Family Worship Guide – Week 35


Family Worship Guide – Week 35
Family Worship Guide – Week 35 READ o
PRAY SING In the early verses of Lamentations we see the desolation and despair of a scattered Jerusalem. God has inflicted this punishment in His anger toward Jerusalem’s sin (Lam 1:12). Jerusalem sees in the midst of its punishment the righteousness of God’s judgment. The author says, “The Lord is in the right” (Lam 1:18). Though there is understanding that the Lord is acting justly in His anger and action against them, the author calls for captive Jerusalem to passionately cry out to the Lord for His mercy (2:19). Read Lamentations 3:1-­‐33 In verses 1-­‐20 the speaker reflects on the affliction he has seen from the Lord. He speaks of the deep pain, bitterness, and removal from all good things. However, in verse 20 we see that his “bowed down” soul is restored to hope when he intentionally calls to mind the faithfulness of the Lord, His steadfast love and the daily renewal of His mercies. The Bottom Line: Restoration to the Lord begins with remembering His faithfulness. Questions: Have you undergone or are you now experiencing a time when the Lord is allowing you to suffer devastation caused by sin? What is your first reaction to correction or rebuke from the Lord? Do you call to the Lord first? If the answer you want does not come quickly, do you seek relief or pity from other sources (Lam 1:12)? How long have you waited for relief or answers from the Lord? Where do you find your strength in continuing to wait? How can you intentionally remind yourself of God’s character and promises for the restoration of His children? o
Read Window on the World, pg. 130-­‐131 Oman Use Prayer Card o
Use lyric sheet and mp3 download of “Made Me Glad” In the time the book of Lamentations was written, God’s people were living in sin. The effects of their sin were great, but God was continually faithful to them and to His promises. He would restore them and bring them back to Himself. We are much like them in that we have sinned against a Holy God. We are born sinners and we reject Him. But, by His grace, we can be restored too! We chose this song for this week based on the fact that even though we are so sinful, Christ has the power and the desire to save us. Not only that, but He has promised that His Spirit will live within us. So, He becomes our shield, our strength, and our help in time of need. This brings us great joy, and we rejoice in Him. MEMORIZE o
Lamentations 3:22-­‐23 The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness. Copyright ©2010 The Church at Brook Hills 
SUGGESTIONS These suggestions were created by the age-­‐group ministry leaders as a way to help parents better communicate the biblical truths discussed in the Family Worship Guide. These activities and questions can replace or serve as a supplement to the questions under the “Read” section on Page 1. Remember that these suggestions are intended to help parents facilitate God-­‐centered discussions with their children. Parents should prayerfully use these suggestions, and any other means necessary, to help their children discover the truths of God’s word and worship Him together. Preschool (Birth-­‐Kindergarten) o Begin by asking your preschooler this question: Do you know what faithfulness is? Faithfulness is when someone does what they say they will do, it’s when someone keeps their promises. You can depend on that person and they are reliable. o Now, take your preschooler outside on a walk in your neighborhood or in the park. While you are walking, look for things in God’s creation that are dependable and show us God’s faithfulness. The sun is in the sky and shines every day, even when there are clouds. The stars come out every night and fill the sky. Each year, the leaves turn green in spring and brown in fall. The world God created reflects His faithfulness in many ways; it reminds of His faithfulness everywhere we go. o God always keeps His promises and He is faithful. We can always depend on Him to do what He says He will do. o The Bible tells us about Gods promises. We can trust Him to keep His promises. God is so good and He will take care of us. He loves us so much He sent His son Jesus to rescue us too! What a good and great God. Children (Grades 1-­‐5) o Can you remember a time when you were disobedient to Mom or Dad? There are times we don’t obey, but right away we see what we need to do right and we do it. For example, your Dad calls your name and you say “What? I mean, Sir?” Your Dad has taught you to it is respectful to reply a certain way, and when you forget you quickly remember and do the right thing before he corrects you. o Can you remember a time when you were disobedient but just ignored the right thing you should do? Those times might be a bigger memory because you were probably disciplined for them. Maybe you were put in “time out”. o Let’s look at our memory verse again: Lamentations 3:22-­‐23, “The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” o This verse reminds us our Heavenly Father has mercy on us and He is faithful and good even when we are not. Even when we are disobedient. When we remember this truth about Him, He promises to restore us, and to help us turn from our sin and return to Him. He will help us stop being disobedient so that we can obey Him, as well as Mom and Dad. o Remember that time out you were put in for not obeying Mom or Dad? It is good to be quiet and think about what we have done. We need to have a time where we stop going down the wrong path (sin), realize what we have done and feel sorry for it. Then we can remember how good and faithful God is to help us turn from that path and start going down the right path. We can ask Him to give us the strength to obey Him. That is repentance. o Let’s pray about what we have learned the ACTS way (Adoration – praise Him for who He is, Confession – recall our sin and ask Him to forgive us, Thanksgiving – thank Him, and Supplication – tell him our request.) o Dear Heavenly Father, we praise you because you are always loving and your mercies never come to an end. I confess that I have sinned today. I am sorry for ___________. Thank you for your love and forgiveness. Thank you that you are always good and faithful even when I am not. Please teach me your ways. Help me to see how much you love me. Help me to obey you because I love you. Amen Students (Grades 6-­‐12) o Do you remember a time when you asked a parent for something and did not receive what you wanted? What was your reaction? Did you go to the other parent to try to get your way? o It’s important to note that restoration to the Lord doesn’t mean we get our way. The writer of this passage in Lamentations (3:19-­‐24) found hope in the Lord’s faithfulness while in the midst of difficult times. Why do you think the Lord’s faithfulness is so important? o If we begin to see His faithfulness in our everyday life it might be easier for us to recognize His faithfulness in our most difficult moments. Have you ever seen the sovereignty of the Lord in a difficult time? o Reread Lamentations 3:22-­‐23. Have you ever found yourself truly desiring something day after day? In light of this passage what should we desire and depend on daily? Copyright ©2010 The Church at Brook Hills 
Week 35
Due to copyright limitations, we are only
allowed to print the lyrics to this song
with no chords. We encourage you to
download an mp3 of this song from
Copyright©2001 Hillsong Publishing
My very present help in time of need
You have made me glad
And I’ll say of the Lord
Whom have I in Heaven but you
There’s none I desire beside you
You have made me glad
And I’ll say of the Lord
You are my shield my strength
My portion Deliverer
My shelter Strong tower
My very present help in time of need
And I will not be moved
And I’ll say of the Lord
I will bless the Lord forever
And I will trust Him at all times
He has delivered me from all fear
And he has set my feet upon a rock
By Miriam Webster
Made Me Glad
Copyright ©2010 The Church at Brook Hills
Lamentations 3:22-23 The steadfast love of the LORD never
ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every
morning; great is your faithfulness.
Week 35
Source: Operation World by Johnstone and Mandryk
Almost the entire Christian population in Oman is foreign workers. Pray for Christian foreign
workers who seek to spread Gospel in Oman.
It is forbidden for any Muslim to convert to any other religion. Pray for the Spirit to change the
hearts of the Omani to desire Christ over all things.
Oman is considered a restricted nation to the Gospel. Pray for the Gospel of Christ to spread
regardless of this opposition.
Omani Christians are considered second class citizens. Pray that our brothers and sisters there will
stand strong in the faith.
Scripture Memory
Nations: Oman
Take some time for each of those gathered with you to express their thanks to the Lord.
Biblical Basis for Thanksgiving:
Psalm 69:30, Psalm 100:4, Philippians 4:6, Revelation 7:12
When we pray a prayer of thanksgiving, we are expressing our gratitude to God. Prayers of thanksgiving
can be lifted up in response to who God is, what He has done for us through Christ and for the blessings
He continually bestows upon us.