Current Newsletter - Noblesse International School
Current Newsletter - Noblesse International School
Report NOBLESSE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER THE VOL. II NOBLESSE 00 Issue No. 14 September 13, 2016 Noblesse International School NOBLESSE INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NEWSLETTER TABLE OF CONTENTS Message From the Headmaster Page 1 Early Years Nursery Page 2 Kindergarten 1 Page 4 Kindergarten 2 Page 6 Elementary Grade 1 Page8 Grade 2 Page 9 Grade 3 Page 10 Grade 4 Page 11 Middle School and High School Practical Learning Page 12 A peek at our classroom Page 13 A look inside room 205 Page 14 Welcome to Mr. Oz’s classroom Page 14 Bilology literally everywhere Page 15 WHAMM! When Art Meets Math Page 16 Mr. Yoo’s classroom Page 17 Learning is fun with Mr. PJ Page 18 Electives Foreign Language Mandarin Page 19 Artmazing Page 20 Technology Page 21 Mr. Charlie - Music Room Page 21 Announcements Page 22 Contributing Writers Mr. Dwayne Lehman Ms. Christine Joy Dimatulac Ms. Katrina Bituin Ms. Jennilyn Santos Ms. Sabrina Alfonso Ms. Devonne Degance Ms. Holly Kinder Mr. Pevwarti Surgisis Mr. Daniel Behmer Ms. Amormia Galang Mr. Robert Hartzell Mr. Ozgur Unal Ms. Karen Cyril Cayanan Ms. Cyndi Quiñones Mr. Joon Kyu Yoo Mr. Penjelo Baybay Ms. Li Lu Mr. Kenneth Catap Ms. Anabelle Doromal Castro Mr. Charlie Estacio Art and Layout Mr. Ephraim Tayag Noblesse International School Message From The Headmaster Dear Parents, Welcome to the 2016-‐2017 School year. It is with high expecta<ons that we started this new school year. When you walk through our doors, I am sure you have observed that Noblesse Interna<onal School (NIS) is dedicated to inspiring a passion for learning and encouraging emo<onal and intellectual vitality. We will con<nue to empower our students with the confidence and courage to contribute to the global community and supplying them with the tools necessary to achieve their dreams. In our classrooms and as a learning community, we will con<nue to pursue that balance that provides a strong academic prepara<on with opportuni<es for students to achieve their learning goals. NIS understands that students are individuals who learn in varied ways, develop at different paces, and bring a wide variety of talents and interests to the classroom. At NIS we foster the rela<onship between students and their teachers by maintaining a constant stream of informa<on between them in person and on paper. The concept of the “Whole Child” is fully understood by our faculty and is the basis of our curriculum and professional development. Our faculty and staff are devoted to assis<ng each child grow, intellectually, socially, physically, emo<onally and civically. We believe that educa<on should be global in its scope and broad base in its implementa<on. With the diversity in the world we live, we believe that we should execute lessons that are not just appropriate but that ins<ll in our students with an excitement towards learning. NIS school day begins at 7:40 am. Please have your children to school before that <me. When students arrive late it affects the classroom as a whole and your child misses very important instruc<ons. Noblesse International School You will find that we are introducing new Curriculum in our academic organiza<on. It is our aim to offer the highest quality educa<on within our learning community. In addi<on to our curriculum, we hold each of our students accountable for their educa<on and have for them the highest expecta<ons. Dwayne Lehman HEADMASTER If you have not already met your child’s teachers, I encourage to you to visit the school and visit with each of them. In closing, thank you for your dedica<on and support of the Noblesse Interna<onal School. Together, both parents and school staff we are crea<ng a learning commiXee that support each child to reach their full poten<als. Truly, Mr. Dwayne Lehman, Headmaster Page 1 NURSEry The Nursery family have started the school year with a study on the thematic unit, “Me, Myself and I.” The children learns skills, concepts and dispositions through their exploration of a topic. In this case, “self” is the medium through which we will further their development in language and literacy, mathematical thinking, arts, motor skills and personal and socioemotional areas. To achieve these, our little explorers experienced free painting, hand printing, letter name puzzle, body parts puzzle, baby pictures and recent pictures comparison, I spy (eyes), guess the sound (ears), the nose knows (nose), tongue tasting exploration and touch & discover (skin). In line with these hands on activities are it’s partnered art projects and investigatory work in which these children attain both as an individual and in group. Take a peek of all the action below: Noblesse International School Page 2 Besides reading to your child every night, you can help foster the concepts of this unit of study by singing the song below: SPECIAL ME Sung to: "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" Special special special me How I wonder what I'll be In this big world I can be Anything I want to be Special special special me How I wonder what I'll be Get ready for lots of questions and enjoy your wondering child! Light and Love, CJ Dimatulac Nursery Teacher Noblesse International School Page 3 Kindergarten1 A Big Leap The new school year is here and I am thrilled to be a part of this new journey for our kindergarten1 kids. Their Kinder adventures are both exciting and challenging for the students. The transition from their core subjects to their elective classes has been a big step for the kinder students, but we make sure to assist them every step of the way. So far, the adjustment has been amazing and I am looking forward to more colorful days with them. We have started our lessons and our theme for the week is “Me and My School”. The kids were able to learn their routines and classroom rules. They were also able to explore, not only the Early Years Building, but the Main Building as well. To sum up the lesson, we went on a “Mini Tour” to the Main Building, where they met some of the school employees. We also visited the library and went around looking for books that they could bring home. We want to create a learning environment that is fun, progressive and healthy for the kids. by Ms. Katrina Bituin Kindergarten 1 Teacher Nap Time Whole Group for Language Arts Noblesse International School Page 4 Whole Group Instruction for Math Noblesse International School Page 5 “The Apple-solutely Awesome Kinder 2 class” Journal Time The Kinder 2 class (5 year-old class) is quite busy working with their journal. During this time, the students are going to draw whatever he/ she’s thinking and write a story about it later on. In this area, a child develops his sense of imagination to create a story and develop his/her writing skills. Students will try to write letters and simple words on their own using inventive spelling. Creativity is just intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein by Ms. Jennilyn Santos Kindergarten 2 Teacher Centers Time After writing their master piece the group is divided into three groups where they can work on different centers (reading center, manipulatives, puzzles, and games) while the intensive one-on one instruction is ongoing. Play is often talked about as if it were a relief from serious learning. But, for children, PLAY is serious learning. Play is really the work of childhood. – Fred Rogers Noblesse International School Page 6 Individual Instruction Time (Individual Academic Plan) Each student has different skills working at this time. Every child has a different learning style and pace. Each child is unique, not only capable of learning but also capable of succeeding. – Robert John Meehan Our class will continue to play, learn and grow together. Noblesse International School Page 7 ELEMENTARY 1 Grade by Ms. Sabrina Alfonso Grade 1 Teacher Noblesse International School Grade One in the month of August has been a learning and growing one as the students are adjusting to the routines and procedures. They are learning to become independent and self-regulated as they move around learning centers: Reader's workshop, Writer's workshop, Spelling/Word Work, Science, and Math centers. They are enjoying Music, Art, PE, Mandarin, Philippine History, and Computer class. Through individual academic plans I have seen growth already, and I anticipate more in the days to come. They are identifying, reading and writing words with the short "a". They are counting from one to a hundred, forwards and backwards. They are adding numbers up to twenty. They are learning the parts of a map and creating a classroom map. They are also learning the parts of a flower, the life cycle. These are just a few of the objectives this month in the First Grade class. Less is more in the First Grade class. Page 8 WHALE-Come to Ms. Dee’s Classroom Under the Sea! 2 Grade by Ms. Devonne Degance Grade 2 Teacher I am very excited and pleased to dive into my first year at Noblesse International School! On our first day, we created a personalized fish! This fish was a great opportunity for the students to share their creativity and artistic ability! I want the students to have a sense of individuality in the classroom. We created goals at the beginning of the year, so that the students have something to aim toward! I believe students need to be engaged through their heart, body, mind, and soul. One of their favorites is practicing our spelling in flour. It is definitely messy, but memorable! Noblesse International School Page 9 I’m looking forward to a FIN-tastic year in Second grade!! 3 Grade Terrifically Third Graders! by Ms. Holland Kinder Grade 3 Teacher The Third Grade Class at NIS has been busy learning about cooperative learning opportunities, and working together. Using learning games, partner talks, art, and a variety of multiple learning styles to best cement our learning has been the focus of the year. Through this approach to learning, the third graders have been studying place value, rounding to tens and hundreds, and estimating sums in math. We have read stories about people who traveled the world and learned about problem and solution, making predictions, and the subject and predicate of a sentence. We are looking forward to a fun-filled, cooperative year! Noblesse International School Page 10 4 Grade DO THE RIGHT THING EVEN WHEN NO ONE IS LOOKING. by Mr. Pevwarti Sursigis Grade 4 Teacher The Noblesse International School Family warmly welcomes everyone to the School’s 2016-2017 academic year which was heartily felt by all school stakeholders particularly the 4th Graders who were all excited to meet their old friends and new classmates in school. Their new teachers, Mr. Pev and Ms. Holly are likewise enthusiastic to engage their students in meaningful classroom activities and highly interactive lessons in order to motivate each learner to perform well in school which is anchored on the class slogan to “Do the right thing even when no one is looking.” Please take a look at the 4th Grade’s classroom where students’ activities are varied to meet the needs of every learner with the aid of technology to reinforce learning. Noblesse International School Page 11 MIDDLE and HIGH SCHOOL Practical Learning I strive to help students to understand the world - so they can develop informed opinions and make decisions from knowledgeable and discerning perspectives. Moreover, I insist that my students become effective communicators. Knowing that students must attain these fundamental goals fuels my drive to make sure that the lessons I teach are practical and goaloriented. teaching and learning, and lessons to achieve these goals can take many forms. To list a few examples, this can mean applying literature to the realities and truths of modern life. It can mean getting students to recognize the subtle differences and emotional qualities of newly learned words. Especially in studying economics, it can mean reading about current events and interpreting these events with newly learned skills and knowledge. by Dan Behmer 5 - 12 language arts/literature and IB economics Teacher As adults who understand the demands and challenges that come with succeeding in our competitive world, teachers are obliged to guide students - by focusing on how the real world works. Whether this means getting middle school students ready to achieve in high school, or getting high school students to ready to achieve at the university level and beyond, his is my mission. Of course, there are many approaches to Noblesse International School Page 12 by Mia Galang Philippine History/Language Arts /Math Teacher A Peek at our Classroom Hello there and welcome to Room 104. I have decided to retain the color of my classroom from my last year’s choice, a combination of mint green to light green, to have an environment that helps to stimulate learning and prevent anxiety. I made decisions about all of the big elements at the classroom that catches the eye when you Airst walk in, the colors, the quote from Martin Luther the King, Jr. and the Spotlight corner where all students work will be posted for every quarter. Students who are taking Fundamentals in Math, Algebra 1 and Math SL -‐Pre-‐ Cal and Philippine Constitution Aill the classroom with fun and joy while being educated. “There is no getting around the fact that students who are happy to be in school, learn and behave better than those who don’t. It makes perfect sense! “ Mia Galang Grade 7 Homeroom Teacher Noblesse International School Page 13 A Look Inside Room 205 Mr. Hartzell’s Classroom by Bob Hartzell IB CAS (Creativity, Action, Service) Coordinator IB English B Teacher Welcome to my classroom, in Room 205 I teach high school students English Grammar, English Acquisition, and History. In IB English B, I teach 11 th and 12 th Graders practical English by studying topics such as global issues, social r e l a t i o n s h i p s , communication and media, cultural diversity and customs and traditions. This is accomplished by reading various text types and through oral interaction in the classroom. This year’s IB History class is learning about Qing China and To k u g a w a J a p a n i n preparation for the culmination of this demanding two year course. The final class taught in Room 205 is 10th Grade Language Arts which is a combination of grammar and composition with more emphasis on formal writing in preparation for college. A d d i t i o n a l l y, m y classroom serves as the venue for weekly Student Council meetings and Model United Nations. The Student Council does a great job planning, coordinating and fundraising for many social events and community service activities. The Model United Nations serves as an arena for students to find their solution and recommendations to s o l v i n g t h e w o r l d ’s problems. Room 205 Welcome to Mr. Oz’s classroom! by Ozgur Unal Science Teacher In room 207, I teach from grades 9-‐12. In Chemistry (Grade 9) and Physics classes (Grade 10) students learn about the scienAfic principles and laws that govern the interacAons of maFer and energy. In Grades 11 and 12 students study IBDP Physics while they fulfill IA requirements for laboratories that is about 40 hours of hands on experimentaAon. I also host Turkish language acAvity in Room 207. This is a 9th period acAvity where students from grades 8 and above learn basic Turkish. By the end of the year, these students are expected to know the Turkish alphabet, pronouns, past, present and future tense and also become familiar with the Turkish culture. Noblesse International School Page 14 Literally everywhere by Karen Cayanan IB Biology Teacher Ms Kayce – Biology Class I B Biology will study B iology is about contemplaAng life and living creatures. We are living life forms and we eat living organisms so a study of biology is necessary in order to understand our bodies and the world in which we live. How essenAal is the study of biology in our daily rouAnes? Look in the mirror. Your ability to recognize the parts of your face is impacted by the fundamental teachings of biology. The food that you had for lunch was impacted by geneAcs and put on your plate with the assistance of other disciplines . The prescripAon or vitamins you take in the morning, your daily rouAne and just about everything else you experience, is impacted in one way or another by biology. Pay aFenAon to every one of the things you do today and check whether you can link the acAvity with science and more specifically biology. Noblesse International School the enAre spectrum o f l i fe, f ro m i t ’s beginning to it’s end. The curriculum will begin with the basic knowledge of cells. We will then m o v e o n t o t h e formaAon of life and then the study of the different organ systems and behaviors. gather informaAon, develop manipulaAve skills, break down results, collaborate with peers and assess and convey their discoveries. The invesAgaAons include lab based skills, informaAve texts and off site field trips. Students will develop t h e s k i l l s t o w o r k b o t h independently and within a group. I B Biology students will have chances to design invesAgaAons, Page 15 WHAMM! ath When Art Meets M By Ms. Cyndi Quiñones Math and Visual Arts GreeAngs, NIS community! It has been a month now that the school has begun and now we are all busy doing our own passion in n u r t u r i n g o u r l e a r n e r s ’ development holisAcally. First of all, I’d like to explain a bit about the Atle of my arAcle, When Art Meets Math! I myself find these two areas of learning interesAng when used together. Both subjects are based on right-‐brain and le_-‐ brain theory of learning where Math is controlled in the le_ side of the brain while Art is controlled in the right side of the brain. This theory is also related to right-‐brain people who are le_-‐handed and le_-‐brain people who are right-‐ handed. Many say that people who are good in Math are poor in aestheAc part of learning or in the arts, while people who are good in Noblesse International School the arts, they are poor in Math or logic. This may be false for some, but is true for me in some ways. As an educator of 21st century, students nowadays must be given opportuniAes to develop both sides of their brain, or in simple sense, every learner has to be logical and creaAve in so many ways for him or her to be successful. With this, let me show you the look of my classroom and some pictures of my students in my class to which I based the design and the arrangement on this learning theory. This year, I am handling both Math and Art. And as an educator of this generaAon, it’s preFy challenging to facilitate the learning process to our learners. That is why as teachers, we have to be resourceful when nothing is a v a i l a b l e . We have to be creaAve w h e n everything seems dull. We have to be parents t o o u r l e a r n e r s even if they are not our o w n children. We have to make students laugh even if we can’t do it on ourselves. In other words, we have to make things sound beFer and the atmosphere conducive for the future of our learners. Colors such as green are basically healthy for our sight, yellow to make myself, and the students as well, energized, and blue wall where the whiteboard is located signifies tranquility or calmness among the learners. By integraAng my passion in art and the skills and knowledge I have in math, I can be resourceful and creaAve enough to meet all the needs of my students for successful and meaningful learning experiences here at NIS. Page 16 Mr. Yoo’s classroom by Joon Yoo IB Math Teacher Dedicated Grade 9 students help Grade 1 students solving math problems during their lunch time on August 23. This is going to be a weekly event. Every Tuesday, they have short lunch to share their math skills to help those younger students. It was Ms. Alfonso's idea in the beginning. Now, all the voluntary Grade 9 students are also enjoying teaching younger ones. This also helps the Grade 9 students to be more mature and motivated students. This is going to be at least semester long. For the dedication, Grade 9 math teacher Mr. Yoo plans to give some extra credits on their math grades. Noblesse International School Page 17 I Facilitate I Engage I Inspire I Encourage I TEACH Learning is FUN with Mr. PJ by PJ Baybay Science Teacher There were ample positive comments and the students were glad to learn that their peers appreciate their ideas. There was a large variety of dreams and hopes, ranging from receiving a high grades to make their parents proud. New students were strongly encouraged to put in feedback and suggest improvements for this academic year in science. This year’s Science class is going to be a huge success and I look forward to the upcoming Everyone was enthusiastic and anticipated the arrival of this academic school year. The students from grades 5 to 10 put a lot of effort into completing the first task like writing their goals for this academic year and the essential agreement. Celebration of Learning for the parents to experience what their child is experiencing in learning Science! Teachers often assume that, because they are “teaching,” students must be learning. Students assume that, because they have read their notes and memorized facts, they have learned something. What are the roles of students and teachers in the learning process? This is something that I and all my students will be working on this academic school year. Noblesse International School Page 18 electives by Li Lu ` Mandarin Language Teacher Foreign Language Mandarin Dear Parents, I welcome you to come and visit my classroom. When you enter you will find a paper dragon and a group of Chinese characters which means good luck is coming. We decorated the classroom with lanterns to celebrate the Chinese culture. We have a Chinese corner, that introduced the traditions, the festivals, the pandas and of course the different kinds of food that is eaten in China. We also have constructed a Chinese Bridge made of chopsticks. The students' work will be put on it as the bridge is to connect our different cultures. In the windows are different paper shapes. They consist of eight animals and the twelve Chinese zodiac signs. My goal is to make the Chinese class fun and informative for all students. Noblesse International School Page 19 ARTMAZING by Kenneth Catap Art Teacher Visual Art Visual Arts is about exploring, applying and developing students’ creativity. It encompasses drawing, painting, sculpture, and design in jewelry, pottery, weaving, fabrics, and various other skills. Students taking visual arts develop not only their creativity but also their critical thinking which allows them to enhance their academics and co- curricular activities. According to research, “Arts education strengthens student problem-solving and critical thinking skills, Noblesse International School adding to overall academic achievement, school success, and preparation for the work world.” As the Teaching-Learning Process in Visual Arts is ongoing, students are expected to always participate, always put in their best effort, and of course enjoy what they are doing because “EVERY CHILD IS AN ARTIST” - PICASSO Page 20 TECHNOLOGY by Anabelle Doromal-Castro Computer/Technology Teacher Welcome to Computer/Technology Class! Noblesse offers Technology classes for Grades 1 to 9 as part of the elective spectrum. In Technology class we have a nice balance between textbook and online learning. We use Google Drive extensively and Google Classroom for assignments and posting announcements. Our Computer Laboratory has desktop pc computers complete with a generous array of programs for use in hands on activities. It will be an exciting year exploring lots of things about TECHNOLOGY. “Technology is best when it brings people together” – Matt Mullenweg Mr. Charlie – Music Room More than just music at Noblesse International School! We have a comprehensive music room with piano, violin, lyre and various percussion instruments. A music rich experience for children includes singing, listening and moving. These activities are a great benefit to children as they progress into more formal learning. by Charlie Estacio Music Teacher Noblesse International School Page 21 ANOUNCEMENTS College Counseling Committee We at NIS are pleased to inform our students and parents of the formation of the College Counseling Committee. The purpose of this committee is to assist our high school students in preparing for college. The committee consists of the following members: Mr. Hartzell, Mr. Curi, Mr. Parsons, Mr. Yoo, Mrs. Galang, and Miss Quinones. The Counseling Office is located in Room 214 next to the school library. Services for grades 9 – 12 include: • • • • • • • • Student portfolio initiation and maintenance. Monthly/yearly college preparation check lists and guides. Yearly interviews. Development of 4 year plans for college preparation College application assistance. Financial Aid application assistance SAT/TOEFL test scheduling. If you have any questions concerning the your child’s preparation for college, please do not hesitate to stop by the Counseling office. UPCOMING EVENTS Sept 16 NIS Acquaintance Party Circumferential Road, Friendship Highway, Barangay Cutcut, Sto. Domingo, Angeles City, Philippines Telephone: +63 45 4599000 Fax: +63 45 4590377 Email: [email protected] [email protected] Internet: Noblesse International School Page 22