About Debug Mode
About Debug Mode
WinTask Language Reference Manual 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS #ActionTimeout................................................................14 Add$ ..................................................................................16 Allocate..............................................................................17 Alphabetical WinTask functions list and parameters ..18 AppendXMLNode............................................................24 Asc .....................................................................................26 Attribute............................................................................27 Beep ...................................................................................28 BeginDialog...EndDialog .................................................29 CallDialog .........................................................................33 CapsLock ..........................................................................34 Capture$ ...........................................................................35 Error codes for Capture functions .................................39 CaptureArea$...................................................................40 CaptureAreaOCR$ ..........................................................42 CaptureBitmap.................................................................44 CaptureHTML .................................................................45 CaptureIE$ .......................................................................46 CaptureOCR$ ..................................................................47 CaptureTableHTML .......................................................49 ChDir.................................................................................51 CheckedHTML ................................................................52 CheckedW.........................................................................53 ChooseItem .......................................................................55 2 ChooseMenu .....................................................................58 Chr$...................................................................................61 Click ..................................................................................62 ClickHTMLElement ........................................................64 ClickMouse .......................................................................66 ClickOnBitmap ................................................................67 ClickOnText .....................................................................69 ClickOnTextOCR ............................................................70 ClickScrollBar and WinScrollBar..................................72 ClickSpin...........................................................................73 CloseBrowser....................................................................74 CloseCom ..........................................................................75 CloseExcelCom.................................................................76 CloseWindow....................................................................78 CloseWindowRegEx ........................................................79 Command$........................................................................81 Comment...........................................................................83 CopyLink ..........................................................................84 Create ................................................................................85 CreateExcelFile ................................................................86 CreateUnicodeFile............................................................87 Curdir$..............................................................................88 #CurrentLine....................................................................89 CurrentPage$ ...................................................................90 CursorX, CursorY ...........................................................92 Data types .........................................................................93 3 Date$..................................................................................95 DateBetween .....................................................................96 DateToDate$.....................................................................97 Day$...................................................................................98 DbBof ................................................................................99 DbClose ...........................................................................100 DbConnect ......................................................................101 #DbDateFormat..............................................................102 DbDisconnect..................................................................103 DbEof ..............................................................................104 DbExecute.......................................................................105 DbGetFieldNumeric.......................................................106 DbGetFieldString...........................................................108 DbMove...........................................................................110 DbMoveFirst...................................................................111 DbMoveLast ...................................................................112 DbMoveNext...................................................................113 DbMovePrev...................................................................114 DbRecordCount .............................................................115 DbSelect ..........................................................................116 #DecimalSeparator$ ......................................................118 DeleteRegKey .................................................................119 DeleteRegValue ..............................................................120 DelTree............................................................................121 Dim ..................................................................................122 Dir....................................................................................123 4 DirTree............................................................................125 Disable.............................................................................127 DiskFree ..........................................................................129 Divide$ ............................................................................130 Enable..............................................................................131 EnabledW .......................................................................132 Encrypt............................................................................135 End ..................................................................................136 EnumXMLAttributes ....................................................137 EnumXMLChildren ......................................................139 Envir$..............................................................................142 Eof....................................................................................144 #ErrorCode.....................................................................145 #ErrorFunction$ ............................................................146 #ErrorLine$....................................................................147 #ErrorMsg$ ....................................................................148 #ErrorScript$ .................................................................149 ExecExcelMacro.............................................................150 #ExecTimeout.................................................................151 #ExecuteDelay ................................................................153 Exist.................................................................................154 ExistDir ...........................................................................155 ExistHTMLElement ......................................................156 ExistW.............................................................................158 ExitFunction ...................................................................160 ExitSub............................................................................161 5 External$.........................................................................162 External...........................................................................163 ExtractBetween$ ............................................................165 ExtractLink ....................................................................167 Error codes for File management functions................169 FileAttr$..........................................................................170 FileCopy ..........................................................................171 FileDate$ .........................................................................172 FileSize ............................................................................174 FileTime$ ........................................................................175 FileVersion$....................................................................176 Error codes for Flow control functions........................177 Focus$..............................................................................178 Error codes for FTP functions......................................179 FTPChDir .......................................................................180 FTPConnect....................................................................181 FTPCurrentDir ..............................................................183 FTPDisconnect ...............................................................184 FTPExistDir....................................................................185 FTPExistFile...................................................................186 FTPGetFile .....................................................................187 FTPKill............................................................................189 FTPMkDir ......................................................................190 FTPName ........................................................................191 FTPPutFile......................................................................192 FTPRmDir ......................................................................194 6 #FTPTimeout..................................................................195 Function...ExitFunction...EndFunction .......................197 GetClipboard$................................................................199 GetCpuLoad ...................................................................200 GetFocusWindowHandle ..............................................201 GetFrameSource$ ..........................................................202 GetHTMLEditText ........................................................203 GetMemUsage ................................................................205 GetPageSource$ .............................................................206 GetProcessCpuLoad ......................................................207 GetProcessList................................................................208 GetReadPos ....................................................................210 GetTopWindowHandle..................................................211 GetWindowHandle ........................................................212 GetWindowName$.........................................................215 GetWindowsList.............................................................216 GetXMLAttribute ..........................................................218 Goto or Go to..................................................................221 HardCopy .......................................................................222 #HideIcon........................................................................224 #HideTrayIcon ...............................................................225 Hour$ ..............................................................................226 #HTMLPosRetry............................................................227 Hundreds ........................................................................229 If...Then...Else...Endif ....................................................230 #IgnoreErrors.................................................................231 7 #IgnoreHTMLCase........................................................232 ImpersonateUser ............................................................233 Include.............................................................................234 InputBox$ .......................................................................235 InputBoxSecret$.............................................................236 Instr .................................................................................237 InstrRev ..........................................................................238 IsRunning .......................................................................239 IsServiceStarted .............................................................240 Kill ...................................................................................241 KillApp............................................................................242 KillAppChildren ............................................................244 KillProcess ......................................................................246 #LastErrorLine ..............................................................249 Lcase$..............................................................................250 Left$ ................................................................................251 Len...................................................................................252 ListHTMLItem$.............................................................253 ListItem$.........................................................................255 LockKbd .........................................................................257 LockMouse......................................................................258 LogFile ............................................................................259 Ltrim$ .............................................................................261 MaximizeWindow ..........................................................262 Mid$ ................................................................................263 Min$ ................................................................................264 8 MinimizeWindow...........................................................265 MkDir..............................................................................266 Month$ ............................................................................268 MouseShape....................................................................269 MouseX, MouseY ...........................................................271 MoveMouse.....................................................................272 MoveWindow..................................................................274 MsgBox............................................................................275 MsgFrame.......................................................................277 MsgFrameTitle...............................................................279 Multiply$.........................................................................281 Name................................................................................282 Navigate ..........................................................................283 NumLock ........................................................................284 Error codes for ODBC functions..................................285 OnAction...EndAction ...................................................286 OnAction Error..............................................................291 OpenCom ........................................................................294 OsVersion$......................................................................295 OverHTMLElement ......................................................297 Pause................................................................................298 #PauseTimeout ...............................................................303 PeekInteger.....................................................................304 PeekString$.....................................................................305 PokeInteger.....................................................................307 PokeString ......................................................................309 9 PostData ..........................................................................310 #Precision........................................................................311 Program structure .........................................................312 Random...........................................................................313 Read.................................................................................314 ReadCom ........................................................................318 ReadExcel .......................................................................321 ReadIni$..........................................................................323 ReadReg ..........................................................................324 Reboot .............................................................................325 Rem..................................................................................326 RemoveFrame ................................................................327 Repeat...until...................................................................328 Replace$ ..........................................................................329 ResetTimer......................................................................330 RestoreWindow ..............................................................331 RevertToSelf...................................................................332 Right$ ..............................................................................333 RmDir..............................................................................334 Rtrim$ .............................................................................335 Run ..................................................................................336 SavePictureAs.................................................................338 SaveTargetAs..................................................................340 #ScriptAfterTimeout$....................................................342 Sec$..................................................................................344 Select Case... EndSelect .................................................345 10 SelectDir$........................................................................347 SelectedHTMLItem$ .....................................................349 SelectedItem$..................................................................351 SelectFile .........................................................................352 SelectHTMLItem ...........................................................353 SelectMultipleFile ..........................................................355 SendEmail.......................................................................356 SendKeys.........................................................................357 #SendKeysDelay.............................................................359 SendKeysEncrypted.......................................................360 SetAttr.............................................................................362 SetClipboard...................................................................363 SetReadPos .....................................................................364 SetXMLAttribute...........................................................365 Shell .................................................................................368 ShellWait.........................................................................370 SizeWindow ....................................................................371 Sleep ................................................................................372 SplitIntoArray ................................................................374 StartBrowser ..................................................................375 StartService ....................................................................376 StartTimer ......................................................................377 Stop..................................................................................378 StopLog ...........................................................................379 StopService .....................................................................380 StopTimer .......................................................................381 11 Str$ ..................................................................................382 Sub...Exitsub...EndSub ..................................................383 Subtract$.........................................................................384 Error codes for Synchronization functions .................385 Syntax, general ...............................................................386 Error codes for System functions .................................387 #TextLookFrequency.....................................................388 Time$...............................................................................389 Timer...............................................................................390 Top$.................................................................................392 TopInstance ....................................................................393 Trim$...............................................................................394 Ucase$..............................................................................395 UnlockKbd......................................................................396 UnlockMouse ..................................................................397 #UseExact........................................................................398 UseOCREngine ..............................................................399 UsePage ...........................................................................400 #UsePageExact ...............................................................402 Error codes for User dialog functions..........................404 UseWindow.....................................................................405 UseWindowHandle ........................................................407 UseWindowRegEx..........................................................410 Val....................................................................................413 Error codes for Web functions .....................................414 WeekDay.........................................................................415 12 While...Wend ..................................................................416 WinDir$ ..........................................................................417 Error codes for Windows management functions ......418 Write................................................................................419 WriteCom .......................................................................421 WriteCombo ...................................................................423 WriteEdit ........................................................................424 WriteEditEncrypted ......................................................425 WriteExcel ......................................................................426 WriteHTML ...................................................................428 WriteHTMLEncrypted .................................................430 WriteIni...........................................................................431 WriteReg.........................................................................432 Year$ ...............................................................................434 13 #ActionTimeout System variable - Windows management. The #ActionTimeout system variable specifies the number of seconds which WinTask should wait before reporting a runtime error when it tries to select a window, a control, or an option in a menu. Usage Mainly used to increase the delay before an execution error is reported. For example, a file download is finished when a new window is displayed - a UseWindow statement in the script makes the synchronization which waits until the new window is there ; but the wait is done by default for 30 seconds. If the file download lasts more than 30 seconds, before the UseWindow, you have to add a line #ActionTimeout=120 if you need to wait for 120 seconds. Syntax #ActionTimeout = n Remarks When n seconds have elapsed, if WinTask cannot find the object it must activate, error management is launched. The default behavior (#IgnoreErrors=0) is that an error message is displayed and the script execution stops. The default value for #ActionTimeout is 30 seconds. If this variable is set to 0, WinTask waits forever. The functions affected by this system variable are : CheckedHTML(), ChooseItem(), ChooseMenu(), Click(), ClickHTMLELement(), ClickOnBitmap(), ClickOnText(), ClickOnTextOCR, ClickScrollBar(), ClickSpin(), CloseWindow(), CopyLink(), MaximizeWindow(), MinimizeWindow(), MoveWindow(), Navigate(), RestoreWindow(), SavePictureAs(), SaveTargetAs(), SizeWindow(), StartBrowser(), UsePage(), UseWindow(), WinScrollBar(), WriteCombo(), WriteEdit(), WriteHTML(), WriteHTMLEncrypted() See also #IgnoreErrors Example #ActionTimeout = 5 Example code This script detects if the Notepad window is present or not. #IgnoreErrors=1 ' Error management is now active in the script #ActionTimeout=10 ' Maximum wait is 10 seconds ret=UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1") ' We try to do actions on the Notepad window ' The return code is tested 14 if ret=0 then msgbox("Notepad window is present") else msgbox("Notepad window is not present") endif #IgnoreErrors=0 ' Error management is turned off ' The script stops if an error occurs 15 Add$ Floating point calculation function. The Add$ function adds two strings representing floating point numbers. Usage As only integers are supported numbers in WinTask, calculation on floating point numbers is done using their string representation. Syntax res$=ADD$(a$,b$[,rc]) Parameters a$, b$ are the strings representing the two floating numbers to add. rc, optional numeric return code. Values are : 0 if successfull operation 1 invalid operation because parameters are incorrect (for instance, the string can't be considered as a number) 2 if operation causes overflow Return value rcs$, string representing a$+b$. Examples Add$("13.56","145.789") 'gives "159.35" Add$("-45.678","34.8976") 'gives "-10.78" #Precision=3 Add$("567.34257","45.343") 'gives "612.686" 16 Allocate System function. The Allocate function reserves a memory area for data used by External DLL functions within a script. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax address=Allocate(<num>) Parameter <num>, integer. Return value address, UNSIGNED type which must be declared beforehand. If the Allocate function fails, address will be set to 0. Example dim MemPointer as unsigned MemPointer=Allocate(80) Example code 'declare a variable to hold the memory address dim pointer as unsigned 'reserve a 64-byte memory space pointer=allocate(64) 'prepare a string to place in memory wdir$=" " 'writes the zero-terminated string to memory ret=PokeString(pointer,wdir$,0) 'In Win32, an A must be added to function which return a string a=External("kernel32","GetWindowsDirectoryA",pointer,64) 'read the string through its memory address var$=peekString$(pointer) msgbox(var$) 17 Alphabetical WinTask functions list and parameters Below is the alphabetical list of all the functions available in WinTask. res$=ADD$(a$,b$[,rc]) address=Allocate(<num>) ret=AppendXMLNode(<filename>,<XML_path>,<tagname>) var=Asc(string$) Attribute("Frame",<frame_string>) Beep(<frequency>) BEGINDIALOG <dialog_name> <x>,<y>,<width>,<height> CallDialog <dialog_name>[,title$] CapsLock(ON|OFF) a$=Capture$(<window_name>,<instance>,<mode>) a$=CaptureArea$(<window_name>,<instance>,<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>) a$=CaptureAreaOCR$(<window_name>,<instance>,<x>,<y>,<height>,<width > [,<language>]) CaptureBitmap(<filename>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)]) ret=CaptureHTML(<html_descriptor>,var$) a$=CaptureIE$(<window_name>,<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>) a$=CaptureOCR$(<window_name>,<instance> [,<language>]) ret=CaptureTableHTML(<table_descriptor>,<range_descriptor>,tabcell$()) ChDir(<directory_name>) ret=CheckedHTML(<html_descriptor>) ret=CheckedW(<window_name>[,<item_name>]) ChooseItem(list,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>]) ChooseMenu(normal,<menu_item>[,on or off]) var$=Chr$(<ASCII_value>) Click(Button,<button_name>) ret=ClickHTMLElement(<html_descriptor>[,<x>,<y>]) ClickMouse(<Button>,<Action>,<x>,<y>[,absolute]) ClickOnBitmap(<filename.BMP>,<button>,<action>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<height> ,<width>)[,<offset_x>,<offset_y>]] ClickOnText(<text>,<offset_x>,<offset_y>,<action>,<button>) ClickOnTextOCR(<text>,<action>,<button>, InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>), <offset_x>,<offset_y>,) ClickScrollBar(<Scrollbar_name>,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) ClickSpin(<spin_name>,<number>) CloseBrowser() Ret = CloseCom (<num_port>) CloseExcelCom() CloseWindow(<window_name>,<instance> [,forced|immediate]) CloseWindowRegEx(<window_name>,<instance>) var$=command$(<number>) Comment(<comment_text>) ret=CopyLink(<html_descriptor> ,var$) Create(<filename>) CreateExcelFile(<filename>) CreateUnicodeFile(<filename>) var$=Curdir$() page_title$=CurrentPage$() x=CursorX() y=CursorY() date_day$=Date$([<format>]) val=DateBetween(<interval$>,<date1$>,<date2$>) var$=DateToDate$(<interval$>,<number>,<date$>) dateday$=Day$() 18 Ret = DbBof() Ret=DbClose() DbConnect("DSN=<database_ODBC>") ret=DbDisconnect() Ret = DbEof() DbExecute("<SQL_command>") DbGetFieldNumeric(<field_name>,<value>) DbGetFieldString(<field_name>,<string>) DbMove(<pos>) Ret=DbMoveFirst() Ret=DbMoveLast() Ret=DbMoveNext() Ret=DbMovePrev() num=DbRecordCount() DbSelect(<SQL_selection>[,DYNASET|SNAPSHOT]) DeleteRegKey(<path>) DeleteRegValue(<path>) ret=DelTree(<directory_name>) Dim tab_integ(<size>) Dir(<file_spec$>,tab1$(),tab2$(),tab3$(),"options") DirTree(<file_spec$>,tablongname$(),tabshortname$(),tabpath$(),tabattrib$()," options") Disable(<Action_Id>) var=DiskFree(<resource_name>) res$=Divide$(a$,b$[,rc]) Enable(<Id_action>) ret=EnabledW(<window_name>) ret=Encrypt(<Source_string>,<Encrypted_string>) End[(<retcode>)] ret=EnumXMLAttributes(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name_array>,<val ue_array>) ret=EnumXMLChildren(<filename>,<XML_path>,<child_node_array>) var$=Envir$(<var_name$>) var=Eof(<filename>) ret=ExecExcelMacro (<workbook> ,<macro_name>) ret=Exist(<filename>) ret=ExistDir(<directoryname>) ret=ExistHTMLElement(<html_descriptor>) ret=ExistW(<window_name>[,<instance>]) var=External(<DLL_name$>,<function_name$>[, <param1>[,<param2>, ...]]) var$=External$(<DLL_name$>,<function_name$>[, <param1>[,<param2>, ...]]) var$=ExtractBetween$(<initial_string>,<start_string>,included|excluded,<end_s tring$>,included|excluded) ret=ExtractLink (<HTML_descriptor>, tablink$()) var$=FileAttr$(<filename>) ret=FileCopy(<source_filename>,<target_filename>) var$=FileDate$(<filename>) a=FileSize(<filename>) var$=FileTime$(<filename>) var$=FileVersion$(<filename>) window_name$=Focus$() ret=FTPChDir(<target_folder>) ret=FTPConnect(<FTP_servername>,<username>,<encrypted_password> [,<FTP_portnumber>]) ret=FTPCurrentDir(<current_folder>) ret=FTPDisconnect() 19 ret=FTPExistDir(<FTP_foldername>) ret=FTPExistFile(<FTP_filename>) ret=FTPGetFile(<spec_files>,<local_directory_name>, ,[<mode> [,<local_filename>]]) ret=FTPKill(<filename>) ret=FTPMkDir(<foldername>) ret=FTPName(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) ret=FTPPutFile(<spec_files>,<FTP_foldername>,[<mode> [,<FTP_filename>]]) ret=FTPRmDir(<foldername>) Function <function_name>([<param1>[,<param2>]....]) [Local <variable_name>] a$=GetClipboard$() Num=GetCpuLoad() handle=GetFocusWindowHandle() var$=GetFrameSource$(<src_framename>) ret=GetHTMLEditText(<html_descriptor>,var$) Num=GetMemUsage() var$=GetPageSource$() Num=GetProcessCpuLoad(<process_name>[,<instance_number>]) Ret=GetProcessList(<tab_name$>,<tab_PID>,<tab_CPU>,<tab_Mem>,<sort>) var=GetReadPos(<filename>) handle=GetTopWindowHandle(<window_name>) handle=GetWindowHandle(<window_name>) var$=GetWindowName$(<handle>) Ret=GetWindowsList(<tab_namewin$>,<tab_instanc>,<tab_handl>,<tab_flag$ >) ret=GetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<xml_path>,<attribute_name>,<result$>) Goto <label> ret=HardCopy(<filename>,<screenshot_type>[,<option>]) a$=Hour$() n=Hundreds() If <boolean_expression> Then <statements> [Else <statements>] EndIf a = ImpersonateUser(<user>, <password>,[<domain>]) Include "<source_filename>" var$=InputBox$(<Prompt> [, [<Title>][, [<Default_answer>][, [<X>], [<Y>]]]]) var$=InputBoxSecret$(<Prompt> [, [<Title>][, [<Default_answer>][, [<X>], [<Y>]]]]) pos=Instr(<target_string>,<search_string>) pos=InstrRev(<target_string>,<search_string>) a=IsRunning(<module_name>) a = IsServiceStarted(<service_name>) ret=Kill(<filename>) ret=KillApp(<exe_name>,0|1) ret=KillAppChildren(<exe_name>,0|1) ret=KillProcess(<PID_name>,0|1) var$=Lcase$(<string$>) var$=Left$(<string$>,<nbchar>) a=Len(<string$>) var$=ListHTMLItem$(<HTML_descriptor>,<n>) var$=ListItem$(<window_name>,<n>) LockKbd LockMouse LogFile(<filename>,<type>,<mode>) var$=Ltrim$(<string$>) ret=MaximizeWindow(<window_name>) 20 var$=Mid$(<string$>,<start>,<length>) a$=Min$() ret=MinimizeWindow(<window_name>) ret=MkDir(<directory_name>) month_curr$=Month$() current_val=MouseShape() x=MouseX() y=MouseY() MoveMouse(<X>,<Y>[,Absolute]) ret=MoveWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<X>,<Y>) ret=MsgBox(<Message> [, [<Type>] [,<Title]]) ret=MsgFrame(<Text>,<Id>[,<x>,<y>,size>,<color>]) ret=MsgFrameTitle(<Frame_title>,<Text>,<Id>[,<x>,<y>,size>,<color>]) res$=Multiply$(a$,b$[,rc]) ret=Name(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) Ret=Navigate(<url_address>[,<timeout>]) NumLock(ON|OFF) OnAction <action_ident> Button(<Button>,<Type>) Dosub <sub_name> EndAction ret=OpenCom(<port_num>,<speed>,<parity$>,<databits>,<stopbits>,<flowctl $>) var$=OsVersion$() ret=OverHTMLElement(<html_descriptor> [,<x>,<y>]) Pause x Secs|Mins|Ticks|Hours var=PeekInteger(<address>,<number_of_bytes>) var$=PeekString$(<address>) ret=PokeInteger(<address>,<value>,<number_of_bytes>) ret=PokeString(<address>,<string>[,<term>]) PostData(<field_name>,<value>) ret=Random(<val>) ret=Read(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) ret=ReadCom(<num_port>,<numbytes>,<char$>) ret=ReadExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array_result$>[,<readPasswd $>]) var$=Readini$(<filename>,<Section>,<Item>,<Default>) ret=ReadReg(<path>,<type>,<returned value>) ret=Reboot(<code>) Rem <text_comment> RemoveFrame(<Id>) Repeat <statements> Until <boolean_expression> var$=Replace$(<string>,<search_string>,<replacing_string> [,<number_of_occurrences> [<start_position>,<end_position>]]) ResetTimer(<clock_number>) ret=RestoreWindow(<window_name>) RevertToSelf() var$=Right$(<string$>,<numcar>) ret=RmDir(<directory_name>) var$=Rtrim$(<string$>) Ret=Run( "Script_name[.rob] [<Arg_1> <Arg_2> ...<Arg_n>]") ret=SavePictureAs(<html_descriptor>, <path>) ret=SaveTargetAs(<html_descriptor>, <path>, <extension>) a$=Sec$() Select Case <tested_expression> [Case <expressions_1> <statements_1>] [...] [Case Else <statements_3>] EndSelect mydir$=SelectDir$(<text$>,<initial_directory$>,<flag>) var$=SelectedHTMLItem$(<html_descriptor>) var$=SelectedItem$(<window_name>) 21 ret=SelectFile(<title>,<directory>,<filter>,<selected_file>,<offset_name>,<offs et_extension>) ret=SelectHTMLItem(<html_descriptor>,item$) a=SelectMultipleFile(<title>,<directory>,<filter>,<selected_directory>,<array>) SendEmail(<From>,<To>,<Subject>,<Message_text>[,<Attachments>[,<Cc>]] ) ret=SendKeys(<key_list> [,NoActivate]) ret=SendKeysEncrypted(<encrypted_keys> [,NoActivate]) ret=SetAttr(<filename>,<attribute_flags>) SetClipboard(<string$>) ret=SetReadPos(<filename>,<value>) ret=SetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name>,<value>) ret=Shell (<program_name> [,<param>]) ret=ShellWait (<command$>,<mode>,<timeout>[,<processExitcode>[,output$]]) ret=SizeWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<width>,<height>) Sleep() num=SplitIntoArray(<string$>,<array$> [,<delimiter$>]) Ret=StartBrowser(<browser_type>[,<start_page>[,<param>]]) ret=StartService(<service_name$>) StartTimer(<clock_number>) Stop StopLog ret=StopService(<service_name$>) StopTimer(<clock_number>) var$=Str$(<number>) Sub <sub_name>([<param1>[,<param2>]....]) <statements> EndSub res$=Subtract$(a$,b$[,rc]) hou$=Time$() response_time=Timer(<clock_number>) window_name$=Top$() instance_num=TopInstance() var$=Trim$(<string$>) var$=Ucase$(<string$>) UnlockKbd UnlockMouse ret=UseOCREngine(1|2) ret=UsePage(<page_title>) ret=UseWindow(<window_name>[,NoActivate]) ret=UseWindowHandle(<handle>) ret=UseWindowRegEx(<window_name>[,NoActivate]) Number=Val(<string$>) day=WeekDay() While <boolean_expression> <statements> Wend var$=WinDir$() Ret=WinScrollBar(H or V,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) ret=Write(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) ret=WriteCom(<port_num>,<char$>) ret=WriteCombo(<combo_name>,<text>) ret=WriteEdit(<edit_field>,<text>) ret=WriteEditEncrypted(<edit_field>,<encrypted_text>) ret=WriteExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array$>[,<readPasswd$>][,< editPasswd$]) ret=WriteHTML(<html_descriptor>,var$) ret=WriteHTMLEncrypted(<html_descriptor>,<encrypted_text>) ret=WriteIni(<filename>,<Section>,<Item>,<Value$>) 22 ret=WriteReg(<path>,<type>,<value>) ye$=Year$() 23 AppendXMLNode File management function. The AppendXMLNode function adds a node in the specified XML file. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax AppendXMLNode(<filename>,<XML_path>,<tagname>) or ret=AppendXMLNode(<filename>,<XML_path>,<tagname>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the XML file where to add the node. <XML_path>, string, list of node descriptors separated by the \ character for adding the node after this list. The string is not case-sensitive. The structure of such a path is: tagname[attributename1='value'] The tagnames are strings without double quotes, they cannot contain spaces or reserved characters. It can be an empty string to create the root node. The attribute names are strings without double quotes, OR it can be the reserved keyword <text> or the reserved keyword <index>. <text> is used to specify the node inner text, <index> is used to specify the node index (first one starts at 1) when more nodes with the same tag and attributes exist within the same parent. Several attributes can be listed with the syntax tagname[attributename1='value1', attributename2='value2'] Examples: If the XML file contains: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-110"> the <XML_path> can be "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']" <tagname>, string, value of the tag to be added. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the node is successfully added to the XML file, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The error codes are : 20 The XML file could not be saved 27 The XML file could not be opened 90 Internal error (COM error when invoking XML COM) 99 Invalid parameters 110 Invalid XML path See also GetXMLAttribute SetXMLAttribute EnumXMLAttributes EnumXMLChildren 24 Example This code will generate the XML file as below: file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\test.xml" create(file$) appendxmlnode(file$, "", "root") appendxmlnode(file$, "root", "book") appendxmlnode(file$, "root", "book") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book", "Mark_Twain") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book", "Mark_Twain") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book[<index>=2]", "Portugalia") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain", "<text>", "Misc description") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[<index>=2]", "year", "1987") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[year='1987']", "<text>", "Another misc description") Resulting XML file: <root> <book> <Mark_Twain>Misc description</Mark_Twain> <Mark_Twain year="1987">Another misc description</Mark_Twain> </book> <book> <Portugalia /> </book> </root> 25 Asc String management function. The Asc function returns the ASCII code of the first character in a specified string. Syntax var=Asc(string$) Parameter string$, character string. Return value var, numeric value: ASCII code of the first character in string$. If string$ is empty or an error occurs, the value 0 is returned. See also Chr$ Examples a=Asc("{") 'returns 123 a=Asc("bcdef") 'returns 98 (ASCII code for "b") 26 Attribute Not used anymore. 27 Beep System function. The Beep function plays a tone through the PC speaker. Syntax Beep(<frequency>) Parameter <frequency>, numeric (constant or variable), frequency of the tone to be played. Examples Beep(262) or a=262 Beep(a) 28 BeginDialog...EndDialog User dialog function. The BeginDialog...EndDialog function defines a dialog box with its controls. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used to ask the user multiple questions in a complex dialog box. Syntax BEGINDIALOG <dialog_name> <x>,<y>,<width>,<height> CAPTION "Dialog Box Title" PUSHBUTTON "Button_label",<button_namen>,<x>,<y>,<width>,<height> DEFPUSHBUTTON "Button_label",<button_name>,<x>,<y>,<width>,<height> EDITTEXT <Edit_namen$>,<x>,<y>,<width>,<height>[,protected] TEXT "Text",<x>,<y> COMBOBOX <Combo_namen$()>,<x>,<y>,<width>,<height>,<SelCombon$>[,Sorted] LISTBOX <List_namen$()>,<x>,<y>,<width>,<height>,<SelListn$>[,Sorted] GROUPBOX ["Groupbox_label"],<x>,<y>,<width>,<height> CHECK "check_label",<Check1>,<x>,<y> RADIO "radio_label",<Radio1>,<x>,<y> ICON "Type",<x>,<y>,<width>,<height> ENDDIALOG Parameters <dialog_name>: name of the dialog box ; this name is used later in the script in order to display the dialog box. <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the dialog box, width and height of the dialog box. On the CAPTION line, the title of the dialog box is specified. Note that the first line of the lines defining the controls within the Dialog is the control which has the focus at execution. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" ... ... ENDDIALOG Different types of buttons can be displayed using the statements PUSHBUTTON and DEFPUSHBUTTON. DEFPUSHBUTTON defines the default button; only one default button is allowed. "button_label" defines the label of the button (it can be a variable). <button_namen> defines the result variable (set to 1 this button has been clicked). <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the button, width and height of the button. Examples BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 29 CAPTION "Example" DEFPUSHBUTTON "&OK", Button1, 50, 350, 65, 20 PUSHBUTTON "&Cancel", Button3, 137, 350, 65, 20 ... ENDDIALOG Depending on which button is pressed, different actions are made: BEGINDIALOG Dialog1 225, 176, 240, 153 CAPTION "Example" DEFPUSHBUTTON "Button2", Button2, 57, 47, 59, 22 PUSHBUTTON "Button3", Button3, 143, 43, 47, 28 ENDDIALOG CallDialog Dialog1 If button2=1 then shell("my_program.exe") endif if button3=1 then msgbox("button3 pressed") endif A Text control (static) can be added in the dialog box using the statement TEXT. "Text" specifies the text to be displayed. <x>,<y>: coordinates of the top-left point of the text. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" TEXT "Type your name : ", 25, 30 ... ENDDIALOG An Editbox can be added in the dialog box using the statement EDITTEXT. <Edit_namen$>: string to be displayed or result string. <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the Editbox, width and height of the Editbox. Protected : optional parameter; hides the input by filling the field by *. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" EDITTEXT Edit1$, 30, 55, 193, 24 ... ENDDIALOG A Combobox can be added in the dialog box using the statement COMBOBOX. <Combo_namen$>: string array with all the strings to be displayed in the combobox. You must define the array first using the DIM statement. Remember that the first item of an array starts at 0. <SelCombon$>: result string (the one selected by the user). <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the combobox, width and height of the combobox. Sorted: optional parameter, if used, the strings are sorted inside the combobox. Example DIM selec$(15) selec$(0)="Choice 1" selec$(1)="Choice 2" choice$=selec$(1) 30 BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" COMBOBOX selec$(), 180, 135, 125, 75, choice$,sorted ... ENDDIALOG A ListBox can be added in the dialog box using the statement LISTBOX. <List_namen$>: string array with all the strings to be displayed in the list. You must define the array first using the DIM statement. <SelListn$>: result string (the one selected by the user). <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the listbox, width and height of the listbox. Sorted: optional parameter, if used, the strings are sorted inside the listbox. Example DIM List1$(10) BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" LISTBOX List1$(), 30, 135, 125, 75, SelList1$ ... ENDDIALOG Radio Buttons and Checkboxes can be added in the dialog box using the statements RADIO and CHECK. "check_label": label of the radio button or checkbox, it can be a variable. <Checkn>,<Radion>: integer; 1 if the button has been checked, or if you want it checked at execution. <x>,<y>: coordinates of the top-left point of the button. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" RADIO "Option 1", Radio1, 50, 263 CHECK "Check 1", Check1, 200, 263 ... ENDDIALOG radio1=1 CallDialog Box1 A Groupbox can be added using the statement GROUPBOX. "Groupbox_label": title of the group (optional). <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the frame, width and height of the group frame. The statement Groupbox must be just before the Radio statements defining the radio buttons to be included in the group. Within such a group, if you check a radio button, the radio button previously checked becomes unchecked. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, CAPTION "Example" GROUPBOX "Options : ", 30, RADIO "Option 1", Radio1, RADIO "Option 2", Radio2, ... ENDDIALOG 350, 413 233, 125, 100 50, 263 50, 283 An Icon can be added in the dialog box using the statement ICON. 31 "Type" can be: "Stop": red cross icon. "Info": I icon. "Exclamation": ! icon. "Question": ? icon. "Winlogo": Windows logo icon. <x>,<y>,<width>,<height>: coordinates of the top-left point of the icon, width and height of the icon. Example BEGINDIALOG Box1 231, 130, 350, 413 CAPTION "Example" ICON "Info", 260, 25, 50, 50 ... ENDDIALOG 32 CallDialog User dialog function. The CallDialog function displays a dialog box defined previously. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax CallDialog <dialog_name>[,title$] Parameters <dialog_name>, name of the dialog box defined by the BEGINDIALOG...ENDDIALOG function. title$, optional string parameter: it contains the title of the dialog box (it replaces the title specified by the CAPTION statement in the BEGINDIALOG function.) Example CallDialog Box1 33 CapsLock System function. The CapsLock function forces the capslock key to the specified state. Syntax CapsLock(ON|OFF) Remarks If ON, capslock key is activated. See also NumLock Example CapsLock(ON) 34 Capture$ Capture function. The Capture$ function captures in text mode whatever appears in the specified window. Syntax a$=Capture$(<window_name>,<instance>,<mode>) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be captured, including its <instance>, instance number of the window. <mode>, integer (constant) corresponding to three bit flags. To obtain the value of <mode>, you have to add the values of each bit set to 1. Bit 0 (weight 1) specifies how the text is captured : 0 the text is captured as a long string without CRLF 1 each line of the text is captured and separated by CRLF If this bit is set to 0, the two others are set to 0 (so mode=2, 4 and 6 are invalid and an error is returned at compilation). Bit 1 (weight 2) specifies the font and its size : 0 the font is not captured 1 the font and size are captured Bit 2 (weight 4) specifies the underlined and color of the background attributes : 0 these attributes are not captured 1 these attributes are captured So <mode> can be : 0 the text is captured as a long string without CRLF and attributes 1 the text is captured as several lines without attributes 3 the text is captured as several lines and the font size is captured 5 the text is captured as several lines, the attributes and the color of the background are captured 7 the text is captured as several lines, the fonts and the color of the background are captured 9 special value : mode for capturing text inside an emulator using non-proportional fonts. Use this mode if you notice that the normal mode ignores some blank fields. Return value a$, string containing the captured text. If <window_name> or <instance> are not found, or if there is nothing to capture, an empty string is returned. Remarks Use the Insert/Statement menu and double click Capture$ in order to automatically generate this statement. Capture$ tries to capture the text in the order in which this text is displayed on the screen. Capture$ also works with multiline Editboxes, a single-line EditBox, an entire DialogBox or a static control, if you specify the name of this static in the Capture$ parameters. Use it the same way for capturing the text of icons, buttons, listboxes. Capture$ does NOT capture the text which overflows the window. If Capture$ returns an empty string whereas it's really text which is displayed, try 35 this hint: in the script, copy the desired text to the Clipboard and retrieve after the content of Clipboard - so the statements in the script would be: 'Text selection SendKeys("<Ctrl a>",NoActivate) Pause 5 ticks 'Copy the selection to the Clipboard SendKeys("<Ctrl c>",NoActivate) Pause 5 ticks 'Retrieve the content of the Clipboard a$=GetClipboard$() See also CaptureArea$ CaptureIE$ Example If you capture this window : mode 0 returns : "First line to be capturedSecond line to be capturedThird line to be captured" mode 1 returns : "First line to be captured Second line to be captured Third line to be captured" mode 3 returns : |X20,Y4,Times New Roman,H15,L133|First line to be captured |X20,Y19,Arial,H16,L62|Second |X82,Y19,Arial,H16,L27|line |X109,Y19,Arial,H16,L65| to be captured |X20,Y35,Courier New,H17,L234|Third line to be captured mode 5 returns : |R0,G0,B0,U0|First line to be captured |R0,G0,B0,U0|Second |R0,G0,B0,U1|line |R0,G0,B0,U0| to be captured |R0,G0,B0,U0|Third line to be captured 36 mode 7 returns : |X20,Y4,Times New Roman,H15,L133,R0,G0,B0,U0|First line to be captured |X20,Y19,Arial,H16,L62,R0,G0,B0,U0|Second |X82,Y19,Arial,H16,L27,R0,G0,B0,U1|line |X109,Y19,Arial,H16,L65,R0,G0,B0,U0| to be captured |X20,Y35,Courier New,H17,L234,R0,G0,B0,U0|Third line to be captured Information about size, font and location are given below : n is an integer. Xn : n = X-axis of the starting point of the text (in pixels), relative to the left edge of the window. Yn : n = Y-axis of the starting point of the text (in pixels), relative to the top edge of the window. Hn : n = height of the font (in pixels). Ln : n = length of the text on the line (in pixels). With this information, you can find the line and column of the text. For instance, if the first line starts at 4 with a font size of 15, the coordinate of the second column will be 15+4=19. The third line will be at 19+16=35. You can also find the X-axis (if the font is a fixed font) by dividing the length of the text on the line (L) by the number of characters. It gives the width of a character (which is a column). Information about attributes : n is an integer. Un : n is 0 or 1 (not underlined or underlined). Rn, Gn, Bn is for the background color (Red, Green, Blue). n ranges from 0 to 255. White 255 255 255 Black 0 0 0 Red 255 0 0 Green 0 255 0 Blue 0 0 255 For a mode not equal to 0, if an attribute changes (size, underline, color), a line feed is inserted in the result string. Performance : Capture$ activates a complex analysis process (0,9 second). If you need more performance, another way can be useful : select text then copy it in the clipboard (via Ctrl+C) then get its content with GetClipboard$ Example code This script captures the text in WordPad. shell("wordpad") Pause until 'wait until WordPad is opened Text("For Help, press F1") InWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|msctls_statusbar32|Document - WordPad|1",1) PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause Msgbox("Write some text in WordPad and press F12") Pause until Key("<F12>") PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End 37 EndPause ' captures your text in WordPad text$=Capture$("WORDPAD.EXE|RICHEDIT|Document - WordPad",0,1) msgbox("Your text is : "+text$) 38 Error codes for Capture functions The error codes for the WinTask Capture functions on Web pages are listed at Error codes for Web functions. The error codes for the HardCopy function are listed at Error codes for File management functions. UseOCREngine returns 1 if the specified OCR engine cannot be used (typically not installed). The other Capture functions do not stop execution if the capture cannot be done, either they return an empty string, or they return a return code which is given in the help of the function. 39 CaptureArea$ Capture function. The CaptureArea$ function captures in text mode whatever appears in the specified area of a window. Syntax a$=CaptureArea$(<window_name>,<instance>,<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be captured, including its <instance>, instance number of the window. <x>,<y>, coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle to be captured within the specified window. <height>,<width>, integers specifying the height and the width of the rectangle to capture. Return value a$, string containing the captured text. If <window_name> or <instance> are not found, or if there is nothing to capture, an empty string is returned. Remarks Use the Insert/Statement menu and double click CaptureArea$ in order to automatically generate this statement. If the size of the specified area is greater than the size of the window <window_name>, the captured area is limited to the entire window. Performance : CaptureArea$ activates a complex analysis process (0,9 second). If you need more performance, another way can be useful : select text then copy it in the clipboard (via Ctrl+C) then get its content with GetClipboard$ See also Capture$ Example code This script searches for *.bat files on your C: hard drive and captures the number of *.bat files. UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|Shell_TrayWnd",1) Click(Button,"Start") ChooseMenu(Context,"&Find|&Files or Folders...") Pause until Text("Find Now") InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|Button|F&ind Now",1) InArea(0,0,19,67) PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|#32770|Name && Location",1) 40 WriteCombo("1","*.bat") UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|#32770|Find: All Files",1) Click(Button,"F&ind Now") Pause until Text("file(s) found") InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|msctls_statusbar32",1) PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause count$=CaptureArea$("EXPLORER.EXE|msctls_statusbar32",1,0,0,18,145) msgbox(count$) CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|#32770|Find: Files named",1) 41 CaptureAreaOCR$ Capture function. The CaptureAreaOCR$ function captures the text that appears in the specified area of a window using OCR (not available in WinTask Lite). Syntax a$=CaptureAreaOCR$(<window_name>,<instance>,<x>,<y>,<height>,<width > [,<language>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be captured, including its <instance>, instance number of the window. <x>,<y>, coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle to be captured within the specified window. <height>,<width>, integers specifying the height and the width of the rectangle to capture. <language>, optional string specifying which language must be used by the OCR engine. If this parameter is not specified, the language used is the one defined in Office settings. The WinTask OCR engine does not take into account this optional parameter, it uses the default Windows language as defined in Regional settings. Use CaptureAreaOCR$ wizard to generate the correct language string option. Return value a$, string containing the OCRized text seen in the window. If <window_name> or <instance> are not found, if there is nothing to capture, if the OCR engine does not return any character, or if the speficied OCR engine is not installed, an empty string is returned. Remarks Use the Insert/Statement menu and double click CaptureAreaOCR$ in order to automatically generate this statement. CaptureAreaOCR$ takes a bitmap of the specified area of the window, submits this bitmap to the OCR engine specified by last used UseOCREngine statement. If no previous UseOCREngine statement is in the script, the WinTask OCR engine is used (OCR engine per default). The WinTask OCR engine keeps the line structure (the CRLF), the MODI OCR engine does not keep it and so returns the OCRized text as a long string. See also CaptureOCR$ UseOCREngine How to install MODI OCR engine Examples ret = UseOCREngine(2) 'Forces to use WinTask OCR engine var$ = CaptureAreaOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled Notepad|1",1,275,107,30,139) 'OCRized the text within the specified rectangle of window notepad. ret = UseOCREngine(1) 'Forces to use MODI OCR engine var$ = CaptureAreaOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled Notepad|1",1,275,107,30,139,"Japanese") 'OCRized the text within the 42 specified rectangle of window notepad. The MODI engine will use the Japanese language to transform the bitmap to Japanese text. Write in Excel a captured OCRized value: Using CaptureAreaOCR$ wizard, you have captured a data displayed on a Web page. And you need now to write that value to Excel. 'Declare at the beginning of the script the array which will be used for WriteExcel function. Dim data$(10) UsePage("My page") ret = UseOCREngine(2) 'Capture the data var$ = CaptureAreaOCR$("IEXPLORE.EXE|Internet Explorer_Server|my page Microsoft Internet Explorer|1",1,160,592,43,238) 'Fill the first element of data$ array by var$ data$(0)=var$ 'You can capture other values and store them in data$(1), data$(2), ... 'Then write this array in Excel 'tell where the Excel file is fileexcel$="c:\program files\wintask\data\myexcel.xls" 'Fill the C1 to C10 column using WriteExcel function WriteExcel(fileexcel$,"C1:C10",data$()) 43 CaptureBitmap Capture function. The CaptureBitmap function captures an image or an image area in the active window and saves this image in a .BMP file. Syntax CaptureBitmap(<filename>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)]) or ret=CaptureBitmap(<filename>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)]) Parameters <filename>, name of the file (extension .BMP) into which the captured image is saved. InArea : optional keyword if the capture must be done only in a specified area of the active window. <x>,<y> : coordinates of the top-left corner of the rectangle to be captured inside the specified window. <height>,<width> : integers specifying the height and the width of the rectangle to capture. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise 1. Remarks Use the Insert/Statement menu and select CaptureBitmap in order to automatically generate this statement. See also Capture$ HardCopy Check functions Examples UseWindow( "NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - NotePad|1",1 ) CaptureBitmap("C:\save\image.bmp") 'captures the entire active window - note that the UseWindow before is compulsory. CaptureBitmap("C:\save\image.bmp",InArea(10,10,100,200)) 'captures only the specified area 44 CaptureHTML Capture function, Web function. The CaptureHTML function captures the text of the specified HTML element within a Web page. Usage Used for retrieving data from a Web page and paste them into another application. A Capture wizard is available in Start/Capture wizard menu. For retrieving data organized in Table, use CaptureTableHTML. A step by step capture process is available at Web how to capture data. Syntax ret=CaptureHTML(<html_descriptor>,var$) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the block-level HTML element from which the inner text is captured. See HTML descriptor for HTML tags identification. Spy can be used for generating automatically the HTML descriptor. Only HTML descriptors using CONTENT keyword are valid for the CaptureHTML function. <var$>, string, captured text. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks Here is the list of HTML block-level text tags which can be captured using the CaptureHTML function: <address>, <blockquote>, <dd>, <div>, <dl>, <dt>, <h1> through <h6>, <li>, <ol>, <p>, <ul>. Use the Capture wizard (menu Start/Capture wizard) or use Spy for generating automatically this statement. CaptureHTML does not include any synchronization; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the object to capture is ready. See also CaptureTableHTML GetHTMLEditText Example StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ret = CaptureHTML("LI[CONTENT='Eliminate']", var$) Msgbox(var$) CloseBrowser() 45 CaptureIE$ Capture function, Web function. The CaptureIE$ function must not be used anymore since WinTask version 2.5. It is kept only for compatibility with previous versions. In order to capture some text within a Web page, use now CaptureHTML or CaptureTableHTML functions. Below is an example : Example dim tabcell$(100) StartBrowser("IE", "www.google.com") UsePage("Google") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'News']") UsePage("Google News") 'Capture the HTML Table at the top left which column title is >Top ret = CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='>Top']", "R1C2:R17C2", tabcell$())'tabcell$(2) contains the first non-empty captured data CloseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|IEFrame|Google News - Microsoft Internet Explorer",1) 'The captured cells are stored in tabcell$ msgbox(tabcell$(2)) 46 CaptureOCR$ Capture function. The CaptureOCR$ function captures the text that is seen in the specified window using OCR (not available in WinTask Lite). Syntax a$=CaptureOCR$(<window_name>,<instance> [,<language>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be captured, including its <instance>, instance number of the window. <language>, optional string specifying which language must be used by the OCR engine. If this parameter is not specified, the language used is the one defined in Regional settings. The WinTask OCR engine does not take into account this optional parameter, it uses the default Windows language as defined in Regional settings. Use CaptureOCR$ wizard to generate the correct language string option. Return value a$, string containing the OCRized text seen in the window. If <window_name> or <instance> are not found, if there is nothing to capture, if the OCR engine does not return any character, or if the specified OCR engine is not installed, an empty string is returned. Remarks Use the Insert/Statement menu and double click CaptureOCR$ in order to automatically generate this statement. CaptureOCR$ takes a bitmap of the specified window, capturing only the window part which is seen on the screen (it does not take the text which can be seen by scrolling the window), submits this bitmap to the OCR engine specified by last used UseOCREngine statement. If no previous UseOCREngine statement is in the script, the WinTask OCR engine is used (OCR engine per default). The WinTask OCR engine keeps the line structure (the CRLF), the MODI OCR engine does not keep it and so returns the OCRized text as a long string. See also CaptureAreaOCR$ UseOCREngine Examples var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in the Notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the WinTask one. UseOCREngine(1) var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in the Notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the MODI one. UseOCREngine(1) var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1,"Japanese") 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in an English Notepad window using Japanese language for the text within the notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the MODI one. 47 Example code This script ocrizes the text that has been typed by the user in the notepad window, using WinTask OCR engine. shell("notepad") Msgbox("Write some text in notepad and press F12") Pause until Key("<F12>") PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause ' captures your text in notepad text$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) msgbox("Your text is : "+text$) This script ocrizes the text that has been typed by the user in the notepad window, using MODI OCR engine. shell("notepad") Msgbox("Write some text in notepad and press F12") Pause until Key("<F12>") PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line " + #ErrorLine$ + " has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause ' captures your text in notepad using MODI OCR engine. UseOCREngine(1) text$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) msgbox("Your text is : "+text$) 48 CaptureTableHTML Capture function, Web function. The CaptureTableHTML function captures the text of the specified range of cells in an HTML table within a Web page. Usage Used for retrieving colums or lines of data from a Web page and insert them in an Excel file for instance. You can retrieve prices from ebay, retrieve job positions, capture phones from a yellow pages site, ... Capture wizard helps you for data extraction : menu Start/Capture wizard. And a step by step capture process is available at Web how to capture data. Syntax ret=CaptureTableHTML(<table_descriptor>,<range_descriptor>,tabcell$()) Parameters <table_descriptor>, string, unique identifier for the HTML element TABLE from which the inner text of the <range_descriptor> is captured in tabcell$(). Spy can be used for generating automatically the <table_descriptor>. See HTML descriptor for a detailed explanation. Only HTML descriptors using CONTENT keyword are valid for the CaptureTableHTML function. <range_descriptor>, string. It specifies the range of cells to capture, such as R4C2:R4C6 for a row or R2C2:R5C2 for a column. <tabcell$>, array of strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using Dim. The inner text of the cells specified in <range_descriptor> are written to tabcell$(), beginning with index 0. If the array is smaller than the range, only the number of cells which fit in the array are written. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the capture is successful, the function returns the number of cells captured, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -1 if the capture could not be done or if the range is invalid. Remarks CaptureTableHTML does not include any synchronization; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the object to capture is ready. Use the Capture wizard (menu Start/Capture wizard) to generate the needed WinTask code for your extraction process. See also CaptureHTML GetHTMLEditText ExtractLink Example dim tabcell$(50) StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com/faq.php") UsePage("WinTask – FAQ") 49 ret=CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='Can']","R1C1:R15C1",tabcell$()) Msgbox(tabcell$(0)) CloseBrowser() 50 ChDir System function. The ChDir function sets the current working directory. Usage It is used to change the current working folder. This statement is automatically generated in Recording mode when you start Recording mode by Launching an application and you specify in Launching a program dialog box a working folder. Syntax ChDir(<directory_name>) or ret=ChDir(<directory_name>) Parameters <directory_name>, string, name of the new working directory file. Equivalent to the DOS command CD; but whereas DOS CD cannot be used to change the drive and directory simultaneously, ChDir can. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also CurDir$ Examples ChDir("I:\docword") or direct$="c:\program files" ChDir(direct$) 51 CheckedHTML Web function. The CheckedHTML function retrieves the state of the specified check box or radio button in an HTML form. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Mainly used for testing purposes when you need to check that your Web site is displayed as expected. Syntax ret=CheckedHTML(<html_descriptor>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, HTML descriptor of the check box or radio button to check in the HTML form. See Remarks for finding this HTML descriptor. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the specified check box or radio button is checked, the function returns 1 ; otherwise it returns 0. If the HTML object to test is not recognized as a check box or radio button, or the object is not there, or the descriptor is invalid or no UsePage is done before, the return code is -1. You can use ExistHTMLElement statement before in order to ensure that the object exists. Remarks For finding the <html_descriptor> for the checkbox/radio button, use Recording mode and record the action of checking the box. Stop Recording mode, the generated line ClickHTMLElement contains the html descriptor, copy and paste the generated html descriptor within the CheckedHTML statement and delete the ClickHTMLElement line. CheckedHTML does not include any synchronization ; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the checkbox is ready. Example 'On the form for downloading WinTask, we check the status of one check box StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") UsePage("WinTask Download - Free Version 30 days") 'On the form, is the checkbox Quick Start Guide checked ? ret=CheckedHTML("INPUT CHECKBOX[NAME= 'quickstartguide']") msgbox(ret) 52 CheckedW Windows management function. The CheckedW function retrieves the state of the specified check box or radio button. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ret=CheckedW(<window_name> [,<item_name>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the check box or radio button. If all the buttons are within a unique window, then <window_name> is the name of this unique window, and you specify <item_name>. <item_name>, string, optional parameter, text of the check box or radio button to check ; it has to be used if the check box or radio button is not a window by itself, and so window_name does not specify uniquely the item to test. WinTask is case sensitive for finding the <item_name> at replay, so a good way to be sure to type it properly, you can use Recording mode for checking the item, it will generate a ChooseItem statement with the exact <item_name> and you can then paste that name in the CheckedW statement. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the specified check box or radio button is checked, the function returns 1 ; otherwise it returns 0. If the item to test is not recognized as a check box or radio button, or the window name does not exist, the return code is -1. Remarks When you have to use the <item_name> parameter, it's easy to make a spelling error ; to avoid that, use Recording mode and check/uncheck the checkbox item that you want to test - stop Recording mode, two lines are generated, a UseWindow that you have to delete, and a ChooseItem which gives you the exact <item_name>. Then you can write manually the CheckedW line where you use Spy for finding the <window_name> and you copy/paste the <item_name>. At the end delete the ChooseItem line. CheckedW does not include a synchronization mechanism, so you have to wait that the window <window_name> is really displayed before running the CheckedW. CheckedW truncates the <window_name> and tries to find an approaching window. To force an exact recognition of the window, use #UseExact=1 (see the examples below). As a check box or a radio button can have three states (Checked, Enabled, Hidden), the table below gives the return code of the three WinTask functions which deal with this kind of window, ExistW, EnabledW and CheckedW : Checked Enabled Hidden ExistW EnabledW CheckedW 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 -1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 0 -1 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 -1 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 -1 Example code This example tests a checkbox status in the window Find of WordPad. 53 Shell("wordpad",1) UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|RICHEDIT50W|Document - WordPad|1",1) SendKeys("Hello") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"&Edit|&Find... Ctrl+F") 'Force the exact recognition #UseExact=1 'Is Match case checkbox checked ? ret=CheckedW("WORDPAD.EXE|Button|Match &case") msgbox(ret) This example tests a checkbox status in the window Internet options, Advanced Tab of Internet Explorer. StartBrowser("IE") UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|ReBarWindow32|about:blank - Microsoft Internet Explorer|1",1) ChooseItem(ToolBar, "|4", "&Tools", dropdown, left ) UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|IEFrame|about:blank - Microsoft Internet Explorer",1) ChooseMenu(Context,"Internet &Options...") UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Internet Options",1) Click(Tab,"Advanced") 'Force the exact recognition #UseExact=1 'As all the checkboxes are within the same window, we specify the checkbox text in CheckedW function. ret=CheckedW("IEXPLORE.EXE|SysTreeView32|Settings","Disable script debugging") msgbox(ret) 54 ChooseItem Windows management function. The ChooseItem function selects an item in a listbox or combobox. Usage Used to select an item from a listbox, a combobox, a tree view, a list view or a toolbar. If the Windows control is not a standard one, ChooseItem will not work. In such a case, you can try ClickOnText function or ClickOnTextOCR function or use multiple SendKeys("<Down>") and a last SendKeys("<Enter>") for selecting the desired item. Syntax ChooseItem(list,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>][,shift|ctrl]) ChooseItem(combo,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>]) ChooseItem(treeview,<id>,<item>,single or expand[,<button>]) ChooseItem(listview,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>][,shift|ctrl]) ChooseItem(toolbar,<id>,<item>,dropdown[,<button>]) or ret=ChooseItem(list,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>]) ret=ChooseItem(combo,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>]) ret=ChooseItem(treeview,<id>,<item>,single or expand[,<button>]) ret=ChooseItem(listview,<id>,<item>,single[,<button>]) ret=ChooseItem(toolbar,<id>,<item>,dropdown[,<button>]) Parameters list, combo, treeview, listview,toolbar : keywords defining the list type. Toolbar and dropdown keywords are used to navigate in special menus of Explorer or IE as below : UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|SysPage|Explorer - C:\|2",1) ChooseItem(ToolBar,"|1","&Display",dropdown,left) UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|Exploring - C:\",1) ChooseMenu(Context,"&List") <id>, identifier of the list ; it can be a variable. <item>, item to be selected in the list ; it can be a variable. single (or double) : keyword for either a selection by a single click or a double click. expand : keyword to expand a branch (for instance, clicking the + icon in Explorer). <button>, mouse button used for the action (left or right). If this parameter is not present, left is assumed. shift or ctrl : in a list/listview, when a multiple selection is done, the shift keyword is used for the last item selected, or the ctrl keyword is used for each individual item selected. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks If you need to choose an item in systray (the notification area on the right part of taskbar), the WinTask icons in the systray interfere with the generated 55 chooseitem. Use the code below instead of ChooseItem for selecting an icon in systray: #HideTrayIcon=1 pause 2 UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|TrayNotifyWnd") pause 10 ticks SendKeys("<Tab>",NoActivate) Example code This script shows the different uses of the statement ChooseItem in Explorer or in Windows control panel. 'ChooseItem(Treeview, ) shell("explorer.exe") 'click on Recycle Bin msgbox("WinTask simulates a click on Recycle Bin") UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ReBarWindow32|My Documents|2",1) ChooseItem(TreeView, "1", "Recycle Bin", single, left ) pause 3 CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|Recycle Bin",1) 'ChooseItem(Listview, ) and ChooseItem(Combo, ) pause 2 shell("control.exe") UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|SHELLDLL_DefView|Control Panel|1",1) MsgBox("WinTask simulates a click on Date and Time") ChooseItem(ListView,"1","Date and Time",double,left) pause 1 UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Date && Time",1) MsgBox("WinTask simulates the selection of November in a Combobox") ChooseItem(Combo,"1","November",single,left) pause 1 UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Date and Time Properties",1) Click(Button,"Cancel") 'ChooseItem(Toolbar, ) UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ReBarWindow32|Control Panel|1",1) ChooseItem(ToolBar, "|2", "&Tools", dropdown, left ) UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|CabinetWClass|Control Panel",1) ChooseMenu(Context,"Folder &Options...") UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|#32770|Folder Options",1) 56 Click(Button,"Cancel") CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|CabinetWClass|Control Panel",1) 57 ChooseMenu Windows management function. The ChooseMenu function selects a menu item. Syntax ChooseMenu(normal,<menu_item>[,on or off]) ChooseMenu(system,<menu_item>[,on or off]) ChooseMenu(context,<menu_item>[,on or off]) or ret=ChooseMenu(normal,<menu_item>[,on or off]) ret=ChooseMenu(system,<menu_item>[,on or off]) ret=ChooseMenu(context,<menu_item>[,on or off]) Parameters normal, system, context : keywords defining the menu type, normal for menus inside applications, system for system menus, context for pop-up context menus. <menu_item>, string, text of the menu item to be selected. During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, WinTask tries to find this item in the window specified by the last UseWindow statement and activates it. If the menu item is not found, an error is generated and the script is stopped. <menu_item> is a one string whatever special characters are in it - just use Recording mode for recording properly a menu selection. on, off : keywords to check or uncheck the menu item ; this additional parameter is not generated by the Recording mode ; it must be added manually if needed. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Remarks The variable #SendKeysDelay (0 as default value) slows down the selection. Some Windows applications do not implement menu design using the standard Windows API functions, and then WinTask Recording mode is not able to record in an object-oriented way your menu selections, see the example below : menu selection by keyboard shortcut. Context menus opened by right clicking the desktop are special too. See the example code below : context menu selection. Example code - general This script shows the different uses of the statement ChooseMenu in the application WordPad. 'Launch wordpad shell("wordpad.exe") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|RICHEDIT|Document - WordPad|1",1) SendKeys("test CHOOSEMENU<Enter>") 'ChooseMenu(Normal, ) UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) MsgBox("WinTask simulates the selection of the option Format|Font inside an 58 application") pause 2 ChooseMenu(Normal,"F&ormat|&Font...") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|#32770|Font",1) Click(Button,"Cancel") 'ChooseMenu(Context, ) UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) MsgBox("WinTask simulates a text selection, a right click and Copy selection") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|Document - WordPad",1) ClickMouse(Left,Down,13,17) ClickMouse(Left,Up,13,17) ClickMouse(Right,Down,89,19) ClickMouse(Right,Up,89,19) UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) ChooseMenu(Context,"&Copy") 'ChooseMenu(System, ) MsgBox("WinTask simulates the selection of the option Close in a system menu") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) ChooseMenu(System,"&Close Alt+F4") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|#32770|WordPad",1) Click(Button,"&No") Example code - menu selection by keyboard shortcut Shell("notepad",1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) 'The usual mode - selecting File/exit would be 'ChooseMenu(Normal,"&File|E&xit") 'Using shortcuts, the same action can be done with the lines below SendKeys("<Alt f>") 'a small pause to give the system some relief pause 3 ticks Sendkeys("x") Example code - context menu selection 'A first UseWindow to attach to the desktop UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|SysListView32|FolderView",1) 'Click somewhere on the desktop ClickMouse(Right,Down,682,514) 59 ClickMouse(Right,Up,682,514) 'The context menu is displayed pause 3 'Press Down to select first option in the context menu ; 'We send the keys with option NoActivate for sending the keys where the cursor is 'whatever window is there. Sendkeys("<Down>",Noactivate) pause 5 Sendkeys("<Right>",Noactivate) pause 3 60 Chr$ String management function. The Chr$ function converts an <ASCII_value> into its equivalent ASCII character. Syntax var$=Chr$(<ASCII_value>) Parameter <ASCII_value>: number between 0 and 255. If an invalid value is passed, the script stops at execution with a runtime error. Return value var$, the number is converted to a character, so other functions can manipulate non-displayable characters (for instance : a$=Chr$(13), a$ returns CRLF). See also Asc Examples var$=chr$(123) 'returns "{" x=34 var$=chr$(x) 61 Click Windows management function. The Click function simulates a click on a button, a checkbox, a radiobutton or a tab. Usage Used to click a control on a Windows application. The Click function is objectoriented (compared to ClickMouse function) and will replay correctly even if the control has been moved. Only standard Windows controls work with Click function ; many applications use images or non-standard controls. In such case, use ClickOnBitmap function or ClickMouse. Syntax Click(Button,<button_name>) Click(Radio,<radio_name>) Click(Check,<check_name>[,On or Off]) Click(Tab,<tab_name>) or ret=Click(Button,<button_name>) ret=Click(Radio,<radio_name>) ret=Click(Check,<check_name>[,On or Off]) ret=Click(Tab,<tab_name>) Parameters Button, Radio, Check, Tab : keywords defining the control type. During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, WinTask tries to find this item in the window specified by the last UseWindow statement and selects it. If the item is not found, an error is generated and the script is stopped. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example code This script shows the different uses of the Click statement in the Windows control panel. 'Launch control panel shell("control.exe") 'Click(Tab, ) UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|SHELLDLL_DefView|Control Panel|1",1) ChooseItem(ListView,"1","Date and Time",double) UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Date/Time Properties",1) MsgBox("Wintask simulates a click on Time Zone tab") Click(Tab,"Time Zone") 62 'Click(Check, ) UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Time Zone",1) MsgBox("Wintask simulates a click on the checkbutton Automatically adjust clock...") Click(Check,"Automatically adjust clock for &daylight saving changes",OFF) 'Click(Button, ) UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Date/Time Properties",1) MsgBox("Wintask simulates a click on the button Cancel") Click(Button,"Cancel") 'Close Control panel CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|CabinetWClass|Control Panel",1) 63 ClickHTMLElement Web function. The ClickHTMLElement function clicks a specified html element in the current Web page. Usage Used to click a Web control on a Web page. The ClickHTMLElement function is object-oriented (compared to ClickMouse function) and will replay correctly even if the control has been moved within the Web page. Using the "right" parameter, you can open the context menu for the specified Web control. For a very small Web control, if you see at replay that the click is not done on the exact small control, you can add mouse coordinates to ClickHTMLElement function. Syntax ret=ClickHTMLElement(<html_descriptor> [,left|right[,<x>,<y>]]) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML element to click within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. See HTML descriptor for each HTML objects identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the ClickHTMLElement syntax, you can use too Spy for finding the HTML descriptor for block-text objects. left|right, optional mouse button ; if not specified, a left click is used. <x>,<y>, optional, mouse coordinates relative to the clicked element : it can be used for clicking slightly besides the element. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified HTML element has been successfully clicked within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) Remarks ClickHTMLElement function does not return the actual link which is behind the clicked link. Use CopyLink function if you need the actual link. At replay, the function waits for the specified HTML element to be loaded before clicking it. The timeout is the value of #ActionTimeout, so 30 secs by default. You can use a variable for <html_descriptor> parameter : for example, to replace the words between the single quotes in ClickHTMLELement("A[INNERTEXT='Pacific Media']") with a variable, the code is: a$="Pacific Media" ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= '"+a$+"']") 'The "+a$+" are used to concatenate the first part of the html descriptor 64 (A[INNERTEXT= ) with the last part ']" When you write a script for capturing data, you usually use a loop for clicking each individual elements in order to go to the next page where the details for the clicked element has to be captured. Your list of elements to be clicked is usually stored in an array, and you build the clickhtmlelement line using array$(0), array$(1), ..., array$(i), .... If array$(i) contains the ' character, the clickhtmlelement will fail as the single quote is a separator for the clickhtmlelement syntax. So you need to replace the ' by the \' string (with the \ character in front of the ', the ' is not anymore understood as the separator). Below are a couple of lines demonstrating how to replace: array$(i)="The O'Conors of Connacht and the O'Briens" 'Replace all the ' by \' array$(i)=replace$(array$(i), "'","\'") 'Use now in the clickhtmlelement the correct HTML descriptor ClickHtmlElement("A[INNERTEXT='"+array$(i)+"']") Example On WinTask Web site, we click the "Download your 30-day trial now!" link below the product picture: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") CloseBrowser() 65 ClickMouse Windows management function. The ClickMouse function simulates a mouse button click in the specified window. Usage ClickMouse should be used only if an object within the application cannot be clicked using Click function or SendKeys function (for sending accelerator keys or hot-keys). ClickMouse function is pixel related and dependant on screen resolution. Syntax ClickMouse(<Button>,<Action>,<x>,<y>[,absolute]) Parameters <Button>, mouse button used, the keywords are Left or Right (or Middle, but this keyword is not recorded in Recording mode). <Action> : Down, Up or Double for a double click. <x>,<y>, coordinates of the mouse click in pixels absolute : optional keyword ; the <x>,<y> coordinates are not against the upper-left corner of the window but against the upper-left hand of the screen (this option is added automatically when Recording in Low level mode). Remarks The mouse action is executed in the window specified by the last statement UseWindow. When a single click is recorded, two statements are generated : ClickMouse(left,down,X,Y) ClickMouse(left,up,X,Y) If no window were specified previously by a UseWindow statement, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped (unless #IgnoreErrors=1) Examples ClickMouse(Right, Down, 100, 200) ClickMouse(Left, Double, var_x, var_y) 66 ClickOnBitmap Windows management function. The ClickOnBitmap function simulates a click on the specified image (or near the specified image). Usage Mainly used to click icons which are images and not standard Windows icons. For example, a Cancel button is not a standard Cancel button as in any notepad dialog boxes, but a nice Cancel button with a cross. For such a button which is in fact a bitmap, use ClickOnBitmap function and its wizard for automatizing the click. Syntax ClickOnBitmap(<filename.BMP>,<button>,<action>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<height> ,<width>)[,<offset_x>,<offset_y>]] or ret=ClickOnBitmap(<filename.BMP>,<button>,<action>[,InArea(<x>,<y>,<hei ght>,<width>)[,<offset_x>,<offset_y>]] Parameters <filename.BMP>, the mouse click is executed using the image stored in the specified file (extension .BMP). During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, WinTask tries to find and click this image within the window specified by the last UseWindow statement. You must specify the UseWindow function just before the ClickOnBitmap. If the image is not found, no error is generated and the script continues. <Button>, mouse button used to click the image, the keywords are Left or Right. <Action> : single or double click. InArea : optional keyword to indicate that the image must be searched for only within the specified area. <x>,<y> : coordinates of the top-left corner of the area in which to look for the image. <height>,<width> : integers specifying the height and the width of the area in which to look for the image. <offset_x>,<offset_y>, optional parameters : coordinates of the click offset from the middle of the specified image. If these values are 0, the click occurs in the middle of the image. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0. Return code is 1 if the .BMP is not present on disk, 5 if the bitmap is in wrong color depth and 8 if the matching bitmap is not found on the screen. Error 22 means that the window where the bitmap has to be clicked is not there anymore at execution of ClickOnBitmap line. Script execution does NOT stop in case of an error while executing ClickOnBitmap. Remarks This function can be used when standard functions (such as ChooseItem) cannot click the proper item (non-standard Windows applications). Use the Insert/Statement menu and select ClickOnBitmap in order to automatically generate this statement. 67 Be aware that the generated .BMP file depends on how many colors have been configured in the video settings. See also Is there a new mail, this script example shows how to use ClickOnBitmap for testing if a bitmap is present or not. Example UseWindow(...) ClickOnBitmap("C:\save\image.bmp",Left,Single,-10,50) 68 ClickOnText Windows management function. The ClickOnText function simulates a click on the specified text or near the specified text. Syntax ClickOnText(<text>,<offset_x>,<offset_y>,<action>,<button>) or ret=ClickOnText(<text>,<offset_x>,<offset_y>,<action>,<button>) Parameters <text>, string (variable or constant) : the mouse click is made on that <text>. During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, WinTask tries to find this <text> in the window specified by the last statement UseWindow and clicks. Such a function UseWindow must be just before the ClickOnText. If the text is not found, no error is generated and the script continues. <offset_x>,<offset_y> : coordinates of the click offset from the middle of the specified text. If these values are 0, the click occurs in the middle of the text. These offsets allow you, for example, to click an icon just above the specified text. <Action> : single or double click. <Button>, mouse button used to click the text, the keywords are Left or Right. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the text is found, the function returns 0, otherwise this return code has a value different from 0 (1 if the text is not found). Remarks This function can be used when standard functions (ChooseItem,…) cannot click the proper icon (non-standard Windows applications). Use the Insert/Statement menu and select ClickOnText in order to automatically generate this statement. Script execution does NOT stop in case of an error while executing ClickOnText Examples UseWindow(...) ClickOnText("Demonstration",0,0,Single,Left) 69 ClickOnTextOCR Windows management and Capture function. The ClickOnTextOCR function clicks the specified text recognized by the OCR engine (or clicks near it). Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Sometimes, a text to click on is a "graphic" text and the only way to record/replay a click on it is either to use ClickOnBitmap function or ClickOnTextOCR function. ALWAYS use the ClickOnTextOCR wizard to generate the parameters for this function, it is the only way to check that the OCR engine will recognize correctly the specified text at replay. Syntax ClickOnTextOCR(<text>,<action>,<button>, InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>), <offset_x>,<offset_y> [,<language>]) or ret=ClickOnTextOCR(<text>,<action>,<button>, InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>), <offset_x>,<offset_y> [,<language>]) Parameters <text>, string (variable or constant) : the mouse click is made on that <text>. During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, the OCR engine captures the screen portion specified in InArea, converts the image in text and tries to find this <text> in the window specified by the last statement UseWindow and clicks. Such a function UseWindow must be just before the ClickOnTextOCR. If the text is not found by the OCR engine in the specified area, a return code of 8 is setup but no execution error is reported and the script continues. <Action>: single or double click. <Button>: mouse button used to click the text, the keywords are Left or Right or Middle. InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>): screen portion to capture and then where to look for the <text>. <offset_x>,<offset_y> : coordinates of the click offset from the middle of the specified text. If these values are 0, the click occurs in the middle of the text. These offsets allow you, for example, to click an icon just above the specified text. <language>, optional string specifying which language must be used by the OCR engine. If this parameter is not specified, the language used is the one defined in Regional settings. The WinTask OCR engine does not take into account this optional parameter, it uses the default Windows language as defined in Regional settings. Use ClickOnTextOCR wizard to generate the correct language string option. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the text is found, the function returns 0, otherwise this return code has a value different from 0 (1 if the text is not found). Remarks ClickOnTextOCR can use two different OCR engines, the default one is the WinTask OCR engine. If WinTask OCR engine is used, the click at replay is done in the middle of the rectangle specified in the ClickOnTextOCR function. If MODI 70 OCR engine is used, the click at replay is done on the exact word as specified in <text> parameter. You can force the use of MODI OCR engine by adding the line UseOCREngine(1) before the ClickOnTextOCR call (the ClickOnTextOCR wizard generates this line automatically). Of course, if the MODI OCR engine is not installed, script execution will return an error. ALWAYS use the ClickOnTextOCR wizard (Insert/Statement menu and select ClickOnTextOCR function) to generate the ClickOnTextOCR parameters, the wizard allows to check that the specified text will be correctly recognized by the OCR engine at replay. NEVER change manually the <text> parameter. In the wizard dialog box, click Capture. The mouse pointer changes shape ; draw a rectangle around the text WinTask must click on. Release the mouse. The captured bitmap transformed by the OCR engine is now in the "Text" field. If the results do not give a readable text, Capture a new area. The "Window" field is for information only. It displays the window name where the text must be captured. From the text as transformed by the OCR engine (field "Text"), copy a small correctly transformed part of the text and paste it in the field "From the text seen by OCR engine field, copy and paste below the text you want to click on:". Click Check button to check that at replay, the text that you have pasted in that field will be recognized correctly by the OCR engine. This Check process makes a mouse move on the text which will be recognized at replay. Click Paste into the script to paste the ClickOnTextOCR statement into the script. Examples 'A ClickOnTextOCT for clicking combination word in the sentence Automate any combination of tasks StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UseWindow( "IEXPLORE.EXE|Internet Explorer_Server|Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask",1 ) ClickOnTextOCR("combi", left, single, InArea(183, 386, 95, 22)) 'Using MODI OCR engine, those lines click the Download your 30-day trial now! button at the "your" word. StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UseOCREngine(1) UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|Internet Explorer_Server|Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask",1 ) ClickOnTextOCR("your", left, single, InArea(729, 563, 172, 18)) 71 ClickScrollBar and WinScrollBar Windows management function. The ClickScrollBar and WinScrollBar functions simulate the movement of a scroll bar. Syntax ClickScrollBar(<Scrollbar_name>,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) WinScrollBar(H or V,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) or Ret=ClickScrollBar(<Scrollbar_name>,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) Ret=WinScrollBar(H or V,<number>,LINE or PG or ABS) Parameters <Scrollbar_name>, string, ID of the scrollbar. During the time delay specified by #ActionTimeout, WinTask tries to find this scrollbar in the window specified by the last UseWindow statement and simulates a scroll. If the scrollbar is not found, an error is generated and the script is stopped. <number>, number of scrolls. If the next parameter is ABS, <number> is positive starting at 0, if the next parameter equals PG or LINE, <number> simulates relative scrolls and can be negative or positive. Use LINE for scrolling by lines, PG for scrolling by pages, and ABS for absolute positioning. H or V : keywords for Horizontal or Vertical scrolling. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Remarks If the scrollbar is a separate control within the last window specified by the most recent UseWindow, ClickScrollBar is used. If the scrollbar is part of the last window specified by the most recent UseWindow, WinScrollBar is used. Examples UseWindow("WINWORD.EXE|OpusMwd|SYNTAX.DOC",1) ClickScrollBar( "1", 1, Line) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled",1) WinScrollBar(V, -1, Line) 72 ClickSpin Windows management function. The ClickSpin function simulates a click on a spin control. Syntax ClickSpin(<spin_name>,<number>) or Ret=ClickSpin(<spin_name>,<number>) Parameters <spin_name>, string, name of the spin control. <number>, numeric, number of times WinTask must click on the spin arrow in order to decrement or increment the spin control. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example ClickSpin("spin1",-2) 73 CloseBrowser Web function. The CloseBrowser function closes the previous open instance of the browser. Usage CloseBrowser closes only the previous instance of the browser. To close all the browser windows, use KillApp("IEXPLORE.EXE",1) Syntax CloseBrowser() or Ret=CloseBrowser() Parameter None Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the browser has been closed correctly, the function returns 0. The return code is -1 if no browser has been opened with the StartBrowser function - use this return code for Error Handling. See also StartBrowser Example CloseBrowser() 74 CloseCom Com port management function. Function not available anymore since Windows XP. The CloseCom function closes the specified Com port. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Ret = CloseCom (<num_port>) Parameter <num_port>: Com port number to close (from 1 to 8, Com1 to Com8). Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified Com port has been closed correctly, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. See also OpenCom, WriteCom, ReadCom Example ret=CloseCom(1) ' Closes the serial port Com1. 75 CloseExcelCom File management function. The CloseExcelCom function closes the background Excel instance loaded by WriteExcel or ReadExcel. Usage If you need to automate directly the Excel interface after having used WriteExcel/ReadExcel functions, use CloseExcelCom function before using the Shell function to launch Excel. Syntax CloseExcelCom() or ret=CloseExcelCom() Parameters None Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the background Excel application has been closed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise the function returns -1. Example This script example captures the market indices on yahoo finances, writes them into Excel, opens the resulting Excel file and prints it. 'The 3 arrays for capturing the columns Dim tabcell_2$(100) Dim tabcell_1$(100) Dim tabcell_0$(100) StartBrowser("IE", "http://finance.yahoo.com") 'Capture the finances data and write them in c:\finance.xls UsePage("Yahoo! Finance - Get stock quotes, market news, mortgage rates & currency info.") ret = CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='Symbol']", "R1C1:R7C1", tabcell_0$()) ret = WriteExcel("c:\finance.xls", "Sheet1!A1:A7", tabcell_0$()) ret = CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='Symbol']", "R1C2:R7C2", tabcell_1$()) ret = WriteExcel("c:\finance.xls", "Sheet1!B1:B7", tabcell_1$()) ret = CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='Symbol']", "R1C3:R7C3", tabcell_2$()) ret = WriteExcel("c:\finance.xls", "Sheet1!C1:C7", tabcell_2$()) 'As Excel is launched after a WriteExcel, CloseExcelCom line is mandatory. CloseExcelCom() Shell(Chr$(34)+"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\EXCEL.EXE"+Chr$(34)+" c:\finance.xls",1) 'Print the Excel file - always use the keyboard shortcuts in Excel automation UseWindow("EXCEL.EXE|MsoCommandBar|Worksheet Menu Bar") SendKeys("<Alt F>") 76 pause 10 ticks SendKeys("P") UseWindow("EXCEL.EXE|bosa_sdm_XL9|Print",1) SendKeys("<Enter>") 77 CloseWindow Windows management function. The CloseWindow function closes the specified window. Usage Generally used to close an application or a dialog box. KillApp function is better to use if a Save dialog box is displayed when ending the application, and you do not want to save. Syntax CloseWindow(<window_name>[[,<instance>],forced|Immediate]) or ret=CloseWindow(<window_name>[[,<instance>],forced|Immediate]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to close. The window name can be truncated in order to close any window starting by the characters specified in <window_name> (see the truncation algorithm at window name help topic). <instance>,optional parameter, instance number of the window to close. forced or Immediate, optional keyword. If forced is used, if the window cannot be closed due to a still opened dialog box, the close is forced after 30 seconds. If Immediate is used, the close is made immediately. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also CloseWindowRegEx Examples CloseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled") CloseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled",1) CloseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled",1,forced) 78 CloseWindowRegEx Windows management function. The CloseWindowRegEx function closes the specified window, using Regular Expressions to specify the window title part of the window name. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used usually to close a child window within a parent one, when the window name of the child window changes from one execution to another. Syntax CloseWindowRegEx(<window_name> [[,<instance>], forced]) or ret=CloseWindowRegEx(<window_name> [[,<instance>], forced]) Parameters <window_name>, string. window name (see this topic) of the window to close. You can use the SPY tool to manually determine the caption of a window. During Recording mode they will be inserted automatically. The Regular expressions can be used to specify the title part of the window name, for example if in "NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|20.txt - Notepad" 20 is a day number which changes every day, CloseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|[0-9][0-9].* - Notepad") triggers on a window title whatever day number in it. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window. forced : optional keyword. If specified, the window is closed after 30 seconds even if a dialog box prompts for an answer. WinTask will try to close the window defined by CloseWindowRegEx for a period of time defined by the system variable #ActionTimeout. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the <window_name> has been found and can be closed, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks We describe below the most common cases for Regular Expressions: Charac Description Examples ter . Matches a single character a.r matches a0r, air, a£r,... * Repeats the previous character abc* matches ab, abc, abcc, abccc, ... zero or several times + Repeats the previous character abc+ matches abc, abcc, abccc, ... one or several times ? Makes the preceding character abc? matches ab or abc optional | Alternation, regular expression 200[6|7] matches 2006 or 2007 equivalent of OR [] Matches one out of several gr[ae]y matches gray, grey but not characters graey {n} Repeats n times the previous a{3} matches aaa character {n,m} Repeats the previous character a{2,4} matches aa, aaa, aaaa 79 between n and m times Matches one out of a range of several characters [ ^ - ] Excludes the range of several characters ^ Outside a [, matches at the start of the string $ Matches at the end of the string \chara A backslash escapes special ct. characters above their meaning [-] gr[0-9]y matches gr0y, gr1y, ... gr9y but not gr19y gr[^0-9]y matches gray, grby, grcy, ... grzy but not gr0y, gr1y,... gr9y ^begin matches begin, beginning, begin with end$ matches end, will end, at the end \+ matches + (and so the + sign does not have its special meaning) See also UseWindowRegEx Examples We list below the most common cases Single character Closes the notepad window whatever character is after Doc CloseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Doc. - Notepad|1") Triggers for any window Doca, Docb, ..., Doc0, Doc1, .... Single character in a list Closes the notepad window if, after Doc, the year is 2005, 2006 or 2007 CloseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc200[567] - Notepad|1") Triggers for any window Doc2005, Doc2006, or Doc2007 Single character NOT in a list Closes the notepad window if, after Doc, the year is NOT 2005, 2006 or 2007 CloseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc200[^567] - Notepad|1") Triggers for any window Doc2000, Doc2001, Doc2002, Doc2003, Doc2004, Doc2008, Doc2009 and Doc200a, Doc200b, ... Single character within a range Closes the notepad window if, after Doc, it can be any year in the 1990s CloseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc199[0-9] - Notepad|1") Triggers for any window Doc1990, Doc1991,..., Doc1999 80 Command$ Program flow control function. The Command$ function allows a calling script to use the parameters from the called script. Syntax var$=command$(<number>) Parameter <number>, numeric: the number of the parameter on the command line used to launch the script. Number 0 is the name of the script itself (including its path). So command$(0) will always return the full name of the running script. Parameters are strings separated by blanks. Return value var$ gives the <number> parameter on the command line used to launch the script. If the parameter <number> does not exist, an empty string is returned. See also Parameters passed from one script to another Example Script 1 Run("script2 param1 param2") Script 2 msgbox(command$(1)) ' displays param1 msgbox(command$(2)) 'displays param2 Example code Script 1 (calling.src) : Parm1$="Param1" Parm2$="Param2" Script_Path$="c:\taskware\scripts\" Program$=Script_Patht$+"called.rob "+Parm1$+" "+Parm2$ run(Program$) Script 2 (called.src) : Rem Displays the program name a$=command$(0) Message$="Program name : " + a$ msgbox(a$) Rem Displays the first parameter a$=command$(1) 81 Message$="Parameter 1 : " + a$ msgbox(a$) Rem Displays the second parameter a$=command$(2) Message$="Parameter 2 : " + a$ msgbox(a$) 82 Comment Logfile management function. The Comment function writes a comment to the log file. Not available in WinTask Lite. If you want to write a comment within a script in Editor, use the ' character in front of the text to comment (see WinTask Editor). Syntax Comment(<comment_text>) Parameter <comment_text>: string to write to the log file. Remarks You must have already opened a log file before writing comments; you can use the LogFile function or the TASKEDIT menu Configure|Run. To write a complex string in the log file, you can concatenate multiple strings using the + operator and you can use str$ function to transform an integer in a string. For example: Comment("The result for i index is: "+ str$(i)) Example Shell("notepad") UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled",1) SendKeys("Hello<Enter>") Comment("Hello was sent! ") 83 CopyLink Web function. The CopyLink function returns the link associated at the specified html element. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage It's the same usage as a right click on a link and then in the context menu, the selection of Copy shortcut option. Syntax ret=CopyLink(<html_descriptor> ,result$) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML element to look for its link. result$, string, returns the link. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified HTML element has been successfully found within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) Remarks CopyLink function returns the actual link which is behind a clickable link. It simulates a right click on the specified html element, and in the context menu takes the option Copy shortcut. Example On WinTask Web site, we click the Download your 30-day trial now! link below the product picture: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") CopyLink("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']",link$) msgbox(link$) 'link$ contains http://www.wintask.com/download-wintask.php CloseBrowser() 84 Create File management function. The Create function creates a file. Syntax Create(<filename>) or ret=Create(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it is deleted and recreated. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the file is created successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example var = Create("\\Server\C\my directory\my file.txt") 85 CreateExcelFile File management function. The CreateExcelFile function creates an Excel worksheet. Usage Mainly used to create an Excel file before you populate it using WriteExcel function. Syntax CreateExcelFile(<filename>) or ret=CreateExcelFile(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the Excel file to be created. If the file already exists, it is deleted and recreated. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the Excel file is created successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example var = CreateExcelFile("C:\my_Sheet_Excel.xls") 86 CreateUnicodeFile File management function. The CreateUnicodeFile function creates a file using Unicode encoding. Usage Used to force WinTask Write function to write in a new file using Unicode encoding. Syntax CreateUnicodeFile(<filename>) or ret=CreateUnicodeFile(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to be created. If the file already exists, it is deleted and recreated. The Byte-Order Mark (BOM) is written at the beginning of the empty file, this byte is then detected by Write function for writing data in this new file using Unicode encoding. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the file is created successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example var = CreateUnicodeFile("\\Server\C\my directory\my file.txt") 87 Curdir$ System function. The Curdir$ function returns the current working directory. Syntax var$=Curdir$() Return value var$, string containing the current working directory. See also ChDir Example directory$ = Curdir$() 'directory$ contains "c:\winword" if the current working directory is c:\ winword. 88 #CurrentLine System variable - Logfile management. The #CurrentLine system variable returns the current line number within the currently running script. Syntax var=#CurrentLine Return value var, integer, current line number within this script. Example var = #CurrentLine var$=str$(var) msgbox(var$) 89 CurrentPage$ Web function. The CurrentPage$ function returns the title of the current Web page. Usage Some Web sites have dynamic page titles (the title changes at each display), CurrentPage$ will retrieve the correct page title. Syntax page_title$=CurrentPage$() Return value page_title$, string. It gives the title of the current Web page as seen by WinTask processing Web pages. So a StartBrowser or a UsePage must be in the script before, or an empty string will be returned. Remarks CurrentPage$ returns the current Web page without any synchronization, so the page must have finished to load. Examples StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com",2) 'Note that StartBrowser makes the automatic synchronization and waits until the page is loaded. a$=currentpage$() msgbox(a$) Error sub-routine returning the non-expected page loaded after a link has been clicked and the page after that click is not the expected one: sub iferror() local page$ page$=currentpage$() 'page$ contains the page displayed just before the call to that function. msgbox(page$) usepage(page$) 'To come back to a known web page, we click Home in the error Sub ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Home']") endsub 'Use example on www.wintask.com startbrowser("ie","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") 'This clickhtmlelement loads a page which makes fail the next OCR synchronization. ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") ret = UseOCREngine(1) ret=0 Pause 30 until TextOCR("on the recording ") InWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|Internet Explorer_Server||1",1) PauseOK ret=1 PauseFalse 90 ret=0 EndPause if ret=0 then 'The pause OCR failed if ret=0, so we call the Error Sub to know which page title is currently displayed iferror() endif 91 CursorX, CursorY Windows management function. The CursorX, CursorY functions return the X or Y position of the Windows caret (text insert position). Syntax x=CursorX() y=CursorY() Return value x,y : numeric in pixels ; it gives the coordinates of the current text caret relative to the top-left corner of the window. If no caret is present or if no window is found, 0 is returned. Examples x=CursorX() y=CursorY() 92 Data types Four data types are available. Note that floating numerics (reals) are supported through strings (see Add$ Subtract$ Multiply$ and Divide$ to know how to deal with floating point numbers). Integers Integers are 32-bit numbers (between -2 147 483 648 and +2 147 483 647). An integer variable name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long. The first character must be a letter and the last one must NOT be the character $. The language is not case sensitive. Integer variables are initialized with the value 0. Examples : a=12 qwerty =3567 Strings A string variable name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long. The first character must be a letter and the last one MUST BE the character $. The language is not case sensitive. (see Add$ Subtract$ Multiply$ and Divide$ to know how to deal with floating point numbers) String variables are initialized with an empty string. Examples : a$="Hello" Name$="Here is a string variable name" Arrays Arrays are unidimensional and can contain up to 65,535 elements. There are two types of arrays : Array of integers Array of strings An array variable name can be up to 32 alphanumeric characters long. The first character must be a letter. The language is not case sensitive. A name for an array of strings must end with the character $. A name for an array of integers must not end with the character $. The array variables must be declared using the DIM function at the beginning of the script. (See Program Structure) The first element of an array starts at 0. Examples : Dim Tab(10) ' Definition of an array with 11 integers (0 to 10) Dim Tab$(20) ' Definition of an array with 21 strings (0 to 20) Tab(1)=3 Tab$(2)= "Hello" See also operators on arrays. Unsigned The type UNSIGNED is for unsigned 32-bit integers used for specifying a memory address (designed for API calls for example). An UNSIGNED variable must be declared using the statement DIM at the beginning of the script. (See Program Structure) Example : Dim Addr as Unsigned System Variables 93 Specific variables used by WinTask. Their name starts with the character # and their use is explained in this help system. 94 Date$ Date/Time function. The Date$ function returns the current date. Syntax date_day$=Date$([<format>]) Parameters <format>, numeric; either 0 (default value) or 1. Return value date_day$, date returned as a string in the short format (such as 09/07/08) if <format> equals 0, in the long format if <format> equals 1 (as Sunday, September 7, 2008). The returned date is as specified in the Windows regional settings. Example date_day$=Date$() 95 DateBetween Date/Time function. The DateBetween function returns the number of specified time intervals between two dates. Usage It can return the number of days between two dates, the number of weeks between today and the end of the year, ... Syntax val=DateBetween(<interval$>,<date1$>,<date2$>) Parameters <interval$>, string specifying the time interval you want to use as the unit of difference between <date1$> and <date2$>. <interval$> Unit of time difference value d Day w Weekday ww Week (number of weeks), same as w y Day of the year, same as d yyyy Year (number of years) q Quarter (number of quarters) m Month (number of months) h Hours (number of hours) n Minutes (number of minutes) s Seconds (number of seconds) <date1$>, string, first date value to use in the calculation. The date format must be the one as in Regional settings (05/01/2007 for 1st of May in US format, 01/05/2007 in European format). <date2$>, string, second date value to use in the calculation Return value Returns the number of time intervals as an integer. If one of the parameter is incorrect (invalid date for example) and if #IgnoreErrors=1, the function returns 0. A negative number is returned if <date2$> is before <date1$>. Remarks If the year is not included in <date$>, the current year is added automatically. If <interval$> is "w" and <date1$> is a Monday, the function returns the number of Mondays between <date1$> and <date2$> without taking the first Monday <date1$> (see second example). Examples val=DateBetween( "d","12/01/2007","12/31/2007") 'returns 30 val=DateBetween( "w","12/24/2007","12/30/2007") 'returns 0 as 24 December 2007 is a Monday ret=DateBetween("s","01/12/2007 07:05:00","01/12/2007 08:05:10") 'returns 70 for 70 secs between 7:05 and 8:05:10 96 DateToDate$ Date/Time function. The DateToDate$ function returns a new datetime value based on adding an interval to the specified date. Usage It can return a date at 30 days from today, a time at 1h45 from now, ... Syntax var$=DateToDate$(<interval$>,<number>,<date$>) Parameters <interval$>, string specifying the time interval you want to add to <date$>. <interval$> Unit of time difference value d Day w Weekday ww Week (number of weeks) y Day of the year yyyy Year (number of years) q Quarter (number of quarters) m Month (number of months) h Hours (number of hours) n Minutes (number of minutes) s Seconds (number of seconds) <number>, integer, number of interval you want to add. Can be positive, for dates in the future or negative, for dates in the past. <date$>, string, date to which <interval$> is added Return value Returns a string, the date to which the specified datetime interval has been added. Remarks The returned date always uses the Regional Settings date/time format. To add days to the specified date, "y", "d" or "w" give all the same result. Examples var$=DateToDate$( "d",30,"12/01/2007") 'returns 12/31/2007 var$=DateToDate$( "y",2,"12/30/2007") 'returns 12/30/2009 var$=DateToDate$( "d",30,date$()) 'returns the date 30 days after today var$=DateToDate$( "d",-30,date$()) 'returns the date 30 days before today 97 Day$ Date/Time function The Day$ function returns the day number of the current month as a string. Syntax dateday$=Day$() Return value dateday$, day number returned as a string; if the day is less then 10, a leading 0 is included. Example dateday$=Day$() 'for instance, dateday$ contains "09" 98 DbBof ODBC function. The DbBof function tests whether the read pointer is at the beginning of the dataset or not. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Ret = DbBof() Return value Ret, numeric return code. Ret equals 1 if the pointer is before the first record of the dataset, 0 if not. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. If DbBof=1 then ' no record in the selection. stop ' then stop the script. else ' if records are in selection, continue. 'other statements endif 99 DbClose ODBC function. The DbClose function closes the dataset created by the DbSelect function. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbClose() or Ret=DbClose() Return value Ret, numeric return code. Ret is set to 0 if the close was successful, 1 if not. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMoveLast() ' move to last record. total=DbRecordCount() ' count the number of records. MsgBox(str$(total)) ' display the record count. DbClose() ' close dataset Business 100 DbConnect ODBC function. The DbConnect function makes a connection to an ODBC database. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbConnect("DSN=<database_ODBC>") or ret=DbConnect("DSN=<database_ODBC>") Parameter <database_ODBC> : exact name of the ODBC database as declared in the ODBC (double check the configuration of this) . The icon from Contro Panel keyword DSN is mandatory as only ODBC databases can be accessed using WinTask. The database name can be followed by other parameters required to open it, such as userid and password. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified database has been opened successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Examples DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to an ODBC database called gpao DbConnect("DSN=SQLTEST ;UID=MICHEL ;PWD=ABC") ' connection to an ODBC database called SQLTEST for the user Michel using the password ABC. 101 #DbDateFormat System variable - ODBC. The #DbDateFormat system variable controls the format for displaying a Date field. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax #DbDateFormat=1 Remarks Default value is 0 meaning that Date fields are displayed in the Windows short format (as defined in Regional settings). If this variable is set to 1, Date fields are displayed in the Windows long format. 102 DbDisconnect ODBC function. The DbDisconnect function disconnects the last connected ODBC database. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbDisconnect() or ret=DbDisconnect() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the database has been disconnected successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbDisconnect() 103 DbEof ODBC function. The DbEof function tests whether the read pointer is at the end of the dataset or not. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Ret = DbEof() Return value Ret, numeric return code. Ret is set to 1 if the pointer is after the last record of the dataset, or if there are no records to read; otherwise, Ret is set to 0. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database named gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. While not DbEof() ' while there are still records to read Err=DbGetFieldString("CompanyNum",a$) ' a$ contains the field CompanyNum ; ' return code can be tested. MsgBox(a$) ' display the result. Err=DbMovenext() ' move to next record. Wend 104 DbExecute ODBC function. The DbExecute function executes a SQL command on the current dataset. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbExecute("<SQL_command>") or Ret = DbExecute("<SQL_command>") Parameter <SQL_command> : any valid SQL command to be executed on the current dataset. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the SQL command has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Examples DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database named gpao DbExecute("UPDATE Article SET Price=Price+100") ' updates the table Article DbDisconnect() DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database named gpao DbExecute("INSERT into Article (article,label) VALUES ('WinTaskDP','Development pack')") ' inserts new values in the table Article DbDisconnect() DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database named gpao DbExecute("DELETE from Article WHERE Price<50") ' deletes selected records in the table Article DbDisconnect() 105 DbGetFieldNumeric ODBC function. The DbGetFieldNumeric function retrieves the value of a numeric field (integer) within the current record for the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbGetFieldNumeric(<field_name>,<value>) or Ret=DbGetFieldNumeric(<field_name>,<value>) Parameters <field_name>, string, name of the field to retrieve. <value>, numeric, a variable which will contain the value of the field. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the retrieval has been done, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. #Ignorerrors=0 ' error management inside the script. While not DbEof() ' while there are still records to read. Err=DbGetFieldNumeric("Value",num) ' num contains the numeric value in field Value. If err<>0 then ' if an error occurs during retrieval. Goto gesterr ' call an error routine. endif msgbox(str$(num)) ' display the value of the field. DbMovenext() ' move to next record. Wend Example code 'Declare first in system configuration, ODBC databases, your target ODBC database 'in this script, we have called it DBASE sub display_enreg() 'It displays in one long string the retrieved fields. mes$="ID : "+str$(id) mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"SiteCode : "+sitecode$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"RequestNumber : "+requestnumber$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Notes : "+notes$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Address : "+address$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"City : "+city$ 106 mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"State : "+state$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Zip : "+zip$ msgbox(mes$,64,"Record "+str$(i+1))		 endsub '-----------------------------------------sub extract() nbenreg=DbRecordCount() 'get total records if nbenreg > 0 then msgbox(str$(nbenreg)+ " records(s) to process") DbMoveFirst() i=0 repeat DbGetFieldNumeric("ID",id) DbGetFieldString("SiteCode",sitecode$) DbGetFieldString("RequestNumber",requestnumber$) DbGetFieldString("Notes",notes$) DbGetFieldString("Address",address$) DbGetFieldString("City",city$) DbGetFieldString("State",state$) DbGetFieldString("Zip",zip$) display_enreg() DbMoveNext() i=i+1 until i=nbenreg else msgbox("No record to process") endif endsub '************************************ res=dbconnect("DSN=DBASE") res=dbselect("SELECT * FROM Table1",DYNASET) extract() 107 DbGetFieldString ODBC function. The DbGetFieldString function retrieves the contents of any non-numeric field within the current record for the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbGetFieldString(<field_name>,<string>) or Ret=DbGetFieldString(<field_name>,<string>) Parameters <field_name>, string, name of the field to retrieve. <string>, string, a variable which will contain the contents of the field. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the retrieval has been done, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. #IgnoreErrors=0 ' error management inside the script. While not DbEof() ' while there are still records to read. Err=DbGetFieldString("Value",val$) ' val$ will be set to the contents of the ' Value field (it is returned as a string). If err<>0 then ' if an error occurs during retrieval. Goto gesterr ' call an error routine. endif msgbox(val$) ' display the extracted field. DbMovenext() ' move to next record. Wend Example code 'Declare first in system configuration, ODBC databases, your target ODBC database 'in this script, we have called it DBASE sub display_enreg() 'It displays in one long string the retrieved fields. mes$="ID : "+str$(id) mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"SiteCode : "+sitecode$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"RequestNumber : "+requestnumber$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Notes : "+notes$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Address : "+address$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"City : "+city$ 108 mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"State : "+state$ mes$=mes$+"\n\"+"Zip : "+zip$ msgbox(mes$,64,"Record "+str$(i+1))		 endsub '-----------------------------------------sub extract() nbenreg=DbRecordCount() 'get total records if nbenreg > 0 then msgbox(str$(nbenreg)+ " records(s) to process") DbMoveFirst() i=0 repeat DbGetFieldNumeric("ID",id) DbGetFieldString("SiteCode",sitecode$) DbGetFieldString("RequestNumber",requestnumber$) DbGetFieldString("Notes",notes$) DbGetFieldString("Address",address$) DbGetFieldString("City",city$) DbGetFieldString("State",state$) DbGetFieldString("Zip",zip$) display_enreg() DbMoveNext() i=i+1 until i=nbenreg else msgbox("No record to process") endif endsub '************************************ res=dbconnect("DSN=DBASE") res=dbselect("SELECT * FROM Table1",DYNASET) extract() 109 DbMove ODBC function. The DbMove function moves the read pointer to the specified record for the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbMove(<pos>) or Ret=DbMove(<pos>) Parameter <pos>, mumeric, indicates how many records the read pointer must move to get to the desired record. A positive value moves the pointer toward the end of the dataset, a negative value moves the pointer toward the beginning of the dataset. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the move has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMove(5) ' move read pointer to the 5th record. 110 DbMoveFirst ODBC function. The DbMoveFirst function moves the read pointer to the first record of the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbMoveFirst() or Ret=DbMoveFirst() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the move has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMoveFirst() ' move read pointer to the first record. 111 DbMoveLast ODBC function. The DbMoveLast function moves the read pointer to the last record of the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbMoveLast() or Ret=DbMoveLast() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the move has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMoveLast() ' move read pointer to the last record. 112 DbMoveNext ODBC function. The DbMoveNext function moves the read pointer to the next record of the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbMoveNext() or Ret=DbMoveNext() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the move has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMoveNext() ' move read pointer to the next record, (the 2nd record). 113 DbMovePrev ODBC function. The DbMovePrev function moves the read pointer to the previous record of the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbMovePrev() or Ret=DbMovePrev() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the move has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. DbMoveLast() ' move read pointer to the last record. DbMovePrev() ' move read pointer to the next to last record. 114 DbRecordCount ODBC function. The DbRecordCount function returns the number of records in the dataset in use. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax num=DbRecordCount() Return value Num, number of records. Example DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. counter=DbRecordCount() ' count the number of records present in dataset. msgbox(str$(counter)) 'display result 115 DbSelect ODBC function. The DbSelect function creates the dataset by selecting the desired records in the ODBC database. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DbSelect(<SQL_selection>[,DYNASET|SNAPSHOT]) or Ret=DbSelect(<SQL_selection>[,DYNASET|SNAPSHOT]) Parameters <SQL_selection>, string, SQL request which specifies the records to select in the ODBC database previously connected using the DbConnect function. In case <SQL_selection> is a complex one, it is recommended to create it as a string, to display it for checking using msgbox statement, and then to use it in DbSelect statement - see the example below. DYNASET or SNAPSHOT, optional keywords. It specifies how the database must be read, SNAPSHOT (default value) for ODBC static mode, DYNASET for ODBC dynamic mode. If your ODBC driver displays error messages, try to add the DYNASET keyword. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the selection has been performed successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Remarks The selection is a Unicode string, so instead of such a selection: sql$ = "select 'XYZ' as typeref" use: sql$ = "select Cast('XYZ' as nvarchar) as typeref" Examples DbConnect("DSN=gpao;PWD=SILOG") ' connection to ODBC database called gpao DbSelect("SELECT * FROM Business",DYNASET) ' select all records in table Business. With a complex SQL syntax : DbConnect("DSN=gpao;USER=SILOG") my_request$="SELECT CodeArticle.ARTICLE,Designation1.ARTICLE FROM LCTC,ARTICLE WHERE CodeRubrique.LCTC=CodeArticle.ARTICLE AND CodeLancement.LCTC='10000' AND TypeRubrique.LCTC='A'" msgbox(my_request$) lct$="10000" my_request1$="SELECT CodeArticle.ARTICLE,Designation1.ARTICLE FROM LCTC,ARTICLE WHERE CodeRubrique.LCTC=CodeArticle.ARTICLE AND CodeLancement.LCTC= '"+lct$+"' AND TypeRubrique.LCTC='A'" msgbox(my_request1$) DbSelect("SELECT CodeArticle.ARTICLE,Designation1.ARTICLE FROM LCTC,ARTICLE WHERE CodeRubrique.LCTC=CodeArticle.ARTICLE AND CodeLancement.LCTC='10000' AND TypeRubrique.LCTC='A'",DYNASET) 116 117 #DecimalSeparator$ System variable - Floating point calculation functions. The #DecimalSeparator$ system variable specifies the decimal separator character used for floating point numbers. Syntax #DecimalSeparator$ = "<separator_string>" Remarks If this system variable is not specified, the decimal symbol specified in the Windows Regional Settings is used. Example #DecimalSeparator$ = "." 118 DeleteRegKey System function. The DeleteRegKey function deletes the specified key in the Registry. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DeleteRegKey(<path>) or ret=DeleteRegKey(<path>) Parameter <path>, string, path for the key to delete in the Registry (it's the path for the key to be deleted, not the key itself). Return value Ret, numeric return code. If deletion is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example res=DeleteRegKey("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Taskware\WinTask 1.0\TASKEDIT\Recent File List") 119 DeleteRegValue System function. The DeleteRegValue function deletes the specified value in the Registry. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax DeleteRegValue(<path>) or ret=DeleteRegValue(<path>) Parameter <path>, string, path for the value to delete in the Registry (it's the path for the value to be deleted, not the value itself). Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the deletion is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example res=DeleteRegValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Taskware\WinTask 1.0\TaskEdit\Recent File list\File1") 120 DelTree System function. The DelTree function deletes all the files and sub-directories below the specified directory. Syntax DelTree(<directory_name>) or ret=DelTree(<directory_name>) Parameters <directory_name>, string, name of the directory under which all files and subdirectories have to be deleted. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the deletion is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks Use RmDir function to delete the directory name itself after having deleted its files and sub-directories using DelTree. The function works as the old DelTree Dos function under Windows 98, so note that if the specified directory does not exist, no error is reported. See also RmDir Examples DelTree("c:\bmp") RmDir("c:\bmp") DelTree(direct$) RmDir(direct$) 121 Dim Compilation The Dim keyword is used to declare arrays or Unsigned integers at the beginning of a script. Syntax Dim tab_integ(<size>) or Dim tab_string$(<size>) or Dim unsigned_int As Unsigned Parameters <size>, numeric, size of the array starting at 0. Arrays are limited to one dimension and 65535 elements. Remarks Array variables MUST BE DECLARED AT THE VERY BEGINNING OF THE SCRIPT before being used. Functions/Subs declaration must be written after arrays declaration. If Included scripts are used, the structure of the full long script with the inclusions must follow the same order, first arrays, second functions/subs, third main program. See also Program Structure Data types Example dim my_array$(5) 'declares an array with 6 string elements. my_array$(1)="test" my_array$(2)="hello" msgbox("1="+my_array$(1)) msgbox ("2="+my_array$(2)) dim my_array(100) 'declares an array with 100 integer elements (first element is my_array(0)). dim my_pointer as unsigned 122 Dir System function. The Dir function puts file names from a directory into arrays. Usage In an automation task, you often have to repeat the same actions for all the files within a directory, or for all the files with a specific extension. Dir function gives the needed list of files to process. We recommend to use DirTree instead of Dir. Syntax Dir(<file_spec$>,tab1$(),tab2$(),tab3$(),"options") or ret=Dir(<file_spec$>,tab1$(),tab2$(),tab3$(),"options") Parameters <file_spec$>: string such as "c:\mydir\*.txt" or "\\serv\home\dir 1\as??.*", list of files to put in a array. If the path is omitted, the search is performed in the current directory. If option "R" is specified, the files are searched in the current directory and all its subdirectories. Tab1$(), tab2$(), tab3$() are result arrays. They must have been declared at the beginning of the script with the DIM statement. Tab1$() returns the long file names of the files found (including hidden or system files), without their paths. Tab2$() returns the short file names (DOS 8.3 format) of the files found with their paths. Tab3$() returns the attributes of the files found: D directory R read only H hidden A archive S system "options" is a string, modifying the search and sort order of the arrays. It may contain one or more of the following letters: N sort by name S sort by size E sort by type (extension) D sort by date G put directories first R include subdirectories A sort by last access date (this is different from last modification date) Ex : if option = "AN", the list will be sorted by last access date. For identical access dates, files will be sorted by name. Return value ret, integer, number of files found. If no items are found, 0 is returned. If an error is detected in an argument (for instance, an invalid path), a return code of 1 is returned; unless #IgnoreErrors=1, all the scripts are stopped. Remarks If file_spec$ ends with "*.*", the first 2 items in the arrays tab1$() and tab2$() 123 will be "." and ".." as in a DOS DIR command listing. In tab3$, they will appear with the "D" attribute (directory). If Dir() is used with the R option, file names appear in the specified order, without regard to the directory in which they are found. If the R option is used in a search for "*.*", tab1$() and tab2$() will contain "." and ".." several times (see above). See also DirTree FileAttr$ Example Dim tab1$(100) Dim tab2$(100) Dim tab3$(100) spec$="*.lst" 'Returns all the *.LST filenames within the current directory and its subdirectories. num=dir(spec$,tab1$(),tab2$(),tab3$(),"R") if num=0 then stop endif i=0 repeat msgbox(tab1$(i)) i=i+1 until i>=num 124 DirTree System function. The DirTree function puts file names and directory names into arrays. Usage In an automation task, you often have to repeat the same actions for all the files within a directory, or for all the files with a specific extension. DirTree function gives the needed list of files to process. Look at a script example Process and Rename all the files with a specific extension. Syntax DirTree(<file_spec$>,tablongname$(),tabshortname$(),tabpath$(),tabattrib$()," options") or ret=DirTree(<file_spec$>,tablongname$(),tabshortname$(),tabpath$(),tabattrib $(),"options") Parameters <file_spec$>: string such as "c:\mydir\*.txt" or "\\serv\home\dir 1\as??.*", list of files to put in a array. If the path is omitted, the search is performed in the current directory. If option "R" is specified, the files are searched in the current directory and all its subdirectories. Tablongname$(), tabshortname$(), tabpath$(), tabattrib$() are result arrays. They must have been declared at the beginning of the script with the DIM statement. Tablongname$() returns the long file names of the files found (including hidden or system files), without their paths. Tabshortname$() returns the short file names (DOS 8.3 format) of the files found without their paths. Tabpath$() returns the path (without the \ at the end) of the files found. Tabattrib$() returns the attributes of the files found: R read only H hidden A archive S system "options" is a string, modifying the search and sort order of the arrays. It may contain one or more of the following letters: N sort by name S sort by size E sort by type (extension) D sort by date R include subdirectories A sort by last access date (this is different from last modification date) Ex : if option = "AN", the list will be sorted by last access date. For identical access dates, files will be sorted by name. Return value ret, integer, number of files found. If no items are found, 0 is returned. If an error is detected in an argument (for instance, an invalid path), a return code of 1 is returned ; unless #IgnoreErrors=1, all the scripts are stopped. 125 See also Dir FileAttr$ Process and Rename all the files with a specific extension Example With such a tree : ivodbc header odbcinst.h sql.h sqlext.h sqltypes.h sqlucode.h jdbcodbc brdgread.me jsjob.exe msjob.exe oleodbc msdadll.exe msdahelp.exe msdainst.bat regsvr32.exe translat libmain.c readme.trn translat.c winnt.mak ivsetup.inf prodlist.ini qprofile.dll read.me uninst.isu Statement ret=Dirtree("c:\ivodbc\*.*",tablong$(),tabshort$(),tabpath$(),tabattrib$()," GR") returns 25 and arrays have contents as below : tablong$() header jdbcodbc oleodbc translat ivsetup.inf prodlist.ini qprofile.dll read.me uninst.isu odbcinst.h ........ 126 tabshort$() header jdbcodbc oleodbc translat ivsetup.inf prodlist.ini qprofile.dll read.me uninst.isu odbcinst.h tabpath$() c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc c:\ivodbc tabattrib$() D D D D A A A A A A Disable Synchronization function. The Disable function disables the management of a specified event. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Disable(<Action_Id>) or Disable() Parameter <Action_Id>, event to be disabled. This event is taken out of the list of events that WinTask manages. Disable(): when no parameters are specified, all events are disabled. Remarks The compiler checks if <Id_action> has been defined. The Disable function can only be used in the script after the event has been activated. The Disable function can be inserted in the procedure managing the <Id_action>; the event is then taken out of the list of events to be managed and execution continues. See also OnAction, Sleep Example code This example shows how an event can be disabled using the Disable command; the event is defined by the OnAction command, this event is the selection of the option Close in the Explorer menu. Sub close() Disable(wait_for_close_menu) res=msgbox("Would you like to close the message box? ",4,"EXAMPLE") if res=6 then ' if res=6 WinTask closes Explorer and stops the script CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) stop endif Enable(wait_for_close_menu) EndSub OnAction wait_for_close_menu _Menu("File|&Close") _InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) _DoSub close EndAction shell("explorer") ' Definition of the event, each time the user selects the option Close in the Explorer menu File, 127 ' the script runs the procedure close(). sleep() 'leaves the management of the random events active. 128 DiskFree System function. The DiskFree function returns the available space on the specified resource. Syntax var=DiskFree(<resource_name>) Parameter <resource_name>, string constant or variable. It's a disk letter (it can't be a UNC path). Return value var, numeric, available space (in Kbytes) on the resource; 0 if <resource_name> is not found or if there is no more space on the disk. If the disk does not exist, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped if #IgnoreErrors=0 (value by default). If #IgnoreErrors=1, the returned value is at 0 when an error is detected at execution. Example var = DiskFree("F:") 'returns the available space on the disk F 129 Divide$ Floating point calculation function. The Divide$ function divides two strings representing floating point numbers. Usage As only integers are supported numbers in WinTask, calculation on floating point numbers is done using their string representation. Syntax res$=Divide$(a$,b$[,rc]) Parameters a$, b$ are the strings representing the two floating numbers to be divided. rc, optional numeric return code. Values are : 0 if the division is successful 1 invalid operation because the parameters are incorrect (for instance, the string can't be considered a number) 2 if operation causes and overflow 3 if division by zero is attempted Return value res$, string representing a$/b$. Examples Divide$("13.56","145.789") 'gives "0.09" Divide$("-45.678","34.8976") 'gives "-1.31" #Precision=3 Divide$("567.34257","45.343") 'gives "12.512" 130 Enable Synchronization function. The Enable function reactivates the management of a specified event. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Enable(<Id_action>) Parameter <Id-action>, event to be reactivated. See also OnAction, Sleep, Disable Example code This example shows how an event can be enabled using the Enable command; the event is defined by the OnAction command, this event is the selection of the option Close in the Explorer menu. Sub close() Disable(wait_for_close_menu) res=msgbox("Would you like to close the message box? ",4,"EXAMPLE") if res=6 then ' if res=6 WinTask closes Explorer and stops the script CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) stop endif Enable(wait_for_close_menu) EndSub OnAction wait_for_close_menu Menu("File|&Close") InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) DoSub close EndAction shell("explorer") ' Definition of the event, each time the user selects the option Close in the Explorer menu File, ' the script runs the procedure close(). sleep() 'leaves the management of the random events active.'leaves the management of the random events active. 131 EnabledW Windows management function. The EnabledW function verifies that the specified window is enabled and can receive actions. Syntax ret=EnabledW(<window_name> [,<instance>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to check. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window to check. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the specified window is enabled, the function returns 1 ; if the window cannot receive any mouse/keyboard actions, the function returns 0. Remarks This statement can be used to test if a button is grayed or not. Buttons within a toolbar cannot be tested with EnabledW function because the only window seen by WinTask is the Toolbar window : the second script example listed below shows how to test if a button in a toolbar is active or not. This statement can be used for testing if a window is active when you receive the error message Unable to activate window (see the first example below). EnabledW does not include a synchronization mechanism, so you have to wait that the window <window_name> is really displayed before running the EnabledW. See also CheckedW for interaction with EnabledW in case of a check box or a radio button. Example code This example tests a button status in the window Display properties of the Control panel. Function Button_test(win$,name$) ret=ExistW(win$) if ret=0 then msgbox("There is no button "+name$,16,"") stop else ret=EnabledW(win$) if ret=0 then msg$="Disabled" else msg$="Enabled" endif endif 132 Msgframe("The button "+name$+" is "+msg$,1,0,0,12,255) pause 4 removeframe(1) EndFunction Shell("Control") pause 2 UseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|SHELLDLL_DefView|Control Panel|1",1) ChooseItem(ListView,"1","Display",double) UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Display Properties",1) button_win$="RUNDLL32.EXE|Button|&Apply" button_name$="Apply" Button_test(button_win$,button_name$) 'Change button status UseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Background",1) sendkeys("<Down>") Button_test(button_win$,button_name$) CloseWindow("RUNDLL32.EXE|#32770|Display Properties",1) CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|CabinetWClass|Control Panel",1) This second example shows how to test if a button in a Toolbar is active or not, without clicking this button. 'Function testing if the bitmap specified in file_bmp$ is found within the window win$. 'after timeout seconds, if file_bmp$ is not found, the function returns 0. 'file_bmp$ contains the bitmap file for the button to be checked, when this one is active ; 'use Capturebitmap to create this file Function is_control_enable(file_bmp$,win$,timeout) local buffer,res buffer=#Pausetimeout #Pausetimeout=Timeout res=0 Pause until bitmap(file_bmp$) inWindow(win$) PauseOK res=1 PauseFalse res=0 EndPause 133 #Pausetimeout=buffer is_control_enable=res EndFunction 'Main program on a specific window toolbar result=is_control_enable("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\button_toolbar.bmp","KODAKIMG.EXE|ToolbarWindow32|Imag ing",10) msgbox(result) 134 Encrypt String management function The Encrypt function encrypts the specified string (not available in WinTask Lite). Syntax Encrypt(<Source_string>,<Encrypted_string>) or ret=Encrypt(<Source_string>,<Encrypted_string>) Parameters <Source_string>, string, constant or variable. String to be encrypted. <Encrypted_string>, string, variable only. Result of the encryption. ret, optional numeric return code. The return code is 0 if the encryption has been done successfully, 1 if not. If #IgnoreErrors=0, and the encryption could not be done, the script execution stops and an error message is returned. Example a$=InputBoxSecret$("Enter your password:") Encrypt(a$,encr$) msgbox("Your encrypted password is: "+encr$) 135 End Program flow control function. The End function stops the currently running script. Syntax End[(<retcode>)] Parameters <retcode>: optional return code which can be tested by the calling script in the case of nested scripts. If no return code is specified, 0 is returned. See also Stop Parameters passed from one script to another Examples End(2) End For a full example, see the Run function. 136 EnumXMLAttributes File management function. The EnumXMLAttributes function retrieves the attribute names and attribute values for the specified XML node. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax EnumXMLAttributes(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name_array>,<value_a rray>) or ret=EnumXMLAttributes(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name_array>,<val ue_array>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the XML file where to add/modify the attribute. <XML_path>, string, list of node descriptors separated by the \ character to go where the attribute is. The string is not case-sensitive.The structure of such a path is: tagname[attributename1='value'] The tagnames are strings without double quotes, they cannot contain spaces or reserved characters. The attribute names are strings without double quotes, OR it can be the reserved keyword <text> or the reserved keyword <index>. <text> is used to specify the node inner text, <index> is used to specify the node index (first one starts at 1) when more nodes with the same tag and attributes exist within the same parent. Several attributes can be listed with the syntax tagname[attributename1='value1', attributename2='value2'] Examples: If the XML file contains: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-110"> the <XML_path> can be "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']" <attribute_name_array>, array of strings. The content of the cells beginning with element 0 returns each attribute name under the specified XML node. <value_array>, array of strings. The content of the cells beginning with element 0 returns the value for the corresponding attribute. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the function is successfully executed, ret returns the number of attributes for the specified XML path, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The error codes are : -27 The XML file could not be opened -90 Internal error (COM error when invoking XML COM) -99 Invalid parameters -110 Invalid XML path -112 Index too big See also 137 AppendXMLNode GetXMLAttribute EnumXMLChildren SetXMLAttribute Example XML file: <bookstore> <book category="COOKING"> <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title> <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author> <year>2005</year> <price>30.00</price> </book> <book category="CHILDREN"> <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title> <author>J K. Rowling</author> <year>2005</year> <price>29.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</title> <author>James McGovern</author> <author>Per Bothner</author> <author>Kurt Cagle</author> <author>James Linn</author> <author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author> <year>2003</year> <price>49.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">Learning XML</title> <author>Erik T. Ray</author> <year>2003</year> <price>39.95</price> </book> </bookstore> dim children$(100) dim name$(100) dim value$(100) file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" ret = EnumXMLAttributes(file$, "bookstore\book[<index>=2]", name$(), value$()) 'ret returns the number of attributes under bookstore\book\[<index>=2] XML node msgbox(ret) ' Displays the first attribute name and its value msgbox(name$(0) + "=" + value$(0)) 138 EnumXMLChildren File management function. The EnumXMLChildren function enumerates the child node descriptors for the specified XML node. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax EnumXMLChildren(<filename>,<XML_path>,<child_node_array>) or ret=EnumXMLChildren(<filename>,<XML_path>,<child_node_array>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the XML file where to add/modify the attribute. <XML_path>, string, list of node descriptors separated by the \ character to go where the attribute is. The string is not case-sensitive.The structure of such a path is: tagname[attributename1='value'] The tagnames are strings without double quotes, they cannot contain spaces or reserved characters. The attribute names are strings without double quotes, OR it can be the reserved keyword <text> or the reserved keyword <index>. <text> is used to specify the node inner text, <index> is used to specify the node index (first one starts at 1) when more nodes with the same tag and attributes exist within the same parent. Several attributes can be listed with the syntax tagname[attributename1='value1', attributename2='value2'] Examples: If the XML file contains: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-110"> the <XML_path> can be "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']" <child_node_array>, array of strings. The content of the cells beginning with element 0 returns each child node under the specified XML node. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the attribute value is successfully inserted in the XML file, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The error codes are : 27 The XML file could not be opened 90 Internal error (COM error when invoking XML COM) 99 Invalid parameters 110 Invalid XML path 112 Index too big See also AppendXMLNode GetXMLAttribute SetXMLAttribute EnumXMLAttributes Example 139 XML file: <bookstore> <book category="COOKING"> <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title> <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author> <year>2005</year> <price>30.00</price> </book> <book category="CHILDREN"> <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title> <author>J K. Rowling</author> <year>2005</year> <price>29.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</title> <author>James McGovern</author> <author>Per Bothner</author> <author>Kurt Cagle</author> <author>James Linn</author> <author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author> <year>2003</year> <price>49.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">Learning XML</title> <author>Erik T. Ray</author> <year>2003</year> <price>39.95</price> </book> </bookstore> dim children$(100) dim name$(100) dim value$(100) file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" ret = EnumXMLAttributes(file$, "bookstore\book[<index>=2]", name$(), value$()) 'ret returns the number of attributes under bookstore\book\[<index>=2] XML node msgbox(ret) ' Displays the first attribute name and its value msgbox(name$(0) + "=" + value$(0)) 'children$(0) returns the first child node of bookstore\book[category='CHILDREN'] ret = enumxmlchildren(file$, "bookstore\book[category='children']", children$()) 'the array children$() can then be used to loop on each child node and retrieve their attribute values i=0 while i < ret getxmlattribute(file$, children$(i), "<text>", val$) msgbox(val$) i = i+1 wend On the same file, the script below returns the text titles for the books in category WEB: dim children$(100) file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" ret = enumxmlchildren(file$, "bookstore", children$()) 140 i=0 while i < ret getxmlattribute(file$, children$(i), "category", val$) if val$ = "WEB" then getxmlattribute(file$, children$(i)+"\title[lang='en']", "<text>", val$) msgbox(val$) endif i = i+1 wend 141 Envir$ System function. The Envir$ function returns the value of an environment variable. Syntax var$=Envir$(<var_name$>) Parameters <var_name$>, string, name of an environment variable. Return value var$, string, value of the specified environment variable. Remarks envir$ can retrieve any Windows environment variables, but for the variables defined by the SET command, the SET command must have been done by WinTask in the actual session (see script example below). Example var$ = Envir$("mydir") 'returns in var$ "c:\test" if the statement " SET mydir = c:\test " has been executed Example showing that envir$ can retrieve Windows environment variables plus only the variables which has been SET by the WinTask script : shell("cmd") var$="MYVARIABLE" 'The script sets up an environment variable usewindow("CMD.EXE|ConsoleWindowClass|") sendkeys("set "+var$+" = VALUE") sendkeys("<Enter>") pause 1 sendkeys("cls<Enter>") sendkeys("set "+var$) sendkeys("<Enter>") a$=capture$("CMD.EXE|ConsoleWindowClass|", 0, 1) pos1=instr(a$,var$+" = ") res$=mid$(a$,pos1,80) msgbox(res$,64,"Capture in the Dos box") 'As you can see var$ is present in SET environment 'var$ is empty a$=envir$(var$) msgbox(var$+" : "+a$,64,"Variable retrieved using envir$ statement") 'Username is correct 142 a$=envir$("username") msgbox("username : "+a$) sendkeys("exit<Enter>") pause 1 shell("cmd") usewindow("CMD.EXE|ConsoleWindowClass|") sendkeys("set "+var$) sendkeys("<Enter>") 'As you can see, Var$ is not anymore in set environment as it's a new Dos box but username is still present sendkeys("set username") sendkeys("<Enter>") 143 Eof File management function. The Eof function determines if the end of the specified file has been reached. Usage Eof is used in loop constructions to detect the end of the file which is processed. Syntax Eof(<filename>) or var=Eof(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to test. Return value var, numeric return code; if the end of the file has been reached, the return code is set to 1, otherwise 0. If <filename> is not open for reading or does not exist, 0 is returned (see statement Read). Example var = Eof("C:\my directory\my file.txt") 144 #ErrorCode System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #ErrorCode system variable gives the return code of the WinTask function that triggered the OnAction Error procedure. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage When a script is replayed with #IgnoreErrors=1, and if the script fails, the error code is not displayed. You can use #ErrorCode system variable to know the error code which explains why the script failed. Syntax msgbox(#ErrorCode) 145 #ErrorFunction$ System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #ErrorFunction$ system variable gives the WinTask sub or function name where the error triggering the OnAction Error procedure occurred. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage When a script is replayed with #IgnoreErrors=1, and if the script fails, the name of the function in error is not displayed. You can use #ErrorFunction$ system variable to know which function triggered the error. Syntax msgbox(#ErrorFunction$) 146 #ErrorLine$ System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #ErrorLine$ system variable indicates the script line where a timeout has occurred during the execution of a Pause Until ... EndPause statement. Syntax a$=#ErrorLine$ See statement Pause 147 #ErrorMsg$ System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #ErrorMsg$ system variable returns the WinTask error message for the error that triggered the OnAction Error procedure. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage When a script is replayed with #IgnoreErrors=1, and if the script fails, the error message is not displayed. You can use #ErrorMsg$ system variable to know the error message which explains why the script failed. Syntax msgbox(#ErrorMsg$) 148 #ErrorScript$ System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #ErrorScript$ system variable gives name of the script where the error trigerring the OnAction Error procedure occurred. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage When a script is replayed with #IgnoreErrors=1, and if the script fails, the script name is not displayed. You can use #ErrorScript$ system variable to know in which script the error occurred. Syntax msgbox(#ErrorScript$) Remarks If the executed script uses included scripts, #ErrorScript$ returns the name of the main script, not the name of the included script even if the OnAction Error triggered in this included script. 149 ExecExcelMacro System function. The ExecExcelMacro function executes an Excel macro in the specified Excel book. Usage Use ExecExcelMacro function to run a macro in Excel in just one line without opening Excel. The macro execution is done silently and the Excel file is saved. Syntax ExecExcelMacro (<workbook> ,<macro_name>,<timeout>) or ret=ExecExcelMacro (<workbook> ,<macro_name>,<timeout>) Parameters <workbook>, string, name of the Excel workbook to read from. It is a string which can be a constant or a variable. Long names and UNC names are accepted, such as \\Server\c\my_directory\my_file.xls. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in the current directory. <macro_name>, string, name of the macro to execute. At the end of the macro execution, the Excel workbook is automatically saved. If after <timeout> seconds, the macro has not finished its execution, an error is reported (if #IgnoreErrors=1, default value) . If <timeout> is set to 0, there is no limitation for execution duration. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the macro execution has ended successfully, the function returns 0. If the macro did not finish within the <timeout> the return code is set to -1 and you can use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is 2 if the specified Excel file does not exist. The return code is 107 if the specified macro does not exist in the workbook. Examples ExecExcelMacro("c:\my documents\my_excel_file.xls", "my_macro",0) ExecExcelMacro("c:\my documents\my_excel_file.xls", "PERSONAL.XLS!my_macro",30) excelfile$="c:\my documents\my_excel_file.xls" macro$="my_macro" ExecExcelMacro(excelfile$,macro$,10) 150 #ExecTimeout System variable - Program flow management. The #ExecTimeout system variable specifies the maximum number of seconds that WinTask will wait before killing the current script. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage If you need to run a script at regular interval whatever error is reported, #ExecTimeout used in conjunction with #ScriptAfterTimeout$ allow to rerun within a clean desktop whatever happened during previous execution. Syntax #ExecTimeout = n Remarks When n seconds have elapsed, if the script is not finished, the script is killed and the execution stopped. If the system variable #ScriptAfterTimeout$ is filled with a value, the script named in this variable is then launched. The use of this system variable along with #ScriptAfterTimeout$ allows to recreate a "clean" environment if the script fails for any reason and so you can rerun the same script exactly in the same state than if it was the first time; see below the example code. #ExecTimeout set to 0 means that there is no timeout. If #ExecTimeout is set to a value lower than the execution time so far, #ExecTimeout is forced to 0. See also #ScriptAfterTimeout$ Example #ExecTimeout = 20 Example code This script launches Notepad and the Web page www.wintask.com. After #ExecTimeout seconds (here at 10), the script is killed and the script killprocesses is launched. This last script kills the two processes Notepad and Iexplore, so the environment before launching the first script is restored. #ExecTimeout=10 #ScriptAfterTimeout$="killprocesses" Shell("notepad") StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|TravelBand|WinTask Download - Free Version 30 days Windows Internet Explorer|1",1) 151 ChooseItem(ToolBar, "|1", "Back", single, left ) pause 20 ' Script killprocesses------------------------------------------------KillApp("notepad.exe",1) killApp("iexplore.exe",1) This other example shows how to take a screenshot of the desktop after #ExecTimeout. 'If the script does not finish after 30 secs (#ExecTimeout), the execution is stopped 'and the script called AfterTimeout is executed (the file AfterTimeout.rob must exist). #ScriptAftertimeout$="AfterTimeout" #Exectimeout=30 #Actiontimeout=15 Shell("notepad") 'The window does not exist and so the script fails. UseWindow("toto") And the script called after this first script is killed has just one line: ret=Hardcopy("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.jpg",1,1) 152 #ExecuteDelay System variable - Windows management. The #ExecuteDelay system variable slows down a running script by inserting a wait for n ticks between every statement. Syntax #ExecuteDelay=val The default value is 0. A tick is around 1/100 second. See also #SendKeysDelay Example ' Delay 10 ticks between each statement #ExecuteDelay=10 153 Exist File management function. The Exist function checks for the existence of the specified file. Usage Before processing actions on a file, it is a good practise to test first if the file exists. You will not get an error if in some circumstances, the file does not exist. Syntax ret=Exist(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to test. If no path is included in <filename>, the current directory is searched. Return value ret, numeric return code; if the file exists, the return code is set to 1, otherwise 0. See also ExistDir Example a=Exist(WinDir$()+"\sol.exe"). If a=1 then ' if sol.exe exists in Windows directory, run it. shell("sol.exe") endif 154 ExistDir File management function. The ExistDir function checks for the existence of the specified directory. Syntax ret=ExistDir(<directoryname>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the directory to test. A path can be included in <directoryname>. Return value ret, numeric return code; if the directory exists, the return code is set to 1, otherwise 0. If the path specified in <directoryname> is not valid, return code is 0. If <directoryname> is in fact a filename, return code is 0. See also Exist Examples ret=ExistDir(WinDir$()) msgbox(ret) ret=ExistDir("C:\program files\wintas") msgbox(ret) 155 ExistHTMLElement Web function. The ExistHTMLElement function checks for the existence of the specified html element. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage For advanced users, it allows to check first if an HTML element is there before trying to use it. Syntax ret=ExistHTMLElement(<html_descriptor>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, identifier of the HTML element to check within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the html descriptor. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified HTML element is found, the function returns 1, if not it returns 0. If there is no previous UsePage or StartBrowser line, the function returns 0. Remarks ExistHTMLELement function does not check if a UsePage has been done before, or if the element to test has finished to load. So always write a UsePage before using ExistHTMLElement: the UsePage makes the automatic synchronization and so the line after the UsePage will be executed only when all the elements on the page are loaded. Example Check if the html element WinTask is on the first page of the WinTask website. StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ret=ExistHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'WinTask']") msgbox(ret) 'returns 1 The function is case sensitive for the HTML descriptor unless you use #IgnoreHTMLCase = 1 StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ret=ExistHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'winTask']") msgbox(ret) 'returns 0 but StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") #IgnoreHTMLCase=1 ret=ExistHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'winTask']") msgbox(ret) 'returns 1 156 157 ExistW Windows management function. The ExistW function checks for the existence of the specified window. Usage If a window appears only in some circumstances, you can test if it is there using ExistW function. For example, when you save a document, depending if the document already exists or not, you get or you do not get a window prompting to replace it. Syntax ret=ExistW(<window_name>[,<instance>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to test. <instance>, optional, instance number of the window. Return value ret, numeric return code ; if the window exists and is displayed, the return code is set to 1, otherwise 0. Remarks To know if a script (.rob) is running, use ExistW("TASKEXEC.EXE|TaskExec|my_script.rob",1) which returns 1 if the script's icon exists (this does not work if #HideIcon = 1). ExistW function used in conjunction with an If structure can be used for testing if a window appears during a task. ExistW never truncates the specified window name, so if you want to check the existence of a window which title changes at replay, truncate its window name. See also CheckedW for interaction with ExistW in case of a check box or a radio button. Examples a = ExistW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled") a = ExistW("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled",1) 'Click Yes button for replacing a document if it already exists Shell("notepad",1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("Hello") CloseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770|Notepad",1) Click(Button,"&Yes") UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|SHELLDLL_DefView|Save As|1",1) ChooseItem(ListView, "1", "test.txt", single, left ) 158 UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770|Save As",1) Click(Button,"&Save") If ExistW("NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770|Save As") = 1 then Click(Button,"&Yes") Endif ExistW function can be used to write a Function which waits for one window to appear OR a second window to appear: function wait_for_two_window(name1$,name2$, Timeout) 'The function returns 0 if none of the 2 specified window names have been found within timeout local ret, t repeat ret=existw(name1$) if ret=0 then ret=existw(name2$) if ret=0 then pause 1 t=t+1 else ret=2 endif endif until ret > 0 or t > timeout wait_for_two_window=ret EndFunction 'CALL example res=wait_for_two_window("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|","CALC.EXE|#32770|Calc", 10) msgbox(res) 159 ExitFunction Program flow control function. See Function...EndFunction 160 ExitSub Program flow control function. See Sub...EndSub 161 External$ System function. The External$ function calls a Windows DLL and returns a string. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax var$=External$(<DLL_name$>,<function_name$>[, <param1>[,<param2>, ...]]) Parameter <DLL_name$>, string, name of the Windows DLL. <function_name$>, string, name of the DLL function. <param1>, <param2>: optional parameters, type integer or unsigned or string. Return value var, return value, string type. Remarks In order to use External$, the calling convention for the exported function must be _stdcall and the function must return char*. External is more powerful as it does not have those limitations. Example code See External See a full script example at How to call API Windows functions 162 External System function. The External function calls an external DLL. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax var=External(<DLL_name$>,<function_name$>[, <param1>[,<param2>, ...]]) Parameter <DLL_name$>, string, name of the Windows DLL. <function_name$>, string, name of the DLL function. <param1>, <param2>: optional parameters, type integer or unsigned or string. If <paramx> is an output string, its maximum length is 1023 characters. If you need an output string longer, use External$. Return value var, return value, either a 32-bit integer or an address type UNSIGNED. See also How to call API Windows functions External$ In WinTask\Advanced_script_examples\Windows_API_Functions_Call folder, some scripts using External are listed. A WinTask customer has written many scripts using Windows API functions, you can view them at http://www.sqablogs.com/jstrazzere/WinTask Example code This example shows the use of the GetWindowsDirectory function to get the name of the directory where Windows is installed. wdir$=" " a=External("kernel32","GetWindowsDirectoryA",wdir$,145) msgbox(wdir$) This more complex example gives the name of the computer Dim compName as unsigned 'Space for the computer name string Dim bufferLen as unsigned 'Space for the length of the string 'Initialization compName = Allocate(255) bufferLen = Allocate(4) PokeInteger(bufferLen, 255, 4) 'Initialize the length of the buffer ' According to MSDN the second parameter of GetComputerName is a pointer to a dword, not a dword. 'BOOL GetComputerName( LPTSTR lpBuffer, // computer name ' LPDWORD lpnSize // size of name buffer); ret=External("kernel32.dll", "GetComputerNameA", compName, bufferLen) name$=PeekString$(compName) MsgBox(name$) 163 This more complex example gives the mouse position on the screen 'It calls the Windows API GetCursorPos 'External, structure, allocate, peekinteger, pokeinteger are used. 'When you call Windows API functions, data is often written in 'structures (memory areas). A structure can contain various data (integer, 'string, etc ...). The only way to access this data is to use the WinTask 'Peek... and Poke.. functions 'The Windows API GetCursorPos function gives the mouse cursor position. 'It requires as a parameter an address of a "point" structure. 'The structure is composed of 2 integers of 4 bytes each (LONG) 'with consecutive addresses. The first address contains the X coordinate. 'The second address contains the Y coordinate. 'Define memory address dim addx as unsigned dim addy as unsigned 'allocate memory starting at addx for the coordinates 'addx will contain the X coordinate addx=allocate(8) 'addy will contain the Y coordinate addy=addx+4 'Call the function in a loop repeat 'address for structure addx is a parameter for GetCursorPos a=External("user32.dll","GetCursorPos",addx) if a <>0 then 'Read 4 bytes from memory at address addx (x position) pos_x=PeekInteger(addx,4) 'Read 4 bytes from memory at address addy (y position) pos_y=PeekInteger(addy,4) 'Display result mes$="Cursor X is at : "+str$(pos_x)+"\n\Cursor Y is at : "+str$(pos_y) msgframe(mes$,1) pause 1 endif until i=100 'the function loops for 100 seconds 164 ExtractBetween$ String management function. The ExtractBetween$ function extracts a string between two strings. Usage Used to extract a string from a long captured string. You can capture data from a window or a web page using the Capture wizard (menu Start/Capture wizard) and take from the captured data only a part of it. Syntax var$=ExtractBetween$(<initial_string>,<start_string>,included|excluded,<end_s tring$>,included|excluded) Parameters <initial_string>, string from which extraction is done <start_string>, string where the extraction starts ; the extracted result includes the <start_string> if the keyword Included is specified, it excludes it if the keyword Excluded is specified. If <start_string> is an empty string ("") or is not found, the extraction starts from the beginning of <initial_string>. <end_string>, string where the extraction finishes ; the extracted result includes the <end_string> if the keyword Included is specified, it excludes it if the keyword Excluded is specified. If <end_string> is an empty string ("") or is not found, the extraction goes to the end of <initial_string>. Note that the extraction process is case sensitive. The extraction is done between the first occurrence of <start_string> and the first occurrence of <end_string>. If <start_string> and <end_string> are the same, the extracted result is the string between the first and the second occurrence of <start_string>. Return value var$ returns the extracted string. If the extraction is not successfull for any reason, var$ is empty (an empty string is ""). See also Extract name, directory and extension from a full filename Examples Initialstring$="Automate any combination of tasks, whether Web or Windows applications" Startstring$="any" Endstring$="Web" a$=ExtractBetween$(initialstring$,startstring$,included,endstring$,included) ' a$ contains : "any combination of tasks, whether Web" a$=ExtractBetween$(initialstring$,startstring$,included,endstring$,excluded) ' a$ contains : "any combination of tasks, whether" a$=ExtractBetween$(initialstring$,startstring$,excluded,endstring$,included) ' a$ contains : " combination of tasks, whether Web" 165 Initialstring$="Automate any combination of tasks, whether Web or Windows applications" Startstring$="" Endstring$="Web" a$=ExtractBetween$(initialstring$,startstring$,included,endstring$,included) ' a$ contains : "Automate any combination of tasks, whether Web" Initialstring$="Automate any combination of tasks, whether Web or Windows applications" Startstring$="any" Endstring$="nothing" a$=ExtractBetween$(initialstring$,startstring$,included,endstring$,included) ' a$ contains : "any combination of tasks, whether Web or Windows applications" ' Some examples at boundaries a$=ExtractBetween$("abc def ghi £test abc >test","£",included,"£test",included) ' a$ contains : "£test abc >test" a$=ExtractBetween$("abcabctt","abc",excluded,"abc",included) ' a$ contains : "abc" a$=ExtractBetween$("abcabctt","",excluded,"abc",excluded) ' a$ contains : "" (empty string) a$=ExtractBetween$("ttabcabc uu","abc",excluded,"",excluded) ' a$ contains : "abc uu" 166 ExtractLink Web function. The ExtractLink function returns all the links (HREF properties) of the child elements of the specified HTML element. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage A Web table often contains elements that you need to click in order to display and capture the details of each item in the table. As the elements displayed within the table are dynamic, you cannot know by advance the link name for each link to click. ExtractLink function returns each link name listed under the specified element and then you can use the link name as the argument for Navigate function and so navigate to the detailed page for each child element. Syntax ret=ExtractLink (<HTML_descriptor>, tablink$()) Parameters <HTML_descriptor>, string, HTML descriptor of the element from which all the links for its child elements are extracted. tablink$(), array of strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using Dim. The link (HREF property) for each child element is returned in this array, beginning with index 0. If the array is smaller than the range, only the number of links which fit in the array are written. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the extraction is successful, the function returns the number of links found, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -1 if the extraction could not be done. Remarks ExtractLink does not include any synchronization; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the element from which extract the links is ready. Use Spy tool to generate the HTML descriptor. See also CaptureTableHTML Example 'On a web page displaying a list of companies, 'we need to click each company name and capture some data on the detailed page of each company 'Declare the array for the capture process Dim contact$(10) 'Declare the array for ExtractLink function Dim link$(100) 'Start the website StartBrowser("IE","http://www.actuary.com/actuarial-recruiters/") UsePage("Actuarial Recruiters Directory from Actuary.com - Actuary 167 Recruiters and Actuarial Recruiters for Actuarial Jobs in Actuarial Directory") 'Extract all the links which are under the TABLE titled Directory of Actuarial Recruiters ret = ExtractLink("TABLE[CONTENT='Directory of Actuarial Recruiters']", link$()) 'display how many links have been found msgbox(ret) 'loop to navigate to each page listed in link$() array. i=0 repeat Navigate(link$(i)) UsePage("Actuarial Recruiter Directory Listing of Actuarial Careers, Inc.® from Actuary.com") 'On the new page, capture some data ret = CaptureTableHTML("TABLE[CONTENT='Contact:']", "R3C1:R3C1", contact$()) 'display them for a check. The data can be written to an Excel file. msgbox(contact$(0)) i=i+1 'We stop the loop at ret-1 because the last link retrieved by ExtractLink is the link 'Click here to see how to list your company (this link is part of the TABLE). until i=ret-1 CloseBrowser() 168 Error codes for File management functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask File management functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 90 99 110 111 112 Index too big when running WinTask Excel functions (the array is smaller than the number of cells) ColeDispatch Exception : Error returned by Excel when an invalid operation is attempted by WinTask Excel functions File empty File not found Path not found Too many files open Path empty Directory already exists File already exists Not enough memory File or path not found (TaskExec could not find if it's the file or the path which is not found) Incorrect disk Error in current directory Write protected Unable to copy files Unable to delete files Unable to name files Unable to move directory Unable to create directory Unable to delete directory Unable to change directory Unable to write (or save) Directory full Bad sector Error IO Violation error Disk full Unable to create file Unable to open file Unable to readi file Invalid file Unable to close file Invalid length Unable to change attributes Internal XML COM error Invalid parameters Invalid XML path Invalid XML attribute or XML attribute not found Index too big (return code only for the XML functions) 169 FileAttr$ File management function. The FileAttr$ function retrieves the attributes of the specified file name. Syntax var$=FileAttr$(<filename>) Parameters <filename>: string, file name or directory name of the object whose attributes will be retrieved. UNC names are accepted (such as "\\serv\home\dir 1\as3.txt"). Return value var$, string, contains the attributes of the object: N No attribute D directory R read only H hidden A archive S system Remarks If an error occurs at execution (object not found, ...), standard error management is used; if #IgnoreErrors=1, an empty string is returned in case of an error. See also DirTree Example filename$="c:\program files\wintask\logs\untitled1.log" attr$=FileAttr$(filename$) msgbox(attr$) 170 FileCopy File management function. The FileCopy function copies the specified source file to the specified target file. Usage Do not copy files using Drag and Drop in Explorer; drag and drop automation is not reliable as the way to display files in Explorer depends on Windows settings for each user. Use instead FileCopy function. Wildcards (* or ? characters) are allowed in the file names. Syntax FileCopy(<source_filename>,<target_filename> [,forced]) or ret=FileCopy(<source_filename>,<target_filename> [,forced]) Parameters <source_filename>, string, name of the file to copy. <target_filename>, string, name of the destination file. forced: optional keyword. It is used when a locked file must be replaced (for instance, a file can be locked because it is in use). In that case, it will be replaced at the next Windows restart. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the copy is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The function works like the DOS statement COPY. If you need a more complex COPY, use the Dos command xcopy with ShellWait function. Here is an example: shellwait("xcopy c:\*.* d:\save /S",1,1000) Examples Ret = FileCopy("c:\*.txt", "i:\text\*.txt") FileCopy(File1$, File2$) 171 FileDate$ File management function. The FileDate$ function returns the modification date of the specified file. Syntax var$=FileDate$(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file. Return value var$, string, modification date (format dd/mm/yyyy). If <filename> is empty or the file does not exist, an empty string is returned. To transform the date format in a US format (mm/dd/yyyy), see example code below. Example a$=FileDate$("myfile.txt") Example code Date$() returns a date with the format specified in Windows. Filedate$() returns the file creation date always with format dd/mm/yyyy. The two next functions transform from one format to the other '************************************************************ 'Conversion of file creation date to format mm/dd/yyyy 'ARGUMENT of this function is the name of the file function american_filedate_date$(file$) local da$, mon$, yea$, date_file$ date_file$=filedate$(file$) da$=left$(date_file$,2) mon$=mid$(date_file$,4,2) yea$=right$(date_file$,4) american_filedate_date$=mon$+"/"+da$+"/"+yea$ endfunction '------------------------------------------------------------------'Function which gives always the current date at format dd/mm/yyyy function european_date$() local da$, mon$, yea$, date_file$ da$=day$() mon$=month$() yea$=year$() european_date$=da$+"/"+mon$+"/"+yea$ endfunction 172 '------------------------------------------------------------------------'Example mes$="Current date at format dd/mm/yyyy is : "+european_date$() msgbox(mes$) create("c:\bidon.txt") mes$="File date created today at format mm/dd/yyyy is : "+american_filedate_date$("c:\bidon.txt") msgbox(mes$) 173 FileSize File management function. The FileSize function returns the size of the specified file. Syntax a=FileSize(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file. Return value a, numeric value, integer which gives the number of bytes. If the file name is empty or the file does not exist, -1 is returned. Example a=FileSize("myfile.txt") 174 FileTime$ File management function. The FileTime$ function returns the modification time of the specified file. Syntax var$=FileTime$(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file. Return value var$, string, modification time (format hh:mm:ss). If <filename> is empty or the file does not exist, an empty string is returned. Example a$=FileTime$("myfile.txt") 175 FileVersion$ File management function. The FileVersion$ function returns the version number of the specified file. Syntax var$=FileVersion$(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file. Return value var$, string, version number of the specified file. Using Windows interface, you can see the version of a file by right clicking it in Explorer, select Properties and take Version Tab - if the Version Tab is not available, FileVersion$ returns an empty string. If <filename> is empty or the file does not exist, an empty string is returned too. Example a$=FileVersion$("myfile.txt") 176 Error codes for Flow control functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask Flow control functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). Only the Shell or the Run function return such error codes. 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 DDE failure No association Access denied DLL not found Sharing violation Empty Shell name Empty Run name 177 Focus$ Windows management function. The Focus$ function returns the name of the window which has the input focus. Syntax window_name$=Focus$() Parameters None. Return value A string which gives the window name of the window which has the input focus. See also Top$ Example Shell("sysedit") 'wait until sysedit is loaded pause 3 'display the name of the window which has the focus windows_name$=Focus$() Msgbox("The command Focus$ returns : "+windows_name$) pause 1 'window commutation usewindow(top$()) sendkeys("<Ctrl <tab>>") pause 1 'display the name of the new window which has the focus windows_name$=Focus$() Msgbox("The command Focus$ returns : "+windows_name$) pause 1 'close sysedit CloseWindow(top$()) 178 Error codes for FTP functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask FTP functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). 9 80 550 553 12001 12002 12003 12004 12005 12006 12007 12008 12012 12013 12014 12015 12016 12017 12020 12021 12022 12023 12026 12028 12029 12030 12037 12038 12039 12040 12110 12111 12156 File or path does not exist The file already exists Requested action not taken. File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access) Requested action not taken. File name not allowed No more handles could be generated at this time The request has timed out An extended error was returned from the server An internal error has occurred The URL is invalid The URL scheme could not be recognized or is not supported The server name could not be resolved The requested protocol could not be located Internet function support is being shut down or unloaded The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied user name is incorrect The request to connect and log on to an FTP server could not be completed because the supplied password is incorrect The request to connect to and log on to an FTP server failed The requested operation is invalid The operation was canceled The request cannot be made via a proxy A required registry value could not be located A required registry value was located but is an incorrect type or has an invalid value Direct network access cannot be made at this time The required operation could not be completed because one or more requests are pending The requested item could not be located The attempt to connect to the server failed The connection with the server has been terminated SSL certificate date that was received from the server is bad. The certificate is expired SSL certificate common name (host name field) is incorrect The application is moving from a non-SSL to an SSL connection because of a redirect The application is moving from an SSL to an non-SSL connection because of a redirect The requested operation cannot be made on the FTP session handle because an operation is already in progress The FTP operation was not completed because the session was aborted The redirection failed because either the scheme changed (for example, HTTP to FTP) or all attempts made to redirect failed (default is five attempts) 179 FTPChDir FTP function. The FTPChDir function specifies the new FTP current folder. Syntax FTPChDir(<target_folder>) or ret=FTPChDir(<target_folder>) Parameter <target_folder> : string, name of the new current folder in use on the already connected FTP server. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the current folder has been successfully changed. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errros are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to change the name of the current folder and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains / FtpChDir("upgrades") ' change the current folder to /upgrades FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains /upgrades FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 180 FTPConnect FTP function. The FTPConnect function makes a connection to the specified FTP server. Usage Establishes the connection with the FTP server where subsequent FTP actions have to be done. Syntax FTPConnect(<FTP_servername>,<username>,<encrypted_password> [,<FTP_portnumber>]) or ret=FTPConnect(<FTP_servername>,<username>,<encrypted_password> [,<FTP_portnumber>]) Parameters <FTP_servername> : string, url or IP address of the FTP server. <username> : string, user name of the FTP server. If the connection can be anonymous, the parameter <username> must be "Anonymous" and the next field <paswword> is left at blank. <encrypted_password> : string, password for the specified user name. The string is encryped. To encrypt the password, use either the Insert/Encrypted string menu option in WinTask Editor window or use the FTPConnect wizard (in the Language window, press F4 if the Language window is not displayed, check Show wizard checkbox and double click FTPConnect in the list). If there is no password, <encrypted_password> is " ". <FTP_portnumber> : integer, port number used by the FTP connection, optional parameter. The default value is 21 when this parameter is not specified. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the connection has been successfully established. The non zero possible error codes are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to establish the connection and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks Before invoking any FTP function, a FTPConnect has to be done. Only one FTP connection can be established. See also FTPDisconnect Examples FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials) FtpConnect("","Anonymous"," ") ' connection to the anonymous FTP server specified by its IP address FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h",35) ' connection to the FTP 181 server www.wintask.com using port 35 182 FTPCurrentDir FTP function. The FTPCurrentDir function returns the FTP current folder. Syntax FTPCurrentDir(<current_folder>) or ret=FTPCurrentDir(<current_folder>) Parameter <current_folder> : string, returns the name of the current folder in use on the already connected FTP server. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the current folder has been successfully retrieved. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errors are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to retrieve the name of the current folder and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. See also FTPChDir, FTPMkDir, FTPRmDir, FTPExistDir Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains / FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 183 FTPDisconnect FTP function. The FTPDisconnect function terminates the connection to a FTP server. Syntax FTPDisconnect() or ret=FTPDisconnect() Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the FTP connection has been successfully ended, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example FTPDisconnect() 184 FTPExistDir FTP function. The FTPExistDir function checks if the specified FTP foldername exists or not. Syntax ret=FTPExistDir(<FTP_foldername>) Parameter <FTP_foldername> : string, name of the folder to check the existence. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 1 if <FTP_foldername> exists, 0 if not. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to check the existence of the specified folder. After this timeout, the script executes the next line whatever value for #IgnoreErrors (script execution does not stop even if a FTP error is returned). See also FTPCurrentDir, FTPChDir, FTPRmDir, FTPExistFile Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) ret=FTPExistDir("/todelete") ' if ret returns 1, the FTP folder /todelete exists. If ret = 1 then FTPRmDir("/todelete") 'Delete the folder if it exists. EndIf FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 185 FTPExistFile FTP function. The FTPExistFile function checks if the specified FTP filename exists or not. Syntax ret=FTPExistFile(<FTP_filename>) Parameter <FTP_filename> : string, name of the FTP file to check the existence. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 1 if <FTP_filename> exists, 0 if not. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to check the existence of the specified file. After this timeout, the script executes the next line whatever value for #IgnoreErrors (script execution does not stop even if a FTP error is returned). See also FTPKill Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) ret=FtpExistFile("/todelete/test.jpg") ' ret returns 1 if the file test.jpg exists in the FTP folder /todelete If ret = 1 then FtpKill("/todelete/test.jpg") ' deletes the FTP file if it exists EndIf FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 186 FTPGetFile FTP function. The FTPGetFile function downloads one or several files to the local PC from the FTP server. Syntax FTPGetFile(<spec_files>,<local_directory_name> [,<Ascii|Binary> [,<local_filename>]]) or ret=FTPGetFile(<spec_files>,<local_directory_name> [,<Ascii|Binary> [,<local_filename>]]) Parameters <spec_files>, string, name of the file(s) to download. Wildcard characters are permitted for downloading multiple files. <local_directory_name>, string, name of the local directory where the downloaded files are written. If the directory does not exist, it is created. <Ascii|Binary>, optional keyword. The default is Binary. See Remarks section below. <local_filename>, optional parameter, string. If only one file is downloaded from the FTP server, this optional parameter specifies a new name under which the downloaded file is stored on <local_directory_name>. If this parameter is not specified or if multiple files are downloaded (and in this last case, even if <local_filename> is specified), the filenames on the local PC are the same as on the FTP server. If <local_filename> includes by mistake a path, it is not taken into account, the file will be written in <local_directory_name>. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the file(s) has been successfully downloaded. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errors are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. The non zero possible error codes due to a file error on the PC are listed in File management functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to download the file(s) and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks When files are transferred in ASCII mode, the transferred data is considered to contain only ASCII formatted text. The party that is receiving the transferred data is responsible for translating the format of the received text to one that is compatible with their operating system. The most common example of how this is applied pertains to the way Windows and UNIX handle newlines. On a Windows computer, pressing the "enter" key inserts two characters in an ASCII text document - a carriage return (which places the cursor at the beginning of the line) and a line feed (which places the cursor on the line below the current one). On UNIX systems, only a line feed is used. ASCII text formatted for use on UNIX systems does not display properly when viewed on a Windows system and vice versa. Binary mode refers to transferring files as a binary stream of data. Where ASCII mode may use special control characters to format data, binary mode transmits the raw bytes of the file being transferred. In this way, the file is transferred in its exact original form. IMPORTANT: increase the value of #FTPTimeout if you download big files to avoid a script timeout during the download. 187 See also FTPPutFile Examples FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpGetFile("/upgrades/todelete/*.jpg","C:\test") ' downloads all the *.jpg files stored in upgrades/todelete folder to the local directory c:\test. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpGetFile("/upgrades/todelete/myimage.jpg","C:\test",,"c:\test\newimage.jpg ") ' downloads myimage.jpg stored in upgrades/todelete folder to the local directory c:\test and saves it under the name newimage.jpg. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpGetFile("/upgrades/todelete/myimage.jpg","C:\test","ASCII","c:\test\newim age.jpg") ' downloads myimage.jpg stored in upgrades/todelete folder to the local directory c:\test and saves it under the name newimage.jpg. The data are tansferred using ASCII mode. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 188 FTPKill FTP function. The FTPKill function deletes one or several files from the FTP server. Syntax FTPKill(<filename>) or ret=FTPKill(<filename>) Parameter <filename> : string, name of the file/files to delete. Multiple files are specified using wildcards (myfile.*, my???.e*, ...). Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the file(s) have been successfully deleted. The non zero possible error codes due to an FTP error are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to delete the file(s), and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks If <filename> does not exist, FTPKill reports an error and script execution stops (if #IgnoreErrors is at its default value : #IgnoreErrors=0). So use FTPExistFile function to be sure that the file exists before deleting it. See also FTPRmDir FTPExistFile Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpKill("/upgrades/todelete/*.jpg") ' deletes all the files with the jpg extension from the folder /upgrades/todelete FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains /upgrades/todelete FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 189 FTPMkDir FTP function. The FTPMkDir function creates a folder on the FTP server. Syntax FTPMkDir(<FTP_foldername>) or ret=FTPMkDir(<FTP_foldername>) Parameter <FTP_foldername> : string, name of the new folder to create on the already connected FTP server. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the new folder has been successfully created. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errors are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to create the new folder and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. See also FTPCurrentDir, FTPChDir, FTPRmDir, FTPExistDir Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpMkDir("/upgrades/todelete") ' creates the subfolder todelete under the upgrades folder FtpChDir("/upgrades/todelete") ' change the current folder to /upgrades/todelete FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains /upgrades/todelete FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 190 FTPName FTP function. The FTPName function renames one or several files in the FTP server. Syntax FTPName(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) or ret=FTPName(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) Parameters <old_filename>, string, name of the file(s) to be renamed. Wildcard characters are permitted. <new_filename>, string, new name of the file(s). Wildcard characters are permitted. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the file(s) has been successfully renamed. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errors are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. The non zero possible error codes due to a file error on the PC (file not found for example) are listed in File management functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to rename the file(s) and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks FTPName can be used to move a file within a folder, for example Name("\todelete\file1.txt","\todelete\file2.txt"). Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpName("/upgrades/todelete/*.jpg","/upgrades/images/*.gif") ' renames all the *.jpg files stored in upgrades/todelete folder. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 191 FTPPutFile FTP function. The FTPPutFile function uploads one or several files from the local PC to a FTP folder. Syntax FTPPutFile(<spec_files>,<FTP_foldername> [,<Ascii|Binary> [,<FTP_filename>]]) or ret=FTPPutFile(<spec_files>,<FTP_foldername> [,<Ascii|Binary> [,<FTP_filename>]]) Parameters <spec_files>, string, name of the file(s) to upload. Wildcard characters are permitted for uploading multiple files. <FTP_foldername>, string, name of the FTP folder where the files have to be uploaded. If the folder does not exist, it is created. If the files already exist on the FTP folder, they are replaced. <Ascii|Binary>, optional keyword. The default is Binary. See Remarks section below. <FTP_filename>, optional parameter, string. Used only if just one file is uploaded. In that case, <FTP_filename> specifies the name under which the file is written on the FTP server. If several files are uploaded, the file names on FTP server are the ones on the local machine. If several files are uploaded and this parameter is given, this parameter is not used. If <FTP_filename> includes by mistake a path, it is not taken into account, the file will be uploaded in <FTP_foldername>. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the file(s) has been successfully uploaded. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errors are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. The non zero possible error codes due to a file error on the PC are listed in File management functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to upload the file(s) and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks When files are transferred in ASCII mode, the transferred data is considered to contain only ASCII formatted text. The party that is receiving the transferred data is responsible for translating the format of the received text to one that is compatible with their operating system. The most common example of how this is applied pertains to the way Windows and UNIX handle newlines. On a Windows computer, pressing the "enter" key inserts two characters in an ASCII text document - a carriage return (which places the cursor at the beginning of the line) and a line feed (which places the cursor on the line below the current one). On UNIX systems, only a line feed is used. ASCII text formatted for use on UNIX systems does not display properly when viewed on a Windows system and vice versa. Binary mode refers to transferring files as a binary stream of data. Where ASCII mode may use special control characters to format data, binary mode transmits the raw bytes of the file being transferred. In this way, the file is transferred in its exact original form. IMPORTANT: increase the value of #FTPTimeout if you upload big files to avoid 192 a script timeout during the download. See also FTPGetFile Examples FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpPutFile("c:\test\*.jpg","/upgrades/todelete") ' uploads all the *.jpg files stored in local directory c:\test to the FTP folder /upgrades/todelete FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpPutFile("C:\test\myimage.jpg","/upgrades/todelete","newimage.jpg") ' uploads myimage.jpg stored in local directory c:\test to FTP folder /upgrades/todelete and saves it under the name newimage.jpg. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpPutFile("C:\test\myimage.jpg","/upgrades/todelete","ASCII","newimage.jpg" ) ' uploads myimage.jpg stored in local directory c:\test to FTP folder /upgrades/todelete and saves it under the name newimage.jpg. The data are tansferred using ASCII mode. FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 193 FTPRmDir FTP function. The FTPRmDir function deletes a folder and its contents on the FTP server. WARNING : this function deletes the specified folder without prompting for a confirmation. It deletes too all the sub-folders if any, and all the files stored in this folder. Syntax FTPRmDir(<FTP_foldername>) or ret=FTPRmDir(<FTP_foldername>) Parameter <FTP_foldername> : string, name of the folder to delete (and its contents) on the already connected FTP server. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The return code is 0 when the folder has been successfully deleted. The non zero possible error codes for FTP errros are listed in FTP functions error codes topic. During #FTPTimeout seconds, the function tries to delete the folder and its contents, and after this timeout, the standard error management is used. Remarks If <FTP_foldername> does not exist, FTPRmDir reports an error and script execution stops (if #IgnoreErrors is at its default value : #IgnoreErrors=0). So use FTPExistDir function to be sure that the folder exists before deleting it. See also FTPCurrentDir, FTPChDir, FTPMkDir, FTPExistDir, FTPKill Example FtpConnect("www.wintask.com","ftp","MX/WH05CZE3h") ' connection to the FTP server www.wintask.com (fake credentials!) FtpMkDir("/upgrades/todelete") ' creates the subfolder todelete under the upgrades folder FtpChDir("/upgrades/todelete") ' change the current folder to /upgrades/todelete FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains /upgrades/todelete FtpRmDir(var$) ' deletes the folder specified in var$ (so "/upgrades/todelete") FtpCurrentDir(var$) ' var$ contains /upgrades FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 194 #FTPTimeout System variable - FTP function. The #FTPTimeout system variable specifies the number of seconds which WinTask should wait before reporting a runtime error when it tries to execute a FTP function. Usage Mainly used to increase the delay before an execution error is reported. For example, if a big file is downloaded from the FTP server to the local machine, the default timeout of 30 secs will stop the transfer. So before invoking the FTPGetFile function, add a line #FTPTimeout=120 if the file downloads in less than 120 seconds. Syntax #FTPTimeout = n Remarks When the n seconds have elapsed, if a FTP function execution is not finished, error management is launched. The default behavior (#IgnoreErrors=0) is that an error message is displayed and the script execution stops. The default value for #FTPTimeout is 30 seconds. If this variable is set to 0, WinTask waits forever. See also #IgnoreErrors Example #FTPTimeout = 5 Example code This script downloads wintaskdemo.exe from www.wintask.com FTP server (the password is not correct on purpose!). #IgnoreErrors=1 ' Error management is now active in the script #FTPTimeout=120 ' Maximum wait is 10 seconds FtpConnect(("www.wintask.com","ftp","PMJN1563hSWHXFj/CD") ' Connect to the FTP server ret=FTPGetFile("c:\test","/wintaskdemo.exe") ' Download wintaskdemo.exe from the FTP server and save it under c:\test ' The return code is tested if ret=0 then msgbox("Download done") 195 else msgbox("Increase the timeout") endif #IgnoreErrors=0 ' Error management is turned off FtpDisconnect() ' Terminates the FTP connection 196 Function...ExitFunction...EndFunction Program flow management function. The Function...EndFunction structure defines a function in order to make scripts more modular. Syntax Function <function_name>([<param1>[,<param2>]....]) [Local <variable_name>] <statements> ... <function_name>=<value> ... EndFunction Parameters <function_name>, name of the function. The maximum length of the name is 32 characters. <param1>, <param2> optional parameters. The keyword LOCAL allows the declaration of local variables. ExitFunction is used to quit the function within the function. Remarks NOTE : all functions must be declared at the beginning of the script, just after the DIM statements (if any are needed). If the function returns a string, its name must end with a $, see the example below. Parameters cannot be arrays. See below an example code demonstrating how to pass arrays in a function using a global variable. See also Sub Program Structure Global and local variables Example code Function value_absolute_dif(int1, int2) if int1 > int2 then value_absolute_dif = int1 - int2 else if int1 = int2 then value_absolute_dif = 0 else value_absolute_dif = int2 - int1 endif endif Endfunction res = value_absolute_dif(my_number,123) With a function returning a string: 197 Function concat$(string1$,string2$) local result$ result$=string1$+string2$ concat$=result$ EndFunction 'Call example msgbox(concat$("Hello"," WinTask")) Example code - use of an array Dim buffer$(100) dim k1$(100) dim k2$(100) function insert_values(nb_row) i=0 repeat setclipboard(buffer$(i)) i=i+1 until i=nb_row endfunction 'Call the function, but first fill the global variable buffer$ by the data you want. buffer$()=k1$() insert_values(10) buffer$()=k2$() insert_values(30) 198 GetClipboard$ Clipboard management function. The GetClipboard$ function returns the text contained in the Windows Clipboard. Usage The main use is to retrieve data from one application and then send them to another application using SendKeys. Syntax a$=GetClipboard$() Parameters None. Return value A string which holds the text contained in the Clipboard. If the Clipboard is empty or contains non-textual data, an empty string is returned. The returned string does not include any information about the text type, font size or attributes. See also SetClipboard Example a$=GetClipboard$() 199 GetCpuLoad System function. The GetCpuLoad function returns the CPU load percentage (from 0 to 100). Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Num=GetCpuLoad() Parameters None. Return value Num, integer, CPU load percentage. Num= -3 if the statistical function has failed. Num= -4 if WinTaskAdmin Service is not started. Example a=GetCpuLoad() 200 GetFocusWindowHandle Windows management function. The GetFocusWindowHandle function returns the handle of the window which has focus; this handle can then be used in Windows API functions or with UseWindowHandle (gives title independence). Syntax handle=GetFocusWindowHandle() Parameters None Return value handle : integer, handle of the window which has the focus. See also GetTopWindowHandle, UseWindowHandle, GetWindowName$ Example shell("wordpad.exe") pause 2 a=GetFocusWindowhandle() msgbox(a) UseWindowHandle(a) SendKeys("Hello") a returns WordPad window's handle and this handle can be used in UseWindowHandle and then SendKeys sends the specifed keys to that handled window. 201 GetFrameSource$ Web function. The GetFrameSource$ function returns the source code of the specified frame in the current Web page. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage It gives the same results as the View/Source option in the context menu when you right click somewhere in the frame. To be sure that the page is loaded before invoking the function, you can include a UsePage line before. Syntax var$=GetFrameSource$(<src_framename>) Parameters <src_framename>, string, SRC property of the frame as seen in View/Source of the main page Return value var$, string, long string with all the source code of the specified frame. If the source code could not be returned for any reason, the string is empty (an empty string is ""). Remarks Before invoking this function, a UsePage call must specify on which page the frame has to be found. If you want to be sure that the frame is loaded before calling GetFrameSource$, you can force this synchronization by adding a UsePage line if the previous UsePage is a couple of lines above the GetFrameSource$ call. Example UsePage("WinTask Frames") 'The page includes a frame which loads the frame7.htm file a$=getframesource$("frame7.htm") msgbox(a$) 202 GetHTMLEditText Capture function, Web function. The GetHTMLEditText function captures the content of an HTML Edit field within a Web form. Usage Used for retrieving data displayed in a field of a Web form. To know the HTML descriptor of the field where the data has to be captured, use Recording mode and record some typing in this field. Syntax ret=GetHTMLEditText(<html_descriptor>,var$) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML element INPUT field from which the text has to be captured. See HTML descriptor for HTML tags identification. Use Recording mode to generate automatically this HTML descriptor by just typing some data in the field. <var$>, string, captured text. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks GetHTMLEditText does not include any synchronization; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the content of the field to capture is already displayed. Examples StartBrowser("IE", "www.yahoo.com") UsePage("Yahoo!") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'p']", "WinTask") pause 2 UsePage("Yahoo!") ret = GetHTMLEditText("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'p']",var$) msgbox(var$) 'var$ contains the data typed in the Search field of yahoo page, so var$ contains WinTask CloseBrowser() 'A second example on the demonstration pages of wintask web site, note the capture of the content of a TextArea field StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") WriteHTML("TEXTAREA[NAME= 'message']", "bla bla bli") SelectHTMLItem("SELECT[NAME= 'subject']", "Web site") ret=gethtmledittext("TEXTAREA[NAME= 'message']",var$) msgbox(var$) WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'name']", "Test") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'email']", "[email protected]") ret=gethtmledittext("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'email']",var$) 203 msgbox(var$) ClickHTMLElement("INPUT RESET[VALUE= 'Clear']") CloseBrowser() 204 GetMemUsage System function. The GetMemUsage function returns the percentage memory use (from 0 to 100). Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Num=GetMemUsage() Parameters None. Return value Num, integer, percentage memory used. Num= -3 if the statistical function has failed. Example a=GetMemUsage() 205 GetPageSource$ Web function. The GetPageSource$ function returns the source code of the current Web page. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage It gives the same results as the View/Source option in Internet Explorer. To be sure that the page is loaded before invoking the function, check that a UsePage has been done before. Syntax var$=GetPageSource$() Return value var$, string, long string with all the source code of the HTML Web page. If the source code could not be returned for any reason, the string is empty (an empty string is ""). Remarks Before invoking this function, you must ensure that the page is fully loaded. You can for example force such a synchronization by using UsePage function. GetPageSource$ calls directly the Innertext property of Internet Explorer. Due to the way notepad displays this same information, there can be some differences between what you see in notepad using View/Source option and the result of GetPageSource$ function. See also GetFrameSource$ Example On WinTask Web site, we display the source code of the main page: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") a$=GetPageSource$() CloseBrowser() msgbox(a$) 206 GetProcessCpuLoad System function. The GetProcessCpuLoad function returns the percentage CPU used by the specified process. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Num=GetProcessCpuLoad(<process_name>[,<instance_number>]) Parameters <process_name>, string, name of the process to measure. <instance_number>, optional instance number; to be used if several instances of the same process are running. Return value Num, integer, CPU percentage used by the process <process_name>. Num= -3 if the statistical function has failed (for example because the specified process does not exist) Num= -4 if WinTaskAdmin Service is not started (under Vista). Example a=GetProcessCpuLoad("TASKEXEC.EXE") 207 GetProcessList System function. The GetProcessList function returns the list of active processes and their attributes. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax GetProcessList(<tab_name$>,<tab_PID>,<tab_CPU>,<tab_Mem>,<sort>) or Ret=GetProcessList(<tab_name$>,<tab_PID>,<tab_CPU>,<tab_Mem>,<sort>) Parameters <tab_name$>: alphanumeric array, list of the active processes and attributes (the list displayed by the Process Tab of Task manager). <tab_PID>: integer array, list of the PIDs for each process. <tab_CPU>: integer array ; contains the cumulative CPU used (in seconds) by each individual active process. <tab_Mem>: integer array ; contains the memory (in Kbytes) used by each individual process. <sort>: integer which indicates how the result array should be sorted : 0 result array not sorted 1 result array sorted by process name 2 result array sorted by PID 3 result array sorted by CPU usage (from the highest to the lowest) 4 result array sorted by memory usage (from the highest to the lowest) Return value Ret, integer, return code which gives the number of processes found. If any of the arrays is too small, ret contains -1, but the arrays will still contain the first n processes found (if #IgnoreErrors=1). If Ret=-1 and if #IgnoreErrors=0, the script is stopped. Example code dim name$(210) dim pid(210) dim cputime(210) dim memuse(210) proc$="process.txt" create(proc$) p=GetProcessList(name$(),pid(),cputime(),memuse(),1) write(proc$,str$(p),CRLF) i=0 repeat 'The list is written to the file write(proc$,name$(i)+","+str$(pid(i))+","+str$(cputime(i))+","+str$(memuse(i )),CRLF) i=i+1 208 until i=p pause 1 'The list is displayed shell("notepad "+proc$) 209 GetReadPos File management function. The GetReadPos function returns the value of the read pointer for the specified file. Syntax GetReadPos(<filename>) or var=GetReadPos(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file which is being read. Return value var, numeric, value for the read pointer, which gives the position for the next read. GetReadPos allows you to know this value (in bytes from the beginning of the file). The value of this pointer is 0 when the file is read for the first time, then WinTask increments it automatically. If <filename> is not currently being read, GetReadPos returns 0. If <filename> is empty or the file does not exist, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped. It is sometimes interesting to know the value of this pointer in order to force the next Read at a specific position. Examples var = GetReadPos("\\Server\C\my directory\my file.txt") For a full example, see the Read statement. 210 GetTopWindowHandle Windows management function. The GetTopWindowHandle function returns the handle of the window which is on top; this handle can then be used in Windows API functions or with UseWindowHandle (gives title independence). Syntax handle=GetTopWindowHandle() Parameters None Return value handle : integer, handle of the window which is on top. See also GetFocusWindowHandle, UseWindowHandle, GetWindowName$ Examples shell("wordpad.exe") pause 2 a=GetTopWindowhandle() msgbox(a) a returns WordPad top window's handle. 211 GetWindowHandle Windows management function. The GetWindowHandle function returns the handle of specified window ; this handle can then be used in Windows API functions or with UseWindowHandle (gives title independence). Syntax handle=GetWindowHandle(<window_name> [,<instance>]) Parameters <window_name>, string. window name of the window we want to find the handle. You can use the SPY tool to manually determine the caption of a window or use Recording mode. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window we want to find the handle. Return value handle : integer, handle of the window <window_name>. If window <window_name> is not found, there are no errors but handle is set to 0. If #UseExact is at 0 (its default value), a window with nearly the same name will return the handle of that window. See also #UseExact, UseWindowHandle, GetWindowName$ Examples shell("wordpad.exe") a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|Document - WordPad|1") msgbox(a) a returns WordPad window's handle. shell("wordpad.exe") a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|Doc - WordPad|1") msgbox(a) a returns WordPad window's handle as a window name with nearly the same name is found (Document instead of Doc). #UseExact=1 shell("wordpad.exe") a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|Doc - WordPad|1") msgbox(a) a returns 0 as the WordPad window contains Document whereas GetWindowhandle's argument contains Doc and system variable #UseExact is set to 1. Example code The script below installs Acrobat ; two functions are defined for testing if the button we want to click is ready for being clicked ; GetWindowHandle and 212 UseWindowHandle are used (instead of UseWindow) as window names varies from one installation to another. 'Function waits for object objet$ to have focus for Tmax seconds function wait_focus(objet$,Tmax) local i, exitr, a$ i=0 exitr=0 repeat a$=focus$() if instr(a$,objet$)=0 then pause 1 i=i+1 if i > Tmax then msgbox("wait too long for "+objet$) stop endif else exitr=1 endif until exitr=1 endfunction '-------------------------------------------'Function waits for object objet$ to be on top for Tmax seconds function wait_top(objet$,Tmax) local i, exitr, a$ i=0 exitr=0 repeat a$=top$() if instr(a$,objet$)=0 then pause 1 i=i+1 if i > Tmax then msgbox("wait too long for "+objet$) stop endif else exitr=1 endif until exitr=1 endfunction '----------------------------------------------#ActionTimeout=10 213 'Start Acrobat setup from CDROM Shell("f:\Acrobat4\Setup.exe",1) 'License window wait_focus("License",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Accept") 'Installation choice wait_focus("Button|Typical",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 'User information window wait_top("User information",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 'Confirmation window wait_focus("Button|&Yes",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Yes") 'Last validation wait_focus("Button|&Next",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 214 GetWindowName$ Windows management function. The GetWindowName$ function returns the name of the window specified by its handle. Syntax var$=GetWindowName$(<handle>) Parameters <handle>, numeric. Handle of the window we are looking for its name. Return value var$ : string, window name, including its instance, of the window specified by its <handle>. If no window is found, an empty string is returned. See also GetWindowHandle Examples shell("wordpad.exe") a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|document - WordPad|1") ret=UseWindowhandle(a) msgbox(ret) a$=getwindowname$(a) msgbox(a$) a$ contains the window name of WordPad window. 215 GetWindowsList System function. The GetWindowsList function returns the list of parent window names present on Windows desktop. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax GetWindowsList(<tab_namewin$>,<tab_instanc>,<tab_handl>,<tab_flag$>) or Ret=GetWindowsList(<tab_namewin$>,<tab_instanc>,<tab_handl>,<tab_flag$ >) Parameters <tab_namewin$>, alphanumeric array; it lists the names of the parent windows present on the desktop. These names use the syntax as described in the UseWindow statement. <tab_instanc>: integer array; lists the instance numbers of each parent window present on the desktop. <tab_handl>: integer array; lists the handle of each parent window present on the desktop. <tab_flag$>: alphanumeric array; two characters containing the status of the application or of the window. The first character is 1 if the status is " running ", 0 if not. The second character is 1 if the application is enabled (it can receive actions), 0 if disabled. Return value Ret, integer, return code which gives the number of found windows. If any of the arrays is too small, ret contains -1, but the arrays will still contain the first n windows found (if #IgnoreErrors=1). If Ret=-1 and if #IgnoreErrors=0, the script is stopped. Example code dim namewin$(210) dim numinst(210) dim handlewin(210) dim winflag$(210) proc$="namewin.txt" create(proc$) p=GetWindowsList(namewin$(),numinst(),handlewin(),winflag$()) write(proc$,str$(p),CRLF) i=0 repeat 'The list is written to the file write(proc$,namewin$(i)+","+str$(numinst(i))+","+str$(handlewin(i)) +"," +winflag$(i),CRLF) i=i+1 until i=p 216 pause 1 ' the list is displayed shell("notepad "+proc$) See also the script example, Close all Internet Explorer windows. 217 GetXMLAttribute File management function. The GetXMLAttribute function retrieves the content of an attribute in the specified XML file. Not available in WinTask Lite Syntax GetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<xml_path>,<attribute_name>,<result$>) or ret=GetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<xml_path>,<attribute_name>,<result$>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the XML file where to add/modify the attribute. <XML_path>, string, list of node descriptors separated by the \ character to go where the attribute is. The string is not case-sensitive.The structure of such a path is: tagname[attributename1='value'] The tagnames are strings without double quotes, they cannot contain spaces or reserved characters. The attribute names are strings without double quotes, OR it can be the reserved keyword <text> or the reserved keyword <index>. <text> is used to specify the node inner text, <index> is used to specify the node index (first one starts at 1) when more nodes with the same tag and attributes exist within the same parent. Several attributes can be listed with the syntax tagname[attributename1='value1', attributename2='value2'] Examples: If the XML file contains: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-110"> the <XML_path> can be "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']" <attribute_name>, string, name of the attribute (surrounded by double quotes as it is a string), OR keyword <text> surrounded by double quotes to retrieve the content of the text between the starting tag and the ending tag of the tag specified in <xml_path>. <result$>, string, retrieved content for the specified attribute Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the content of the specified attribute is successfully retrieved from the XML file, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The possible error codes are: 27 The XML file cannot be open 90 Internal error (COM error when invoking XML COM) 99 Invalid parameters 110 Invalid XML path 111 Invalid XML attribute or attribute not found See also AppendXMLNode SetXMLAttribute 218 EnumXMLAttributes EnumXMLChildren Examples This code generates a XML file and GetXMLAttribute is used to retrieve the content of 2 attribute names just created. file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\test.xml" create(file$) appendxmlnode(file$, "", "root") appendxmlnode(file$, "root", "book") appendxmlnode(file$, "root", "book") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book", "Mark_Twain") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book", "Mark_Twain") appendxmlnode(file$, "root\book[<index>=2]", "Portugalia") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain", "<text>", "Misc description") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[<index>=2]", "year", "1987") setxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[year='1987']", "<text>", "Another misc description") getxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[<index>=2]", "year", val$) msgbox(val$) 'val$ contains 1987 getxmlattribute(file$, "root\book\Mark_Twain[year='1987']", "<text>", val$) msgbox(val$) 'val$ contains Another misc description With this XML file: <bookstore> <book category="COOKING"> <title lang="en">Everyday Italian</title> <author>Giada De Laurentiis</author> <year>2005</year> <price>30.00</price> </book> <book category="CHILDREN"> <title lang="en">Harry Potter</title> <author>J K. Rowling</author> <year>2005</year> <price>29.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">XQuery Kick Start</title> <author>James McGovern</author> <author>Per Bothner</author> <author>Kurt Cagle</author> <author>James Linn</author> <author>Vaidyanathan Nagarajan</author> <year>2003</year> <price>49.99</price> </book> <book category="WEB"> <title lang="en">Learning XML</title> <author>Erik T. Ray</author> <year>2003</year> <price>39.95</price> </book> </bookstore> the script below returns the text titles for the books in category WEB: dim children$(100) file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" ret = enumxmlchildren(file$, "bookstore", children$()) i=0 while i < ret 219 getxmlattribute(file$, children$(i), "category", val$) if val$ = "WEB" then getxmlattribute(file$, children$(i)+"\title[lang='en']", "<text>", val$) msgbox(val$) endif i = i+1 wend 220 Goto or Go to Program flow management function. The Goto function causes the execution of the script to jump to another line. Usage Even if Goto is an easy way to make a jump to another section of the script, it makes scripts unreadable and difficult to debug. Use instead Sub to call a subprogram which executes the section you want. Syntax Goto <label> Go to <label> Parameters <label>, the script continues execution directly after this label. In the GoTo statement, <label> is not followed by a semicolon (:) but the definition of this label in the program must be followed by : (no blank). The compiler detects errors such as <label> not defined, or multiple definitions of the same <label>. Example code next: ret=msgbox("Would you like to continue ?",4,"EXAMPLE") if ret=7 then stop endif 'the loop is repeated until you click " No " in the message box goto next 'How to replace the goto by a better structure using Sub Sub continue() ret=msgbox("Would you like to continue ?",4,"EXAMPLE") EndSub ret=0 While ret<>7 continue() WEnd 221 HardCopy Capture function. The HardCopy function takes a screenshot of the entire screen or of the active window and saves is as a .BMP or .JPG file. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage HardCopy function can be used for debugging purposes : you can capture the entire screen at some points during execution of the script. Use HardCopy wizard to generate the function easily (to access the wizard, press F4 to display the Language window and in Capture Instructions chapter, double click the HardCopy function). See the script example below to take a screenshot if an execution error happens Syntax HardCopy(<filename>,<screenshot_type>[,<option>]) or ret=HardCopy(<filename>,<screenshot_type>[,<option>]) Parameters <filename>, name of the file (extension .BMP or .JPG) into which the captured image is saved. If no extension is specified, .BMP is added. <screenshot_type> : integer, 1 to capture the entire screen, 2 to capture only the active window. <option>, optional integer, specifying some options. <option> cannot be a variable. It is the sum of those values: 0 The file is generated without any option 1 A time stamp is added to the filename ; the timestamp format is hhmmss (for example, if filename is "screenshot.jpg" and the hardcopy is done at 3:45:34 pm, the hardcopy function will generate this filename : "screenshot154534.jpg") 2 The filename is incremented at each execution 4 The image is captured in black and white So for example, if <option> is at 3, the filename will include a timestamp and will increment when the capture is done. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example HardCopy("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\screenshot.jpg",1,2) 'captures the entire screen and increments at each execution the filename (screenshot1.jpg, screenshot2.jpg, ... will be created). Example code 'Definition of the proc to call if an error is detected. Sub Process_Error() local buffer$ 222 'If within this proc, an error occurs too, it generates an infinite loop as 'the call to the error proce causes an error. To avoid that, we disable OnAction Error within this proc. disable(Error) 'Take a screenshot of the desktop ret=Hardcopy("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.jpg",1,1) 'Here a part for writing in a txt file where we were in the script, the error code, the error message when the error occurred. buffer$="Error in : "+#ErrorScript$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error line : "+str$(#LastErrorLine) write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error Code : "+str$(#Errorcode) write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error Function : "+#ErrorFunction$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error message : "+#ErrorMsg$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) 'Add here other lines for what to do in case of an error. '...... Endsub OnAction error dosub Process_Error endaction #Actiontimeout=15 'The window is not found, so OnAction error triggers. UseWindow("toto") 223 #HideIcon System variable - System. The #HideIcon system variable specifies if an icon is present or not in the taskbar during execution of scripts. Syntax #HideIcon = 0 or #HideIcon = 1 Remarks The default value is 0: an icon is present in the Windows taskbar. Example #HideIcon = 1 224 #HideTrayIcon System variable - System. The #HideTrayIcon system variable specifies if an icon is present or not in the system tray during execution of scripts. Syntax #HideTrayIcon = 0 or #HideTrayIcon = 1 Remarks The default value is 0: an icon is present in the Windows system tray. Example #HideTrayIcon = 1 225 Hour$ Date/Time function The Hour$ function returns the current hour as a two-character string. Syntax a$=Hour$() Return value a$, hour number returned as a string; if current hour is less than 10, a leading 0 is included. a$ is always two characters long. Example a$=Hour$() 'if it is 9:00 AM, a$ contains "09" 226 #HTMLPosRetry System variable - Web function The #HTMLPosRetry system variable controls how many times the coordinates of an HTML element have to be the same before WinTask can use them. The default value is 0, which means that the coordinates rendered by IE are considered as the correct ones and no coordinates retry is done. Usage ClickHTMLElement and WriteHTML functions calculate the coordinates of the specified HTML element before clicking it or writing into it. On some web sites or very fast PCs, the element is first displayed at some coordinates and when all the page is loaded, the element is at a different place. By using #HTMLPosRetry with a default value not equal to 0, before using the element, the script checks that its coordinates rendered by IE are #HTMLPosRetry times the same. Be aware that it slows down script execution, so use this variable only when a web field is not typed correctly by WriteHTML. Syntax #HTMLPosRetry = 0 or #HTMLPosRetry = n Remarks If #HTMLPosRetry=0 (default value), at execution of a ClickHTMLElement or WriteHTML function, WinTask gets the coordinates of the HTML element specified by its HTML descriptor and uses them directly for clicking it or writing into it. If #HTMLPosRetry=n (n integer different from 0), WinTask gets the coordinates of the HTML object, pause half a second, retrieves again the coordinates and checks that they are still the same. When they are #HTMLPosRetry times the same, the object is used by the script. If after #ActionTimeout, the HTML element is not found (either the coordinates could not be retrieved, or it was not possible to get the same coordinates for #HTMLPosRetry+1 times), the error "HTML Element not found" is displayed (unless #IgnoreErrors=1) Example 'Note the speed typing difference depending on #HTMLPosRetry value. StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") #HTMLPosRetry=3 UsePage("Form") 'The typing in the Company field takes a while as it checks that the coordinates 'of the field are 3 times the same. WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") pause 1 ClickHTMLElement("INPUT RESET[VALUE= 'Clear']") #HTMLPosRetry=0 'The same typing is fast as it writes immediately as soon as the coordinates of the field are rendered by IE. WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") pause 1 227 CloseBrowser() 228 Hundreds Date/Time function The Hundreds function returns hundredth seconds of sytem time as an integer from 0 to 99. Syntaxe n=Hundreds() Return value n, integer from 0 to 99, hundredth seconds of system time. Example n=Hundreds() 'if it is 9:08:05:50, n contains "50" 229 If...Then...Else...Endif Program flow management function. The If...EndIf structure defines a conditional statement. Usage It allows decisions to be made during the execution of the script depending on the result of a condition (true or false). If the result is True, WinTask executes the block of steps following the If line up until an EndIf is encountered, otherwise the block is skipped (if an Else line is encountered, the Else block is executed). Syntax If <boolean_expression> Then <statements> [Else <statements>] EndIf Parameters <boolean_expression>, if the expression evaluates to TRUE, the <statements> after the THEN are executed; if the expression evaluates to FALSE, the <statements> after the ELSE are executed. The ELSE statement is optional. See also Logical operators Example If a=1 Then beep(100) Else beep(200) EndIf If b=3 Then beep(100) EndIf 230 #IgnoreErrors System variable - Windows management, File management, Program flow management, System, Com management. The #IgnoreErrors system variable controls the way Error Handling is done. Usage Used to change the default way execution errors are reported. By setting #IgnoreErrors=1, the lines in the script are executed sequentially without stopping if an error occurs. Be aware that with #IgnoreErrors=1, it's not possible any more to see why a script execution fails. So when you debug a script, you should temporarily come back to the default settings (#IgnoreErrors=0). Syntax #IgnoreErrors = 0 or #IgnoreErrors = 1 Remarks If this variable is set to 0, when an execution error occurs, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped. If this variable is set to 1, the script goes on and the return code of the function which gave the error can be tested. For the file management functions, the possible return codes are: 0 No error 2 or 9 File not found 3 Path not found 4 Too many files opened 8 Not enough memory 15 Incorrect disk 16 Error on the current disk 19 Error write protection 26 Specific to Vista, Error in file creation The default value for #IgnoreErrors is 0. All the statements which simulate an action by WinTask return a return code (except ClickMouse and MoveMouse). This return code can be tested ; it's always 0 if the action has been successfully completed. If #IgnoreErrors=1, all the errors generated by these statements are ignored. The programmer can then test the return code of each individual statement. If the return code is not 0, the programmer must manage the error situation. If OnAction Error construction is used (not available in WinTask lite), as soon as an error is seen, it's the procedure defined in the OnAction Error which is launched, whatever value has #IgnoreErrors. See also Error Management #ErrorCode, #ErrorFunction$, #ErrorMsg$, #ErrorScript$, #LastErrorLine, #LastErrorLine$ 231 #IgnoreHTMLCase System variable - Web functions. The #IgnoreHTMLCase system variable enables/disables character case in HTML descriptors. Syntax #IgnoreHTMLCase = 0 or #IgnoreHTMLCase = 1 Remarks If this variable is set to 0, at execution, HTML descriptors are found only if the case is the same as when recorded. It's the default value. If this variable is set to 1, at execution, an HTML descriptor with some letters with a different case that when recorded is found. Example In Recording mode, on main WinTask Web page, clicking the link DOWNLOAD your 30-day trial now! below the product picture: StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") If we change the case of the HTML descriptor DOWNLOAD in Download, at replay the script fails with the error HTML element not found, but the script below runs: #IgnoreHTMLCase=1 StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Download your 30-day']") 232 ImpersonateUser System function. The ImpersonateUser function allows WinTask to temporarily assume the rights of another user. This allows WinTask to execute administrator tasks, for example. Not available in WinTask Lite. Not available under Windows XP and 2003. Syntax a=ImpersonateUser() or a = ImpersonateUser(<user>, <password>,[<domain>]) Parameters When the parameters are omitted, the function will use the default account specified in WinTask Scheduler. When parameters are included, the impersonation is done using the account specified by <user> and <password>. If <domain> is not specified, the current user domain will be used. Return value a, integer, return code which indicates if the impersonation has failed or succeeded. Remarks ImpersonateUser can be cancelled by the RevertToSelf function. ImpersonateUser cannot give admin rights to a .EXE, so you can't use it to run a file which needs admin rights for its execution. It can be used for changing file attributes just when the script is running. Example code This example explains how a script can acquire administrator privileges in order to change the default user name for the machine. Note that it's better to put another script in the Start Group which can complete the desired actions and delete the AutoAdminLogon from the Registry. ImpersonateUser("administrator", "master1", "taskware") auto$="1" WriteReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\AutoAdminLogon",1,auto$) user$= "administrator" password$="master1" dom$= "taskware" WriteReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultUserName",1,user$) WriteReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultPassword",1,password$) WriteReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon\DefaultDomainName",1,dom$) flag=4 ' force new NT logon lg = External("user32.dll", "ExitWindowsEx", flag, 0) 233 Include Compilation The Include function includes the specified source file into the current script Syntax Include "<source_filename>" Parameters <source_filename>, the source script to be included into the main script at compilation. If the included script is in the same directory than the main script, the full path is not necessary ; if not, you must specify the full path for the included script (for instance, "C:\program files\my_scripts\my_script.src"). Relative paths are allowed : Include ".\sub1\sub1script1.src". Remarks If you use multiple Include lines, you have to ensure that the full long script with those inclusions keep the correct program structure, first the Dim lines, second the Functions and Subs definitions and last the main program. Yo need too to ensure that all the Subs/Functions are declared before using them in another Function/Sub. You have to ensure that there are not duplicate names. And for maintenance ease, we recommend that you use different parameters names within the different Functions/Subs. See also Program Structure Example include "script1.src" 234 InputBox$ User dialog function. The InputBox$ function displays a dialog box for accepting user input. Usage Used for asking the user a question. The text value is populated into a variable. If his answer must be hidden, use InputBoxSecret$ function. Syntax var$=InputBox$(<Prompt> [, [<Title>][, [<Default_answer>][, [<X>], [<Y>]]]]) Parameters <Prompt>, string, prompt in the dialog box above the edit box where the user can enter input. At execution, the script is paused, waiting the user to click a button. <Title>, optional string, title of the dialog box. <Default_answer>, optional default answer inserted into the edit box. <X>,<Y>, optional integers, coordinates of the top-left point of the Inputbox. Return value If the button OK is selected, var$ contains whatever was entered in the edit box. If the button Cancel is selected, var$ contains "ID_CANCEL". See also InputBoxSecret$ Examples Var$ = InputBox$("Hello : ","Title :", "Today") Var$ = InputBox$( prompt$, title$, default$, var_x, var_y) Var$ = InputBox$( prompt$) Var$ = InputBox$( prompt$, , , 100, 100) 235 InputBoxSecret$ User dialog function. The InputBoxSecret$ function displays a dialog box for accepting a hidden user input (for typing a password for instance). Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Mainly used for requesting user passwords. Syntax var$=InputBoxSecret$(<Prompt> [, [<Title>][, [<Default_answer>][, [<X>], [<Y>]]]]) Parameters <Prompt>, string, prompt in the dialog box above the edit box where the user can enter input. At execution, the script is paused, waiting the user to click a button. When the user types in the Edit field, the content is hiddent with stars. <Title>, optional string, title of the dialog box. <Default_answer>, optional default answer inserted into the edit box. <X>,<Y>, optional integers, coordinates of the top-left point of the Inputbox. Return value If the button OK is selected, var$ contains whatever was entered in the edit box. If the button Cancel is selected, var$ contains "ID_CANCEL". Examples Var$ = InputBoxSecret$("Type your password: ","Title :", "Today") Var$ = InputBoxSecret$( prompt$, title$, default$, var_x, var_y) Var$ = InputBoxSecret$( prompt$) Var$ = InputBoxSecret$( prompt$, , , 100, 100) 236 Instr String management function. The Instr function returns the position of one string within another. Usage Mainly used to extract a substring from one string. For example, Instr function can be used to extract only the filename from a long filename including the path, or only the filename without the extension. See the script example Extract name, directory and extension from a full filename. Syntax pos=Instr(<target_string>,<search_string>) Parameters <target_string>, string to be searched <search_string>, string to search for Return value Pos returns the position where the search string was found. If the search string is not found in the target string, 0 is returned; if <target_string> or <search_string> are empty, 0 is also returned. See also InstrRev Extract the first and second word from a string Extract name, directory and extension from a full filename ExtractBetween$ Examples pos = Instr("abcdefg","de") ' returns 4 pos = Instr("abcdefg","dz") ' returns 0 237 InstrRev String management function. The InstrRev function returns the position of a substring within the specified string, searching backward through the string. Usage Mainly used to extract a substring from one string. For example, InstrRev function can be used to extract the path from a long filename. See the example below. Syntax pos=InstrRev(<target_string>,<search_string>) Parameters <target_string>, string to be searched <search_string>, string to search for, searching backward Return value Pos returns the position where the search string was found, starting from the beginning, with a backward search through the string. If the search string is not found in the target string, 0 is returned; if <target_string> or <search_string> are empty, 0 is also returned. See also Instr Examples a$="Hello WinTask, Hellobis" pos=InstrRev(a$,"Hello") msgbox(pos) ' returns 16 'Path extraction of a long filename including its path pos=InstrRev("c:\program files\wintask\scripts\my_script.rob","\") msgbox(pos) path$=left$("c:\program files\wintask\scripts\my_script.rob",pos) msgbox(path$) 238 IsRunning System function. The IsRunning function indicates whether a program is loaded in memory or not. Usage Depending if a process is running or not, you take the appropriate action, for example, you kill it. Syntax a=IsRunning(<module_name>) Parameters <module_name>, string which defines the name of the program ; if an extension is not included, .EXE is assumed. It can be a constant or a variable; a path can be included in <module_name> which can be in upper/lower case. Return value a = 1 if the program is loaded, 0 otherwise. Examples a = IsRunning("Wordpad") ' 1 if Wordpad.exe is loaded. a = IsRunning("Comdlg32.dll") ' 1 if Comdlg32.dll is loaded. prog$ = "c:\taskware\mfc42.dll" a = IsRunning(prog$) ' 1 if mfc42.dll is loaded (the one in c:\taskware) 'Kills the application if it is running Shell("notepad",1) If IsRunning("notepad") then KillApp("notepad",1) Endif 239 IsServiceStarted System function. The IsServiceStarted function indicates if the specified Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Service is started or not. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax a = IsServiceStarted(<service_name>) Parameters <service_name>, string, name of the service. Return value a, integer, return value: 1 if the service <service_name> is started, 0 otherwise. The return code is 109 if WinTaskAdmin Service is not started. The return code is 5 if the access is denied. Example a = IsServiceStarted("WTScheduler") ' Returns 1 if the WTScheduler service (the WinTask Scheduler) is started. 240 Kill File management function. The Kill function deletes one or more files. Usage Do not kill files using Del key in Explorer; the selection of the file to kill is not reliable as the way to display files in Explorer depends on Windows settings for each user. Use instead Kill function. Wildcards (* or ? characters) are allowed in the file names. As Kill returns an error if you try to delete a file which does not exist, you can first check that the file exists using Exist function. Syntax Kill(<filename>) or ret=Kill(<filename>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file(s) to be deleted. Wildcard characters can be included in the file name parameter. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the deletion is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The function works the same as the DOS statement DEL. Examples Kill("c:\*.txt") Result = Kill(file$) 241 KillApp System function. The KillApp function kills the specified application. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used to force an application (a program file or EXE) to close. KillApp function is more powerful than CloseWindow function as it closes the application even if it is not responding or if a Save dialog prevents from closing. Syntax KillApp(<exe_name>,0|1 [,<user_name>]) or ret=KillApp(<exe_name>,0|1 [,<user_name>]) Parameters <exe_name>, string, name of the application to kill. The name of the application is not case sensitive and the extension is not compulsory (for instance, Notepad.exe or Notepad or NOTEPAD are valid <exe_name>). All the instances of the application are killed. If the second parameter is 1, the application is killed immediately. If the second parameter is 0 and if the application cannot be killed after 60 secs, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. If the user does not click OK within 60 secs, the application is killed. <user_name>, string, optional parameter. If specified, KillApp kills only the instances of the specified application which have been started by the user <user_name>. Return value Ret, numeric return code. 0 if the specified application has been killed successfully, 1 if the application has been killed after user confirmation.A negative value is returned if the application could not be killed and script execution stops (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). The possible negative return codes are -3 if the Kill has been cancelled by the user, -4 if the application could not be killed due to an denied access, -1 if the application could not be killed for any other reason. Remarks If you use KillApp to kill all the instances of Internet Explorer, the next time you open IE, you will get the message "Your last browsing session closed unexpectedly". To avoid this message, in the Tools menu of Internet Explorer, select Internet options and click the Advanced Tab. Under Browsing session, uncheck "Enable automatic crash recovery". Example code The script below launches Notepad, types some text and exits. A dialog box is displayed asking if the document has to be saved. As KillApp is used with the 1 flag, the application Notepad is killed immediately. Shell("notepad",1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit||1",1) 242 SendKeys("Hello") UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|",1) SendKeys("<Alt <F4>>") KillApp("notepad",1) 243 KillAppChildren System function. The KillAppChildren function kills the specified application and its associated children. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used to force an application (a program file or EXE) to close; it closes too the children processes started by the parent application. Syntax KillAppChildren(<exe_name>,0|1 [,<user_name>]) or ret=KillAppChildren(<exe_name>,0|1 [,<user_name>]) Parameters <exe_name>, string, name of the application to kill with its associated children. The name of the application is not case sensitive and the extension is not compulsory (for instance, Notepad.exe or Notepad or NOTEPAD are valid <exe_name>). All the instances of the application and its associated children are killed. Note that if the application A calls B, which calls C, if for any reason, B is killed, a KillAppChildren of A won't be able to kill the child C. If the second parameter is 1, the application is killed immediately. If the second parameter is 0 and if the application cannot be killed after 60 secs, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. If the user does not click OK within 60 secs, the application is killed. <user_name>, string, optional parameter. If specified, KillAppChildren kills only the instances of the specified application which have been started by the user <user_name>. Return value Ret, numeric return code. 0 if the specified application has been killed successfully, 1 if the application has been killed after user confirmation.A negative value is returned if the application could not be killed and script execution stops (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). The possible negative return codes are -3 if the Kill has been cancelled by the user, -4 if the application could not be killed due to an denied access, -1 if the application could not be killed for any other reason. See also KillApp Example code The script below launches Notepad, types some text and exits. A dialog box is displayed asking if the document has to be saved. As KillAppChildren is used with the 1 flag, the application Notepad is killed immediately. Shell("notepad",1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit||1",1) SendKeys("Hello") 244 UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|",1) SendKeys("<Alt <F4>>") KillAppChildren("notepad",1) 245 KillProcess System function. The KillProcess function kills the specified process. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used to kill a process specified by its internal Windows PID. It should be used only in advanced system scripts as KillApp function is much easier to use if you need to kill an application. Syntax KillProcess(<PID_name>,0|1) or ret=KillProcess(<PID_name>,0|1) Parameters <PID_name>, numeric, PID of the process. If the second parameter is 1, the process is stopped immediately. If the second parameter is 0 and if the process is not stopped after 60 secs, a confirmation dialog box is displayed. If the user does not click OK, the process is then stopped. Return value Ret, numeric return code. 0 if the process has been stopped successfully, 1 if the process has been stopped after user confirmation; a negative value is returned if the process has not been stopped. The possible negative error codes are -2 if the <PID_name> is incorrect, -3 if the function has been cancelled by the user, -4 if the access is denied, -1 for any other reason. Depending on the setting of #IgnoreErrors, a negative return code stops the script and an error message is displayed or the return code can be tested in order to continue executing the script. See Error Handling. Example code This complete example displays a dialog box with a list of all active windows and their associated process IDs. With this dialog box, the user can kill (forced or not) the process chosen. 'arrays for window information Dim name$ ( 50 ) Dim instance( 50 ) Dim handles ( 50 ) Dim flags$ (50) '----------------------------------------------------'arrays for processes Dim name_proc$ ( 50 ) Dim pid ( 50 ) Dim times ( 50 ) Dim memory ( 50 ) '----------------------------------------------------BEGINDIALOG liste 79, 70, 467, 326 CAPTION "Window list" 246 TEXT label$, 93, 16 LISTBOX name$(), 28, 45, 403, 156, win$ PUSHBUTTON "&Quit", canc, 359, 243, 76, 24 DEFPUSHBUTTON "&Activate App", activat, 29, 243, 76, 24 PUSHBUTTON "&Close App", clos, 115, 243, 75, 24 PUSHBUTTON "Kill(&forced) App", killed, 196, 243, 90, 24 PUSHBUTTON "&Refresh", refresh, 292, 243, 60, 24 ENDDIALOG '----------------------------------------------------sub kill_process(name_win$,param) local pos,i, find pos=instr(name_win$,"|") name_exe$=left$(name_win$,pos-1) 'msgbox(name_exe$) size = GetProcessList(name_proc$(),pid(),times(),memory(), 1 ) i=0 name_exe$=ucase$(name_exe$) repeat if ucase$(name_proc$(i))=name_exe$ then 'msgbox("compared with : "+name_proc$(i)) proc_id=pid(i) find=1 else i=i+1 endif until i=size or find=1 if find=1 then if killed=1 then ret=KillProcess(proc_id, 1) else ret=KillProcess(proc_id, 0) endif msgbox("Return code from KillProcess : "+str$(ret)) else msgbox("No corresponding process for : "+name_exe$) endif endsub '-----------------------------------------------------sub displayed() killed=0 CallDialog liste if canc=1 then stop else #IgnoreErrors=1 'msgframe("<"+win$+">",1,0,0,8) 'pause 1 if activat=1 then 247 usewindow(win$) else if killed=1 then kill_process(win$,1) else if refresh<>1 then kill_process(win$,0) endif endif endif #IgnoreErrors=1 endif endsub '------------------------------------------------------sub terminate() stop endsub '------------------------------------------------------OnAction end_process 'If the user presses Alt+F1, the script stops. key("<Alt <F1>>") dosub terminate EndAction '******************************************************** ' MAIN PROGRAM '******************************************************** #IgnoreErrors=1 repeat name$()="" instance()=0 handles()=0 flags$()="" size=GetwindowsList(name$(),instance(),handles(),flags$()) if size <> -1 then label$="Total of active windows : "+str$(size) displayed() else msgbox("Array too small") label$="Total of active windows : " displayed() endif until 1=2 248 #LastErrorLine System variable - Synchronization, File management, Program flow control, System, Com management. The #LastErrorLine system variable gives the line number in the script where the error triggering the OnAction Error procedure occurred. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage When a script is replayed with #IgnoreErrors=1, and if the script fails, the error line is not displayed. You can use #LastErrorLine system variable to know at which line in the script the error occurred. Syntax msgbox(#LastErrorLine) or msgbox(#LastErrorLine$) Remarks The returned script line number takes into account the number of lines of included scripts. #LastErrorLine$ is similar to #LastErrorLine but returns the script line number as a string. 249 Lcase$ String management function. The Lcase$ function converts all characters in the specified string to lowercase. Syntax var$=Lcase$(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to be converted. Return value var$, string with all characters converted to lowercase. Examples a$ = Lcase$("bCdeF/G") ' Returns bcdef/g a$ = Lcase$(a$) 250 Left$ String management function. The Left$ function returns the specified number of characters from the the specified string starting from the left. Syntax var$=Left$(<string$>,<nbchar>) Parameters <string$>, string from which to extract characters. <nbchar>, numeric, the number of characters to extract. Return value var$, string, return value containing the first <nbchar> characters from <string$>. If <nbchar> is negative or 0, the returned string is empty. See also Right$, Mid$ ExtractBetween$ Examples a$ = Left$("toto",2) ' Returns "to" in a$ a$ = Left$("toto",0) ' Returns "" in a$ b$ = Left$(a$,2) ' Returns the first 2 characters of a$ and puts them in b$ b$ = Left$(a$,i) ' Returns the first i characters of a$ and puts them in b$ 251 Len String management function. The Len function returns the length of the specified string. Syntax a=Len(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string. Return value a, numeric, return value containing the length of <string$>. See also Extract the first and second word from a string ExtractBetween$ Examples a = Len("bcdefg") ' Returns 6 a = Len(var$) 252 ListHTMLItem$ Web function. The ListHTMLItem$ function returns the specified item from the specified HTML listbox or combobox. Usage Extracts the text contents of an item in a listbox or combobox displayed on a Web page. If the list/combo is a non-HTML plugin, ListHTMLItem$ function will not recognize the list, and you can use Clipboard: SendKeys("<Ctrl C">) to copy the text to Clipboard (use Down key if you need to select a different item than the one selected), and GetClipboard$ function to retrieve the content of Clipboard. Syntax var$=ListHTMLItem$(<HTML_descriptor>,<n>) Parameters <HTML_descriptor>, string, HTML descriptor of the listbox or combobox in which to find the <n>th item. First item starts at 0. Return value var$, string, return value which contains the <n>th item from the listbox or combobox. If the item does not exist, an empty string is returned. Remarks ListHTMLItem$ does not include any synchronization; a UsePage must be used before to be sure that the list to capture is ready. Example StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") 'Click Form link. UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") a$=ListHTMLItem$("SELECT[NAME= 'subject']", 3) msgbox(a$) Example code This example demonstrates how ListHTMLItem can be used for retrieving all the items of an HTML list. 'The script launches google.com 'On the main page, it clicks the Advanced Search link, 'and on the next page extracts all the items for the list in the Language listitem. dim tab_element$(1000) startbrowser("IE","www.google.com") 253 UsePage("Google") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Advanced Search']") UsePage("Google Advanced Search") i=0 repeat a$=ListHTMLItem$("SELECT[NAME= 'lr']", i) if ltrim$(rtrim$(a$))="" then quit=1 else tab_element$(i)=a$ i=i+1 endif until quit=1 nb_item=i i=0 repeat mes$=mes$+"\n\"+tab_element$(i) i=i+1 until i=nb_item msgbox(mes$,64,"Number of items : "+str$(nb_item)) 254 ListItem$ Windows management function. The ListItem$ function returns an item from the specified listbox or combobox. Usage Retrieves the text content of an item in a listbox or combobox. Only standard Windows list/combo will work with ListItem$. With a non-standard list/combo, you can use Clipboard : SendKeys("<Ctrl c">) to copy the text to Clipboard, and GetClipboard$ function to retrieve the content of Clipboard. Syntax var$=ListItem$(<window_name>,<n>) Parameters <window_name>, string, window name of the listbox or combobox in which to find the <n>th item. First item starts at 0. Return value var$, string, return value which contains the <n>th item from the listbox or combobox. If the item does not exist, an empty string is returned. See also VB and Sheridan controls not recognized by ListItem$ Example var$=ListItem$("EXPLORER.EXE|ComboBox|Run|1",1) Example code This script displays all the items displayed in the Combobox Font style within the dialog box Font in Notepad application. function display_list(list_name$) local i,msg$,s_exit i=0 msg$="" s_exit=0 repeat var$=ListItem$(list_name$,i) if var$="" then if i=0 then msgbox("ListBox or ComboBox not found",48,"ERROR") stop else s_exit=1 endif else 255 msg$=msg$+var$+"\n\" i=i+1 endif until s_exit=1 or i>40 msgbox(msg$,64,"The list contains : ") endfunction 'launch notepad Shell("notepad",1) 'Select menu Edit, option Set Font UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"F&ormat|&Font...") 'function call for listing all the items for the Combobox named Font style. 'Combobox name is found using Spy. display_list("NOTEPAD.EXE|ComboLBox|Font|2") 'close the dialog box and close Notepad UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770|Font",1) Click(Button,"Cancel") CloseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) 256 LockKbd System function. The LockKbd function locks the keyboard. Usage Even if LockKbd can be useful for preventing user interference while a script is running, we do not recommend to use it as if something goes wrong, the only way to enable again the keyboard will be to power off! Syntax LockKbd Remarks Keystrokes are not transmitted during the execution of scripts. If you want to lock keyboard and still be able to transmit keystrokes, see example code below. The special combinations, such as <Ctrl <Alt <Del>>> or <Ctrl <Esc>> are still active. When the last script finishes, the entire keyboard is reactivated. Example LockKbd Example code Under Windows 2000/XP/2003, it is possible to call a Windows API function locking the keyboard using WinTask External statement (not available in WinTask Lite). Below is a sample: Shell("notepad",1) False=0 True=1 'Lock keyboard and mouse for 10 seconds external("user32","BlockInput",True) pause 5 'The script can still type UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("aa") pause 5 'unlock keyboard and mouse - when the script ends, 'keyboard and mouse are unlocked even if an external call is not done. external("user32","BlockInput",False) 'check during 5 secs that you can now use mouse pause 5 257 LockMouse System function. The LockMouse function locks the mouse. Usage Even if LockMouse can be useful for preventing user interference while a script is running, we do not recommend to use it as if something goes wrong, the only way to enable again the mouse will be to power off! Syntax LockMouse Remarks The mouse actions are not transmitted during the execution of the script. When the last script finishes, the mouse is reactivated. Example LockMouse Example code Under Windows 2000/XP/2003, it is possible to call a Windows API function locking the keyboard using WinTask External statement (not available in WinTask Lite). Below is a sample: Shell("notepad",1) False=0 True=1 'Lock keyboard and mouse for 10 seconds external("user32","BlockInput",True) pause 5 'The script can still type UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("aa") pause 5 'unlock keyboard and mouse - when the script ends, 'keyboard and mouse are unlocked even if an external call is not done. external("user32","BlockInput",False) 'check during 5 secs that you can now use mouse pause 5 258 LogFile Logfile management function. The LogFile function forces the script to log each statement executed into the specified logfile. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Mainly used to trace in a text file all the statements executed by the script. Syntax LogFile(<filename>,<type>,<mode>) Parameters <filename>: name of the file where the statements executed after this function are written. The extension must be .LOG if you want to be able to open the logfile using File/Open Log menu. If the full path is not included in <filename>, the file is created in the scripts current directory. <type>: 1 for a full logfile, 0 for a limited logfile (only statements Comment are written into the logfile). <mode>: 1 to delete the logfile before writing, 0 to add the new statements at the end of the logfile. Remarks This statement redefines the setting specified in TaskEdit (menu Configure|Run). Example Script : Untitled1.src Shell("notepad") LogFile("c:\Program Files\WinTask\Logs\history.log",1,1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("Hello<Enter>") UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"&File|E&xit") UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770|Notepad",1) Click(Button,"&No") If you have specified a logfile using the Configure Run dialog, two files are created in the Logs subdirectory: " Untitled1.log " and " History.log "; the second log is created by the LogFile function. Those two files can be opened with a text editor like WordPad or in WinTask Editor, select menu File|Open Log. File Untitled1.log: 2009/02/0 15 :43:10 Untitled1 1 2009/02/0 15 :43:11 Untitled1 1 1 Started Shell notepad 259 2009/02/0 15 :43:11 Untitled1 2 1 LogFile c :\Program Files\WinTask\Logs\history.log,1, 1 File History.log: 2009/02/0 15 :43:12 Untitled1 3 1 2009/02/0 15 :43:14 Untitled1 4 1 2009/02/0 15 :43:15 Untitled1 5 1 UseWindow 2009/02/0 15 :43:16 Untitled1 6 1 2009/02/0 15 :43:16 Untitled1 7 1 ChooseMenu Normal,&File|E&xit UseWindow NOTEPAD.EXE|#32770Notep ad,1 2009/02/0 15 :43:17 Untitled1 8 1 2009/02/0 15 :43:17 Untitled1 8 1 Click Button,&No 260 SendKeys UseWindow Ended NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled Notepad|1,1 Hello<Enter> NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled Notepad,1 Ltrim$ String management function. The Ltrim$ function removes leading spaces/tabulations from a string. Usage Used to take spaces and tabulations off the beginning of a text. To avoid spaces added by mistake during data-entry, use this function. Syntax var$=Ltrim$(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string from which to remove leading spaces. Return value var$, string, the string from which the leading spaces and tabulations of <string$> have been removed. See also Rtrim$ Trim$ Examples a$ = Ltrim$(" bcde") ' Returns "bcde" in a$ a$ = Ltrim$(a$) ' Deletes the leading spaces from a$ 261 MaximizeWindow Windows management function. The MaximizeWindow function maximizes the specified window. Syntax MaximizeWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) or ret=MaximizeWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) Parameter <window_name>, window name of the window to maximize. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window to maximize. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples MaximizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad") MaximizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) Result = MaximizeWindow(win$) 262 Mid$ String management function. The Mid$ function returns the specified portion of a string. Syntax var$=Mid$(<string$>,<start>,<length>) Parameters <string$>, string from which to extract. <start>, numeric, position in <string$> from which to extract. The first character position is 1. If <start> is greater than the number of characters in <string$>, var$ is set to an empty string. If <start> is negative, the extraction start at position 1. <length>: numeric, number of characters to be extracted. If <number> is negative or 0, var$ is set to an empty string. Return value var$, string, return value containing the substring. If the length of <string$> (including the character starting at <start>) is less than <length>, all the characters from <start> to the end of <string$> are returned in var$. See also Left$, Right$, ExtractBetween$ Examples a$ = Mid$("bcdefg",2,2) ' Returns "cd" in a$ a$ = Mid$("bcdefg",2,0) ' Returns "" in a$ a$ = Mid$("bcdefg",0,2) ' Returns "bc" in a$ 263 Min$ Date/Time function The Min$ function returns the minutes portion of the current time as a two character string. Syntax a$=Min$() Return value a$, minutes number returned as a string; if the value is less than 10, a leading 0 is added. a$ is always two characters long. Example a$=Min$() 'if its 9:08 am, a$ contains "08" 264 MinimizeWindow Windows management function. The MinimizeWindow function minimizes the specified window. Syntax MinimizeWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) or ret=MinimizeWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) Parameter <window_name>, window name of the window to minimize. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window to minimize. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When successful, the function returns 0 and the window icon is displayed in the taskbar, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples Res=MinimizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad") Res=MinimizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad", 1) MinimizeWindow(win$) 265 MkDir System function. The MkDir function creates a directory. Syntax MkDir(<directory_name>) or ret=MkDir(<directory_name>) Parameters <directory_name>, string, name of the directory to create. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the directory is successfully created, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The function works the same as the DOS statement MKDIR, except it can create only one directory level at a time (see the examples). See also RmDir Examples MkDir("c:\docs") MkDir(dir$) MkDir("c:\topdir") MkDir("c:\topdir\subdir") Example code The script below creates a directory based on date/hour 'On C:\, we suppose that the directory paul is there. 'And four sub-directories AA, BB, CC, DD are under C:\paul. 'As an example, we retrieve the AA subdirectory name and under AA, we create a subdirectory 'c:\paul\AA\AA-date-hour dim tablongname$(10) dim tabshortname$(10) dim tabpath$(10) dim tabattrib$(10) number_of_files=DirTree("c:\paul\*.*",tablongname$(),tabshortname$(),tabpath $(),tabattrib$(),"N") cdate$=month$()+day$()+"03" ctime$=hour$()+min$() 266 i=0 mkdir("c:\paul\"+tablongname$(i)+"\"+tablongname$(i)+"-"+cdate$+"-"+ctime$) 267 Month$ Date/Time function The Month$ function returns the number of the current month as a string. Syntax month_curr$=Month$() Return value month_curr$, number of the current month returned as a string; if the value is less than 10, a leading 0 is added (the string is always two characters long). Example a$=Month$() 'if current month is March, a$ contains "03" 268 MouseShape Windows management function. The MouseShape function returns the shape of the mouse pointer as an integer. Usage Mainly used for inserting an advanced synchronization method. For example, if a text refresh within a window can only be dectected by the mouse shape changing from the hourglass to the standard arrow, MouseShape function allows to insert the correct synchronization (see example code below). Syntax MouseShape() or current_val=MouseShape() Return value current_val, integer corresponding to the shape of the mouse as below (standard Windows values) : Standard arrow and small 1 hourglass Normal arrow pointer 2 I-beam pointer 4 Hourglass 14 Cross 3 4-direction arrow 8 NW-SE arrow 11 NE-SW arrow 9 East-West arrow 12 North-South arrow 10 Remarks This statement can be used to synchronize WinTask with the application, for instance, to wait until the hourglass disappears. Example Cursor_Val=MouseShape() Example code This script includes a synchronization function which waits until the hourglass has disappeared ; this function can then be used to wait the mouse shape change before executing next line. function wait_cursor() local sortie sortie=0 repeat if mouseshape()=14 then pause 1 else 269 sortie=1 endif until sortie=1 endfunction 'Example how to use it when a program loads many windows and so a simple UseWindow 'is not enough to be sure that all the windows are loaded. Shell(Chr$(34)+"C:\Program Files\Norton AntiVirus\Navw32.exe"+Chr$(34),1) 'Test that the application is totally loaded. wait_cursor() This script displays some cursor values in NotePad. msg$="Cursor value is : " shell ("notepad.exe") SizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",0,596,427) MoveWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",0,65,78) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",0) ChooseMenu(System,"&Move") pause 2 a=MouseShape() sendkeys("<Esc>") Rem display the value returned by MouseShape msgframe (msg$+str$(a),1,0,0,12,255) pause 2 RemoveFrame(1) MoveMouse(594,100) pause 2 a=MouseShape() msgframe (msg$+str$(a),1,0,0,12,255) pause 2 RemoveFrame(1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"&File|E&xit") 270 MouseX, MouseY Windows management function. The MouseX, MouseY functions return the X or Y position of the mouse. Syntax x=MouseX() y=MouseY() Return value x,y : numeric in pixels ; it gives the coordinates of the mouse relative to the topleft corner of the screen. Examples x=MouseX() y=MouseY() 271 MoveMouse Windows management function. The MoveMouse function moves the mouse pointer. Usage Used for highlighting text selections or in drawing software. Low level Recording mode generates a lot of MoveMouse lines as recording is done at pixel level instead of Windows level object. Syntax MoveMouse(<X>,<Y>[,Absolute]) Parameters <X>,<Y>, numeric in pixels ; coordinates of the new mouse pointer position (relative to the upper-left hand corner of the current window). MoveMouse statements are recorded in the script only if one of the mouse buttons is pressed. Absolute : optional keyword indicating that the coordinates are relative to the upper-left hand of the screen instead of the upper-left corner of the window. If no window was previously specified by a UseWindow statement, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped. Examples MoveMouse(100, 200) MoveMouse(var_x, var_y) Example code This script launches MsPaint and draws a rectangle. Rem Open Mspaint shell("mspaint") Rem Select the Rectangle tool UseWindow("MSPAINT.EXE|AfxWnd42u|Tools",1) ClickMouse(Left,Down,15,160) ClickMouse(Left,Up,15,160) Rem Draw the rectangle UseWindow("MSPAINT.EXE|Afx:1990000:8|untitled - Paint|1",1) ClickMouse(Left,Down,14,19) MoveMouse(15,19) MoveMouse(17,19) MoveMouse(20,19) MoveMouse(23,18) MoveMouse(25,18) MoveMouse(26,18) MoveMouse(30,18) MoveMouse(33,18) MoveMouse(36,19) 272 MoveMouse(38,20) MoveMouse(42,22) MoveMouse(46,25) MoveMouse(50,27) MoveMouse(51,27) MoveMouse(52,28) MoveMouse(55,29) MoveMouse(56,29) MoveMouse(58,30) MoveMouse(60,32) MoveMouse(64,35) MoveMouse(67,38) MoveMouse(68,39) MoveMouse(68,40) MoveMouse(70,42) MoveMouse(75,45) MoveMouse(76,46) MoveMouse(76,47) MoveMouse(77,47) MoveMouse(77,48) MoveMouse(78,48) MoveMouse(78,49) MoveMouse(81,50) MoveMouse(81,51) MoveMouse(82,51) MoveMouse(84,52) MoveMouse(84,53) MoveMouse(85,53) MoveMouse(86,53) MoveMouse(87,53) ClickMouse(Left,Up,87,53) Pause 4 UseWindow("MSPAINT.EXE|MSPaintApp|untitled - Paint",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"&File|E&xit;Alt+F4") UseWindow("MSPAINT.EXE|#32770|Paint",1) Click(Button,"&No") 273 MoveWindow Windows management function. The MoveWindow function moves the specified window without changing its size. Syntax MoveWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<X>,<Y>) or ret=MoveWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<X>,<Y>) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to move, it must include <instance>, instance number of the window to move. <X>,<Y>, numeric in pixels ; coordinates of the point where the window is to be moved. These are the coordinates of the upper-left corner of the window, relative to the upper-left corner of the screen. These coordinates can be negative ; the size of the window is not changed. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the move is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples MoveWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled - Notepad",1, 100, 120) Ret = MoveWindow(win$, 0, var_x, var_y) 274 MsgBox User dialog function. The MsgBox function displays a standard Windows dialog box. Usage Used to provide information feedback to the user. If you prefer to display information without any user interaction, use MsgFrame function. Syntax MsgBox(<Message> [, [<Type>] [,<Title>] [,<timeout>]]]) or ret=MsgBox(<Message> [, [<Type>] [,<Title] [,<timeout>]]]) Parameters <Message>, string or integer to be displayed in the dialog box. In order to display numeric and string variables together, you must first convert numbers to a string (using the Str$ function - see the examples below). You can force a line feed by including \n\ in your <Message>. <Type>, optional integer, sum of the values below used for specifying buttons and icons in the dialog box. The default value is 0 (only an OK button). <Type> cannot be a variable. If <Type> is omitted, you must include the field separator (,), see the example. Type of buttons: 0 OK button only 1 OK and Cancel 2 Cancel, Retry and Ignore 3 Yes, No and Cancel 4 Yes and No 5 Retry and Cancel Type of icons: 16 Critical message 32 Confirmation 48 Warning 64 Information Default button: 0 First button 256 Second button 512 Third button <Title>, optional string, title of the dialog box. <timeout>, optional integer. If after <timeout> in seconds, no button has been clicked, the message box vanishes, and a return code of 128 is returned (if the message box has only an OK button, the return code when the message box vanishes after <timeout> is 1). Return value Return value for the corresponding selected button: 1 OK 2 Cancel 3 Quit 4 Retry 5 Ignore 6 Yes 275 7 No If the dialog box displays a Cancel button, pressing Escape is the same as clicking Cancel. Examples Ret = MsgBox("Hello", 65, "Title") ' Box with 2 buttons (OK and Cancel, plus the Information icon) MsgBox("Hello") ' Box with no title and one OK button MsgBox(msg$, x, title$) Msgbox(number) Msgbox("You found " + str$(number) + " occurrences") 'As number is an integer, it must be first converted to a string using str$ function, and then str$(number) can be concatenated to other strings using the + operator. MsgBox("Hello", , "Title") MsgBox("Hello", , "Title",10) 276 MsgFrame User dialog function. The MsgFrame function displays a message. Usage Used to provide information feedback to the user without he needs to click any Yes/No/Cancel button. Syntax MsgFrame(<Text>,<Id>,[<x>],[<y>],[<size>][,<color>]) or ret=MsgFrame(<Text>,[<x>],[<y>],[<size>][,<color>]) Parameters <Text>, string to be displayed, constant or variable. The current font and size are used to display the <text>. The <text> is automatically displayed in the middle of the frame. If the <text> is too long, it's displayed on several lines unless no spaces are included in <text>. You can force a line feed by including \n\ in your <text>. If a number has to be displayed, it must be first converted to a string using Str$ function (see the example below). <Id>, integer, identifier of this specific message. It can be a constant or a variable. <x>,<y>, optional coordinates of the left-top point of the rectangle containing the message; if these parameters are not specified, the message is displayed in the middle of the screen. If these parameters would cause part of the rectangle to be displayed off-screen, the rectangle is automatically displayed at the top-left. Instead of specifying coordinates, those keywords can be used: <x> can be replaced by Left, Center or Right keyword <y> can be replaced by Top, Center or Bottom keyword <size>, optional integer, size of the font used to display the message (default value : 12). <color>, optional integer, color of the text; the default value is black. Red is: 255, green is 65280, blue is 255 x 65536, white (sum of these three colors): 255 + (255x256) + (255x65536) = 16,777,215. If red, green and blue are the index of each color from 0 to 255, <color> is: red+(green*256) + (blue*65536). Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the message frame is display successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks When the script ends, all the messages are removed. You can also remove them by using the RemoveFrame function. If you want to display the & character, you need to double it: msgframe("A && B") Examples MsgFrame("Please wait",1) ' Displays the text "Please wait" MsgFrame("Please wait",1,Center,Center) ' Displays the text "Please wait" in the 277 middle of the screen MsgFrame("The index is: "+str$(index),1) ' Displays the text "The index is: 3" if the index value is 3 278 MsgFrameTitle User dialog function. The MsgFrameTitle function displays a message in a frame with a title. Syntax MsgFrameTitle (<frame_title>,<Text>,<Id>,[<x>],[<y>],[<size>][,<color>]) or ret=MsgFrameTitle (<frame_title>,<Text>,<Id>,[<x>],[<y>],[<size>][,<color>]) Parameters <frame_title>, string to be displayed as the title of the frame. It can be a constant or a variable. <Text>, string to be displayed, constant or variable. The current font and size are used to display the <text>. The <text> is automatically displayed in the middle of the frame. If the <text> is too long, it's displayed on several lines unless no spaces are included in <text>. You can force a line feed by including \n\ in your <text>. <Id>, integer, identifier of this specific message. It can be a constant or a variable. <x>,<y>, optional coordinates of the left-top point of the rectangle containing the message; if these parameters are not specified, the message is displayed in the middle of the screen. If these parameters would cause part of the rectangle to be displayed off-screen, the rectangle is automatically displayed at the top-left. Instead of specifying coordinates, those keywords can be used: <x> can be replaced by Left, Center or Right keyword <y> can be replaced by Top, Center or Bottom keyword <size>, optional integer, size of the font used to display the message (default value : 12). <color>, optional integer, color of the text; the default value is black. Red is: 255, green is 65280, blue is 255 x 65536, white (sum of these three colors): 255 + (255x256) + (255x65536) = 16,777,215. If red, green and blue are the index of each color from 0 to 255, <color> is: red+(green*256) + (blue*65536). Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the message frame is display successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks When the script ends, all the messages are removed. You can also remove them by using the RemoveFrame function. If you want to display the & character, you need to double it: msgframetitle("Title frame","A && B",1) Examples MsgFrameTitle("Login","Please wait",1) ' Displays the text "Please wait" in the frame with the title "Login" MsgFrameTitle("Login","Please wait",1,Center,Center) ' Displays the text "Please wait" in the frame with the title "Login" in the middle of the screen 279 MsgFrameTitle("Your userid is: "+name$,"Please wait",1,Center,Center) ' Displays the text "Your userid: " concatenated with the content of name$. 280 Multiply$ Floating point calculation function. The Multiply$ function multiplies two strings representing floating point numbers. Usage As only integers are supported numbers in WinTask, calculation on floating point numbers is done using their string representation. Syntax res$=Multiply$(a$,b$[,rc]) Parameters a$, b$ are the strings representing the two floating numbers to multiply. rc, optional numeric return code. Values are : 0 if the operation was successful 1 invalid operation because parameters are incorrect (for instance, the string can't be considered a number) 2 if an overflow occurred Return value res$, string representing a$ * b$. See also #Precision Examples Multiply$("13.56","145.789") 'gives "1976.90" Multiply$("-45.678","34.8976") 'gives "-1594.05" #Precision=3 Multiply$("567.34257","45.343") 'gives "25725.014" 281 Name File management function. The Name function renames or moves one or more files. Usage Do not move files using Drag and Drop in Explorer; drag and drop automation is not reliable as the way to display files in Explorer depends on Windows settings for each user. Use instead Name function. Wildcards (* or ? characters) are allowed in the file names. Syntax Name(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) or ret=Name(<old_filename>,<new_filename>) Parameters <old_filename>, string, name of the file(s) to be renamed. Wildcard characters are permitted. <new_filename>, string, new name of the file. If the path of <new_filename> exists and is different from the path of <old_filename>, the Name function moves the file to the new directory and renames it. If <old_filename> and <new_filename> have different paths but the same filename, Name moves the file to the new directory but doesn't change the filename. The file <old_filename> must exist and the file <new_filename> must not exist. They must both be on the same drive. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the rename is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The function works like the DOS statement RENAME. Name can also modify the name of a directory. Name cannot rename a file within the same directory, for example Name("c:\test\name1.txt","c:\test\name2.txt") returns an error. Use FileCopy instead and then Kill the original file. Examples Name("c:\mytext\toto.*", "c:\mytext\titi.*") ' Renames files c:\mytext\toto.* to c:\mytext\titi.* Name("c:\mytext\toto.txt", "c:\docs\toto.txt") ' Moves the file toto.txt from c:\mytext\ to c:\docs\ Result = Name(Fi1e1$, File2$) 282 Navigate Web function. The Navigate function causes the browser to open the specified url address. Usage Mainly used to go directly to a page instead of using the Web site navigation through its menus and links. Syntax Navigate(<url_address>[,<timeout>]) or Ret=Navigate(<url_address>[,<timeout>]) Parameters <url_address>, string, url address to open. <timeout>, numeric in seconds, optional parameter which specifies the maximum delay to wait for the page to be loaded. If the optional parameter is not present, the #ActionTimeout system variable is used to specify the maximum wait for the page to be loaded. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the navigation completes within the timeout period, the function returns the time it took for the page to be loaded in tenths of a second, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -1 if the browser has not been started (using StartBrowser function), or -5 if a navigation timeout occurs. If the IE browser object cannot "navigate" the specified address, the return code is -10. If Internet Explorer returns an error code (such as 404, 405), the return code is this Internet Explorer error code with the negative sign (-404, -405). Remarks Navigate is not generated automatically by Recording mode. Add this function in the script for navigating directly to an URL. If a StartBrowser is done loading a blank page, the automatic synchronization on the page loaded cannot be done, so the Navigate function fails if an absolute Pause (Pause 2 secs for example) is not added between the StartBrowser line and the Navigate line. Under Vista, a StartBrowser with a blank page followed by a Navigate is rejected by IE if UAC is on. So we recommend to always use a StartBrowser to an url before using the Navigate function. Example StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") Navigate("http://www.wintask.com/top-10-uses.php") 283 NumLock System function. The NumLock function forces the numlock key to the specified state. Syntax NumLock(ON|OFF) Remarks If ON, numlock key is activated. See also CapsLock Example NumLock(ON) 284 Error codes for ODBC functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask ODBC functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 Close the record set first Connection cancelled No numeric field No connection available No record set 285 OnAction...EndAction Synchronization function. The OnAction...EndAction function handles events. Not available in WinTask Lite. Its syntax is similar to Pause function. See also OnAction Error if you want to do specific actions whenever an error occurs at execution. Syntax OnAction <action_ident> Button(<Button>,<Type>) or Key(<key_list>) or Menu(<menu_item>) or Text(<text>) or WinStatus(Exists|NotExists|Active|NotActive[,Exact|Near]) inWindow(<window_name>,<instance>) or WinStatus(Exists|NotExists|Active|NotActive[,Exact|Near]) InWindowAnyInstance(<window_name>) or Date(<Date>) Time(<Hour>) or Pause x seconds DoSub <sub_name> EndAction Parameters <action_ident>, name of the event to be handled. It is a constant unique for this event. This identifier can be used to deactivate this particular event. An event can be a: Button: <button>, name of the button to be pressed to activate the event. Key: <key_list>, key(s) to be typed to activate the event ; the wizard list of keys can be used if you want to define a key combination, such as Alt+F1. Note that the PrintScreen key cannot be used to trigger a keyboard event. Menu: <menu_item>, menu item to select in order to activate the event. Text: <text>, text to be found in order to activate the event. The frequency with which text is checked is determined by the variable #TextLookFrequency. Window: <window_name>, name of the window which activates the event. Date: <Date>, date which will activate the event. Time: <Hour>, time which will activate the event. <sub_name>, subroutine to be executed as soon as the event occurs. Remarks Such an event can happen at any time. But its nature is known - keyboard event, mouse event, menu event, date/time event, duration event. All these events are external - if WinTask simulates the action the event is not fired. For every event, an entry is created in a table of events. During execution, 286 WinTask continually checks to see if one of the events listed in the table has occured. If an event occurs during execution of the script, the procedure <sub_name> is immediately executed, then the script continues. This <sub_name> is a subroutine without any parameters. This event handler mechanism is reentrant : during the execution of <sub_name>, if the same event or another event in the table occurs, <sub_name> is suspended and the new subroutine for this new event is launched. When the second event handler is complete, execution continues in the previous event handler. Activation of the an event handler: An event handler (and the execution of the associated subroutine) is activated as soon as the statement OnAction has been interpreted in the script. It stays active until the script ends. At the end of the script, all the events handled by that script are removed from the table of events, unless you use the SLEEP function (see the full example below). If a script launches another script (using the RUN statement), the event handler in the parent script remains active during execution of the child scripts (the table of events is shared by all the scripts currently running). It is possible to deactivate the one event handler by the DISABLE function, but this function must be inserted in the script in which the event was defined (not in a parent/child script). When an event handler is re-triggered: For keyboard/mouse/menu events, each time the event occurs. For text events, the text which has been handled must have disappeared before it can be triggered again. Examples Every time the user presses <Alt <F10>>, the script executes <name_sub> : OnAction Active_Alt_F10 Key("<Alt <F10>>") DoSub <name_sub> EndAction Script which uses an OnAction on Window for clicking OK button each time a Security Alert window is displayed on a Web page. Sub ClickOK() UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Security Alert",1) Click(Button,"OK") EndSub OnAction WindowAction WinStatus(Exists, Exact) InWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Security Alert",1) DoSub ClickOK EndAction Sleep() The same script which uses an OnAction on Window for clicking OK button each time a Security Alert window, whatever instance of Internet Explorer is used, is displayed on a Web page. Sub ClickOK() UseWindow("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Security Alert") 287 Click(Button,"OK") EndSub OnAction WindowAction WinStatus(Exists, Exact) InWindowAnyInstance("IEXPLORE.EXE|#32770|Security Alert") DoSub ClickOK EndAction Sleep() Every time the user clicks the right mouse button inside Word, the script runs <name_sub> : OnAction Right_Mouse_Word Button(Right,Down) InModule("WINWORD.EXE") DoSub <name_sub> EndAction Every time the user selects Goto from the Edit menu of Word, the script runs <name_sub> : OnAction Menu_Edit_Goto Menu("&Edit|&Goto... Ctrl+G") InWindow("WINWORD.EXE|OpusApp|Microsoft Word - TEST.DOC",1) DoSub <name_sub> EndAction Examples code This example shows how an event is defined by the OnAction command; this event occurs when the user selects Close from the Explorer menu. Sub close() Disable(wait_for_close_menu) res=msgbox("Would you like to close the message box? ",4,"EXAMPLE") if res=6 then ' if res=6 WinTask closes Explorer and stops the script CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) stop endif Enable(wait_for_close_menu) EndSub OnAction wait_for_close_menu Menu("File|&Close") InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",2) DoSub close EndAction shell("explorer") ' Definition of the event, each time the user selects the option Close in the Explorer menu File, ' the script runs the procedure close(). 288 sleep() 'leaves the management of the random events active. This script shows the use of OnAction for doing some actions when user presses some keys. The structure is : OnAction touche (touche is the onaction identifier) Key("<Alt <F2>>") 'the key will be Alt+F2 'DoSub appuie_touche (when the user press the specified key, Alt+F2, the subroutine appuie_touche is launched) REMARK : The compiler needs that the subroutine appuie_touche has been defined BEFORE the OnAction using it EndAction '******************************************************************** 'example 'Definition of the subroutine which will be launched when "<Alt <F2>>" will be pressed sub appuie_touche() 'here you can do what you want msgframe("Key displayed",1) pause 1 removeframe(1) endsub '-------------------------------------'Definition of the subroutine to stop the script if you press "<Alt <F1>>" sub termine() msgframe("Script ended",1) pause 1 removeframe(1) stop endsub '--------------------------------------'OnAction definition for "<Alt <F2>>" OnAction touche Key("<Alt <F2>>") DoSub appuie_touche EndAction '--------------------------------------'OnAction definition for "<Alt <F1>>" OnAction Fin Key("<Alt <F1>>") DoSub termine EndAction 289 '---------------------------------------'The OnAction is active until the end of the script 'If the script has a SLEEP instruction, all the OnAction stay active 'SLEEP sleep() 290 OnAction Error Synchronization function. The OnAction Error...EndAction function handles error events. Not available in WinTask Lite. It's a specific OnAction for managing execution errors. Usage Used for calling an error procedure whatever unexpected error occurs during script execution. You can for example take a screenshot of the desktop when an execution error occurs. Syntax OnAction Error DoSub <sub_name> EndAction Parameters <sub_name>, subroutine to be executed as soon as a runtime error occurs. Remarks If an error occurs during execution of the script, the procedure <sub_name> is immediately executed, then the script continues. This <sub_name> is a subroutine without any parameters. Only one error handler is active at a time: so if a new one is defined in the script, it's the latest one which is used when an error occurs after the definition of this new OnAction Error. The error handler (and the execution of the associated subroutine) is activated as soon as the statement OnAction Error has been interpreted in the script. It stays active until the script ends OR until a new statement OnAction Error is encountered in the script. If a script launches another script (using the RUN statement), the error handler in the parent script is not active anymore during execution of the child scripts. It is possible to deactivate the error handler by inserting a Disable(Error) function, but this function must be inserted in the script in which the error handler was defined (not in a parent/child script). It can be activated again by inserting a Enable(Error) function. See also #ErrorCode, #ErrorFunction$, #ErrorMsg$, #ErrorScript$, #LastErrorLine, #LastErrorLine$ Examples 'General error procedure which is called when an error occurs. 'In this proc, we just log the error and execution goes on. Sub error_proc() Comment(#ErrorFunction$+" at line "+#LastErrorLine$+" : "+#ErrorMsg$) EndSub 'As soon as an error occurs, the procedure defined there is called. OnAction Error 291 DoSub error_proc EndAction #ActionTimeout=10 LogFile("c:\my_log.txt",0,1) Shell("wordpad",1) UseWindow("WORDPA.EXE|RichEdit20W|Document - WordPad|1",1) SendKeys("aaaaaa") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|WordPadClass|Document - WordPad",1) ChooseMenu(Normal,"&File|E&xit") UseWindow("WORDPAD.EXE|#32770|WordPad",1) Click(Button,"&No") A full script which in case of any execution error captures the desktop, so if the script runs unattended, you will know how was the entire desktop when the error occurred. 'Definition of the proc to call if an error is detected. Sub Process_Error() local buffer$ 'If within this proc, an error occurs too, it generates an infinite loop as 'the call to the error proc causes an error. To avoid that, we disable OnAction Error within this proc. disable(Error) 'Take a screenshot of the desktop ret=Hardcopy("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.jpg",1,1) 'Here a part for writing in a txt file where we were in the script, the error code, the error message when the error occurred. buffer$="Error in : "+#ErrorScript$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error line : "+str$(#LastErrorLine) write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error Code : "+str$(#Errorcode) write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error Function : "+#ErrorFunction$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) buffer$="Error message : "+#ErrorMsg$ write("C:\program files\wintask\scripts\error.txt",buffer$,crlf) 'Add here other lines for what to do in case of an error. '...... Endsub OnAction error 292 dosub Process_Error endaction #Actiontimeout=15 'The window is not found, so OnAction error triggers. UseWindow("toto") 293 OpenCom Com port management function. Function not available anymore since Windows XP. The OpenCom function opens the specified Com port. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ret=OpenCom(<port_num>,<speed>,<parity$>,<databits>,<stopbits>,<flowctl $>) Parameters <port_numt>: Com port number to open (from 1 to 8, Com1 to Com8). <speed>: port speed, integer with the following possible values: 75, 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 14400, 19200, 38400, 56000, 57600 <parity$>: one character for the parity ; possible values are : N none (no parity) E even (even parity) O odd (odd parity) M mark S space <databits>: data bits, integer with the following possible values: 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. <stopbits>: stop bits, integer with the following possible values: 1, 2 or 3 (3 is the code for a stopbit with a value of 1.5) . <flowctl$>: one character for the flow control ; possible values are: N none R RTS/CTS X Xon/Xoff Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified Com port has been opened correctly, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks Parameters can be in uppercase or lowercase. WinTask allocates a 1024-byte buffer for receiving characters from the com port. This buffer can be read by the ReadCom function. See also CloseCom, WriteCom, ReadCom Example ret=OpenCom(1,9600,"n",8,1,"n") Opens the serial port Com1 for 9600 bits per second, no parity, 8 databits, 1 stop bit and no flow control. 294 OsVersion$ System function. The OsVersion$ function returns the Windows version. Syntax var$=OsVersion$() Return value var$, string, Windows version. Example OsVersion$() Example code This script shows a function which returns a string containing OS version. 'Function donne_Os$ returns a string containing OS version : '95 Windows 95 '98 Windows 96 'Me Windows Millenium Edition 'nt Windows NT '2000 Windows 2000 'XP Windows XP '2003 Windows 2003 Server 'Vista function donne_Os$() local os$ os$=left$(OsVersion$(),4) Select Case os$ Case "4.10" os$="98" Case "4.00" 'to know if it's 95 or nt, you must read the OS environment variable osvar$=envir$("OS") if osvar$="Windows_NT" then os$="nt" else os$="95" endif Case "4.90" os$="Me" Case "5.00" os$="2000" 295 Case "5.01" os$="XP" Case "5.02" os$="2003" Case "6.00" os$="Vista" Case Else os$="Unknown Version" EndSelect donne_os$=os$ endfunction '--------------------------------------------------a$=donne_os$() msgbox("Windows "+a$) 296 OverHTMLElement Web function. The OverHTMLElement function puts the mouse on a specified html element and opens the options under it. Usage On some Websites, menus are displayed dynamically : it's only when you move the mouse on a menu option that the sub-menu is displayed. OverHTMLElement function deals with this case. You can generate automatically the proper OverHTMLElement line in Recording mode by recording a mouse move on the text of the menu option, then press Shift key, then record the next action. Syntax ret=OverHTMLElement(<html_descriptor> [,<x>,<y>]) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML element to move the mouse on within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. See HTML descriptor for each HTML objects identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the OverHTMLElement syntax : in Recording mode, move manually the mouse on the text of the menu option, press once Shift key, and then record the next action. <x>,<y>, optional, mouse coordinates relative to the element : it can be used for moving the mouse slightly besides the element. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified HTML element at replay is found within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") OverHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Overview']") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Features']") At replay, the OverHTMLElement moves the mouse to the top menu Overview, which opens the Overview menu. In this menu, there is a Features option which is clicked by the ClickHTMLElement line. 297 Pause Synchronization function. The Pause function waits for an action or for a specified amount of time. Usage Used to pause execution of the script until a process has completed. If the process completion time is variable, instead of using an "absolute" pause, prefer to use a wait for a window to appear, a text or a bitmap to be displayed. For example, the line: pause 10 ticks pauses script execution for 10 ticks. A tick is approximately 0.01 seconds Syntax Wait for a specified amount of time Pause x Secs|Mins|Ticks|Hours ' a tick is approximately 0.01 sec [EndPause] Wait for a user action Pause [x secs] until Button(<Button>,<Type>) 'wait for a mouse click or Key(<key_list>) ' wait for a keyboard action or Menu(<menu_item>) ' wait for a selection in a menu InWindow(<window_name>) or InModule("xxx.EXE") ' the keyword "InModule" allows you to synchronize with several windows of the same application. [PauseOK|PauseTrue] ' after the pause condition is met, these statements are executed [PauseFalse] ' If after the specified x secs or if not specified, after #PauseTimeout system variable, the pause condition is not met, the PauseFalse statement is executed MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause Synchronizations Synchronization on Text: Pause [x secs|ticks] until Text(<Text>) InWindow(<window_name>,<instance>)|InWindowAnyInstance((<window_nam e>) [InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)] [PauseOK|PauseTrue] 'pause condition was met [PauseFalse] ' If after the specified x secs or x ticks, or if not specified, after #PauseTimeout system variable, the pause condition is not met, the PauseFalse statement is executed MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause 298 The optional keyword "InArea" specifies that <Text> must be in a specific area of window <window_name> for the pause to be activated. If InWindowAnyInstance keyword is used, the <Text> is searched in any instance of <window_name> Synchronization on OCR Text: (See Remarks section for a proper usage of this Pause) Pause [x secs] until TextOCR(<Text> [,<language>]) InWindow(<window_name>) [InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)] [PauseOK|PauseTrue] 'pause condition was met [PauseFalse] ' If after the specified x secs or if not specified, after #PauseTimeout system variable, the pause condition is not met, the PauseFalse statement is executed MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause The optional keyword "InArea" specifies that <Text> must be in a specific area of window <window_name> for the pause to be activated. At execution, a bitmap capture is done for capturing the specified area within the specified window. The captured bitmap is then submitted at the OCR engine which transforms the bitmap in text. Then the text specified in the TextOCR line is compared to the captured and transformed text at execution. If the same text is found, the Pause triggers. The OCR engine uses the default language of Windows. If <language> is specified in TextOCR line, this language is used (applies only to MODI OCR engine). Synchronization on an Image: Pause [x secs|ticks] until Bitmap(<filename.BMP>) InWindow(<window_name>) [InArea(<x>,<y>,<height>,<width>)] [PauseOK|PauseTrue] 'pause condition was met [PauseFalse] ' If after the specified x secs or x ticks, or if not specified, after #PauseTimeout system variable, the pause condition is not met, the PauseFalse statement is executed MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause The optional keyword "InArea" specifies that the bitmap must be in a specific area of window <window_name> for the pause to be activated. Synchronization on a Window: Pause [x secs] until WinStatus(Exists|NotExists|Active|NotActive [,Exact|Near]) InWindow(<window_name>,<instance>)|InWindowAnyInstance(<window_name >) [PauseOK|PauseTrue] 'pause condition was met [PauseFalse] 299 ' If after the specified x secs, or if not specified, after #PauseTimeout system variable, the pause condition is not met, the PauseFalse statement is executed MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End EndPause Keyword "WinStatus" specifies the window status which will activate the pause. If none of keyword "Exact" or "Near" is specified, keyword "Near" is used by default, which means pause will be activated if a window with a name approaching <window_name> is found. If "Exact" is specified, the exact <window_name> must be found in order to activate the pause. You can truncate the window name and still use "Exact" keyword : it will detect a window which window name has the same beginning as the one specified in the InWindow line. InWindow specifies the <window_name> with its <instance> to look for. If InWindowAnyInstance is used instead of InWindow, the <window_name> whatever its instance is used. Synchronization on a Date/Time: Pause until Date(<date_definition>) Time(<hour_definition>) EndPause ( Note: the '[x secs|ticks] until' clause is not used with Date or Time definitions) Parameters x secs or x ticks is optional ; if not specified, the #PauseTimeout system variable is used. Pause 10 is the same as Pause 10 secs. A tick is around 0.01 second. The structure : PauseFalse MsgBox("Pause at line "+ #ErrorLine$ +" has failed !",16,"Runtime error") End displays a dialog box and stops the script execution if the delay x seconds (or #PauseTimeout) has elapsed. If x secs is not specified and if #PauseTimeout=0, the wait is infinite. The structure PauseFalse ... End can be omitted or the statements can be changed as in the example below : Pause until Button(left,down) PauseFalse If stopimmediate=1 then stop else comment("we write just this message in the logfile "+#ErrorLine$) endif EndPause PauseOK (PauseTrue has the same meaning than PauseOK) and PauseFalse are optional. Mouse : <button> : Right or Left <type> : Up or Down or Double Menu : <menu_item>, for instance &Edit|&Copy <day_definition> : the day (ex : Tuesday) or date in DD-MM-YYYY format (for example : 21-04-2001) 300 <hour_definition> : time in 24-hour HH:MM format (for example : 13:30) Remarks NOTE : If a PAUSE n SECS or n TICKS is the last line just before an UNTIL, the compiler gives an error, so insert the EndPause statement just before the Until. Pause TextOCR compared to Pause Bitmap : both addresses the case where the text displayed within the window cannot be recognized as pure text. We explain here the advantages and drawbacks of each Pause. A pause TextOCR captures the defined area, submits the image to the OCR engine and the Pause triggers if the OCRerized text is seen - then if the text is not seen, the Pause waits around 1 sec before starting again the recognition attempt. So the main drawback of the Pause TextOCR is that it takes a while, the OCR engine can take up to 3-4 secs. There are 3 advantages compared to a Pause bitmap : no extra file for the captured image, a more readable Pause block as the text is seen in the script and the Pause will work even when you distribute the script on other PCs as the bitmap capture is done at execution. Pause bitmap at execution captures the defined area and compares it to the specified bmp file. If ticks unit is used in the Pause bitmap, as soon as TaskExec sees that it does not trigger, it captures again and compares again, and so on. So with ticks unit, the Pause bitmap can take up to 100% of CPU but will be very fast to execute. If secs unit is used, when the image is not found, the Pause bitmap waits around 1 sec before starting again to capture the defined area. So whatever ticks or secs unit used, a Pause Bitmap will be always faster than a Pause TextOCR. Examples Pause until Date(20-1-2007) Time(10:16) EndPause a$="19-1-2007" b$="21:06" Pause until Date(a$) Time(b$) EndPause Example code This example shows how to use a wait_text Function to synchronize repeatedly in a script. Function wait_text(timeout) local res res=1 pause timeout seconds until Text("toto") InWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) PauseFalse Res=0 EndPause 301 wait_text=res Endfunction ' the function is called as follows : If wait_text(10)=0 then ... Else ... Endif This example shows how to use a pause_on_two_bmp Function to wait until one of the two specified bmp appears. function pause_on_two_bmp(win1$,bmp1$,win2$,bmp2$) local sortie, ret, t repeat Pause 1 until Bitmap(bmp1$) InWindow(win1$) PauseOk ret=1 EndPause pause 1 until Bitmap(bmp2$) InWindow(win2$) PauseOk ret=2 EndPause if ret=0 then t=t+1 endif until ret<>0 or t > #PauseTimeout pause_on_two_bmp_bmp=ret Endfunction 'Call example win1$="AD-AWARE.EXE|TACimage|Ad-Aware SE Personal|16" win2$="AD-AWARE.EXE|TACimage|Ad-Aware SE Personal|16" bmp1$="C:\Program Files\WinTask\Scripts\aaw_next.bmp" bmp2$="C:\Program Files\WinTask\Scripts\aaw_finish.bmp" 'Maximum timeout before pause on the 2 bmp fails. #PauseTimeout=400 pause_on_two_bmp(win1$,bmp1$,win2$,bmp2$) If pause_on_two_bmp=0 then msgbox("None of the two specified bmp has been found") End Endif 302 #PauseTimeout System variable - Synchronization The #PauseTimeout system variable specifies the maximum delay for a Pause statement before an error occurs. Usage As soon as a #PauseTimeout= a value (for example #PauseTimeout=300) is encountered in the script, the Pause statements use this new value instead of the 120 seconds default value to wait before a Pause fails. Syntax #PauseTimeout = <integer> Parameters <integer>, numeric in seconds (default value is 120 seconds); if after <integer> seconds, the Text or the image have not been seen by the Pause function, the statements following the PauseFalse keyword in the Pause function are executed: a dialog box is displayed and the script is stopped. If this system variable is set to 0, the pause is infinite. Example #PauseTimeout=20 303 PeekInteger System function. The PeekInteger function reads one or more bytes in memory and returns an integer. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax var=PeekInteger(<address>,<number_of_bytes>) Parameters <address>: UNSIGNED variable, memory is read starting at this address. The variable must be declared beforehand. <number_of_bytes>: 1, 2 or 4 bytes to be read Return value var, return value, integer or UNSIGNED. If an error occurs during execution, no matter what the setting of #IgnoreErrors, an error message is displayed and the script is stopped. Example DIM ahandle as UNSIGNED ... handle=PeekInteger(ahandle,2) 304 PeekString$ System function. The PeekString$ function reads a string in memory. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax var$=PeekString$(<address> [, Unicode]) Parameters <address>: UNSIGNED, memory is read starting at this address until the end of string character (binary zero) is found. Unicode is an optional parameter, keyword which tells that the returned string uses Unicode encoding. Return value var$, return value, string. If an error occurs during execution, no matter what the setting of #IgnoreErrors, an error message is displayed and the script is stopped. Example message$=PeekString$(address_string) Example code 'memory address dim pointer as unsigned 'memory allocation pointer=allocate(64) 'prepare a variable for the return value wdir$=" " 'write the blank string to memory ret=PokeString(pointer,wdir$,0) 'In Win32, an A must be added to functions returning an ASCII string a=External("kernel32","GetWindowsDirectoryA",pointer,64) 'read the string at the given memory address var$=peekString$(pointer) msgbox(var$) Example code using Unicode 'memory address 305 dim pointer as unsigned 'memory allocation pointer=allocate(64) 'prepare a variable for the return value wdir$=" " 'write the blank string to memory ret=PokeString(pointer,wdir$,0) 'In Win32, an W must be added to functions returning a Unicode string a=External("kernel32","GetWindowsDirectoryW",pointer,64) 'read the string at the given memory address var$=peekString$(pointer,Unicode) msgbox(var$) 306 PokeInteger System function. The PokeInteger function writes a value of type Integer or Unsigned to memory. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax PokeInteger(<address>,<value>,<number_of_bytes>) or ret=PokeInteger(<address>,<value>,<number_of_bytes>) Parameters <address>: integer or UNSIGNED, address to which <value> is written. <number_of_bytes>: 1, 2 or 4. Return value ret, numeric return code. When <value> has been written successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example dim Myvalue as unsigned Myvalue=32500 ret=PokeInteger(MemPtr,myvalue,4) Example code 'ASCII code '77 121 32 115 116 114 105 110 103 'M y s t r i n g dim pointer as unsigned dim address as unsigned 'Writes a string to memory pointer=allocate(32) ret=PokeString(pointer,"My string",1) 'reads the string as integers (ASCII codes) i=0 repeat address=pointer+i var=PeekInteger(address,1) mes$=mes$+"Byte "+str$(1+i)+" : "+str$(var)+"\n\" i=i+1 until i=8 msgbox(mes$,64,"Reads in memory") 307 '--------------------------------------------------------------'Writes integer in memory (ASCII codes) pointer=allocate(32) address=pointer ret=PokeInteger(pointer,77,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,121,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,32,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,115,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,116,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,114,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,105,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,110,1) pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,103,1) '0 binary for end of string pointer=pointer+1 ret=PokeInteger(pointer,0,1) var$=PeekString$(address) msgbox("String read : "+var$,64,"Memory read") 308 PokeString System function. The PokeString function writes a string to memory. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax PokeString(<address>,<string>[,<term> [,Unicode]]) or ret=PokeString(<address>,<string>[,<term> [,Unicode]]) Parameters <address>: UNSIGNED, address to which <string> is written. <term>: number, to indicate if an end of string character must be added. 0: no character is added, 1: a binary zero is added (default value), 2: two binary zeroes are added. Unicode: optional keyword. It tells that the string to write to memory is written using Unicode encoding. Return value ret, numeric return code. When <string> has been written successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example dim Memptr as unsigned Memptr=32500 ret=PokeString(MemPtr,"My string",1) Example code 'memory address dim pointer as unsigned 'memory allocation pointer=allocate(64) 'prepare a variable for the return value wdir$=" " 'write the blank string to memory ret=PokeString(pointer,wdir$,0) 'In Win32, an A must be added to functions returning an ASCII string a=External("kernel32","GetWindowsDirectoryA",pointer,64) 'read the string at the given memory address var$=peekString$(pointer) 309 PostData Web function. The PostData function fills the fields of a Web form just before the next Navigate submits it. The PostData function must not be used anymore since WinTask version 2.5. It is kept only for compatibility with previous versions. You fill now a Web form by using the WriteHTML function which is generated automatically by the Recording mode. 310 #Precision System variable - Floating point calculation functions. The #Precision system variable specifies the number of decimal places for floating point calculation functions. Syntax #Precision = n Remarks The default value is 2. Example #Precision = 3 311 Program structure The program structure must be : 1. declarations with DIM 2. Functions and Subs, in the correct order. That is : if sub a() calls sub b(), then the definition of b must precede the definition of a. 3. main program and other code If INCLUDE is used, the entire program with all the inclusions must conform to this structure. 312 Random System function. The Random function returns a random integer between 0 and the specified value. Syntax Random(<val>) or ret=Random(<val>) Parameters <val>, integer (at least 1) Return value Ret, random integer between 0 and <val>. Example a=Random(5000) MsgBox(str$(a)) 313 Read File management function. The Read function reads data from the specified file. Usage You read data from an external souce, a text file. For example, in a loop, you read each record stored in a text file, send the data to another application and the loop ends when the end of file is reached. Syntax Read(<filename>,<buffer>) Read(<filename>,<buffer>,<n>) Read(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) Read(<filename>,<buffer>,CRLF) or ret=Read(<filename>,<buffer>) ret=Read(<filename>,<buffer>,<n>) ret=Read(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) ret=Read(<filename>,<buffer>,CRLF) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to read. It is a string which can be a constant or a variable. Long names and UNC names are accepted, such as \\Server\c\my_directory\my_file.txt. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in the current directory. <buffer>, string ; it must be a variable. The maximum size is 32K. The variable is filled with the result of the Read function. The Read is done sequentially starting at the read pointer associated with the file. After a Read, the pointer is automatically moved to the next byte not already read. Between two Reads, you can move the pointer by using the SetReadPos(<filename>) statement. If a Read encounters the end of file, then EOF(<filename>) is set to 1. If the length of <filename> is less than 32K (maximum size of a string variable), the entire file is copied into the variable <buffer>, and EOF(<filename>) is set to 1; if the length is more than 32K, <buffer> contains the first 32K of the file and the read pointer is set for reading the next 32K. <n>, integer, number of bytes to read. If the length of <filename> is less than n, the entire files is copied into the variable <buffer> and EOF(<filename>) is set to 1, if the length is more than n, <buffer> contains the first n bytes and the read pointer is set for reading the following n bytes. <sep$>, string (variable or constant). The Read is performed until the next occurrence of <sep$>. <buffer> contains the bytes read between the initial position until sep$ (sep$ is not placed in <buffer>). The read pointer is set to the next character following sep$. If sep$ is not found during a Read: end of file has been reached; <buffer> contains the bytes between the read pointer and the end of file. EOF(<filename>) is set to 1. or end of file has not been reached and <buffer> contains the 32K following the pointer. 314 CRLF : carriage-return-line-feed keyword (chr$(13)+chr$(10)). The file is read line by line. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the read is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples Read(file$,var$) Read("c:\sample.txt", var$) Read(file$,var$,80) ' puts the next 80 characters in var$ Read(file$,var$,n) ' puts the next n characters in var$ Read(file$,var$,CRLF) ' puts the next line of file$ in var$ Read(file$,var$,"mark") ' puts the characters between the pointer and "mark" in var$, but var$ does not include "mark" Example code This script reads the autoexec.bat file. msgbox(OsVersion$()) FileName$="c:\autoexec.bat" repeat Read(FileName$,result$,CRLF) display$=display$+"\n\"+result$ until eof(FileName$)=1 msgbox(display$,0,"Autoexec.bat File") This script reads two files simultaneously. It explains the use of the two commands GetReadPos and SetReadPos. It creates, writes and reads files FileName1$="c:\file1.txt" FileName2$="c:\file2.txt" create(FileName1$) create(FileName2$) 'write into file1.txt "File 1 Line 1") Write(FileName1$,"File 1 Line 1",CRLF) 'write into file1.txt "File 1 Line 2" delim$="Line 2"+CRLF Write(FileName1$,"File 1 ",delim$) 'write into file1.txt "File 1 Line 3" delim$=CRLF Write(FileName1$,"File 1 ") 315 Write(FileName1$,"Line 3",Delim$) 'write 4 different lines into file2.txt awrite$="File 2 Line 1"+CRLF+"File 2 Line 2"+CRLF+"File 2 Line 3"+CRLF+"File 2 Line 4" write(Filename2$,awrite$) 'loop reading the files File1.txt and File2.txt display1$="Sequential reading of the file File1.txt : "+"\n\" display2$="Sequential reading of the file File2.txt : "+"\n\" i=0 repeat result$="" if eof(FileName1$)<>1 then 'if we are not at the end of the file read(FileName1$,Result$,CRLF) endif 'after having read the last record, eof is positioned to 1 display1$=display1$+"\n\"+result$ result$="" if eof(FileName2$)<>1 then 'if we are not at the end of the file read(FileName2$,Result$,CRLF) endif 'after having read the last record, eof is positioned to 1 display2$=display2$+"\n\"+result$ pause 1 MsgFrame(display1$,1,5,10,8) MsgFrame(display2$,2,230,10,8) i=i+1 if i=1 then 'if we have just read the first record FilePos1=GetReadPos(FileName1$) 'we remember the position of the pointer of the file 1 endif if i=3 then 'if we have just read the fourth record FilePos2=GetReadPos(FileName2$) 316 'we remember the position of the pointer of the file 2 endif until eof(FileName1$)=1 and eof(FileName2$)=1 SetReadPos(FileName1$,0) 'this is how to reposition to the beginning of file 1 SetReadPos(FileName2$,0) 'this is how to reposition to the beginning of file 2 'management of the pointers of files MsgFrame("** Reading of the files by using SetReadPos **",9,40,160,8) FileRead1$="Reading record 2 in file 1"+"\n\\n\" FileRead2$="Reading record 4 in file 2"+"\n\\n\" 'we go back to the second record (previously saved) SetReadPos(FileName1$,FilePos1) read(FileName1$,result$,CRLF) 'to read second line FileRead1$=FileRead1$+"\n\"+result$ MsgFrame(FileRead1$,3,5,220,8) pause 4 SetReadPos(FileName2$,FilePos2) read(FileName2$,result$,CRLF) 'to read second line FileRead2$=FileRead2$+"\n\"+result$ MsgFrame(FileRead2$,3,5,220,8) pause 4 317 ReadCom Com port management function. Function not available anymore since Windows XP. The ReadCom function reads the specified number of characters from the FIFO buffer of the specified Com port. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ret=ReadCom(<num_port>,<numbytes>,<char$>) Parameters <num_port>: Com port number from which to read (from 1 to 8, Com1 to Com8). <numbytes>: number of bytes to be read from the Com port buffer. <char$>: character string variable used to receive the characters. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified Com port has not yet been opened, the function returns 8; you can use this return code for Error Handling. If <numbytes> is 0 or is equal to the number of characters available in the buffer, all the characters in the buffer are read and the buffer is emptied. The return code is then 0. If no characters are in the buffer or if less than <numbytes> characters are available in the buffer, the return code is 13. If numbytes < number of characters available in the buffer, return code is 12. See also OpenCom, WriteCom, CloseCom Example result$="" Ret=OpenCom(1,9600,"n",8,1,"n") Ret=ReadCom(1,3,result$) ' Reads the first 3 characters of Com1 buffer Example code For this example, you must connect two PCs with a NULL MODEM cable (using COM1). The sending program installed on one of the PCs sends a 20 character string. The receiving program installed on the other PC waits until the sender sends a 20character string to it. Settings for the Com port are : No flow control, COM1, Speed 9600, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. '****************************************************** '**************** Sending program ********************* '****************************************************** res=OpenCom(1,9600, "n",8,1, "n" ) SendVar$="SERIAL PORT TEST" 318 ' the string SendVar$ will be sent to the serial port. res=WriteCom(portnum, SendVar $) res=CloseCom(1) '****************************************************** '************* Receiving program ********************** '****************************************************** sub main(ByteNb) var$="" res = ReadCom(1, ByteNb,var$) Select Case res Case 0 ' we emptied the buffer, we received the 20 characters message$=message$+var$ out=1 Case 13 'it there are not 20 characters in the buffer, it is necessary to make another ' read but with the number of characters equal to the number of characters still ' in the buffer message$=message$+var$ i=i-len(var$) Case Else msgbox("unexpected characters"+str$(res)) stop EndSelect Endsub res=OpenCom(1,9600, "n",8,1, "n" ) i=20 out=0 message$="" repeat main(i) until out=1 res=CloseCom(1) msgbox(message$,32,"Received") 319 320 ReadExcel File management function. The ReadExcel function reads a cell, a row or a column from an Excel workbook. Microsoft Excel must be installed on the PC, but does not have to be open. The workbook itself can be already open or not in Excel at the time of the ReadExcel. Usage You read data from an external souce, an Excel file. For example, you populate 3 arrays reading three columns in an Excel file, first one is First name, second is Last name, third is Town, and in a loop, you submit to a yellow pages Web site those three data for capturing phone numbers. Syntax ReadExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array_result$>[,<readPasswd$>]) or ret=ReadExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array_result$>[,<readPasswd $>]) Parameters <workbook>, string, name of the Excel workbook to read from. It is a string which can be a constant or a variable. Long names and UNC names are accepted, such as \\Server\c\my_directory\my_file.xls. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in the current directory. <range_descriptor>, string. If only one sheet exists in the workbook, only the range of cells must be specified, such as A4:F4 for a row or A2:A12 for a column. If multiple sheets exist in the workbook, the required syntax is "sheet_name!range_of_cells" ; for example, TOOLS!A9:F9 Other range examples: mycell1 (a named cell), A1, A3:B3, tools!$b$2:$b$4 <array_result$>, array of strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using Dim. The contents of the cells specified in <range_descriptor> is placed into this array, beginning with element 0. <readPasswd$>, optional string parameter; password for reading the <workbook> if needed. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the read is successful, the function returns the number of cells read, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -1 if an error is reported by Excel or the range is not a single cell, a column or a row, the return code is -2 if the array is smaller than the number of cells read. See also WriteExcel CloseExcelCom Excel, useful functions How to read all the lines of an Excel worksheet until the cell in the first column is empty Capture data from a web site and write them in an Excel file 321 Example dim array$(20) ret=ReadExcel("C:\My documents\myexcel_file.xls","TOOLS!A9:F9",array$()) msgbox(ret,,"number of cells read") Example code The script below reads all the lines from an Excel file from A column to C column and writes them in another Excel file. dim arrayline$(10) fileexcel$="c:\example1.xls" filetowritein$="c:\test.xls" j=1 repeat ' The complex string "sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j) means if j=1 ' "Sheet1!a1:c1" readexcel(fileexcel$,"sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j),arrayline$()) WriteExcel(filetowritein$,"sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j),arrayline$()) j=j+1 until arrayline$(0)="" 322 ReadIni$ System function. The ReadIni$ function reads a parameter in the specified INI file. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage An INI file is easy to manage when external data have to be shared with one or several scripts. Data are organized properly and ReadIni$ function accesses directly the desired data without dealing with read pointers, End Of File character, record separator character, ... Syntax var$=Readini$(<filename>,<Section>,<Item>,<Default>) Parameters <filename>: string; INI file to be read. It is a string which can be a constant or a variable. UNC names are accepted. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in the Windows directory. <Section>: string, section to be read from the INI file. <Item>: string, item to be read from the INI file. Return value Var$: return value, string containing the desired parameter from the INI file. If the file <filename> or the section <Section> or the item <Item> do not exist, the value <Default> is returned. See also WriteIni Example Assume SAMPLE.INI contains: [Section1] Item1 = 123 Item2 = var$=ReadIni$("sample.ini", "Section1","Item1","Default") Returns "123" in var$ var$=ReadIni$("sample.ini", "Section1","Item2","Default") Returns an empty string ("") in var$ var$=ReadIni$("sample.ini", "Section2","Item2","Default") Returns "Default" in var$ 323 ReadReg System function. The ReadReg function reads a string or an integer from the Windows Registry. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ReadReg(<path>,<type>,<returned value>) or ret=ReadReg(<path>,<type>,<returned value>) Parameters <path>: entire path before the value (not the key). For example : "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TaskWare\WinTask\1.0\Name" To read the default value of a key (named Default), use the entire path of the key and end with the character \ <type> can be : 1 string 2 string expand 3 binary 4 integer or dword 7 string multiple If <type> is 1 or 2, a string is returned; if it is 7, a string is also returned but the binary zeroes separating the multiple strings are changed to \n\ and the ending double binary 0 is not returned. If <type> is 3 (binary), a string is returned containing a hexadecimal conversion of the binary value. A <type> of 4 returns an integer. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the read is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. If the return code is not zero, an empty or null value is returned in <returned value>. Remarks If there is an inconsistency between the specified <type> and the type of the returned value, a compilation error is generated. Example ReadReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TaskWare\WinTask\1.0\Name",1,name$) 324 Reboot System function. The Reboot function reboots the PC or restarts Windows. Syntax Reboot(<code>) or ret=Reboot(<code>) Parameters <code>, numeric according to: 0 Restarts Windows 2 Restarts Windows and the PC (warmboot) 4 Puts the PC in suspend mode (only NT and 2000) 8 Stops the PC If an application cannot be closed, the system is not rebooted (for instance, when a document has not been saved and a dialog box appears). Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the reboot is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for error management. Example Reboot(0) 325 Rem Compilation. The Rem statement inserts a comment in the script. Syntax Rem <text_comment> or ' <text_comment> Parameters <text_comment>, any text. Any text following the keyword Rem or the character ' is not executed when running the script. Remarks You can comment a full block of lines inserting the characters /* at the beginning of the first line of the block and putting the characters */ at the end of the last line of the block. Examples Rem text blabla 'text blabla Reboot(0) ' restarts Windows /* All the lines are comments A second line A third line */ Msgbox("end of the comments") 326 RemoveFrame User dialog function. The RemoveFrame function removes the message displayed by MsgFrame. Syntax RemoveFrame(<Id>) Parameter <Id>, integer, identifier of this message as defined by MsgFrame. See also MsgFrame MsgFrameTitle Example RemoveFrame(1) ' Removes the message displayed by MsgFrame("Wait",1) 327 Repeat...until... Program flow management function. The Repeat...until structure defines a loop with a completion check at the end of the loop. Usage Used to repeat the same steps a certain number of times or until a condition is true. Syntax Repeat <statements> Until <boolean_expression> Parameters <statements>: statements to be executed until <boolean_expression> becomes true. Remarks In a REPEAT statement (unlike a While statement), <statements> are always executed at least once. If PAUSE n SECS or PAUSE n TICKS is the last line before UNTIL, use the statement EndPause to close this Pause block, or the compiler will generate the error message Invalid Pause ... Until. See also Logical operators Example a = 0 Repeat beep (100) a = a + 1 pause 300 ticks ' same as 3 seconds EndPause Until a = 5 328 Replace$ String management function. The Replace$ function finds and replaces some or all occurrences of a substring within the specified string. Usage Same usage as the Replace option in an Edit menu. Syntax var$=Replace$(<string>,<search_string>,<replacing_string> [,<number_of_occurrences> [<start_position>,<end_position>]]) Parameters <string>, string in which to find and replace <search_string>, string to search for within <string> <replacing_string>, string replacing <search_string> when this substring is found <number_of_occurrences>, numeric, optional parameter to specify how many times the find/replace must be done. If this parameter is omitted or is at 0, the find/replace is done on all the occurrences. <start_position>, numeric, optional parameter. If specified, the find/replace is done starting at the <start_position> character of <string>. <end_position>, numeric, optional parameter. If specified, the find/replace is done starting at the <start_position> character of <string> and ending at <end_position> character of <string>. Return value var$, string with the replaced substrings. Remarks The find/replace is case sensitive. Examples a$="Hello WinTask, Hellobis" var$=replace$(a$,"Hello","Hi") msgbox(var$) ' displays Hi WinTask, Hibis a$="Hello WinTask, Hellobis" var$=replace$(a$,"Hello","Hi",1) msgbox(var$) ' displays Hi WinTask, Hellobis a$="Hello WinTask, Hellobis" var$=replace$(a$,"Hello","Hi",0,2,8) msgbox(var$) ' displays Hello WinTask, Hellobis - no changes as the Hello word is not found between the 2nd and 8th character. 329 ResetTimer Response time function. The ResetTimer function resets the specified clock. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ResetTimer(<clock_number>) Parameters <clock_number>: number of the clock to be reseted; valid values go from 1 to 10. Even if the specified clock is not stopped, the function resets the clock to zero. If <clock_number> is an invalid number, Error Handling rules are used. See also StartTimer, StopTimer, Timer Examples This script measures a connection time: connection is supposed achieved when the text "connected" is displayed in the emulator window (window name : my_emulator$). ResetTimer(1) 'After having reset clock number 1, start clock number 1 StartTimer(1) Pause until Text("connected") InWindow(my_emulator$) EndPause 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. Comment("connection made in : "+str$(Timer(1)/10)) This script measures how long it takes for a page on www.wintask.com to load ResetTimer(1) StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") StartTimer(1) ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. msgbox("Page How it works loaded in : "+str$(Timer(1))+" hundreds of a sec") 330 RestoreWindow Windows management function. The RestoreWindow function restores the specified window to its previous size. Syntax RestoreWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) or ret=RestoreWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>]) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be restored. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window to be restored. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the restore is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples Result = RestoreWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled",1) RestoreWindow(win$) 331 RevertToSelf System function. The RevertToSelf function cancels an impersonation made by ImpersonateUser. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax RevertToSelf() Parameters None See also ImpersonateUser Example RevertToSelf() 332 Right$ String management function. The Right$ function returns the specified number of characters in a string starting from the right. Syntax var$=Right$(<string$>,<numcar>) Parameters <string$>, string from which to extract characters. <numcar>, numeric, number of characters to extract from <string$>. Return value var$, string, return value containing the extracted characters. If <numcar> is negative or 0, an empty string is returned. If <numcar> is greater than or equal to the number of characters of <string$>, the entire string is returned. See also ExtractBetween$ Left$, Mid$ Examples a$ = Right$("example",3) ' Returns "ple" in a$ a$ = Right$("example",0) ' Returns "" in a$ 333 RmDir System function. The RmDir function deletes a directory. Syntax RmDir(<directory_name>) or ret=RmDir(<directory_name>) Parameters <directory_name>, string, name of the directory to delete. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the deletion is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The function works like the DOS statement RMDIR. See also MkDir Examples RmDir("c:\text") RmDir(direct$) 334 Rtrim$ String management function. The Rtrim$ function removes the trailing spaces/tabulations from a string. Usage Used to take spaces, tabulations and CRLF off the end of a text. To avoid spaces added by mistake during data-entry, use this function. Syntax var$=Rtrim$(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to be trimmed. Return value var$, string, return value containing the trimmed string. See also Ltrim$ Trim$ Examples a$ = Rtrim$("bcde ") ' Returns "bcde" in a$ a$ = Rtrim$(a$) ' Deletes the spaces at the end of a$ 335 Run Program flow control function. The Run function launches a compiled script as a sub-program. Syntax Run( "Script_name[.rob] [<Arg_1> <Arg_2> ...<Arg_n>]") or Ret=Run( "Script_name[.rob] [<Arg_1> <Arg_2> ...<Arg_n>]") Parameters "script_name", string, compiled script to be executed. If the script name contains spaces, you must surround the name by CHR$(34): Run(chr$(34)+"C:\program files\WinTask\scripts\my_script"+chr$(34)) The statement Run("script2"+""param1 param2"") would cause a compilation error since the character " is reserved for string definition ; you must replace the character " by its ASCII equivalent, so the correct statement is: Run("script2"+chr$(34)+"param1 param2"+chr$(34)). You can also see an example in the Shell function. <Arg_n>: optional parameters for the compiled script; these parameters can be read by the Command$ function. Return value RetCode : numeric return code; 0 if the compiled script finishes correctly; or the value defined by the programmer using the End function. If "script_name" is empty, an error occurs at execution time (retcode=40). If the .ROB does not exist, no matter how #IgnoreErrors is set, an error message is displayed and the script is stopped. Remarks The values of system variables are valid only inside the script; so if a parent script calls a child script through Run, the values of system variables set up in the parent are not passed to the child script. If you want to run an external program (a .EXE, a .BAT), use Shell function. See also Parameters passed from one script to another Example Result = Run("My_script userid pswd") a$="my_script" b$=a$ + " " + usrid$ + " " + pswd$ Result = Run(b$) Example code This example shows how to use the return code (End function) Script1 File_to_find$="c:\program files\wintask\scripts\*.src" 336 Ret=Run("script2"+" "+chr$(34)+file_to_find$+chr$(34)) If Ret=-1 then Mes$="Could not determine file count for "+file_to_find$ Else Mes$="Number of file(s) "+File_to_find$+" : "+str$(Ret) Endif Msgbox(mes$) Script2 Dim tab_name$(100) Dim short_name$(100) Dim att$(100) #IgnoreErrors=1 Res=dir(command$(1), tab_name$(), short_name$(), att$(), "N") ' script2 return code is the return code of the Dir function ' Script1 can test for it End(Res) 337 SavePictureAs Web function. The SavePictureAs function saves an HTML element referring to a picture. Usage It simulates a right click on an HTML element which is a picture and the selection in the context menu of the Save Picture As option. Syntax ret=SavePictureAs(<html_descriptor>, <path> [,<filename>]) Parameters <html_descriptor>, identifier for the HTML element to save. See HTML descriptor for each HTML objects identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the descriptor (just record a click on the picture). <path>, string, directory where to save the file. <filename>, string, optional parameter to force the name of the file under which the image is saved. NOTE that the extension cannot be changed, the extension stays the one as provided by the web site. <filename> MUST NOT include a path or an extension. When <filename> is not specified, the picture name is created from the url of the picture. If for any reason, a valid name cannot be generated, SavePictureAs generates an automatic filename, bitmapxxxx. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The function returns 0 if successfull. If the file cannot be created (or overwritten), the function returns 26. If an Internet error occurs, a negative error code is returned. You can use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -12 Download timeout (the file could not be saved within the #ActionTimeout time) -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) Remarks If only the path is specified, the file is saved using the name provided by the web page. If the specified directory does not exist, it is created. At replay, the function waits for the HTML element to be displayed before saving the picture. The timeout is the value of #ActionTimeout (the default is 30 seconds). Example On WinTask Web site, we save the image displaying WinTask books: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") 338 SavePictureAs("IMG[SRC= 'http://www.wintask.com/images/p']", "c:\test","imageproduct") CloseBrowser() The image is saved under name imageproduct.jpg in the c:\test directory. 339 SaveTargetAs Web function. The SaveTargetAs function simulates a right click on an HTML element and selection of Save Target as option in the context menu. Usage The function right clicks on an HTML element and selects in the context menu the Save Target As option. Syntax ret=SaveTargetAs(<html_descriptor>, <path>,<extension>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, identifier for the HTML element to save. See HTML descriptor for each HTML objects identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the descriptor (just record a right click on the link). <path>, string, directory where to save the file. <extension>, string, extension for the saved file ("htm", "php" for examples). It must be the correct extension as the one specified when you do the Save Target As manually. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The function returns 0 if successfull. If the file cannot be created (or overwritten), the function returns 26. If an Internet error occurs, a negative error code is returned. The dialog boxes opened by the function (Save as dialog box, File Download dialog box) are automatically closed if an error occurs. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -12 Download timeout (the file could not be saved within the #ActionTimeout time) -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes The return code can be used for Error Handling. Remarks Only the path and the extension are specified, the file is saved using the name provided by the web page. If the specified directory does not exist, it is created. If the file already exists, it is automatically replaced. If for any reason, the existing file cannot be deleted before saving the new file with the same name, an error is reported. At replay, the function waits for the HTML element to be displayed before saving the target. The timeout is the value of #ActionTimeout (the default is 30 seconds). Example On WinTask Web site, we save the target which is under the link Hottest New 340 Version: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") SaveTargetAs("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']", "c:\test", "htm") CloseBrowser() The file is saved under c:\test with the name download-wintask.htm which is the original filename of the HTML element. 341 #ScriptAfterTimeout$ System variable - Program flow management. The #ScriptAfterTimeout$ system variable specifies the script that will be run when #ExecTimeout has elapsed. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage If you need to run a script at regular interval whatever error is reported, #ScriptAfterTimeout$ used in cunjunction with #ExecTimeout allow to rerun within a clean desktop whatever happened during previous execution. Syntax #ScriptAfterTimeout$ = "<script_to_launch.rob>" Remarks If within the script, #ExecTimeout has been set up and if this timeout elapses during execution, the .rob compiled script specified in #ScriptAfterTimeout$ is launched. The use of this system variable along with #ExecTimeout allows to recreate a "clean" environment if the script fails for any reason and so you can rerun the same script exactly in the same state than if it was the first time ; see below the example code. If the script name to call contains spaces, you need to surround the script name by CHR$(34): #ScriptAfterTimeout=chr$(34)+"After Timeout.rob+chr$(34) See also #ExecTimeout Examples #ScriptAfterTimeout$ = "my_script" 'Note that as usual, if a blank is within the full path, you need to surround the string with Chr$(34) as below : #ScriptAfterTimeout$=Chr$(34)+"E:\MICHAEL\script timeout\display message.rob"+Chr$(34) 'With parameters, the line would be : #ScriptAfterTimeout$=Chr$(34)+"E:\MICHAEL\script timeout\display message.rob"+Chr$(34)+" param1 param2" Example code This script launches Notepad and the Web page www.wintask.com. After #ExecTimeout seconds (here at 10), the script is killed and the script killprocesses specified in #ScriptAfterTimeout$ variable is launched. This last script kills the two processes Notepad and Iexplore, so the environment before launching the first script is restored. #ExecTimeout=10 #ScriptAfterTimeout$="killprocesses" Shell("notepad") 342 StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'DOWNLOAD your 30-day']") pause 20 ' Script killprocesses------------------------------------------------'In this example, we kill the two applications Internet Explorer and notepad. KillApp("iexplore.exe",1) KillApp("notepad.exe",1) 343 Sec$ Date/Time function The Sec$ function returns the seconds of the current time as a two-character string. Syntax a$=Sec$() Return value a$, seconds number returned as a string; if the value is less than 10, a leading 0 is added. a$ is always two characters long. Example a$=Sec$() 'if its 9:08:05 am, a$ contains "05" 344 Select Case... EndSelect Program flow control function. The Select Case...EndSelect structure defines a selection. Usage Select Case is similar to an If block but for more complex decisions where there are several possible answers. For example if you need to process different actions depending on which weekday it is, you will use a Select Case covering the 7 possible values for the current day. Syntax Select Case <tested_expression> [Case <expressions_1> <statements_1>] [Case <expressions_2> <statements_2>] [...] [Case Else <statements_3>] EndSelect Parameters If <tested_expression> evaluates to one of the <expressions_>, the statements after the CASE are executed. examples of <expressions_> are : CASE "a" CASE 1 CASE a+b CASE "red" , "white" , "blue" <expressions_> can any numeric or string expression. After CASE ELSE, the <statements_3> are executed when the <tested_expression> does not evaluate to any of the <expressions_>. Example day=weekday() Select Case day Case 1 aday$="Sunday" Case 2 aday$="Monday" Case 3 aday$="Tuesday" Case 4 aday$="Wednesday " Case 5 aday$="Thursday " Case 6 345 aday$="Friday" Case 7 aday$="Saturday" Case Else aday$="Impossible" EndSelect msgbox("Hello, today is "+aday$) 346 SelectDir$ User dialog function. The SelectDir$ function returns the name of the directory selected by the user in the standard Browse for Folder dialog. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax mydir$=SelectDir$(<text$>,<initial_directory$>,<flag>) Parameters <text$>: string, explanation for the Browse for Folder dialog. <initial_directory$>: initial directory from which the search will start. <flag>: integer value, its the addition of all the flags passed to the Windows API. 1 is the recommended value, only disk directories are listed (not Control panel, ...). Other values are: 8192 for selecting a printer 2 Network neighborhood browsing is not allowed 1 only disk directories are allowed Remarks If <initial_directory$> is invalid, the list starts at My computer. Directory names which must be independent of environment (for instance system folder where Windows is installed), follow the rules of CSIDL values in C++: DESKTOP = "0" PROGRAMS= "2" CONTROLS= "3" PRINTERS= "4" PERSONAL= "5" FAVORITES= "6" STARTUP= "7" RECENT= "8" SENDTO= "9" BITBUCKET="a STARTMENU= "b" DESKTOPDIRECTORY= "10" DRIVES= "11" NETWORK= "12" NETHOOD= "13" FONTS= "14" TEMPLATES= "15" COMMONSTARTMENU= "16" COMMONPROGRAMS= "17" COMMONSTARTUP= "18" COMMONDESKTOPDIR= "19" APPDATA= "1a" PRINTHOOD= "1b" LOCALAPPDATA= "1c" ALTSTARTUP= "1d" COMMONALTSTARTUP= "1e" COMMONFAVORITES= "1f" INTERNETCACHE= "20" COOKIES= "21" HISTORY= "22" COMMONAPPDATA= "23" 347 WINDOWS= "24" SYSTEM= "25" PROGRAMFILES= "26" MYPICTURES= "27" PROFILE= "28" Return value mydir$: directory name selected by the user. See also SelectFile Example Directory selection starting at My computer. mydir$=selectdir$("Select a folder","0",1) msgbox(mydir$) 348 SelectedHTMLItem$ Web function. The SelectedHTMLItem$ function returns the item selected in the specified combobox/listbox HTML element. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Used to retrieve what the user has selected in a combo or listbox in a web form for example. Syntax var$=SelectedHTMLItem$(<html_descriptor>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML combobox/listbox to retrieve the information from. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the html descriptor. Return value var$ returns what has been selected by the user in the specified html combobox/listbox. If the combo/listbox is not found within the web page specified by a previous UsePage, var$ is empty. Remarks See the second example below to ensure that the HTML combo/list is fully loaded before invoking SelectedHTMLItem$ function. Examples On the demonstration WinTask Web site, we test what the user has selected in the Contact Us form: StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") 'The SelectHTMLItem waits for #ActionTimeout that the listbox is fully loaded. SelectHTMLItem("SELECT[NAME= 'subject']", "Web site") ClickHTMLElement("INPUT CHECKBOX[NAME= 'contactsoon']") selection$=SelectedHTMLItem$("SELECT[NAME= 'subject']") msgbox(selection$) 'Displays Web site CloseBrowser() On WinTask Web site, synchronization tips : we suppose that all the pages have the same title WinTask, and we want to retrieve what is per default in Subject field StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Same Title Pages']") 'If the new page has the same title as the previous one, the Recording mode does not generate a UsePage, 349 'so add it manually as below, execution of the UsePage line will finish only when all the HTML elements 'on the new web page are loaded. UsePage("Page Title") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "Typing in first page") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'here']") 'Write an additional UsePage line to force the synchro on the new page with the same title UsePage("Page Title") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'previous page']") CloseBrowser() 350 SelectedItem$ Windows management function. The SelectedItem$ function returns the item selected in the specified listbox or combobox. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage Allows to test what the user has selected in a listbox or combobox. Only standard Windows list/combo will work with SelectedItem$. With a non-standard list/combo, you can use Clipboard : SendKeys("<Ctrl c">) to copy the text to Clipboard, and GetClipboard$ function to retrieve the content of Clipboard. Syntax var$=SelectedItem$(<window_name>) Parameters <window_name>, string, window name of the listbox or combobox from which the function retrieves the user selection. Return value var$, string, return value which contains the value selected by the user. If the list/combo does not exist, an empty string is returned. Example var$=SelectedItem$("EXPLORER.EXE|ComboBox|Run|1") 351 SelectFile User dialog function. The SelectFile function returns the LONG name of the files selected by the user in the standard File Open dialog. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ret=SelectFile(<title>,<directory>,<filter>,<selected_file>,<offset_name>,<offs et_extension>) Parameters <title>: string, title of the File Open dialog. <directory>: initial directory in the File Open dialog. <filter>: file extensions listed in the File Open dialog; first the extension, followed by the label of this extension; all the arguments are separated by the character ;. <selected_file>: the file specified in the edit box of the File Open dialog; a return variable, it contains the name of the file selected by the user. <offset_name>: the position of the first letter of the filename selected. For example, if the file returned is c:\dir1\dir2\file.ext, this argument contains 14. <offset_extension>: the position of the first letter of the extension. For instance, if the file returned is c:\dir1\dir2\file.ext, this argument contains 19 (position of the letter e). Return value ret, numeric return code. When the user has selected the OK button, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Example file_name$ is the LONG name of the selected file. ret=SelectFile("Select the file", "c:\worddocs","*.txt;text files (*.txt);*.doc;documents (*.doc)",file_name$,offset_name,offset_ext) 352 SelectHTMLItem Web function. The SelectHTMLItem function selects an item in a Combobox/Listbox within a Web page. Usage Used to select an item from a listbox or a combobox displayed on a Web page. If the list/combo is a non-HTML plugin, SelectHTMLItem function will not recognize the list, and you can use Clipboard: SendKeys("<Ctrl C">) to copy the text to Clipboard (use Down key if you need to select a different item than the one selected), and GetClipboard$ function to retrieve the content of Clipboard. Syntax ret=SelectHTMLItem(<html_descriptor>,item$[,shift|ctrl]) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML combobox/listbox where to select the item item$ within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. See HTML descriptor for <html_descriptor> syntax. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the SelectHTMLElement syntax. <item$>, string, text of the item to select. shift or ctrl: if a multiple selection is done, the shift keyword is used for the last item selected, or the ctrl keyword is used for each individual item selected. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the item has been successfully selected within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0 otherwise a return code is set but the execution does not stop whatever #IgnoreErrors value. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -11 Specified item not found -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) Example On the demonstration WinTask Web site, we click the Form link and then we fill the form: StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") SelectHTMLItem("SELECT[NAME= 'subject']", "Web site") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'name']", "My Name") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'email']", "[email protected]") 353 ClickHTMLElement("INPUT CHECKBOX[NAME= 'contactsoon']") WriteHTML("TEXTAREA[NAME= 'message']", "Message") ClickHTMLElement("INPUT RESET[VALUE= 'Clear']") CloseBrowser() 354 SelectMultipleFile User dialog function. The SelectMultipleFile function returns an array containing the LONG names of the files selected by the user in the standard File Open dialog. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax SelectMultipleFile(<title>,<directory>,<filter>,<selected_directory>,<array>) or a=SelectMultipleFile(<title>,<directory>,<filter>,<selected_directory>,<array>) Parameters <title>: string, title of the File Open dialog. <directory>: initial directory in the File Open dialog; if empty, the current directory is used. <filter>: file extensions listed in the File Open dialog; first the extension, followed by the label of this extension; all the arguments are separated by the character ;. <selected_directory>: directory selected by the user. <array>: array containing the list of files selected by the user. The array must have been previously declared using the DIM statement. Return value a, return variable, number of files selected. Examples DIM file_tab$(10) a=SelectMultipleFile("Select the files" , "c:\worddocs","*.txt;text files (*.txt);*.doc ;documents (*.doc)", dir$, file_tab$()) The array File_tab will contain all the selections made by the user in the File Open dialog box where all the files in C:\docs are listed: Dim file_tab$(100) SelectMultipleFile("Select the files","c:\docs","*.*;All files(*.*)", dir$, file_tab$()) msgbox(file_tab$(0)) 355 SendEmail System function, Web function. The SendEmail function sends an email using the SMTP outgoing mail server defined in WinTask Scheduler email notification Tab. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax SendEmail(<From>,<To>,<Subject>,<Message_text>[,<Attachments>[,<Cc>]] ) or ret=SendEmail(<From>,<To>,<Subject>,<Message_text>[,<Attachments>[,<C c>]]) Parameters <From>: string, email address of the email sender. <To>: string, email name of the recipient. <Subject>: string, message title. <Message_text>: string, body part of the message. The maximum length for the body part as a simple string is 80 characters, for a longer body text, use a file : if the first character of the string is the ! character, the message is the content of the file specified by the filename after this ! character. <Attachments>: string, one or several filenames to attach (the ; character is the separator if several files are specified). If the first character is the ! character, the unique filename specified behind this character is used to send all the files which are listed line by line in this metafile. <Cc>: string, email name of other recipient. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The function returns 0 if successfull, 1 if any error occurred trying to send mail. You can use this return code for Error Handling. Examples Send a simple email. SendEmail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Meeting today","The meeting today is at 8 am") Send a longer email witht the body text in a file. SendEmail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Read this","!C:\bodymail.txt") Send an email with attachments listed in a metafile text file. c:\metafileemail.txt for example lists c:\test1.txt c:\test2.txt c:\test3.txt c:\program files\wintask\scripts\my_scrip.src The SendEmail line below sends as attached files the 4 files above. SendEmail("[email protected]","[email protected]","Test metafile","Please save the attached files","!C:\metafileemail.txt") 356 SendKeys Windows management function. The SendKeys function sends keyboard characters to the window specified by the most recent UseWindow. Usage SendKeys function is used primarily to simulate keystrokes being typed into an application. For instance, the first line in a script could be to open the application using Shell function, the next step would be a SendKeys to send keystrokes. Before the SendKeys line, a UseWindow statement would specify the window where the keystrokes have to be sent. Syntax SendKeys(<key_list> [,NoActivate]) or ret=SendKeys(<key_list> [,NoActivate]) Parameters <key_list>, string of characters ; each special key has a keyword for the Sendkeys function. See Keyboard mnemonics. To send a space, use " " (with a space between the double quotes). If no active Window is found or if an error is found in <key_list>, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped (depending on #IgnoreErrors value, see Error handling). Noactivate : optional keyword. It is used for sending keys to the window which has the focus without checking that it's the one defined in the most recent UseWindow. This keyword is useful to send keystrokes to different fields in a form : instead of a UseWindow line for each individual field in the form, you can use only one, and then you fill the different fields using SendKeys with Noactivate parameter, and you use a SendKeys("<Tab>",Noactivate) to go from one field to another. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When SendKeys is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The variable #SendKeysDelay (set to 0 by default) slows down the typing of characters. A small delay is added between each typed scan code (for "a<Ctrl a>, there will be a delay between a, Ctrl and a). Sendkeys function is not able to send some non-English characters (for instance, the ñ character in Spanish), see Sendkeys with non-English characters if you need to type some non-English or not-French characters which are not recognized by SendKeys. SendKeys function cannot send as is keyboard mnemonics such as <Alt <Enter>>, you need to use the keyboard mnemonics for the string to send, "normal text"+"<Alt <Enter>>"+"normal text". Examples In recording mode: UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("Hello") 357 SendKeys("<Enter>") SendKeys("Hello<Enter><Alt <F5>>") Variables can be used: UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) a$="Hello" SendKeys(a$) 358 #SendKeysDelay System variable - Windows management The #SendKeysDelay system variable slows down keyboard simulation and selections in menus. Syntax #SendKeysDelay = <integer> Parameters <integer>, integer in tenths of a second (default value is 0) : a time delay of <integer> x 0.2 second is inserted after each keystroke sent by the SendKeys function. It's possible to put a negative value (until -10) in order to speed up the typing. The maximum value is 100. This system variable also affects selections in menus made by the ChooseMenu function. Example ' Delay 1 second #SendKeysDelay=10 359 SendKeysEncrypted Windows management function. The SendKeysEncrypted function sends encrypted keyboard characters to the window specified by the most recent UseWindow (Not available in WinTask Lite). Usage SendKeysEncrypted function is used to simulate encrypted keystrokes being typed into an application. A set of characters can be encrypted using menu option Insert/Encrypted string. It will generate the encrypted string from the string you type and this encrypted string is then use in SendKeysEncrypted function. Before the SendKeysEncrypted line, a UseWindow statement would specify the window where the keystrokes have to be sent. Syntax SendKeysEncrypted(<encrypted_keys> [,NoActivate]) or ret=SendKeysEncrypted(<encrypted_keys> [,NoActivate]) Parameters <encrypted_keys>, string of encrypted characters. If no active Window is found or if an error is found in <encrypted_keys>, an error message is displayed and all the scripts are stopped (depending on #IgnoreErrors value, see Error handling). Noactivate : optional keyword. It is used for sending encrypted keys to the window which has the focus without checking that it's the one defined in the most recent UseWindow. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When SendKeysEncrytped is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks The variable #SendKeysDelay (set to 0 by default) slows down the typing of characters. A small delay is added between each typed scan code (for "a<Ctrl A>, there will be a delay between a, Ctrl and A). See also Encrypt Examples Generate first the encrypted string using Insert/Encrypted string menu option (or use Encrypt statement), then you can use the generated string in SendKeysEncrytped: UseWindow(focus$()) SendKeysEncrypted("H9hfSsHbGkkF1qj") SendKeys("<Enter>") Variables can be used: UseWindow(focus$()) a$="H9hfSsHbGkkF1qj" SendKeysEncrypted(a$) 360 361 SetAttr File management function. The SetAttr function modifies file attributes. Syntax SetAttr(<filename>,<attribute_flags>) or ret=SetAttr(<filename>,<attribute_flags>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file (optional specified with UNC) to modify. The name can include the wildcards * or ? in order to modify the attributes of multiple files in the same directory. The specified file must exist. <attribute_flags>, integer which can be any of these values (or their sum): 0 No attribute 1 Read only 2 Hidden 4 System 32 Archive Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the attribute modification is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples SetAttr("c:\text\example.*", 0) ' Deletes all the attributes of the files "c:\text\example.* " Res = Setattr(File$, a) 362 SetClipboard Clipboard management function. The SetClipboard function places the specified string on the Clipboard. Usage Mainly used to transfer data from one application to another, with the usual Windows Copy/Paste method. Syntax SetClipboard(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to place on the Clipboard. The string can then be used by GetClipboard$ or by the Edit/Paste menu of other applications. See also GetClipboard$ Example SetClipboard("abcdef") ' Puts "abcdef" on the clipboard SetClipboard (a$) ' Puts the string a$ on the clipboard 363 SetReadPos File management function. The SetReadPos function moves the read pointer to a specified position. Syntax SetReadPos(<filename>,<value>) or ret=SetReadPos(<filename>,<value>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file where the read pointer is set. <value>, integer, new position for the read pointer. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the read pointer is successfully repositioned, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks See the Read function for a detailed explanation. Examples var = SetReadPos("C:\my directory\my file.txt",3) See a complete example at the Read function 364 SetXMLAttribute File management function. The SetXMLAttribute function modifies or adds an attribute in the specified XML file. Not available in WinTask Lite Syntax SetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name>,<value>) or ret=SetXMLAttribute(<filename>,<XML_path>,<attribute_name>,<value>) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the XML file where to add/modify the attribute. <XML_path>, string, list of node descriptors separated by the \ character to go where the attribute is. The string is not case-sensitive.The structure of such a path is: tagname[attributename1='value'] The tagnames are strings without double quotes, they cannot contain spaces or reserved characters. The attribute names are strings without double quotes, OR it can be the reserved keyword <text> or the reserved keyword <index>. <text> is used to specify the node inner text, <index> is used to specify the node index (first one starts at 1) when more nodes with the same tag and attributes exist within the same parent. Several attributes can be listed with the syntax tagname[attributename1='value1', attributename2='value2'] Examples: If the XML file contains: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-110"> the <XML_path> can be "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']" or "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']" <attribute_name>, string, name of the attribute - not surrounded by double quotes, OR keyword <text> surrounded by double quotes to add the text as specified in <value>. <value>, string, value for the specified attribute Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the attribute value is successfully inserted in the XML file, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The error codes are : 20 The XML file could not be saved 27 The XML file could not be opened 90 Internal error (COM error when invoking XML COM) 99 Invalid parameters 110 Invalid XML path See also AppendXMLNode GetXMLAttribute EnumXMLAttributes 365 EnumXMLChildren Examples XML file: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-11-0"> <title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title> <author> <first-name>Benjamin</first-name> <last-name>Franklin</last-name> </author> <price>8.99</price> </book> </bookstore> This code will replace in ISBN the value "1-861003-11-0" by "3-8610" file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']", "ISBN", "3-8610") Those 2 other syntaxes give the same result: setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book[genre='autobiography']", "ISBN", "38610") setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981',genre='autobiography']", "ISBN", "38610") XML file: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981" ISBN="1-861003-11-0"> <title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title> <author> <first-name>Benjamin</first-name> <last-name>Franklin</last-name> </author> <price></price> </book> </bookstore> We need to add a text in the <price></price> node. To add 8.99 price, the syntax is: file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book[publicationdate='1981']\price","<text>","8.99") XML file: <bookstore> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981"> <title>The Autobiography of Franklin</title> <author> <name></name> <name></name> </author> <price>8.99</price> </book> <book genre="autobiography" publicationdate="1981"> <title>The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin</title> <author> <first-name></first-name> <last-name></last-name> 366 </author> <price>9.01</price> </book> </bookstore> We need to add in the first <name> node Benjamin and in the second <name> Todd - as there is no way to identify <name> first or second block, <index> has to be used: file$ = "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\sample.xml" setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book\author\name[<index>=1]","<text>","Benjamin") setxmlattribute(file$, "bookstore\book\author\name[<index>=2]","<text>","Todd") 367 Shell System function. The Shell function executes a program (.exe, .com, .bat, .doc, .txt, ...). Usage The main usage of the Shell function is to start an application or open a document in preparation to send actions to it (using SendKeys function to send keystrokes for instance). The Shell function includes an automatic synchronization and so waits for the application to have finished to load before moving to the next step. The Shell line is automatically generated in the script if you use Recording mode; you can use too its wizard by double-clicking Shell function in Insert statement window (press F4 to open Insert statement window). Syntax Shell (<program_name> [,<param>]) or ret=Shell (<program_name> [,<param>]) Parameters <program_name>: string, name of the executable module to be run with any parameters. <param>: 1 for normal execution, 2 for minimized execution, 3 for maximized execution. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the program has been launched successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks IMPORTANT : if <program_name> contains a space, you must surround it with the double-quote character CHR$(34). For example : Shell(chr$(34)+"C:\program files\accessories\mspaint"+chr$(34)) If the path contains spaces, you must surround it with CHR$(34). For example: Shell(chr$(34)+"C:\program files\accessories\mspaint"+chr$(34)+" "+ chr$(34)+"C:\program files\accessories\test.bmp"+chr$(34)) Shell wizard creates the necessary CHR$(34) so it is highly recommended to use the wizard. The Shell function can be used to launch a new script inside the currently running script: a new instance of the runtime module TASKEXEC is then opened (see the Run function to launch a script from another). Here is an example: Shell(chr$(34)+"c:\program files\wintask\bin\taskexec.exe"+chr$(34)+" "+chr$(34)+ "c:\program files\wintask\scripts\myscript.rob" +" "+chr$(34)+"param1"+chr$(34)+" "+chr$(34)+param2$+chr$(34) ) Note the use of CHR$(34) for the ASCII character code ". See also Command$, ShellWait, Run Examples 368 Shell("c:\winword\winword.exe c:\worddocs\my_doc.doc", 1) Result=Shell("c:\worddocs\my_doc.doc", 1) Shell( my_exe$, 2) 369 ShellWait System function. The ShellWait function executes a program (.exe, .com, .bat, .doc, .txt, ...) and waits for its termination before running next statement. Usage The main usage of the ShellWait function is to start a Dos application, a batch file or a console application and to wait until the application has finished before moving to next step. Using ShellWait, you can launch a Dos command such as xcopy and next step will be executed only when the filecopy has finished. Syntax ShellWait (<command$>,<mode>,<timeout>[,<processExitCode>[,output$]]) or ret=ShellWait (<command$>,<mode>,<timeout>[,<processExitcode>[,output$]]) Parameters <command$>: string, name of the program to be run with any parameters (parameters must be strings). <mode> speficies window size during exeuction: 1 for normal execution, 2 for minimized execution, 3 for maximized execution, 4 for hidden (character-mode applications), 5 for hidden and when <timeout> is elapsed, process is killed ( in mode 4, process is not killed). If after <timeout> seconds, the program launched by <command$> is not terminated, return code ret is set to -1. If <timeout> is set to 0, there is no limitation for execution duration. <ProcessExitCode>: optional integer variable; it gives the return code of the program launched by <command$> at its termination. If <timeout> has been reached before program termination, <ProcessExitCode> is set to -1. output$ is a string containing the two outputs stdout and stderr (only if <mode> is set to 4 or 5). It's the text displayed during character-based or Dos programs execution. If the program does not output anything to the console, this last parameter must not be present. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the program has been launched successfully, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also Shell Examples shellwait("xcopy c:\*.* d:\save /S",1,1000) msgbox("Dos command end") Dos box is opened, WinTask script execution suspends and the following message box is displayed either when job in Dos box is finished, either when the specified timeout of 1000 seconds has been reached. 370 SizeWindow Windows management function. The SizeWindow function resizes the specified window. Syntax SizeWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<width>,<height>) or ret=SizeWindow(<window_name>,<instance>,<width>,<height>) Parameters <window_name>, window name of the window to be resized. <instance>, instance number of the window to be resized. <width>,<height>, numeric ; width and height of the window in pixels. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the resizing is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples SizeWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Notepad|Untitled",1, 200,300) Result = SizeWindow(win$, 0, var_x, var_y) 371 Sleep Synchronization function. The Sleep function makes the current script "sleep" while leaving event handlers active. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax Sleep() Parameters None. Remarks The script is inactive but the events are still managed. If a script launches another script using the RUN function, the parent script is "sleeping" until the child script returns control. A "sleeping" script is ended inside a sub-routine associated with an event handler, through a STOP or END statement, or in another script by the STOP statement. Example code This example shows how the Sleep command is used in order to make the event handler defined by OnAction remain active. Sub close() Disable(wait_close_menu) res=msgbox("Would you like to close the message box? ",4,"EXAMPLE") if res=6 then ' if res=6 WinTask closes Explorer and stops the script CloseWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",1) stop endif enable(wait_close_menu) EndSub shell("explorer") ' Definition of the event handler ' each time the user selects the Close option from the Explorer menu File, ' the script executes the close() function. OnAction wait_close_menu Menu("&File|&Close") InWindow("EXPLORER.EXE|ExploreWClass|My Documents",1) DoSub close 372 EndAction sleep() 'leaves the event handler active. 373 SplitIntoArray String management function. The SplitIntoArray function converts the specified string into an array of strings. Syntax SplitIntoArray(<string$>,<array$> [,<delimiter$>]) or val=SplitIntoArray(<string$>,<array$> [,<delimiter$>]) Parameters <string$>, string to be converted into an array. <array$>, array of strings which will contain the different splitted strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using the Dim function. <delimiter$>, string. The space character (" ") is the delimiter by default. You can specify another delimiter character using this optional parameter (for example ";"). Return value val, integer, optional return value which gives the number of splitted strings. Remarks If you use successive SplitIntoArray calls using the same array, you need to reinitialize the array to avoid some old values from the previous call if the second call returns less values. For example: array$()="" Examples Dim splitstring$(10) num=SplitIntoArray ("Hello WinTask, the powerful automation software",splitstring$()) ' Returns in splitstring$(0) "Hello", in splitstring$(1) "WinTask,", in splitstring$(2) "the", in splitstring$(3) "powerful", in splitstring$(4) "automation", in splitstring$(5) "software". And num contains 6. Dim data$(10) a$="Hello;WinTask;powerful" SplitIntoArray(a$,data$(),";") ' Returns in data$(0) "Hello", in data$(1) "WinTask", in data$(2) "powerful" 374 StartBrowser Web function. The StartBrowser function launches the specified browser (Internet Explorer version 6 or above is needed). StartBrowser is not supported under NT and you must use instead the Shell statement in order to launch Internet Explorer. Usage It loads the Web page and waits until the page is finished loading. If a Security window prevents the page to finish loading, use Shell function instead of StartBrowser. If you prefer to use another browser than IE, use Shell function to run it, but you will have to insert a manual synchronization to wait until the page is finished loading. Syntax StartBrowser(<browser_type>[,<start_page>[,<param>]]) or Ret=StartBrowser(<browser_type>[,<start_page>[,<param>]]) Parameters <browser_type>, string, only the string "IE" for Internet Explorer version 6 or above is accepted. <start_page>, string, optional parameter specifying the start page. If this parameter is not specified, the default start page for the browser is used. <param> : 1 for normal execution of Internet Explorer, 2 for minimized execution of Internet Explorer, 3 for maximized execution of Internet Explorer. Note that a Startbrowser("IE") function is generated each time you start Recording after launching a program if you click Internet Explorer as the application to launch (see Recording mode). If, during execution, a second StartBrowser is found in the script, a second instance of the browser will be opened. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the browser has been started correctly and the page could be loaded within 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -3 if <browser_type> is incorrect. The return code is -2146697211 if an HTTP error prevents the specified page to load. Remarks If at replay, StartBrowser returns a Page timeout error message, see Page timeout error message topic. If you want to retry to load the url for a couple of times if StartBrowser fails, such a script is listed in Advanced_Script_Examples sub-directory of WinTask (script name is Start browser and retry the url if unsuccessfull). Example StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com",3) 375 StartService System function. The StartService function starts the specified Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Service. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax StartService(<service_name$>) or ret=StartService(<service_name$>) Parameters <service_name$>: system name of the Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Service to be started Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the specified service has been started correctly, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is 109 if WinTaskAdmin Service is not started. The return code is 5 if the access is denied. See also StopService Example StartService("WTScheduler") ' Returns 0 if WTScheduler (The WinTask Scheduler Service) has been started correctly 376 StartTimer Response time function. The StartTimer function starts the specified clock. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax StartTimer(<clock_number>) Parameters <clock_number>: number of the clock to be started for measuring response time; valid values go from 1 to 10. If the specified clock is already started, the function does nothing. If <clock_number> is an invalid number, Error Handling rules are used. See also StopTimer, ResetTimer, Timer Examples This script measures a connection time: connection is supposed achieved when the text "connected" is displayed in the emulator window (window name : my_emulator$). ResetTimer(1) 'After having reset clock number 1, start clock number 1 StartTimer(1) Pause until Text("connected") InWindow(my_emulator$) EndPause 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. Comment("connection made in : "+str$(Timer(1)/10)) This script measures how long it takes for a page on www.wintask.com to load ResetTimer(1) StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") StartTimer(1) ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. msgbox("Page How it works loaded in : "+str$(Timer(1))+" hundreds of a sec") 377 Stop Program flow management function. The Stop function stops all scripts. Syntax Stop Remarks You can also stop scripts with the <Ctrl>+<Shift>+<Pause> hotkey. 378 StopLog Logfile management function. The StopLog function stops logging statements to the log file. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax StopLog Parameters None Example LogFile("c:\Program Files\Wintask\Logs\current.log",1,1) Shell("notepad") LogFile("c:\Program Files\WinTask\Log\history.log",1,1) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled-Notepad|1",1) StopLog SendKeys("Hello<Enter>") 379 StopService System function. The StopService function stops the specified Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Service. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax StopService(<service_name$>) or ret=StopService(<service_name$>) Parameters <service_name$>: system name of the Windows 2000/XP/2003/Vista Service to be stopped Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the specified service has been stopped correctly, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is 109 if WinTaskAdmin Service is not started. The return code is 5 if the access is denied. See also StartService Example StopService("WTScheduler") ' Returns 0 if WTScheduler (Service Scheduler) has been correctly stopped. 380 StopTimer Response time function. The StopTimer function stops the specified clock. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax StopTimer(<clock_number>) Parameters <clock_number>: number of the clock to be stopped; valid values go from 1 to 10. If the specified clock is already stopped, the function does nothing. If <clock_number> is an invalid number, Error Handling rules are used. See also StartTimer, ResetTimer, Timer Examples This script measures a connection time : connection is supposed achieved when the text "connected" is displayed in the emulator window (window name : my_emulator$). ResetTimer(1) 'After having reset clock number 1, start clock number 1 StartTimer(1) Pause until Text("connected") InWindow(my_emulator$) EndPause 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. Comment("connection made in : "+str$(Timer(1)/10)) This script measures how long it takes for a page on www.wintask.com to load ResetTimer(1) StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") StartTimer(1) ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. msgbox("Page How it works loaded in : "+str$(Timer(1))+" hundreds of a sec") 381 Str$ String management function. The Str$ function converts the specified numeric value to a string. Syntax var$=Str$(<number>) Parameters <number>, numeric, integer value to be converted to a string. Return value var$, string, return value containing the converted value. If <number> is negative, the string var$ contains a leading minus sign. See also Val Examples Var$ = Str$(123 ) ' Returns the string "123" Var$ = Str$(-123) ' Returns the string "-123" msgbox(str$(25)) Var$ = Str$(var) i=0 repeat msgbox("index is now: "+str$(i)) i=i+1 until i=5 382 Sub...Exitsub...EndSub Program flow management function. The Sub...EndSub structure defines a subroutine. Syntax Sub <sub_name>([<param1>[,<param2>]....]) [local <variable_name>] <statements> [ExitSub] <statements> EndSub Parameters <sub_name>, name of the subroutine. The maximum length of the name is 32 characters. <param>, optional parameters. Parameters are passed by reference, not by value. The keyword LOCAL permits the declaration of local variables. ExitSub is used to quit the subroutine inside the procedure. Remarks The execution of a subroutine is stopped either by an EndSub statement, or by an ExitSub statement. ExitSub can be used anywhere within the subroutine. See also Function Program Structure Global and local variables Example code Sub my_routine() ret=msgbox("Would you like to leave the subroutine?",4,"EXAMPLE") if ret=6 then ' If ret=yes then leave the subroutine ExitSub endif msgbox("I'm in my subroutine") EndSub my_routine() ' execute the subroutine msgbox("Program end !") 383 Subtract$ Floating point calculation function. The Subtract$ function subtracts two strings representing floating point numbers. Usage As only integers are supported numbers in WinTask, calculation on floating point numbers is done using their string representation. Syntax res$=Subtract$(a$,b$[,rc]) Parameters a$, b$ are the strings representing the two floating numbers to subtract. rc, optional numeric return code. Values are : 0 if the operation was successful 1 invalid operation because parameters are incorrect (for instance, the string can't be considered as a number) 2 if the operation causes an overflow Return value res$, string representing a$ - b$. See also #Precision Examples Subtract$("13.56","145.789") 'gives "-132.23" Subtract$("-45.678","34.8976") 'gives "-80.58" #Precision=3 Subtract$("567.34257","45.343") 'gives "522.000" 384 Error codes for Synchronization functions There are no error codes for Synchronization functions. At execution, if an error prevents even the PauseFalse block to be executed, an error message is displayed and execution stops. You have to correct the code and then replay. 385 Syntax, general The WinTask language is much like Visual BasicTM. A statement can have parameters ; they follow the statement keyword, inside parentheses. The parameters are separated by commas. If an argument is a string constant, the argument is enclosed within double quotes (for example : "qwerty"). Some statements return a result. If this result is a string, the statement keyword ends with the character $ ; if the result variable is an integer, the last character of the statement keyword is not a $. See also: Program structure 386 Error codes for System functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask System functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). -4 -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 -1 1 2 5 34 35 36 37 38 39 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 90 99 103 104 107 109 WinTaskAdmin service not started (GetCPULoad/GetMemUsage/GetProcessCPULoad functions under Vista) Access denied (KillApp, KillAppChildren, KillProcess functions) Statistical function failed Action cancelled by user (KillApp, KillAppChildren, KillProcess functions) The PID of the application is incorrect (KillProcess function) Timeout elapsed for the macro (ExecExcelMacro function) Index too big Cannot send mail (SendEmail function) The Excel workbook does not exist Access denied (StartService, StopService, IsServiceStarted functions) DDE failure (Shell/ShellWait functions) No association (Shell/ShellWait functions) Access denied (Shell/ShellWait functions) DLL not found (Shell/ShellWait functions) Sharing violation (Shell/ShellWait functions) Empty Shell name (Shell/ShellWait functions) Empty key name (Registry functions) Error opening key (Registry functions) Error setting up key (Registry functions) Error reading key (Registry functions) Error deleting key (Registry functions) Error deleting the value of the key (Registry functions) Invalid type for the key (Registry functions) Internal error Invalid parameter Cannot reboot No enough rights to reboot The macro cannot be found (ExecExcelMacro function) WinTaskAdmin service not started (StartService/StopService functions under Vista) 387 #TextLookFrequency System variable - Synchronization The #TextLookFrequency system variable is not used anymore. The frequency used by Pause statement is 1 second if the timeout is given in seconds. For Pause on image with the timeout given in ticks, the frequency is as high as the processor allows TaskExec. 388 Time$ Date/Time function The Time$ function returns the system time as a string. Syntax hur$=Time$() Return value hur$, string, system time; the format depends on the Windows Regional Settings. Example hur$=Time$() 'for example might return "10:25:59" 389 Timer Response time function. The Timer function returns the value of the specified clock. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax response_time=Timer(<clock_number>) Parameters <clock_number> : number of the clock from which response_time is retrieved ; valid values go from 1 to 10. If <clock_number> is an invalid number, Error Handling rules are used. Return value response_time : value contained in <clock_number>, in 1/100 seconds. As system time is not accurate enough to measure 1/1000 sec, WinTask timers have a maximum precision of 1/100 sec. See also StartTimer, StopTimer, ResetTimer Examples This script measures a connection time : connection is supposed achieved when the text "connected" is displayed in the emulator window (window name : my_emulator$). ResetTimer(1) 'After having reset clock number 1, start clock number 1 StartTimer(1) Pause until Text("connected") InWindow(my_emulator$) EndPause 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. Comment("connection made in : "+str$(Timer(1)/10)) This script measures how long it takes for a page on www.wintask.com to load ResetTimer(1) StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") StartTimer(1) ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") 'Stop the timer StopTimer(1) 'Timer function returns the result as a number in 1/100 sec. msgbox("Page How it works loaded in : "+str$(Timer(1))+" hundreds of a sec") 390 391 Top$ Windows management function. The Top$ function returns the name of the main window which has the focus. Syntax window_name$=Top$() Return value window_name$, string. If the main window contains several child windows, Top$ returns the window name of the main window containing the active child window (wheras the Focus$() function gives the window name of the child window which has the focus). Example code This script shows the difference between Top$ and Focus$. Rem Run Sysedit shell("sysedit") pause 3 secs Window_Name$=Focus$() Text$="Function Focus$ returns : " + Window_Name$ Msgbox(Text$) Pause 3 secs Window_Name$=Top$() Text$="Function Top$ returns : " + Window_Name$ + " (main window)" Msgbox(Text$) 392 TopInstance Windows management function. The TopInstance function returns the instance number of the main window which has the focus. Syntax instance_num=TopInstance() Return value instance_num, numeric. Gives the instance number of the main window which has the focus (the name of that window can be found using Top$ function). Example UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) SendKeys("Hello<Enter>") a=TopInstance() msgbox(str$(a)) 393 Trim$ String management function. The Trim$ function removes the leading and trailing spaces/tabulations from a string. Usage Used to take spaces, tabulations and CRLF off the beginning and the end of a text. To avoid spaces added by mistake during data-entry, use this function. Syntax var$=Trim$(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to be trimmed. Return value var$, string, return value containing the trimmed string. See also Ltrim$ Rtrim$ Examples a$ = Trim$(" bcde ") ' Returns "bcde" in a$ a$ = Trim$(a$) ' Deletes the spaces at the beginning and at the end of a$ 394 Ucase$ String management function. The Ucase$ function converts all characters in the specified string to uppercase. Syntax var$=Ucase$(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to be converted. Return value var$, string with all characters converted to uppercase (accented letters are not converted). Examples a$ = Ucase$("bCdeF/G") ' Returns BCDEF/G in a$ a$ = Ucase$("bédâF/G") ' Returns BéDâF/G in a$ 395 UnlockKbd System function. The UnlockKbd function unlocks the keyboard. Syntax UnlockKbd Remarks Unlocks the keyboard previously locked by the LockKbd function; when the script ends, the keyboard is always unlocked. Example UnlockKbd 396 UnlockMouse System function. The UnlockMouse function unlocks the mouse. Syntax UnlockMouse Remarks Unlocks the mouse previously locked by the LockMouse function; when the script ends, the mouse is always unlocked. Example UnlockMouse 397 #UseExact System variable - Windows management The #UseExact system variable controls how window names are handled when the script is running. The default value is 0, which means that the script finds a window even if it has a slightly different name than the one it had when the script was recorded (fuzzy matching). Syntax #UseExact = 0 or #UseExact = 1 Remarks Some window names change between when the script was recorded and when the script is run; in that case, if #UseExact=1, the window is not found and an error message is displayed at execution. If #UseExact=0 (default value), at execution WinTask looks for a window with nearly the same name before generating an error. For instance, assume the window name as recorded in the script is: "WORDPAD.EXE|RICHEDIT50W|Document - WordPad|1" At execution, WinTask first looks for a window with exactly that name. If it cannot find one, it looks for a similar name, removing one character at a time from the end of the window title and window class. Only the first character of the class name is required. In this example, even if the underlined portion is different from the one recorded in the script, the window will still be found: ""WORDPAD.EXE|RICHEDIT50W|Document - WordPad|1" If a matching window is still not found after the fuzzy match, the UseWindow fails and the error message "Window not found" is displayed. 398 UseOCREngine Capture function. The UseOCREngine function specifies which OCR engine will be used by subsequent OCR function calls (not available in WinTask Lite) Syntax ret=UseOCREngine(1) or ret=UseOCREngine(2) Parameter UseOCREngine(1) : the subsequent OCR function calls will use MODI OCR engine. UseOCREngine(2) : the subsequent OCR function calls will use WinTask OCR engine. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the specified OCR engine is ready for use, the return code is 0. If the specified OCR engine is not ready (typically, MODI from Microsoft Office, is not installed), the return code is 1. If #IgnoreErrors=0 (default value), an error message is returned and script execution stops. If #IgnoreErrors=1, the function returns the error code 1 and script execution goes on. Remarks When the OCR engine is not specified within a script, the OCR function calls use WinTask OCR engine. If UseOCREngine is invoked in the middle of a script, the subsequent OCR function calls use the new value for the OCR engine. See also CaptureAreaOCR$ CaptureOCR$ ClickOnTextOCR Pause on OCR Text Examples var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in the Notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the WinTask one as UseOCREngine is not invoked before. UseOCREngine(1) var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1) 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in the Notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the MODI one. UseOCREngine(1) var$=CaptureOCR$("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad|1",1,"Japanese") 'var$ returns the OCRized text which is seen in an English Notepad window using Japanese language for the text within the notepad window. 'The OCRengine used is the MODI one. 399 UsePage Web function. The UsePage function specifies the HTML page used by Web functions. Usage UsePage is used to bring to foreground/front the specified Web page so that it may receive the next interactive actions. It includes an automatic synchronization : the next step in the script is processed only when the specified page has been found and ready for receiving actions. Wildcards are supported in page titles by just truncating the unwanted last characters in the page title. Syntax UsePage(<page_title>) or ret=UsePage(<page_title>) Parameters <page_title>, string, Web page title of the Web page to which script actions will be directed. You can use the SPY tool to generate automatically this statement when you want to capture an HTML object on this specified Web page. WinTask will try to find the Web page defined by UsePage for a period of time defined by the system variable #ActionTimeout (default value is 30 seconds). Once the page is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all Web actions to it. If #UsePageExact is not set to 1, if a page with an approaching title is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all actions to it. An approaching title is any title starting with the same first character as specified in the UsePage function (case sensitive). Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the <page_title> has been found and can be activated, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -2 No browser having the expected page title has been found -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page with the expected title has not been loaded within the timeout -8 Specified element not found -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes An HTTP error prevents the specified page to load (usually due to a 214669721 security reason) 1 Remarks At execution, a UsePage replay forces the script to wait until the specified page is fully loaded, even if a same UsePage line has been executed before. Recording mode does not generate a UsePage line if a new page loads with the same title : to force the synchronization, you can then add manually the same UsePage line 400 which has not been generated automatically. See also #UsePageExact Example The script below opens the Web site www.wintask.com, uses the main page of the Web site, captures a paragraph and displays its content StartBrowser("IE","www.wintask.com") UsePage("Macro and Data Extraction with WinTask - the automation software for Windows and internet") ret = CaptureHTML("LI[CONTENT='Eliminate']", var$) Msgbox(var$) CloseBrowser() 401 #UsePageExact System variable - Web function The #UsePageExact system variable controls how HTML Web page titles are handled when the script is running. The default value is 0, which means that the script finds a Web page even if it has a slightly different title than the one it had when the script was recorded (fuzzy matching). Usage UsePage function includes an automatic synchronization and waits until the page is loaded. But if two Web pages have a title beginning with the same characters and if no ClickHTMLElement line is between the two UsePage lines, you have to force #UseExact=1 if you want WinTask to see it's 2 different pages. Wildcards in page title are supported by truncating the page title. Syntax #UsePageExact = 0 or #UsePageExact = 1 Remarks If #UsePageExact=0 (default value), at execution of a UsePage function, WinTask looks for a page title which starts with the same characters than those specified in the UsePage function. If a matching page title is still not found after the fuzzy match, the UsePage fails and the error message "Page not found" is displayed (unless #IgnoreErrors=1) Examples 'The UsePage replays correctly even if the specified title of the page is not the correct one as the default value for #UsePageExact is 0 StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Same Title Pages']") UsePage("Page With another title") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") 'The UsePage does not replay correctly when #UsePageExact is set to 1 StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") #UsePageExact=1 UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Same Title Pages']") UsePage("Page With another title") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") 'But this UsePage replays correctly even with #UsePageExact set to 1 as we have truncated the title StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") #UsePageExact=1 UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Same Title Pages']") 402 UsePage("Page") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") 403 Error codes for User dialog functions There are no error codes for User dialog functions. At execution, the function returns an empty string in case of an error. Note that if the timeout is elapsed when executing MsgBox with a timeout, the return code is 128 (or 1 if the dialog box has only a OK button). 404 UseWindow Windows management function. The UseWindow function specifies the window to which subsequent keyboard, mouse and menu actions are directed. Usage UseWindow is used to bring to foreground/front the specified window so that it may receive keystrokes, mouse clicks and other interactive actions. It includes an automatic synchronization : the next step in the script is processed only when the specified window has been found and ready for receiving user actions. Syntax UseWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>[,NoActivate]]) or ret=UseWindow(<window_name> [,<instance>[,NoActivate]]) Parameters <window_name>, string. window name (see this topic) of the window to which script actions will be directed. You can use the SPY tool to manually determine the caption of a window. During Recording mode they will be inserted automatically. The window name can be truncated, for example "NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad" can be truncated in "NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|" ; UseWindow function will search for any Edit window in Notepad whatever document name is. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window. WinTask will try to find the window defined by UseWindow for a period of time defined by the system variable #ActionTimeout. Once the window is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all actions to it. If #UseExact is not set to 1, if a window with an approaching name is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all actions to it. The keyword NoActivate prevents the window from being activated ; this keyword is generated automatically when Low level Recording mode is used. In this case, the statements following UseWindow will activate the window - thus it is not necessary to activate it beforehand. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the <window_name> has been found and can be activated, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. At replay, the default behavior when the window is not found is to display an error message and script execution stops. If #IgnoreErrors=1, the execution is not stopped and you have to test the return code if you want to avoid strange issues (for example sending keys to a window which is not the one you expect as the previous UseWindow has failed and you are not aware of that as #IgnoreErrors=1). Remarks Note that in Recording mode, a UseWindow is generated each time the target window changes. During execution, if the target window is minimized, it is automatically restored and activated. If #ActionTimeout has been set to a value lower or equal than 10, the exact 405 window name search is used. See also #UseExact, UseWindowHandle, Window name Examples UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad", 1) Result = UseWindow(win$) UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad", 1) 'Child window NOTEPAD , file "Untitled" opened, instance 1 UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Untitled - Notepad") 'Child window NOTEPAD , file "Untitled" opened, first instance found UseWindow("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit",1) 'Child window NOTEPAD , any file opened, instance 1 406 UseWindowHandle Windows management function. The UseWindowHandle function specifies the window (through the window handle) to which subsequent keyboard, mouse and menu actions are directed. Syntax UseWindowHandle(<handle>) or ret=UseWindowHandle(<handle>) Parameters <handle>, numeric. Handle of the window to which subsequent keyboard, mouse and menu actions are directed. WinTask will try to find the window defined by UseWindowHandle for a period of time defined by the system variable #ActionTimeout. Once the window is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all actions to it. This function works as UseWindow but allows to send actions to a window where the EXE part of the window name changes from one execution to an other (for instance, when installing Acrobat Reader several times). Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the window with its <handle> has been found and can be activated, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also GetWindowHandle Examples #Ignoreerrors=1 #ActionTimeout=12 a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|doc - WordPad|1") ret=UseWindowhandle(a) msgbox(ret) An error code is displayed as WordPad window is not there. shell("wordpad.exe") a=GetWindowhandle("WORDPAD.EXE|RichEdit20A|document - WordPad|1") UseWindowhandle(a) WordPad window takes focus and is ready to receive actions. Example code The script below installs Acrobat ; two functions are defined for testing if the button we want to click is ready for being clicked ; GetWindowHandle and UseWindowHandle are used (instead of UseWindow) as window names varies from one installation to another. 'Function waits for object objet$ to have focus for Tmax seconds function wait_focus(objet$,Tmax) 407 local i, exitr, a$ i=0 exitr=0 repeat a$=focus$() if instr(a$,objet$)=0 then pause 1 i=i+1 if i > Tmax then msgbox("wait too long for "+objet$) stop endif else exitr=1 endif until exitr=1 endfunction '-------------------------------------------'Function waits for object objet$ to be on top for Tmax seconds function wait_top(objet$,Tmax) local i, exitr, a$ i=0 exitr=0 repeat a$=top$() if instr(a$,objet$)=0 then pause 1 i=i+1 if i > Tmax then msgbox("wait too long for "+objet$) stop endif else exitr=1 endif until exitr=1 endfunction '----------------------------------------------#ActionTimeout=10 'Start Acrobat setup from CDROM Shell("f:\Acrobat4\Setup.exe",1) 'License window wait_focus("License",10) 408 a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Accept") 'Installation choice wait_focus("Button|Typical",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 'User information window wait_top("User information",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 'Confirmation window wait_focus("Button|&Yes",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Yes") 'Last validation wait_focus("Button|&Next",10) a=getwindowhandle(top$()) usewindowhandle(a) Click(Button,"&Next >") 409 UseWindowRegEx Windows management function. The UseWindowRegEx function specifies the window to which subsequent keyboard, mouse and menu actions are directed, using Regular Expressions to specify the window title part of the window name. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage UseWindow is used to bring to foreground/front the specified window so that it may receive keystrokes, mouse clicks and other interactive actions. If the exact window name is not found at replay, a fuzzy match is tried, truncating the rightmost characters until the specified window name is found. UseWindowRegEx extends the fuzzy match and can trigger on a sub-string within the window title. Regular expressions are text patterns that are used for window title matching. Syntax UseWindowRegEx(<window_name> [,<instance>[,NoActivate]]) or ret=UseWindowRegEx(<window_name> [,<instance>[,NoActivate]]) Parameters <window_name>, string. window name (see this topic) of the window to which script actions will be directed. You can use the SPY tool to manually determine the caption of a window. During Recording mode they will be inserted automatically. The Regular expressions can be used to specify the title part of the window name, for example if in "NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|20.txt - Notepad" 20 is a day number which changes every day, UseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|[09][0-9].* - Notepad") triggers on a window title whatever day number in it. <instance>, optional parameter, instance number of the window. WinTask will try to find the window defined by UseWindowRegEx for a period of time defined by the system variable #ActionTimeout. Once the window is found, WinTask makes it active and sends all actions to it. We recommend to set #UseExact at 1 when using a Regular Expression. The keyword NoActivate prevents the window from being activated ; this keyword is generated automatically when Low level Recording mode is used. In this case, the statements following UseWindowRegEx will activate the window - thus it is not necessary to activate it beforehand. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the <window_name> has been found and can be activated, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks We describe below the most common cases for Regular Expressions: Charac Description Examples ter . Matches a single character a.r matches a0r, air, a£r,... * Repeats the previous character abc* matches ab, abc, abcc, abccc, ... zero or several times + Repeats the previous character abc+ matches abc, abcc, abccc, ... one or several times 410 ? Makes the preceding character optional | Alternation, regular expression equivalent of OR [] Matches one out of several characters {n} Repeats n times the previous character {n,m} Repeats the previous character between n and m times [-] Matches one out of a range of several characters [ ^ - ] Excludes the range of several characters ^ Outside a [, matches at the start of the string $ Matches at the end of the string \chara A backslash escapes special ct. characters above their meaning During execution, if the target window is and activated. abc? matches ab or abc 200[6|7] matches 2006 or 2007 gr[ae]y matches gray, grey but not graey a{3} matches aaa a{2,4} matches aa, aaa, aaaa gr[0-9]y matches gr0y, gr1y, ... gr9y but not gr19y gr[^0-9]y matches gray, grby, grcy, ... grzy but not gr0y, gr1y,... gr9y ^begin matches begin, beginning, begin with end$ matches end, will end, at the end \+ matches + (and so the + sign does not have its special meaning) minimized, it is automatically restored See also #UseExact, UseWindowHandle, Window name Examples We list below the most common cases Single character Keys have to be sent to the notepad window whatever character is after Doc #UseExact=1 UseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc. - Notepad|1") SendKeys("Hello") Triggers for any window Doca, Docb, ..., Doc0, Doc1, .... Single character in a list Keys have to be sent to the notepad window if, after Doc, the year is 2005, 2006 or 2007 #UseExact=1 UseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc200[567] - Notepad|1") SendKeys("Hello") Triggers for any window Doc2005, Doc2006, or Doc2007 Single character NOT in a list Keys have to be sent to the notepad window if, after Doc, the year is NOT 2005, 2006 or 2007 #UseExact=1 UseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc200[^567] - Notepad|1") SendKeys("Hello") Triggers for any window Doc2000, Doc2001, Doc2002, Doc2003, Doc2004, Doc2008, Doc2009 and Doc200a, Doc200b, ... Single character within a range Keys have to be sent to the notepad window if, after Doc, it can be any year in the 1990s #UseExact=1 UseWindowRegEx("NOTEPAD.EXE|Edit|Doc199[0-9] - Notepad|1") SendKeys("Hello") Triggers for any window Doc1990, Doc1991,..., Doc1999 411 412 Val String management function. The Val function converts a string to a number. Syntax Number=Val(<string$>) Parameters <string$>, string to be converted to a number. Remarks The Val function stops reading the string at the first character which cannot be considered as a numeric. The Val function removes leading and trailing spaces. See also Str$ Examples number = Val("123") ' Returns the integer 123 number = Val("-123") ' Returns the integer -123 number = Val("12X3") ' Returns the integer 12 number = Val(var$) Dim array$(10) ReadExcel("c:\quotation.xls","A10:A10",array$()) number=Val(array$(0)) 'ReadExcel returns a string in array$(0) which is the content of A10 cell, Val function converts to a number 413 Error codes for Web functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask Web functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). 214669721 1 -404,-405 -12 -11 -10 -8 -7 -5 -4 -3 -3 -2 -1 -1 -1 414 An HTTP error prevents the specified page to load Usual HTTP error codes Download timeout Internal error The IE browser object cannot "navigate" the specified address HTML Element not found Index too big Page has not finished to load within the timeout Browser lost Bad HTML descriptor Browser not recognized (Only for StartBrowser function when its first parameter is different from "IE") Page not found Impossible to capture or invalid range (Capture Web functions) No browser in use (no UsePage or StartBrowser before) The extraction cannot be done (ExtractLink function) WeekDay Date/Time function The Weekday function returns the current day of the week as a number. Syntax day=WeekDay() Return value day, integer as below : 1 Sunday 2 Monday 3 Tuesday 4 Wednesday 5 Thursday 6 Friday 7 Saturday Example day=WeekDay() ' returns 2 if today is Monday 415 While...Wend Program flow management function. The While...wend structure defines a loop with a completion check at the beginning. Usage Used to repeat the same steps a certain number of times or until a condition is true. Syntax While <boolean_expression> <statements> Wend Parameters <statements>: statements to be executed while <boolean_expression> is true. See also Logical operators Repeat...until Example a = 0 While a < 5 beep (100) a = a + 1 Wend 416 WinDir$ System function The WinDir$ function returns the name of the directory where Windows is installed. Syntax var$=WinDir$() Return value var$, string containing the name of the directory where Windows is installed Examples var$=WinDir$() msgbox(var$) 'Returns C:\Windows if Windows system is installed on C: a$=windir$()+"\system" msgbox(a$) 'Returns C:\Windows\system 417 Error codes for Windows management functions The table below lists the possible error codes for the WinTask Windows management functions, for the errors stopping script execution (unless #IgnoreErrors=1). 41 42 43 44 45 46 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 64 65 75 76 77 78 90 95 98 99 105 106 108 418 Window not found (or window handle not found) Window name empty No window specified Impossible to move the window Impossible to resize the window Focus change error Impossible to find Edit box Impossible to find Combobox Impossible to attach to Combobox Impossible to find Listbox control Impossible to find Combobox control Impossible to find Listview control Impossible to find Treeview control Impossible to find button Impossible to find checkbox Impossible to find radiobutton Impossible to find Tab Invalid scrollbar Impossible to create the msgframe New coordinates for window are out of the screen Impossible to read window size Out of screen Item not found Empty menu name Menu not found Menu attach error Menu item not found Internal error Invalid instance number Error in key list inside instruction SendKeys Invalid parameter Invalid UI command (the User Interface is not available when running a non-interactive task via Scheduler) Invalid toolbar Invalid Regular Expression Write File management function. The Write function writes data to the specified file. Usage It writes data to an external text file which can be used in other applications. Syntax Write(<filename>,<buffer>) Write(<filename>,<buffer>,<n>) Write(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) Write(<filename>,<buffer>,CRLF) or ret=Write(<filename>,<buffer>) ret=Write(<filename>,<buffer>,<n>) ret=Write(<filename>,<buffer>,<sep$>) ret=Write(<filename>,<buffer>,CRLF) Parameters <filename>, string, name of the file to which <buffer> is written. It's not necessary to create the file first ; if the file does not exist, it is created when the first write is performed. If the file already exists, the write is done after the existing data. If you use Unicode encoding, the file must have been created first using CreateUnicodeFile function before Write can write Unicode strings. <filename> is a string, either a variable either a constant. Long names are accepted as well as UNC names (such as \\server\c\my directory\my file.txt). <buffer>: string, it must be a variable. Up to 32K of data can be written with a single Write. <buffer> is added at the end of file <filename>. The Write is always performed sequentially; it's not possible to change the write pointer (as you can with the Read function). <n>, integer; only the first n bytes of <buffer> are written in the file. If <buffer> contains less than n characters, it is padded with spaces. <sep$>, string (variable or constant). First <buffer> is written to the file, then <sep$> is written. CRLF: keyword (chr$(13)+chr$(10)), which can be used as a separator in order to write to a file one line at a time. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the Write is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples Write(file$,var$) Write("c:\sample.txt", var$) Write(file$,var$,80) Write(file$,var$,n) Write(file$,var$,CRLF) Write(file$,var$,"sample") 419 Example code For a complete example, see the Read function 420 WriteCom Com port management function. Function not available anymore since Windows XP. The WriteCom function writes the specified string to the specified Com port. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax ret=WriteCom(<port_num>,<char$>) Parameters <port_num>: Com port number to write to (from 1 to 8, Com1 to Com8). <char$>: character string to be written. Return value Ret, numeric return code. If the string is successfully written, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also OpenCom, CloseCom, ReadCom Example code For this example, you must connect two PCs with a NULL MODEM cable (using COM1). The sending program installed on one of the PCs sends a 20 character string. The receiving program installed on the other PC waits until the sender sends a 20character string to it. Settings for the Com port are: No flow control, COM1, Speed 9600, no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit. '****************************************************** '**************** Sending program ********************* '****************************************************** res=OpenCom(1,9600,"n",8,1,"n" ) SendVar$="SERIAL PORT TEST" ' the string SendVar$ will be sent to the serial port. res=WriteCom(portnum,SendVar$) res=CloseCom(1) '****************************************************** '************* Receiving program ********************** '****************************************************** sub main(ByteNb) 421 var$="" res = ReadCom(1,ByteNb,var$) Select Case res Case 0 ' we emptied the buffer, we received the 20 characters message$=message$+var$ out=1 Case 13 'it there are not 20 characters in the buffer, it is necessary to make another ' read but with the number of characters equal to the number of characters still ' in the buffer message$=message$+var$ i=i-len(var$) Case Else msgbox("unexpected characters"+str$(res)) stop EndSelect Endsub res=OpenCom(1,9600,"n",8,1,"n" ) i=20 out=0 message$="" repeat main(i) until out=1 res=CloseCom(1) msgbox(message$,32,"Received") 422 WriteCombo Windows management function. The WriteCombo function writes to the edit field of a combobox. Syntax WriteCombo(<combo_name>,<text>) or ret=WriteCombo(<combo_name>,<text>) Parameters <combo_name>, string, name of the combobox used. <text>, string, text to write to the edit field of the combobox. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the write is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Examples WriteCombo("|1","") Result = WriteCombo(var_id$, text$) 423 WriteEdit Windows management function. The WriteEdit function writes into the specified edit field. Syntax WriteEdit(<edit_field>,<text>) or ret=WriteEdit(<edit_field>,<text>) Parameters <edit_field>, string, name of the edit field. <text>, string, text to write into the edit field. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the write is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks WriteEdit writes in standard edit fields. If WriteEdit does not work on your specific edit field, use SendKeys instead such as : towrite$="my text" UseWindow(<window_name_of_the_edit_field>) SendKeys(towrite$,NoActivate) Sometimes, you will want to delete the content of the edit field before writing your text, here is an example : towrite$="my text" UseWindow(<window_name_of_the_edit_field>) SendKeys("<Home>",NoActivate) pause 5 ticks SendKeys("<Shift <End>>",NoActivate) pause 5 ticks SendKeys("<Del>",NoActivate) pause 5 ticks SendKeys(towrite$,NoActivate) Examples WriteEdit("1", "Hello") Result = WriteEdit(var_id$, text$) 424 WriteEditEncrypted Windows management function. The WriteEditEncrypted function writes an encrypted string into the specified edit field (Not available in WinTask Lite). Syntax WriteEditEncrypted(<edit_field>,<encrypted_text>) or ret=WriteEditEncrypted(<edit_field>,<encrypted_text>) Parameters <edit_field>, string, name of the edit field. <encrypted_text>, string, encrypted text to write into the edit field. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the write is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks To encrypt the string you want to send in the edit field, use Insert/Encrypted string menu option or Encrypt statement. Examples WriteEditEncrypted("1", "H9hfSsHbGkkF1qj") text$="H9hfSsHbGkkF1qj" var_id$="1" Result = WriteEditEncrypted(var_id$, text$) 425 WriteExcel File management function. The WriteExcel function writes a cell, a row or a column in the specified Excel workbook. Microsoft Excel must be installed on the PC, but does not need to be opened. The workbook must exist but must not be opened. Usage Mainly used to populate columns or lines of data in an Excel file, those data can be captured on a Web site, or copied from a Windows application. As the Excel file must exist, you can use CreateExcelFile function to create it. Syntax WriteExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array$>[,<readPasswd$>][,<edit Passwd$>]) or ret=WriteExcel(<workbook>,<range_descriptor>,<array$>[,<readPasswd$>][,< editPasswd$]) Parameters <workbook>, string, name of the Excel workbook to write. <workbook> is a string which can be a constant or a variable. Long file names and UNC names are accepted, such as \\Server\c\my_directory\my_file.xls. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in the current directory. <range_descriptor>, string. If only one sheet exists in the workbook, only the range of cells must be specified, such as A4:F4 for a row or A2:A12 for a column. If multiple sheets exist in the workbook, the required syntax is "sheet_name!range_of_cells"; for example, TOOLS!A9:F9 Other range examples: mycell1 (a named cell), A1, A3:B3, tools!$b$2:$b$4 <array$>, array of strings. The array must be declared at the beginning of the script using Dim. The contents of the non-empty cells in <array> are written to <range_descriptor>, beginning with cell 0. If the array is larger than the range, only the number of cells which fit in the range are written. <readPasswd$>, optional string parameter; password for reading the <workbook> if needed. <editPasswd$>, optional string parameter; password for editing the <workbook> if needed. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the write is successful, the function returns the number of cells written, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. The return code is -1 if an error is reported by Excel or the range is invalid. The return code is -3 if the Excel file is opened (WriteExcel cannot write in an opened Excel file). See also ReadExcel CreateExcelFile CloseExcelCom How to read all the lines of an Excel worksheet until the cell in the first column is 426 empty Excel, useful functions Capture stock data from a website and write them in Excel Example dim array$(20) 'fill array$ and then ret=WriteExcel("C:\My documents\myexcel_file.xls","TOOLS!A9:F9",array$()) Example code The script below reads all the lines from an Excel file from A column to C column and writes them in another Excel file. dim arrayline$(10) fileexcel$="c:\example1.xls" filetowritein$="c:\test.xls" j=1 repeat ' The complex string "sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j) means if j=1 ' "Sheet1!a1:c1" readexcel(fileexcel$,"sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j),arrayline$()) WriteExcel(filetowritein$,"sheet1!"+"a"+str$(j)+":c"+str$(j),arrayline$()) j=j+1 until arrayline$(0)="" 427 WriteHTML Web function. The WriteHTML function writes text in a Web form. Usage Used mainly to fill automatically a form ; the data to write can be retrieved from an Excel file, an Ascii file, an ODBC database, or just from Clipboard. Syntax ret=WriteHTML(<html_descriptor>,<text>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML object where to write within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. See HTML descriptor for HTML tags identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the WriteHTML syntax. <text>, string, text to be typed in the form control. If the string includes special characters (for instance a <), keyboard mnemonics must be used ; Recording mode generates them for you. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The function tries to find the HTML object for 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), and then types the text. If the object has been found, the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) Remarks If the field in the Web form is already filled, WriteHTML for INPUT TEXT tag deletes the content and writes the string specified by the function. If you need to force the the content deletion, use "" as for instance : WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME='first_name']","") BUT WriteHTML for TEXTAREA tag (multiple lines for the text) writes the specified string where the current cursor is (or a the end of the existing characters if the text cursor is not within the field). If you need to force the content deletion, use then <BackSpace> keyboard mnemonic as for instance: WriteHTML("TEXTAREA[NAME= 'steps']", "<BackSpace><BackSpace><BackSpace><BackSpace><BackSpace><BackSpac e>") WriteHTML function cannot send as is keyboard mnemonics such as <Alt <Enter>>, you need to use the keyboard mnemonics for the string to send, "normal text"+"<Alt <Enter>>"+"normal text". See also 428 #HTMLPosRetry Examples On the demonstration WinTask Web site, we click the Form link and then we fill the form: StartBrowser("IE", "www.wintask.com/demos") UsePage("WinTask Demonstration Pages") ClickHTMLElement("A[INNERTEXT= 'Form']") UsePage("Form") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'company']", "My Company") ClickHTMLElement("INPUT RESET[VALUE= 'Clear']") CloseBrowser() Fill a form using values read in an Excel file: ' We need to populate an array reading the values in the Excel file. First line in the script must be the declaration of the array Dim data$(100) 'Read the excel file fileexcel$="myexcelfile.xls" ' If you use Excel 2007, the extension is xlsx 'In data$ array, we store the content of the cells from A1 to A100 ReadExcel(fileexcel$,"A1:A100", data$()) 'data$(0) contains A1 cell, data$(1) contains A2 cell and so on. 'Now we can fill the form in a loop i=0 repeat UsePage("My Web Form") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'q']", data$(i)) i=i+1 until data$(i)="" 429 WriteHTMLEncrypted Web function. The WriteHTMLEncrypted function writes an encrypted text in a Web form (Not available in WinTask Lite). Usage Used to fill automatically a password field on a Web page. Use Recording mode to generate automatically the encrypted password (in Configure/Recording menu, you must have Encrypt web passwords checked), or use Insert/Encrypted string menu option if you prefer to generate it yourself. Syntax ret=WriteHTMLEncrypted(<html_descriptor>,<encrypted_text>) Parameters <html_descriptor>, unique identifier for the HTML object where to write within the current Web page specified by the last UsePage. See HTML descriptor for HTML tags identification. Use Recording mode for generating automatically the WriteHTMLEncrypted syntax. <encrypted_text>, string, encrypted text to be typed in the password field. Return value Ret, numeric return code. The function tries to find the HTML object for 30 seconds (this default value can be changed using #ActionTimeout), and then types the encrypted text. If the object has been found, the function returns 0. Otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. List of negative error codes -1 No browser in use (no previous UsePage or StartBrowser) -3 Bad descriptor, invalid syntax -4 The browser has been lost (for instance because of a Closewindow) -5 Page not found -8 Specified element not found -11 Any other error -404,405 Usual http error codes (requires IE 6 or above) See also Encrypt Example UsePage("Barclays") WriteHTML("INPUT TEXT[NAME= 'nocompte']", "46XT38000T") WriteHTMLEncrypted("INPUT PASSWORD[NAME= 'passe']", "Hbh0SSJXXjA2vbB1wD2") ClickHTMLElement("INPUT IMAGE[NAME= 'img3']") 430 WriteIni System function. The WriteIni function writes to the specified INI file. Not available in WinTask Lite. Usage An INI file is easy to manage when external data have to be shared with one or several scripts. Data are organized properly and WriteIni function writes directly the specified data at the proper place without dealing with read pointers, End Of File character, record separator character, ... Syntax WriteIni(<filename>,<Section>,<Item>,<Value$>) or ret=WriteIni(<filename>,<Section>,<Item>,<Value$>) Parameters <filename>: string; INI file to write to. It can be a long file name or a UNC name. If the path is not specified, the file is searched in Windows directory. If <filename> does not exist, it is created. <Section>: string; section of the INI file to write to (or to create). <Item>: string; item of the INI file to write to (or to create). <Value$>: string; value to be written to the INI file. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the write is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. See also ReadIni$ Example WriteIni("sample.ini", "Section1","Item1","123") When done, SAMPLE.INI looks like this : [Section1] ... Item1 = 123 ... 431 WriteReg System function. The WriteReg function creates or modifies a string or a numeric value in Windows Registry. Not available in WinTask Lite. Syntax WriteReg(<path>,<type>,<value>) or ret=WriteReg(<path>,<type>,<value>) Parameters <path>: entire tree before the value ; it does not contain the value. For instance: "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TaskWare\WinTask\1.0\Name" If the path or value do not exist, they are created. If the value already exists, it is replaced by the new <value>. <type> can be: 1 string 2 string expand 3 binary 4 integer 7 string multiple <value> must be a variable. Return value Ret, numeric return code. When the registry change is successful, the function returns 0, otherwise use this return code for Error Handling. Remarks If there is an inconsistency between the specified <type> and <value>, a compilation error is generated. Under Windows Vista, if you don't have enough rights, writing in Registry is allowed only under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. If you execute a WriteReg with not admin rights, writing under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Windows Vista writes a virtualized key which is in fact under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\VirtualStore Example WriteReg("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\TaskWare\WinTask\1.0\Name",1,name$) Example code #IgnoreErrors=1 path$="HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Personal\Id\" firstname$="Robert" lastname$="DUPONT" age=40 idnumber=300000000 432 binary_key$="01000ff00c0" res=WriteReg(path$+"FirstName",1,firstname$) res=WriteReg(path$+"Lastname",1,lastname$) res=WriteReg(path$+"Age",4,age) res=WriteReg(path$+"Id",4,idnumber) res= WriteReg(path$+"Key",3,binary_key$) msgbox("Return code : "+str$(res),64,"Write to Registry") 433 Year$ Date/Time function The Year$ function returns the current year as a string. Syntax ye$=Year$() Return value ye$, string, current 4-character year. Example yr$=Year$() ' for instance, yr$ contains "2007" 434 Index #ActionTimeout .............................................................................................................................38, 446 #CurrentLine .......................................................................................................................................114 #DbDateFormat...................................................................................................................................128 #DecimalSeparator ..............................................................................................................................144 #ErrorCode ..........................................................................................................................................171 #ErrorFunction$ .................................................................................................................................172 #ErrorLine$ .........................................................................................................................................173 #ErrorMsg$..........................................................................................................................................174 #ErrorScript$.......................................................................................................................................175 #ExecTimeout ......................................................................................................................................177 #ExecuteDelay .....................................................................................................................................179 #FTPTimeout.......................................................................................................................................222 #HideIcon ............................................................................................................................................252 #HideTrayIcon.....................................................................................................................................253 #HTMLPosRetry..................................................................................................................................255 #IgnoreErrors ......................................................................................................................................259 #IgnoreHTMLCase .............................................................................................................................260 #LastErrorLine ....................................................................................................................................280 #LastErrorLine$ ..................................................................................................................................280 #PauseTimeout ............................................................................................................................334, 340 #Precision ............................................................................................................................................349 #ScriptAfterTimeout$ ..........................................................................................................................382 #SendKeysDelay ..........................................................................................................................397, 399 #TextLookFrequency...........................................................................................................................429 #UseExact ............................................................................................................................................439 #UsePageExact ....................................................................................................................................443 ABS ........................................................................................................................................................97 Absolute ...............................................................................................................................................305 Active............................................................................................................................................320, 334 Add$ .......................................................................................................................................................40 addition ................................................................................................................................................329 Allocate ..................................................................................................................................................41 Alphabetical WinTask functions list and parameters...........................................................................42 AND .....................................................................................................................................................329 AppendXMLNode ..................................................................................................................................48 Arithmetical operators.........................................................................................................................329 Array ....................................................................................................................................................118 Array operators....................................................................................................................................329 Asc..........................................................................................................................................................50 ASCII character.....................................................................................................................................86 Attribute .................................................................................................................................................51 attributes ..............................................................................................................................149, 197, 402 Beep........................................................................................................................................................52 BeginDialog...EndDialog ......................................................................................................................53 Binary operators for integers ..............................................................................................................329 block-level text tags................................................................................................................................70 BMP .......................................................................................................................................................92 Boolean expressions ............................................................................................................................329 Bottom..........................................................................................................................................311, 313 Button.....................................................................................................................................................87 CallDialog ..............................................................................................................................................57 CapsLock ...............................................................................................................................................58 CAPTION ..............................................................................................................................................53 Capture Bitmap dialog box..................................................................................................................63 Capture$.................................................................................................................................................59 435 CaptureArea$.........................................................................................................................................65 CaptureAreaOCR$ ................................................................................................................................67 CaptureBitmap.......................................................................................................................................69 CaptureHTML .......................................................................................................................................70 CaptureIE$ ............................................................................................................................................71 CaptureOCR$ ........................................................................................................................................72 CaptureTableHTML..............................................................................................................................74 case.......................................................................................................................................................260 character case ......................................................................................................................................260 ChDir .....................................................................................................................................................76 Check ...............................................................................................................................................53, 87 CheckedHTML ......................................................................................................................................77 CheckedW ..............................................................................................................................................78 child window ........................................................................................................................................433 ChooseItem ............................................................................................................................................80 ChooseMenu ..........................................................................................................................................83 Chr$ .......................................................................................................................................................86 CHR$(34).............................................................................................................................................376 Click .......................................................................................................................................................87 ClickHTMLElement ..............................................................................................................................89 ClickMouse ............................................................................................................................................91 ClickOnBitmap ......................................................................................................................................92 ClickOnText...........................................................................................................................................94 ClickOnTextOCR...................................................................................................................................95 ClickScrollBar .......................................................................................................................................97 ClickSpin................................................................................................................................................98 Clipboard .....................................................................................................................................226, 403 clock .............................................................................................................................369, 417, 421, 431 CloseBrowser .........................................................................................................................................99 CloseCom .............................................................................................................................................100 CloseExcelCom....................................................................................................................................101 CloseWindow .......................................................................................................................................103 CloseWindowRegEx ............................................................................................................................104 Com ......................................................................................................................................328, 356, 462 Com port ..............................................................................................................................................100 combobox .................................................................................................................................53, 80, 464 command line.......................................................................................................................................106 Command$...........................................................................................................................................106 Comment..............................................................................................................................................108 Concatenation operator.......................................................................................................................329 context....................................................................................................................................................83 context menu..........................................................................................................................................83 context menu selection ..........................................................................................................................83 coordinates of the mouse.....................................................................................................................304 CopyLink..............................................................................................................................................109 Create ...................................................................................................................................................110 CreateExcelFile ...................................................................................................................................111 CreateUnicodeFile...............................................................................................................................112 CRLF ...........................................................................................................................................352, 460 Curdir$.................................................................................................................................................113 current line number.............................................................................................................................114 current working directory....................................................................................................................113 CurrentPage$.......................................................................................................................................115 CursorX................................................................................................................................................117 CursorY................................................................................................................................................117 data types..............................................................................................................................................118 Date$ ....................................................................................................................................................120 DateBetween ........................................................................................................................................121 DateToDate$ ........................................................................................................................................123 Day$ .....................................................................................................................................................124 436 DbBof ...................................................................................................................................................125 DbClose................................................................................................................................................126 DbConnect ...........................................................................................................................................127 DbDisconnect.......................................................................................................................................129 DbEof ...................................................................................................................................................130 DbExecute............................................................................................................................................131 DbGetFieldNumeric ............................................................................................................................132 DbGetFieldString ................................................................................................................................134 DbMove................................................................................................................................................136 DbMoveFirst ........................................................................................................................................137 DbMoveLast.........................................................................................................................................138 DbMoveNext ........................................................................................................................................139 DbMovePrev ........................................................................................................................................140 DbRecordCount ...................................................................................................................................141 DbSelect ...............................................................................................................................................142 debug....................................................................................................................................................259 decimal Separator................................................................................................................................144 decision making ...................................................................................................................................258 declarations..........................................................................................................................................350 DEFPUSHBUTTON .............................................................................................................................53 Delete ...................................................................................................................................................270 Delete files............................................................................................................................................270 delete the content .................................................................................................................................465 delete the content of the edit field........................................................................................................465 DeleteRegKey.......................................................................................................................................145 DeleteRegValue ...................................................................................................................................146 DelTree.................................................................................................................................................147 dialog box...............................................................................................................................53, 264, 309 Dim.......................................................................................................................................................148 Dir ........................................................................................................................................................149 Directory existence ..............................................................................................................................181 DirTree.................................................................................................................................................151 Disable .................................................................................................................................................153 DiskFree...............................................................................................................................................155 Divide$ .................................................................................................................................................156 division (integer mode) ........................................................................................................................329 Double....................................................................................................................................................91 Down ......................................................................................................................................................91 edit field................................................................................................................................................465 EDITTEXT ............................................................................................................................................53 Else.......................................................................................................................................................258 Enable ..................................................................................................................................................157 EnabledW.............................................................................................................................................158 Encrypt.................................................................................................................................................161 encrypted keystrokes ............................................................................................................................400 encrypted password..............................................................................................................................471 End .......................................................................................................................................................162 end of the file .......................................................................................................................................170 EndFunction........................................................................................................................................224 Endif.....................................................................................................................................................258 EndSelect .............................................................................................................................................385 EndSub.................................................................................................................................................423 EnumXMLAttributes ...........................................................................................................................163 EnumXMLChildren.............................................................................................................................165 Envir$...................................................................................................................................................168 environment variable...........................................................................................................................168 Eof........................................................................................................................................................170 Equal to................................................................................................................................................329 Error codes for Capture functions ........................................................................................................64 Error codes for File management functions ......................................................................................196 437 Error codes for Flow control functions ..............................................................................................204 Error codes for FTP functions............................................................................................................206 Error codes for ODBC functions ........................................................................................................319 Error codes for Synchronization functions ........................................................................................426 Error codes for User dialog functions ................................................................................................445 Error codes for Web functions ............................................................................................................455 Error codes for Windows management functions ..............................................................................459 error sub-routine returning the non-expected page ...........................................................................115 event handler .......................................................................................................................................320 Event management ..............................................................................................................................320 Exact ............................................................................................................................................320, 334 excluded ...............................................................................................................................................192 ExecExcelMacro..................................................................................................................................176 Exist .....................................................................................................................................................180 ExistDir................................................................................................................................................181 ExistHTMLElement ............................................................................................................................182 Exists............................................................................................................................................320, 334 ExistW..................................................................................................................................................184 ExitFunction................................................................................................................................186, 224 ExitSub.........................................................................................................................................187, 423 expand....................................................................................................................................................80 External ...............................................................................................................................................189 external data ................................................................................................................................361, 472 External$ .............................................................................................................................................188 ExtractBetween$..................................................................................................................................192 ExtractLink ..........................................................................................................................................194 FALSE .................................................................................................................................................258 file attributes ........................................................................................................................................402 File existence .......................................................................................................................................180 FileAttr$...............................................................................................................................................197 FileCopy...............................................................................................................................................198 FileDate$ .............................................................................................................................................199 FileSize.................................................................................................................................................201 FileTime$.............................................................................................................................................202 FileVersion$ ........................................................................................................................................203 Fill a form using values read in an Excel file ....................................................................................469 floating numerics.................................................................................................................................118 focus .............................................................................................................................158, 205, 433, 434 Focus$..................................................................................................................................................205 FTPChDir ............................................................................................................................................207 FTPConnect.........................................................................................................................................208 FTPCurrentDir....................................................................................................................................210 FTPDisconnect ....................................................................................................................................211 FTPExistDir ........................................................................................................................................212 FTPExistFile .......................................................................................................................................213 FTPGetFile ..........................................................................................................................................214 FTPKill ................................................................................................................................................216 FTPMkDir ...........................................................................................................................................217 FTPName.............................................................................................................................................218 FTPPutFile ..........................................................................................................................................219 FTPRmDir ...........................................................................................................................................221 Function...............................................................................................................................................224 Functions .............................................................................................................................................350 functions list and parameters ................................................................................................................42 GetClipboard$......................................................................................................................................226 GetCpuLoad.........................................................................................................................................227 GetFocusWindowHandle ....................................................................................................................228 GetFrameSource$................................................................................................................................229 GetHTMLEditText...............................................................................................................................230 GetMemUsage......................................................................................................................................232 438 GetPageSource$ ..................................................................................................................................233 GetProcessCpuLoad ............................................................................................................................234 GetProcessList .....................................................................................................................................235 GetReadPos..................................................................................................................................237, 352 GetTopWindowHandle ........................................................................................................................238 GetWindowHandle ..............................................................................................................................239 GetWindowName$ ...............................................................................................................................242 GetWindowsList...................................................................................................................................243 GetXMLAttribute .................................................................................................................................245 Global variables ..................................................................................................................................248 Go to.....................................................................................................................................................249 Goto......................................................................................................................................................249 Greater than.........................................................................................................................................329 Greater than or equal to ......................................................................................................................329 GROUPBOX ..........................................................................................................................................53 H 97 Handle..................................................................................................................................................239 HardCopy.....................................................................................................................................177, 250 Hour$ ...................................................................................................................................................254 HTML block-level text tags ...................................................................................................................70 HTML tags.............................................................................................................................................70 Hundreds .............................................................................................................................................257 ICON......................................................................................................................................................53 If 258 Immediate ............................................................................................................................................103 ImpersonateUser..................................................................................................................................261 Include .........................................................................................................................................263, 350 included........................................................................................................................................192, 280 INI................................................................................................................................................361, 472 INI file..........................................................................................................................................361, 472 inner text ................................................................................................................................................70 InputBox$ ............................................................................................................................................264 InputBoxSecret$ ..................................................................................................................................265 Instr......................................................................................................................................................266 InstrRev................................................................................................................................................267 integer ..................................................................................................................................................118 Invalid Pause ... Until..........................................................................................................................366 InWindow.............................................................................................................................................334 InWindowAnyInstance................................................................................................................320, 334 IsRunning ............................................................................................................................................268 IsServiceStarted ...................................................................................................................................269 keyboard event .....................................................................................................................................320 keyboard input .....................................................................................................................................397 keyboard shortcut ..................................................................................................................................83 Kill........................................................................................................................................................270 KillApp .................................................................................................................................................271 KillAppChildren...................................................................................................................................273 KillProcess ...........................................................................................................................................275 label......................................................................................................................................................249 Lcase$ ..................................................................................................................................................281 leading and trailing spaces..................................................................................................................435 Left .........................................................................................................................................................91 Left$ .....................................................................................................................................................282 Len .......................................................................................................................................................283 Less than ..............................................................................................................................................329 Less than or equal to ...........................................................................................................................329 LINE ......................................................................................................................................................97 list of files.............................................................................................................................................149 listbox ...............................................................................................................................................53, 80 ListHTMLItem$...................................................................................................................................284 439 ListItem$ ..............................................................................................................................................286 listview....................................................................................................................................................80 LOCAL.................................................................................................................................................423 Local variables....................................................................................................................................248 LockKbd ...............................................................................................................................................288 LockMouse...........................................................................................................................................290 LogFile.................................................................................................................................................291 Logical operators........................................................................................................................293, 329 loop...............................................................................................................................................366, 457 Ltrim$...................................................................................................................................................294 main program ......................................................................................................................................350 MaximizeWindow ................................................................................................................................295 menu event ...........................................................................................................................................320 menu selection by keyboard shortcut ....................................................................................................83 Mid$ .....................................................................................................................................................296 Middle ....................................................................................................................................................95 Min$ .....................................................................................................................................................297 MinimizeWindow.................................................................................................................................298 MkDir...................................................................................................................................................299 module..................................................................................................................................................408 modulus................................................................................................................................................329 Month$.................................................................................................................................................301 mouse event..........................................................................................................................................320 MouseShape.........................................................................................................................................302 MouseX ................................................................................................................................................304 MouseY ................................................................................................................................................304 MoveMouse..........................................................................................................................................305 MoveWindow .......................................................................................................................................308 MsgBox ................................................................................................................................................309 MsgFrame............................................................................................................................................311 MsgFrameTitle ....................................................................................................................................313 multiple decision making.....................................................................................................................385 multiplication.......................................................................................................................................329 Multiply$ ..............................................................................................................................................315 Name ....................................................................................................................................................316 Navigate ...............................................................................................................................................317 Near..............................................................................................................................................320, 334 NOT......................................................................................................................................................329 Not equal to..........................................................................................................................................329 NotActive......................................................................................................................................320, 334 NotExists ......................................................................................................................................320, 334 notification area.....................................................................................................................................80 NumLock .............................................................................................................................................318 OCR engine............................................................................................................................................95 OCR Text .............................................................................................................................................334 off ...........................................................................................................................................................83 on............................................................................................................................................................83 OnAction Error............................................................................................................................250, 325 OnAction...EndAction .........................................................................................................................320 OpenCom .............................................................................................................................................328 Operators .............................................................................................................................................329 OR ........................................................................................................................................................329 OsVersion$...........................................................................................................................................331 OverHTMLElement.............................................................................................................................333 parameters for a script.........................................................................................................................106 parent window......................................................................................................................................433 parenthesis ...........................................................................................................................................329 password...............................................................................................................................................471 Pause....................................................................................................................................................334 PeekInteger ..........................................................................................................................................341 440 PeekString$..........................................................................................................................................342 PG...........................................................................................................................................................97 PokeInteger..........................................................................................................................................344 PokeString ...........................................................................................................................................346 PostData...............................................................................................................................................348 Precedence of operators ......................................................................................................................329 precision...............................................................................................................................................349 program structure ................................................................................................................................350 PUSHBUTTON .....................................................................................................................................53 Radio ................................................................................................................................................53, 87 Random................................................................................................................................................351 Read .....................................................................................................................................................352 ReadCom..............................................................................................................................................356 ReadExcel ............................................................................................................................................359 reading pointer.............................................................................................................................237, 404 ReadIni$...............................................................................................................................................361 ReadReg ...............................................................................................................................................362 reals......................................................................................................................................................118 Reboot ..................................................................................................................................................363 recording mode ....................................................................................................................................446 Relational operators ............................................................................................................................329 Rem ......................................................................................................................................................364 RemoveFrame......................................................................................................................................365 Repeat...................................................................................................................................................366 Replace$...............................................................................................................................................367 ResetTimer ...........................................................................................................................................369 Response time ..............................................................................................................369, 417, 421, 431 Restarts Windows.................................................................................................................................363 RestoreWindow ....................................................................................................................................371 return code...........................................................................................................................................259 return code from a script .....................................................................................................................376 RevertToSelf ........................................................................................................................................372 Right.......................................................................................................................................................91 Right$...................................................................................................................................................373 RmDir...................................................................................................................................................374 Rtrim$ ..................................................................................................................................................375 Run.......................................................................................................................................................376 Run a script from an other script ................................................................................................376, 408 SavePictureAs ......................................................................................................................................378 SaveTargetAs .......................................................................................................................................380 Sec$ ......................................................................................................................................................384 Select Case ...........................................................................................................................................385 SelectDir$.............................................................................................................................................387 SelectedHTMLItem$ ...........................................................................................................................389 SelectedItem$.......................................................................................................................................391 SelectFile .............................................................................................................................................392 SelectHTMLItem .................................................................................................................................393 selections in menus..............................................................................................................................399 SelectMultipleFile................................................................................................................................395 SendEmail............................................................................................................................................396 SendKeys..............................................................................................................................................397 SendKeysEncrypted .............................................................................................................................400 SetAttr ..................................................................................................................................................402 SetClipboard ........................................................................................................................................403 SetReadPos ..................................................................................................................................352, 404 SetXMLAttribute..................................................................................................................................405 Shell .....................................................................................................................................................408 ShellWait..............................................................................................................................................410 Shift key ...............................................................................................................................................333 SizeWindow..........................................................................................................................................411 441 Sleep .....................................................................................................................................................412 source code of the current Web page ..................................................................................................233 SplitIntoArray ......................................................................................................................................414 Spy........................................................................................................................................................446 StartBrowser ........................................................................................................................................415 StartService ..........................................................................................................................................416 StartTimer ............................................................................................................................................417 Stop.......................................................................................................................................................418 StopLog ................................................................................................................................................419 StopService...........................................................................................................................................420 StopTimer.............................................................................................................................................421 Str$ .......................................................................................................................................................422 string ....................................................................................................................................................118 Sub .......................................................................................................................................................423 sub-program.........................................................................................................................................376 Subs......................................................................................................................................................350 Subtract$..............................................................................................................................................425 subtraction ...........................................................................................................................................329 Synchronization on a Date/Hour ........................................................................................................334 Synchronization on a Text ..................................................................................................................334 Synchronization on an Image .............................................................................................................334 Syntax...................................................................................................................................................427 system .....................................................................................................................................................83 System Variables..................................................................................................................................118 systray.....................................................................................................................................................80 Tab .........................................................................................................................................................87 TEXT......................................................................................................................................................53 text check frequency ............................................................................................................................429 TextOCR ..............................................................................................................................................334 Then .....................................................................................................................................................258 tick........................................................................................................................................................179 Time$ ...................................................................................................................................................430 timeout .................................................................................................................................................173 Timer....................................................................................................................................................431 Top$ .....................................................................................................................................................433 TopInstance .........................................................................................................................................434 treeview ..................................................................................................................................................80 trigger...................................................................................................................................................320 Trim$....................................................................................................................................................435 TRUE ...................................................................................................................................................258 Ucase$..................................................................................................................................................436 Unable to activate window...................................................................................................................158 unary ....................................................................................................................................................329 Unicode ................................................................................................................................................112 UnlockKbd ...........................................................................................................................................437 UnlockMouse.......................................................................................................................................438 unsigned integer ..................................................................................................................................118 until ......................................................................................................................................................366 Up ...........................................................................................................................................................91 UseOCREngine....................................................................................................................................440 UsePage ...............................................................................................................................................441 UseWindow ..........................................................................................................................................446 UseWindowHandle ..............................................................................................................................448 UseWindowRegEx ...............................................................................................................................451 V 97 Val ........................................................................................................................................................454 Variables ..............................................................................................................................................118 wait .......................................................................................................................................................179 waits for one window to appear OR a second window to appear .....................................................184 waits for one window to appear OR a second window to appear .......................................................184 442 Weekday ...............................................................................................................................................456 While...wend.........................................................................................................................................457 WinDir$ ...............................................................................................................................................458 Window class .......................................................................................................................................439 window name ...............................................................................................................................439, 446 Window title .........................................................................................................................................439 Windows caret......................................................................................................................................117 Windows regional settings...................................................................................................................120 WinScrollBar .........................................................................................................................................97 WinStatus.....................................................................................................................................320, 334 WinTaskAdmin Service ....................................................................................... 227, 234, 269, 416, 420 Write.....................................................................................................................................................460 Write in Excel a captured OCRized value.............................................................................................67 WriteCom .............................................................................................................................................462 WriteCombo .........................................................................................................................................464 WriteEdit ..............................................................................................................................................465 WriteEditEncrypted .............................................................................................................................466 WriteExcel............................................................................................................................................467 WriteHTML .........................................................................................................................................469 WriteHTMLEncrypted.........................................................................................................................471 WriteIni................................................................................................................................................472 WriteReg ..............................................................................................................................................473 Year$ ....................................................................................................................................................475 Your last browsing session closed .......................................................................................................271 443