Cdn Gnr 2010 - The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
Cdn Gnr 2010 - The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery
THE CANADIAN GUNNER L’ARTILLEUR CANADIEN 2010 THE CANADIAN GUNNER L’ARTILLEUR CANADIEN April 2011 Avril 2011 Volume 45 Captain-General, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II Capitaine-général. le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Sa Majesté la Reine Elizabeth II Colonel Commandant, The Royal Regiment Of Canadian Artillery Brigadier General E.B. Beno, OMM, CD Colonel commandant, le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne Brigadier Général E.B. Beno, OMM, CD Senior Serving Gunner Lieutenant General A.B. Leslie, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD Artilleur en service principal Lieutenant Général A.B. Leslie, CMM, MSC, MSM, CD Director of Artillery Colonel B.W.G. McPherson, CD Directeur de l’Artillerie Colonel B.W.G. McPherson, CD Regimental Colonel Colonel P.J. Williams, CD Colonel Régimentaire Colonel P.J. Williams, CD Commander Home Station Lieutenant-Colonel L.J.M. Généreux, CD Commandant de la garnison Régimentaire Lieutenant-Colonel L.J.M. Généreux , CD RSM RCA Chief Warrant Officer J.J.A. Boivin, MMM, CD SMR ARC Adjudant-chef J.J.A. Boivin, MMM, CD Editor-in-Chief Major R.G. Hart, CD Rédacteur en chef Major R.G. Hart, CD Managing Editor Captain C.J. Barth, MMM, CD Directeur de la rédaction Captain C.J. Barth, MMM, CD Production The Shilo Stag Production The Shilo Stag Printers Leech Printing Ltd. Imprimeurs Leech Printing Ltd. The Canadian Gunner is published annually and is financed by the RCA Regimental Fund and subscriptions. The views expressed by the authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect official policy. All copy and photos submitted become the property of The Canadian Gunner unless accompanied by a statement that they are on loan and are required to be returned. Scholars may feel free to quote from articles in The Canadian Gunner in whole or in part, provided that normal source acknowledgement is made. The editors, in this respect would appreciate a copy of all works using The Canadian Gunner as source material. L’Artilleur canadien est une publication annuelle fiancée par le Fonds régimentaire de l’ARC et a bonn ement. Les auteurs expriment leur propre opinion et il ne s’agit pas nécessairement de la politque offcielle. Tous les textes et les photos soumis deviennent propriétés de l’Artilleur canadien, à moins qu’ils ne soient accompagnés d’un avis indiquant qu’ils ne sont que prêtés et qu’ils doivent être retournés. Les étudiants peuvent citer en tout ou en partie des articles de l’Artilleur canadien, à condition d’en citer la source. Dans ce même domaine, les rédacteurs aimeraient recevoir un exemplaire de tout travail citant l’Artilleur canadien comme ouvrage de référence. Canadian Gunner 1 Table of Contents Mot du Gouverneur Général/ Message from the Governor General..............................................................................................................................4 Mot du Colonel Commandant/ Message from the Colonel Commandant........................................................................................................................5 Mot du Directeur de L’Artillerie/ Message from the Director of Artillery.............................................................................................................................6 Mot du Colonel régimentaire/ Message from the Regimental Colonel............................................................................................................................9 Mot du sergent-major régimentaire, ARC/ Message from the Regimental Sergeant Major, RCA...................................................................................................11 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery................................................................................................................12 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery................................................................................................................17 5é Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada.....................................................................................................................26 4th Air Defence Regiment, RCA.....................................................................................................................................32 The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School L’École du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne....................................................................................................37 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA and 84th Independent Field Battery, RCA.............................................................................................................................44 2nd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA...................................................................................................................................45 3rd Field Artillery Regiment, RCA...................................................................................................................................47 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment, RCA......................................................................................................50 6é Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC.................................................................................................................52 7th Toronto Regiment, RCA............................................................................................................................................55 10th Field Artillery Regiment, 26th Field Artillery Regiment, 116th Independent Field Battery, RCA................................57 11th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA..................................................................................................................................60 15th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................63 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................65 30th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................67 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (Lanark & Renfrew Scottish), RCA..................................................................................69 2 L’Artilleur Canadien 49th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................71 56th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA.................................................................................................................................73 62é Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne, ARC...............................................................................................................75 18th Air Defence Regiment, RCA...................................................................................................................................77 The Royal Canadian Artillery Band...............................................................................................................................78 The Royal Canadian Artillery Association/ L’Association de l’Artillerie royale canadienne..............................................................................................................80 RHQ RCA/QGR ARC....................................................................................................................................................82 The RCA Museum/ Musée de l’ARC............................................................................................................................................................83 Regimental Family .......................................................................................................................................................84 Associations Register/ Les associations de vous inscrire.................................................................................................................................86 Proud Supporters of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery/ Les supporters fier nos contributeurs au La Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne.................................................87 The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Rank/ La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Atillerie canadienne....................................88 The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery - Senate / Le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne - Sénat Réunion inaugurale du artillerie, Ottawa, 17 février 2011 Retour de gauche à droite, Col (Ret’d) JP Culligan, Col BWG McPherson, Col PJ Williams, HLCol JE Bryce, Bgén JGJC Barabé. Front. De Gauche à droite, l’Adjuc JJA Boivin, Mgén (Ret’d) JA McInnis, Bgén (Ret’d) EB Beno, Lgén AB Leslie, Lgén (Ret’d) MK Jeffery. Absent: LGen (Ret’d) RA Dallaire, MGen AJ Howard, MGen SA Beare, BGen JGE Tremblay, Col JD Henley. Canadian Gunner 3 Message from the Governor General Mot du Gouverneur Général As commander-in-chief of Canada, I am privileged to offer a few words of thanks to the members of the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery for your efforts during the past year. À titre de commandant en chef du Canada, j’ai le privilège d’offrirquelques mots de remerciement aux membres du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne pour les efforts déployés au cours de l’année écoulée. Last fall, I had the opportunity to visit Afghanistan, where many soldiers from your regiment are stationed. I was highly impressed by the professionalism, dedication and perseverance on display throughout your ranks. These qualities were evident wherever you served, whether providing support to police and other security forces at the Vancouver Olympics, and the G8 and G20 meetings in Ontario, or while undertaking avalanche control activities in British Columbia. L’automne dernier, j’ai eu l’occasion de me rendre en Afghanistan, où sont affectés de nombreux soldats de votre régiment. J’ai été très impressionné par le professionnalisme, le dévouement et la persévérance que l’on retrouve dans vos rangs. Vous avez manifesté ces qualités partout où vous avez servi, que ce soit pour fournir un appui aux corps policiers et aux autres forces de sécurité aux Jeux olympiques de Vancouver, et lors des sommets du G8 et du G20 en Ontario, ou dans vos activités de contrôle d’avalanche en ColombieBritannique. Over the years, you have known many moments of great heroism and terrible tragedy. Your loyalty and commitment to your fellow citizens are outstanding, and you have always been a great credit to your country. To the members of the Regiment and to your families, please accept my deepest gratitude. Au fil des ans, vous avez connu de nombreux moments de grand héroïsme et de terrible tragédie. Votre loyauté et votre engagement envers vos concitoyens sont remarquables, et vous avez toujours fait la fierté de votre pays. Je tiens à vous témoigner, membres du Régiment, ainsi qu’à vos familles ma reconnaissance la plus profonde. David Johnston David Johnston 4 L’Artilleur Canadien Message from the Colonel Commandant Mot du Colonel Commandant To all ranks of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, my sincere thanks for your loyalty and devotion to the Regimental Family, and for your outstanding service at home and overseas, especially in Afghanistan. Our Regimental history is replete with stories of professionalism, cohesion, high morale, and fighting spirit – and we have proven yet again that the proper use of all Gunner capabilities is a battle winning factor. The lessons learned, or shall I say re-learned on operations in Afghanistan must be heeded – physical fitness and mental robustness, tactical prowess, tough and realistic training for war (individual and collective), competence in and perfection of technical Gunner skills, the exploitation of the best equipment and technology available, and solid leadership at all levels. These are the qualities, capabilities and characteristics that have earned us the respect of the other arms at war. We Gunners must continue to set the standard and lead the way. J’aimerais remercier les membres de tous les grades du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne pour leur loyauté et leur dévouement envers la famille régimentaire ainsi que pour le service exceptionnel qu’ils rendent au pays et à l’étranger, et, plus particulièrement, en Afghanistan. Notre histoire régimentaire est remplie d’exemples de professionnalisme, de cohésion, de bon moral et de combativité, et nous avons prouvé encore une fois que l’utilisation judicieuse de toutes les capacités des artilleurs est un facteur déterminant pour gagner une bataille. Il ne faut pas oublier les leçons tirées ou, devrais-je dire, les leçons tirées de nouveau dans le cadre des opérations en Afghanistan : condition physique et force mentale, prouesse tactique, formation (individuelle et collective) exigeante et réaliste en vue de faire la guerre, acquisition et perfectionnement des compétences techniques liées à l’artillerie, exploitation du meilleur matériel et de la meilleure technologie sur le marché et leadership fort à tous les niveaux. Voilà les qualités, les capacités et les caractéristiques qui nous ont valu le respect des autres forces armées en guerre. Nous, les artilleurs, devons rester de ceux qui établissent la norme et qui montrent la voie. In support of our operational Gunners is a strong and committed Regimental Family - well led, ably governed, united, and focused. We continue to make great strides supporting our serving Gunners by building up our Regimental Headquarters, establishing the Artillery Senate, revitalizing our Heritage Program, transforming our Association, improving internal and external communications, and celebrating our individual and collective achievements. We are re-building a sense of who we are and how good we are, and we can rightfully take pride in being part of a strong and united family with one hat badge. UBIQUE Everywhere, Whither Right and Glory Lead! Au service de nos artilleurs opérationnels, il y a toute une famille régimentaire forte et dévouée; cette famille est bien dirigée, habilement gérée, unie et centrée sur le travail à faire. Nous continuons de réaliser de grands progrès pour soutenir de différentes façons nos artilleurs en service : construction de notre quartier général régimentaire, mise sur pied du Conseil de l’artillerie, revitalisation de notre programme du patrimoine, transformation de notre association, amélioration des communications internes et externes et célébration de nos réalisations individuelles et collectives. Nous nous appliquons à restaurer notre sentiment d’identité et d’excellence et nous avons raison d’être fiers de faire partie d’une famille forte et unie, dont tous les membres portent le même : UBIQUE, « partout où la gloire et la droiture conduisent ». We must continue to reach out to all Gunners – Regular Nous devons continuer de nouer le dialogue avec tous les artilleurs Canadian Gunner 5 (Force régulière, Force de réserve, membres en service, membres à la retraite et anciens artilleurs). N’oublions pas, artilleur un jour, artilleur toujours! Nous devons les ramener dans la famille (ou plutôt dans la « famille de familles ») pour reconnaître l’immensité et la diversité du Canada. De plus, nous devons accueillir toutes les familles et les amis du Régiment royal, qui continuent de soutenir si bien tous les artilleurs. Force, Reserve, serving, retired, and former Gunners. Remember that phrase: “Once a Gunner, Always a Gunner!” We must bring them back into the family, or should I say family of families, recognizing the vastness and diversity of Canada. Additionally, we must be inclusive and welcoming to families and friends of the Royal Regiment who continue to support all Gunners so well. We in the Royal Regiment have proven ourselves yet once again in war, but we cannot “Stand Easy.” I can assure you that more and maybe greater challenges will come - whether training and mentoring Afghan National Security Forces, fighting wars elsewhere, nasty peace support operations, or support to Canadians during disasters at home and abroad. We must continue to strive for professional perfection and a strong and united Royal Regiment – and we’ll do this through sound leadership, effective training and looking after our soldiers. Nous, les membres du Régiment royal, avons encore une fois fait nos preuves à la guerre. Mais, il n’est pas question d’un « repos à volonté ». Vous pouvez croire que d’autres défis sont à venir, des défis peut-être encore plus importants. Par exemple, former et encadrer les forces de sécurité nationale afghanes, intervenir dans des guerres ailleurs dans le monde, mener des opérations difficiles de soutien de la paix ou venir en aide à des Canadiens et à des Canadiennes lors de catastrophes au Canada ou à l’étranger. Nous devons continuer de nous efforcer d’atteindre la perfection sur le plan professionnel et de faire en sorte que le Régiment royal reste fort et uni. Nous y parviendrons grâce à un leadership solide et à une formation efficace, et en veillant sur nos soldats. Best wishes to all ranks of The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery, and Good Shooting! Bonne chance aux membres de tous les grades du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne et bon tir! Ubique! Ubique! Message from the Director of Artillery Mot du Directeur de L’Artillerie Gunners, on behalf of the RSM RCA and I, Happy New Year! It is very apparent that 2011 will, once again, be a busy year but before I address the year to come it is worth looking back at the amazing accomplishments of the Royal Regiment in 2010. Up front, I want you to know that you, individually and collectively, have done amazing work and continue to maintain the high standards that Gunners are known for. Chers artilleurs, le SMR ARC et moi-même vous souhaitons une bonne et heureuse nouvelle année! Il ne fait aucun doute que 2011 sera encore très occupée. Mais avant de parler de ce qui nous attend, je crois qu’il vaut la peine de souligner les extraordinaires réalisations accomplies par le Régiment royal en 2010. Je veux tout d’abord que vous sachiez que vous avez fait un excellent travail, tant sur le plan individuel que sur le plan collectif. Vous contribuez à maintenir les 6 L’Artilleur Canadien Our pursuit of technical and tactical excellence is expressed not only by the Regular and Reserve Regiments and at The RCAS, but by individuals in Brigade and Area Headquarters, at the Land Force Doctrine and Training System, in Army, CF and NATO level headquarters who continue to provide superb supporting fires. It is these folks who have ensured our personnel, training, doctrine, equipment and force development plans were delivered “On Time and On Target.” And let us not forget the great work of those Gunners who are deployed throughout the world. normes élevées pour lesquelles les artilleurs sont reconnus. Notre quête d’excellence technique et tactique est non seulement menée par les régiments de la Force régulière et de la Réserve et par l’EARC, mais également par le personnel des QG de brigade et de secteur, le Système de la doctrine et de l’instruction de la Force terrestre, et les QG au niveau de l’Armée de terre, des FC et de l’OTAN, qui continuent de fournir une excellente capacité de tir d’appui. Ce sont ces gens qui ont veillé à ce que nos plans de gestion du personnel, de l’instruction, de la doctrine, de l’équipement et du développement de la force soient exécutés « à temps et comme prévu ». Et n’oublions surtout pas l’excellent travail de tous les artilleurs en déploiement aux quatre coins de la planète. To say that our units have been busy is an understatement: 2010 witnessed domestic and expeditionary operations on a scale not seen since the 1950’s. As well, the first phase of Artillery Transformation was executed with the stand up of OP and STA Btys in 1 RCHA, 2 RCHA and 5 RALC thanks to the work done by the previous Director (Col Dave Marshall) in setting the conditions for success of the Royal Regiment. Our integrated Regular and Reserve force structure is the model the Army will use as we move towards the AoT. Il va sans dire que nos unités ont été très occupées en 2010, qui a été marquée par une cadence opérationnelle nationale et expéditionnaire inégalée depuis les années 1950. Nous avons également entrepris la première phase de la transformation de l’artillerie avec la création de batteries PO et SAO au sein du 1 RCHA, du 2 RCHA et du 5 RALC, grâce au travail de l’ancien directeur (le Col Dave Marshall), qui a mis en place les conditions nécessaires à la réussite du Régiment royal. Notre structure de la force régulière et de réserve intégrée servira par ailleurs de modèle à l’Armée de terre pour sa transition vers l’Armée de terre de demain. At home and abroad 1 RCHA continued to deploy in support of CF operations. Key events were the successful mounting and deployment of C Bty to Afghanistan and support to the 2010 Winter Olympics (OP PODIUM) in British Columbia. In the fall the Regt conducted regimental fire plans on Ex LIMBER GUNNER I and II. Connecting with Canadians was also a large part of their effort by having embedded media, over 100 air and army cadets and Captains of Industry visit the exercises to watch live fire planning and CF 18’s dropping mark 84’s. Tant au pays qu’à l’étranger, le 1 RCHA a continué de se déployer à l’appui des opérations des FC. Parmi ses principales réalisations, mentionnons la mise sur pied de la Bie C et le déploiement de celle-ci en Afghanistan, et le soutien aux Jeux olympiques de 2010 (Op Podium) en Colombie-Britannique. À l’automne, le régiment a également exécuté des plans de feux régimentaires durant les exercices Limber Gunner I et II. Il a aussi consacré beaucoup d’efforts à l’établissement de liens avec la population canadienne, notamment en invitant des médias intégrés, plus de 100 cadets de l’Air et de l’Armée et des chefs d’industrie à assister à la planification de feux réels et au largage de bombes Mk 84 par des CF 18, dans le cadre des exercices. In Petawawa, 2 RCHA mounted and deployed a Bty + to Afghanistan for Op ATHENA TF 1-10 and then were a key component of the very successful DART mission (OP HESTIA) in Haiti. In the summer they switched gears and were the lead for TF Toronto during the G-20 Summit. Shortly thereafter LCol McGarry handed over command of the Regiment to LCol Ivey. I congratulate LCol McGarry for his dedication and outstanding leadership and wish him well in his new appointment as COS MTTF. Most recently the Regiment welcomed home TF 1-10 just in time for Christmas! À Petawawa, le 2 RCHA a pour sa part mis sur pied une Bie +, qu’il a déployée en Afghanistan dans le cadre de l’Op Athena, FO 1-10. Il a également joué un rôle clé durant la mission couronnée de succès de l’EICC (Op Hestia) en Haïti. À l’été, le régiment a entrepris une nouvelle mission en prenant la tête de la FO Toronto dans le cadre du sommet du G-20. Peu de temps après, le Lcol McGarry a remis le commandement au Lcol Ivey. Je tiens à féliciter le Lcol McGarry pour son dévouement et son incroyable leadership, et je lui souhaite la meilleure des chances dans ses nouvelles fonctions de CEM FOTM. Plus récemment, le régiment a célébré le retour à la maison de la FO 1-10, juste à temps pour Noël! Beginning the year with 11 soldiers deployed to Haiti (OP HESTIA), 5e RALC, like the other regiments have seen operations and training continue at an incredible rate. It sponsored the Gun Area Technical Supervisor Course on behalf of The RCAS and in March conducted a Regimental Exercise with all three SQFT Reserve units. In April the unit reorganized to support X Bty for TF 3-10 and The RCAS for the BC’s Course. By the fall, X Bty had arrived in Wainwright in preparation for their November deployment and 5e Regt commenced their Regimental School and Regimental missions. Le 5 RALC, qui a commencé l’année 2010 en envoyant 11 militaires en Haïti (Op Hestia), a vu ses opérations et ses activités d’instruction se poursuivre à un rythme incroyable, à l’instar des autres régiments. Il a parrainé le cours de superviseur technique du secteur de pièces pour le compte de l’EARC, en plus de mener un exercice régimentaire avec les trois unités de réserve du SQFT en mars. En avril, le régiment s’est réorganisé pour appuyer la Bie X en vue de la FO 3-10 et l’EARC en vue du cours de CB. À l’automne, la Bie X était arrivée à Wainwright en préparation pour son déploiement prévu en novembre, et le 5 RALC entreprenait ses missions de régiment et d’instruction régimentaire. Split between Moncton and Gagetown, 4th AD Regt continued to support Op ATHENA with Airspace Coordination Center (ASCC) 6-09 being replaced by ASCC 5-10 in September. As well, the Regt continued to force generate the Royal Regiments UAV capability: a Scan Eagle Troop deployed with TF 1-10 and 3-10. In the fall the Regt conducted Ex Perfect Kill, an impressive ADATs live fire camp which witnessed numerous exciting engagements one of which was at an amazing 9.8 km. Divisé entre Moncton et Gagetown, le 4 RAAA a quant à lui continué d’appuyer l’Op Athena avec le Centre de coordination de l’espace aérien (CCEA) 6-09, qui a été remplacé par le CCEA 5-10 en septembre. Il a également poursuivi la mise sur pied de la capacité UAV du Régiment royal : une troupe de Scan Eagle a été déployée avec la FO 1-10 et la FO 3-10. À l’automne, le régiment a mené l’Ex Perfect Kill, The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School continues to turn out highly trained and motivated young Gunners. 2010 saw the graduation of 60 DP 1.2 Field Artillery Officers, 4 DP Canadian Gunner 7 1.2 Air Defence Officers, 90 DP 1 Artillery Officers and 179 new Gunners. In the coming months The RCAS will graduate a new crop of 11 Instructors-in-Gunnery and 21 Assistant Instructorsin-Gunnery who will immediately begin training the next generation of Gunners: The RCAS will graduate approx 120 new Gunner Offrs and NCMs by Aug of 2011. un camp de tir réel au système d’arme antiaérien et antichar (ADATS), durant lequel nous avons assisté à de nombreux engagements impressionnants, dont l’un à une distance incroyable de 9,8 km. L’École du Régiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne continue pour sa part de former de jeunes artilleurs hautement qualifiés et motivés. En 2010, 60 stagiaires ont terminé la PP 1.2, Officier d’artillerie de campagne; 4, la PP 1.2, Officier de défense aérienne; 90, la PP 1, Officier d’artillerie; et 179, le cours de base d’artilleur. Au cours des prochains mois, une nouvelle cohorte de 11 instructeurs en artillerie et de 21 instructeurs adjoints en artillerie sortira de l’EARC et se mettra immédiatement à l’instruction de la prochaine génération d’artilleurs. D’ici le mois d’août 2011, l’EARC aura formé environ 120 nouveaux artilleurs et officiers d’artillerie. The success of our Regular Force units would not have been possible without the superb support and leadership of our Reserve Units. They continue to distinguish themselves on Domestic and Expeditionary operations as well as providing excellent support to The RCAS. And when not on operations they have continued to lead and participate in Area concentrations such as EX WESTERN DEFENDER, Brigade exercises and unit activities. Nos unités de la Force régulière n’auraient pas connu autant de succès sans l’extraordinaire soutien et le grand leadership de nos unités de la Réserve. Celles-ci se sont constamment distinguées durant les opérations nationales et expéditionnaires, ainsi qu’en offrant un excellent appui à l’EARC. Même lorsqu’elles ne prenaient pas part aux opérations, elles continuaient de mener des concentrations de secteur (Ex Western Defender, exercices de brigade, activités d’unité, etc.) et d’y participer. In summary, 2010 was a busy and demanding year but one that was filled with amazing accomplishments and 2011 looks no different! Op tempo will be at an all time high as the Army deploys the Mission Transition TF and the Training TF all in the midst of reconstitution and, without doubt, a number of domestic operations: the Gunners will continue to play a key role in the Army’s success. At home we will continue to consolidate and implement the hard lessons we have learned over the past six years while getting back to the basics of gunnery. Our objective for this year is to regain our proficiency in the execution of Regimental level fires and effects! En résumé, 2010 a été une année chargée et exigeante, mais caractérisée par d’incroyables réalisations. 2011 s’vannonce tout aussi remplie! La cadence opérationnelle atteindra un niveau inégalé alors que l’Armée de terre déploiera la FO de transition de la mission et la FO d’instruction, parallèlement à la reconstitution et, sans aucun doute, à de nombreuses opérations nationales. Les artilleurs continueront de jouer un rôle clé dans la réussite de l’Armée de terre. Au pays, nous poursuivrons la consolidation et la mise en œuvre des dures leçons que nous avons retenues au cours des six dernières années, tout en revenant aux principes de base de l’artillerie. Notre objectif pour cette année est de retrouver notre efficacité dans l’exécution des tirs et effets au niveau régimentaire! Fellow Gunners, 2011 will be another challenging year and we must not rest on our laurels but drive ahead with the same spirit and determination that we have shown in the past decade. RSM RCA and I thank you for your outstanding service, sacrifice and determination during these difficult years and it is our great privilege to serve with you! With admiration and appreciation, Good Shooting! Chers confrères et consœurs de l’artillerie, 2011 sera une autre année remplie de défis. Pas question de nous asseoir sur nos lauriers; nous devrons faire preuve du même dynamisme et de la même détermination que nous avons démontrés au cours de la dernière décennie. Le SMR ARC et moi-même vous remercions de votre extraordinaire travail, de vos sacrifices et de votre dévouement durant ces années difficiles. Nous nous estimons très privilégiés de servir à vos côtés! Avec toute notre administration et notre reconnaissance, bon tir! 8 L’Artilleur Canadien Message from the Regimental Colonel Message du Colonel régimentaire Greetings to all Gunners and I welcome this opportunity to speak to you for the first time in the Canadian Gunner. Salutations à tous les artilleurs! Je suis heureux de m’adresser à vous pour la première fois dans L’Artilleur canadien. 2010 has been a year of many changes. The publication of the RCA Family Strategy has enabled us to take some of the load off DArty in terms of the stewardship of things such as the Regimental Family, connecting with Canadian and Heritage. If you have not read the RCA Family Strategy, I would urge you to go to the new and improved RCA website (, read it, become familiar with it, and ask yourself what you can do to advance it. L’année 2010 a été marquée par de nombreux changements. La publication de la Stratégie pour la famille de l’ARC nous a permis d’alléger la charge de travail du D Artil en ce qui a trait à la gérance d’éléments comme la famille régimentaire, le contact avec les Canadiens et le patrimoine. Si vous n’avez pas encore pris connaissance de cette Stratégie, je vous invite fortement à vous rendre sur le nouveau site Web amélioré de l’ARC ( Vous y trouverez le document en question; lisez-le, familiarisez-vous avec son contenu et demandezvous ce que vous pouvez faire pour contribuer à la réalisation des objectifs énoncés. We have also been blessed by a revitalized RHQ RCA in Shilo, led by Maj Rob Hart, who has done excellent work in updating and maintaining the website, as well as the myriad of things we expect RHQ to do, but due to personnel shortages, were never able to devote the necessary time to. In particular, I’d like to highlight the work Rob and his team have done to transform the Quadrant newspaper, which is now available on line. Nous avons également eu la chance de voir le PCR ARC à Shilo être revitalisé, un projet mené par le Major Rob Hart. Celui-ci a accompli un excellent travail de mise à jour et de gestion du site Web, en plus de veiller à la multitude de tâches attendues d’un PCR, mais auxquelles on ne pouvait consacrer le temps nécessaire, faute de personnel. J’aimerais particulièrement souligner les efforts déployés par Rob et son équipe pour transformer le journal Quadrant, qui est maintenant accessible en ligne. Notre prochain objectif en matière de communication concerne la présente publication, L’Artilleur canadien. Sa forme est demeurée pratiquement inchangée depuis des décennies, et certains estiment même que sa qualité a diminué. Nous devrons donc la transformer également : plus de couleurs, plus de photos, nouvelle mise en page, etc. Le personnel du PCR est bien au courant de notre désir de remanier cette publication. J’invite tous les artilleurs à appuyer le Major Hart et son équipe à cet égard. Si vous avez une critique en particulier à formuler à propos de L’Artilleur canadien, faites-la parvenir par l’entremise de la chaîne de commandement, dans la mesure (il va sans dire) où vous proposez également une solution. Our next target on the communications front is this very publication, The Canadian Gunner. Its format has remained largely unchanged for decades and some might even say that its quality has diminished. Therefore we need to transform it also: more colour, more pictures, new layout, etc. The RHQ staff are very aware of our desire to revamp the Canadian Gunner, and I would ask all Gunners to support Major Hart and his team in this regard. If you have a particular beef about the Gunner, then send it up the chain, as long, of course, as you combine your Canadian Gunner 9 input with a solution. To round out publications and how we communicate, while we have the Quadrant as our newsletter, the Gunner as our de facto yearbook, we still lack a professional journal in which articles and papers of a technical nature can be written and discussed. We used to have the Gunner Bulletin for this purpose, published out of the School, but it no longer exists. But, aha you say, that’s why we have the Canadian Army Journal (CAJ). Fair enough, but as I look through CAJ back issues, articles by and about Gunners are virtually absent. Sadly we are not alone here: from reading a recent issue of the British Army’s Journal of the Royal Artillery, the Editor had to state that, “…it is even more disturbing to report that in the six years of my editorship, throughout which the Royal Regiment has been involved in wars in Iraq and/or Afghanistan, not a single commanding officer and very few battery commanders or staff officers, has written an article to share the knowledge or experience gained on operations…” As common as this appears, it is highly disturbing. As our mission in Afghanistan refocuses from combat to training, if the above noted trend continues, we are in certain danger of losing the lessons of Gunners who have fought in that period over a period extending as long as both World Wars. Personally, I would like to see the Gunner Bulletin resurrected and suitably transformed or at the very least its effect re-created by an increase in submissions by Gunners to various professional journals and other media. The bottom line is that as a professional organization, we must become better at recording our operational experiences and lessons learned for future generations. I welcome your suggestions as to how we can best do this. In my experience, I have found that practice in putting pen to paper (when writing an article for instance), pays great dividends when you come to write up one of your soldiers for an honour or award, the “walk on water PER” that will get a deserving soldier promoted, a concise briefing note or operation order for your boss, or should you have to, a letter of condolence to the family of a departed or fallen Gunner who has been given “Stand Easy” for the last time. Remember, one of our Family Strategy Lines of Operation is to “Communicate with Canadians”. Being able to write well is fundamental to that. Finally, congratulations to members of 4 AD Regiment on the occasion of having received your “Red Patches” in recognition of your membership in the 1st Canadian Division family! Good Shooting (and writing)! Le Quadrant constitue notre bulletin de nouvelles et L’Artilleur canadien, notre annuaire annuel de fait. Toutefois, pour compléter notre gamme de publications et nos méthodes de communication, il nous faut également disposer d’une revue professionnelle dans laquelle nous pourrions écrire des articles et des exposés techniques, et en discuter. Le Bulletin de l’artilleur qui était publié par l’École servait à cette fin, mais il n’existe plus. Je vous entends déjà me répondre que le Journal de l’Armée du Canada (JAC) est justement là pour cette raison. C’est exact. Mais en feuilletant les articles déjà parus, on s’aperçoit qu’il n’y en a pratiquement aucun qui soit rédigé pour ou par les artilleurs. Malheureusement, nous ne sommes pas les seuls dans cette situation. Dans un récent numéro de la revue britannique Journal of the Royal Artillery, le rédacteur en chef fait la remarque suivante : « …[trad.] il est encore plus troublant de constater que, durant les six années où j’ai été rédacteur en chef – six années au cours desquelles le Royal Regiment a participé aux guerres en Irak et en Afghanistan –, aucun commandant d’unité n’a soumis d’article pour faire part de l’expérience et des connaissances acquises en opération, et très peu de commandants de batterie ou d’officiers d’état-major l’ont fait… » Aussi courante que cette situation puisse paraître, elle n’en demeure pas moins très troublante. Au moment où notre mission en Afghanistan se réoriente du combat vers l’instruction, nous risquons, si cette tendance se maintient, de perdre les leçons retenues des artilleurs ayant combattu dans ce pays durant une période aussi longue que les deux guerres mondiales combinées. Pour ma part, j’aimerais bien voir le Bulletin de l’artilleur renaître de ses cendres et être remanié, ou du moins, assister à une hausse des articles des artilleurs dans différentes revues professionnelles et autres médias. Il faut essentiellement retenir que, à titre d’organisation professionnelle, nous devons mieux consigner nos expériences opérationnelles et nos leçons retenues pour les transmettre aux générations futures. Vos suggestions quant à la meilleure façon d’y parvenir sont les bienvenues. Au cours de ma carrière, j’ai constaté que s’exercer à prendre la plume (pour écrire un article, par exemple) s’avère très utile quand vient le temps de rédiger la description des réalisations d’un militaire en vue d’une décoration ou d’un titre honorifique; un RAP élogieux qui permettra à un soldat méritant d’obtenir une promotion; une note de synthèse ou un ordre d’opération concis pour votre supérieur; ou, s’il le faut, une lettre de condoléances à la famille d’un artilleur décédé ou tombé au combat, porté vers son dernier repos. Souvenez-vous que l’une des lignes d’opération de notre Stratégie pour la famille est de « communiquer avec les Canadiens ». Il est essentiel de savoir bien écrire pour ce faire. Pour terminer, j’aimerais féliciter les membres du 4e Régiment d’artillerie antiaérienne, qui ont reçu le « carré rouge » en reconnaissance de leur appartenance à la famille de la 1re Division du Canada! Bon tir (et bonne rédaction)! The Journal of the Royal Artillery, Autumn 2010, No. 2, Vol CXXXVII, p. 4. Journal of the Royal Artillery, automne 2010, no 2, vol. CXXXVII, p. 4. 10 L’Artilleur Canadien Message from the Regimental Sergeant Major, RCA Message du sergent-major régimentaire, ARC It was an honor and privilege to be appointed Regimental Sergeant Major Royal Canadian Artillery in June 2010, at the Home Station in Shilo, Manitoba. I will do everything within my power to maintain the high standard set by my predecessor. Ce fut un honneur et un privilège d’être nommé sergent-major régimentaire de l’Artillerie royale canadienne en juin 2010, à la maison mère à Shilo, au Manitoba. Je m’efforcerai de maintenir les normes élevées établies par mon prédécesseur. Le régiment a de nouveau prouvé sa polyvalence en Afghanistan et ici au Canada en rouvrant des batteries dans chaque régiment des Forces régulières. Nous avons eu deux Forces opérationnelles (FO 01-10 et FO 03-10) déployées en Afghanistan en 2010. La FO 1-11 est déployée actuellement pour terminer le rôle de combat en Afghanistan. Nos artilleurs sont eux aussi déployés au QG FO et à l’élément de soutien qui passent de 9 à 12 mois loin de leurs familles, et tout cela avec le soutien de nos Forces de réserve. Ce que je veux dire, c’est que notre régiment est une grande famille unie. Bien des personnes ont contribué à notre réussite, mais il faut avant tout remercier les artilleurs anciens et retraités qui ont tracé la voie que nous empruntons aujourd’hui. The Regiment has again proven his versatility in Afghanistan and here in Canada by reopening batteries in each Regular Forces Regiment. We have had 2 Task Forces TF 01-10, TF 03-10 deployed to Afghanistan during 2010. We have TF 1-11 deployed as we speak to finish the combat role in Afghanistan. We also had our deployed Gunners in TF-HQ and support element who are spending 9 to 12 months away from their family, all of that, supported with our Reserve Forces. Just to say, that our Regiment is one big Family. Many have had a hand in our success but, credit goes to our past and retired Gunners who paved the way at where we are now. Le Régiment royal a organisé des conférences et de nombreux cours durant l’année. J’ai eu le privilège d’assister à la conférence de l’AARC, au cours des officiers subalternes ainsi qu’au rassemblement de fin de cours à l’École d’artillerie à Gagetown. Nos normes d’instruction se sont améliorées au cours de la dernière décennie et, d’après ce que j’ai vu jusqu’à présent, je crois sincèrement que notre avenir et nos futurs leaders sont entre bonnes mains. The Royal Regiment has had conferences and many courses last year. I had the privilege to attend the RCAA conference, the junior officer course as well as a graduation parade at the Artillery School in Gagetown. Our standards of training have improved in the last decade and the strongest impression I have to date is that our future and our leaders of tomorrow are in good hands. Ce serait très négligent de ma part si je ne remerciais pas, au nom de nous tous, nos familles et nos amis pour leurs sacrifices lorsque nous sommes absents. Merci encore, nous ne pourrons jamais trop I would be most remiss if I do not express, on behalf on all of us, our thanks to our families and friends for the Canadian Gunner 11 sacrifice they have to endure when we are away. Thanks again, we will never say it enough. I have to mention that we are now back on track with RHQ under our Regimental Major, Major Hart and his team. They are doing a superb job to ensure that RHQ is well known throughout the Royal Regiment. ``THE RCA FAMILY STRATEGY`` recognizes serving Gunners everywhere - retired, regular or reserve, members of our many associations, friends of the Regiment and the need to promote the well-being of the Regimental Family at large. We are going in the right direction to support our Gunners family. And last, we have to remember our most precious resource always has been our personnel and will always be the Gunner Who Serves The Gun. Once a Gunner Always a Gunner! My best wishes go out to the Regimental Family. Ubique vous le dire. Je tiens à mentionner que nous sommes revenus à la normale au PCR avec le major régimentaire, le Maj Hart, et son équipe, le Capt Barth et l’Adjum Gibson. Ils effectuent un superbe travail pour veiller à ce que le PCR soit bien connu au sein du Régiment royal. La « STRATÉGIE POUR LA FAMILLE DE L’ARC » reconnaît le travail des artilleurs partout dans le monde – peu importe qu’ils soient retraités, membres de la Force régulière ou membres de la Réserve – des membres de nos nombreuses associations et des amis du régiment ainsi que le besoin de promouvoir le bien-être de la famille régimentaire en général. Nos efforts visant à appuyer la famille des artilleurs sont orientés dans la bonne direction. Pour terminer, nous ne devons pas oublier que notre ressource la plus précieuse a toujours été notre personnel et sera toujours l’artilleur qui utilise la pièce d’artillerie. Artilleur un jour, artilleur toujours! Je tiens à offrir mes meilleurs vœux à la famille régimentaire. Ubique 1st Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery The First Regiment commenced the year 2010 with a bang of gun fire and sweeping changes. With the majority of the Regiment deployed on operations both at home and abroad, it definitely was a busy and rewarding time for the guns. TF 3-09, Operation (Op) PALACI (Avalanche Control) and Op PODIUM (Winter Olympics) as well as the implementation of Artillery Transformation were at the top of the Regiment’s priority list. With the successful completion of each task, and the new formation of the Regiment, all gunners of 1 RCHA can look back and say that they played a part in everything the Regiment conducted in the span of the last year. The year began with TF 3-09 still in full swing. In Afghanistan, C Battery, under command of Major Shawn Fortin and Battery Sergeant Major, Master Warrant Officer Carl Roehl, supported the 1 PPCLI Battle Group(BG) with M777, 81mm fire support and close air support co-ordinated by the Forward Air Controllers. Originally tasked to deploy with three gun troops, the plan changed for only two to be deployed. Both F and Z troops gained a gun detachment and more Command Post and Reconnaissance crews, while the more senior E Troop members supported BG Headquarters (HQ) and TF Kandahar (TFK) FSCC elements. With three M777 155mm howitzers and the ability to deploy up to six 81mm mortars, the firepower available to the 1 PPCLI BG was increased in two key locations to provide support to both Canadian and American elements in Kandahar. Relieving R Battery, 5 RALC, C Battery immediately conducted firing in support of operations conducted in Panjwai and Zhari. Only a few scant weeks after taking over, C Battery fired its first GPS guided Excalibur Z Troop, C Bty fires their last round from BP Sperwan Ghar. round from F Troop’s Forward Operating Base (FOB) to support an ongoing US operation. The effects were essential in denying the enemy from exploiting a vulnerable situation. The support continued to be provided throughout the end of 2009 and into the New Year. Each troop provided essential security to their respective FOBs by conducting counter-battery fire and area denial with non-lethal effects. The C Battery gunners were paid a visit by many VIPs throughout the tour. Brigadier-General (retired) Ernest Beno visited the FOBs for Saint Barbara’s Day. During Christmas and New Years, the Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) visited the gun lines with many celebrities including comedian Mike McDonald. Throughout the 12 L’Artilleur Canadien tour, the CDS made more visits with more VIPs to include the band Glass Tiger, and hockey legends like Lanny McDonald and Tiger Williams. The gunners of C Battery were more than pleased to show these VIPs around the guns and the gun position that each called “home” for nearly eight months. The efforts of C Battery did not go unnoticed with Major Shawn Fortin and Captain Andrew Nicholson receiving the TF Kandahar Commendation and Warrant Officer Robert Tholberg receiving the Commander 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Commendation. Some members of C Battery distinguished themselves greatly in a theatre of operations and were recognized by not only the BG commander, but by the Colonel Commandant, the Canadian Forces Chief Warrant Officer and the Chief of Defence Staff. The old adage of “good things come to those who wait” proved true for Lieutenant-Colonel Tim Young who received a CDS Commendation for his role as the Chief of Fires in Afghanistan in 2008 and the Operations Officer Captain Ryan Stimpson who received a TF Kandahar Commander’s commendation for his efforts as a Forward Observation Officer during the fighting in the summer of 2007. LCol Young at the head of the Regiment during the Artillery Transformation Parade. Arty Transformation began while C Battery was deployed. The changes made included making two Gun Batterys, a Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) Battery, a Forward Observer Battery and a Headquarters and Services (HQ and Svcs) Battery. With A and B Batterys formed as the Gun Batterys, C Battery re-roled into the STA Battery. At the beginning of May, C Battery fired its ceremonial last rounds as a gun battery in Afghanistan before handing over to D Battery, 2 RCHA. By the end of May, all personnel from C Battery came back home to the arms of loved ones safe and sound, ready to fit in with the new face of 1 RCHA and carry on with their new duties. To welcome the deployed Battery home Captain Rene Lewis, with the help of many others, organized a welcome home BBQ with steak donated by the Canadian Cattlemen’s Association. For his efforts in organizing the event he received the Commander 1st Canadian Mechanized Brigade Group Commendation Hamilton-Brown remained the Battery Commander (BC) of HQ and Svcs Battery, along with Battery Sergeant Major (BSM) Master Warrant Officer (MWO) Paul Pinel. Major Shawn Fortin became the new Second in Command (2IC) of 1 RCHA, Major Jeff Lyttle took command of A Battery with his BSM, MWO Dick Elson. Newly promoted Major Geoff Hampton took B Battery upon arrival from 2 RCHA with his almost as newly promoted BSM, MWO Brian Jensen. Major Scott Lloyd and Warrant Officer (WO) Andy Furmidge became the new command team of C Battery and a freshly promoted Major Nelson took command of the newly reformed Z Battery with WO Todd Buchanan as BSM. The Regimental Sergeant Major (RSM) Change of Pace Stick ceremony saw Chief Warrant Officer (CWO) (now Captain) Tony Gilks hand off his pace stick to the newly promoted Chief Warrant Officer Edward Smith as the new RSM of 1 RCHA. 1 RCHA provided a sizeable contingent for the conduct of Op PODIUM despite serious manning shortfalls resulting from the deployment of C Battery on TF 3-09. The contingent was divided into two major components: a Defence and Security (D&S) Platoon as well as a Liaison Team. D&S Platoon was a 39 soldier organization consisting of soldiers from two sub-units and five different military occupations. The Platoon was commanded by Lieutenant (Lt) Andrew Richardson and WO Mark Reinders and was tasked with providing force protection to the Land Component Command (LCC) Headquarters, the TF Whistler Headquarters and the Whistler Area Command Centre which served as the Operations Centre for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. The platoon saw the soldiers employed well outside their areas of expertise, working as members of a rifle platoon in difficult terrain, testing the limits of their training and overall abilities. The second major element, the Liaison Team, consisted of 11 Officers and Warrant Officers from numerous different trades and was commanded by the Commanding Officer (CO), Lieutenant-Colonel Young. They were employed throughout the Joint Operations Area, encompassing the Areas of Operation for both TF Vancouver and TF Whistler. A third, much smaller element, consisted of individual augmentees tasked as Duty Officers within the LCC Headquarters. In total, the Regiment deployed more than 50 personnel for a period between January and March 2010. 1 RCHA received a Brigade Commander’s commendation for their role in OP PODIUM and Captain Trevor Michelsen received the Commander Canada Command Commendation for his role in Op PO- Artillery Transformation was conducted with a formal parade and change over of each battery in May 2010. Lieutenant-Colonel Young oversaw the transformation of C Battery and the reformation of Z Battery, the Forward Observer Battery. Major Glen Members of 1RCHA contribution to Task Force Whistler. Canadian Gunner 13 DIUM. After the return of the many deployed members of 1 RCHA, battery level training commenced in preparation for the Regimental Exercise LIMBER GUNNER I. Many Command Post Exercises at the Regimental level were conducted in order to bring Call Sign (C/S) 0 and C/S 95, as well as the FOOs and Battery Command Posts, up to standard for Regimental fire missions and fire plans. The exercise was conducted from 8 to 17 September. The first portion of the exercise focussed on Regimentally controlled reconnaissance co-ordinated by the 2IC. After a Regimental hide was established, the batterys conducted their own fire and movement until the Regimental portion kicked off. 95 co-ordinated the movement of all the batterys into Regimental positions and the RCPO co-ordinated the Regimental fire missions and multiple battery missions being called in by the Z Battery FOOs. The Regiment fielded three gun call signs: A Battery (C/S 1) with three LG1 105mm howitzers, and B Battery fielded two call signs to include three LG1s with C/S 2 and four mortars with C/S 3. The STA Battery conducted detection drills in conjunction with C/S 3 providing mortar fire. Z Battery conducted Regimental and multiple call sign fire missions as well as calling in CAS with the Forward Air Controllers. Throughout the exercise, HQ and Svcs Battery provided administrative support to all call signs with MT support, filling of ADREPS (Administration Reports) through the Battery Quarter Masters and providing meals from the flying kitchens. Sniping Gun and GPO’s Open Action competitions were conducted to challenge the Gun Detachment Commanders and Gun Position Officers of each battery. Sergeant Corey Rein, of A Battery 15A, won the Commanding Officer’s (CO’s) Pennant and the sniping gun competition and Lieutenant Keith Woodill, from B Battery, won the GPO’s Open Action competition. With a historical touch, each troop created a trebuchet for the trebuchet competition, overseen by the Colonel Commandant Brigadier-General (retired) Beno. The Regimental LMT won the prize, not surprisingly due to their mechanical and engineering know-how. The winning trebuchet fired a tennis ball 90 metres and was accurate to knock a can off a Non-Commissioned Officer’s (NCO’s) head at 30 metres. The exercise ended with a resounding bang with the Regiment firing as one unit with CF-18 fighter jets dropping 500lbs bombs within sight of the gun lines at King OP. Exercise (EX) LIMBER GUNNER I was the first Regimental level exercise conducted by 1 RCHA in many Soldiers Appreciation Dinner. years. The lessons learned from Ex LIMBER GUNNER I were put into practice, along with new skills learned by new Gunners, during Ex LIMBER GUNNER II, which was conducted from 22 November until 3 December 2010. More Regimental fire plans and Regimentally controlled movement were practiced and the M777 howitzers played their part with A Battery during the exercise. Junior Officers from 5th (BC) Regiment were attached to B Battery in order to observe and assist with Ex LIMBER GUNNER II in an effort by 1 RCHA to share the knowledge and maintain a strong link with the Primary Reserves. The year finished with the traditional “Soldiers Appreciation Dinner”, however in typical Manitoba fashion the weather even affected this event with a massive snowfall closing roads around the base and causing us to speed the dinner along to get everyone home safely. Not to be deterred everyone still enjoyed themselves greatly. Some had a more enjoyable time than others with a number of promotions being awarded to a number of individuals. Three of our Senior Non-Commissioned Officers got a well earned morale boost when Sergeants McGowan, Flynn and Fisk were all promoted to Warrant Officer. It is with great regret that at the end of November 2010 Lieutenant-Colonel Young’s wife, Sherri-Lynn Young passed away due to complications from cancer. The Regiment, friends and family of LieutenantColonel Young mourned the passing of Sherri during two memorials, one in Pembroke and one in Shilo. She will be remembered by all who knew her. LCol Young hands the new RSM, CWO Smith, the RSM’s drill cane. 14 The next year looks full of operations and gunnery, much like the previous years for 1 RCHA. A Battery will be conducting work up training for possible deployment to Afghanistan in 2011 supporting Operation (Op) Athena and Op Attention (the new training mission). B Battery is standing up teams to support Op PALACI in British Columbia for Avalanche Control. With a busy schedule and no shortage of gunnery, the First Regiment will undoubtedly be everywhere supporting domestic operations and combat operations overseas. Definitely, First Regiment, Royal Canadian Horse Artillery espouses the very essence of UBIQUE. L’Artilleur Canadien 1RCHA 2010 LCOL YOUNG T.R MAJ FORTIN S.K MAJ HAMILTON-BROWNG MAJ HAMPTON J.G.J. MAJ LLOYD S MAJ LYTTLE R.J. MAJ NELSON H MAJ RICHARD JJ CAPT ASTALOS M.J CAPT BOSSENCE W.P CAPT BRADLEY A.W.J CAPT BROWN S.L CAPT DUNN C.D CAPTEVANS J.R CAPT FERRERA D.L CAPT HAUGHEY P.G CAPT HUNT W.H CAPT JACKSON L.M CAPTJAWED A.S CAPTKEACH G.E CAPTLEWIS R CAPT MACDONALD P.T CAPT MATHEWS J.J CAPT MCDONALD J.C.W CAPT MICHELSEN T.K CAPTPRYOR W.D CAPTSLOAT S.C CAPT STIMPSON R.T. CAPTVANDERMOLEN R.W CAPT VERLEUN N.J CAPT YOUNGSON S.D LT BAXTER W.A LT BOWERING J.D LT CLAUS T LT DELVO M.G LT DINNER T.J LT GRANNAN J LT KNOX J LTLI A LT MAYES J.C.M LT MEYERS C.J.C LT MOLSBERRY M LT PHAM A LT PRYMACK A.W LT RICHARDSON A.F LT SKINNER D.A. LT STEVENSON M LT TEGART J LT VILLEMAIRE RYHSJ LT WATSON B LT WOODILL K.J 2LTBIRD I 2LT CHRISTENSEN KA 2LT EINER M 2LT MACKENZIE M 2LT MCCOOL B 2LT PETTIGREW B 2LT WYNTJES R CWOSMITH E MWOELSON D.R MWO GIBSON C.L MWO JENSEN B.R MWOPINEL P.J WO BEATTY R.W WO BUCHANAN T.B WO CARRASQUEIRA R WO CLARKE D.S WO CLOUTHIER S.K WO FURMIDGE A.W WO GRESL C.P Canadian Gunner WO GRULKE WO HENRY WO JESSEAU WO LAROCQUE WO LUNDRIGAN WO MACKINTOSH WO MCGOWAN WO PORRITT WO POWER WO SEAWARD WO THOLBERG WO WATERFIELD SGT APPEL SGT BALICKI SGT BEAULIEU SGTBLAIR SGTBRAID SGT BRICKELL SGT BURTON SGT COMEAU SGTCOTE SGT CUTLER SGT DAYMAN SGT ENGRAM SGT FIANDER SGTFISK SGT FLEMING SGT FLYNN SGT HERBERT SGT KAUS SGT LAHAYE SGT MCCAULEY SGT MONTGOMERY SGTNOEL SGT PIERCE SGTREIN SGT SIMPSON SGT THIBEAU SGT TOMLINSON SGT VERNER SGTWEBB SGT WIERENGA SGT WISEMAN MBDRAIKENS MBDR AUDET MBDR BADCOCK MBDR BILLARD MBDRBOGGS MBDR BONVILLE MBDRBOOTH MBDR BRISTOW MBDRBROWN MBDR BRUCE MBDR BURHOE MBDR CHELKOWSKI MBDR CHURCHILL MBDR COLLIER MBDR DESROSIERS OUELLET MBDR FURNIVAL MBDR GINGRICH MBDR GOLDING MBDR GRABAUSKAS MBDR GRAJEWSKI MBDR GUAY MBDR HALMRAST MBDR HANNAM MBDR HAWKINS MBDR HOULE MBDR HOULE MBDRINGRAM 15 E.D R.K. T.J B.A W.E T.D S.A H.L J.M E.K R.D M.J K.G K.M.J M J.D R.D B.L A.C E P.G.C A.A B.J.D T.R R.M M.E.G A.D J.L.S C.R J.A.W A.J M.J. R.L P.R K.S C.M J.W I.T J.A H.D.J W.E. A.T M.S S.C K.J.M T.R. G.R A.H.L M.J J.D C.L A.D W.E J.A D.A.J T.D P.B M J.S C.P C.H P.G.J. R.A.C W T.L. R.B R.M J.M.F R.C W.J 1RCHA 2010 MBDRKARG MBDR KOLOPENUK MBDR LEVESQUE MBDR MACINTYRE MBDR MACRURY MBDR MATHESON MBDRMCNEIL MBDR MEDCALF MBDRMEGER MBDR MERCADO MBDRMILES MBDR PAUL MBDR PENNEY MBDR PETKOVICH MBDR PLANETTA MBDRRHIND MBDRROTH MBDR SHEPPARD MBDRSHIELS MBDR SLUGOSKI MBDRSYME MBDRTAYLOR MBDR THORNE MBDR TYMCHAK MBDRWALSH MBDR WISWELL BDR ALCIME BDR ARMSTRONG BDR AUBIN BDRBALL BDR BONNEAU BDR BONVILLE BDR BROAD BDR BUTLER BDR CAREY BDR CARON BDR CATON BDR CORBETT BDR CREANEY BDR DENTREY BDR DESBIENS BDR DESROCHES BDR DOUCET BDR DUTCHAK BDR ELLIOTT BDR ELSON BDR EMBERLY BDR FARQUHAR BDR FOWLER BDR GABEL BDRGALL BDR GIBSON BDRGILKS BDR GINGRAS BDR GRIMEAU BDR HALLAM BDR HANSSON BDR HARRIS BDR HELKA BDR HILCHIE BDR HOULE BDR HOUSTON BDR HUNKA BDR JACOBS BDR JENKINS BDRKELLY BDRKNEE BDR LAJOIE BDR LARSON BDR LOGUE J.D P.J E.R M.F K.R. R.R S.L W.A J.T M.D.C B.F R.J.R R.A.A D.F S.W S.D K T.F T.L.G S.J T.E I.D O.T.G D.T.L D.E H.P O.J N.W.L M C.J G.J.S R.M J.A D.L.F J.T C B.R B.A D M.J.W OSDE D.J. L R.J M.T D.R B.D J J J.E J.L M.J R.R H.S CM D.N.D A.J.C I J.B A.C J.C.J R.N O.R.A J.G K.T.J D.F.J J.W C A.E G.J BDR MARSHALL BDR MARSMAN BDR MCCONNELL BDR MCCORMICK BDR MCDERMOT-FOUTS BDR MCNIVEN BDR MORAN BDR O’CONNELL BDR O’DONNELL BDR OSADCHUK BDR PARSONS BDRPATEY BDR PAYNTON BDRPITRE BDR POLYWKAN BDRPRATT BDRPRICE BDR RICHARD BDR SEDGWICK BDR STANFORD BDRTAPP BDR TRIMM BDR UMLAH BDR VANDERZWAAG BDR VIALETTE BDR WIERSEMA GNRALLEN GNR ARDOLEI GNRBAAH GNR BADGER GNR BAKER GNR BALDIZON GNR BONKOWSKI GNR BOYLE GNR BRADLEY GNR BROOKS GNR BROPHY GNR BROWN GNR BUCHOON GNR BZDYL GNR CABUNGCAL GNR CARLETON GNR CASTELLANOS GNRCHOW GNR CLARK GNR CLEMENT GNR CONNORS GNR CORNECT GNR CORRIGAL GNRCOTE GNR COUTURIER GNRCYR GNR DAINARD GNR DANIELS GNRDAVIS GNR DILLON GNR DOUCETTE GNR DREWETTE GNR DUMMITT GNR EARNSHAW GNR ELLIOTT GNR ELLIOTT GNR ENGLISH GNR ESPIRITO SANTO GNR FAVRON GNR FAVRON GNR FIRMIN GNRFORD GNR FOX GNR FRIDGE 16 C.R.C M.A E.J S.D. Z.B J.J.M R.J. K J.S N.W R.G S.L T.A. G.J.V R.K W.R J.D M.F D.J. S.E R.N S.P.L R K.D J.A.F K.C B B F G.D. S.C. J.D N.W A.M.T R.R J.R K.B J J.G E.P A C J.D B.R C.E. M.E. S.H E.W. C.C. G.M J M PA B.A D.V K M J P B.S.E D T.J S J J.P.F K J.D M.S S.A. J L’Artilleur Canadien 1RCHA 2010 GNR GOSSEN GNR GREGG GNR GUERRA GNR HECKMAN GNR HEISLER GNR HEPPELL GNR HLIBCHUK GNR HOBSON GNR HOWSON GNR HUTCHINSON GNR JACKSON GNR JERRETT GNR JIMENEZ GNR JOHNSON GNR JONES GNR KAISER GNR KASSAYE GNR KENNEDY GNRKER GNR KITTSON GNR LAPIERRE GNR LECKIE GNR LEFAVE GNR LEGER GNR LEVESQUE GNR LOPEZ GNR LUKAN GNR MACDONALD GNRMANN GNR MCDONALD GNR MCNEILL GNR MOLNAR GNR MONTGOMERY GNR MONTGOMERY GNR MORGAN GNR MORGAN GNR MORRIS GNRNASIR GNR NORTON GNR O’BRIEN GNR O’LEARY GNR OUIMET GNR PAMPLIN GNR PENNINGS GNR PERRY GNR PITZEL GNR PODOLAS GNR PORTILLO J.M S.M P D.W A.J. J.C. S.A A.L. R.C. P C.S M J S.L H.C. B D C.W N.R A D I.C. D.S.M K.A S.M S.R J.A. J.P. B.M M.D R.D J.J. B.R R.K.L B.J.J J.G J.W B. K.M. K.F J.L J D J.W T R.P J K.E GNR POTTS GNR POTTS GNR POWELL GNR PRESTON GNR PRIDHAM GNR REMPEL GNR RINGUETTE-FARRELL GNR ROSAMOND GNR SCHARF GNR SCHEER GNR SCHERTZING GNR SCHRIVER GNRSHAW GNR SHUTTLEWORTH GNR SIMONE GNR SIMPSON GNR SIMUNDSON GNRSMITH GNRSMITH GNRSMITH GNR SOPKOW GNR STAPLES GNRSTISI GNR STOANGI GNR STUPARYK GNRSWICK GNR SYLVESTER GNR TAYLOR GNR TERRY GNR THOMSON GNR THORBURN GNR TOLCHARD GNR TRAVERS GNR TREMBLAY GNR TRIANTAFYLLOPOULOS GNRTRIBE GNR URQUHART GNR WHALEN GNRWHITE GNR WILSON GNR WILSON GNR WIRZMAN GNR WOLFE GNRWOLKI GNRWOLSTENHOLME GNR WORSLEY GNRYORK GNR YOUNG J K.J 0 C.J.J J.L.R R.J D.J.R J.K B.G R A I.F.A E.J. J.D.R D R K C.M R.E S.S.K D.D G.P.P N A T.B.S K.P.R R.R J C N S G S J A F.K M.L.L D.L.W S D J K B.D.F E.A M.T D B.J.S. B.Y. 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery cluding twenty-three members 2 RCHA. The city was invisible in the night, except for occasional fires burning throughout. All power was lost in the terrible earthquake less than 36 hours earlier. With all communications cut off, the only thing that was known about the city of 3 million was that the damage was cata- 2 RCHA Early in the pitch black morning of 14 January, 2010, the first Canadian flights of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) were landing at the Port au Prince Airport in Haiti, in- Canadian Gunner 17 strophic, and help was desperately needed. Op HESTIA was the fastest deployment of the DART since its inception, and it signalled the start of an historic year for the Second Regiment. The January DART deployment came in the middle of D Battery’s final workup training on Ex MAPLE GUARDIAN in the dry desert of Fort Irwin in California. In May, D Battery deployed with 1 RCR Battle Group, TF 1-10 on Op ATHENA. Flying into KAF over the bare desert floor dotted with sporadic mountains, A Tp at FOB Wilson during at the handover Sines relinquished command of HQ Battery to Maj Jennifer Caugrape fields and mud huts, D Battery members were aware that sey. We also saw Maj Pederson take over as the new Regimenthis was the end of the Afghanistan poppy growing season and tal Second in Command while thanking the departing Maj Payne the start of a long summer of fighting. With A Troop supporting who had only recently returned from Haiti. Artillery Transformathe US 101st Airborne Division near FOB Wilson and B Troop tion on that day was driven by then Director of Artillery, Col Dasupporting the 1 RCR Battle Group near Sperwan Ghar, this was the main effort for 2 RCHA in 2010. This was also a landmark tour for the Second Regiment as it will be the last 2 CMBG Battle Group generated for the combat mission in Kandahar. Even as D Battery was deploying, 2 RCHA was called upon for a third internationally significant operation, Op CADENCE, which was the Canadian Forces contribution to security for the G8 and G20 Summits in June. 2 RCHA was tasked to generate and command TF Toronto HQ and to provide training and logistical support to TF Huntsville. TF Toronto had two reserve companies on the west side of the airstrip at Pearson Airport and 2 RCHA members operated the TF HQ inside the terminal. While world leaders were arriving and departing, 2 RCHA members also supported the extensive security area around the scenic Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville. During the highest operational tempo in recent memory, 2 RCHA also experienced an historic year as two batteries, F and Y were stood up during Artillery Transformation on Artillery Day, 26 May 2010. F, Y and HQ Batteries all underwent a Change-ofCommand as Maj Paul Williams took over F Battery, Maj David Grebstad received command of Y Battery and Maj Christopher A Tp fires as part of Remembrance Day ceremonies 11 Nov, 2010. B Troop manhandles an M777 in PB Sperwan Ghar. vid Marshall. With the completion of Artillery Transformation at 2 RCHA, it was our fortune to host the Director of Artillery Change of Command and welcome Col Brian McPherson to the position. Artillery Transformation foreshadowed a surprise Regimental Change of Command in November. LCol Liam McGarry was selected to be the Chief of Staff for the Mission Transition Task Force in Afghanistan in 2011. LCol Greg Ivey took command on 9 Nov, 2011. Capping off the year of change and surprises was the appointment of our RSM, CWO Daniel Moyer to 1 Calvary Division, US Army for a one year deployment to Afghanistan. Again, with short notice, the Regiment welcomed CWO Michel Provencher as our new RSM on 7 Jan, 2011. In between these operations, changes, exercises and challenges, the heart of 2 RCHA has always been the men and women who serve the guns in the batteries. From the DART deployment on Op HESTIA and Ex MAPLE GUARDIAN in Jan 2010 to Op ATHENA redeployment and EX VIRTUAL BEAR in Dec, the stories from each battery defined the year for the regi- 18 L’Artilleur Canadien D Bty at the end of work-up training in CFB Petawawa, Nov 2011. a plane in Ottawa to snow and freezing temperatures was a shock. Of course everyone expected it, but there is often a difference between knowledge of something and its reality. The arrival back in Canada reflected one of the major lessons learned from the deployment. The realities of an operational tour were very different from the expectations almost everyone held before leaving Canada. ment. D Battery Deployed In one way or another, the deployment to Afghanistan consumed the entire year for the majority of D Battery under command of Maj Stephen Haire and BSM Robert Beaudry. No sooner did the soldiers return from Christmas block leave, then they embarked for EX Maple Guardian in Fort Irwin, California. January saw both Troops and all the FOO Parties rotate through the CO’s Box - an intense rotation of movements, deployments and fire plans designed to satisfy the CO as to the Battery’s state of readiness - and a series of ranges in support of the Combat Team’s training. Each of the Troops expended approximately 1000 rounds. February was quite a different story. The exercises gave the FOO parties an opportunity for the Combat Team to exercise in realistic, kinetic environment. The Troops rehearsing tactical convoy drills and austere position routine, expended no rounds. D Battery Rear 2010 When D Battery deployed to Afghanistan in May 2010, D Battery Rear under the command of Lt Demetry Furman and Acting BSM Joe MacDonald remained in Petawawa to manage the Battery QM and the incoming gunners posted from the RCAS at the end of summer. Under the leadership of WO Donald Barton, the BQMS had to resolve issues created by the equipment returning from MAPLE GUARDIAN in California and the problems created by a six month Road to High Readiness training period and Artillery Transformation. MBdr Edward Hoszko, Bdr David Leforte and Bdr James T. Kirk were key to the successful counting, reorganisation and redistribution of the kit, weapons and vehicles during this complicated time. D Battery Rear grew from a small post deployment staff to a Battery minus of 52 soldiers with a BHQ, BQMS and Gun troop complete. Due to a shortage of experienced leadership, everyone worked at least one, and often two ranks or more above their level. The most notable and appreciated example was Gnr The return date from California left little time to tie up loose ends before Pre-Deployment leave. Gnr Jace Avery was among the first to arrive in Kandahar in mid-April. B Troop was settled in to Patrol Base (PB) Sperwan Ghar and A Troop in FOB Wilson by the end of May. A Troop, under command of Lt Rick Parent and TSM John Hunt fired the Battery’s first operational rounds of the tour in support of our American brethren. They didn’t have the opportunity to get comfortable, however. When responsibility for the Area of Operations surrounding FOB Wilson was handed over to the Americans, A Troop conduced a road move to PB Shoja. That was a new piece of Tactical Infrastructure (TI), meaning that the troops occupying it had to do all the work of building it up. B Troop, with Lt Colin McConnell and TSM Brian Quigley remained in Sperwan Ghar throughout the tour. On top of the routine, daily work of maintaining a gun position and keeping skills sharp, the soldiers were occupied with manning OP Hilltop, and with two PCF courses. This combination proved a challenge, but they stepped up admirably. Visitors of note dropped in periodically throughout the deployment. The Chief of Defence Staff and Minister of National Defence made two visits to theatre. The Chief of Land Staff made a tour of the major pieces of Canadian held TI, and A Troop was served Thanksgiving dinner by Guy Lafleur. All of the Battery’s soldiers returned home by mid-December. Many complained of the cold nights in Kandahar province, after becoming acclimated to 40oC afternoons. Stepping off of Canadian Gunner F Bty pers receive training on the Persistent Surveillance System (PSS) in Petawawa May 2010 19 what to expect.” In the late summer and after months of planning and preparation, forty members of 2 RCHA embarked on Exercise STRONG SHOULDERS with Lt Wayne LeBlanc as the OPI and Sgt Sean Cairns the 2IC. Mainly comprised of E Battery personnel, the two-person canoe crews covered the 202km length of the Rideau Canal from Kingston to Ottawa stretch in 5.5 days. The exercise gave participants a chance to learn about the history of the canal while bonding and enjoying some fun and challenging adventure training. October was one of those rare occasions where we had most of the Battery available and we took advantage of that. For three days, E Battery occupied a bivouac in the Mattawa to work out Battery SOPs in preparation for our fall tasking to the RCAS. D Battery providing timely and accurate fire support during Ex MG 1001. Edward Rowe. As a newly posted Gunner, he stepped up to act as the temporary Battery MT for almost six weeks in the fall. Gnr Rowe showed enthusiasm and capability well beyond his rank. In particular, his prior experience in Heavy Vehicle maintenance prevented serious damage to a Battery MLVW when he and Gnr Ryan Kleri found and repaired damaged transmission fluid reservoir bolts on a hunch that the vehicle “felt funny” while driving it. All of D Battery Rear’s gunners look forward to greeting the returning D Battery soldiers as the come back home. Ubique! E Battery E Battery members were deployed to Haiti on 13 January as part of Op HESTIA in the Defence and Security Platoon, DART Company. They included Lt Alisdair Galbraith and WO John Stewart as the Platoon Commander and Warrant as well as 2 Section, formed from E Battery. With several members of the standby DART Company tasked to MAPLE GUARDIAN in California, volunteers like Gnr Trevor Hilson and Sgt Daniel Gillespie were tasked to DART in the morning with only a few hours to pack before getting on the bus to Trenton in the afternoon without even knowing when they would return. Op HESTIA signalled the shift for E Battery from supporting D Battery workup training in 2009 to taking over primary Regimental tasks. The largest task of the year for Maj Sonny Hatton and BSM John Stewart was to provide the core support for TF Toronto as part of Op CADENCE which provided security for both the G-8 and G-20 summits. Op CADENCE was conducted in conjunction with the local police forces and Warrant Officer Jeffrey Querques described his role as a Liaison NCO with the OPP. “As the liaison, our crew was responsible for ensuring that all pertinent information involving both the OPP and the military AOR was known by both parties. As well, during that timeframe I also interacted with the Peel Police force ensuring that the members that were patrolling the AOR with military personnel knew 2 RCHA was asked to host the DP 1.1 officer course from September to December. It was a good experience for E Battery as we were able to get back into gunnery and refresh basic skills of recce, deployment, force protection, fire missions, safety and fire planning. Detachment Commanders had a good opportunity to evaluate new gunners on gun line duties. Thanks to the efforts of the E Battery leadership, the DP 1.1 candidates not only walked away with the knowledge they were taught on course, but also important lessons on what will be expected of them when they arrive at a Regiment. At the close of the year, Ex VIRTURAL BEAR allowed 2 RCHA to deploy Fire Support Coordination Centers (FSCC) and Regimental staff in support of 2 CMBG. E Battery deployed its FSCC under FSCCO Capt Adam James and FSCC WO T.C. Murrin within the 3 RCR Battle Group Headquarters. E Battery FSCC had six people managing Battleview, which commanders used to keep situational awareness; manage the deployment of Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) assets such as Scan Eagle; and manage the deployment of the guns to support 3 RCR Battle Group operations. The exercise was a terrific learning opportunity within a Battery FSCC context. E Battery sent four candidates on the Basic Para course at CFB Trenton in December. One of the candidates, Gnr David Hardy, said, “I found it to be both difficult and exciting. . . . When standing in the tower, waiting for your turn to jump, your nerves are tested. When entering the J-stage, I didn’t know what to expect. I couldn’t wait for the first jump, and when my stick was called, my nerves went crazy . . . Overall the jump course has been the best course I’ve been on in the military.” E Battery also sent MBdr Joshua Erling and Lt Dustin Aliberti to Fort Benning Georgia to attend the Air Assaulters course in December. The course entailed combat air assault, rigging and slingload operations, and rappelling from rotary wing aircraft. PT was an integral part of the course culminating in a 12 mile rucksack march under 3 hrs in order to graduate. Both were successful on the course while many of the other candidates were 20 L’Artilleur Canadien sent home after the first few days. F Battery 26 May 2010 marked the return of F Battery to the 2 RCHA orbat as the Regiment’s STA element. Maj. M. Paul Williams assumed command of the Battery with MWO Arthur Snodgrass (deployed with TF 1-10) designated as the Battery Sergeant Major. Since its resurrection, F Battery has been exceedingly busy, having supported a multitude of operational and training related tasks. Mere weeks after F Battery’s reconstitution, members of the battery deployed on Op CADENCE under the supervision of Sgt Deborah Attrux where they performed a number of surveillance tasks which included the establishment and manning of a Persistent Surveillance System (PSS), which provided over watch of the G8 Conference grounds and the surrounding area of the Deerhurst Resort in Huntsville in June. This asset played a pivotal role in providing a safe and secure environment for conference attendees through the provision of real-time imagery for use by local law enforcement agencies. August saw the deployment of a HALO system and crew to Arizona, where tests were completed to ensure interoperability with our allies’ equipment. This trial provided the opportunity for F Battery members, under the supervision of Sgt Dean Penney, to showcase both our equipment and the TTPs which Canada has refined through years of operational deployment in Afghanistan on Op ATHENA. The fall afforded the Battery the opportunity to conduct HALO and LCMR training for the Battery’s new members and also enabled all members of the Battery to cross-train and gain experience on different systems within the battery. F Battery will spend the upcoming winter months receiving the STA element from D Battery, as well as conducting PCF training. A number of F Battery personnel remain deployed overseas on Op ATHENA and the Battery eagerly awaits their return. The future remains bright for this new capability within 2 RCHA and all F Battery members eagerly await the opportunity to showcase our STA capabilities to 2 CMBG and the Army as a whole. Y Battery On 26 May 2010 Y Battery 2nd Regiment Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Officially stood up under command of Maj David W. Grebstad and FSCC WO George MacDonald. Since that time, Y Battery has filled many tasks in order to fulfill the needs of the 2nd Regiment as well as 2 CMBG. In addition to the many tasks, members of Y-Battery have been loaded on a plethora of courses in order to gain the necessary qualifications needed for the new organization. Many of the tasks Y Battery has filled within the Regiment thus far have largely been observation party tasks supporting gun battery training. That being said, members of Y- Battery have also been tasked as instructors on Regimental and Brigaderun courses, ranging a wide array of army training. Some of the tasks include Driver Wheel instructor; LAV Driver Instructor; Leadership Company instructor; support to the Primary Reserve Infantry Company Commander course; and Observation Party Detachment Member instructor, to name a few. In January 2011, Y Battery detached a Parachute FOO party to M Company (Para), 3 RCR to travel to Fort Bragg, North Carolina for a Joint Forced Entry Exercise with a Brigade Combat Team from the 82nd Airborne Division. Capt Mike Lavery and Sgt Steve Malley led the 2 RCHA contributions to the exercise which ran from 17 January to 18 February. It consisted of numerous infantry training scenarios and it culminated with a mass Canadian Gunner 21 drop of around 1800 paratroopers in order to seize a simulated enemy air field. Along with helping to instruct, many of the members of Y Battery have been loaded on courses. Besides the basic courses, many of Y Battery’s members have taken advanced courses. Lt Ryan Telfer and Lt Cory Osborne were the top two candidates in the Forward Observation Officer course. MBdr Nicholas Bennett was the top candidate in the Observation Detachment Commander course which was also completed by Sgt Malley. Bdr Joel Lloyd, Bdr Joseph P. Wiseman, Bdr Simon Gedeon, MBdr Geoffrey MacLean and recently promoted Sgt Matthew Beaupre completed the Observation Party Second in Command course and Capt Lee Bellemore and MBdr John Thomas completed the Forward Air Controller course. As Y Battery approaches the end of its first exciting year in existence, the future of the Battery seems very promising. In February the majority of the FOO parties deployed as part of Task Force 1-1- will return to work and Y Battery will start progressive training in preparation for Ex FROZEN GUN. HQ Battery This year saw deployments to Haiti, California, Toronto, and Afghanistan, two change of command and appointment parades, and a complete Regimental transformation. Over eighty members of HQ Battery deployed to Fort Irwin California in support of Ex MAPLE GUARDIAN. HQ Battery coordinated the movement of training support vehicles, material and support staff over 3500 km by rail, road and air. Whether deployed as a member of the Command Group in the 2 CMBG HQ or out in the field as a mentor or artillery safety staff, HQ Battery members were there to support throughout Ex MG 10-01. The call for the deployment of the Disaster Assistance Response Team (DART) was received only hours after the devastating magnitude 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti on 12 January, 2010. By the following evening, 23 members of HQ and E Battery were in Trenton getting ready to board a plane and deploy on Op HESTIA. Major Paul Payne commanded the DART Company along with Capt Sarah Heer as the Operations Officer and Capt John O’Brien the company second in command. The DART provided basic sanitation in Jacmel, shelter for schools and orphanages, clean drinking water for thousands of displaced persons, and basic care through mobile medical teams. Op HESTIA was a challenging mission in which members of HQ Battery demonstrated determination and grit in order to get the job done. For Op CADENCE, HQ Battery, under the direction of the Acting Battery Commander and QM Capt Jane Sparkes, and the RQ, MWO Annette Baisley, coordinated all of the required supply, signals and maintenance support necessary for a task force comprising 2 reserve companies, a reconnaissance troop and a full scale command post. The operation started with a road move from CFB Petawawa to the Land Force Central Area training centre in Meaford for 2 weeks of individual training followed by a confirmation exercise in CFB Borden. By 18 June lead elements were already heading for Toronto to finalize set-up at the Toronto Airport before the G20 Summit. Artillery transformation meant vehicles and equipment needed to be transferred between batteries and infrastructure re-allocated in order to facilitate training. The lion’s share of this work fell to the Regimental Quartermaster staff of QM Capt Sparkes, RQ, MWO Baisley and Sgt Darrell Chaytor working with Battery Quartermaster’s WO Donald Barton, WO Sidney Barnes, Sgt Richard Atkinson, and WO Stephen Zacharuk, to ensure that proper accounting occurred. A few grey hairs later, the transformation was completed successfully in time for new training year. At the end of the summer Capt O’Brien once again planned, coordinated and oversaw the CFB Petawawa Ironman, a gruelling endurance event in which competitors ruck, portage, and canoe a total of 50km. Signals Platoon under Capt Sébastien Beaudet ensured that everyone had crystal clear communications throughout the extended course, while Battery members cheered on competitors in the cold and drizzly rain. HQ Battery had 5 members on the 28 man Regimental team including the CO, LCol McGarry; the RSM, CWO Moyer; the QM, Capt Mike Winsor; the Tech Adjt, Capt Jason Vallis and Cpl Michel Paré from MT Troop. Capt Vallis was first to cross the line for 2 RCHA with a time of 06:36:40 achieving 13th place overall. Conclusion 2010 was one of the busiest years in 2 RCHA’s history. Three internationally significant operations were supported, two Batteries were stood up and a new model of an Artillery Regiment was born. The new model reflects the improved Royal Canadian Artillery capabilities in STA and Fire Support that were displayed in Op CADENCE and Op ATHENA. The operational tempo this year was signalled in January 2010 by the mission to Haiti in Op HESTIA and the successes in all these operations, taskings and courses reflect the day to day dedication of all members of the 2nd Regiment. Two change of command parades and separate change of appointment parades were. On April 9, a change of appointment parade was held for Battery Sergeant Major (BSM), from MWO Thomas Neil who was deployed on TF 1-10 to MWO Roland Smith who took over from MWO Claude Dugas as acting BSM. The following month, HQ Battery met their new Commander, Maj Causey, who arrived for the Artillery Day Parade which took place on 26 May in record breaking heat. 2RCHA 2010 LCOLIVEY MAJ CAUSEY MAJ CRABBE MAJ GREBSTAD MAJHAIRE MAJ HATTON MAJ PEDERSON MAJSINES MAJ WILLIAMS CAPT BARBER CAPT BELLEMORE CAPT BILLING CAPTEVANS CAPT HISCOCK CAPTHOWE CAPTJAMES CAPTLANG CAPT LAVERY CAPTLEE CAPTLESLIE CAPT LIZOTTE CAPT MCCONNELL CAPTMILLER CAPT O’BRIEN CAPT OSBORNE CAPT PARENT CAPT PLUMMER CAPT SAULNIER CAPT SHEPPARD CAPT SKIDMORE CAPT STEWART CAPT SYKORA CAPT WALKER LT ALIBERTI LT BARBER LT BEATTY LT BECKER LT BROWNRIDGE LT CHIU LT CLAUS LT CUTTING LT DONAK LT FURMAN LT GALBRAITH LT JOHNSTON LT LEBLANC LT MAHER LT MCQUARRIE LT REBEIRO LT ROCHE LT SNOW LT TELFER LT TILBROOK LT WARD LT ZWICEWICZ 2LT ANDERSON 2LT CROSIER CWO MONTAGUE CWO MOYER CWO PROVENCHER MWO BEAUDRY MWO LOUVELLE MWONEILL MWOSMITH MWO SNODGRASS WO ATTRUX WO BARNES WO BARTON WO EWING WO HERMAN WO LANNIGAN WO LUCE WO MACDONALD WO MACDONALD WO MELANSON WO MILLIGAN WO MOLOUGHNEY WOMORNINGSTAR GW JA DR DW SG ST JA CS MP NP RP BG HSL MA JM AD SM MDS MB JD VMJ CJ BDG LMG CD TD IC CR RP NY PA CD CF DV JD JMF MD JG MJ 22 TMJ CT KJ D AK RDM WD NBM AR SB MA AA RP WS CMF JC JR MB RJ DT JAM RJ GM K RW AM SA SLJ DP RK AA JC K GK JR JC DE JGL RJ L’Artilleur Canadien 2RCHA 2010 WO MURRIN WO MYLER WO OLIVER WO POWER WO QUERQUES WO QUIGLEY WOREID WO SIMOURD WO STEWART WO THIBAULT WO ZACHARUK SGT ATKINSON SGT ATTRUX SGT BANNISTER SGT BEAUPRE SGT BERTHIER SGT CAIRNS SGT CANNING SGT CONWAY SGT COUPAL SGT DALTON SGT DOYLE SGT DOYLE SGT FEKETE SGT GODDARD SGT GODFREY SGT HINCH SGT HOUDE SGT INNISS SGT JOKSIMOVIC SGT KIDSON SGT KILLEEN SGT LANGILLE SGT LEBLANC SGT LUTEN SGT MALLEY SGT MELVIN SGT NOVOSAD SGT PENNEY SGT QUINN SGT SARNELLI SGT SAUMURE SGT SAUNDERS SGT SHORT SGT SIMMONDS SGT STANSFIELD SGT WALSH SGT WHEELER SGT ZAREMBA MBDR BARNEY MBDRBAYNE MBDR BEAMISH MBDR BENNETT MBDR BREMNER MBDR COMEAU MBDR CONWAY MBDR CUNNINGHAM MBDR DAUPHINAIS MBDR DRUMMOND MBDRERLING MBDREVANS MBDRGILBY MBDR GIROUX MBDR HANRAHAN MBDR HARRISON MBDR HAWKINS MBDR HOLMES MBDR HOSZKO MBDR HUNTINGTON MBDR JACKSON Canadian Gunner TC JP EE KVB JJ BD CE JA JAW PJ SL RGM DL KD ME NAH SDF SE JD EA TJ BC KG R RG SC JI JAS RA B TDC JT RG CM KD FS MA DAW DJ DE SC MJA CJ BJH KO BA MJ MA TS TM MW MW NSP JD CL TP SG SJM MS JD DR SR SJG CS CJ JJ D ED JR AV MBDRKELLY MBDRKING MBDR KUIACK MBDR LACHANCE MBDR LAJAMBE MBDR LALONDE MBDR LAVALLIE MBDR LECOZ MBDR MACLEAN MBDRMAKTHEPHARAK MBDR MANGROVE MBDR MASSICOTTE MBDR MCLEAN MBDR MCLEOD MBDRMILLAR MBDR NUTTALL MBDRO’DELL MBDRORTH MBDRPALMER MBDR PAUL MBDRPELLEY MBDRPIGEON MBDR SAULTER MBDR SECORD MBDRSHEA MBDRSIMARD MBDRSTACK MBDR STODGELL MBDR ST-PIERRE MBDR SWARTZ MBDR TATCHELL MBDR THOMAS MBDR THOMPSON MBDR THORDARSON MBDRTIMMS MBDR VAILLANCOURT MBDR WALKER MBDRWHITE BDRARLT BDR AUGER BDR AURINI BDRBENN BDR BENNETT BDR BOLEY BDR BOUDREAU BDR BURKE BDR CAMPBELL BDR CHIARELLI BDR COMEAU BDR COUTURE BDR DESROCHES BDR DIGGS BDR DOUGLAS BDR EDWARDS BDR EVELYN CPL FLEURY BDR GAGNON BDR GAVEL BDR GEDEON BDR GIBERSON BDR GODIN BDR GOGUEN BDR GULLIVER BDR HANCOCK BDR HANNAFORD BDR HANNAH BDR HORST BDR IKERENGE BDR KAHRS BDR KILLEEN 23 RJ DJ AD JPA JL JJCA JPL RHJ GG BB CC AJSL CL PAG SL JD AT NL JW KR DJ D CG BM DC NM GDM JJ C BRJ AM JP RB TM JP JRG C DH SM PM JA JL LM CM DD BM DA RA JA NJJ RW AKL CJA DB LK ID JML DE SB BP KA DJ PP MA A CM BJ JA TR SM 2RCHA 2010 BDRKIRK BDR KOESLAG BDR LACOSTE BDR LANGAS BDR LANGLOIS BDRLAST BDR LAYTON BDR LEDOUX BDR LEFORTE BDR LLOYD BDR MACDONALD BDR MACNEIL BDR MAGGIOLO BDR MARIER BDR MCENTEE BDR MCMULLAN BDR MURPHY BDR NYIMU BDR OSBOURNE BDR PALMER BDR PAPINEAU BDR PARENT BDR PARRIS BDR PAUL BDR PAYNE BDR PETRENKO BDR POLLARD BDR PORTER BDR REGIMBALD BDR REGIMBALD BDR RICHARDSON BDR ROODZANT BDR RUMBOLT BDR RUTTAN BDR SANDERS BDR SAVAGE BDRSCANIE-JENKINS BDRSHEE BDR SMALL BDR ST-CYR BDR ST-JOHN BDR SURETTE BDR THIBAULT BDR THOMPSON BDR TOMCZYK BDR VALDIVIA BDR VAN ECK BDR VELAND BDR WERON BDR WILLIAMS BDR WINSOR BDR WISEMAN BDR WISEMAN GNR AKALU GNR ALVAREZ GNR ANDERSON GNRAVERY GNRAVERY GNR AZIZ GNR BAKER GNR BARRY GNR BASALLO GNR BERDAN GNR BERNALES SOLARI GNR BLANCHETTE GNR BOSTOCK GNR BOUTILIER GNR BRADFORD GNR BRANJE JT G KFM KT GM SV JA JSJ DW JM CD AM MA BE TS PS CAP SN ACJ GC JAJ JJCD ND DD JA IV RC AJM AM JG BC SE TJ SJN PRE SL JI SA MR JFG DP CM C MB NJ ODC BMW C AJ BA JCL JP SS TL FS SJL CS JC O JN CD AU KW SD RG EC DJ FN BM GNR BROWN KF GNR BUSTAMANTE AVM GNR BUTLER MAC GNR BYRON MJ GNR CAMPBELL AE GNR CAMPBELL BLD GNR CASSWELL AP GNR CHAPIESKI CD GNR COMPTON JAM GNR CUNNINGHAM GC GNR DICKINSON AD GNR DOWNEY CM GNR ELLIOTT DA GNR EMPEY P GNR ETTINGER JW GNR FOSTER BMK GNR FRANCIS CC GNR FRASER KA GNR FRENCH JM GNRGATES TL GNR GALLANT N GNR GILLMAN EJ GNR GODFREY BR GNR GORMAN MA GNR GRAHAM AJF GNR GRAHAM KEB GNR HAINES DR GNRHALL SD GNR HARDY DGD GNRHEALY CW GNR HIGGINS BWG GNRHILLIS ED GNR HILLMAN M GNR HILSON TJS GNR HOMUTH KR GNR HUGHES RMM GNR HUGHES TAS GNRIRWIN SR GNR ISHRAKI JJ GNR ITURREGUI JLG GNRKELLY TG GNR KENNEDY AR GNR KENNEDY RC GNR KIMBALL EN GNRKLERI RJ GNR KNORR CR GNR KOETZLE AS GNR KUHNE NJH GNR KUPNICKI DJ GNR LANDRY SP GNRLANE TCW GNR LENEHAN SM GNR LEROUX MG GNRLEWIS RPD GNRLIVELY NP GNR LOVEAN JRW GNRLYONS CH GNRMARA D GNR MARCIL MT GNR MARCOUX-DESROCHERS JAM GNR MASON AF GNR MCBRIDE CL GNR MCCABE JL GNRMELO JJM GNR METCALFE JL GNR MEURET DMW GNR MIERZWA R GNR MIFFLIN RW GNRMILNE FW 24 L’Artilleur Canadien 2RCHA 2010 GNR MIRANDA ARREGUI GNR MOAMAI GNRMOON GNR MOORE GNR MOORING GNR MORNEAULT GNR MORRELL GNR MOULTON GNR MURPHY GNR MYERS GNR NEWARK GNR NICHOLSON GNR O’QUINN GNR OUELLET GNRPACE GNR PARACHONIAK GNR PARENT GNR PELLETIER GNRPENA GNR PETIQUAN GNR PITCHER GNR PROSS GNR RAJEWSKI GNRREID GNRREID GNR RICHARD GNR RICHARDS GNR RICHARDS GNR RICHARDSON GNR RITCHIE GNR ROBERTSON GNR ROBINET GNR ROORDA GNRROWE F N CL JW SM MJ NJ KK AD IE AME PD SE JMGD AS DR CD TWH LP RL ML RJ S CLV MA M CS JRGP TF RD AJB CAD SF EA GNRROY GNR RUSSELL GNR SAUVE GNR SEANG GNRSCANIE-JENKINS GNR SHEWCHUK GNRSIMS GNR SJAARDA GNR SLAUNWHITE GNR SLIPETZ GNR SLOSSE GNRSMITH GNR SPEER GNR STAPLES GNR STEEN GNR STINZIANO GNR STUBBS GNR STYLES GNR TAUVETTE GNR TCHORZEWSKI GNR TESCHKE GNR THOMAS GNR THOMPSON GNRTINK GNR TURNER GNR WALTON GNRWEST GNR WOOSTER GNR WORDEN GNR WRETHAM GNRYOO GNR YOUNAN GNR ZIEBA Op HESTIA 29 Jan10 E Bty mbrs DART at WFP JACMEL. Canadian Gunner 25 AR HS KL BJ J D DE EA ST ZK JE MJ CS JEJ D NG GTA DN JLR PT LO WW SR JC MN BA T CA AJH RP S DS DM 5e Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada 2010 fut une année exceptionnelle au Régiment. La batterie X et nos membres assignés aux autres composantes de la force opérationnelle interarmées – Afghanistan (FOI-Afg) se sont entrainés vigoureusement durant toute l’année et sont déployés en novembre dans la province de Kandahar. Le régiment a contribué à l’Op Hestia pour venir en aide à la population Haïtienne après avoir subit un tremblement de terre majeure en janvier. Le régiment conduit un exercice majeur de tir réel à la base de Gagetown au mois de mai. Le 28 mai 2010, la batterie Victor fut réactivée après plus de 20 années d’absence. Les batteries Q, R et CS ont changé de commandant. Les écoles régimentaires et de brigade ont roule à fond de train. En septembre et octobre la batterie X ainsi qu’une centaine de personne du régiment participe aux exercices. En fin d’année le régiment a participé à un exercice de tir réel avec le 62e RAC et le 2Fd régiment. L’année 2010 fut sans aucun doute pour les membres du régiment une année très productives. Nous devons souligner l’arrivée de Réactivation de la batterie : L’invité d’honneur pour cette cérémonie, le brigadiergénéral Eric Tremblay, CD, ancien commandant du 5e RALC inspecte la troupe. l’adjudant-chef C.J.A. Wagar comme nouveau SergentMajor Régimentaire. Les capitaines E.M.C. Harvey et OP Hestia I.M.E Bégin ont été promue au grade de major et occupent les positions de Commandant de la batterie V et Commandant de 12 janvier 2010, tremblement de terre majeur à HAITI, plula batterie R respectivement. L’adjudant-maître J.J.P.R. Blouin sieurs centaines de personnes meurt dans cette événement a été nommé Sergent-Major de la batterie R. L’adjudant-maître tragique, d’autres sont laissé sans abris. Le gouvernement CaJ.N.E. Saint-Pierre a été nommé Sergent-Major de la batterie nadien décide d’envoyer des composantes navales, terrestres CS. Il est à noté aussi que l’adjudant-chef A. Grenier a été ap- des Forces canadiennes supporté par la force aérienne. La pointé par le Chef d’État-Major de la Défense comme adjudant- Force opérationnelle interarmées Haïti (FOI(H)) était une force chef du département de l’histoire et du patrimoine à Ottawa. opérationnelle d’aide humanitaire dont le mandat était d’offrir une vaste gamme de services en soutien au gouvernement d’Haïti et à l’ambassade canadienne à Port-au-Prince. La FOI(H) offrait notamment des services médicaux d’urgence; une expertise en matière de génie; une mobilité maritime, terrestre et aérienne ainsi qu’un soutien à la défense et à la sécurité. Au sommet des opérations, les composantes maritime, terrestre et aérienne de la FOI(H) comprenaient environ 2 050 personnes affectées à Port-au-Prince, à Léogâne et à Jacmel. Les composantes de la force terrestre sont composées en majeur partie par la 5e Brigade mécanisé du Canada. Onze membres du 5e RALC dont le Capt B.J.G. Bossé, Adjum M.A. Estabrooks, Bdr JRJY Emond, Bdr K. Lord, pour nommer que ces personnes ont participé au déploiement. Le personnel du QMR et de la maintenance ont travaillé d’arrache pied dans l’urgence pour déployer véhicules et équipement essentiel à la mission. Exercice Pièces Aguerries II – Batterie X, Q, R, et CS Ex Aventurier ‘Petit Matagami’ : Capt Morin enseignant les rudiments du canoë à la troupe. En mai, 330 artilleurs du 5e Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada, commandé par le Lcol Boucher, ont pris part à un exercice de trois semaines à la Garnison Gagetown, au Nouveau- 26 L’Artilleur Canadien Brunswick, dans le cadre réactiver la batterie “V” pour de la montée en puissance ensuite être de nouveau de la Force opérationnelle désactiver et jointe à la 58e 3-10. Cet exercice tenu du batterie du 6e RAC, une 1er au 20 mai a permis à unité de réserviste. C’est le quelques 150 membres 26 mai 2010 que la batterie de la batterie X, comman“V” est de nouveau réactiver dé par le Maj Giroux, de afin de satisfaire le nouveau poursuivre leur préparaplan de transformation de tion en vue de leur déploil’artillerie. Ce plan consiste ement en Afghanistan en à séparer à l’intérieur des novembre 2010. La moitié unités d’artillerie les difd’entre eux prendrait part férentes capacités. Donc, à une première mission en désormais les batteries théâtre. L’objectif princi“X” et “R” fournissent les pal pour la batterie X était obusiers, tandis que la batd’atteindre une capacité terie “Q” les éléments de opérationnelle de niveau surveillance et d’acquisition 4. Pour ce faire, des exd’objectif et la batterie “V” ercices de tir et de mouvese voit octroyer le rôle, et ment ont été effectués par le privilège, de fournir les les deux troupes de canéquipes d’observateurs et ons M777 et par la troupe de contrôleurs aériens rapd’acquisition d’objectifs, proché. La Batterie “V” est chargée de transmettre composée de 79 personnes les coordonnées de tir. La dont 9 groupes orientés deuxième facette imporOOA avec ressources CAA, tante de ce grand exercice 3 groupes orientés CAA consistait à former une avec ressources OOA, un dizaine d’officiers sur le centre de coordination de cours de commandant de feu d’appui (CCFA) et le batterie (CB), dirigé par des groupe tactique du Comresponsables de l’école mandant de batterie. La d’artillerie de Gagetown. prise d’armes c’est déroulé Ayant l’expérience du par une magnifique journée théâtre afghan pour avoir d’été avec comme invité été déployés en 2009, les d’honneur le brigadier-gémembres de la batterie R néral Eric Tremblay, CD, du 5 RALC étaient présents ancien commandant du 5e pour soutenir le cours de RALC et du 5e GMBC, et le CB et la batterie X, faisant Ex Pièces Aguerries : Détachement de la batterie tirant le M777 en tir colonel Jean-Marc Lanthier, verticale. notamment du mentorat. La CSM, CD, commandant actuel batterie Q, batterie d’acquisition d’objectif, en plus de leur en- du 5e GMBC. trainement, ont fournis la force ennemie durant la validation de la batterie X. Au total, environ 3400 obus ont été tirés durant cet Exercice Réflexe Rapide et Maple Guardian à Wainwright – exercice. D’autre part, la batterie X, a pu se qualifier sur le canon FO 3-10 M777, une pièce d’artillerie redoutable et efficace. La batterie CS a supportée de façon très professionnelle les batteries du 25 août 2010, 11h00, BFC Valcartier, des artilleurs de la bie régiment durant toutes les phases de l’exercice. Cette exercice X se rassemble à la Caserne Saint-Louis afin de prendre l’avion fut un grand succès à tous les points et bénéfique pour tous les qui les amèneront au camp Wainwright en vue d’effectuer les participants. exercices Réflexe Rapide et Maple Guardian. Il s’agit de deux exercices intenses qui constituent le dernier jalon vers leur déRéactivation de la batterie Victor ploiement en Afghanistan. L’esprit est à la bonne humeur tout au long du voyage, même s’ils savent qu’ils seront loin de chez Lundi le 26 mai 2010 à eu lieu une prise d’armes, du 5e Régi- eux pour la plus longue période de la montée en puissance. À ment d’artillerie légère du Canada, à l’occasion de la réactivation l’arrivée, ils reçoivent les briefings d’usage et sont rapidement de la batterie Victor (V). La batterie “V” existe depuis les années envoyés vers KAF-Wainwright. Le 28 août, le coup de départ 70, au sein du 5e RALC, en tant que section de défense anti- est lancé. Pour les artilleurs, cela signifie qu’ils participeront à aérienne. Sa date de création remonte au 30 mars 1977, à cette trois plateaux, IED démonté, IED monté et le conditionnement date, le Directeur de l’artillerie de l’époque, le Colonel J.A. Cot- au combat. Ce dernier sera le plus apprécié des trois. Les ter, remet le fanion officiel de la batterie V à son premier com- trois plateaux ont été des chances uniques pour les troupes mandant de batterie le Major H.A. Walinski, CD. La batterie “V” d’artillerie d’apprendre les TTP des autres corps de métier, en à supporté les opérations de la 5e GBMC jusqu’en 1989, où elle plus de parfaire les leurs, puisqu’ils ont été jumelés à d’autres fut désactivée sous le commandement du Capitaine P.E. Brown. unités pendant les activités. Ensuite, ils ont été employés à supEn juin 1991, le Major J.G.S. Boissonneault reçoit la tâche de porter les plateaux des attaques et des raids au niveau d’équipe Canadian Gunner 27 km, autour du Mont Lauriers, en terrain montagneux présentait des défis de haut niveau sur le plan d’endurance physique. Ces 5 épreuves sur une période de 5 jours on réussi à crée un esprit de corps au sein des sections et de permette aux individus à surpasser les limites physiques qu’ils ne croyaient pas être capable de réaliser. Au bout du compte, cela a été une aventure difficile, et pas évidente pour certains. Mais elle fut très enrichissante et valorisante que personne ne sera prêt d’oublier. Exercice Bombarde Bordée – Batterie Q, V, R et CS Ex Bombarde Bordée : Le cmdt du 5e RALC, le Lcol Boucher et le SMR, l’Adjuc Wagar discutent avec le CB R, Maj Bégin. de combat. Cette fois-ci, ils ont été en mesure d’aiguiser leurs compétences d’artilleurs en fournissant un appui-feu précis et à l’heure demandée. Pour les observateurs, Réflexe Rapide a été une chance unique de parfaire leurs pratiques d’équipe d’OOA attachée à une compagnie. Ils ont été confrontés à plusieurs situations réalistes qui risquent de se reproduire en Afghanistan. Ils ont eu la chance de mettre en pratique leurs habiletés que ce soit sur le plan d’appui-feu d’artillerie ou aérien. Et ils se sont adaptés à toutes les situations de combat qui se sont présentés à eux. L’artillerie, c’est plus que l’appui-feu. La bie X compte dans ses rangs des éléments d’acquisition d’objectifs apprécié des compagnies d’infanterie. La troupe de surveillance et d’acquisition d’objectifs (SAO) se spécialise dans la collecte des données en plus de fournir une couverture acoustique du champ de bataille (système HALO) au commandement. En plus de la batterie X, le 5e RALC a fourni plus de 100 personnes en support à l’exercice. Ce personnel a occupée des positions d’états major, force ennemie et de support. Encore une fois bravo 5e RALC pour l’excellent travail. Exercice aventurier ‘Petit Matagami’ - Batterie Q MATAGAMI….un petit village 200 km au nord d’Amos fût l’endroit ou environ 75 membres du 5 RALC et 4 membres de 5e RGC participaient à l’exercice aventurier Petit Matagami du 24 au 30 octobre. L’exercice de 5 jours comprenait 5 épreuves; le kayak, la marche en terrain foret/marécage, une randonnée de vélo, le canoë et une marche dans des sentiers montagneux. Le Kayak de mer tandem, s’est déroulé sur le lac Matagami et la baie d’Anita sur une distance de 30 km. La marche en terrain foret/marécage était un exercice d’orientation avec le but de perfectionner nos connaissances et compétences de carte et boussole. Le trajet, sur une distance d’une vingtaine de km, était identifié de 7 points précis que les membres devaient localiser. Le vélo une randonnée de 55 km, a eu lieu dans le secteur du lac Gabriel sur des routes parfois très exigeantes. Ces pistes sableuses, enneigées, montagneuses et parsemées d’obstacles, comme des barrages de castors et des sections de routes impassables, rendaient l’activité extrêmement pénible et laborieuse. La quatrième épreuve, le canoë de rivière, s’est tenue sur la rivière Bell sur une distance de 30 km. Le canoë de rivière était une activité relativement nouvelle pour les participants vu que la majorité du groupe n’avait aucune expérience avec ce type d’embarcation. Finalement, la marche de sentiers de 18 Dans un décor hivernal digne des Ardennes, les artilleurs du 5e Régiment d’artillerie légère du Canada (5 RALC) ont mené un exercice de tir réel en partenariat avec les réservistes du 62e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne (62 RAC) et du 2nd Field Régiment (2 Fd) à Valcartier, du 26 au 30 novembre. Plus de 300 artilleurs réguliers et réservistes ont pris part à cet exercice nommé BOMBARDE BORDÉE, qui avait pour but de raffermir les procédures de tir, la coopération inter-régiments, et de valider les cours de l’école régimentaire. Pendant l’exercice, une dizaine d’élèves-officiers du Collège Militaire Royal de SaintJean ont eu la chance de goûter au métier d’artilleur, afin de les aider à confirmer leur choix de métier. Encore un excellent exercice pour tous les membres du 5e RALC. Activités divers Comme à tous les années, le régiment a tenue sa Course Whalen le 15 octobre 2010. Cette activité suivie de compétition de hockey balle et de volley-ball organisé par la batterie V fut un franc succès. Nous nous devons de mentionner que lors de la partie de hockey annuel du 15 décembre 10 entre les sousofficiers et officiers, les officiers ont gagné cette partie par le compte de 6 à 4. L’année 2010 s’est terminée par le diner de la troupe du 17 décembre 10. Pour cette occasion, le commandant a remis des mentions, décorations, médailles et promotion. Mention Élogieuse Il est bon de souligner que le Gouverneur Général a annoncé que les Groupements Tactique du 1er Bataillon, Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantre, du 1er Bataillon, Royal Canadian Regiment et du 3ème Bataillon Royal 22ème Régiment, recevront la mention élogieuse du Commandant en Chef pour leur excellent travail comme unité. Plusieurs membres du 5e RALC recevront donc cette mention telle que la batterie X déployée avec la Groupement Tactique du 3ème Bataillon Royal 22ème Régiment. Des membres de la Bie Q, déployé dans un rôle d’acquisition d’objectif, recevront aussi cet honneur car le 5e RALC a participé à tous ces déploiements. L’adjudant Pérusse à reçu une Mention Élogieuse du Commandant de la Force Opérationnelle Inter-armée Afghanistan pour son excellent travail comme observateur d’artillerie avec la Force Opérationnelle 1-09. Le Maj Claveau recevra sous peu une Mention Élogieuse pour son travail comme G5, responsable des plans du QuartierGénéral du 5e Groupe Brigade Mécanisé du Canada. Conclusion En conclusion l’année 2010 a été des plus occupée pour les membres du 5e RALC. L’année 2011 s’avère d’autant plus occupée avec les nombreux exercices prévus et un changement de commandant en juin 2011. 28 UBIQUE L’Artilleur Canadien 5 RALC 2010 LCOL BOUCHER LHPS MAJ BÉGIN IME MAJ CLAVEAU JF MAJ GIROUX VMB MAJ HARVEY EMC MAJ LEMIEUX S MAJ MASSON JDS MAJ SEVIGNY PP CAPT AUGER JGD CAPT BEAUDIN PR CAPT BECKRICH TC CAPTBOSSÉ BJG CAPT COURTEMANCHE JCG CAPT COURTEMANCHE JYCM CAPT DUFOUR A CAPT FONTAINE MJK CAPT FOURNIER JMYN CAPT GILLESPIE AR CAPT LABONTÉ ME CAPTLEBEL JGD CAPTLEBEL PL CAPT LECLERC-DESJARDINSGENY CAPTLÉGER LR CAPTMORIN MJM CAPT MORRISSETTE M CAPTPARÉ MAJR CAPT PRÉAUX PFX CAPTROMAN A CAPT SIMMONDS JC CAPTVOYER M CAPTWING OM LT BANKS JJ LT CHAFFEY B LT CLÉMENT GLMR LT DONALDSON PJ LT DURANT CF LT ENGULU L LT GENDRON-HOULE BJ LT HOLT AG LT HUGHES VC LT JEWER AW LT KAIRNS DJG LT LANOUETTE PD LT LAVOIE JFPC LT LESSARD AM LT MAHEU D LT NOEL GA LT PAISH SR LT PELLETIER Y LT RIDDOCH TS LT RIVARD TMJ LT SHONIKER MFB LT THÉBERGE JEE 2LT DESHAIES M 2LT GERVAIS JFA 2LTRATH B.J ADJUC GRENIER JLA ADJUC WAGAR CJA ADJUM ANGEL JGM ADJUM BLOUIN JJPR ADJUM ESTABROOKS MA ADJUM SAINT-PIERRE JNE ADJ ALLAIRE JMY ADJ BÉLANGER JD ADJ BOURGUIGNON JRM ADJ CARRIERE JRP ADJ CLOUTIER S ADJ CREPEAU JNP ADJCYR JD ADJ DIAZ JE Canadian Gunner ADJ FORTIN ADJ FUGERE ADJ GERMAIN ADJ GOSSELIN ADJ GUERIN ADJ HENRY ADJ LANGEVIN ADJ MATTE ADJ MORSE ADJ NERON ADJ PERUSSE ADJ PICARD ADJ PLANTE ADJ RIVARD ADJ ROBITAILLE ADJ THERRIEN SGT ANGERS SGT ASPIROT SGT AUBIN SGT BAZINET SGT BEDARD SGT BEDARD SGT BELVAL SGT BERUBE SGT BOUCHARD SGT BOUCHARD SGT BOURSIER SGT BUREAU SGT CALVÉ SGT CANTIN SGT CARON SGT CHARETTE SGT CLOUTIER SGT CORBEIL SGT DEVEAU SGT DEZIEL SGT FORTIN SGT GAGNE SGT GAUTHIER SGT GOURLIE SGT GOYER SGT HOUDE SGT LABADIE SGT LABBE SGT LAROCQUE SGT LAVOIE SGT LEBLANC SGT LEMIEUX SGT LESZCZYNSKI SGT MORIN SGTPITRE SGT ROCHEFORT SGT SAUVÉ SGT THIBEAULT BDRCANCTIL BDRC B.LEVESQUE BDRC BEAUREGARD BDRC BÉDARD BDRC BÉLANGER BDRC BÉLANGER BDRC BÉRIAU BDRC BERNIER BDRCBIGRAS BDRC BLANCHETTE BDRC BOUFFARD BDRC BOULÉ BDRCBOYD BDRC BUSSIÈRES BDRC CAOUETTE BDRC CHARRON 29 JAMJ JMA JPP JD JCM JAR JPEJ JAF JRGR JDE JYMF JAA JAS JLA JGM JBM C JE D JRAG EDD JCD SJY TD JCM JS JGD C G RA JP MJDR MJ IMR D J PJU M JGM JC PJM JPP SJP JDSK EJP S B MJL JJR JJG FCJ JJE MS JF MBDI PM MJM M JF JRF JAM BM JSC N JJCY Y DD MB JJF BJF 5 RALC 2010 BDRC COELHO BDRCCOTE BDRC D ANJOU BDRC DESJARDINS BDRC DEVEAULT BDRCDION BDRC DROLET BDRC DUPUIS BDRC DUVAL BDRC FOSTER BDRC GERVAIS BDRC GERVAIS BDRC GIGNAC BDRC GINGRAS BDRCGIRARD BDRC GUNTON BDRCHAMEL BDRC HETHRINGTON BDRC JANVIER BDRC JOUVET BDRC LACERTE BDRC LANGLOIS BDRC LAPORTE BDRC LEMIEUX BDRC LÉVESQUE BDRC LOISELLE BDRCLORTIE BDRC MAROIS BDRC MAURICE BDRCMORIN BDRC OUELLET BDRC PAQUET BDRC PARENT BDRCPLANTE BDRC PRÉVOST BDRC RAYMOND BDRC RENAUD BDRC RHEAUME BDRCROY BDRC SAVARD BDRC SIMONEAU BDRCSIROIS BDRCTAHAN BDRC VEILLEUX BDRCYANIRE BDR ARMANDA BDR ARSENAULT BDR AVERY BDR BEAUDET BDR BEAULIEU BDR BEAULIEU BDR BELAND BDR BELANGER BDR BELANGER BDR BERTHELOT BDR BÉRUBÉ BDRBLAIS BDRBLAIS BDR BOUCHARD BDR BOUCHARD BDR BOUCHER BDR BOUDREAU BDR BOUFFARD BDR BOURRÉ-LAPRISE BDR BRETON BDR BRETON BDR BRUNET BDR CAOUETTE BDR CARON BDR CARON CM JJF JCF JRRJ JJPD SF MBMM JALM JGF JT DJG SJA JRP JLF RJN ANE GK GCC JME JLC JCJ JCM MOJ DFP SA O PN SE JJM CD JF SCM SJD DC DPJ C JJCB GJLP JJR SGJ JSMJ M A EJG J-FJK DJA J NC RM MJPL R J D S M MMDJF JDS JF JMJ JRE MJS RE M SJF JMA JPG JCF D JR TJN BDR CARRIER J BDR CASTELLANOS ZETINO WA BDR CHAPDELAINE C BDR CHOUINARD MA BDR CLOUTIER D BDR CORDEY SJP BDR CORNEAU JJA BDR CORRIVEAU D BDR COSSETTE SJJC BDRCOTE DJTA BDRCÔTÉ JP BDRCÔTÉ SR BDR DALLAIRE CMB BDR DAUDELIN-CORBEIL JJA BDR DECHAMPLAIN SJ BDR DEMERS S BDRDION JFM BDR DOUCET JF BDR DUNBAR RT BDR DUNPHY C BDR EMOND JRJY BDR FAUCHER MMN BDR FILLION R BDR FONTAINE IA BDR FORTIN DJM BDR FOURNIER JAPS BDR FURMANEK J BDR GAGNÉ-MICHAUD DGM BDR GAGNÉ-MONFETTERJR BDR GAGNON D BDR GAUTHIER MAL BDR GIRARD JF BDR GIRARD SJD BDR GOBEIL JPR BDR GOUIN JOS BDR GOULET-THIBOUTOT PJR BDR GOURICHON SCF BDR GREEN E BDR GRÉGOIRE JJK BDR GROLEAU FJ BDR GUILBEAULT JAP BDR GUIMONT SMD BDRHALLÉ JFJR BDR HERNANDEZ MOSCOSO EE BDR HUDON D BDR JACQUES MM BDR KHOURY MAM BDR LACHANCE E BDR LACHAPELLE J-F BDR LACROIX S BDR LALANCETTE AJN BDR LAMBERT RJJ BDR LANGLOIS LJFL BDR LARIVIÈRE CJR BDR LEBRUN R BDR LECLAIR JGA BDR LEMIEUX RJS BDR LESSARD MD BDR LEVESQUE PA BDR LÉVESQUE SJD BDR LIMOGES JPGR BDR LIZÉ ED BDR LOLLIER L BDRLORD AKMF BDR MAHEUX JST BDR MILLETTE S BDR MOLLOY N BDR MONGEAU JAYRP BDR MORILLON PR BDR MORIN J 30 L’Artilleur Canadien 5 RALC 2010 GNR DUMAIS GNR DUPERRÉ GNR FAFARD CÔTÉ GNR FECTEAU GNR FONNER GNR FORTIN GNR FORTIN GNR FORTIN-GODIN GNR FOURNELLE GNR FRÉCHETTE GNR GAGNE GNR GAGNON-DEVEAUX GNR GAUVIN GNR GIRARD GNR GODMER GNR GRAHAM GNRJEAN GNR JOANIS GNRKEAYS GNR KULYOV GNR LABELLE GNR LACHANCE GNR LAFONTAINE GNR LAFONTAINE GNR LAFORTUNE GNR LAFRANCE GNR LAMARRE GNR LAPIERRE GNR LASNIER GNR LEFEBVRE-JOUVET GNR LEHOUX-ALLAIRE GNR LOISELLE-MARTINEAU GNR LONGPRÉ GNR LOSIER GNR MAILHOT GNR MAINVILLE GNR MANNING GNR MARTINEZ-MENDIETA GNR MC MANUS GNRMILETTE-LEMAY GNR MONTREUIL GNR MOUNTAIN GNR NADEAU GNR OUELLET-TREMBLAY GNR PELLETIER-MARCEAU GNRPICHE GNR POTVIN GNR PRÉVOST GNR RACINE GNR ROBITAILLE GNRROCH GNR RODRIGUE GNR RODRIGUE GNR ROUILLARD GNRROY GNRROY GNR SEGUIN GNR ST-COEUR GNR ST-PIERRE GNR TESSIER GNR TESSIER GNR THÉBERGE GNR TREMBLAY-BOUDREAULT GNR TRUDEL GNR TURPIN GNR VALIQUETTE GNR VALLIÈRES ST-GELAIS GNR VENTURA VASQUEZ GNRWARD BDR NICOLE S BDR PAQUET JDD BDR PARADIS J-LJ BDR PARADIS VMG BDR PARADIS-AUBIN MJF BDR PARENT JAD BDR PATRY-YOUNG JL BDR POIRIER PJS BDR POLIQUIN PL BDR PROULX JD BDR RATELLE APG BDR RHÉAUME-LAFLEUR FJ BDR RIOUX-GOYETTE MA BDR ROBERGE PRK BDR RODRIGUE PJR BDR ROUILLARD PMA BDRROY A BDR ROZON CJSJ BDR SIMONEAU SJ BDR SYLVESTRE JF BDR TALBOT FJA BDR TALBOT JSAP BDR TALBOT PJD BDR THERRIEN-COULOMBE KDAF BDR THIFFEAULT MJS BDR TREMBLAY BS BDR TREMBLAY JLA BDR TREMBLAY-LAVOIEMJL BDR TRUDEL AJR BDR TURMEL JF BDR VALLIÈRES AMM BDR VEILLEUX JPJD BDR VERREAULT F BDR VIAU JMMP GNRABEL PN GNR ANGLEHART-MÉTHOTGJE GNR AUBÉ MJJ GNR AYOTTE JJFG GNR B. LAROSE G GNR BARABÉ JJRK GNR BEAUCHEMIN D GNR BELLEFEUILLE SA GNR BERGERON DJA GNR BERGERON MJ-MC GNRBIRON TC GNR BOUFFARD-ABRAN G GNR BOURQUE D GNR BRETON BG GNR BRETON JP GNR BROCHU FJS GNR CAMERON DJAR GNR CAMPAGNA-GLEETONM GNR CANTIN JJ GNR CARBONNEAU JYBMA GNR CARDONA JC GNR CARDONA PAIZ JA GNR CARRIER S GNR CHABOT NJJ GNR CHALIFOUR D GNR CHARTRAND PMH GNR CHOUINARD-LAVIGNE ECL GNRCORBIN-RATTÉ MJ GNR COUSINEAU DJJP GNR DARGIS X GNR DASILVA CM GNR D’AVIGNON SJJ GNR DELISLE JJJR GNR DESBIENS DJD GNR DESCHÊNES SM GNR DESJARDINS-ROCHELEAUFJM Canadian Gunner 31 CB DJA PJF JJ MJB D J.L.E. CPJC LJKS D J S YJR F CB KL EJR J-PA KH GV M.P. JCM FJJ JMN JD F MD V JSJ LCM C M-AJJ LJF D S A K G KML JJG R S PB AJD M DM O JJRA KJCE M K DJG RJC S CF F Y O CJF KJJB TJG MS MJY PJM JLT JB POJ JD JP 4th Air Defence Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery There is no better way to describe the performance and capability displayed by the officers and soldiers of 4th Air Defence Regiment (4 AD Regt) in 2010 other than UBIQUITOUS. The soldiers of 4 AD Regt successfully contributed in all major operations, both Domestic and Expeditionary. Contributions were made during Op PODIUM to the 2010 Winter Olympic Games security by members of the Regiment. In addition, support was provided to Op HESTIA (Haiti), Op CROCODILE (Congo), Op ATHENA (Afghanistan) and Op CADENCE (G8/G20 Summit). The year concluded with the largest Air Defence live fire in history during Ex POTENT KNIGHT where close to 300 ADATS missiles were fired. Pretty impressive for a Regiment that counts only 286 all ranks and is geographically dispersed with RHQ and 119 AD Bty located in Moncton, 128 AD Bty and HQ & Svcs Bty in Gagetown and three ASCC Detachments from 119 AD Bty located in the CMBG HQs at BFC Valcartier, CFB Petawawa and CFB Edmonton. Also, quite remarkably, this small unit is the only Joint unit in the Army. Pour donner du piquant à l’instruction quotidienne, le rythme des activités est resté élevé étant donné que plus du quart des membres du Ré- MBdr Carnegie (@nd from left) and Capt Mirosnikov (center) with the other members of JICC-D at giment se préparaient à des déploiements pendant 19 Wing Comox que d’autres étaient déployés avec les centres de coordination de l’espace aérien (CCEA) et les troupes de petits véhi- as RSM from CWO (Mr Gnr) Etienne DeGready who left to become cules aériens sans pilote (SUAV). Les autres membres du Régiment the NCM PD CWO at LFTDS HQ. In addition to these key positions étaient souvent tout aussi occupés, sinon plus, au soutien de plus de 20 the Adjt, Maj Bob Bissonnette was promoted and posted to the Tactics exercices et opérations à l’appui de l’École de l’Artillerie royale cana- School at CTC and replaced by Capt Rob Saunders. The Ops O, Capt dienne (EARC) ainsi que des engagements envers la Marine et la Force Rory Moore left to replace Maj Blair Baker as the GLO in Winnipeg aérienne/le NORAD. Les membres du 4e Régiment d’artillerie anti- with Capt Adrian Mirosnikov assuming the duties of Ops O and Trg aérienne ont participé cérémonie de la mise sur pied de la 1re Division O. du Canada à Kingston, et les militaires ont hâte de porter l’écusson de 119e Batterie d’artillerie antiaérienne la Division sur leur uniforme distinctif d’élément (UDE). Regimental Headquarters Not only did all the Battery Commanders and Battery Sergeant Major’s change this year, but the Regimental Headquarters experienced one of the biggest staff changes since the Re-activation of the Regiment in 1996. The CO, LCol Yvan Audet, was the only member of the Command Team to remain with the Regiment as the 2IC Maj Pat Beauchamp left to attend the Joint Command and Staff Program (JCSP) in Toronto and was replaced by Maj Blair Baker who returned to the Regiment after three years as the GLO at 1 Cdn Air Div in Winnipeg. Concurrently, CWO (Mr Gnr) Marc-André Ross assumed the duties 119 AD Bty is the only ASCC Bty in the Army. Its role is to provide ASCC support for domestic and expeditionary operations. As such, members of the Bty were at the forefront of every national and joint level exercise conducted in Canada, as well as deploying on three separate operations; Op PODIUM, Op HESTIA and Op ATHENA. Command of the Bty at the commencement of 2010 was held by Maj Rodney Embree until he was posted to the Land Staff in July, at which time Maj Derek Prendergast assumed command upon promotion to his current rank. The BSM MWO Pete Lewis left to assume his new position as BSM HQ & Svc Bty and was replaced by MWO Frank Vidal after his return from Afghanistan. 32 L’Artilleur Canadien Batterie ont été envoyés en mission dans le cadre de l’Op CADENCE, l’opération de soutien des FC aux sommets du G8 et du G20 tenus en Ontario, et deux CCEA ont été affectés à la BFC Gagetown et à l’île Brier, en Nouvelle-Écosse, à l’appui de la Marine dans le cadre de l’Ex HALCYON RV. Il s’agissait d’un exercice interalliés et interarmées mené par le Royaume-Uni qui mettait l’accent sur les tactiques d’alerte lointaine et les opérations de liaison de données tactiques. In October the Bty deployed an ASCC to Ex AMALGAM DART at 14 Wing Greenwood, NS as part of a Canadian NORAD Region exercise. As part of Op CONNECTION, 119 AD Bty conducted Op FALLEN COMRADES where the bulk of the Bty deployed to various areas in NB to connect with artillery veterans and to clean up artillery gravesites. This year, and for the fourth year in a row, 119 AD Bty coordinated fundraising activities for the Christmas Daddies telethon where money was raised to make Christmas enjoyable for underprivileged children in the Maritimes Members of 119AD Bty during Op FALLEN COMRADES. In support of 1 Cdn Div exercises, the Bty supported to Ex HUMAN FACTORS-4 and a Joint Operational Planning Group. This exercise tested and trialed new LCSS equipment and software, developed TTP’s and SOP’s, and fostered relationships between key unit staff and 1 Cdn Div. Les membres de la 119 BAAA se sont remis au travail dès le retour du congé des Fêtes. En plus du personnel des centres de coordination de l’espace aérien (CCEA) et des petits véhicules aériens sans pilote (SUAV) envoyé en mission en Afghanistan, la Batterie a affecté cinq de ses membres à la cellule de coordination de l’information interarmées (CCII) dans le cadre de l’Op PODIUM à l’appui des Jeux Olympiques d’hiver de Vancouver. Au même moment, le cmdt de la Batterie et quatre autres militaires ont été envoyés en mission à Haïti dans le cadre de l’Op HESTIA. Affectés à l’origine à une tâche liée au CCEA, ils ont été réaffectés à la sécurité de l’ambassade étant donné que les forces américaines assuraient le fonctionnement du CCEA. De façon tout à fait remarquable, notre détachement précurseur a été envoyé en déploiement dans les six heures suivant la réception de l’avis d’affectation. Six militaires devaient assurer le roulement du personnel au CCEA du QG de la Force opérationnelle interarmées(FOI) déployé en Californie dans le cadre de l’Ex MAPLE GUARDIAN 1001, et un capitaine a été envoyé en mission au Congo pendant six mois dans le cadre de l’Op CROCODILE. 128 Air Defence Battery It turns out being in transition is a busy affair. 128 AD Bty had almost one third of its troops conducting workup training, deployed or returning from tours to Afghanistan and numerous exercises, including the largest firing camp ever conducted by the Regiment in extremely adverse weather conditions. The year also saw a change in the command team, with the BC Maj Erik Andresen leaving to assume command of HQ & Svcs Bty and the BSM MWO Jean-Claude Senecal deploying to Afghanistan in an As part of the Bty’s continuing support to the Air Force, an ASCC was deployed to support Ex WINGED WARRIOR at BFC Valcartier in April, where the ASCC assisted in training helicopter crews being deployed on Op ATHENA. Shortly after the equipment was returned from this exercise, it was deployed to 4 Wing Cold Lake in support of Ex MAPLE FLAG 43. An ASCC Bison with a nine man detachment was deployed as a Ground Entry Station. This exercise focused on air to air and air to ground combat and was a joint and combined exercise. À titre de seule unité capable d’exploiter la Liaison-16, nous avons également soutenu l’Op CADENCE et l’Ex HALCYON RV. Des membres de la Canadian Gunner 119 AD Bty soldiers with the Naval Comabat Information Operators (NCI Ops) from the Fleet Maintenance Facility cape Scott at Fergunson’s Cove during Ex BEGINNER BISON. 33 exchange position with 10 (US) Mtn Div. The Bty welcomed its new BC, Major Krista Dunlop in July as she returned to Canada after nine months in Kabul, and the new BSM, MWO Blaine Popovitch assumed his duties a month later. La 128 BAAA a continué d’appuyer la mission en Afghanistan, en affectant plus que 50 militaires à l’Op ATHENA, dont la tâche consistait principalement à opérer des SUAV Scan Eagle. Leur rôle a continué de croître alors que les membres de la Batterie ont formé trois troupes de SUAV et ont dirigé deux camps aériens. En prime, les militaires qualifiés en matière de SUAV ont appris que la capacité de SUAV serait centralisée au 4e Régiment d’artillerie antiaérienne et que l’on vise à mettre sur pied la première troupe de SUAV à plein temps en janvier 2011. It was difficult to tell the GBAD ACT capability, provided by the ADATS, was slated to be divested this year as Tps of ADATS were deployed around the country supporting numerous exercises, including Ex HALCYON RV in the Gagetown training area, during which the battery Asst CLS, MGen Howard, is briefed on the ASCC BISON by MBdr Hogan had a chance to interact with Sea Harriers from the HMS and his detachment. Arc Royal of the Royal Navy, flying out of Halifax. The McCarthy to Maj Erik Andresen. Maj McCarthy left the Regiment to training year for the ADATS Tps was concluded with the conduct of assume her new duties as the G4 at CTC HQ and Maj Andresen joined Ex POTENT KNIGHT 2010 (PK10) exercise, and this year featured the Bty after his command of 128 AD Bty. Along with the BCs, the the most missiles ever fired in temperatures as low as -40C, with the other half of the Command Team also changed with MWO Pete Lewis temperatures at CFB Suffield holding the distinction of the lowest in moving over from 119 AD Bty and MWO Wendy Mooney leaving to North America in late November. It didn’t matter that the soldiers were assume her new role at LFDTS. told that it was a “dry cold”; -40C is still -40C no matter if it is in Suffield or Gagetown. La Bie CS a continué de soutenir le Régiment, l’EARC et le 3 GSS Batterie de commandement et des services The old 210 AD Wksp has been transformed into a HQ & Svcs Bty, much like all other Artillery Regiments. At the same time command of the Bty changed from an EME Maj to an Arty Maj. With the reorganization, command in HQ & Svcs Bty passed from Maj Elizabeth au moyen de ses fonctions traditionnelles de maintenance. Elle a également effectué d’autres tâches au sein du Régiment en raison de la mise sur pied de la troupe des transmissions et de la troupe administrative ainsi que de l’ajout de la troupe du soutien du Régiment. En plus de contribuer à la planification et à la mise en œuvre de l’infrastructure de soutien du Régiment de plus en plus importante à la BFC Gagetown, la Batterie était également responsable du soutien de l’Ex POTENT KNIGHT 2010, l’exercice annuel de tir réel du Régiment, c. à d. établir le camp et ses installations de soutien ainsi que veiller au bien être des invités de marque, tels que le Bgén (retraité) Beno, Colonel commandant du Régiment royal, et le Bgén Bowes, cmdt du Secteur de l’Atlantique de la Force terrestre. Terminant l’année tout en réjouissance, la Bie a planifié et organisé deux activités qui ont remporté un franc succès : la Fête de Noël des enfants de la BFC Gagetown et le Dîner de reconnaissance des militaires. Several members of HQ & Svcs Bty deployed on Op ATHENA this year as individual augmentees. As well the BK deployed with the 2RCR Optimized Battle Group (OBG) as the ASCC Comd for their exercises. CWO (MrGnr) MA Ross receives the RSM drill cane from CWO (Mr Gnr) EJJ DeGready during the RSM change of appointment. 34 The year 2011 will be another exciting and challenging year for the Regiment. We will continue to force generate ASCC’s and SUAV capability for expe- L’Artilleur Canadien ditionary and domestic operations. We are the lead unit for the Atlantic Area Small Arms Team and the Canadian Forces lead unit for Ex MAPLE ARCH, a Partnership for Peace (PfP) exercise in Poland. During the upcoming year we will remember our history and dedicate a 40mm Bofor to the Juno Center on 6 June 2011. Cadet Unit Affiliation The Regiment again fostered a close relationship with 650 “Vanier” Air Cadets this year. In addition to Liaison Officers, the CO and RSM attended their promotion parade in November as the reviewing officer. BGen RD Foster, DComd Force Generation 1 CDM Air Div, visits with 4 AD Regt. 4 AD Regt 2010 LCOL AUDET MAJ ANDRESEN MAJ BAKER MAJ DUNLOP MAJPRENDERGAST MAJROBY CAPT BOUCHARD CAPT BOUDREAU CAPT CARTER CAPT DUNLOP CAPTEVANS CAPT FENG CAPTGEILEN CAPT GEORGE CAPT GROUT CAPT JOHNSON CAPT MCBEAN CAPT MIROSNIKOV CAPTOMARI CAPT SAUNDERS CAPT SEYMOUR LT BROWN LT CUSSON LT IMPERIAL LTKER LT MCCABE LT SMITH LT THOMPSON LT THORNTON CWOROSS MWOLEWIS MWOVIDAL WO ARMSTRONG WO BAKER WO BEAUCHEMIN WO BENNETT WO BESWICK WO DRAKE WO GARDY WO GUILLEMETTE Canadian Gunner JAY ERP BP KLA DB NS L NI CJC GM GJ NZG TJH GA NJ MC SD AE SLAAO RM LW DD JR GM CJ T RD JP TJ MA PJ JRF CP DS JRM RF AC TR KR JFA WO HOFMAN SW WO KNAGGS DJL WO MILLER RD WO MURPHY RW WO POPOVITCH B WO RICHARDS KK WO SEGUIN RS WO TULLETT A SGT BELLEMARECARONJPGJF SGT BURKE KD SGT BUTLER MD SGT CLOUTIER JG SGT CURNEW RTAJ SGTFALLS TS SGT GINGRAS JAM SGT GOGUEN JL SGT HOGAN GD SGT HOWLETT AJ SGT JENKINS MC SGT KROEKER SD SGT MACDOUGALL DA SGT MACNEIL SC SGT PAQUIN JRA SGT PORTER CJ SGT SHEEHAN PD SGTSMITH LW SGTSOVA PJRW SGT ST HILAIRE JJP SGT WEAVER AM SGT WHITE JJ MBDR AUCOIN J MBDR BOZEK MT MBDR BROUILLARD LJL MBDR BURTON BA MBDR BURTON WJ MBDR CARNEGIE TJ MBDR CORLISS JJ MBDR DUPUIS P MBDR HACHEY WJ MBDRHOPE APR 35 4 AD Regt 2010 MBDR KENDALL MBDR MACKINNON MBDR MACLAREN MBDRMAY MBDR MENDES MBDROBRIEN MBDR PELLETIER MBDR ROACHE MBDRROY MBDR SCHMIDT MBDR VAILLANCOURT MBDR WHITTEN MBDR WORSLEY MBDRWRIGHT BDR ASTLES BDRBABIN BDR BELAIR BDR BELLOWS BDR BLAEDOW BDR BOUDREAU BDR BOURGOIN BDR BOWSER BDR BUNKE BDR BYRDE BDR CHARLONG BDRCOAD BDR CORDY BDR DAMPHOUSSE BDRFLYNN BDR GERROW BDR GIBSON BDR GUY BDRHALE BDR HARTJES BDR HENNESSEY BDR HOWELL BDRHYATT BDR KETTLE BDR LANDRY BDR LARDNER BDR LAROCQUE BDR LAVERS BDR LEBLANC BDR LEVESQUE BDR LYNCH BDR MACDONALD BDR MAKEPEACE BDR MARTINEAU BDR MCDONNELL BDR MCNEIL BDR MECHAKRA BDR NICHOLSON BDR O’DELL BDR O’DONNELL BDR PAYETTE BDR PELLETIER BDR PERSICO BDR PETERS BDRPIKE BDR RAOUL BDR RATTIE BDR REICKER RA LR FAP MG RD SD H GS SJW AP CL RJ SR IJ JM AA WAD PJ IR JRNTJE JJ JC KJ AFG JMP PR GK PJA DC RA DL KJ CC KC SJ JD MN GK EJB CJ JRF C AFM RR RG SP MW JFTD BS DE MT JE DL KM JF K GA BR CD JB JR J BDR REYNOLDS SR BDR ROBERTS TS BDR SHEPPARD LJ BDR SPILKIN GM BDR THIBODEAU A BDRTOBIN BL BDR TUCKER JIR BDR VAN NORDEN WA BDR WARREN KR BDR WOLFE TB BDR WOOD AL GNR ANCTIL GJS GNR BOSSE DG GNR BOUCHARD JGJ GNR BOUCHARD D GNR BOUCHER MJG GNR BREAU MJRY GNR BUSQUE MY GNR CARTER JIL GNR CHAMBERLAIN RC GNR CHATTERTON-ARMSTRONGSAG GNR COLLINS SJR GNR CURRAN SC GNR DOOLER TR GNR DUCHESNE-TANGUAY BB GNR ELLIOTT MA GNR ERNEWEIN E GNR ETHIER JM GNR FULLER DJ GNR GAUDETTE CL GNR GRASS JS GNRHOOK BRJ GNR HUCKLE BC GNR HUGHES MS GNRKING KJA GNR KOVACS JJ GNR LACROIX-LATREMOUILLE G GNR LAVOIE M GNR LUTHER CA GNR MCKENNY DJ GNR MILLER DCA GNRMILLS M GNR MOORE MJ GNR MOSES CMM GNR MUNRO SMM GNR NAUGLER BA GNR PERREE YD GNR PETTEN PS GNR POORAN A GNR RATZ SM GNR RIJNEN JJ GNR SALEMA KA GNR SCOTT KC GNR SHIRLEY SRS GNR SIEDLECKI T GNR SLOAN SJ GNR STATON SE GNR TALAVERA LN GNR TREMBLAY M GNR TURGEON JR GNR WILLISTON LA 36 L’Artilleur Canadien The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery School The mission of way ahead and the artillery school is used to inform is to sustain and Artillery leaderconduct basic arship on key issues tillery and basic while discussing artillery officer critical areas of courses as well as concern. Imporadvanced artillery tant briefings ocqualifications, adcur throughout the vanced artillery course of the AAB leadership qualithat will inform all fications, speCOs via an open cialized artillery and frank discusqualifications, sion. The aim and assigned Cenof the AAB is to ter of Excellence update the leaderresponsibilities ship of The Royal on behalf of the Regiment with rearmy. This article gard to current opwill provide a erations, Artillery synopsis of events transformation isand accomplishsues, constraints, ments within the unit status, and to Royal Canadian IG Course visit the Royal Artillery School in Larkhill England. provide Artillery Artillery School Council courses (RCAS) in 2010. Of particular note, LCol Marc LaFortune passed of action for a number of critical issues. The next AAB will be held the reins of his command to LCol Mike Sullivan. Concurrently, in Halifax, Nova Scotia on 1-3 April 2011. CWO Daryll McCormick assumed the duties of School Sergeant Major from CWO Daniel Giroux. CWO Giroux is now the Combat 67 Bty Training Centre (CTC) Sergeant Major. 67 Battery conducted 17 courses, graduating a total of 464 stuHQ Bty dents. In May 2010, the Field Instructor-in-Gunnery (IG) Course graduated seven Canadian Officers and one Royal Artillery Officer, Command in HQ Battery passed from Major Jeff Pederson to while the Assistant Instructor-in-Gunnery (AIG) Course graduated Major Wayne Johnson as he assumed the Battery Commander/Chief 15 Snr NCOs. All graduates were quickly utilized as course staff Standards Officer position. HQ Battery continued to support the and instructors. Also, in July 2010, the current serials of IG and RCAS by providing standards oversight, administration, IT, simula- AIG courses commenced. As one ends another one begins. tion, and supply services. HQ Bty participated in Individual Battle Task Standards (IBTS), including their Personal Weapons Test In addition to the courses conducted at the RCAS, the current (PWT) 1 and 2 and the annual Battle Fitness Test (BFT). influx of recruits forced an exportation of courses to other bases. Three serials of DP1.1 Artillery Officer courses were sent to ValHQ Battery took on the demanding task of organizing a com- cartier, Shilo, and Petatwawa respectively. Two serials of DP 1.2 bined DP 1 NCM and DP 1.2 Officer graduation parade. This was Artillery Troop Commander courses were held in Gagetown and the first time for a combined parade at the Royal Regiment of Cana- graduated 39 new Officers. These young leaders were immediatedian Artillery School (RCAS) in a number of years. The dynamic ly posted across The Royal Regiment of Artillery School and the displays and gun drill performed by the NCMs was a highlight for country. all those in attendance. 67 Battery also conducted several other courses ranging from Headquarters Battery organized the semi-annual Artillery Advi- Soldier Qualification, DP1 NCM Gunners Course, Troop Sergeant sory Board (AAB) which was held in Shilo, Manitoba from 19- Major (TSM), and Battery Sergeant Major (BSM), DP 1 ADATS 20 November 2010. This is an important event within the gunner gunner, Detachment 2 I/C, DP3 Detachment commander, AD TSM, community. The AAB is a forum to ensure all COs share the same AD Troop Commander (TC) and AD Battery Commander (BC) Canadian Gunner 37 fication in live gun fire safety and assessments on the recce and deployment of a gun battery. In addition, various assignments are given to students in order to sharpen their skills as future IGs. These duties include instructional duties, organizing and conducting exercises and live ranges; which conclude with the coordination with various agencies in Base Gagetown to ensure a safe conduct of planned exercises and live fire ranges. Students enjoyed a short break from the academic demands of the course during a week long visit to Larkhill, England. The trip enabled the students to connect with British gunners and exchange their knowledge in gunnery. Upon their return, the field artillery students conducted a live fire exercise in the CFB Gagetown training area, the AD Students took part in advising on conduct of the final live Air Defence Anti- Tank System (ADATS) firing camp in CFB Suffield. Change of Command Ceremony. courses. 45 Bty In July 2010, command of 45 Battery passed from Major Ralph Holah to Major Rich Little. There were 23 courses conducted in the past year in 45 Bty, graduating 80 officers and 152 NCMs/NCOs. Instructors and students within the FAC cell conducted their training between, Gagetown, Kansas, and Oklahoma. The dedicated instructors of this cell have qualified 24 students this year, over three separate serials. The FSCC cell ensured that there were sufficiently trained Artillery Forward Observation Officers (FOOs) and Observation Post Detachment Commanders (OP Det Comds) delivered to the Regiments, by qualifying 28 dismounted and 22 mounted FOOs and 21 OP Det Comds. Upon completion of the IG course, successful candidates will receive the revered IG hat, which will indicate their successful completion of the course and their mastery in gunnery. IG graduates are looked at as the most reliable source of information and mentorship in gunnery. W Battery Command in W Battery passed from Major Rob Hart to Major Shawn O’Leary, in the summer of 2010, and W Battery continued to provide support for all Artillery School courses. W Battery also participated in the M777 Supplementary Shock and Vibration Trial, which was conducted in September 2010. It was the first time that W Bty had been deployed with the new artillery piece on an exercise and the first time most of the Gnr’s and Bdr’s had a chance to work with an M777 and carry 155mm rounds: The Surveillance and Target Acquisition (STA) Troop closed another productive season; not only did they conduct STA Troop Commander (TC) and Troop Sergeant Major (TSM) Courses, but they were also involved with Primary Combat Function (PCF) training for their soldiers including Lightweight Counter Mortar Radar (LCMR), Hostile Artillery Locator System (HALO), and the Skylark Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) courses. 45 Battery also took responsibility for the IG course serial 1001. This was the first common IG course, combining Field Artillery Students with Air Defence students. It is a demanding 11 month long course which is designed to make select officers experts in their respective field of work. Their course began with an Advanced Instructional Techniques course, followed by a quali- Shock and Vibration Trials. 38 L’Artilleur Canadien critical to the army. At Maintenance Training Battery, one of the many courses delivered in 2010 was the LCMR Maintenance Course. LCIS technicians are trained to repair and perform preventive maintenance on this radar. The LCMR is used by the Artillery to detect mortar rounds and to locate mortar Points of Origin (POOs) and Points of Impact (POIs). The Lightweight Counter-Mortar Radar, or LCMR, provides continuous 360° surveillance and mortar locating. It detects and locates mortar firing positions by tracking the shell to the weapon it was fired from. Conversely, when operated in a dedicated air surveillance mode, LCMR will track small aircraft at a significant distance. The original maintenance course was delivered by the manufacturer, Syracuse Research Corporation (SRC Tec) in Syracuse, New York. The system is presently deployed on operations in Afghanistan and for training within Canada. Gun Detachment 2 IC Course - October. a remarkable difference to carrying 105mm rounds. The trial was conducted on the equipment to test possible modifications to the weapon, in order to improve its operation. Being involved in the development of the Howitzer and contributing to future improvements to the weapon was a rewarding experience for NCO’s and NCM’s involved. The LCMR Maintenance Training became Maintenance Training Battery’s responsibility only two years ago. As with all new equipment, it has caused some growing pains and has already had numerous technical updates. Our instructors are always updating their training aids and course material in order to deliver the newest information available, to enable students to receive the best training available. During the fall of 2010, W Battery ran two very important courses: Gun Detachment Second-inCommand (Gun Det 2IC) and Artillery Command Post Technician (Arty CP Tech) to HQ Bty BFT. ensure their ability to continue to support training. Bdr Black was the top student on the Det 2IC course and Bdr Pitman topped the CP Tech course, both soldiers exemplifying the RCAS commitment to excellence. In addition to their support role, W Bty ran nine courses which graduated 142 soldiers. The LCIS section of Maintenance Training Battery looks forward to passing on their knowledge of the LCMR to other technicians in the New Year and continuing support to the CF through the Royal Regiment of the Canadian Artillery School. Cadet Unit Affiliation Maintenance Training Battery The Royal Regiment of Canada Artillery School is affiliated with 3034 Blue Mountain Rangers Royal Canadian Army Cadet Corps in Browns Flats, New Brunswick. W Bty provided a display and support for them last summer for a parade at Browns Flats, as well as providing support requirements for their exercise at Blue Mountain in October 2010. Support varied from vehicle support, to picking up their equipment at Camp Argonaut, and transport duties from Base to Blue Mountain. Command in Maintenance Training Battery passed from Major Hazen Harty to Captain Leo Kanne as he assumed command as the Chief Instructor (CI) of Maintenance Training Battery. Additionally, the Senior Technical Instructor (STI) for the Bty changed from MWO Richard Desjardins to MWO John Steele. Throughout the year, there were 22 courses conducted by Maintenance Training Bty and 170 NCMs/NCOs received a variety of qualifications, which is Canadian Gunner 39 RCAS 2010 LCOL SULLIVAN MAJ SMITH MAJ JOHNSON MAJ LITTLE MAJ MCHATTIE MAJ O’LEARY MAJ SCHAMEHORN CAPT ANDREOLA CAPT ARSENEAU CAPT BOUCHARD CAPT BOURQUE CAPT BURT CAPT CHETWYND CAPT CHLEDOWSKI CAPTCOBER CAPT CONLEY CAPT COTE BARIBEAU CAPT CURRIE CAPT DEGAUST CAPT DOUCET CAPT FLANDERS CAPTGILLIS CAPT GOULD CAPT GUAY CAPT GUERTIN CAPT HAWCO CAPT HILLIER CAPT HOBSON CAPT HOLLERAN CAPTINSLEY CAPTKELLY CAPT LOCKRIDGE CAPT MACBETH CAPT MACNEILL CAPT MARSHALL CAPT MATHESON CAPT NEWTON CAPT NICHOLSON CAPT O’DONNELL CAPT O’DONNELL CAPT PHILLIPS CAPT RITCHIE CAPT ROBERTSON CAPT ROESLER CAPT ROSALES CAPT SCHUTTE CAPTSMITH CAPT STEWART CAPT SUMMERFIELD CAPT TRANQUILLA CAPT TUKEL CAPT VACHON CAPTVAMOS CAPT WARREN CAPT WITMER LT FARRELL LT GRANT LT HALIBURTON LT LEVANGIE LT LOGAN LT POIRIER LT RIOPELLE 2LT AUMOND 2LT BACH 2LT BAJWA 2LT BELLIARD 2LT BOISSONNEAULT 2LT BOOMHOWER 2LT BOUDREAU LEFRAUCOIS 2LT BURSTON JC DW W N WG D JJ L J JLA DG A JA ST JD J YP KP BD LJA D A H M NR JM PJ J N C BH AD R L M DR S R P A A BE T.R. MV R C MR BTK CM MC A PN J WM S CJ D D J P A W JA A S C R E F J 2LT CANUEL 2LT CAREY 2Lt DHAWAN 2LT DOMINO 2LT DUPUIS 2LT DUVALL 2Lt ELLOWAY 2LT FINNIGAN 2LT FONTAINE 2LT GALWAY 2LT HAINES 2LT HAYMAN 2LT HAYNES 2LT HOPKINS 2LT HUGHES 2LT HUGHES 2LT KELLY 2LTKIM 2LT KNOX 2LT LEWINGTON 2LT LITTLE 2LT LOCKE 2LT MACFADYEN 2LT MACRAE 2LT MAGARIN 2LT MIETO 2LT MORRIS 2LT MULLINS 2LT NEELEY 2LT PERREAULT 2LTRAKOTONIMAH 2LT RHEUBOTTOM 2LT ROBISON 2LT SENDOREK 2Lt STRICKLAND 2LT TREMBLAY 2LT VAN DYKE 2LT VILLENEUVE 2LT WIKEN 2LT WILSON OCDT BINKLEY OCDT BROESKY OCDTLITTLE OCDTLYNCH OCDT O’BRIEN OCDTRIGBY CWO MCCORMICK MWO BALDWIN MWO BARTLETT MWO CRITCHLEY MWO FRIGAULT MWO JORDAN MWOLEES MWO MOORE WO ARSENAULT WO AUCOIN WO BABINEAU WO BARNES WO BEACH WO BEAUDRY WO BENARD WO BROSENS WO BUENACRUZ WO CAMERON WO CARPENTER WO CARROLL WO CHEVALIER WO COLBOURNE WO COLWELL WO DESROCHES 40 GP N S A G P P B D S A J E J JW C A J R R A R G VR K M P G R JD P K D M R C K MM E P J AC J GB M A G W P J ADJ JG GP JW GS M JA EK BD JPS JJCP RTR N TA TW CH B DA MA F L’Artilleur Canadien RCAS 2010 WO DOLAN WO DOWE WO ENAULT WO FRASER WO FURBER WO GAUVREAU WO GOODLAND WOHALE WO HAMEL WO HARRISON WO HOOD WO HYSKA WO JACKSON WO JOHNSON WOKEAN WO KEATING WO LADOUCEUR WO LANDRY WO LARADE WOLEET WO LEGGE WOLILLY WO MARTIN WO MARTIN WO MARTIN WO MCGARRIGLE WO MCLEAN WO MCNEIL WO MELANSON WO MORNEAU WO MORRELL WO NORMAND WO PENNEY WO PERRON WO PETHICK WO PINARD WO PLAMONDON WOREID WO SAJADI WO STROHM WO THERIAULT WO TRITES WO TURNER WO VOLLICK WO WHITE WO WILLIAMS SGT ALEXANDER SGT BEAVER SGT BOSSE SGT BOUDREAU SGT BROMLEY SGT BROMLEY SGT BROWN SGT BURTON SGT CAIRNS SGT CAMERON SGT CLARKE SGT COLWELL SGT COUGHLAN SGT COXWORTHY SGT DOUCET SGT DUPONT SGT EMBRETT SGT FLETCHER SGT FRASER SGT GRAHAM SGT HIGGINS SGTHOYT SGTKER SGTKIRK Canadian Gunner MB MBA JAJS W JL JES A T.E JAJ J KM AJ A AG J RJ JRA JJPJP DA K M RS MJ R FR MH J W DA M J JGE PH JCL C GG B T K JM LT P R M T J A JW JFR JJS J M PA J DF TR S BE CF K DS M PC SC D AL E BE E K SGT KIRKPATRICK SGT LACOSTE SGT LAROCQUE SGT LATULIPPE SGT LEBLOND SGT LEVESQUE SGT LOHNES SGT MACNEIL SGT MCKINNON SGT MCLAUGHLIN SGT MUNRO SGT ROBICHAUD SGT ROBICHAUD SGT SIMPKINS SGT SYLVESTER SGT VANDAMME SGT VIRGOE SGT WALKER SGT WATTERS MBDR ANDREWS MBDRBETTLE MBDRBLINN MBDR BOUDREAU MBDRDAIGLE MBDR DAVIDSON MBDR DESRUISSEAU MBDRGAFFEY MBDR GATHERUM MBDR GOGUEN MBDR HARNISH MBDR HAYWOOD MBDR HOSFORD MBDR JARRELL JR. MBDR JENKINS MBDR MARCEAU MBDRMARTIN MBDR MCCARTHY MBDR MICHAUD-HEBERT MBDRPRICE MBDR RANDALL MBDR ROBERTS MBDRSHAW MBDRSTAIRS MBDR STARLING MBDR WALKER MBDR WALTON MBDR WILKINSON MBDR WILLIAMS MBDRWILSON BDRALLEN BDR BELANGER BDR BENOIT BDR BESAW BDR BESAW BDR BLACK BDRBLINN BDR BOOKER BDR BOUCHER BDR BOUFFARD BDR BURNS BDR BURROWS BDR BYRNE BDR CARTER BDR CATER BDR CHATTERTON BDR CHETWYND BDRCOTE BDRCYR BDR DUNPHY BDR FARROW 41 K JS R MJF PM D A SC KG T M M L AD B JMJ S DR TSHN W A BK D ED SM RA S L J MD G M WD J JGE J DM S CA A W NT A LW DR A ML JC AM J PC CC F BJ ME BJ A M SJIXV W MCB CL JL CH C TJ FRA T J W RCAS 2010 BDR FITZHERBERT BDRFLEET BDR FOLZ BDR GALANGE BDR GIBSON BDR GOLDER BDR GRIFFIN BDR HALLEY BDR HAMILTON BDR HARRISON BDRHAWE BDR HENDERSON BDRHOLM BDR HOQUET BDR HOQUET BDR JACKSON BDR KADAK BDR KEOUGH BDR KLOKEID BDR LAFFIER BDR LAGACE BDR LOSIER BDR MAGEE BDR MATHIEU BDR MATHIEU BDR MCCLUNG BDR MICHAUD BDR NAUD BDR NEVES BDR NORTHRUP BDRO’NEIL BDR PEARCE BDR PITMAN BDRRICH BDR ROBINSON BDR ROBINSON BDRROY BDR SABEAN BDR SAMPSON BDR SAMPSON BDR SCOTT BDRSEE BDR SHAVE BDRSMITH BDR STARK BDR VAN ROOYEN BDR WENTZELL BDR WILSON GNR ARBOUR GNR ARMALY GNRBLAIN GNRBOWE GNR BOYLE GNR BRANCH GNR BROWN GNR BURGIE GNR CADORETTE-RIOUX GNR CHASSE GNR DEMICK GNR DOUCETTE GNR FERGUSON GNR GAGNON GNR GALLANT GNR GALLANT-BOULET GNR GILLINGHAM GNR GOODRIDGE GNR GREWAL GNR HOLMES GNR HUNTINGTON GNR LEVESQUE D E NL J A H KCJ EJ JPH NA WD TJ A BT E RJA BJ AD J J L J C C M MD EK LNO CA KC E RA IM GE W MJ J P E J P M MP MF M P J M MA MA D CB W KP KD TM SJ R DWT NC J JJ IG H GG D C PMA E KLC GNR PARKIN C GNR ROUSSELLE SR GNRSHAVE MP GNR THURSTON E GNR UNDERWOOD C GNR VELDHUIZEN AJ GNR WARREN JFG GNRWICKS J GNR ANDERSON DM GNR ANDREOLA A GNR CALDERON--ARROYOCJ GNR CARRIERE NM GNR CHABWA S GNR CLEMENT R GNR COCKADAY R GNR COLBURNE M GNR CUNNINGHAM V GNR DRAEGER J GNR EAGLES T GNR FLANAGAN W GNRFOLEY D GNR FONTAINE KF GNR GRANDBERG A GNR HARNUM JH GNR HARVEY JJ GNR HEROUX D GNR HOLDEN M GNR HOLOWATY R GNRKEAN N GNR KEENAN MJ GNR LAWRENCE P GNR MACKENZIE M GNR MAERTENS C GNR MAJCHER J GNR MALENFANT A GNR MALIKOV V GNR MCAVOY A GNR McCLOSKEY P GNR MENDICINO V GNR MEYER B GNR PETTEN D GNR PLAYFORD E GNR PREMZELL TJS GNR RUDNISKY J GNR SENUM AJ GNR SHEAVES J GNR THIBAULT RMN GNR THOMAS B GNR TRITES GB PTE ADAMSON D PTE AGREGAN A PTE ARNOTT G PTE ARSENAULT T PTEASMAR PTEBABIN RS PTE BAIRD R PTE BAKER A PTE BAUMAN NM PTE BELBIN S PTE BLACK W PTE BOLTON A PTE BRAMA R PTE BRISTOW P PTE BRUNELLE B PTE BUDINSKY TJ PTE CAMPBELL J PTE CEREBURNS AG PTE CESPEDES L PTE CHAINEY LL PTE COONEY BG 42 L’Artilleur Canadien RCAS 2010 PTE DANSON PTE DELAHUNT PTE DELEEUW PTE DESHAIES PTE DOUGLAS PTE DOWSON PTE DREYER PTE EARLE PTEEPP PTE FANNING PTE FIORE PTE FOURNELLE PTE GABRIEL PTE GAGNON PTE GERRISH PTE GIRARD PTE GOERTZ PTE GUAY PTE HARRISON PTE HARWAY PTE HILDEBRANDT PTE HORTON PTE JEDDRIE PTE JENNER PTE JOYNSON PTE JUNGHEIM PTE KLIMENKO PTE LAFORTUNE PTE LESLIE PTELOFT PTE LORTZ PTE MACKAY PTE MACPHERSON PTE MACQUARRIE PTE MARION PTE MATHERSON PTE MATTHEWS Canadian Gunner J T E.L B T J J ML JG D T LJKS J K L CJ T E D AD D JH F RO J N D JD J B G A R AB D J V PTE MCAVINN MA PTE MCDONALD S PTE MCGARR M PTE MCGARR M PTE MCGREGOR D PTE MCNEIL D PTE MURPHY C PTE MURPHY FJI PTE MURRAY J PTE MYERS I PTE NAUD A PTE NICHOLSON M PTE O’LEARY L PTE PARROTT-RUIZ R PTE PASANEN D PTE PERINPANAYAGAMM PTE PITMAN B PTE PRIOR D PTE PROCTOR S PTE QUILTY W PTE RAMNARINE V PTE RASUEV A PTE REESE W PTE ROCKWELL A PTE SLAVINSKY C PTE STANLEY E PTE STONE H PTE TOLLETT R PTEVAIL CA PTE VARDY R PTE WATSON P PTEWEBB DR PTE WHITTEN M PTE WILKIE W PTE WINTER J PTE ZAK D 43 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery 2010 was an unprecedented year for 1st (Halifax-Dartmouth) Field Artillery Regiment in terms of both training and growth. The doublepronged initiative to effectively recruit eager soldiers while actively retaining our trained gunners has allowed the unit to operate at optimal efficiency. We know that basic soldier skills are vital to all and to that end 1st Fd Regt conducts EX SWEET CORN on a yearly basis in Granville Ferry. EX SWEET CORN is a basic IBTS weekend that allows the unit to keep current on the C-7 and allows the Commanding Officer to address the troops and give his future vision of the regiment. During this exercise there were 2 changes of command, Capt Darrell Tibbel took over command of 51 Battery from Capt Doug Gallant and Capt Rick Comeau took over command of 84th Independent Field battery from Maj Garant. Maj Garant deployed in October for an operational tour in the Democratic Republic of Congo as DCOS Ops & Plan. Two other soldiers from the unit deployed in 2010, Bdr B.J. Turner spent 6 months with the STA battery in Afghanistan, returning just before Christmas and Maj Joe Goetz deployed in late September as the Special Technical Officer with JTF-Afg HQ. The unit also conducted two live fire exercises in Gagetown, EX STABLE TITAN (2-3 October) which concentrated mainly on the basics of artillery. Despite the frigid Gagetown wind and the abundance of freshly trained gunners the exercise was a resounding success. It was during this exercise that the unit conducted its Change of RSM parade. CWO Robert Lelievre took over Regimental Sergeant Major duties from CWO Joe Dulong. It was with mixed feelings the Regiment bid farewell to CWO Dulong, although he will be missed at the unit, he has moved onto a higher duties as the 36 Brigade Regimental Sergeant Major. On 18 Dec 2010 the regiment was informed that CWO Dulong had been appointed to The Order of Military Merit. Live Fire Training Exercise, CFB Gagetown. Live Fire Training Exercise, CFB Gagetown. Building on the success of EX STABLE TITAN the unit conducted EX SUDDEN THRUST in late November. This exercise focused exclusively on technical shooting and going beyond the basic “move and shoot” weekends. In addition to the artillery exercises many of members of the unit took part in TBG (Territorial Battalion Group) exercises throughout the year. The TBG focuses mainly on domestic operations and may be tasked on short notice to provide assistance to civilian authorities. The culmination of yearly training for the TBG is EX SCOTIAN TRAVERSE which was conducted in Sydney, NS. For this exercise 1st Fd Regt deployed in a domestic operation scenario with the guns in a semi-urban setting. Unsuspecting locals were woken up early on Sunday morning by 105s firing blanks in their backyards. 1st Fd Regt also had it’s share of personal challenges, on 30 Dec 2009 Sgt Kirk Taylor was killed by an IED while serving with the CIMIC team in Afghanistan, this was especially difficult for all member of 84th Independent Field Battery as he was also known as Sgt “Moral” due to his good nature and easy going demeanour. Sgt David Meuse was recognized for his role as the escort for Sgt Taylor’s remains and assistance provided to the family. He received the Brigade Commander’s Commendation for professionalism, dedication and the excellent support he provided the family and other members of the unit. Although exercises, CPXs, parades, refresher training and courses and the likes took up a vast majority of our time and kept all members of the unit very busy, there was always the opportunity to look back and reflect on what an excellent year it was to be a Gunner in Canada. Without a doubt 2011 will bring similar challenges. 44 L’Artilleur Canadien 1 Fd Regt 2010 HLCOLCROSBY HLCOLDOTY LCOL MACDONALD MAJ GOETZ MAJ KIRSCHNER MAJ TROUP CAPTBREEN CAPT GALLANT CAPTNEISH CAPTTIBBEL LT BEAULIEU LT MISNER LT ROULEAU 2LT ANSTEY 2LT CRAWSHAW 2LTHAN 2LT KONECNY OCDT AYOUB CWO DULONG CWO LELIEVRE WO CRAIG SGTBIRT SGT DUNPHY SGT GRIMMER SGT GRIMSHIRE SGT HENNEBERRY SGT JONES SGTLLOY SGT MACPHERSON SGT MARLOW SGT OLIVER SGT OLIVER SGT TOPPLE MCPL ARMSHAW MCPL CONROD MCPL DEVEAU MCPL FERGUSON MCPL GOULD MCPL GREELEY MCPL HILLIKER MCPLHOBB MCPL LANDRY MCPLLEE MCPL ROBICHAUD MCPL TREMBLETT CPL ACKROYD CD C AS JJ JJ KG GV GD DA DV MR SD JMR TC KJ L MWK FJ JP LR EP DW KA AK WD JM CD DJ JT RB GJ SC KS EJ SR BJ TR SE AR CAA MC KJ TM EG AP AJ CPL ALLEN MM CPLBARR KR CPL BRAKE SJ CPL CLEGHORN CE CPL FRASER MT CPL GARRISON TC CPL HARRIE DSM CPL HASSAN AA CPLHEMEONMARTIN JC CPL HOANG T CPL HOPEY DSF CPL HOUTEKAMER RM CPL JOHNSON OB CPL KHEZRI MM CPL LANGFORD GA CPL LARDHI AM CPLLAW KJN CPL MARANOS NC CPL MCGRATH SLD CPL SCHAEFER MR CPL SPENCER AMC CPL THIBODEAU JM CPL THORBAHN JG CPL TURNER BJ CPL YORKE JAY PTE ARBEAU GRPA PTE BAYER JFP PTE BENNETT TJM PTE BOURQUE GMR PTE CHERUBINI AM PTE CURRY SP PTE DOUCETTE NC PTEGRAY BKG PTE HILCHEY DJH PTE JOHNSONMACKINNONMIJ PTE KHEZRI SM PTE KURBEGOVIC D PTE LADOUCEUR ZFJ PTELAWS BA PTELORIMERCARLIN AM PTE MACCORMICK JR PTE MCINTYRE KJ PTE MEADE AR PTE MOULTON DS PTE PARSONS BJP PTE STUBBERT CJ 2nd Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery 2010 aura été une année constructive, productive et dynamique pour le 2nd Fd Regt et ses artilleurs. Que cela soit par le déploiement de plusieurs membres du Régiment au Canada et à l’étranger, par l’avancement, la promotion et la formation accrue des artilleurs ou par l’entraînement intensif du Régiment afin de maintenir son niveau opérationnel, nos artilleurs de la 7e batterie et de la 50e batterie ont terminé une autre année avec professionnalisme et succès. Canadian Gunner Tout d’abord, le 2nd Fd Regt a participé à quelques opérations et missions en support à la Force régulière, et ce, tant au Canada qu’à l’étranger. C’est avec fierté et engagement que nos artilleurs se sont portés volontaires afin d’accomplir leur devoir. En Afghanistan, en support à l’Opération ATHENA, les artilleurs suivants ont participé à la Force opérationnelle 1-09 : Lt Kairns, Adj Moloughney, Adj Fortin, Bdrc Laporte, Bdr Winter, Bdr Depas, Bdr 45 Gagnon, Bdr Gagné-Michaud, Cpl Kaddah, Art Moreau et Art Didone. Le Capt Larocque a supporté la Force opérationnelle 6-09 et les artilleurs suivants viennent de s’envoler pour supporter la Force opérationnelle 3-10 : Maj Gratton, Bdrc Dalphond et l’Art Raymond. Au Canada, en appui à l’Opération PODIUM, les artilleurs suivants on été déployés afin d’assurer la sécurité des Jeux olympiques de Vancouver 2010 : Bdrc Felder, Bdr Bessette, Bdr Li, Bdr Olivier, Bdr Sauvé-Raiche et Art Charrette. En 2010, le 2nd Fd Regt a vu ses rangs s’agrandir par l’arrivée de 35 nouvelles recrues et trois nouveaux officiers dont un nouvel aumônier, le Capt Tomassin. Le 2nd Fd Regt aura aussi célébré le retour en grande forme du Major Pelletier comme officier des opérations et la nomination de l’Adjudant-chef Michaud, ancien Sergentmajor régimentaire, comme Adjudant-chef du 34e Groupe-Brigade du Canada. Encore une fois, les artilleurs du 2nd Fd Regt se démarquent au sein des Forces canadiennes. C’est à la fin de l’année 2010 que le Sergent Bremner, nouvellement arrivé au 2nd Fd Regt, reçu fièrement sa promotion d’Adjudant. Tant au plan interne qu’à l’extérieur du 2nd Fd Regt, nos artilleurs ont brillé par leurs succès. Le Lt Tremblay-Michaud a reçu la bourse d’étude Colonel de Hart pour la poursuite de ses études universitaires en droit. De plus, les trophées suivants ont été remis à l’occasion du Diner de la Troupe, et ce, afin de souligner le travail et l’effort particulier de nos artilleurs : le Slt Beauchamp-Laliberté a reçu le trophée Capt Mario Bernaquez pour sa performance exceptionnelle comme officier subalterne, l’Adj St-Hilaire a reçu le trophée Richard K. Trukington pour sa performance exceptionnelle comme sous-officier sénior, le Cpl Khalique a reçu le trophée T-K Stafford pour ses efforts exceptionnels et le Bdr Chafe a reçu le trophée Bruno Désilet pour sa performance exceptionnelle comme membre junior. Afin de maintenir son haut niveau opérationnel, le 2nd Fd Regt a participé à de nombreux exercices d’unité afin d’aguerrir ses artilleurs, de les préparer à toute éventualités et de leur donner une formation continue. Le 2nd Fd Regt a participé à trois entraînements de tir à sec et trois entraînements de tir réel. Cela est sans compter le support fourni au 34e Groupe-brigade du Canada pour la participation aux exercices et déploiements du Groupe-brigade tactique et Tir du salut aux Fêtes du Canada. Montréal. à la préparation d’un exercice hivernal dans le Grand-Nord québécois à venir en février 2011. Afin de supporter la formation des réservistes de notre Groupebrigade, le 2nd Fd Regt a conduit, sous son toit, le cours de Qualification militaire de base 1007 et deux cours de communicateur de base, et ce, en plus de fournir de nombreux instructeurs pour diverses formations. La formation et le perfectionnement demeurent une priorité pour les artilleurs. En 2010, le 2nd Fd Regt a, par le travail continuel des membres de la 50e batterie, batterie de recrutement et d’entraînement, été présent dans la communauté montréalaise. De plus, il a tenu et supporté de nombreuses activités de rayonnement tel que le tir du salut de la graduation du Collège militaire Royal du Canada à StJean-sur-Richelieu, le tir du salut aux Fêtes du Canada, la présence lors d’une compétition internationale de paint-ball, le tir du salut aux cérémonies du Jour du Souvenir à l’Université McGill, la visite des artilleurs à l’Hôpital national des vétérans de Ste-Anne-de-Bellevue, la publication d’articles à travers les journaux militaires du Secteur Québec de la Force terrestre et sa présence à de nombreux salons d’emplois. Le 2nd Fd Regt a tenu plus de cinq séances de portes ouvertes, permettant ainsi à plus de 500 candidats potentiels et personnes intéressées de visiter le Manège militaire Côte-des-Neiges. Le 2nd Field Regt continu à appuyer directement le Corps de cadets 2719 Côte-des-Neiges, qui compte plus de 100 cadets, et 12 officiers et membre du personnel. Le 2nd Field Regt héberge le Corps de cadet et appuie l’instruction des jeunes cadets en fournissant deux membres bénévoles. Le Corps de cadets 2719 se distingue sur le plan régional en remportant de nombreux tournois sportifs, particulièrement au soccer intérieur. C’est cependant sur une triste note que débutera l’année 2011, au Régiment. En effet, le Col (H) Pierre Fecteau est décédé le 5 janvier 2011 à sa résidence d’un arrêt cardiaque. Tir du salut au Jour du Souvenir. Montréal. En terminant, le 2nd Fd Regt est particulièrement fier d’avoir été en mesure de rencontrer ses objectifs pour l’année 2010, et ce, sans aucun problème majeur. C’est grâce à un entraînement continu, à une bonne administration de notre personnel et à un travail soutenu de tous les artilleurs que nous affronterons l’année à venir et que nous relèverons avec succès les défis qui se présenteront à nous. 46 L’Artilleur Canadien 2 Fd Regt 2010 HLCOL DE KOVACHICH C LCOL PARENT DC MAJ GRATTON RJJJ MAJ LEFEBVRE JGYP MAJ PELLETIER MGS CAPT BOUTIN P CAPT CHABOT JRAM CAPT CLOUTIER LC CAPT GRIMSHIRE J.F. CAPT LAROCQUE JGJ CAPT RAMACIERI GA CAPT THOMASSIN ST LT TREMBLAY-MICHAUD A SLT BEAUCHAMP-LALIBERTÉ JJJ 2LT LAROCHELLE-LALONDEJFCEO SLT NAKACHE TAGR SLT ROBERTSON CB ADJUC MARIER WO BARROS JAC WO BERENDT CE ADJ GAGNON Y ADJ ST-HILAIRE JGG SGT BELAND JLF SGT CASES REARJ SGT DERBRIDGE NA SGT DUVAL MADJ SGT GAUTHIER S SGTHAND SP SGT LANGLAIS DLJ SGT LEPAGE JMC SGT POUDRETTE JRF BDRC AFONSO CA CPLCBENOIT JMS BDRC BERGERON EL BDRC CHAMOUN P BDRC DALPHOND PMP BDRC DE SOUZA JBDK BDRC DUBOIS JJJ BDRC FELDER TA BDRC PINSONNEAULT JBM CPLC RADFORTH WM BDRCTAHAN J BDRC VERREAULT JFF BDRC WINTER M BDR ABRIGO AM BDR BEAUREGARD SDJ BDR BESSETTE JPR CPL BURCENA CJB BDR CHAFE D BDR CHARBONNEAU JFO BDR CHARETTE MJPR BDR DALPHOND OAPF BDR DEPAS E Canadian Gunner BDR DIMITROV HD BDRDINH NK BDR GARCIA S BDR GUENETTE BELEC B CPL KADDAH R BDR KEOMANYLA LX CPL KHALIQUE GH BDR LANGLAIS K CPL LEVESQUE DE BDRLI CYJ BDRMANN A BDR MARTIN RJJ BDR OLIVIER EJ CPLROY M BDR SAUVE RAICHE MJAM BDR SELVESTER IV BDR THORNTON DJ BDR YUNG HDM ART AUBIN JMG SDT BOISCLAIR FRH SDT CLARKE AA SDT CORMIER KS SDT DAHAN M SDT DANSEREAU FJPN SDT DIDONE RBCT SDT DOYLE JJL SDT DUPUY D SDT DUVAL G SDT EL CHALOUHI M SDT FERREIRA M ART GAGNON-CLAVEAU OJJP SDT GAUDRY GJFAR SDTGILL KW SDT HOFFMANN JR SDT JIMENEZ S SDT KNOBOVITCH RK SDT KUZNETTSON V SDT LALCHAN A.L. SDT LEVASSEUR MRB SDT LOUIS-SEIZE CLS SDT MAGNOUX EL SDT NEMMAOUI M SDT PAGER-MASSE J SDT PERFETTO M SDT PERREAULT DJR SDT POPESCU AC SDT PROVOST SJG SDT RAYMOND N SDT ROUSSEL F SDT ROY-MAURICE AV SDT SANDOVAL RA SDT SOGUILON J SDT VERNIER-LESSARDJF 47 3rd Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery 3rd Field Regiment was already deep into the planning of several events at the beginning of 2010, with well over a dozen exercises conducted throughout the year, and numerous gun salutes on top. By far, however, the month of May was one of our busiest. 115 Bty had two soldiers deployed to Afghanistan for Task Force in 2010. Bdr Melvin Clark returned safely to garrison in December at the conclusion of his second tour, while the second will be concluding their own tour later next year. This marks the closing of 3rd Field Regiment’s contributions to the war effort overseas as Canada wraps up her deployments. Our focus at the start of 2010 was preparing our soldiers for Winter Warfare and the participation of some of our junior soldiers for EX STALWART GOOSE A section of 10 soldiers joined the 5th Canadian Ranger Group in Churchill Falls, Labrador, during the March Break between 27 Feb and 10 Mar 10. They supported the Brigade in confirmation of sub-arctic mobility, sustainability and war fighting skills. This exercise helped build those skills and abilities necessary for use in Canada’s ever-important Arctic regions during Sovereignty Exercises (SOVEXs) and Sovereignty Operations (SOVOPs). A gun exercise on May 9 was directed at Connecting with Canadians, where family and friends were brought out to see the firing of the guns into Lawfield, as well as the last rounds fired for HCol Turnbull, HLCol McKelvey, and LCol (ret.) Foote as gunner officers. This day also saw the change of Honoraries as HLCol Hatfield and HCol Irving assumed their Firing during the Remembrance Day Salute in downtown Fredericton. No car alarms were injured during the firing of this salute. positions from the late HLCol Turnbull and HCol McKelvey, respectively. May 15 was the hosting date of the Loyal Company Ball, the first in seventeen years, held in conjunction with the celebration of Saint John’s 225th birthday as the oldest incorporated city in Canada. A few days later, 3rd Field Regiment fired their 21 Gun Salute for Loyalist Day, a tradition unique to the unit, as well as a second salute for the city during its birthday events at Harbour Station that evening. Over the summer Major Chantal Berube departed 3rd Field Regiment for Ontario. In September, 115 Bty’s, in Saint John, command was assumed by Major David Boudreau, also the unit Second-in-Command. 89th Bty, Woodstock, and HQ Bty, Saint John, had a change in BSMs, with MWO Mackay and MWO Gillingham switching positions, respectively. 3rd Field Regiment prepares to fire its Loyalist Day Salute, a unique privilege for the gunners of The Loyal Company. Oct 31, 2010 marked the passing of the late HCol Turnbull at his home in Red Head, NB. A former CO of 3rd Field Regi- 48 L’Artilleur Canadien This portrait was commissioned and given to Col Turnbull by the Officers of the Regiment. Also presented were his medals. These will be displayed in the Officers mess along with his portrait and sword. The Regiment is very grateful for this thoughtful donation by the Turnbull Family. ment and proud World War II veteran, Col (ret.) Turnbull OMM, CStJ, CD was part of the regimental family for over 74 years will long be remembered. The Regiment showed its respect to their former CO and HCol with a full military funeral on 6 Nov at Trinity Anglican Church in Saint John, NB. Over 60 personnel from the Regiment participated in the funeral. The second iteration of Ex STALWART GOOSE took place during the Christmas break on 12 – 19 Dec 10. 8 soldiers were sent to Goose Bay, Labrador, under the watch of 1 RNBR to further their sub-arctic mobility, sustainability and war fighting skills as part of the 37 CBG Arctic Response Company Group (ARCG). During the Soldier’s Appreciation Dinner on Dec 11, 2010, several awards were passed out to the soldiers of the unit. Capt LeBlanc was promoted to the rank of Maj, granting him official command of 89 Bty and the Field Battery. The unit’s Soldier of the Year award was given to Gnr Spencer, and the RSM’s Award of Excellence was awarded to Bdr Melvin Clark. As well, Sgt Williams was named an Honorary Gunner of 3rd Field Regiment for her assistance during several gun salutes. The future for 3rd Field Regiment is in preparing for Ex MAPLE RAIDER, a battle group-level exercise taking place during the March break, 4 – 13 Mar 11. Soldiers from all across 37 CBG will be travelling to CFB Gagetown to participate in combat team attacks, with 3rd Field Regiment’s own CO taking on the mantle of Battle Group Commander. Ms Heather Turnbull and her brother James Turnbull Jnr presented the Regiment with a portrait of Col (retired) Turnbull on his departure as Commanding Officer 3rd Fd Regt. 3 Fd Regt 2010 HCOLIRVING HLCOL HATFIELD LCOL MCPHERSON MAJ BOUDREAU MAJ LEBLANC CAPT GOODFELLOW CAPT MORRIS CAPT WATTERS CAPTWATTS LT MACCREADY LT MELVIN 2LT CASEY MWO GILLINGHAM MWO JORDAN MWO MACKAY MWO PARKER WO BERGERON WO JACKSON WO MASON WO MCLEAN WONOËL WO SANGSTER WO STOREY SGT BLAKEMORE SGT DEVEAUX SGTHOYT SGT MCCOLLUM SGT MCLAUGHLIN SGT MCLAUGHLIN SGT OSBORNE SGT SLEEP SGT WATTERS MBDR ANDREWS MBDRBISHOP MBDRBLINN MBDR CHAPPEL MBDRCOLE MBDR DEMERCHANT MBDRJONES MBDR MARSTON MBDR ROBICHAUD MBDRSMITH MBDRSTAIRS MBDRTAYLOR MBDR TOMPKINS BDRALLEN BDR BURNS BDR BURNS Canadian Gunner BDR CATER BDR CHATTERTON BDR CHISWELL BDR CLARK BDR CLARK BDR CONNOR BDR DOHERTY BDR EGGERT BDR FINNAMORE BDR FOWLER BDR GREER BDR HABOLD BDR HACHEY BDR HENRY BDR MAGEE BDR MCELHINNEY BDR OBENAUS BDR O’NEILL BDR ROBICHAUD BDR ROBSON BDR SCOTT BDR SHANNON BDR SHANNON BDR VELDHUIZEN BDR WILSON BDR WILSON GNR CLARK GNR COGGER GNR CULLINS GNR GRANT GNR HANSEN GNR HUDSON GNR KENNEDY GNR LANTEIGNE GNR MCCORMICK GNR MCSHEFFERY GNR MONTEITH GNR MURRAY GNR ROSCOE GNR SPENCER GNR THOMSON JKF H SI DL W LR NA TN EA DAJ AV WAW PM JG JH RP E A NR KD D AA AJ RG PD BE CR DT NR EC TE T JW MW BK MA KW CS GR JW JA CD DA BME LJ MJ MJR NW 49 CH AC JM LWJ MD KJR RD DP DP SE JG F AM CN MC TD WM CE BJ CA MKJ AC JR AJ AL BM BL JPH PG DJ ARS WO RGD BRS CJ D BD AJ AR NC KS 5th (British Columbia) Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery For the Guns on Vancouver Island 2010 was a very successful year. The 5th (BC) Field Regiment, RCA focused much of its attention training to support operations and force generation. These priorities were met through the execution of a robust training year that included regimental live fire exercises in Washington State and dynamic soldier and gunner skills building exercises here on Vancouver Island. The unit continued to fulfill its mandate in municipal, provincial and federal ceremonies in Victoria, the Capital Region District, as well as in Nanaimo. Operationally, we are proud that 4 more of our members have returned from TASK FORCE AFGHANISTAN for ROTO 03/09. The following represented the Regiment well and continued the 5th reputation of provided quality soldiers for service overseas: Bdr Ben Hess, Bdr Sarah Colyn, Bdr Stephan Conquist, and Capt Brent Woods who deployed on his second tour. We have also sent 13 personnel to Operation PODIUM. Ptes Douglas, Kinnear, Kruger, Gnrs Sorenson and Cooper, Bdrs Kilpatrick and L’Heureux, MBdrs Dawe, Gatherum and Perpeluk, Lt Sylvester and Capts Graham and Plaxton; all who received recognition for their work during the Olympics. Bdr C.P. Paquet deployed with TF 10-3 to Afghanistan in November 2010 with the Battle Group Ops in the Tactical Air Controller cell. His anticipated repatriation is late July 2011. Direct Fire - Yakima. from Fort Rodd Hill. Also in attendance, were many retired senior officers and current serving CF members, all of whom were very interested in our Regiment’s history on Vancouver Island. In addition, the Coastal Defense Study group, a US based historical group accompanied us on the tour, learning a great deal as well as adding their own insights to our regimental history. The Regiment was active in its training during the spring, having attended a Gun Camp (Ex CLAYMORE STEEL) in Yakima training centre, before the summer stand down in June. We managed to supply three full gun detachments for this exercise and, with 15th Field’s contributions, we were able to more fully exercise at a battery level. Many of the Regiment’s personnel underwent individual training during the summer training period at WATC Shilo. Stand-to in September was the start of very active time in the Regiment despite budgetary constraints. The fall period saw many weekend field exercises, the Thanksgiving weekend Exercise CLAYMORE STEEL in Yakima coupled with very aggressive recruiting activities, which to date, have been quite fruitful. Many Community Footprint and Op CONNECTION type activities were conducted this year. Most notably the Nanaimo International Bathtub Race was again supported by our Unit for the 33rd year running. We also supported 3 major Triathlons on the Island from Shawnigan Lake, to Beaver Lake, to Sooke. A first for us, we supported the 11th Western Regional HOG (Harley-Davidson Owners Group) Rally held in Langford. Over 750 Harley-Davidsons motor-cycles were started by one 105mm blank round. Socially, the Regiment has hosted several functions in the unit messes. Most notably, the Regiment hosted the Royal Canadian Artillery Association AGM and Conference. With the most senior gunners throughout Canada visiting the area, the Unit was able to shine as hosts and provide much needed support. The Officers’ Mess St. Barbara’s Day Dining In was a great success, with the guest list including many past members of the unit, distinguished retired service personnel and notable public personalities. Another great success was the professional development day the Officers’ mess hosted where the coastal defence positions of the Victoria area were toured in conjunction with Parks Canada staff The biggest change in the regiment was LCol Cotter handing over command of the Regiment to LCol Wisdahl. LCol Cotter leaves the Regiment in fine shape to continue to grow under the leadership of the new CO. The ceremony was conducted at Fort Rodd Hill, home of the 5th for many years and renewed a sense of Regimental history to the soldiers and Officers of the Regiment. Looking ahead at 2011, the Regiment has again planned for a very busy training and recruiting year. With over 80 files at the recruiting office, we are going to be pressed to find spots to train all these potential new gunners. We will continue to meet our mission to recruit, train and retain while augmenting the regular force for operational commitments nationally and internationally. 50 L’Artilleur Canadien 5 Fd Regt 2010 HCOL STEWART HLCOL MCDONALD LCOL WISDAHL MAJ LEBLANC MAJ STEELE MAJ WOODS CAPTDAILEY CAPTDAWE CAPT MORLEY CAPT PLAXTON CAPT SYLVESTER LT JACKSON LT RUSHTON 2LT HAUG 2LT MANIFOLD 2LT PENNEY 2LT YOUNG OCDT LOTOCKY OCDT MCGREGOR CWO EIGLER CWO LOUGHEED MWOMOSES WO BEDDOWS WO GARDNER WO SAMPSON WO SLACK WO STREET SGT BALLANTYNE SGT BARRY SGT BYRNE SGTCADWALLADER SGT FOURNIER SGT KLIMEK SGT LENIUS SGT NEWTON SGT THOMPSON MBDR BANKASINGH MBDR CHEUNG MBDR COLES-WEBB MBDRDAWE MBDR FAWDREY MBDR FILIATRAULT MBDR GATHERUM MBDR KACHANOSKI MBDR MACKEIGAN MBDR MCNEELY MBDR PERPELUK MBDRSARK MBDR SHILLINGTON MBDRWINDL MCPLENG MCPL MORRISON BDR COLYN BDR CONQUIST BDR CONWAY BDR COOPER BDR DENNINGER BDR DUPONT BDR FOSTER BDRHESS BDR HOVELKAMP BDR KILPATRICK BDR KRUGER BDR L’HEUREUX BDR MCDONALD Canadian Gunner BDR PAQUET BDR SORENSEN BDR SPEARS BDR UNDERWOOD BDR WALTS CPL ALBU CPL CHALLIS CPL COX CPL CSATH CPL MACINNES CPL MACMILLAN CPLPAP CPL SANDFORD CPL STEWART CPL SUMMERS CPLWADE GNR BARBE GNR DOUGLAS GNR IBBOTSON GNR INGBRITSON GNR KINNEAR GNRLANG GNR MURDOCH GNRRIGGS GNR ROGERS GNR ROTTLUFF GNR SZABO GNR TER VEER GNR VAN DER LEEK PTEBAE PTE BARKER PTE CARPENTER PTE CROSS PTE DUBOSARSKI PTE EIVINDSON PTE FAIRCLOUGH PTE FORMAN PTEGAN PTE GEMMILL PTE GRANT PTE GUNN PTE HARGREAVES PTE HARRIS PTE HICKEY PTEHILL PTE HOWELLS PTE JORDAN PTE KIMMEL PTE LINDROOS PTELONG PTE LOUIE PTE MAJOR PTE MCDONALD PTE MCLEAN PTE MCMULLEN PTEMEDE PTE MILLER PTE NELSON PTE SANDDAR PTE SMITH PTE STEVENS PTE STRATTON PTE WARAWA PTE YUILL L ST SA B JA BW MP AJ TW BC BW A LD RG T CH D MA JS FP BJ DA J RJ CA HR JD A D ME B MJ GP JA DA FB T JKY BP SST ME CA CL LA WA EC KD BM CR E JJV KD SD SC CL RWK RA AB BL BB NW AG JTW DN AJ 51 CP EG MF LP BA MA SC LM DM SP SB DM AV CJO RA MD MJ BDR JJ CS GBL PG DM RH DV DA JJ JN JG SSY DJ NB HJK RR JA TG NA JW WD ADJ AP MHS SL SKP SA QA SSW JA TA AJ DPA KW DJ JP EZ JC KLM KJA LNN AK HLC KC JP CA 6e Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne Le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie Canadienne L’année 2010 vient de se terminer, que déjà 2011 est bien installée dans nos murs. Que s’est-il passé en 2010 au 6e RAC ? Certains gens vous diront que rien de particulier ne s’est produit cette année, pour d’autres, ce sera l’expression de découvertes, de buts à atteindre, de connaissance de soi, une année trépidante quoi. En fait, il y en a eu pour tous les goûts. Cependant, avant de vous faire une rétrospective de l’année, il faut rendre à César ce qui lui appartient. D’abord, les membres de l’unité sont engagés et bien formés grâce à une formation continue. Et cela, nous tenons à le demeurer. Aussi, encore une fois en cette année, notre régiment a fourni plusieurs de ses membres afin de soutenir l’armée de terre canadienne dans sa mission en Afghanistan. Nous pouvons être fiers de ces jeunes gens qui s’impliquent à 100% dans un métier militaire qu’ils affectionnent et dans des valeurs auxquelles ils croient. Nous tenons à les remercier chaleureusement ainsi que leur famille qui les appuie tout au long de leur cheminement. Mais revenons à notre rétrospective 2010 au 6e Régiment d’artillerie de campagne. Contrairement aux années antérieures, janvier n’a pas amené avec lui notre exercice au camp Shelby au Mississipi. Des contraintes administratives ont dû malheureusement annuler cet exercice annuel. Mais cela ne sera que partie remise. Alors, c’est l’état major et surtout les opérations qui s’activent le plus, car ils doivent préparer le calendrier des activités pour toute l’année. Savoir planifier et préparer un calendrier des activités demande beaucoup de connaissances et de contacts, car il n’est pas toujours possible d’obtenir les dates choisies sur les différents sites pour les entraînements. Souvent pour le militaire, tout est transparent, mais il ne sait pas tout le travail qui a été accompli pour que ce dernier puisse parfaire et actualiser ses connaissances sur le terrain. Nous apprécierons grandement leur beau travail car sans eux nous n’aurions Les artilleurs du 6e RAC en attente d’une mission de tir en mars 2010 `å pas autant de membres actifs dans notre unité. Ce qui BFC Valcartier. m’amène d’ailleurs à vous entretenir de nos effectifs. Le 6e RAC compte actuellement plus de 240 réservistes actifs exercice pour parfaire ou tout simplement remettre à niveau et il faut savoir que l’objectif avoué est globalement fixé à 280 leurs connaissances de commandement sur le terrain tandis membres autorisés. Beaucoup d’efforts y sont consacrés. Bra- que dans d’autres lieux les militaires réservistes procèdent à vo à toute l’équipe de recruteurs, ils font vraiment un travail leur entraînement de base sur les obusiers. Reconnaissance, exceptionnel. Fait à remarquer, le taux de rétention à notre enlignement, ordres de tir, tout y passe afin de bien se prérégiment est assez exceptionnel. Cela est certainement dû à parer à l’exercice de tir réel du mois prochain. l’esprit de camaraderie qui y règne. Mars s’installe tranquillement et le régiment s’est préparé pour son premier exercice de tir réel. Ce seront plus de 100 Le mois de février amène les premiers exercices CPX et participants qui y participeront et une centaine d’obus seront TFX en vue du premier exercice de tir réel qui aura lieu le mois tirés à la grande joie des artilleurs. Étalé sur 2 journées et prochain. Plusieurs officiers et sous-officiers participent à cet demie, cet exercice vise à parfaire les connaissances des ar- 52 L’Artilleur Canadien majeures qui sont apportées par Parc Canada au Fort no 1 de Lévis, lieu où se tient le concert. Cependant, on nous a confirmé que le concert reviendrait en 2011. Mais on n’en reste pas là. En effet, le 6e RAC participe au Marathon des Deux-Rives. Mentionnons d’ailleurs qu’une équipe de marathoniens du 6e participe à cette course et qu’elle nous représente fièrement. Septembre amène le plein retour des activités dans les trois manèges de l’unité. L’horaire nous propose une fin de semaine de tir réel sur la base de Valcartier à laquelle plus de 80 membres participent. Pour ceux qui viennent de terminer leurs cours d’artilleur durant l’été, c’est comme une récompense. Mettre en pratique aussi rapidement de qu’ils viennent d’apprendre, de commencer à connaître et d’apprécier les anciens membres qui composent les équipes d’obusier, de s’intégrer à un travail d’équipe qui est essentiel dans ce métier, de sentir la fumée du tir à plein nez. C’est ça la vie d’artilleur. Octobre et novembre, c’est la routine. Un exercice de tir réel sur la base de Valcartier, les pratiques pour la marche de 13 km pour tous les membres et un exercice sur simulateur. Ce dernier a été mis sur pied en remplacement d’un tir réel annulé par manque de munitions. Les détachements ont pu se concentrer sur des aspects du déploiement d’obusiers qui sont ordinairement plus secondaires. La défense locale a été mise en emphase tout au long de cet exercice. 6 canons opérés par des artilleurs du 6e RAC, prêts à l’action! tilleurs acquises tout au long de l’hiver et d’enfin mettre en pratique les notions de tir avec un canon. Le mois d’avril est annonciateur du NIAC qui a eu lieu sur la base de Farnham près de Montréal. Le but de cet exercice étant de mettre à niveau les connaissances de tous les membres du régiment sur les armes légères utilisées ainsi que sur différentes notions dont se servent les artilleurs dans leur métier. Pour une fois, la température est de notre bord et tout l’exercice se déroule sous une température plus qu’acceptable ce qui réjouit les quelque 70 membres présents pour cette activité. La participation est moins grande pour cet exercice, car la plupart sont des étudiants en période d’examens. Novembre, c’est le jour du Souvenir. Nous avons participé à 2 cérémonies, la première à Montmagny et la seconde à Lévis pour rendre hommage à tous ceux et celles qui ont donné leur vie pour notre liberté. Une pensée est toujours de mise pour les militaires qui sont actuellement en mission pour le Canada. Mai nous arrive et se campe solidement dans la vie régimentaire. En effet, c’est la traditionnelle parade du régiment où le nouveau commandant a souligné, lors de la cérémonie de passation de commandement, les différentes étapes que nos militaires ont franchies et son appréciation sur l’état général du régiment. Les membres du régiment n’auront pas le temps de se reposer, car déjà on installe les tentes du Camp Vimy à Valcartier pour le TEII 2010 qui s’étend jusqu’au mois d’août. Le mois d’août, bien que ce soit la fin des cours sur les différentes bases, au régiment c’est le retour des activités. Cette année, le 6e RAC ne participera pas au concert au Crépuscule car cette activité a été annulée dû au fait des réparations Et décembre annonce la fin de l’année au régiment. C’est la fête des artilleurs, Sainte-Barbe qui a eu lieu cette année à Shawinigan. C’est également la parade du commandant où il en profite pour remettre les différentes promotions et souligner le travail exceptionnel de certains artilleurs qui ont su se démarquer tout au long de l’année de par leur implication et leur participation aux différentes activités du régiment. Décembre, c’est aussi le traditionnel dîner de la troupe. Occasion pour tous et chacun de festoyer durant quelques heures et de se souhaiter de belles fêtes et une bonne année 2011. « Les rendre, jamais » 6 RAC 2010 HCOL LAFLAMME HLCOL DALLAIRE LCOLGARON LCOLJEAN MAJ ANCTIL MAJ GAGNÉ MAJ GARANT MAJ MORAND MAJ STOCKER MAJ VÉZINA CAPT BRETON CAPTCÔTÉ CAPT COUTURE CAPT LACASSE CAPTLEMAY CAPT LEMIEUX CAPT RAINVILLE CAPT SÉVIGNY CAPT TALBOT CAPT TRUDEL Canadian Gunner CAPT TURGEON LT CARRIÈRE LT GAGNÉ LT GAUTHIER LT KEAYS LÉVESQUE LT RAYNAULT SLT BOILY SLT BONN SLT BOUCHER-GAGNON SLT GENESSE SLT LAGUEUX SLTPAGÉ SLTROY ÉLOF BEAUDOIN ÉLOF MURRAY ADJUC MANNY ADJUC ROLAND ADJUM CHAMPAGNE ADJUM DESMEULES ADJUM GRAVEL G RA R JRS MJM JGA B D JCD JGG DJT DAP SJD JPR JM PLGF JE JGY JBS VL 53 MD DE LGC JGC F CJY JEJ AJ DJGP MJN MS AJY SJI JJF SJM JMS P JLT JHR JGAL 6 RAC 2010 ADJ CHARLAND JVD ADJ CHARLAND JMP ADJ GAGNON JPC ADJJEAN JPD ADJ WEBSTER MJJ SGT BERNATCHEZ JC SGT BERNIER JD SGTBLAIS D SGT CANUEL JR SGT COULOMBE JA SGT DESJARDINS JLG SGT DUBÉ MJD SGT DUPONT BGJ SGT DUPONT JD SGT DUPUIS JNA SGT FOURNIER JPS SGT GAUDETTE JFSP SGT LABBÉ JRM SGT LANGLOIS JW SGT LAVOIE JJM SGT LÉTOURNEAU M SGT MARTINEAU GNP SGT MATHURIN MTL SGT MONTMINY JRD SGT OUELLET RL SGT PATOINE MRM SGT SAVARD MTJ SGT SOUCY JRH SGT THIBAULT GJA SGT THIBAULT MLM SGT VAILLANCOURT JBA SGT VILLENEUVE DJL BDRC BEAULIEU P BDRC BÉLANGER JCM CPLC BELLEMARE-CARONJGP CPLC BOULET MF BDRC BRETON MD CPLCCÔTÉ MLD BDRC DELISLE JGRS CPLC DIETRICH O BDRC JACQUES AMMG BDRCJEAN PMM BDRC LEMIEUX A BDRC MARCEAU JGE BDRC OUELLET VM BDRC PELLETIER P BDRCPICARD JFJL BDRCPLANTE PRF BDRC POULIOT JLC BDRC ROYER-CÔTÉ JAG BDRC VÉZINA GJR BDR BANNON TJD BDR BEAULIEU DJR CPL BÉLANGER AA BDR BÉLANGER-SOUCY PLBS BDR BELLEAU MS BDR BÉRARD SJA BDR BILODEAU FS BDRBLAIS JJJ BDR BOUCHER JDS BDR CARON AJ BDR CARON JPA BDR CARON JAM BDRCHAMBERLAND MSA BDR CHARLAND SJC BDRCÔTÉ JPMM BDR COULOMBE JAC CPL COULOMBE-TANGUAY A BDR COUTURE D BDR DAIGLE JYJF BDR DE GREADY-BENOÎT FJNS BDR DESCHÊNES JF BDR DESCHÊNES-LALIBERTÉPOMLP BDR DUMAIS LJGJ CPL ÉMOND AJF BDRFÉLLICE-SIMARD M BDR FORTIN MA BDR FOURNIER SJR BDR GAGNON JGR CPL GAGNON MVJ BDR GAUDREAULT SJA BDR GEISHECKER-CÔTÉD BDR GILBERT MA BDR GOSSELIN KC CPL GOULET A BDR HUARD-MERCIER MJC BDR LABRECQUE EJ BDR LAFERRIÈRE MMJ BDR LANGLOIS YA BDR LECLERC JAJ BDR LEMIEUX JR BDR MATHIEU C BDR MATHIEU M BDR MERCIER E BDR MERCIER JT BDR MORIN PPJS BDR MORISSETTE PC BDR NADEAU BJPB BDR NAUD LNO BDR OUELLET SJP BDR PAYEUR JRJ BDR PAYEUR V BDR PELLETIER AJJ BDR PELLETIER FJA BDR PELLETIER GBS BDR PELLETIER K BDR POULIN S BDR ROBICHAUD GR BDRROY JJ BDR SAVOIE JJER BDR TALBOT MD BDR THIBODEAU-LORD A BDR TREMBLAY B BDR TURCOTTE GRN ART ARBOUR JJM ART ARMALY M ART AUGER JG ART CADORETTE-RIOUX SJ ART CARRIER LMA ART CHOUINARD LAVOIE JEM ART CLARKE AA ART COLLIN VMM ART CORRIVEAU BJR ARTDION REJHNC ART DIONNE JMA ART DUFRESNE FAJB ART DUMAS MJL ART FRADETTE RMIMM ART GALLANT-BOULET H ART GARANT-POITRASSP ART HERNANDEZ-LACROIX ELEM ART LABRECQUE KJF ART LACHANCE-VÉZINA EMF ART LACROIX JMC ART LAPLANTE-SIMARDF ART LAROCHE AJR ART LAVIGNE PLMF ART LEMAY GA ART LÉVESQUE KLC ART PERREAULT B 54 L’Artilleur Canadien 6 RAC 2010 ART ART ART ART ART SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT SDT RICHER PE ROBERGE SJGJ ROWLEY BERNARD F RUEL S ST-PIERRE MJTL BEAUCHAMP CMGE BEAUCHAMP DMM BEAUDET LMH BÉLANGER CMC BERTHIAUME DJSP BLOUIN RONDEAU EMC BOUTIN DJS BROCHU CHJ BUTEAU M DOMPIERRE-BÉLANGERFA GAGNON-BOUCHER M GOSSELIN DJF HOUDE-MARTEL AC HUDON RBPR LABRANCHE PJA LABRIE F LABRIE-TREMBLAYMJB LANGIS ARW LANGLAIS J LECOURS FL LÉTOURNEAU G OUELLET YJM OUELLET-CARRIER S PRÉMONT CJA ROBERGE JJ ROZON CMLN TRÉPANIER MPM VACHON AJR 7th Toronto Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery As 2010 closed, 7th Toronto Regiment, RCA looked back on another busy and productive year of training with more achievements on which to build. We are currently welcoming back the members of 7th Toronto who are returning from deployment to Afghanistan as part of 2 RCHA’s contribution to OP Athena. Capt Grewal, Sgt Murray, MBdrs Oster and Hwang as well as Bdrs Narraine and Peralta-Vintalmilla have returned after working in positions ranging from force protection to STA and forward observer parties. While deployed, these soldiers exemplified the artillery ethos, earning praise from their commanders and continuing the long tradition of 7th Toronto contributing to overseas deployments. As we welcome them back, we will incorporate the knowledge they have gained so that we can continue to improve and maintain a high state of readiness for any requirements. of Canada’s commitment to arctic presence. Another highlight of the year was 7th Toronto’s salute for our Captain General, HRH Queen Elizabeth II on her visit to Canada. When HRH visited on July 6th, 7th Toronto, along with 11th and 56 Field provided the Royal Salute. Of particular note was the success of our bandleader, Capt Graz Brescacin who acted as the conductor for the 32 Brigade Band, his 6th time in this role. During the last year, 7th Toronto also welcomed a new Regimental Sergeant Major. CWO Pedro Rosa, MMM, retired after more than twenty years of service and was succeeded by CWO Atkinson who joins us from the Royal Regiment of Canada. Another departure of a well-known and well-respected gunner was MWO Charles Brady, MMM. After a 7-year posting, marked by well-earned respect and multiple commendations, MWO Brady has moved onto LFDTS in Kingston. As part of this continued readiness for any future commitments, 7th Toronto is standing up our own battle school. As a newly instituted component within 7th Toronto and commanded by Maj Paul Szabunio, our battle school will be able to run any courses not offered during RST. This will allow us to qualify our soldiers in such courses as winter warfare, communications and the artillery mortar conversion course that will ultimately add depth to our unit. A sad loss to 7th Toronto and the gunner community this year is that of Herb Danter who passed during the last year. After serving with the guns during the Korean War, Herb was an active member within the unit, participating in the 25 pounder’s involvement during salutes as well as our annual barbeque. Along with the other Limber Gunners, Herb was a joyous presence and was responsible for great support to our unit. In addition to our unit training, 7th Toronto Regt also participated in a diverse array of tasks as part of the military’s operational commitments. During the G8 and G20 summits in Huntsville and Toronto respectively, 7th Toronto provided twenty-two soldiers as well as Maj Szabunio as a company commander. These soldiers and officer were an integral part of Task Force Toronto and formed a key part of the security and cordon element. 7th Toronto also provided soldiers for sovereignty patrols in the high arctic as part Canadian Gunner As we begin 2011, 7th Toronto, under the command of LCol Gomes, continues down the path to readiness and excellence we always have. We understand that there will be many challenges in the upcoming years but we look forward to this and anything that may arise. 55 7 Tor Regt 2010 HLCOL BREITHAUPT LCOL GOMES MAJDEAN MAJ STEWART MAJ SZABUNIO CAPTFINELLI CAPT GRAHAM CAPTGREER CAPT GREWAL CAPT ORTIZ SOSA LTKIM LT RASHEED LT THOMPSON LT VIGOR 2LTKIM 2LTMA 2LT MCBRIDE 2LT TEMPENY 2LT YOUNG MWO HARPAUL MWOREYES WO DUONG WOMORNINGSTAR WO RIZZUTO WOTON WO ZAFAR SGT BECHMANIS SGT BLACKBIRD SGTBOYD SGT BRAKE SGT ETORMA SGT HARRIS SGT KHLYUSTOV SGT KUPRESAK SGT LLOYD SGT LOMBARA SGT LORIMER SGT MURRAY SGTNERI SGT PEREIRA SGT TIERNAY MBDRAN MBDR ANTONOV MBDR AYGUN MBDRCLARKE MBDR CUGLIARI MBDR D’CRUZ MBDR HOUGH MBDRHWANG MBDRISIP MBDRKASE MBDR KHLYUSTOV MBDRLALOR MBDRLAM MBDR LAPLANTE MBDRLEE MBDR LU MBDR MALIKOV MBDRMIN MBDROKEM MBDROSTER MBDR POLYVYANNY MBDRSONG MBDR SPANOS MBDR SPRAAKMAN MBDRWEIR MBDRWICKRAMARATNA MBDRWOOD BDR BHATTI BDR BHATTI JR M. J.W. J.D. P.A. L.A. S.A. T. N. M.A. D. S.T. P.A. D.P. D.J.W. J. E.J. M.A. S.M. C.P. P.M. T.V. R.J. A. R.S.B. A. M. C.A. P. J.M. J.D. C.J.R. A. J.S. G.O. J.C. R. J.M. I.C. D. W.E.E C.S.I. D. H. M.N. A.P. J.L. K. A. C.A.L. A.R. P. C.L. J.K.Y. E.J. M.C.Y. D.D. Y. R.Y. T.D. K.F. A. R.Y.H. P.A.C. C.P. S.J.W. W.S. J. H.S. M.S. BDR BROWN R. BDRCHEN K. BDR DA FONSECA J.P. BDR D’AMICO F. BDR DE GUZMAN G.J. BDR DEVLIN P. BDR DOLMAN D.B. BDR DUPONT T. BDR ESPEUT G. BDRFLEET O.G. BDR GAWLEY P.D.J. BDR GIBSON I.J. BDR GOODING M.M.J. BDRHEATHERINGTON B.L. BDR HOUGH B.O. BDR HUNG T.F. BDRKANG T. BDR KESHVARI A.J. BDRLAM K. BDRLAM K. BDRLEE C.H.J. BDRLI R. BDR MARSHALL A.D. BDR MIKKOLA E. BDR MONIZ B.D. BDR NARAINE A. BDR OLIVER G.R. BDR OUSSATCHEV A. BDR PAKHLAVUNI K. BDR PASSMORE M.J. BDR ROCCO A.M.J. BDR ROGATCHEV M. BDRROSS M. BDR SEGUEDA I. BDRSHIN H. BDRSINGH S. BDRSON R.Y.H. BDR TAYLOR J. BDR TOWNSON P.J. BDR TULL M.A. BDR TUYSUSIAN G. BDR WHITE D. BDR YU J. GNR ALMEIDA R.D. GNR ANTONECCHIA C.A. GNR BARROWS-TAYLORJ.D. GNRBASSI S. GNR BIZAMA S. GNR BROWNE J. GNR BUCCELLA J.R. GNR CASBY M.P. GNR CASTANO-ORREGOJ.L. GNRCHAN C.Y. GNRCHOI H.V. GNR COLES K.P. GNR CRAWFORD D.J.W. GNR DEHGHAN M. GNR DESORMIERS C. GNR DIZON J.V. GNR DUONG C. GNR EDWARDS T.J. GNR ESCOBAL L.J.C. GNRFARRELL-JOBST J. GNR GORDON D.D. GNRKIM D. GNR KRULEVICH Y. GNRLANE A.D. GNR LOPEZ-CARBAJAL L.J.C. GNR LOVATT A.R. GNRMACDONELL 56 L’Artilleur Canadien 7 Tor Regt 2010 GNR MATURANA FARIAS GNR MERRICK GNRNOH GNROMROW GNR PEREZ GNR PILIECI GNR PURDY GNR RAHAMAN GNR ROACH GNR RUGIRA-BUSIGO P.E. K. K.W. GNRSHAO GNRSHIN GNR STRADALOWICZ GNR SULLIVAN GNR TENZIN GNRTHOMPSON GNR TURPIN GNR VARTANIAN GNRYIP GNR YU J.P. C.A. B. K.R. F.H. A. L.R. H. K. E. S. G.E. S.D. L.D.W. J. • 10th Field Artillery Regiment • 26th Field Artillery Regiment • 116th Independent Field Battery The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery The 38 Brigade Artillery Tactical Group consists of three separate units; 10 Field Regt in Regina and Yorkton, 26 Field Regt in Brandon and Portage la Prairie, and 116 Ind Field Bty in Kenora, with the HQ element located in 26 Fd Regt Brandon Manitoba Armouries. The ATG is now working smoothly as personnel of all Units become integrated during exercises. The amalgamation relieved the pressure of each Unit trying to fulfill all the Artillery roles (guns, CP, Recce, OP and CSS) individually. This allows the ATG to provide the Artillery support that is necessary for 38 Canadian Brigade Group. Commanding Officer LCol Ross Thompson and Regimental Sergeant Major CWO Mike MacRae have had the privilege of commanding a total of 253 soldiers this year. This year the ATG proved to be an important factor in supplying troops for overseas deployments. The ATG received home 19 members from Task Force 3-09. The large number of veterans of foreign deployments in the ATG ranks has allowed the training in the ATG to remain relevant in modern full spectrum operations. This was most evident during the annual Men’s Christmas Dinner in Regina on 11 December, when no fewer than 15 General Campaign Stars (South West Asia) were seen worn on the chests of our young soldiers. We are very proud of our ATG volunteers. Lunch time! domestic operations. Early in the year, a total of 18 soldiers from throughout the ATG were deployed in Rogers Pass, B.C. as part of the annual Avalanche Control effort. Five soldiers served on OP Podium and deployed to B.C. to represent the ATG as part of the security force for the 2010 Winter Olympics. In February several soldiers deployed to Churchill for Op Northern Bison, a Northern Sovereignty exercise. These four days focused on mounted (snowmobile) and dismounted (snowshoe) operations while learning to survive the cold weather. Finally, Members of the ATG were also busy this year deploying on Canadian Gunner 57 ercise of the year was Prowling Gunner which took place in March. Exercise Prowling Gunner allowed the ATG to deploy as a full Battery with echelon. It is during this exercise that the advantage of the ATG Grouping was most noticeable. By combining all 38 ATG resources, a full battery with functioning CP, Recce unit and OP parties can be exercised by the BC. Exercise Smoking Barrel at the end of October is where the ATG honed its’ individual soldier skills. For some new gunners this was their first opportunity to use training recently received in the summer and to work with their comrades in the field. These two major exercises are the only opportunity for all ranks and Officers to gain tactical experience and practice all the skills needed to command, deploy and fire the guns. ELOC commitments were met in November and included C7, pistol, hand grenades and an excellent machine gun range as a bonus. The ATG had the privilege of providing a number of gun salutes in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. These included the opening of the two legislatures (MB and SK), Victoria Day, Memorial Cup in Shilo, Canada Day, Air Show in Dryden ON, and Remembrance Day. Remebrance Day salute - Winnipeg. almost 30 soldiers worked at various Units in CFB Shilo during the year, from Range Control the Deployment Support Group (DSG) and WATC. This was critical support to Operations and Training for both the Regular and Reserve Force. The ATG saw seven members transfer to the Regular Force this year. These soldiers are sure to make a positive difference in their new units. The ATG of course wishes them the best and looks forward to the new group of recruits coming forward to replace them. The ATG managed to address a long time shortage of expertise within the Unit this year with numerous courses run in Winnipeg by 38 CBG. The largest ATG course was MILCOT/ LSVW for 20 soldiers held in Portage la Prairie by 13 Bty. The ATG completed a number of exercises this last year ensuring that our Gunnery skills remained high. The first ex- There was significant involvement by the various ATG units with their local communities this year: 116 Independent Field Bty continued its steady growth in 2010, increasing the Unit strength by 20% over 2009. Recruiting efforts have been so successful due in part to the Unit’s extensive footprint at festivals, Pow-Wows, air shows, and related events in north-western Ontario. One such outreach event took place at the Kenora armories in November – ‘Soldier for a Day’ – in which local youth participated in simulated basic training in order to gain exposure to potential careers in the military. The most significant event, however, was the Afghanistan veteran appreciation day that was co-hosted with the city of Kenora in June, in which 50 regular and reserve personnel from across LFWA were treated to (among other things) guided fishing excursions on Lake of the Woods. 13 Bty welcomed home three members from Afghanistan in 2010. A well attended welcome home event was held in Portage la Prairie and the community renamed the street the Armoury is located on to “Patriot’s Way”. Two new BSMs were appointed in 2009. 13 Bty appointed WO (Mr. Gnr) Shawn Quinlan, and 71 Bty appointed WO Freddy Pratt. Sadly, 116 Ind Bty announced the passing of former Honorary LCol Jack MacFarlane, who died of natural causes in January at the age of 78. In all, it was a very busy year for all NCMs and Officers of 38 Bde ATG. All personnel worked very hard to maintain an extremely high level of professionalism, support to their units and the CF in operations. All members should be very proud of their hard work. 38 ATG 2010 HCOL COLEMAN HCOL SCHNEIDER HLCOLDEVOS HLCOL FELSTEAD HLCOLLINTON LCOL THOMPSON MAJ DALAL MAJ HASKELL MAJ. RUPCICH BJ L P RH WF DR DA RON TIM CAPT COPPICUS CAPTEDEL CAPT GOODFELLOW CAPT HAVEMAN CAPTLEWIS CAPT MCARTHUR CAPT POPOVITS CAPT SKUCE CAPT SKUCE 58 RF KG LR LM RG EL GM IE JE L’Artilleur Canadien 38 ATG 2010 LT CURR LT GRIMEAU LT ROGOWSKY 2LT DRADER 2LT GRAVES 2LT HARVIE 2LT MYMKO OCDT RUTLEDGE OCDTSMITH OCDT WESELOWSKI CWO MACRAE MWO JESSEAU MWO SEMBALERUS WO APPEL WO DESBIENS WO DICKSON WO DUNHAM WO EPPERT WO EVERETT WO FLETCHER WO LELOND WO SHEPPARD WO WHEATLAND SGT COCHRANE SGTDAVIS SGT FARRELL SGT GITZEL SGTHEGG SGT IMAMOVIC SGT JAWORSKI SGT LACERTE SGT LUND SGT MARCHANT SGT MARNER SGT MCDONALD SGT MELSTED SGT O’DONNELL SGT OFTEDAL SGTPARK SGT PRATT SGT STANTIAL SGT STRICKLAND SGT WHEATLAND SGT WILSON MBDR BARTLETTE MBDRBLAIR MBDRCLARK MCPLCLARK MBDRCROOK MBDR DOERKSEN MBDREVANS MCPLGREER MCPL GUY MBDR HAGUE MBDRHICKS MCPL LAWRENCE MBDR LEBLANC MBDR LEFEBVRE MBDR LUSSIER MBDR MATTHIES MCPL MCFADDEN MBDR ORCHARD MBDR PANKRATZ MBDRPASTERSHANK MBDR REMPEL MBDR ROSSITER MCPL RUSHTON MCPLSAWKA MBDRSCOTT MBDR SWEATMAN Canadian Gunner ADJ BM SC HF RD E MW M KJA CN MD TJ D TM PA J AR RAA R S CE TE DL CM RV KC GJ DG L TG Y RL JA NA RA DR LJ DA PB FJ DW DC KA MG RM JD JR RR KE RA TA JF PC M MA SI JC RC JM TH JA RS WA LB GB NJ WR JD RA ML MCPLWELLS PJ MCPL WILSON RS MBDRWINDL EVM BDR ALEXANDER T BDR ANDERSON CI BDRAPPEL WM BDR BARKER EW BDR BARKER TC BDR BENCHARSKI JE CPL BERARD MRJ BDR BETKER RW BDR BETZ NPR BDRBILAN JL BDR BRAATEN TJN CPL BROOKS DVB BDR CALCUT CR BDR CAMPBELL TA BDR CHARLES BJ BDR COUSINEAU NE BDR DANIELSON LD BDR DAVIES RJA BDR DEGERNESS TD BDR DELORME TC BDR DEROO JF BDR DESROCHES DJ BDR DILELLA MR BDR DUTKA AE BDR EBERLE RG CPL FLECK-LAWRENCEJT BDR GRABAUSKAS PGJ BDR GRABAUSKAS SJ CPL HAMPSON ABC BDR HAWKINS RM BDR HOLLAND JWB BDR HOULE DW CPLHOY H CPL JUEN LA BDR LALONDE FJCR BDR LAROCQUE GR BDR LEBLANC DT BDR LINKLATER LA BDR LOSCOMBE ML BDRLOWE RL BDR MACINTOSH PR BDR MAYERS P BDR MCAULEY D BDR MCCORMICK SD BDR MCDERMOT-FOUTS ZB BDR MCGREGOR TS BDR MORAN RJ BDR MURRAY-WOOD JE BDR NELSON DWB BDR NICKEL ET BDR NORRIS JRT BDR PARROTT WWR CPL PATEY AM BDRPERO RWA CPL PIERREROY T BDR QUIRING KE BDR RAMSEY CB BDRROSS CM BDRROTH KA BDR SEDGWICK DJ BDR SIMPSON SP BDR SOUTHAM JAR CPL SPRAGUE KAL BDR STAPLES CR BDRTOM KLC BDR TROTT WC BDR VALLEVAND PC 59 38 ATG 2010 BDR VANDERHULST ZJ BDR WIEBE JL BDR WIERSEMA K BDRWINDL KIJ BDR YUNG V BDR ZARIWNEY RJ PTE AKACHUK D PTE BARNES GI PTE BEAUMONT-SMITH SRA PTE BENJOE D PTE BIRCH TG GNR BLUE K PTE BOUCHARD JRE PTEBRANCONNIER TDJ PTE CANART J GNR CANART M GNR CARLSON KR GNR CASEMENT RJ PTE CHAPPELLAZ ADJ PTE CHARBONNEAU BM GNR CLEMIS QPJ PTE COHOE JC PTE CURRIE DM PTECYR MM PTE DEGERNESS-CRASWELLMJ PTE DURSTON TS GNR ELDRIDGE AJR GNR ELLINGSON DJ PTEENNS JW PTEFALK TL PTE FERGUSON CR GNR FILLION N GNRFORD DJ PTE FRAMPTON GM GNR GOTTSCHALK MB PTE GREEN AJ GNR GUENTHER JMD PTE HAASBEEK KS PTE HALCHYSHAK PTE HAWKES GNR HERBERHOLZ GNR HOFFMAN GNR HOVRISKO PTE HRAPPSTEAD PTE HUNT GNR JAMES PTE JOHNAS PTE JOHNSON PTE KENDALL PTE KOROLUK PTE LAMIRANDE PTELEE PTELYNE PTE MAKAROW PTEMANG PTE PALMER GNR PARENTEAU PTE PATTERSON PTE PELLETIER PTE PELLETIER PTE PITTET GNRPOD PTE REECE GNR REGEY PTE RENNER PTE RESTAU PTE RICHARDSON PTE SCHARF PTE SOOP PTE SUMMERS PTE WALKER PTEWARD PTE WATSON PTE WEBER PTE WEBER GNRWEIR ML DO M RA AL ME CFM KR RB JO JT CD DJD J WRF SA AP DL MSC JPJ A J PDM TW KA NMD DAJ AM A MP TCU PJ J MD MDA MD TR KP 11th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery The 11th Field Regiment began the 2010 calendar year with its members immediately setting out to make the Regiment ready for a number of exercises that were to occur in the near future, such as Ex Co-Operative Gunner, which was conducted on a beautiful March weekend at LFCA-TC Meaford. Following this, we brushed up on our IBTS during Ex Basic Skills 1, ensuring that all members of the Regiment were familiar and well-versed with the number of different weapon systems that members of the Canadian Forces utilize. 11th Field Regiment was also a contributor to a number of different operations around the world. A group was sent on Task Force 1-10 to Afghanistan to perform their duties as gunners and make 11th Field, as well as the Royal Regiment, proud of their diligent work on the gun line. These outstanding gunners included: MBdr(s) Douglas Bailey, Jack Cruz, Patrick McBurnie, Adam Potts and Bdr(s) Kim Dinh, Eleanor Fieldwebster, Robert Lawther, Cody Meadus, Troy Pinkney, Darryl Pullen, and Christopher Stubbs. Additionally, MBdr Dave Storey arrived in theatre 7 Nov 10 as a part of TF 3-10. In June the Regiment contributed a large number of its soldiers and officers towards OP CADENCE. OP CADENCE was a task force made up of regular and reserve force soldiers to provide for the G8 and G20 in Huntsville and Toronto respectively. This saw a large amount of hard work by the members of 11th Field during their workup training in LFCA-TC Meaford, in addition to a high level of professionalism displayed throughout the operation demonstrating to the public the quality of Canada’s soldiers. 60 L’Artilleur Canadien Horse Artillery, both in Canada and Germany, and has been an Instructor-in-Gunnery at the Artillery School in Gagetown, New Brunswick. Prior to assuming his current appointment as Commanding Officer of 11 Field Regiment, he was the Chief of Staff of 31 Canadian Brigade Group Headquarters from 2006 to 2010, his last posting in the Regular Force, in which he served 30 years prior to his component transfer to the Primary Reserve. We wish LCol Carragher well in his future endeavours and look forward to the new opportunities with our new CO. In the fall 11th Field Regiment carried out a number of FTX’s, including Ex. Basic Skills 2, Ex. Autumn Gunner, and Ex. Protective Thunder, in which we were able to hone our skills in gunnery. During Remembrance Day, 11th Field performed admirably throughout the services in Guelph, Ontario and the surrounding area. Our parade through downtown Guelph drew quite the crowd, making the entire city proud of the men and women in uniform. Remembrance Day saw a large turnout of our affiliated Cadet Corps including: The Wellington Rifles Cadet Corps, Norwell Army Cadet Corps, The Hamilton-Wentworth Artillery Cadet Battery, and The 121 Red Arrows Air Cadet Squadron. These young boys and girls conducted a 24 hour vigil for the local cenotaph as a sign of respect and gratitude to our veterans. All Cadet Corps performed admirably throughout the year by continually being a part of the local community through their volunteer efforts. Later in November, a number of officers represented the Regiment at the Junior Officers Course in CFB Shilo. Lt Dave Van Geem, and 2Lt(s) Marcos Barrera-Hernandez and Graham Richards learned proud history of the Royal Regiment from distinguished veterans of WWII, The Korean War, and the more recent mission in Afghanistan. Our officers returned with pride for the Royal Regiment and what it meant to be a gunner that was shared with all members of 11th Field. Bdr Elanor Fieldwebster poses by a M777 on TF 1-10. 11th Field Regiment had the remarkable privilege of representing Canada and the Royal Regiment in May at the 65th VE Liberation Day of Holland. Gunners from 11th Field (as well as 7 Tor , 56th Field, and RCA RHQ) positioned a 25 pounder gun monument in the town of s’Heerenberg, Netherlands, to mark the efforts of Canadian soldiers in the Liberation of Holland. This included Bdr(s) Luke Hempey and Sharon MacDonald, as well as Lt Stephen Brush who described the event as a “once in a career opportunity”. After the summer stand down, in which members of 11th Field Regiment were away conducting training throughout the country, we arrived back in September fresh and ready for another year of training. Before this could begin, however, a number of key position changes had to occur. Warrant Officer Ian Portigal was appointed as the BSM of 11 Bty in Hamilton, Ontario, bringing with him a wealth of knowledge obtained through his many years as a member of the Regiment. The 2010 calendar year was concluded with the Regimental Christmas dinner. In a long-standing tradition, the officer and senior NCOs served the gunners of the regiment with a hearty meal of steak, beans, mushrooms and potatoes. Our CO, LCol Kevin Doyle, exchanged his rank with the youngest member of the Regiment, Gnr Derek Tonelli. The new LCol Tonelli had a humorous opening address that was met with thunderous applause. Afterwards we retired to our respective messes concluding the year with celebration of the esprit de corps felt throughout all ranks. The officers and soldiers of 11th Field Regiment look forward to a rewarding 2011 year to represent the Royal Regiment and our country with pride and a high level of professionalism. Ubique. The most notable position change, however, was the Change of Command. LCol Sean Carragher CD, freshly returned from his tour in Kabul, Afghanistan, was to turn over command to our new Commanding Officer: LCol Kevin Doyle CD. LCol Doyle joined the Canadian Forces in 1980 and was commissioned into the Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery in 1981. He has served in many different appointments in 1st and 2nd Regiments Royal Canadian 11 Fd Regt 2010 HCOL HLCOL LCOL MAJ MAJ MAJ CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT BURTON MCKAY DOYLE FRANK PICKERING SCHOTSCH ANDREWS BERNARD HANEY HARWOOD IACONIS JONES Canadian Gunner GE MD KPJ GG PH MB RJF JRGP IL SH GPS JM CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT CAPT LT LT LT LT LT 2LT 2LT 61 OAKES ON SEALE TEMPLEMAN TISCHHAUSER BRUSH MATHIESON PRENTICE RUDDER VAN GEEM ALLEN BARRERA-HERNANDEZ GA TQ GPN RT DR SL MNA AP JD DB DIA M 11 Fd Regt 2010 2LT OCDT CWO MWO WO WO WO WO SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT SGT MBDR MCPL MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR MBDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR CPL BDR BDR BDR RICHARDS CADEN YETMAN BENTLEY COIT COOKE PORTIGAL WILLIAMS AKEROYD ALEXANDER BAIRD ELLIOTT HAUGEN IRVINE KENNY KREMER KURP MILLS PIERRE PRENTICE RAMSEY VAMOS VRKLJAN BAILEY BROMWICH CROW CRUZ EGRESSY FRANCIS GREGORY HALDANE KENNY LANK MCBURNIE MICELI NGUYEN ORTIZ PINKNEY POTTS POWER PULLEN SCHMIDT SIMMONS SLADE STOREY VELAND WILSON ZHOU ASHWORTH BAIL BHATTI BIXBY BOYNTON BROWN CAMPBELL CRIPPS CURL DE VRIES DINH DOHERTY GA CP RP W MH TC IH JA JK RJ SG CG EF JT RE FA KM MD KB TM AJ LA AJ DRC JA DA JVB KA KJ BJ MWA HAN JC PG PM PQD AR TRG AC WJH DR JT PE KM DP C SW HXW CL SU HSB KD EPD JD DA WM RC CJ KK ST BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR PTE(B) PTE(B) CPL PTE(R) PTE(R) PTE(B) PTE(B) PTE(R) CPL CPL PTE(R) MCPL PTE(B) PTE(B) PTE(R) 62 DUMBRAVA VC FARROW BW FIELDWEBSTER EJ FRANCIS SM GHENT RG GIBSON RA GOUTHRO EPW HAACK JS HAINES CA HATZINGER PK HEISLER BM HEMPEY LWT IVANY RD KENNARD CM KHOKHAR AY KINSMAN GS LAFFIER WJ LAWTHER RC MACDONALD SMS MARTIN DV MCGUIRE MD MEADUS CA MESSERSCHMIDT LM OHEMENG S OSBORNE CH PAYTON AK PELLIZZARI MF POIRIER TW RAMANATHAN RA RIGBY CNC SCOTT IAG SHIELDS ERH STEELE KJ STUBBS CT TAYLOR GOT TONELLI DD WALLER PC WOODWARD AG HALFPENNY BD KENDALL J.G KMIECIK CB LAPIERRE JJ VANDER BEEK JW VINE MB WORTHINGTON BS EVANS JD FELETTO DM HAMBLETON WAS HAMID U KENT DJ KNIGHT KJM LOWARTZ DTW MALTMAN-TAYLOR TJ MARSHALL MMK OLIVER RG PIERCEY SD RADFORTH WM ROBINSON MF SAGASTUME PA WAINWRIGHT DW L’Artilleur Canadien 15th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery There are few Canadians who would forget the start of 2010. With the winter Olympics being held in Vancouver, Vancouver was alive with the excitement of the events and the Gold Medal wins of our athletes. Sixteen members of 15th Fd Regt RCA participated in OP PODIUM, providing security, as part of the 39 CBG contingent at Cypress Bowl mountain. The greatest challenge that emerged was the rain which threatened the holding of skiing events to the point where snow had to be trucked and flown in from the interior of British Canada Day Stanley Park Salute. Columbia. Our soldiers performed their duties well, enduring the cold and wet conditions over a three month period. for the Special Olympics Volunteers. February 2010 will be remembered as the month when two of our eight deployed members were wounded on duty in Afghanistan, with one being very seriously injured. We are happy to report that both Bombadiers Scott and Coles are recovering and are both helping out at the Regiment during their rehabilitation. On the Easter Weekend we deployed along with 5th (BC) Fd Regt RCA from Victoria, to Yakima Training Centre in Washington State where we practiced BTS and conducted shooting. We were ably harassed by members of the Vancouver City Police who acted as CIVPOL and as enemy force for our exercise. A highlight was our incumbent Padre, The Rev. Gordon Barrett giving the troops a sermon on Easter Morning. The Regiment as a whole stood out during the entire Olympic period offering, space to parade an additional 140 Naval Cadets from HMCS George Vancouver who were displaced from HMCS Discovery, and the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada, who joined us on Wednesday nights for the month of January. The Bessborough Armoury was also used as the distribution point 15th Fd Regt RCA Band continued to shine as it performed at a number of functions including the Royal Vancouver Yacht Club’s opening Day Sunset Ceremony and the Annual Vancouver Garrison’s military Ball. February 2nd, 2010 marked the 90th birthday of 15th Fd Regt RCA and this was celebrated with the striking of a Regimental Coin. The celebrations continued on July 1 with our annual Canada Salute from Stanley Park, followed by exercising of our Freedom of the City of Vancouver. The Regiment was reviewed by Col Bryan Gagne, CD, Commander 39 CBG, the Deputy Mayor of the City and our Hon Col John Brownlee-Baker, CD. The next time we exercise this ancient right will be for our centennial in 2020. A print commissioned for this event from military artist, Captain John Perry CD, was also presented to the unit by the Officers. This print is a water colour collage of scenes from our past, surrounding a picture of the Bessborough Armoury. Summer training was overall quite good with over sixty members of the unit taking courses. Under the leadership of RSM Kevin Walker, tasked by 39 CBG to run OP CONNECTION with JTF (Pacific), members of Live Fire FTX. Canadian Gunner 63 the Canadian Forces were heavily involved in the Centennial Celebrations of the Pacific National Exhibition at Hastings Park. This included daily band performances, displays from all arms, and a Military Tattoo at the Pacific Coliseum, honouring the Naval and Seaforth Centennials. Fall was marked with an excellent and challenging exercise again in Yakima, with 5th (BC) Fd Regt RCA as the lead unit. The occasion was marked with the visit of 39 CBG’s Commander, Col Bryan Gagne and Brigade Sergeant Major Rob Wishnicki (formerly RSM 15th Fd Regt RCA). Col Gagne fired his first round, and Col Brownlee-Baker and Capt Doug Gayton, their last. Col Brownlee-Baker retired as Hon Col in November and Capt Gayton, who received his MMM in January 2011, will retire in June 2011. In November, just in time for our annual Remembrance Day Salute from the Vancouver waterfront, we welcomed Hon Col Grant Smith and our new Hon LCol Judge Bill Rodgers. Our band also played a series of concerts honouring Canada’s Veterans just prior to Nov 11th which were well attended and received. December was marked with the band playing in the Vancouver Santa Claus parade and the usual busy end of the year with Christmas dinners, receptions and Levee. 15 Fd Regt 2010 HCOLSMITH HLCOL RODGERS LCOL BARRETT MAJ PURCELL MAJ WICKENS CAPTEVANS CAPT GAYTON CAPT GRIEVE CAPT HAVEMAN CAPTLAJOIE CAPTLAMB CAPT MAASSEN CAPT SCHOLL CAPT TEMPEST CAPTWATT CAPTWATTS CAPTYOO LT GODSOE LT LAXTON LT LENIS LT PETERS 2LT BANNON 2LT GIRARDI 2LT HELINA 2LT HUI OCDTPOTTS CWO WALKER MWO DEMPSEY MWO SURGES WO BRADY WO GARRETT WO MCHUGH WO PRICHARD WO ROBERTS WO SMITH WO TENNANT SGTBLAIR SGTBOND SGT CALOGERO SGT COLEMAN SGTGEE SGT GRAHAM SGT KOSTUK SGT KURTAGIC SGT LYSHOLM SGT NELSON SGT PENNER SGTRAE SGT SCHEIB SGT SKUCE SGT WEAVER SGT YOUNG MCPL GENTRY MCPL HAUSER MCPLLARKIN G WJ JD BA KAT CJ DP AW LM JP DB MJ IP JE IC NJ TH CST EC GD AS R JC RT C RA KE GM KA AJ RF CLE NS CA IM RJ WR AM D AD AS GA PA G WK SD SJ BJ RP CSA SB OJ EA TJ DJ MCPL MARUYAMA MCPL MCKENZIE MCPL OUELLETTE MCPL PENNER MCPL SWITZER MCPL TAYLOR MCPL WALKER MCPLWONG MCPL ZHONG CPL BEAUDOIN CPLBLIGH CPL BOLGAK CPL BOSTON CPL CHARTERS CPL CLARK CPLCOLE CPL COLES CPL COUTURIER CPL CRAWFORD CPL DEVEREAUX CPL DREW CPL DUCHSCHER CPL DUFOUR CPL DUNKLEY CPLDYKE CPL ELBAGHDADY CPL ERICKSON CPL FIGUEROA CPL FLEISCHER CPL FLETCHER CPL FORYSTEK CPL FREEMAN CPL FUJII CPLGAL CPLGRAY CPL GU CPLHILL CPL HILLIER CPLHO CPL HOANG CPL HODGSON CPL HUANG CPL HWANG CPL KEENE CPL KELLY CPLKIM CPLLAM CPL LAU CPL LAW CPLLE CPLLEE CPL LIPPERT CPLMA CPL MACLEOD CPL MARTINEZ 64 K RDR ST DN DS DF H EHS JH JE RK YV CP JM AWR AM MT OV RD EKG CW CJ TL GL AJ JFZ LA SF GE ARG MK SA J PC NT TS RA TL ICH AHD KA E M KS KJK HD CW KKL AZH AR DW BJG A BM WVB L’Artilleur Canadien 15 Fd Regt 2010 CPL MCCAFFERY CPL MUNRO CPL NELSON CPLNGAN CPL NORSWORTHY CPL OVERY CPLPARE CPL PARKER CPL PRYCE CPLROSS CPL ROZARIO CPL SCOTT CPL SINGS CPL SMITH CPL SMITH CPL SOLOMAKHA CPL STOCKDALE CPL STONE CPL SYLKA CPL THACH CPL THOMAS CPLTOTH CPL TSANG CPLTSE CPL VEENSTRA CPLVOTH CPL WATRICH CPL WEAVER CPL WONG CN IA AC S JEK JAW DP CT RS WL JM DC MB BE MJ A AG RG DM TP GR RC PH GR CN AJ CV SV JCK CPL WONG PTE HILBICH PTE MURRAY PTER BENNETT PTER BRAUN PTER BURNETT PTER CHEUNG PTER CHEUNG PTERCHOI PTER CHRISTIAN PTER DHAHAN PTER DHUGGA PTEB DONOVAN PTER DRUFOVKA PTER FOSTER PTERGILL PTER GUNN PTER HEPPNER PTERLAM PTER LAU PTERMA PTERPANG PTER PARKER PTERPATCH PTEB RIBEIRO PTER STEWART PTERWANG PTER YOUNG MH ST TM BG JJ DT M NN YB P.R PS IS JF GM JD MS JH PL PY CMY SSS DSK AL NR MJL F TC ALN 20th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery For 20th Field Artillery Regiment, RCA, 2010 can best be characterized as both a busy and positive year for the Regiment. Dom Ops In terms of domestic operations the Regiment fired its normal compliment of salutes at the Legislature grounds to ever growing crowds averaging over 300 people. In one of a number of firsts in 2010, the Remembrance Day Salute was captured on video by Shaw Television crews. The film of that salute will be integrated into the 2011 event at the University of Alberta’s Butterdome – with over six thousand attendees, it is Edmonton’s largest Remembrance Day ceremony. In addition, the Guns were honoured to participate in salutes for the 100th anniversary of the Calgary Highlanders and 14 Service Battalion in Calgary. 2010 also saw the installation of a new Lieutenant Governor for Alberta, His Hon- Guns of 20 F Regt RCA firing the 1812 Overtune in support of the Edmonour, Colonel (ret’d) Donald S. Ethell is now the provincial rep- ton Symphony Orchestra. resentative for Her Majesty, the Queen. Also the first visit to the province by the new Governor General, His Excellency, into action to support these two important events. The Right Honourable David Johnston. Again the Guns were called Gunners from 20 Field also augmented OP Paladin and had a very Canadian Gunner 65 busy year in the mountains supporting avalanche control operations in the Revelstoke, B.C. area of the Rockies as part of OP Palaci. Augmentation – Reg Force 20th Field has always been a strong contributor to overseas missions and 2010 was no exception. This year the Regiment sent 20 members to Afghanistan and, happily, welcomed all back home safe and sound. Interest in augmenting similar operations in the future remains high. Collective Training The Regiment continues to integrate field exercises with 18 Air Defence Regiment in Lethbridge. Operational tempo at Wainwright has meant longer road moves to available training areas in Suffield, but overall it was a highly productive year in terms of collective training. Regimental Family After years of flat growth in terms of recruitment, 2010 saw significant recruitment with 24 new members enrolled in the past year. In addition, the Regiment saw a number of key personnel at both the Officer and Senior NCO levels. (2 new) Sergeants (Derek & Amy) MacKenzie bring important artillery leadership to the Field Batteries. WO Brett Walton, an import from B Squadron, South Alberta Light Horse, provided extensive operations support to the Regimental Headquarters – filling an important delta in terms of Regular Force Support. Captain Sarah-Jo Doucet recently signed on as the Adjutant and will be invaluable in keeping the Regiment on the straight and narrow in terms of the never ending admin. In terms of internal progression, promotions during the last year include Jason Snider to Major. A long time officer with 78 Field Battery in Red Deer, in addition to his career with the Alberta Justice department, he continues to serve as Battery Commander. Victoria Day salute at the Alberta Leislature. Work on re-establishing links with the extended Regimental family were initiated culminating in a reunion dinner in Edmonton in June that saw close to 100 members, including the incoming Commander, LFWA, come together at the Debney Armoury for a night of great food and good stories – some of which might even have been true. That same sentiment was carried on during the Regiment’s annual St. Barbara’s dinner in December. Building on the outreach efforts this year remain a priority for the Regiment going forward. The way ahead MBdr Hede and Bdr O James being presented the CD by Col P Bury at the 1812 Overture. 66 Looking towards 2011, the Regiment continues to prepare for life after Afghanistan. Army transformation will see changes to the day-to-day operations. There will be a need to keep new recruits engaged, meaning aggressive training both garrision and in the field. The COMREL calendar remains busy with upcoming events including the St Albert 150th Anniversary. Clearly the fundamentals for long-term success are now in place – the challenge will be maintaining positive growth in what will be short-term challenges in the coming years. L’Artilleur Canadien 20 Fd Regt 2010 HCOL EDWARDS HLCOLSMITH MAJ PAQUETTE MAJ WILSON CAPTHELMS CAPT KUERVERS CAPT KUHSE CAPT SNIDER CAPT WALDNER LT VLAICOV 2LT KUPROWSKY 2LT LYVER MWO GOURLAY MWO HUEDEPOHL MWO MOGGEY WO SIMENSEN SGT GILLARD SGT MACKENZIE SGT MACKENZIE SGT STANIER MBDRHEDE MBDR HODGSON MBDRHOLT MBDRKEEN MBDR PYLYPOW MBDR STONE MBDR STRONG MBDR UBBING MBDR WATERS BDR GREGORSKI BDR GUEVARA G B D J F S G J M M J K J D A E Q A D M J C C E C T J M D S C BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR BDR PTE PTE PTE PTE GNR PTE GNR PTE GNR PTE PTE GNR GNR PTE R HARALDSON JAMES KEIM LEDUC MACHAN MCDIARMID NEVEAUX PETERSON PYLYCHATY SEBESTEN STANG SZAROZ THOMAS THORNTON TURNER WELDON ZACHER HOLLIDAY JACKSON JOHNSON LAROCQUE MATHUS MCCOLLUM MCGREER OFSTIE RINEHART SCHMIDT THORPE VAN’WOUT ZADROZNY VON ALBEDYHLL T O N J K A B S M C C M R M L R A B T M J R P S R N M S B M C 30th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery man with 2 RCR; Bdr Matthew Dent – OP FOO Tech; Bdr Albert Egloff and Bdr Matthew Thorp – NSE Force Protection Communicator/Driver. 30th Field is pleased to have them all back home and with the unit once again. One of the duties which falls to the guns of 30th Field Artillery Regiment is the fielding of Canada’s National Salute Troop, an honour which sees us responding to orders from our Commander-in-Chief, our Parliament, and our CDS. The summer of 2010 was a particularly busy period for the regiment, and especially so with many of us serving at home on Op CADENCE; overseas with Op ATHENA; and around the country at various training centres. Among the first duties of the summer season was our own change of command parade as a freshly promoted LCol Finley Mullally was welcomed back from his tour in Afghanistan and LCol Shane Vahey was thanked and recognised for his excellent work as Commanding Officer during a difficult period in the Regiment’s long history. The Bytown Gunners bid him a fond farewell and wished him good luck as he resumed his career in the Regular Force with a posting to CEFCOM. The ceremony was attended by the Director of Artillery, Col Brian McPherson, and our Senior Serving Gunner, LGen Andrew Leslie. Later that month, on 21 June, the guns were honoured to partake in the Army’s farewell to LGen Leslie at his change of command parade when he transferred his authority as the Commander of the Army, to LGen Devlin. Three days later, at Rideau Hall, the Bytown Gunners welcomed the President of China to Canada on behalf of our Governor General. Representing the unit overseas was 12 members of the regiment to Task Force 6-09 and 1-10 (Afghanistan). To date, 35% of the regiment have proudly served as part of Canada’s expeditionary force deployed to Afghanistan. Previously, the regiment has provided soldiers and officers ranging in rank from Gnr to LCol on most Rotos. The most recent serving soldiers in this year were: LCol Finley Mullally - SO2 J33 Chief of Ops - Current Ops JOC; Lt Erica Leslie - J1 Svcs for SQFT HQ; On TF 1-10, WO Stephan Meinert and Bdr Matthew McCron – Artillery Mentors with Kandak 4 of the Afghan National Army; WO Lane Lambert - PRT CQ and CSM 2IC; Sgt Craig Wilkins - Force Protection Commander for NSE Detachment in Kabul; Capt Richard Montague – Intelligence Analyst; MBdr Christina Gale – MP Coy; Bdr Greg Clarke – Rifle- Canadian Gunner 67 of A and B Batteries, Royal Canadian Artillery. September proved to be just as busy with the recommencement of another training year, the celebration of the Regiment’s 155th anniversary, and the execution of many national ceremonial tasks: The Salute Troop gave its support to Army Week for several missions; to the Canadian Police and Peace Officer’s National Memorial Day on Parliament Hill, recognising the long-standing association between the Ottawa Police Service and the Bytown Gunners; and to our outgoing and incoming Governors General. On September 29, our Guns punctuated the term of Her Excellency the Right Honourable Michaëlle Jean, Canada’s 27th Governor General with her last Vice-Regal salute. On this occasion, the Salute Troop was inspected by VAdm A.B. Donaldson, VCDS and CWO JRPG Janssens. Two days later, at the Installation ceremony for His Excellency the Right Honourable David Johnston, 28th Governor General of Canada, the Troop fired the first of what we expect to be many salutes in his honour. NSE The summer’s highlight for the National Salute Troop occurred the next week as the Regiment paid tribute to our Captain General, Her Majesty, Elizabeth II, Queen of Canada, as she joined our Prime Minister on Parliament Hill for the celebration of Canada Day. At this historic occasion, all members of the Regiment fulfilled their duties with the precision that characterises the Bytown Gunners. In August, the Salute Troop fired on three successive evenings for Fortissimo 2010, a military and musical spectacular on the lawns of Parliament Hill featuring massed military bands, pipes and drums, guest performers and the soldiers of the Ceremonial Guard. Our guns fired in honour of the Royal Canadian Navy’s 100th anniversary, then signaled the start of the obstacle course race and finally engaged Tchaikovsky’s 1812 Overture con brio under the conduct of Sgt Steele from the Ceremonial Guard Band. All gunners are looking forward to this year’s Fortissimo celebration as the 2011 performance highlights will be the 140th anniversary of the founding of the Regular Force with the stand up On Remembrance Day, the Regiment supported three national ceremonies: at the National War Memorial, 2nd Battery fired a royal salute followed by a roll pass of our Head of State and our nation’s veterans. Concurrently, the guns of 1st Battery honoured our war dead in a ceremony at Beechwood National Cemetery. The Regiment reformed at the more intimate National Artillery Memorial where the gunners serving in the National Capital Region gather to commemorate the Royal Canadian Artillery’s sacrifices with fellow gunners. This year, the ceremony was presided over by the Regimental Colonel, Col Williams, and the Colonel Commandant, BGen (ret’d) Beno, and our Senior Serving Gunner, LGen Leslie. The Sacrifice Medal and Kneeling Gunner statue were presented to members of the family of Capt Jeff Francis, who was killed in action in 2007. The Bytown Gunners are fiercely proud of the unique service to the government and to the people of Canada offered through the National Salute Troop. We are proud to mark our nation’s historical events in our traditional way: in fire and cordite. 30 Fd Regt 2010 HLCOLHOLLINK LCol MULLALLY Maj HAMPSON Capt BOYECHKO Capt DONOVAN Capt KOSHMAN Capt MACCAUL Capt MONTAGUE Capt NAHIRNEY Capt ROACH Lt BROWN Lt CARKNER Lt LESLIE Lt WOOD 2Lt BONN 2Lt COSTELLO 2Lt FIRLA 2Lt GLOVER 2Lt ROGERS 2Lt SANDS 2Lt TSEKREKOS 2Lt WARNE 2Lt ZETTLER CWOATKINS G FL JA S TJ MK TDS RT DA CR CF MR EEM JA AJ PJ R WM LJ PR SN GS TV DP CWO ROBERGE MWO GUYON WO COMPTON WO FISHER WOHALL WO HEMLIN WO LAMBERT WO MEINERT Sgt BAUN Sgt BUTTS Sgt CLARK Sgt CLARK Sgt GARBUIO Sgt GASTON Sgt GODATALLA Sgt HOOD Sgt LEVER Sgt MACKAY Sgt ROSADIUK Sgt SOONDRUM Sgt WILKINS MBdr CHEESEMAN MBdrCOOK MBdrCOOK 68 NGJ LN DC EC WR JD LB SJ GH DES GO JI MR DF YM SW KN RK LA V CM ML MCJJ ND L’Artilleur Canadien 30 Fd Regt 2010 MBdr DUMAINE MCpl EGLINTON MBdrFRANK MBdrGALE MBdr HUSSIEN MBdr JENNINGS MBdr KNOWLES MBdr KOSHMAN MBdr KRANNICH MBdr LOEPPKY MBdr MEAHAN MBdr PHILLIPS MBdr SHAKARCHI MBdr SILLANPAA MCpl SONNICHSEN Bdr AITKEN BdrBELL Bdr BREDIN Bdr BROWN Bdr CATHCART Bdr CLARKE Bdr DENT Bdr DORION Bdr DRESCHER BROWN Bdr EGLOFF Bdr ELMAN Bdr FANDREY Bdr GOLEC Bdr HASTINGS BdrHAY Bdr HOPKINSON Bdr JACKSON Bdr KEITEL Bdr KNIGHT Bdr KOCH Bdr LACOMBE Cpl LEDUC BdrLI Cpl LONGMAN BdrLOW Bdr LUCAS-MOORE-GOUGH BdrMARCANTONIO Bdr MASTERSON Bdr MCCRON Bdr MCMULLEN CD Bdr OGBEMUDIA P Bdr PELLETIER JS Bdr SAROFEIM MMN Bdr SAUVE SA Bdr SAUVE RAICHE MJAM Bdr SWALLOW DS Bdr THORP MJW Bdr WALSWORTH MA Bdr WATERMAN B Bdr WATERMAN SK Bdr WIDDOWSON EA Cpl WU J BDR WYNNE SC Pte BEAUDRY MR Gnr BLACK WR Pte BROWN AD Gnr BUCKLEY S Pte CRETES MW Pte EASTON T Pte FLINT PT Gnr FROST SM Pte GELINAS PC Pte GEMMELL JM Pte HISEY CM Pte KUIACK MG Gnr LABONTÉ NG Pte LAPORTE GCAT Pte MEADE AR Pte MORAWSKI PA Pte MURPHY NE Gnr NTAMWIRA SM Gnr RAINEY AM Gnr RATCLIFFE CW Gnr RATCLIFFE JO Gnr ROY-MAURICE AV Gnr SADLER JAK Pte SEANGIO AJ Pte STAVENJORD SM Pte ST-JEAN DP Gnr SUTTON JW GnrVININSKY-OAKESLH PteR MIKHAIL MK MG TL WN CM S RJ CA CMM AMF RJ JE JDT JJ PEL MD WJ WJ JE GR MHP GT MW KC NABRA AW A MAB EA SM AD RH MB JA SP PB MC NM RL JMMC MJ AT AV EA MK 42nd Field Artillery Regiment (Lanark & Renfrew Scottish) The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery During the past year our transition continued with the guns reaching additional core competencies through live fire ex’s Rapid Impact (Mar), Rapid Gunner (Apr) and Valley Gunner III in (Nov). In support for ex’s we manned a four gun troop with CP, RECCE, Safety, and OP with the support of 2 RCHA and 30th Field. Still only one deep in places building continues and will be ongoing as we act as a jumping off point for CT’s into the RegF. Though we have obtained additional gun stores this past year we still do not hold all stores necessary to a field an artillery unit. We have been fortunate in having the excellent support for equipment and personnel from Canadian Gunner 2 RCHA, thank you. During the year, our recruiting cell recruited 49 candidates and processed 75 applicants. What has been of immense benefit in our recruiting over the past three years has been the tremendous cooperation and support received from the local school boards for the BMQ/SQ CO-OP and Driver Wheel courses that were organized, staffed and conducted at the Pembroke Armoury with the support of 33 CBG HQ. Unfortunately this past spring was the last one we will be running for the time being. The past year 15 students have 69 graduated from the Co-Op courses as well as 23 candidates completed their DP 1 training in the summer of 2010 at RST in Sault St. Marie. Unit also had 12 members deploy in support of Op Cadence. lain. Capt James Vienneau has taken on the additional responsibility of BC for 35 Bty. Of note was the retirement in the fall of CWO Donald Paul, thank you and best wishes in your future endeavours at Blackdown. Leaving the unit this past year were Maj Brian Douglas and Capt Terrance Amirault. In the Unit’s plan to better utilize our recruiting area the unit trained in October in and around the Beckwith Township and Carleton Place area. Of note was the unit’s participation in the cenotaph rededication held there in Oct. Also that a gun salute was provide to the Canadian Naval 100th Birthday Celebrations held in Almonte in June. We Urban Training. have received much support from the area’s local governments, veterans and supporters of the Regiment. Also of note was the appointment of LCol Rick Hoyland as the Honorary LCol for the unit. On a much sadder note was the death in late December of our HCol Brian Costello who will be sorely missed for his support, advocacy and humour. We have had several new arrivals and key position changes during this past year with the addition of Capt Wilf Wityshyn to take over from retiring Capt Bruce Prendergast. Capt Wityshyn will also be acting as BC HQ Bty while Major Freeman Chute becomes the DCO. Capt Phil Morley has come on strength as our Unit Chap- We wish to recognize the awarding of CD 2 to CWO Donald Paul. We would also like to recognize 2Lt Jordan Brum as a recipient of The Colonel Commandants Bursary. The six members of our unit on TF 1-10 have returned and been successfully re-integrated, the last arriving in the early morning hours of 24 Dec 2010. 42 Fd Regt 2010 HLCOL HOYLAND R LCOLWILEY DS MAJ CHUTE FD CAPT MORLEY PC CAPT VIENNEAU JJ CAPT WITYSHYN WEC LT FOOHEY DOF LT TENNANT DD 2LT BRUM JD 2LT KOBYLECKI TT 2LT MORRIS JLD CWOHALL EJ MWO HUNT JJ WO CHASE SC WO GILBERT JJ WO MALLORY RD WO MCTAGGART TR WO MOSHER JE SGT CARMODY DM SGT CHARTERS JC SGT COSTAIN MM SGT FIEGEN JCA SGT LEARNING SSG SGT LUHTANEN NJ SGTSMITH LA SGT TAYLOR-BAPTISTESDH MBDR CONNAUGHAN JR MBDRKAY AER MBDR MCKNIGHT SJB MCPL TENNANT MJ MBDR WALKER JA BDR ALBRECHT DJ BDR CAMERON DAR BDR COPELAND NJ BDR COUGHLAN TMD BDR DOMBROSKI KFJ BDRDREW TTL BDRFONG NLL BDR GAMBLE KJ BDR GOIZIOU-GALLANT MC BDR GRIFFITHS KE BDR KEENAN DDA BDR KELFORD JJW BDRKING KKA BDR KUEHL RRE BDR LEFORT KL BDR LEROUX MD BDRMASK DA BDR MCGILLVRAY MW CPL NORLOCK JH BDR POWER JJ BDR PRINGLE LR BDRRISTO JJ BDRROSE DJJK BDRROY EJ BDR SAWYER MA CPL SHIER DCJ BDR SHULIST JT BDRSMITH AMF BDRSMITH CJ GNR AINSWORTH BAI GNR ALBERT-MCGRATHPWJ GNR ANDRESS WL GNR AUBIN JMG PTE BAIGRIE-DAVIS BD PTE BAILLIE AFJ 70 L’Artilleur Canadien 42 Fd Regt 2010 PTE BALDWIN GNR BECHAMP GNR BECKETT GNR BEERS PTE BENOIT PTE BORUTSKI GNR BROWN GNR BYGOTT PTE CADIEUX PTE CARTER PTE CHALMERS GNR CLOUTHIER GNR CZECH GNR DAVIDSON GNRDEAN GNR DOMBROSKIE GNR DOYLE GNR DUSSEAULT PTE FIEGEN GNR FLUMERFELT PTE FRAUSIN PTE FULLJAMES GNR GLEESON PTE GOBEIL PTE GRAHAM GNR GRANT PTEGRAY PTE HANNIGAN PTE HAWLEY GNR HAZARD PTE JORDAN PTEKELLY PTE KEUHL GNR KOLODY PTE LAWLOR GNR LEMIEUX PTE MAISONNEUVE GNRMASK GNR MCDIARMID GNR MCLEOD GNR MILLAR GNRMILLS PTE MURAWSKY GNR MURPHY PTE NICHOLS PTE NOACK PTE NORLOCK PTE PARKER GNR PECARSKIE GNR SHULIST PTE SIREN GNRSMITH PTE STEWART GNR STORIE GNR YOUNG MRS BAKER RA CR LM TA JJ AD JA NA MJ KA SL JD TL BR RRA JJ RPW JLD C-LIMH JC NGA EJ RCT P DM WD LMD BM SJD RJP BBJ NAA MM JJA AAB KK J-MA DR CKK JLJ CJ TIS DJ BJ TJ KAM JP TM JA LR CCS BD RA SE KDC DM 49th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery The 49th (Sault Ste. Marie) Field Artillery Regiment began 2010 on a sad and solemn note. Sgt John Wayne Faught, a PPCLI from Sault Ste. Marie, was killed in Afghanistan when an improvised explosive device struck his dismounted patrol. Despite the Regiment being stood down at the time, many of our soldiers returned from the Christmas break early to assist with Sgt. Faught’s funeral. A public wake was held at the Regiment’s armouries, and the Regiment’s Pipe & Drum band led the funeral procession. death of Cpl. Kevin Robbins. The drummer with the Regiment’s Pipes & Drums, Kevin was a proud and widelyrespected member of the Regiment. Cpl Robbins’ funeral was well-attended by members of the Regiment, the rest of the garrison and the affiliated cadet corps. In the weeks leading up to Christmas, the following members of the Regiment arrived home safely after completing a tour in Afghanistan: Capt VL Knox, Sgt. RJR Olive, MBdr SW Pigeon, MBdr STA Rowley, Bdr AO Cesinaro, Bdr JPD Gravelines, and Bdr TS Ross. Our returning gunners were met with a “hero’s welcome” at the local airport by friends, family and Live FTX. The Regiment was also saddened in September by the sudden Canadian Gunner 71 members of the community. The Regiment paraded on the 11th of November (Remembrance Day) in honour of our fallen comrades. Most of the Regiment gathered in downtown Sault Ste. Marie for the main regional ceremony. With the CO’s blessing, however, some members opted to attend Remembrance Day ceremonies hosted by the Legion in smaller neighbouring communities. After the ceremonies, members gathered with local veterans at the Legion Hall. Two of the Regiment’s longest-serving Senior NCOs retired after years of dedicated service. The first was regimental quartermaster Sgt. GR “Buzz” Robinson. The second was MWO JH Crawford, whose service to the Regiment includes two terms as RSM. The Sgt & WO’s Mess also saw the departure of its youngest member, the former Sgt SD Anderson. Upon receiving Her Maj- Live FTX. esty’s commission, Lt. Anderson became the youngest officer within the Regiment. Various exercises throughout the year challenged our soldiers to put to use the knowledge and training they gained from our ongoing courses and parade notes. Soldiers participated in live-fire exercises at Camp Grayling in Michigan, a winter warfare exercise in the wilderness north of Sault Ste. Marie, and IBTS training. Additionally, the Regiment shared its home and its personnel with the Regional Summer Training programme, helping to qualify gunners from across the country. The calendar year ended with the traditional Christmas Dinner for our soldiers on December 22. The CO exchanged rank with the youngest gunner, the RSM did the same with the oldest Bombardier, and the Padres blessed both food and drink. Officers served troops the traditional turkey dinner. After dinner, awards were handed out for “Gunner of the Year presented to Bdr Size,” “Senior NCO of the Year present to Sgt Mark Grbich,” and “Officer of the Year presented to Capt Brian Nadon.” Soldiers then retired to their respective messes, ending the year with a celebration of camaraderie and friendship. 49 Fd Regt 2010 HLCOLHEALEY LCOL GOLDER MAJ LAMBERT MAJ MAGNAN CAPT KNOX CAPTNADON CAPT PEARSE CAPTSCOTT CAPTVERE LT ANDERSON 2LT AVERY OCDTBOWES OCDT SPARLING CWOKING WO DAVIS WO LEASK WO ROSS SGT BEAUCHAMP SGT GRANDY SGT GRBICH SGT MARCEAU SGT MCCRACKEN SGT MCDONALD SGTOLIVE SGT O’NEIL SGT PHILLIPS SGT PREDUM SGT TAYLOR MBDRBIN MBDR DILOLLO MBDRDREW MBDR HOCKEN MBDRPEER MBDRPIGEON MBDRPYKE CE BA RJ RB VL BP DA JM PJ SD JJ DB SP GG MC SB CA CT GW MD PL K JR RJR KR TJ CR RC AF RJ NQ PW RK SW SR MBDR ROWLEY MBDR SANDERSON MBDR ST JOHN MBDRTRICK MCPL WESTLAKE BDR ABBOTT BDR BELANGER BDRBELL BDR BORETZ CPL BYERS BDR CESINARO BDR CHRISTIE BDR DOLMAN BDR FRECHETTE CPL GRAVELINES BDR GRIFFITH BDR HARVEY BDRHICKS BDR HUFFELS BDR JACKSON BDRKENT BDR MACDONALD BDR MALTMAN CPL MCCRACKEN BDR MCINTYRE BDR MCKEACHNIE BDR MIRON CPL MOORE BDR MORIN BDRORR BDR PEARCE BDR POIRIER BDR RIDLEY BDRROSS BDR RUTLEDGE 72 STA AS TJ LC ME DA PC DR RA AL AO BJ JC SD JPD KN LM CF AH MA JC KPN RJ RE JM CN BA BA JJ CN GR PAJ DAR TS PM L’Artilleur Canadien 49 Fd Regt 2010 BDR RUTLEDGE CR BDR RUTLEDGE MA BDRSCALI MA BDR SIZE MG BDR SOCCHIA AJ PTE BLACKMORE SA GNR BOISSONEAU NW GNRBRECKENRIDGE KJ PTE BRISCOE CL GNRCAIN SJ PTE COLLINS JP PTE COLLINS JHA PTE ELLIOTT KR PTE FRETZ MB PTE FRIEDRICHSMEIERS PTE GARSIDE LD PTE GODIN JG GNR HUMALAMAKI VTK PTE HYDEN DR GNR IBBITSON PTEKIRBY GNRKIRBY PTE KUDYBA GNR LOFTUS GNR MAEERS GNR MCCRON PTE MCLEAN PTE MOON PTE NELSON PTE O’NEILL GNR ROBERT PTE ROSENE PTEROY PTE SHEPPARD GNR SKOURIS GNR STAITE PTE STOCKER PTE WILKINS SL EG WC MZ JO BW SA W P MGC KSR NR JJ CR JG JC EK CJ BA 56th Field Artillery Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery The gunners of the 56th Field Regiment have finished another exciting and challenging year. The Regiment, consisting of 10 Bty in St Catharine’s, 54 Bty, HQ Bty and RHQ in Brantford, and 69 Bty in Simcoe, took part in numerous CPXs, FTXs, training events, a variety of community activities, from air shows and parades to presentations at local clubs and schools throughout Southwestern Ontario. The unit also honoured our Nation’s Veterans by participating in Memorial and Remembrance Services in the Six Nations and our home garrisons. During 2010, 27 members of the Regiment deployed on operations outside of Canada. The soldiers deployed were Captain Dereniowski, Captain Pitt, Sergeant Jax, Sergeant Cavin, Sergeant Kuz, Sergeant Gagen, Sergeant Lindsay, Master Bombardier Lannon, Master Bombardier Shaughnessy, Bombardier Tempelman N, Bombardier Templeman J, Bombardier Holmes B, Bombardier Holmes T, Bombardier Rogers, Bombardier Eikelenboom, Bombardier Bueckert, Bombardier Dougherty, Bombardier Tchorek, Bombardier Birdsell, Bombardier Canadian Gunner Ketler, Bombardier Boese, Bombardier Harrison, Bombardier Bates, Bombardier Abbruscato, Bombardier Crocco, Bombardier Elliott, and Bombardier Puillandre. Our soldiers served in a variety of roles, from working in gun troops to the Task Force Headquarters. The Regiment closed out 2010 by recovering our deployed soldiers, with the last of our people returning home on Christmas Eve. The Regiment maintained a busy training calendar despite significant resource constraints and the losses of key personnel to operational tasks. In January the Regiment took advantage of the cold and snow to reconfirm our winter warfare skills on Exercise FROZEN GUNNER. IBTS training was also a major priority during 2010. During September, the Regiment deployed to the Winona Rifle Range in order to conduct our mandatory PWT 3 shoot and complete various IBTS stands. There were a few personnel changes during the year. Upon being appointed Operations Officer, Captain Dave Vandevenne turned over command of 54 Battery to EX Frozen Gunner. 73 Captain Patrick Pitt. Captain Nathan Gudgeon assumed command of 69 Battery, taking over from the Acting Battery Commander, Chief Warrant Officer Jeff Gowanlock, who retired from the Canadian Forces after 38 years of service. Warrant Officer Kevin Mans was appointed as Battery Sergeant Major of 54 Battery, and Warrant Officer John McDonald replaced him as Battery Sergeant Major of 10 Battery. 2010 was a busy but successful year for 56th Field Regiment. The Regiment made a significant commitment of its soldiers to operational deployments while still conducting a busy training schedule for those remaining in Canada. 56 Fd Regt 2010 HCOLWILKIN HLCOLPANCOE LCOL MEEHAN MAJ CHRISTOPHER MAJ MACLACHLAN MAJ MARVIN CAPTCOOKE CAPTPAGE CAPT PIGEAU CAPTPITT CAPT VANDEVENNE CAPT WHITWORTH LT BECK LT DERENIOWSKI LTHILL LT VREUGDENHIL 2LT BSEISO 2LT POCUCA OCDTWEBB CWO ELLIOTT MWO ELLIOTT WO BELLMORE WO LEITCH WO MANS WO MCDONALD SGTCAVIN SGT CROFT SGTDAVIS SGT DURRANT SGT GAGEN SGT JAX SGT JEFFREY SGT JENEREAUX SGT KUZ SGT LINDSAY SGT MARTIN SGT MORGAN SGT PHILPOTT SGTSMITH SGT SROKA MBDR BOTHWELL MBDR BRADLEY MBDRBROWN MBDR CUNNINGHAM MBDR DUBAS MBDRHELD MBDRKETLER MBDR LANNON MBDRMONTEBLANCA MBDR SHAUGHNESSY MBDR STEWART MBDRWOOD MBDRWORONCHANKA MBDR YOUNG BDR ABBRUSCATO BDRBATES BDR BIRDSELL BDR BOESE BDR BORTHWICK BDR BRADLEY BDR BUECKERT BDR CHAPPEL DJ EM DE RJ HG CH G JRD MD PJE DAR S SW AG JW DB N Z KR JB PD B MJ KR JW J KA C WE C CSL SM SE MJ JP JD JR GW KJ WA TE MJ A LJ DM DR C BPS MC DR EG SJ MD JS S BR AS KD RC JEM H NL BDRCLINE BDR CROCCO BDR DEBOER BDR DEN BESTEN BDR DOUGHERTY BDR DUNLOP BDR EIKELENBOOM BDR EIKELENBOOM BDR ELLIOTT BDR FRASER BDR GALANGE BDR GAREAU BDR GAREAU BDR GIESBRECHT BDR GILBERT BDR GRANT BDR GRAVELLE BDR GRIFFIN BDR GRIMWOOD BDR GRUMMETT BDR HENDERSON BDR HENRY BDR HOLMES BDR HOLMES BDRHOO BDRHOWE BDR JUNIPER BDR KADAK BDRKHILL BDRKIRK BDR LOCKIE BDRLONG BDR MCCORMICK BDR MCGEE BDR MCLAUGHLIN BDR MCLEOD BDR OLTHOF BDR PANUCCI BDR PHILION BDR PIKULA BDR PUILLANDRE BDR REINHARDT BDR ROGERS BDRROOS BDR ROUTLEY BDR RZESZUTEK BDR SUTCH BDR TAYLOR BDR TCHOREK BDR TEMPELMAN BDR TEMPELMAN BDR WATERMAN BDR YOUNG GNR BARKER GNRBIRSS GNR BURTNICK GNR CHASSE GNRCOLE GNR DOWSON GNR HANEK GNR HIBBERD GNR HUTCHINSON 74 BR JJ RA J JB JAI CCJ N JJK JA J AR DA RN JS M JRA KS RCRH CJ GT BL BT TGA SGB MJ GEM J PE DRC MD JA SM EW TJ WJ JJ JT WG BR SC DKW KW JR JRK MJ AG KN ND JWH NA BM MBP MWJ JR AMJ MR NE KM TMW MA MR L’Artilleur Canadien 56 Fd Regt 2010 GNRKING GNR KIZUR GNR LEDUC GNR LIPPERT GNR LUBIN GNR MCCAY GNR MILETICH GNR PAULENKO GNR PLASTOW GNR RAINEY GNR ROBERTSON BV L AJM MD LG MG AV KM MF AM DJW GNR GNR GNR PTE GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR GNR ROOKE RUTHERFORD SAVOIE SOCHOLOTIUK STANDFAST SUTTON TRIFOLI VANDERZANDEN WALCHUK WICKENS ZOLNIEROWICZ JJ EWR DCLP MW RB JWP NA RS MA BJD JM 62e Régiment d’Artillerie de Campagne Le Régiment royal de l’Artillerie Canadienne Une idée folle direzbien… » Déclara M. Beauvous… que le 62e Rédin après avoir informé le giment d’artillerie de directeur M.Bordeleau, aux campagne (62e RAC) à quelques représentants du su accomplir avec sucQuartier-général du 35e cès. Une nouveauté cette GBC et du 62e RAC et du année au Grand Prix de 12e RBC, le jeudi juste Trois-Rivières (GP3R) soit avant le grand événement. d’annoncer le coup d’envoie de la course NASCAR CaLe défi est maintenant nadian Tire du dimanche entre les mains du chef 15 août après-midi avec 2 de pièce, le Sergent Alain coups de canon 105 mm Lamy et de son chauffeur, sur la piste de départ. Bien le Bombardier-chef Anque la présence apprécié du nie Garceau. L’équipe de passage d’un avion F-18, de canonniers est composé de celle de réservistes du 12e l’officier de tir, le Capitaine Régiment blindé du Canada Maxime Denommé et du (12e RBC) avec leur véhiBombardier Vincent Bourrécule de type coyote et d’un Laprise au poste no3, le kiosque d’information animé Bombardier Jean-Benoît par du personnel du Centre Carle au poste no2 et le de recrutement des Forces OP CONNECTION: OVATION POUR LE 62e Régiment d’Artillerie de chargeur de la munition, le canadiennes détachement Campagne au Grand Prix de Trois-Riviéres (GP3R). Bombardier Jonathan Pellede Trois-Rivières, du 12 RBC tier ainsi que la responsable et du 62 RAC…. cette fois-ci du transport de la munition, on mise sur le coup d’envoie d’un départ marquant par la bouche du le Caporal Nathalie Lambert. canon 105 mm provenant du 62e RAC qui résonnera aussi fort que le bourdonnement des bolides de course impatients de s’élancer sur Puis, à 15h21 le premier coup de feu est lancé. La foule sursaute la piste. et applaudit avec enthousiasme les manœuvres accomplit avec succès. Une minute plus tard, un deuxième coup de feu est tiré afin de Le directeur du GP3R, M. François Bordeleau, et son bras droit signaler le départ de la course. La foule est en délire et se lève criant M. Denys Beaudin sont conscients de la réorganisation sur la piste « victoire! » avec fierté les prouesses du 62e RAC. En moins de deux et des risques minimes de raté de percussion si le coup d’envoie minutes, les membres du 62e RAC étaient déjà en route vers la sortie est donné par le puissant canon 105 mm. Une décision qui n’est de la piste. Une belle expérience et une visibilité parfaite au sein pas facile à prendre puisque on sait qu’il est possible de retarder des fans du GP3R. « On pourra faire plus l’année prochaine si les la course de 30 minutes. « On prend la chance que tout ce passe représentants du GP3R le désirent » mentionne le Sgt Alain Lamy. Canadian Gunner 75 62 RAC 2010 LCOLHAECK MAJ MASSÉ MAJ ROUX MAJ SEGARD CAPTBLAIS CAPT BOISVERT CAPT COURCHESNE CAPT DENOMMÉ CAPT DESROSIERS LT BEAUCHESNE LT BOURASSA LT DUMAIS LT FERLAND LT MAILHOT LT MARTEL ADJUC GIRARD ADJUC PAPROCKI ADJUM LAMBERT ADJ BERGERON ADJBLAIS ADJ FORTIN ADJ GARCEAU ADJ MAURIER ADJ SAVARD SGTAREL SGT BÉCHARD SGT BERGERON SGT BERGERON SGT BINETTE SGT COSSETTE SGT DÉSILETS SGT DUPLESSIS SGT FLEURY SGTLAMY SGT MILETTE CÔTÉ SGT MOORE SGT PELLETIER SGT PILOTTE-DUPERRAY SGT RINFRET CPLC BASTARACHE CPLC COUTURIER CPLC DROLET CPLC GARCEAU CPLC GAUTHIER CPLC GÉLINAS CPLC JACQUES CPLC LAFRENIERE CPLC LEFEBVRE CPLC LETENDRE CPLC VINCENT CPL ARCAND CPL ASSELIN CPL BEAUDOIN CPL BÉLANGER CPL BELLEMARE CPL BERGER CPL BOULÉ CPL BOURASSA CPL BOURRÉ CPL BOURRÉ-LAPRISE CPL CARLE CPL CARON CORRIVEAU CPL CASABON CPLCHAMBERLAND CPL CHANG CPL CHIASSON CPLCÔTÉ CPL DAIGLE CPL DESALLIERS CPL DESROCHERS KF SJF DJG GMF DJA JPR MJF M PP P VML NA AJPJ JFY JPR DJR M C JHPG SJ JYS DMJ JPM JBJP OJLC SJA JOS SJP JG EJN BJJ JMM MS A MMM RS JRL MCE MFJ MGNK JRRF JCFJ MDA SGE JSJG PJ FP JRDP TJR JMTR DJGD BJMA DJL MML SJA GGME BC FJR JDD JEV JBJM JJC MPG BHR A PWJNJ JRD JJJ SJD JPB CPL DUCHAINE A CPL FAY-MILETTE RMR CPL FERRON MALJ CPL GAGNON JPJF CPL GAGNON-PELLERINS CPL GALIPEAU D CPL GARCEAU JRS CPL GAUTHIER-FRÉCHETTE MJD CPL GIGUÈRE BJJRG CPL HAMELIN JGJH CPL HELBLING S CPL HÉROUX-ALAIN MKJ CPL ISABELLE JCE CPL ISABELLE JPJM CPL ISABELLE PJF CPL LACHANCE QUESSY FHJ CPL LAFRENIERE AJM CPL LAMARRE MMS CPL LANDRY AJMD CPL LAPERRIÈRE PICHÉ H CPL LECLERC TJD CPL MAILHOT JCD CPL MARTIN RMA CPL MARTINEAU SP CPL MC LAUGHLIN YJ CPL NOLET MJT CPL PELLETIER JJCSR CPLPÉPIN RJLJM CPL PLEAU-DUCHESNEAU JM CPL POTVIN RJJ CPL PRONOVOST MM CPL PROVENCHER RJA CPLROY JF CPL SIMON JJG CPL TOUPIN FJF CPL TURCOTTE JJJ CPL TURCOTTE OJPR CPL VAILLANCOURT JEE CPL VALLÉE NJJ CPL VINCENT JUD SDT F BARIL JDGF SDT(R) BEAULIEU GJYR SDT B BÉRUBÉ Y SDT F BLAIS WT SDT B BLANCHETTE CJRS SDT B BOURASSA NJB SDT F BOURASSA-D’ESTIMAUVILLE CC SDT(R) BUIST BJC SDT(R)CARON NE SDT(R) CLOUTIER LMJ SDT B DAIGLE P SDT F DÉSILETS DRF SDT F DOUCET DJWC SDT F DROUIN SPA SDT B FAUCHER MJ SDT(R) GAGNON-BERTHIAUME O SDT(R) GERMAIN JNC SDT B GIGUÈRE MA SDT F HOUDE LORD JJ SDT(R) L. JODOIN AGG SDT(R) LACERTE JJP SDT(R) LAMY-DEMERS RJ SDT B LANDRY TFD SDT(R) LAWLESS RJ SDT(R) LE BOT-BÉLIVEAU PYFK SDT F LEMAY DJMS SDT F LEMIRE CM SDT(R) LEMIRE-CÔTÉ E SDT B MARTINEAU RD SDT(R) MASSÉ-TURENNE MTJ 76 L’Artilleur Canadien 62 RAC 2010 SDT(R)MATHON SDT F MELLON SDT(R)MÉNARD SDT(R) PAQUETTE SDT(R) PARENT-LAMY SDT F POIRIER SDT(R) POUDRIER SDT F PRINCE SDT F PRINCE SDT(R) RENAUD SDT B RICARD SDT B RINGUETTE SDT(R) RIVARD-CHARBONNEAU SDT B ROUSSEL SDT(R)ROY JFJN JMB G MVS A JSPH FLSJ AJR SJG E JGPM FJAJY C FD EMC SDT F SAMOISETTE SDT(R)SIMARD SDT(R) ST-AMANT SDT F SYLVESTRE SDT(R) THIBAULT SDT(R) TREMBLAY SDT F TRÉPANIER SDT(R) VACHON-VÉZEAU SDT(R)VALLÉE SDT(R)VALLÉE SDT(R) VALLERAND SDT F VALLIÈRES SDT F VANASSE SDT(R)VINCENT MG MA MAJT CJJS JFMA JFJR PA MJ F MAJS WJMJG BJC JS CJS 18th Air Defence Regiment The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery 2010 was a year of continued transition as 18 AD Regt moved to become a more fully matured Independent Field Battery. The training calendar was busy as members developed their gunnery skills in a variety of ways. New Gunners freshly minted on the DP 1 course offered by 18 AD Regt filled out the ranks and the gun troop grew to include trained CP techs and Recce Techs, giving the Unit, for the first time since re-rolling to tube Artillery, the ability to man all of the key positions in a Battery. Operationally the Regiment had Sgt. Williams, GA, MBdr. Halmrast, TL, Bdr. Addison AM, Bdr. Crow Chief CP, Bdr. Davis, JJB, Bdr. Fossum, DB,Bdr. Merrick. DJ, Bdr. Neufeld PM, Bdr. Oliver DE, Bdr. Paynton, Bdr. Scott, DB, Bdr. Stewart, BA and MCpl. Kultgen, DJ return from TF-1 09. OP PODIUM successfully concluded and with it Bdr. Barnard, W, Gnr. Mankow, JCS, Gnr. Rolls, RG, Pte. Schan, T., returned home. Live FTX Wainwright. The first Vimy Ridge Dinner was held on April 9. In conjunction with the Lethbridge United Service Institute the 18 AD Regt hosted this dinner with special Guest Speaker Brigadier General Vance. This event was well attended and laid the groundwork for this to become an annual event and a fund-raiser for the 18 AD Regimental Association. honored its troops with the raising of the flag when the troops left and with the lowering of the RCA Flag at City Hall the troops were welcomed home. The local Member of Parliament Rick Casson led a campaign to buy Tim Horton’s Cards for the troops overseas. He launched the campaign at the Vimy Ridge Armoury. His efforts with the support of the Regiment lead to 3700, five dollar cards being purchased for the troops in Afghanistan On May 8, the City of Lethbridge hosted the unveiling of the APC Memorial Vehicle and plaque at Gunner’s Point on Henderson Lake. The APC commemorates 100 years of Artillery in Lethbridge. The project created a lasting monument to the service of Gunners and joins the many artifacts, plaques and memorials on location at the Henderson Lake Park. In October, the Regiment started a BMQ course and in November a Driver Wheel course began. Coordinating and hosting two courses simultaneously is one more indicator that 18 AD Regt is succeeding in its transition to an Independent Battery. By the start of WESTERN DEFENDER, the Unit will be able to two Guns with MSVS. On June 5, a Flag Lowering Ceremony at City Hall welcomed the returning troops for OP ATHENA. The City of Lethbridge Canadian Gunner 77 18AD Regt 2010 HLCOL PETERSON MAJ DUGUAY CAPT DAWSON LT MEIN 2LT YOUNG MWO PAGLIERICCI WO DAMJANOFF WOGIES WO MORRISON WO WITTEBOLLE SGT BLACK SGT HANSEN SGT LAPTHORN SGT MITCHELL SGT NELSON SGT WILLIAMS SGT YOUNG MBDRALLARY MBDRBAKER MBDR HALMRAST MBDRMASON MBDR PANCHUK MCPLPECK BDR ADDISON BDR ATWOOD BDR BARNARD BDR BLACKWOOD BDR BOISSON BDR BROOKS BDRCHERNIAWSKY BDR CROWCHIEF BDR DAMGAARD BDRDAVIS BDREARL BDR EELHART BDR FOSSUM BDR HUMMEL BDR HUSCROFT BDR HUTCHISON BDR MERRICK CPL MINIELLY BDR NEUFELD BDR OLIVER BDR PAYNTON BDR POTTS BDR ROLLS CPL RUSSELL BDR SCOTT CPL SENECAL BDR STEWART BDR STEWART BDR ZAINA GNR BORIX GNRBOYD PTE CUNCANNON PTE GINTHER GNR HANEY GNR HUMMEL GNR INDENBOSCH GNR MANKOW GNRMANN GNR THORKILDSEN GNR VISSCHER GNR ZONDERVAN PTER BERGERON PTER BITTMAN PTER BROUSSEAU PTER BURKE PTER CHAMBERLAIN TPRHALL A/S MCMANNUS PTEBRAY PTETSCHAN PTER SHELSON PTEB WILLIAMSON W MR SC RL BM JRM CB BA DK GJ VM DW ASE RD WL GA KM MD CJ TL JA JL JT AM DS W JC SE AC KR CP MR JB GD CD DB CA TL DN DJ GW PM DE TA KP RG CD DB SDC BA LD TC JG RJ RB BF CC AN MR JCS G J BA DM ID MAH RM CMF T G D LK TJ WR LLA The Royal Canadian Artillery Band The relationship between music, the military, soldiers and song is an ancient one, some say stretching as far back as the battle of Jericho three and a half thousand years ago. That relationship remains as relevant today as it was in the ancient world. As one of six Canadian professional military bands, The Royal Canadian Artillery Band’s role is to provide music to support CF operations, foster morale and esprit de corps and to promote DND and Canadian values nationally and abroad, a job that often finds band members performing in a variety of situations and locations. In May the Band travelled to The Netherlands to take part in the Canadian Forces Contingent commemorating the 65th Anniversary of the Liberation of The Netherlands. Done in conjunction with Veteran’s Affairs, the commemoration received international media attention with ceremonies at Canadian War Cemeteries in Holton, Bergen OpZoom and Groesbec. Band members were touched by the warm welcome we received, and how Dutch people still remember Change of Command Ceremony June 23, 2010. 78 L’Artilleur Canadien MP3 of the recording by the RCA Band is available for free download from The Band’s Web site at: Members of the RCA Band march into the Candian War Cemetery at Holton, The Netherlands. and greatly appreciate Canada’s contribution to their liberation 65 years ago. Last year while performing at Edmonton Garrison members of the RCA Band were approached by a Military Police Officer, MCpl. Elton Adams, and ask if he could sing a song he had recently written with the band. Adams is an amateur singer and songwriter who, while preparing to deploy to Afghanistan, wrote the song “What A Soldier Left Behind” to commemorate Canadian Soldiers and their families. After hearing the song and seeing the impact it had on Elton’s fellow soldiers the RCA Band asked band’s arranger Sgt. Martin Walters to write an arrangement for full band which we have had the opportunity to performed both at home and abroad. In February MCpl. Adams was invited to the band’s recording studio at Edmonton Garrison to record a vocal track for our version of his song. When the recording was completed, Adams used it in a Remembrance Day tribute video posted on YouTube. In its first week his video was among the top 5 most viewed Canadian videos on YouTube, and to date has received more that 38,000 views. If you would like to hear “What A Soldier Left Behind,” an Typical the RCA Band spends its summers on a parade square with the many units of Land Forces Western Area celebrating their change of commands. On June 23, 2010 The Band celebrated our own change of command as we said goodbye to Capt. Dave Shaw and welcomed Capt. Eric Gagnon. As professional musicians we are often heard on stage, but much more of our time is spent preparing for performances in our rehearsal room, and with that thought there was no better place for the band to celebrate a change of command. Instead of marching the unit past a dais the outgoing and incoming Commanding Officers each conducted the band, exchanging not unit colours or a sword, but a fitting symbol of leadership for musicians, a conductor’s baton. Dignitaries and those in attendance commented on the uniqueness of the ceremony and enjoyed the opportunity to hear the band perform where we work and a daily basis. Capt. Gagnon returns to the Band for a third time, he was originally a French horn player with the RCA Band both in St-Hubert, Quebec and here at Edmonton Garrison. Recently the Canadian Forces Music Branch has been undergoing some restructuring, shifting the emphasis of Regular Forces Bands to incorporated more commercial repertoire, and diverse musicians including vocalists, guitarists and highland pipers. As a result members of The RCA Band are often heard performing in small ensembles, but twice in 2010 we had the opportunity to join forces with other CF musicians as a large wind ensemble. November 5th the Band performed for the 2010 Alberta Band Association Music Conference in Red Deer Alberta, and on December 6th for “A Christmas Wish 2010” our annual Christmas Concert in aid of the Make a Wish Foundation. Augmenting the RCA Band were musicians from five provinces, including the regular and reserve forces, Navy, Army and Air Force Band as well as professional civilian musicians. The 38 instrumentalists under the direction of RCA Band Commanding Officer and Director of Music Capt. Eric Gagnon enjoyed the opportunity to perform advanced repertoire in a large ensemble, challenge their skills as musicians and allowing them to perform to the best of their abilities. RCA Band 2010 CAPT GAGNON MWO COUGHLAN WOBAIN WO BEAUDIN WO DEPOE WO MARTIN SGT BEYRIES SGT BOISVERT GT BOUFFARD SGT BRANCATO SGT BUCKLAND SGT CAMPBELL SGT COOPER SGT DRISCOLL SGT DRISCOLL SGT GAUCI Canadian Gunner E B J M N C SY S G J K C J B M H SGT LEBLANC SGT LEBLANC SGT LEVASSEUR SGT LININGTON SGT MILLER SGT MORGAN SGT NADEAU SGT NORRIS SGT RICHEY SGT WALTERS SGTWILEY SGT WINSOR CPL HOCKETT CPL MAITLAND CPL MALONEY CPL WANAMAKER 79 C A M S C A MF C P M D L D J M C The Royal Canadian Artillery Association/ L’association De L’artillerie Royal Canadienne The Royal Canadian Artillery Association is your association. Whether you serve in the Regular Force or the Reserve, whether you are a member of a local artillery association or even if you are a friend or family member of a gunner this is your association. This is a message the RCAA is working to better communicate to the Gunner Family across the country. The Gunner Family 2010 RCAA AGM delegates. continued to transform itself in 2010 and this certainly included the RCAA. It has become evident that many of the members of this association are not even aware that that they are members so we began an effort to reassess where we are as an organization and what we need to be to serve the needs of gunners in the years ahead. As we continue to work through the RCAA’s transformation you can expect to hear more about who we are and what we do for you in the Gunner Family. The year began with the first key RCAA activity: the awarding of bursaries. The RCAA sponsors the LCol Jack DeHart bursary for officers and the Master Gunner Chip Evoy bursary for NCMs pursuing post-secondary education while continuing to serve the guns. In 2010 these were awarded respectively to Lt Alexandre Tremblay-Michaud of 2nd Field Regiment in Montreal and Bdr Nathan Cousineau 2010 RCAA Executive. of 116th Independent Field Battery in Kenora. The association also administers additional bursaries from the Colonel Commandant and this year they were awarded to Bdr Jason Wong and Bdr Yuriy Bolgak, both of 15th Field Regiment in Vancouver and Gnr Jordan Brum of 42nd Field Regiment in Pembroke. One of the most enjoyable activities the RCAA takes part in is the awarding of these bursaries. We just wish that we would have more high quality submissions from the units so that we can reward gunners across the country who are advancing their education. In March members of the RCAA joined our compatriots from the other corps associations of all arms and services for the Conference of Defence Association’s (CDA’s) annual Conference on Defence and Security. The CDA is a super-association that combines the efforts of all of the Canadian Forces’ associations into the country’s largest military advocacy group. The CDA holds many smaller events throughout the year but this event is the big one. A variety of speakers from the military and academia, from Canada and from around the world attend to discuss matters of great military significance. The CDS, Gen Natynczyk, 80 L’Artilleur Canadien Fort Lewis, WA. We also continued in our recent tradition of hearing from some representatives of the Defence Industry on new developments of interest to gunners. and all 3 Chiefs of Staff were present as well as many speakers of note including U.S. General David Petraeus, Commander U.S. Central Command, who was particularly congratulatory to the Canadian Olympic Hockey Team’s victory in Vancouver, even if they did beat the U.S. On the membership front we worked to solidify the joining together of local gunner associations as well. This effort began with bringing in the Artillery Association of Montreal, it then brought in the Toronto Gunners and during 2010 associations from Ottawa and Vancouver were added to the mix. It is the intent of the RCAA to gather in all the local associations we can to help unify our communication and provide assistance to each other in advancing gunner causes. Together our voice can be stronger and we can share best practices that we have each developed resulting in a whole that is greater than the sum of its parts. Bdr (now Ocdt) Brum receives a Col Comdt bursary from HLCol Hoyland. gunner community at large. The end of September and beginning of October saw the RCAA membership gather in Victoria, B.C. for our 125th Annual General Meeting and 8th Annual Seminar. Gunners from far and wide gathered at the Hotel Grand Pacific on the waterfront, right next to the B.C. provincial legislature for a few days of professional development, association business and the opportunity to reconnect with fellow gunners or forge new connections within our gunner family. Our hosts from 5th (BC) Field Regiment, commanded by LCol Scott Wisdahl, welcomed us to a meet and greet event at the unit lines upon arrival on the Thursday evening which helped set the friendly tone for the two days that followed. So what does this mean to you? How will your association benefit you? As BGen Beno continues to remind us: “Once a Gunner, Always a Gunner.” We all need to keep the “Always” part of that statement in mind. There is a great deal of talent in the retired portion of the gunner family that has drifted away. We need to harness that talent; we need you to become involved again. Get in contact with your local association and/or with the RCAA at a national level. We are easy to connect with via www. and no effort that you can spare is too small. The officers of the RCAA as of the beginning of October 2010 are: LCol (retd) Jim Brazill – President LCol (retd) Craig Cotter – Vice-President LCol (retd) Don Hamilton – Secretary Maj (retd) Jean-Pierre Poirier – Treasurer LCol (retd) Andre Richard – Past President We are all committed to this organization and to the gunner family as a whole. We can be contacted most simply via RHQ RCA. The theme of the event: “Shape our Future Artillery Family while Remembering our Past,” was designed around looking at where we are going as a Regiment based particularly on our experience at war for the past decade. Our typically packed agenda gave us the opportunity to hear many of the usual speakers from within the family but also from some we have not heard from in the past such as CWO Boivin, RSM RCA, and CWO Moretti, the Army RSM. A keynote speaker was Col Steve Bullimore, a redleg from the United States Army and commander of the 17th Fires Brigade of 1 Corps in Canadian Gunner A key topic throughout the event was our transformation as a gunner family. This was a prominent theme in the Colonel Commandant’s address and the RCAA aspect of this transformation was introduced by previous Colonel Commandant, MGen John Arch MacInnis, and Col Gary Burton. Col Burton has taken on the task of leading the RCAA’s transformation task force, composed of many of our best and brightest minds, in an effort to examine where we are now and where we need to be to effectively serve the gunner family now and into the future. This task force is assessing the things we are currently doing as an association and looking at what priorities we need to focus on going forward. This is the key to the RCAA being meaningful and relevant to the Ubique! 81 RHQ RCA - QGR ARC 2010 brought to fulfilment a vitalized and reinvigorated RHQ in order to serve The Royal Regiment in a more resourceful manner. The critical positions of Regimental Major (Major Rob Hart), Regimental Adjutant (Captain Chris Barth) and the addition of an RHQ Sergeant-Major (Master Warrant Officer Cal Gibson) this summer not only reinforced the continued support already provided throughout the year by the Regimental Assistant Adjutant (Captain Geoff Popovits) and Regimen- Junior Officer Course 2010. tal Clerk (Master Corporal Brie Rhind – posted in March 2010), but started the process of addressing a number of outstanding issues. The remainder of the team, under the supervision of the RHQ Sgt (Sgt Henry, retired May 2010) whose daily responsibility is the operation of The RCA Kitshop and Workshop at would not be possible without the continued support of 1 RCHA. RHQ coordinated and supported the 65th Anniversary of the Liberation of Holland in May and then the annual Junior Of- L’année 2010 a permis de revigorer le QGR pour qu’il puisse servir le Régiment royal avec une plus grande ingéniosité. Les postes essentiels de major régimentaire (Major Rob Hart), de capitaine-adjudant régimentaire (Capitaine Chris Barth) et l’ajout d’un sergent-major de QGR (Adjudant-maître Cal Gibson) cet été ont permis, d’une part, de renforcer le soutien déjà en place et fourni toute l’année par le capitaine adjudant adjoint régimentaire (Capitaine Geoff Popovits) et le commis régimentaire (Caporal-chef Brie Rhind – affecté en mars 2010) et, d’autre part, de s’attaquer à un certain nombre de problèmes non résolus. Sans l’appui constant du 1 RCHA, il ne serait pas possible d’avoir le reste de l’équipe, qui est supervisée par le sergent du QGR (Sgt Henry, parti à la retraite en mai 2010) et qui s’occupe quotidiennement du fonctionnement de la boutique et de l’atelier de l’ARC ( Le QGR a coordonné et soutenu le 65e anniversaire de la libération de la Hollande en mai et ensuite le Cours des officiers subalternes (COS) annuel, ici à la maison-mère en septembre. Cette année encore, grâce au COS, 49 officiers subalternes en activité ont pu assister, dans un contexte régimentaire, à des séances d’information et discuter avec des artilleurs de premier plan, en activité ou à la retraite, riches de diverses expériences opérationnelles. Pendant le cours, on a organisé une conférence vidéo avec des anciens combattants à la retraite. Au cours de cette excellente séance d’information, le Bgén WW Turner, le Col AB Smith et le Lcol DB Crowe de Kingston ont parlé des opérations pendant la Deuxième Guerre mondiale et la guerre de Corée et ont répondu aux questions. À l’occasion du COS, le Bgén JJ Selbie a pu tirer son « dernier obus » pour célébrer son départ à la retraite et tout le monde a participé à la cérémonie commémorative de la catastrophe de Canoe River au parc Artillery. Pendant l’année, le QGR a réalisé les projets suivants : lancement du nouveau site Web de l’ARC (www.artillery. net), mise en place des ordres courants du QGR (www., tenue de la base de données régimentaire, publication de l’Artilleur canadien et du Quadrant (édition électronique), mise à jour de l’Aide- Canoe River Memorial 20 November - “Sir - it’s a dry cold”. 82 L’Artilleur Canadien ficer Course, here at the Home Station in September. The JOC this year, once again, gave the opportunity for 49 serving junior officers to receive briefings and to promote interaction with prominent serving and retired Gunners with varied operational experience in a Regimental context. During the course a VTC was arranged with retired veterans BGen WW Turner, Col AB Smith and LCol DB Crowe from Kingston which provided excellent briefings and questions on operations during WW II and Korea. The JOC also provided the opportunity for BGen JJ Selbie to fire his “last round” to commemorate his retirement from the Canadian Forces and for all to participate in the Canoe River Memorial Ceremony at the Artillery Park. RHQ completed several new or updated projects this year which included the launch and operation of the new RCA Website at , introduction of RHQ Routine Orders at rca-routine-orders , maintenance of the Regimental BGen JJ Selbie - Firing his last round in the Royal Regiment. database, publication of The Canadian Gunner and online Quadrant, update the Aide-de-Camp Handbook and mémoire de l’aide de camp et ajout de nouveaux articles en ligne à bring new items online through the Kitshop to better support la boutique pour mieux soutenir la famille régimentaire. the Regimental family. Le QGR va continuer son travail pour achever et mettre en œuvre plusieurs autres projets afin de répondre aux besoins des unités, RHQ will continue to complete and implement several other projects in order to meet the needs of units, associations, des associations, des membres (en activité ou à la retraite) et de la famille du Régiment royal. members (serving/retired) and family of The Royal Regiment. Ubique Ubique RHQ 2010 Capt Popovits GM MWOGibson CL MajHart RG CaptBarth CJ The RCA Museum - Musée de l’ARC The RCA Museum continued to connect visitors on behalf of The Royal Regiment in 2010. During the year we welcomed over 7,500 visitors (55% Manitobans, 38% other Canadians and 7% from 16 other countries). In addition, over 15,000 people experienced our virtual exhibits at, media appearances involving the Museum reached an estimated audience of 3.8 million, and 15,000 people attended Museum outreach exhibits. En 2010, le musée de l’ARC a continué à établir des ponts au nom du Régiment royal. Durant l’année, nous avons accueilli plus de 7 500 visiteurs (55 % originaires du Manitoba, 38 % d’ailleurs au Canada et 7 % en provenant de 16 pays différents). De surcroît, au moins 15 000 personnes ont fait l’expérience de notre exposition virtuelle en ligne dans le site, environ 3,8 millions d’auditeurs ont été témoins d’activités médiatiques touchant le musée et 15 000 personnes ont visité les expositions de diffusion externe organisées par le musée. On 13 May, the Lieutenant-Governor of Manitoba opened our newest permanent gallery, which tells the stories of how military forces and conflict have shaped the Province of Manitoba over the last 12,000 years. The 1,850 square foot gallery was three years in the making and has been very well received by visitors. The RCA Museum is unique in telling this story and we are hop- Le 13 mai, le lieutenant-gouverneur du Manitoba a procédé à l’ouverture de notre toute nouvelle salle d’exposition permanente qui permet de raconter comment, au cours des 12 000 dernières années, les forces militaires et les conflits ont façonné la province du Manitoba. Il a fallu trois ans pour créer cette exposition d’une superficie de 1 850 pieds carrés qui est très appréciée des visiteurs. Le musée de l’ARC Canadian Gunner 83 ing it will attract more visitors from Manitoba over the coming years. raconte cette histoire d’une manière tout à fait unique, et nous espérons qu’au cours des années à venir elle saura attirer plus de visiteurs manitobains While explaining all aspects of Canadian military history is vital to give a context for the Artillery to our visitors, our primary role remains telling the story of Canada’s Gunners. In this regard, 2010 saw the addition of interpretive panels to all the guns on exterior exhibit and the installation of two new large scale murals in the World War 2 portion of the National Artillery Gallery. Bofors WW II. In 2010 we acquired examples of the Sperwer UAV, M-113, M-548, M-577 and Grizzly gun tractor and are waiting on our ADATS, GDF-005 35mm gun and Skyguard radar. These vehicles will be preserved here to keep the Gunner story up to date. Bien qu’il soit nécessaire d’expliquer les différents éléments qui composent l’histoire militaire du Canada pour comprendre l’essence de l’Artillerie, notre rôle principal demeure raconter l’histoire des artilleurs canadiens. À cette fin, en 2010, nous avons ajouté des panneaux d’interprétation à toutes les pièces d’artillerie exposées à l’extérieur ainsi qu’installé deux nouvelles grandes murales dans la section sur la Deuxième Guerre mondiale de la galerie nationale de l’Artillerie du Canada. En 2010, nous avons aussi acheté un UAV Sperwer, un M-113, un M-548, un M-577 ainsi qu’un tracteur d’artillerie Grizzly, et attendons un véhicule ADATS, un canon jumelé GDF-005 de 35 mm et un radar Skyguard. Ces véhicules seront conservés dans le musée afin de mettre à jour l’histoire des artilleurs. We are striving to constantly improve your Museum and are proud to tell your stories. To Gunners everywhere – “Good Shooting!” Nous nous efforçons sans cesse d’améliorer notre musée et sommes fiers de raconter votre histoire. Aux artilleurs partout dans le monde, bon tir! Regimental Family 84 L’Artilleur Canadien Regimental Family Canadian Gunner 85 Association Register/ Les associations de vous inscrire Region / Région Associations/Regrouping and Contacts / Associations / regroupement et Contacts National Nationle RCAA / L’AARC – (Don Walker) [email protected] and (Jim Brazill) [email protected] Master Gunners Association - (David Aldred) [email protected] Airborne Gunners - (Bill Tremain) [email protected] Atlantic N.B, PEI, Nfld, & N.S. Atlantic Gunners Association - [email protected] (Kenny Walker) [email protected] (Ray Melanson) [email protected] Ontario Eastern Ontario Gunners – (Jim Hemlin) [email protected] and [email protected] Eastern Ontario Gunner Officers Association – [email protected] Kingston Gunners – (LCol Bob Chamberlain) - rchamberlain10@cogeco. ca Royal Canadian Horse Artillery Brigade Association; Kingston ON - (Carol Whyman) [email protected] Ottawa Gunners – (LCol Hugh Mundell) [email protected] and (Maj Ray Schell) [email protected] Air OP Association - (BGen Heitshu) [email protected] The Toronto Gunners Association - (David Burnett) dburnett@endtoend. com The Limber Gunners Assoc. Toronto - [email protected] 1 Artillery Brigade Association Guelph – (Col Frank Bayne) francis. Prairies AB, SK, MB & NW Ont Pacific The Manitoba Gunners - [email protected] LFWA Gunners - (CJ Norris) [email protected] and (Bill Tremain) [email protected] West Coast Gunners – (Harry Rice) [email protected] 86 L’Artilleur Canadien Proud Supporters of the RCA Les supporters Fier d’ARC Westman MLAs Unit 11, 20 - 18th Street Brandon MB R7A 5A3 MDM Insurance Services Inc PO Box 970 Guelph ON N1H 6N1 Brandon Home Hardware Building Centre 1020 18th Street Brandon MB R7A 5C1 Canadian Tire 1655 18th Street Brandon MB R7A 5C6 (204) 728-5801 Canadian Military Heritage Museum PO Box 27033 794 Colborne Street Brantford, ON N3S 7V1 (519) 752-0245 Meggitt Training Systems Fats Canada Inc 6140 Henri Bourassa Montreal, QC H4R 3A6 (514) 339-9938 Fax: (514) 333-3361 Leech Ad Canadian Gunner 87 The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Ranks 2010 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2010 LGENLESLIE AB CFTT MGENBEARE SA JTF AFGHANISTAN ISAF HQ MGEN HOWARDAJ CLS BGEN BARABE JGJCVCDS BGEN TREMBLAY JGE CLS OUTCAN USA COL CHAMBERLAIN R DG IS POL COL COTTONK CLS COL CROSMAN J DCOMD NORAD COL DALTON L 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN COL DAME G TF PORT AU PRINCE COLDAVISR CRS COL DUHAMEL M CDLS(W) COL HARVEYA DGMC COL HETHERINGTONS CLS COL HODGSON M ACO ORGS (N) COL LACROIX R CLS COL LAVOIEM DGMP COL MARSHALL D JTF AFGHANISTAN NCE COL MCPHERSON B LFDTS HQ COL MIEZITIS I TF DRC COL SIMONDSC PRMNY COL WILLIAMSP SJS LCOL ALLEN J CLS OUTCAN USA LCOL ARMSTRONG M RCSU CENTRAL LCOL AUBIN F CFD LCOL BARBIER A ACO ORGS (N) LCOL BEAUCHEMIN M CANADA COM HQ LCOL BISHOP T ACT ORGS LCOL BOUCHARD D DGMC LCOL BROWNP CLFCSC LCOL CASAULT F CLS LCOL CLARKE D DG IS POL LCOL DEJACOLYN A 1 CDN DIV HQ LCOL DUBOIS S LFCA HQ LCOL DUFOUR L 34 CBG HQ LCOL DUFOUR V CTC HQ LCOL DUMAS JS CLFCSC LCOL FORTIND CDS LCOLGAGNES CLS LCOL GAUVIN B CDLS(L) LCOL HAMMOND L CFB/ASU EDMONTON LCOL HARDWICKG SJS LCOL HARTNETT D CDA HQ LCOL JOHNSONS CLFCSC LCOL KEARNEY P NES - TERM LVE LCOL KILFORDC CFLS LCOL LAFORTUNE M LFDTS HQ LCOL LANDRY C CANADA COM HQ LCOLLAVOIER CLS LCOL LEACH M JTFA HQ LCOL LEIGH T LFCA HQ LCOL LEMIEUX A DGCFGA LCOL MACEACHERNR C PROG LCOL MACVICAR I CFD LCOL MAGNAN L C PROG LCOL MCGARRYL MTTF LCOL MCNAIRJ CANMILREP LCOL MCNICOLLM CLS LCOL MOLASKIW JTF AFGHANISTAN ISAF HQ LCOL MORRISONS CLFCSC LCOL MURRAY S CLS LCOL NAUSS D LFAA HQ LCOL POSPOLITA J JTF AFGHANISTAN - PRT LCOL REIFFENSTEIN A C PROG LCOL ROULEAU M CLS LCOL RUSSEL D CTC HQ LCOL ST-PIERRE C RMC SAINT-JEAN LCOL SULLIVAN M RCA SCHOOL LCOL WOODGATE J LFAA HQ MAJ AALTONEN D CANSOFCOM HQ MAJ ARAUJO L CDAO, BRAZIL MAJ BAKER STW CANSOFCOM HQ MAJ BEAUCHAMP P CFC MAJ BEDARD B 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJ BELANGERC DGMC MAJ BISSONNETTER TAC SCHOOL MAJ BOBBITTD CDLS(W) MAJ BOILY L CEFCOM HQ MAJ BRASSARDD SJS MAJ BRUCE J CLS DET KINGSTON MAJ BRUNEAU P LFQA HQ MAJ BUCHANAN D CFC MAJ BUTLER P CDI MAJ CANTINC METC MAJ CHARCHUK A LFDTS HQ DET PETAWAWA MAJ CHUBBS LA 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJ CLOUTIER M CLS MAJ COMEAU C LFDTS HQ MAJ COULOMBE M CLS MAJ DESCHÊNESC CLS MAJ DESTREMPES J 5 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJDIILIO B CLS MAJ DORRIS JP CLS OUTCAN USA MAJ DRAHO M CLS OUTCAN EUROPE MAJ DUFF KF CLS MAJ DUNN R CLS MAJ DUPUIS R TF JERUSALEM MAJ DUVAL JF CDLS(W) MAJ EMBREER CLS MAJ ETHELSTON C CFB/ASU PETAWAWA MAJ FARRELLR CDS MAJ FAUCHER B LFQA HQ DET VALCARTIER MAJ FISHER J CLS OUTCAN ROW MAJ FORTIER M 5 RALC MAJ FORTOLOCZKY J CFB/ASU SHILO MAJ FOSS K CLS MAJ FRENETTEL CLS MAJ GALLAGHER S CLS OUTCAN USA MAJ GALLAGHERS LFDTS HQ DET PETAWAWA MAJ GARDNER C CEFCOM HQ MAJ GUTSCHER D TF MIDDLE EAST MAJ HANNANP CLS MAJ HATCHER G LFAA HQ MAJ HEENANP CFD MAJ HEER S 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJHEIJ S CFD MAJ HEROD L 36 CBG HQ MAJ HEWITTS CMTC MAJ HIGGINSD DGLEPM MAJ HOGAN T 37 CBG HQ MAJ HUNTER S CANSOFCOM HQ MAJ ISBERG T TF MIDDLE EAST MAJ JONES D LFDTS HQ MAJ KENNEDYL LFAA TC DET ALDERSHOT MAJ KENNEDYT CANMILREP MAJ KENNY D CFRC VANCOUVER MAJ KIROPOULOS S DGMP MAJ LACOMBE D TF MIDDLE EAST MAJ LAHAIED CLS MAJ LAVIGNE F CANADA COM HQ MAJ LEBLANCD SJS MAJ LEE T 1 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJ LEGENDRE C LFQA HQ MAJ LEPINEJPFRMC MAJ LESSARDG LFTS HQ DET VALCARTIER MAJ LEVATTE T TAC SCHOOL MAJ LITTLEW CFD MAJLOTT R PSTC 88 L’Artilleur Canadien The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Ranks 2010 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2010 MAJ LYNK D LFDTS HQ MAJ LYTTLER 1RCHA MAJ MARTIN D LFWA HQ MAJ MAXWELL T MCE MAJ MCKEEVERD CLS MAJ MEADE R 1 CDN DIV HQ MAJMILLS EBRMC MAJ MOON R CFB/ASU SHILO MAJ NOTAROM CFC MAJOTIS R CLS MAJ PAYNE P CDAO, ARE MAJ PERREAULT M DGMC MAJ PLANTEG DGMC MAJ PLEMEL L NATO AFFILIATED ORGS MAJ POITRAS F 5 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN MAJ PRÉAUX D CFB/ASU VALCARTIER MAJ PROULX B CDLS(W) MAJ ROY R LFDTS HQ MAJ SCHARLACHT CFC MAJ SEGARD F JTFE HQ MAJ SHRUM L JPSU DET PETAWAWA MAJ SIMARD M RCSU EASTERN MAJSMID R CFC MAJ SPEARS J CTC HQ MAJ ST. DENNIS J DGMC MAJ ST-PIERRE P CFB/ASU VALCARTIER MAJ TAYLORS CLFCSC MAJ USBORNE S CFB/ASU PETAWAWA MAJ VAHEY S CEFCOM HQ MAJ VIEVEENJ SJS MAJ VOYER P 31 CBG HQ MAJ WATTS J LFWA TC DET SHILO MAJ WOLANSKI U GER SC CAPT AMBERLEY P DG IS POL CAPT AUDET J CLS CAPT BATTENM CMTC CAPT BEST J 1 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN CAPTBIGLERC CLS CAPT BOWER R CFRC DET KITCHENER CAPT BRUNELLE J PSTC CAPT BRUNET J RMC SAINT-JEAN CAPT BURKE S DGLEPM CAPT CHARLERY V CFRC DET MISSISSAUGA CAPT CHIASSONT CDLS(L) CAPT CLARKE R LFDTS HQ CAPT COBURN K LFCA HQ CAPT COOPERL OUTCAN PROJECT - A P M E CAPT COULOMBE D CTC HQ CAPT CRANE P CANOSCOM HQ CAPT CREELMAN J LFCA HQ CAPT DAVIS W CEFCOM HQ CAPT DENEAU E CLS OUTCAN USA CAPT DUPLESSIS F JTFE HQ CAPT DURETTE M LFAA TC CAPT EKE J JTFP HQ CAPT FECTEAU A RCSU EASTERN CAPT FERNETR RMC CAPT GERBRANDTM 2RCHA CAPT GILBERT P COS VCDS CAPT GILKS T CFB/ASU SHILO CAPT HACHE M CF H SVCS GP HQ CAPT HAIRE KF 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN CAPT HAN H CFB SUFFIELD CAPT HICKS T CLS OUTCAN USA CAPT HORNELL J CFB SUFFIELD CAPT HUDDLESTON J LFTS HQ DET GAGETOWN CAPT IRVING S 33 CBG HQ CAPT JOHNSON R LFAA HQ CAPT KNOWLES C 10 FD REGT Canadian Gunner 89 CAPT KRAMERJ UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY CAPT KRAMERJ CAPT LECLAIR P CAPT MCCUISH D CAPT MCCULLOUGHJR CAPT MEEHAN D CAPT MOORERA CAPT MORGANJ CAPT OSTIGUY C CAPT PEDNEAULT A CAPT PELLERINET CAPT PIERCE RM CAPT POIRIER R CAPT RAYMOND M CAPT ROBERT Y CAPT ROSS EJ CAPTSMITH KC CAPT SMOLEY S CAPT SOUTHEN JP CAPT TAYLORC CAPT TOFTS D CAPT VAUGHAN J CAPT VIENNEAU J CAPT VOYER M CAPT WALSH DM CAPT WHITE G CAPT WHITMAN A CAPT WILLIAMSL CAPT WILTSHIRE B CAPT WYLIE E CAPT YUVAN C LT CYR D LT GUYMER DL LT PARENT R 2LT ABDALLE M 2LT BAH AI 2LT BARROW C 2LT BINKLEY R 2LT BRUMPTON C 2LT DEGAUST T 2LT DUNLAP C 2LT GAUDREAULT D 2LT GÉLINAS K 2LT GODOY GARCIA JC 2LT LARKIN J 2LT LITTLE P 2LT LYNCH J 2LT MALONE W 2LT MANIFOLD A 2LT MCKINNON D 2LT MEIDINGER NJ 2LT ROBERGE P 2LT SANDS P 2LT SHORTT R 2LT SKENE R 2LT SMITHS 2LT SPIERS J 2LT WEBB S OCDTAKOT M OCDT ALEXANDER B OCDTALLAIN IJ OCDTBARSKI A OCDTBEARE S OCDT BEAULIEU-LABONTE OCDT BERNHARDT M OCDT BERTRAND R OCDT BLANDFORDGJW OCDT BOUCHARD J UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY LFAA HQ LFCA TC LFWA HQ DET SASK LFTEU CLS RCSU CENTRAL DET TORONTO ASU ST-JEAN CFRC MONTRÉAL RCSU CENTRAL DET LONDON ADM(MAT) PMPR LIST UNIVERSITE LAVAL CFB/ASU VALCARTIER 2 R22ER CDN SPEC OPS REGT CLS CFB SUFFIELD PSTC CFB/ASU GAGETOWN DET MONCTON 2 CMBG HQ & SIG SQN CLS LFWA HQ 5 RALC LFAA HQ CFRG HQ ASU LONDON CFC LFWA TC DET SHILO 37 CBG HQ CANADA COM HQ LFDTS HQ LFDTS HQ 2 RCHA CFSU (OTTAWA) RCA SCHOOL CFB HALIFAX RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL UNIVERSITY OF NEW BRUNSWICK RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL CFB NORTH BAY RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL CFB ESQUIMALT RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL CFB BORDEN RCA SCHOOL CFSCE RCA SCHOOL RCA SCHOOL RMC RMC RMC RYERSON POLYTECHNICAL INSTITUT RMC JS RMC SAINT-JEAN CARELTON UNIVERSITY JPSU DET VALCARTIER RMC RMC SAINT-JEAN The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Ranks 2010 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2010 OCDT BOUTHOT J RMC OCDT BRIDEAU AS RMC OCDT BURKE A RMC OCDT COOK S UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA OCDTDAIGLE JM UNIVERSITE DU QUEBEC (CHICOUTI OCDTDEAN M RMC OCDT D’SOUZA K RMC OCDT DUNKS J ASU CHILLIWACK OCDT ENNS D UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA OCDT FITZGERALD R RMC OCDT FORTIN P UNIVERSITE LAVAL OCDT GRENIERM RMC OCDT GUILLEMETTE E UNIVERSITE LAVAL OCDT HAMLYN N RMC OCDT HENDREN A UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA OCDT HENRY J CFRC DET BARRIE OCDT HINMAN-MILLERS RMC OCDT HOMERSKIN UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO OCDT HOSHOIAN G NES - TERM LVE OCDTHOYT D RMC OCDT HUTCHINSON PJ UNIVERSITY OF OTTAWA OCDT ISMAIL R CFRC DET MISSISSAUGA OCDT IVERSONC RMC OCDT JAMOIS-PARADIS L RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT KAEMPFFER N QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY OCDTKAPA D RMC OCDT KAWAMURA N UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO OCDT KELLY M SUTL OCDT KEOGHANS RMC OCDT LAPOINTE D UNIVERSITE LAVAL OCDT LAVICTOIREL RMC OCDTLEE J RMC OCDT LEMIEUX D SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY OCDTLEMNA S RMC OCDT LENCHUK M RMC OCDTLY N UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA OCDT MASSICOTTES RMC OCDT MASTALERZ NA RMC OCDT MCCALLIONK WILFRED LAURIER UNIVERSITY OCDT MCDONALD EC TRENT UNIVERSITY OCDT MCGREGORJ RMC OCDT MONTMINYM RMC OCDT MORRELLJ RMC OCDT MURPHY K CARELTON UNIVERSITY OCDT NEAL B CARELTON UNIVERSITY OCDT NIELSEN K RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT O’ROURKE K RMC OCDTPARK E UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO OCDT PAWULSKI C RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT PELLETIERJ RMC OCDT PHAN BA RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT PLOURDE M RMC OCDT POULIOT A RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT PUGH T RMC OCDT RAINFORDS UNIVERSITY OF LETHBRIDGE OCDT RANSOME C NES - TERM LVE OCDT RHÉAUME-ESPINOZAP RMC OCDT RICKETTSJ RMC OCDT RODGERSJ RMC OCDT SAO MIGUEL E MOUNT SAINT VINCENT UNIVERSITY OCDT SAUVE ED UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH OCDT SAVARD F RMC SAINT-JEAN OCDT SCHNEIDER B BROCK UNIVERSITY OCDT SEBERTP RMC OCDTSIM JWSRMC OCDT SOMOGYVARIG RMC OCDTSTANG A RMC OCDT STRAKAS RMC OCDT SUH S SIMON FRASER UNIVERSITY OCDT THEMENSF RMC OCDT TSHUMA N OCDT TURNER R OCDT VACHONN OCDT VANTHOURNOUT SZ OCDT WALKER R OCDT YOON S OCDT YOUNG G CWOBOIVINJ CWO BUDD B CWO DEGREADY E CWO FILLIER R CWO GIROUX D CWOHOEGI G CWO LANDRIGANR CWO MATTSSON K CWO MCDONALDM CWO MORETTIG CWO POSS D CWO RICHARD M CWO RUSK C CWO TREPPANIER N CWOWYNN R MWO ALDRED D MWO ANGUS M MWO BALLARDJ MWO BELL S MWO BRADY C MWO CAMPBELLM MWO CARMICHAEL P MWO CUSSON A MWO DAY N MWO DESROCHERSL MWO FRANKEN D MWO GABANNA M MWO GALLANTR MWO GERO J MWO GITTENS W MWO HAWLEY P MWO LAVALLEE M MWO LEVEILLEE J MWO MACMULLIN J MWO MANN D MWO REID A MWORICE S MWO ROBINSON D MWO ROEHL CA MWO SENECALJC MWO SKINNERA MWO STIRMEYJAG MWO VERONNEAU A WO ALLEN D WO ANDERSON D WO ANDERSONT WO BALLARD D WO BASKERW WO BOURQUE R WO BROOKS G WO BUTTS W WO CHUBBS T WO CONNOR D WOCÔTÉP WO COUPLAND D WO CROFT I WO DESGAGNE S WO DOLOMONT P WO DORAN J WO EKSTROM D WO FILIONA WO FLYNN F WO FOSTER S 90 RMC RMC RMC RMC CFB ESQUIMALT ASU CHILLIWACK RMC DGPFSS CFB SUFFIELD LFDTS HQ LFDTS HQ CTC HQ CDLS(W) METC LFDTS HQ ACTORGS CLS TAC SCHOOL LFDTS HQ JTF AFGHANISTAN - PRT RMC ST-JEAN DGMC LFTEU DRC GAGETOWN & REGION DRDC MSU DET SUFFIELD CFB SUFFIELD LFDTS HQ CFLRS CFB/ASU SHILO LFDTS HQ CTC HQ METC CFB/ASU PETAWAWA CFB/ASU VALCARTIER CFD LFAA TC LFAA HQ LFAA TC CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CANADA COM HQ CANSOFCOM HQ 1 CRPG CTC HQ CMTC LFTEU LFWA TC DET SHILO JTFA RMC RMC CDA HQ CDN SPEC OPS REGT CDN SPEC OPS REGT CMTC LFAA HQ RCSU (ATLANTIC) DET GAGETOWN CFRC FREDERICTON LFWA TC DET SHILO LFAA TC LFAA HQ CFB/ASU PETAWAWA CFLRS CDN SPEC OPS REGT LFCA TC LFQA TC LFWA TC DET SHILO 32 CBG HQ RCSU PRAIRIE RMC LFWA TC DET SHILO LFCA TC L’Artilleur Canadien The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Ranks 2010 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2010 SGT GARDINER B SGT GILLESPIE D SGT GIROUARD H SGT GOUDREAU D SGT GREENEP SGT GUILBAULT M SGT HALL R SGT HAMMOND J SGT HARPE T SGT HARRIS C SGT HENDRICKSON F SGT HOLLAND M SGT HOWELL S SGT HUARD G SGT HUMBER D SGT HUMBER D SGT INGLIS D SGT JACQUES D SGT JARVIS JC SGT JOFRE R SGT KOOISTRA B SGT LEBLANC F SGT LEUTE J SGT LEVESQUE D SGT MADDISON M SGT MALLEY M SGT MEADOWS A SGT METHOT I SGT MURPHY J SGT NICKERSON A SGT NIITTYNEN D SGT O’NEILL R SGT PATRYG SGT PEARSON S SGT PECKFORDC SGT PERREAULT JRES SGT PONZA B SGT PRÉVOST JF SGT RICKETTS L SGT ROACH T SGT ROBICHEAU N SGT ROGERS D SGT ROGERSONP SGT RUSSELL D SGT SABADOSD SGT SPRINGMANP SGT STAINTHORPEG SGT ST-LAURENT L SGT SZILBEREISZ P SGT TEAL S SGT THIBAULT S SGT TURGEON J SGTWARDS SGT WERON R SGT WIEBE J SGT WILLIAMS WS SGT WOOD K MBDR ALBERT S MBDRALLAIN M MBDR ALMON N MBDR ARCAND S MBDRAREL D MBDR ARSENAULT J MBDR BÉDARDJ MBDR BELL S MBDR BENEDETTID MBDR BERNIER M MBDR BLOWES R MBDR BOLAND JP MBDR BOUTILIER A WO FRANCIS R 2 RCR DET OBGE WO GARNIER F RCA SCHOOL WO GENEREUX R LFCA TC DET OTTAWA WO GENEST V CANSOFCOM HQ WO HARPELLEP RMC WO HARRIS A LFWA TC DET SHILO WO HARTERY M CANADA COM HQ WO HARVEY M ASU ST-JEAN WO HAWTIN J CDI DET KINGSTON WO HAYES K CTC HQ WO HEWITTR RMC WO HUDON E CFLRS WO HUSEBY R LFWA HQ WO JOHNSON KT LFDTS HQ WO KEAN R LFWA TC WO KLEIN JWG LFWA TC DET SHILO WO LAPLANTE D LFQA TC WO LEDUC S CFLRS WO LEGGETT C CFB BORDEN WO LINGLEY D RCA SCHOOL WO LITTLER A CANSOFCOM HQ WO MACPHERSONJ CLS WO MERSON S LFCA TC DET PETAWAWA WO MORIN G JPSU DET VALCARTIER WO MOSES R LFTEU WO NORMANDG RMC WO NUGENT P CFLRS WO OUELLET M 430 TAC HEL SQN WO PARISIENP DGMC WO PAYNE B 2 R NFLD REGT WO PEPINS DGMP WO POWELL CT CANSOFCOM HQ WO RADEY K LFWA HQ WORAE G CFTDC WO REDFORD D 1 CRPG WO REINDERS M LFWA TC DET SHILO WO RIGBYC RMC WO SAUVAGEAU D CTC HQ WO SEALE J CFC DET ST-JEAN WO SHARPE R LFAA TC WO SHORTT J 15 FD REGT WO SILVERA S LFCA TC WO SIMPSON D CFB/ASU SHILO WO SPRAGUE J RCSU PACIFIC WO SYNNETT J LFQA HQ WO TALBOT D 1 CRPG WO TESSIER D CANSOFCOM HQ WOTODDA DGLEPM WO WALSH P COS VCDS WO WEAGLEG LFAA TC DET ALDERSHOT WO WHITE H 84 IND FD BTY WO WILVERSP CLS WO YOUNG B CFLRS ST-JEAN DET BORDEN SGT APPERLEY D JTFC HQ SGT BARKLEY R LFWA TC SGT BAYLIS D 21 EW REGIMENT SGT BEAUPRE S LFQA TC SGT BELANGERS CFLRS SGT BILODEAU N CFLRS SGT BLAKELY M LFCA TC SGT BOURGAULT M CFB/ASU VALCARTIER SGT BREMNER C 2 FD REGT SGT BUCHAN D CDN SPEC OPS REGT SGT BURNS M LFWA TC DET SHILO SGT BUSHEY S CFRC DET ST JOHN’S SGT CAMERON T RCA SCHOOL SGT CARPENTIER Y LFQA TC SGT DUFOUR M CANSOFCOM HQ SGT EMERYA CFLRS SGT EVANS R CTC HQ Canadian Gunner 91 CFSU (EUROPE) LFCA TC LFWA TC DET SHILO CFLRS CFLRS LFQA TC CFRC HALIFAX CANSOFCOM HQ CFB/ASU WAINWRIGHT LFWA TC DET SHILO JPSU DET PETAWAWA 32 CBG HQ CDN SPEC OPS REGT CFLRS LFWA TC LFWA TC LFCA TC CFLRS CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CFRC OTTAWA CFB/ASU SHILO LFQA TC JPSU DET VALCARTIER LFQA TC 1 CRPG CDN SPEC OPS REGT CFB/ASU GAGETOWN LFQA TC SJS CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CFB/ASU PETAWAWA LFAA TC CFLRS CFSU (OTTAWA) CFLRS CFRC CALGARY LFAA HQ CANSOFCOM HQ CFB/ASU SHILO 10 FD REGT LFWA TC ASST CMP CFLRS CFB/ASU SHILO CFLRS CFLAWC JPSU GAGETOWN CFLRS CFLRS 36 CBG HQ CFLRS CFLRS CFLRS LFCA TC LFWA TC DET SHILO 408 TAC HEL SQN 2 EW SQN LFCA TC CFLRS CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CFB SUFFIELD CFLRS CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CFLRS CFB/ASU SHILO CFLRS LFAA TC LFWA TC DET SHILO RCA SCHOOL LFWA TC DET SHILO The Royal Regiment of Canadian Artillery (ERE) Listing by Ranks 2010 La liste par grade du personnel employ l’extrieur du Regiment royal de l’Artillerie canadienne 2010 MBDR BOWEN D MBDR CHABOTSP MBDR CHAMPAGNET MBDR CLOUTIER JP MBDR COZANNET Y MBDR CUMMINGS C MBDR DARVEAU M MBDR DAVIS S MBDR DEITNER L MBDR DUNVILLE J MBDR DURAND D MBDR FEHR JA MBDR FLYNN M MBDRFORTIN D MBDR FRADETTED MBDR FURBER J MBDR GAUTHIER M MBDR GAUTREAU A MBDR GILES C MBDRGODIN EM MBDR GONEAU S MBDR GRÉGOIREPY MBDRHILLIER T MBDR KELLOWAY J MBDR KENNIS R MBDR LAKE S MBDR LANDRY B MBDR LAPOINTEP MBDR LAVIGNED MBDR LOGAN J MBDR LYNDE DJW MBDR MANDEVILLE S MBDR MERMANS P MBDR MILLS J MBDR MORTON C MBDR NORMAND S MBDR NOWELLC MBDR OUELLET D MBDR PATRY S MBDR PEPIN D MBDR PICARD C MBDR POULIOT Y MBDR ROBIDOUX E MBDR SAMSON C MBDR SPITAL E MBDR STOCKERKD MBDR TAYLOR F MBDR TREKOFSKIR MBDR VENNE E MBDR VÉZINA E MBDR WILSON G MBDRWILSONR MBDR WOTHERSPOONL BDR CRANNEY J BDR ADAMS S BDR ANDERSON JR BDR BELANGERF BDR BOIVIN F CDN SPEC OPS REGT CFLRS CFLRS CFLRS CANSOFCOM HQ 39 CBG HQ CFLRS CJIRU-CBRN CANSOFCOM HQ CFLAWC CFLRS JPSU DET WINNIPEG INFANTRY SCHOOL CFLRS CFLRS CANSOFCOM HQ CFSPDB SJS LFAA TC CFLRS CFLRS CFLRS SECLIST ALTA ENERGY CO INFANTRY SCHOOL LFWA TC DET SHILO LFWA TC DET SHILO LFCA TC CFLRS SJS 2 RCR DET OBGE CDN SPEC OPS REGT CANSOFCOM HQ CDN SPEC OPS REGT CFB/ASU SHILO CFB SUFFIELD 2 RCR DET OBGE CFLRS CFB/ASU VALCARTIER 5 RALC CDN SPEC OPS REGT CANSOFCOM HQ JPSU DET VALCARTIER CFLRS LFQA TC 2 RCR CMTC CANSOFCOM HQ CMTC JPSU DET VALCARTIER 5 RALC CANSOFCOM HQ CFLRS CFJSR RCA SCHOOL CANSOFCOM HQ CFB/ASU PETAWAWA CMTC TAC SCHOOL BDR BOUTILIER A BDR CAVEENM BDR CHAMPAGNE E BDR CLARK D BDR COMEAU C BDR COURCY S BDR DESJARDINS P BDR DORVAL C BDR DUCHESNE B BDR DUMONT P BDR ELLIOTT K BDR EMBRO B BDR FADER NA BDR GERVAIS T BDR GREALEY M BDR HILL B BDR HODGSONR BDR HORAN J BDR HOYT D BDR JOHNSONT BDR KHEIRALLAHE BDR MACDONALD F BDR MACDONALD J BDR MACPHERSONS BDR MARTIN L BDR MARTIN R BDR MAXIMILIEN G BDR MCCLELLAND B BDR MCCOY C BDR MCKENNA J BDR MCNEILM BDR PERRON JM BDR POBURN C BDR PULLINGER DS BDRREGISJ BDR RIDEOUT T BDR RIOUX M BDR SEE AO BDR SHEETS M BDRSMITHG BDR STACEY J BDR STALEY J BDR TASKER S BDR TURCOTTE C BDR WILSON R BDR ZAHR R BDR ZINCK G GNR ALMEIDA SP GNR BLAIS T GNR BURNS K GNR FLEETWOOD M GNR LECLAIR K GNR LOMAS J GNR O’BYRNE C GNR PRUDHOMME C GNR ROBERTS D GNR SCOTT S 92 JPSU DET HALIFAX CMTC CFB/ASU VALCARTIER 1 DU DET GAGETOWN CDN SPEC OPS REGT JPSU DET VALCARTIER JPSU DET PETAWAWA CFB/ASU VALCARTIER CFLRS CFLRS 2 RCR DET OBGE LFCA TC TRINITY CFIUSC RCA SCHOOL LFAA TC CFB SUFFIELD CFSPDB CFB SUFFIELD CFB SUFFIELD CMTC CFLRS LFTEU CFB/ASU GAGETOWN CFB/ASU GAGETOWN JPSU GAGETOWN JPSU DET GAGETOWN CFSPDB LFWA TC DET SHILO CFB SUFFIELD 2 RCR DET OBGE CFLRS CFB/ASU SHILO CFB/ASU PETAWAWA CFSPDB CFLRS CFPU LFAA TC CDN SPEC OPS REGT LFCA TC LFDTS HQ LFCA TC JPSU DET PETAWAWA 1 RCHA 5 RALC JPSU DET PETAWAWA CMTC JPSU DET WINNIPEG RCA SCHOOL 5 RALC JPSU DET PETAWAWA RCA SCHOOL 5 RALC 5 RALC RCA SCHOOL CFB/ASU GAGETOWN 5 RALC 5 RALC L’Artilleur Canadien