weight management
weight management
weight management get fit with content provided by Explore the effects of extra weight and learn what you can do to keep it off You can lose weight — and keep it off. Losing weight doesn’t have to be a struggle. With the right support, you can make healthy choices that lead you on the path to weight loss success. Rite Aid is pleased to provide you with information from the experts at Harvard Medical School to help you better understand how extra weight affects your health and what you can do to lose it. We’ve also included a special section on the Rite Weight Plan from the medical experts at Lindora®, America’s leading medical weight control system. For more help, Rite Aid pharmacists are always available. 2 tablE of contEnts 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 aRE You ovERwEight?* what’s YouR bodY shapE?* how ExtRa wEight affEcts YouR hEalth* sMall wEight loss, big bEnEfits* childhood obEsitY: a wEightY pRoblEM* sEvEn tips foR hEalthY Eating* phYsical activitY: how Much is Enough?* kEEping thE wEight off* choosE to losE with thE RitE wEight plan fRoM RitE aid *Content provided by Harvard Medical School 3 5 This content is brought to you by the experts at Harvard Medical School. aRE You ovERwEight? if you’re carrying extra pounds, you’re probably well aware of it. but health care providers use body mass index (bMi), an approximate measure of body fat based on a person’s height and weight, to determine whether a person’s weight falls within a healthy range. another simple measurement is waist circumference. What’s your BMI? use the table below to find your bMi. people with the healthiest bMis — 19 to 24 in men and 18 to 24 in women — have a lower risk for illness and death. higher The body mass index (BMI), an index of weight by height,The is used classify people as normal, overweight, and obese. The body bodyto mass mass index index (BMI), (BMI), anan index indexofof weight weight bybyheight, height, isisused usedtotoclassi clas What’s your body mass index?* bMis mean a higher risk. HEIGHT WEIGHT IN POUNDS HEIGHT HEIGHT You are overweight if your 4’10” 4’10” 91 96 100 105 110 4’10” 115 91 119 129 105 134 110 138 115 143 91 96124 96 100 100 105 110 115 bMi is between 25 and 29, 94 99 104 109 114 4’11” 119 124 128 133 109 138 114 143 119 148 4’11” 94 94 99 99 104 104 109 114 119 4’11” and obese if your bMi is 97 102 107 112 118 5’0” 128 133 138 112 143 118 148 123 153 5’0” 97 97 102 102 107 107 112 118 123 5’0”123 30 or higher. someone 100 100 106 106 111 111 116 122 127 5’1”127 100 106 111 116 122 5’1” 132 137 143 116 148 122 153 127 158 5’1” with 104 104 109 109 115 115 120 126 131 5’2”131 104 lower 109 than 115 18 120 126 5’2” 136 142 147 120 153 126 158 131 164 5’2” a bMi is5’3” considered underweight. 107 107 113 113 118 118 124 130 135 5’3”135 107 113 118 124 130 5’3” 141 146 152 124 158 130 163 135 169 110 116 122 128 5’4” 114 120 126 132 5’5” 118 124 130 136 5’6” 121 127 134 140 5’7” *please 125 that 131your bMi 138 provides 144 5’8” remember only general health information. no 128 135 142 149 5’9” distinction is made, for example, between 132 139 146 153 5’10” men and women, old and young, frame size, activity levels, 136 muscle 143 mass, 150 or 157 5’11” ethnicity. bMi values are not accurate for 140 147 154 162 6’0” body builders and professional athletes. 151 if 6’1” you believe144 your bMi results159 don’t 166 accurately reflect weight163 and/or 171 148 your 155 6’2” level of overall health, we encourage you 152 160 168 176 6’3” to talk with your doctor or pharmacist. 156 164 172 180 6’4” BMI 19 20 21 22 5’4”140 134 5’4” 110 110 145 116 116 151 122 122 157 128 128 163 134 134 169 140 140 174 5’5”144 138 5’5” 114 114 150 118 118 155 120 120 156 124 124 161 126 126 162 130 130 167 132 132 168 136 136 173 138 138 174 142 142 179 144 144 180 148 148 186 121 121 159 125 125 164 127 127 166 131 131 171 134 134 172 138 138 177 140 140 178 144 144 184 146 146 185 151 151 190 153 153 191 158 158 197 128 128 169 132 132 174 135 135 176 139 139 181 142 142 182 146 146 188 149 149 189 153 153 195 155 155 196 160 160 202 162 162 203 167 167 209 136 136 179 140 140 184 143 143 186 147 147 191 150 150 193 154 154 199 157 157 200 162 162 206 165 165 208 169 169 213 172 172 215 177 177 221 144 144 189 148 148 194 151 151 197 155 155 202 159 159 204 163 163 210 166 166 212 171 171 218 174 174 219 179 179 225 182 182 227 186 186 233 152 152 200 156 156 205 160 160 208 164 164 213 168 168 216 172 172 221 176 176 224 180 180 230 184 184 232 189 189 238 192 192 240 197 197 246 5’6”148 142 5’6” 5’7”153 146 5’7” 5’8”158 151 5’8” 5’9”162 155 5’9” 5’10” 160 5’10” 167 5’11” 165 5’11” 172 6’0”177 169 6’0” 6’1”182 174 6’1” 6’2”186 179 6’2” 6’3” 184 6’3”192 6’4”197 189 6’4” BMI 23 BMI24 19 19 25 NORMAL 4 | visit www.riteaid.com/weight to identify your bMi. 20 20 26 21 21 27 22 22 28 NORMAL NORMAL OVERWEIGHT 23 23 29 24 24 30 what’s YouR bodY shapE? Your body shape depends largely on where you tend to carry your weight, usually centered on either your waist, or your hips and thighs. if you carry fat mainly around the middle of your body (known as “apple-shaped”), you’re more likely to develop diabetes, heart disease, and related health problems than if you tend to be heavier around your hips and thighs (“pear-shaped”). The body mass index (BMI), an index of weight by height, is ssify assify people people asnormal, normal, overweight, overweight, and andobese. obese. used to as classify people as normal, overweight, and obese. WEIGHT WEIGHTININPOUNDS POUNDS 119 119 124 124 129 129 134 134 138 138 143 143 167 167 191 191 Waist measurement 124 124 128 128 133 133 138 138 143 143 148 148 173 173 198 198 Hip measurement 128 128 133 133 138 138 143 143 148 148 153 153 179 179 204 204 132 132 137 137 143 143 148 148 153 153 158 158 185 185 211 211 136 136 142 142 147 147 153 153 158 158 164 164 191 191 218 218 141 141 146 146 152 152 158 158 163 163 169 169 197 197 225 225 145 145 151 151 157 157 163 163 169 169 174 174 204 204 232 232 150 150 156 156 162 162 168 168 174 174 180 180 210 210 240 240 155 155 161 161 167 167 173 173 179 179 186 186 216 216 247 247 159 159 166 166 172 172 178 178 185 185 191 191 223 223 255 255 164 164 171 171 177 177 184 184 190 190 197 197 230 230 262 262 169 169 176 176 182 182 189 189 196 196 203 203 236 236 270 270 174 174 181 181 188 188 195 195 202 202 209 209 243 243 278 278 179 179 186 186 193 193 200 200 208 208 215 215 250 250 286 286 184 184 191 191 199 199 206 206 213 213 221 221 258 258 294 294 189 189 197 197 204 204 212 212 219 219 227 227 265 265 302 302 194 194 202 202 210 210 218 218 225 225 233 233 272 272 311 311 200 200 208 208 216 216 224 224 232 232 240 240 279 279 319 319 205 205 213 213 221 221 230 230 238 238 246 246 287 287 328 328 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 35 35 40 40 OVERWEIGHT OVERWEIGHT © Harriet Greenfield to measure your waist, place a cloth tape measure around your bare abdomen just above your hipbones. Make sure the tape is snug and parallel to the floor. women measuring in at 35 inches or more and men with at least a 40-inch waist have an increased risk for certain health problems. OBESE OBESE 5 how ExtRa wEight affEcts YouR hEalth Excess body weight increases your risk for more than 50 health problems. Many are illustrated in the chart below. Neurological • Headache • Stroke • Dementia,including Alzheimer’s Respiratory • Asthma • Sleepapnea Urological • Diabetickidneydisease • Kidneycancer Circulatory • Highbloodpressureand highcholesterol • Heartattackand heartfailure • Poorcirculation • Bloodclots • Peripheralarterydisease Psychological • Depression • Anxiety • Eatingdisorders Gastrointestinal • Refluxdisease • Esophagealcancer • Colonpolyps • Coloncancer • Fattyliverdisease • Cirrhosis • Livercancer • Gallstones • Gallbladdercancer Pancreas • Diabetes(type2) • Pancreaticcancer Reproductive/Women • Infertility • Ovarian,endometrial, cervical,andbreastcancer Musculoskeletal • Arthritis(especially hips,knees,andankles) • Lowbackpain one of the most common health problems linked to extra weight is type 2 diabetes, which can lead to serious complications in the heart, kidneys, nerves, and eyes. 6 sMall wEight loss, big bEnEfits losing weight can help you live a longer, healthier life. Even a modest weight loss of 5% to 10% of your starting weight can lead to significant health benefits, including lowering blood pressure and your risk for diabetes. childhood obEsitY: a wEightY pRoblEM since the 1980s, the percentage of children between the ages of 2 and 11 who are overweight has nearly tripled, and rates rose from 5% to 17% in those ages 12 to 19. in fact, experts fear that the rising obesity rates in today’s children may mean the next generation will have a shorter life span than their parents. with this news, it’s clear that managing our kids’ weight needs to be a priority. try these tips from the centers for disease control and prevention: • offer low-calorie snacks with a nutritional punch, such as fruits and veggies and wholegrain crackers with low-fat cheese. • cut out sugary beverages and offer water or skim milk instead. • plan family exercise times. go on a bike ride or a hike. • swap out time spent in front of the tv or computer for physical activity, like soccer, swimming, or playing tag. • set a good example by eating well and being active yourself. 7 sEvEn tips foR hEalthY Eating follow these quick nutrition tips to start eating healthier today: 1. Eat filling foods that are low in calories, including whole grains, such as brown rice, whole-wheat bread, and oatmeal, and legumes, such as black, pinto, and kidney beans. 2. When you eat meat, cut out fat and cut down portion sizes. choose lean cuts of meat and modest amounts — about 3 ounces per serving. 3. Avoid fried foods, which have added fat and calories. baking, broiling, and roasting add no extra fat. 4. Use low-fat or nonfat dairy foods. Milk, yogurt, and cheese are good sources of protein and calcium, but the whole-milk versions are very high in fat. 5. Avoid fast food. it’s typically high in fat, calories, or both, and the “value meals” are often too large and tempt you to overeat. 6. Avoid high-calorie, low-nutrient snacks. chips and other deep-fried snacks are high in fat and calories. Even snacks labeled “low-fat” are often high in calories. healthier snack ideas include nonfat yogurt, hummus, baby carrots, and pistachios. 7. Watch what you drink. Regular sodas, fruit juices, and especially alcoholic beverages are high in calories. for more healthy options, try water, unsweetened tea, and low-fat or fat-free milk. thumb tip thumb tip finger finger fist fist thumb tip QUIck TIps FoR poRTIon conTRol palm palm handful thumb tip thumb tip finger finger 1 palm = 3 oz. of meat, fish, or poultry handful palm 2 handfuls handful 1 fist = 1 cup cereal, pasta, vegetables 1 thumb tip = 1 teaspoon of peanut butter, butter, or sugar 8 fist 1 handful = 1 oz. of nuts 2 handfuls = 2 oz. of pretzels 2 handfuls 2 handfuls finger fist fist thumb tip 1 finger = 1 oz. of cheese finger fist phYsical activitY: how Much is Enough? Many people are daunted by the prospect of starting an exercise program, but it doesn’t need to be overwhelming. below is an exercise plan to help you get started.* Increase the beat. focus at first on activities or exercises that make the heart and lungs work harder. these include walking, jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing, gardening, playing racquetball, and a host of others. Make it last. aim for at least 30 minutes of activity in a day. if you can do it all at once, great. if not, three 10-minute bursts of activity are fine, too. don’t hesitate to go beyond that 30-minute target — the longer you are active, the more you benefit. Do it often. be active on most days of the week. It’s okay to be moderate. Exercises or activities that are low to moderate in intensity like walking fast, water aerobics, and doubles tennis are fine, and are safer for many people. if you like vigorous activity such as jogging or running, swimming laps, or singles tennis, go for it. Be strong. add some weight lifting or other resistance exercises to your aerobic activities. choose weights that let you do 12 to 15 repetitions of exercises that work your arm, leg, shoulder, and hip muscles. limber up. gentle stretches can warm up your muscles before exercise. they can also improve your balance and flexibility. HoW To BURn ABoUT 150 cAloRIEs WAsH WInDoWs oR FlooRs for 45–60 minutes RAkE lEAvEs for 30 minutes WAlk 2 MIlEs for 30 minutes sWIM lAps for 20 minutes RUn 1.5 MIlEs in 15 minutes sHovEl snoW for 15 minutes clIMB sTAIRs for 15 minutes source: physical activity and health: a Report of the surgeon general, u.s. department of health and human services. *we recommend you visit your health care provider before starting any weight loss or exercise program. 9 kEEping thE wEight off sticking with a long-term weight-maintenance plan can be difficult and is one of the main reasons that people regain the weight they lost within a few years. You can keep this from happening to you. Just do what successful people do: Get plenty of physical activity. Exercise about an hour a day to burn an average of 2,600 calories per week. walking is the most popular exercise. Maintain a diet low in calories and fat. Eating less fat and more fiber helps successful dieters stick to eating about 1,360 calories per day and around 24% to 29% fat, which is lower than the typical american diet. Eat breakfast. Many successful dieters say they eat breakfast (usually cereal and fruit) every day. keep a food journal. writing down what you eat every day in a food log or diary can help you avoid weight regain. check weight regularly. weigh in at least once a week, or even every day. this habit may allow you to detect a small weight gain and take action before the problem escalates. copyright © 2009 by harvard university. all rights reserved. Reproduction of the harvard health publications content is not permitted. harvard Medical school does not endorse products or services. harvard health publications content should not be used for diagnosis or treatment, or as a substitute for visits to your medical provider. always seek the advice of your health care provider if you have questions regarding your health or any medical condition. 10 choosE to losE with thE RitE wEight plan fRoM RitE aid This special section is brought to you by the medical experts at Lindora®. You can lose up to 10% of your weight in just 10 weeks with our fREE, online Rite weight plan, created by the medical experts at lindora exclusively for Rite aid. “I’ve lost 76 pounds on the Rite Weight Plan and I’m still losing! When I look in the mirror, I see a different man.” – Pritesh, Iselin, New Jersey “Tracking my success on the Rite Weight Plan was a lot of fun! I couldn’t wait to get up every morning, weigh myself, and update my graph. I also loved reading the daily e-mails and affirmations.” – Marie, Alexandria, Virginia sign up for the free Rite Weight plan, and you’ll get: • daily e-mails to take you step-by-step through the program • personal responses to your questions from a lindora medical expert • weekly audio messages from lindora weight-loss experts • lindora lifestyle assessment to gauge your risk for health problems • the Rite weight tracker where you enter your weight every day and your personalized chart changes to reflect your progress • a daily action plan to keep track of meals and food intake • food recommendations and menus Ready to lose? visit www.riteaid. com/riteweightplan to get started today! we recommend you visit your health care provider before starting any weight loss or exercise program. www.riteaid.com #460912 rev 12/09 form #2077
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weight Management
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