Daily Record 8 Timet Herald, Carroll, la. Monday, Feb. J, 1966 Chicago Grain T h e s e Markets Are Famtuhecl by T h e Humphrey Grain Company HJ«;h L o w 12:30 WHEAT 169 H 159% March ... 170 May 169^ : 160% July 160 . 161 163 Sept „, 162% . 163»4 CORN 129 W March . 129% 129% 131 <5 131% May . 132 July „ . . 133 i i 132 132% Sept. „.-. . 1 2 8 ^ 128 H 128% CATS March . 72% 7 2 J4 72% May _~ 71« 72V4 . 72 Vl July „ 70 70% . 71 Sept. . „ 70 70 . 70% RYE March . 3.^6 134 134% May . 138 136% 1.37 July . 138',4 137 1.37 Sept. .... . 13814 137 iV* 138 March . 294% 291 294% SOT BEANS 297 May 297 July 297% 292% 297% SO-t BEAN MEAT. March 70.r«5 69.25 70.35 May 69.40 68.70 69.40 July 69.45 68.95 69.43 Deaths, Funerals New York Stock Market Chicago Livestock CHICAGO (AP)—The market 25,50. Cattle 12,000; c a l v e s none; NEW Y O R K ( A P ) —Steels, for butcher hogs was steady to Licerjes to Wed— 25 cents a hundredweight higher slaughter steers steady to weak; LAKE CITY - Mrs. Amanda aufcos, airlines and eleotax)mcs fAonday in f&irly active trading loadv^lots prime 1,150-1,400 lb Denis A. Sander, Arcadia and Grote, 68, of Odebolt, former were gainers in an advancing for a supply of 6,000 head. slaughter steers 28.00-28.50; Eileen Brincks, Coon Rapids; Lake City resident, died Sunstock market early this afterhigh choice and prime 1,050-1,Thomas J. Johnson, O m a h a The cattle supply of t2,000 day, Feb. 8, at Loring Hospital noon. Trading was faMy aoUve. mi Myra L. Eickman, Omaha. head was the largest In tht-e« 400 lbs 27.50-28.00; choice 900in Sac City. Steels benefitted from a reNew Vehicles Registeredweeks and slaughter steers sold 1,400 lbs 26.50-27.50; high choice Funeral services will be held DAVID LUVERNE TAYLOR port of rising orders for the and prime 900-1,050 lb slaughter Hairy 0 . or Nat\cy P . Butler, at 2 p.m. Tuesday in the PilCOON RAPIDS - David Lu- metal and expeotations that the steady to weak. heifers 27.00-27.50; choice 850Carroll, Mercury; L i e c h 11 grim Lutheran Church here, of verne Taylor, infant son of the hKiustry would enjoy a big first CHICAGO (AP) - (USDA) - 1,100 lbs 26.00-27.00, Bros., Arcadia, IntematioTial which she was a member. The Rev. and Mrs. Waylan Taylor quarter. Hogs 6,000; butchers steady to Sheep 1,000; wooled slaughter itruck; L. A. SmitJi Co., Carroll, Rev. Robert Wedergren will of- of Coon Rapids, died Sunday, The over-all list seemed to r e 25 higher; 1-2 190-225 lb butchers lambs and ewes steady; packBuick; James F. Sullivan, Carficiate and burial will be in Feb. 6, in the Guthrie County spond ito the opinion reported 29.00-29.75; mixed 1-3 190-230 lbs age choice and prime 95-105 lb rdl, Chevrolet; Helmcr 0 . or Reading Cemetery, near Farn- Hospital at Guthrie Center, from *he National Association 28.50-29.25; 2-3 240-260 lbs 27,50- wooled slaughter lambs 30,00; Luella I. .Johnson, Glidden, hamville. Friends may' call at where he was born Feb. 3. Ford; Struve Motor Co., Manthe Huffman Memorial Chapel Graveside s e r v i c e s were of Purchasing Agents tfiait infla- 28.00; 1-3 360-400 lb sows 25,00- good and choice 27.25-29.50. ning, Buick; M c C o y Motors, in Lake City after 4 p.m. Mon- scheduled for 3 p.m. Monday at *ion looms a s a more serious Births Inc., Carroll, Chevrolet; Breda day. West Liberty Cemetery, Sears threat now than m^many years. The market was up a little at Auto Co., Breda, Ford; Donald Mrs. Grote was born Dec. 9, boro, with the Rev. Myrtle Lee EARLING - Mr. and Mrs. J. Wieland, Carroll, Ford; Ur- Eugene SibenaHler, Earling, a 1897, at Glidden, a daughter of officiating. Arrangements a r e the opening, then moved soiidly ban J. or Virginia H. Janning, son, Feb. 5, at Harlan General Mr. and Mrs. John Wenck. In in charge of the Mason Funeral higher despite laggards here and there. CmroH, Chevrolet; Raymond or Hospital!. They a r e former Car1925 she married Frank Grote Home, Coon Rapids, FAIRFIELD (AP) - A shoi LaVema Tiefonthaler, Breda, roll residents. at Lidderdale and they farmed The baby is survived by his The Associated Press average Grandparents SIOUX CITY ( A P ) - T h e two- gun, in Ms fabric case, was near Lake City. He died Dec. parents, two sisters, a brother of 60 stocks at noon was up .7 Cadillac; Leighton A. Wcder- are Mr. and Mrs. C l a r e n c e man crew of a twin-jet FlOl dropped accidentally Sunday 9, 1954. Mrs. Grote had been and his grandparents. The Rev. at 366.3 with industrials up 1.1, aith, CaaTOll, Cadillac; Joseph Brinker, Mt. Carmel, and Mrs. fighter plane from Glasgow, and it fired, killing Kathryne residing at an Odebolt nursing Mr. Taylor is minister of the rails up .3 and utilities up .3. H. Berg, Arcadia, Chevrolet; Frances Sibenaller, Roselle. Mont., Air Force Base parachut- Cook, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, DES MOINES ( A P ) - A sher- home. Lawrence J. or Agnes H. Bock, Friends Church l o c a t e d beThe Dow Jones industrial av- ed to safety Sunday after they James Cook of Fairfield. Surviving a r e t h r e e sons, tween Cocn Rapids and Glid- erage ait noon was up 4.18 at were unable to land their damTempleton, CnevTolet; Arthur MANNING GENERAL HOSPI- iff's deputy reoheckiing the area Authorities said the girl's where the body of Donald Amos Cecil E . Grote, Rockwell City; den. W. or Florence C. Bock, Man- TAL 990.53. cousin, Terry Cook, 10, had aged plane. Nervig, 52, was found Jan. 26 (Times Heraia New* 8e»Tle»> ning, Ohevrolet; Mike or Thetaken the cased .410 gauge gun Lorillard was delayed in opThe aircraft crashed and has turned up a bag containmg resa C. Schaffer, C a r r o l l , Admissions, Feb. 4— from a truck as the children ening, finally spurting 2Vi to burned in a Wooded Missouri $296 in checks and $26 in cash Chevrolet; Donald A. or Jennie Damia Lawbaugh, Manning were helping Terry's parents, 50V^ on an opening block of 40,River bluff area about 10 miles idemtified as belonging to NerA. Herron, Coon Rapids, ChevMrs. Herbert Arnold, W a l l Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Neil, 000 shares. It extended the gain south of the Sioux City airport vig. rolet; 3<M E . Stenstrom, Coon Lake to more than 3 in later deal tower on the Nebraska side of move into a house here. Deputy Polk County Sheriff Rapid, Chevrolet; Raymond Birth, Feb. 4— .Neil said he thought the gun ings. Rumors were denied that the river. Eldon Lewis said Sunday he deE. Dmnmann, Manning, MerMr. and Mrs. Roland Meeves, was unloaded. He said it had the company had a new type A Sioux City Air Force Base cided to search the area again cury; Lloyd E . McCuen, Jr., Manning, a son not been used since the pheasant filter for cigarettes. spokesman identified the crew after a couple of days of mild CajToU, Ford; and Robert B. Prices were generally higher as 1st U. William J. Ball, the season ended. By TOM TIEDE Reed bought his khaki-color Dorothy M. Smiley, CarroU, CRAWFORD COUNTY MEMO- weather had thinned the snow Newspaper Enterprise Assn. ored K-9 in the Philippines in heavy trading on the Ameri- pilot, of Lincoln, Neb., and Capt. cover. Meaxnuy. RIAL HOSPITAL, Denlson can Stock Exchange. Charles A. Davis, the radarman JUST INCORPORATED Officers said finding the bag BIEN HOA, Viet Nam - If and smuggled him into the Admissions, Feb. 4— Corporate and U.S. Treasury from Santa Monica, Calif. They combat zone. He's now the oncast doubt on the theory that Private M o r t i m e r Reed is * MADISON, Wis. (AP)—The Allan Arkfeld, Defiance Hospitals robbery was the motive in Ner- awarded a C o m b a t Infantry- ly genuine d o g f a c e in Viet bonds were mostly unchanged were members of the 13th Fight- state has received incorporation Gladys North, Denison in Mgbt dealings, er-Interceptor Squadron at Glasvig's death. ST. ANTHONY HOSPITAL ~' man's Badge in the next few Nam and has so fit into the papers for the Dam Site Realty Verdell Brus, Denlson gow AFB. The unit is a part of life of a soldier the rumor is Nervig had been missing since Admissionsmonths it may be indication Corp. of Plymouth,' Wis. Dismissals, Feb. 4— the Air Defense Command. he once bit his first sergeant Dec. 14. Hits body was found' Gary Busche, Carroll the military is going to the Mrs. Paul Baker and dayghThe spokesman said the plane in the, uh, ankle. more than six weeks laiter in a dogs. Kevin Reiman, Carroll ter, Dunlap was on a routine training flight wooded gully five miles north of Mrs. Adeline Bauer, Omaha KING'S Mrs. Richard Lorenzen and Many cBspute that possibility, Mort Is a wire-haired terrier. and "flew an engine" on takeDes Moines. Robert Scharfenakmp, AuduCHOCOLATES daughter, Deloit off from Offutt Air Force Base On the other paw, if Pfc. Buf- however. bon Dr, Leo Luka, PoJk County for Mrs. Alfred Lingle and son, Bufford's taste, they argue, near Omaha, Neb. The pilot ford L. Monkey is, as expected, medical examiner, said Nervig Mrs. Duane Reinsch, Lidder- Charter Oak One major fire a year ago ac- headed here to attempt a landAmerican Queens died of a blow on the head from promoted to Sepc. 4 soon, which runs more to officers. daile Vernon Hansen, Denison In any event the GI's thmk coun'ted for nearly all the $27,- ing. oould mean the Army is being a heavy blunt instrument. Mrs. D o n a l d Petsohauer, Vernon Hast, Denison Mort. is the doggondest. In six 860.79 fire damage reported However, the spokesman said, A m e r i c a n Greeting Also found were a pair of taken over by a buraii of apes. Carnarvon Mrs. Robert Nemitz, Denison months ithey've had only one here m 1965, Harold H. Grund- a mechanical failure in the landYou guessed it. M o n k e y ' s a glasses belonging to Nervig jmd DismissalsVALENTINES Craig Petersen, Schleswig serious pr6blem with him, but meier, fire c h i e f , said Mon- ing gear prevented a safe landmonkey. a pasrtially smoked a g a r beDeborah Kay Nieland, ArHenry Schneller, Deloit after he was tentbroken every- day. V A L U E PACKS ing and the crew bailed out. cadia Infant daughter of Mr. and lieved to have been his. Mortimer and Bufford are thing worked out fme. The Sheker Shoe Store fire Neither man was injured. Four G r o u p s Lenus Andersen, Arcadia m e m b e r s of the 173rd AirMrs. Larry Burk, Darison here Jan. 30, 1965 resulted in Mns. V e r n o n Tiefenthaler, BirthsSuch is the affection for both borne Infantry and except for estimated damage of $25,046.62 Halbur the fact they both have fleas, Bufford and Mort, in fact, that to the building and contents, THE ANSWER'S SIMPLE Mr. and Mrs. Jam RiveraMrs. Lyle Schleisman, Lake Martinez, Dunlap, a daughter, they're not so much different 173rd peopiLe have submitted Grundmeier said. ROME (AP)—Repairmen who City from the run-of-the-war sol- regulaWon papers to get the We Give Cold Bond Stamps Feb. 3 went out to learn Why telephone! Fire losses within the city Army animals the distinctions Virgil Lappe. Carroll diers here. service between Rome and ForMr. and Mrs. Gale Onamplon, limits amounted to an estithey deserve — Bufford anothKurt Reser, Carroll mia had broken down soon found Denison, a daughter, Feb. 3 Bufford, for example, likes to er stripe and a Combat Infan- mated $13,766.62 to buildings Robert Granowski, Audubon Mr. and Mrs, Gordon NahnDETROIT ( A P ) - Teamsters beat the heat of Southeast Asia and $14,094.17 to contents with- the answer. Thieves had made tryman's Badge for the dog. Joyce Johnson, CaiiToU off with more than 500 yards of sen. Schleswig, a daughter, Union President James R, Hofwith a bourbon on the rocks or Andrew Leinen. Manning The guys i n s i s t Mort has in the buildings. Feb. 3 fa has advocated a common The 30-member volunteer fire the telephone cable. a beer in the bunk. Mrs. Arthur PauHin, Guthrie enough courage for the medal. expiration date for all union department answered a total of Center And Bufford has more than contracts in each American city Says owner Charles Rector 50 calls within tlie city during Carroll Markets enough intelligenoe for the proMrs. Wayne Klein, Glidden and for union contracts in allied of Mullen, Neb.: the 12 month period. Firemen For individual, family, g r o u p Pa\il Danner, Carroll GRAIN "She simply drinks like —." motion. industries across the nation. were called outside the city Gerald Vonnahme, Carroll Soybeans, No. 2 $2.67 "But," s o m e o n e inquired, limits 19 times. enrollment or information Hoffa told the 13-state Team- "doesn't tt make her sick?" Mrs. Paul Brincks and baby, Com, No. 2 yellow 1.20 The total number of calls was CarroU Oats .70 sters Central Conference in De- "Naw, jiEJt drunk now and down s k from the 1964 figure troit Saturday that such a poli- then." of 75. cy has been discussed with oth"And you still oondoine i t ? " and Activities of Carroll The breakdown on c a l l s e r major unions. "Look, she doesn't question Area Boys, Girls Clubs showed 11 to dwelling places, He said the move would my drinking and I don't her's." eight to business establishThe regular meeting of the make possible massive strikes Although the monkey has a Carroll Happy Hearts G i r l s ' ments, 16 for car fires, 10 grass Sei or write of the kind that can take place masculine moniker, Rector re- 4-H Club w a s " held Monday, fires, and four rescue unit calls in other nations. Vic. Hornick P h . 9616 Carroll, Iowa fers to Bufford as a shemale. Jan. 17, at the Farm Bureau involvmg use of the resuscitator, Grundmeier said. He explains this contradiction Hoffa did not suggest that evBuilding. Vicki Huff was hosery union contract in the United as an original error never tess. Roll call was answered by States expire on one date. He corrected by subsequent facts. 22 members. Talks were given also did not specify where h e But, he, she or it, Bufford's by Janice Strautman on " I would draw the line on which one of the boys. She sleeps, eaits Train My Eyes to See Secrets contracts h e felt should not ex- and sips with the troops and on of Beauty" and by Jean Renze pire on a common date. oooasion even jumps with them on "Balance and Emphasis." An illustrated talk was given However, Hoffa said concert- from airplanes. by Mary Gronstal on "Form, ed action will be necessary be"We call h e r the parachuting Texture and Space." cause of recent decisions of the National Labor Relations Board primate," Rector says. Demonstrations w e r e given "But isn't she frightened m a and the U.S. Supreme Court. by Vicki Huff on "Restore Old plane?" Wood This Way," Barbara PolCommon expiration dates "Yeah, her eyes get big as lastrini on "How to Arrange a would allow unions to get away dotlains." Dresser Drawer Neatly," and from the danger of being "And what does she do when Marcia Wiedenfeld on "How to charged with secondary boy- s(he jumps o u t ? " Clean Rugs." Tentative plans cotts and would make strikes "She falls, naturaly, liloe ev- were made for a bake sale in more effective, he added. erybody else." March, Plans were also disUnlike Reator's remarkable cussed for a special project anthropoid. Pvt. Mart Reed h as day to be held in February. never been p u s h e d out of a Lunch was served by Vicki plane. The sihaggy, bone-picking and her mother, Mrs. Cecil pooch leans more to chasing Vi- Huff. et Cong on combat patrols. WASHINGTON (AP) - Sen- Mont's owner, S u p p l y Sgt. The annual Christmas party ate Demooraitic Leader Mike Frank Reed of Akron, Ohio, was held Dec. o in the baseMansifield of Monitaina was re- claims the pup has seen more /nent of the Carroll C o u n t y State Bank, Refreshments were ported improving today in Be- front-line a c t i o n then John served by Mrs, Gronstal, Mrs, thesda, Md., Naval Hospital Wayne, Ryan, Mrs, Busche and their from an attack of flu. Says Reed: "He's always go- daughters. Recreation was binSenate Republican Leader Ev- ing out to the war." go, other games and records, erett M. Dirksen of lUinods told "And what's he do when the Jane Busche, reporter. reportesr he expects Mansfield shooting stairts?" Most to return to ithe Senate Tuesday "He runs like tJie devU." BREAKS WRIST ii^ time lor a vote on his motion "Which w a y ? " American Gary Susohe, 15, son of Mr. to cut off debaite on the union "Whichever way the bullets and Mrs, Melvin Busche, Carshop bm. Cars ain't coming from.," roll, expects to be released today from St. Anthony Hospital, where he has been an aocident patient since early Saturday everting. Gary, a freshman student ait Kuemper High School, P/us We'll never invent a substitute was on his way to the Kuemper basketbaill game Saiurdaiy for the "Voice with a Smile" evening when he fell, breaking from ages 18 and over. PreLincoln Service hag helped )are now for U. S. Civil Servthousands prepare for these his left wrist. { This N o r t h w e s t e r n Bell e l e c t r o n i c Court House Mrs. Marvin Oleridi, Oarrol Byron Eariiairt, CarroM Mrs. Vivian Cretsinger, Ooon Rapids Mrs. Dominic Mattes, Dedham Births-: Mr. and Mrs. Paul Schw«ers, Arcadia, a son, Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tigges, Carroll, a daughter, Saiturday Mr. and Mrs. Gerald BlUmeier, Carroll, a son, Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gute, Carroll, a son, Siaiday MRS. AMANDA 6R0TE <TIme» Herald New» Serirlr.e) William P. Grote, Lake View; and Carl H. Grote, Missoula, Mont.; five grandchildren and two brothers, Donald Wenck, Lidderdale, and W a l t e r J. Wenck, Glidden. 2 Escape as Jet Crashes Find Nervig's Girl Killed in Shotijun Accident Bag and Money Mortimer and Bufford: Two Unlikely Troopers '65 Fire Loss Set at $27,860 19 for 29c 24 for 39c Hoffa Calls for Union Move for Massive Strikes RETTENMAIER DRUG STORE 4-H News BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD Mid-Winter CAR SERVICE All for Only ALIGN FRONT END Mansfield 111 With Influenza BALANCE \^ FRONT WHEELS ADJUST BRAKES WANTED! S E C O N D TIRE '5°° r MEN-WOMEN switching equipment can handle thous a n d s of telephone calls faster by far than h u m a n h a n d s ca n move or human brains c a n think. But we always remember that mac h i n e s a l o n e c a n ' t b r i n g you t h e friendliness, t h e helpfulness and courtesy, the h u m an understanding good telephone service d e m a n d s . . , T h a t ' s why, behind all t h e remarkable e q u i p m e n t designed to s p e e d your calls, the "Voice with a Smile" is always there when you want her, ce Job openings during the next 12 months. Government positions p a y high starting salaries. They provide much greater security than ,private employment oyii illei • opportunity . for and excellent advancement. Many positions require little or no specialized education or experience. But to get one of these Jobs, you must pass a test. The competition is keen and In some cases only one out of five pass. tests every year since 1948. It is one of the largest and oldest privately owned schools of Us Idnd and Is n o t connected with the Government. For FREE booklet on Government jobs, including list of positions and salaries, fill out coupon and maU at once— TODAY. You will also get full detalla on how you can prepare yourself for tests. ^ , ,these. ™ Don't delay—ACT NOVVI . LINCOLN SERVICE, D«pt. 31-3B Pekin, Illinois I am very much Interested. Please send me absolutely FREE (1) A list of U. S. Government positions and salaries; (2) Inferformation on how to qualify for a U S. Government Job. Name NORTHWESTERN BELL Age Street City Phone State (D.1B) Parts extra, if needed When you buy the first PRODUCED THE EVIDENCE MT. STERLING, Ky, ( A P ) Strange things have happened since Mt. Sterling adopted a law irequiirlng a $7 wiwdshield sticker for autos. When residents change cars, ithey pay only $1 for a new sticlcer jf they can produce a portion of the old one. Recently, a w o m a n showed up at City Hall carrying a large section of windshield to wWoh *he sticker was alflxied. Her old c a r ihad been wrecked and she couldn't remove tihe etlcker* so brought along the wfhpte woiicsr. ^itt$iOn^ Nylonaire at price listed below... Itt SIZE TYPE TIrt* 6.70-15 Tubed-type Blackwall $14.93 6.70-15 Tubed-type Whjtewall $17.95 6.70-15" TubelBss Blackwall $17.9SP 6.-70-15 TubelessWhItewall $20.95 2nd Tlr«* $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 TYPE 7.50-14 7.50-14 8,00-14 8.00-14 TYPE Tubsless Blackwall Tubeless Whitewall Tubeless Blackwall Tubeless Whitawall Itt Tire* $17.95 $20.95 $20.95 $23.95 2nd Tire* $5.00 $5.00 $'5.6b $'5760 BLISS TJRE SERVICE At the West Edge of Carroll on Highway 30