Communication Reference Manual
Communication Reference Manual
Centauri / IO Gateway Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH ©2005 07.09.07 Table of Content 1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 17 1.1 Document Overview.......................................................................................................... 17 1.2 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 17 1.3 Audience.......................................................................................................................... 17 2 Overview.............................................................................................................................. 18 2.1 Command Interfaces ......................................................................................................... 18 2.2 Communication Structure .................................................................................................. 18 2.3 Serial Bus Communication................................................................................................. 19 2.4 Addressing of Sub-Codecs/Interfaces ................................................................................. 19 2.5 Maximum sub codec ......................................................................................................... 19 2.6 System Boot ..................................................................................................................... 20 3 Commands and Requests ..................................................................................................... 21 3.1 System Commands ........................................................................................................... 21 Rev.: 3.1.1 Client Request........................................................................................................... 21 3.1.2 System Check ........................................................................................................... 21 3.1.3 System Serial Number ............................................................................................... 21 3.1.4 System Reboot .......................................................................................................... 22 3.1.5 System Name............................................................................................................ 22 3.1.6 System Time ............................................................................................................. 22 3.1.7 System Hardware ...................................................................................................... 23 3.1.8 System Software ....................................................................................................... 25 3.1.9 System Alarm Monitoring ........................................................................................... 26 3.1.10 System Health Masking........................................................................................... 26 3.1.11 System Health Request (1-4)................................................................................... 27 3.1.12 System Configuration Request (1 – 10) .................................................................... 29 3.1.13 System Configuration Request II.............................................................................. 32 3.1.14 System Update....................................................................................................... 34 3.1.15 Signaling Status of Update ...................................................................................... 34 3.1.16 System Set Update Server Address ......................................................................... 35 3.1.17 System Server Update ............................................................................................ 36 3.1.18 System Key Code ................................................................................................... 36 3.1.19 System Bios ........................................................................................................... 37 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 2- 3.1.20 System Reset ......................................................................................................... 39 3.1.21 System Audio Interfaces ......................................................................................... 40 3.1.22 System Dial Protection ............................................................................................ 41 3.1.23 System mode for manual accepted calls .................................................................. 41 3.1.24 System Timezone................................................................................................... 42 System Timezone Bias ....................................................................................... 43 System Timezone Standarddate Year.................................................................. 43 System Timezone Standarddate Month ............................................................... 44 System Timezone Standarddate Day of Week ..................................................... 44 System Timezone Standarddate Day ................................................................... 45 System Timezone Standarddate Hour ................................................................. 45 System Timezone Standarddate Minute............................................................... 46 System Timezone Standarddate Second ............................................................. 46 System Timezone Standarddate Milliseconds ...................................................... 47 System Timezone Standarddate Bias............................................................... 47 System Timezone Daylightdate Year................................................................ 48 System Timezone Daylightdate Month ............................................................. 48 System Timezone Daylightdate Day of Week ................................................... 49 System Timezone Daylightdate Day ................................................................. 49 System Timezone Daylightdate Hour ............................................................... 50 System Timezone Daylightdate Minute............................................................. 50 System Timezone Daylightdate Second ........................................................... 51 System Timezone Daylightdate Milliseconds .................................................... 51 System Timezone Daylightdate Bias ................................................................ 52 System Timezone Save .................................................................................. 52 3.2 Common Commands ........................................................................................................ 53 Rev.: 3.2.1 Device Address ......................................................................................................... 53 3.2.2 CODEC Select .......................................................................................................... 53 3.2.3 Centauri Gateway Mode............................................................................................. 54 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 3- 3.2.4 Centauri Backup Mode............................................................................................... 54 3.2.5 Centauri Backup Time................................................................................................ 55 3.2.6 Centauri Activate Dual Mode ...................................................................................... 55 3.2.7 Telecommunication or Network Interface..................................................................... 56 3.2.8 Connect Centauri to a Remote Unit............................................................................. 57 3.2.9 Disconnect Centauri................................................................................................... 59 3.2.10 Centauri Stop Connect............................................................................................ 61 3.2.11 Centauri Auto Connect Mode................................................................................... 62 3.2.12 Centauri Auto Interface Mode .................................................................................. 62 3.2.13 Centauri RS232 Remote Control Interface Baud Rate ............................................... 63 3.2.14 Receive Line/Channel ............................................................................................. 63 3.2.15 Accept specific incoming call manually ..................................................................... 64 3.2.16 FEC Auto Mode...................................................................................................... 65 3.3 Encoder Commands ......................................................................................................... 66 Rev.: 3.3.1 Encoder Available...................................................................................................... 66 3.3.2 Encoder Algorithm ..................................................................................................... 66 3.3.3 Encoder Channel Mode.............................................................................................. 68 3.3.4 Encoder Bit Rate ....................................................................................................... 69 3.3.5 Encoder Actual Bit Rate ............................................................................................. 69 3.3.6 Encoder Sample Rate................................................................................................ 70 3.3.7 Encoder Bit Stream Format ........................................................................................ 70 3.3.8 Encoder Dependency Mode ....................................................................................... 71 3.3.9 Encoder Bandwidth.................................................................................................... 71 3.3.10 Encoder Audio Input ............................................................................................... 73 3.3.11 Encoder Master Volume Left ................................................................................... 73 3.3.12 Encoder Master Volume Right ................................................................................. 74 3.3.13 Encoder Volume Left .............................................................................................. 74 3.3.14 Encoder Volume Right ............................................................................................ 75 3.3.15 Encoder Panning Left.............................................................................................. 75 3.3.16 Encoder Panning Right ........................................................................................... 76 3.3.17 Encoder Monitoring................................................................................................. 76 3.3.18 Encoder Monitor Volume Left .................................................................................. 77 3.3.19 Encoder Monitor Volume Right ................................................................................ 77 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 4- 3.3.20 Encoder Monitor Panning Left.................................................................................. 78 3.3.21 Encoder Monitor Panning Right ............................................................................... 78 3.3.22 Encoder Clipping Time ............................................................................................ 79 3.3.23 Encoder Clipping Level ........................................................................................... 79 3.3.24 Encoder Ancillary Data Mode .................................................................................. 80 3.3.25 Encoder CRC-protection ......................................................................................... 81 3.3.26 Encoder Interlacedmode ......................................................................................... 83 3.3.27 Encoder Motion Estimation Accuracy ....................................................................... 83 3.3.28 Encoder High Complexity ........................................................................................ 84 3.3.29 Encoder Key Frame Period ..................................................................................... 85 3.3.30 Encoder Scene Cut Detection.................................................................................. 85 3.3.31 Encoder Vbv Buffer Size ......................................................................................... 86 3.3.32 Encoder Width........................................................................................................ 87 3.3.33 Encoder Height ....................................................................................................... 87 3.3.34 Encoder Pixel Width................................................................................................ 88 3.3.35 Encoder Pixel Height .............................................................................................. 88 3.3.36 Encoder stream format ............................................................................................ 89 3.3.37 Encoder signal format ............................................................................................. 90 3.3.38 Encoder Audio Device............................................................................................. 90 3.3.39 Encoder Video Device............................................................................................. 91 3.3.40 Encoder Frame Skip Probability............................................................................... 92 3.3.41 Encoder chain state ................................................................................................ 92 3.3.42 Encoder setup ........................................................................................................ 93 3.3.43 Encoder Resolution................................................................................................. 94 3.3.44 Encoder File Type................................................................................................... 95 3.4 Decoder Commands ......................................................................................................... 96 Rev.: 3.4.1 Decoder Algorithm ..................................................................................................... 96 3.4.2 Decoder Channel Mode ............................................................................................. 96 3.4.3 Decoder Bit Rate....................................................................................................... 97 3.4.4 Decoder Actual Bit Rate ............................................................................................. 97 3.4.5 Decoder Sample Rate................................................................................................ 97 3.4.6 Decoder Dependency Mode ....................................................................................... 98 3.4.7 Decoder Audio Output ................................................................................................ 99 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 5- 3.4.8 Decoder Master Volume Left ...................................................................................... 99 3.4.9 Decoder Master Volume Right .................................................................................. 100 3.4.10 Decoder Volume Left ............................................................................................ 100 3.4.11 Decoder Volume Right .......................................................................................... 101 3.4.12 Decoder Panning Left ........................................................................................... 101 3.4.13 Decoder Panning Right ......................................................................................... 102 3.4.14 Decoder Clipping Time.......................................................................................... 102 3.4.15 Decoder Clipping Level ......................................................................................... 103 3.4.16 Decoder Ancillary Data Mode ................................................................................ 104 3.4.17 Decoder Bit Stream Format ................................................................................... 104 3.4.18 Decoder CRC-protection ....................................................................................... 105 3.4.19 Decoder Filter....................................................................................................... 106 3.4.20 Decoder Width...................................................................................................... 107 3.4.21 Decoder Height .................................................................................................... 108 3.4.22 Decoder X-Offset .................................................................................................. 108 3.4.23 Decoder Y-Offset .................................................................................................. 109 3.4.24 Decoder Resizemode............................................................................................ 109 3.4.25 Decoder stream format.......................................................................................... 110 3.4.26 Decoder Audio Device .......................................................................................... 111 3.4.27 Decoder Video Device .......................................................................................... 111 3.4.28 Decoder chain state .............................................................................................. 112 3.4.29 Decoder setup...................................................................................................... 112 3.4.30 Decoder Resolution .............................................................................................. 114 3.4.31 Decoder File Type ................................................................................................ 114 ISDN Communication Commands ........................................................................................... 115 Rev.: 3.4.32 ISDN D-Channel Protocol...................................................................................... 115 3.4.33 ISDN Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) ............................................................... 115 3.4.34 ISDN Service Provider ID (SPID) ........................................................................... 116 3.4.35 ISDN Predial Number (Call by Call Provider) .......................................................... 116 3.4.36 ISDN PBX............................................................................................................ 117 3.4.37 ISDN Digit Number for External Calls ..................................................................... 117 3.4.38 ISDN Redial Time Out ........................................................................................... 118 3.4.39 ISDN Redial Attempts ........................................................................................... 118 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 6- 3.4.40 ISDN Test Mode................................................................................................... 119 3.4.41 ISDN Statistic Info................................................................................................. 119 3.4.42 ISDN Charge Info ................................................................................................. 120 3.4.43 ISDN Update System Time.................................................................................... 120 3.4.44 ISDN Initialization Delay Time for Setup Datagram Transfer .................................... 121 3.4.45 ISDN G.711 Mode ................................................................................................ 121 3.4.46 ISDN G.711 Level Attenuation............................................................................... 122 3.4.47 ISDN G.711 Service.............................................................................................. 123 3.4.48 ISDN Automatic Layer 1........................................................................................ 123 3.4.49 ISDN Service Protection........................................................................................ 124 3.4.50 ISDN Connected Time .......................................................................................... 125 3.4.51 ISDN national number identification ....................................................................... 125 3.4.52 ISDN international number identification ................................................................. 126 3.5 X.21 Commands ............................................................................................................. 127 3.5.1 X.21 Mode .............................................................................................................. 127 3.5.2 X.21 Clocking .......................................................................................................... 127 3.5.3 X.21 Protocol Format ............................................................................................... 129 3.5.4 X.21 Dual Port Mode................................................................................................ 129 3.6 E1 Commands ................................................................................................................ 131 3.6.1 E1-X.21 Bit Rates .................................................................................................... 131 3.6.2 E1 Timeslot Assignment ........................................................................................... 131 3.6.3 E1 Channel Group Assignment ................................................................................. 133 3.6.4 E1 Sync Source....................................................................................................... 133 3.6.5 E1 CAS Mode ......................................................................................................... 134 3.6.6 E1 CAS Master........................................................................................................ 134 3.7 Ethernet and IP Commands ............................................................................................. 135 Rev.: 3.7.1 IP Address .............................................................................................................. 135 3.7.2 IP Subnet Mask ....................................................................................................... 135 3.7.3 IP Gateway Address ................................................................................................ 136 3.7.4 IP Domain Name Server (DNS) Address ................................................................... 136 3.7.5 IP SNMP Manager Address...................................................................................... 137 3.7.6 IP Address (Network Interface Card #2) .................................................................... 138 3.7.7 IP Subnet Mask (Network Interface Card #2) ............................................................. 138 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 7- 3.7.8 IP Gateway Address (Network Interface Card #2) ...................................................... 139 3.7.9 IP Domain Name Server (DNS) Address (Network Interface Card #2) ......................... 139 3.7.10 UDP Broadcast Mode ........................................................................................... 140 3.7.11 IP Audio Port ........................................................................................................ 140 3.7.12 IP Network Transfer Rate ...................................................................................... 141 3.7.13 Ethernet Interface Duplex Mode............................................................................. 142 3.7.14 SNMP Trap Version.............................................................................................. 142 3.7.15 IP Packet Size...................................................................................................... 143 3.7.16 IP Packet size mode ............................................................................................. 143 3.7.17 IP Protocol mode .................................................................................................. 144 3.7.18 IP Time to Live for TCP ......................................................................................... 145 3.7.19 IP Time to Live for UDP ......................................................................................... 145 3.7.20 IP Time to Live for Multicast .................................................................................. 146 3.7.21 IP Type of Service for TCP .................................................................................... 146 3.7.22 IP Type of Service for UDP .................................................................................... 148 3.7.23 IP SAP Talk Address ............................................................................................ 149 3.7.24 IP SAP Listen Address.......................................................................................... 149 3.8 Audio Commands ........................................................................................................... 151 Rev.: 3.8.1 AES Output Clocking Source.................................................................................... 151 3.8.2 AES Output Sample Rate......................................................................................... 152 3.8.3 ADAT Master Mode ................................................................................................. 152 3.8.4 Audio Input Gain ...................................................................................................... 153 3.8.5 Audio Output Gain ................................................................................................... 153 3.8.6 Audio Input Channel ................................................................................................ 154 3.8.7 Audio Output Channel .............................................................................................. 154 3.8.8 Audio Output Delay .................................................................................................. 155 3.8.9 Audio Output Delay ISDN ......................................................................................... 156 3.8.10 Audio Output Delay NET....................................................................................... 156 3.8.11 Audio Output Delay X21 ........................................................................................ 157 3.8.12 Audio Detect Level................................................................................................ 157 3.8.13 Audio Detect Time ................................................................................................ 158 3.8.14 Audio Lost Level ................................................................................................... 158 3.8.15 Audio Lost Time.................................................................................................... 159 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 8- 3.8.16 Audio Valid ........................................................................................................... 159 3.8.17 Audiolevel over IP ................................................................................................. 160 3.8.18 Multi channel audio level over IP ............................................................................ 162 3.8.19 Audio Inputs ......................................................................................................... 162 3.8.20 Audio Outputs ...................................................................................................... 163 3.8.21 Audio Input Testsignal........................................................................................... 164 3.8.22 Audio Output Testsignal ........................................................................................ 165 3.8.23 Sample rate converter (SRC) mode ....................................................................... 165 3.8.24 Professional mode for AES/EBU output .................................................................. 166 3.9 Profile Table Commands ................................................................................................. 166 3.9.1 Profile Table Add Profile........................................................................................... 166 3.9.2 Profile Table Delete Profile....................................................................................... 167 3.9.3 Profile Table Delete All Unused Profiles .................................................................... 168 3.9.4 Profile Table Request Number of valid Profiles .......................................................... 168 3.9.5 Profile Table Request First Profile ............................................................................. 168 3.9.6 Profile Table Request Next Profile ............................................................................ 169 3.9.7 Profile Table Request Profile by Number ................................................................... 169 3.9.8 Alter Profile Name.................................................................................................... 170 3.9.9 Alter Profile Algorithm .............................................................................................. 170 3.9.10 Alter Profile Channel Mode .................................................................................... 171 3.9.11 Alter Profile Bit Rate.............................................................................................. 172 3.9.12 Alter Profile Sample Rate ...................................................................................... 172 3.9.13 Alter Profile Bit Stream Format .............................................................................. 173 3.9.14 Alter Profile Audio Interface ................................................................................... 173 3.9.15 Alter Profile Dependency....................................................................................... 174 3.9.16 Alter Profile Ancillary Data Format ......................................................................... 175 3.9.17 Profile CRC-protection .......................................................................................... 175 3.9.18 Profile stream format ............................................................................................. 177 3.9.19 Profile signal format .............................................................................................. 177 3.9.20 Profile Resolution ................................................................................................. 178 3.9.21 Profile File Type.................................................................................................... 178 3.9.22 Profile entries ....................................................................................................... 179 3.10 Rev.: Phonebook Commands ................................................................................................ 180 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 9- 3.10.1 Phonebook Add Entry ........................................................................................... 180 3.10.2 Phonebook Delete Entry ....................................................................................... 181 3.10.3 Phonebook Delete All Entries ................................................................................ 181 3.10.4 Phonebook Request Number of valid Entries .......................................................... 181 3.10.5 Phonebook Request First Entry ............................................................................. 182 3.10.6 Phonebook Request Next Entry ............................................................................. 182 3.10.7 Phonebook Request Entry by Number ................................................................... 183 3.10.8 Phonebook Execute Entry by Number .................................................................... 183 3.10.9 Alter Phonebook Entry Name ................................................................................ 184 3.10.10 Alter Phonebook Entry Encoder Index .................................................................... 184 3.10.11 Alter Phonebook Entry Decoder Index .................................................................... 185 3.10.12 Alter Phonebook Entry Communication Interface .................................................... 185 3.10.13 Alter Phonebook Entry Destination Addresses ........................................................ 186 3.10.14 Phonebook entries ................................................................................................ 187 3.11 3.11.1 Ancillary Data Interface Baud Rate ........................................................................ 188 3.11.2 Ancillary Data Interface Data Bits........................................................................... 188 3.11.3 Ancillary Data Interface Parity................................................................................ 189 3.11.4 Ancillary Data Interface Stop Bits........................................................................... 189 3.11.5 Ancillary Data Interface Handshake ....................................................................... 190 3.11.6 Ancillary Data Port ................................................................................................ 190 3.12 TTL Output Commands ................................................................................................ 192 3.12.1 Set TTL Output ..................................................................................................... 192 3.12.2 Invert TTL Input and Output ................................................................................... 192 3.12.3 TTL IO ................................................................................................................. 193 3.13 Username Password Commands .................................................................................. 194 3.13.1 FTP Username Password Control .......................................................................... 194 3.13.2 Web Server Username Password Control .............................................................. 194 3.13.3 TCP/IP Remote Control Username Password......................................................... 195 3.13.4 TCP/IP Remote Control Login................................................................................ 195 3.14 Rev.: Ancillary Data Commands ............................................................................................ 188 Signaling and Indication Messages ............................................................................... 196 3.14.1 Enable or Disable Signaling for a Specified Interface............................................... 196 3.14.2 Decoder Frame Status Indication ........................................................................... 196 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 10 - 3.14.3 System Alarm Indication........................................................................................ 197 3.14.4 System Error Code Indication ................................................................................ 198 3.14.5 Audio Overload Indication ..................................................................................... 198 3.14.6 Audio OUT Overload Indication ............................................................................. 198 3.14.7 Communication Connected Indication .................................................................... 199 3.14.8 Parameter Change Indication ................................................................................ 199 3.14.9 Audio Detect Status Change Indication .................................................................. 200 3.14.10 Audio OUT Detect Status Change Indication .......................................................... 200 3.14.11 ISDN Line Connect Indication ................................................................................ 200 3.14.12 ISDN Interface Connect Status Change Indication .................................................. 201 3.14.13 ISDN Additional Line Required Indication ............................................................... 201 3.14.14 ISDN Error Indication ............................................................................................ 202 3.14.15 TTL I/O Status Change Indication .......................................................................... 202 3.14.16 LED Status Indication............................................................................................ 202 3.14.17 Signal Specific Call ............................................................................................... 204 3.14.18 Inverting alarm mode ............................................................................................ 204 3.14.19 Encoder chain info ................................................................................................ 204 3.14.20 Decoder chain info ................................................................................................ 205 3.15 3.15.1 SNMP Decoder Frame Trap .................................................................................. 206 3.15.2 SNMP System Alarm Trap..................................................................................... 207 3.15.3 SNMP Audio Overload Trap .................................................................................. 207 3.15.4 SNMP Encoder Connected Trap ............................................................................ 208 3.15.5 SNMP Parameter Change Trap ............................................................................. 209 3.15.6 SNMP Audio Detect Status Change Trap ............................................................... 209 3.16 Timeout Control Commands ......................................................................................... 211 3.16.1 Connect Timeout .................................................................................................. 211 3.16.2 G.722 Detection Timeout....................................................................................... 211 3.16.3 Remote control timeout ......................................................................................... 212 3.17 Rev.: SNMP Trap Indication Functions ................................................................................... 206 Event Action Programming........................................................................................... 213 3.17.1 What are Events? ................................................................................................. 213 3.17.2 What are Actions? ................................................................................................ 213 3.17.3 Connecting Events and Actions ............................................................................. 214 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 11 - 3.17.4 Program Action Command .................................................................................... 215 3.17.5 Read Action Command ......................................................................................... 216 3.17.6 List all Action Files ................................................................................................ 216 3.17.7 Delete Action Programs ........................................................................................ 216 3.17.8 Set Event Condition .............................................................................................. 217 3.17.9 Reset Event Condition .......................................................................................... 218 3.17.10 Get Event Condition .............................................................................................. 218 3.17.11 Save Event Condition............................................................................................ 219 3.17.12 Load Event Condition............................................................................................ 220 3.17.13 Event Mode .......................................................................................................... 220 3.18 Internal Commands...................................................................................................... 221 3.18.1 UDP -Commands .................................................................................................. 221 Sending Identification ....................................................................................... 221 Sending Level Information ................................................................................ 221 3.19 Centauri 3500 Backplane Commands ........................................................................... 222 3.19.1 Request fan status ................................................................................................ 222 3.19.2 Backplane Audio Interfaces ................................................................................... 223 3.19.3 Centauri Firmware information ............................................................................... 223 3.19.4 Fan rotation information ........................................................................................ 224 3.19.5 Fan rotation monitoring ......................................................................................... 224 3.20 Video Commands ........................................................................................................ 226 3.20.1 Choosing the video input ....................................................................................... 226 3.20.2 Setting the brightness of the video ......................................................................... 226 3.20.3 Setting the contrast of the video............................................................................. 227 3.20.4 Setting the share of red of the video ....................................................................... 227 3.20.5 Setting the share of blue of the video ..................................................................... 228 3.20.6 Setting the share of saturation of the video............................................................. 228 3.20.7 Setting the Capture Field Order ............................................................................. 229 3.20.8 Setting the video format ........................................................................................ 229 3.20.9 Setting the chrominance hue control ...................................................................... 230 3.20.10 Setting the share of blue of the video out ................................................................ 230 3.20.11 Setting the share of red of the video out ................................................................. 231 3.20.12 Getting video valid ................................................................................................ 231 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 12 - 3.20.13 Setting the video out black level............................................................................. 232 3.20.14 Setting the video out blanking level ........................................................................ 232 3.20.15 Setting the video out sync ..................................................................................... 233 3.20.16 Setting the Playback Field Order............................................................................ 233 3.20.17 Setting the Video Output ....................................................................................... 234 3.20.18 Setting the Video X Offset ..................................................................................... 234 3.20.19 Setting the Video Y Offset ..................................................................................... 235 3.20.20 Video Inputs ......................................................................................................... 235 3.20.21 Video Outputs ...................................................................................................... 236 3.20.22 Setting a Video Input Testsignal............................................................................. 237 3.20.23 Setting a Video Onput Testsignal ........................................................................... 237 3.20.24 Setting an Inputlogo.............................................................................................. 238 3.20.25 Setting an Outputlogo ........................................................................................... 239 3.21 3.21.1 Contrast ............................................................................................................... 240 3.21.2 Backlight .............................................................................................................. 240 3.21.3 Programming Mode .............................................................................................. 241 3.21.4 Push Key ............................................................................................................. 241 3.21.5 Language ............................................................................................................. 242 3.21.6 Levelmeter Mode .................................................................................................. 242 3.21.7 Levelmeter Brightness .......................................................................................... 243 3.21.8 Status Brightness ................................................................................................. 243 3.21.9 Backlight Brightness ............................................................................................. 244 3.22 Mixer and Multi channel audio Commands .................................................................... 245 3.22.1 Storing mixer configuration.................................................................................... 245 3.22.2 Loading mixer configuration................................................................................... 245 3.22.3 Deleting mixer configuration .................................................................................. 245 3.22.4 Showing existing mixer configurations .................................................................... 246 3.22.5 Mastervolume....................................................................................................... 247 3.22.6 Volume ................................................................................................................ 248 3.22.7 Panning ............................................................................................................... 249 3.22.8 Line Mix ............................................................................................................... 250 3.23 Rev.: Frontpanel Commands ................................................................................................. 240 Session commands...................................................................................................... 250 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 13 - 3.23.1 Session index number........................................................................................... 250 3.23.2 Session mode ...................................................................................................... 251 3.23.3 Session destination index number.......................................................................... 251 3.23.4 Session destination............................................................................................... 252 3.23.5 Session connect ................................................................................................... 252 3.23.6 Session disconnect............................................................................................... 253 3.24 4 SIP commands ............................................................................................................ 253 3.24.1 Global SIP Proxy .................................................................................................. 254 3.24.2 STUN Server ........................................................................................................ 254 3.24.3 SIP Registration-ID ............................................................................................... 255 3.24.4 SIP Registration Active .......................................................................................... 255 3.24.5 SIP Registrar ........................................................................................................ 256 3.24.6 SIP username ...................................................................................................... 256 3.24.7 SIP password ....................................................................................................... 257 3.24.8 SIP phonenumber................................................................................................. 257 Available Encoder and Decoder Settings .............................................................................. 258 4.1 Algorithm ........................................................................................................................ 258 4.2 Sample Rate (Hz) ........................................................................................................... 259 4.3 Bit Rates for Coded Audio (Bit/s)...................................................................................... 261 4.4 Mode.............................................................................................................................. 262 4.5 Ancillary Data ................................................................................................................. 266 Appendix 1. ............................................................................................................................... 267 1 Error Codes .................................................................................................................... 267 2 Device Error Codes ......................................................................................................... 268 3 IP Ports .......................................................................................................................... 269 4 Factory Default Parameter of the Different Groups ............................................................ 273 5 Shortcuts for logfiles ........................................................................................................ 279 6 APT-X Samplerate (the presently valid ISDN-bitrates are indicated with a +)....................... 281 Index of Tables and Figures Table 1-3: Hardware information ................................................................................................... 24 Table 4: Software versions ........................................................................................................... 25 Table 5: Healthmask .................................................................................................................... 27 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 14 - Table 6-9: Health values .............................................................................................................. 29 Table 10-18: System configuration values I.................................................................................... 31 Table 19-20: System configuration values II................................................................................... 34 Table 21: Update process............................................................................................................. 35 Table 22: Different AAC-Algorithms............................................................................................... 37 Table 23-24: System audio interfaces ............................................................................................ 40 Table 25: Parameter values for automatically accepted call ............................................................ 41 Table 26: Available algorithms ...................................................................................................... 67 Table 27: Different AAC-Algorithms............................................................................................... 68 Table 28: Encoder Channel Modes ............................................................................................... 68 Table 29: Mask values.................................................................................................................. 72 Table 30: Default bandwidth CT Layer 2 Encoder........................................................................... 73 Table 31: Encoder clipping level.................................................................................................... 80 Table 32: Decoder Channel Modes ............................................................................................... 96 Table 33: Decoder clipping level ................................................................................................. 103 Table 34: ISDN service protection ............................................................................................... 124 Table 35: E1 timeslot assignement .............................................................................................. 132 Table 36: Parameter values for AES output clocking .................................................................... 151 Table 37: Example for UDP -telegram .......................................................................................... 160 Table 38: Default values for profile .............................................................................................. 167 Table 39: Channel Modes ........................................................................................................... 171 Table 40: Default values for phonebook entry .............................................................................. 180 Table 42: LED status .................................................................................................................. 203 Table 43: Events........................................................................................................................ 215 Table 44: Fan Status .................................................................................................................. 222 Table 45-46: System audio interfaces .......................................................................................... 223 Table 47: Possible settings for MP3 Pro ...................................................................................... 263 Table 48: Possible settings for AAC (HE)..................................................................................... 264 Table 49: Ancillary data .............................................................................................................. 266 Table 50: Error codes ................................................................................................................. 267 Table 51: Device error codes ...................................................................................................... 269 Table 52: IP ports....................................................................................................................... 273 Table 53-62: Factory default parameters ..................................................................................... 278 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 15 - Table 63: Logfile shortcuts.......................................................................................................... 280 Table 64: APT-X sample rate...................................................................................................... 287 Figure 1: Type of Service............................................................................................................ 148 Figure 2: Example for UDP -telegram ........................................................................................... 161 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 16 - 1 Introduction 1.1 Document Overview This document describes the remote command language for the Centauri Gateway family of CODECS. It also describes all the possible commands, status requests and the meaning of the resulting replies. 1.2 Purpose The main purpose of this document is to define and file all remote commands the Centauri is able to follow and to describe the format of the different status replies. 1.3 Audience The Communication Reference Manual is intended for control software developers who wants to develop software to manage one or more Centauri Gateways. Other Telecom engineers can also use this manual as a reference for controlling the Centauris using direct commands such as with a Telnet terminal program. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 17 - 2 Overview 2.1 Command Interfaces The Centauri Gateways have three different command interfaces each of which may be used to control the unit: • RS232C serial interface. This can be used as a direct link or in a daisy chain mode in which several units are controlled over one wire. • ISDN interface. This is an optional interface that may be used for remote control only if the ISDN option has been installed. • Ethernet network interface. 2.2 q Telnet compatible TCP/IP-based dialog protocol. q Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The access syntax for Centauri SNMP is described in the document entitled MIB table (...).If there is a SNMP command existing according to the Centauri command, its SNMP-OID is indicated. q HTTP (hypertext transport protocol). The HTTP implementation is for internal LAN use only and supports the WWW remote control interface stored on the flash ram of the Centauri. The HTTP interface is activated by entering the IP address for the Centauri as a URL in the address line of an Internet browser tool (e.g. ""). Communication Structure All Centauri Gateway commands whether over RS232, ISDN or TCP/IP (Telnet Interface) use the same syntax. After establishing a connection over one of the interfaces the Centauri always returns its IP address as an input prompt (">"). The Centauri then waits for a command in a readable ASCII syntax. The first part of the command describes the command group (e.g. system commands = "sys"), followed by an underscore as a separator. The second part describes the actual command (e.g. "serial" to request the serial number of the unit). The command is followed by one or more parameters or a question mark, if it is an information request. Entering CR/LF (ASCII $0D/ $0A) answer by repeating the command. completes the command sequence. The Centauri will then If the command sets one or more parameters and the command was completed successfully, the Centauri will add an "OK" to the response. If an error occurred, the Centauri will send "ERROR" followed by an error number (see appendix a and appendix b). If the command was a status request, the Centauri will send the requested parameter. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 18 - Example 1: Parameter request If the Centauri receives the sequence sys_name ? The Centauri will answer repeating the request, followed by the requested parameter, here the device name, followed by <carriage return> and <line feed>, followed by its IP address. sys_name ?: CENTAURI NAME> Example 2: Set parameter To set the device name, the following sequence is used sys_name NEWNAME The Centauri will answer sys_name NEWNAME: ok> 2.3 Serial Bus Communication If more then one Centauri Gateway is to be controlled over a serial RS232 interface, they can be connected one after another in a daisy chain. The transmission contact of the first unit is connected to the receive contact of the second unit and so on. To identify a unit in the chain, every command has to start with the IP address of the unit being commanded, followed by a "#". Because the reply then also starts with the IP address of the transmitting unit the command software will be able to identify the answering Centauri. 2.4 Addressing of Sub-Codecs/Interfaces If there is more than one codec or interface available, the addressing of a special sub-codec/interface is to be controlled by an additional parameter. To identify a special sub-codec/interface in a Centauri, every command has to start with the CODEC-no or interface-no, followed by a "$". 2.5 Maximum sub codec Each devices has a specified maximum sub codec count. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 19 - 2.6 System Boot After booting, the Centauri Gateway automatically activates the serial number request command so it reports its IP address and the serial number of the unit over the RS232 interface. If a Centauri is being controlled over the Ethernet network connection, then at boot time the unit generates a UDP broadcast datagram containing the unit’s IP address and the unit’s name. The exact formats of these datagrams are described in the system- and IP sections. Note: As of Centauri software version it is possible to generate a sys_reset common with connecting pin 2 (receive) and pin 3 (transmit) of the RS232 remote control interface (e.g. with a screw driver) during the boot process. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 20 - 3 Commands and Requests This section describes all commands and requests that the Centauri Gateway is able to interpret. 3.1 System Commands The following commands and requests are used to control the Gateway’s system parameters. 3.1.1 Client Request Command to request every participant on a daisy chain bus structure to answer with its IP address. The command forces the connected Centauris to append its IP address. Syntax: sys_ping Response: sys_ping [#IPaddress Unit 1][CR][LF]...[#IPaddress unit n][CR][LF]> 3.1.2 System Check SNMP-OID : Command to start the Centauri’s system check procedure. The status of power supply, temperature sensors, fan control etc. is checked. If any errors are detected, the error codes are reported in the command response. For error code details see appendix a and appendix b. Syntax: sys_check Response: sys_check ?: [errorcodes][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.3 System Serial Number SNMP-OID : Command to request the unit’s serial number. Syntax: sys_serial Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 21 - sys_serial ?: [serial number][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.4 System Reboot SNMP-OID : Command to reboot the unit. Syntax: sys_reboot Response: sys_reboot ok: [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.5 System Name SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the name of the Centauri. Every Centauri has an individual name that is transmitted to a remote Centauri during connection set up. Syntax: sys_name <param1> Parameter:: Param1: [system name, ?] Response: 3.1.6 - set name sys_name [system name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request name sys_name ?: [system name][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_name [system name]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Time SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s system time. Every Centauri has an internal clock used for time tagging the event logs. This clock is automatically synchronized to the ISDN network clock, if available. The clock can also be set by command. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 22 - Syntax: sys_time <param1> Parameter: Param1: [date/time, ?] (format: the Centauri expects a 4 digit year Response: 3.1.7 - set date time sys_time [system time]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request date time sys_time ?: [system time][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_time [system time]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Hardware SNMP-OID : Command to request the Centauri type and the number of installed hardware interfaces. The Centauri answers with a 16 digit hex code. Syntax: sys_hardware Response: - Rev.: request hardware sys_hardware ?: [hardware information][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 23 - DIGIT SPECIFICATION 1 Number of video interface cards 2 Number of network interface cards (NICs) 3, 4 Number of ISDN channels 5 – 8 Centauri type (e.g. $0BB9 = 3001) 9 OEM/design info ** 10 – 11 Number of encoder/decoder interfaces 12 Audio interfaces * 13 number of E1 interfaces 14 LCD panel*** 15 Number of X.21 interface cards 16 Number of flash memories Table 1-3: Hardware information *) Audio Interfaces Unknown Analog / 2-channel Digital / 12-channel Digital / 26-channel Digital / 4/8-channel or iO Interface Value 0 1 2 4 8 If there is more than 1 audio interface installed, the value stored in digit 12 is derived from the sum of the values of the used interfaces. **) OEM/design info Centauri Millennium APT Tokyo APT Chicago ATA-Audio SatCom Value 0 1 2 3 4 5 ***) LCD Panel Frontpanel/User interface Headphone USB Modul TTL IO Modul Bit 0 1 2 3 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 24 - 3.1.8 System Software SNMP-OID : The Centauri software consists of several modules and drivers. Each module has version information that can be requested using this command. Every version identifier is divided into four sections (major and minor version, release and build); each is represented by a 2 digit hex code. Syntax: sys_software Response: - request software sys_software ?: [software versions][CR][LF][IP address]> INDEX DIGIT SPECIFICATION 1 1–8 2 9 – 16 Real time Kernel version (RTT32DLL) 3 17 – 24 IP Protocol Stack (RTIPDLL) 4 25 – 32 ISDN CAPI Stack (ISDNDLL) 5 33 – 40 USB Stack (USBStack) 6 41 – 48 Sample rate converter Centauri Software version (e.g. (SRC) * 7 49 – 56 AAC (MPEG2, MPEG4, HE) Codec (MayahC01) 8 57 – 64 J.17 De-emphasis 9 65 – 72 AAC (LD) Codec 10 73 – 80 MPEG Layer 2 Codec (MayahC04) 11 81 – 88 MPEG Layer 3 Codec (MayahC05) 12 89 – 96 MPEG Layer 3 PRO Codec (MayahC06) 13 97 – 104 APT-X Codec (aptx100) 14 105 – 112 ADPCM4SB Codec 15 113 – 120 AAC (DRM) Codec * 16 121 – 128 MPEG-4 Video ASP () 17 129 – 136 MPEG TS codec (mpegts) 18 137 – 144 FEC (FEC) ... ... - ... (J17) * (MayahC03) (Cod4SB) (MayahC07) Space for new DLL versions Table 4: Software versions * Rev.: ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 25 - 3.1.9 System Alarm Monitoring SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the system alarm-monitoring mode. Syntax: sys_monitoring <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [active, passive, no, ?] Response: - set monitoring sys_monitoring <Param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request monitoring sys_monitoring ?: [monitoring mode][CR][LF][IP address]> error sys_monitoring <Param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.10 System Health Masking SNMP-OID : (from version Every Centauri unit has several technical parameters which are continuously monitored. If any of these parameters runs out of range, the red alarm LED is turned on and an alarm datagram is generated. The health masking command may be used to enable and disable this alarm behavior for certain parameters. Syntax: sys_healthmask <param1> Parameter: Param1: [32 bit binary mask, ?] (the Centauri expects the binary mask as a hex code) Response: Rev.: - set healthmask sys_healthmask [healthmask]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request healthmask sys_healthmask ?: $[healthmask][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 26 - - error sys_healthmask [healthmask]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> BIT SPECIFICATION DEFAULT 0 CPU Core-Voltage alarm 0 1 +3,3-Voltage alarm 0 2 +5,0-Voltage alarm 0 3 +12,0-Voltage alarm 0 4 -5,0-Voltage alarm 0 5 -12,0-Voltage alarm 0 6 Unused 0 7 Unused 0 8 CPU-Fan alarm 1 9 Power-Fan alarm 0 10 Chassis-Fan alarm 11 Unused 0 12 CPU-Temperature alarm 1 13 System-Temperature alarm 1 Unused 0 reserved, read-only, always reads 1 1 14 – 30 31 1* 0** Table 5: Healthmask *) default Centauri 200x, 300x, 400x **) default Centauri 350x, 3002, 3020 3.1.11 System Health Request (1-4) SNMP-OID : /7 /8 The values of the above mentioned technical parameters can be requested using the following three commands. The responses are always hex coded two or four digit values as described in the following tables. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 27 - Syntax: sys_health[x] (where x can be "1" to "4") Response: - request health sys_health1 ?: [health1 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT 1, 2 Temperature4 (not used) 3, 4 Temperature3 (not used) 5, 6 Temperature2 (Case temperature) 7, 8 Temperature1 (CPU temperature) 9, 10 - SPECIFICATION Fan4 (not used) 11, 12 Fan3 (Case Fan) in 100 RPM 13, 14 Fan2 (Power Supply Fan) in 100 RPM (not installed) 15, 16 Fan1 (CPU Fan) in 100 RPM sys_health2 ?: [health2 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT 1–4 V4 (+12V voltage) in mV 5–8 V3 (+5V voltage) in mV 9 – 12 13 – 16 - V2 (+3,3V voltage) in mV V1 (+2,2V core voltage) in mV sys_health3 ?: [health3 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT Rev.: SPECIFICATION 07.09.07 SPECIFICATION 1–4 V8 (not used) 5–8 V7 (not used) 9 – 12 V6 (-12V voltage) in mV (absolute) 13 – 16 V5 (-5V voltage) in mV (absolute) Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 28 - - sys_health4 ?: [health4 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT SPECIFICATION 1, 2 Fan1 (CPU Fan) divisor 3, 4 Fan2 (Power Supply Fan) divisor 5, 6 Fan3 (Case Fan) divisor 7, 8 Fan4 (not used) divisor 9-16 reserved Table 6-9: Health values 3.1.12 System Configuration Request (1 – 10) SNMP-OID : .. 18 The system configuration request commands return vendor and product information about the build-in hardware, number and size of the installed random access memory, processor clock rate and total and available space on the installed flash memory or hard disk drives. The responses are always hex coded four or eight digit values as described in the tables below. The command sys_config[x] only returns information about Centauri-specific devices like audio- or network cards, whereas the command sys_devices, described within the next chapter, returns all. Syntax: sys_config[x] (where x can be "1" to "A") Response: - request config sys_config1 ?: [config1 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - 1–4 Interface 2 Product ID 5–8 Interface 2 Vendor ID 9 – 12 Interface 1 Product ID 13 – 16 Interface 1 Vendor ID request config sys_config2 ?: [config2 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT Rev.: SPECIFICATION 07.09.07 SPECIFICATION Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 29 - - 1–4 Interface 4 Product ID 5–8 Interface 4 Vendor ID 9 – 12 Interface 3 Product ID 13 – 16 Interface 3 Vendor ID request config sys_config3 ?: [config3 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - 1–4 Interface 6 Product ID 5–8 Interface 6 Vendor ID 9 – 12 Interface 5 Product ID 13 – 16 Interface 5 Vendor ID request config sys_config4 ?: [config4 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - Rev.: SPECIFICATION 1–4 Interface 8 Product ID 5–8 Interface 8 Vendor ID 9 – 12 Interface 7 Product ID 13 – 16 Interface 7 Vendor ID request config sys_config5 ?: [config5 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION 1–4 Interface 10 Product ID 5–8 Interface 10 Vendor ID 9 – 12 Interface 9 Product ID 13 – 16 Interface 9 Vendor ID request config sys_config6 ?: [config6 value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 30 - DIGIT 1–4 Memory at MemBank 3 in MByte 5–8 Memory at MemBank 2 in MByte 9 – 12 Memory at MemBank 1 in MByte 13 – 16 - 1–8 9 – 16 1–8 9 – 16 Available capacity on drive 1 (C:\) in kByte Total capacity on drive 1 (C:\) in kByte SPECIFICATION Available capacity on drive 2 (D:\) in kByte Total capacity on drive 2 (D:\) in kByte request config sys_config9 ?: [config9 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT 1–8 9 – 16 - SPECIFICATION request config sys_config8 ?: [config8 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - Processor clock rate in MHz request config sys_config7 ?: [config7 value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT - SPECIFICATION SPECIFICATION Available capacity on drive 3 (E:\) in kByte Total capacity on drive 3 (E:\) in kByte request config sys_configA ?: [configA value][CR][LF][IP address]> DIGIT 1–8 9 – 16 SPECIFICATION Available capacity on drive 4 (F:\) in kByte Total capacity on drive 4 (F:\) in kByte Table 10-18: System configuration values I Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 31 - 3.1.13 System Configuration Request II The system configuration request commands return vendor and product information about the build-in hardware, number and size of the installed random access memory, processor clock rate and total and available space on the installed flash memory or hard disk drives. The responses are always hex coded four or eight digit values as described in the tables below. The command sys_devices returns information about all used interfaces, whereas sys_config[x], described within the previous chapter only returns information about Centauri-specific devices like audio- or network cards. Syntax: sys_devices <param1> Response : - request config sys_devices ?: [config1 value][CR][LF][IP address]> The following table shows a list of used vendor and product IDs. VENDOR ID Rev.: PRODUCT ID PRODUCT $1050 $6692 Mayah PCI ISDN Interface Card, 1BRI $1050 $6693 Mayah PCI ISDN Interface Card, 4BRI $1050 $6694 Mayah 9052 PCI Interface Card, X.21 (1 port) $109E $036E LeadTec $109F $036E Falcon $10B5 $9050 Mayah 9052 PCI Interface Card, X.21 (2 ports) $10EC $8139 Realtek 8139 NIC 10/100 MBit RJ45 $10EE $3FC4 Mayah PCI Audio Controller, analog $10EE $3FC5 Mayah PCI Audio Controller, analog + digital $1106 $0305 Via VT8363 Host Bridge $1106 $0571 Via VT IDE Controller $1106 $0596 Via VT82C596 PCI to ISA Bridge $1106 $0597 Via VT82C598MVP Host Bridge 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 32 - VENDOR ID Rev.: PRODUCT ID PRODUCT $1106 $0686 Via VT82C686A PCI to ISA Bridge $1106 $3038 Via VT-USB Controller $1106 $3043 Via VT86C100A Fast Ethernet Adapter $1106 $3057 Via VT82C686A-Power Management $1106 $3058 Via VT82C686A-AC97/MC97 CODECs $1106 $3065 Via PCI 10/100Mb Fast Ethernet Adapter $1106 $3104 Via USB 2.0 $1106 $3106 Via VT86C100A Fast Ethernet Adapter $1106 $3122 Via VT8623 integrated CastleRock graphics $1106 $3123 Via VT8623 ?? $1106 $3177 Via ISA Bridge $1106 $8391 Via VT8363 PCI to PCI Bridge $1106 $8598 Via VT82C598MVP PCI to PCI Bridge $1106 $B091 Via VT8633 Apollo AGP $110A $2102 Siemens E1/T1 Controller, DSCC4 based $1113 $1211 SMC 1211 NIC, 10/100 Mbit, RJ45 $1186 $1002 D-Link DFE-550FX, Ethernet Controller, 100MBit, optical $1234 $5678 Audio Controller, 26 Channel digital $1397 $08B4 Cologne ISDN-Controller $1A0E $0069 DEKTEC DTA-105 (2x ASI out) $5349 $4156 Aurora Pipe PLUS (Video analog card) $5349 $4157 Aurora Pipe SDI (Video digital card) $8086 $1019 Intel 82559 Ethernet Controller $8086 $244E Intel 82801 PCI Bridge $8086 $24D0 Intel 82801 LPC Interface Bridge 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 33 - VENDOR ID PRODUCT ID PRODUCT $8086 $24D2 Intel 82801 USB UHCI Controller #1 $8086 $24D3 Intel 82801 SMBus Controller $8086 $24D4 Intel 82801 USB UHCI Controller #2 $8086 $24D7 Intel 82801 USB UHCI Controller #3 $8086 $24DB Intel 82801 DIE Controller $8086 $24DE Intel 82801 USB UHCI Controller #4 $8086 $2570 Intel 82865 DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface $8086 $2572 Intel 82865 Integrated Graphics Device $8086 $2573 Intel 82865 PCI to CSA Bridge Table 19-20: System configuration values II 3.1.14 System Update Command to transfer an update file to the Gateway over the command interface. The first parameter is size of the update file in bytes. After a <carriage return> the file is transmitted as a byte sequence. This command corresponds to the common command com_update. Syntax: sys_update <filesize of update file>[CR]<update file> Response : - Update successful [IP address]#sys_update 0 [CR] [LF] [IP address]> - error [IP address]#sys_update [err no] [CR] [LF] [IP address]> 3.1.15 Signaling Status of Update This command indicates the status of the update process initiated by the command sys_update which is described within the chapter before (chap. 4.1.14). Syntax: sys_updatestatus <param1> Parameter: Param1: [value] (Integer) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 34 - Message Format: - update status sys_updatestatus [update status] [CR][LF][IP address]> VALUE 1..100 10000 10001 10002 20000 20001 20002 -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -7 -8 -9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 -100 -101 -102 -103 -104 -105 DESCRIPTION Status of progress in % No versions available No newer version available Disk error Update in progress File transfer failed Update ok -> Rebooting RT_BDISK_OUT_OF_MEM RT_BDISK_INVALID_RTB RT_BDISK_ERROR_OPEN_DEVICE RT_BDISK_NO_BOOT_CODE RT_BDISK_ERROR_CREATING_RTA RT_BDISK_NOT_CONTIGUOUS RT_BDISK_INVALID_SECTOR_SIZE RT_BDISK_ERROR_WRITE_BOOT_SECTOR RT_BDISK_OLD_RTB RT_BDISK_INVALID_BOOT_CODE RT_BDISK_RTB_NOT_FOUND RT_BDISK_UNSUPPORTED RT_BDISK_BIOS_CLASH RT_BDISK_DISK_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL UPD_NO_UPD_FILE, no available file UPD_OPEN_FAILED, file cannot be opened UPD_UPDATE_ILLEGAL, no permission for update UPD_WRITE_ERROR, file cannaot be written UPD_READ_ERROR, file cannot be read UPD_CRC_ERROR, Ciclic Redundancy Check failed Table 21: Update process 3.1.16 System Set Update Server Address SNMP-OID : To perform a software update over ISDN or Ethernet (IP protocol) using a Mayah update server, the address or phone number of the update server first must be set. This can be done with the following command. Please note that the Centauri does not do any syntax check on the entered address or phone number string. Syntax: sys_updserveradr <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 35 - Parameter: Param1: [ip address, url name or phone number of update server,?] Response: - set Update Server Address: sys_updserveradr [adr string]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> request Update Server sys_updserveradr ?: [adr string][CR][LF][IP address]> Address 3.1.17 System Server Update SNMP-OID : Command to perform a Centauri software update using a Mayah Update Server (ISDN or Internet). Syntax: sys_serverupdate <param1> Parameter: Param1: [requested version, 0] Response: - activate server update: sys_serverupdate [version]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_serverupdate [version]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.18 System Key Code SNMP-OID : For the Centauri Gateways several functional options are available. To activate this function the Centauri needs individual key codes. The following command can be used to enter the key codes and also to request which optional functions are available. Syntax: sys_keycode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [keycode, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 36 - - set keycode sys_keycode [keycode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request keycode sys_keycode ?: [options][CR][LF][IP address]> * available options are [AAC , STR, MST, TRP, SNMP, DHCP, NTP, LINEAR, * * * MICDA, AACLD , CTAAC , DRM , MP3PRO, APTX, EnhAPTX, MultiLinear, MultiAac, MultiAptx, Gateway, Backup, H.264] * ) The different AAC-algorithms correspond to the following parameters of the Centauri software. Parameter Algorithm AAC AAC4 AACLD CTAAC DRM AAC (MPEG2) AAC (MPEG4) AAC (LD) AAC (HE) AAC (DRM) Table 22: Different AAC-Algorithms 3.1.19 System Bios SNMP-OID : (from version The system bios is the interface between the real time operating kernel and the Centauri’s system hardware. To identify the hardware in the Centauri you can request an identification string. The string has the following format: [vendor] [design] [family] [group] [version] [board][reserved] [vendor] can be: a) Mayah (this is a device version assembled before may 2001) b) MAYAH [design] can be: Rev.: a) AP (=APT Tokyo) b) AT (=ATA Audio) c) CE (=Centauri) d) CH (=APT Chicago) e) MI (=Millennium) f) TO (=APT Tokyo) g) SC (=SatCom) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 37 - [family] can be: a) 0200x (=2000 & 2001) b) 0300x (=3000 & 3001) c) 03002 (Ganymed 1102) d) 03004 (Multichannel audio) e) 03010 (DRM) f) 03020 (Merk II) g) 03500 h) 0400x (=4000 & 4001 StreamingServer) i) 04100 (io 8000) j) 04101 (io 5000) k) 04102 (io 6000) l) 04103 (io 6500) m) 04104 (io 9000) [group] can be: a) “1” (=Centauri I) b) “2” (=Centauri II) [version] is in range from 1.0 to 9.9 [board] can be: Rev.: a) nn (NMC: 5VMX) b) AA (NMC: 5VMX) c) AB (Epox: MVP3G2) d) AC (NMC: 8TAX) e) AD (Tyan: KTA2390B) f) AE (Shuttle: AV18V4.0) g) AF (SOYO: 7VBA133U) h) AG (Epox: EP-8KMM3I) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 38 - i) AH (VIA: C3M266-L) j) AI (Commel: LV602C) k) AJ (FSC: D1567C) l) AK (DFI: CM33-TL) m) AL (FSC: D2151-S) [reserved] is filled with “n” Syntax: sys_bios ? Response: request bios string sys_bios ?: [bios string][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.20 System Reset SNMP-OID : (from version Command to reset certain system variables to factory default values. For encoder, decoder and audio, the reset is executed immediately or, if the Centauri is connected, after the next disconnect. For the other parameters it is executed after the next reboot. Syntax: sys_reset <param1> Parameter: Param1: [all, system, encoder, decoder, isdn, audio, ip, x21, common, phonebook, profile, snmptrap, eventaction, ancillarydata, ttloutput, timeouts, e1, mixer, merkii, session] Response: - execute reset sys_reset [parameter group]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_reset [parameter group]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Note: As of Centauri software version it is possible to generate a sys_reset common with connecting pin 2 (receive) and pin 3 (transmit) of the RS232 remote control interface (e.g. with a screw driver) during the boot process. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 39 - Note: The parameter merkii sets back all the Merk II related settings, so this includes the parameter mixer, which sets back the settings of the wave engine. A list of all default values can be found in the appendix d of this manual. 3.1.21 System Audio Interfaces SNMP-OID : (from version Command to identify the Centauri Backplane and the used audio interfaces on the different slots. It supplies seven hex coded eight digit values which are described in the following tables. DIGIT SPECIFICATION POSSIBLE VALUES 1-8 Centauri Backplane 73 9-16 1. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 17-24 2. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 25-32 3. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 33-40 4. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 41-48 5. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 49-56 6. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E HEX VALUE INTERFACE 01 2 x stereo analog in 02 2 x stereo analog out 1D 2 x AES/EBU in 1E 2 x AES/EBU out Table 23-24: System audio interfaces Syntax: sys_audiointerface ? Response: - Rev.: Information about interfaces sys_ audiointerface ?: [Ident. value] ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 40 - - error sys_ audiointerface ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> This command is only available with the Centauri 3500. 3.1.22 System Dial Protection Command to include or exclude the possibility to be dialed by an IP- or ISDN-number, wherefore the numbers of the phonebook are used. The parameter value represents the two bit binary code as an integer (0..3). Bit 0 : True : ISDN Protection enabled Bit 1 : True : IP Protection enabled False: ISDN Protection disabled False: IP Protection disabled Syntax: sys_dialprotect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..3, ?] Response: - set dial protection sys_dialprotect [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request status of dial protection sys_dialprotect [?]:[value] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_dialprotect [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.23 System mode for manual accepted calls This command provides 4 different modes for selecting which call will be accepted automatically or manual. Available with version PARAMETER Auto Manual Dbpos Dbneg DESCRIPTION Accepts all calls automatically that are permitted by Dial Protection Accepts all calls only manually Accepts all calls manually that are permitted by Dial Protection Accepts all calls manually that are not permitted by Dial Protection, the other are accepts automatic Table 25: Parameter values for automatically accepted call Syntax: sys_acceptmode <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 41 - Parameter: Param1: [auto, manual, dbpos, dbneg, ?] Response: - set accepting mode sys_acceptmode [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request accepting mode sys_acceptmode [?]:[value] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_acceptmode [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.1.24 System Timezone Command to set and get the Centauri’s system timezone. Every Centauri has an internal timezone definition. The structure, that defines the timezone contains the values: Bias, Standarddate, Standardbias, Daylightdate and Daylightbias. The values of the structures can be set by several commands (year,month,date...). If the whole timezone structure is defined a save-command has to be used, to save the values to the system.Without saving the timezone of the system is not set. The Bias specifies the current bias, in minutes, for local time translation on this computer. The bias is the difference, in minutes, between Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) and local time. All translations between UTC and local time are based on the following formula: UTC = local time + bias The Standarddate specifies a systemtime structure that contains a date and local time when the transition from daylight saving time to standard time occurs on this operating system. If this date is not specified, the month member in the systemtime structure must be zero. If this date is specified, the Daylightdate value in the timezone structure must also be specified. To select the correct day in the month, set the year member to zero, the dayofweek member to an appropriate weekday, and the day member to a value in the range 1 through 5. Using this notation, the first Sunday in April can be specified, as can the last Thursday in October (5 is equal to "the last"). The Standardbias specifies a bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during standard time. This member is ignored if a value for the StandardDate member is not supplied. This value is added to the value of the Bias member to form the bias used during standard time. In most time zones, the value of this member is zero. The Daylightdate specifies a systemtime structure that contains a date and local time when the transition from standard time to daylight saving time occurs on this operating system. If this date is not specified, the month member in the systemtime structure must be zero. If this date is specified, the StandardDate value in the timezone structure must also be specified. To select the correct day in the month, set the year member to zero, the dayofweek member to an appropriate weekday, and the day Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 42 - member to a value in the range 1 through 5. Using this notation, the first Sunday in April can be specified, as can the last Thursday in October (5 is equal to "the last"). The DaylightBias specifies a bias value to be used during local time translations that occur during daylight saving time. This member is ignored if a value for the DaylightDate member is not supplied. This value is added to the value of the Bias member to form the bias used during daylight saving time. In most time zones, the value of this member is – 60. System Timezone Bias SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzbias <param1> Parameter: Param1: [-1440..1440, ?] (in Min) Response: - set bias to UTC sys_tzbias [bias]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request bias to UTC sys_tzbias ?: [bias][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzbias [bias]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Year SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddateyear <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..3000, ?] Response: - Rev.: set standarddate year sys_tzstandarddateyear [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 43 - - request standarddate year sys_tzstandarddateyear ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddateyear [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Month SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatemonth <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..12, ?] Response: - set standarddate month sys_tzstandarddatemonth [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request standarddate month sys_tzstandarddatemonth ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatemonth [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Day of Week SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatedayofweek <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..6, ?] 0=sunday,1=monday... Response: - Rev.: set standarddate day of week sys_tzstandarddatedayofweek [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 44 - - request standarddate day of week sys_tzstandarddatedayofweek ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatedayofweek [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Day SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddateday <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..31, ?] Response: - set standarddate day sys_tzstandarddateday [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request standarddate day sys_tzstandarddateday ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddateday [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Hour SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatehour <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..23, ?] Response: - Rev.: set standarddate hour sys_tzstandarddatehour [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 45 - - request standarddate hour sys_tzstandarddatehour ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatehour [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Minute SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddateminute <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..59, ?] Response: - set standarddate minute sys_tzstandarddateminute [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request standarddate minute sys_tzstandarddateminute ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddateminute [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Second SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatesecond <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..59, ?] Response: - Rev.: set standarddate second sys_tzstandarddatesecond [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 46 - - request standarddate second sys_tzstandarddatesecond ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatesecond [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Milliseconds SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatemilliseconds <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..999, ?] Response: - set standarddate milliseconds sys_tzstandarddatemilliseconds [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request standarddate milliseconds sys_tzstandarddatemilliseconds ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatemilliseconds [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Standarddate Bias SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzstandarddatebias <param1> Parameter: Param1: [–1440..1440, ?](in min) Response: - Rev.: set standarddate bias sys_tzstandarddatebias [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 47 - - request standarddate bias sys_tzstandarddatebias ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzstandarddatebias [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Year SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdateyear <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..3000, ?] Response: - set daylightdate year sys_tzdaylightdateyear [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate year sys_tzdaylightdateyear ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzdaylightdateyear [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Month SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatemonth <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..12, ?] Response: Rev.: - set daylightdate month sys_tzdaylightdatemonth [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate month sys_tzdaylightdatemonth ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 48 - - error sys_tzdaylightdatemonth [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Day of Week SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatedayofweek <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..6, ?] 0=sunday,1=monday... Response: - set daylightdate day of week sys_tzdaylightdatedayofweek [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate day of week sys_tzdaylightdatedayofweek ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzdaylightdatedayofweek [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Day SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdateday <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..31, ?] Response: Rev.: - set daylightdate day sys_tzdaylightdateday [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate day sys_tzdaylightdateday ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 49 - - error sys_tzdaylightdateday [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Hour SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatehour <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..23, ?] Response: - set daylightdate hour sys_tzdaylightdatehour [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate hour sys_tzdaylightdatehour ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzdaylightdatehour [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Minute SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdateminute <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..59, ?] Response: Rev.: - set daylightdate minute sys_tzdaylightdateminute [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate minute sys_tzdaylightdateminute ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 50 - - error sys_tzdaylightdateminute [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Second SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatesecond <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..59, ?] Response: - set daylightdate second sys_tzdaylightdatesecond [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate second sys_tzdaylightdatesecond ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzdaylightdatesecond [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Milliseconds SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatemilliseconds <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..999, ?] Response: Rev.: - set daylightdate milliseconds sys_tzdaylightdatemilliseconds [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate milliseconds sys_tzdaylightdatemilliseconds ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 51 - - error sys_tzdaylightdatemilliseconds [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Daylightdate Bias SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzdaylightdatebias <param1> Parameter: Param1: [–1440..1440, ?] Response: - set daylightdate bias sys_tzdaylightdatebias [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request daylightdate bias sys_tzdaylightdatebias ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sys_tzdaylightdatebias [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> System Timezone Save SNMP-OID : (from version Syntax: sys_tzsave <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1] Response: - Rev.: set timezone values sys_tzsave [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 52 - 3.2 Common Commands The following section describes commands and requests to control the Centauri Gateway’s common parameter set. 3.2.1 Device Address SNMP-OID : Command to get and set the device address. The device address is always the IP address of the first or only network interface card. Every Centauri is equipped with an Ethernet interface for remote control and audio transfer. This address can also be accessed by the ip_address command (chapter 3.7.1). Default value is Syntax: com_address <param1> Parameter: Param1: [device address, ?] Response: 3.2.2 - set device address com_address [address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request device address com_address ?: [address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_address [address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> CODEC Select SNMP-OID : Command to select and request the current addressed CODEC. If the Centauri is setup in a dual CODEC mode to transmit two independent mono bit streams to two different locations, this command selects the CODEC to be controlled. This parameter also controls the status information shown on the local display of a Centauri 2001/3001 unit. If the Centauri is not in dual CODEC mode, the value of com_codec has to be 1. Default value is 1. Syntax: com_codec <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 53 - Parameter: Param1: [1, 2, ?] Response: 3.2.3 - set CODEC to be controlled com_codec [codec no]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request controlled CODEC com_codec ?: [codec no][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_codec [codec no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Centauri Gateway Mode SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the gateway mode: [0](default) disable gateway; [1] enable gateway with last connection and configuration;[2+min phonebook index]..[2+max phonebook index] enable gateway with phonebook entry Syntax: com_gateway <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, <phonebook index+2>, ?] Response: 3.2.4 - set gateway com_gateway [param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request gateway com_gateway ?: [param1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_gateway [param1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Centauri Backup Mode SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the backup mode: [0](default) disable backup; [1] enable backup with last connection and configuration;[2+min phonebook index]..[2+max phonebook index] enable backup with phonebook entry Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 54 - com_backmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, <phonebook index+2>, ?] Response: 3.2.5 - set backup com_backmode [param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request backup com_backmode ?: [param1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_backmode [param1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Centauri Backup Time SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the backup time in milliseconds. Syntax: com_backtime <param1> Parameter: Param1: [milliseconds, ?] Response: 3.2.6 - set backup com_backtime [param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request backup com_backtime ?: [param1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_backtime [param1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Centauri Activate Dual Mode SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the ISDN B-channel beginning the range of B-channels to be used by the second CODEC. For example, suppose the Centauri is equipped with a 4 x S0 ISDN interface card and the first two S0 interfaces (B-channels 1 – 4) are to be used by the first CODEC while the second two S0 interfaces (B- Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 55 - channels 5 – 8) are to be used by the second CODEC. The parameter for the com_dualmode command then would be 5. This is the number of the first B-channel to be used by the second CODEC. To deactivate the dual mode set the B-channel number to a 0 value with com_dualmode 0. Default value is 0 (dual mode disabled). Syntax: com_dualmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 8, ?] Response: - set dual mode com_dualmode [B-channel]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request dual mode com_dualmode ?: [B-channel][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_dualmode [B-channel]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> For detailed description see Application Note 8, Dual Mode. 3.2.7 Telecommunication or Network Interface SNMP-OID : Command to set or get the interface to be used for bit stream communication. The Centauri will only accept a command argument that references an interface that is installed. Otherwise the command will report an error. For test and evaluation loop can also be selected as an interface. This selection will cause the Centauri to internally connect the encoder output to the decoder input. Default value is ISDN, if available. Syntax: com_interface <param1> Parameter: Param1: [isdn, x.21, net, loop, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 56 - Response: - set communication interface com_interface [interface]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request communication interface com_interface ?: [interface][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_interface [interface]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.8 Connect Centauri to a Remote Unit SNMP-OID : Command to execute the connection process. The command’s parameters depend on the communication interface that has been selected. X.21: Syntax: com_connect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Port (0 for both), 12, ?] The parameter 12 sets a speciall CDQ-mode for the Centauri. This mode is used for dividing MPEG Layer2, 128 kBit/s into two segments of 64 kBit/s which will be transmitted and received via each port. Response: - connect com_connect [Port] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request communication status com_connect ?: [Port] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_connect [Port] : error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> NET: Syntax: com_connect [<param1>] <param2> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, 2] (1=Encoder, 2=Decoder, 0=Encoder&Decoder, default) Param2: [[R],[U],[T],[RTP://],[HTTP://],[SAP://]+Ipaddress+[[:Port], [:HashID]]+[SDP-FileName],[sip:]+[SIP-URI], ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 57 - Response: - connect com_connect [0, 1, 2] [IP address] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request communication status com_connect [1, 2] ?: [IP address] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_connect [0, 1, 2] [IP address] : error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Param1 is not available for PING, UDP and TCP connections. Param2 is an IP address that can be modified to make the device use special protocols. Insert the following letters in front of the address : P send a Ping R activates RTP as transmission protocol U activates UDP (not longer supported) T activates TCP (not longer supported) RTP:// activates RTP without HeaderExtension HTTP:// Encoder: RTP is used and a SDP file is created in the WWW directory Decoder: RTP is used. The Decoder tries to get a SDP file specified in [SDP-Filename] SAP:// Encoder: RTP is used. A SDP file is created and distributed via SAP. Decoder: RTP is used. The Decoder tries to get a SDP via SAP . SIP: Encoder and Decoder: RTP is used. SIP-URIs may contain: username@ip-address or ip-address, username@realm or username, phonenumber The IP-Address can be followed by the Port that should be used(or in case of SAP: the Hash-ID). See Application note “A_N_019 Audio via IP” for a detailed description ISDN: Entering a ‘-’ before the phone number sets the encoder to ‘G.711’ for establishing a telephone line. Syntax: com_connect <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [ISDN B-channel] Param2: [ISDN phone number, ?] Response: - Rev.: connect com_connect [channel] [phone number]: ok [CR] [LF] [IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 58 - - request communication status com_connect [channel] ?: [phone number][CR] [LF] [IP address]> - error com_connect [channel] [phone number]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> E1: Syntax: com_connect <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [1, 2] (1=Encoder, 2=Decoder) Param2: [Group, ?] Param3: [E1A] Response: 3.2.9 - connect com_connect [1,2] [group] [card] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request communication status com_connect [1,2] ?: [group] [card] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_connect [1,2] [group] [card]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Disconnect Centauri SNMP-OID : Command to terminate a set up connection. The command’s parameters depend on the communication interface that has been selected. NET Syntax: com_disconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, 2] (1=Encoder, 2=Decoder, 0=both, default) Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 59 - - disconnect com_disconnect [0, 1, 2]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_disconnect [0, 1, 2]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> X.21 Syntax: com_disconnect Response: - disconnect com_disconnect : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_disconnect : error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> ISDN Syntax: com_disconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..8, 0] (B-channel, 0=all) Response: - disconnect com_disconnect [channel]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_disconnect [channel]:error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> E1 Syntax: com_disconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1, 2, 0] (1=Encoder, 2=Decoder, 0=both) Response: - Rev.: disconnect com_disconnect [1,2,0]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 60 - - error com_disconnect [channel]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.10 Centauri Stop Connect SNMP-OID : 1. Command to interrupt an active connect or redial process. Syntax: com_stopconnect Response: - stop connect com_stopconnect: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_stopconnect: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 2. UDP Audio: Command to stop the Decoder for an incoming UDP Audio immediately. Please note that a new incoming UDP Audio stream restarts the Decoder. Syntax: com_stopconnect Parameter: Param1: [UDP] Response: - stop connect udp com_stopconnect udp: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_stopconnect udp: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3. HTTP streaming: Command to stop all HTTP streaming connections on the corresponding chain. Syntax: com_stopconnect Parameter: Param1: [Stream] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 61 - Response: - stop connect <chain>$com_stopconnect stream: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error <chain>$com_stopconnect stream: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.11 Centauri Auto Connect Mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable a mode to automatically add ISDN B-channels to an established connection, if the automatic CODEC detection process indicates the need for an additional line. Default value is On. Syntax: com_autoconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set autoconnect mode com_autoconnect [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request autoconnect mode com_autoconnect ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_autoconnect [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.12 Centauri Auto Interface Mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable a mode to automatically change interfaces during active connections. Default value is On. Syntax: com_autointerface <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 62 - Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set autoconnect mode com_autointerface [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request autoconnect mode com_autointerface ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_autointerface [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.13 Centauri RS232 Remote Control Interface Baud Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set or get the RS232 remote control interface baud rate. Default value is 38400. Syntax: com_baudctrl <param1> Parameter: Param1: [9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200, ?] Response: - set RS232 remote control interface baud rate com_baudctrl [baud rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request RS232 remote control interface baud rate com_baudctrl ?: [baud rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_baudctrl [baud rate]:error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.14 Receive Line/Channel SNMP-OID : Command to handle the Multiplexer which is featured in Centauri 300x and 3500. The Multiplexer is able to receive Data from 1 to n(max Multiplexer-index*) remote devices(Point to Multipoint). Therefore the command is to be used in two different ways. If the Point-to-Multipoint-mode is disabled, it will be enabled automatically with the parameter [1 .. n], whereas this parameter defines the Multiplexerindex that is to be heard. The negative parameter [-1 .. -n] will activate the Point-to-Multipoint-mode but will cause that the chosen multiplexer gets no data (on the frontpanel you have to press the key ‘0_’ for this function ). The parameter [0] will deactivate this mode. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 63 - *) n = max ISDN B-channels*64000 / Encoder bit rate At this time there are only two possible bit rates : 1-channel-connection = 64.000 bit/sec 2-channel-connection = 128.000 bit/sec For 2-channel-connections the addressed B-channels of the Multiplexer have to be (1,2), (3,4), (5,6) or (7,8). Syntax: com_multipoint <param1> com_receive <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0,1,Multiplexer-index,?] Response: - set multipoint com_ multipoint [0,1,Multiplexer-index]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request multipoint com_ multipoint [?]: [0,1,Multiplexer-index] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_ multipoint [0,1,Multiplexer-index]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.15 Accept specific incoming call manually Command to accept or refuse an indicated incoming call. After a specific incoming call is signaled via all remote interfaces (see 4.15.15, sig_accept), there is a time period of two minutes to accept or refuse it. Two or more received com_accept commands with different parameters (true/false) will not effect any error, because the first received com_accept command is decisive for the connecting. Available with version Syntax: com_accept <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [transmission mode] at this time just ISDN Param2: [channel] Param3: [true / false] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 64 - Response: - set device address com_accept[mode] [channel] [true/false]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_accept[mode] [channel] [true/false]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.2.16 FEC Auto Mode SNMP-OID : This command defines the default FEC behavior for RTP connections. Syntax: com_fecmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [no, lowestdelay, highsecurity, ?] lowdelay, middledelay, lowbitrate, Response: Rev.: - set backup com_fecmode [param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request backup com_fecmode ?: [param1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error com_fecmode [param1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 65 - 3.3 Encoder Commands The following commands and requests control the Centauri Gateway’s Audio Encoder section. The Centauri Gateway is equipped with an automatic plausibility check algorithm which guarantees that only valid combinations of the following parameters are permitted: Algorithm, Sample rate, Bit rate and Mode. (For detailed information see chapter 5) These parameters should always be entered in the above shown sequence. 3.3.1 Encoder Available SNMP-OID : (from version Command to get a list of the Centauri’s Audio Encoder Algorithms that are available. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_available ? Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: - 3.3.2 get encoder algorithms enc_available ?: [<algorithm>..<algorithm>] [CR][LF][IP address]> Encoder Algorithm SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s Audio Encoder Algorithm. The following table shows the available algorithms. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. ALGORITHM SPECIFICATION SAMPLE RATE (KHZ) G.711 ITU-T G.711 8 G.722 ITU-T G.722 16 J.41 ITU-T J.41 32 J.57 ITU-T J.57 48 MPEG1 Layer 2 ISO/IEC 11172-3 32, 44.1, 48 MPEG1 Layer 3 ISO/IEC 11172-3 32, 44.1, 48 MPEG2 Layer 2 ISO/IEC 13818-3 16, 22.05, 24 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 66 - ALGORITHM SPECIFICATION SAMPLE RATE (KHZ) MPEG2 Layer 3 ISO/IEC 13818-3 16, 22.05, 24 MPEG2.5 Layer 3 FhG IIS 8, 11.025, 12 MPEG Layer 3 PRO AAC (MPEG2) 32, 44.1, 48 * ISO/IEC 13818-7 * ISO/IEC IS 14496-3 AAC (MPEG4) 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 AAC (LD)* 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 * AAC (HE) ISO/IEC IS 14496-3 AAC (DRM) 32, 44,1, 48 * 12, 24 Linear 8, 11.025, 12, 16, 22.05, 24, 32, 44.1, 48 ADPCM4SB 32 Standard aptx aptx: wth syncher aptxno: without syncher Enhanced aptx Aptx16, aptx20, aptx24 sample rate will be automatically derivated from the bit rate, see Appendix f, APT-X sample rate sample rate will be automatically derivated from the bit rate, see Appendix f, APT-X sample rate Table 26: Available algorithms AAC (MPEG2) and AAC (MPEG4) are only available in the Centauri 300x series. LINEAR is available as an option for the Centauri 300x series. J.41 and J.57 are only available in Centauri 3500. * ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 Syntax: enc_algo <param1> Parameter: * * *** Param1: [G.711, G.722, J.41 , J.57 Mpegl2, Mpegl3, MP3PRO, AAC , CTAAC*** , AAC4*** , drm** , Linear, AACLD** , ADPCM4SB** , aptx, aptx16, aptx20, aptx24, aptxno, none* , ?] Response: Rev.: - set encoder algorithm enc_algo [algorithm]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder algorithm enc_algo ?: [algorithm] [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 67 - - error enc_algo [algorithm]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> *) J.41 and J.57 are only available in Centauri 3500. **) optional ***) The different AAC-algorithms correspond to the following parameters of the Centauri software. Parameter Algorithm AAC AAC4 AACLD CTAAC DRM AAC (MPEG2) AAC (MPEG4) AAC (LD) AAC (HE) AAC (DRM) Table 27: Different AAC-Algorithms Note: Using ADPCM4SB between two Centauris only works bi-directional. The calling unit has to use following parameters: enc_algo: ADPCM4SB, enc_format: micda, enc_slave: local If the bit rate is set to 128 kBit/s the sending starts after the second ISDN-channel is established. With 256 kBit/s the sending starts after the fourth ISDN-channel is established. The synchronisation with Hifiscoop doesn’t work. 3.3.3 Encoder Channel Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s Encoder Channel mode. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. The available modes depend on the used algorithms: G.711, G.722 Linear, aptx, aptx16, aptx20, aptx24 aptxno mono mono, stereo mono, stereo, dual Table 28: Encoder Channel Modes Syntax: enc_mode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [mono, dual, joint, chan6 , chan8* , ?] stereo, chan4* , chan4c* , chan4m* , * Response: - Rev.: set encoder channelmode enc_mode [channelmode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 68 - * ) 3.3.4 - request encoder channelmode enc_mode ?: [channelmode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_mode [channelmode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> this command is only available for Multichannel audio and special algorithms Encoder Bit Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the bit rate of the audio encoder. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. For G.711 and Linear it is not necessary to set a bit rate. Syntax: enc_bitrate <param1> Parameter: Param1: [bit rate, ?] Response: - set encoder bit rate enc_bitrate [bit rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request bit rate enc_bitrate ?: [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_bitrate [bit rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.5 Encoder Actual Bit Rate SNMP-OID : Command to get the actual audio encoder bit rate. The rated and the actual bit rate could differ in case of using H.221 or J.52 multiplex protocol. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_realrate ? Response: - Rev.: Request actual bit rate enc_realrate ? : [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 69 - 3.3.6 Encoder Sample Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the sample rate (in Hz) of the audio encoder of the Centauri or the framerate [fps] of the video encoders. In the case of a video algorithm the samplerate is interpreted as 1/1000 p f s (e.g. enc_srate 25000 means 25,0 fps) Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_srate <param1> Parameter: Param1 (audio): [8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000, ?] Param1 (video): [1..29970, ?] Response: - set encoder sample rate enc_srate [sample rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder sample rate enc_srate ?: [sample rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_srate [sample rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.7 Encoder Bit Stream Format SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s audio encoder bit stream format. This setting will also affect the audio decoder. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_format <param1> Parameter: * * Param1: [No, CCS, Musictaxi, J.52, Auto, Micda , Aptx , ?] *) optional Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 70 - 3.3.8 - set bit stream format enc_format [bit stream format]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request bit stream format enc_format ?: [bit stream format][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_format [bit stream format]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Encoder Dependency Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the encoder dependency. These modes describe whether the encoder should be set up in the same way as the far end encoder or use the local encoder settings. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. In most cases this parameter should be set to remote. Syntax: enc_slave <param1> Parameter: Param1: [local, remote, ?] Response: 3.3.9 - set encoder dependency enc_slave [dependency]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder dependency enc_slave ?: [dependency][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_slave [dependency]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Encoder Bandwidth Command to set and get the required bandwidth of an encoder. The parameter mask arises from the sum of the values of the encoder which are to be activated for this mode (see table mask value).For example: for setting the bandwidth for layer 2 and AAC, the mask value is 5. If this mode is disabled, which is the default status, the encoder gets default bandwidth depending on sample rate and bit rate (see table default bandwidth). Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_audiobandwidth <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 71 - Param1: [mask, ?] Response: - set encoder bandwidth enc_ audiobandwidth [mask]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder bandwidth enc_ audiobandwidth ?: [mask][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_ audiobandwidth [mask]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> ENCODER VALUE inactive 0 Layer 2 1 Layer 3 * 2 AAC 4 * 8 AAC (LD) ** 16 G.711 Table 29: Mask values *) **) not implemented yet Version and higher Default bandwidth CT Layer 2 Encoder (only used for Centauri 3500): SAMPLE RATE (HZ) BIT RATE (BIT/S) MONO (HZ) JOINT STEREO (HZ) 48000 128000 14250 12000 9000 192000 16500 16500 16500 256000 16500 16500 16500 384000 16500 16500 16500 128000 14000 12000 9000 32000 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual STEREO/DUAL MONO (HZ) MAYAH Communications GmbH - 72 - 192000 15000 15000 15000 256000 15000 15000 15000 384000 15000 15000 15000 Table 30: Default bandwidth CT Layer 2 Encoder 3.3.10 Encoder Audio Input SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s audio input interface. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_audiotype <param1> Parameter: * * Param1: [analog, s/pdif, toslink, aes/ebu, adat12 , adat34 , * * * * * adat56 , adat78 , adat910 , adat1112 , adat1314 , adat1516*, adat1718* , adat1920* , adat2122* , adat2324* , adat14*** , adat58*** , adat16*** , adat18*** , ?] Response: ** - set audio input enc_audiotype [audio input]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio input enc_audiotype ?: [audio intut][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_audiotype [audio input]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> * ) ** these values are not valid for MerkII ) *** ) this command is not implemented for Centauri 3500 these values are only available for multi channel audio and not valid for MerkII 3.3.11 Encoder Master Volume Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left audio encoder master volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 73 - enc_mastervolL <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder master volume left enc_mastervolL [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder master volume left enc_mastervolL ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_mastervolL [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.12 Encoder Master Volume Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right audio encoder master volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_mastervolR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder master volume right enc_mastervolR [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder master volume right enc_mastervolR ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_mastervolR [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.13 Encoder Volume Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left encoder volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 74 - enc_volL <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder volume left enc_volL [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder volume left enc_volL ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_volL [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.14 Encoder Volume Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right encoder volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_volR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder volume right enc_volR [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder volume right enc_volR ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_volR [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.15 Encoder Panning Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left encoder channel pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 75 - enc_panL <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder panning left enc_panL [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder panning left enc_panL ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_panL [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.16 Encoder Panning Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right encoder pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_panR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder panning right enc_panR [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder panning right enc_panR ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_panR [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.17 Encoder Monitoring SNMP-OID : Command to get, enable or disable the Centauri’s encoder audio monitoring. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 76 - enc_ monitoring <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, ?] Response: - set encoder monitoring enc_monitoring [0, 1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder monitoring enc_monitoring ?: [0, 1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_monitoring [0, 1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.18 Encoder Monitor Volume Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left encoder monitor volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_monvolL <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder monitor volume left enc_monvolL [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder volume left enc_monvolL ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_monvolL [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.19 Encoder Monitor Volume Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right encoder monitor volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 77 - enc_monvolR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535,?] Response: - set encoder monitor volume right enc_monvolR [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder monitor volume right enc_monvolR ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_monvolR [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.20 Encoder Monitor Panning Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left encoder monitor channel pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_monpanL <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder monitor panning left enc_monpanL [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder monitor panning left enc_monpanL ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_monpanL [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.21 Encoder Monitor Panning Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right encoder monitor channel pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 78 - enc_monpanR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set encoder monitor panning right enc_monpanR [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder monitor panning right enc_monpanR ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_monpanR [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.22 Encoder Clipping Time SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s encoder clipping time. The clipping time indicates the time in ms, the Overload LED at the front panel is switched on, if an audio clipping happens. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_cliptime <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 2147483647, ?] Response: - set encoder cliptime enc_cliptime [time value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder cliptime enc_cliptime ?: [time value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_cliptime [time value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.23 Encoder Clipping Level SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 79 - Command to set and get the Centauri’s encoder clipping level. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. The clipping level describes the digital audio level at which an overload event will be indicated. 23 Values from 0 to 2 can be chosen. Zero means: An overload will be indicated if the input signal is zero or above (the LED will always be illuminated because of the base noise „GRUNDRAUSCHEN“). 22 Choose 2 for 50% fullscale overload trigger level. To signal –3dB fullscale choose 5,938,679. To calculate the clipping level please use the following formula: b a = 2 23 * 10 20 a: clipping level to hand over to enc_cliplevel b: the clipping level in dB The following table shows some references between this level and the corresponding dB f s value. CLIPPING LEVEL DBFS 8,388,608 0 7,476,354 -1 5,938,679 -3 4,204,263 -6 Table 31: Encoder clipping level Syntax: enc_cliplevel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 2147483647, ?] Response: - set encoder cliplevel enc_cliplevel [level value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder cliplevel enc_cliplevel ?: [level value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_cliplevel [level value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> The default is set to 8,000,000 (= 95,37% = -0,41dB FS) 3.3.24 Encoder Ancillary Data Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the encoder ancillary data mode. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 80 - If set to auto, which should be the value in most cases, the format, used to encode ancillary data into an MPEG bit stream, is controlled by the multiplexer system. If the multiplexer recognizes a third party CODEC, it will force the encoder to use a format that is compatible with that CODEC. In certain circumstances it could be necessary to use a fixed format. The available formats depend on the used algorithm: layer 2: ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco aptx : left, right, none (default value is left) With all other algorithms these parameters will be ignored and auto will be used. The ancillary data mode ts (transport stream) uses header extensions of rtp-packets. Up to 30 ancillary data bytes can be send per RTP/IP packet. ts is available with all audio algorithms. In most cases this parameter should be set to auto. Syntax: enc_ancmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto, ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco, left, right, none, ts, ?] Response: - set encoder ancillary data mode enc_ancmode [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder ancillary data mode enc_ancmode ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_ancmode [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.25 Encoder CRC-protection This command, available with version, handles the activation and deactivation of the encoders crc-protection. It works with different parameters for MPEG-algorithms and DRM. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. For MPEG-algorithms: Syntax: enc_protect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, 2, ?] 0 = default, 1 = off, 2 = on Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 81 - - set encoder priotection mode enc_protect [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request protection mode enc_protect?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_protect [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> For DRM: Syntax: enc_protect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [lengthHigherProtected*] Response: - set encoder priotection mode enc_protect [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request protection mode enc_protect?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_protect [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> *) lengthHigherProtected: The length of the higher protected part in bytes (Input). NOTE: A value of 0 is always possible and signals that no UEP is used. The valid values depend on the coder sampling rate: coderSamplingRate = 12000: 0, 6, 11, 16, 21, ... (in steps of 5) coderSamplingRate = 24000: 0, 14, 24, 34, 44, ... (in steps of 10) lengthHigherProtected needs to be < lengthOfAudioSuperFrame / 2. The required parameters result from the following rules: audioMode: 0 mono 1 parametric-stereo(joint stereo) 2 stereo lengthOfAudioSuperFrame(bitrate / 20): The length of the audio super frame in bytes (Input). length of higher protected part + length of lower protected part - length of text message Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 82 - NOTE: The valid values for the audio super frame length for AAC depend on the coder sampling rate and the audio mode. The current limits for AAC are: coderSamplingRate audioMode lengthOfAudioSuperFrame 12000 24000 24000 24000 0 0 0 or 1 2 400 ... 699 700 ... 823 824 ... 1824 1324 ... 3700 3.3.26 Encoder Interlacedmode SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to get or set the Centauri’s encoder interlacemode filter status. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_interlacemode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, ?] Response: - set encoder interlacemode enc_interlacemode [0, 1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder interlacemode enc_interlacemode ?: [0, 1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_interlacemode [0, 1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.27 Encoder Motion Estimation Accuracy SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the video encoder's motion estimation accuracy. 1 corresponds to whole pixel, 2 to half, and 4 to quarter. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 83 - Syntax: enc_motestaccuracy <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1, 2, 4, ?] Response: - set encoder interlacemode enc_motestaccuracy [1, 2, 4]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder interlacemode enc_motestaccuracy ?: [1, 2, 4][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_motestaccuracy address]> <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP 3.3.28 Encoder High Complexity SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the video encoder's high complexity status. If enabled, this reduces the bitrate while maitaining the image quality, but the counterpart is that the encoding takes a lot more time. So this is only usable for resdolutions of CIF and under. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_highcomplexity <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, ?] Response: - set encoder high complexity enc_highcomplexity [0, 1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder high complexity enc_highcomplexity ?: [0, 1][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 84 - - error enc_highcomplexity address]> <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP 3.3.29 Encoder Key Frame Period SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the IO video encoder's key frame(intra-frame) period. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_keyframeperiod <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..4294967296, ?] Response: - set encoder key frame period enc_keyframeperiod [1..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder key frame period enc_keyframeperiod ?: [1..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_keyframeperiod address]> <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP 3.3.30 Encoder Scene Cut Detection SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. If the difference between one picture and the next is very big, it is often better to not predict the second picture, and just insert a keyfrasme instead. This happens for example when the there is a change in camera angle, or a scene cut. This command enables/disables scene cut detection and insertion of additional keyframes. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_scenecutdetection <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 85 - Parameter: Param1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set encoder scene cut detection enc_scenecutdetection [on, off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder scene cut detection enc_scenecutdetection ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_scenecutdetection address]> <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP 3.3.31 Encoder Vbv Buffer Size SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The video buffering verifier (VBV) is an algorithm for encoding a bitstream with an approximately constant bitrate. The encoder simulates the decoder's buffer usage, and will adapt the bitrate so that the decoder buffer is never empty or full, but somewhere in between. Supposing that the user sets the Vbv buffer size to 300000, it means that the encoder will imagine that the decoder has a buffer size of 300000bits. If the bitrate is 600000 bits/s, this corresponds to a buffer size of 0,5 seconds, and the encoder will therefore regulate the bitrate over 0.5 seconds. The bigger this value is, the better the encoder can adapt its bitrate to the image. The smaller this value is, the more stable is the bitrate. There is therfore a slight tradeoff between bitrate stability and image quality. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_vbvbuffersize <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..4294967296, ?] (must be multiples of 16384) -“0” means “no vbv” -“1” means “automatic” = 0.5 seconds(0.5 * Bitrate) Response: - Rev.: set encoder vbv buffer size 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 86 - enc_vbvbuffersize [0..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder vbv buffer size enc_vbvbuffersize ?: [0..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_vbvbuffersize <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.32 Encoder Width SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The encoder width is the horizontal pixel count. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_width <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..4294967296, ?] Response: - set encoder width enc_width [0..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder width enc_width ?: [0..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_width <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.33 Encoder Height SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The encoder height is the vertical pixel count. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_height <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 87 - Parameter: Param1: [0..4294967296, ?] Response: - set encoder width enc_height [0..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder width enc_height ?: [0..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_height <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.34 Encoder Pixel Width SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The encoder pixel width is the ratio between input and output pixel width. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_pixelwidth <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..4294967296, ?] Response: - set encoder width enc_pixelwidth [0..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder width enc_pixelwidth ?: [0..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_pixelwidth <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.35 Encoder Pixel Height SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 88 - These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The encoder pixel height is the ratio between input and output pixel height. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_pixelheight <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..4294967296, ?] Response: - set encoder width enc_pixelheight [0..4294967296]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder width enc_pixelheight ?: [0..4294967296][CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_pixelheight <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.36 Encoder stream format SNMP-OID : Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_stream <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto, raw1, adif1, adts1, latm1, loas1, low-byte-first2, high-byte-first2, ?] Response: - set encoder stream format enc_stream <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder stream format enc_stream ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 89 - - error enc_stream <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 1 AAC 2 LINEAR 3.3.37 Encoder signal format SNMP-OID : Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_signal <param1> Parameter: [auto, backward1, ?] Param1: implicit1, explicit-backward1, explicit-non- Response: - set encoder signal format enc_signal <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder signal format enc_signal ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_stream <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 1 AAC(HE) 3.3.38 Encoder Audio Device SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The audiocard used by the encoder can be selected. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 90 - enc_audiodevice <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..3, ?] Response: - set encoder audio device enc_audiodevice <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder audio device enc_audiodevice ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_audiodevice <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.39 Encoder Video Device SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The videocard used by the encoder can be selected. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_videodevice <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..3, ?] Response : - set encoder video device enc_videodevice <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder video device enc_videodevice ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_videodevice <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 91 - 3.3.40 Encoder Frame Skip Probability SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. To adapt the bit-rate to video material of different complexity, the codec controls the quantisations step-size and the frame-rate. While a high quantisation step size yields a poor picture quality, too many dropped frames give a jerky video. To communicate the codec about how often frame shall be skiped, the [IO] defines a frame skip probability. In the end, the codec itself decides whether to skip a frame or not. The skip probability is a parameter value between 0 and 1000 where 0 means that no frames will be skiped while 1000 gives the highest possible skip probability. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_frameskip <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..1000, ?] Response: - set encoder frame skip probability enc_frameskip <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder frame skip probability enc_frameskip ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_frameskip <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.41 Encoder chain state SNMP-OID : Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_state <param1> Parameter: Param1: [creating, created, starting, started, stopping, stopped, destroying, destroyed, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 92 - Response: - request encoder chain state enc_state ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.42 Encoder setup SNMP-OID : In some cases it can be necessary to distinguish between rated, real or configurated values. It is possible to change the configuration of the Audio Video Codec to adjust the settings for a later application, while the former settings are applied to the actual connection. The real bitrate e.g. can differ from the rated value, if the algorithm needs a specific offset for internal information. auto : if a codec is running the actually applied values are given for the encoder commands (i.e. the rated value), otherwise the actual configuration value is supplied (i.e the config value) config: the configuration value is supplied rated: if a codec is running the actually applied rated values are given for the encoder commands, otherwise “not available” is responded (SNMP respond with “resourceUnavailable”). In opposite to 'real' just ISO allowed values are displayed (i.e. when the real bit rate is 256349 then 256000 is displayed). real: if a codec is running the actually applied real values are given for the encoder commands, otherwise “not available” is responded (SNMP respond with “resourceUnavailable”). In opposite to 'rated' the real used bitrate is dipslayed and not the ISO allowed value. The default and recommended value (backwards compatibility) is 'auto'. Please note that in the case of “rated” or “real” an error text could be returned instead of the expected value. Example: The encoder bitrate is set to 128000. Afterwards another codec establishs a AAC (MPEG4) 4 Bchannel ISDN connection (i.e. ISO bit rate 256 kbps). Here are the different answers to the command 'dec_bitrate ?': - auto: 256000 - real: 256349 - rated: 256000 - config:128000 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 93 - Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_setup <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto, config, rated, real, ?] Response: - set encoder setup enc_setup <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder setup enc_setup ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_setup <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.43 Encoder Resolution SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the Centauri’s encoder sample resolution in bits. Possible values for the linear algorithm are: 8, 12, 16, 20, 24 Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_resolution <param1> Parameter: Param1: [resolution , ?] Response: - set encoder resolution enc_resolution <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder resolution enc_resolution?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 94 - - error enc_resolution <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.3.44 Encoder File Type SNMP-OID : Command to get or set the Centauri’s encoder file type. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: enc_filetype <param1> Parameter: Param1: [raw, riff, bwf, musi, id3, ?] Response: - set encoder file type enc_filetype <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request encoder file type enc_filetype ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error enc_filetype <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 95 - 3.4 3.4.1 Decoder Commands Decoder Algorithm SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s Audio Decoder Algorithm. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_algo <param1> Parameter: Param1: see chapter 3.3.2 Response: 3.4.2 - set decoder algorithm dec_algo [algorithm]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder algorithm dec_algo ?: [algorithm] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_algo [algorithm]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Channel Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s decoder channel mode. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. The available modes depend on the used algorithms: G.711, G.722 Linear, aptx, aptx16, aptx20, aptx24 aptxno mono mono, stereo mono, stereo, dual Table 32: Decoder Channel Modes Syntax: dec_mode <param1> Parameter: Param1: see chapter 3.3.3 Response: - Rev.: set decoder channelmode dec_mode [channelmode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 96 - 3.4.3 - request decoder channelmode dec_mode ?: [channelmode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_mode [channelmode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Bit Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the audio decoder bitrate. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. For G.711 and Linear it is not necessary to set a bit rate. Syntax: dec_bitrate <param1> Parameter: Param1: [bit rate, ?] Response: 3.4.4 - set decoder bit rate dec_bitrate [bit rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder bit rate dec_bitrate ?: [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_bitrate [bit rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Actual Bit Rate SNMP-OID : Command to request the audio decoder’s actual bit rate. The rated and actual bit rate could differ when H.221 or J.52 multiplex protocol are being used. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_realrate ? Response: - 3.4.5 request actual bit rate dec_realrate ?: [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Sample Rate SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 97 - Command to set and get the sample rate (in Hz) of the audio decoder of the Centauri or the framerate [fps] of the video decoders. In the case of a video algorithm the samplerate is interpreted as 1/1000 fps (e.g. enc_srate 25000 means 25,0 fps) Syntax: dec_srate <param1> Parameter: Param1: see chapter 3.3.6 Response: 3.4.6 - set decoder sample rate dec_srate [sample rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder sample rate dec_srate ?: [sample rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_srate [sample rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Dependency Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the decoder dependency. This mode describes whether the decoder should follow the far end decoder or use the local settings. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. If the parameter ‘Dependency’ is set to remote, all changings of encoder parameter will also change the corresponding decoder parameters. Note that setting the decoder’s dependency from local to remote, doesn’t change the decoder parameters until the encoder’s will be changed. In most cases this parameter should be remote. Syntax: dec_slave <param1> Parameter: Param1: [local, remote, ?] Response: - Rev.: set decoder dependency dec_slave [dependency]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 98 - 3.4.7 - request decoder dependency dec_slave ?: [dependency][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_slave [dependency]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Audio Output SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s audio output. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_audiotype <param1> Parameter: * * Param1: [analog, s/pdif, toslink, aes/ebu, adat12 , adat34 , * * * * * adat56 , adat78 , adat910 , adat1112 , adat1314 , adat1516*, adat1718* , adat1920* , adat2122* , adat2324* , adat14*** , adat58*** , adat16*** , adat18*** , ?] Response: * ) ** set audio output dec_audiotype [audio input]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output dec_audiotype ?: [audio intut][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_audiotype [audio input]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> these values are not valid for MerkII ) *** ** - ) 3.4.8 this command is not implemented for Centauri 3500 these values are only available for multi channel audio and not valid for MerkII Decoder Master Volume Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s audio decoder left master volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_mastervolL <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 99 - Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: 3.4.9 - set decoder master volume left dec_mastervolL [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder master volume left dec_mastervolL ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_mastervolL [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Decoder Master Volume Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s audio decoder right master volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_mastervolR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set decoder master volume right dec_mastervolR [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder master volume right dec_mastervolR ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_mastervolR [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.10 Decoder Volume Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left decoder volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_volL <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 100 - Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set decoder volume left dec_volL [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder volume left dec_volL ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_volL [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.11 Decoder Volume Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right decoder volume. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_volR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set decoder volume right dec_volR [volume]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder volume right dec_volR ?: [volume][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_volR [volume]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.12 Decoder Panning Left SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s left decoder channel pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_panL <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 101 - Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set decoder panning left dec_panL [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder panning left dec_panL ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_panL [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.13 Decoder Panning Right SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s right decoder pan position. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_panR <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set decoder panning right dec_panR [pan position]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder panning right dec_panR ?: [pan position][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_panR [pan position]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.14 Decoder Clipping Time SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s decoder clipping time. The clipping time indicates the time in ms, the Overload LED at the front panel is switched on, if an audio clipping happens. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_cliptime <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 102 - Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 2147483647, ?] Response: - set decoder cliptime dec_cliptime [time value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder cliptime dec_cliptime ?: [time value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_cliptime [time value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.15 Decoder Clipping Level SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s decoder clipping level. The clipping level describes the digital audio level at which an overload event will be indicated. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. The following table shows some references between this level and the corresponding dB f s value. CLIPPING LEVEL DBFS 8,388,608 0 7,476,354 -1 5,938,679 -3 4,204,263 -6 Table 33: Decoder clipping level Syntax: dec_cliplevel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 2147483647, ?] Response: Rev.: - set decoder cliplevel dec_cliplevel [level value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder cliplevel dec_cliplevel ?: [level value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 103 - - error dec_cliplevel [level value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.16 Decoder Ancillary Data Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the decoder ancillary data mode. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. If set to auto, which should be the value in most cases, the format, used to decode ancillary data from an MPEG bit stream, is controlled by the multiplexer system. If the multiplexer recognizes a third party CODEC, it will force the decoder to use a format that is compatible with that CODEC. In certain circumstances it could be necessary to use a fixed format. The available formats depend on the used algorithm: layer 2: ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco aptx : left, right, none (default value is left) The ancillary data mode ts (transport stream) uses header extensions of rtp-packets. Up to 30 ancillary data bytes can be send per RTP/IP packet. ts is available with all audio algorithms. With all other algorithms these parameters will be ignored and auto will be used. Syntax: dec_ancmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto, ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco, left, right, none , ts, ?] Response: - set decoder ancillary data mode dec_ancmode [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder ancillary data mode dec_ancmode ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_ancmode [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.17 Decoder Bit Stream Format Command to get the currently used codec bit stream format of the far end device (see chap. 3.3.7, Encoder Bitstream Format). The value ‘pc’ as response parameter represents a Centauri or SendIt on the far end. This command is available with release Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 104 - dec_format <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: - request bit stream format dec_format ?: [bit stream format][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.18 Decoder CRC-protection This command, available with version, handles the activation and deactivation of the decoders crc-protection. It works with different parameters for MPEG-algorithms and DRM. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. For MPEG-algorithms: Syntax: dec_protect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, 2, ?] 0 = default, 1 = off, 2 = on Response: - set encoder priotection mode dec_ protect [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request protection mode dec_ protect?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_ protect [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> For DRM: Syntax: dec_protect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [lengthHigherProtected*] Response: - Rev.: set encoder priotection mode dec_ protect [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 105 - - request protection mode dec_ protect?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_ protect [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> *) lengthHigherProtected: The length of the higher protected part in bytes (Input). NOTE: A value of 0 is always possible and signals that no UEP is used. The valid values depend on the coder sampling rate: coderSamplingRate = 12000: 0, 6, 11, 16, 21, ... (in steps of 5) coderSamplingRate = 24000: 0, 14, 24, 34, 44, ... (in steps of 10) lengthHigherProtected needs to be < lengthOfAudioSuperFrame / 2. The required parameters result from the following rules: audioMode: 0 mono 1 parametric-stereo(joint stereo) 3 stereo lengthOfAudioSuperFrame(bitrate / 20): The length of the audio super frame in bytes (Input). length of higher protected part + length of lower protected part - length of text message NOTE: The valid values for the audio super frame length for AAC depend on the coder sampling rate and the audio mode. The current limits for AAC are: coderSamplingRate audioMode lengthOfAudioSuperFrame 12000 24000 24000 24000 0 0 0 or 1 2 400 ... 699 700 ... 823 824 ... 1824 1324 ... 3700 3.4.19 Decoder Filter SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the decoder filter mode. To increase the subjectively measured quality of the decoded video, there are different post-filters that can be applied to the reconstructed frames. We suggest the use of this filter especially for very low bitrate video. Please note that use of this filter increases substantially processor usage of the decoder. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 106 - The parameter values have the following meaning: 0 is for no post-filter 1 is for deblocking 2 is for deringing 3 is deblocking + deringing Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_filter <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, 2, 3, ?] Response: - set decoder filter dec_filter [0, 1, 2, 3]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder filter dec_filter ?: [0, 1, 2, 3][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_filter <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.20 Decoder Width SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the width of the decoder picture. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_width <param1> Parameter: Param1: [width, ?] Response: - Rev.: set decoder width dec_width [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 107 - - request width dec_width ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_width [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.21 Decoder Height SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the height of the decoder picture. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_height <param1> Parameter: Param1: [height, ?] Response: - set decoder height dec_height [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request height dec_height ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_height [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.22 Decoder X-Offset SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the x-offset of the decoder picture. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_xoffset <param1> (Default: 0) Parameter: Param1: [xoffset, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 108 - - set decoder xoffset dec_xoffset [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request xoffset dec_xoffset ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_xoffset [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.23 Decoder Y-Offset SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the y-offset of the decoder picture. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_yoffset <param1> (Default: 0) Parameter: Param1: [yoffset, ?] Response: - set decoder yoffset dec_yoffset [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request yoffset dec_yoffset ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_yoffset [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.24 Decoder Resizemode SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to set and get the resize mode of the video decoder. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_resizemode <param1> (Default: 0) Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 109 - Param1: [0,1,2,3, ?] 0: Original = The picture is displayed without size modifications. 1: PAR = The picture is resized using the pixel aspect ratio (PAR) supplied by the encoder 2: manuell = The picture size can be chosen freely 3: full screen = The picture size will be adjusted to the dimensions of the video output Response: - set decoder resizemode dec_resizemode [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder resizemode dec_resizemode ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_resizemode [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.25 Decoder stream format SNMP-OID : Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_stream <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto, raw1, adif1, adts1, latm1, loas1, low-byte-first2, high-byte-first2, ?] Response: - set decoder stream format dec_stream <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder stream format dec_stream ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_stream <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 1 Rev.: AAC 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 110 - 2 LINEAR 3.4.26 Decoder Audio Device SNMP-OID : The audiocard used by the decoder can be selected. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_audiodevice <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..3, ?] Response: - set decoder audio device dec_audiodevice <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder stream format dec_audiodevice ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_audiodevice <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.27 Decoder Video Device SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. The videocard used by the decoder can be selected. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_videodevice <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..3, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 111 - - set decoder video device dec_videodevice <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder video device dec_videodevice ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_videodevice <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.28 Decoder chain state SNMP-OID : Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_state <param1> Parameter: Param1: [creating, created, starting, started, stopping, stopped, destroying, destroyed, ?] Response: - request decoder chain state dec_state ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.29 Decoder setup SNMP-OID : In some cases it can be necessary to distinguish between rated, real or configurated values. It is possible to change the configuration of the Audio Video Codec to adjust the settings for a later application, while the former settings are applied to the actual connection. The real bitrate e.g. can differ from the rated value, if the algorithm needs a specific offset for internal information. auto : if a codec is running the actually applied values are given for the decoder commands (i.e. the rated value), otherwise the actual configuration value is supplied (i.e the config value) config: the configuration value is supplied rated: if a codec is running the actually applied rated values are given for the decoder commands, otherwise “not available” is responded (SNMP respond with “resourceUnavailable”). In opposite to 'real' just ISO allowed values are displayed (i.e. when the real bit rate is 256349 then 256000 is displayed). Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 112 - real: if a codec is running the actually applied real values are given for the encoder commands, otherwise “not available” is responded (SNMP respond with “resourceUnavailable”). In opposite to 'rated' the real used bitrate is dipslayed and not the ISO allowed value. The default and recommended value (backwards compatibility) is 'auto'. Please note that in the case of “rated” or “real” an error text could be returned instead of the expected value. Example: The decoder bitrate is set to 128000. Afterwards another codec establishs a AAC (MPEG4) 4 Bchannel ISDN connection (i.e. ISO bit rate 256 kbps). Here are the different answers to the command 'dec_bitrate ?': - auto: 256000 - real: 256349 - rated: 256000 - config:128000 Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_setup <param1> Parameter: Param1: [auto,config,rated,real , ?] Response: - set decoder setup dec_setup <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder setup dec_setup ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_setup <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 113 - 3.4.30 Decoder Resolution SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s decoder sample resolution in bits. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_resolution <param1> Parameter: Param1: [resolution , ?] Response: - set decoder resolution dec_resolution <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request decoder resolution dec_resolution?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error dec_resolution <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.31 Decoder File Type SNMP-OID : Command to get the Centauri’s decoder file type. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: dec_filetype <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: - request decoder file type dec_filetype address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 ?: [raw, riff, bwf, Communication Reference Manual musi, id3] [CR][LF][IP MAYAH Communications GmbH - 114 - ISDN Communication Commands The Centauri Gateway can be equipped with one, two or four S0 ISDN interfaces. The following commands are used to setup these interfaces for different applications and environments. 3.4.32 ISDN D-Channel Protocol SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s ISDN D-Channel protocol. The selected protocol is valid for all installed interfaces. Syntax: ISDN_protocol <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1TR6, 5ESS, AUSTEL, DSS1, DSS1INT, DSS1ext, JATE, NI1, VN, ?] Response: - set ISDN ISDN_protocol [protocol]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN ISDN_protocol ?: [protocol][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_protocol [protocol]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.33 ISDN Multiple Subscriber Number (MSN) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the MSN for every B-channel for all installed ISDN interfaces. Syntax: ISDN_msn <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [1 .. 8] B-channel number Param2: [msn, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 115 - - set ISDN msn ISDN_msn [B-channel, MSN]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN msn ISDN_msn [B-channel, ?]: [MSN][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_msn [B-channel, MSN]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.34 ISDN Service Provider ID (SPID) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the SPID per B-channel. This parameter is used only in North America. Syntax: ISDN_spid <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [1 .. 8] B-channel number Param2: [spid, ?] Response: - set ISDN spid ISDN_msn [B-channel] [spid]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN spid ISDN_msn [B-channel] ?: [spid][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_msn [B-channel] [spid]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.35 ISDN Predial Number (Call by Call Provider) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the numbers to be dialed before the phone number, to select a call-by-call provider. Syntax: ISDN_predial <param1> Parameter: Param1: [predial number, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 116 - Response: - set ISDN predial number ISDN_predial [predial number]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN predial number ISDN_predial ?: [predial number][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_predial [predial number]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.36 ISDN PBX SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the number(s) to be dialed before the phone number to get external line access. This is normally used if the ISDN interface is connected to a PBX system. Default value is [space]. Syntax: ISDN_pbx <param1> Parameter: Param1: [space, pbx number, ?] Response: - set ISDN pbx ISDN_pbx [pbx no]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN ISDN_pbx ?: [pbx no][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_pbx [pbx no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.37 ISDN Digit Number for External Calls SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the minimum number of digits for an external call, when the Centauri is connected to a PBX system. Syntax: ISDN_extdig <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 117 - Param1: [number of digits, ?] Response: - set ISDN number of digits for external call ISDN_extdig [number of digits]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN number of digits for external call ISDN_extdig ?: [number of digits][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_extdig [number of digits]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.38 ISDN Redial Time Out SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the duration (in seconds) before redialing a busy number. Syntax: ISDN_timeout <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set ISDN redial timeout ISDN_timeout [timeout]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN redial timeout ISDN_timeout ?: [timeout][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_timeout [timeout]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.39 ISDN Redial Attempts SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the number of busy redial attempts. The Centauri will automatically redial <param1> number of times if the far-end is busy. Active connections will be reconnected automatically if far end disconnect lines. Syntax: ISDN_redial <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 118 - Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 65535, ?] Response: - set ISDN redial attempts ISDN_redial [redial attempts]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN redial attempts ISDN_redial ?: [redial attempts][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_redial [redial attempts]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.40 ISDN Test Mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the ISDN test mode. If test mode is activated, the Centauri starts its extended ISDN statistic and error reporting functions. The results can be requested using the ISDN_statinfo function. Test mode can only be used between two Centauri Gateways and has to be activated on both sides. The value of the test mode is not stored on the internal flash memory and so is automatically reset to off after the next Centauri reboot. Syntax: ISDN_testmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set ISDN test mode ISDN_testmode [on, off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN test mode ISDN_testmode ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_testmode [on, off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.41 ISDN Statistic Info SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 119 - Command to request the ISDN protocol stack’s statistical data. Available are the number of bit and H.221 CRC errors as well as a byte counter. To reset the statistics to 0 use the command ISDN_statinfo 0 0 0. Syntax: ISDN_statinfo <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 0 0 (reset), ?] Response: - reset ISDN statistics ISDN_statinfo [0 0 0]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN statistics ISDN_statinfo ?: [bit err] [byte count] [CRC err] [CR][LF][ IP address]> 3.4.42 ISDN Charge Info SNMP-OID : Command to request the charge information per channel. The reported values are valid only for the active or last connection. Syntax: ISDN_cost <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: - request the current charge information for all B-channels ISDN_cost ?: [charge count 1 .. 8][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.43 ISDN Update System Time SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the synchronization of the Centauri’s internal system clock to the ISDN net clock timestamp. Syntax: ISDN_time <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 120 - Parameter: Param1: [0 (disabled), 1 .. 8 (b-channel), ?] Response: - set update system time mode ISDN_time [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request update system time mode ISDN_time ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_time [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.44 ISDN Initialization Delay Time for Setup Datagram Transfer SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the setup delay time in milliseconds. It describes the time until the MAYAHID telegram will send to the remote device which establish the connection. This identification telegram will be multiple send until the answer delay time is reached. The default and minimum value is 5000 and should typically not be changed. Syntax: ISDN_answerdelay <param1> Parameter: Param1: [delaytime (in ms), ?] Response: - set ISDN answer delay time ISDN_answerdelay [delaytime]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ISDN answer delay time ISDN_answerdelay ?: [delaytime][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_answerdelay [delaytime]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.45 ISDN G.711 Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the coding mode for the G.711 audio coding algorithm. The choices are a-law (international) or µ-law (USA). Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 121 - Syntax: ISDN_g711 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [alaw, ulaw, ?] Response: - set G.711 coding mode ISDN_g711 [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request G.711 coding mode ISDN_g711 ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_g711 [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.46 ISDN G.711 Level Attenuation SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the G.711 audio coder’s level attenuation. Attenuating the signal level can be necessary to insure that the signal is not over modulated. If over modulation is not a problem then the full signal range should be used. The value cannot be changed while the coder is active. Default value is 0dB Syntax: ISDN_G711Level <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0dB, 6dB, 12dB, ?] Response: Rev.: - set audio coder’s level attenuation ISDN_G711Level [level]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio coder’s level attenuation ISDN_G711Level ?: [level][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_G711Level [level]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 122 - 3.4.47 ISDN G.711 Service Command to set or get the G.711 service. Syntax: ISDN_G711service <param1> Parameter: Param1: [speech, telephony, ?] Response: - set G.711 service ISDN_ G711service [service]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request G.711 service ISDN_ G711service ?: [service][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_ G711service [service]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.48 ISDN Automatic Layer 1 Activates or deactivates the automatic Layer-1 mode for ISDN. For Netherlands this mode should be deactivated. Syntax: ISDN_activeLayer1 <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [0,1, ?] (0=deactivated, 1=activated) Response: Rev.: - set automatic layer1 mode ISDN_activeLayer1 [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request automatic layer1 mode ISDN_activeLayer1 ? : [mode] CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_activeLayer1 [mode]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 123 - 3.4.49 ISDN Service Protection This command provides a possibility to enable or disable specific ISDN services. The parameter value represents the 30 bit binary code as an integer. Default settings: BIT NUMBER DEFAULT No profile Speech Unrestricted dig. info Restricted 3.1 kHz audio 7.0 kHz audio Video Packet mode 56 kB/s rate adapt Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Reserved Telephony Facsimile 2/3 Facsimile 4/1 Teletex mixed mode Teletex processable mode Teletex basic mode Videotext Telex X.400 X.200 7.0 kHz telephony Video teleph. first Video teleph. second Mayah reserved 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Off On On On On On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off Off On Off Off Always True (ON) REMARKS Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used For Updates True For Updates True Validity (Important) Table 34: ISDN service protection The default settings, described in the table above, correspond to the integer value 604045374. If bit 29, Mayah reserved, is not set (off, value = 0), the next start of the Centauri sets back the value to the default settings. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 124 - Syntax: ISDN_cipvalue <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [0..1073741823,?] Response: - set value for ISDN Service Protection ISDN_ cipvalue [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request value for ISDN Service Protection ISDN_ cipvalue ? : [value] CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_ cipvalue [value]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.50 ISDN Connected Time Command to get the time in seconds, a specific channel is connected. Value 0 provides the connected time for all channels. Syntax: ISDN_connecttime <Param1> <Param2> Parameter: Param1: [1 .. 8, 0] (B-channel, 0=all) Param2 : [?] Response: - request connecttime for B-channel(s) ISDN_connecttime [channel] [?]: [connected time] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_connecttime [channel] [?]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Note: The display of one separate connection can at most amount 49,7 days (this value depends on type of variable, cardinal, in which it is stored, exactly 2 32 – 1 ms). 3.4.51 ISDN national number identification SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 125 - Command to get and set the identification for national numbers. Syntax: ISDN_national <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [identification, ?] Response: - get ISDN_national ?: [Param1] [CR][LF][IP address]> - set ISDN_national [Param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_national [Param1]: error[err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.4.52 ISDN international number identification SNMP-OID : Command to get and set the identification for international numbers. Syntax: ISDN_internat <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [identification, ?] Response: Rev.: - get ISDN_internat ?: [identification] [CR][LF][IP address]> - set ISDN_internat [Param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error ISDN_internat [Param1]: error[err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 126 - 3.5 X.21 Commands The following section describes the commands and requests used to control the universal synchronous serial interface hardware. 3.5.1 X.21 Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the mode of one of the ports of the X.21 interface. Valid modes are DTE or DCE. Default value is DTE. Note: The changing of the second parameter mode has influence on the X.21 clocking (see next command, chap. 4.6.2, x21_clocking). Every time this mode is changed, the clocking is set to auto. Syntax: x21_mode <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [port number (1, 2)] Param2: [DTE, DCE, ?] Response: 3.5.2 - set X.21 port mode x21_mode [port] [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request X.21 port mode x21_mode [port] ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error x21_mode [port] [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> X.21 Clocking SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the clocking for one of the ports on the X.21 interface. Note: The adjustable values for the second parameter clocking depend on the selected mode DCE or DTE (see previous command, chap. 4.6.1, x21_mode). Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 127 - Default value is auto. Syntax: x21_clocking <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [port number (1, 2)] Param2: For DCE: [T2, T2T4, T1T2, T1T2T1T4, T2T1T4, T1T2T4, auto, ?] For DTE: [T1, T2, T4, T2T4, T2T1, T4T1, T2T4T1, T2T1T2, T4T1T4, T2T4T1T2, T2T4T1T4, auto, ?] The assignment of the parameter auto also depends on the selected mode (DCE, DTE, see 4.6.1). DCE: auto = T2T4 DTE: auto = T4T1T4 except for RS422: auto = T2T1T2 Response: Rev.: - set X.21 port clocking x21_clocking [port] [clocking]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request X.21 port clocking x21_clocking [port] ?: [clocking][CR][LF][IP address]> - error x21_clocking [port] [clocking]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 128 - 3.5.3 X.21 Protocol Format SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the protocol format for one of the ports on the X.21 interface. Valid modes are RS-422, V.11, EIA-530A, EIA-530, X.21, V.35, RS-449, V.36, RS-232. Default value is X.21. Syntax: x21_prot <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [port number (1, 2)] Param2: [RS-422, V.11, EIA-530A, EIA-530, X.21, V.35, RS-449, V.36, RS-232, ?] Response: 3.5.4 - set X.21 port protocol format x21_prot [port] [format]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request X.21 port protocol format x21_prot [port] ?: [format][CR][LF][IP address]> - error x21_prot [port] [format]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> X.21 Dual Port Mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the X.21 interface dual port mode. If enabled, the audio bit stream will be transmitted on both ports of the X.21 interface. Default value is OFF. Syntax: x21_dualport <param1> Parameter: Param1: [on, off, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 129 - Rev.: - set X.21 dualport mode x21_dualport [on, off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request X. 21 dualport mode x21_dualport ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error x21_dualport [on, off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 130 - 3.6 E1 Commands The following section describes the commands and requests used to control the E1 PCI interface which is implemented only in the Centauri 3500. 3.6.1 E1-X.21 Bit Rates Command to select the bit rate for each of the two E1-X.21 ports. Syntax: e1_x21bitrate <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [port] 1 for X.21/A, 2 for X.21/B Param2: [bit rate] n*64000, 0<n<31 Response: - set E1-X.21 bit rate e1_x21bitrate [port] [bit rate] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request E1-X.21 bit rate e1_x21bitrate [port] ? : [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error e1_x21bitrate [port] [bit rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address] 3.6.2 E1 Timeslot Assignment Command to assign the E1 timeslots to selectable destinations, respectively to get the timeslot assignment for all interfaces. The specific timeslots of the particular interfaces are represented by a 16 digit hex code. The following table shows the possible parameters for a timeslot/interface combination. TIMESLOT 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Codec 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0E 0F D_I 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 2A 2B 2C 2D 2E 2F DS2 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F INTERFACE Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 131 - X.21/A 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F X.21/B 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 8A 8B 8C 8D 8E 8F TIMESLOT 16 17 28 39 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 INTERFACE Codec 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 1F D_I 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 3A 3B 3C 3D 3E 3F DS2 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F X.21/A 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7A 7B 7C 7D 7E 7F X.21/B 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 9A 9B 9C 9D 9E 9F Table 35: E1 timeslot assignement Note: For setting a timeslot as not assigned, the value of the parameter is FFFF. Syntax: e1_timeslot <param1> <param2> Parameter Set: Param1: [destination interface] Param2: [source interface] Request: Param1: [?] (no second parameter) Response: - set timeslot mode e1_timeslot [destination] [source] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error e1_timeslot address]> [destination] [source] - request timeslot mode for all interfaces e1_timeslot ? : [modi for [CR][LF][IP address] Rev.: 07.09.07 all : error [errno] timeslots Communication Reference Manual and [CR][LF] [IP interfaces] MAYAH Communications GmbH - 132 - 3.6.3 E1 Channel Group Assignment Command to assign a destination interface, bit rate and channel group to a source interface. Syntax: e1_group <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4> Parameter Param1: [destination interface] (codec, D_I, DS2, X.21/A,X.21/B) Param2: [bit rate] Param3: [channel group] Param4: [source interface] (codec, D_I, DS2, X.21/A,X.21/B, none) Response: - set assignment e1_group [destination] [bit rate] [group] [source] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error e1_group [destination] [bit rate] [errno] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.6.4 [group] [source]: error E1 Sync Source Command to select the synchronisation source for the E1 interface. Syntax: e1_sync <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ds2, d_i,ts2, free] Response: Rev.: - set sync source e1_sync [param1] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request sync source e1_sync ? : [param1] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error e1_sync [param1] : error [err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 133 - 3.6.5 E1 CAS Mode Command to connect CAS (Channel Associated Signaling) to E1 and select a mode for CAS. Syntax: e1_casmode <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [port] 1 for X.21/A, 2 for X.21/B Param2: [stream] ds2, d_i Param3: [mode,?] inactive, send_only, send_receive, receive_pass, receive_send1, loop Response: 3.6.6 - set CAS mode e1_casmode [port][stream][mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request CAS mode e1_casmode [port][stream] ? : [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error e1_casmode [port][stream][mode]:error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> E1 CAS Master Command to choose between master and slave mode of the CAS. Syntax: e1_casmaster <param1> Parameter: Param1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set CAS master e1_casmaster [param1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request CAS master e1_casmaster ?: [param1][CR][LF][IP address]> error e1_casmaster [param1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 134 - 3.7 Ethernet and IP Commands The following section describes commands and requests to control the Centauri Gateway’s network functions. NOTE Audio Over IP functions are only available for Centauri 30xx /40xx/41xx Audio Gateways. 3.7.1 IP Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s IP address for the first or only network interface card. This address is also used as a Unit ID. It should be unique in one installation environment. This address can also be accessed using the common command com_address (chapter 3.2.1). Default value is . Syntax: ip_address <param1> Parameter: Param1: [address, ?] Response: 3.7.2 - set IP Address ip_address [address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP Address ip_address ?: [address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_address [address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Subnet Mask SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP subnet mask of the default network gateway for the Centauri’s first or only network interface card. Default value is . Syntax: ip_netmask <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 135 - Parameter: Param1: [mask, ?] Response: 3.7.3 - set IP subnet mask ip_netmask [mask]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP subnet mask ip_netmask ?: [mask][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_netmask [mask]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Gateway Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP address of the default network gateway for the Centauri’s first or only network interface card. This value is set only if a network gateway is used. Default value is . Syntax: ip_gateway <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ip address, ?] Response: 3.7.4 - set IP gateway address ip_gateway [ip address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP gateway address ip_gateway ?: [ip address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_gateway [ip address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Domain Name Server (DNS) Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP address of the domain name server for the Centauri’s first or only network interface card. This value is only set if a domain name server is used. Default value is . Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 136 - Syntax: ip_dnsserver <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ip address, ?] Response: 3.7.5 - set IP DNS address ip_dnsserver [ip address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP DNS address ip_dnsserver ?: [ip address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_dnsserver [ip address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP SNMP Manager Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the SNMP manager’s IP address. This address will be used as the destination for SNMP traps and is valid for all available network interface cards. This value is only set if SNMP is enabled and traps are used to indicate certain events. Default value is . Syntax: ip_snmpmanager <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ip address, ?] Response: Rev.: - set SNMP manager address ip_snmpmanager [ip address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request SNMP manager address ip_snmpmanager ?: [ip address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_snmpmanager [ip address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 137 - 3.7.6 IP Address (Network Interface Card #2) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP address of the Centauri’s second network interface card (if the optional card is installed). Default value is . Syntax: ip_address2 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [address, ?] Response: 3.7.7 - set IP Address ip_address2 [address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP Address ip_address2 ?: [address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_address2 [address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Subnet Mask (Network Interface Card #2) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP subnet mask of the Centauri’s default network gateway for the second network interface card (if the optional card is installed). Default value is . Syntax: ip_netmask2 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [mask, ?] Response: Rev.: - set IP subnet mask ip_netmask2 [mask]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP subnet mask ip_netmask2 ?: [mask][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 138 - - 3.7.8 error ip_netmask2 [mask]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Gateway Address (Network Interface Card #2) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP address of the default network gateway for the Centauri’s second network interface card (if the optional card is installed). This value only has to be set if a network gateway is used. Default value is . Syntax: ip_gateway2 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ip address, ?] Response: 3.7.9 - set IP gateway address ip_gateway2 [ip address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP gateway address ip_gateway2 ?: [ip address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_gateway2 [ip address]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> IP Domain Name Server (DNS) Address (Network Interface Card #2) SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP address of the domain name server for the Centauri’s second network interface card (if the optional card is installed). This value only has to be set if a domain name server is used. Default value is . Syntax: ip_dnsserver2 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ip address, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 139 - - set IP DNS address ip_dnsserver2 [ip address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP DNS address ip_dnsserver2 ?: [ip address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_dnsserver2 [ip address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.10 UDP Broadcast Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the UDP broadcast mode. If switched to ON, all UDP Audio datagrams will be addressed to the IP broadcast address ( and UDP broadcast datagram reception will be enabled. Be careful using this one. Note that broadcast and multicast cannot be used at the same time. Default value is OFF. Syntax: ip_broadcast <param1> Parameter: Param1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set IP DNS address ip_broadcast [on, off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP DNS address ip_broadcast ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_broadcast [on, off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.11 IP Audio Port SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the IP audio port number. The Centauri Gateway uses different IP ports for audio over IP transportation. The Audio Port is the beginning of the uninterrupted block of port numbers to be used. A table of the port numbers and the assigned audio bit stream formats is available in the appendix c of this manual. Default value is 2001. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 140 - Syntax: ip_audioport <param1> Parameter: Param1: [port number, ?] Response: - set IP DNS address ip_audioport [port]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP DNS address ip_audioport ?: [port][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_audioport [port]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.12 IP Network Transfer Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the addressed network interface card’s transfer rate. The interface cards are able to automatically detect the network transfer rate, but in certain circumstances it may be necessary to switch off the auto-sensing mode. Default value is auto. Syntax: ip_transferrate <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [nic address] Network Interface Card : 1 = electrical card, 2 = optical card Param2: [auto, 10, 100, ?] Response: Rev.: - set IP transferrate ip_transferrate [nic] [transfer rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP transferrate ip_transferrate ?: [nic] [transfer rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_transferrate [nic] [transfer rate]: error [err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 141 - It is recommended to reboot the Centauri after changing the parameter for the nic-address for it will not affect until then. 3.7.13 Ethernet Interface Duplex Mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the addressed network interface card’s duplex mode. The interface cards are able to automatically detect the corresponding network device’s duplex mode, but under certain circumstances it may be necessary to switch off the auto-sensing mode. Default value is auto. Syntax: ip_duplex <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [nic address] Network Interface Card : 1 = electrical card, 2 = optical card Param2: [auto, half, full, ?] Response: - set NIC duplex mode ip_duplex [nic] [duplex mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request NIC duplex mode ip_duplex ?: [nic] [duplex mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_duplex [nic] [duplex mode]: error [err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> It is recommended to reboot the Centauri after changing the parameter for the nic-address for it will not affect until then. 3.7.14 SNMP Trap Version SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the SNMP trap format version. SNMP Traps are signals transmitted by the Centauri to the SNMP manager (if the SNMP option is available and the traps are enabled). Two protocol versions are available and can be selected by using this command. Default value is V1. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 142 - Syntax: ip_snmptraps <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [nic address] Param2: [V1, V2, ?] Response: - set SNMP trap protocol version ip_snmptraps [nic] [version]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request SNMP trap protocol version ip_snmptraps ?: [nic] [version][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_snmptraps [nic] [version]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.15 IP Packet Size SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the size of IP datagrams. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Default value is 180. Syntax: ip_packetsize <param1> Parameter: Param1: [size (in byte), ?] Response: - set IP audio datagram size ip_packetsize [size]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP audio datagram size ip_packetsize ?: [size][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_packetsize [size]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.16 IP Packet size mode SNMP-OID : Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 143 - Command to set and get the mode of IP packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. VAR(default mode) specifiy that an IP datagram is send out if payload size has reached packet size. FIX specify that the payload size of an IP datagram is equal packet size. SYN specify that the payload size of an IP datagram is equal packet size and IP datagrams are send out with a constant frequency. Please note that FIX and SYN has to be used ONLY for MPEG algorithms! Syntax: ip_packetsizemode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [var, fix, syn, ?] Response: - set IP audio datagram mode ip_packetsizemode [var, fix, syn, ?]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP audio datagram mode ip_packetsizemode ?: [var, fix, syn][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_packetsizemode [var, fix, syn]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.17 IP Protocol mode Command to set and get the mode of IP protocol mode. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Default value is RTP. Syntax: ip_protocolmode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [rtp, udp, tcp, ?] Response: Rev.: - set IP audio datagram mode ip_protoclmode [rtp, udp, tcp, ?]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP audio datagram mode ip_protocolmode ?: [rtp, udp, tcp][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 144 - - error ip_protocolmode [rtp, udp, tcp]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.18 IP Time to Live for TCP Command to restrict the livetime of a tcp-packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: ip_ttltcp <param1> Parameter: Param1: [seconds, ?] Response: - set tcp audio datagram livetime ip_ttltcp [seconds]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request tcp audio datagram livetime ip_ttltcp ?: [seconds][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_ttltcp [seconds]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.19 IP Time to Live for UDP Command to restrict the livetime of a udp-packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: ip_ttludp <param1> Parameter: Param1: [seconds, ?] Response: Rev.: - set tcp audio datagram livetime ip_ttludp [seconds]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request tcp audio datagram livetime ip_ttludp ?: [seconds][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_ttludp [seconds]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 145 - 3.7.20 IP Time to Live for Multicast Command to restrict the livetime of a Multicast-packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. The parameter defines the number of router, that will pass on the packet. Default value is 20. Entering a '0’ will also set the default value. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: ip_ttlmulticast <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1..255, ?] Response: - set number of routers to pass on the packet ip_ttlmulticast [no of routers]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request number of routers to pass on the packet ip_ttlmulticast ?: [no of routers][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_ttlmulticast [no of routers]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.21 IP Type of Service for TCP Command to set the type of service for a tcp-packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: ip_tostcp <param1> Parameter: Param1: [param as int value, ?] Response: - set type of service for tcp ip_tostcp [int value for ToS]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request type of service for tcp ip_tostcp?: [int value for ToS][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_tostcp [int value for ToS]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> <param as int value>: Precedence Rev.: 07.09.07 Bit 76543210 (Bit 5-7) : 0 Normal Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 146 - 1 Priority 2 Immediate 3 Flash 4 Flash overwrite 5 CRITIC/ECP 6 Internet control 7 Network control LowLatency High troughput High reliability Low cost reserved param = 0: Rev.: 07.09.07 (Bit 4) (Bit 3) (Bit 2) (Bit 1) (Bit 0) Normal traffic Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 147 - IP-Packet Format: V HL ToS Tlen ID PRECEDENCE Network control Internet control CRITIC/ECP Flash overwrite Flash Immediate Priority Normal V HL ToS F FO TTL P HC SA Precedence Type of Service BIT FLAGS VALUE 111 7 110 6 101 5 100 4 011 3 010 2 001 1 000 0 Tlen ID F FO TTL P HC SA DA Payload 0 NOTES DA Payload Precedence Type of Service 0 TYPE OF SERVICE BIT FLAGS VALUE NOTES Low Latency 1000 8 Telnet keystrokes, FTP commands and other urgent data High Throughput 0100 4 FTP downloads, backups and other bandwidthsensitive applications High Reliability 0010 2 File-sharing database updates and any UDP-based transactions Low Cost 0001 1 NNTP newsfeeds and other nonessential traffic Normal 0000 0 Normal traffic Figure 1: Type of Service 3.7.22 IP Type of Service for UDP Command to set the type of service for a udp-packet. This value is only valid for IP audio datagrams. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. Syntax: ip_tosudp <param1> Parameter: Param1: [param as int value, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 148 - - set type of service for udp ip_tosudp [int value for ToS]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request type of service for udp ip_tosudp ?: [int value for ToS][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_tosudp [int value for ToS]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> For parameter description see chapter 4.8.19, IP Type of Service for tcp. 3.7.23 IP SAP Talk Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s SAP (Session Announcement Protocol) talk address. The string expresses the dottet internet notation plus the port number e.g. (default) Syntax: ip_saptalkaddress <param1> Parameter: Param1: [address:port, ?] Response: - set IP SAP Talk Address ip_saptalkaddress [address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP SAP Talk Address ip_saptalkaddress ?: [address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_saptalkaddress [address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.7.24 IP SAP Listen Address SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Centauri’s SAP listen address. The string expresses the dottet internet notation plus the port number e.g. (default) Syntax: ip_saplistenaddress <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 149 - Param1: [address:port, ?] Response: Rev.: - set IP SAP Listen Address ip_saplistenaddress [address]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request IP SAP Listen Address ip_saplistenaddress ?: [address][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ip_saplistenaddress [address]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 150 - 3.8 Audio Commands The commands and requests in this section control the Centauri Gateway’s audio interface hardware as well as audio detection, delay and attenuation parameters. 3.8.1 AES Output Clocking Source SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the AES/EBU output clocking source. The Centauri’s audio system has several options for clocking the digital audio outputs. The audio system is equipped with two clock input interfaces • External AES Sync • Internal word clock input The system is also able to use the digital input interface’s clock signal as a reference for the digital output and the audio system is equipped with its own reference clock generator, so the Centauri can act as a clock master for a AES audio network. The following table shows the possible settings. CLOCK SOURCE internal clock generator AES Sync Input digital audio input (AES In, TOSLink In) internal wordclock input PARAMETER VALUE clock AESSync S/PDif WCIn Table 36: Parameter values for AES output clocking Syntax: Audio_AESSFSource <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Clock, AESSync, S/PDIF, WCIn*, ?] *) for future use Response: Rev.: - set AES clocking source Audio_AESSFSource [interface]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request AES clocking source Audio_AESSFSource ?: [interface][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_AESSFSource [interface]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 151 - 3.8.2 AES Output Sample Rate SNMP-OID : If the AES Output Clock source is switched to clock, this command selects the internal clock generator’s clock rate. Syntax: Audio_AESSF <param1> Parameter: Param1: [32000, 44100, 48000, 88200, 96000, ?] Response: 3.8.3 - set AES internal clock rate Audio_AESSF [clock rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request AES internal clock rate Audio_AESSF ?: [clock rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_AESSF [clock rate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> ADAT Master Mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the ADAT Master Mode. If enabled, the Centauri acts as a clock master for the ADAT audio interface. Note: For the Merk II the ADAT-Mastermode is initially enabled and can not be disabled. Syntax: Audio_ADATMaster <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0, 1, ?] Response: Rev.: - set ADAT master mode Audio_ADATMaster [0, 1]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ADAT master mode Audio_ADATMaster ?: [0, 1][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_ADATMaster [0, 1]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 152 - 3.8.4 Audio Input Gain SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the input gain for the analog input. This command controls the ADC chip’s analog input attenuation / amplification in steps of 0.5 dB u. A value of 128 is equal to 0 dB u, 130 represents an amplification of 1 dB u, 126 an attenuation of –1 dB u. Syntax: Audio_InGain <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 255, ?] Response: 3.8.5 - set analog audio input gain Audio_InGain [gain]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request analog audio input gain Audio_InGain ?: [gain][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_InGain [gain]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Audio Output Gain SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the output gain for the analog output. This command controls the DAC chip’s analog output attenuation / amplification in steps of 0.5 dBu. A value of 127 is equal to 0 dBu, 129 represents an amplification of 1 dBu, 127 an attenuation of –1 dBu. Syntax: Audio_OutGain <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 255, ?] Response: Rev.: - set analog audio output gain Audio_OutGain [gain]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request analog audio output gain Audio_OutGain ?: [gain][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 153 - - 3.8.6 error Audio_OutGain [gain]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Audio Input Channel SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the input channel for mono mode input. If mono is selected as the encoder channel mode, this command selects which audio input channel will be encoded. Available modes are left, right and mixed. This parameter has no effect for stereo mode encoding. Default value is mixed. Syntax: Audio_InChannel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [left, right, mixed, stereo*, adat4*, adat6*, adat8*, ?] Response: - select mono input channel Audio_InChannel [channel]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request mono input channel Audio_InChannel ?: [channel][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_InChannel [channel]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> This command has effect on the Encoder Master Volume. With the parameter left, the Encoder Master Volume Right is set to 0. Respectively the parameter right will set the Encoder Master Volume Left to 0. Using the parameter mixed (just with encoder mode mono), both channels of the Encoder Master Volume are set to half of its range. * only for request 3.8.7 Audio Output Channel SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the Output channel for mono mode output. If mono is selected as the decoder channel mode, this command selects the audio output channel for the decoded signal. Available modes are left, right and mixed. Mixed in this case stands for outputting the signal on both channels. This parameter has no effect for stereo mode encoding. Default value is mixed. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 154 - Audio_OutChannel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [left, right, mixed, stereo*, adat4*, adat6*, adat8*, ?] Response: - select mono output channel Audio_OutChannel [channel]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request mono output channel Audio_OutChannel ?: [channel][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_OutChannel [channel]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> * only for request 3.8.8 Audio Output Delay SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the size of the Audio Output Delay buffer for the current interface in milliseconds. This buffer is provided in order to prevent audio interruptions caused by variations in the audio datagram transport time of internet or intranet connections. This delay function can also be used to compensate time offsets between two different signals, e.g. audio and video. NOTE: Setting a non-zero value introduces an effective coding delay. When working in full-duplex mode such as performing an interview large delays may make conversation difficult. Default value is 0. Syntax: Audio_Delay <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 5000, ?] (in mSec) Response: Rev.: - set audio output delay Audio_Delay [delay time]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output delay Audio_Delay ?: [delay time][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 155 - - 3.8.9 error Audio_Delay [delay time]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Audio Output Delay ISDN Same as 4.9.8 but in particular for ISDN interface. Syntax: Audio_DelayISDN <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 5000, ?] (in mSec) Response: - set audio output delay Audio_DelayISDN [delay time]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output delay Audio_DelayISDN ?: [delay time][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_DelayISDN [delay time]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.10 Audio Output Delay NET Same as 4.9.8 but in particular for NET interface. Syntax: Audio_DelayNET <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 5000, ?] (in mSec) Response: Rev.: - set audio output delay Audio_DelayNET [delay time]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output delay Audio_DelayNET ?: [delay time][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_DelayNET [delay time]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 156 - 3.8.11 Audio Output Delay X21 Same as 4.9.8 but in particular for X21 interface. Syntax: Audio_DelayX21 <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0 .. 5000, ?] (in mSec) Response: - set audio output delay Audio_DelayX21 [delay time]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output delay Audio_DelayX21 ?: [delay time][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_DelayX21 [delay time]: error[err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.12 Audio Detect Level SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the audio detect level in dB f s . This parameter is part of an audio input supervision function. The Centauri’s audio system is able to monitor the audio input and to indicate, whether audio has started or stopped. An audio signal is deemed as having started when it exceeds a defined signal level for a defined period of time. The signal level is called the audio detect level while the duration is called the audio detect time. Default value is 0. Syntax: Audio_DetectLevel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [-100 .. 0, ?] (in dB f s ) Response: Rev.: - set audio detect level Audio_DetectLevel [level]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio detect level Audio_DetectLevel ?: [level][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 157 - - error Audio_DetectLevel [level]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.13 Audio Detect Time SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the audio detect duration in milliseconds. Default value is –1 (function is disabled). Syntax: Audio_DetectTime <param1> Parameter: Param1: [-1..2000000, ?] (in mSec) Response: - set audio detect duration Audio_DetectTime [duration]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio detect duration Audio_DetectTime ?: [duration][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_DetectTime [duration]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.14 Audio Lost Level SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the audio lost level in dB f s . This parameter is part of an audio input supervision function. The Centauri’s audio system is able to monitor the audio input and to indicate, whether audio has started or stopped. An audio signal is deemed as having stopped when it is below a defined signal level for a defined period of time. The signal level is called the audio lost level while the duration is called the audio lost time. Default value is 0. Syntax: Audio_LostLevel <param1> Parameter: Param1: [-100 .. 0, ?] (in dB f s ) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 158 - Response: - set audio stop level Audio_LostLevel [level]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio stop level Audio_LostLevel ?: [level][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_LostLevel [level]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.15 Audio Lost Time SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the audio lost duration in milliseconds. Default value is –1 (function is disabled). Syntax: Audio_LostTime <param1> Parameter: Param1: [-1..2000000, ?] (in mSec) Response: - set audio lost duration Audio_LostTime [duration]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio lost duration Audio_LostTime ?: [duration][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_LostTime [duration]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.16 Audio Valid SNMP-OID : Command to request whether the audio signal is valid or not, depending on the signal supervision functions. The command will return “on” if audio is currently being detected by the Centauri. It will return “off” if audio is not currently being detected. Syntax: Audio_Valid ? Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 159 - - request audio valid Audio_Valid ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.17 Audiolevel over IP Command to send levelmeter information in a specified interval to a special UDP-address. At the same time up to 10 different UDP-addresses can be provided. The interval is defined with the parameter [timeout]*50 ms. Default value is [10] which defines an interval of 500 ms. To disable the sending of information this parameter has to be [0]. Default value for [destination port] is [ConfigurationPort + 60] (2000+60). If the ‘?’ is used as parameter and more than one UDP address is available, a list of parameter sets is shown, separated with ‘;’. Note: In this command the parameters exceptionally have to be separated by ‘:’ and ‘-‘. Order and structure of UDP-telegram : Telegram identification 270 (word) Telegram length (word) Number of EncLevelLeft (byte) EncLevelLeft (Number of word) Number of EncLevelRight (byte) EncLevelRight (Number of word) Number of DecLevelLeft (byte) DecLevelLeft (Number of word) Number of DecLevelRight (byte) DecLevelRight (Number of word) Number is depending on the Centauris number of encoder/decoder . Example: Although normally the numbers of en/decoders left/right are identic (for Centauri 2000/3000 up to two are possible, for other Centauris up to six), the following example shows the facilities of the UDP-telegramm. In this example we have 5 encoder left, 4 encoder right, 5 decoder left and 7 decoder right. These number values need 1 Byte while all others need 2 Byte (word). So with telegram identification, telegram length, number information and levelmeter values the telegram has 27 entries and a length of 50 Byte (23 x 2 Byte + 4 x 1 Byte). DESCRIPTION Telegram identification Telegram length Encoder left Encoder right Decoder left Decoder right NUMBER 5 4 5 7 VALUES 270 50 (23x2Byte + 4x1Byte) 70,71,72,63,60 50,55,65,55 60,62,63,67,70 60,65,64,63,60,55,57 Table 37: Example for UDP-telegram Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 160 - Thus, the structure of this specific telegram would look like this: Number of encoder/decoder left/right Telegram values 1 3 5 270 54 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 70 71 72 63 60 4 Encoder left 17 19 21 23 Byte nr. 25 50 55 65 55 5 Encoder right Telegram identification 26 28 30 32 34 36 60 62 63 67 70 7 Decoder left 37 39 41 43 45 47 Decoder right Levelmeter information Telegram length Figure 2: Example for UDP-telegram Syntax: audio_leveloip <Param1>:<Param2>-<Param3> Parameter: Param1: [UDP address] Param2: [ destination Port] Param3: [1..200000,0, ?] Response: Rev.: - set audiolevel over IP audio_leveloip [UDP address]:[ destination port]-[timeout]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audiolevel over IP audio_leveloip [UDP address]:[ destination port]-[?]:[UDP address]: [ destination port]-[timeout] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error audio_leveloip [UDP address]:[ destination port]-[timeout]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual 49 60 65 64 63 60 55 57 MAYAH Communications GmbH - 161 - - no active levelmeter information audio_leveloip [UDP address]:[ destination port]-[timeout]: [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.18 Multi channel audio level over IP Please refer to further informations in chapter 3.8.17. Audio level over IP or multi channel audio level over IP are not available at the same time. Order and structure of UDP-telegram for multi channel audio: Telegram identification (270 + sub codec(chapter 2.5)) (word) Telegram length (word) Number of audio IN channels (byte) * Audio IN channels (Number of word) Number of reserved words (byte) Number of reserved words (Number of word) Number of audio OUT channels (byte) Audio OUT channels* (Number of word) Number of reserved words (byte) Number of reserved words (Number of word) * codec left, codec right, line left, line right, adat 1, adat 2, adat 3, adat 4, adat 5, adat 6, adat 7, adat 8 (adat contains level informations for the corresponding audio channels) 3.8.19 Audio Inputs SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to get thel available audio inputs of an audiocard. Syntax: Audio_Inputs <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: Rev.: - request audio inputs Audio_Inputs ?: [audioinputs][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_Inputs ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 162 - audioinputs is combination of zeros and ones, set for all available inputs.Each character in the sequence stands for a specific audiotype.The character one means the audio type exists. 1. zero or one for analog 2. zero or one for s/pdif 3. zero or one for aes/ebu 4. zero or one for toslink 5. zero or one for adat12 6. zero or one for adat34 7. zero or one for adat56 8. zero or one for adat78 9. zero or one for adat910 10. zero or one for adat1112 11. zero or one for adat1314 12. zero or one for adat1516 13. zero or one for adat1718 14. zero or one for adat1920 15. zero or one for adat2122 16. zero or one for adat2324 17. zero or one for adat14 18. zero or one for adat58 19. zero or one for adat16 20. zero or one for adat18 21. zero or one for net 22. zero or one for aes/ebu2 3.8.20 Audio Outputs SNMP-OID : These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Command to get all available audio outputs. Syntax: Audio_Outputs <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: Rev.: - request audio outputs Audio_Outputs ?: [audiooutputs][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_Outputs ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 163 - audiooutputs is combination of zeros and ones, set for all available outputs.Each character in the sequence stands for a specific audiotype.The character one means the audio type exists. 1. zero or one for analog 2. zero or one for s/pdif 3. zero or one for aes/ebu 4. zero or one for toslink 5. zero or one for adat12 6. zero or one for adat34 7. zero or one for adat56 8. zero or one for adat78 9. zero or one for adat910 10. zero or one for adat1112 11. zero or one for adat1314 12. zero or one for adat1516 13. zero or one for adat1718 14. zero or one for adat1920 15. zero or one for adat2122 16. zero or one for adat2324 17. zero or one for adat14 18. zero or one for adat58 19. zero or one for adat16 20. zero or one for adat18 21. zero or one for net 22. zero or one for aes/ebu2 3.8.21 Audio Input Testsignal SNMP-OID : These commands is itended for future use . Syntax: Audio_intestsignal <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?] Response: Rev.: - set audio input testsignal Audio_intestsignal [value] [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio input testsignal Audio_intestsignal ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_intestsignal ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 164 - 3.8.22 Audio Output Testsignal SNMP-OID : These commands starts or stops a test signal Syntax: Audio_outtestsignal <param1> Parameter: Param1: [0,20..24000, ?] 0=stop Response: - set audio output testsignal Audio_outtestsignal [value] [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio output testsignal Audio_outtestsignal ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_outtestsignal ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.8.23 Sample rate converter (SRC) mode SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable all sample rate converter. Please note that external clocks has to be used if SRC’s are disabled! Syntax: Audio_srcoff <param1> Parameter: Param1: [off, on, ?] off: enable SRC’s on: disable SRC’s Response: Rev.: - set SRC mode Audio_srcoff [off, on]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request SRC mode Audio_srcoff ?: [off, on][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_srcoff [off, on]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 165 - 3.8.24 Professional mode for AES/EBU output SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable professional mode for AES/EBU output. Syntax: Audio_aesoutprof <param1> Parameter: Param1: [off, on, ?] Response: 3.9 - set professional mode Audio_aesoutprof [off, on]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request professional mode Audio_aesoutprof ?: [off, on][CR][LF][IP address]> - error Audio_aesoutprof [off, on]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Commands A Centauri profile is defined as a collection of setup parameters for the audio CODEC. Profiles are mainly used as part of the phonebook database. A profile consists of a profile name, the coding algorithm, sample rate, bit rate, channel mode, bit stream format, audio interface, dependency and ancillary data mode. A profile can be used for both encoder and decoder. The Centauri implements two classes of profile table commands. The first class consists of commands that operate on complete profiles (e.g. request or delete a profile); the second class manipulates the parameters associated with a given profile. 3.9.1 Profile Table Add Profile Command to add a profile to the profile table. The new profile is setup with a default parameter set. PARAMETER Rev.: VALUE Name set by command parameter Coding Algorithm mpegl3 Channel Mode Mono 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 166 - PARAMETER VALUE Bit rate 64000 Sample rate 32000 Bit stream Format Auto Audio Interface Analog Dependency Remote Ancillary Data Mode Auto Table 38: Default values for profile If the entry is created successfully, the command returns the entry number for the new entry. Syntax: profile_addentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [profile name] Response: 3.9.2 - add profile profile_addentry [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_addentry [name]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Delete Profile Command to delete a profile out of the profile table. Before the profile is deleted, all phonebook entries are checked, if this profile is in use. Syntax: profile_delentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Response: - Rev.: delete profile profile_delentry [profile no]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 167 - - 3.9.3 error profile_delentry [profile no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Delete All Unused Profiles Command to delete all profiles that are not used in one of the phonebook entries. Syntax: profile_clearallentries Response: 3.9.4 - delete all unused profiles profile_clearallentries: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_clearallentries: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Request Number of valid Profiles Command to request the number of valid profiles. A profile is valid, if it has a unique name. Syntax: profile_numberofentries Response: 3.9.5 - request the number of valid profiles profile_numberofentries: [number of entries] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_numberofentries: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Request First Profile Command to request the parameter of the first profile out of the profile table. Syntax: profile_firstentry Response: - Rev.: request first profile profile_firstentry: [profile no][CR][LF] [name][CR][LF] [Algorithm][CR][LF] [Channel Mode][CR][LF] [Bit rate][CR][LF] 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 168 - - 3.9.6 [Sample rate][CR][LF] [Bitstream Format][CR][LF] [Audio Interface][CR][LF] [Dependency][CR][LF] [Ancillary Data Mode][CR][LF][IP address]> error profile_firstentry: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Request Next Profile Command to request the parameter of the next profile out of the profile table. Syntax: profile_nextentry Response: - - 3.9.7 request next profile profile_nextentry: [profile no][CR][LF] [name][CR][LF] [Algorithm][CR][LF] [Channel Mode][CR][LF] [Bit rate][CR][LF] [Sample rate][CR][LF] [Bitstream Format][CR][LF] [Audio Interface][CR][LF] [Dependency][CR][LF] [Ancillary Data Mode][CR][LF] [IPaddress]> error profile_nextentry: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Profile Table Request Profile by Number Command to request the parameter of a certain profile out of the profile table. Syntax: profile_showentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Response: - request certain profile profile_showentry [profile no]:[profile no][CR][LF] [name][CR][LF] [Algorithm][CR][LF] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 169 - [Channel Mode][CR][LF] [Sample rate][CR][LF] [Bitstream Format][CR][LF] [Audio Interface][CR][LF] [Dependency][CR][LF] [Ancillary Data Mode][CR][LF] [IP address]> - 3.9.8 error profile_showentry [profile no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Alter Profile Name SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the profile’s name. If the new name is an empty string, the system will use "DefaultProfile" as the new name. Syntax: profile_name <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [profile name, ?] Response: - set profile name profile_name [profile no] [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile name profile_name [profile no] ?: [name][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_name [profile no] [name]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.9.9 Alter Profile Algorithm SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the coding algorithm of a valid profile. The profile values will be checked for any inconsistencies and the values will be adjusted, e.g. if G.711 were selected as the new algorithm then the sample rate will automatically be switched to 8000 Hz, the channel mode to mono and the bit rate to 64000 bit/sec. Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 170 - profile_algo <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: see chapter 3.3.2 Response: - set profile coding algorithm profile_algo [profile no][algorithm]: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile coding algorithm profile_algo [profile no] ?: [algorithm][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_algo [profile no][algorithm]: error [err no][CR][LF] IP address]> 3.9.10 Alter Profile Channel Mode SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the channel mode of a valid profile. The profile values will be checked for any inconsistencies. If the channel mode is not valid for the coding algorithm, an error will be reported. The available modes depend on the used algorithms: G.711, G.722 Linear, aptx, aptx16, aptx20, aptx24 Aptxno mono mono, stereo mono, stereo, dual Table 39: Channel Modes Syntax: profile_mode <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: see chapter 3.3.3 Response: Rev.: - set profile channel mode profile_mode [profile no] [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile channel mode profile_mode [profile no] ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 171 - - error profile_mode [profile no] [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.9.11 Alter Profile Bit Rate SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the bit rate of a valid profile. The profile values will be checked for any inconsistencies. If the bit rate is not valid for the coding algorithm, an error will be reported. Syntax: profile_bitrate <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [bit rate, ?] Response: - set profile bit rate profile_bitrate [profile no] [bit rate]: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile bit rate profile_bitrate [profile no] ?: [bit rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_bitrate [profile no][bit rate]: error [errno][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.9.12 Alter Profile Sample Rate SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the sample rate of a valid profile. The profile values will be checked for any inconsistencies. If the sample rate is not valid for the coding algorithm, an error will be reported. Syntax: profile_srate <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: see chapter 3.3.6 Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 172 - - set profile sample rate profile_srate [profile no] [sample rate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile sample rate profile_srate [profile no] ?: [sample rate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_srate [profile no] [sample rate]: error [errno] [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.9.13 Alter Profile Bit Stream Format Command to alter or request the bit stream format of a valid profile. Syntax: profile_format <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [No, CCS, Musictaxi, J.52, Auto, ?] Response: - set profile bit stream format profile_format [profile no] [format]: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile bit stream format profile_format [profile no] ?: [format][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_format [profile no] [format]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.9.14 Alter Profile Audio Interface Command to alter or request the audio interface of a valid profile. Syntax: profile_source <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] * * Param2: [analog, s/pdif, toslink, aes/ebu, adat12 , adat34 , * adat56 , adat78 , adat910 , adat1112 , adat1314 , adat1516*, Rev.: 07.09.07 * * Communication Reference Manual * * MAYAH Communications GmbH - 173 - adat1718* , adat1920* , adat2122* , adat2324* , adat14*** , adat58*** , adat16*** , adat18*** , ?] Response: * ) ** set audio interface profile_source [profile no] [interface]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio interface profile_source [profile no] ?: [interface] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_source [profile no] [interface]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> these values are not valid for MerkII ) *** ** - ) this command is not implemented for Centauri 3500 these values are only available for multi channel audio and not valid for MerkII 3.9.15 Alter Profile Dependency SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the dependency of a valid profile. Syntax: profile_slave <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [local, remote, ?] Response: Rev.: - set profile dependency profile_slave [profile no][dependency]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile dependency profile_slave [profile no] ?: [dependency][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_slave [profile no] [dependency]: error [errno] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 174 - 3.9.16 Alter Profile Ancillary Data Format SNMP-OID : Command to alter or request the ancillary data format of a valid profile. If set to auto, which should be the value in most cases, the format, used to decode ancillary data from an MPEG bit stream, is controlled by the multiplexer system. If the multiplexer recognizes a third party CODEC, it will force the decoder to use a format that is compatible with that CODEC. In certain circumstances it could be necessary to use a fixed format. The available formats depend on the used algorithm: layer 2: ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco aptx : left, right, none (default value is left) With all other algorithms these parameters will be ignored and auto will be used. For details see enc_ancmode command. Syntax: profile_ancmode <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [auto, ccs, j.52, musictaxi, barco, left, right, none, ts, ?] Response: - set profile ancillary data format profile_ancmode [profile no] [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile ancillary data format profile_ancmode [profile no] ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_ancmode [profile no] [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.9.17 Profile CRC-protection SNMP-OID : This command, available with version, handles the activation and deactivation of the profiles crc-protection. It works with different parameters for MPEG-algorithms and DRM. Syntax: profile_protect <param1> <param2> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 175 - Param1: [profile entry number] Param2(MPEG): [0, 1, 2, ?] 0 = default, 1 = off, 2 = on Param2(DRM): [lengthHigherProtected*] Response: - set profile protection mode profile_protect <param1> <param2>: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> - request protection mode profile_protect <param1>?: <param2>[CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_protect <param1> <param2>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> *) lengthHigherProtected: The length of the higher protected part in bytes (Input). NOTE: A value of 0 is always possible and signals that no UEP is used. The valid values depend on the coder sampling rate: coderSamplingRate = 12000: 0, 6, 11, 16, 21, ... (in steps of 5) coderSamplingRate = 24000: 0, 14, 24, 34, 44, ... (in steps of 10) lengthHigherProtected needs to be < lengthOfAudioSuperFrame / 2. The required parameters result from the following rules: audioMode: 0 mono 1 parametric-stereo(joint stereo) 4 stereo lengthOfAudioSuperFrame(bitrate / 20): The length of the audio super frame in bytes (Input). length of higher protected part + length of lower protected part - length of text message NOTE: The valid values for the audio super frame length for AAC depend on the coder sampling rate and the audio mode. The current limits for AAC are: CoderSamplingRate AudioMod lengthOfAudioSuperFrame e 12000 24000 24000 24000 Rev.: 0 0 0 or 1 2 07.09.07 400 ... 699 700 ... 823 824 ... 1824 1324 ... 3700 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 176 - 3.9.18 Profile stream format SNMP-OID : Syntax: profile_stream <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [auto, raw1, adif1, adts1, latm1, loas1, low-byte-first2, high-byte-first2, ?] Response: - set profile stream format profile_stream <param1> <param2>: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> - request stream format profile_stream <param1>?: <param2>[CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_stream <param1> <param2>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 1 AAC 2 LINEAR 3.9.19 Profile signal format SNMP-OID : Syntax: profile_signal <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [auto, implicit1, explicit-backward1, explicit-non- 1 backward , , ?] Response: - Rev.: set profile signal format profile_signal <param1> <param2>: ok[CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 177 - - request signal format profile_signal <param1>?: <param2>[CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_signal <param1> <param2>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 1 AAC(HE) 3.9.20 Profile Resolution SNMP-OID : Syntax: profile_resolution <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [profile entry number] Param2: [resolution , ?] Response: - set profile resolution profile_resolution <param1> <param2>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile resolution profile_resolution <param1> ?: <param2>[CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_resolution <param1> <param2>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.9.21 Profile File Type SNMP-OID : Syntax: profile_filetype <param1> Parameter: Param1: [raw, riff, bwf, musi, id3, ?] Response: Rev.: set profile file type 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 178 - profile_filetype <param1>: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request profile file type profile_filetype ?: <param1> [CR][LF][IP address]> - error profile_filetype <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.9.22 Profile entries SNMP-OID : Command to achieve the available amount of profile entries and the ones that are currently used. The answer is structured in a left aligned hexadecimal notation. Every hexadecimal character of the digit field represents four profile entries. So the available amount of profile entries can be calculated by the length of the answer multiplied with four. Currently free profile entries are represented by a zero in the bitfield. The positition of the bitfield describes the specific number of the profile entry, beginning with position zero and profile entry no.0. Syntax: profile_entries ? Response: - request profile entries profile_entries ?: <available profile entries in hex digit format (left aligned)>[CR][LF][IP address]> - Example: profile_entries ? A17538[CR][LF][IP address]> - Profiles available: - 24 (6 characters * 4 bit) Profiles used: - A 1 7 5 3 8 - 1010 0001 0111 0101 0011 1000 0, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 179 - 3.10 Phonebook Commands The Centauri Phonebook is a database designed to organize often-used connection addresses. Each Phonebook entry consists of a unique entry name, two profile indexes for the encoder and decoder settings, the used communication interface and up to eight destination addresses. If network is the selected communication interface, then the first address will be interpreted as the destination IP address. There are two classes of phonebook commands integrated into the Centauri, the first class consists of commands to operate and navigate on the complete phonebook (e.g. request or delete an entry) while the second class manipulates the parameter of a certain phonebook entry. 3.10.1 Phonebook Add Entry Command to add an entry to the phonebook database. The new entry is setup with a default parameter set. PARAMETER VALUE Name set by command parameter Encoder Profile Index 1 Decoder Profile Index 1 Communication Interface ISDN Destination address 1-8 <none> Table 40: Default values for phonebook entry If the entry is created successfully, the command returns the entry number of the new entry. Syntax: phone_addentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [entry name] Response: Rev.: - add phonebook entry phone_addentry [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_addentry [name]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 180 - 3.10.2 Phonebook Delete Entry Command to delete a phonebook entry out of the phonebook database. Syntax: phone_delentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Response: - delete phonebook entry phone_delentry [entry no]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_delentry [entry no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.3 Phonebook Delete All Entries Command to delete all phonebook entries. Syntax: phone_clearallentries Response: - delete all phonebook entries phone_clearallentries: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_clearallentries: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.4 Phonebook Request Number of valid Entries Command to request the number of valid phonebook entries. A phonebook entry is valid, if it has a unique name. Syntax: phone_numberofentries Response: Rev.: - request the number of valid profiles phone_numberofentries: [number of entries] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_numberofentries: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 181 - 3.10.5 Phonebook Request First Entry Command to request the parameter of the first entry out of the phonebook database. Syntax: phone_firstentry Response: - request phonebook entry phone_firstentry: [entry no][CR][LF] [name][CR][LF] [Encoder profile index][CR][LF] [Decoder profile index][CR][LF] [Communication Interface][CR][LF] [Destination Address 1][CR][LF] [Destination Address 2][CR][LF] [Destination Address 3][CR][LF] [Destination Address 4][CR][LF] [Destination Address 5][CR][LF] [Destination Address 6][CR][LF] [Destination Address 7][CR][LF] [Destination Address 8][CR][LF] [IP address]> - error phone_firstentry: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.6 Phonebook Request Next Entry Command to request the parameter of the next entry out of the phonebook database. Syntax: phone_nextentry Response: - request next profile phone_nextentry: [entry no][CR][LF] [name][CR][LF] [Encoder profile index][CR][LF] [Decoder profile index][CR][LF] [Communication Interface][CR][LF] [Destination Address 1][CR][LF] [Destination Address 2][CR][LF] [Destination Address 3][CR][LF] [Destination Address 4][CR][LF] [Destination Address 5][CR][LF] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 182 - [Destination Address 6][CR][LF] [Destination Address 7][CR][LF] [Destination Address 8][CR][LF] [IP address]> - error phone_nextentry: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.7 Phonebook Request Entry by Number Command to request the parameter of the certain entry out of the phonebook database. Syntax: phone_showentry <param1> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Response: - request certain phonebook entry phone_showentry [entry no]:[name][CR][LF] [Encoder profile index][CR][LF] [Communication Interface][CR][LF] [Destination Address 1][CR][LF] [Destination Address 2][CR][LF] [Destination Address 3][CR][LF] [Destination Address 4][CR][LF] [Destination Address [Destination Address [Destination Address [Destination Address [IP address]> - 5][CR][LF] 6][CR][LF] 7][CR][LF] 8][CR][LF] error phone_showentry [entry no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.8 Phonebook Execute Entry by Number SNMP-OID : Command to execute a certain entry out of the phonebook database. This command will change the setup for the encoder, decoder, audio and communication interface temporarily. After disconnecting the call the original setup will be restored. Syntax: phone_execentry <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 183 - Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Response: - execute a certain phonebook entry phone_execentry [entry no]: OK [CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_execentry [entry no]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.10.9 Alter Phonebook Entry Name Command to alter or request the name of a phonebook entry. The name must not be an empty string. Syntax: phone_setname <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Param2: [entry name, ?] Response: - set phonebook entry name phone_setname [entry no] [name]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request phonebook entry name phone_setname [entry no] ?: [name][CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_setname [entry no] [name]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.10.10 Alter Phonebook Entry Encoder Index Command to alter or request the encoder index of a phonebook entry. The command does not check, whether the specified index is valid or not. Syntax: phone_setencprofile <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 184 - Param2: [profile index, ?] Response: - set phonebook entry encoder profile index phone_setencprofile [entry no] [index]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request phonebook entry encoder profile index phone_setencprofile [entry no]?:[index][CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_setencprofile [entry no] [index]: error[errno][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.10.11 Alter Phonebook Entry Decoder Index Command to alter or request the decoder index of a phonebook entry. The command does not check, whether the selected index is valid or not. Syntax: phone_setdecprofile <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Param2: [profile index, ?] Response: - set phonebook entry decoder profile index phone_setdecprofile [entry no] [index]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request phonebook entry decoder profile index phone_setdecprofile [entry no] ?:[index][CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_setdecprofile [entry no] [index]: error [errno][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.10.12 Alter Phonebook Entry Communication Interface Command to alter or request a phonebook entry’s communication interface. Syntax: phone_setinterface <param1> <param2> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 185 - Param1: [phonebook entry number] Param2: [isdn, x.21, net, loop, ?] Response: - set phonebook entry communication interface phone_setinterface [entry no] [interface]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request phonebook entry communication interface phone_setinterface [entry no] ?: [interface][CR][LF][IP address]> - error phone_setinterface [entry no] [interface]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.10.13 Alter Phonebook Entry Destination Addresses Command to alter or request a certain destination address of a phonebook entry. Up to eight addresses for the ISDN b-channel can be used. The first address is used as the destination IP address if the communication interface is set to net. Syntax: phone_setnumber <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [phonebook entry number] Param2: [1 .. 8, ?] (address entry index) Param3: [destination address] Response: Rev.: - set phonebook entry destination address phone_setnumber [entry no] [adr index] [address]: ok [CR][LF] [IP address]> - request phonebook entry destination address phone_setnumber [entry no] [adr index] ?: [interface][CR][LF] [IP address]> - error phone_setnumber [entry no] [adr index] [address]: error [err no] [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 186 - 3.10.14 Phonebook entries SNMP-OID : Command to achieve the available amount of phonebook entries and the ones that are currently used. The answer is structured in a left aligned hexadecimal notation. Every hexadecimal character of the digit field represents four phonebook entries. So the available amount of phonebook entries can be calculated by the length of the answer multiplied with four. Currently free phonebook entries are represented by a zero in the bitfield. The positition of the bitfield describes the specific number of the phonebook entry, beginning with position zero and phonebook entry no.0. Syntax: phone_entries ? Response: - request phone entries phone_entries ?: <available phone entries in hex digit format (left aligned)>[CR][LF][IP address]> - Example: phone_entries ? A17538[CR][LF][IP address]> - Phonebook entries available: - Rev.: 24 (6 characters * 4 bit) Phonebook entries used: - A 1 7 5 3 8 - 1010 0001 0111 0101 0011 1000 - 0, 2, 7, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 18, 19, 20 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 187 - 3.11 Ancillary Data Commands The ancillary data commands configure the RS232 interface used to send the ancillary data. 3.11.1 Ancillary Data Interface Baud Rate SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the baud rate of the ancillary data RS232 interface. Default value is 57600. Syntax: ancdata_baudrate <param1> Parameter: Param1: [1200, 2400, 3600* , 4800, 7200* , 9600, 14400* , 19200, 38400, 56000*, 57600, 115200, ?] Response: - set ancillary data RS232 baud rate ancdata_baudrate [baudrate]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ancillary data RS232 baud rate ancdata_baudrate ?: [baudrate][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_baudrate [baudrate]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> *) available with version 3.11.2 Ancillary Data Interface Data Bits SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the number of Data Bits of the ancillary data RS232 interface. Default value is 8. Syntax: ancdata_databits <param1> Parameter: Param1: [5 .. 8, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 188 - Response: - set ancillary data RS232 Data Bits ancdata_databits [bits]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ancillary data RS232 Data Bits ancdata_databits ?: [bits][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_databits [bits]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.11.3 Ancillary Data Interface Parity SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the parity of the ancillary data RS232 interface. Default value is none. Syntax: ancdata_parity <param1> Parameter: Param1: [none, even, odd, ?] Response: - set ancillary data RS232 Parity ancdata_parity [parity]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ancillary data RS232 Parity ancdata_parity ?: [parity][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_parity [parity]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.11.4 Ancillary Data Interface Stop Bits SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the number of Stop Bits of the ancillary data RS232 interface. Default value is 1. Syntax: ancdata_stopbits <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 189 - Param1: [1, 2, ?] Response: - set ancillary data RS232 Stop Bits ancdata_stopbits [bits]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ancillary data RS232 Stop Bits ancdata_stopbits ?: [bits][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_stopbits [bits]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.11.5 Ancillary Data Interface Handshake SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the handshake method of the ancillary data RS232 interface. Default value is none. Syntax: ancdata_handshake <param1> Parameter: Param1: [none, xonxoff, rtscts, dsrdtr, ?] Response: - set ancillary data RS232 handshake ancdata_handshake [handshake]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request ancillary data RS232 handshake ancdata_handshake ?: [handshake][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_handshake [handshake]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.11.6 Ancillary Data Port Command to assign a port to a special Codec. In general port 2 is used for the remote control. This option is no longer available as soon as this command with the parameter [2] is set successfully and the connection is built up. Syntax: ancdata_port <param1> <param2> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 190 - Param1: [Codec] Encoder = 1, Decoder = 2 Param2: [Port No] Com-Port 1..2, 0 = deactivate Response: Rev.: - set Port ancdata_port [codec] [port] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request Port ancdata_port [codec] ? : [port] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error ancdata_port [codec] [port]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 191 - 3.12 TTL Output Commands TTL-OUTPUT OUT A OUT B OUT C OUT D OUT E VALUE 1 2 4 8 16 3.12.1 Set TTL Output This command sets the TTL output Out A to Out E. The possible parameter value 0 – 31 (sum of five values) defines a five-digit dual number that combines the modes of all five TTL-outputs. Syntax: sig_changed <param1> Parameter: Param1: [value] 0 - 31 Response: - sets TTL-outputs sig_changed [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_changed [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.12.2 Invert TTL Input and Output This command inverts the TTL input or output Out A to Out E. The possible parameter value 0 – 31 (sum of five values) defines a five-digit dual number that combines the modes of all five TTL-inputs or -outputs. Input is an optional parameter, if [input] is not specified the outputs will be changed. Syntax: sig_changed invert [input] <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [on, off] Param2: [value] 0 - 31 Response: - Rev.: inverts TTL-outputs sig_changed invert [on, off] [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 192 - - error sig_changed invert [on, off] [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.12.3 TTL IO SNMP-OID : .. This command sets the TTL output and gets the TTL input. Pin A to E are the same as Out A to Out E. If this command is used to set an local TTL output to on, it couldn’t be reset by a TTL input of a remote device. The local command has a higher priority! Only CENTAURI II gateways with optional TTL extension have pin 1 to 8. Syntax: ttl_io <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [a, b, c, d, e, 1 ,2 ,3, 4, ,5, 6, 7, 8] Param2: [on, off, ?] Response: Rev.: - sets TTL-outputs ttl_io [pin] [on, off]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request TTL-inputs ttl_io [pin] ? : [on, off] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error ttl_io [pin] [on, off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 193 - 3.13 Username Password Commands To prevent the Centauri from unauthorized access the Remote Control Interfaces can be secured by Username Password combinations. Only the RS232 remote control interface is always accessible without Username and Password. 3.13.1 FTP Username Password Control Command to set or request Username and Password for the FTP server access. Default value is Admin:Power. Syntax: ftp_UsrPwd <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Username:Password, ?] Response: - set FTP username and password ftp_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request FTP username and password ftp_UsrPwd ?: [Usr:Pwd][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ftp_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.13.2 Web Server Username Password Control Command to set or request Username and Password for the Webserver access. Default value is WebAdmin:WebPower. Syntax: web_UsrPwd <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Username:Password, ?] Response: - Rev.: set WebServer username and password web_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 194 - - request WebServer username and password web_UsrPwd ?: [Usr:Pwd][CR][LF][IP address]> - error web_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.13.3 TCP/IP Remote Control Username Password Command to set or request Username and Password for the TCP/IP based remote control interface. Default value is none. Syntax: ctl_UsrPwd <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Username:Password, ?] Response: - set username and password for the TCP/IP remote control interface ctl_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request username and password for the TCP/IP remote control interface ctl_UsrPwd ?: [Usr:Pwd][CR][LF][IP address]> - error ctl_UsrPwd [Usr:Pwd]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.13.4 TCP/IP Remote Control Login Command login the TCP/IP remote control interface. Syntax: ctl_Login <param1> Parameter: Param1: [Username:Password] Response: no response Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 195 - 3.14 Signaling and Indication Messages The Centauri Gateways are able to asynchronously transmit messages without an external request. These messages are used to indicate a status change, an alarm or an error. The signaling function is defaulted to be active for the TCP/IP and RS232 remote control interfaces. Commands may be used to deactivate the function. If the SNMP option is installed then the Centauri is able to use SNMP traps to indicate status changes, alarms and errors. The traps can be individually enabled and disabled. NOTE: If signaling is enabled then control software programs must be able to process asynchronous messages whenever they are received. Additionally some of these messages can be initialized by the user for certain events. This is evident for event-action-programming. NOTE: These user-defined messages are not journalized by the Centauri. 3.14.1 Enable or Disable Signaling for a Specified Interface Command to enable or disable the signaling function for the interface that is currently in use. Default value is On. Syntax: sig_mode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Response: - set signaling mode sig_mode [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.2 Decoder Frame Status Indication SNMP-OID : This command defines, if a change of the audio decoder frame status will be reported. This event can also be set by the user, which is important for event action programming Syntax: sig_frame <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 196 - Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - set frame change sig_frame [stat]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request alarm sig_frame ? : [stat][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_frame [stat] : error [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.3 System Alarm Indication SNMP-OID : The first parameter of this command sets an user-defined alarm. This provides important possibilities for event action programming. For alarm details the sys_check function should be used. The second parameter defines, if the alarm led will be lit in case of alarm. Syntax: sig_alarm <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Param2: [led] * this parameter is optional Message Format: - set alarm sig_alarm [stat] [stat] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request alarm sig_alarm ? : [stat] [stat] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_alarm [stat] [stat] : error [CR][LF][IP address]> *) available with version Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 197 - 3.14.4 System Error Code Indication This message indicates that a Centauri system error has occurred. For detailed description of error types see appendix b. Syntax: sig_systemerror <param1> Parameter: Param1: [errorcode1 .. errorcodeN] Message Format: - indicates occurred error sig_systemerror [error codes][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.5 Audio Overload Indication SNMP-OID : This message indicates that a audio overload event has occurred and the Overload LED has been switched on. Syntax: sig_overload <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - audio overload message sig_overload [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.6 Audio OUT Overload Indication SNMP-OID : This message indicates that a audio overload event has occurred and the Overload LED has been switched on. Syntax: sig_overout <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 198 - Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - audio overload message sig_overout [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.7 Communication Connected Indication SNMP-OID : This message indicates that the connection status of the selected communication interface has changed and the connect LED has been switched on or off. This event can also be set by the user, which is important for event action programming Syntax: sig_connected <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - set connect status sig_connected [stat]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request connect status sig_connected ? : [stat][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_connected [stat] : error [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.8 Parameter Change Indication SNMP-OID : Syntax: sig_changed on Syntax extended: [index]$sig_changed on [e1, bck, aud, vid, enc, dec, ip, mix, mII, con, zone, ses] Syntax extended command: sig_changed <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 199 - Parameter: Param1: [on, off] Response: - Use extented signalling format sig_changed [on, off]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.9 Audio Detect Status Change Indication SNMP-OID : This message indicates that the audio detect function has registered a change at the audio input. Syntax: sig_audio <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - 3.14.10 audio detect status change message sig_audio [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> Audio OUT Detect Status Change Indication SNMP-OID : This message indicates that the audio detect function has registered a change at the audio output. Syntax: sig_audout <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Message Format: - 3.14.11 audio detect status change message sig_audout [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> ISDN Line Connect Indication This message indicates that the ISDN b-channel connect status has changed. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 200 - Syntax: sig_connect <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off] Param2: [ISDN b-channel] Param3: [reason] Message Format: - 3.14.12 ISDN b-channel connect status change message sig_connect [On, Off] [b-channel] [reason][CR][LF][IP address]> ISDN Interface Connect Status Change Indication This message indicates that the connect status of the interface has changed. Syntax: sig_interface <param1> <param2> <param3> <param4> Parameter: Param1: [x.21, net, isdn, e1] Param2: [On, Off] Param3: [x.21 port number, B-channel(isdn), Subcodec(net/e1] Param4: [incoming, outgoing] Message Format: - 3.14.13 ISDN b-channel connect status change message sig_interface [interface] [On, Off] [channel] [direction][CR][LF] [IP address]> ISDN Additional Line Required Indication This message indicates that a connecting process requires an additional ISDN b-channel. Syntax: sig_ISDNline Message Format: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 201 - - 3.14.14 additional ISDN b-channel required message sig_ISDNline [CR][LF][IP address]> ISDN Error Indication This message indicates that an ISDN error was reported. Syntax: sig_ISDNerror <param1> Parameter: Param1: [ISDN error number] Message Format: - 3.14.15 ISDN error message sig_ISDNerror [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> TTL I/O Status Change Indication This message indicates that the status of one of the TTL I/O ports has changed. This message is also used to indicate a TTL I/O port status change at the far end Centauri. Syntax: sig_centronic <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [port status] (as a hex code) Param2: [Local, Remote] Message Format: - 3.14.16 TTL I/O status change message sig_centronic [port status] [location][CR][LF][IP address]> LED Status Indication Command to indicate the status of the LEDs, located on the E1 interface. This status will be indicated as a hex coded 32 bit binary mask. Syntax: sig_led <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 202 - Param1: [32 bit binary mask] (as a hex code) Message Format: - led status message sig_led [led status] [CR][LF][IP address]> BIT LED 0 Master 1 TS 2 2 DS 2 3 AIS 4 SYNC 5 RX 6 TX 7-31 reserved Table 42: LED status Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 203 - 3.14.17 Signal Specific Call This message indicates that a call with a specific number came in. It is signaled via all remote interfaces. Available with version Syntax: sig_accept <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [transmission mode] at this time only ISDN Param2: [channel] Param3: [dial number] (if transmitted) Message Format: - 3.14.18 indicates incoming call with specific number sig_accept [mode] [channel] [number] [CR][LF][IP address]> Inverting alarm mode The alarm mode of the TTL-outputs can be inverted. Normally the TTL pin No. 2 is high (+5V) in case of an alarm. The parameter on switches the alarm status to low. Syntax: sig_alarm invert <param1> Parameter: Param1: [on, off] on: TTl-output is low in off: TTl-output is high (+5V) in case of alarm Response: case of - sets alarm mode sig_alarm invert [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_alarm invert [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.19 alarm Encoder chain info This message indicates that a staus of a internal encoder chain. Available with version Syntax: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 204 - sig_enc <param1> Parameter: Param1: [started, destroyed] Response: - sets alarm mode sig_enc [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - error sig_enc [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.14.20 Decoder chain info This message indicates that a staus of a internal decoder chain. Available with version Syntax: sig_dec <param1> Parameter: Param1: [started, destroyed] Response: - sets alarm mode sig_dec [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> error sig_dec [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 205 - 3.15 SNMP Trap Indication Functions Most of the signal messages used to indicate events are also available as SNMP traps: TRAP_ALARM(1), TRAP_OVERLOAD(2), TRAP_FRAME(3), TRAP_CONNECT(4), TRAP_CHANGE(5), TRAP_AUDIO (6) For every signal a command is available to enable or disable the corresponding trap. In the following chapters these SNMP traps are described behind the Centauri commands. More details about SNMP and the Trap functions can be found in the SNMP MIB documentation. 3.15.1 SNMP Decoder Frame Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the decoder frame trap. Default value is off. Syntax: trap_frame <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set frame trap active trap_frame [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request frame trap active trap_frame ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error trap_frame [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> SNMP trap Frame: (TRAP_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_FRAME), (OID_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_FRAME), Active, ASN1_INT OID_ENTERPRISE (0x2b,6,1,4,1,6210) TRAP_ENTERPRISE (6) Active = 1: Signal set Active = 0: Signal not set Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 206 - 3.15.2 SNMP System Alarm Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the system alarm trap. Default value is off. Syntax: trap_alarm <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set system alarm trap active trap_alarm [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request system alarm trap active trap_alarm ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error trap_alarm [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> SNMP trap Alarm: (TRAP_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_ALARM), (OID_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_ALARM), Active, ASN1_INT OID_ENTERPRISE (0x2b,6,1,4,1,6210) TRAP_ENTERPRISE (6) Active = 1: Signal set Active = 0: Signal not set 3.15.3 SNMP Audio Overload Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the audio overload trap. Default value is off. Syntax: trap_overload <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 207 - Response: - set audio overload trap active trap_overload [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio overload trap active trap_overload ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error trap_overload [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> SNMP trap Overload: (TRAP_ENTERPRISE, ASN1_INT TRAP_OVERLOAD), (OID_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_OVERLOAD), Active, OID_ENTERPRISE (0x2b,6,1,4,1,6210) TRAP_ENTERPRISE (6) Active = 1: Signal set Active = 0: Signal not set 3.15.4 SNMP Encoder Connected Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the audio encoder connected trap. Default value is off. Syntax: trap_connected <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set audio encoder connected trap active trap_connected [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio encoder connected trap active trap_connected ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error trap_connected [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> SNMP trap Connect: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 208 - (TRAP_ENTERPRISE, ASN1_INT TRAP_CONNECT), (OID_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_CONNECT), Active, OID_ENTERPRISE (0x2b,6,1,4,1,6210) TRAP_ENTERPRISE (6) Active = 1: Signal set Active = 0: Signal not set 3.15.5 SNMP Parameter Change Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the parameter change trap. Default value is off. Syntax: trap_changed <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set parameter change trap active trap_changed [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request parameter change trap active trap_changed ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error trap_changed [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> SNMP trap Change: (TRAP_ENTERPRISE, ASN1_INT TRAP_CHANGE), (OID_ENTERPRISE, TRAP_CHANGE), Active, OID_ENTERPRISE (0x2b,6,1,4,1,6210) TRAP_ENTERPRISE (6) Active = 1: Signal set Active = 0: Signal not set 3.15.6 SNMP Audio Detect Status Change Trap SNMP-OID : Command to enable or disable the audio detect status change trap. Default value is off. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 209 - Syntax: trap_audio <param1> Parameter: Param1: [On, Off, ?] Response: - set audio detect status change trap active trap_audio [On, Off]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request audio detect status change trap active trap_audio ?: [On, Off][CR][LF][IP address]> error trap_audio [On, Off]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 210 - 3.16 Timeout Control Commands This section describes functions to control the Centauri timeouts. 3.16.1 Connect Timeout SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the timeout value for the connect timeout. If the Centauri is set up in auto mode and is not able to detect the type of the far end CODEC, it will hang up the connection after this time. Default value is 30 seconds. Syntax: time_disconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [seconds, ?] Response: - set connect timeout time_disconnect [seconds]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request connect timeout time_disconnect ?: [seconds][CR][LF][IP address]> - error time_disconnect [seconds]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.16.2 G.722 Detection Timeout SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the timeout value for the G.722 detection timeout. If the Centauri Decoder Format is switched to auto, the unit will activate the G.722 statistical framing decoder after the timeout period set by this command if no bit stream format was detected. Default value is 30 seconds. Syntax: time_statframing <param1> Parameter: Param1: [seconds, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 211 - Response: - set G.722 detection timeout time_statframing [seconds]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request G.722 detection timeout time_statframing ?: [seconds][CR][LF][IP address]> - error time_statframing [seconds]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.16.3 Remote control timeout SNMP-OID : Command to set or request the timeout value for the remote control. A value of 0 disable the remote control timeout. Default value is 0 seconds. Syntax: time_remotecontrol <param1> Parameter: Param1: [seconds, ?] Response: Rev.: - set remote control timeout time_remotecontrol [seconds]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request remotecontrol timeout time_remotecontrol ?: [seconds][CR][LF][IP address]> - error time_remotecontrol [seconds]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 212 - 3.17 Event Action Programming CENTAURI Gateways can be programmed in a way that they react on especially, previous fixed events. So events can be connected with actions. The event depending control is under construction. Maybe your device has not the right software loaded at the time your device is delivered to you. So there is no possibility of controlling the events. Please follow the messages from MAYAH Communications relating software updates. 3.17.1 What are Events? Events can be distinguished between different categories - TTL input dependent events The CENTAURI gateways have 5 TTL inputs. If one TTL input is at high impedance its worth is "1" (true). If it is at low impedance its worth is "0" (false). By changing from "0" to "1" the events centronic_a_on ... centronics_e_on are affected. The changing from "1" to "0" releases the events 1 centronic_a_off ... centronics_e_off . The CENTAURI II gateways have 8 additional optical inputs (optional). By changing from “0” to “1” the events ttl_1_on .. ttl_8_on are affected. The changing from “1” to “0” releases the events ttl_1_off ... ttl_8_off. - status dependent events The CENTAURI gateways can react on changing at the shown state on the front panel. The 8 events are: alarm_on/alarm_off, overload_on/overload_off, connect_on/connect_off, framed_on/framed_off, accept_on/accept_off. 3.17.2 What are Actions? Actions can be distinguished between different categories - TTL-output actions CENTAURI gateways have 8 TTL outputs which are set to high (1) or low (0) impedance in the following way: 2 3 outputs signalise the status of alarm - connect - and overload LED . The other 5 outputs signalise at an CENTAURI-CENTAURI connection the status of the TTL inputs of the other CENTAURI. These information are transported within the ancillary data of a MPEG bit stream. - virtual actions 1 The status of the TTL level is measured every 5 milliseconds. Level differences between two measurements can not be recognized. Level of TTL E is inverted. 2 The level for the overload LED and the signal - at - input - ok is adjustable. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 213 - A virtual action is the carrying out of one or more CENTAURI commands. The single commands are saved in a txt-file (action-file) in which only one command / line is possible. The commands are executed from the top to the bottom of the file. Not more than 8000 signs are allowed. There are no signs to characterize comments. The file is being inspected by the same error-tolerantroutine that is also used for the remote-control interface. 3.17.3 Connecting Events and Actions Events are to connect to virtual actions with the command event_set. If you do so there is a condition handed over that decides if the action is being executed. The following terms are to collect: ALARM, !ALARM ALARM-LED: ON/OFF Overload, !overload Overload-LED: on/off (overload of an audio input) Overout, !overout Overload-LED: on/off (overload of an audio output) Connect, !connect Connect-LED: on/off Framed, !framed Framed-LED: on/off Audio, !audio There is a audio signal at the audio input yes/no Audout, !audout There is a audio signal at the audio output yes/no Video, !video There is a video signal at the video input yes/no. Centronic_a, ..., !centronic_e The TTL-input A-E has high impedance or low impedance ttl_1, ..., !ttl_8 The optical input 1-8 Albp, !albp Error on backplane yes/no Ale1, !ale1 Error on E1-Interface card yes/no Alpsu, !alpsu Error on power suply unit yes/no Lock, !lock All information to synchronize audio and video available 3 4 3 4 5 6 7 8 The level for the overload LED and the signal - at - input - ok is adjustable. The level for the overload LED and the signal - at - output - ok is adjustable. 5 The status of the TTL level is measured every 5 milliseconds. Level differences between two measurements can not be recognized. 6 7 Only for Centauri 3500 Only Centauri II Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 214 - True The action is always executed False The action is never executed (standard) Table 43: Events To check more than one condition you can connect up to 5 actions each with one condition to one event. It must be specified which connection is set. If there is any event the conditions from 1 to 5 are checked to decide if the actionfile has to be executed. If the actionfile is not existent no command is executed. To prevent durable system instability by means of mistake in setting a connection there is no automatic saving for these connections but you can save this by choosing the command event_save. With the command event_load which is executed after start all saved connections are set. 3.17.4 Program Action Command SNMP-OID : The command generates an actionfile. As first parameter the actionfile name is handed over. The following parameter are the remote commands that are listed in the file (separated by ";"). The file name consists of at least 8 letters or numbers. As an alternative it is possible to transmit an ASCII-file (called *.CAF) by FTP with the commands included to the directory "actions". Syntax: action_create <Param1> <Param2> Parameter: Param 1: [actionfile name] Param 2: [command1;...;commandn] Response: 8 - Successfully created action: action_create [actionfile name] [command]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error action_create [actionfile name] [command]: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> Only for video centauri (IO) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 215 - 3.17.5 Read Action Command This command returns all commands of an actionfile. The Commands are separated by “;”. Syntax: action_read <Param1> Parameter: Param 1: [actionfile name] Response: - Successfully read action file: action_read [actionfile] Command1;...;Commandn : OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error action_read [actionfile]: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.6 List all Action Files This command returns all actionfiles stored in the Centauri. Syntax: action_listfiles Response: - Successfully detected actionfiles: action_listfiles actionfile1: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> action_listfiles actionfileN: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error action_listfiles: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.7 Delete Action Programs This command deletes an actionfile. Syntax: action_delete <Param1> Parameter: Param 1: [actionfile name] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 216 - - Successfully delete action file: action_delete [actionfile]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error action_delete [actionfile]: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.8 Set Event Condition This command sets one from up to 5 combinations of conditions and actionfiles for each event. If an event occurs, then all 5 conditions are evaluated. If a condition is true, the associated action file will be executed. The standard condition is false to avoid executing an action file. This setting will not be saved! A special remote command saves all settings. Only one timer (Param5, Param6) is available for one kind of event (Param1)! Syntax: event_set <Param1> <Param2> <Param3> <Param4> <Param5> <Param6> Parameter: Param 1: [Events: alarm_on, alarm_off, overload_on, overload_off, overout_on, overout_off, connect_on, connect_off, framed_on, framed_off, audio_on, audio_off, audout_on, audout_off, centronic_a_on, centronic_a_off, centronic_b_on, centronic_b_off, centronic_c_on, centronic_c_off, centronic_d_on, centronic_d_off, centronic_e_on, centronic_e_off, accept_on, accept_off, video_on, video_off, ttl_1_on, ttl_1_off, ttl_2_on, ttl_2_off, ttl_3_on, ttl_3_off, ttl_4_on, ttl_4_off, ttl_5_on, ttl_5_off, ttl_6_on, ttl_6_off, ttl_7_on, ttl_7_off, ttl_8_on, ttl_8_off, alarmbp_on, alarmbp_off, alarme1_on, alarme1_off, alarmpsu_on, alarmpsu_off, lock_on, lock_off] Param 2: [Number of combination (1..5)] Param 3: [Actionfile name] Param 4: [Condition: false, true, alarm, !alarm, overload, !overload, overout, !overout, connect, !connect, framed, !framed, audio, !audio, audout, !audout, centronic_a, !centronic_a, centronic_b, !centronic_b, centronic_c, !centronic_c, !centronic_d, !centronic_d, centronic_e, !centronic_e, video, !video, ttl_1, !ttl_1, ttl_2, !ttl_2, ttl_3, !ttl_3, ttl_4, !ttl_4, ttl_5, !ttl_5, ttl_6, !ttl_6, ttl_7, !ttl_7, ttl_8, !ttl_8, albp, !albp, ale1, !ale1, alpsu, !alpsu, lock, !lock] Param 5: [duration time in ms before an event becomes true; available for Centronic events since version, available for all events since version] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 217 - Param 6: [time in ms before an event will be executed; available for Centronic events since version, available for all events since version] Response: - Successfully set event: event_set [event] [combination] [actionfile] [condition] [latency time] [timer]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error event_set [event] [combination] [actionfile] [condition] [latency time] [timer]: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.9 Reset Event Condition This command resets a selected condition of an event to avoid executing an actionfile. Syntax: event_reset <Param1> <Param2> Parameter: Param 1: [Events: alarm_on, alarm_off, overload_on, overload_off, overout_on, overout_off, connect_on, connect_off, framed_on, framed_off, audio_on, audio_off, audout_on, audout_off, centronic_a_on, centronic_a_off, centronic_b_on, centronic_b_off, centronic_c_on, centronic_c_off, centronic_d_on, centronic_d_off, centronic_e_on, centronic_e_off, accept_on, accept_off, video_on, video_off, ttl_1_on, ttl_1_off, ttl_2_on, ttl_2_off, ttl_3_on, ttl_3_off, ttl_4_on, ttl_4_off, ttl_5_on, ttl_5_off, ttl_6_on, ttl_6_off, ttl_7_on, ttl_7_off, ttl_8_on, ttl_8_off, alarmbp_on, alarmbp_off, alarme1_on, alarme1_off, alarmpsu_on, alarmpsu_off, lock_on, lock_off] Param 2: [Number of combination 1..5] Response: - Successfully reset event: event_reset [event] [combination]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error event_reset [event] [combination]: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.10 Get Event Condition This command lists all conditions of an event with its parameters if the condition is true. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 218 - Syntax: event_get <Param1> Parameter: Param 1: [Events: alarm_on, alarm_off, overload_on, overload_off, overout_on, overout_off, connect_on, connect_off, framed_on, framed_off, audio_on, audio_off, audout_on, audout_off, centronic_a_on, centronic_a_off, centronic_b_on, centronic_b_off, centronic_c_on, centronic_c_off, centronic_d_on, centronic_d_off, centronic_e_on, centronic_e_off, accept_on, accept_off, video_on, video_off, ttl_1_on, ttl_1_off, ttl_2_on, ttl_2_off, ttl_3_on, ttl_3_off, ttl_4_on, ttl_4_off, ttl_5_on, ttl_5_off, ttl_6_on, ttl_6_off, ttl_7_on, ttl_7_off, ttl_8_on, ttl_8_off, alarmbp_on, alarmbp_off, alarme1_on, alarme1_off, alarmpsu_on, alarmpsu_off, lock_on, lock_off] Response: Successfully get event: event_get [event] [combination] [action file] [condition] [latency time] [timer]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> ... (1..5) event_get [event] [combination] [action file] [condition] [latency time] [timer]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error or no condition is true. event_get <Param1>: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.11 Save Event Condition This command saves the settings of all events in the file SAVECOND.VNT in the action directory. Syntax: event_save Response: Rev.: - Successfully save event condition: event_save: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - Case of error event_save: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 219 - 3.17.12 Load Event Condition This command loads the configurations which are saved to SAVECOND.VNT. This command is executed automatically after switching on the CENTAURI. Syntax: event_load Response: - Successfully load: event_load: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> - error event_load: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.17.13 Event Mode SNMP-OID : With this command it is possible to activate or deactivate the event action programming. The setting is only temporarily and will not be saved. This command is available with version Syntax: event_mode Parameter: Param 1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set mode: event_mode [mode]: OK [CR][LF] [IP address]> request mode event_mode:?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> error event_mode: Error [err no] [CR][LF] [IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 220 - 3.18 Internal Commands 3.18.1 UDP-Commands Sending Identification Command to get an identification fron the receiving Centauri. It will send back a reply-telegram with 5 parameters, separated by blanks. Syntax: identify broadcast Response: Param1: [MayahDesignText (Centauri, Millennium or APT)] Param2: [HardwareVersion] Param3: [Serialnumber] Param4: [IP Address] Param5: [CodecName] Sending Level Information Command to send level information. This command references to the in chapter 4.9.17. described command audio_leveloip [UDP address][ destination port][timeout]. In contrary here the information is sent back via UDP to sender and not to an in parameters defined address. The interval is defined with the parameter [timeout]*50 ms. Syntax: levelmeter <Param1> Parameter: Param1: [timeout] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 221 - 3.19 Centauri 3500 Backplane Commands These commands are only available with the Centauri 3500. 3.19.1 Request fan status With this command the status of the four fans is available. Syntax: bp_status Parameter: Param 1: [?] Response: - request fan status bp_status?: [status code][CR][LF][IP address]> error bp_status: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Code Status 00000000 Ok 00000100 Fan 1 turned out 00000200 00000300 Fan 1 turned out 00000400 00000500 Fan 1 turned out 00000600 00000700 Fan 1 turned out 00000800 00000900 Fan 1 turned out 00000A00 00000B00 Fan 1 turned out 00000C00 00000D00 Fan 1 turned out 00000E00 00000F00 Fan 1 turned out Status Ok Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Fan 2 turned out Status Ok Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Fan 3 turned out Status Ok Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Fan 4 turned out Table 44: Fan Status Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 222 - 3.19.2 Backplane Audio Interfaces Command to identify the Centauri Backplane and the used audio interfaces on the different slots. It supplies seven hex coded eight digit values which are described in the following tables. DIGIT SPECIFICATION POSSIBLE VALUES 1-8 Centauri Backplane 73 9-16 1. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 17-24 2. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 25-32 3. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 33-40 4. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 41-48 5. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E 49-56 6. Slot 01 / 02 / 1D / 1E HEX VALUE INTERFACE 01 2 x stereo analog in 02 2 x stereo analog out 1D 2 x AES/EBU in 1E 2 x AES/EBU out Table 45-46: System audio interfaces Syntax: bp_audiointerface Response: - Information about interfaces bp_ audiointerface : [Ident. value] ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - error bp_ audiointerface: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.19.3 Centauri Firmware information With this command information about the used Centauri firmware is available. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 223 - Syntax: bp_firmware Parameter: Param 1: [?] Response: - request firmware bp_firmware?: [info][CR][LF][IP address]> - error bp_firmware: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.19.4 Fan rotation information With this command the fan rotation values in rpm (rotation/minute) are available. Syntax: bp_fanrpm Parameter: Param 1: [number of fan (1..4)] Param 2: [?] Response: - request rotation bp_fanrpm [fan] ?: [rotation info][CR][LF][IP address]> - error bp_fanrpm: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.19.5 Fan rotation monitoring With this command the fan rotation monitoring can be activated or deactivated. If a fan whose monitoring is enabled turns out, following information is displayed: • the status (see 4.20.1) will be updated • a telegramm of type alarmbp will be sent out • an entrance within the logact will be executed, e.g.: "050;F;2003-03-12;14:02:21,121;00000800 BACKPLANE" Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 224 - Syntax: bp_fanmonitor Parameter: Param 1: [number of fan (1..4)] Param 2: [on, off, ?] Response: - set rotation monitoring bp_fanmonitor [fan] [on,off]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request rotation bp_fanmonitor [fan] ?: [rotation monitoring][CR][LF][IP address]> error bp_fanmonitor: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 225 - 3.20 Video Commands These commands are only available with the [IO] Audio Video Codecs. Subaddressing possible, see chapter 2.4. 3.20.1 Choosing the video input SNMP-OID : This command sets the used video input. At the moment there are 3 different input available. Syntax: video_input <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [svideo, composite1, composite2, ?] Response: - set video input video_input [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video input video_input ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_input: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.2 Setting the brightness of the video SNMP-OID : With this command the brightness of the video input can be set. Syntax: video_inbrightness Parameter: Param 1: [-128..127] (default: 0) Response: - set brightness video_inbrightness [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 226 - - request brightness video_inbrightness ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inbrightness: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.3 Setting the contrast of the video SNMP-OID : With this command the contrast of the video input can be set. Syntax: video_inluma <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..511] (default: 216) Response: - set contrast video_inluma [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request contrast video_inluma ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inluma: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.4 Setting the share of red of the video SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the color red of the video input can be adjusted. Syntax: video_inchromared <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..511] (default: 254) Response: - set share of red video_inchromared [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 227 - - request share of red video_inchromared ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inchromared: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.5 Setting the share of blue of the video SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the color blue of the video input can be adjusted. Syntax: video_inchromablue <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..511] (default: 180) Response: - set share of red video_inchromablue [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_inchromablue ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inchromablue: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.6 Setting the share of saturation of the video SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the saturation of the video input can be adjusted. Syntax: video_insaturation <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..511] (default: 180) Response: - set share of red video_insaturation [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 228 - - request share of red video_insaturation ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_insaturation <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.7 Setting the Capture Field Order SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to capture the upper or the lower field first. Syntax: video_inupfirst <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [on, off, ?]] (default: on) Response: - set capture field order video_inupfirst [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request capture field order video_inupfirst ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inupfirst <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.8 Setting the video format SNMP-OID : With this command the video input format can be adjusted. Syntax: video_informat <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [pal, ntsc, ?] Response: - set share of red video_informat [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 229 - - request share of red video_informat ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_informat <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.9 Setting the chrominance hue control SNMP-OID : With this command the chrominance hue control can be adjusted. Syntax: video_inhue <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..255, ?] param1 hue phase 0 0,0° 64 +90,0° 127 +178,6° 128 -180,0° 192 -90,0° 255 -1,4° Response: - set share of red video_inhue [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_inhue ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inhue <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.10 Setting the share of blue of the video out SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the color blue of the video output can be adjusted. Syntax: video_outchromablue <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 230 - Parameter: Param 1: [0..255, ?] Response: - set share of red video_outchromablue [0..255]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_outchromablue ?: [0..255][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outchromablue <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.11 Setting the share of red of the video out SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the color red of the video output can be adjusted. Syntax: video_outchromared <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..255, ?] Response: - set share of red video_outchromared [0..255]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_outchromared ?: [0..255][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outchromared <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.12 Getting video valid SNMP-OID : With this command the valid of the video input can be get. Syntax: video_valid <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 231 - Parameter: Param 1: [?] Response: - request share of red video_valid ?: [on, off][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_valid <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.13 Setting the video out black level SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the black level of the video output can be adjusted. Syntax: video_outblacklevel <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..63, ?] Response: - set share of red video_outblacklevel [0..63]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_outblacklevel ?: [0..63][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outblacklevel <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.14 Setting the video out blanking level SNMP-OID : With this command the share of the black level of the video output can be adjusted. Syntax: video_outblankinglevel <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..63, ?] Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 232 - Response: - set share of red video_outblankinglevel [0..63]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_outblankinglevel ?: [0..63][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outblankinglevel <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.15 Setting the video out sync SNMP-OID : With this command the synchronisation source of the video output can be adjusted. Syntax: video_outsync <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [internal, svideo, composite1, composite2, ?] Response: - set share of red video_outsync [sync source]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request share of red video_outsync ?: [sync source][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outsync <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.16 Setting the Playback Field Order SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to playback the upper or the lower field first. Syntax: video_outupfirst <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 233 - Param 1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set playback field order video_outupfirst [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request playback field order video_outupfirst ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outupfirst <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.17 Setting the Video Output SNMP-OID : Command to set a video output type. Syntax: video_output <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [svideo1, composite1, composite2, sdi1, vesa1, vesa2, ?] Response: - set video output video_output [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video output video_output ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_output [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.18 Setting the Video X Offset SNMP-OID : Command to set a horizontal offset for the output image. Syntax: video_outxoffset <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 234 - Param 1: [–2147483648..2147483647, ?] Response: - set video output x offset video_outxoffset [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video output x offset video_outxoffset ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outxoffset [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.19 Setting the Video Y Offset SNMP-OID : Command to set a vertical offset for the output image. Syntax: video_outyoffset <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [–2147483648..2147483647, ?] Response: - set video output y offset video_outyoffset [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video output y offset video_outyoffset ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outyoffset [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.20 Video Inputs SNMP-OID : Command to get the video inputs. Syntax: video_inputs <param1> Parameter: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 235 - Param 1: [?] Response: - request video inputs video_inputs ?: [videoinputs][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inputs ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> videoinputs is combination of zeros and ones, set for all available inputs.Each character in the sequence stands for a specific video input.The character one means the video input exists. 1. zero or one for svideo1 2. zero or one for composite1 3. zero or one for composite2 4. zero or one for sdi1 5. zero or one for vesa1 6. Zero or one for vesa2 3.20.21 Video Outputs SNMP-OID : Command to get the video outputs. Syntax: video_outputs <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [?] Response: - request video outputs video_outputs ?: [videooutputs][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outputs ?: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 236 - videooutputs is combination of zeros and ones, set for all available outputs.Each character in the sequence stands for a specific video output.The character one means the video output exists. 1. zero or one for svideo1 2. zero or one for composite1 3. zero or one for composite2 4. zero or one for sdi1 5. zero or one for vesa1 6. Zero or one for vesa2 3.20.22 Setting a Video Input Testsignal SNMP-OID : This command is intended for future use . Syntax: video_intestsignal <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [ ?] Response: - set video input testsignal video_intestsignal [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video input testsignal video_intestsignal ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_intestsignal [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.23 Setting a Video Onput Testsignal SNMP-OID : Command to start and stop a vi deo testsignal on the video output. Following signals are available: 1: White (CCIR610) 2: Yellow (CCIR610) 3: Cyan (CCIR610) 4: Green (CCIR610) 5: Magenta (CCIR610) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 237 - 6: Red (CCIR610) 7: Blue (CCIR610) 8: Black (CCIR610) 9: White | Yellow | Cyan | Green | Magenta | Red | Blue | Black (CCIR610) 10: Black | Blue | Red | Magenta | Green | Cyan | Yellow | White (CCIR610) 11: greyscale from black to white (stepless, using CCIR610) 12: greyscale from black to white (stepless, full Luminance range) 13: greyscale from black to white (6 steps, using CCIR610) 14: black | white – coloumnpattern (coloums 4 pixel wide) 15: black | white – coloumnpattern (coloums 2 pixel wide) 16: black | white – coloumnpattern (coloums 1 pixel wide) Parameter 0 deactivates the test signal. Syntax: video_outtestsignal <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..16, ?] Response: - set video output testsignal video_outtestsignal [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video output testsignal video_outtestsignal ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outtestsignal [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.24 Setting an Inputlogo SNMP-OID : If no video input signal is available or it get lost a fullscreen logo can be displayed instead. Syntax: video_inlogo <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [0..1, ?] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 238 - - set video logo video_inlogo [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video logo video_inlogo ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_inlogo [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.20.25 Setting an Outputlogo SNMP-OID : This command is intended for future use . Syntax: video_outlogo <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [?] Response: - set video logo video_outlogo [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request video logo video_outlogo ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error video_outlogo [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 239 - 3.21 Frontpanel Commands The following section describes the commands and requests used to control the frontpanel. 3.21.1 Contrast SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to set the frontpanel contrast. Syntax: fp_contrast <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [20..50, ?] Response: - set contrast fp_contrast [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request contrast fp_contrast ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_contrast <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.2 Backlight SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to set the frontpanel backlight. Syntax: fp_light <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set backlight fp_light [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - Rev.: request backlight fp_light ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 240 - - error fp_light <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.3 Programming Mode SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to set the frontpanel programming mode (Merk II). Syntax: fp_prog <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [on, off, ?] Response: - set programming mode fp_prog [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request programming mode fp_prog ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_prog <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.4 Push Key SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to push a frontpanel key (Merk II). Syntax: fp_pushkey <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [1..12] (‘1’:1 .. ’9’:9, ‘*’:10, ‘0’:11, ‘#’:12) Response: - set programming mode fp_pushkey [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_pushkey <param1>: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 241 - 3.21.5 Language SNMP-OID : With this command it can be chosen to set the frontpanel language. Syntax: fp_language <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [english, spain, german, ?] Response: - set frontpanel language fp_language [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request frontpanel language fp_language ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_language [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.6 Levelmeter Mode SNMP-OID : With this command a levelmeter mode can be set (Centauri II). Syntax: fp_c2levelmode <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [none, inout, in, out, 2inout, 4in, 4out, ?] Response: - set frontpanel levelmeter mode fp_c2levelmode [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request frontpanel levelmeter mode fp_c2levelmode ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_c2levelmode [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 242 - 3.21.7 Levelmeter Brightness SNMP-OID : With this command the levelmeter brightness can be set (Centauri II). Syntax: fp_c2levelbrightness <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [1..7, ?] Response: - set frontpanel levelmeter brightness fp_c2levelbrightness [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request frontpanel levelmeter brightness fp_c2levelbrightness ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> - error fp_c2levelbrightness [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.8 Status Brightness SNMP-OID : With this command the status brightness can be set (Centauri II). Syntax: fp_c2statusbrightness <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [1..7, ?] Response: - set frontpanel status brightness fp_c2statusbrightness [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - Rev.: request frontpanel status brightness fp_c2statusbrightness ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 243 - - error fp_c2statusbrightness [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.21.9 Backlight Brightness SNMP-OID : With this command the backlight brightness can be set (Centauri II). Syntax: fp_c2backlightbrightness <param1> Parameter: Param 1: [1..7, ?] Response: - set frontpanel backlight brightness fp_c2backlightbrightness [value]: [ok][CR][LF][IP address]> - request frontpanel backlight brightness fp_c2backlightbrightness ?: [value][CR][LF][IP address]> error fp_c2backlightbrightness [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 244 - 3.22 Mixer and Multi channel audio Commands With these commands it is possible to manage the mixing functions of the MerkII and the level of multi channel audio. MerkII supports ADAT from channel 1 to 4, ENC channels, DEC channels and LINE channels. Multi channel audio supports only ADAT from channel 1 to 8. Note: The Centauri command sys_reset[mixer] will delete the current configuration. 3.22.1 Storing mixer configuration This command saves the current mixer configuration. The name may not have more than 8 chatacters or figures. Blanks or special chatacters are not allowed. If a configuration with this name is allready existing, it will be overwritten. Note: Only user defined configurations can be saved. Predefined configurations delivered with the Merk II (beginning with a ‘~’) can not be changed and saved. Syntax: mix_save <param1> Parameter: Param1: [name] at most 8 signs Response: - Set name for current configuration and saves mix_save [name] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.22.2 Loading mixer configuration This command loads an existing mixer configuration. The current configuration will be replaced. Syntax: mix_load <param1> Parameter: Param1: [name] Response: - Loads a special configuration mix_load [name] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.22.3 Deleting mixer configuration This command deletes an existing, user defined mixer configuration. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 245 - Note: Only user defined configurations can be deleted. Predefined configurations delivered with the Merk II (beginning with a ‘~’) can not be deleted. Syntax: mix_del <param1> Parameter: Param1: [name] Response: - Deletes a special configuration mix_del [name] : ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 3.22.4 Showing existing mixer configurations This command shows all existing mixer configurations. The different names are seperated by a semicolon. Syntax: mix_files Response: - Rev.: Deletes a special configuration mix_files : [name];[name]; [name]... [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 246 - 3.22.5 Mastervolume With this command the volume for each output channel can be adjusted. The parameter volume is an integer value between 0 and 65535. Value 0 defines no output signal, whereas 65535 defines full output signal. Syntax: mix_mastervol <param1> <param2> Parameter: Param1: [encl, encr, linel, liner, adat1, adat2, adat3, adat4, adat5, adat6, adat7, adat8] output Param2: [volume, ?] (0..65535) Response: - Set volume of chosen input signal for chosen output channel mix_ mastervol [out] [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request volume of chosen input signal for chosen output channel mix_ mastervol[out] ?: [value] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error mix_ mastervol [out] [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 247 - 3.22.6 Volume This command handles, with the next command mix_pan, the mixing of the 12 input signals into 6 pairs of output signals. The parameter volume is an integer value between 0 and 65535. Value 0 defines no output signal, whereas 65535 defines full output signal. Syntax: mix_vol <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [decl, decr, linel, liner, adat1, adat2, adat3, adat4, adat5, adat6, adat7, adat8] input Param2: [enc, line, adat12, adat34, adat56, adat78] Param3: [volume, ?] stereo output (0..65535) Response: - Set volume of chosen input signal for chosen output signal mix_vol [in] [out] [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request volume of chosen input signal for chosen output signal mix_vol [in] [out] ?: [value] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error mix_vol [in] [out] [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 248 - 3.22.7 Panning This command handles, with the previous command mix_vol, the mixing of the 12 input signals into 6 pairs of output signals. Here it is adjusted how far left or right the signal is to be heard within a stereo signal. The parameter volume is an integer value between 0 and 65535. Value 0 defines maximum left positioning , whereas 65535 defines maximum right positioning, 32768 defines the middle. Syntax: mix_pan <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [decl, decr, linel, liner, adat1, adat2, adat3, adat4, adat5, adat6, adat7, adat8] input Param2: [enc, line, adat12, adat34, adat56, adat78] Param3: [volume, ?] stereo output (0..65535) Response: - Set position of chosen input signal within chosen stereo output signal mix_ pan [in] [out] [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request position of chosen input signal within chosen stereo output signal mix_ pan[in] [out] ?: [value] [CR][LF][IP address]> - error mix_ pan [in] [out] [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 249 - 3.22.8 Line Mix This command handles the mixing of the 12 input signals into each of the 12 output signals. The volume of each signal can be adjusted by the third parameter, which has to be a float value between 0 and 1. In that case value 1 means that the output-channel will get all of the input-signal, whereas value 0 means that the input-signal will not be mixed into the chosen output. Every value between 0 and 1 is possible. Syntax: mix_line <param1> <param2> <param3> Parameter: Param1: [decl, decr, linel, liner, adat1, adat2, adat3, adat4, adat5, adat6, adat7, adat8] input Param2: [encl, encr, linel, liner, adat1, adat2, adat3, adat4, adat5, adat6, adat7, adat8] Param3: [volume, ?] output (0..1) Response: - Set volume of chosen input signal for chosen output channel mix_line [in] [out] [value]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - request volume of chosen input signal for chosen output channel mix_line [in] [out] ?: [value] [CR][LF][IP address]> error mix_line [in] [out] [value]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23 Session commands One session describes the use of multiple encoder and decoder - via phonebook entries - for one connection. These session commands are not available for all devices. 3.23.1 Session index number SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the session index number for the selected session. Syntax: se_idx <param1> Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 250 - Parameter: Param1: [?, 1 .. 256] Response: - se_idx ?: [index][CR][LF][IP address]> - se_idx [index]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - se_idx [index]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23.2 Session mode SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the session mode for the selected session. Syntax: se_mode <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, none, mpegts*, isma*, dmb*] * not available for all devices Response: - se_mode ?: [mode][CR][LF][IP address]> - se_mode [mode]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - se_mode [mode]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23.3 Session destination index number SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the session destination index number for the selected session. Syntax: se_didx <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, 1 .. max sub codec(2.5)] Response: Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 251 - - se_didx ?: [index][CR][LF][IP address]> - se_didx [index]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - se_didx [index]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23.4 Session destination SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the destination for the selected session destination index: [0](default) disable [1] enable with last connection and configuration [2+min phonebook index]..[2+max phonebook index] enable phonebook entry Syntax: se_dest <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, 0, 1, phonebook entry(3.10)+2] Response: - se_dest ?: [0, 1, phonebook][CR][LF][IP address]> - se_dest [0, 1, phonebook]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - se_dest [0, 1, phonebook]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23.5 Session connect SNMP-OID : Command to set and get the active session. Syntax: se_connect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, session] Response: Rev.: - se_connect ?: [session][CR][LF][IP address]> - se_connect [session]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 252 - - se_connect [session]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.23.6 Session disconnect SNMP-OID : Command to disconnect an active session. Syntax: se_disconnect <param1> Parameter: Param1: [session] Response: - se_disconnect [session]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - se_disconnect [session]: error [err no][CR][LF][IP address]> 3.24 SIP commands The SIP commands described here are related to the registration process and STUN. The Centauri has 5 registration slots that each hold the information necessary to register with a SIP server. One registration set consists of: - Registration ID - Registrar - Username - Password - Phone number - Activity status Additionally two global parameters Global SIP Proxy and STUN Server can be set. To change a registration set the corresponding Registration-ID has to be set first. For example, if you would like to change the registrar of registration set 3, you have to set the Registration-ID to 3 and then change the registrar. If you then change the username, the username of registration set 3 is changed. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 253 - N.B.: A registration entry can only be changed if the registration set is not active. If you use names instead of IP addresses, please make sure that you have set a valid DNS server. 3.24.1 Global SIP Proxy SNMP-OID: Command to set a global SIP proxy. All SIP traffic is routed through this proxy. The Global SIP Proxy is usually only needed in special setups. If you are unsure, leave it blank. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, proxyaddress] Response: - ?: [proxyaddress][CR][LF][IP address]> - [proxyaddress]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - [proxyaddress]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.2 STUN Server SNMP-OID: Sets a STUN Server used for SIP Sessions. Be sure to set to a valid address (e.g. and provide DNS-Server if necessary. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, STUNserver] Response: Rev.: - ?: [STUNserver][CR][LF][IP address]> - [STUNserver]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 254 - - [STUNserver]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.3 SIP Registration-ID SNMP-OID: Selects the current registration set. The Registration-ID may be a number from 1 to 5. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, RegistrationID] Response: - ?: [RegistrationID][CR][LF][IP address]> - [RegistrationID]: ok [CR][LF] [IP address]> - [RegistrationID]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.4 SIP Registration Active SNMP-OID: When active is set to 1 the current registration set is activated and the Centauri will instantly try to register using the current registration set. When active is set to 0 the current registration set is deactivated. A registration set has to be deactivated in order to be able to change registrar, username, password or phone number. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, active] Response: - Rev.: ?: [active][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 255 - - [active]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - [active]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.5 SIP Registrar SNMP-OID: This sets the registrar of the current registration set. The registrar is usually the SIP Server that the Centauri should register with. Be sure to set a valid DNS server if necessary. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, SIPregistrar] Response: - ?: [SIPregistrar][CR][LF][IP address]> - [SIPregistrar]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - [SIPregistrar]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.6 SIP username SNMP-OID: This sets the username of the current registration set. The username is usually available from the provider of a SIP Server. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, SIPusername] Response: - Rev.: ?: [SIPusername][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 256 - - [SIPusername]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - [SIPusername]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.7 SIP password SNMP-OID: This sets the password of the current registration set. The password is usually available from the provider of a SIP Server. If your SIP Server does not need a password, leave this blank. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, SIPpassword] Response: - ?: [SIPpassword][CR][LF][IP address]> - [SIPpassword]: ok [CR][LF][IP address]> - [SIPpassword]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 3.24.8 SIP phonenumber SNMP-OID: This sets the phone number of the current registration set. The password is sometimes available from the provider of a SIP Server. If your SIP Server does not need the phone number, leave this blank. Syntax: <param1> Parameter: Param1: [?, SIPphonenumber] Response: - Rev.: ?: [SIPphonenumber][CR][LF][IP address]> 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 257 - - [SIPphonenumber]: ok [CR][LF] [IP address]> - [SIPphonenumber]: error [err no][CR][LF] [IP address]> 4 Available Encoder and Decoder Settings Centauri supports all sampling rates, bit rates and audio modes for the configured codec algorithm as specified in the following documents: MPEG 1 layer 2, MPEG 1 layer 3 ISO/IEC 11172-3 MPEG 2 layer 2, MPEG 2 layer 3 ISO/IEC 13818-3 MPEG 2.5 layer 3 Fraunhofer Institute, Germany MPEG layer 3 PRO AAC (MPEG2) ** ISO/IEC 13818-7 AAC (MPEG4)** ISO/IEC IS 14496-3 AAC (HE)** ISO/IEC IS 14496-3 AAC (LD)** AAC (DRM)** G.711 ITU-T G.711 G.722 ITU-T G.722 J.41 ITU-T J.41 J.57 ITU-T J.57 ADPCM4SB Standard/Enhanced APT-X Not all combinations of codec settings are available. The combinations are controlled after the changing of any codec settings. An invalid parameter will be replaced by a valid one. Because of that you have to change the settings in the following order: 1. Algorithm, 2. Sampling rate, 3. Bit rate, 4. Mode. * ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 4.1 Algorithm The following algorithms are available: * G.711, G.722, J.41*, J.57*, MPEG Layer 2, MPEG Layer 3, MPEG Layer 3 PRO , Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 258 - AAC (MPEG2) */ ** * */ ** , Linear , AAC (LD) * , ADPCM4SB , AAC (MPEG4) */ ** */ ** , AAC (HE) , ** AAC (DRM) , Standard/Enhanced APT-X* * ) These algorithms are not available in all Centauri ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 ** 4.2 Sample Rate (Hz) The following sample rates are available depending on the algorithm: G.711: only 8000 G.722: only 16000 * only 32000 J.57 * only 48000 Layer 2: MPEG1 (32000 , 44100, 48000 ), J.41 ** ** MPEG2 (16000, 22050, 24000) Layer 3: MPEG1 (32000, 44100, 48000), MPEG2 (16000, 22050, 24000), *** MPEG2.5 (8000, 11025, 12000) MPEG PRO (32000, 44100, 48000) **** AAC (MPEG2) , **** AAC (MPEG4) : **** AAC (LD) : 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000 22050, 24000, 32000,44100, 48000 Linear: 8000, 11025, 12000, 16000, 22050, 24000, 32000, 44100, 48000 ADPCM4SB: 32000 **** AAC (HE) : AAC (DRM) **** 32000, 44100, 48000 : 12000, 24000 Standard/Enhanced APT-X: sample rate will be automatically derivated from the bit rate, see table 53, APT-X sample rate Rev.: *) only Centauri 3500 **) for Centauri 3500 only these sample rates are available 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 259 - Rev.: ***) Fraunhofer Institute **** ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 260 - 4.3 Bit Rates for Coded Audio (Bit/s) The following bit rates are available depending on the algorithm: G.711 and G.722 Encoder: only 64000. G.711 and G.722 Decoder: 64000, 56000, 48000 (0,1,2 Least Significant Bits are ignored) * only 384000 J.57 * only 1920000 MPEG1 Layer 2: 32000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000 , ** ** ** 160000, 192000 , 224000, 256000 , 320000, 384000 MPEG2 Layer 2: 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 144000, 160000 MPEG1 Layer 3: 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000 MPEG2 Layer 3: 24000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 72000, 80000, 96000, 104000, 112000, 128000, 136000, 144000, 152000, 160000 MPEG 2.5 Layer 3 8000, 16000, 24000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000 J.41 ** *** MPEG Layer 3 PRO : 24000, 32000, 40000, 48000, 56000, 64000, 80000, 96000, 112000, 128000, 160000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 320000 **** AAC (MPEG2) , **** AAC (MPEG4) : **** from 8000 to 320000 in steps of 8000 AAC (LD) : from 8000 to 320000 in steps of 8000 AAC (DRM) **** from 8000 to 72000 in steps of 20 Linear: Bit rate is always computed and not adjustable ADPCM4SB: 128000, 256000 **** AAC (HE) : Standard/Enhanced APT-X: see table 38 56000, 64000, 112000, 128000, 168000, 192000, 224000, 256000, 280000, 320000, 336000, 384000, 448000, 504000, 512000, 576000 *) only Centauri 3500 for Centauri 3500 only these bit rates are available ***) see table MP3 PRO **** ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 **) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 261 - 4.4 Mode All Modes (Mono, Dual Mono, Joint Stereo, Stereo) are available with the following exception: * G.711, G.722, J.41 * only Mono. J.57 only stereo MPEG1 Layer2: Bit rate 32000, 48000, 56000, 80000: only Mono. Bit rate > 192000: not Mono. MPEG2 Layer2: Bit rate 8000, 16000, 24000, 40000: only Mono. Bit rate > 96000: not Mono. MPEG1 Layer3: Bit rate = 8000: only Mono. Bit rate > 160000: not Mono. MPEG2.5 Layer3: Bit rate = 8000: only Mono. MPEG Layer3 PRO see table MP3 PRO *** AAC (MPEG2) , *** AAC (MPEG4) : *** AAC (LD) ** *** Linear: ADPCM4SB *** Bit rate 8000: only Mono. rate = 16000, Bit rate > 168000: rate = 22500, Bit rate > 232000: rate = 24000, Bit rate > 248000: rate > 24000, Bit rate > 168000: not not not not mono mono mono Mono Bit rate 8000: only Mono. Sample rate = 22500, Bit rate > 112000: not mono Sample rate = 24000, Bit rate > 160000: not mono Sample rate > 24000, Bit rate > 168000: not Mono AAC (DRM) / AAC (HE) Sample Sample Sample Sample Sample rate = 12000, Bit rate < 14000: mono Sample rate = 24000, 14000 <= Bit rate < 16480: mono Sample rate = 24000, 16480 <= Bit rate < 26480: mono, j-st Sample rate = 24000, 26480 <= Bit rate < 74000: stereo only Mono or Stereo. Bit rate = 128000 : mono Bit rate = 256000 : stereo Bit rate <= 32000 : mono Bit rate > 32000 : not mono See table 38 Mono: Computed Bit rate: Sample rate * 16. Stereo: Computed Bit rate: Sample rate * 32. *) only Centauri 3500 as of version for Centauris with 400 mHz CPU only mono is valid *** ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 **) Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 262 - The following table shows possible combinations for MP3 PRO OUTPUT MODE Mono LC-stereo² stereo BIT RATE [KBIT/S] 24 32 40 48 24 32 40 48 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 FS INPUT [KHZ] >=32 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=32 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=32 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 >=44,1 FS, MP3PRO [KHZ] 32 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 32 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 32 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 44,1 or 48 FS, CORE MP3 [KHZ] 16 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 16 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 16 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 22,05 or 24 APPROX.BANDW. [KHZ] 15,2 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 15,2 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 15,2 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 16,2 or 16,9 20,3 22,0 or 24,0 Table 47: Possible settings for MP3 Pro Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 263 - The following table shows possible combinations for AAC (HE) OUTPUT MODE FS INPUT [KHZ] >=24 Mono >=24 >=24 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 Stereo / >=32 Dual >=32 Mono >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 4 >=32 Channel >=32 (2CPE) >=32 >=32 >=32 4 >=32 Channel >=32 (MPEG) >=32 >=32 >=32 6 >=32 Channel >=32 >=32 >=32 >=32 8 >=32 Channel >=32 Table 48: Possible settings for AAC (HE) Rev.: BIT RATE [KBIT/S] 8 10 12 16 20 24 32 40 48 56 64 24 32 40 48 56 64 80 96 112 128 80 96 112 128 160 80 96 112 128 160 96 112 128 160 80 96 112 128 160 07.09.07 FS, AACPLUS [KHZ] 24 24 or 32 24 or 32 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 32, 44,1 or 48 FS, CORE AAC [KHZ] 12 12 or 16 12 or 16 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,50 or 24 16, 22,50 or 24 16, 22,50 or 24 16, 22,50 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 16, 22,05 or 24 Communication Reference Manual APPROX.BANDW. [KHZ] 8,5 11,0 11,5 or 11,0 12,2, 11,7 or 12,0 14,5, 14,8 or 15,3 15,2, 14,8 or 15,3 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,6 or 18,4 16,0, 20,3 or 20,3 16,0, 20,3 or 20,3 16,0, 20,3 or 20,3 13,7, 12,7 or 13,2 15,2, 14,8 or 15,3 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,5 or 18,3 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,6 or 18,4 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,6 or 18,4 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,6 or 18,4 16,0, 20,3 or 22,1 14,5, 14,8 or 15,4 15,3, 14,8 or 15,4 15,3, 14,8 or 15,4 16,0, 16,2 or 16,9 16,0, 17,6 or 18,4 MAYAH Communications GmbH - 264 - 4 channel (2CPE) channel pair elements consists of front and rear channel pair; input data is assumed left – right - left surround - right surround interleaved. 4 channel (MPEG) consists of a front center, a left - right pair and a single rear, input data is assumed to be left – right - center and rear 6 channel consists of one single channel element (SPE) ,two channel pair elements and one low frequency effect (LFE) channel; input data is assumed to be left front - right front – center – lfe - left surround - right surround interleaved. 8 channel consists of 3 front channels, 2 side surround, 2 rear surround plus one subwoofer; input data is assumed to be left front - right front – center – lfe - left side surround - right side surround - left rear surround - right rear surround. Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 265 - 4.5 Ancillary Data ALGORITHM NUMBER BYTES Layer3 0 to 7 bytes per frame Layer 2 (CT) AAC (MPEG2) OF ANCILLARY DATA MAXIMUM BITRATE Percentage of Ancillary Data Bytes to framelength (144*Bitrate/Samplerate) 10 % of bitrate * * AAC (LD) 10 % of bitrate 10 % of bitrate Table 49: Ancillary data * ) For different AAC-algorithms see table 27 Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 266 - Appendix 1. 1 Error Codes CODE DESCRIPTION 0 Ok 1 Unknown command 2 Unknown 3 Invalid arguments 4 Not available 5 Ignored by application 6 No file 7 End of file (EOF) 8 No entry 9 No access 10 Entry used 11 Invalid algorithm 12 Invalid sample rate 13 Invalid bit rate 14 Invalid mode 15 Invalid file size Table 50: Error codes Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 267 - 2 Device Error Codes CODE EVENT Rev.: ADDITIONAL INFO 000 everything ok 001 CPU-Core-Voltage out of range 002 3.3-Voltage out of range 003 +5-Voltage out of range 004 +12-Voltage out of range 005 -5-Voltage out of range 006 -12-Voltage out of range 007 FAN1-RPM out of range (CPU-Fan) 008 FAN2-RPM out of range (Chassis-Fan) 009 FAN3-RPM out of range (Power-Fan) 010 FAN4-RPM out of range (unused) 011 T1 out of range (CPU-Temp.) 012 T2 out of range (System-Temp.) 013 T3 out of range (unused) 014 T4 out of range (unused) 020 available diskspace low on HDD C 021 available diskspace low on HDD D 050 ISA-Device1 missing (LED-Controller-Card) only in Versions <= 051 ISA-Device2 missing (LCD-Controller-Card) only in Versions <= 052 PCI-Device1 missing (Audio-Card 1) only in Versions <= 053 PCI-Device2 missing (Audio-Card 2) only in Versions <= 054 PCI-Device3 missing (Network-Card 1) only in Versions <= 055 PCI-Device4 missing (Network-Card 2) only in Versions <= 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 268 - 056 PCI-Device5 missing (ISDN-Card 1) only in Versions <= 057 PCI-Device6 missing (ISDN-Card 2) only in Versions <= 058 PCI-Device7 missing (Video-Card 1) only in Versions <= 059 PCI-Device8 missing (Video-Card 1) only in Versions <= Table 51: Device error codes 3 IP Ports PORT Rev.: CONTENT 20 ftp data 21 ftp control 80 World Wide Web HTTP 123 NTP 161 SNMP 162 SNMP-TRAPS 554 RTSP 2000 Remote control 2001 MPEG audio stream (TCP), searching for audio stream 2002 MPEG audio stream (UDP), searching for audio stream 2003 MPEG audio stream (RAW), searching for audio stream 2004 G.711 (TCP) 2005 G.711 (UDP) 2006 G.722 (TCP) 2007 G.722 (UDP) 2008 Linear, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2009 Linear, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 269 - Rev.: 2010 Linear, 44100 Hz, mono (TCP) 2011 Linear, 44100 Hz, mono (UDP) 2012 Linear, 48000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2013 Linear, 48000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2014 Linear, 64000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2015 Linear, 64000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2016 Linear, 88200 Hz, mono (TCP) 2017 Linear, 88200 Hz, mono (UDP) 2018 Linear, 96000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2019 Linear, 96000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2020 Linear, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2021 Linear, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2022 Linear, 44100 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2023 Linear, 44100 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2024 Linear, 48000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2025 Linear, 48000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2026 Linear, 64000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2027 Linear, 64000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2028 Linear, 88200 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2029 Linear, 88200 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2030 Linear, 96000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2031 Linear, 96000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2032 Linear, 24000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2033 Linear, 24000 Hz, mono (UDP) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 270 - Rev.: 2034 Linear, 22050 Hz, mono (TCP) 2035 Linear, 22050 Hz, mono (UDP) 2036 Linear, 16000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2037 Linear, 16000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2038 Linear, 12000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2039 Linear, 12000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2040 Linear, 11025 Hz, mono (TCP) 2041 Linear, 11025 Hz, mono (UDP) 2042 Linear, 8000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2043 Linear, 8000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2044 Linear, 24000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2045 Linear, 24000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2046 Linear, 22050 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2047 Linear, 22050 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2048 Linear, 16000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2049 Linear, 16000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2050 Linear, 12000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2051 Linear, 12000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2052 Linear, 11025 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2053 Linear, 11025 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2054 Linear, 8000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2055 Linear, 8000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2056 Micda, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2057 Micda, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 271 - Rev.: 2058 Micda, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2059 Micda, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2060 Broadcast (UDP) 2061 APT-X, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2062 APT-X, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2063 APT-X, 48000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2064 APT-X, 48000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2065 APT-X, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2066 APT-X, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2067 APT-X, 48000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2068 APT-X, 48000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2069 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2070 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2071 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 48000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2072 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 48000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2073 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2074 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2075 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2076 APT-X Enhanced, 16bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2077 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2078 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2079 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 48000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2080 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 48000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2081 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 272 - 2082 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2083 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2084 APT-X Enhanced, 20bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2085 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 32000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2086 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 32000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2087 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 48000 Hz, mono (TCP) 2088 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 48000 Hz, mono (UDP) 2089 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2090 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 32000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2091 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (TCP) 2092 APT-X Enhanced, 24bit, 48000 Hz, stereo (UDP) 2093 MPEG TS (UDP) 5004+n RTP (UDP) n = [0, 10, 20, ...], see sub codec 2.5. 5005+n RTCP (UDP) n = [0, 10, 20, ...], see sub codec 2.5. 5006+n FEC (UDP) n = [0, 10, 20, ...], see sub codec 2.5. 5060 SIP (TCP & UDP) 9875 SAP Table 52: IP ports 4 Factory Default Parameter of the Different Groups System Group PARAMETER Rev.: DEFAULT VALUE UpdateServerAddress 0811551661 HealthEventMask $80003100 (without chassis FAN) $80003500 (with chassis FAN) 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 273 - Encoder Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE Algorithm MPEGL3 Mode mono Bit rate 64000 Bit/sec Sample rate 32000 Hz Format auto Audio Interface analog Dependency Remote Ancillary Data Mode Auto Decoder Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE Algorithm MPEGL3 Mode Mono Bit rate 64000 Bit/sec Sample rate 32000 Hz Format Auto Audio Interface Analog Dependency Remote Ancillary Data Mode Auto ISDN Group PARAMETER Rev.: 07.09.07 DEFAULT VALUE Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 274 - Rev.: D Channel Protocol DSS1 MSN (per B-Channel) [none] SPID (per B-Channel) [none] Charge Count (per B-Channel) 0 PBX [none] PBX digits 0 Predial [none] Redial 0 Redial wait 0 G.711 mode ALaw G.711 level 0 dB 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 275 - Audio Group PARAMETER Rev.: DEFAULT VALUE Enc_mastervolL 65535 Enc_mastervolR 65535 Enc_volL 65535 Enc_volR 65535 Enc_PanL 0 Enc_PanR 65535 Enc_Monitoring False Enc_MonVolL 65535 Enc_MonVolR 65535 Enc_MonPanL 0 Enc_MonPanR 65535 Enc_ClipLevel 8000000 Audio_ADATMaster False Audio_ AESSF 48000 Audio_ AESSFSource Clock (Internal) Audio_InGain 127 Audio_OutGain 127 Audio_InChannel mixed Audio_OutChannel mixed Audio_Delay 0 Audio_DetectLevel 0 Audio_DetectTime -1 Audio_LostLevel 0 Audio_LostTime -1 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 276 - IP Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE IP_address IP_netmask IP_gateway IP_DNSserver IP_SNMPserver IP_address2 IP_netmask2 IP_gateway2 IP_DNSserver2 IP_AudioPort 2001 IP_transferrate 1, auto IP_duplex 1, auto IP_snmptraps 1, V1 IP_timeout 0 IP_packetsize 256 X.21 Group PARAMETER Rev.: DEFAULT VALUE X21_mode DTE X21_clocking T4 X21_prot X.21 X21_dualport off 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 277 - Common Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE Com_Interface ISDN Com_DualMode 0 Ancillary Data Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE AncData_Baudrate 57600 AncData_Databits 8 AncData_Parity None AncData_StopBits 1 AncData_Handshake None Timeouts Group PARAMETER DEFAULT VALUE G.722 detection timeout 30 Disconnect timeout 45 Table 53-62: Factory default parameters Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 278 - 5 Shortcuts for logfiles SHORTCUT DESCRIPTION 'A' ‘B’ Incoming call Date+time of Centauri Firmware start First CODEC connection Last CODEC connection Start decoder with ID Stop decoder with ID Start encoder with ID Start encoder with ID Set Alarm Framing lost Start ASI-connection with ID Stop ASI-connection with ID RTP jitter exceeded allowed network delay 'C' ‘c‘ ‘D’ ‘d’ ‘E’ ‘e’ ‘F’ ‘f’ ‘G’ ‘g’ ‘H’ ‘I’ ‘i’ ‘J’ ‘j’ ‘M’ ‘N’ ‘n’ ‘P’ ‘Q’ ‘q’ ‘R’ ‘r’ ‘S’ ‘s’ ‘T’ ‘t’ ‘u’ ‘U’ ‘X’ ‘x’ ‘Z‘ ‘z‘ ‘1‘ Rev.: ADDITIONAL PARAMETERS Calling number, Called number Date, time, start: additional parameters will follow Chain number Chain number String of decoder settings String of decoder settings String of encoder settings String of encoder settings Alarm status Chain number Chain number, direction, host Chain number Chain number, receive time (milliseconds since last packet), normal interval time in milliseconds, clock rate Start ISDN-connection with ID Index, Direction, Destination number Stop ISDN-connection with ID Index, Reason, Connect time, Charge count Connect request Index, Direction Disconnect identification Index, Reason Memory failure Chain number, .... Start IP-connection with ID Chain number, direction, host Stop IP-connection with ID Chain number Dial protection deactivated ‘0’, Direction, ISDN-channel, Calling number RTP audio size exceeded Chain number, RTP protocol mode, max audio packet size, audio size RTP packet lost in case of queue Chain number, sequence number expected, full condition sequence number received, max queue elements RTP packet lost Chain number, sequence number expected, sequence number received RTP sequence error Chain number, sequence number expected, sequence counter Syncher framed Format settings Device connected Chain number, Multiplexer modes, Info Telegram received Telegram function code, ‘:’, Telegram data SDP file Changed/deleted, file name Update in progress Channel, Frontpanel text Update successful ‘1’, Frontpanel text, ‘OK’ Start X.21-connection with ID Channel, Direction, Channel Stop X.21-connection with ID Channel Event action condition Ignore, event, index, action Audio lost Device, Protocol (channel, drop count) Identification of connected device 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 279 - ‘2‘ Serial number of connected device Table 63: Logfile shortcuts Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 280 - 6 APT-X Samplerate (the presently valid ISDN-bitrates are indicated with a +) Bitrate Algorithm Mode Samplerate 32000 32000 Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Mono Mono 8000.0000 8000.0000 40000 40000 40000 Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Mono Mono Mono 10000.0000 10000.0000 8000.0000 48000 48000 48000 48000 Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Mono Mono Mono Mono 12000.0000 12000.0000 9600.0000 8000.0000 56000 56000 56000 56000 Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Mono Mono Mono Mono 14000.0000 14000.0000 11200.0000 9333.3333 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Mono Mono 8000.0000 16000.0000 8000.0000 16000.0000 12800.0000 10666.6667 72000 72000 72000 72000 72000 72000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Mono Mono 9000.0000 18000.0000 9000.0000 18000.0000 14400.0000 12000.0000 80000 80000 80000 80000 80000 80000 80000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Mono 10000.0000 20000.0000 10000.0000 20000.0000 8000.0000 16000.0000 13333.3333 64000 64000 64000 64000 64000 64000 Rev.: 07.09.07 ISDN + + + + + + Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 281 - Bitrate Rev.: Algorithm Mode 88000 88000 88000 88000 88000 88000 88000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Mono 11000.0000 22000.0000 11000.0000 22000.0000 8800.0000 17600.0000 14666.6667 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 96000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 12000.0000 24000.0000 12000.0000 24000.0000 9600.0000 19200.0000 8000.0000 16000.0000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 104000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 13000.0000 26000.0000 13000.0000 26000.0000 10400.0000 20800.0000 8666.6667 17333.3333 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 112000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 14000.0000 28000.0000 14000.0000 28000.0000 11200.0000 22400.0000 9333.3333 18666.6667 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 120000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 15000.0000 30000.0000 15000.0000 30000.0000 12000.0000 24000.0000 10000.0000 20000.0000 07.09.07 ISDN Communication Reference Manual Samplerate MAYAH Communications GmbH - 282 - Rev.: Bitrate ISDN Algorithm Mode 128000 128000 128000 128000 128000 128000 128000 128000 + + + + + + + + Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 16000.0000 32000.0000 16000.0000 32000.0000 12800.0000 25600.0000 10666.6667 21333.3333 136000 136000 136000 136000 136000 136000 136000 136000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 17000.0000 34000.0000 17000.0000 34000.0000 13600.0000 27200.0000 11333.3333 22666.6667 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000 144000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 18000.0000 36000.0000 18000.0000 36000.0000 14400.0000 28800.0000 12000.0000 24000.0000 152000 152000 152000 152000 152000 152000 152000 152000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 19000.0000 38000.0000 19000.0000 38000.0000 15200.0000 30400.0000 12666.6667 25333.3333 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 160000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 20000.0000 40000.0000 20000.0000 40000.0000 16000.0000 32000.0000 13333.3333 26666.6667 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual Samplerate MAYAH Communications GmbH - 283 - Bitrate Algorithm Mode 168000 168000 168000 168000 168000 168000 168000 168000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 21000.0000 42000.0000 21000.0000 42000.0000 16800.0000 33600.0000 14000.0000 28000.0000 176000 176000 176000 176000 176000 176000 176000 176000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 22000.0000 44000.0000 22000.0000 44000.0000 17600.0000 35200.0000 14666.6667 29333.3333 184000 184000 184000 184000 184000 184000 184000 184000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 23000.0000 46000.0000 23000.0000 46000.0000 18400.0000 36800.0000 15333.3333 30666.6667 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 24000.0000 48000.0000 24000.0000 48000.0000 19200.0000 38400.0000 16000.0000 32000.0000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 25000.0000 50000.0000 25000.0000 50000.0000 20000.0000 40000.0000 16666.6667 33333.3333 192000 192000 192000 192000 192000 192000 192000 192000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 200000 Rev.: 07.09.07 ISDN + + + + + + + + Communication Reference Manual Samplerate MAYAH Communications GmbH - 284 - Bitrate Rev.: Algorithm Mode 216000 216000 216000 216000 216000 216000 216000 216000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 27000.0000 54000.0000 27000.0000 54000.0000 21600.0000 43200.0000 18000.0000 36000.0000 224000 224000 224000 224000 224000 224000 224000 224000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 28000.0000 56000.0000 28000.0000 56000.0000 22400.0000 44800.0000 18666.6667 37333.3333 232000 232000 232000 232000 232000 232000 232000 232000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 29000.0000 58000.0000 29000.0000 58000.0000 23200.0000 46400.0000 19333.3333 38666.6667 240000 240000 240000 240000 240000 240000 240000 240000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 30000.0000 60000.0000 30000.0000 60000.0000 24000.0000 48000.0000 20000.0000 40000.0000 248000 248000 248000 248000 248000 248000 248000 248000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 31000.0000 62000.0000 31000.0000 62000.0000 24800.0000 49600.0000 20666.6667 41333.3333 07.09.07 ISDN Communication Reference Manual Samplerate MAYAH Communications GmbH - 285 - Rev.: Bitrate ISDN Algorithm Mode 256000 256000 256000 256000 256000 256000 256000 256000 + + + + + + + + Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 32000.0000 64000.0000 32000.0000 64000.0000 25600.0000 51200.0000 21333.3333 42666.6667 264000 264000 264000 264000 264000 264000 264000 264000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 33000.0000 6000.0000 33000.0000 66000.0000 26400.0000 52800.0000 22000.0000 44000.0000 272000 272000 272000 272000 272000 272000 272000 272000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 34000.0000 68000.0000 34000.0000 68000.0000 27200.0000 54400.0000 22666.6667 45333.3333 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 280000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 35000.0000 70000.0000 35000.0000 70000.0000 28000.0000 56000.0000 23333.3333 46666.6667 288000 288000 288000 288000 288000 288000 288000 288000 Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 36000.0000 72000.0000 36000.0000 72000.0000 28800.0000 57600.0000 24000.0000 48000.0000 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual Samplerate MAYAH Communications GmbH - 286 - Bitrate ISDN Algorithm Mode 320000 320000 320000 320000 320000 320000 320000 320000 + + + + + + + + Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 40000.0000 80000.0000 40000.0000 80000.0000 32000.0000 64000.0000 26666.6667 53333.3333 384000 384000 384000 384000 384000 384000 384000 384000 + + + + + + + + Standard APT-X Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 48000.0000 96000.0000 48000.0000 96000.0000 38400.0000 76800.0000 32000.0000 64000.0000 448000 448000 448000 448000 448000 448000 + + + + + + Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Stereo Stereo Mono Stereo Mono 56000.0000 56000.0000 44800.0000 89600.0000 37333.3333 74666.6667 Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Stereo Stereo Stereo Mono 63000.0000 63000.0000 50400.0000 42000.0000 84000.0000 504000 504000 504000 504000 504000 Samplerate 512000 512000 512000 512000 512000 + + + + + Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Stereo Stereo Stereo Mono 64000.0000 64000.0000 51200.0000 42666.6667 85333.3333 576000 576000 576000 576000 576000 + + + + + Standard APT-X Enh. APT-X 16 Enh. APT-X 20 Enh. APT-X 24 Enh. APT-X 24 Stereo Stereo Stereo Stereo Mono 72000.0000 72000.0000 57600.0000 48000.0000 96000.0000 Table 64: APT-X sample rate Rev.: 07.09.07 Communication Reference Manual MAYAH Communications GmbH - 287 -
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