memory walk - Denton Country Club
memory walk - Denton Country Club
Denton Country Club July 2o13 MEMORY WALK BRICKS • Scenes & Greens STAMP it in STONE on the MEMORY WALK Purchase your bricks for your friends, loved ones or that special occasion. All proceeds will be earmarked for future Club Improvements. Bricks are a $100 each. Please contact the Business Office to place your order!! DCC Goes to WinStar Sunday, July 28th JULY 4 TH AT DCC $2 DOMESTIC PINT DRAFTS $3 HOUSE MARGARTIA’S Join us for Sunday Brunch then Head Out on a Private Luxury Motor Coach to WinStar World Casino. Everyone Gets $20 in Rewards Play and Non-Stop Gaming Action! In Additon, New WinStar Passport Club Members will Receive an Additional $25 in Rewards Play After Earning (5) Points. Bus Leaves the Club at 1:00 pm Bus Leaves WinStar at 6:00 pm Price $35.95++ Includes $20 in Rewards, Sunday Brunch and Transportation POOL SIDE PARTY & GRILL OUT 11:00 am - 2:00 pm FUN, MUSIC & GAMES BURGERS & BRATS MACARONI SALAD, CHIPS, WATERMELON $8.95++ LUNCH BUFFET 11:00 am - 2:00 pm BBQ BUFFET (BRISKET & CHICKEN) $11.95++ GOOD LUCK PLAYERS!!! ONLY 55 SPOTS! RESERVE YOURS TODAY! (940) 387.1717 Ext 332 JULY 4th DINNER SPECIAL 1 POUND OF BABY BACK RIBS W/ FRIES AND COLESLAW $12.95++ D ENTON C OUNTRY C LUB D IRECTORY 2013 B OARD OF D IRECTORS D AVID R ILEY - P RESIDENT K EVIN M C K INNEY - V ICE P RESIDENT P ETE M C C LESKEY - T REASURER D ICK M ULKEY - S ECRETARY A USTIN B AKER , H ARRY B LAKE , S TEVE C IULLA , M ARK M ERKI , R OBERT P ARKER , S COTT R ICHTER , B ILL U TTER , J R ., R USTY V ADEN , D AVID V ANDERLAAN F INANCE C HAIR - P ETE M C C LESKEY M ARKETING C HAIR - K EVIN M C K INNEY L EGAL C HAIR - P ETE M C C LESKEY T ENNIS C HAIR - S TEVE C IULLA H OUSE C HAIR - R OBERT P ARKER G ROUNDS & G REENS C HAIR - H ARRY B LAKE O IL & G AS C HAIR - D ICK M ULKEY L ONG R ANGE C HAIR - B RENT T HORNTON C LUB A SSOCIATION P RESIDENTS MGA - D AVID A NDERSON LGA - S UE F ICKEY MTA - TBA LTA - M ELINDA K ING BOOK CLUB - C AROL H ILL F OR W EEKEND T EE T IMES Call the Golf Shop starting at 7:30 am on Tuesday & Thursday M ETRO G OLF S HOP .............. (972)434.2189 G OLF S HOP M AIN ................ (940)243.0602 G OLF S HOP M AIN ................ (940)387.2812 C LUB H OUSE M ETRO ............ (972)434.2284 M AIN C LUB ......................... (940)387.1717 C LUB H OUSE ....................... (940)382.2041 F AX ..................................... (940)380.9194 T ENNIS ................................ (940)383.6647 S TAFF G ENERAL M ANAGER : S TAN B ECKER G OLF S UPERINTENDENT : W ILLIAM W ALLACE D IRECTOR OF G OLF : D AVID F OSTER D IRECTOR OF F&B: D EAN N ICKERSON E XECUTIVE C HEF : G UY S ANDERS F&B S UPERVISOR : E RIN W HITLOCK D IRECTOR OF T ENNIS : R HONDA G ATTIS C ONTROLLER : N ATURE M ILLER B USINESS M ANAGER : J ODI P ISCITELLO ACCOUNTS R ECEIVABLE , S CENES & G REENS : K RISTEN H OLLINGER From the President: Phase 1 improvements (Tennis Building remodel, parking lot, front gate and new metal pool fencing) continue to dominate our time. We are currently about 80% complete. We lack the interior finish-out of the Tennis building remodel, landscaping at the front gate, fencing around the dumpster staging on the concrete parking lot, and all the new metal fencing around the pool. We hope to be complete with Phase 1 sometime in July. The improvements are starting to make a big difference to the look of our Club. I heard several positive comments during the Member/Guest and hope everyone feels the same. We have a meeting with the county on June 11 th to get updated on the Country Club Road expansion project. Hopefully, the road expansion will get moving soon so we can complete the entrance. We only improved the areas of the entrance that did not interfere with the road expansion project. I should have more news on the road expansion next month. Bakers’ Landing is now complete. The grass, sprinklers, signs and firewood rack were the final additions. The outdoor patio was a big success Friday night during the Member/Guest. Hopefully you were able to attend & enjoy the live music & fellowship. If not there will be many opportunities in the future to use this DCC asset. We completed additional cart path improvements on #6 and #10, which made a big difference to our golf course. The 2013 DCC Member/Guest was a huge success, thanks to a lot of hard work. A “BIG” thank you to all our staff for the condition of the golf course, the management of the tournament, the great food and all the great service everyone received. Also, thanks to David Anderson, Steve Ciulla, Harry Blake and Mike Riley for helping with all the entertainment, sponsorships, door prizes and much more. Your work is very much appreciated. Denton Country Club continues to improve each month. Our plan is to continue along this path. David Riley, President WELCOME NEW MEMBERS Please welcome the following new members to DCC! Denise & Shane Daniel, Jennifer & Michael Love, Joyce & Chris Robinson WATER AEROBICS If you are interested in Water Aerobics, Sherry McGuire will be offering classes at the Club on the following dates: July Friday, July 19th & Saturday, July 20th Friday, July 26th & Saturday, July 27th August All Friday & Saturday Mornings All classes will begin at 9:30am and end at 10:30am. The cost will be $10 per person/per class. There must be a minimum of 4 attending for the class to take place. SWIMMING LESSONS Session 2: July 15th-July 25th Session 3: July 29th-August 8th You must contact Sherry directly at (972)317.7675 or (469)233.3619 prior to the aerobic classes or swimming lesson sessions to sign -up. A Special Thank You to our June DCC Stars Mary & L.E. Clark, Mindy & Galen Howard, Shirley & Glenn Hulcher, Pam & Dale Kimble, Janelle & Edward Lamport, Patricia & Peter Lane, LGA, Rozella & Richard Lipke, Kaki Lybbert, Diana McMillin, Dana & Steve Merchant, MGA, Karla & Stan Morton, Helen & Harry Olszak, Lynn & David Riley, Sue & Bill Shaffer, Kathleen & Lonnie Simmons All that joined us for the following: Annual Fireworks, Family Night Golf, Father’s Day Brunch, Member Birthday Night, Member Guest, Painting with a Twist, Tennis Game & Movie Night Celebrating 20 Years of Service at DCC Thank you Libby Cook for all of your hard work and dedication to the Club over the years. M&M’S CORNER JUNIOR SUMMER CAMPS GOLF CAMP Camp 3: July 23th - 26th 9:30 - 11:00 am Contact the Golf Shop at to Sign-Up TENNIS CAMP Camp 3: July 8th - July 12th 9:30 - 4:00 pm Contact the Tennis Shop to Sign-Up KID’S “TALENT NIGHT” Saturday, July 13 6:30-8:30pm at the Tennis Lounge FAMILY NIGHT GOLF Bring the kids out and have some fun on the golf course! We will have Family Night Golf at 6pm every Tuesday through the summer. The golf format will be fun and family friendly. Come join us and have some family fun! Entry fee is $15 per team + cart fee. Sign-up in the pro shop. Kid’s Game Night Friday, July 26 6:30-8:30pm at the Tennis Lounge All members of DCC, and especially all the golfers, are indebted to several individuals for making our beautiful golf course what it is today – and seldom do we ever know their names or just what it is that they contributed. For example, only when I made inquiries, did I find out that in all probability we would not have an 18-hole course if it had not been for three gentlemen – George Hopkins, Jess Coffey, and Nick Stabile. George, a life-long Denton resident and respected attorney, tells it like this: In 1963 J.A. Wooten, one of George’s clients, came to him and said that he had two tracts of land that he wanted to sell to “the boys at the Country Club.” The larger tract adjoined the club property on the west and the smaller tract was across the road and included the hill to the south of the 10 th and 11th fairway. Mr. Wooten wanted $300 an acre, he wanted cash, and he wanted to sell within a week or ten days. George, of course, was a member of the club, but because he also represented Mr. Wooten, he felt obligated to suggest that perhaps the asking price was too low. However, Mr. Wooten said that the amount was adequate. George also had to tell him that it was doubtful that the club could meet the demands in so short a time for two reasons: the club was not incorporated so that they could borrow the money and that furthermore the club did not have the funds. Nick Stabile was president of the club at the time and Jess Coffey and George were on the Board. They, along with the other board members, felt that it would be the only opportunity to acquire the land for the back nine. Jess was a loan officer at the Denton County National Bank and although that bank was not able to make the loan, he did obtain the needed amount from the First National Bank of Denton. Nick, Jess, and George borrowed the full purchase price and bought the land from the Wootens. Those three held the note until the club obtained the appropriate authorization to purchase land and to borrow money. If the Board had turned down the proposed purchase, they would have been the owners of the land and the club would not have owed them anything. However, the club did assume the obligation to the bank and made arrangements to pay on an installment basis. George Hopkins donated his legal services needed to acquire the land, and Stabile, Coffee and Hopkins conveyed the land to the club without any consideration, other than the assumption of the note to the bank – so as to avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest. George Hopkins, Jess Coffey, and Nick Stabile were responsible for securing the land for the back nine of the golf course. How grateful we all should be!!!!! Mary Margaret Moore Around the Corner with Food and Beverage I hope all you Dad’s enjoyed your Fathers Day. I’d like to thank everyone who attended our Father’s Day Brunch and I hope that you will join us again next year. As the months get hotter, people tend to get out of town, which kind of slows things down a bit. That being said, I want to encourage you, your friends and neighbors in having their events at DCC. Whether it’s a birthday, anniversary, graduation, wedding or rehearsal dinner, I’d love to take care of you. To butter things up a bit, if booked in July or August, I’ll throw in Dinner for Two! Just contact me by phone (940)387.1717 Ext 322 or email [email protected]. Stay cool out there. Dean Nickerson, Food & Beverage Director ….. from Chef’s Kitchen ….. to Yours Ahi Tuna Nachos Ingredients 6 oz. Ahi Tuna Black fish seasoning Wonton wrappers (cut into triangles) Wasabi powder (tablespoon) Happy Birthday to DCC’s July Birthdays! BARBARA ARCENEAUX JAMES BALL CATHERINE BASS JAMES BAYS BECKY BELL MALA BOWDOURIS PHYLLIS BRIDGES LOUISE BROOKS ANDREA CIULLA ALLYSON COE JEANNINE COFFEY ED COKER CRAIG COMBS CAROL COPELAND DEBORAH COX MICHELLE CREE BOB CROUCH KELLY DIERKE SHARON DRAPER GAYE DRYDEN FRANK DUDOWICZ HAROLD FETTY DAVID FULLER MARTHA FURST DIANE GALLIVAN KAYLA GANNON WALT GARRISON TERESA GONZALEZ SANDRA HAMM TESSALAH HANBY SUZANNE HANKINS RICHARD HARRIS CINDY HARTMAN HEATHER HAYS GREG HILL DIANN HUBER THOMAS HUDGENS SUE HUNDT JAMES HUNT JENNIFER JOBE MARCUS JONES ROXANNE KEEFER TOM KEENAN SENNETT KIRK CORTNEY KUCHTA PATRICIA LANE BETH LARUE ROBERT LEENHOUTS EDWARD LOESER LES LONG CURTIS LOVELESS RANCE MALCOM VICKIE MANN PATRICK MCCARNEY WEAVER MCCLURE LYNELLE MCCONNELL PAULINE MCDOWALL HARRY MCGINN LESLIE MEEKS GARRY MONK DON MOORE ANTHONY PUCCIARELLO DON REECE SCOTT RICHTER KERRI RIDENOUR TOM RUSSELL VAN SAMS LORI SCHINSKE DAVID SELWOOD LAURA SHIRK MARY MARGARET MOORE JUDY SKEEN MICHELLE MORGAN BOB SORNSEN SUE MOSIER LINDA SPALDING CALVIN MURPHY BILL STEPHENS KEN MURPHY JEFF STERRETT ANN NEWMAN RICHARD STREAM HARRY OLSZAK GIL STRIBLING MARILYN OLSZAK KAYLA SWENSON GARRY O’NEAL TROY VALENTINO SUSAN O’NEAL DEBBIE VANDERLAAN KATHY ORR BEVERLY WATSON WALT PARKER MICHAEL WHITTEN DONALD PEDEN LISA WIGGINS KAREN PEDEN LUANNE WILLIAMS SARA PHILIPS RICK WOOLFOLK THOMAS PHILIPS MICHAEL POWERS If you are a member who has a birthday in July, join us for Extra heavy mayo MEMBER BIRTHDAY NIGHT ON SATURDAY, JULY 20TH!! Mango (small diced) Red onion (small diced) Employee of the Quarter Cilantro (chopped) Red bell pepper (small diced) Pickled ginger (chopped) Sesame oil (1 tablespoon) Rice wine vinegar (tablespoon) Canola oil (1 cup) Directions In a small bowl combine mango, cilantro red onions, bell pepper, ginger, rice wine vinegar, and sesame oil. Using hands mix together. Chance Linton has been on the golf staff for 3 years. He is a big sports fan and considers UNT his home team. Chance played golf at Cleburne HS, where he grew up, and still enjoys playing whenever he gets the chance. Chance is a hard worker, and we are lucky to have him here at DCC. Congratulations Chance! Deep fry or pan fry wontons in canola oil making them crispy. Set a side. Using a small bowl add wasabi powder and just enough water to make a paste out of the wasabi. Add mayo and mix until smooth. Take Ahi Tuna and pan sear with blackfish seasoning on all sides. Make sure it’s rare. Cut into thin slices that almost cover the wonton skins with each piece having a fair amount of seared exterior. Top with mango relish and wasabi mayo. Book Club Date: Tuesday, July 30th Time: 12:00 pm Book of Discussion “New York” by Edward Rutherfurd Contact Carol Hill at (940) 382.2804 if you are interested in joining!! HAVE A HAPPY & SAFE JULY 4TH!! E L B M HU PIE Denton Public School Foundation, Inc. -- enriching the quality of education in the Denton Public Schools since 1995 -- The Tom Swenson Memorial Scholarship for DHS Golf Tom Swenson was a long time resident of Denton. He and his wife Kayla raised three children through the Denton Public School System. Tom loved sports and in particular golf. Tom and Kayla helped the DHS golf program by funding a golf simulator and he was active in the DHS golf booster program. To carry on Tom's legacy, this scholarship has been established to be given to a DHS golfer each year. Contributions can be mailed to : Denton Public School Foundation, Inc. 1307 N. Locust Denton, Texas 76201 Please include your name, address and your contribution amount. The Denton Public School Foundation is a Section 501 (c)(3) entity and will serve as the fiscal agent for this scholarship. All contributions to the Foundation are tax deductible as allowed by law. JIM COLLIN SCHOLARSHIP Brian Cree & Sami Congratulations to Sami Baruwal, the first recipient of the Jim Collin Scholarship A scholarship for Denton students has been set up in honor and in memory of Jim Collin, a valuable and key member who donated a lot of his time in making DCC what it is today. Over the years, Jim was Chair of the Marketing Committee, Vice President and President of Denton Country Club. Jim also was the facilitator of the ambassador clock that has been a beautiful addition to our 1st tee on our golf course, and recognizes other contributing members. Brian Cree, also a DCC member, was inspired to create and be the initiating sponsor of “The Jim Collin/Denton Country Club Business Foundation. The Business Scholarship has been set up to give kids an opportunity for further education, one lucky recipient will be chosen every year. Now is your chance to contribute to this honorable cause in helping students and keeping Jim's spirit alive, please send your donation to: Denton Public Schools Foundation Attn: Jackie Jackson 1307 N. Locust Denton, Texas 76201 Please reference Jim Collin on your check Thank you for your consideration in donating to this wonderful foundation in honor of Jim Collin. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the Business Office. Share special announcements, accomplishments, even pictures, with your friends at DCC through Humble Pie. You may submit your information via email to Kristen in the Business Office at [email protected] #6 Tee…... Who knew DCC had a Lazy River? CONGRATULATIONS DICK MULKEY ON GETTING A HOLE IN ONE!! Me m b e r G ue st Re su lt s 1 Fl ig h t 1 s t Harris Graham, Jeff Fountaine 2 n d Harry Blake, TJ Riley rd 3 Mike Oringderff, Ryan Oringderff 4 t h David Riley, Drew Gage 2 n d Fl ig h t st 1 Brandon Brotherton, David Brotherton 2 n d Dick Mulkey, Paul Tichacek t-3 r d Jay Louy, Andy Nord Craig Goodspeed, Jeff Loch 3 r d Fl ig h t st 1 Bill Ragsdale, John Elliott 2 n d Brent Thornton, John Hammond 3 r d Steve Ciulla, Willie Wallace 4 t h Jim Bishop, Bill Clinkscale 4 t h Fl ig h t st 1 Russell Ivory, Rick Huffman 2 n d Brian Smithers, Brent Smithers 3 r d Jack Sharp, Mark Bigelow 4 t h Jim Watson, Todd Watson 5 t h Fl ig h t st 1 Bruce Brown, Bill Brown 2 n d Ron Dicken, Lewis Brooks 3 r d Wells Field, Doug Shackelford 4 t h Heath Howe, Jim Farmer 6 t h Fl ig h t st 1 Paul Andress, Danny Darwin 2 n d Steve Smith, Grant Smith rd 3 David Whiteman, Daniel Keefe 4 t h Bob Mabery, Jim Kohnert 7 t h Fl ig h t st 1 Brad Evans, Greg Haddon 2 n d Wayne Cecil, Steve Capps 3 r d Austin Baker, Tommy Baker 4 t h Hoyt Watson, Rick Reedy 8 t h Fl ig h t st 1 Paul Crossan, Larry Campbell t-2 n d John Dast, Mike Vickers Don Peden, Rick Garner 4 t h Sam Hughes, Hunter Hughes st Couples Results 5-9 Flight 1 Flight 2 1st Horn 1st Andress nd 2 King 2nd Loveless rd 3 Tjaden 3rd Brown 5-16 1st Riley/Irey 1st Ciulla/Carlock 3rd Loveless/Tamul/Hatley 5-23 Flight 1 Flight 2 1st Blake 1st Parker 1st Tamul/Hatley 2nd Isakson 2nd Byington 3rd Carlock 5-30 1st Sheridan 2nd Irey 3rd Carlock GREAT SHOTS Eagles Mike Rosier, #17 Paul Andress, #4 David Riley, #7 Holes-In-One Dick Mulkey #3, 5-27-13 L e tte r fr o m D av i d This year’s Member Guest had 164 players and was one of the best events in recent memory. Everyone had a great time, and we’re looking forward to next year! I would like to thank the golf staff, maintenance staff, and Clubhouse staff for going above and beyond to make this event such a success. The golf course looked great thanks to the hard work of our Golf & Grounds Committee and Willie and his staff. Thank you! Please mark your calendar for the MGA Match Play Championship July 19-21. The sign-up sheet will be outside the pro shop July 1 s t . We also have the Junior Club Championship scheduled for August 24 -25. Please look for the sign-up sheet in the first week of August. With the summer heat getting turned up, remember to use the 90 degree rule and don’t drive the carts past the red lollipops. Help keep our course in great shape this summer. Just a reminder that all player’s must check in with the pro shop before teeing off, and no players are allowed to tee off on #10 without checking in. Thanks for your help with this. Have a great summer! David Foster, PGA Professional Golf Tip of the Month With the mercury rising, you’ll want to be sure you stay hydrated this summer. That means plenty of fluids and knowing your limits. Water makes up between 45 percent and 75 percent of your weight. When you are out in the heat you can lose quite a bit of water. To maintain your hydration, be sure to drink at least 16 oz of water 2-3 hours before you plan on playing golf. Drink another 8 oz on the first hole, and another 8 oz every 3 holes. And if you feel any dizziness or sickness out on the course, sit down in the shade, get a cold towel on the back of your neck, and have someone call the pro shop for help if needed. Remember to stay hydrated this summer and you’ll enjoy your golf more! Member Guest has now passed. I have to say that it was a huge success. Many thanks to everyone who played and to everyone who contributed behind the scenes. The golf course was in great shape, the pro shop ran the tournament as well as any tournament I have ever played in, and the food was outstanding throughout. As we start to close out the second half of the year, let us hope we are continued to be blessed with a mild summer with plenty of rain. We have many more MGA events on the horizon, and rest assured that the MGA is going to continue to contribute and help steer improvements to the facilities. See you on Fridays. David Anderson, MGA President Food Minimum Quarter Ending Dates Dining Hours Congratulations A - G: January, April, July, October H - N: February, May, August, November O - Z: March, June, September, December June Wine Cork Winners Tuesdays & Sundays Until 9:00 pm Wednesday thru Saturday Until 9:00 pm Sherri & Jeff Sterrett For Dining Reservations (940) 387.1717 Ext 332 July 2o13 Sun Mon 1 2 Wed 3 Thu 4-7pm (Tues-Fri) Club Closed I TAPAS MENU 5pm (Tues-Sun) Family Tennis Clinic 7:00-8:00pm -FR TUES M 4-7P 4 ASK ABOUT OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS THAT BEGIN EACH WEDNESDAY!! 5 9 Sunday Brunch Buffet Club Closed 10 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm (Tues-Fri) TAPAS MENU 5pm (Tues-Sun) Family Tennis Clinic 7:00-8:00pm SEAFOOD HAPPY 4TH of JULY!! AND MORE… 11 Seafood Special Changes Weekly! Tennis Camp 3 15 Sunday Brunch Buffet 16 Club Closed SNEAKS & CLEATS Chef & Seafood Special Changes Weekly! Chef & Seafood Special Changes Weekly! Tennis Camp 3 18 19 Seafood Special Changes Weekly! SEAFOOD AND MORE… Family Tennis Clinic 7:00-8:00pm Sunday Brunch Buffet 23 Club Closed Couples Golf 24 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm (Tues-Fri) TAPAS MENU 5pm (Tues-Sun) Family Tennis Clinic 7:00-8:00pm 25 ASK ABOUT OUR WEEKLY SPECIALS THAT BEGIN EACH WEDNESDAY!! Golf Camp 3 Family Night Golf 6:00pm MGA Match Play 28 29 Sunday Brunch …...then DCC GOES TO WINSTAR 30 Club Closed BOOK CLUB Denton Animal Shelter Fundraiser Tournament Family Tennis Clinic 7:00-8:00pm at 12:00 pm Family Night Golf 6:00pm KID’S “TALENT NIGHT” Family Tennis Clinic 9:30-10:30am 20 Member Birthday Night Family Tennis Clinic 9:30-10:30am Family Night Golf 6:00pm 22 PRIME TIME & WEEKLY SPECIAL (at the Tennis Lounge) 6:30-8:30 pm Couples Golf Tennis Camp 3 17 HAPPY HOUR 4-7pm TAPAS MENU 5pm 13 Tennis Camp 3 Family Night Golf 6:00pm PRIME RIB ~PLUS~ WEEKLY SPECIAL Family Tennis Clinic 9:30-10:30am 12 WEEKLY SPECIAL!! Tennis Camp 3 21 Sat 6 4th of July Flag Golf Tournament Family Night Golf 6:00pm 8 14 Fri HAPPY HOUR Y HAPP R HOU 7 Tue Golf Camp 3 31 WEEKLY SPECIAL!! THURSDAY DINNER SPECIAL MGA Match Play MGA Match Play 26 27 SEAFOOD SPECIAL KID’S PRIME RIB & WEEKLY SPECIAL “GAME NIGHT” Golf Camp 3 Couples Golf (at the Tennis Lounge) 6:30-8:30 pm Golf Camp 3 Family Tennis Clinic 9:30-10:30am HAPPY 4TH of JULY!! • WOMEN’S GOLF • IN THE SPOTLIGHT Meet the Member Nancy White LGA Secretary LGA Member for 16+ years 13 Handicap Favorite Memory on the Golf Course: For those of you that worry that your game is not “in shape” to play with the LGA, this short story is for you. I started learning to play golf by working on the range for a very long time before I played the course. After that, I would play by myself, so I would learn where the T-Boxes were, etc. Then I felt I was ready for the LGA. :-)) My first time out with the “Ladies” I shot a 12 on the #1 hole and was horrified. I remember Doris Finch coming to my rescue and cheering me up. After that I played just fine. My nerves got the best of me. I could easily do that again tomorrow! :-(( What I Love the Most About Golf is: I love to be outside, I love to walk the course (when it isn’t too hot), and I love the feeling golf gives you when you are playing well!!! What I Enjoy the Most About the LGA is: I love the friends I have made within the LGA. We cheer each other when we do well, we laugh when we aren’t. I never want to take myself too seriously on the golf course. That would be a disaster! :-) APRIL and MAY LGA Playday Results No playdays in April except Ace Day on April 17 APRIL Ace: tie Nancy White, Linda Spalding Tie 1st; Terry Widmer, Cindy Sharp, Annalee Myers May Playdays: May 1 Winstar Tournament plus DCC Tournament (Low Net) 1st Sue Hankins 2nd Linda Bradfield 3rd Joanne Krajewski 4th tie Edna Pitts & Jo Mather May 8 Beat the Pro 1st Cindy Sharp2nd Katherine Dieringer 3rd Glenda Howard May 15 No Play May 22 Ace Day ACE: Gayle Freeman 1st Nancy White 2nd Edna Pitts May 29 No Play The LGA would like to thank the generous players in the Member-Guest Tournament for a very successful Betting Circle Fundraiser. Great going fellows! We will NOT have a general meeting in July but we will continue to have our fun play days every Wednesday at 8:30am, shot gun start and we will be playing both 18 and 9 holes, just call the Pro Shop to reserve the time. A special tournament is planned for July 16...SNEAKS AND CLEATS. Yes, it will be a challenge between the lady golfers and tennis players with lunch to follow. Please sign up in the Pro Shop for this fun event. Plans are underway for the Member-Member Tournament August 17-18. Also, mark your calendars for the Ladies Club Championship October 18-20 & the LGA Guest Day November 9. See you on the course! Sue Fickey, LGA President DECK IT OUT & RESERVE THE PIT!! MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS & REQUEST THE “DECK”!!! WHETHER YOU’RE HAVING LUNCH, DINNER OR COCKTAILS, THIS IS THE TIME OF YEAR TO ENJOY COOLER EVENINGS & BEAUTIFUL SUNSETS JUST LET US KNOW YOU’RE COMING & WE’LL GET THE “FIRE PIT” GOING. WHAT BETTER WAY TO HAVE DINNER ON THE DECK & AN AFTER DINNER DRINK IN THE “WALT & MILDRED PARKER PARK” Kaki Roberts Lybbert 21 Years of Experience (940) 391-2780 Cell (940) 239-0402 Fax TAR and NAR Director [email protected] Century 21 Judge Fite Dallas and Denton Counties DCC TENNIS iPhone Users! You now can text us at [email protected] 940.383.6647 | [email protected] Let’s Connect! Instagram: @dcctennis, #dcctennis Twitter: @TeamDCCtennis FB: DENTON COUNTRY CLUB PO BOX 1069 DENTON, TX 76202 OF H OURS O PERATION C LUBHOUSE C LOSE S T UESDAY - T HURSDAY 11:00 PM F RIDAY & S ATURDAY 12:00 M IDNIGHT S UNDAY 9:00 PM CLUBHOUSE MAY CLOSE EARLY BASED ON BUSINESS & WEATHER CONDITIONS C ATERING & P RIVATE P ARTIES BY S PECIAL A RRANGEMENT C ALL D EAN N ICKERSON (940)387.1717 E XT 322 B USINESS O FFICE M ONDAY - F RIDAY 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM MEMBER PHOTOS Please help us update our system by providing us with a family photo of your choice. If you do not have a photo to provide we can snap one for you, just let us know! We prefer you email your photo in JPEG or Bitmap format to [email protected] (please type MEMBER PHOTO in the subject line). Please include your name and membership number in your email. With so many new faces around the Club, your photo will be very beneficial to our staff.