SERVING IN HUANTA - Demopolis Presbyterian


SERVING IN HUANTA - Demopolis Presbyterian
Jimmy and Nadia Dukes
We want to start this letter with a big THANKS to everyone who has decided to be part of our ministry. We
want to thank you all for your prayers and for considering supporting financially to our ministry in HuantaPeru.
There is always so much to share so we ask you to lease be patient with us. We praise our precious Heavenly
Father and we are glad to announce that Jimmy and I are officially in a seminary, crazy huh? But it is true and
we are so honored and grateful for all the help we are receiving from Miami International Seminary (MINTS).
They gave us a deal so we both can take the courses, plus they are considering our prior courses and now we
need to take a total of 10 courses for us to be able to have a Bachelor Degree, how awesome is that??...We are
starting with 2 courses and hoping to be done in less than 2 months, please help us to keep up with this and
don't feel bad to ask us how we are doing and if we are done yet...I (Nadia) will be forever thankful to you if
you do that.
Ana and Isabela had started a new year of school, Bela is still in kindergarten (she needs to do 1 more year of
it) and Ana is in first grade. We want to give a special thanks to a sweet family whom sent us a check and help
us to buy 2 beautiful backpacks and they totally loved it!!...Ana did not have a quite good time at school
yesterday, her teacher thought she needed a private Spanish teacher to help her understand everything she
says, looking at her and thinking well she is a "gringa" she did not realize we cannot afford that private teacher.
It was a little hard but praise The Lord she is a loving girl and she took some chocolates today for her teacher,
because we told her that her teacher had a rough day yesterday... God is always providing and watching over
us and we thank you all, knowing that you all care about us it makes us keep on going.
I am not sure if many of you know about a friend we wanted to adopt about 4 years ago. His name was John
and he had multiple sclerosis, he died few days after we arrived to Huanta in 2014. Our hearts were broken
then, but The Lord had put another sweet friend in our lives. His name is also John and he had a horrible
accident when he was 13 years old and left him with brain damage that does not let him have a good control
of his body, he shakes a lot, he can talk with some difficulty, he has a small candy stand and he walks with a
crutches. Every time we have a bad rain he calls us to pick him up because no moto taxis want to pick him
up, and he does not live to close from the city. He is sweet and we had a chance to take him to church, please
pray for him and for The Lord to show him that there is no other in whom we can be save than Jesus Christ.
This is John little stand
We have two new members at our church, Alicia is a single mom who have had an accident falling down the
mountain in a very small vehicle, she hurt her 3 disc in her spine and the truth is that she should be paralyzed
from the waist down, but praise The Lord she is walking and coming faithfully to the church every Sunday.
Mr. Cristian is an older guy, very friendly and he was just walking by and decided to enter the church and
worship with us. Please pray for them both and for us to be able to help them in their growth in The Lord.
One more prayer request, her name is Alina, she is one
of the elder's wife, she has been in so much pain, some
vertigo, nausea and vomiting. The doctors don't think
it is serious, I think they don't know what she really has
but they finally said that she has cephalic muscular and
maybe it is all the stress, but let's be honest, who will
not be stressed if she has 3 girls and a husband who
lost his job and is trying to find a new one for over 3
months? Please put them in your prayer list they really
need us right now. This is a picture of Mrs. Alina, my
aunt Eli and I few days ago when we had a birthday
celebration at our home.
Once again we want to thank you all because we know you all remember us and are praying for us. We want
to also let you know that we are still looking for supporters and friends who would like to be part of our
ministry. If you feel that is The Lord's call, please feel free to email us back at [email protected] if you
need more information about how to help and be part of this ministry and all for the Glory of God.
May God bless you all.