Longcheng Project Zhuhai China Overseas Mingzuan Garden Guangzhou Jinyu Huating Foshan Cina Overseas Wanjin Xi'an The Nova, Hong Kong Wuhan CSCEC Nan Lake NO.1 Harbin China Overseas Yongjing Xi'an #1 Jinan CSCEC Changqing Lake Changsha CSCEC Mei Xi Lake Centre Zunyi CSCEC Xingfucheng Shenzhen Longhua shangtang Project Changchun China Overseas Ziyu Huafu Beijing China Overseas Jinxi Grand Hall Wuhan CSCEC Fudixingcheng Project 31 December 2015 31 December Estimated completion / Pre-sale 2014 completion date percentage (%) 7,414,582 3,485,772 1,707,145 1,433,024 1,374,313 1,291,190 1,249,545 1,195,259 1,162,404 1,110,497 1,434,137 1,147,498 1,016,108 958,656 2,278,817 667,276 138,349 796,908 668,619 154,312 546,590 527,252 1,386,490 231,246 Dec. 2016 Dec. 2016 Dec. 2016 Dec. 2015 Mar. 2016 Apr. 2017 Aug. 2016 Jun. 2022 Jun. 2018 Dec. 2016 Oct. 2016 Dec. 2016 Jun. 2017 Sep. 2016 79.62 76.52 29.65 86.21 44.95 35.00 100.00 50.00 42.00 21.29 90.06 40.96 100.00 25.00 Beijing China Overseas International City North Beijing China Overseas Changan Yayuan Ningbo China Overseass International Community 916,338 874,183 862,180 50,747 1,838,012 Jul. 2016 Jun. 2017 Dec. 2018 50.45 100.00 61.21 Beijing CSCEC International City South Project Suzhou Fenghuang Xi'an Project Foshan Deng Lake Huafu Suzhou Shuangwan Jinyuan Changsha Xinhe Town Residence Harbin China Overseass Huanyu Tianxia Wuhan Kaiyuan Grand Hall Tianjin Fuxing Jiuli Kunming Peninsula Huafu Foshan Jinshali Foshan China Overseas Jinyuan Shanghai Yuefu Phase I HongKong Pak Tai Street Changsha CSCEC Jiangshan No.1 Langfang Yulanhuafu Phase I CSCEC-Star of Yichang Project #A Land, Phase I Wuxi Haiyue Garden Shenyang Huanyu Tianxia Phase IV Shenyang Dingye Phase 2.1 819,559 779,561 768,217 738,214 734,749 715,731 696,550 648,006 641,872 635,194 613,255 602,205 598,063 596,251 556,496 535,324 524,192 487,518 457,617 2,975,296 12,382 882,277 94,586 486,904 31,253 590,543 19,701 224,953 - Dec. 2018 Dec. 2015 Jun. 2016 Dec. 2016 Dec. 2016 Oct. 2017 Nov. 2016 Jun. 2017 Apr. 2016 Sep. 2016 Dec. 2016 Jun. 2016 Feb. 2016 Dec. 2019 Dec. 2017 May. 2017 Jun. 2016 Jun. 2017 Dec. 2016 94.54 98.14 70.62 65.54 82.00 16.95 100.00 24.93 22.15 29.59 41.37 66.96 82.97 42.00 80.00 65.18 33.10 100.00 71.60 75 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (26) Advances from customers (Continued) (b) Pre-sales deposits (Continued) Project name CSCEC HuaFu Project, Da Ying Po, Guiyang Huinan Minle security housing Project Phase I , Pudong, Shanghai Zhengzhou China Overseas Jinyuan Chengdu CSCEC Xinhuafu Wuxi Taihu Xincheng Fenghuang Jingyuan Tanggu CSCEC Xingfu City Yantai International Community Phase I Upper Zone Taiyuan Yingze Qiaoxi Project Tianjin China Overseas Balitai Fuzhou China Overseas Huanyu Tianxia Phase I CSCEC Town in Fengrun District, Tangshan Number One Scholar House in Xiangyang CSCEC Others Total 31 December 2015 31 December Estimated completion / Pre-sale 2014 completion date percentage (%) 451,495 81,710 Dec. 2016 37.80 425,818 414,738 392,101 375,207 372,719 371,688 363,187 361,305 357,526 305,452 302,775 9,654,488 886,702 339,686 159,884 715,926 482,187 1,240,315 15,409 38,765,355 Dec. 2018 Jun. 2016 May 2016 Dec. 2019 Jun. 2018 Dec. 2019 Jul. 2017 Dec. 2015 Jun. 2017 Dec. 2018 Sep. 2016 67.00 55.93 34.56 43.90 96.40 49.06 16.43 25.81 50.74 23.00 86.92 54,929,904 57,289,687 76 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (27) Employee benefits payable (a) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Short-term employee benefits payable Defined contribution plans payable Termination benefits payable 5,618,049 180,176 69,250 3,929,592 244,711 54,288 Total 5,867,475 4,228,591 Short-term employee benefits Wages and salaries, bonuses, allowances and subsidies Staff welfare Social security contributions Including: Medical insurance Work injury insurance Maternity insurance Supplementary commercial insurance Housing funds Labor union funds and employee education funds Others Total (b) 31 December Increase in 2014 current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2015 3,286,752 33,114,498 485 2,277,067 67,059 1,468,103 54,460 1,265,218 6,928 109,325 5,671 93,560 (4,586) 72,400 112,976 1,896,931 (31,487,344) (2,273,878) (1,477,352) (1,270,718) (111,484) (95,150) (69,365) (1,903,611) 4,913,906 3,674 57,810 48,960 4,769 4,081 (1,551) 106,296 457,849 9,057 765,180 11,462 (693,820) (11,814) 529,209 8,705 3,929,592 39,605,641 (37,917,184) 5,618,049 31 December Increase in 2014 current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2015 Defined contribution plans payable Basic pensions Unemployment insurance Annuity 154,919 20,716 69,076 3,077,380 164,049 362,475 (3,094,112) (170,298) (404,029) 138,187 14,467 27,522 Total 244,711 3,603,904 (3,668,439) 180,176 77 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (27) Employee benefits payable (Continued) (c) Termination benefits payable 31 December 2015 Early retirement benefits payable (due within one year) (d) 69,250 31 December 2014 54,288 In 2015, the Group has no other termination benefits paid for termination of the employment relationship. (28) Taxes payable 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Business tax payable Land appreciation tax payable Enterprise income tax payable Value-added-tax payable Individual income tax payable City maintenance and construction tax payable Educational surcharge payable Others 13,421,466 9,812,155 13,096,392 274,885 444,489 932,919 490,415 771,882 12,162,955 10,427,269 11,564,236 432,465 445,304 861,201 456,672 589,127 Total 39,244,603 36,939,229 (29) Interest payable 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Interest of bonds Interest of borrowings 2,013,744 475,310 2,136,245 210,154 Total 2,489,054 2,346,399 78 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (30) Other payables (a) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Warranty payable Project financing payable Deposits payable Taxes withheld payable Construction incentive payable Incentive targets of the restricted shares payable Others 20,885,949 3,127,479 4,054,743 1,249,615 2,429,181 177,998 8,483,436 18,007,523 5,231,840 3,614,601 1,068,746 912,394 262,736 5,031,538 Total 40,408,401 34,129,378 As at 31 December 2015, other payables over 1 year with a carrying amount of RMB9,859,380 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB7,392,871 thousand) are mainly warranty payable and project financing payable, which were unsettled due to the incompleteness of projects. (31) Liabilities classified as held for sale 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Accounts payable Taxes payable Other payables Long-term borrowings - 821,899 450,958 56,698 4,538,389 Total - 5,867,944 For details, please refer to Note 4(9). 79 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (32) Current portion of non-current liabilities 31 December 2015 (a) 31 December 2014 Current portion of long-term borrowings (Note 4(34)) Current portion of long-term payables (Note 4(36)) Current portion of bonds payables (a) Current portion of deferred revenue 17,808,112 30,469,049 13,460,501 7,999,100 49,637 10,848,639 7,296,588 34,248 Total 39,317,350 48,648,524 Current portion of bonds payables 31 December 2014 Current year imbursement Transferred from bonds payables 31 December 2015 Second private targeted debt financing bonds in 2012 1,296,630 (1,296,630) - - First private targeted debt financing bonds in 2012 Third private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 2,999,958 (2,999,958) - - 1,500,000 (1,500,000) - Fourth private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 - 1,500,000 (1,500,000) - - 500,000 500,000 First private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 - - Second private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 - - 499,946 499,946 Fifth private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 - - 2,998,815 2,998,815 Fifth tranche of medium-term note in 2011 - - 4,000,339 4,000,339 7,999,100 7,999,100 Total 7,296,588 (7,296,588) As at 31 December 2015, details about current portion of bonds payables are as follows: Par value Fifth tranche of medium-term note in 2011 RMB4 billion Issuance date Maturity 19 July 2011 5 years Issuance amount RMB4 billion 18 March 2013 3 years RMB500 million 5.50% 9 August 2013 3 years 5.34% The Company 80 RMB3 billion 5.44% Issued by The Company China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. First private targeted debt financing tool in 2013 RMB500 million 23 January 2013 3 years RMB500 million Second private targeted debt financing tool in 2013 RMB500 million Fifth private targeted debt financing tool in 2013 RMB3 billion Annual interest rate 6.30% CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (33) Other current liabilities 31 December 2014 31 December 2015 (a) Short-term financing bonds (a) Accept money deposits(Note 9(5)(f)) Others 4,204,284 2,825,370 210,240 2,664,858 316,433 3,481 Total 7,239,894 2,984,772 Short-term financing bonds: 31 December 2014 First short-term financing bills in 2014 Issuance of current year Provision for interest at par Amortization of premium or discount Repayment of current year 31 December 2015 - 52,686 - - - (52,686) Second short-term financing bills in 2014 600,000 - - - (600,000) - Third short-term financing bills in 2014 450,000 - - - (450,000) - Fourth short-term financing bills in 2014 362,172 - - - (362,172) - Fifth short-term financing bills in 2014 500,000 - - - (500,000) - Sixth short-term financing bills in 2014 700,000 - - - (700,000) - First short-term financing bills in 2015 - 800,000 - - - 800,000 Second short-term financing bills in 2015 - 500,000 - - - 500,000 Third short-term financing bills in 2015 - 600,000 - - - 600,000 Fourth short-term financing bills in 2015 - 300,000 - - - 300,000 Fifth short-term financing bills in 2015 - 400,000 4,614 - - 404,614 Sixth short-term financing bills in 2015 - 500,000 - - - 500,000 Seventh short-term financing bills in 2015 - 399,670 - - - 399,670 Eighth short-term financing bills in 2015 - 700,000 - - - 700,000 2,664,858 4,199,670 4,614 - Total (2,664,858) 4,204,284 As at 31 December 2015, details about short-term financing bonds are as follows: Par value Issuance amount Annual interest rate(%) Issuance date Maturity Issued by 16 January 2015 365 days 14 April 2015 366 days RMB800 million RMB500 million 4.79 China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. 4.10 China Construction Installation Engineering Co.,Ltd. Second short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB800 million RMB500 million Third short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB600 million 21 May 2015 245 days RMB600 million Fourth short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB300 million 16 June 2015 366 days RMB300 million 4.33 China Construction Installation Engineering Co.,Ltd. Fifth short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB400 million 18 August 2015 366 days RMB400 million 3.94 CSCEC Strait Construction and Development Co., Ltd. Sixth short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB500 million 16 September 2015 366 days RMB500 million 3.83 West Construction First short-term financing bills in 2015 RMB400 Seventh short-term financing bills in 2015 million RMB700 Eighth short-term financing bills in 2015 million 13 October 2015 270 days 24 December 2015 366 days 81 RMB400 million RMB700 million 4.70 3.50 3.13 China Construction First Building (Group) Corporation Limited China Construction First Building (Group) Corporation Limited CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (34) Long-term borrowings 31 December 2015 Unsecured Guaranteed Impawn Pledged Less: current portion of long-term borrowings Including: Unsecured Guaranteed Impawn Pledged Total 31 December 2014 91,890,412 12,548,981 5,753,200 5,940,383 80,329,291 15,089,936 8,339,697 2,834,803 116,132,976 106,593,727 (14,793,931) (1,738,188) (662,800) (613,193) (26,450,999) (1,745,875) (2,123,975) (148,200) 98,324,864 76,124,678 As at 31 December 2015, no guaranteed borrowings were guaranteed by the Company’s parent or other related parties (31 December 2014: Nil). In 2015, the annual interest rate of long-term borrowings (including current portion of long-term borrowings) varied from 1.24% to 14.00% (2014: 1.31% to 14.00%). (a) Assets pledged and impawned to banks as a security for borrowings (including short-term borrowings and long-term borrowings) are analysed as below: Assets impawned to banks Assets pledged to banks Principal of borrowings 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 31 December 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 Cash at bank and on hand Notes receivable Accounts receivable Inventories Investment properties Fixed assets Intangible assets Construction in process Long-term receivables Total 30,000 1,532,233 4,090,375 2,794,588 3,328,200 432,290 6,554,012 2,909,806 199,000 8,537,747 2,076,230 12,062 490,600 46,916 - 10,218,988 831,216 175,940 420,000 - 129,000 1,299,105 3,866,261 4,570,200 963,558 37,297 2,230,000 19,327 3,328,200 432,290 5,957,569 4,095,240 209,800 105,538 2,330,000 199,000 11,775,396 10,095,108 11,163,555 11,646,144 16,442,948 13,329,437 Note: As at 31 December 2015, besides the borrowing obtained as above, the Group had a long-term borrowing of RMB545,000 thousand, for which the future earning rights of project BT’s special account for income were impawned to banks(31 December 2014: RMB729,000 thousand). Besides, the Group had a short-term borrowing of RMB420,000 thousand, for which the future earning rights of a project company were impawned to banks(31 December 2014: RMB330,000 thousand). 82 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (35) Bonds payables 31 December 2014 Third medium-term note in 2010 Issuance of current year Transferred to current Interest portion of non-current adjustment liabilities Others (Note) 31 December 2015 10,108,156 10,079,204 - 28,952 - - No. 4503 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2010 6,078,976 - 5,284 - 347,749 6,432,009 Fourth medium-term note in 2011 5,995,245 - 2,625 - - 5,997,870 Fifth medium-term note in 2011 No. 4533 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 Corporate bond in 2012 3,998,145 4,575,271 397,883 - 2,194 5,875 791 261,809 - 4,842,955 398,674 Guaranteed note in 2012 No. 4579 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 No. 4580 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 1,179,270 4,239,480 1,776,496 - 552 4,499 298 67,440 242,554 114,510 1,247,262 4,486,533 1,891,304 500,000 499,590 - 356 - - 174,852 3,235,354 - - First private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 Second private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 (4,000,339) (500,000) (499,946) No. 5916 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 3,052,888 - 7,614 Fifth private targeted debt financing bonds in 2013 2,996,428 - 2,387 609,484 - 408 - 34,860 644,752 3,037,597 - 5,221 - 173,877 3,216,695 USD100,000 thousand privately raised bonds of Agricultural Bank of China Hong Kong Branch in 2013 A-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 (2,998,815) B-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 3,033,697 - 2,268 - 173,528 3,209,493 C-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 3,029,021 - 377 - 173,179 3,202,577 First medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 200,000 - - - - 200,000 First medium-term note of China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 300,000 - - - - 300,000 First medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2014 First targeted medium-term note in 2014 400,000 2,995,905 - 1,076 - - 400,000 2,996,981 First medium-term note of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. in 2014 No. 5745 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 200,000 4,878,927 - 2,891 - 279,042 200,000 5,160,860 No. 5746 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 4,292,802 - (1,068) - 245,366 4,537,100 Second medium-term note of China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 892,813 - 1,261 - - 894,074 Second medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 800,000 - - - - 800,000 First medium-term note of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. in 2014 No. 6013 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 598,397 3,025,389 - 341 881 - 160,056 598,738 3,186,326 First private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 2,500,000 - - - - 2,500,000 Second medium-term note of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 1,000,000 - - - - 1,000,000 Second medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2014 400,000 - - - - 400,000 First medium-term note West Construction in 2014 598,649 - 675 - - 599,324 500,000 - - - - 500,000 504,096 - - - 499,386 899,110 - - - 899,288 Third medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 First private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 First medium-term note of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 83 (4,710) 178 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (35) Bonds payables (Continued) 31 December Issuance of 2014 current year First term of private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 First medium-term note in 2015 First medium-term note of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 First medium-term note of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 First medium-term note of China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd in 2015 No. 5544 guaranteed note of Ireland in 2015 Second medium-term note of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 Second medium-term note in 2015 Private guaranteed note in 2015 CSCEC FN N2011 First term of Corporate Bond of China Overseas Property Group Co., Ltd. in 2015 Second term of Corporate Bond of China Overseas Property Group Co., Ltd. in 2015 First medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2015 Total Interest adjustment Transferred to current portion of non-current liabilities Others (Note) 31 December 2015 - 500,000 (699) - - 499,301 - 3,000,000 (291) - - 2,999,709 - 100,000 (88) - - 99,912 - 100,000 - - - 100,000 - 500,000 4,028,254 4,532 - 170,278 500,000 4,203,064 - 1,600,000 2,000,000 2,673,321 3,183,163 (178) 960 1,372 - 126,132 - 1,600,000 1,999,822 2,800,413 3,184,535 - 7,000,000 - - - 7,000,000 - 1,000,000 - - - 1,000,000 - 600,000 - - - 600,000 80,064,763 26,284,738 76,834 (7,999,100) 2,745,232 101,172,467 Note: Others are mainly caused by change of foreign exchange rate in 2015. 84 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (35) Bonds payables (Continued) As at 31 December 2015, details about bonds are as follows: Par value Third medium-term note in 2010 Issuance date Maturity Issuance amount Annual interest rate (%) Issued by RMB10 billion 6 September 2010 10 years RMB10 billion 4.08 The Company No. 4503 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2010 USD1 billion 10 November 2010 10 years USD1 billion 5.50 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) II Limited Fourth medium-term note in 2011 RMB6 billion 7 March 2011 7 years RMB6 billion 5.65 The Company No. 4533 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 USD750 million 15 February 2012 5 years USD750 million 4.88 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) IV Limited Corporate bond in 2012 RMB400 million 15 March 2012 5 years RMB400 million 7.50 West Construction HKD1.5 billion 28 June 2012 10 years HKD1.5 billion 6.00 China Overseas Finance Investment (Cayman) II Limited No. 4579 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 USD700 million 15 November 2012 10 years USD700 million 3.95 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) V Limited 30 years USD300 million 5.35 5 years USD500 million 3.13 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) V Limited China State Construction Finance (Cayman) I Limited Guaranteed note in 2012 No. 4580 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2012 USD300 million 15 November 2012 No. 5916 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 USD500 million 2 April 2013 USD100,000 thousand privately raised bonds of Agricultural Bank of China Hong Kong Branch in 2013 USD100 million 20 August 2013 7 years USD100 million 4.05 China Overseas Finance Investment (Cayman) III Limited A-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 USD500 million 29 October 2013 5 years USD500 million 3.38 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) III Limited B-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 USD500 million 29 October 2013 10 years USD500 million 5.38 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) III Limited C-level guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2013 USD500 million 29 October 2013 30 years USD500 million 6.38 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) III Limited RMB200 million 14 February 2014 3 years RMB200 million 6.20 China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. 5 years RMB300 million 5.70 5 years 5 years RMB400 million RMB3 billion 6.40 5.70 5 May 2014 5 years RMB200 million 6.18 8 May 2014 5 years USD800 million 4.25 China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Overseas Finance (Cayman) VI Limited USD700 million 8 May 2014 10 years USD700 million 5.95 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) VI Limited RMB900 million 16 May 2014 5 years RMB900 million 5.72 China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. RMB800 million 21 May 2014 3 years RMB800 million 5.60 China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. RMB600 million 22 May 2014 5 years RMB600 million 5.98 China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. First medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 First medium-term note of China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 RMB300 million 27 February 2014 First medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2014 RMB400 million 21 April 2014 First targeted medium-term note in 2014 RMB3 billion 22 April 2014 First medium-term note of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. in 2014 RMB200 million No. 5745 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 USD800 million No. 5746 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 Second medium-term note of China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 Second medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 First medium-term note of China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. in 2014 85 China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited The Company CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (35) Bonds payables (Continued) As at 31 December 2015, details about bonds are as follows (Continued): Par value No. 6013 guaranteed note of Hong Kong in 2014 USD500 million First private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 RMB2.5 billion Issuance date Maturity Issuance amount 11 June 2014 20 years USD500 million Annual interest rate (%) Issued by 6.45 China Overseas Finance (Cayman) VI Limited China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. 9 July 2014 5 years RMB2.5 billion 6.30 Second medium-term note of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 Second medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2014 20 August 2014 5 years RMB1 billion 5.70 RMB400 million 16 September 2014 5 years RMB400 million 5.85 China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd. China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited First medium-term note of West Construction in 2014 RMB600 million 15 September 2014 3 years RMB600 million 6.00 West Construction Third medium-term note of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. in 2014 RMB500 million 19 September 2014 3 years RMB500 million 5.19 China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. 23 October 2014 3 years RMB500 million 5.80 China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. RMB900 million 8 December 2014 5 years RMB900 million 5.78 China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. First term of private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 RMB500 million 23 January 2015 3 years RMB500 million 5.60 China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. RMB1 billion First private targeted debt financing bonds of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 RMB500 million First medium-term note of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2014 First medium-term note in 2015 RMB3 billion 24 April 2015 5 years RMB3 billion 4.65 The Company First medium-term note of China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 RMB100 million 24 April 2015 5 years RMB100 million 5.48 China Construction Seventh Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. First medium-term note of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 RMB100 million 29 April 2015 5 years RMB100 million 5.24 China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. First medium-term note of China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd in 2015 RMB500 million 21 May 2015 3 years RMB500 million 4.38 China State Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd. No. 5544 guaranteed note of Ireland in 2015 EUR600 million 15 July 2015 4 years EUR600 million 1.75 China Overseas Land International (Cayman) Limited RMB1.6 billion 17 August 2015 5 years RMB1.6 billion 3.99 China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. RMB2 billion 5 November 2015 5 years RMB2 billion 3.69 The Company Private guaranteed note in 2015 EUR400 million 6 November 2015 4 years EUR400 million 1.70 China Overseas Land International II (Cayman) Limited CSCEC FN N2011 USD500 million 19 November 2015 5 years USD500 million 2.95 CSCEC Finance (Cayman) I Limited RMB7 billion 19 November 2015 6 years RMB7 billion 3.40 China Overseas Property Group Co. Ltd. 7 years RMB1 billion 3.85 5 years RMB600 million 3.68 Second medium-term note of China Construction Eighth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd. in 2015 Second medium-term note in 2015 First term of Corporate Bond of China Overseas Property Group Co. Ltd. in 2015 Second term of Corporate Bond of China Overseas Property Group Co. Ltd. in 2015 RMB1 billion 19 November 2015 First medium-term note of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited. in 2015 RMB600 million 21 December 2015 86 China Overseas Property Group Co. Ltd. China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (36) Long-term payables 31 December 2015 Project quality warranty payable Payables for finance leases Payables for minority interest financing Others Sub-total Less: current portion of long-term payables (a) Total (a) 31 December 2014 26,117,504 330,463 552,036 31,204 27,031,207 21,615,879 323,692 583,143 34,418 22,557,132 (13,460,501) (10,848,639) 13,570,706 11,708,493 Current portion of long-term payables Current portion of long-term payables mainly includes project quality warranty and payables for finance leases due within one year. (37) Deferred income 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Government grant Connection service income 339,836 551,880 275,658 515,228 Total 891,716 790,886 Government grant items Government compensation for demolition of Tangshan Fengrun District Linyin Road West Side land Government compensation for demolition of Guiyang Dayingpo Renovation Project Compensation for Tianjin Steel Structure Land Government compensation for dismantled Shandong Jianze Old Station Government compensation for demolition of Beijing Dawayao land Others Total Increase in 31 December current 2014 year 141,561 - - 82,966 35,844 1,198 20,739 Amount recognised in non-operating Other income in current changes in 31 December year current year 2015 (2,782) Related to assets /Related to income Related to assets - 138,779 - 82,966 (786) - 36,256 Related to assets Related to assets 1,021 (1,808) - 19,952 Related to assets 42,151 - (42,151) - - 35,363 35,328 (8,077) (731) 61,883 275,658 120,513 (55,604) (731) 339,836 - 87 Related to assets Related to assets and income CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (38) Long-term employee benefits payable 31 December 2015 (a) 31 December 2014 Supplementary retirement benefits payable (a) Termination Benefits payable(b) 2,126,688 136,489 2,164,875 164,124 Total 2,263,177 2,328,999 Supplementary retirement benefits payable The Company pays supplementary retirement benefits for its employees who retired on or before 31 March 2007 in addition to the contribution made to statutory insurance schemes. The supplementary retirement benefit is a type of defined benefit plan. The present value of defined plan liability is calculated annually by an independent actuary, Towers Watson consulting company, using projected unit credit method, which is based on the Treasury rate, similar as the duration and currency of the employee benefits liability. (i) The movement of the Group’s supplementary retirement benefits payable of the Group is as below: The present value of defined benefit plan liability 1 January 2015 2,164,875 Cost of defined benefit plan recognised in profit or loss for the current period —Cost of past service —Gains on settlement —Net interest Cost of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income —Losses on remeassurement of the defined benefit plan liability Other movement —Benefits paid 14,017 (20,640) 76,020 94,700 (202,284) 31 December 2015 2,126,688 88 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (38) Long-term employee benefits payable (Continued) (a) Supplementary retirement benefits payable (Continued) (i) The movement of supplementary retirement benefits payable of the Group is analysed as follows (Continued): The present value of defined benefit plan liability 1 January 2014 2,264,084 The effect of adopting the Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No. 9-Employee Benefits (149,500) The cost of defined benefit plan recognised in profit or loss for the current period —Cost of past service —Gains on settlement —Net interest The cost of defined benefit plan recognised in other comprehensive income —Losses on remeassurement of the defined benefit plan liability Other movement —Benefits paid 104,110 (203,458) 31 December 2014 (ii) 63,709 (50) 85,980 2,164,875 The actuarial assumptions used to determine the present value of defined benefit obligations are as follows: 31 December 2015 Discount rate Annual growth rate of living expenses for the family dependents of deceased employees Annual growth rate of average medical expenses Annual growth rate of supplementary welfare for retired employees Mortality rate 3.00% 3.75% 4.50% 4.50% 8.00% 8.00% 0.00% Move two years backward annuity life chart of China’s Life Insurance Industry (Year 2000-2003) 89 31 December 2014 0.00% Move two years backward annuity life chart of China’s Life Insurance Industry (Year 2000-2003) CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (38) Long-term employee benefits payable (Continued) (a) Supplementary retirement benefits payable (Continued) (iii) The actuarial assumption that significantly affects the Group’s defined benefit plans is discount rate, and its sensitivity analysis is as follows: Assumed fluctuation Discount rate Effect of present value of defined benefit obligations Assumed Assumed increase decrease 0.25% (43,800) 45,600 The above sensitivity analysis was based on that just one assumption changed while the other assumptions remained firm. However, assumptions are often interrelated. The above sensitivity analysis used the same projected unit credit method in calculating the present value of the defined benefit obligations. (iv) The weighted average duration of fair value of the Group’s supplementary retirement benefits payable is 8.4 year. The aging of undiscounted defined benefit plan is analysed as follows: Within one year Supplementary retirement benefits (v) 229,830 31 December 2015 Over one year 2,587,440 Total 2,817,270 Supplementary retirement benefits expose the Group to various risks, mainly including risk of changes in the interest rate of Treasury bonds, inflation risk, etc.. Decline in the interest rate of Treasury bonds will lead to an increase in defined benefit plan obligations; Supplementary retirement benefits obligations keep pace with inflation, the rise in inflation will increase the defined benefit plan obligations. 90 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (38) Long-term employee benefits payable (Continued) (b) (i) Termination Benefits payable Some of the Group’s employees early retired. At the balance sheet date, the main actuarial assumptions used to determine the Group’s early retirement benefits payable are as follows: 31 December 2015 Discount rate Annual growth rate of living expenses for the early retired employees Annual growth rate of average medical expenses Mortality rate (ii) 31 December 2014 2.75% 3.50% 4.50% 4.50% 8.00% Move two years backward annuity life chart of China’s Life Insurance Industry (Year 2000-2003) 8.00% Move two years backward annuity life chart of China’s Life Insurance Industry (Year 2000-2003) Early retirement benefits recognised in profit or loss for the current period 31 December 2015 General and administrative expenses Financial expenses 28,819 5,940 91 31 December 2014 14,641 8,370 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (39) Other non-current liabilities 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Exchangeable bonds in 2014 (Note 1) Prepaid investment of convertible bonds in 2015 (Note 2) Others 5,967,372 1,948,080 20,000 4,973,477 20,000 Total 7,935,452 4,993,477 Note 1: Related information regarding exchangeable bonds in 2014: The Company’s subsidiary China Overseas Finance Investment (Cayman) IV Limited (“the issuer”) publicly issued exchangeable bonds of USD750,000 thousand on Hong Kong Stock Exchange on 4 February 2014. The bonds are secured by China Overseas Holdings Limited, and maturity date is 4 February 2021. Related clauses are as follows: The bondholder is entitled to apply for redemption of bonds at 116.90% of par value on 4 August 2018; In cases of change of guarantor, or delisting or restricted trading of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. at Hong Kong Stock Exchange, bond holders have the right to require the issuer to redeem the bonds readily; Bond holder have the right to apply for redemption on maturity date at 127.49% of par value; During the exchange period from 1 January 2015 to 28 January 2021, bond holder have the right to exchange the bonds for ordinary shares of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd., the par value of which is HKD0.10, at the price of HKD33.10 per share; At any time point from 4 February 2018 to 7 work days before maturity date, if the stock price of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. during 15 trading days is higher than 130% of early redemption price set in the agreement divided by exchange rate, the issuer has the right to carry out exchange at full (not partial) amount, and should release notice in no more than 3 days after the exchange. Exchangeable bonds in 2014 was recognised as Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss in the first place and disclosed in other non-current liabilities. Note 2: Related information regarding prepaid investment of convertible bonds in 2015: As at 31 December 2015, the Group's subsidiary Strategic Capital, LLC ("the Issuer") has received the prepaid investment of USD300 million from Riton Holdings Corporation Limited ("the Holder"), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Guoxin International Investment Co., Ltd., under the framework agreement of convertible bonds ("convertible bonds in 2015"). As at 31 December 2015, related clauses regarding conversion terms under the framework agreement are not yet determined. 92 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (40) Paid-in capital Current year movement 31 December Issuance of Stock Transfer from 2014 new shares distribution capital surplus Others Sub-total Shares not subjected to trading restriction Shares subjected to trading restriction 29,853,220 - - - 47,340 47,340 146,780 - - - (47,340) (47,340) Total 30,000,000 - - - - - Current year movement 31 December Issuance of Stock Transfer from 2013 new shares distribution capital surplus Others 31 December 2015 29,900,560 99,440 30,000,000 Sub-total 31 December 2014 Shares not subjected to trading restriction Shares subjected to trading restriction 29,853,220 - - - - - 29,853,220 146,780 - - - - - 146,780 Total 30,000,000 - - - - - 30,000,000 93 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (41) Other equity instruments (a) Preference Share The Company acquired Approval on its non-public issue preference shares (Guozi Chanquan ([2014] No.436) from the SASAC of the State Council and Permission about its non-public issue preference shares (Zhengjian Approval[2014] No.1419) from China Securities Regulatory Commission on 10 June 2014 and 25 December 2014 respectively, which approved that the Company to non-publicly issue preference shares to qualified investor, with total shares no more than 300,000,000 and initial issued shares no less than 150,000,000, with the issue price per share of RMB100. During the period of 5 years commencing from the first value date of each tranche, the Company is entitled to redeem and cancel all or part of the preference shares of such tranche at the dividend payment date of such shares each year. The holders have no redemption right to sell them back to the Company. Unless the mandatory interest payment events whose occurrence can be decided by the Company itself incurred, the Company's meeting of shareholders is empowered to decide to cancel all or part of dividends of preference shares, which will not constitute a default by the Company, and the dividends of preference shares issued at the time will not be accumulated. The Company received an actual amount of RMB14,975,410 thousand after deducting related transaction expenses from the total amount collected by initial issuance of 150,000,000 preference shares on 2 March 2015, and classified such amount as other equity instruments. The dividends of preference shares the Company decided to pay will be paid annually. Dividend payment date is the day of 1 year commencing from the payment deadline for the issuance of preference shares, while the dividend payment date for the initially issued preference shares is 2 March. If such date is a legal holiday or non-working day, it will be postponed to the next working day, and dividends payable will not bear interest during the postponement. Preference shares issued at the time are at fixed dividend rate attached with one-time rate raise arrangement as follows. Nominal dividend rate of the initially issued preference shares is determined to be and kept at 5.80% for the 1st to 5th dividend accrual years through enquiry method. From the 6th dividend accrual year, if the Company does not exercise all of the rights of redemption, dividend rate per share will be 2 percentage points higher than that of the1st to 5th dividend accrual years, and will remain the same after the adjustment in the 6th dividend accrual year. The mandatory interest payment events stated before comprise one of circumstances below which occur 12 months before dividend payment date: (1) Distribution of dividends to ordinary shareholders (including cash, shares, the combination of cash and shares and other legitimate patterns);(2) Capital withdrawal by shareholders (except for the redemption and cancellation of shares incurred by equity incentive plan, or the redemption and cancellation of ordinary shares by issuance of preference shares). As at 31 December 2015, the outstanding preference shares of the Company have a carrying amount of RMB14,975,410 thousand. 94 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (41) Other equity instruments (Continued) (b) Perpetual Bond On 4 September 2014, the Company issued second medium-term note of which the value day was 5 September 2014, and it can be redeemed by the Company in 2019 and thereafter. The total amount was RMB2,000,000 thousand, and the actual amount received was RMB1,996,770 thousand after deduction of related transaction expenses such as underwriting fees. According to the clauses of the medium-term note (the “Clauses”), the term of the medium-term note will be indefinite unless the Company redeemed the note under the Clauses. At the fifth and each interest payment date thereafter, the Company will be entitled to redeem the medium-term note at par value plus interest payable (including all deferred interest and accrued interest) (the “Right of redemption”). The holders of the medium-term note have no redemption right to sell it back to the Company. At each interest payment date the Company can at its own discretion choose to postpone payment of the interest for current-period as well as interest deferred in accordance with the Clauses to the next interest payment date unless the mandatory interest payment events whose occurrence can be decided by the Company itself incurred. The Company classified the actual amount received as other equity instruments. The nominal interest rate of the medium-term notes will be fixed in the first 5 years with annual interest rate of 6.2%. The annual interest rate will be reset to the current benchmark interest rate plus initial interest-rate spread (i.e. the variance between nominal interest rate and benchmark interest rate at the issue date) and 200 basis points every 5 years from the sixth interest-bearing year, if the Company did not exercise the Right of redemption. The mandatory interest payment events stated before comprise one of circumstances below which occur 12 months before dividend payment date:(1) Distribution of dividends to ordinary shareholders; (2) Capital withdrawal by shareholders (except for the redemption and cancellation of shares incurred by incentive plan, or the redemption and cancellation of ordinary shares by issuance of preference shares). As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the outstanding perpetual bonds of the Company have a carrying amount of RMB1,996,770 thousand. 95 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (42) Capital surplus Item 31 December 2014 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2015 (5,322,998) 22,582,614 Share premium (Note 1) Other capital surplusShare of changes in equity other than comprehensive income and profit distribution of investees under the equity method Transfer of capital surplus recognised under the previous accounting system Others 27,762,998 142,614 356,357 - 203,342 357,740 90,002 (63,990) 203,342 383,752 Total 28,680,437 232,616 (5,386,988) 23,526,065 31 December 2013 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2014 (701,720) 27,762,998 Item - 356,357 Share premium (Note 2) Other capital surplusShare of changes in equity other than comprehensive income and profit distribution of investees under the equity method Transfer of capital surplus recognised under the previous accounting system Others 28,459,631 5,087 356,357 - 203,342 295,956 62,174 (390) 203,342 357,740 Total 29,315,286 67,261 (702,110) 28,680,437 96 - 356,357 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (42) Capital surplus (Continued) Note1: As at 20 March 2015, undertaking the matters in the Announcement on the plan of adaption of the operation mode of directly - operating real estate business and the Announcement on signing entrust management agreement related to the adaption of the directly- operating real estate business dated on 6 August 2013 and 30 January 2014 respectively, the Company’s Board of Directors agreed the resolution regarding the adaption of the directly - operating real estate business which authorised China Overseas Holdings Limited to sell its directly - operating real estate business and related assets (the “Target real estate business”) to China Overseas Land &Investment Ltd. at a transfer consideration of approximately RMB1.8 billion. After the purchase, the Target real estate business would still bear the obligation to the Company of approximately RMB32 billion, and the total amount is approximately RMB33.8 billion. On 24 March 2015, the Company’s Board of Directors passed are resolution which authorised China Overseas Holdings Limited to subscribe approximately 1,687 million shares newly issued by China Overseas Land &Investment Ltd. at a price of HKD25.38 per share with total amount not exceeding RMB33.8 billion to fund the purchase of the Target real estate business and its operation after the purchase. On 7 May 2015, China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. paid a consideration of approximately RMB1.8 billion and thus completed the purchase of the Target real estate business. Meanwhile, on 18 May 2015, China Overseas Holdings Limited paid an equity subscription payment of approximately RMB33.8 billion and thus completed the subscription of the newly issued shares of China Overseas Land& Investment Ltd. After the subscription, the number of shares held by China Overseas Holdings Limited in China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. increased from 4,346,517,308 to 6,033,123,183 which stands for 61.18% shares of China Overseas Land& Investment Ltd. The above matters resulted in a decreased in the Groups' share of net assets of the Target real estate business and an increase in the Group's share of net assets of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd., leading to a decrease of RMB5,322,998 thousand in the capital surplus. Note2: In 2014, a subsidiary of China Oversea Holdings, China Overseas Finance Investment (Cayman) Limited paid in cash with aggregate amount of approximately US$729 million to repurchase US$500 million exchangeable bonds which is issued on 14 May 2007, and paid approximately US$1.24 million for the transaction fee. The total amount of payment for the repurchase and the transaction fee was allocated to equity and liability components using the same allocation method as used when the exchangeable bonds issued. Therefore, the allocated amount of equity component is about RMB614 million, wrote down the equity component accounted for in reserves when the exchangeable bonds issued about RMB594 million, and then wrote down the distributed profits about RMB20 million. 97 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (43) Other comprehensive income Other comprehensive income in Balance Sheet Other comprehensive income in 2015 Income Statement Less: Reclassification Attributable to Attributable to equity current year of previous other equity holders of 31 December holders of the Company 31 December accrual before comprehensive income Less: Income tax the Company 2014 after income tax 2015 income tax to profit or loss expenses after income tax Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss The changes of net obligation arising from remeasurement of defined benefit plan Attributable to non-controlling interests after income tax 51,133 (94,589) (43,456) (94,700) - - (94,589) (111) 276,072 (519,364) (243,292) (871,801) - - (519,364) (352,437) 539,041 (60,970) 478,071 (82,316) 22,210 (60,970) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Share of the other comprehensive income of the investee accounted for using equity method which will be reclassified subsequently to profit and loss Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets Differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements 1,447,782 27,896 1,475,678 637,586 Total 2,314,028 (647,027) 1,667,001 (411,231) 98 (51) - (51) - 22,210 813 27,896 609,690 (647,027) 257,955 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (43) Other comprehensive income (Continued) Other comprehensive income in Balance Sheet Attributable to equity 31 December holders of the Company 31 December 2013 after income tax 2014 Other comprehensive income items which will not be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss The changes of net obligation arising from remeasurement of defined benefit plan Other comprehensive income in 2014 Income Statement Less: Reclassification of Attributable to current year previous other equity holders of accrual before comprehensive income Less: Income tax the Company income tax to profit or loss expenses after income tax Attributable to non-controlling interests after income tax - 51,133 51,133 50,780 - - 51,133 (353) 234,248 41,824 276,072 15,072 - - 41,824 (26,752) Other comprehensive income items which will be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss Share of the other comprehensive income of the investee accounted for using equity method which will be reclassified subsequently to profit and loss Gains or losses arising from changes in fair value of available-for-sale financial assets Differences arising from translation of foreign currency financial statements 109,533 429,508 539,041 582,040 593,373 854,409 1,447,782 863,305 Total 937,154 1,376,874 2,314,028 1,511,197 99 (7,854) - (7,854) (143,969) - (143,969) 429,508 709 854,409 8,896 1,376,874 (17,500) CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (44) Special reserve Item Reserve for safety in production Item Reserve for safety in production 31 December 2014 22,494 31 December 2013 32,366 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 13,145,769 (13,143,528) Increase in current year Decrease in current year 12,313,841 (12,323,713) Increase in current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2015 24,735 31 December 2014 22,494 (45) Surplus reserve Item 31 December 2014 31 December 2015 Statutory surplus reserve Others 2,169,239 (539) 751,306 - - 2,920,545 (539) Total 2,168,700 751,306 - 2,920,006 Item 31 December 2013 Increase in current year Decrease in current year 31 December 2014 Statutory surplus reserve Others 1,553,720 - 615,519 - (539) 2,169,239 (539) Total 1,553,720 615,519 (539) 2,168,700 In accordance with the Company Law and the Company’s Articles of Association, the Company should appropriate 10% of net profit for the year to the statutory surplus reserve, and the Company can cease appropriation when the statutory surplus reserve accumulated to more than 50% of the registered capital. The Company appropriated 10% of net profit, amounting to RMB751,306 thousand for the year 2015 (2014: RMB615,519 thousand) to the statutory surplus reserve. 100 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (46) Undistributed profits 2015 2014 Note Undistributed profits at the beginning of the year Add: net profit attributable to the Company for the current year Less:Appropriation for statutory surplus reserve Appropriation to general reserve (a) Ordinary share dividends payable (b) Dividends payable to other equity holders (c) Others 73,752,867 26,061,898 (751,306) (77,463) (5,160,000) (994,000) (126,216) 56,178,067 22,569,967 (615,519) (64,000) (4,290,000) (25,648) Undistributed profits at the end of the year 92,705,780 73,752,867 (a) In accordance with the requirements of the Administrative Measures for the Provision of Reserves of Financial Enterprises (Cai Jin [2012] No.20), financial institutions (including financial companies) shall provide general risk reserve for assets bearing risks and losses at the balance sheet date. The general reserve shall be appropriated from net profit as profit distribution with an appropriation ratio not lower than 1.5% of risk assets at end of year. If it’s difficult for financial institutions to appropriate 1.5% general reserve at one time, it can also be made in years but principally not more than 5 years. In 2015, the general reserve provided by the Group’s subsidiary China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. was RMB96,829 thousand (2014: RMB80,000 thousand), of which RMB77,463 thousand is attributable to the Company (2014: RMB64,000 thousand). China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. plans to fully provide general risk reserve on 31 December 2016. (b) According to the resolution at the meeting of shareholders dated 15 May 2015, the Company proposed a cash dividend of RMB0.172 (before tax) per share to the shareholders on 16 June 2015, amounting to RMB5.16 billion (2014: RMB4.29 billion) calculated by 30 billion shares issued. (c) As stated in Note 4(41), the payment of 2014 cash dividend by the Company to ordinary shareholders on 16 June 2015 was one of the mandatory interest payment events prescribed in the clauses of preference share and perpetual bond, which triggered that the Company has to pay related dividends on upcoming dividend payment date of preference share (2 March 2016) and of perpetual bond (5 September 2015) respectively, so the Company made a provision for preference share dividend of RMB870,000 thousand and a provision for perpetual bond dividend of RMB124,000 thousand( RMB994,000 thousand in total) this year. (d) According to the resolution at the Board of Directors’ meeting dated on 18 April 2016, the Board of Directors proposed a cash dividend in the amount of RMB 2.00/10 shares (before tax) to shareholders, amounting to RMB6 billion calculated by issued shares by 31 December 2015. The proposal is to be approved by the meeting of shareholders, thus was not recognised as liability in the financial statements (Note 12(1)). 101 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (47) Revenue and cost of sales 2015 2014 Revenue from main operations 878,651,314 799,051,914 Revenue from other operations 1,925,820 976,839 880,577,134 800,028,753 Total 2015 2014 Cost of sales from main operations 769,529,611 698,712,765 Cost of sales from other operations 1,509,159 651,235 771,038,770 699,364,000 Total (a) Please refer to Note 8 for details of analysis of the Group’s revenue and cost of sales by industry and region. (b) Revenue and cost of sales from other operations 2015 Revenue from Cost of sales from other operations other operations Sale of raw materials Leasing Leasing and sale of Investment properties Others Total 2014 Revenue from Cost of sales from other operations other operations 469,933 310,959 395,998 234,519 256,349 155,571 172,932 112,028 872,547 272,381 646,890 231,752 185,713 379,206 117,235 249,040 1,925,820 1,509,159 976,839 651,235 102 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (48) Taxes and surcharges 2015 2014 Tax base Business tax Land appreciation tax City maintenance and construction tax Educational surcharge Others 23,334,646 5,426,639 1,512,036 878,846 809,473 21,221,982 6,549,800 1,421,024 841,486 857,539 3% or 5% 30%~60% 5% or 7% 3% N/A Total 31,961,640 30,891,831 (49) Selling expenses Advertising and communication fees Operating expenses Employee benefits Others Total 2015 2014 727,546 717,415 674,339 251,007 742,608 694,202 469,736 192,280 2,370,307 2,098,826 (50) General and administrative expenses 2015 2014 Employee benefits Office and travelling expenses Lease expenses Depreciation and amortisation Service fees of specialist agency Taxes Others 11,280,639 1,793,979 910,426 726,987 392,869 293,464 1,787,969 9,695,459 1,948,498 936,548 688,757 403,916 363,674 1,568,921 Total 17,186,333 15,605,773 103 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (51) Financial expenses -net 2015 2014 Interest cost Less: Interest cost capitalised 14,298,165 (6,130,115) 13,221,103 (5,878,463) Net interest cost Less: Interest income Commission charges Exchange gains or losses Discounted long-term receivables/payables and others 8,168,050 (2,011,201) 567,872 1,047,115 654,030 7,342,640 (1,763,444) 411,889 111,116 1,327,196 8,425,866 7,429,397 Total (52) Expenses by nature The cost of sales, selling expenses, and general and administrative expenses in the income statements are listed by nature as follows: 2015 2014 Changes in inventories of finished goods and work in progress Subcontracting cost Consumed raw materials Other construction cost Employee benefits Cost of sales from other products Depreciation and amortization expenses Others 95,125,845 277,078,056 195,323,770 159,254,689 39,699,637 10,792,362 6,450,956 6,870,095 81,734,267 234,834,168 209,129,847 137,252,956 32,501,153 9,281,836 5,490,661 6,843,711 Total 790,595,410 717,068,599 104 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (53) Losses arsing from changes in fair value 2015 2014 Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Financial liabilities at fair value through profit or loss (53,622) 661,203 (217,063) 439,183 Total 607,581 222,120 (54) Investment income 2015 Income from long-term equity investment under equity method 1,558,615 1,506,953 3,667 307,712 - 290,687 165,002 199,248 84,318 - 43,541 16,421 1,855,143 2,321,021 Income from disposal of long-term equity investment Revenue from revaluation of remaining equity of partial disposal of subsidiaries Income earned during the holding of available-for-sale financial assets, etc. Income from disposal of financial assets at fair value through profit or losee Others Total 2014 There is no significant restriction on recovery of investment income. (55) Asset impairment losses 2015 2014 Impairment loss on bad debts Impairment loss on decline in the values of inventories Other asset impairment losses 2,303,074 1,426,606 26,629 1,949,304 2,492,834 82,125 Total 3,756,309 4,524,263 105 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (56) Non-operating income 2015 2014 Amount recognised in non-recurring profit or loss in 2015 Gains on disposal of non-current assets Including: Gains on disposal of fixed assets Gains on disposal of intangible assets Government grant (a) Others 170,680 258,030 170,680 147,910 238,881 147,910 22,770 266,084 427,940 19,149 398,185 616,191 22,770 266,084 427,940 Total 864,704 1,272,406 864,704 Government grants are mainly tax returns, supporting funds to company, scientific research project funding, etc.. (a) Details of government grants 2015 2014 Related to assets /Related to income 42,151 - related to assets 23,772 - related to income 14,300 - related to income 10,248 3,021 related to income 9,443 - related to income 8,220 5,510 Others 157,950 389,654 related to income related to assets and income Total 266,084 398,185 Government compensation for demolition of China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited Refund of costs for acquiring the land use rights of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd Refund of costs for acquiring the land use rights of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Financial refund allocated by government of China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd Government compensation for demolition of China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd Tax refund for China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited 106 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (57) Non-operating expenses Amount recognised in non-recurring profit or loss in 2015 2015 2014 Losses on disposal of non-current assets Including: losses on disposal of fixed assets Losses on disposal of intangible assets Penalty cost Others 27,164 27,164 22,979 203,243 44,296 42,952 1,344 17,921 87,652 27,164 27,164 22,979 203,243 Total 253,386 149,869 253,386 (58) Income tax expenses 2015 2014 Current income tax calculated based on tax law and related regulations Deferred income tax 12,825,461 (1,071,480) 11,821,508 (1,662,221) Total 11,753,981 10,159,287 The reconciliation from income tax calculated based on the applicable tax rates and total profit presented in the consolidated financial statements to the income tax expenses is as follows: 2015 2014 Total profit 47,696,789 43,336,101 Income tax expenses calculated at applicable tax rates (25%) Effect of differences of subsidiary’s tax rates Income not subjected to tax Weighted deduction of expenditure on research Costs, expenses and losses not deductible for tax purposes Deductible losses for which no deferred tax asset was recognised in current year Utilization of deductible losses for which no deferred tax assets was recognized in previous years Deductible temporary differences for which no deferred tax asset was recognised in current year Deductible temporary differences resulting from resersal or recognition of previously unrecognized deferred tax aseets in current year Taxable temporary differences for which no deferred tax liability was recognised in current year Adjustment of previous tax expenses 11,924,197 (1,008,314) (692,213) (110,784) 546,456 10,834,025 (855,888) (846,147) (101,268) 618,416 Tax expenses 11,753,981 107 1,063,888 658,506 (229,459) (222,811) 770,438 694,377 (297,040) (159,512) (7,532) (205,656) (22) (460,389) 10,159,287 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (59) Share-based payment (a) Share-based payment of the Company (1) In accordance with the resolution of China State Construction Engineering Corp., Ltd.’s Restricted Shares Incentive Plan Revised Draft (A share) (“Incentive Plan”) approved on 31 May 2013 by the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders, the Company granted the restricted shares incentive to 686 targets (“Incentive Targets”). From 6 June 2013 to 25 June 2013, the Company completed the repurchase of 146,780,000 shares (the first batch of Restricted Shares) in total from secondary market and completed the granting to the incentive targets on 28 June 2013 (“grant day”) with a granting price of RMB3.58 per share and a valid period of 4 years, including a lock-up period of 2 years and a lock-out period of 2 years. The Incentive Targets’ purchase price is 50% of the granting price namely RMB1.79 per share. If the unlock condition of the restricted shares prescribed by the plan is met, the incentive targets can in turn to unlock the upper limit of shares to be 33.33%, 33.33% and 33.33% of the number of granted shares in current period on 28 June 2015 (the first batch), 28 June 2016 (the second batch) and 28 June 2017 (the third batch) respectively. (2) Increase/decrease of restricted shares in the reporting period 2015 Number of restricted shares at the beginning of the year Number of restricted shares granted in current year Number of restricted shares unlocked in current year Number of restricted shares forfeited in current year Number of restricted shares at the end of the year 146,780,000 (47,339,794) (4,740,000) 94,700,206 On 28 June 2015, the 2-year lock-up period of the first batch of Restricted Shares expired and met the time requirement of the lock-out period for the first batch of Restricted Shares. According to the performance and situation of the Company in 2014 and the personnel condition and assessment results of the Incentive Targets, the unlocked restricted shares met the conditions as required by the Incentive Plan amounted to 47,339,794 shares. Meanwhile, the restricted shares which should be repurchased totalling 4,740,000 shares, for all of the first batch of Restricted Shares granted of the 22 Incentive Targets should be repurchased due to their resignation; 20% of the first batch of Restricted Shares granted of 1 Incentive Target should be repurchased due to the assessment result. The Company would repurchase the above Incentive Targets' shares at the price of RMB1.79 per share. Such repurchased restricted shares will be used for the Company's subsequent Incentive Plan, otherwise they will be written off according to relevant regulations. The unlocked first batch of Restricted Shares amounting to 47,339,794 shares has been approved for trading and circulation on 10 July 2015. 108 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (59) Share-based payment (Continued) (a) Share-based payment of the Company (Continued) (3) The market price of the first batch of Restricted Shares was RMB3.27 per share at the grant date, and the price paid by the incentive targets was RMB1.79 per share, based on which and considering the influence from gain restrictive, the fair value of the first batch of Restricted Shares was determined to be RMB1.2155 per share at the grant date. (4) the impact on the Company’s financial position and operating results from restricted shares is as follows: 2015 2014 45,539 62,174 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 139,926 94,387 Total expenses recognised in equity-settled share-based payment Accumulated amount of equity-settled share-based payment in capital surplus (b) Share-based payment of China State Construction International Based on the resolution approved on 9 June 2005, the share-based payment plan of China State Construction International provided rewards to the directors, qualified employees and senior staff, which could be suspended by the resolution of the meeting of shareholders. According to the plan, the Board of Directors of China State Construction International might grant options to qualified people. China State Construction International granted 49,200,000 options on 14 September 2005, at the exercise price of HKD1.03. As at 31 December 2015, the incentive plan was expired, and no granted option was not exercised (31 December 2014: 52,179,607 shares). The fair value of the equity tools of such plan was determined using Black-Scholes model. In 2015, the waiting period, during which employees rendered services for options granted, has ended and options were able to be vested, thus no relevant expenses have been recognised in income statement of the period (2014: Nil). 109 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (60) Earnings per share (a) Basic earnings per share Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company by the weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding: 2015 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company Less: The effect of other equity instruments dividends (Note 1) The effect of restricted shares (Note 2) Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding (in units of 1000 shares) (Note 3) Basic earnings per share 26,061,898 2014 (Restated) 22,569,967 (994,000) (40,088) (79,131) (110,231) 24,988,767 22,419,648 29,876,890 29,853,220 0.84 0.75 Note 1: In accordance with the relevant clauses and regulations of preference shares and perpetual bonds stated in Note 4(41), the accrued dividends of preference shares amounting to RMB870 million in 2015 and dividends yielded by perpetual bonds amounting to RMB124 million in 2015 were deducted from net profit attributable to shareholders of the Company while calculating the basic earnings per share for the year 2015. Note 2: As stated in Note 4(59)(a), the Company has completed the granting of restricted shares to the incentive targets in accordance with incentive plans on 28 June 2013. In accordance with the relevant stipulations in Explanation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.7 issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2015, the Company deducted net profits attributable to restricted shares, which expected to be unlocked in the future from net profits attributable to shareholders of the Company, and made retrospective adjustments of basic earnings per share in previous years while calculating the basic earnings per share. The net profits attributable to restricted shares which expected to be unlocked in the future was RMB80 million and RMB110 million in 2015 and 2014 respectively. Note 3: As stated in Note 4(59)(a), the Company had completed the granting of restricted shares to the incentive targets in accordance with incentive plans on 28 June 2013. In accordance with the regulations of the incentive plans, whether the unlocked shares granted could be listed and circulated depended on that whether the restricted shares met the unlocking conditions at the unlocking date. Therefore, the impacted amount of the restricted shares not yet meeting the unlocking conditions and those invalid restricted shares that proposed to be repurchased were deducted from weighted average number of outstanding ordinary shares when calculating the basic earnings per share. 110 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (60) Earnings per share (Continued) (b) Diluted earnings per share In 2015, the restricted shares outstanding have dilutive effects on weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding, and relevant calculation results are as follows: 2015 2014 (Restated) Consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company used for calculating diluted earnings per share (Note) 25,067,898 22,354,288 Weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding used for calculating diluted earnings per share (in units of 1000 shares) (Note) 29,971,011 29,853,220 0.83 0.75 Diluted earnings per share Note: As stated in Note 4(59)(a), the Company completed the granting of restricted shares to the incentive targets in accordance with incentive plans on 28 June 2013. In accordance with the relevant stipulations in Explanation of Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.7 issued by the Ministry of Finance in 2015, the restricted shares which still locked on balance sheet date were treated as unlocked at the beginning of period when calculating the diluted earnings per share, and dilution of restricted shares should be considered in accordance with the relevant stipulations about share option in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.34-Earings Per Share. The vest price of restricted shares is incentive targets’ purchase price plus the fair value of unreceived employee services determined in accordance with the relevant stipulations in Accounting Standards for Business Enterprises No.11- Share-Based Payment on balance sheet date. Meanwhile, the deducted net profits attributable to restricted shares which expected to be unlocked in the future while calculating basic earnings per share has been added back. Retrospective adjustments have also been made to diluted earnings per share in 2014. 111 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (61) Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement (a) Cash received relating to other operating activities Interest income Deposits and warrant received and returned by third party Accept money deposits by China State Construction Finance Co.,Ltd. Others Total (b) 2014 1,532,806 4,560,333 968,888 7,556,855 2,508,937 1,452,312 316,433 774,314 10,054,388 9,616,490 2015 2014 860,143 4,065,331 2,042,210 5,758,543 1,000,000 4,716,076 3,639,896 10,641,550 11,440,649 2015 2014 Cash paid relating to other operating activities Restricted cash Deposits and warrant paid and refunded to third party Designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss by China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. Others Total (c) 2015 Cash received relating to other investing activities Entrusted loan Repayment of loan from related parties Others Total 112 580,767 2,225,403 1,144,042 2,820,044 743,269 465,644 2,468,078 5,511,091 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (61) Notes to the consolidated cash flow statement (continued) (d) (e) Cash paid relating to other investing activities 2015 2014 Entrusted loan Loan to related parties 1,143,190 1,658,019 1,323,490 1,518,426 The fixed deposits matured after three months Others 412,000 1,518,979 300,000 528,006 Total 4,732,188 3,669,922 2015 2014 Received from project financing 1,441,855 447,925 Prepaid investment payment of convertible bond 1,642,130 305,950 100,243 - 3,184,228 753,875 2015 2014 Repayment of project loan 652,598 6,062,610 Lease fee for fixed assets held under finance leases 121,176 291,777 Total 773,774 6,354,387 Cash received relating to other financing activities Sale-leaseback of fixed asstes Total (f) Cash paid relating to other financing activities 113 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (62) Supplementary information to the consolidate cash flow statement (a) Reconciliation from net profit to cash flows from operating activities Net profit Add: Asset impairment losses Depreciation of fixed assets Depreciation of investment properties Amortisation of intangible assets Amortisation of long-term prepaid expenses Profit from disposal of fixed assets, intangible assets and other long-term assets Financial expenses Losses on changes in fair value Investment income Increase in deferred tax assets increase/ (Decrease) in deferred tax liabilities Increase/ (Decrease) in inventories Increase in restricted cash Increase in operating receivables Increase in operating payables Others Net cash flows from operating activities (b) 2015 2014 35,942,808 3,756,309 5,155,938 601,757 295,637 397,624 33,176,814 4,524,263 4,477,790 401,374 265,013 346,484 (223,785) 9,391,893 607,581 (1,855,143) (1,183,348) 111,868 5,023,633 (860,143) (93,542,419) 91,172,072 (188,641) (213,734) 7,977,923 222,120 (2,321,021) (1,326,150) (336,071) (29,466,146) (2,042,210) (69,008,311) 78,324,578 (96,375) 54,603,641 24,906,341 Cash and cash equivalents 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Cash and cash equivalents Including: Cash on hand Cash at bank that can be readily drawn on demand Other monetary fund that can be readily drawn on demand Cash at bank that classified as held for sale Recoursable financial asets acquired (Note 4(6)) 209,143,693 109,197 145,118,441 106,166 205,170,408 143,701,324 865,137 2,998,951 1,268,838 42,113 - Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 209,143,693 145,118,441 114 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (63) The foreign currency monetary items 31 December 2015 Amount in foreign currency Cash at bank and on handUSD HKD DZD EUR Others 1,096,523 20,267,725 43,118,267 277,453 N/A Exchange rate 6.4936 0.8378 0.0606 7.0952 N/A Total Accounts receivableUSD HKD DZD AED Others Amount in RMB 7,120,383 16,980,300 2,612,967 1,968,582 6,078,878 34,761,110 521,156 7,215,952 14,023,366 686,400 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 0.0606 1.7684 N/A Total 3,384,178 6,045,525 849,816 1,213,830 4,092,755 15,586,104 Other receivablesUSD HKD DZD Others 74,090 209,316 4,273,366 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 0.0606 N/A Total 481,111 175,365 258,966 182,770 1,098,212 Long-term receivablesUSD AED LYD Others 52,118 326,328 69,661 N/A 6.4936 1.7684 4.7584 N/A Total 338,433 577,079 331,476 560,662 1,807,650 Short-term borrowingsUSD HKD Others 472,615 183,165 N/A Total 6.4936 0.8378 N/A 3,068,974 153,456 101,583 3,324,013 115 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 4 Notes to the consolidated financial statements (Continued) (63) The foreign currency monetary items (Continued) 31 December 2015 Amount in foreign currency Exchange rate 301,188 6,976,097 50,530,396 306,508 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 0.0606 4.5873 N/A 1,955,793 5,844,574 3,062,142 1,406,042 2,647,510 14,916,061 Other payablesUSD HKD EUR DZD Others Total 232,857 478,962 28,884 2,675,446 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 7.0952 0.0606 N/A 1,512,083 401,274 204,938 162,132 847,880 3,128,307 Current portion of non-current liabilitiesUSD HKD DZD Others Total 9,807 6,269,728 241,683 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 0.0606 N/A 63,682 5,252,778 14,646 393 5,331,499 454,665 42,377,904 190,456 N/A 6.4936 0.8378 9.6159 N/A 2,952,412 35,504,208 1,831,407 10,609 40,298,636 7,273,391 1,488,735 987,073 6.4936 0.8378 7.0952 47,230,493 1,247,262 7,003,477 55,481,232 155,034 36,987 N/A 6.4936 4.5873 N/A 1,006,729 169,672 179,596 1,355,997 1,218,962 6.4936 7,915,452 Accounts payableUSD HKD DZD SGD Others Total Long-term borrowingsUSD HKD GBP Others Total Bonds payablesUSD HKD EUR Total Long-term payables USD SGD Others Total Other non-current liabilities USD 116 Amount in RMB CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 5 Changes of consolidation scope (1) The Group has newly entity which is not significant included in the consolidation scope through business combination involving entities not under common control in 2015. (2) The Group has newly entity which is not significant included in the consolidation scope through business combination involving entities under common control in 2015. (3) The Group has entities which are not significant excluded from the consolidated scope due to disposal of subsidiaries in 2015. 6 Interest in other entities (1) Interest in subsidiaries (a) Significant subsidiaries obtained through incorporation Name Main operation Place of Location registration Nature of business China Overseas Holdings Limited Hong Kong Hong Kong China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. Hong Kong China State Construction International Hong Kong China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd. China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp.Ltd China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp.,Ltd China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp,Ltd China Construction Seventh Engineering Division. Corp.Ltd China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp.Ltd Hong Kong Hong Kong Cayman Islands Cayman Islands Property Management Construction and Beijing Installation Construction and Beijing Installation Construction and Wuhan Installation Construction and Guangzhou Installation Construction and Changsha Installation Construction and Tianjin Installation Construction and Zhengzhou Installation Construction and Shanghai Installation Engineering Prospecting and Beijing Design Beijing Industrial Decoration Infrastructure Beijing Construction China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited China Construction Decoration Group Ltd. China Construction Fangcheng Investment & Development Co., Ltd. Beijing Beijing Wuhan Guangzhou Changsha Tianjin Zhengzhou Shanghai Beijing Beijing Beijing Investment Real Estate Development and Operation Construction and Installation Note:Shareholding ratio refers to the shares of subsidiary’s net asset hold by the Group. 117 Shareholding Percentage (Note) 100.00 61.18 57.59 61.18 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 6 Interests in Other Entities (Continued) (1) Interests in subsidiaries (Continued) (b) Significant subsidiaries under common control Name CSCEC Xinjiang Construction & Engineering (Group) Co.,Ltd Main operation Place of location registration Nature of business Percentage of Shares (%) Construction Urumqi Urumqi Installation 85.00 Construction West Construction Shenzhen China Overseas Investing Management.,Ltd. China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. (c) Chengdu Urumqi Hong Kong Shenzhen Beijing Beijing Materials Real Estate Development and Investment 68.73 100.00 80.00 Finance Significant subsidiaries not under common controlled Name Far East Global Group Ltd.(Note 1) China State Construction Built Port Group Co., Ltd. China Construction Port Construction Co., Ltd. (Note 2) Main operation Place of location registration Hong Kong Cayman Islands Qingdao Qingdao Shanghai Shanghai Nature of business Construction Installation Construction Installation Infrastructure Construction Percentage of Shares (%) 42.65 69.88 50.00 Note 1:The Group holds 42.65% of shares of Far East Global Group Ltd.. China State Construction International, the wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, holds 74.06% of shares of Far East Global Group Ltd.. Therefore, Far East Global Group Ltd. included in the consolidation scope. Note 2: The Group holds 50% of shares China Construction Port Construction. As the Company has majority voting rights in its board of directors, and take substantial control of China Construction Port Construction. Therefore, China Construction Port Construction Co., Ltd included in business combination. (d) Subsidiaries involving non-controlling interest Name China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. China State Construction International West Construction China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. Shareholding of Dividend attributable to Non-controlling Non-controlling the non-controlling Interest (%) Interest in 2015 shareholders in 2015 Non-controlling Interest at 31 Dec.2015 38.82 42.41 7,881,116 1,402,856 1,755,655 424,908 56,419,370 6,605,240 31.27 108,442 13,332 1,254,776 20.00 97,143 68,063 670,668 118 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 6 Interests in Other Entities (Continued) (1) Interests in subsidiaries (Continued) (d) Subsidiaries involving non-controlling interest (Continued) Financial information of the above companies listed as follows: Current Assets China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (Note) 286,150,880 China State Construction International 27,150,839 West Construction 9,570,083 China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. 59,663,447 Non-current Assets 31 December 2015 Current Total Assets Liabilities Non-current Liabilities Total Liabilities Current Assets 31 December 2014 Non-current Current Non-current Assets Total Assets Liabilities Liabilities Total Liabilities 43,735,099 329,885,979 95,251,943 92,184,729 187,436,672 261,644,637 40,558,371 302,203,008 149,168,020 60,606,578 209,774,598 31,549,228 2,986,138 58,700,067 12,556,221 25,757,298 7,055,936 15,142,051 1,130,615 40,899,349 8,186,551 27,082,627 7,999,415 25,441,631 2,873,479 52,524,258 24,630,304 12,117,798 10,872,894 5,709,788 1,139,076 36,748,102 6,848,864 14,589,805 74,253,252 70,899,911 - 70,899,911 40,470,836 9,415,547 49,886,383 46,678,443 46,678,443 2015 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. (Note) China State Construction International West Construction China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. - 2014 Revenue Net Profit Other Comprehensive Income Cash flow from operating activities 119,661,597 30,615,385 10,294,929 1,216,911 22,295,937 3,297,300 366,680 485,713 16,125,697 1,967,333 366,680 485,713 30,824,722 241,247 786,197 19,925,327 Revenue 110,314,626 27,645,629 10,211,040 956,644 Net Profit 18,179,898 2,682,522 365,529 452,254 Cash flow from Other Comprehensive Income operating activities 17,925,936 2,537,253 365,529 452,254 Note: As stated in Note 4(42), China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. purchased the target real estate business under common control, therefore the financial information of China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. in 2014 has been restated. 119 (3,363,392) (1,337,301) 19,244 23,374,129 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 6 Interests in Other Entities (Continued) (2) Interests of joint ventures and associates (a) General Information of main joint ventures and associates Main operation Place of location registration Nature of business Important to the Group on strategic level Percentage of Shares Real Estate Investment and Development Yes 37.98% AssociatesOverseas Oceans (b) Hong Kong Hong Kong General financial information of Overseas Oceans 31 Dec.2015 31 Dec.2014 Current Assets Including: Cash and cash equivalents Non-current Assets Total Assets 44,098,879 8,129,101 2,647,529 46,746,408 40,935,709 6,962,264 2,696,982 43,632,691 Current Liabilities Non-current Liabilities Total Liabilities 24,221,701 12,630,426 36,852,127 20,800,189 12,598,600 33,398,789 Non-controlling Interests Attributable to shareholders of the Company 533,750 9,360,531 529,442 9,704,460 Net assets calculated by the percentage of shares holding (i) 3,555,130 3,685,744 Book value of investment of associates 3,555,130 3,685,744 Market value of associates (Public) 2,381,938 2,693,936 2015 2014 Revenue Net Profit Other Comprehensive Income Total Comprehensive Income 13,440,644 741,066 (1,315,689) (574,623) Dividends received from Overseas Oceans in current year 120 7,261 11,132,111 1,144,927 (36,589) 1,108,338 68,469 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 6 Interests in Other Entities (Continued) (2) Interests of joint ventures and associates (Continued) (b) General financial information of Overseas Oceans (Continued) (i) The interest of the Group is based on the amount of joint ventures and associates in combined financial state attributable to the Company and calculated by the percentage of shareholding. The consolidated financial statements of joint venture and associates have taken the market value of recognized assets and liabilities at acquisition date and its accounting policy adjustments into consideration. (c) Other general information of joint ventures and associates 2015 2014 Joint Ventures: Total book value of investment Subtotals by the percentage of share holding Net Income(i) Other Comprehensive Income(i) Total Comprehensive Income 11,389,806 752,385 (354,347) 398,038 11,058,021 527,671 (43,817) 483,854 Associates: Total book value of investment Subtotals by the percentage of share holding Net Income(i) Other Comprehensive Income(i) Total Comprehensive Income 11,381,161 547,603 (32,150) 515,453 8,567,219 599,017 71,117 670,134 (i) The calculation of net profit and other comprehensive income has taken the market value of recognized assets and liabilities at acquisition date and its accounting policy adjustments into consideration. (d) Guarantees to joint ventures/associate is set out in Note 9. 121 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 7 Interests of non-consolidated special purpose vehicle As at 31 December 2015, the Group has no significant interests of non-concolidated special purpose vehicle. 8 Segment information The Group identities 5 reportable segments based on internal organisation structure, management requirements and internal reporting system, and discloses segment information of reportable segments which is determined on the basis of operating segments. The management of the Group regularly evaluates their operating results respectively, in order to make decisions about resources to be allocated to these segments and to assess their performance. The 5 reportable segments of the Group are as follows: - Building construction engineering - Infrastructure construction and investment - Real estate development and investment - Prospecting, design, etc. - Others Segment information is disclosed based on the accounting policy and measurement criteria adopted by the management of segment which is consistent with the accounting policy and measurement criteria used in preparing the financial statements. 122 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 8 Segment information (Continued) 2015 Building Infrastructure construction construction engineering and investment Real estate development and investment Prospecting and design Others Unallocated Elimination Total Revenue Revenue from external Inter-segment revenue Total revenue Less: Cost of sales Taxes and surcharges Selling expenses General and administrative expenses Financial expenses-net Asset impairment losses Add: Profit (losses) arising from changes in fair value Investment income 578,956,138 9,311,049 588,267,187 141,365,956 28,465 141,394,421 142,347,742 11,828 142,359,570 6,475,077 35,606 6,510,683 11,432,221 2,225,352 13,657,573 (542,282,880) (14,204,328) (190,633) (8,971,410) (1,768,334) - (125,797,762) (3,412,629) (19,050) (2,015,487) (1,791,938) - (97,869,984) (14,091,418) (2,015,078) (1,526,245) (178,064) - (5,295,690) (65,047) (3,150) (650,526) (21,943) - (10,748,996) (188,218) (142,396) (1,389,368) 3,970 - - (11,612,300) (11,612,300) 880,577,134 880,577,134 (2,658,561) (8,410,883) (607,581) 1,855,143 10,956,542 25,264 (14,983) - (771,038,770) (31,961,640) (2,370,307) (17,186,333) (8,425,866) (3,756,309) (607,581) 1,855,143 Operating profit Add: Non-operating income Less: Non-operating expenses 20,849,602 - 8,357,555 - 26,678,781 - 474,327 - 1,192,565 - (9,821,882) 864,704 (253,386) (645,477) - 47,085,471 864,704 (253,386) Total profit Less: Income tax expenses Net profit 20,849,602 8,357,555 26,678,781 474,327 1,192,565 (9,210,564) (645,477) 47,696,789 (11,753,981) 35,942,808 3,951,210 7,117,638 1,392,844 1,585,438 579,675 1,992,301 102,864 53,762 346,120 2,591,627 Supplementary information: Depreciation and amortization Capitalized expenditure 78,243 41,082 - 6,450,956 13,381,848 31 December 2015 Total segment assets 316,326,628 233,063,225 335,734,866 8,314,963 149,293,480 151,647,580 (119,475,843) 1,074,904,899 Total segment liabilities 243,141,286 177,033,049 173,226,196 3,916,742 110,328,263 244,963,473 (116,486,831) 836,122,178 123 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 8 Segment information (Continued) 2014 Building construction engineering Revenue Revenue from external Inter-segment revenue Total revenue Less: Cost of sales Taxes and surcharges Selling expenses General and administrative expenses Financial expenses-net Asset impairment losses Add: Profit arising from changes in fair value Investment income Infrastructure Real estate construction development and and investment investment Prospecting and design Others 544,585,881 10,309,039 554,894,920 118,850,035 56,546 118,906,581 124,344,671 19,211 124,363,882 7,100,170 15,240 7,115,410 5,147,996 2,157,132 7,305,128 (513,205,080) (14,325,355) (202,365) (8,787,904) (1,798,376) - (105,535,529) (3,115,999) (20,270) (1,803,616) (272,453) - (82,485,688) (13,239,281) (1,771,190) (1,518,382) (2,303,170) - (5,645,346) (82,605) (2,279) (634,880) (43,155) - (5,047,308) (128,591) (102,722) (1,206,653) (107,109) - Unallocated - Elimination Total (12,557,168) (12,557,168) 800,028,753 800,028,753 (1,662,656) (7,373,865) (222,120) 2,321,021 12,554,951 8,318 (55,532) - (699,364,000) (30,891,831) (2,098,826) (15,605,773) (7,429,397) (4,524,263) (222,120) 2,321,021 Operating profit Add: Non-operating income Less: Non-operating expenses 16,575,840 - 8,158,714 - 23,046,171 - 707,145 - 712,745 - (6,937,620) 1,272,406 (149,869) (49,431) - 42,213,564 1,272,406 (149,869) Total profit Less: Income tax expenses Net profit 16,575,840 8,158,714 23,046,171 707,145 712,745 (5,815,083) (49,431) 43,336,101 (10,159,287) 33,176,814 3,538,603 6,941,708 1,067,298 1,623,193 405,059 5,508,507 98,003 103,807 288,052 1,183,905 Supplementary information: Depreciation and amortization Capitalized expenditure 93,646 182,800 - 5,490,661 15,543,920 31 December 2014 Total segment assets 275,127,780 186,614,386 327,405,829 7,727,809 90,169,517 111,326,705 (79,265,811) 919,106,215 Total segment liabilities 233,701,317 139,386,210 171,094,740 3,745,975 66,721,785 184,247,226 (76,704,518) 722,192,735 124 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 8 Segment information (Continued) The Group’s revenue from external customers domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas, and the total non-current assets other than financial assets and deferred tax assets located domestically and in foreign countries or geographical areas are as follows: Revenue from external customers 2015 2014 Domestic In other countries/geographical areas 819,498,776 61,078,358 748,473,719 51,555,034 Total 880,577,134 800,028,753 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Domestic In other countries/geographical areas 65,800,215 11,949,227 57,260,553 10,099,185 Total 77,749,442 67,359,738 Total non-current assets Note: Non-current assets are non-current assets except for long-term equity investment measured under equity method, available-for-sale financial assets, long-term receivables and deferred tax assets. 125 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (1) Information of the parent company: (a) General information of the parent company: Place of registration Nature of business Beijing Investment holding CSCEC The Group’s ultimate controlling party is State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council. (b) Registered capital and changes in registered capital of the parent company Increase in current year 31 December 2014 CSCEC (c) 5,845,965 1,200,000 31 December 2015 - 7,045,965 Registered capital and changes in registered capital of the parent company 31 December 2015 Share holding Voting rights CSCEC (2) Decrease in current year 56.26% 56.26% 31 December 2014 Share holding Voting rights 56.15% 56.15% Information of subsidiaries The general information and other related information of the subsidiaries is set out in Note 6. 126 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (3) Information of joint ventures and associates Except the general information and other related information of joint ventures and associates set out in Note(6), the rest of information listed as follows: Main operation location Place of registration Nature of business Beijing Beijing Real Estate Investment and Development Chengdu Hong Kong Chengdu Hong Kong Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. Lang Light International Co.,Ltd.(Note 1) China Resources (Taiyuan) Land Co., Ltd. Chongqing Hong Kong Chongqing Hong Kong Shanxi Shanxi Suzhou Yihu Real Estate Co., Ltd. Ningbo Cha Ting Properties Co., Ltd.(Note 1) Jiangsu Jiangsu Zhejiang Zhejiang Dali Enterprises Co., Ltd. Hong Kong BVI Xing Gui Investment Co., Ltd. Hangzhou Hong Kong Xing Chuang Enterprise Co., Ltd. Shandong China Overseas Huachuang Real Estate Co., Ltd.(Note 1) Tianjin Yingchao Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Shenzhen China Overseas Xinhe Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd Anhui Bengwu Expressway Investment Management Co., Ltd.(Note 1) Hong Kong Hong Kong Shandong Shandong Tianjing Tianjing Shenzhen shenzhen Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Anhui Anhui Hong Kong Important to the Group on strategic level Percentage of Shares(%) Joint Venture– Aocheng Wuhe Chengdu Jincheng CSCEC Real Estate Development Co.,Ltd.(Note 1) Haixing Material Co., Ltd Speedy Champ Investments Limited (Note 1) Hong Kong 127 No 50.00 No No 51.00 50.00 No 50.00 No 60.00 No 50.00 No 50.00 No 35.00 No 50.00 No 50.00 No 50.00 No 60.00 No 50.00 No 50.00 Infrastructure Construction and Investment No 70.00 Real Estate Investment and Development No 45.00 Real Estate Investment and Development Material Sale Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development Real Estate Investment and Development CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (3) Information of joint ventures and associates (Continued) Main operation location Place of registration Hong Kong Hong Kong Macau Macau Beijing Xinjiang Beijing Xinjiang Nature of business Important to the Group on strategic level Percentage of Shares(%) AssociatesGangjiu Concrete Co., Ltd. Fast Shift Investments Limited Beijing China Construction Runtong Electrical Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. Xinjiang Yifa Heating Co., Ltd. (Note 2) Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd. Hunan Hunan Beijing CSCEC Lefu Decoration Co., Ltd. Beijing Beijing Guizhou Guizhou Shanghai Shanghai DuYun Galactic Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Shanghai Port Meiya Steel Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Krimark Investment Ltd Hong Kong BVI Macau Concrete Co., Ltd. Macau Macau Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd (Note 3) Hubei Hubei Material Sale Real Estate Investment and Development No 32.00 No 29.00 Building Construction Public Service Real Estate Investment and Development No No 30.00 60.00 No 20.00 Building Construction Real Estate Investment and Development Manufacturing and Sales Real Estate Investment and Development No 30.00 No 33.33 No 48.00 No 40.00 Material Sale Infrastructure Construction and Investment No 31.34 No 19.00 Note 1: The percentage of shares of the invested company is the percentage of that held directly by the Group. The board of directors of Chengdu Jincheng CSCEC Real Estate Development Co., Ltd, Lang Light International Co., Ltd., Ningbo Cha Ting Properties Co., Ltd, Shandong China Overseas Huachuang Real Estate Co., Ltd. Anhui Bengwu Expressway Investment Management Co., Ltd and Speedy Champ Investments Limited can’t make an important decision without an unanimous consent of the investors. Therefore, those companies are deemed as joint ventures of the Group. Note 2: The percentage of shares of the invested company is the percentage of that held directly by the Group. Pursuant to the Articles of Association of Xinjiang Yifa Heating Co., Ltd. concerning decision-making mechanism of significant operation and financial decisions, the Company is not able to exercise substantial control or common control over Xinjiang Yifa Heating Co., Ltd. Therefore, Xinjiang Yifa Heating Co., Ltd. is deemed as an associate of the Group. . Note 3: The percentage of shares of the invested company is the percentage of that hold directly by the Group. The Group has one seat in the board of directors of Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. which entitled the Group 33% voting rights. The Group can exercises substantial influence on the significant operation and financial decisions of Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd Therefore, Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. is deemed as an associate of the Group. 128 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (4) Information of other related parties Relationship with the Group China Construction First Engineering Bureau Industrial Company CSCEC First Engineering Bureau Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. CSCEC Water & Environmental Protection Co., Ltd CSCEC Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd Shanghai International Port (Group) Co.,Ltd. Shanghai International (Group) Ruitai Development Co., Ltd. SIPG Pinghudushan Dock Co., Ltd. Shanghai Tongsheng Inland Waterway Construction Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai Yinhui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. 129 Controlled by the same parent company Controlled by the same parent company Controlled by the same parent company Controlled by the same parent company Impose significantly impact on the subsidiaries of the Group Controlled by the other shareholder of a subsidiary of the Group Controlled by the other shareholder of a subsidiary of the Group Controlled by the other shareholder of a subsidiary of the Group Controlled by the other shareholder of a subsidiary of the Group CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (5) Related party transactions (a) Sale and purchase of goods, and rendering and receiving of services Purchase of goods and accepting services Pricing policy and procedure for decision-making Nature of the transaction Name 2014 Shanghai Port Meiya Steel Pipe Purchase of goods Manufacturing Co., Ltd. As per agreement 343,870 24,872 Gangjiu Concrete Co., Ltd Purchase of goods As per agreement 225,520 104,829 Macau Concrete Co., Ltd. Purchase of goods As per agreement 109,604 - Haixing Material Co., Ltd Purchase of goods Purchase of goods and accepting services As per agreement 87,406 97,146 As per agreement 28,472 - 794,872 226,847 Others Total (b) 2015 Contract engineering Name Fast Shift Investments Limited Anhui Bengwu Expressway Investment Management Co., Ltd. Shanghai International (Group) Ruitai Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. DuYun Galactic Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Others Nature of the transaction Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Total 130 Pricing policy and procedure for decision-making 2015 As per agreement 494,866 118,834 As per agreement 398,398 - As per agreement 79,045 251,879 As per agreement 55,448 60,005 As per agreement 42,895 57,309 As per agreement 230,982 260,121 1,301,634 748,148 2014 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (5) Related party transactions (Continued) (c) Projects sub-contracted out Name Beijing China Construction Runtong Electrical Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. CSCEC First Engineering Bureau Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. Others Nature of the transaction Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Contract engineering Pricing policy and procedure for decision-making 2014 As per agreement 188,807 241,560 As per agreement 62,200 - As per agreement 60,038 - As per agreement 75,742 44,248 386,787 285,808 Total (d) 2015 Guarantee Guarantee receiver Guaranteed amount Starting date Ending date Fully performed or not Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 200,000 6 December 2013 15 June 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 150,000 30 December 2014 30 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 50,000 28 January 2015 30 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 25,000 18 June 2015 30 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 98,000 12 December 2014 11 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 49,000 29 January 2015 11 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 49,000 20 April 2015 11 December 2017 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. 50,000 13 November 2015 9 November 2018 NO Guiheng Investment Co. ,Ltd. 53,500 9 December 2015 9 November 2018 NO Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd 150,000 29 December 2015 9 November 2018 NO 913,300 24 May 2011 23 May 2021 NO Total 1,787,800 131 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (5) Related party transactions (Continued) (e) Financing Amount at beginning of year Amount at end of year Starting date Ending date Rate Financing provided Borrowing Xinjiang Yifa Heating Co., Ltd. Chengdu Jincheng CSCEC Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Chengdu Jincheng CSCEC Real Estate Development Co., Ltd Chengdu Jincheng CSCEC Real Estate Development Co., Ltd 4,240 4,000 31 Dec. 2014 31 Dec. 2016 6.00% 26,080 - 30 Jun. 2014 19 Jun. 2015 6.65% 36,783 - 30 Aug. 2014 19 Jun. 2015 6.65% 97,302 - 30 Nov. 2014 19 Jun. 2015 6.65% Lang Light International Co. ,Ltd. 284,000 - 11 Jun.2012 11 Jun. 2015 7.32% Dali Enterprises Co., Ltd 602,829 637,292 1 Jan. 2010 24 Dec. 2019 (IBOR)+6% Total financing provided 1,051,234 641,292 Amount at beginning of year Amount at end of year Starting date Ending date Rate 9 Dec. 2014 9 Dec. 2017 5.00% Financing received Entrusted loans CSCEC 600,000 600,000 CSCEC - 205,000 25 Nov. 2015 25 Nov. 2017 5.00% CSCEC - 595,000 3 Dec. 2015 3 Dec. 2017 5.00% CSCEC - 600,000 28 Dec. 2015 28 Dec. 2020 3.70% CSCEC 1,500,000 - 26 Dec. 2014 25 Dec. 2015 4.48% CSCEC 595,000 - 19 Dec. 2014 19 Dec. 2015 5.00% CSCEC 205,000 - 21 Nov. 2014 21 Nov. 2015 5.00% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd - 200,000 28 Jan. 2015 29 Jan. 2016 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd - 360,000 11 Feb. 2015 12 Feb. 2016 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd - 100,000 31 Jul. 2015 30 Jul. 2016 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd 200,000 - 29 Jan. 2014 28 Jan. 2015 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd 360,000 - 12 Feb. 2014 11 Feb. 2015 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd 100,000 - 31 Jul. 2014 30 Jul. 2015 0.35% Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd 100,000 - 4 Dec. 2014 3 Dec. 2015 0.35% 3,660,000 2,660,000 Total financing received 132 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (5) Related party transactions (Continued) (f) Financing received 31.Dec.2014 CSCEC Electronic Commerce Co., Ltd CSCEC (g) Decrease in current year 31.Dec.2015 70,141 55,014 3,422,622 (15,000) (1,410,922) 40,014 2,081,841 CSCEC Water & Environmental Protection Co., Ltd 246,292 4,048,223 (3,591,000) 703,515 Total 316,433 7,525,859 (5,016,922) 2,825,370 Transfer of assets Name of related party Overseas Oceans (h) Increase in current year Nature of transaction Pricing policy 2015 Trademark use right As per agreement 132,136 2014 109,204 Remuneration of key management personnel Remuneration of key management personnel 2015 2014 7,690 9,005 (6) Receivables from and payables to related parties (a) Receivables from related parties 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Ending Provision for balance bad debts Ending Provision for balance bad debts Accounts SIPG Pinghudushan Dock Co., receivables Ltd. China Construction First Engineering Bureau Industrial Company Shanghai International (Group) Ruitai Development Co., Ltd Others 99,861 283,584 (995) 29,130 233,219 (147) Total 939,185 (995) 813,864 (147) 133 400,754 - 420,741 - 154,986 - 130,774 - CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (6) Receivables from and payables to related parties (Continued) (a) Receivables from related parties (Continued) 31 December 2015 Ending Provision for balance bad debts Other receivables Lang Light International Co., Ltd. Ningbo Cha Ting Properties Co., Ltd. China Resources (Taiyuan) Land Co., Ltd Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. Dali Enterprises Co., Ltd Suzhou Yihu Real Estate Co., Ltd. Others Total Long-term receivables Total 31 December 2014 Ending Provision for balance bad debts 872,353 - 724,272 - 654,500 - 655,168 - 652,160 595,000 350,965 - 947,160 100,000 387,456 - 216,018 597,676 (178,050) 915,950 2,188,755 (178,262) 3,938,672 (178,050) 5,918,761 (178,262) Guiheng Investment Co., Ltd. Dali Enterprises Co., Ltd Fast Shift Investments Limited Xing Gui Investment Co., Ltd. Xing Chuang Enterprises Co., Ltd. Others 31 December 2015 Ending Provision for balance bad debts 31 December 2014 Ending Provision for balance bad debts 763,220 637,292 216,903 210,302 721,948 602,829 198,310 166,393 153,796 28,415 2,009,928 134 (120,772) (120,772) 118,441 15,485 1,823,406 (114,241) (114,241) CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (6) Receivables from and payables to related parties (continued) (b) Payables to related parties Accounts Beijing China Construction Runtong Electrical payable Engineering Construction Co., Ltd. Shanghai Port Meiya Steel Pipe Manufacturing Co., Ltd. China Construction First Engineering Bureau Civil Engineering Co., Ltd. Wuhan Port Construction Engineering Co., Ltd Others Total Other payable Shandong China Oversea Huachuang Real Estate Co., Ltd. Speedy Champ Investments Limited Krimark Investment Ltd. Shenzhen China Oversea Xinhe Real Estate Investment Co., Ltd. Others Total 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 199,999 169,659 87,464 3,065 43,438 31,379 51,326 8,433 71,420 413,606 252,577 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 512,998 336,249 218,489 515,998 142,715 220,604 197,074 613,240 197,074 1,492,486 1,878,050 2,568,877 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Entrusted Loans CSCEC Jinmao Investment (Changsha) Co., Ltd. 2,000,000 660,000 2,900,000 760,000 Total 2,660,000 3,660,000 135 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 9 Related parties and related party transactions (Continued) (6) Receivables from and payables to related parties (Continued) (b) Payables to related parties (Continued) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Dividends Payable Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. CSCEC 341,167 68,062 341,167 66,062 Total 409,229 407,229 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 30,143 - Advances from Shanghai Yinhui Real Estate customers Development Co., Ltd. Shanghai International Port (Group) Co., Ltd. Shanghai International (Group) Ruitai Development Co., Ltd. Others 19,142 - 11,677 11,261 2,090 13,591 Total 72,223 15,681 136 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 10 Contingencies (1) Pending litigation As at 31 December 2015, pending litigations in which the Group was the defending party are listed as follows: Disputed value at end of year China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co., Ltd China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited The Company China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp., Ltd China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp. Ltd China Construction Seventh Engineering Division. Corp. Ltd China Overseas Holdings Limited China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp, Ltd CSCEC Xinjiang Construction & Engineering (Group) Co., Ltd Total 517,830 318,335 267,428 226,330 188,830 122,566 119,977 49,038 22,103 6,011 85 1,838,533 Note: The above pending litigation is mostly related with project quality and progress payment. The Group considers the possibility quite remote for it to undertake liabilities resulted from those pending litigations and therefore no provision was recognised. (2) Guarantee provided Type of guarantee Guaranteed amount at end of year Property Owners mortgage guarantee (Note) Guarantees for bank loan 23,483,904 5,312,897 Total 28,796,801 Note: The Group provides guarantees to property owners and property owners pledge the houses they have bought when taking loans from banks. In 2015, there was no breach of contract from commodity house buyers and the Group considers risk associated with the guarantee obligation are immaterial (Note 2(31)(c)). 137 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 11 Commitments (1) Capital commitments Capital expenditures contracted for but not yet necessary to be recognised on the balance sheet: 31 December 2015 Purchase and construction of non-current assets (2) 31 December 2014 632,610 773,044 Operating lease commitments The future minimum lease payments due under the signed irrevocable operating leases contracts are summarised as follows: 31 December 2015 (3) 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1 to 2 years 2 to 3 years Over 3 years 425,147 225,484 134,000 96,817 308,106 152,520 99,889 124,164 Total 881,448 684,679 Significant purchase commitments At 27 November 2015, the Group signed an agreement with Nanjing Municipal Bureau of Land and Resources with the commitment of purchasing the No.2015G55 State-owned construction land use rights at a price of RMB2.17 billion. As at 31 December 2015, amounts to RMB1.085 billion has been paid by the Group, and the rest will be paid in 2016. (4) Investment commitments The Group’s significant investment commitments for the subsequent years are as follows: Investee/Project Xuzhou Metro Line One Investment Development Co., Ltd. Nanning Metro Line Two Construction Co., Ltd. Shandong Jilai Intercity Expressway Co., Ltd. Guizhou Jianxin Water Environment Industry Co., Ltd. Changsha Xinghui Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. Total investment Investment amount as Retained investment amounts at 31 December 2015 amounts 5,000,000 196,000 4,804,000 3,304,000 1,983,000 1,321,000 927,000 202,450 724,550 90,000 - 90,000 8,000 - 8,000 138 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 12 Events after the balance sheet date (1) An explanation of profit distribution Profit distribution after the balance sheet date: in accordance with the resolution at the Board of Directors’ meeting dated on 18 April 2015, the Board of Directors proposed a dividend in the amount of RMB6 billion to the shareholders (RMB2.00 for every ten shares before tax), which is not recorded as liability in the financial statements for the current year as the profit distribution plan is subject to approval from the Company’s General Meeting of Shareholders. (2) As stated in the announcement of Major Transaction in relation to the acquisition of Property Portfolio from CITIC Group issued by the subsidiary of the Group, China Overseas Development, on 14 March 2016, China Overseas Development, CITIC Pacific Limited and CITIC Corporation Limited (both wholly-owned subsidiaries of CITIC Limited, as the sellers) entered into a sale purchase agreement for the conditional acquisition of the entire issued share capital of Tuxiana Corp. and CITIC Real Estate Group Company Limited (together with their respective subsidiaries, the “CITIC Target Group) and the outstanding loans and advances owing by the CITIC Target Group to CITIC Limited and its subsidiaries. The initial consideration of acquisition is RMB31 billion(equivalent to HK$37.08 billion, subject to the adjustments as provided in the agreement),and shall be satisfied through (i) an amount of HK$29.72 billion, which will be settled by the allotment and issue of 1,095,620,154 shares of China Overseas Development at an issue price of HK$27.13 per share to the sellers; and (ii) an amount of RMB6.15billion (equivalent to HK$7.36 billion) , which will be settled by the transfer of a portfolio of properties to the sellers. (3) In accordance with the Notice on Entire Implementation of Business Tax to Value Added Tax Transformation Pilot Program (Cai Shui [2016] No.36) issued by Ministry of Finance and State Administration of Taxation on 23 March 2016, revenues derived from construction services, real estate services and other relevant businesses of the Group will be subject to value added tax from 1 May 2016. The applicable tax rate is 11% or 6%. 139 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 12 Events after the balance sheet date (Continued) (4) As approved by National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors and Hong Kong Exchanges and Cleaning Limited, details of the Company and its subsidiaries issuing bonds after the balance sheet date are as follows: Issuer China Overseas Finance Investment (Cayman) V Limited China Construction Installation Engineering Co.,Ltd. China Construction Installation Engineering Co.,Ltd. China Construction Seventh Engineering Division. Corp.Ltd The Company Type Exchangeable bonds First medium-term in 2016 Short-term financing bonds Short-term financing bonds First medium-term in 2016 Value date Interest rate (%) 6 Jan. 2016 6 Jan. 2016 Note 1 RMB0.5 billion 18 Jan. 2016 19 Jan. 2016 3.38 RMB0.6 billion 23 Feb. 2016 24 Feb. 2016 3.00 RMB0.4 billion 24 Feb. 2016 25 Feb. 2016 2.99 Issuing amount Issuance date USD1.5 billion RMB3 billion 11 Apr.2016 13 Apr.2016 3.60 Note 1: Unless otherwise the exchangeable bonds were converted into shares, redeemed, purchased or cancelled in accordance with related terms of the agreement, the Group will redeem the exchangeable bonds at 121.07% of the principal. 13 Leases The future lease payments of fixed assets held under finance leases (Note 4(16)(b)) are as follows: 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years Over 3 years 100,932 194,879 41,473 13,170 130,637 104,318 80,113 45,468 Total 350,454 360,536 As at 31 December 2015, the unrecognised financing charge amounts to RMB19,991 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB36,845 thousand). 14 Business combinations Please refer to Note 5 for details. 140 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 15 Financial instrument and risk The Group's activities expose it to a variety of financial risks: market risk (primarily foreign exchange risk and interest rate risk), credit risk and liquidity risk. The Group's overall risk management program focuses on the unpredictability of financial markets and seeks to minimise potential adverse effects on the Group's financial performance. (1) Market risk (a) Foreign exchange risk The Group’s major operational activities are carried out in Mainland China and a majority of the transactions is denominated in RMB. The Group is exposed to foreign exchange risk arising from the recognised assets and liabilities, and future transactions denominated in foreign currencies, primarily with respect to US dollars and HK dollars. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters is responsible for monitoring the amount of assets and liabilities, and transactions denominated in foreign currencies. The Group may consider entering into forward exchange contracts or currency swap contracts to mitigate the foreign exchange risk. During 2015 and 2014, the Group did not enter into any significant forward exchange contracts or currency swap contracts. As at 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the carrying amounts in RMB equivalent of the Group’s assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are summarized as follows: 31 December 2015 Financial assets denominated in foreign currency Cash at bank and on hand Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Accounts receivable Other receivables Available-for-sale financial assets Long-term receivables Total USD HKD Others Total 7,120,383 16,980,300 10,660,427 34,761,110 3,384,178 481,111 64,823 338,433 6,045,525 175,365 21,043 - 4,872 6,156,401 441,736 35,143 1,469,217 4,872 15,586,104 1,098,212 121,009 1,807,650 11,388,928 23,222,233 18,767,796 53,378,957 Financial liabilities denominated in foreign currency Accounts payable Other payables Short-term borrowings Current portion of non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Bonds payables Long-term payables Other non-current liabilities 1,955,793 1,512,083 3,068,974 5,844,574 401,274 153,456 7,115,694 1,214,950 101,583 14,916,061 3,128,307 3,324,013 63,682 2,952,412 47,230,493 1,006,729 7,915,452 5,252,778 35,504,208 1,247,262 - 15,039 1,842,016 7,003,477 349,268 - 5,331,499 40,298,636 55,481,232 1,355,997 7,915,452 Total 65,705,618 48,403,552 17,642,027 131,751,197 141 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 15 Financial instrument and risk (Continued) (1) Market risk (continued) (a) Foreign exchange risk (continued) 31 December 2014 Financial assets denominated in foreign currency Cash at bank and on hand Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Accounts receivable Other receivables Available-for-sale financial assets Long-term receivables Total USD HKD Others Total 8,944,306 3,112,009 6,827,633 18,883,948 2,800,257 71,508 1,002,958 5,125,712 9,940 3,753 5,679,866 942,577 1,006,711 13,605,835 1,024,025 60,441 432,129 766 - 13,016 1,155,317 74,223 1,587,446 12,308,641 9,251,385 14,622,162 36,182,188 2,588,214 1,051,879 2,640,624 4,691,388 89,684 - 3,457,005 1,743,412 6,525 10,736,607 2,884,975 2,647,149 16,748,873 22,137,653 42,809,298 1,082,697 4,973,477 104,020,729 Financial liabilities denominated in foreign currency Accounts payable Other payables Short-term borrowings Current portion of non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings Bonds payables Long-term payables Other non-current liabilities 405,763 16,342,691 2,447,887 41,630,028 188,056 4,973,477 17,858,066 1,179,270 1,708 - 419 1,831,700 892,933 - Total 55,925,928 40,162,807 7,931,994 As at 31 December 2015, if the currency had strengthened/weakened by 10% against the foreign currencies while all other variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit for the year would have been approximately RMB5.92 billion (31 December 2014: RMB5.2 billion) higher/lower for various financial assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies. 142 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 15 Financial instrument and risk (Continued) (1) Market risk (continued) (b) Interest rate risk The Group's interest rate risk arises from interest bearing borrowings including borrowings, bonds payables and borrowings from related parties. Financial liabilities issued at floating rates expose the Group to cash flow interest rate risk. Financial liabilities issued at fixed rates expose the Group to fair value interest rate risk. The Group determines the relative proportions of its fixed rate and floating rate contracts depending on the prevailing market conditions. As at 31 December 2015, the Group’s interest bearing borrowings with fixed rates amounts to RMB155,589,594 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB125,179,037 thousand) and floating rates interest bearing borrowings amounts to RMB104,830,964 thousand (31 December 2014: RMB98,196,855 thousand) (Note 4(23), 4(32)(a), 4(33), 4(34), 4(35), 4(36), 4(39) and Note 9(5)(f)). Increases in interest rates will increase the cost of new borrowing and the interest expenses with respect to the Group’s outstanding floating rate borrowings, and therefore could have a material adverse effect on the Group’s financial position. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters continuously monitors the interest rate position of the Group and makes decisions with reference to the latest market conditions. The Group may enter into interest rate swap agreements to mitigate its exposure to interest rate risk. During 2015 and 2014, the Group did not enter into any significant interest rate swap agreements. As at 31 December 2015, if interest rates on the floating rate borrowings had risen/fallen 50 basis points while all other variables had been held constant, the Group’s net profit would have decreased/increased by approximately RMB492,000 thousand (31 December 2014: approximately RMB434,000 thousand). (2) Credit risk Credit risk is managed on a Group basis. Credit risk mainly arises from cash at bank, accounts receivable, other receivables, notes receivable, etc.. The Group expects that there is no significant credit risk associated with cash at bank since they are deposited at state-owned banks and other medium or large size listed banks. Management does not expect that there will be any significant losses from non-performance by these counterparties. In addition, the Group has policies to limit the credit exposure on accounts receivable, other receivables and notes receivable. The Group assesses the credit quality of and sets credit limits on its customers by taking into account their financial position, the availability of guarantee from third parties, their credit history and other factors such as current market conditions. The credit history of the customers is regularly monitored by the Group. In respect of customers with a poor credit history, the Group will use written payment reminders, or shorten or cancel credit periods, to ensure the overall credit risk of the Group is limited to a controllable extent. 143 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 15 Financial instrument and risk (Continued) (3) Liquidity risk Cash flow forecasting is performed by each subsidiary of the Group and aggregated by the Group’s finance department in its headquarters. The Group’s finance department at its headquarters monitors rolling forecasts of the Group's short-term and long-term liquidity requirements to ensure it has sufficient cash and securities that are readily convertible to cash to meet operational needs, while maintaining sufficient headroom on its undrawn committed borrowing facilities from major financial institution so that the Group does not breach borrowing limits or covenants on any of its borrowing facilities to meet the short-term and long-term liquidity requirements. The financial liabilities of the Group at the balance sheet date are analysed by their maturity date below at their undiscounted contractual cash flows. 31 December 2015 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Short-term borrowings 26,165,557 Notes payable 14,218,247 Accounts payable 320,001,082 Interest payable 2,489,054 Dividends payable 1,342,390 Other payables 40,408,401 Other current liabilities 7,300,036 Long-term borrowings 22,629,938 Bonds payables 14,786,883 Long-term payables 13,460,501 Other non-current liabilities - 29,702,193 12,128,851 8,099,243 - 69,696,734 60,616,647 6,331,833 - 6,798,692 51,979,695 466,855 8,895,115 26,165,557 14,218,247 320,001,082 2,489,054 1,342,390 40,408,401 7,300,036 128,827,557 139,512,076 28,358,432 8,895,115 Total 49,930,287 136,645,214 68,140,357 717,517,947 462,802,089 Total 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-5 years Over 5 years Short-term borrowings 22,976,871 Notes payable 12,514,256 Accounts payable 269,253,520 Interest payable 2,346,399 Dividends payable 469,247 Other payables 34,186,075 Other current liabilities 3,018,002 Long-term borrowings 35,233,997 Bonds payables 12,105,782 Long-term payables 10,864,473 Other non-current liabilities - 27,977,108 11,999,299 8,917,999 - 48,654,722 49,503,089 2,867,562 - 7,232,404 60,905,819 812,953 5,903,154 22,976,871 12,514,256 269,253,520 2,346,399 469,247 34,186,075 3,018,002 119,098,231 134,513,989 23,462,987 5,903,154 Total 48,894,406 101,025,373 74,854,330 627,742,731 402,968,622 144 Total CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 16 Fair value estimates Based on the lowest level input that is significant to the fair value measurement in its entirety, the fair value hierarchy has the following levels: Level 1: Quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identical assets or liabilities. Level 2: Inputs other than quoted prices included within level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (that is, as prices) or indirectly (that is, derived from prices). Level 3: Inputs for the asset or liability that is not based on observable market data (that is, unobservable inputs). (1) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis As at 31 December 2015, the assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis by the above three levels are analysed below: Level 1 Financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Designated as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss (Note 4(2)) 1,000,000 Investments in equity instrument held-for-trading (Note 4(2)) 28,612 Derivative financial assets (Note 4(2)) Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale equity instruments (Note 4(12)) 1,702,551 Available-for-sale bonds (Note 4(12)) 48,925 Others (Note 4(12)) Other current assets Bank wealth management products (Note 4(11)) Others - Level 2 Level 3 Total - - 1,000,000 - 101,615 28,612 101,615 - 43,141 20,210 1,745,692 48,925 20,210 - 817,692 200,000 817,692 200,000 Total financial assets 2,780,088 - 1,182,658 3,962,746 Financial liabilities Exchangeable bonds in 2014 (Note 4(39)) 5,967,372 - - 5,967,372 145 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 16 Fair value estimates (Continued) (1) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (Continued) As at 31 December 2014, the assets measured at fair value on a recurring basis by the above three levels are analysed below: Level 1 Financial assets Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss Investments in equity instrument held for trading (Note 4(2)) 1,028,011 Financial Derivative assets (Note 4(2)) Available-for-sale financial assets Available-for-sale equity instruments (Note 4(12)) 1,706,036 Available-for-sale bonds (Note4(12)) 45,568 Others (Note 4(12)) Other current assets Bank wealth management products (Note 4(11)) - Level 2 Level 3 Total - 9,751 1,028,011 9,751 - 240,194 16,466 1,946,230 45,568 16,466 - 185,000 185,000 Total financial assets 2,779,615 - 451,411 3,231,026 Financial liabilities Derivative financial liabilities Exchangeable bonds in 2014 (Note 4(39)) 4,973,477 - 19,441 - 19,441 4,973,477 Total financial liabilities 4,973,477 - 19,441 4,992,918 The Group takes the date on which events causing the transfers between the levels take place as the timing specific for recognising the transfers. There is no transfer between Level 1 and Level 2 for the current year. The fair value of financial instruments traded in an active market is determined at the quoted market price; and the fair value of those not traded in an active market is determined by the Group using valuation technique. The valuation models used mainly comprise discounted cash flow model and market comparable corporate model. The inputs of the valuation technique mainly include future cash flow, PBR of companies in same category, unit price of comparable property. 146 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 16 Fair value estimates (Continued) (1) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a recurring basis (Continued) The changes in Level 3 financial assets are analysed below: Equity Derivative instruments financial assets 1 January 2015 Purchases 240,194 9,751 Bank wealth management products and others Total 201,466 451,411 799 - 8,200,623 8,201,422 Sales - - (7,567,930) (7,567,930) Transfer into / (out of) Level 3 Total gains or losses for the current period Gains or losses recognised in profit or loss Gains or losses recognised in other comprehensive income - - - - - 91,864 - 91,864 2,148 - 3,743 5,891 243,141 101,615 837,902 1,182,658 - 91,864 - 91,864 Equity Derivative instruments financial assets Bank wealth management products and others Total 31 December 2015 Changes in unrealised gains or losses included in profit or loss for the current period with respect to assets still held as at 31 December 2015 - Gains / (losses) arising from changes in fair value 1 January 2014 Purchases Sales Transfer into / (out of) Level 3 Total gains or losses for the current period Gains or losses recognised in profit or loss Gains or losses recognised in other comprehensive income 31 December 2014 47,411 - 1,088,364 1,135,775 200,000 - 12,644,070 12,844,070 (7,345) - (13,532,570) (13,539,915) - - - - - 9,751 - 9,751 128 - 1,602 1,730 240,194 9,751 201,466 451,411 - 9,751 - 9,751 Changes in unrealised gains or losses included in profit or loss for the current period with respect to assets still held as at 31 December 2014 - Gains / (losses) arising from changes in fair value Gains or losses recognised in profit or loss are included in the income statement under the items of gains / losses arising from changes in fair value. 147 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 16 Fair value estimates (Continued) (2) Assets and liabilities measured at fair value on a non-recurring basis Assets and liabilities classified as held for sale are recognised at the amount equal to the lower of the original carrying amount and the fair value less costs to sell. As at 31 December 2015, assets which are satisfied with all of the held-for-sale conditions are classified as held for sale assets (Note 4(9)). According to the irrevocable transfer agreement signed by the Group, the original carrying amounts of the assets classified as held for sale is equal to their fair value, so the Group will not bear any disposal fee. (3) Assets and liabilities not measured but disclosed at fair value Financial assets and liabilities measured at amortised cost mainly include receivables, held-to-maturity investments, short-term borrowings, payables, long-term borrowings, bonds payables and long-term payables. Except for financial assets and liabilities listed below, the carrying amount of the other financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value is a reasonable approximation of their fair value. 31 December 2015 Book value Fair value Financial liabilitiesBonds payables 101,172,467 103,692,424 31 December 2014 Book value Fair value 80,064,763 83,238,645 The fair value of bonds payables quoted in an active market is determined at the quoted market price, and categorised within Level 1 of the fair value hierarchy. The fair value of bonds payables not quoted in an active market is the present value of the contractually determined stream of future cash flows discounted at the rate of interest applied at that time by the market to instruments of comparable credit status and providing substantially the same cash flows on the same terms, and categorised within Level 3 of the fair value hierarchy. 148 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 17 Capital management The Group’s capital management policies aim to safeguard the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern in order to provide returns for shareholders and benefits for other stakeholders, and to maintain an optimal capital structure to reduce the cost of capital. In order to maintain or adjust the capital structure, the Group may adjust the ways of financing, issue new shares or other equity instruments, or sell assets to reduce debts. The Group uses the debt to assets ratio to control capital. On 31 December 2015 and 31 December 2014, the debt to assets ratio of the Group is analysed below: 31 December 2015 Total assets (A) Total liabilities (B) Debt to assets ratio (B/A) (%) 149 31 December 2014 1,074,904,899 836,122,178 919,106,215 722,192,735 77.79 78.58 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (1) Accounts receivable (a) 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Accounts receivable Less: Provision for bad debts 16,328,330 (408,909) 9,452,730 (222,463) Total 15,919,421 9,230,267 The aging of accounts receivable is analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 (b) 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years 13,291,373 1,964,274 852,118 127,377 93,188 7,694,195 1,433,995 75,719 161,751 87,070 Total 16,328,330 9,452,730 Accounts receivable are analysed by categories as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) With amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 515,869 That the related provision for bad debts is provided on the grouping basis 15,804,955 3.16 (234,277) 45.41 186,081 1.97 (61,117) 32.85 96.79 (167,126) 1.06 9,228,406 97.63 (146,916) 1.59 Including: Group 1 2,036,288 12.47 (167,126) 8.21 1,991,551 21.07 (146,916) 7.38 Group 2 13,768,667 With amounts that are not individually significant but that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 7,506 84.32 - 7,236,855 76.56 38,243 0.40 (14,430) 9,452,730 100.00 (222,463) Total 16,328,330 - 0.05 (7,506) 100.00 (408,909) 150 100.00 - - 37.73 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (1) Accounts receivable (Continued) (c) As at 31 December 2015, accounts receivable with amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis are analysed as follows: Debtor Ending balance Provision for Provision bad debts Ratio (%) Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others 184,628 141,372 104,901 19,568 18,748 46,652 (92,314) (28,274) (52,450) (3,910) (18,748) (38,581) Total 515,869 (234,277) 50.00 20.00 50.00 19.98 100.00 82.70 Reason of provision Provided based on evidence and judgement Provided based on evidence and judgement Provided based on evidence and judgement Provided based on evidence and judgement Provided based on evidence and judgement Provided based on evidence and judgement (d) Among accounts receivable of which the related provision for bad debts is provided on grouping basis, Group 1 used the aging analysis method analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years 1,700,406 165,211 110,096 34,019 26,556 (85,020) (16,521) (22,019) (17,010) (26,556) Total 2,036,288 (167,126) 151 5 10 20 50 100 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) 1,650,203 234,194 47,196 56,819 3,139 (82,510) (23,419) (9,439) (28,409) (3,139) 1,991,551 (146,916) 5 10 20 50 100 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (1) Accounts receivable (Continued) (e) Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB243,232 thousand were accrued in current year. Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB37,469 thousand were collected or reversed in current year. The major amount collected or reversed are as follows: Reason for reversal/ collection Company 1 Company 2 Company 3 Company 4 Company 5 Others Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Account receivable of project collected Basis for determining the Reversal/ collection provision for bad debts amount Provided on grouping basis 7,792 Cash Provided on grouping basis 7,127 Cash Provided on grouping basis 5,536 Cash Provided on grouping basis 2,839 Cash Provided on grouping basis Provided individually and on grouping basis 2,551 Cash 20,622 Cash Total (f) Way of collection 46,467 In 2015, there was no accounts receivable that were unable to be collected and written off (2014: RMB178 thousand). (g) As at 31 December 2015, the five largest accounts receivable according to customers are analysed as follows: Amount The total amount of the five largest accounts receivable 3,380,238 Amount of provision for bad debt - % of total balance 20.70 (h) As at 31 December 2015, the Company has no accounts receivable derecognised due to the transfer of financial assets. 152 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (2) Other receivables 31 December 2015 Deposits and petty cash receivable Receivables from related parties Others Sub-total 285,341 29,715,559 470,421 30,471,321 Less: Provision for bad debts (530,053) Total (a) 31 December 2014 408,542 39,890,281 518,831 40,817,654 (684,582) 29,941,268 40,133,072 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years 27,374,345 2,658,630 276,247 62,287 99,812 36,852,478 3,792,731 60,122 77,483 34,840 Total 30,471,321 40,817,654 The aging of other receivables is analysed as follows: 153 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (2) Other receivables (Continued) (b) Other receivables are analysed by categories as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) With amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 562,612 That the related provision for bad debts is provided on the grouping basis 29,896,116 Including: Group 1 15,226 Group 2 29,880,890 With amounts that are not individually significant but that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis 12,593 Total (c) 30,471,321 1.85 (513,920) 98.11 0.05 (8,809) (8,809) 98.06 91.35 - 0.04 (7,324) 100.00 (530,053) 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts % of total Provision Amount balance Amount Ratio (%) 756,357 1.85 (668,388) 88.37 0.03 40,053,068 57.85 20,579 98.13 0.05 (9,130) (9,130) 0.02 44.37 - 58.16 40,032,489 98.08 - 8,229 0.02 (7,064) 40,817,654 100.00 (684,582) - 85.84 As at 31 December 2015, other receivables with amounts that are individually significant and that the related provision for bad debts is provided on the individual basis are analysed as follows: Debtor Ending balance Provision for Provision bad debts Ratio (%) Reason of provision Company 1 243,461 (194,769) 80.00 Provided based on evidence and judgment Company 2 149,578 (149,578) 100.00 Provided based on evidence and judgment Company 3 115,962 (115,962) 100.00 Provided based on evidence and judgment Company 4 42,894 (42,894) 100.00 Provided based on evidence and judgment Company 5 10,717 (10,717) 100.00 Provided based on evidence and judgment 562,612 (513,920) Total 154 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (2) Other receivables (Continued) (d) Among other receivables of which the related provision for bad debts is provided on grouping basis, Group 1 used the aging analysis method analysed as follows: 31 December 2015 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) Within 1 year 1-2 years 2-3 years 3-5 years Over 5 years Total (e) 4,553 1,088 174 1,947 7,464 (228) (109) (35) (973) (7,464) 15,226 (8,809) 5 10 20 50 100 8,561 206 3,372 866 7,574 (428) (21) (674) (433) (7,574) 20,579 (9,130) 5 10 20 50 100 Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB3,731 thousand were accrued in current year. Provision for bad debts amounted to RMB158,107 thousand were collected or reversed in current year. The major amount collected or reversed are as follows: Reason for reversal/ collection Basis for determining the provision for bad debts Reversal/ collection amount Way of collection Company 1 Receivables collected Individually provided 157,104 Cash Company 2 Receivables collected Provided on grouping basis 500 Cash Company 3 Receivables collected Provided on grouping basis 189 Cash Company 4 Receivables collected Provided on grouping basis 100 Cash Company 5 Receivables collected Provided on grouping basis 60 Cash Others Receivables collected Provided on grouping basis 154 Cash Total (f) 31 December 2014 Ending balance Provision for bad debts Provision Amount Amount Ratio (%) 158,107 In 2015, there was no other receivables that were unable to be collected and written off (2014: RMB279,671 thousand). 155 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (2) Other receivables (Continued) (g) As at 31 December 2015, the five largest other receivables by customers are analysed as follows: Relationship with the Company Aging % of total balance Within 1 year, 1-2 years and over 5 years 70.04 - Amount Company 1 Subsidiary Company 2 Subsidiary 2,880,000 Within 1 year and 1-2 years 9.45 - Company 3 Subsidiary 1,710,342 Within 1 year and 1-2 years 5.61 - Company 4 Subsidiary 1,505,527 Within 1 year and 1-2 years 4.94 - Company 5 Subsidiary 989,942 Within 1 year and 1-2 years 3.25 - 93.29 - Total 21,342,701 Provision for bad debts 28,428,512 (h) As at 31 December 2015, the Company has no significant government grant recognized in other receivables. (3) Long-term equity investments Subsidiaries -Subsidiaries under direct control (a) -Subsidiaries under indirect control (b) Joint ventures (c) Associates (d) Sub-total Less: Provision for impairment Total 156 31 December 2015 31 December 2014 99,553,165 93,528,567 6,024,598 312,388 287,953 100,153,506 75,468,497 70,001,369 5,467,128 92,659 201,963 75,763,119 (759,180) (759,180) 99,394,326 75,003,939 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (3) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (a) Subsidiaries under direct control Accounting Method Investment cost Comment for Impairment difference between provided in Cash dividend 31 December Current year 31 December Share Voting share holding and Provision for the current declared in the 2014 movement 2015 holding (%) rights (%) voting rights impairment year current year China Overseas Holdings Limited China Construction First Building(Group) Corporation Limited China Construction Second Engineering Bureau Ltd. China Construction Third Engineering Bureau Co.,Ltd China Construction Fourth Engineering Division Corp.Ltd China Construction Fifth Engineering Division Corp.,Ltd China Construction Sixth Engineering Division Corp,Ltd China Construction Seventh Engineering Division. Corp.Ltd China Construction Eighth Engineering Division. Corp.Ltd China Construction Engineering Design Group Corporation Limited. China Construction Fangcheng Investment & Development Co., Ltd. Shenzhen Zhonghai Investment Management Co., Ltd. Infrustructure Business of China State Construction China Construction America, Inc. Cost method 33,844,328 25,444,328 8,400,000 33,844,328 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 2,648,869 Cost method 4,343,069 3,470,559 872,510 4,343,069 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 259,470 Cost method 3,084,439 2,087,139 997,300 3,084,439 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 512,699 Cost method 6,271,354 4,208,854 2,062,500 6,271,354 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 851,570 Cost method 3,028,537 2,141,037 887,500 3,028,537 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 412,900 Cost method 3,413,789 2,018,789 1,395,000 3,413,789 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 662,440 Cost method 2,577,946 1,940,996 636,950 2,577,946 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 214,998 Cost method 3,128,070 2,078,070 1,050,000 3,128,070 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 434,780 Cost method 6,301,942 4,212,312 2,089,630 6,301,942 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 731,280 Cost method 2,026,923 1,948,313 78,610 2,026,923 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 190,450 Cost method 5,851,624 5,851,624 - 5,851,624 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 2,901,537 2,901,537 - 2,901,537 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 327,470 Cost method Cost method 2,855,956 2,153,228 345,956 2,153,228 2,510,000 - 2,855,956 2,153,228 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 N/A N/A - - 103,000 China State Construction Finance Co., Ltd. China Construction South Investment Co., Ltd. Cost method 2,324,554 2,324,554 - 2,324,554 80.00 80.00 N/A - - 272,250 Cost method 1,000,000 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - 157 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (3) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (a) Subsidiaries under direct control (Continued) Accounting Method Comment for difference between Current year 31 December Share Voting share holding and Provision for movement 2015 holding (%) rights (%) voting rights impairment Impairment provided in Cash dividend the current declared in the year current year Investment cost 31December 2014 China State Construction Railway Corp, Ltd. Cost method 355,758 355,758 - 355,758 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - China State Construction Thailand Co., Ltd. China State Construction the Philippines Co., Ltd. CSCEC Xinjiang Construction & Engineering (Group) Co.,Ltd China State Construction Shandong Investment Co., Ltd. Cost method 656,107 656,107 - 656,107 100.00 100.00 N/A 656,107 - - Cost method 100,207 100,207 - 100,207 100.00 100.00 N/A 100,207 - - Cost method 601,764 601,764 - 601,764 100.00 100.00 N/A Cost method 1,000,000 - 1,000,000 1,000,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 5,707,435 4,160,237 1,547,198 5,707,435 N/A N/A N/A 2,866 - 324,389 70,001,369 23,527,198 93,528,567 759,180 - 7,946,565 Others Total 158 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (3) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (b) Subsidiaries under indirect control Accounting Method China Construction Communications Engng. Group Corp Ltd. Cost method Investment 31 December Current year 31 December Share cost 2014 movement 2015 holding (%) Comment for difference between Voting share holding and rights (%) voting rights Impairment Cash dividend Provision for provided in the declared in the impairment current year current year 1,279,000 1,279,000 - 1,279,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 39,000 West Construction China Construction Installation Engineering Co., Ltd. China Construction Steel Structure Corp. Ltd Hangzhou China Construction Guobo Property Investment Co., Ltd. CSCEC Strait Construction and Development Co., Ltd. China Construction Electric Power Construction Co., Ltd. Nanning China Construction Yongshen City Construction Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction Chongqing Infrastructure Investment Co., Ltd. China State Construction Guilin Infrastructure Investment and Construction Co., Ltd. Cost method 942,264 942,264 - 942,264 68.73 68.73 N/A - - 7,757 Cost method Cost method 790,305 739,664 725,585 739,664 64,720 - 790,305 739,664 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 N/A N/A - - 50,740 49,490 Cost method 668,432 668,432 - 668,432 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 32,000 Cost method 300,000 200,000 100,000 300,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 37,204 Cost method 230,000 230,000 - 230,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 217,950 79,200 138,750 217,950 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 180,000 180,000 - 180,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 102,400 102,400 - 102,400 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - CSCEC Underground Space Co., Ltd. China Construction Overseas Development (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. China State Construction Foshan Transportation Joint Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction Wuhan Construction Investment Co., Ltd. China Construction (Qingdao) Dongjiagang Harbor Project Management Co., Ltd. Cost method 100,000 75,000 25,000 100,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - 5,320 Cost method 100,000 - 100,000 100,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 90,000 90,000 - 90,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 60,000 60,000 - 60,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 50,583 50,583 - 50,583 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - 159 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (3) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (b) Subsidiaries under indirect control (Continued) China Construction Infrastructure Investment (Wuzhou) Co., Ltd. China Construction Langfang Infrastructure Investment and Development Co., Ltd. China Construction Railway Investment (Hunan) Co., Ltd. China Construction Infrastructure Investment (Nanchang) Co., Ltd. China Construction Guangan Investment Co., Ltd. Total 31 December Current year 31 December Share 2014 movement 2015 holding (%) Comment for difference between Voting share holding and rights (%) voting rights Impairment Cash dividend Provision for provided in the declared in the impairment current year current year Accounting Method Investment cost Cost method 50,000 - 50,000 50,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 45,000 45,000 - 45,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 40,000 - 40,000 40,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 30,000 - 30,000 30,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - Cost method 9,000 - 9,000 9,000 100.00 100.00 N/A - - - 5,467,128 557,470 6,024,598 - - 221,511 Note: The share holding of the subsidiaries under indirect control is the total of the Company’s share holding under both direct control and indirect control. 160 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (3) Long-term equity investments (Continued) (c) Joint ventures Current year movement Investment 31December contribution 2014 or withdraw CSCEC-Dacheng Construction Ltd China State Construction Beijing Zhongguancun Bio Pharmaceutical Industry Investment and Development Co. Ltd. Sino Road & Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd. Total (d) 72,791 19,868 - (19,818) Net profit / loss Share of other Profit/Cash adjusted comprehensive dividends 31 December according to income under declared by Accrual of equity method equity method joint ventures impairment Others 2015 12,413 (50) - (12,500) - - 72,704 - - - - - - 229,762 9,922 - - - - 239,684 92,659 209,944 22,285 - (12,500) - - 312,388 Associates Current year movement Investment 31December contribution 2014 or withdraw Xuzhou Metro Line One Investement Development Co.,Ltd. Beiqi Industrial Park Investment Center in Cangzhou Development Zone (LLP) Shangrao City Construction Investment Development Group Co. Ltd. China State Construction Shanlv Yanan Tourism Investment Co. Ltd. 200,000 (200,000) Total 201,963 86,000 Net profit / loss Share of other Profit/Cash adjusted comprehensive dividends 31 December according to income under declared by Accrual of equity method equity method joint ventures impairment Others 2015 - 186,000 - - - - - 186,000 - 100,000 - - - - - 100,000 1,963 - - - - - 1,953 - - - - - - - - - 287,953 (10) (10) 161 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (4) Revenue and cost of sales 2015 2014 Revenue from main operations 49,759,735 41,104,391 Revenue from other operations 64,884 46,242 Total 49,824,619 41,150,633 Cost of sales from main operations 46,940,346 39,357,027 Cost of sales from other operations 58,394 38,812 46,998,740 39,395,839 Total (a) Revenue and cost of sale from main operations Analysis by industries is as follows: Revenue from main operations 2015 2014 Cost of sales from Revenue from Cost of sales from main operations main operations main operations Building construction 17,791,543 16,614,099 19,055,971 18,082,297 Infrastructure construction 31,946,383 30,304,372 22,014,383 21,238,619 21,809 21,875 34,037 36,111 49,759,735 46,940,346 41,104,391 39,357,027 Others Total 162 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 18 Notes to the Company’s financial statements (Continued) (5) Investment income 2015 2014 Income from long-term equity investments under cost method Income from long-term equity investments under equity method Income from disposal of long-term equity investments (Note) Income earned during the holding of available-for-sale financial assets Income from disposal of available-for-sale financial assets, etc. 8,168,076 22,275 3,668 7,298,978 9,311 146,985 91,569 11,250 159,861 - Total 8,296,838 7,615,135 Note: Investment income from disposal of long-term equity investments is the difference between the proceeds from disposal and the carrying amount of the disposed long-term equity investments. In 2015, the Company’s income from disposal of long-term equity investments is RMB3,668 thousand, mainly comprising the disposal of investment in China State Construction Shanlv Yanan Tourism Investment Co. Ltd. and China State Construction Beijing Zhongguancun Bio Pharmaceutical Industry Investment and Development Co. Ltd. There is no significant restriction on recovery of investment income. 163 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FROM THE MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 1. Statement of non-recurring profit or loss 2015 2014 Profit or loss items from non-operating activities Profit on disposal of non-current assets 143,516 213,734 Government grants recognised in profit or loss for the current year Profit recognized as the combination cost is lower than the acquirer’s interest in the fair value of the acquiree’s identifiable net assets 266,084 398,185 25,074 - Net profit from other non-operating activities 176,644 510,618 611,318 1,122,537 Net profit from non-operating activities Losses arising from changes in fair value of financial assets, income from disposal of financial assets and available-for-sale financial assets Interest income from providing entrusted loan Reversal of the provision on receivables for impairment on an individual basis Income from disposal of long-term equity investments Revenue from revaluation of remaining equity of partial disposal of subsidiaries Sub-total Effect of income tax (504,249) (206,718) 244,704 276,882 660,233 493,058 3,667 307,712 - 290,687 1,015,673 2,284,158 (320,542) Sub-total 695,131 Effect of non-controlling interests (after tax) 258,572 Total 953,703 (519,578) 1,764,580 (128,117) 1,636,463 Basis for preparation of statement of non-recurring profit or loss Under the requirements in Explanatory announcement No. 1 on information disclosure by companies offering securities to the public – non-recurring profit or loss [2008] from CSRC, non-recurring profit or loss refer to those arises from transactions and events that are not directly relevant to ordinary activities, or that are relevant to ordinary activities, but are extraordinary and not expected to recur frequently that would have an influence on users of financial statements making economic decisions on the financial performance and profitability of an enterprise. 1 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FROM THE MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share Earnings per share Basic earnings per share Diluted earnings per share 2015 2014 2015 2014 Weighted average return on net assets (%) 2015 2014 Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company Net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss 16.00 17.70 0.84 0.75 0.83 0.75 15.39 16.42 0.80 0.70 0.80 0.69 Calculation of above financial indexes: (a) Formula to calculate weighted average return on equity (ROE) is as follows: P ROE=—————————————————————— E0+NP÷2+Ei×Mi÷M0-Ej×Mj÷M0±Ek×Mk÷M0 Where P is the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company and the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss; NP is the net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company; E0 is the net asset attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company at the beginning of period; Ei is the net asset increased from newly issued shares or debt for equity swap that are attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company during the reporting period; Ej is the net asset decreased due to share repurchase or cash dividend attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company during the reporting period; M0 is the number of months during the reporting period; Mi is the number of months from the next month when asset increased to the end of the reporting period; Mj is the number of months from the next month when asset decreased to the end of the reporting period; Ek is the change in net asset due to other transactions or events; and Mk the number of months from the next month when change in net asset due to other transactions or events are incurred to the end of the reporting period. 2 CHINA STATE CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING CORPORATION LIMITED SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION FROM THE MANAGEMENT FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2015 (All amounts in RMB Thousand Yuan unless otherwise stated) [English Translation for Reference Only] 2. Return on net assets and earnings per share (Continued) (b) Basic earnings per share (EPS) are calculated as follows: P EPS=———————————————— S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0-Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk P stands for the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company or the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss; S is the total weighted average number of shares issued; S0 is the total number of shares at the beginning of the period; S1 is number of shares increased due to capitalization of reserve fund or dividend distribution during the reporting period; Si is the number of shares increased due to new share issuance or debt for equity swap; Sj is the number of shares decreased due to share repurchase, etc. during the reporting period; Sk is the shrinked number of shares during the reporting period; M0 is the number of months during the reporting period; Mi is the number of months from the next month of share increase to the end of the reporting period; Mj is the number of months from the next month of share decrease to the end of the reporting period. (c) Diluted earnings per share are calculated as follows: Diluted earnings per share is calculated by dividing net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company adjusted based on the dilutive potential ordinary shares by the adjusted weighted average number of ordinary shares outstanding. When dilutive ordinary shares such as convertible bonds, share option or warrants are issued, diluted earnings per share can be calculated based on the following formula: Diluted earnings per share=[P+(interest on the dilutive ordinary shares recognised as expense -conversion expense)×(1-income tax rate)]/(S0+S1+Si×Mi÷M0-Sj×Mj÷M0-Sk+ average number of shares increased from warrants, share options or convertible bonds, etc..) P stands for the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company or the consolidated net profit attributable to ordinary shareholders of the Company after deducting non-recurring profit or loss. The Company shall consider all dilutive ordinary shares when calculating diluted earnings per share until it is reduced to the smallest amount. For subsidiaries issuing dilutive ordinary shares, such number of dilutive ordinary shares shall be included when calculating the consolidated diluted earnings per share as well as the subsidiary has diluted earnings per share. 3