Voice Of Oz-India - Global Women Network
Voice Of Oz-India - Global Women Network
Voice Of Oz-India EDITOR ARUNA CHANDRALA [email protected] CONSULTANT EDITOR SAPNA SHAH [email protected] WEB CONTENT AMARINDER BAJWA JYOTHY SHANKAR SUPPORTING TEAM SUE ADVANI BHAGYA SHANKAR SHALINI PONNAIYA Objectives AIMS Establish A Global Networking Platform For Australian Women And New Migrants To Australia To Foster Peer Support, Information Sharing And Social Networking Opportunities. Enhance Awareness Amongst Women About The Various Community Services Available In Different Areas Of Need. Create a database of essential service providers to assist women’s needs (particularly those in distress). Develop strong relationships and contact points with these service providers. Create a database of similar global networks to facilitate information sharing and peer support. Establish a website with key emergency contact numbers Establish a volunteers register to augment support for current organisations and charities. Establish a benevolent fund to supplement the emergency needs of women in distress. Provide quarterly networking opportunities and information sharing sessions. Publish monthly newsletters to provide regular communication and updates to members. Seek patrons and establish a mentoring network. Aruna Chandrala, GWN President & Amarinder Bajwa, UIA President with Julia Gillard, Bob Carr, Chris Bowen “United Indian Association celebrates International Women's Day 2012" International Women's Day (IWD) is celebrated globally on March 8 every year to inspire women and celebrate their achievements and to pause, re-evaluate and contemplate those areas of women's lives where more needs to be done. United Indian Associations of NSW marked the day with its annual Women’s Forum which was held at Parramatta Town Hall, Parramatta. Mrs Sumati Advani, Chairperson of the UIA Women’s Steering Committee welcomed the participants and highlighted that this year’s IWD theme of Connecting Girls, Inspiring Futures aligns with the key objectives of the UIA Women’s Forum which are: To provide information to women, especially new migrant women to enhance their awareness about the settlement support services and different community facilities available. -To create a platform for interaction between women so they can be part of a peer support network so that they can learn from each other and help each other. -To acknowledge and celebrate the achievements of Australian Indian women. -To act as the facilitator with the Indian and Australian governments to assist women in distress. Mr Amarinder Bajwa, President of UIA highlighted the activities of UIA in support of women as well as need for the communities to come forward and support the organization to deliver the outcomes for the women in need. Mr. Bajwa applauded the efforts of the women steering committee and continued support for the women in distress. This year’s celebrations included felicitation of three leading Australian Indian Women who have excelled in their individual field making a positive contribution to the country we now call home: Sheba Nandkeolyar was recognized for her achievements in the field of Business. Sheba is CEO of Multicall Connexions, Diretor of the International Advertising Association (Australian Chapter), Vice President of the Australia India Business Council NSW and Chair of AIBC Women in Business Chapter, and Founding Chair of the Multi-Cultural Communications Council. Utilizing her innate interpersonal skills, Sheba continues to build sustainable relationships with industry partners, and key government and international blue chip agencies. Sheba is frequently requested to speak for university and business school addresses and she has been the recipient of numerous National and International Marketing awards. In 2011, she won the Gold Effie Award (Multicultural/Indigenous). Rekha Rajvanshi was recognized for her contribution in the field of Education. Rekha is the first runner-up of the Australian Institute of Interpreters and Translators (AUSIT) Excellence Awards for her translation of The Dreaming project from English into Hindi. The Dreaming stories are a renowned series of animated films based on Australian Aboriginal storytelling that have been maintained as a body of knowledge for over 40,000 years. They reveal an amazing array of lore, morals, nature and even the spiritual, through the tales of Indigenous Australians. Rekha provided the script for the thirteen most popular aboriginal animation films, which appeared in sub-titles and a voice-over. This is the first time since the Awards were instituted nationally in 2007, that a Hindi translator has won at the awards. Aishweryaa Nidhi, Artistic Director, Abhinay School of Performing Arts was recognized for her contribution in the field of Drama. Under her guidance, out of 65 Independent Theatre companies (ITC) proposals and 860 script entries, three of the plays by Indian writers from Abhinay School of Performing Arts have successfully made it to the top in the 2012 Short+ Sweet Festival recently held at King Street Theatre, Newtown, Sydney. Aishveryaa Nidhi, was nominated for Best Actress Award in Short &Sweet, Sydney 2009, (the biggest festival of 10 minute plays in the world), for her powerful performance in Mandragora. She is the recipient of Bronze (ARP) artist award at Short + Sweet Festival. UIA executive committee, GWN executive committee and Anita Prabhu, MC Julie Owens, Federal MP with participants of Women’s Forum Ana Kostaska (Senior Manager Women’s communities & Partnerships,CBA), Sue Advani -UIA Women’s Steering Committee Chairperson , Areef Sheikh -Head of Indian Banking, CBA, Aruna Charndrala GWN, President, Amrinder Bajwa UIA, President and Tarun Kumar,First Secretary, Indian High Commission, Canberra Award Winners with Sue Advani, UIA Women’s Steering Committee Chairperson Amrinder Bajwa UIA, President Sheba Nandkeolyar was the keynote speaker. Her main topic was YOU ARE WHAT YOU THINK. Are you in REVERSE GEAR or FORWARD GEAR? Sheba inspired the audience with an insight into her settlement experience and highlights of her career. Dr Shwetha Natarajan, Senior Resident Medical Officer in Critical Care, Westmead Hospital provided valuable information on Women’s Health and clarified several Medical Myths. Ana Kostoska, Senior Manager Women's Communities and Partnerships, Commonwealth Bank highlighted the various initiatives that have been put in place by Commonwealth Bank to support women in business. Mr Tarun Kumar, First Secretary, High Commission of India informed the audience of the various schemes to assist women in distress and congratulated UIA on the support and assistance it has provided in this area. He gave examples of areas of distress such as where a woman married to overseas Indian, is abandoned even before accompanying her husband to Australia, a woman ill-treated by her husband in Australia and either forced to return or forcibly sent back to India and many cases, where the children are abducted or forcibly taken away from her. Mr Tarun Kumar said that he looked forward to working with the UIA Women’s Steering Committee on the various issues affecting victims of distress. Mrs Aruna Chandrala, past President of UIA and current President of the newly formed Global Women’s Network (GWN), highlighted that GWN activities will complement and support the activities undertaken by UIA Steering Committee. She highlighted the various roles a woman plays from being a mother, wife, sister, daughter always sacrificing her own needs and being a pillar of support to the whole family so that they can grow and prosper. She expanded on the aims and objectives of the Global Women’s Network and encouraged the participants to join GWN so that even more can be done to help Australian Indian women in need. Dignitaries who attended the forum were: Ms Julie Owens, Federal MP for Parramatta, Dr Geoff Lee, State MP for Parramatta representing Hon. Victor Dominello, Minister for Citizenship and Communities and Hon. Linda Burney MP - Deputy Leader of the Opposition and Member for Canterbury, representing the Leader of the Opposition, Hon John Robertson. Mrs Anita Prabhu, President of Konkani Association of Australia, excellently moderated the Forum challenging the audience with a quiz about high achieving women. Raffle Prizes were proudly donated by Global Women’s Network and Billu’s Eatery, Harris Park. The audience was entertained with a cultural program coordinated by Mrs Shobha Ingleshwar and Mrs Bhagya Shankar. Mr Renga Rajan, Secretary UIA, delivered the Vote of Thanks to sponsor Select Insurance – Mr Vijay Raj, Billu’s at Harris Park. This year’s UIA Women’s Steering Committee consisting of Mrs Sumati Advani (Chair), Mrs Anita Prabhu, Mrs Shalini Ponnaiya and Mrs Bhagya Shankar acknowledges the considerable support provided by the executive committee members of Global Women’s Network, Mrs Aruna Chandrala, Mrs Sapna Shah, Ms Shobha Ingleshwar, Mrs Madhu Chaudhuri and Mrs Enu Raheja Narula. PAGE 6 Greater India Radio (GI Radio) has started its full seven days operations with all days dedicated to different language programs. The Greater India team not only includes young first time presenters but also seasoned presenters and broadcasters from India Radio, SBS and many media personalities. GI Radio is truly reflecting the multicultural Indian Australians and are proud to be associated with many communities. Two major Indian organisations United Indian Associations Inc. (UIA) and Hindu Council of Australia (HCA) have joined to support the programs. UIA is presenting mix of languages on Saturdays from 1pm to 2pm and HCA would be broadcasting on Sundays 1 to 2pm. All other days from Monday to Friday the broadcast is made from 7 pm to 8 pm on digital radio ‘2000’ or ‘2000 Languages’ GI Radio team is headed by Mrs. Aruna Chandrala and Mr. Amarinder Bajwa and have associated themselves with the other print and media publications. GI Radio website has also been established and the listeners can listen to the programs every day by going to the website www.GreaterIndia.com.au This is a free to air digital community radio channel and you’ll need a digital radio to listen to and is funded by the contribution from the members and sponsors. GI Radio team is actively looking for the participation from the businesses for fundraising its broadcasts and activities. GI Team thank the participants, volunteers, presenters, ethnic media – print and online as well as the community that have wholeheartedly thrown their support to the radio broadcast. PAGE 7 UIA Celebrates NSW Seniors Week 2012 United Indian Associations celebrated NSW Seniors Week with a Seniors Forum which was held at Granville Townhall on Saturday 24 March 2012. Mrs Sumati Advani, Chair of the Forum Organising Committee, welcomed the participants and said that this Forum is an opportunity for us to acknowledge the great contribution seniors make to family, friends, workplaces and their communities. Older people have skills, experience and knowledge that are vital to the productivity and the wellbeing of our community. She said that the Theme for Seniors Week Celebrations is – Live Life. A happy and healthy ageing population can contribute knowledge, experience and skills to the community and to the workforce. This in turn places less demand on social and health services and provides positive role models for younger people. Mrs Advani highlighted that caring and planning for our ageing population is one of the major challenges facing us today. United Indian Associations has participated in the state-wide planning process by making a submission to the Department of Ageing highlighting the specific issues faced by the Australian Indian Community, particularly highlighting the challenges faced by the Australian Indian Seniors on bridging visas. Mrs Advani urged the government representatives present to ensure that the specific needs of those from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds are taken into account in the forward planning, particularly the needs of those who have come here late in their lives. She highlighted the plight of those who were unfortunately confined to nursing homes where language and cultural differences resulted in even greater isolation and put significant burden on children with caring responsibilities trying to compensate for this gap. Mr Amarinder Bajwa, President of UIA, highlighted the activities of UIA for the community development, extending support to the disadvantaged sections of the community as well as helping the people in need. UIA has been in the forefront to raise the issues concerning the communities it represent at various levels of the government. Mr. Bajwa stressed the need of financial help from the governments to carry on its activities and programs to help the members of the community that need help from time to time. Consul General of India, Mr Amit Dasgupta’s key message to the community was “Forums like these accorded the possibility for the community to work, in consultation with the seniors, to identify how their quality of life may be improved. It is our collective responsibility to recognise, with humility, the extraordinary role played by seniors in our own personal lives, as also the life of the community. Any action we take to make our seniors feel wanted, loved and cared for, is something all community members should aspire towards”. Hon Andrew Constance, Minister for Aging and Disability Services acknowledged the presence of his counterpart Hon Barbara Perry, Shadow Minister for Aging and Disability Services and said that important issues such as the provision of services and quality care of Seniors and Disabled were best addressed through a bi-partisan approach. He acknowledged the significant contribution of Seniors particularly in the area of volunteering and said that Seniors are providing a great example to future generations by living life with dignity and respect. Hon Barbara Perry, Shadow Minister for Aging and Disability Services congratulated UIA for holding the annual Women’s & Seniors Forums. She acknowledged the continued efforts made by UIA to support the Indian Community and to address their various needs. She said that the Seniors were the bedrock of the community and provided valuable support through childminding, volunteering and caring for family members. Their contribution embodies great wealth in economic and humanitarian terms. She acknowledged UIA’s submission to the Department of Ageing and said that she looked forward to working with UIA to address the issues raised therein. Ms Julie Owens, Federal Member for Parramatta, highlighted the various initiatives introduced by the Federal Government to address the financial needs of the Seniors. One of the issues she highlighted was that many migrants tend to have lower superannuation when they retire particularly those who have migrated later in their lives and have not had the opportunity to contribute from their early working years. She encouraged them to take advantage of the tax benefits introduced which will enable them to catch up through additional contributions per year. She also informed the audience about the internet kiosk introduced in Parramatta where members of the community can improve on their computer skills. Presentations were also made by Hon Amanda Fazio, Opposition Whip in NSW Legislative Council, Mr Tony Issa, MP for Granville, Mrs Aruna Chandrala, President of Global Women’s Network, Mr Purshottam Arora visiting Yoga teacher and Mr Dave Passi representing Indian Seniors Group, Hornsby. Participants were entertained with Bollywood Golden Hits and Bollywood dances performed by Band Bajja Group. Lots of door prizes were won. Participants also enjoyed a delicious lunch provided by Billu’s. This year’s UIA Senior’s Forum Organising Committee consisting of Mrs Sumati Advani (Chair), Mrs Anita Prabhu, Mrs Shalini Ponnaiya and Mrs Bhagya Shankar acknowledges the considerable support provided by the executive committee members of Global Women’s Network, Mrs Aruna Chandrala, Mrs Sapna Shah, Ms Shobha Ingleshwar, Mrs Madhu Chaudhuri and Mrs Enu Raheja Narula. PAGE 10 MOI’S SCHEME FOR GIVING LEGAL / FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE TO INDIAN WOMEN DESERTED BY THEIR OVERSEAS INDIAN / FOREIGN HUSBANDS The Government of India has in place a Scheme for providing legal / financial assistance to Indian women deserted by their overseas Indian or foreign husbands. The objective of the scheme is to provide some financial assistance to needy Indian women in distress who have been deserted by their overseas Indian / foreign husbands for obtaining Tarun Kumar,First Secretary, counseling and legal services.“Desertion” in the context of eligibility Indian High Commission, Canberra for providing financial assistance under the MOI’s Scheme would mean the voluntary abandonment of the wife by her husband. Also, if the husband – by his words – compels the wife to leave the matrimonial home or stay away without reasonable cause, he will be guilty of desertion, though the wife has seemingly separated from him. The counseling and legal services would be provided through credible Indian Women’s Organisations/Indian Community Associations/NGOs identified for providing such services and empanelled with the Indian Missions in the USA, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia and the Gulf countries. The Scheme is a welfare measure to support Indian women in distress through the mobilization of the local Indian community in the endeavour and with some financial assistance from the Government. In Australia, various Missions have empanelled Indian community organizations fulfilling the requisite eligibility conditions laid down by the Government to channelize the benefits of the Scheme to Indian women in distress. In the State of New South Wales, the United Indian Associations is the Indian community organisation which has been empanelled for the purpose. There are certain eligibility conditions laid down by the Government for the extension of the Scheme. Details of these conditions can be accessed on the Website of the Ministry of Overseas Indian Affairs, Government of India. The financial assistance under the Scheme has been revised with effect from 30th November, 2011. The assistance is now limited to US$ 3,000/- per case for developed countries and US$ 2,000/- per case for developing countries. The assistance is released to the empanelled legal counsel of the applicant or through the Indian community organizations/ women organizations / NGOs which include local NGOs empanelled with the Indian Missions/Posts abroad acting on the women’s behalf in an overseas legal institution. It should be noted that this financial assistance is meant to enable for steps to be taken to assist the Indian women in documentation and preparatory work for filing the case against their Indian or foreign husbands in a Court of Law. PAGE 11 GWN Events Meet & Greet + Plate for Mates Fundraising April 27, 2012, Royal India Restaurant, Strathfield, special guest Michelle Rowland, MP Mothers Day May 18, 2012, Venue TBA, special performance by Anita Lerche, Danish singer singing Punjabi songs. UIA Events Hornsby Seniors Meeting Every 3rd Sunday, 1-4pm at Epping Library, 1 Chambers Court, Epping .Contact Mrs. Lilly Baroah, President -98711548, Dave Passi, Secretary - 0413 760 300, Aruna Chandrala, Public Officer- 0410 338 900 Indian Australian Dancing Star 2012 +Anita Lerche Performance May 19, 2012 Sydney Bahai Centre,107 Derby Street, Silverwater 5:30 pm Patel Brothers–Harris Park & Quakers Hill, Daawat Indian Restaurant – Westmead Maya Da Dhabha – Surry Hills, Roshan’s Fashions – Campsie & Liverpool Bisarjan - Rabindranath Tagore’s Play Saturday 21 April , 6:30pm,Tom Mann Theatre,136 Chalmers Street, Surry Hills NSW, tickets $40 or $25 Contact: Neel 0411 298 436, Prabir 0448 480 323 Amarinder 0421 998 458 Dr. Ayaz 0414 372 485 Tillana - 5:30 pm, Saturday 28 April, by Tamil Manram, The Hills Sports High School, 56 Best Road, Seven Hills, Thillana is a dance competition conducted to promote and showcase the talents among the Australian Community of different age groups in classical/Kollywood/Bollywood categories. UIA India Australia Friendship Fair 2012 August 2012 Sydney Olympic Park Upcoming Community Events Movie Show– “Jury” 22 April 2012, Civic Theatre, 14-16 Macmahon Street, Hurstville, at 3 pm and 5.30 pm. International Hindi Language Teaching Symposium / Workshop by Ashok Chakradhar, 2 May 2012 2:30 – 4:30 pm at NSW Parliament House International Hindi Grammar Teaching Symposium by Bageshri Chakradhar 18 May 2012 3:30 – 5:00 pm at Parramatta Town Hall Kavi Sammelans in Sydney 18 May 2012 Parramatta Town Hall, 5:30-8:00 pm, tickets $25. Sydney Sakhi Sangam 24th June 2012, The Croatian Club, 921 Punchbowl Rd, Punchbowl, 11am Sharp, Theme: Dazzling Divas. For tickets Contact: Nandini Thadani 0423 684 340; Sushma: 0411 967 374; Aruna Chandrala 0410 338 900 Multi– Faith Devotional Get2gether 1 July, 1:30 to 4pm, 85, Bland St, Ashfield, To register call Om –042530754 /1300567680, [email protected] PAGE 12 Vaisakhi Celebration in NSW Parliament COMMUNITY EVENTS Punjabi Council of Australia takes pride to share that Vaisakhi was celebrated at NSW Parliament on 2nd April 2012. This was 7th celebration in a row and we really thank NSW Parliament & Parliamentary host Hon Nathan Reese for helping us in organising the event.The guests started coming in from 5.30pm at the Historic Jubilee Hall of the Parliament. The program officially began at 6.00PM with traditional Shabad Singing by North Shore Sikh Youth Choir, Turramurra followed by National Anthem of Australia and India. Dr Moninder Singh started the proceedings & welcomed the dignitaries including Leader of the Opposition Hon John Robertson MP, Hon Victor Dominello MP Minister for Citizenship & Communities, & Minister for Aboriginal Affairs rep Premier Hon Berry O Farrell, Hon Nathan Reese MP and Ex Premier NSW, Hon Harjit Sethi Vice Consul at Indian Consulate Sydney, Mr Amrinder Bajwa President UIA (all dignitaries addressed the gathering). Other dignitaries present were many Parliamentarians, leaders from Indian and Pakistani community, and representatives from Sikh Centres Parklea, Turra Murra & Revesby, and Cultural Associations & Sports Clubs. HOLI HULLAD The Holi Hullad charity dinner was organised on 30thMarch at Parravilla Function Centre to raise funds for the Cambodian Children’s Trust and Shanti Sahyog-a Gandhian NGO of Delhi. The purpose of the charity was to empower girls living in the Kalkaji slums in Delhi by giving sewing training and sewing machines. The Holi Hullad charity event was organised by the Indian Literary and Art Society of Australia Inc.(ILASA), Monika Geet Mala 89.7 FM and The Indian Down Under. $8000 were raised with the support of Sydney’s business communities and individuals.