rler NEXT THURSDAY Inventor Thorpe Finds ON OLD AGE TAX
rler NEXT THURSDAY Inventor Thorpe Finds ON OLD AGE TAX
\ n Combined With The Cheshire Times p The ------------------------ "'':t'; ;"" T own CHURCHES PLAN Streamline1d Rolling -- Pin I'e' AJOINT SERVICE Is Edsy As Pie To Sell, ~rler NEXT THURSDAY Inventor Thorpe Finds I JOE'S PERCENTAGE Ii> • Single Copy 5 Cents , SOUTHINGTON, CONNECTICUT, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 Vol. LXXX, No. 33 Joe Fontana began this season, his tenth as coach at Lewis High School, with a record of 53 games won,21 lost and nine tied. Any coach might look with envy at Sl1ch a record, vlhich adds uri • to a percentage of .716. By 'winning seven straight games this season, Joe has brought his percentage up to .740, and victories today and next week would add .on another -seven points. Leaving out Joe's first season here, which was his only bad one, his record to date Council Members Will Join In Thanksgiving 1. Ho Iday Program ~ The I --annual unlOn.lnanKsglvlIlg' 'I \ NEWS' TO ADVANCE 1\ PUBLICATION DAY FOR NEXT WEEK I, Becaase of the Thanksg-iviug holiday next week, The News will be published on Tuesday, November 18. News and advertising material must be received not later than noon Tuesday to ap~)ear in next week's issue. '\1 \ By DELLAR L. CRUMRINE \' From pies to rolling pins may seem to be going into reverse, but such is not the case with Harry Thorpe, who has recently estabiished a new concern in Cheshire and is doing a good business with rolling pins. H came about in this way: For a number of years Mr. Thorpe was in the bakery business, speciaJizing in pies. The need fora good rolling pin became apparent, for use of the old type caused blisters and callouses on the hands. "That," says Mr. Thorpe, "was not good for piano playing, which I like to do." And we can add that he does it excellently. Well, to go back to rolling pins. A seal,ch in the best department stores brought out the fact that there was no model'll rolling pin. Therefore, Mr. Thorpe decided to make his own. After considerable experimenting, he has invented what is now known as the Thorpe Ball Bearing Rolling Pin, which, as the name indicates, operates freely and easily by means of of ball bearings. "I like the way it spins," says Chicadee, of whom more later. At first only the large type of pin for the use of bakers was manufactured, and this model is now used extensively by one of the largest chain stores which supplies its bakery units located in various parts of the country. The next development was the application of the same principle to a smaller pin, the kind every housewife can use. At the present time, this is the kind that is being made by· the thousands. For this purpose, the Thorpe' garage has been converted into an assembling room and a number of high school boys engaged to come in after &.Chool hours to assist in assembling the finished article. Parts are provided by a number of concerns: wooden rollers and handles from A Rose F or Rosalind !HOSPIT Gill R ORTTONI ON FIRST Y Todd. invites Public To Attend Meell:ing At Bradley Mem::noiaR r \RIT ARE HELD \FOR J~ BOYL The first annual report of the Brarl10v Memorial Hospital will be read a;d acted upon at 7:45 o'clock tonight at the annual meeting of the Southington Hospital CorporaI I tion members at the hospitaL In addition to the hospital's reI Resident Here For 40 port, the {Corporation's financial re· 40 Years Was Found port for the :fiscal year, which Dead In Home closed October 1, 1941, will be read, according to President Edwin S. ,I ~" The funeral of James A. B·oyTodd. HARRY THORP,t; .1 Ian about 57, who was found de:;] Seven trustees, whose terms will expire in 1944, will also be named -V-e-r-m-o-n-t-,-b-a-l-lbearings from a fir~, in ~"Trmday at .his l~ving (:1.1:11'at the meeting and action will be in Pennsylvania, and the meta!:\ t2rs in the Tear of hIS, busmes,. taken on a recommendation of the rods. and washers from the .nearby place at 849 South rj~m Stl'eet, Executive Committee to change concern of WriO'ht & Ellis in Mili- Plantsville, was .held Wednesda'J'. By-Law No. 35 to read: "The fiscal dale. b I A requiem high mass was sung Hel'e is onle of two new roses recently developed by year of the corp.oration shall be Nicholas Grillo, Milldale floriculturist. He has na'med the With the problem of pr.oduction at 8 a. m. at St. Thomas' Church. that period starting each year on rose fo1<' Rosali.nd Russell, the screen actress frOITI Watertemporarily solved, the next diffi- The hody was tak.en to Bo.onton, October 1 and ending September hury. The flower is clear pink in color and measures in full culty to be dealt with was that .of i N. ~" wher~ bunal wa~ m the bud about five inches in diameter. 30," effective as of October 1, 1941. increasing the market for the I famIly plot m St. Mary s Ceme .. _~ ___ ~.________ . ______ .__ ________ ~ __ , At the close of the members' smaller pins, and that is where [' tery. . . . meeting, a meeting of the trustees Chickadee comes into the story. , PolIce be~leve that Mr. Bo,Yla; .....,H • '11Vill be held to elect officers and an Chickadee, also known as Aunt ~Jed sometime Thursday mgh. utK, executlve committee; to appomt a Chick, writer of a column on food i Newspaper~ ,of, that dllte were ! financial agent and to transact any for a newspaper in Tulsa, Okla.. found outsIde hIS door and when ., .his baker called Monday he notlcother busi,ness to come before the was also m busmess manufadur. I b ttl f 'lk trustees at that time. in pastr gadgets: treated can- ed that sever:" 0 es 0 m, g "y", . .. and <ather artICles had' not been President 'l'odd extends a cordial . . .' carry out a Thanksgiving Day vas clOtn lor coven?g illlxmg taken into the house. He notified invitation to persons interested in m New York, WIth delegates from th erne an d there WI'11 b e speCla ' 1 boards, a new type pIe pan, etc. Off' Ed d J F 1 h the h.ospital and health center She also had the job .of demon- I Icer mun. . 0 ey 0 all parts of the ,~ountry. Amon~ music by the combined choirs of work to attend tonight's meeting, t t' h . f the .' hroke the glass m the dO'or, gamed them was Mae PaIge, now a reSI- the various churches. The Rev. Mr. s ra mg er wares m some .0 entry and found the body. ____ Tho Bradley Memorial HORpital dent of Southington, who has Ashby, pastor of the host church, largest department stores the D r. HT'II' T . N ag1e o f '\" ,,1 lam , 00 d . I d m th Marion's weird controversy-The bearing the title, "Marion Ghosts began operation as a general hosevery reason to believe the old will open the service. country. ~he n.ow. me u es e ruff Street Southington medical Battle of the Ghosts-goes on with Never Walked," which appeared in. pital in October, 1940. Funds for Thorpe . ' adage about big oaks and little All persons who plan to attend , rollmg pm m her demond exammer, was ·ca11 ed an d p ):'0- undiminished fury. last week's issue of the paper. I the construction of the hospital acorns. the service are urged to note the stratJO.n, ~nd ~hrough h~r, or ers nounced death due to natural The battle began two weeks ago Of eourse Mrs, Gertrude Upson! wen, left by Mrs. ,Julia Arnold come pourmg mto CheshIre's newo G hour, which is earlier than it has est business concern. ,causes. He gave permissiion f01> when Mrs, Helen Upson, Marion of Wins:ed realizes that we are Bradley, who died in 1919, on conRUMOR VS. FACT been held in previous years. The At one time Mr. Thorp.e said removal of the body to the Halla- correspondent of The News, wrote living in a democracy which recog- dition that a general hospital be public is cordially invited. that he would have considered han Funeral Home, Meriden Ave- a Hallowe'en feature story dealing nizes both freedom of speech and constructed and in operation 'n We have before us the monthly report of the Manufacturers Asso- ' 10,000 rolling pins a year a good nU~r. Boylan resided here ahoat with eerie happeni.ngsin an old freedom of the press. It is a bit Souchington by 19;[0. The fund" business. Since September 1, a lit- 40 years. In earlier years he was house that once stood near the risky to eharge falsehood unless were to have reverted to another ciation of Hartford County, and it makes good reading for those who . ._ tIe more than two months' time, employed at the Old Rolling Mill present Meriden-Waterbm'y Road. that falsehood can be proved le-. source in the event the hospita.i. he has fined orders for more than on High Street and later at the Mrs. Upson said that the house gallv beyond a doubt. Let me quote i had not been built and placed in have been confused by all the ruthat number and could have sold Peck, Stow and Wilcox Company was a rendezvous for spiTitualists fro~ "The Upson Family in Amer- ' operation. mOI'S about factory employment. three times as many if he had the factory. At the Hme of his death and that bigwigs in the movement, ica" (Page 168) an item inserted 'rhe report shows that employment material to produce them. he WB..& operating the B;o,ylan Tire from as far away as Boston and there by a close relative of the agin twenty-seven plants of 'the New grievec[ Mrs. Gertrude Andrews Other inventions are simmering and Battery Service in Plants- New York, held seances there. Britain district, which ,includes AU Must Pay It Even The house, Mrs. Upson added, Cpson. It runs as foilows: in Mr. Thorpe's mind, but more ville, a business. he began several Southington, continued tq rise dur"Dennett Upsml - Here, on about them another time. years ago. He was a member of became heir .to a ghostly tradition If Not Called. On By and was believed by many of a Southington Mountain, his ing October. For the county as a St. Thomas' Church. The Enumerators children were born. . . • His whole the employment index He is -survived by two brothers, later generation to be haunted. These assertions were strongly widow became a Spiritualist, stands at 194.4 per' cent, taking . . Michael P. Boylan of Brooklyn, and the old lLpson hOllse be1929 as the normal year: Better . All Southmgton reSIdents beN. Y., and MatthBw Boylan of denied last week in a letter to The News from Mrs. Gertrude Upson came a headquarters for Spirnew§ thHfl tfti§ We <!«rr't think <Jf j tween the ages of 21 and ~O years §erantan, Pa.. i Stiff~·.·······J Fl"'i!wbiUre are required to pay the Old Age of Winsted, not a relative of lVII's. itualists between Boston and o e Assistance Tax, regardless of Skull WinHe lPlaym Helen Upson. New York. Beckwith's AIJOHNNY AND WILMA ' whether or not they are called on The Jetter from vYinsted demanac says that lLrsula, widow iug FllJlotbaH MARIE THOMAS ENGAGED by the enumerators, First Selectelared that the house was not of Bennett Upson, was 11 promThree weeks ago this column had man James Simon~aid last night. TO THOMAS D. GILL haunted. It alEo said thai a place inent Spiritualist. , . . After The funeral of Richard Harvel a note about a trip to New York Persons who are not at home Red Cross Wants Volu.n- Finance Board Add.s $2 in Marion referred to as the Miles her death the house was neHarvey Corbin, 9, son of Mrs. Rutl made by Johnny Angelillo, South- when the enumerators call on teers To Enroll For AW To Salary Mr. and Mrs. Alphonse Thom- Upson Farm should be called the glected. It was nOL torn down Tetro of 170 W es t Main Street, as of Ashley Stree.t, Hartford, Bingham place or the Bayrer ington's blind merchant, .and his them; Qr who fail to see the enumbut collapsed into the cellar New Course Here Of Each Officer Plantsville, will he held at 2 p. m. former Plantsville residents, anSeeing-Eye dog, Wilma. We are erators" for any reason, are replace. about 1872." today at the Gould Funeral Home, nounce the approaching marriage now reminded that next Wednes- quired to visit the selectmen's This week The News receive.d a An 'enrollment meeting for all My husband, who was born in 130 North Main Street, SouthingSouthington police officers will of their daughter, Marie K. 'l'homday will be exactly a year since office and fill out the necessary persons 17 ye'ars of age or over reply from ]'.'[1'8. Helen Upson, who 1863 and has since lived only in ton. receive an additional salary inas, to Thomas D. Gill, son of Dr. The General Statutes speJohnny left Southington to take a cards. cites the Upson family genealogy who are interested in a Red Cross The serVICe wil! be conducted by cifically require residents to do First Aid course will be held at crease of $2 weekly as the result Michael H. Gill of Prospect as authority for her statement that Marion, remembers the place as a course at the Seeing-Eye School in neglected weather-beaten house of the Rev. Mr. Sumner W, Johnson, of a decision made by the Town Street, Hartford. this the home mentio.ned in hel' story 'small size and of what is known pastor of the Terryville Congrega8 p. m. Friday, November 21, at Morristown, N. J. Board of Finance this week. The couple weds at St. Joseph's The local enumerators, Thomas was a meeting place for spiritual- as story-and-a-half Colonial cot- tional Church. Burial will be in the Bradley ,Memorial Hospital. There he met Wilma, and they Shanahan of Berlin Avenue and Following a special meeting. Cathedral, Hartford, at 9 a. m. ists. She also says that the name iage type, wi',h one story only at Oak Hill cemetery, Southington. The Rev. Mr. Philip King, l,o,cal have been inseparable companions William J. Tarrant of North Main with the Town Police Committee, I Saturday, November 29. The Rev. Miles Upson Farm is preferred by the front surrounded by brush and Red Cross Chapter chairman, The boy was injured Monday the Finance Board approved addi- Father John A. Hannon will perever since~ Johnny recalls that be- Street, have encountered con sidthe present owners of the place. states that the class, if organized, 'weeds. NIl'S. Gertrude 1.:pson must while playing football with a group tional appropriation of $500 to be form the wedding ceremony and (Table difficulty finding residents fore he had Wilma to guide him The letter from Mrs, Helen Up- have," remarkable memory, as she of youths on Church Street near will be held on the evenings most used for this purpose. The ceIebrate the nuptial mass. around, he often ran in to doors at home and enrolling workers convenient for the majority son follows: WES one year old (according to the the Plantsville school where they Miss Ruth Thomas of Hartford, and posts ar,d became stranded on I who are on night shifts at the the registrants. This problem will Borough of Southington recently gc.mealogy records) when the house attended classes. As young Corbin granted the officers a pay increase i a sister of the bride, will he maid EDITOR, THE :-JEWS: street corners. Now he isn't afraid various local factories. be discussed at Friday's meeting. colla.pssd. Of coUYse Ursula had a carried the ball he fell and sustainof $3 weekly. I of honoT, and Brendan Gill of Persons between the ages of 21 Two classes may be held, each to go anywhere, and he gives WilI was tremendously a.mused, perfect right to wOTship exactly as : ed a fractured skull and JaeeraThe Finance Board's decision in- Norfolk, brother of the brideand 60 years, as of October l' of lasting two hours each -evening ma all the credit, rather than annOyed, hy the thun· she Sa'.\, fit, but people were \yary hons o.bov.t the face, head and ear. creases the Town's police cost to groom, will be best man. this year, must register and pay derous charges made in the article Johnny says that Wilma is al- the $3 tax which is due and pay- with ·one class holding two meet- $4,400 for the year, as compared (Cont'""",d on Page 3) IIe was taken by o.mbulance to the ings weekly for five weeks and - --~--~~i Bradley lVIemorial Hospita.l "where most human in her response to able February 1 and becomes dewith the Borough's $6,200 anA', Hagstrom Sent. to China the other convening once a week :VJA~ ARRESTED Il\ ('RASH : X-Ray pictures were taken to Alfred Hagstrom, pharmacist's LOCAL REALTY COMPANY commands. She understands the linquent March 2. About 4,500 for 10 weeks. Twenty hours of nually. It will not be necessary CO:lIPLETES FIYE SALES TO BE ARHAIGNED "'101\1)!\. Y i determine the extend of his h call a special meeting of the mate in the United States Navy, meaning of "left" and "right" and persons here are required to pay training are required for a Red , juries. The bov was the first school, electors to approve the extra ap-I has been assigned to the Fourth "forward." When he tells her to be this tax. Cross First Aid ;certificate. boy fa:ality 'due to football this Five sales were completed this propriation since the Finance Regimental Hospital in Shanghai, Louis Butler of 30:, Bristol "steady," she knows that they are Teachers for the course will week by the Eustis & Cushing Street, Southington, will appeal' in year. Board has the power to approve. China. He is the son of Mrs. about to cross a street. CHURCH CONFERENCE be Earle B. Atwater of Highwood sums up to $500. He seemed better Tuesday night Company, Southington real estate town court at 10 a. m. Monday to :I Louis Pascal of Plantsville. Wilma has no fear of crowds. SET FOR WEDNESDAY Avenue, Southington, and Raydealers, according to William J. answer to a charge of violating' the and asked to be fed, but saffered mond J. Joyal of Plantsville. She weaves in and out of traffic a sudden sinking spell and died Cushing, company official. motor vehicle laws. Persons interested and who are like a New York taxicab. She ac- Membership Class Will Meet At at 2:20 a. D1. Wednesday. Sales reported include an HOLe Butler was arre,;te(i at 4 :30 p. m. unable to attend the enrollment The boy is survived by his home on Summer Street, Plants- Tuesday bv Officer Edmund J, Focompanies her master to church First Lutheran; Missionary From meeting may call the Bradley ville, to Stanley and Helen Kowel- ley foll'owi~g a collision of a truck mother, Mrs. Tetro, and his father, every Sunday and, according to Japan To Speak On The 30th Memorial Hospital by telephone ski; home on Buckland Street, and a sedan at the intersection of Claude Corbin, of Terryville. Johnny, is very fond of the music and thus enroll. At 7:30 p. m. Wednesday, "i~o Plantsville, owned by }Irs. C. E. Berlin Avenue and Pleasant Street. there. vember 19, a church membership Fuller of West Hartford, to Clara Miss Esther Faryniarz of Pleas- BRISTOL MAN TO ADDRESS RELIEF CORPS INDICATES class conference will be held at S, Kuchta of this town; home on ant Street, a pao;sengel' in one of WO'l-1AN'S CUill ON TUESDAY HOSE COMPANY NO.3 the First Evangelical Lutheran NEW GROUP OF CANDIDATES Lewis High's gridmen will seek gammg the status of a "tradition- Ford Street, owned by Joseph the vehicles, ,"as treated at the PLANS CELEBRATION CllUrch. according to the Rev. Dr. Ivlrs. Iv1al"gaTet Cooper of ,r..la- their eighth straight win of the al "encounter for the local eleven Kuchta to George Galiette; home Bradley lVIemorial Hospital for J.et.:.'- The postponed meeting of th : Southing·ton Woman's Club will b season today and possible top rat- and the bovs look forward to their on Academy Hill, owned by the erations about the face and head. George G. Hackman, pastor. terburv a state official of the ing among schools of its class. meeting ~ith the Milfordites Charles Erbe Estate, to Dominic held at 2:30 p. m. Tuesclay, Novem 34th Anniversary Of Milldale Unit Other coming events at the Wome;1:s Relief Corps, made an ofber 18, atthe home of Miss Fanny Milford High School will go "all- whose sportsmanship is of the Ferrucci, and the Eustis & Cushing Will Be Observed On The 22nd ,church as announced by Dr. Hackficial visitation to Trumbull Wom- out" to halt the Fontanamen's highest calibre. L. MacKenzie, Berlin A venue. With a Party In New Haven man include a missionary execuCompany has sold one of its own 200 ATTEND Bi\.l\QUET Relief Corps Monday night at winning streak. The well-known traveler and lec- , OF ST. RITA'S CIRCLE --I tive meeting at 2:30 p. m., Satur- en's Before one.of the largest crowds lots in Milldale to Lawrence ArantUTer, Earl Frasier of Bristol, will The thirty-fourth anniversary of, day, Novemher 22; Ladies' Aid Odd Fellows Hall, Plantsville. ever seen at the Southington Rec- cia, also of Milldale. Today's game, to be playe.d at The degree of the order was AlJOut ZOO attended the meeting be the guest speaker, Soloist for Hose Company No. 3 of Milldale meeting to sew for the Red Cross reation Park (and they stayed deconferred upon a class of candi- Milford, will begin at 2 o'clock. and banquet last night at Craig: the musical program will be Mrs. will be celebrated Saturday eve- from 10 a. m. to 5 P. m. Thursday, spite the rain), the Lewismen PUBLIC HEALTH NURSES The local gridmen will make the dates as part .of the evening's proning, November 22, according to November 27, and a special meetturned back Plainville High, tra-' ~vIADE 386 YISITS IN MONTH Loch }lanor, :rvlericien, at \vhich the Celia Behnan of \Vest Hartfo:l'd~ gram. Arrangements for the event trip in a special chartered bus and newly elected officers of St. Rita's former resident, and her accomFred Oefinger, chairman of the ar- ing of the Church Guild at 7:30 ditional rivals, Saturday by a 13-0 I --it is expected that a large continwere made by 1\'[rs. Edith Ellis, score. Twenty-eight medical, surgical Cirele, Daughters of Isabella, were panist will be Mrs. Virginia Hinrangements committee. p. m. on the same day. gent of local football fans will acman Allen. Company inembers, their wives The Rev. Dr. Edward T. Horn, Mrs. Bessie Johnson and Mrs. Olive company them. The Trumbull Towners flashed a I and chronic cases were attendee! by instalied. Miss Mae Connor of Plantsville, The hostesses for the meeting and friends will attend the "Ice missionarv from Japan, will be the Williams. Throughout the current week modified version of the now fa- the Southington Public Health AsCapades" at the New Haven Arena guest pr~acher at a Missionary mous ",T" formation and a "slid-' sodation's nurses in October, the state regent of tho organization, will be Mrs. Andrew McSorley, Coach Joseph J. Fontana has been Mrs. Mrs. John Lofgren, ::WI's. George and enjoy a supper after the show Thank-Offering Service at 7 p. m. STRONG WILL ATTEND ing" line that apparently mystified monthly report states. The nurses was the installing official. MEETING IN WATERBURY hard at work with his squad, ironat the "Aschenbroedel" Restaurant Sunday, November 30. The public ing out several minor weaknesses the local lads throughout the made a total of 386 visits for the James D. Stewart of 125 Oak G. Hackman, Mrs. M. Dunn, Mrs. Street was inducte(1 as regent of Ellen W. Beach, Mrs. John Carin New Haven. is invited. School Superintendent William that were revealed in Saturday'S greater part of the game. The vis- month. the local circk. mody, Mrs. Joseph Grace and Miss The group will leave from the The Rev. Dr. Clarence C. Stoughitors were, however, no match for At the weighing and "1edical game against Plainville. The local . ::WacKenzie. Milldale :firehouse in. private cars ton, president of Wagner College, M. Strong and several members of team came through the traditional the hard-charging Lewis line d.nd conferences, a total attendance of at 7 p. m. Staten Island N. Y., was the guest the local Board of Education will game with very few injuries, al- the four sturdy backs, Captain Ed 56 children was noted and 0112 pa- SCHOOLS WILL BE CLOSED Miss Marion Vvalsh of Vlashing .. Members of Mr. Oefinger's as- speaker last' night at a family attend the annual fall meeting of though Matt Stankiewicz was tak- Geary, "Cowboy" Carlbert, Strate- tient was examined at the PsychiFOR HOLIDAY WEEK-E:-JD ton, D. C., is the guest of her par- I sisting committee are Deputy Fire church supper in the church par- the Connecticut Association of en out late in the game because of gist Bob Moore and "Rabbit" atric Clinic in New HaVen. Boards of Education at 4 p. m. toSouthington schools close at 1 ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wo.lpl' Chief Russell F, Ellis, Milton Chaf- lors. Niemczyski. Other cases attended b~ the day at Wilby Hig'h school, Water- a slight leg injury. fee and Arthur DeBisschop. After a scoreless first qua:rter, nurses wel'e as follows: crippled, p. m. Thursday, November 19, for of Main Street, She leaves tb Milford High's eleven is expectMrs. Edward W. Lowrey of bury. during which the Lewismen 14; tuberculous, 13; antep8.rtums, t'1C Thanksgiving holiday, School month for Trinidad, where she w Dr. Payson Smith, former com- ed to provide the local gridmen A son has been born at the New North Main Street has returned threatened the Plainville goal line 15; p.ostpartums, 5; health :1(1'1;5- Superintendent William :VI. Strong' he employed by the United Stat with their toughest competition of Britain General Hospital to Mr. home from the Bradley Memorial missioner .of education for Massa- the season since its own record is several times and were once ory service for adults, 1, and child announces. Sessions will be re- Government in u secretarial capa Sl.1l1led Monday, 1\o\'e111he1' 24" l ity" an.d Mrs. Anthony DiCaprio ot Hospital, where ~he underwent chusetts, will be the guest speaker. above average. This game is fast (Continued on pa~t!l hygiene cases, 174. Supper will be served at 6:30 p. m. treatment. Summer Street, Plantsville. Service, sponsored by the Southington Council of Churches, will be held at 9 a. m. Thursday, November 20, at the Grace Methodist Church, the Rev.' Mr. Philip King, chairman of the committee on inter-church relations. The Rev. Mr. Theodore Koester, pastor of the First Baptist Church, would. be 60 games won, 14 lost Southington, and presider.t of the and. nine tied. That give~ him a council, will deliver the ser-; percentage of .838 for nme sea- mon at the service. All ministers sons, which sounds more like a· of churches holding membership in baseball :fielding average than the the council will take part. record of a football coach. Member churches in the council o • and their ministers are: Grace MAE'S ACORN Methodist, the Rev. Mr. Warren While doing school cafeteria Ashby; First Congregational, the Rev. Mr. Richard H. Ritter; First work in Hartford seven years ago, Evangelical Lutheran Church, the Mae Paige and a friend, Mary Rev. Dr. George G. Hackman; Kelly, organized a group to discuss Plantsville Congregational, the dietetics. Out of their modest ef- Rev. Mr. Philip King; First Baport a national organization grew. tist, the Rev. Mr. Koester, and The organization, now known as I Plantsville Baptist, the Rev. Mr. the National Conference of Food J. G. Osborne. Service Directors met last week The service next Thursday I SIMONE W NS ON OLD AGE TAX .I ,I bed I I Mf.1rionG'hosts DID W A~}u,thorof Story Declares :v I In Answe'f '1~o C~riticism FIRST AID STUDY POLICE RECEIVE WiLL BE PUSHED INC SPAY eek 'I Liewis Seeks Victory No.8 In Milford Game Today - .. .. -." .tHE SOUTHINGTON NEWS ~ such -payment as soon as possible to Mis.' George Lathrop of Maple Street. The next meeting will ,be today at 2:30 p. m. with Mrs. Ivan ':"'~c;al women are showing active Schoonmaker. .interest and rene\\'ed energy in I l'J:arion residents are again Tedoing work for the Southington i minded of the turkey award to be Chapter of the Amerkan Red: held in the Marion fire house at 8 Cross. Last Thur.::t'ay fourteen at- p. m. next Tuesday. Nearly everytended the weekly meeting of the one in the community has ])urgroup, which met at the home of chased tickets .for the event and: J'vIrs. Harry Gordon on Robin Road, many have been sold to outs'j·.;yc,. where much was accomplished. Thee f. '"eeil-pound turke)'swill Major interest centered in the be L'V(" Hwayand reiresh·'18nts Christmas kits, 'which are to be will be served. Since the ;.arkey sent to the army and navy boys, award is for the benefit of the local <lud several pledged money toward fnecompany, it promises to be as the cost of materials to be includ- popular an evcnt as similar ones cd. More money is needed and any I have been in past years. one desiring to contribute to this Mrs. Henry A. }{obert of San worthy eause is a~kec1 to make \ Diego, CaliL, arrived Tuesday at MARION I the home of her daughter, Mrs.' Edward Torrence of Robin ;Road, where she expects to spend thto greater part of her vacation which ends soon after the new year. iVITs. Robert is also a sister of Mrs. Harry Gordon of Robin Road and she has a son in Watertown and a daughter in Waterbury. Mrs. Torrence in honor of her mother's arrival, ~ntertained a large group of relatives at a dinner party at her home Thursday evening. Mrs. Otis Hotchkiss and Mrs. Arvill Bingham of Upson Corners, West Cheshire, entertained at luncheon recently their sisters-inlaw, lVII's. James W. - Upson of Southington and lVII's. Gertrude Andrews Upson of Winsted. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Gerdzauskas of Sand Hill are much encouraged by reports from Bradley Memorial Hospital regarding the condition of their son, Anthony, victim of l1. recent shooting accident. It is stated that he is greatly impI'oved, l1.nd resting much more comfortably. Mr. and lYlrs. William Colby of Maplc Street have returned from Con~orc1, N. Fl., II"here they spent last week-end as the guests uf Tclatives ant] friends. Miss Victoria Stanitishas resigned from her positiollwith the [ntel"national Silvcr Company of lVleriden to accept a secretarial positicnin the office of Clark Brothers in Milldale. Mrs. Eugene Southworth of the Meriden-Waterbury Road returned to her 40me Tuesdav.from "Vat8l'bUl'yHo,~plt;,1, ~vher~ .she has been, ~A.ND elude the Plantsville Arrows, Leon- I ard J oil, leader; American Eagles, ! Nick Landino, leader; Junior Panthers, \vith IIube1'1 Higgins 7 adviGor, Among the .Jun;or Hi- Y dubs are l[1(3 "Y" Hill Billies, oi' \vhich Ted Gl"~,l1dy is leader; the Panthers, Bob Foley, leader; the "Votfers, Ge.orge Yurc:lk, leader; the Sharks, with Dr. Herbert Lot~ and Bradley Chase, leaders. . In high school age gl~_OUpS are c;he Lewis Hi-Y Club, \vith Raymond Joyal as 'advisor, and the Wildcats, with Ted Knapp, leader. The boys' ciubs bave gym peJ'iods either before or after their progl'ams and al e handled by members of the "Y" Junior LeadF.T~: Co:rps. The flrst HOTseback Hiding Cluh lesspn \\ias held Saturday m.orning, with the next riding session sched.- for several days under observation and treatment. Raymond Daigle, father of AdeJ ard and lvlrs. Louis Daigle, returned last Thursday to his home in Fort Kent, Me. He spent the past several months here as guest of his children on Daigle Brothers' fan:1. Despite his advanced years, he daily took care of the cows and assisted with the potato harvest here. .Mr. and. Mrs. Fred Coughlin and son, Fred, Jr., of Prospect, were guel'ts Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Sullivan of MapJe Street. 1\1138 Esther Sullivan, R. N., of St. Mary's Hospital in Waterbury was also a guest of her parents on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Domenic Spratto of Mel'iden-WaterbUTY Road spent Sunday in Hartford, where they wel·e the guests of relatives and friemb. Miss Lottie Blair of MeridenWaterbury Road is enjoying a vacati~n from her duties at Valley Tavern. She is a guest of her father at Fort Kent, Me. Miss Rita Walsh spent last week-end in Ellington, where she was a school teacher for sev'?r"l years. I-Ier teacher friends gave her a surprise party and pres<mted her with an attractive gift. Mr. and Mrs. Louis DaIgle :eft Fr-iday evening for Florid'l, wi1f'l'c they will spend the winter Oil th'l~r potato farm at Goulds, thirt:/ miles south of Miami. ~Y' CHESHIRE TIl\1:ES, NOV'gMBER lA., 1911 MIEATS-FiSH-GROCERJE5 - I Genuine Spring Lamb WOOD SAWING JOBS I WANTED! $1.50 per hour Write Powers M;otor COc» , I J. A. DOUBLEDAY Queen st. Plainville FORD SALES AND SERVICE 315 Main 5.. Tel. 196 Mrs. Doris Finkel was elected : chairman of the women's and girls' ; committee at an organization meeting in the Y .. M. C. A. Wednesday night. She is the gymnasium instructor for girls' and women's ! classes and is adviser to BBta Mu, , Sigma Girls' Club. Miss Peggy Geary was ;named secretary of the committee. It was decided' to holel a specLal Ylle:eting :t~.ovenlbel' 26 to clis.:uss plans for a New Year's eve dance. Mrs. Howard Linke is advisor for the Tri-Hi-Y girls and Catherinc Schumann is the leader for the Patriots. Gra- Y boys clubs at the "Y" in- = w:= LEG S RIB Tender Selected I .Rl~ nA~F F~~ROAS!fING'~~IAL~ ! eli s Best Loin Chops B PATTIES I I I @ UAllTY MEATS===":==:==-======-===-=. ! NOTES ~. STOCK UP NOW !FOR THE fEAST Of fEASTS uled for Saturday 1110rning f1'o1'n 9 to J.-O a. 111. The first six club sesf;io:lG will, be given to riding instl nctioH by Bradley Chase. Plans are being fonnulate(] for the organization of an industrial basketbali lcagu e for the variQUS rnanufactlll'ing companies of. Southington. League g'ames ,viB be , played on the Y ':Vi. C. A. court on Saturday c\~e:nings. A l;asketball h(!l1~c, le'tgue for all YOUYIg' 111en Inetnb~I'S of the Y. M. C. A. will get undei' "'ay early next month. ,Tack Sullivan and . Walt~r Conaty are to be the advistors. fRUiTS AND VEGEl'AltU.,ES Th FRESH P HK LOINS PO Ricmc HOPS Ib "FIRS'l.'-pmZlE" LEAN l.?RESH SHOULDERS WHOLE OR SHANKHAI,F, SMALL FREStl:HA S CHOICE lVHLK-FED Southington ~~l\tl\\\m\\j.~\lMilimmmMil!dY;iiil!!!!ii£i.j'ii.'<m.l!lIji@ii!""1@~ "CERTIFIED" BOINELESS .Ex~Jra Lg. Florida Orrarnges ,.' . . . . . . doz. 39c FaDcy .Florrida Orranges. med. size . o. doz. 29c 0 •• "Fancy Florida Grapefli'uit 5 fol:' '1U • M CJ!.ni05n J ... A ~ 5' '1., !"lahve PD:wes .co • • • • y • , •• , . AIl.. § Fan.cy Emperoli' Grapes " ' ; . ' . U • • • , • 3 lbs Prince Edwarrd Is. Turnips ... " •...... .4 lbs Be~t Eatmor Crail1beltri~! .. 2 U~5 '.0" 0 0 0 •• 00. 25c _ ""eo ;G;;IC 00 Nay;! is the time to tPo'l,n your own home. 25c 10e 0" You can oo?rrow money on a first mortgage at 5% 0 per year. =::=~==w GROCERY NO OTHER EXPENSE. Payable P~[Hlthly or l$emi-annuaUy p$ Y'JU ••••• , • • •• DlEP To ~'3= 8 PURE PRINT LARD lbs 9 oz. NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT prefer. co E. fb. lE'.· MA~D I I til iI<:mmi! Yz III 1 Cranber~1l:V ~ Pure Cane & Maple I!•. ~n~FR~U ~UM' mliln '''THE TASTE'S TUE TlfHNG" 1 II> Vacuum. Tin Member Mutual Savings r:;anks' Central B. l'ick I." l.llig ~. ' \l!I. !q~,. In. p." nu w.} J f Sau~e ~ 11 l;i:'O Ige. btl. • pkgs 25c 21c OCEAN SPHAY VERMONT Autocrat GORTON 3fk 1 ¢ GOLD l'I'IEDf!.lL"KI'lrCHEN-TESTF)D" len 6"iI~ UIRl f.:nw i". Also Sold in 24)1;i ib bags HAVE "ROU '[mED .- ib,V Enriched! ru1 B. & Th~. TRY Ntis lIew kind of home lightillg BROWN t@RIEAD Sl'I'HTH'S BEST QUALITY PEA ~EANS SOFT - ABSORBENT GOl'IHlAN~ T~SSUE "HOSPJ£TAL-DREATED" SlEfOA VIS!OM·AHJS FOR ANY ROOM IN THE HOME Beautiful designs available for kiiclt· en.. bedrooms and livi!1'l" rooms 10 harmonize \vith present decorations. ASK fOR A FREE TRIAL NOW. T~SSllJlE GERBER'S STRAINED See how quickly you can transform out-of· date fixtures in to beautiful new-type units that protect eyesight. CiTRON VISION~A!DS ~w AJt equipped with the new Silvered Bowl MAZDA lamp give 50% more indi.rect light than any other unit using the senne size bulb. !LEMON PIE fU.. l TETLEY!S BlH)G~T TEA BABY FOODS H1jRI(U~'S GROUND BlAC~{ PEPPER Y lLp;it(rANGE, MIXED OR WASH WINDOWS wn.'HOUT WATER 2 ~ "".,~«== tins ,,'Cer~~1 PAPr2rR 9 i» Inc pkgs 35c tins 29c 1'01]1 GlRUIY HAN,ns ~O!rtA}{O 20 WHJLE 'l.'K<%iH 1 Ib BORAX 25c Ib pl;g- }c~ NJUNKrET 27c l<o.e1e 1~s' - ~ !RH~ :: 1 1'0 pk;?,' Cr(iJCk~H;§ 1 "SEALECT" Evaporated Milk ~ '.rins~~l'»''-' FUDGE M~X Pea or Red Kidney No.2 Tall While Th"y Last! /l! ~ NABISCO ~ Tall ~ ~ '0 U QUICK Sketches from Life by Reg. 17c Pkg. Dry CU'l.'-lUTF. GOOD LUCK ~ GERBER'S OATMEAL ur <ISj Ii oz. &! MIs vVB~DEX .. Tin~ ~~~~~~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~T~H~E~OOUTmN~ONNEWSAND MISS MARGARET LlNDSA Y IS ENTERTAINED AT TEA Miss Margaret Lindsay of Bridgeport, former Southington resident, was the guest of honor at a tea Saturdav afternoon at the home of Miss" Peggy GaJiette of Main Street. Those present at the tea were former Lewis High School classmates of Miss Lindsay, who will be married soon to Charles J. Carson of Bridgeport. Miss Lena Ott of Eden Avenue poured. Edward Ely, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C. Ely of Bristol Street, left ~\fonday for Cuba where he will spend the next five weeks on busl1~ess. nHnSTC' « dition of it is concerned,' Mr. (l ... II It .:'\ Barnes, the present owner, was MARION forced to blast out and haul away ". . . . -,IMI BAA'~I!illl' t\.n Il la 11 with oxen tons of rock and loose :IK AI-I\\ m ~tones ?~fore he could get the land AKL \Jlli un 111 condltlon to set out the orchards MISS SWENBEIW BEGINS 'YORK AS PEXTO ~JURSE Jl.AV ~..If S\venberg1 da.ughtel' of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Swenberg of Oakland Road, began her duties Monday as industrial nurse at the Perk, Stow & Wilcox Com(Continued from Page 1) pany factory here. She was graduated from the Hartford Hospital's of ghosts in those days, and Urtraining schoo I for nurses. sula was admittedly a spiritualist. She was not ashamed of her reMrs. Owen Conlin of West Cen- ligion or her belief in the superter Street is a patient at the Brad- natural. John Head, mentioned in the ley Memorial Hospital. previous article, was employed on our farm fo)' ovel' forty years. Apparently the stated size of NIl'S. Anne Sabia of Grantwood, New Jersey is the guest of her the farm of Bennett Upson, Sr., is mother, Mrs. Rose Ferrucci of Cen- also up for "assault and battery." Reference to town records will ter Street. ~riiS3 }~rlenc I III I there. This work continued over a period of almost two years and the stones were deposited in the woods directly west ~f our own land and they form a sizeable hill which I often see. So far as the Miles Upson Farm is concerned, here Mrs. Upson discloses her utter lack of knowledge of Marion. That farm was in Upson hands from 1732 until 1882. Here, ~bout 1852, Miles H. Upson built the house now standing there and in it established a private school. Mr. Upson was a prosperous farmer and successful teacher. Fred Doolittle in Milldale was one of his pupils. He was the father of Irving Strong Upson, for whom the Irving Strong Upson Scholarship at Rutgers College is named, and a great-uncle of Mrs. Bradley Barnes and Allan Upson of Southington. In 1882 the place was bought by Garfield Bayrer's father and here the Bayrer boys spent their childhood. The present owners of the place, Mr. and ThIll'S. Harley Kysor, for reasons of their own, prefer to preserve the name of the man who built the house, thus the "Miles Upson Farm." (MRS) HELEN N. UPSON. ~Ba~im~a~ii.iiRiii.~• •BBm_•••••R••••~-~ prove the paine. This was the farm I " of Bennett Upsos, Sr. His son, Bennett, many years Jater bought another place here. A large acreI' age in this l'egion was owned by 'l'homas Upson in 1732. Upon his death this property was .divided up among his seven living sons, one of whom was Timothy. Timothy divided his share of land among three of his sons and two of his daughters, and made other provision for his other children. Among these sons was Freeman, who was the father of ten children, one of Wh0111 vv~as Bennett. Of course in the settlement of F~eeman's affairs, the property was subdivided-and, well, the records will disclose just how many acres constituted the Bennett Upson farm. So far as the rocky co,nI Our 1941 (~hri§tmas ,Savings Club Clloses N'o,vember 15 After that day no more deposits will be accepted for this year's dub. If YOUT Xmas Savings Club pay- Men;:s, have faHen in arrears, try to catch them up 'before November 15! Remember the date. Checks will be mailed to a.U 1941 'ChlCiztmas Savings Club members on December 1, 1941. Ce~tt!l"Y To Celeb'rate Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Frank p. Cook of Summit Street, Plantsville, will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary Tuesday, November 25. They were married at St. Pat· rick's Church, New Haven, in 1891. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke have one i daughter, Mrs. Robert Kane, and ! rour grandchildren, all of this ! town. Mrs. Florence Noble of Main friends in Dan- of Service To Southington Vicinity Has Estab. rrhle SlontllingtoJ1 Banl~ & Trust Company ana "8. GOULD (Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.) Jo.SEPH ADAiVIECS OBSERVE ,'WELL·CHILD CONFERENCE , :iHS,.; "~L!ZABE'fH HA1\TORD THEIR 27TH ANNIVERSARY' WILL BE HELD 0", 27TH I E:\G.\GED TO. c~L 2. C:U,PIN BOYER STARRED -- -~~. I : IN HOLIDAY BILL '1'he monthly V'leU-Child CUll~er' '11 b e ;DC ld f ·ron~ 2 to.'-; p. UL ence \Vl Tl IN; 2~ t-h lUI'S( ay, OVe~11 lei' "'. a "e Bradley Memonal HospItal, i;1' stead of NOyen10Cr 20 a;:; o!'iginr'l y scheduled. Tran;~)Ol·_<'~"LuI\ \\ ill lH.' provided tOT an P"I'80118 othel'\\ isc UJ1>lble to to ('Xan1physician will ine the children. i Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Adamec or II • • ~_.~ West Street celebra~ed ttlelr ~nn wedding anniversary last night at a family di,nner party at their 'Hold Back The Dawn' home. They ,vere married NovemWin Be Shown \Vith I be:r 13, 1914, ~t Lincoln Neb~ Mr. and Mrs. Adernec, residents 'Lady Be Good' here for 25 years, have two daughtel's. Mr. Adamec is employed by The holiday show at the Colonial Ueck, Stow and Wilcox Company. Theatre next Thursday, FTiday and Saturday will feature two outstanding pictures of the year, Manager Ray England announces. The iirst feature, "Hold Back the Dawn," stars Charles Boyer and Olivia I;leHaviland and is one of the finest dramati,c p'roductions of the year. In the second feature, "Lady Be Good," are the talented toes of Elea,nor Powell, America's foremost lady tap dancer; the fine singing of Ann Sothern, hitherto known mostly for her comedy talents, and the suave acting of Robert Young, a topflight screen star for many years. The show will be continuous on Eat eeUer-S~2;ilil~ te§~-S31'i!~ MfuJr~ Thanl~sgiving Day from 1 :30 to '.Goryk at the alnazingly luw prices on our de:icio_lS 11 p. m. tendGr "'SUiper-Right" meats! Hoasts, 8tcakH, chops -they're aU at real rnoney-saving prices: No Hocd o'n Sunday and Monday Melvyn ever to skimp on fine-quality, nutritious D1cais in Douglas and Ruth Hussey will be your menus when A&P offer's you top grCLdcs at seen in "Our Wife," a fast-moving low prices evcl';'f day. Se~~ve fine lueats lTw"'e often make A&P your heac1qu[Ll'tors fOj> Qllality and comedy, while the co-feature, Thrift! "Nine Lives Not Enough," depicts SUll'err liigM - - . HEAVY CORN-FED STEER. 8m: events in the life of a news cameraman, starring Ronald Reagan. t'T!f'AU~ PORTERHOUSE, CUBE On Tuesday and Wednesday ant\l It. i\~ N, y, SIRLOIN, BOTTOM ROUNI) other of the popular Blondie series ' Super Right - .. HEAVY CORN,FED STEER BEEt will be shown with Pen.ny SingleI. ~ FACE RUMP, SIRLOIN ton again in the lead, role in LB K'iJ CUR!;, BOTTOM ROUND "Blondie In Society." The co-attraction, "Smiling Ghost," fea tur~s UAII~ SIJ!~M1flfn~lI..@ an all-star cast. [" Yft\~g mll'm~ Whole or E,ther Half Cosmetics ~ilJ be given free :t') lady pa~rons on Tuesday and fANCY MILK-FED Wednesday. If 4 TO 6 LB, SIZES J o 'vi 1 , and Mrs. Tnnwn F, Sallford c,f :vlain Stxce'", <lll',m'llce tbe er:.~a[tf'nlent of tYlcil' d~nlghtel'~ }ll",::, l-lizabeth VV lrIS\\'OI'th San.~()(d. 'L,) [-lenry J. C·':_l'i;! ',' E~,)l)th" ll~ (In ;;on of 1\'11'. (1.,'1 ~c~ D'-L\lcl JJ, l i~.')il1 of Ar~l',1Id~'C, j;~L :No date.: n.;,s been anl1'lL l\('i-_rl [())' ~lJe "0 ... 'traoft!§rn' n I,IE'O ':"Ce.U~Ulf.'lg~ ERESH ROASTING MI~K-EtD 4 TO 5 LB. SIZES rn~fttlk.~~~ POLISH·AMERICA~ CLUB '1'0 MAREt ANNIVERSARY Ie IL S J' :. " The second anniversary of the -:;;;;;;:=;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;,;~~;;;,;;;;;;-,;;;-;;:;,- I Polish-American Citizens' Club of BETTER BiSCUITI BETTER ' Southington will be observed toll).orrow I,nght at a dance tq be CAKE! "TRY ME NOW held in Pulaski Hall, Germania Street and at a con:cert and dance Sunday. Robak's orc'hestra from Springfield, Mass" will play for dancing tomorrow night while Joseph Lazarz' orchestra, also of Springfield, will play for the concert and dancing Sunday. The public is invited. lished The G(>tdd Name To MeaD A Complete Funeral Service Within The Reach of All Class· SOUTHINGTON, CONN. \ CHE~rnETIME~NOVEMBER1~194f I, FANCY fRESH NATIVE c: [;f!/~ oJ!N~.~IliA# 1- " iJUUIL, OYSTERS 1M ISm®lts FRESH SANITARY PACK KEREL FILL FANCY lShrimp ~ ~c I.B rRESH CAUGH! MO?l~k®rllii~ FANCY A daughter has been born at the New Britain General Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnpeer of Milldale. alI~phosphafe Improvement is noted in the conclition of Mrs. Mary Falcone of Milldale, who was inJ'ured recently ~a_kinJ>_.£'..o_Y"..d.e:·~~~·3..:'~~ _ in an automobile accident. double'ading Typifying the 1942 Pontiac's quality is the Triple Venturi Down-draft carbur etor- an important factor in Pontiac's amazing economy. The superiority of this design I ; Ready F;or Thanksgiving! ~ ~ has been pfOved 5 LB BAG "* 'M' H ~ms NEW.Ii! SOUTHERN '" California IfiJtb. Bose Pears :4 /ill ""r"'''''t~ a~ llD{Jl. I HDS ~ Tender LBS BCHS FOR ~i i ; = Ie ! 'I 11 'Ii'(; ] 5c ~ Li Across II "i I From Theater 48 MAIN ST.; .sOUTHJl\TCTON Large Free Parking Lot Rear of Star" I I I ~ = ~ § ~ = ~ /1 I~ I~ GENERAL MOTORS' MASTERPIECE • Lettm:e ca~~o,~nia 2 I ~111~11llIl:l!II!4IIIll!lO!lllllll!l'llllm!'I!I!l!lI~II'rJillllll!'l1il!il!illllllirJ!iiHi:§!,II'llii'Elllll!1il!IllI~III:liIililllll!i!lllllmIUllr;;;::iilfJlllll:l?llllil!!!llllll!ll11,!ls'jlLl," ~ over a period of many years. ! ! I iii I I ~ ~ PONTIAC has long enjoyed a reputation for quality-and the 1942 Pontiacs live up to this reputation 1n every way. Every nut and bolt ..• every part and feature gives evidence of quality design, workmanship and materials. It is quality like this that assures you greater value, greater dependability and longer life. ~ lIDiili@ili§ FRE£. Send for NEW booklet, con· taining dozens of bright ideas to im· prove your baking. Address: Rumford 1-' I •I pelle.. rf,Y With Thanksgiving so near, E THE FINE CAR WITH THE LOW PRICE Ii • ! I PONTIAC'S JOB-producing anti·aircraft cannon for the United States Navy and building the ~ car with the ~ price for the American people. ~ Ii FREDDIE'S GARAGE CLARK ST. & MERIDEN -WATERBURY RD. MILLDALE, CONN. y business is not as usual Yv'hen this couniry starts to hurry, the first thing it does is reach for the tele.' phone. Then it calls for more. tele~ phones to reach for. ~ National defense is a hurry-up job for us as well as for everyone else. ,vVe are doing e',,'erything in our power to provide fast, friendly serVe' ice for every telephone user.' But with us, as with all Americans, full coopera tion with the defense program must come first,> w ' ii IIi § Im I iII !"" ili 2' ! ! !ill Housewives are planning their Tha,nksgiving Dinner. Preparations for guests ana the unusual plans for the dinner mean added work to them. COCKTAIL SULTANA I!. , I!lI One way to lighten the burden for every housewife, both before and after Thanksghr. mg, IS to take advantage of the Sanitary Laundry's many services-one to fit each need. And remember, Sanitary Laundry Dry Cleaning Is decidedly better. , Pine3~l.lle IflI lI.1leans SLtC&(D GREEN RELIABLE FANCY TINY OIfll IflI A!mil reas ClI "'t"ft aBo oll SOUTHINGTON, CONN. Jouthington 110-PHONES-lVleriden EnterprIse 9430 "ll 30 OZIfiJ'llC &. CANS £.;J} G ~~;i :2 29 <ill 200Z'1i!liC "" CANS &i>lI Iii) 20 OZ tlj)"jIC I£,.CANS&'U 26 OZ JAR 'il li 7/C ~~tr31~t A'~~~,t;·t~ ~l'mmy " P21stU"y ~1@M!i' im:!l~il ~ ~~@",-S~®GHl1 CAKE FLOURL~~K~~~ PA'\!CI\KE FLOUR >l1 fl!!C !iii!~! ~nM f{1i {} !l. JIl.!ll'.KiBU WOJI~!lJlrff !nSS\l!l~ CitroIU Peels D~~';'y"'2 gA~~ :21 c 61 • t 0» 11 OZ'll;;;1; ~prlco 5> A&P ORIED &:; pKGS liliVJ S!Jnru~lr S~~§ A&P Raisbls (QI PKGS A&P SEEDLESS Seeded Raisins Flak!) Pie CrMst Pi.llnpkii1l Squash A&P ~K~Z fall: l~g ~~ : PKG 121: Cl FI\NSER "l: ~ CANS S~!J1t '1f[(!n~et ~a~r.tr' 3 ROLLS 2!l~ S~@t 'lJ"Qll~Melli~ ijlJ~lm@~hm $@€3l~ !(~e~\ L/\U \lDRY SOAP @~t~gm1\ N'i:'A~ Sli 2NgA~~1I!C 6% OZlii)l1: JAR e. ~UIT'!3!)] 6% oZoJ IillG ANN PAGE JAR H iiJj [f)Jri~~@ A&P FANCY ANN PAGE STUFFED " ~A'GG" F"\lRICHED FA" NA n-~1~341][f)F ~mS~tRIl'SJ C' Sunnyf,e,d () GINGER BREAD MIX PKG lfi\W' nag[! IU'!RV!eS ~ &.i}\~ PKG !Ill, " Sanitary Laundry' CANS DromeWiary ~ Cranberry GCE~'Nui:RAY 1ZA~~ 11 c N@lie Such M~~~~E~;:~T 11 c Mhu:® Meat 2 15& @Inl'f"'~ ~ &. Holiday Needs fIIft,ul6;@ I IfiJ 1602Bil""'" COLLEGE INN TOM. JU'CE A&P FANCY I S[/\SO\lIf\::::-; IONA--<iLiCED "ll NO, 2Y, 'Ji '0)(; If. CANS 'ilJ'ilJ I lreaCUSes or HALVES : fBli FRESH : 1r0mnS SULTANA \\lIliH~ll\ !~ I ,i rll"UDt II I E " lI' I i I ,iI' ~ Camned !FOIOIds :~~~T Uf@iJJti,ij@1>1 ~3kitei " I;,~i ~ 3~ ~ ROLLS Extra tenc1et\ extn extra thrifty. Cne quality~f2.rrH)U§ l1at. known A&t)-llirrde Enjoy tbC~Cl today! -THE!. SOUTHIN GTON .,:N.:.;E::::..;.W:..;S:::,',..:,P:::.::,:.:N.:.;D::.·-.:C::,,:'i:::cI.:;:E:,::S::H:.::.:::.:LH::..:,::..l;!;:,...'f,:,:'1:.:'1::.1V,::1.l;!;='.:;:>:S:..-,,..:,1:...".::V_V,..:,l...."l_Vl_D.....D_',..;..[\,,_.1._'10.:..,'_.1._<7_'*_1._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- ' -_ _ _ _ _ _ __ FOUR tEbe §Soutbfntgon JatU1~ Established in 1863 III C" ~ Combined with The Cheshire Times 11E1 3 SOUTHINGTON YOUTHS REPORT TO ARMY MONDAY II in (\, \]I "lII..J( h ~ ~ /:) --- 1 I Cl~,ss"ll.i\bl.i.;P!,d - I BOOKS FOR SALE 8S., ~;io~~v~ie 1:0\~~ ~~l~~:~~~d~l~ti~~ -E-N-J-O-Y-f-a-l11~u~;N-e"'-'-O-r-l-e-a-ns-co-o-k-·- 19~tTA:TE with lVIr" mts in Ma Mrs. Edwin Wallace and infant are spending t UNION GRANGERS PLAN VISIT TO WORCESTER daughter of West Main Street and Edmund Wallar Mrs. Walter Wallace of Milldale lone, N. Y. I members of Union Several Grange, Southington, plan to attend the Nationa! Grange sessions at VVorcestel', NIass., today ane! tomorrow. Those who plan to make the trip are lYIrs. John Anderson, Mrs. EdTHANKSGIVING DINNER ward Crafts, William Fischer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Julius M. Carley, $1.50 Miss Pau1ina Crafts, ~.1r. and Mrs. Louis G. Tolles, Miss Evelyn FerFruit Cocktail or Fruit Juice guson, Mr. and Mrs. Howard HoadCream of Chicken Soup ley and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph FerRoast Native Turkey rucci. Dressing, Giblet Gravy Mr. Tolles is a former master of Mashed Potaboes Candi8cl Sweets the Connecticut Grange. Huhbard Squas)l Buttered Pearl Oni~:ls The Friendly Circle of the First Hot Mince or Pumpkin Pie Baptist Church will meet at 8 p. m. Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Carl Celery Olives Cranberry Relish Small of Belleview Avenue. The Home-made Rolls program, entitled "Country KitchSweet Cider Ooffee ens," will be under the direction of Mixed Nuts Mints Mrs. Small, Mrs. Margaret Lewis and Mrs. George Nelson. M1's. David Lockyer will lead the devoPla-ntsville College Highway tions. I DISTRICT OF SOUTHINGTON, Probate Court, November 13, .J!I,.'L' Three Southington youths will 1 LEGAL NOTICES Ti:~~~' OF Laura into the United States Army serving. 120 :!nusual recipes' in Wal'field late of Southington in ice, according to Mrs. Esther "Madame Begue's Creole Cook- said Dist1'ict, Langlois, chief clerk of Draft ery." 60 cents mailed. Write The Upon the application of James AUGUS'l' LOEB, By THE OLE SNOOPER Board 5B. Book Mart, Fairfield Big Chain, E. Warfield, Executor .praying Editor a.nd Publisher. I!!_========:::=.=~~~Q.I c The ~hree m;.n wil~ bfe senb t , to _S_h_r_e~port, Louisiana. that as such, Execut 0r thh e may1 Vl ARRJ-'J'N C. BRAINE,RD; 11 Associate Publisher. WaI, doggone it, thet thar 'amp uevens, lV.lass., De ore emg be authorizea to S8__ e· rea coid weather :hez fin'ly caught assigned to one of the army's other BOARDER WANTED estate located in the Town of SUBSCRIPTION RATES Payable in Advance up wid us so'sya kin expeck major camps. Those to be inducted ROOM AND BOARD available. Plainville owned by the deceased 5 . Cents Per Single COpy most ennythin' frum now on are Fra,nk J. Fiorillo of Burwell Preferably middle aged man. at the time of her death as per Yea.r $1.50 Six Months $1.00 )ne Three Months 75c 'til Spring's baJmy breezes A venue, Bernard J. Roy of Factory .Mrs. Florence Francis, Warfield application on file mOTe fully perl{ us all up agi'n, , , , Hed a Square, and MIchael P. Galayda of Road. Tel. 433. appears, it is . . 8ntered as Second-class Mail !"fatter "t the Post Office at Southmgton, card frum John Cushing who's West Center Street. n-14-21 ORDERED, That said applicaConnecticut, under the Act of March on maneuvers wid Dnde tlon be heard and determined at ~, 1879. Sam'l's army down Sout' CarMRS. SENESCHAL BURNED LEGAL NOTICES the Probate Office, in Sou thingNovember 14, 1941 olina wayan' he sez it's IN KITCHEN EXPLOSION G 0 ton in said District,on the 22nd ·, k't h t ' DISTRICT OF SOUTHIN T N, day .of November A. D., 1941, at A n exp IoSlon mighty cold these nights . 1?a I c en .s,ove s ss. Probate Court, November 6, d THE CHEST CAMPAIGN sleepin' in a pup tent. • . • 011 burner last Friday mormng re- 1941 110'elock in the forenoon, an It is a coincidence not without Gosh, it makes us cold jist ta sulted in a slight fire at the home, ESTATE OF John Peter Luty that public notice to be given of meaning that brings Southington's think 0' it! . . . It's Sergeant of Herman Seneschal on Dunham late of Southington, in said Dis. the pendency of said, application observance of the Thanksgiving Bill Styring now, the lad havRoad. . , trict, deceased. ·md the· time and place of hearin in' received his promotion jist Mrs. Seneschal was adJustmg The Court of Pr,obate for the "hereon, by publishing a copy a holiday and its Community Chest C I the fI.ow of oil in the burner and . , . . this ·order once in iJome newspa' h d Drive within the same week. We t h ot er ay.... ongratu aDll,trlct of Southmgton hath hm·h· 'rc lation in said shillls, Bill, g'lad ta hear yer the explosion occurred as she lift- 't d d 11 d' th f per . avmg a ·CI u can think of no more appropriate 1 e an a owe SlX mon s rom. D' t . t d b posting a COllY doi'n l okay. . . . Drop us a line ed the stove lid.. S}'!e :vas ~adly the date hereof, for the creditors IS rlC, an y :.' _ •t way ror ihe to\Vli to carry out the f 'd w' t t t '-b't t-h' the1'eof on the publIc SIgn pos · burned about both nanos anq A daughter has heen born at the w h en ya k ! 0 sal .l"S a e, 0. ex 1 I· elr. the Town .of Southington in spirit of Thanksgiving Day than New Britain General Hospital to Yep, we'd kinda like ta know qmred medlcal treatment.. claims for settlement Those who m. ., . 5 d b by giving its ullstinted support to whut Norm F. wuz doin' las' wk The explosion awakener! Mr. neglect to pr.esent th~ir accounts said DI.stnct, at leas~ ays e- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Giano of 178 the Chest. West Center Street. one day out walkin' in th' woodsl ?eneS~hal, ~hOt is empl~y~d ni.~~ts properly attested, within said fore s~~~~rA~ hJear;FJRLEY . .~----. ~ ~<. '". Though the goal of the drive is ae . Judge. $10,600, a slight increase over last year, it is still a modest goal for a Goit' git hitched in jist three more hose. tate are l'equeste.d to make im· town of this size. Only a little days so we'll wish 'em th' besta mediate payment to DISTRICT OF SOUTHINGTON, JOSEPH LUTY more than a dollar per capita is luck a few days in advance, fig- LODGE WILL CELEBRATE ss" Probate Oourt, November 13, AdministTatol 1941. ITS SILVER ANNIVERSARY being asked. And all except a ve1'y gerin' thet they'll need it; . . . No Southington, Ct Address ESTATE OF Peter Szpak late few dollars essential to the promo- foolin', kids, we wishes ya th' best If You Want Services or Merchandim~. The silver anniversary celebra- n-7-14 0' ev'rythin'. . . . "Bucky" Fiorillo of Southington in said District,! tion of the campaign will be used shoves off Monday ta becum one 0' tion of the Cesare Battisti Lodge Upon .the application of Anna This Directory Will Show You at a for the actual. w01'k of the eight Uncle Sam'l's sojer boys an' we're will be held at 2 p. m. Sunday, No- DISTRICT' OF SOUTHINGTON, Szpak, Adminstmtl'ix C.T.A. pray- [ ;)articipating agencies. Glance Where '1'0 Obtain Your Needs. wonderin' whut all his lady frens vember 23, at the Falcon Hall, ss. Probate Court, November 13, iug that as such Administratrix: "Overhead" in the campaign here are gonna do fer an escort when Knowles Avenue, A banquet, meet- 1941. may be authorized to sell the: _ _ _ _.....~~::::~~""""""""""""~"""''''''''''''''''''''''''''':''''''''''~ ESTATE OF James A. Boylan she will be far below the average for he's gone. . • . Ole RazuIa took a ing and entertainment program real estate located in the Town I'~:::':'''''''':::':''''''''':::':':::=:::::-::::':'::-:::-::::~I''-I~------.....,~late· of Southington, in said Disc Chest drives, siJlce in most com- day off this wk an' went down ta will be enjoyed. of Southington and owned by the SEWING MACHINES YOUR BOOKSELLERS-STATIONERS trict, deceased, deceased at the date of his death munities daily luncheon Or dinner th' Big City fer a bit 0' relaxashun. Mizpah Christmas Sale The Oourtof Probate for the meetings are held that run up the •.• It's 'b.out time he took a IiI as per applicati'on on file more ~------------;; ADVERTISEMENT The annual Christmas sale spon- District of Southington hath lim- fully vacashun frum his long hours 0' appears, it is DAViS &. NYE, l.nc. ,expense appreciably. This expense sored by the Mizpah Circle of the ited and allowed six months from woik. ... ORDERED, That said applicaIn This Space Fountain pen. & Desk Sets will be eliminated in Southington , M th d' t Church "'1'11 be the date hereof, for the credito1's tionbe heard: and determined at Glace Wonder why thet cert'u loe 0 13 " f.·d E t h'b't"h ' OFFICE SUPPLIES ;;hrough the generosity of the Exsate ,..0 ex 1 I "elI' the Probate Office, in Southingheld at the church parlors Thurs- 0 . Sa! If your sewing machine Will Pay cal fell a had his license plates PARTY NOVELTIES change Club and the Chamber of day afternoon and evening, Decem- I claims for settlement .. 'fhose who ton in .said District, on the 19th· changed? • . . Is it possible GIFTS needs repairing, cleaning BIG DIVIDENDS ber 4. Tea will be ser.ved at 4 p. m. neglect to present thel~' a.ccount.s, Commerce, which have agreed to Waterbury 60 Bank St. thet his ole license number wuz day of November A. D., 1941, at or adjusting-, for first 'l'he properly atteste·d, wlthl.n saId ,..mtertain the campaign workers at becomin" too well-known in an d supper f rom 6 t 0 7 P.m , . '11 b b d 2 o'clock in the afternoon, and dass work and reasonbr ' . 't d tIme, WI e de arre ' a reclov,ery. - - - - - - - - - - - : : : : - : : ~---~ two report dinners. cert'n places? •.. Oh, well, we able price. MUSIC pu IC IS mVI e . All persons indebted to said Estate that public notice to he given of the pendency of said application kin wonder, cain't we? . • • These campaign workers are unare requested to make immediate and the time and place o,f hearing CALL BEATRICE ZILLY ENROLLS Say, fellas an' gals, we gotta .o •• o •• e •• (iI"&'.Q"O"""0"0•• ~ •• ", .. O"CO"O ..o •• o.. O.. e•• e•• o •• ~.·G •• c ...OuO ... O•• Q··O •• 0•• e·.O .. Q··O .. GI .. o•• \l •• o.. ,,··/il"Y dertaking the drive at considerable payment to AT ST. FRANCIS' SCHOOL ~ git this lil paper 0' ours out thereon, by publishing a copy of 1;:;', W. lr\eMART!N personal sacrifice. Most of them . ATTORNEY J. ROBERT LACEY this order once in some newspaper Call At Zellman'S, 19 State St., Meriden, Corm, .. 1LJI Jl Miss Beatrice C. Zilly, daughter early nex' wk becuz 0' th' ~<; are busy men and women, who are Administrator. For your favorite records. of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher P. PLANTSVILLE Thanksgiving holiday so git ~ Southington, having a circulation in said Dismotivated by a high sense of civic trict, and by p·osting a copy thereZilly of Vermont Avenue, has en- n-1J-?1 Y"l' ~tnff in f"r 11" early, will~ ~ ... . ___ 'l..l!~ .... ~ ..... ."... c:<+ in +hpo duty in neglecting their OV\711 work All the latest popular Records ! rolled as a student at the ::it. J<TanVI ·OIl l".L1t::: yu"" ......·...., .., .. 0 .... 1:'--- --- .ya? . . . Porky an' th' Cloik to se1've a worthy cause. When cis' Hospital Tmining School for DISTRICT OF SOUTHINGTON, Town of Southington in said Diswere on th' "beam" over th' A fun stock of Polish, Swedish and ~ CORSETIERE they make their calls, they should Nurses, Hartford. She was gmdu- ss. Probate ;Court, N,o,vember 13, trict, at least 5 days bef'ore said . French Records. . ,wkend an' a good time wuz ated from Derby High School with 1941. day of hearing. be treated with the utmost respect had by all. . • . Ole Nugget Wuriitze·r, Mathusheck, Straube, Jans·en • WILLIAM J. HURLEY the 1941 class. ESTATE OF George D. Good· and consideration. Noone who is Vardilos took a IiI time out Spinet Pianos. REGISTERED Judge. t now late of Southington, in said fer fun over th' wkend too an' enjoyi.ng the benefits of living and ?~ SPENCER CORSETIERE BOY SHOT WHILE HUNTING District, deceased. t~ Ove.-stock recorlds 25e - 4 for $1.00 included in his fun wuz a quick working in this prosperous comCONTINUES TO IMPROVE The Court of Probate for the tdll to N'Yawk. munity should turn them down. rdRS. EDITH C. DeBISHOP WURLllTZER District of Southington hath lim- I Guess th' lads all hed a great (It is a mistake to think of the av~rly ~~ Continued improvement is re- ited and -allowed six months from Milldale RANGED time at Knobby's stag party th' TIME PAYMENTS WILL BE AR • C"hest agencies as charity organother eve, altho we did notice thet ported in the condition of Anthony the date hereof, for the creditors· LUNCHEONS Fi5c izations in the usual sense. Though th' potato salad got spread aroun' Gerdzauslms, 15, of Marion Ave- of said Estate to exhibit their , _... __ i it, is true that much of their work in some 0' th' funniest places! ... nue, Plantsville, who is recovering claims for settlement.. Those who D:rNNERS $1.00 is devoted to charity cases, the Bob Lacey handled th' emceein' from a bullet wound at the Bradley neglect to present their accounts, Served Daily From, FLORI S T ~ ........................_...................,................................_... 0 ............................................ ., ...0 ........' greater part of it is on a broader wid his usual aplomb an' did a fine Memorial Hospital. He was acci- properly attested, within said plane. It touches nearly everyone job 0' it. . . . Sumthin' rilly oughta dentally shot by a companion while time, will be debarred a recovery. 11 Ao M. All persons indebted to said EsLEATHER GOODS in the community. Five of the be done about th' way motorists out hunting near his home. SAY IT WITH tate are· requested to make imDancing Every Night eight participating agencies-the speed along Nawth Main St. becuz N. GriUo Flowers thar's gonna be a bad accident up A daughter was born November mediate payment to Cat<ering For AU Events Pubiic· Health Association, Girl thet way some day 'less it's halted. 6 at the New Britain General Hos.MRS. CARRIE PHILLIPS, Latest Style Designs For Scouts, Boy Scouts, Y. M. C. A., . . . Frum whut we hoid, Chefs pital to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Administratrix Cheshire Tel. 344 WEDDINGS, CORSAGES, ~nd Recreation Park-are making Jack O'Keefe an' Harry Wallace Seitz of 70 West Street, Southing- Address 33 High Street, and TREMENDOUS VA.RIETY O]i' mvaluable contributions to the put on a fine feed fer th' boys ton. ALL OCCASIONS New Britain, Gonn. ;l!===============~ Zipper Cases -~ Zipper Bags ~ .. Wardrobe ~.:ase§ Quality-Servic .)--Satisfacthol' health, character amI wel1-b~iJ)g Df Chlle.s·d1:JY ~v~_. _. j~ gOQ.d time ~• •j Jia'tWit~J?2.il#IM4\iW§hmk~-:ij;::tij@e''*'''*i-MtEif&ibS§99M ;¥~ Si.nce 1915 Airplane Canvass Weekend Cases - .Fitted. Cases.our citizens, especially OUr young wuz reported by all. . . . Milldale Connecticut . . Handhags - Belts - Leatl:l(~l' N(WeU~e§. citizens. The work of these organAll thet stuff 'bout tit' ole Telephone 380 'l'housands of Em Folds safe not fitHn' in ta th' new izations must be carried on un180 ASYLUM ST. NEXT TO LOEW'S THEATRE town hal! is a lotta hooey behampered, and the only way it can HARTFORD cuz th' darned thing' ain',t even .>e carried on is through a successJEWELRY gonna be placed in tit' new ul Chest campaign. . REAL ESTATE bldg. • . . At leas' thet's th' Two of the agencies-Local info thet one local offishul ilrlergency Relief and the Salva_., , ~. .roo-··"I gives us this wk.... Guess th' HEADQUAHTERS FoR SUBuRBAN PROPERTIES WALLACE'S ion Army-fil! indispensable roles new edifice wi!! be ready fer ItVhen Looking for a Farm, a Nice Home, a Gentleman's Est:.t" . SILVERWARE CLUB providing immediate help in occupancy about Dec. 1 ef'n See •.• cases wllere delay might cause they kin g'it tit' rest 0' th' furSing1e Pi~ce or An~ Set a~ute suffering. The activities of niture an' fixtures ,thet're Made By FRANK 1.. RICE, Realtor needed . . . . Gosh, some 0' t'll' the eighth agency, the Red Cross, TEL. 463 CHESHIRE Holmes and Edwards MAIN STREET lads jist cain't wait 'til they have been vastly expanded by the 1847 RGg-ers Bros. kin park their feet on some 0' inatrnational crisis, and anyone Wm. Rogers and Son th' new desks over thar. . . . (1st year) JEWELRY The longer it goes the more valuable it grows (5th Renewal) who reads the daily reports of For As Little As . By th' way, a lotta credit is misery among the civiJian popula- . due IVIiss Leora Degnan for $1.00 a Week 1< tions of foreign lands can appreFOR BOTH JEWELRY SERVICE AND $1100 $1200 $1300 $1400 her research woi'k on th' old S. P. WALLACE QUALITY JEWELRY SEE 'iate the magnitude of its task. bldg's hist'ry. (1st Renewal) (2nd Renewal) (3rd Renewal) (4th Renewal) Jevleler nd this orgap,ization has in no -RESNICK'SMore than a lil credit is due Main St. Southingto:_1 JEWELERS 'lse curtailed its work in reliev- them thaI' two nurses at th' BradDiamonds and Old Gold Bought at Highest Possible Prices , ,distress home. ley Memorial who voluntarily gave 354 MAIN ST. TEL. 1196 NEW BRIT1UN ,uthington's income is the their services when young Tony JEWELRY ':est in its history and a small Ger,dzauskas wuz shot and had ta (Injuries Sustained) BOOKS STATIONERY ,f that income should 'be in- undergo an emergency operashun a coupla wks back. . . . These i in the public agencies that driving an automobile of the strictly pleasure car nurses were not required ta do i • While riding in or High Grade Watch and oossible a sound and health~ this stint an' ef'n they were in th' TIME and TIMEKEEPERS type. Jewelry Repairing nity life. By Willis L. Milham army they'd be cited fer efforts While riding' as a passenger in a public passenger carrying' automobile. This renowne!d, lavishly illustrated book is the only outside th' line 0' required duty. ® In consequence ;of being struck by an automo>bile of any type while the LONGINE WATCHES on., of its kind. Many famous sundials, docks and {INGHAM IS WED TO . . . Hats off ta Nurses Potrepka insured is walking on a public highway. LALLY'S, I.nc. watches ·are pictured. Formerly $1.00. DERICK KOLLMORGEN an' Mariconda, both credits ta 63 W. Main St. Meriden their profeshun! . . . Now $1.98 1 Mrs. Herbert J. BingHere's hopin' thet th' FonWITKOWER'S ~ = --=---~-P-A-IN--T-IN~G--------~ ·,rion announce the martanamen come thru t'day wid BOOKSELLERS and STATIONERS ~ir da,ughter, Alice, to their eighth win, an' prob'ly 77 ASYLUM ST., HARTl<'ORD ~ollmorgen, son of Mr. th' most important one 0' th' SPECIFIC INDEMNITY uis Kollmorgen of Censeason, over th' Milford grid FOR LOSS OF MARTIN'S MEN'S WEAR N. Y., on October 14. team. . . . Th' lads smeared ' .................... , ............ "............ PRINCIPAL SUM • Life """""',,_"'"'' morgen was graduated Plainville, but good! . . . The PAINT SHOP Both Hands or Both Feet ,,, Two-Thirds " High School «nd the argyment (}VeT t'h' offishulin' at Painting - Paperhanging TWo>-Thirds • One Hand and One Foot Iospital training school thet recent local grid game EXPERT WORK DONE Sight of Both Eyes "" Two-Thirds " Brooklyn, N. Y. The '!4 CENTURY EXPERIENCE hez bin settled ta th' satisfacOne-Third • Either Hand or Either Foot, Academy Hill Southington MEN'S WEAR l was graduated from shun 0' all co.ncerned fer which One-~ourth • Sight of One Eye ........... " ,\1 Valley schools and at" we're glad. . . . Guess tltet's all QUALITY ALWAYS irginia Military Institute fer now so we'll call a halt, ELEVEN WEST MAIN ST. NEW BRIT AIM TOT AL DISABILITY AUTO ACCESSORIES stone Coliege.· He is embut remember we'll be back "~~.t\ oy the General Motors Cor$20.00 per week • For a period not exceeding 26 consecutive weeks wid ya early nex' wk, afore OPTiCiAN'S - PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES >JOn in Linden, N. J. Friday.... Until then we wanCORNER SERVICE STATION HOSPITAL EXPENSES na remind ya thet it's swell ta Accessories Greasing live in a country whar ya kin Y MORSE RETURNS @ Hospital room not exceeding- 21 consecutive days ...,., $4.00 per day Atlas Tires-Used Tires-All speak yer mind instead 0' one 'ROM CAMP BLANDING Sizes-Auto Lite Spark Plugs ~ Operating- Room $10.00 whar ya gotta mind yer speakBATTERY CHARGIlIIG il Anaesthetic Administration 10.00 JOE DE LUCO, Mgr, in' . . . . G'Bye Now. ce Le Roy S. 1\1orse, who ,--.. 119 Center St. Southington itioned with the 169th 1nGUILD OPTICIANS at Camp Blanding, Fla., has 4-H Club Judges Aprons THIS POLICY IS AVAILABLE TO YOU OR ANY MEMBER OF YOUR FLAGS - AWNINGS ,led to his home, 86 Main End aprons made by members of FAMny BETWEEN THE AGES OF 16 AND 65 ATEstablished 1890 ct, Southingto,n. He was in the South End 4-H Club were p of oldel' selectees relea,sed judged at Monday night's meeti.ng FLAGS service. in the home of Miss Madeline 79 WEST MAIN ST. TEL. 2202 Silk, Wool, Cotton NEW BRITAIN 'e.te Morse took part in the Zwick. There was a tie between Vel'S in Louisiana. He is the Margaret Deckert and Phyllis Eddy Awning & INSURANCE - PROPERTY MANAGEMENT ~rs. Daisy M' S. M01'se and Crissey for first place. Katherine Decorating Co. 5 MAIN STREET SOUTHINGTON TEL. 47 ,er of Private Alfred S. Casner took second, and Nancy New Britain, Conn. stationed at Westover Casner third. ~@l'iiI'1M • •i1~IlIlill~ElIf.I.!IIi-Ili·illl""iI!R.T!1!IWii'iIl'liill¥f!i--rIWiili-.·Urili-·Ii!l8*m·fI1·i!!'mE.I.I!\!;i!IIh'I'l.I\tl~!I!"""'iii!i·~.Emi·lBmTlil/1ill!#f.rmm.i!il.1lii"•.§• •D • •'iilI·n ...IIil!I-I'IIIJI . . . . . .lil!iltot~ PublIshed Fridays at 1 Eden Avenue, Southington, Connecticu.t. Telephone: Southington 15 Cheshire 2132 I'I .\1) \]I 9 11/ t<,VC.~ II I m.... 1 I re-I .. ~'itti'n,K:~o y;aJ~ll. ~s: k~l;b~V~d~~; ~nUi:he~ca~he a~;:y,w~~ SNUG HARBOR h· g:~(::~ ~~e~:r~l~!e i~~~~~:~d t~ l~e:i~ve~~: Here's Your Memory -------- I JI Sewing Machines .j, ----------------- Q .. " •• (J •• (l .. Q •• @.. @ •• Q •• "'V' ...... I :~': W Inn . II i I, P_h_on_e_64_4~-J_2_E_v=en_i=ng_s ~ t 0° 'I . ~h:s~: ~~:~c;ru~:~~:: f I ~~l!::':'1'. MUS~~L~"O~adioME;~~£ co: I _0 l:o"_ HUNT:ER~,S ! t --- You Can Get Autom obile Accident Insurance in this Bi g Little Policy For As Little A~ $ Per Per son, Per Y·ear! J l P'RINCIPAL SU'M l $1000 * * I I o BAYS I ------------------------------------------------ e e " " " " " " " -.-.~---.--,--.-,,----- THE CUSHING CO,MPANY l McCABE and PAULSON ~ ~ darvey & Lewis COD' Inco THE SOUTHINGTON NEWS AND CIIESHI TfVIES NOVEl\JBEH 14, i94l -1 ,~IjSS WONX TO CONFL£{ DEGREES FRANK CMOS CELEBRA,TE 'AT MEETING c)N THE 27TH THEIR 57TH ANNIVERSARY of: Wonx Tribe, No, 28, I, O. K M" 1\11', alld' lIlTs. Frank Cari \yill conf~l' tile Clli.2l':.:, Degree Oil, Oak:and RoaJ celcb:i:'~tc-d their: a cla:--~-:, of :andidates at tllC l'cgu- 67th y.:eddin;; an1'livc:sary Tuesdci.Y: Ja::" meetipg 111 Ecd l\TC'l'S I-1::11i at a~ a familv partv at the honle of 8 p. m. Thmsday, November 27. their daugilt~r, lVII's. Louise Pepe, : The degree \\'ork was schedule(]' \';ith I,'hom they lcs'de. I O,'e 01 the most r,ttl'actiye for November 20 but was postThe Caris were married in Haly ; d,ng3 of ,h8 rail season \\ill take paned duc to the Thanksgiving November 11, 1884, and have re- : pl ace at 9 a. m. Monday at St. holiday, ' sided in this country since a short' Thom2,s' Church when Miss GerThe Hunters al1d 'Warriors De .. : time before their ~vedding. They: t:,ude rla~2 ,Mongillo, daughter of gl'ee wa3 confe.ned on th~ cand'- '[ also 11ave Olle bC':, ~harles (>'l':~ I Mr. an~ lVIrs. Da\'i,Ci MOllgillo of dateR at last mght's meeting. and several glamicl1l1dren, all O.l lcngh Street, marrIes George J. • I this town. i W; in,l, SOD of Michael Wrinn of I Untii his retirement several' ~'a·>toL7 Square SEA SCOUTS WAGE DRIVE 1 "ca:'s agQ MT. Co' i was emnloved! 'l'lw Ee'!. Fc.tter John F. Murcko, TO ENL~\RGE ME~IBERSHIP: the Peck, Stow & Wilcox- C~m- ',J:J.svOl' of S1:. Dclic(.ict·s Church, , --_ pa!:y. SLanr['ol (l, forn18r assis:ant pastor T.nc Sea SC8Uts ?f the S. S. Sk I _______ of S:. TllO'11a3' Church here, will per:or are conductmg a campmgn " perform the wedding ceremony and for nc\v membe"s of the iI Tv'I>'L. <,>11U --- 1 .....r.l1.~'. :r .. ~ .. " -;;.f.. C::t..l.lGUvj' .... 1......... .(r.,....., AT 1.. In ch~ro'e b uT01~ H-d J.u V-'-- I cLJeUJ ate the nuptial n1ass. The (;l1ve are Edward Smith, Homer S()uth Main Street spent last week- 'cLurc)' \':ill be att:"acti\ely decoChilds, Jr., and Alfred C;'afts. e'ld en Farmingtul:. Me. il'ULCr1 \;lth palms, pompo~s and I ---- - - - chrysantl:clllurns. ) I\~i[;~ A!lnC Velodota of High ... t~cet, a cioc,e friend of the bride, v,ill Le the Ina~d of honor. Br{des: maids will be Miss Marion Monf;illo o~ South:ngton, a cousin of I tne blide; Miss Gertrude Cooke 01 Stl'atford, a cou"in 0[ the bride-) GERTRUDE MOKGILLO groom; Miss Edith Calbi of Hart- I , - - - - - - . - -~uld ~nd Miss. Wand,a Stanish of JOHN PA ULS CELEBRATE ;,.?uthmgto,n .. Ll~tle MISS. Lynn~ SaTHEm 32ND ANNJV ERSARY t,lme of l'la:nville, a me~e of the bride, will be the flower girl. lVL'. and Mrs, John Paul, Sr., of '.l'he be~t man ',':ill be James F. ~l:e :Ivledden-Vi atel Dury TUl npike, Kenne<ly of Berlin Avenue, South- cbserved their 32r,d wedding: anniil1g',on> g close friend of the bride- iersary Tuesday at a family gath;;'100111. U 9he1'3 will be Edward ~r;l1g at their hOIne. Mung-illo, a bl'oUwl' of the bride, 2.,1(1 j,;dw,,! d Keeg<:n, both of They were ma"'ried in New YOJ,k I S0U tilington. City November 10, lU09, by the I A dinner and rec,"ption for be- Hev. Father James Murray at St. Gregory the Great R. C. Church. I tween 150 and 200 guests will be held after the ceremony at the HoMr. and Mrs. Paul have four tc! Burritt, New Britain, Guests \Viii be present from Boston, New daughters and two sons. Mr. Paul York, Bridgeport, New Haven, is employed as head chef at the Hartford, Springfield, Bristol, New Undercliif Sanatorium, Meriden. . • • and here' in this little diary they B~'itain and Southington. Late in the day the couple will come true, too. Planned especially for leave on a wedding trip. They will you foresighted girls who want to start be at home on High Street about collecting solid silver now ••• and have November 29. The bride's traveling outfit will be a taupe colored suit a record of it, Makes buying and plan. \v:th n1atching accessories. ning your silverware so easy .•• and so Miss Mongillo attended the ele much fun! mentary schools here and wm I g-raduated from Lauralton Hal ('( 1. _ . , "lI./r-l.£" ___1 ll.'I" __ __ _ +Come in anv time and ask for YOUT copy. \.J \ •.11 VVl JJJ .u........ •• Is I I~ext Week's I-lighlight by J <.'.. THEODORA BUNCE HE/\.DS TEACH)<:RS' CLUB 1118::; TheJdol'a 1'~. Bunce \\'as I elected president of the Southinglon Teachers' Cluh at the recent annual l11eetiag. She IS a member )f' 'v:" LSlv:s H'gh School faculty. Ot] "l' oEkel'S elected are Miss Bdstron1, corresponc1i 1lg secretary; },1iss l-lelen Clayez, financial secretan', and NLss Eileen, I Jacey, tl'easure}'. , Meet'ngs of the e1L!~) are held I monthl:>,. I 1. ~ouJL iTfR..LING DR{AMS I"J STAI{T HER.,E --------- , FCNERAL SERVICES m;LD FOR :1H~S. SELINA SCRANTON The fU~lelal of lVII'S. Selina Bassett Scran~on, 72, of Meriden Ave, nue, 'widow of Frank :K Scranton, ,vas held at 2 p. m. Saturday at the Gould Funeral Home, 180 NOlth lIIain Scl'eet. The Rev. Mr. Theodore Koester, pastor of the Fh st Baptist Chur~h, wac, in CD arge of the services. Burial was in Oak Hiil Cemeterv . Mrs. Scranton, who died N'8vem, bel' 6, is survived by one son, RusI sell Miller of Newark, N. J. I I _-____ I As part of the annual i\',mlstice I Day p'lJg'ram sponsored by Kil, tonic Post, ~ merieall Legion, :1: wreath was placed on ~he World \Var monument on the Centml: Green. l'he Rev. Richard H, Ritter, ' pa;,tor of the First Congregational I Chur~h, was gucsc speal~er at the : ~I: f.xerClses held at the Leg'lOn Home. i ~1 ------------------------- l:t ~T e~E':my ~@~ nin~l9."'eE{IHJ; ([;k®Hce0 ! __ beautiful collection of TOWLE •.. and decide right then whether your see us today because we need it! Many of our clients are waiting to buy hmnes and land, but we haven't the needed variety to show them. In short, we can't sen what we haven't got! Help us Gut, will you? The transactions will be mutually beneficial! I Shower For Miss Ragozzino A n.'scellaneous shower was ten, clered Miss Helen Ragozzino of \ James Street, New Haven, SaturI day night at the home of Mrs cost of a teaspoon, about $1.92" salad fork, about $3.25 HENRY KOHN &. SONS" Inc. It so, {above} Duncan Phyfe end table with gonerous size top ~ brass claw tips on legs. mas, (right) Duncan Phyfe tier fable, fino r.production~ brass claw tips on legs. We do have a few good buys and here are three [)f them Street, Southington. Fifty attend- ,lJl ed. ~ BURWELL AVE., SOUTHINGTON -- Single fa~niiy, !>Ii":",""i,," be mmi,J 6-room 2-story home, fireproof roof, barn, chicken coup and shed. Priced low! ..-., , 1'I.r. vnarles JEWELERS and SILVERSMITHS nARTFORD, .uo you want to sen yours: "'J.~1J.J. ) SterHng dreams shall begin under "My Teaspoons" or "My Salad Forks"! The 890 MAIN STREET \.t • . tended the local schools. :Mr. Wrinn is employed by the Trumbull Electric Company, Plain, ville. Sterling Chf'>MA NOW "",,'II "layaway" {or Chrl~f "l"};T~': .u-'--~J.~U~ 'Fmlli:ll1(l30 A bral1d ·new [dea ai' FlinT-Bruce's, to make H easier and quicker for you to shop for iusi' the righ'} tablel An enrll'l3 room (and a big one), displaying nearly 200 dme~ent designs at scores of d;fferel1'r prlce$, Property! Property! While you are here see our large and i~ CONr~. 1 11 lYlOllUellO (' U1 ~Tr __ J n e;:)[' .-,ill f'lF>'_"-_~~ 'VCHlItJ I S1! \!,\l ~ QUE}~N ST., SOUTHJNGTON -- Old Co:cniaR H;)me, 10 rooms, severa] fireplaces, in fail' conditiou. 34 acres of land. A bargain. WOODRUFF ST" SOUTHINGTON ~~ 2 family home ;j mmrlli eM~h fliHr!:', faiJ' cvmHtiDn, l),ai'~l~ jvt YrJ~~ low price. l~ustis il MAIN STREET 'JI'ELEPHONE 47 SOUTHINGTON SEE~ 1\ IfA YBE it's a little hard ,) 1V..L picture this trim Buick to' as it will look on that unknown :day when you come to turn it in. There may be scars in its fenders, and use-stains on its upholsterybut the thing that matters is it'll still be going great guns. So go right ahead! Buy Buick on its iast miie instead of its first. You can count on that husky valvein-head straight-eight to he ticking off the miles with the satisfying efficiency it now boasts. You can rely on Compound Carburetiont to hold your gas-costs down, squeezing every last powerpacked mile out of the fuel you burn. There won't be any loss of easy comfort in those all-coil springs, or any need for care to . keep them gentle. Now B,eing Shown! If you can get one now, you'll be smart to grab it! THE NEW REFRIGERA'r'Oa H~AD ENGINE * COMPOUND CARBURETION (standard That You~ve" Been on most models) *OIL-CUSHIONED CRANKSHAFT PINS AND JOURNALS * STlIRDI-llTE CONNECTING RODS * STEPON PARKING BRAKE * BROAD- RiM WHEELS * * fiJlL Y ADJUSTABLE STEERiNG BODY BY FISHER * WEATHERWARDEN VENTI- HEATER (standard on LIMITED modeis, POST il o:ccessory on other Series) tA .. 111ablc at slight extra cost on Buick SPECIAL models. ;o;tanrl;;.nl on all other Series. A:lI the Fine Philco Features !I) with Mcny Th'rilling Innovations SEE IT 'rODAY AT BOYD 16 HIGH STREET WH EN IUTH R AurOM (HI I us ARE B U lLi lUll (:1{ WI U iJ U I J 1-4,a'co~urciere Co» TEL. 257 PLANTSVILLE l1he J . HEIGHlf SOUTHINGTON I mm'EIlliiiSW_ peak of per" You wcm'{ have any beHer time ",han NOiN to make wise and l'hriHy ~eiecHon, of' to repuiaHcH! for .3. \fin ._FLINT-lBRlJCE'§ 31'11 FLOOK , ! If you I;ke to have plenty oj' choico l t\lO\'V is ihe }!m~ fa choose the LANE cedar che,,' you've had in mind. paHelns nuof! in Over 30 m&nogsny, waf- maple and new blonde we wifl "layaway" until delivery for ALI.. THiS FOR YOU iN 'FORTY-TWO VAlVE -IN - fedion. H10 finished woods. No othel' car has FIREBALL STRAIGHT-EIGHT THE, N'E 1 2 p I fri erator As for such things as connecting rods and bearings- Buick rods are extra strong, while tests show that our oil-cushioned bearings last twice as long as others under the same load and service. Our hil~SOt;k display is at @ L~~~_H_.,_M_LJ.~~~ii<iliimiiil"__ ' j,*~~~~~~"" Chri:;trras. _.__ .__ ~S_lX _ _ _ _ .'~_ _ _ _ o~~.,, _ _ . _.~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~l::.':H.:.:E:::. . ..::;S::.:O..::;U::.:1:.:::;'H::INGTON NEWS AND FIRS.T T DREIE.~R HITS '386 iNSLE.··· GETS 407 !~~di:~~da~a~~!tl~~ti:~ ~~~ ~~~:~ ~~~:; BLANKS. PLIERS. AS. DII.BBERS W"IN TO'" FT RF:('OR'~D" ;:~o~t~~;n~;~;~~g ~~~ g~n:~~t;;~ Players In TopF'orm With Meriden F.501( l' S. - Tinners And - A - J..} tv I o • ~ @ ~ ~ Total ....... 468191496 1427 ·First Aiel Cooper . , , , . ,. 98 103 125-326 ~ ;;> .... .. 93 97 109-299 ~ Ingrisellj ~ Butler .. , .. , .. 101 122 107-330 @> . . . .. 76 114 87-277 ~ Cardinele @ Jenks ........ 110 107 107-324 ~~ •9 ~ '! l' ~ ~ ~ (? •• ••«> •• eo •- ~o I• ~ o o • • ~ @ & • ~ § a ~~ ~lJit}.~ S fort [he tab.1ra, 'we can fill! y::n.u' ()?j o 4 ~~ ~ o o ~ ....... 478543 Timers Tools L. DeSDrbo , .... 12784 A. Men-iam Sr. 9.4 104 T. DeSorbo ..... 109 81 R, Salzillo ... , .109 106 A. Fasuio .,., .. 102131 Total ....... 641 506 Polishing- Room IVI. Arre """ .108 108 W. Patla .... ,.. 99 90 J. Casale ....... 9il J. Mongillo .... 96 109 C. Joy.,., ..... 109 92 A. Casale .. ,... .. 120 Total .....•. 506 519 Buffaloes Lara:Jtino ; .. ,87 97 Hahn . . . . . . . .. 92 102 ¥urcak ........ 122 105 Aldi ......... 84 98 Cupka .... , . .. 96 92 . . o ~ i) Total !;'Cf~.:"?Jlhce3."i.1.eillt5,, - ~ ~i ..L , 4" ~) EI~ISTOL ~ ST. .. i . ~ ~ R' 0"is'.. 0 . FLORiSTS ~ ~@ TEL. 710-J2 Total ~ ~ o ~ • • l\r~~J'R,-E"T~~J B,~~· ..l lit "'" ~~ ., <f; az. SGU1'HINGTON T. A. • J. . ,., P. ~ M. . ~ ..... ,.481 494 Brace Room Velodota , ... 105 92 DeLuco ..... 89 77 Tonnotti .... , lOG. 103 Welch ... , .. 110 .94 Milo ........ 102 125 635 1556 138-;]49 91--289, 102-292' 102-317 131-361 564 1611 fH-307 96--285 - 94 109-314 92·-293 119-2;]9 507 1532 '"~·.,0\~y(,.);(t·(::;(~~~~(.,;.i),~,)r\)/@(?(G\~~rV°!'¢".Qr(i(,:y&_~:(.$:($r;s·r.;:fr(:;;.(;ri~<5A5~~:r{/.0.,r-:S.~~(.$.~~4i,. .,(~j;(§~(~~~,~)~ Total ., ..• ' .511491488 1490 "" "'....,. ...", '" while Casey's 139 was high single for the same team. Al Dreier's 386 total for three games, as the Dubbers took three points from the Hookers in a Southington Country Cl.Ub BOWl-, ing League match, looks like the season's "high three" at the mac ment. Matt Walsh of the losers \vas high man for his team with 324 in the recent match. Ralph Sabatella continued his fine howling, as the Hackers grabbed four straight points from the Chippers, by knocking over the pins for a :359 total. Jim Savage rolled 319 for the losers. vid<:d a lot of fun during the inIn the third match the Toppers termission as it was led around the won four from the Slicers with the field by the Lewis cheer-misses. aid of a 324 total by Captain Marty The only SCOI'e of the last half Phelan. Bill Kline topped the los- camein the third period when the ers with 319. speedy Niemczyski went around The Hackers' 1,260 total for end for 15 yards into pay-off terthree games and the Du?bers' sin-I ritory. This lad, a substitute back gle game of 447 are high marks, at the season's outset, has develfor the current seaSOll. loped into a fine "breakaway" run, nel' and fits in nke1y with the reDub.bers ." Zaknik 7r.- 9 64 mainder of the first string backGura .. :::::: I~I ~~; 9~_301field of Geary and Carlbert, ho 'l'reiber .. , .. 113 103 91-307 1 do most of the .Ieather luggmg, D . 143 13' h 10 6 and M,oore, one of the most ca. pareler 0 8-38 bIe schoolboy sig'nal callers in the .. . .. . ,. -- t te 444 447 365 1256. s a . Hackers When Coaen j<'ontana, ,vho Simpson 81 90 94-265 stewed and fretted off pounds of Fox ........ 74. 80 118-272 >veight during the game, realized WaIl aCe ... ,. 99 105 85_289 that the Qe~ision wil,S. "ic€d" he Walsh ...... 114 120 95-329 sent in the entire second team to finish olit the' closing' minutes. 368 395 392 1121 Plainville was powerless even against these resenes. Slicers The Lineups: l-'lain,ville Piteo ........ 94 88-269 SO\l.thing.t()n 87 Low Score ... 89 89-267 Rich, Ie .. , .....•.. le, Cambridge 89 Shanahan 90 97 101-288 Stankiewicz ,It...... It,O'Leal'io Klein 88 113 118-319 Westerberg, Ig ...... , .lg, Phelps • Davilio, c ............•. c, Mazack 361 386 386 1133 Morelli, rg' ............ rg, Pizzola Kremski, rt ....•... rt, F. Johnson Toppers • Aldi, re .... , ....... re, Blackstone 91,-291 96 104 Hotchkiss Mo'ore, qb ............ qb, Lapore 95 110-300 Morganson .. 95 G 93-279 Carlbert,lhb ....... lhb, Okinquist 93 Low Score ... 93 Phelan ...... 115 107 102-324 Niemczyski, rhb ...... rhb, Dujulio Geary, fb: ......... fb~_H_ ..__ J o_h_.n_s~n__ 21 II. In ;:'99 399 396 1194 e Hackers Schmidt • . .. 90 101 Oberempt ... 118 103 Sabatella .... 129 105 Trapp '" ... 97 121 84-275 79-300 125.,.....359 108-326 l~~=i~i I TOUCHDOWN ~ m 5fYUNG DESIGNED 1'0 LEA~ IN ~~!UO~MAN(~ 1i)~5!GNW H) lE.U) IN 'ECONOMY $3.45 JOHNSON & JOHNSON RONSON Foot-B,.idge JOHN ALDEN:S ._-----.--- $4.45 $5.45 DiMARTlNI CROSSETT pLYMOUTH And Others PRICES UP TO $7_95 SAMPLES C!'O~EOUTS CANCELLATIONS ODD LOTS 1111 II III ': I_II_II 111..'11_1_11_1111111~1I~'_!_IIIL!.i':lIII_I~I:I!'I.Frl~~~l'I:j:III~I~lilii1!!lIillliir!illlll!llllil::WU~JI~0!III~WmU~!'II~IIi1i1!1II1111i1i1!111111l11~~~JI~I~~ == = JOIN US: IN \I WHEN YOU SHOP Arr LE 'GRIDD" •. SEEK 8 IN ROW RFIED-\H·OLROXD ~S You will find that We of r,,~ode,ling biggest variety • • • ,"0 i OUR HELPFUL PERSONNEL CHOICE OF DRESSER OR V ANITl A $110 Value! Pin_stripe Walnut veneers, used both horizontally and vertically to emphasize the beauty of the wood's unusual figure, concealed drawer pu1ls, dustpro,of construction. UP-TO-THE-MINUTE LIMNED OAK BEDROOM CHOICE OF DRESSER OR VANiTY A $124 Value! Newest fashion on the furniture horlzoll . . . one of the oldest and stoutest cabinet Inaking ,voods in a new light toned finish, that reveals all of th~ nat,Ura! beauty of the char~ctcr istic oak figure, du.&tproof cOlllstruction. 'c:an serve you beUer! We'v;" just compI:eted a program that increases our floor space 20%. Y.ou will see the and assortment in our history. Ane",,"·ser;';s of model rooms on OUr first fIoor; hun<l.1ieds of smart new l.i,viu-g ~oom grollps and:' occasional pie'ces on our second floor; new be,d.-c:om·groups, boudoir chairs and h",,:l.ding on third floor; new floorcQvel'lng andsludio conch departments on our remodeled fourth fIe 01". Y es, ·th~re- is p~enty to see and: seliec.t~at sale savings! :: SMART PIN STRIPE WALNllT BEDROOM a, ·morecomplete. a,nd modern store than ever before Anew 'range d~partment; nursery furniture, dining rOo,m and breakfast "<;t departments; new displays of hampers, storage cabinets in our enlarged· and r·e-decorated basement. . . Reed-Holroyd'.s Sale.s people._ are .trai'ne;:! aml ex~erienced hm>,jture sp",dalists. You . wilifindthem: well informe~, courte()llS and accommodating. =:~- $ 3 PIECES ·d:!·9 'P. 3 PIECES KROEHLER 3 Piece Suite MODELS $ ISl:olrlomy-sets them apart from ©ll! @'ii'her "Torpedo" models Superlative grace and beauty distin~ guish Chevrolet's new Fleetline Aerosedan and new FleetHne Sportmaster. And, of course, they also bring you an of the Unitized Knee-Action comfort ••• all of the Valve-in-Head "Victory" performance and economy . . . all of the 30-year-proved dependability which characterize the new Chevrolet-The Finest Chevrolet of All Time. See these distinguished cars at your nearest Chevrolet dealer's, and convince yourself that "It pays to buy the leader and get the leading buy." IT PAYS 10 BUY 'flit LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY 1E~OYD~, 15 HIGH STRKET 20% TO 40% ON NATIONALLY FAMOUS SHOES FOR MEN & BOYS 1rheir 5Urpltll5Sin9j qUi:lIUty-pl1l5 their 1'0 LMIl 819 1m' f);s/inctivl1: BffilhtJllt being expensive KlES!GNW 262 268~m~2i8~9iiiiiJi~;~;°mi~il~ il ~lm~i I El l inl ~sm;I~e_~i'lm'I I~';W'~' .~.~1 ~ m;'~!i ili~l iIi~mi~.~ ~mi!.im~ ~ ~ ALUE,S' inSHOE,S 388 1166 ESERVICE Of P\ J _1_10-_2_8~ 326 955 Ferrucci ... _._94 _79 76-248 29(; 281 80-185 . ,-183 87-190 Texaco Service 243 806 Testa 92 &7 D. Deno ...... 92 95 E. Snow "". 88 82 272 264 Gould Company .. -159 92 106-285 Larry .... , .. 95 ...... 104 84 114-323 Gould 87-261 93-275 93-319 115-311 During the half-time intermission the downpour drove most of the spectators into the grandstand 01' into their cars but they were back on hand when the whistle blew for thc third pe~-iod. A young goat with a card on it stating, "We've got Plainville's goat," pro- SUJll"priSHIrI!f,! 713-2",'9 77-267 396 1260 (Contin,ued f~om Page 1) stopped on the one-yard Hne, Captain Geary rifled a beautiful pass to Niemczyski over the right side of the Plainville line and the latter went over the goal line st.a.nding up. Young Jimmy McNerney, in for Bob Moore at quarter, scored the extra point on a pass from Geary. C~iEVROLETS t~EW .~~t8~ffi~~587 D. Wallace Higgins . , , .. 103 The Jewelers rose. up and smacked the Post Office for three 88-267 points as Morelli laid 'em low for 118-305 a 323 total. After dropping the 102-27:G first game the Jewelers stepped to 308 844 Jewelers "Schmeling" Ensle of the Gould the front and "cleaned house" for Ober-empt 75 84 Company bowlers sparked the the remainder of the match. 112-299 Klein . . . . . .. 95 84 week's matches in the Merchants 93-281 Printers Morelli .. "" 98 111 Bowling League as. he rapped th.e 94 110 maple for a 4()7 total, the season's Alfano 92 current record. He had a high sin- Galiette ' s. Wail ace .,. gle of 150. III I IIIIW~m~il! 1I11!111i111l1!itil1~!~ 1;l'llIiirn-II-III-!il-III-III-llliIllillmlii~w1ii·m" II 111'11 II III II 1111 III II III II il,J I II iii II The Gould rollers won four straight points from the Texaco Service team. Dan Deno's 307 was hig'h for' the losers. (LEWIS H. S. VS. MILFORD - TODAY AT MILFORD) The Printers put on one of their 108-292 434 430 109-303 Chip'pers 131-358 Low Score ... 87 87 92-174 Sullivan. . .. 95 B7 103-291 Savage ..... 123 103 Brenner ...... 95 101 543 1518 400 378 98--289 101-267 115-323 .82-2.81) 98-325 \? """ ..... "'" 43 B:::er: Ensle ...... , 85 87 Sirnpson .... 105 84 Degnan .... ' 99 103 Stoughton 289 274 :v . g .. And Toppers Stars In Gould Victory; Score Shutouts In Printers And JewelCountry Club Play ers Win b' 'A' '" =""" • '" Buffaloes Hackers Are Other Vici.:ors In Pexto League The First Aid rollers won four easy points from the Pliers Department bowlers in a Pexto League match Friday ,night at the Southington Recreation Alleys. Cooper led the winners with 326 for three games. In the match between the Tinnel'S' Tools and the Polishing Eoom the . former teaIYl walked off with three out of four points. A. FasulO roll.ed out an.other fl'ne' 3"4 u total for three games to continue his "hot" bowling streak. L. DeSorbo, also of the winners; had a 349 figure for the three games. After dl'opp-ipg the first gan1e, the Buffaloes came back strong to take three points from the Brace Ro.on1's pjnst.ers. Andy Yurcak whaled 'em down to the tune of 358 to lead his team to ,~';f;:)'$;(j)·t-~·~>(?...f..;&',?;,~1;"'~l~~~)~~~;:;~':;;~ft;·S)~;;;;f~:0(;;~:SPt§;/v.{);'~};:.f;;<,~~~;;..~S?4;,::?/.6;)::.tJ:J!;-f:;iZ~'$)~:t;~~~(t(,.~ , its wiD. Ivlikey Milo of the losers 1:( j!> I was a bit below form, although his ~ Pl ,-0 nW/~Ji'1DI ~ fJJ. .. ~ 'l''N: --'1l'..'A'''.!'\,..ll,1.[S',·.GlfJl.VIN{"~~ his 325 fol' the match was hig.h for c) If' Ji....J"-.:, '0. 'JD!i \L'ci. 'U'''' .... ll -"- ."-1'lil -"-".Jl. 'U team. o ~ 9J ~ Pliers Dept. q ~ ~:) ~ DeAugostino ... 93 84 79-256 o • 29 1 100 9 nI 9-u-. ••. , . . 2 4 • DeAn ge . 0 o • T . Emonds .,... 107 93-200 ~ o • Shwiack .... ,. 97 84 -171 Novak , . , . , ... 102 102 100-304 q ~ L. Emonds ..... 86. 98-184 ' .::::::~~. 1~! 102 ~~i __ - - - - - - points to one, winni.ng two games The Southington GenIS \\,111 'be city SCHl1-pro grid ,title before the at full stl-ength Sunday as, they close 01 November. oppose the Mm'iden West SiderJ. at Some of the West Sides "top" the SouthIngton Recreation Park players are the Schpke Brothers, gridiron in quest of their seventh Dianu?211e,Callnh.an and. Zago~' 'win of the season. The kickoff i SKI, iOImer Mer'lelen High gl'lci will be at 2 p. m. I stars. The latter three were mem'rile fiDal practice session for! beys of last year's :l1eriden high the Gems will be held at 7 o'cbck . eleven. t;;,ight at the Y. M. C. A. gymlVlanagCl' Mitchell Porydzy >In'''jl Y urges ncuncps :naSJ Uln and Coac ~ E'j'j" 1 LJl ~ '-" th' "t th-e Gnln~ "'1'11 pI'ob'I ':.:2a111 . . t b e pres en t . .,,'r,lv play 'h_r-ee ill.O'l'e· game.s. bc8.1... 1118n10-G1:'S 0 - ~ .} ~ L~ ~ 'j'"ntfJiYe Gems' lineup to.sLlI't f01:e the close of the season with Sunday'l; g3.me has DeAngelo" ane} the Vi!allingford 'iValcos tentative... .., . L u·,·' ly scheduled for Noveinber 24 i.\lUnSO~l at L~e ,\Vlng posts; (l"ckc H~!cl at the tackles; The Gems hav.~ played seven ' Co.'j'V,2,n2Se and SnO\Vn1al1, guards; games th - us f,.ar, I OSlJ1g: 0,11 1yonce LaiTy MeccC\l'l:311o. at center and and then to the lVIiddletown Tufts COl'iGttc, Mo,-rgi!LJ, Tucker and in an apset. baeks. The JI[erUcn West Sides have ph;yed a strenuous season and! r-/lr. und :l.Irs. Leslie' Stevens of btvc cPPJscci some or the BtYong-; l'iiaple Street spent the week-end ""t sem.i~'D[.J tEams in the Hart-: with their .clauP·hters and son-infO::"d al';:?a. The \'Vest Sid,es \vill: hlVl, I\,~_l'. and I~i'rs. Thonlas Jester );IJ"Y the 'frojars for the Me]'iden cf SV;'8.l:l)Jscotl, Yiass. .___.__ .... __._ ... ____ .__ ._.__ .... __._. .. __.______ - _C_H_E..;,.'S_F-,.n....;H.... E_T-,..I__IV_fE::.'S.::.:.',....N ....O;:..V ....-E=~l\I~..;:I.... B....;E_R--=-14:.:.,....;1::.:9-=,1:::.1_~_ _ _, __-_ _-'-~-'-'.~~.-_~ _ _ _ _ __ Jo HEIG·HT SOUTHINGTON, CONN. A $159 Value! Lov2ly, luxuri'ous, longlasting . . . that's a 3-word description of this fine suite. Has the famous 5-Star non-sag construction, covered .in smart new fabrics. Buy Now, Save! Expensive in Appearance BOUDOIR CHAIR Moderat.e in' priCe. DUROLUX OVERCOAT You'll know the minute you slip it on that Durolux is an outstanding value; the soft feel of fine Alpaca and wool fleece will tell )'lOU so. It means w a.r m t h without weight and rich softness you'll appreciate. Early American Solid M;aple Bedroom Suite $ 74 3 Pieces A $89 Value! A Maple Suite of better resign anel quality,' with an exceptionally smooth and ·mellow t'oned. finish. B>ig, d(3ep, roomy, drawers in dresser and chest, good' looking double panel bed. Anniversary Sale special, a smart selection of boudoir chairs in most any co-lor you want. Mayflower Box Spring and Innerspring Mattress A $55 Value! Holroyd's custom quality mattress and box s'pring. You . can. buy them both f.or $42.50, full or twin size. PAIR FEATHER PILLOWS REED..HOLR 7 COI,.ONY STREET BOTH PIECES (Down and Goese) D PAIR . MERIDEN / SEVEN P:LANTSVILLE HOLIDA Y SERVICE PLANKED AT PLANTSVILLE BAPTIST A special Thanksgiving service will be held at 7:30 p. m. Sunday itt the Plantsville Baptist Church, the Rev. Mr. J. G. Osborne, pastor, announces. There will be a program of music by the church choir and. Mr. Osborne will preach the sermon. A Thanksgiving· service will be held Sunday evening at 7:30 o'clock in the Baptist Church by the Live vVire Society. Special IYlU· sic will be rendered. Mrs. Louis Prevost and infant daughter, Susan, have returned from the Meriden Hospi:al to their home on Hillside A venue. Mrs. AnilaMorse of Buckland Street has as Tier guests this week her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs, John Oswald' of Syra.~use, N. Y. New residents in to\vn are Mr. MILI;uALE Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S. Todd have returned from B.attle Creek, Mich" to their home on' South Mai'n Street. The Plantsville Bridge Club met last Monday evening_ with .Mrs. Marion Degnan on Church. Street. A dess~rt hr,idgewill beheld Tuesday ai"tel'nooil, November 2ii, at 1 :30 o'clock in the Masonk Temple by Harmony. Chapter, O. E. S. The committee in charge includes Mrs. Bertha '\Voodar,d, Mrs. Lila Carlson, Mrs. Amy Hubbard, Mrs. Mildred Hahn and Mrs. Helen Connolly. Reservations may be made by calling any member of the committee .• A group of boys from the school have formed.' a new club at the Y. ~IT. C, A.They al'e called the Plantsville Arro\';sand meet in the "Y':TIrursdaysltt4 p' )11. M)'. aild Mrs. Clark GOll ld ()f \~VestStreet an!\ Dr. and Mrs. F}r· \\,i11 .' •. Bundy, . of Oakland Road, 1=-I Southington, . attended the Dartmouth-Princet()J1 football game last Satllrciayat Hanovel', N; H. Dr. Bundy's son,Edward, plays on the 1)irtl.ilouth team. . . . The Oxf?idClub of the Methodist Churcli in Southillgton will meet Monday evening at 8 o'clock at the home of Mrs . . Urace S. ached: II on Old Turnpike Road. -I SAM COOK Says:-' . Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Ray of Norton ,_-~~_~~_-_--_-:'-.. --_-=-r-m-=·='-="="-_"_-~.~-=--=~"'=-~='-=~_-_-'_-~--=-'Street, is improving rapidly., Several persons from l\illldale atto\\ded the meeting of Trumbull Post, Women's Relief Corps, which . Polishes ",,,d pmlacts 1I00rs; <lncllil'loleum. was hol,1 at Odd Fellows' Hall in No rubbi"g ~ Glo-Coat shines as il dries .. Plantsv.ille Jast Monday evening. It was inspection night and the I p ! Wi t SIZE 0 u u fli'i. @ SIH '\Wt,w ~@J local post was mspected by Mrs, i Marga:'ct Cooper of Waterbury, I. i»=~- and Mrs. Dudley Smith, formedy of Chicago, who are now residing on Main Street where Superintendent of SChOOES V/ilIiam Strong forMrs. Edwin N. Levick of Burritt merly lived. Mr. Smith is employed at Clark Brothers Bolt Company. Street has returned from' a vacation spent with relat.ives on Long The Friendly. Cirde of' the Bap- Island. tist Church will meet Monday eveMr. and Mrs. Theron French of ning at 8 o'clock in the conference Cheshire were guests Sunday of room of the church. Mrs. Dorothy Mrs. Fred Ellis of Meriden-WaterAtwater, Miss Muriel Swain ane! Miss Violet Cox son will be the hostesses. An Armistice Day program will follow the meeting in charge of Mrs. Elizabeth Appleby and .Mrs. Lillian Swain. I I Place YI)lirOrder H@w WE SiT for a Fresh, Plump NOll'lttHERH TURKEY TELEPHONE 3~5251 '1~~ th SALE ~. - ,Uvetc{}aij and- Paper Hanging Our Work Is Done by Experts Estimates Cheet:fully Given Ta BARRY 36 PUTNAM ST. TEL. 96~6 BRISTOL .... STA~RTING TLHURS\DAY! Salre-Allen's West H;"rtford .Branch has made shopping easier for thousaitds of West Hartford 'people . ~ . vlith home-making acc~'~sorie,s and fashions for everyo,ne. To Ceelbrate the 11 th Annive~~ary of Friendly Service the West Hartford Store Off.eersSpecial Values For Every Me'mber of the: FamilNI 3 ~ki:s SUGAR. ~ CIIDE MINIIf!:~ PURE REFINED QUALITY 1 Ib lARD ARVO '. M fjiq. . ICVjJJ, Ei HlF" PURE 3 Ib VEGETABLE can SHORTENING IIU\HlIJ ~ i1WIl!:!I6~' CIDER SODAS 57 "" EVANGElINE Unsweeiened MILLBROOK CLUB Assorted Flavors· Contents ::J CORN FED STEER BEEF ~\ RIB ROAST 1 Ib can "" ~14);; cans J;. ;" gal ~<Di _ jug Lb '?7 IE Ail 2~t10sZ ~1n1 ... ""ii' '" R., "if ... ""U 6 n IA ~IITf! Tender FANCY PLUMP California m. Iii f&.1Hl !l"tff! DlAMOND BRAND W HLIf'IHU 1I;;}j Fancy Number 1 MIXED NUTS AA~i3~T~~~~E 1fl5.~B"%I!ll!l IKYBO 11.0l pkg i;}) 1 Ib "IE: iiiU'.Wi': M I&i II!. Alb bags ~ifi.\ &; ';V ( 1 Ib pkg 17 oz vi 'tJ can ~!!llb HOLIDAY CAKE Rectangular 4 Ib avg $~ ~! II way II to keep you warm and comfort- i able - a way that's even better thon Nature's-thot's something! And Sqiencehasl j I I • ",:- .Ifit the Windsor~Paca Overcoat, with its amazing ~hw-Jlfnhrir.Scientist$ had to evolve aspecial blend of Nature's finest hair fibres and wool with a backing of long staple cotton! When you see the result, .in your favorite model and shade (withe luxurious plaid lining) you'l! know why Mother Nature has AUTOMATIC- GAS WATER HEATER ;n the home WHITE AND MEATY Il(] DN lEY ~~~:s LB ::beJ.ica,J~ JH~ .~ ~ ILnmll!l BeaH!1lS For Stores Having Birds Eye Cases Only Gar:e~Blre5h 12f; ~f[p~.} doz ~2c doz '112€: FDNASi MINCE MEAT 2 ~k~~ U5( NONE SUCH MaNCE MrEAP~" "kg t :2 ~~nosz 2511: ONE=PBE MUNCE MEAT 2 ~~n~z 17 C FINASi PUMPKiN 7% oz ~ 11'\\ DROMEDAR.Y DAlES pkg "l\ 7\4 oz "l\1l"51 FINASi DATES PITTED '" pkg, .& ':'Til: ~reH fl! DROMEDARY CiTRON, P I!: &E!.iJI 2 cons 2](; LEMDN OR ORANGE 2410; Ib iJll"51 FINAST BREAD flOUR. bag ':ll~ r." .&~"" 24!,; Ib ""'.,,_ bag !f";»<I.: MACKEREL pkg pkg In FANCY ~ V~&Ifik4 FLORIDA. EXTRA LARGE· Vitamin C GRAPEFRUmT 3, MERIDEN J!======_.=""--=-,-,-,=- -=!Jj C for FLORIDA, LARGE SIZE· Vitamin C GRAPEFRUIT each ~rt; fANCY EMPEROR· Vitamins C, (; GRAPES 2 ~ 5re: Ibs NATIVE COOKING· Vitamins B·l, C, G APPLES 6 Jbs NATIVE MclNTOSH • Vitamins B·l, C, G 5 Ibs ~~~ CR.ANBERRIES Ib ~~ih LA 1 E HOWES· Vitamin C 0 NATIVE HUBBARD· Vitamin A SQUASH Ib ~<C YELLOW RUTABAGA· Vitamins fl, C TURNIPS Ib your home . SEE US OR YOUR MASTER PLUMBER ~ Ige .£ pkgs 9 CENTER STREET SOUTHINGTON, CONN. GOOD CLOTHES .\1l tJ)fte~ t/)'UdU Does Ai! E ~t LEI (:\~:,,?)j . ,'.;t~~'%._ , APPLES No bkkering, no waiting, no bath rationing. Automedic means that you have all the hot water (140 hot)twenty.four hours' of every day. Not expensive, either. The cost of automatic gas water heating for the typical family in this community is only about 9ca day. Investigate this service for LB COOKED n.tO; .! G~#' Viears 20 PRATT STREET !HI AMS .There's an Automati( GQS Water Hea'~er that win Ideally fit Your Requiremersts The Man Who Knows IS READY TO SERVE SqfJASllS!m HEAT and SERVE Swordfish Steaks 902:: 0 lB tl '<b:5 C loaf When Science figures out CHICKENS2.~~lb <eNG .£';¥C oc~~U~P~AY ~---~.;;;,....~ when there's an fRESH . TO BROIL OR FRY Glil!CW BUIf q.1Udl e~ NOW g OLD ENGLISH DARK ~k~b 25(; 1 ib HOUDAY RU'iG 14 ols~~f; Every Day Is Bath Day for Everyone in the family lB ROASii' '11 ~ COfFEE LUXURY BLEND 2 1al~s 4~~ COPUY COFFElt VACUUM PACKED Za~ ~~((; JOHN AJ"DEN COffEE 2 ~a~s 45~ ,I! BONELESS· NO WASTE , CHUCK ;\ Fancy Seeded 15 pkg CRANBERRY l~ LIB y ~ gal.#ill ~ jug "'I'~( MOTT'S SWEET pkgs WHOLE MILK CHEESE MILD VARIElY •. AGED SPRAY 440z "" Rl Guaranteed CAKE FLOUR WHITE pkg H""i:\'~ 4 oz G>l;3' OUVitS tit~JD btl L6",D~ fancy 1502 © oz 9c Seedless pkg @~ RAISiNS ~ . d POIOBlNtJllSE SIRl()IN DSl-ltJNT CONFECTIONERS OR POWDERED I/i; I l'i G tJJi/J g(J(J#t Be; dle/i.e! We suggest you start this week to p/'ln your food needs Annivorsary Estimale .r E' Enjoy nourishing tasty u~ P A I I'+4 An'. Finast White Bread at every meal. It is not only delicious but con, tains vitamins and min· erals for good health •. Let WindSOfMPaua L' .S N'T. ........... G ~ Despite the priorities problem ~" ._A I 'Jl and (lifficuity of obtaining building _ " If'.i Il4 materials, new homes contmue to G H go up in this locality. New houses i 1f1i A V"K"'!.'lIYT T." Q nn n D· U on Canal Street, south of Route n 1-\ K),J U 'VV ,U'-N2A ~~~.l U' H_ i! 14, continue southward t? ,its i,nte~'VVE DELIVER section -with the Old PJllOn frml MAIN ST. TEL. 10 SOUl'HING'TON in Cheshire, ',_c~=-~~_=~=-~~~~===_.,;_-=""""'=-==~~,="£~~ _--- \ ~.~.' p.).~.'" 21 WEST lVlidN STREET PLAJ\JTSVILLE, CONI»L (G!"o<::ery, Fl··ui::;:; ,~.l"::!.d ·Veget;:=..bi.es O:·.:.ly) ~c THE SOUTHINGTON NEWS AND CHESHIRE TIMES, NOVEMBER 14, 1941 EIGHT ------~-------------------------------------------------- NEW ARMASTEEL PISTONS ADOPTED BY OLDSMOBILE OFFICIALS· WILL ATTEND MEETING IN BRISTOL The adoption of Armasteel pistons in all series of Oldsmobiles for 1942, both sixes and eights, has been announced in Lansing by D. E. Ralston, general sales manager for the Oldsmobile division of General Motors. Adoption of these new type pistons signalizes the release by Oldsmobile of huge quantities of aluminum to national defense uses. It also dramatically illustrates how the development of an "alternate" material can result in improved quality and long life. JUNIORS E Eel CROWD AT PROM sev. eral officialS. of .the Town and Borough of Southington will at-! tend a meeting at 7 :30 tonight in i the city court room in Bristol to listen to an explanation of the new Event \ViU Be Held On election laws. Mrs. Chase Going Woodhouse, Evening Of 21st At secretary of state, and William E. 'Y' Auditorium Carpenter, special consultant in the office of the secretary of state, The annual prom of the Lewis will be the principal speakers. High School junior class will be held at the Y. M. C. A. Auditorium Marriage intentions have been Friday night, November 21. About filed at the town clerk's office by 100 couples will attend. Gene Russo, sori of Mr. and. Mrs. Patrons and patronesses for the Announcement is made of the Peter Russo of 32 Mitchel! Street, event will include members of the birth of a son at the Meriden Hos- New Britain, and Miss Julia Feola, Board of Education and of the pitalto Mr. and Mrs. James F. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lewis High faculty. Bunting of 243 South Main Street. Feola of High Street, Southington. The committee in charge of arrangements is composed of Miss Irene Sacheck, Miss Jean Ziemba, Miss Lila Rizk, Miss Lorraine KarFOR ish, Miss Marjorie Keating, Miss Dol' 0 thy Wagenbrenner, Miss Elaine Moshier. Miss Jane Mariconda, Miss Lo~ise Boggia, Robert Messmer, Robert Hai.nes, Ardella Davidson, Chester Hushak, Allen Gemmell, Nelson Campa,gnano, Alex Pernal, Hunter Jones and, Paul Flynn. . I Shower For Miss Mauro Miss Rose Mauro. ..laughter 01' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mauro of Liberty Street, was tendered a miscellaneaus shower Tuesday night at the home of Mrs. Joseph Casale, Sr., of Beecher Street. About 60 attended. She will be wed soon to Joseph Cascale, Jr. Fire' Chief And Assistant Will Benefit Next Ycar By Action Of Commissioners TO VIED ON 22ND Corporal John Foley, son of Of- WATER MAINS UNDERGO THEIR FIRST CLEANING ficer and Mrs. Edmund J. Foley of Carter Lane, has resumed his duThe Flexible Undergroun\' Waties at Fort Eustis, Va., after e.njoying a furlough at his home ter Main Cle<ll1ing Company of San Francisco, Cal., is at work here. . cleaning 2,500 feet of SiX-1i\lCh water main on North Main Street, from Center to Chapman Streets, according to Samuel W. Bowers, superintendent of the Southington Sun., Mon. Nov. 16, 17 Water Department. Melvyn Douglas The contract was awarded by Ruth Hussey the water commissioners. It is the co-starred in first time such a project has been "OUR WIFE" undertaken in Southington. Work ami "Nine Lives Not Enough" began Monday night. with Ronald Reagan As the result of this cleaning ---_._--- ... _ - - - - - _ . _ - the water pressure along the ColTues., 'Ve,d.-Nov. 18, 19 lege Highv·my to the Patten Brook Penny Singleton i.n "BLONDIE IN SOCIETY" Farm, Queen Street, will be considerably in~reased. plus MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S SUITS $24. 75 to $37.50 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S TOPCOATS $19· 75 to $,34. 75 MEN'S and YOUNG MEN'S OVERCOATS $lH·75 to $4'2.50 Joseph W. Orcutt of Milldale is a patient at the New Haven General Hospital. "Smiling Ghost" ADAM. HATS - SHIRTCRAFT SHIRTS JACKETS - SWEATERS - GLOVES with all-star cast Cosmetics free to lady patrons on both days. Wuchert & Lake NEW BRITAIN BE V>l ARM THIS THANKSGIVING GO TO THE Suutllington Furniture Co Any payment made now or until chest is delivered is considered a part of the small down-payment. "The 'Family llc3taUl'ant" Cor. East & Park Sts. Plainville, Conn. INTRODUCING AS ADVERTISED IN LIfE AND GOLDEN WEST WAFFLES Sperry & Barnes "Old Homestead" lOOK HOT DOGS IDEAL SEA FOOD Fried Clams - Scallops Oysters - Shrimp LOVE GIFT FOR $1'«J\b~ H~ Sweetheart, Daughter, Mother or Wife. COM!P[b~l~~ "SECOND TO NONE!"· INFOR:VIATION TO BB GIVEN ABOUT SOCIAL SECURITY A U. S'. Social Security Board representative will be on duty at SPECIAL HOLIDAY SHOW the Southington Post Office the with TWO 'TOP' FEATURES first and third Monday of eaeh Ch'ades Boyer in month to assist employers and erp."HOLD BACK THE ployees of this vicinity. DAWN" Those who need information reand garding social security accou.nt Eleanor Powell-Ann Sothern numbers or general information, Robert Young pertaining to it may consult with! co .. starred in the representative during the time' "LADY BE GOODff he is here each month. On Thanksgiving Day, Nov. 20, The representative will be here The Shows Will Be Continuous From 1:30 to 11 F. M . . . Monday, November 17, at 12 noon , for the first time. LAY-AWn FOR CHRISTMAS! - EDMOND'S- DAllY DINNERS Thursday, Friday & Saturday Nov. 20, 21, 22 "A MAN'S STORE" Next To Strand Theatre DANIEL O'KE E N ext year Fire Chief Thomas J. Ai:r:rlines Official Win Murphy and his assistant driver, Marry Miss Lane Of Thomas F. Murphy, Jr., will reMcKeesport, Pa. ceive a week's vacalion with pay from their duties. This action was taken by the Thomas H. Lane of Lee Avenue, Board of Fire Commissioners at McKeesport, Pa., announces the their first business session, fo11ow- coming marriage of his daughter, ing their organization for the year. Miss Darlene Joan Lane, to Daniel A pay increase was voted by the M. O'Keefe, son of Ml'. .and Mrs. comm'issioners to Chief Murphy Daniel O'Keefe, of Eden Avenue, following his reappointment as, Southington. head of the fire department. i The wedding takes places at 9 As the result of a decision by the! a. m. Saturday, November 22, at commissioners a new booster pump St. Peter's Church in McKeesport. will be purchased for the fire truck The Rev. Father Thomas Morgan ~;tationed at E,ngine Company 4's will perform the wedding ce1:efirehouse in Marion. This addition mony and celebrate the nuptlal will provide better fire protection mass. for this outlying district of SouthMr. O'Keefe is a graduate of the ington. Guggenheim School of AeronauHarold L. Cowles of Milldale \ics at New York University, conLnue3 to serve as chairman of where he also received his Master the fire comnlissioners, with Peter of Science degree a year after Hutton as vice chairman and Frank graduating. For t\vo years after J. Galiette as secretary. Other completing his school course he members are Max Limmer, Charles was stationed on the Pacific Coast A. Brooks and Klemens Markow- with the United Airlines. Mr. ski. O'Keefe is now chief meteorologist In addition to reappoi.nting Chief for the Pennsylvania Central AirMurphy the commissioners have lines at Pittsburgh, Fa. also renamed Russell F. Ellis of Following their marriage the Milldale and Clarence Johnson of couple will reside in Pittsburgh Plantsville, as deputy chiefs, and until spring, when they will move Thomas F. Murphy, Jr., as assist- to Washington, D. C., where they ant driver for Engine Co. 1. plan to make their permanent home. WEARING 151 MAIN ST. VACATION FAY GIVEN TO MURPHY AND SON SQ.c Club Sandwiches Edmond'. Style Sunday Special Dinner Southern Fried Chicken Broilel's-Turkey-Steak ON THE GREEN SOU'fHllNGTON TEL 757 Where Quality Haf3 Been Higher '.i.'han Price Since 1889 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 Po M. ~~~t1&E~~~~£~~if1ilii~'l1le~r~~i! $1.00 NO LIQUOR SOLD WM. M. TOLL I, Prop. - ay Formerly of Whiting Restaurant 0 urnlt1/{re (. 1/!O~. I Invites Yon; To Do Your Holiday Sl~opping For OIL HE AT:ERS; WE CAN MAKE IMMEDIATE DlZLIVERY P;;'erful F~orence Cabinet Oil Heater! I Here's that "buy 0 f a Ii fetime" you've been looking for -a wealth of winter comfort at a price that fits your budget to aT, .. a bargain you just can't afford to miss! All winter long, you'll be grateful for the dependable, quick, clea1i heat of this Florence Cabinet Oil Heater. It's specially built with the famous Florence wickless kerosene burners, ideal for rooms without chimney outlets. I I Are Sure To Be Higher. In Vi<...~v.f Of The Above Mentimlcd Situatim.1 We Advise You T I) Do Your ChristInas Shopping Early . All Purchases Made Now "ViII Be Stored By Us \Vithout Any Cost To You And j wm Be Delivered \Vhcn And V';h<e:re You Want Them. Never Has Om Large Stock Been IVlr.H"c Complete And \Ve SPECIFICATIONS SUBJE:CT TO CHANGE: WlTHOUT NOTICe:. HYDRA" MATIC*ELIM.I!NATES CLUTCH PEDAL, CONVENTIONAL CLUTCH ~ECHANI§M AND ALL GEAR SHllFTING"SAYES.l'OTO.J'5% OR6AS f Get your new Florence Oil Heater now . .. and give winter a mighty tough reception when it comes around to your house! Throughout the longest, hardest winter, you can depend on the generous warmth of a Florence to keep cold weather. away from your door! We're showing the newes! Florence Oil Heaters here .. , powerful circulating and radiant models; cabinet heaters that need no fiue outlet. Se~ them now... THESE HEATERS .t~13· START FROM .W • W facts. Hydra-Matic is the only "drive" that is built and backed by General Motors. Hydra-Matic is now in its third great year and has proved its advantages through hundreds of millions of miles in the hands of 130,000 Oldsmobile owners. Hydra-Matic is stiIlthe only "drive" that offers completely automatic shifting through four forward speeds. Although Oldsmobile will produce t?e new B7 44 in limited quantities, in order to release vltal matenals for defense, all models will be available with HydmMatic Drive. Come. take a look at the B-44. It's styled and engineered for" the future and quality-built to last! *Optional at Extra Cost 75'. DEFENSE COMES FIRST WITH OLDSMOBILE! The major part of Oldsmobile's huge resources are marshaled for defense. Artillery shell and airplane cannon are now in IDass production. With its remaining facilities, Oldsmobile will continue to build a limited number of quality motor cars. ~ YOU CAN ALWAYS COUNT ON BETTER LOOKING. BETTER LASTING, BETTER BUILT THAN ANY OUIS IN 44 YEARSI THE SOUTHINGTON FURNITURE COR ----==-.-- "-::.-g-T-:: Al"C As Low As Possible Consi.stent Wit.h The Quality Of Merchandise We Handle. ,,\VTHEN you consider the. new "drives," c.on sider these Take Up to 18 Months to Pay! CENTER ST. Assure You That The Prices TEL. 317-M - SOUTHINGTON mw;;_ ITS QUA.LITY"',BUILT TO LAST l' "Trade_ins n apply on down payments. Monthly payments are a.vaila.ble. SOUTHIN'GTO~N\ NORTH MAIN STREET GARAGE SOUTHINGTON, CONN. A SMALL DEPOSIT 'WILL HOLD YOUR PURCHASES UNTIL WANTED I(AY FURNITURE ON THE GREEN TEL, 757 SOUTHINGTON Where Q,uality Has Been Big-her Than Price Since 1889 OPEN EVERY NIGHT UNTIL 9 P. M. II