Professor Peter Gresshof - Australian Oilseeds Federation
Professor Peter Gresshof - Australian Oilseeds Federation
Soybean Biotechnology, and End-User Benefits Peter M. Gresshoff [email protected] Bundaberg March 2007 Thanks: Arief Indrasumunar Attila Kereszt Ning Nontachaiyapoom Qunyi Jiang Yu-Hsiang Lin Bernard Carroll Akira Miyahara Miki, Snow-Li, Dr Ning, Cuc, Aura, Sean, Satomi, Meng Artem Men, Tripty Hirani, Pick-Kuen Chan All other CILR colleagues, especially Uli Mathesius and Michael Djordjevic (ANU) ARC CoE funding, Qld Smart State Initiative, UQ Strategic Funds FOOD GRAIN SEED GRAIN Industrial Applications Nutriceuticals Embryo Biofuels Biopolymers Flower Carbon Sequestration Carbon Sequestration Feedstock Leaf Root Nitrogen Acquisition Phosphorus Acquisition Water Acquisition Symbiotic Symbiotic Symbiotic Mineral Mineral Mineral Genome and Transcriptome Analysis Proteome and Metabolome Analysis Molecular Physiology Analysis Use of Genetic and Genomic Models Interactive data bases and computational modeling FEED Noduleinduction induction Nodule Colonisation Colonisation Roothair hair Root deformation deformation andcurling curling and Celldivision division Cell Endosymbiosis Endosymbiosis Nitrogenfixation fixation Nitrogen ProteinProteinandoil-rich oil-richSeeds Seeds and Biotechnology of of soybean: soybean: Biotechnology -The soybean soybean genome genome -The molecularmaps maps --molecular molecularmarkers markers --molecular Gene discovery discovery -- Gene positionalcloning cloning --positional TILLING --TILLING Gene expression expression profiling profiling -- Gene quantitativetarget targetmethods methods --quantitative genechips chips(Affymetrix) (Affymetrix) --gene -Gene transfer transfer -Gene Agrobacterium-based --Agrobacterium-based lupin groundnut cowpea phaseolus soybean Lotus (Trifoleae) Medicago clover alfalfa pea faba bean lentil lathyrus (Vicieae) Legume phylogeny Legumes are closely related based on molecular markers -30 -70 Hologalegoids Papilionoids after Wojciechowski M.F. (2003). Advances in Legume Systematics, part 10 -80 Myr bp How Many Manhattan Phone Books Does It Take to Print the Soybean Genome? In small font, closely spaced soybean -- 50 books 20 chromosomes Human -160 phone books (1000 pages per phone book) (22 million “letters” per phone book) Fruit Fly -- 6 books Roundworm -- 5 books Yeast -- 1 book E. coli -- ¼ book HIV -- 1 page The soybean genome? soybean -- 50 books • 20 chromosomes • 1,100,000,000 base pairs (ATGC) • about 36,000 genes • many duplicated • US DOE Soybean Genome Project (JGI; 2006 onwards)) • Japanese Soybean Project (2007 onwards) How Many Genomes? Genomes Published Since 1995 • 1995 – First genome published (H. influenza) • Today Source for chart: Genomes Online Database – Archaea: 26 complete, 26 draft/in progress – Bacteria: >293 complete, 561 draft/in progress – Eukaryotes: 20 complete, 204 draft/in progress Legume Comparative Map a1 e 3 l E 8 g G 2 I T S 5 A 7 3 T T c2 D S L L b2 T S 8 S S L g S L L j 3 L S M c2 4 a2 4 III Gm 5 4 m VII Lj 5 R 1 6 5 M 6 J 1 g 7 V 3 2 m H M R 7 Mt Ms 1 Ps h II Ca 4 Vr b1 4 Pv Gm M R R D F j f 3 H A E S L S S L c1 F k 1 : Soybean, x=20, 1120Mbp d2 k P T 8 b1 : Common bean, x=11, 620Mbp c1 R IV 2 Vr Pv Gm : Mungbean, x=11, 520Mbp 6 2 C : Lotus japonicus, x=6, 500Mbp 7 : Chickpea, x=8, 750Mbp 11 VI : Pea, x=7, 5000Mbp 2 1 : Alfalfa, x=8, 1600Mbp 7/8 : M. truncatula, x=8, 500Mbp 6 P S K Mt Ms Ps Ca Lj 6 S 5 c2 Basic Genome Info. q d1 b1 D h A d1 i Galegoid Phaseoloid 454 Life Sciences “Pyro”Sequencing – the latest in DNA sequencing • Margulies et al. (2005) Genome sequencing in microfabricated highdensity picolitre reactors. Nature 437, 376-380 • PCR amplification of single DNA molecules and sequencing in picoliter (10-12 litre) reactors • 100-fold more efficient than traditional automated sequencing • no DNA cloning and plasmid purification required Now available at UQ Brisbane Company Format Read Length (bases) Expected Throughput (million bases/day) 454 Life Sciences Parallel bead array 100 96 Agencourt Bioscience Sequencing by litigation 50 200 Applied Biosystems Capillary electrophoresis 1000 304 LI-COR Biosciences Electronic microchip 20,000 14,000 Microchip Biotechnologies Parallel bead array 850-1000 7 NimbleGen Systems Map and survey microarray 30 100 Solexa Parallel microchip 35 500 VisiGen Biotechnologies Single-molecule array NA 1000 Generation next. Companies racing for the $1000/human genome sequence strive simultaneously for low cost, high accuracy, the ability to read long stretches of DNA, and high throughput. Use of Mutants to Discover Genes Forward Genetics Wild type soybean root Nodulation zone (was AON minus) No-Nodulation zone (now AON plus) Nodulation is internally regulated by Autoregulation of Nodulation (AON) leading to restricted nodule development 4 NODULATION NODULATION requiresthe theRhizobiumRhizobiumrequires producedNod NodFactor Factor produced Celldivision division Cell Roothair hair Root deformation deformation andcurling curling and Infection Infection leaf NARK SDI NODULE PRIMORDIUM Q Maintenance of Soybean CELL DIVISION Induction of CELL DIVISION LCO LCO Rhizobium ROOT HAIR/EPIDERMIS ‘ACTIVATED STATE’ EMS mutation Wild type nts1007 Nodule Autoregulation Receptor Kinase PROMOTER SP PC LRRs Q106* K116* =nts1007 Science 2003 TM PC K606* kinase domain intron V837A Q920* =nts382 The soybean GmNARK promoter Sureeporn Nontachaiyapoom MPMI 2007 (in press) GmNARK promoter analysis •pGmNARK contains two functional TATA boxes •No control by inoculation •Phloem Regulatory Region was defined 1.7 kb 0.9 kb Sureeporn Nontachaiyapoom MPMI 2007 (in press) GmNARK localisation in transgenic soybean roots • A: control (K599) • D: pGmNARK::GFP • I: pAtSUC2::GFP • H: pGmNARK::GUS Sureeporn Nontachaiyapoom MPMI 2007 (in press) GmNARK promoter model: TF1 or TF3 may be LjKlavier, MtLSS or PsSYM28 Sureeporn Nontachaiyapoom (CILR, Brisbane), MPMI (in press) A complex loop of control leaf NARK SDI NODULE PRIMORDIUM Q Maintenance of Soybean CELL DIVISION Induction of CELL DIVISION LCO LCO Rhizobium ROOT HAIR/EPIDERMIS ‘ACTIVATED STATE’ The soybean drip system Petiole Feeding of Liquid Extracts Time = 0 8 – 10 hrs later Blue food dye tracer Source material from leaf of nts1007 Nodule Number nts1007 (+Bj) high WT (- Bj) high WT (+Bj) low WT (+Bj) heat treated low Nod factors perception limits nodule number Non-Nodulation Mutants of Soybean Bragg Bragg nod139 nod139 nod49 nod49 rj1 rj1 Clark Clark Non-nodulation mutants made with EMS Nod+ + Nod Nod– – Nod Nod– – Nod Nod– – Nod Nod+ + Nod Nodulationmutants mutants Nodulation areontogenically ontogenicallyblocked blockedin in are differentplaces places different nod139 nod49 x x Celldivision division Cell x nod49 nod139 Infection Infection Intracellular ‘Kinase’ Domain LysM1 LysM2 LYSM3 Extra-cellular Ancestral insertion GmNFR5α nod139 nn5 Intracellular ‘Kinase’ Domain LysM1 LysM2 LYSM3 Extra-cellular GmNFR5ß nod139contains containsaanaturally naturallyinduced inducedmutation mutation(insertion) (insertion)found found nod139 inmany manyrelated relatedcultivars cultivarsbut butnot notancestral ancestralgenotypes genotypes in M Gs A B PI A B B* 139 A B A 49 B A Gs : Glycine soja PI : PI437.654 B* : Bragg wild type segregant 139 : nod139 49 : nod49 W : Williams NN5 : NN5 nts : nts382, nts1007, nts1116 Cl : Clark rj1 : rj1 W B A NN5 B A nts B A B nts nts A B A B Cl rj1 A B A B Caution: Caution: Notall allsoybean soybeanlines lines Not havethe thesame samebackground background have GmNFR1 Mutant Alleles Detection rj1 nod49 GmNFR1α (4,690 bp) LjNFR1 (5,687 bp) GmNFR1β (4,373 bp) -374 bp PI437654 NFR1α and ß receptor components of soybean NFR1 receptors are Lys M receptor kinases Agrobacterium-based Agrobacterium-based complementation of of the the complementation nod49 mutant mutant nod49 nod49+35SGmNFR1α Nodule Nodule Interval Interval A nod49+ Empty Vector nod49+nPGmNFR1α GmNFR1α complements the nod49 mutation GmNFR1α complements the nod49 mutation and its over-expression increases nodule number Nodulation of transgenic roots of different soybeans GmNFR1α +Empty Vector nod49 0 Bragg 97 ± 25 Clark 116 ± 9 *Number of nodules per root ± standard error; p< 0.05 +35S Promoter 279 ± 46 166 ± 30 236 ± 38 Improved nitrogen status of composite plants transformed with an overexpressing GmNFR1α gene construct Total N mg/plant nod49 +Empty vector 4.2 ± 0.4 a Bragg (WT) 54.5 ± 5.6 c *numbers followed by the same letter for the same measured parameter are not significantly different at P<0.05. Plants were generated by A. rhizogenes K599 transformation. nitrogen status Improved of composite plants transformed with an over-expressing GmNFR1αgene construct Total N mg/plant +Empty vector +35S GmNFR1α 4.2 ± 0.4 a 126.5 ± 8.2b Bragg (WT) 54.5 ± 5.6 c 74.2 ± 7.2c nod49 *numbers followed by the same letter for the same measured parameter are not significantly different at P<0.05. ± standard error Plants were generated by A. rhizogenes K599 transformation. Bradyrhizobium Response Increased (NN/plant) of composite plants transformed with an over-expressing GmNFR1α Empty vector (no GmNFR1a)* GmNFR1a + Native 3.4 kb promoter 102 0.0 a* 6.3 ± 3.6 b 134.0 ± 25.4 d 105 0.0 a 46.5 ± 9.5 c 570.0 ± 40.1 f 107 0.0 a 97.7 ± 25.4 d 565.3 ± 54.6 f 102 0.0 a* 2.0 ± 1.2 b 41.0 ± 15.3 c 105 0.0 a 151.3 ± 34.2 d 316.5 ± 28.5 e 107 0.0 a 143.0 ± 27.0 d 296.0 ± 35.8 e B. japonicum GmNFR1a + 35S promoter nod49 rj1 Bradyrhizobium Response Increased (NN/plant) of composite plants transformed with an over-expressing GmNFR1α Empty vector (no GmNFR1a)* GmNFR1a + Native 3.4 kb promoter 102 0.0 a* 6.3 ± 3.6 b 134.0 ± 25.4 d 105 0.0 a 46.5 ± 9.5 c 570.0 ± 40.1 f 107 0.0 a 97.7 ± 25.4 d 565.3 ± 54.6 f 102 0.0 a* 2.0 ± 1.2 b 41.0 ± 15.3 c 105 0.0 a 151.3 ± 34.2 d 316.5 ± 28.5 e 107 0.0 a 143.0 ± 27.0 d 296.0 ± 35.8 e B. japonicum GmNFR1a + 35S promoter nod49 rj1 Transcriptional Profiling The first Soybean EST Microarray (Maguire et al, 2002) 4092 genes Affymetrix Soybean Microarray # Transcripts 35,611 Soybean 15,421 Phytophthora 7,431 Heterodera (cyst nematode) Affymetrix Soybean Microarray PM MM # Transcripts 35,611 Soybean 15,421 Phytophthora 7,431 Heterodera (cyst nematode) 22 squares x 58,000 genes Pto-like receptor kinase Relative Expression 190 160 130 100 70 40 Relative Expression Tryptophan synthase; hormone nts+/- 20 16 12 8 4 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 WTWT+ Days Post Treatment 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0 - A disease resistance gene WT+/1,000 fold nts+/0 - major effect 2 3 4 5 Days Post Treatment n o rs p x E tiv la e GmNARK-dependent Leaf W T Inoculated W T Uninoculated Transcriptome Profiling of nts1007 Inoculated Systemic Signal Effects nts1007 Uninoculated after Root Inoculation R n m re tT o P s y a D Expression of Gma.736 (T ryptophan Synthase) in Root 3.0 Relative Expression .0 3 1 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5 - no effect 0.0 0 1 2 3 Days Post Treatment 4 5 Mark Kinkema, CILR 2007 TILLING (Reverse Genetics) Targeting Induced Local Lesions In Genomes Using molecular genetics without TRANSGENICS The TILLING procedure ENDO 1 is like Cel1: endonclease (patented); cuts single strand mismatch GmClavata1A predicted protein domain structure and amplicon location SP LRR Domain TMD Kinase Domain Targeted Amplicon The protein domains prediction was realized at using the SMART program (Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool). Position of the identified mutation within the GmCLV1A amplicon (ps33 screen) GmClavata1A and GmNARK mutants GmCLAVATA 1A Individual s17C2 s19H7 s22D6 s23E8 s23G7 s24F5 s7G8 s9E5 Sequence g1021r g903a c306t c365y c403y g516a g821a g883r Effect E765= G726E T527I P547S F559= G597D G699R R719= SIFT (IC) 0.01 (3.11) 0.25 (3.11) 0.00 (3.11) 0.24 (3.17) 0.00 (3.11) Zygouscity DNA Stock M2 Stock Hetero SB1208 3137 Homo SB1407 301 Homo SB1680 1172 Hetero SB1765 1418 Hetero SB1758 1204 3 equal sense mutants Homo SB1813 Outcome: 1885 Homo SB511 868 5 missense mutants Hetero SB789 1392 0 non-sense mutants GmNARK Individual s13B1 s13C3 s15D4 s15D4 s17B2 s18B5 Sequence g1072r c643y c1177t t1243g g226a g158a Effect M754I N611= H789= H811Q G472= E450K SIFT (IC) 0.03 (2.96) s19B2 s19C3 s20A4 s5E7 c305t g853r c305y g695r P499S A681= P499S D629N 0.00 (2.96) 0.00(2.97) 0.25 (2.95) 0.38 (2.95) Zygouscity DNA Stock Hetero SB889 Hetero SB908 Homo SB1066 Homo SB1066 Homo SB1207 Homo SB1305 Homo Hetero Hetero Hetero SB1345 SB1354 SB1454 SB405 3001 715 2175 Outcome: 2175 3136 3248 3189 3193 671 146 4 equal sense mutants 6 missense mutants 0 nonsense mutants wt SB889 M754I GmCLV1A GmNARK Soybean TILLING Results Conclusion/hypothesis: CLAVATA1A in soybean controls juvenile nodal integrity, and thus suppresses branching at cotyledonary and unifoliate nodes NARK evolved after duplication. CLV1A and NARK may have other functions in the root RNA interference- Lipid transfer protein in soybean Percentage expression relative to Actin 300.00 250.00 200.00 150.00 100.00 50.00 0.00 Controls LTPRNAi Comparison of LTP gene expression in LTPRNAi plants vs. controls A TILLING Advantages of transgenics: a) correct promoter b) correct genome position c) political sustainability d) allelic series for structure : function e) speedy if M2 DNA available and pooled f) easily applied to existing seed collections Conclusions A Soybean genomics allows structural understanding and prediction Nitrogen fixation and nodulation can be increased by transgenic and non-transgenic means We know how to monitor soybean gene function We can discover, isolate, change and transfer soybean genes A End-user benefits Increased nitrogen and phosphorus input Improved flowering, rooting, plant structure Altered products (phytoestrogens, taste) Improved pest resistance Altered protein to oil ratios Biofuel (biodiesel)
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