January 3rd, 2016 - St. Jude the Apostle Parish
January 3rd, 2016 - St. Jude the Apostle Parish
St. Jude the Apostle Church South Holland, IL Established 1957 Rev. Ignatius I. Anaele Pastor Rev. John J. Powers Pastor Emeritus Herbert Drazba Deacon Mel Stasinski Deacon Timothy Springer Deacon Linda Morgridge Business Manager Shawn Perkins Music Minister Marsha Johnson Coordinator of Religious Education Kenneth Ziolkowski Parish Finance Council Chair John Turton Parish Pastoral Council Chair 880 E. 154th St., South Holland, IL 60473 Rectory Office Phone: 708 333-3550 Fax: 708 339-3336 Children’s Religious Education: 708 225-1180 Email: [email protected] Website: www.stjudetheapostle.org Weekend Masses: Saturday 5:00 PM Sunday 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 AM Weekday Masses: Monday thru Friday 8:30 AM Holy Day Masses: Vigil 7:00 PM Holy Day 8:30 AM Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday 4:15 to 4:45 PM Baptisms: Arrangements must be made in advance for catechesis and reception of the sacrament. All families must be registered parishioners. Contact the Rectory office at 708 333-3550. CHRIST OUR SAVIOR CATHOLIC SCHOOL Executive Pastor - Rev. Ignatius I. Anaele Principal - Mrs. Karen Brodzik 708-333-8173 www.christoursaviorcatholicschool.org MISSION STATEMENT We, the family of faith of St. Jude the Apostle Catholic Church in South Holland, nourished by the Word of God and Sacraments commit ourselves to know, love, live, and celebrate Jesus the Christ. Page Two January 3, 2016 MASS INTENTIONS Sat., Jan. 2 5:00 PM James T. Batzek & Gregory Zurek Requested by The Batzek Family Sun., Jan. 3 8:00 AM John & Angie Ostarello Requested by The Family 10:00 AM Sr. Kaye Morrison 11:30 AM Frank, Helen & Paul Styka Requested by Eleanore Styka J.P. Meneghin & Phyllis Howard (Birthday Remembrance) Requested by Klein Family Mon., Jan. 4 8:30 AM Sally Lelo-Klimaszewski Requested by Louise Muszynski Larry Farnesi (Birthday Remembrance) & Whittle Family Requested by Eileen Whittle Tues., Jan. 5 8:30 AM People of the Parish Wed., Jan. 6 8:30 AM Flo, Helene & Dorothy Lucas Requested by The Lucas Family Thur., Jan. 7 8:30 AM James Milkowski Requested by Edna Lucas Fri., Jan. 8 8:30 AM Walter & Beverly Valag Requested by Edna Lucas Sat., Jan. 9 5:00 PM M/M A. Kosmala & Family Requested by Family Timothy F. Roe Requested by Rita Roe & Family Sun., Jan.10 2015 2014 12-21-14 $4,847.00 Fiscal Year To Date: $135,524.32 $138,529.55 Thank you for your support of the parish. Registered Families - 598 Tuesday - Jan. 5, 2016 Holy Hour following Mass Choir Practice 7:00 PM Holy Name Society 7:30 PM The wine used at the Eucharist for the month of January is in Thanksgiving from The Ferdinand Family. We thank them for their generosity. Hospitality Sunday will be held next Sunday on January 10th after the Masses. In your prayers please remember Robert Tomczak. May he rest in peace. DATE/MASS LECTORS WEEKDAYS MON—FRI 8:00 AM Rosary 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Divine Mercy Chaplet Monday - Jan. 4, 2016 Church Cleaning after Mass 8:00 AM Leslie Rieger (4th Anniversary) Requested by Mary Simms 10:00 AM For suffering Christians throughout the world 11:30 AM St. Jude Purgatorial Society 12-20-15 $5,527.00 St. Jude Parish Calendar Stop by McMahon Hall for fellowship. Wednesday - Jan. 6, 2016 Bible Study 7:00 PM Saturday - Jan. 9, 2016 Prayer Shawl Ministry 10 AM Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 PM Mass 5:00 PM Sunday - Jan. 10, 2016 Masses at 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 Hospitality Sunday Youth Group Meeting 1 PM Monday - Jan. 11, 2016 Church Cleaning after Mass Knights of Columbus 7 PM Tuesday - Jan. 12, 2016 Holy Hour following Mass Choir Practice 7:00 PM Wednesday - Jan. 13, 2016 Bible Study 7:00 PM Saturday - Jan. 16, 2016 Reconciliation 4:15-4:45 PM Mass at 5:00 PM Sunday - Jan. 17, 2016 Masses at 8:00, 10:00, 11:30 $plit the Pot tickets will be sold in the lobby of the church. Tickets are $1 each or 6 for $5. EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS ALTAR SERVERS Saturday January 9 5:00 PM Mark Ziemkowski Sunday January 10 8:00 AM Sylvia Stasinski Nancy Burrage, Karen Fleszewski Orie Matyasik, Mary Simms John Paul Ntamere Bobby Gula Sunday January 10 10:00 AM Pat Anderson Inez Bertrand, Margaret Chavers Alex & Susan Morris Odera Edeh Agnes Chew, Eloise Grochowski Michael Jackson, Shirley Krenkel Chelcie Oparanozie Etienne Atangana Sunday January 10 11:30 AM John Krilich Carmen & Jesse Bermudez Zenovia Evans, Irene Sikorski Nick Ziemkowski January 3, 2016 Page Three Epiphany Christmas Carol Sing-A-Long & New Year’s Celebration Let us join together as a parish family to mark the conclusion of the Christmas season. At the beginning of the new year, let us thank God for the blessings of the past year, and pray for happiness, health, and blessings in the year to come. We invite you to join us for a special gathering followed by a potluck. Bring your favorite dish. Join us today at 3:00 PM for a joyful celebration! TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Over the next few weeks, if you were to stroll around Prague or Budapest or Kraków, you might see curious grafitti scratched in chalk over some doorways: "20 C M B 16." The families dwelling behind those doors have celebrated the Epiphany door blessing. They have gathered before the feast-day meal, probably after Mass, and the head of the family has traced the sign of the cross on the piece of chalk. Standing on a ladder, the leader traces the numbers for the new year, and the letters C M B for Christus Mansionem Benedicat, Latin for "May Christ bless this house." The letters also point to the names that tradition has assigned to the mysterious magi, Caspar, Melchior, and Balthasar--although scripture tells us nothing of their number, their country, or their names. The blessing speaks of journeys ended and journeys begun at the doorway, and prays that all journeys be as satisfying as was the magi's. It prays that the house beyond the door have the quality of love and peace that the magi marveled at when they at last arrived in Bethlehem. In some countries where the Soviet Union tried to impose a harsh atheism, the vigor of this household custom survived all efforts to erase Christian customs. In the years of struggle, the chalked blessings were a pervasive sign of defiance, and now in the light of new freedoms, they are a sign of the resilience of our tradition and the fulfillment of the magi's quest for meaning and peace. --Rev. James Field, Copyright (c) J. S. Paluch Co. Page Four SHEDSOMELIGHT Christ Our Savior Catholic School Our seventh grade students were asked to reflect how they can make the world a better place in the year 2016. You will read some very thoughtful, insightful ideas as how to live out the Gospel message of Christ Our Savior. I can start by changing my attitude. When somebody hurts me, instead of being mad at them, I can forgive them with a warm smile. I can donate some money to the church. I can help to make the world a better place by volunteering to clean up trash around my community. Chikelu Egbuna Every time that I see my friends I can greet them with a compliment. I can spread positive vibes to everyone that I know. I will try my best not to spread any negative energy. Santonien Flowers I can take time and volunteer at church. I can recycle and avoid littering around my neighborhood. Recycling and reducing littering can make the environment look nice and healthy for people and animals to live in. I can forgive others for the things they have done wrong. Instead of being mean and creating an argument, I can forgive because God forgives us whenever we have done something wrong. Edith Lwanyaga During 2016, I am going to learn to forgive others, to be more respectful and to share with my family all the time. I will pray to God to help me out with these deeds since I love him. Marcus Pierrre-Louis If someone is sad and they need someone to talk to, I will try to listen and help. I want to be able to show people that if you put a smile on your face, the whole world could probably be happier. I love to see people smile so in 2016 I will try to make people laugh more and forget about all the negative things in life. Ariana Whyte It is just the simple things that can cause change. In 2016 I will always come in with a smile no matter what is going on in my life. A smile on your face gives those who are sad and most in need of happiness in their lives a chance to smile themselves. I am going to be kind to everyone. It would make God happy. I will give to those who have less than me. Help them and you will be happier yourself knowing that you are helping somebody who needs it. To my fellow peers….be happy, be smart, be positive, be kind and keep your head up. If you feel like you have nobody, you still have GOD. Starr Hollis HAPPY NEW YEAR!! In Christ’s Love, Karen Brodzik Principal January 3, 2016 Today we take up the collection for the Church in Latin America. Your gift will fund catechesis, pastoral programs, marriage and family life projects, seminarian education and many other necessary programs. Your support will provide seeds to grow the faith for years to come. To learn more visit www.usccb.org/latin-america. Thornton Township HS Dist. 205 Board of Ed Invites you to visit their website www.district205.net and complete the Fiscal Strategic Plan Survey. Questions can be directed to Mrs. Fisher at 708 2254002 or [email protected] Archdiocesan Mass for Life Saturday January 9, 2016 5 P.M. St. Cletus 600 W. 55th St. La Grange 708 352-6209 We remember the innocent children lost and the men, women and families hurt through abortion. Archbishop Blasé Cupich will be the principal celebrant. Presentation on the Year of Mercy Sunday, January 10th 1:30 P.M. Infant Jesus of Prague Church Hall Dr. Mary Amore presents: The Francis Effect: Fountain of Mercy. Mary is Director of Mercy at Mayslake Ministries in Downers Grove, Il. Light refreshments will be served there will be a free will offering. Mass Intentions There are openings in the 2016 Mass book. If you would like to request a Mass intention in memory of a loved one, for a member of your family, in celebration of an anniversary or birthday for 2016, please fill out the form below and include your $10 stipend. It may be put in the weekly collection or brought to the Rectory office during business hours. Mass Intention for ________________________________________ Mass Requested by ________________________________________ Contact Phone Number ________________________________________ January 3, 2016 Page Five TODAY'S READINGS READINGS FOR THE WEEK First Reading -- Rise up in splendor, Jerusalem! The Monday: 1 Jn 3:22 -- 4:6; Ps 2:7bc-8, 10-12a; Mt 4:12-17, 23-25 LORD shines upon you and the glory of the Lord appears over you (Isaiah 60:1-6). Psalm -- Lord, every nation on earth will adore you (Psalm 72). Second Reading -- The mystery has been made known that the Gentiles are coheirs, copartners in the promise in Christ Jesus through the gospel (Ephesians 3:2-3a, 5-6). Gospel -- Magi from the east arrived, saying, "Where is the newborn king of the Jews?" (Matthew 2:1-12). Tuesday: 1 Jn 4:7-10; Ps 72:1-4, 7-8; Mk 6:34-44 Wednesday: 1 Jn 4:11-18; Ps 72:1-2, 10, 12-13; Mk 6:45-52 Thursday: 1 Jn 4:19 -- 5:4; Ps 72:1-2, 14, 15bc, 17; Lk 4:14-22a Friday: 1 Jn 5:5-13; Ps 147:12-15, 19-20; Lk 5:12-16 Saturday: 1 Jn 5:14-21; Ps 149:1-6a, 9b; Jn 3:22-30 Sunday: Is 42:1-4, 6-7 4; Is Ps 29:1-4, 3, 9-10; Acts 10:34-38; Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Jubilee of Mercy Every week we reflect ONE WORD AT A TIME. The reflections help us put the word into practice in our everyday lives. We have begun with the seven corporal works of mercy. They will be followed by the seven spiritual works of mercy. These works of mercy have a corporal or physical dimension as well as a spiritual one and come to us from the Bible and our spiritual tradition. They are proven ways to share God’s mercy with others. Pope Francis tells us - “ May the Jubilee of Mercy bring us all closer to God’s goodness and love.” Jubilee of Mercy commenced on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception and will conclude on the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ King of the Universe AJ ROWAN INSURANCE Angela J. Rowan Auto-Home Business-Life 446 E. 162nd, So. 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