Participant`s Guide - The Christian and Missionary Alliance
Participant`s Guide - The Christian and Missionary Alliance
allianceCOREvalues AN EIGHT WEEK STUDY Participants Guide Cover.indd 1 4/20/11 1:52 PM allianceCOREvalues Participants Guide.indd 1 4/20/11 1:47 PM Alliance Core Values: An Eight Week Study Participant’s Guide Copyright © 2011 The Christian and Missionary Alliance All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 Biblica. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. Scripture quotations marked “NKJV” are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other, without prior permission of the publisher. The Christian and Missionary Alliance P. O. Box 35000 Colorado Springs, Colorado 80935-3500 (719) 599-5999 Printed in the United States of America Participants Guide.indd 2 4/20/11 1:47 PM Table of Contents [vi] Alliance Core Values [vii] Session 1: Alliance Core Values [1] Session 2: Session 3: Finding Lost People [5] Prayer: Our Primary Work [9] Session 4: Session 5: It’s All God’s [13] God’s Word: The Key to All Success [17] Session 6: Mobilizing Devoted Disciples [23] Session 7: Holy Spirit Empowerment [27] Session 8: Faith-Filled Risks [33] What’s at Our Core [39] Participants Guide.indd 3 4/20/11 1:47 PM It goes without saying that there ought to be a close connection between what we believe and the way that we behave. In fact, the Bible says very clearly that there is such a connection: “As [a man] thinks in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV). In the first part of our series, we focused on the Fourfold Gospel—Jesus our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King—the heart of what we as Alliance people believe. In Alliance Core Values, we will look at how those key beliefs shape the way that we live. As we journey through this study together, we will look at seven core values—each of which is expressed as a declarative statement. We will hear from and about individuals whose lives have been dramatically impacted by these values, and we will look at some biblical figures who can serve as role models for each one of us as we seek to drive these values more deeply into our own lives. John F. Soper The Christian and Missionary Alliance vi Participants Guide.indd 4 4/20/11 1:47 PM allianceCOREvalues The spiritual DNA of every Christ follower is to glorify God. It’s what we were created to do. The spiritual DNA of the C&MA is to make Christ followers of all people (Matthew 28:18–20). If we and other Great Commission Christians remain true to our call, the whole world—every nation, tongue, and tribe— will declare the glory of God. Then we will see the return of Jesus Christ, our Coming King (Matthew 24:14). What we believe motivates and inspires us to live out the Alliance Core Values— seven basic principles that flow out of our passion for Jesus. These core values are not as much Alliance as they are the core values that Jesus lived and calls us to live. As we draw from His endless reserves of divine empowerment to practice these core values, He enables us to obey His mandate to “go and make disciples of all nations …” (Matthew 28:19). vii Participants Guide.indd 5 4/20/11 1:47 PM allianceCOREvalues Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. (Luke 19:10) In the formative years of our movement, the Holy Spirit instilled within A. B. Simpson a passion to reach people who had no knowledge of Jesus Christ in his “Jerusalem” and around the world. That passion still lives in The Alliance today and is our first core value: Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. Prayer is the primary work of God’s people. (Philippians 4:6–7) We believe that nothing of lasting value can be done unless it is bathed in prayer. His passionate belief that prayer undergirds all ministry compelled Alliance founder A. B. Simpson to create a prayer league that would focus on the world’s evangelization. He believed that this Prayer Alliance would prove to be the “mightiest force in the spread of missions.” That force still drives The Alliance today. Prayer is the primary work of God’s people. Everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards. (1 Chronicles 29:14) This core value is intrinsic to the nature and structure of The Alliance. Scripture encourages us to remember that the amount of money we have or how much we give is secondary to recognizing that everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards. Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success. ( Joshua 1:8) The driving force of The Alliance has always been Jesus’ command from Matthew 28:19—the Great Commission: “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.” But the next verse is equally important: “and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you…” Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success. viii Participants Guide.indd 6 4/20/11 1:47 PM Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple. (Matthew 28:19) In The Christian and Missionary Alliance, the first priority of every minister, congregation, and believer is to work for the evangelization of the world. Healthy churches producing healthy disciples who are devoted to reaching lost people will hasten the completion of the Great Commission and the return of Jesus Christ. Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. (1 Corinthians 2:4–5) The Apostle Paul said, “My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power.” We believe this is the fiber of our being. Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. Achieving God’s purposes means taking faith-filled risks. This always involves change. (Hebrews 11:6) For more than a century, Alliance workers have braved harsh and dangerous territory, at great personal risk, to take the good news of Jesus to a lost world. Because of the selfless dedication of Alliance workers who were willing to lay down their lives for the gospel, entire people groups now know Jesus. Achieving God’s purposes means taking faith-filled risks. This always involves change. ix Participants Guide.indd 7 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 1: Alliance Core Values As he thinks in his heart, so is he. Proverbs 23:7 (NKJV) 1 Participants Guide.indd 9 4/20/11 1:47 PM Alliance Core Values Video Teaching Segment The Session 1 intro/teaching segment is entitled Alliance Core Values. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. There ought to be a close connection between what we and the way we . 2. matter to God. He wants them found. 3. is the primary work of God’s people. 4. Everything we have belongs to God. We are His . 5. Knowing and obeying all true success. is fundamental to 6. Completing the Great Commission will require the of every fully devoted disciple. 7. Without the accomplish nothing. of the Holy Spirit, we can 8. Achieving God’s purposes means taking This always involves change. . 9. These are not so much C&MA values as they are the values of . 2 Participants Guide.indd 10 4/20/11 1:47 PM Discussion Notes Key Memorization Verse: As he thinks in his heart, so is he. (Proverbs 23:7, NKJV) Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Look Ahead To prepare for the next session, read Luke 15:1–32 and think about what the parables reveal about God’s love for lost people. 3 Participants Guide.indd 11 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 2: Finding Lost People Lost people matter to God. He wants them found. For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. Luke 19:10 5 Participants Guide.indd 13 4/20/11 1:47 PM Finding Lost People Video Testimony: Syna Lao Syna and her husband, Soeuth, have served as church planters in Cambodia since 1995. Syna has a nursing degree, and Soeuth is a graduate of Nyack College and Alliance Theological Seminary. They have two young sons. Video Teaching Segment The Session 2 teaching segment is entitled Finding Lost People. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. For what is seen is , but what is unseen is . 2. What is is swallowed up by . 3. is more real and more lasting than . 4. Jesus said we will give an account for . 5. “Since, then, we know what it is to fear the Lord, we try to .” (2 Corinthians 5:11) Key Question: “If no one will end up in hell, why did Jesus have to die?” Discussion Notes 6 Participants Guide.indd 14 4/20/11 1:47 PM Key Memorization Verse: For the Son of Man came to seek and to save what was lost. (Luke 19:10) Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper Read Luke 15:1–32 and answer the following questions: 1.What do verses 1 and 2 tell us about the setting in which these words of Jesus were spoken? How does that help us to understand why He told these stories? 2.In one or two sentences summarize the common theme of all three stories. Why do you think that Jesus told these stories one after another? 3.How focused were the main characters in each parable on finding what they had lost? How does reflecting on these stories change the way you think about serving God? 7 Participants Guide.indd 15 4/20/11 1:47 PM Finding Lost People 4.How important is the idea of celebration in the Bible? What other “celebration passages” can you think of ? What makes God want to celebrate? 5. How do these stories fit with Jesus’ purpose statement in Luke 19:10? 6.What adjustments do you need to make this week to live out this core value of Jesus? 8 Participants Guide.indd 16 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 3: Prayer: Our Primary Work Prayer is the primary work of God’s people. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6–7 9 Participants Guide.indd 17 4/20/11 1:47 PM Our Primary Work VideoTestimony: Fred Hartley Fred Hartley is pastor of Lilburn Alliance Church in Lilburn, Georgia. Fred is also president of College of Prayer International, with 20,000 students in 63 campuses worldwide. Video Teaching Segment The Session 3 teaching segment is entitled Prayer—Our Primary Work. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. The disciples said, “ (Luke 11:1) .” 2. The disciples observed that everything Jesus and everything He proceeded from His life of . 3. While John was , the heavens opened, the dove descended, and the voice of heaven. from 4. Everything in Jesus’ life proceeded from His life of prayer with . 5. Every major event in the Book of Acts or a time of prayer. 10 Participants Guide.indd 18 4/20/11 1:47 PM 6. The early days of The Alliance were characterized by this same . 7. It was the secret to their incredible and . Discussion Notes Key Memorization Verse: Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. (Philippians 4:6–7) 11 Participants Guide.indd 19 4/20/11 1:47 PM Our Primary Work Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper Read Luke 11:1–13 and answer the following questions: 1.According to the pattern of prayer that Jesus gave to the disciples (we call it the Lord’s Prayer), what should we be praying about? How balanced is your prayer life in the areas that Jesus mentions? 2.What is the connection between our willingness to forgive the sins of others and our ability to experience God’s forgiveness in our own lives? 3.What do you think is the main idea of the story Jesus tells in verses 5–8? 4.Think about the promise that Jesus makes in verses 9–10. What is the difference between “asking,” “seeking,” and “knocking”? How could this verse change the way that you pray? 5.What are the most important things that we can learn about God from this passage of Scripture? 6.What do you believe is the connection between our prayers and the gift of the Holy Spirit? Read what the Apostle Paul says in Romans 8:26–27. How do those verses add meaning to Jesus’ words in Luke 11? 12 Participants Guide.indd 20 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 4: It’s All God’s Everything we have belongs to God. We are His stewards. Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. 1 Chronicles 29:14 13 It’s All God’s Video Testimony: Sammy Brokopp Discussion Notes Sammy Brokopp is the son of Pete and Alice Brokopp, who for many years served as Alliance international workers in Burkina Faso. Born in 2004, Sammy has one older sister and is known for being a leader, focused, committed—and a whole lot of fun. Sammy’s dad, Pete, is now the coordinator of strategic development for Envision. Video Teaching Segment The Session 4 teaching segment is entitled It’s All God’s. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-theblank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. Abraham would have said that God was the . 2. “I’ll be with what God has given me.” 3. And he knew that God is a god who . 4. Abraham answered, “The Lord will (Genesis 22:8) Key Memorization Verse: But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. .” (1 Chronicles 29:14) 5. Abraham knew the “ .” 6. Modern culture is infected with a disease some have called . 7. and Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper . Read Matthew 25:14–30 and answer the following questions: 1.In one or two sentences summarize the main point that Jesus made when He taught this parable to the disciples. 14 15 It’s All God’s Video Testimony: Sammy Brokopp Discussion Notes Sammy Brokopp is the son of Pete and Alice Brokopp, who for many years served as Alliance international workers in Burkina Faso. Born in 2004, Sammy has one older sister and is known for being a leader, focused, committed—and a whole lot of fun. Sammy’s dad, Pete, is now the coordinator of strategic development for Envision. Video Teaching Segment The Session 4 teaching segment is entitled It’s All God’s. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-theblank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. Abraham would have said that God was the . 2. “I’ll be with what God has given me.” 3. And he knew that God is a god who . 4. Abraham answered, “The Lord will (Genesis 22:8) Key Memorization Verse: But who am I, and who are my people, that we should be able to give as generously as this? Everything comes from you, and we have given you only what comes from your hand. .” (1 Chronicles 29:14) 5. Abraham knew the “ .” 6. Modern culture is infected with a disease some have called . 7. and Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper . Read Matthew 25:14–30 and answer the following questions: 1.In one or two sentences summarize the main point that Jesus made when He taught this parable to the disciples. 14 15 It’s All God’s 2. Why do you think that each servant was given a different number of talents? What is the significance of that for us? (NOTE: a talent of silver in New Testament times was the equivalent of about 15 years of the average man’s wages.) 3.A talent was a preset weight of a precious metal, usually silver. The parable is speaking about money, but Jesus almost certainly meant for us to think about more than just our bank accounts. What else should we be thinking about as stewards of the Lord’s treasure? (NOTE: this parable is the origin of our English word “talent.”) 4. Think carefully about the response of the servant who hid his talent. What does it tell you about his concept of the Master? 5. What practical implications does this parable have for your life as a disciple? What action steps are you prepared to take? 6. Read what the Apostle Paul says in 2 Corinthians 5:10. How do those verses add meaning to Jesus’ words in Matthew 25? 16 Session 5: God’s Word: The Key to All Success Knowing and obeying God’s Word is fundamental to all true success. Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.… Joshua 1:8 17 Participants Guide.indd 25 4/20/11 1:47 PM The Key to All Success Video Testimony: Derwin Gray Derwin, a former NFL player, is pastor of a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community called Transformation Church (C&MA) in Indian Land, South Carolina. He also serves as president of One Heart at a Time Ministries. Derwin and his wife, Vicky, have two children. Video Teaching Segment The Session 5 teaching segment is entitled God’s Word: The Key to All Success. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. Three times God tells Joshua to be and . 2. God said, “I will not you or you.” ( Joshua 1:5) 3. Because of God’s , Joshua will have . 4. God told Joshua, “Everything I have promised is contingent upon your Book of the Law.” ( Joshua 1:8) to do everything that is written in the 5. Don’t let it depart from your mouth— about it, on it day and night; about it. 18 Participants Guide.indd 26 4/20/11 1:47 PM 6. To the extent that we and the Word of God, we will be and . 7.This psalm is meant to help us understand the things that God’s Word will do for us if we it and if we it. 8. “I have Your Word in my (Psalm 119:11) that I might not sin against You.” 9. “Your word is a to my feet, and a for my path.” (Psalm 119:105) 10. “I run in the path of your , for you have .” (Psalm 119:32) 11. You can experience the and of God all the time. Discussion Notes 19 Participants Guide.indd 27 4/20/11 1:47 PM The Key to All Success Key Memorization Verse: Do not let this Book of the Law depart from your mouth; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it.… ( Joshua 1:8) Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper Read Psalm 119:1–32 and answer the following questions: 1.How many different words and phrases does the psalmist use to describe the Word of God in these verses? 2.Make a list of the different things that the Word of God can do for us. Which of those things do you need the most right now? 3.Verses one and two both begin with the word “blessed.” What do you think that word really means? 4.Think about verse 32. How does it change the way that most people think about God’s law? 20 Participants Guide.indd 28 4/20/11 1:47 PM 5.Put the following three phrases in what you believe to be the proper order and explain your reasoning: • Love the Word • Learn the Word • Live the Word 6.Memorize Psalm 119:11. 21 Participants Guide.indd 29 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 6: Mobilizing Devoted Disciples Completing the Great Commission will require the mobilization of every fully devoted disciple. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Matthew 28:19 23 Participants Guide.indd 31 4/20/11 1:47 PM Mobilizing Disciples Video Testimony: Jason Ostrander Jason serves as director for the Alliance Youth Office for the U.S. C&MA. He is a national conference speaker and film documentarian. He and his wife, Calu, have two sons. Video Teaching Segment The Session 6 teaching segment is entitled Mobilizing Devoted Disciples. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1.God to use ordinary people—the , the and the . 2. He uses people like Moses and ones like Samuel. 3. God uses , to accomplish His . 4. God asks Moses, “ (See Exodus 4:2.) ?” 5. There was a moment when the staff that belonged to became the staff that belonged to . 24 Participants Guide.indd 32 4/20/11 1:47 PM 6.God the thing that was in their hands, and He it and it an extraordinary way. 7.God is going to use very ordinary people to accomplish the task of . Discussion Notes Key Memorization Verse: Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 28:19) 25 Participants Guide.indd 33 4/20/11 1:47 PM Mobilizing Disciples Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at Dig Deeper Read Matthew 28:16–20 and Acts 1:1–11 and answer the following questions: 1.To whom were the words of Jesus spoken in these passages? Do you believe that the Great Commission applies to us as well as to the disciples? Why or why not? 2.On what basis does Jesus give this commandment? Why is that important? 3.What will be the primary job of the disciples? (Look for the main verb.) How are we to do that job? 4.How do the verses in Matthew 28 help us to define what a disciple really is? 5.What do you think it means to be a “witness” for Jesus? (NOTE: the Greek word for “witness” is “martyr.”) 6.What promises does Jesus give to the ones who carry out this command? 26 Participants Guide.indd 34 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 7: Holy Spirit Empowerment Without the empowerment of the Holy Spirit, we can accomplish nothing. My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. 1 Corinthians 2:4–5 27 Participants Guide.indd 35 4/20/11 1:47 PM Holy Spirit Empowerment Video Testimony: Ron Walborn Ron is dean of Alliance Theological Seminary in Nyack, New York. His wife, Wanda, is director for Spiritual Formation at Nyack College. They have four children. Video Teaching Segment The Session 7 teaching segment is entitled Holy Spirit Empowerment. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. It is only by the of God that we can do the things He calls us to do and experience the of His life. 2. Peter was filled with . 3. Occasionally, Peter’s though he wanted to do the right thing. got in the way, even 4. “For I have the to do what is good, but I cannot ,” Paul wrote. (Romans 7:18) 5. Peter was and , but he lost all his old self-confidence. 6. He and the other disciples have been . 7. Jesus told them to until they had been with power from on high. 28 Participants Guide.indd 36 4/20/11 1:47 PM 8. They would be given the and the to do everything necessary to . 9. The disciples were empowered, emboldened, and given “everything we need for (2 Peter 1:3) and …” 10. [By the Holy Spirit] the disciples were enabled to righteously, boldly, mightily, and of Jesus. God to do impossible things for the glory 11. The Bible clearly teaches that everyone who is a disciple of Jesus is by the Holy Spirit. 12. A better translation of that verse might be . 13. We pray to declare that we are on Him and ask Him to our lives and hearts with His. 14. In reality, discipleship is all about our lives under the control of God as we completely to the Holy Spirit. 29 Participants Guide.indd 37 4/20/11 1:47 PM Holy Spirit Empowerment Discussion Notes Key Memorization Verse: My message and my preaching were not with wise and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power so that your faith might not rest on men’s wisdom, but on God’s power. (1 Corinthians 2:4–5) Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at 30 Participants Guide.indd 38 4/20/11 1:47 PM Dig Deeper Read John 14:15–30 and answer the following questions: 1.What words does Jesus use to describe the person and work of the Holy Spirit? 2.According to Jesus, how will the ministry of the Holy Spirit to the disciples be similar to His own? How will it be different? 3.Compare verses 17, 20, and 23. How would you describe the relationship between the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit? 4.Now read John 15:1–11. (NOTE: this word picture is sandwiched between two passages teaching about the ministry of the Holy Spirit.) Most Bible students would say that this analogy is Jesus’ picture of what a life lived in the fullness of the Holy Spirit “looks like.” Assuming this is the case, what does this passage teach about how to be filled with the Holy Spirit? 5.If we “abide in Christ” by the power of the Holy Spirit, what are the main benefits we can expect from that relationship? 31 Participants Guide.indd 39 4/20/11 1:47 PM Session 8: Faith-Filled Risks Achieving God’s purposes means taking faith-filled risks. This always involves change. And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. Hebrews 11:6 33 Participants Guide.indd 41 4/20/11 1:47 PM Faith-Filled Risks Video Testimony: Sami Dagher Sami Dagher is founder of the Alliance national churches in Lebanon and Baghdad, as well as a Bible school in the Nuba Mountains, Sudan. Currently, he is vice president of the Alliance national churches in Syria and Lebanon. Video Teaching Segment The Session 8 teaching segment is entitled Faith-Filled Risks. Throughout the segment, key words will appear on the screen. These words are the answers to the fill-in-the-blank section below. You may choose to fill in these blanks as you watch the segment or wait until it is over to do so. 1. The history of redemption is full of people who and God. 2. They became the by which God the course of history. 3. Even new believers will have the opportunity to take of trust. 4. Shiphrah and Puah were not trying to change the . They were just going to . 5. Most faith-filled risks will be the product of because we are living our . 34 Participants Guide.indd 42 4/20/11 1:47 PM 6. When we have passionately these values, we have been an of God. Discussion Notes Key Memorization Verse: And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him. (Hebrews 11:6) Supplemental Resources Additional articles, documents, and video segments can be found online at 35 Participants Guide.indd 43 4/20/11 1:47 PM Faith-Filled Risks Dig Deeper Read Hebrews 11:1–19 and answer the following questions: 1.What kinds of faith-filled risks did the people mentioned in this passage take? 2.According to verses 13–16, what perspective is necessary to cultivate if we are to live by faith successfully? 3.How is Abraham a good example to us of taking risks based upon trust in God? How much did Abraham know about God before he began to walk with Him? 36 Participants Guide.indd 44 4/20/11 1:47 PM What’s at Our Core? “Passion for Christ and a love for lost souls … that’s the heart of The Christian and Missionary Alliance!” —Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends “More than a century after its founding, The Christian and Missionary Alliance remains characterized by (a) a steadfast fidelity to God’s Word and its authority, (b) a constant testimony of Jesus Christ as God’s Son and our Savior, and (c) a Holy Spirit–inspired passion for evangelizing the nations in His Name.” —Jack Hayford, King’s University and International Foursquare Churches “Over the years I have enjoyed fellowship with Alliance missionaries around the world and support their endeavors to reach a lost world for Christ.” —Billy Graham, Billy Graham Evangelistic Association “With its network of churches both domestically and internationally, the C&MA has the potential to be one of the most significant influences of the 21st century Church when it comes to both the Great Commission and the Great Commandment.” —Clive Calver, World Relief “The Alliance has been one of the most powerful mission organizations in the world. I have served alongside Alliance workers on every continent and have a profound respect for the way they work with national churches.” —Ravi Zacharias, Ravi Zacharias International Ministries To learn more about Alliance Core Values and , visit To learn more about The Christian and Missionary Alliance, visit 39 Participants Guide.indd 47 4/20/11 1:47 PM