Deco-Ribbon Knit Bag - easy free knitting pattern


Deco-Ribbon Knit Bag - easy free knitting pattern
Pattern originally from: Home ¤ Crystal Palace Yarns ¤ Ashford-USA ¤ Free Patterns ¤ Search this Site
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Deco-Ribbon Bag - free knitting pattern
This knit bag was made using the black-with-white striped Deco-Ribbon color #102 knit in a
simple seed stitch. Deco-Ribbon comes in 47 colors. For more information about Crystal Palace
Deco-Ribbon - click here or here for a 2nd set of samples.
Bag measures 9" wide x 7.5"
high when empty
Knit Deco-Ribbon
Bag Pattern
Materials: 2 - 50 gr balls
Deco-Ribbon (color #102
used for this bag). Or use 3
balls for a bigger bag. The
striped colors of Deco-Ribbon
show up especially nicely in
this stitch.
Needles: 16" circular Crystal
Palace Bamboo Needle size 9,
large-eye blunt tapestry
needle for sewing,
Needles & Hook for
making Cord Handle: 16"
size 8 circular needle and a
size H crochet hook (or you may want to make a cord using your own favorite
Gauge: 16 sts = 4 inches in seed stitch on size 9 needles.
Tip: Make the Handle Cord first and
then use up all remaining Deco-Ribbon
for the bag.
Deco-Ribbon Knit Bag - easy free knitting pattern - Crystal Palace Yarns
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Pattern originally from:
Cast on 81 sts using circular needles.
Join into round (being careful not to
twist the circle of stitches) and work in
k1, p1 pattern stitch for 8 inches or until
desired length (a bag longer than 8" will
use a 3rd ball of Deco-Ribbon).
Note: working an odd number of
stitches in a tube on circular needles will
automatically form a seed stitch
pattern. Cast off loosely.
Seam Bottom of Bag: Press center 6.5"
of tube together and sew together , then
form a "T" at each end to form a
rectangular flat bottom (see photo
below) and diagram.
Above shows the bottom of the bag.
Knit/Crochet Handle Cord: Cast
on 116 sts using size 8 circular
knitting needle, cast off using a size
H crochet hook. Using a crochet
hook to cast off will make casting off
easier and helps to keep tension
loose. This will make an
approximately 28" long cord. Or, use any other method of making a 28" cord
which you prefer.
Lace the cord through the top edge of the bag as shown in photo and diagram
below. Stitch ends of cord together after threading through the bag.
Deco-Ribbon Knit Bag - easy free knitting pattern - Crystal Palace Yarns
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Pattern originally from:
Above photo shows the interlaced cord handle from the top of the bag.
This pattern designed especially for Crystal Palace Yarns by Ann Norling.
For information about the ANN NORLING DESIGNS range of knitting patterns - send an email
AnnNorling-at (replace the -at- with @ for email).
For a Printer-Friendly Version of this free knitting pattern, click here:
copyright 2002 Crystal Palace Yarns - this pattern may be used for non-commercial personal
or guild use. It is not to be used in any "for sale" publication. Knitting Shops carrying Crystal
Palace Yarns Deco-Ribbon are welcome to use these free patterns for their customers.
Deco-Ribbon Knit Bag - easy free knitting pattern - Crystal Palace Yarns
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