Spring 2014: Click here to pdf.


Spring 2014: Click here to pdf.
Spring 2014
Volume 25 No.2
Conservation League
4 ~ Edisto River
11 ~ Solar Rises
15 ~ Beaufort Gives
16 ~ CCL's First Decade
20 ~ More Food Hubs
25th Anniversary
Spring 2014
Vol. 25
No. 2
Founding Principles in 1989
Hold True Today
Dana Beach
Project Manager
Reed Armstrong
Where there is no vision, the people perish. – Proverbs
Office Director Nancy Cave
Office Director Merrill McGregor
Govt. Relations Specialist Anne Petterson Hutto
Utility Regulation Specialist Kenneth Sercy
Program Directors Hamilton Davis
Project Managers
GrowFood Carolina
Michelle Sinkler
Lisa Turansky
Katie Zimmerman
Myles Maland
Natalie Olson
Sara Clow
Jessica Diaz
Nina Foy
Benton Montgomery
Jake Sadler
Bob Tremayne
Director of Development
Interim Dir. of Development
Foundation and Major Gifts
Events Manager
Membership Director
Abby Rowland
Cathy Forrester
Shannyn Smith
Bea Girndt
Danner Friedman
HR and Administration
Director of Finance
Data Manager
Administrative Assistant
Clerical Support
Tonnia Switzer-Smalls
Tina Allen
Nora Kravec
Louann Yorke
Chanta Adams
Board of Directors
Roy Richards, Chair
Andy Berly
Richard R. Schmaltz
William Cogswell
Jeffrey Schutz
Andrea Ziff Cooper
Stan Stevens
Ceara Donnelley
John Thompson
Berry Edwards
Bill Turner
Katharine Hastie
David Westerlund
W. Jefferson Leath
Peter Wilborn
Alex Marsh
Stephen Zoukis
James R. McNab, Jr.
Advisors and Committee Members
Paul Kimball
Hugh Lane
Jay Mills
Editor Virginia Beach
Designer Julie Frye
P.O. Box 1765 Q Charleston, SC 29402
Phone: (843) 723-8035 Q FAX: (843) 723-8308
Email: [email protected]
website: www.CoastalConservationLeague.org
P.O. Box 1861 QBeaufort, SC 29901
Phone: (843) 522-1800
1001 Washington Street, Suite 300 Q Columbia, SC 29201
Phone: (803) 771-7102
P.O. Box 603 Q Georgetown, SC 29442
Phone: (843) 545-0403
hank you to our members and supporters for
sustaining and inspiring us for the last quartercentury. This 25th anniversary year is a good time
to reflect on our founding principles as well as on
our vision for the future. It compels us to connect
the work we do on a daily basis to the broader goals
and aspirations we all share for the Lowcountry in the 21st
The Coastal Conservation League was founded in 1989,
two decades after the passage of groundbreaking federal
environmental legislation – the Clean Water Act, the Clean
When we
Air Act, Superfund and the Endangered Species Act. By the
opened shop
late 1980s, it was clear that while these laws had countered
in 1989, South
many threats to the environment, they failed to address
Carolina was
a fundamental problem — the rapid spread of sprawling
losing rural
development and the associated loss of wildlife habitat, historic
land to sprawl
and cultural sites, and quality of life. Nowhere was this more
at the rate of
evident than in the South Carolina Lowcountry.
400 acres a day.
As a result, the Conservation League spent the first decade
Our founding
and a half intensely focused on improving land use practices
passion was
for the benefit and health of our waterways, wildlife and
to stop the
people. We championed more traditional, common-sense
bleeding and
patterns of development—versus the default mode of sprawl
protect the
— in order to save land, reduce housing and infrastructure
costs, and increase public transit usage, bicycling and walking.
farms, forests,
We promoted thoughtful planning as a cure for many of
swamps and
our problems — almost everything but the common cold.
marshes of the
In recognition of the innovative quality of our land use
achievements, we received a foundation grant in the late 1990s
to support my travel around the country to speak about the
League's work and the connection between conservation and
regional and neighborhood planning.
For us, compact, mixed-use development in the right location at the right scale
was part of a larger vision for our region — a place that could prosper without
sacrificing its environment and quality of life. In the last 25 years, we have written,
published and presented hundreds of slide shows, editorials, columns, brochures and
maps illustrating our regional vision.
When we opened shop in 1989, South Carolina was losing rural land to sprawl
at the rate of 400 acres a day. Our founding passion was to stop the bleeding and
protect the threatened farms, forests, swamps and marshes of the Lowcountry.
The first principle we embraced was the importance of containing urban areas
in a greenbelt of protected land. Today more than one million acres of land are
All contents herein are copyright of the Coastal Conservation League.
Reprinting is strictly prohibited without written consent.
Cover Photo — St. Thomas and St. Denis Church
at Cainhoy, by Dana Beach
Dana Beach
25th Anniversary
protected by either conservation easements or public ownership.
Another million acres have been stabilized by strong zoning and
infrastructure restrictions.
What, then, becomes of these lands and waters we’ve worked so
diligently to protect? What animals and plants will they support
and what will their economic uses be? In national forests and
state wildlife areas and on large hunting properties, we promote
the restoration of native ecosystems, especially the upland longleaf
pine forests that once covered 90 million acres of the Southeastern
coastal plain; but have now been reduced to fragments on less than
3 million acres.
On the extensive and highly productive agricultural lands of the
coast, our goal is to establish a local food system that can underpin
the revival of rural communities and economies, and at the same
time inspire stewardship and sustainable use of soil and water.
Our efforts in this arena have revolved around regulatory reform,
sustainable agriculture, and the creation of the state’s first local food
hub, GrowFood Carolina.
It is not enough to just constrain land conversion from the
outside and restore natural forests and wetlands. It is also critically
important to promote great development in those areas where
development is appropriate. In part, this means advocating land
use patterns that accommodate walking, bicycling and transit, along
with driving.
We have pushed to change the dominant paradigm of
development from low density, single-use sprawl to traditional
patterns of city building, where houses, offices, stores and parks
are integrated into a harmonious whole, much like historic
Georgetown, Charleston, Beaufort and other cities were designed
before the advent of the automobile. We have undertaken this
effort by promoting new zoning codes in coastal counties and
municipalities, by supporting exemplary projects — such as I’On
in Mt. Pleasant — by improving state and local planning policies,
and by sponsoring dozens of educational programs around the
Lowcountry explaining the virtues of traditional neighborhood
This is our physical, ecological and economic vision of the
Lowcountry in broad-brush strokes. There is vastly more detail
to be filled in on the issues of wildlife, water quality, public health
and other related topics, which I will write about in the coming
months. Meanwhile, I hope this first 25th anniversary installment
helps frame the work we do, and the reasons we do it, in a way that
makes it as comprehensible and persuasive to you as it is compelling
and inspiring to us.
Our vision is one of highly functional urban areas
along with thriving small town and rural communities,
embedded in a continuous "green belt" of protected
land. Today more than one million acres of land are
protected by either conservation easements or public
ownership. Another million acres have been stabilized
by strong zoning and infrastructure restrictions.
Core Land Use Principles of the Coastal Conservation League
The Lowcountry’s cities, towns, villages and crossroads should
be imbedded in a protected greenbelt that defines the edges of
settlement and protects the farms, forests, swamps and marshes
that compose the rural landscape.
Native ecosystems, such as longleaf pine forests, should be
protected and restored throughout the rural landscape.
Agriculture should serve as the foundation for the rural economy,
supported by a local food system that provides farmers of all sizes
access to the state’s thriving metropolitan economies.
As an antidote to sprawl, development should be efficient,
functional and inspiring, following traditional patterns where
houses, offices, stores, parks and other land uses are integrated
into a harmonious whole.
Water Supply
The Walther Potato Farm
and the Edisto River
When the well is dry, we know the worth
of water – Benjamin Franklin, 1746
by Lisa Turansky, Director,
Food and Agriculture Program
Because it is an agricultural operation,
Walther Farms is not required to obtain
a water withdrawal permit, unlike an
industry or utility. When the Walther
family began constructing an irrigation
system on the site, local fishermen and
boaters sounded the alarm that the
operation represented a serious threat
to the river.
by Tim Rogers and Bob Guild, filed suit
against the S.C. Department of Health
and Environmental Control (DHEC, the
water permitting agency) and Walther
Farms. FRED’s goal was aimed at
reducing the impacts of the withdrawal
and protecting the river during dry
periods when the water level is low. The
debate raged in the press, capturing
statewide attention.
Historically, the Coastal Conservation
League has not been involved with
environmental issues as far up the Edisto
River as Aiken, S.C.; but a large number
of League members and supporters were
alarmed over the proposed withdrawal. In
addition, the Conservation League had
led the five-year effort that culminated
in the passage of the 2010 Surface Water
Withdrawal Act. That legislative victory,
combined with the public outcry and
Lisa Turansky
ater sustains all life. No
community is exempt from
the absolute necessity of
a clean and ample water
supply. In particular, water
is a key determinant of food
production and with fertile
lands across the West drying up, the
conversation about water is increasingly
focused on conserving its supply. In 2007,
the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change noted that the availability and
quality of water will be a primary pressure
on societies and the environment.
If there was ever a case study in the
changing conversation about water, it is
the debate that surfaced last December
over the Walther potato farm in Aiken
County on the banks of the South Edisto
River. This winter, in compliance with
South Carolina law, Michigan-based
Walther Farms registered to withdraw
more than 6 billion gallons of water
per year from the Edisto. Because it
is an agricultural operation, Walther
Farms is not required to obtain a water
withdrawal permit, unlike an industry or
utility. When the Walther family began
constructing an irrigation system on the
site, local fishermen and boaters sounded
the alarm that the operation represented a
serious threat to the river.
Residents were understandably upset
about potential damage from the large
volume of water diversion. Friends of
the Edisto River (FRED), represented
Jeremy Walther at the site of the irrigation pump.
importance of this magnificent river
to South Carolinians, compelled us to
The Walther family was advised by
agricultural stakeholders, including the
S.C. Department of Agriculture, to
discuss potential impacts to the Edisto
River with the Conservation League.
Ducks Unlimited, which holds a 900-acre
easement on part of the farm, offered
to make an introduction. On our first
phone call with Jason Walther, the
president of the company, we expressed
our concerns about the river and asked
that they adopt a plan to reduce their
usage and protect the river during low
flows. This phone call led to a second call
and then a visit to the farm on January
7th, the day of a public meeting on the
water withdrawal in Aiken.
Conservation League staff conducted
extensive research on the potential
damage, and the technology that could
mitigate its impact. We toured the entire
operation, including hardwood cutting
that had taken place on a second site.
At the end of this five-hour visit, we
asked the Walthers to make a number
of modifications to the operation.
Specifically, we asked for a plan to reduce
their water usage during periods when
the river was low and encouraged them to
reduce their overall total withdrawal. We
also requested that they eliminate river
water withdrawal on the second site, using
groundwater instead. Because the current
flow gauge is some distance from the
farm, we discussed installing an additional
gauge. Furthermore, we urged them to
stop the hardwood cutting, which was
roughly half complete, and asked them to
extend the Ducks Unlimited conservation
easement to the rest of the property. With
little delay, they agreed to all of these
The following Thursday, January
9th, League Executive Director Dana
Beach spent the day with Tim Rogers,
Bob Guild and Jason Walther discussing
the proposal. Two weeks later, FRED
agreed to the compromise and withdrew
their lawsuit. As a result, the Walthers
modified their DHEC withdrawal
registration from 800 million gallons
per month to 400 million gallons. They
agreed to dig a well for use during periods
of low flow on the first site and use only
groundwater for the second site. They
terminated the hardwood logging and
agreed to move forward with expanding
easements on the property. The
Walthers also agreed to install a U.S.
Geological Survey-certified flow gauge
Lisa Turansky
Water Supply
(l-r) Dana Beach, Tyler Stone and Jason Walther.
Conservation League staff conducted extensive research on the potential damage
from the operation, and the technology that could mitigate its impact. We toured
the entire operation, including hardwood cutting that had taken place on a second
site. At the end of this five-hour visit, we asked the Walthers to make a number
of modifications to the operation, all of which they agreed to do.
at the most appropriate site near the
withdrawal. Lastly, they agreed to replant
the disturbed buffer along the Edisto
River with native vegetation.
While a compromise between
conservationists and agribusiness, as
well as a willingness on the part of the
landowner to resolve concerns, served to
protect the Edisto River in this instance,
water withdrawal issues are far from
over. In response to the public outcry for
stronger water laws, state Senator Chip
Campsen and state Representative James
Smith have introduced Senate (S-970)
and House bills (H-4794 and H-4817)
that require large agriculture operations
to follow the permitting process that
governs industrial operations. These bills,
while well intentioned, do not remedy the
water withdrawal concerns shared by the
conservation community statewide.
Even if the Walthers had been subject
to the permitting process under these new
bills, they would have been required to
do some, but not all, of the things they
agreed to voluntarily in the settlement.
We cannot take the Walthers’ good faith
efforts for granted or expect that other
large farm operations will be as responsive
as the Walthers family. The challenge
we face is to enact policies and programs
that protect iconic rivers like the Edisto
by fostering the same types of balanced,
proactive and innovative practices that
characterize the Walther Farm resolution.
Saving Cainhoy
For more than 50 years,
ill-planned development has
had devastating consequences
for historic communities on the
South Carolina coast.
The recent “fast-tracking” of
development on the Cainhoy
peninsula is completely counter to
the legacy of historic preservation
that distinguishes Charleston.
Numerous African-American
communities comprised of
descendants of slaves from the
area’s plantations, as well as
descendants of the Anglicans,
Huguenots and Congregationalists
who settled there in the 17th and
18th centuries, are standing in
opposition to the development of
the Harry F. Guggenheim family
lands. Churches, cemeteries, local
businesses, gathering places and
historic roadways and footpaths
are at risk of being reduced to
descriptive subdivision names
and street signs. If plans by the
developers–facilitated by the
City of Charleston–are realized, a
living culture may become a mere
footnote to history.
lthough the Cainhoy peninsula once seemed a world apart from the
Charleston peninsula, it was never as isolated as the more remote
barrier and sea islands of the South Carolina coast. Rural Cainhoy
developed an economy and culture closely intertwined with that
of the thriving port city to the south. White entrepreneurs and
planters populated the peninsula alongside enslaved West Africans and free
black landowners and artisans. Bound by the Cooper and Wando rivers
and associated tributaries, Cainhoy became an early thoroughfare between
inland enterprises and plantations, and the Port of Charleston. The Dover
and Calais Ferry, Clement’s Ferry Road, Meeting Creek and Fogartie’s
Landing are just a few of the site names that evoke the network of trade and
travel that crisscrossed the historic peninsula.
While the legacy of slavery, Reconstruction and Jim Crow kept the
black and white communities relatively separate for more than two-anda-half centuries, a great deal of commerce and interdependency connected
the two. According to historian Suzannah Smith Miles and others, the
Cainhoy peninsula was a melting pot. St. Thomas Parish of Cainhoy
notes in its 1728 Annals a population of 565 whites, 950 negroes, 60
Indian slaves and 20 free negroes. A surprising number of freemen owned
property early on, including John Primus, who purchased 100 acres on the
peninsula in 1712 and for whom the Jack Primus community is named.
Likewise, the blended name of St. Thomas and St. Denis Church reflects
the melding of the Anglican and Huguenot communities at Cainhoy, just
as the Congregational Meeting House became Presbyterian and ultimately
evolved into a Methodist church. Today, the Cainhoy Presbyterian/
Methodist Cemetery and Old Ruins Corporation cares for the old meeting
house ruins and graveyard, which includes both white and black burial sites.
Dana Beach
A Grave
The Other Historic Peninsula
View across Flagg Creek of the woodland
buffers surrounding the BP chemical plant,
opposite the Cainhoy peninsula.
Saving Cainhoy
plantation “Cain Hoy” and transformed
it into a timber operation and hunting
retreat. Between 1946 and 1955, he
purchased another 4,000 acres on
Daniel Island where he established one
of the nation’s largest Hereford cattle
herds. Over the years, Guggenheim
extended timely and generous
philanthropy to the nearby AfricanAmerican communities, in addition to
restoring the historic St. Thomas and St.
Denis Church (pictured on the cover).
Natalie Olson
Francis Marion
National Forest
Daniel Island
In the Way
n 1971, Harry F. Guggenheim
died and Cainhoy Plantation was
transferred into three separate
family corporations: 5,700 acres
owned by Cain Hoy Land & Timber,
LLC; 1,860 acres owned by Trust 1,
LLC, and 1,573 acres owned by Tract
7, LLC. For the next two decades,
the Cainhoy peninsula remained
“For good or bad we are all connected. Like Childsbury, Bonneau
Ferry and Mepkin Abbey [all of which are permanently protected],
Cainhoy Plantation has enormous historic, cultural and ecological
wealth; and irreplaceable strategic value given its place in this
immensely complex and intricate system that includes the Francis
Marion National Forest and the Cooper and Wando rivers."
Nearby, lies historic Cainhoy Village
where several buildings are listed on the
National Register of Historic Places,
including St. Peter’s AME Church,
the Mary Lesesne House and the old
Wando Post Office.
A wide variety of industry and
commerce fueled the Cainhoy economy,
ranging from what is believed to be
America’s earliest creamware pottery
factory in the 18th century to a thriving
moonshine trade in the 20th. The
abundant clay found in the surrounding
waterways also fed Carolina’s first
brickyards, which began as small
hand-press operations and quickly
scaled up into steam-powered factories.
After the Civil War, lumber and
truck farming dominated. As workers
began commuting off the peninsula for
better opportunities following World
War II, transportation by water and
road to Charleston remained a key
factor in keeping the economy rolling.
During the 1920s and 30s, the
Guggenheim family of New York
began buying up property in the South
Carolina Lowcountry. The first purchase
was made by Solomon Guggenheim in
the 1920s — a 12,000-acre plantation
near Walterboro, S.C. Not far away,
along the Ashepoo River, Robert
Guggenheim also bought a place. Then
during the 1930s, Solomon’s nephew
Harry Frank Guggenheim acquired
10,000 acres on the Cainhoy peninsula
for use as a winter home.
Harry F. Guggenheim named his
Dana Beach
- Father Stanislaus Gumula
Mile marker 6 on the old Road to Calais
that ran across Cainhoy Plantation to the
Calais Ferry landing on Daniel Island.
Saving Cainhoy
Topographic map of
Cainhoy Plantation showing
the northern and southern
sections of the property
bisected by Clements Ferry
Road. Note the plateau
(reddish-brown) across the
top half, where old-growth
longleaf pine forest and
endangered red-cockaded
woodpeckers thrive.
primarily agricultural with scattered
small businesses serving a mostly local
Then in 1991, the City of
Charleston pursued the annexation of
Daniel Island and reached an agreement
with the Guggenheim descendants.
A series of subsequent annexations
succeeded in bringing Cainhoy
Plantation into Charleston as well.
While the city agreed to provide sewer
and water and other public amenities
for Daniel Island, it pledged not to
impose zoning restrictions that might
protect Cainhoy.
Fast on the heels of the annexations,
the Mark Clark Expressway and Don
Holt Bridge opened in 1992 across
Thomas and Daniel islands. An
interchange soon followed that allowed
traffic to flow north on Clements Ferry
Road to Wando, Cainhoy and Huger,
and south to Thomas and Daniel
islands. Several years later, a second,
separate exit opened onto Daniel Island.
Excluding the interchanges, the
City of Charleston poured more than
$23 million into the Daniel Island
development in the form of water and
sewer systems, parks and buildings.
The infusion of publicly funded
infrastructure laid the groundwork
for the sale of Daniel Island to the
Daniel Island Company in 1997 and
its subsequent development into a new,
upscale island town. It also propelled
outside development along Clements
Ferry Road, a first for the tight-knit
community that lined the road corridor.
Added pressure came in 1999, when
the State Ports Authority launched
an initiative to expand onto Daniel
Island. The newly proposed “Global
Gateway” promised to enlarge the Port
of Charleston into a facility comparable
to that of the Port of Los Angeles. The
expansion — supported by the City
of Charleston and the S.C. Chamber
of Commerce — included a railroad
line that ran directly through Thomas
Island and the Jack Primus Community
in order to reach the proposed Daniel
Island terminal.
Community leader and firefighter
Fred Lincoln, together with his
neighbors, formed a group called the
Wando Concerned Citizens Committee
to fight the new port and rail line.
Soon, the Mt. Pleasant group Contain
the Port joined in, along with the
Coastal Conservation League. State
Representative Arthur Ravenel and state
Senators Glenn McConnell and the late
Bill Mescher also rose to the defense
of the community. After three long
years, the unnecessary rail line and illconceived port expansion were defeated
by an act of the S.C. Legislature.
“They say [development]
is going to appreciate your
property value so they are
ready to put a commercial
development next to these
communities because, in
their eyes, this will help
you; but it doesn’t help us,
it helps to force us off our
property.”-Fred Lincoln
Saving Cainhoy
Too Much Too Fast
eginning in the early 2000s,
Fred Lincoln and his home
community of Jack Primus, along
with MaeRe Skinner and her
neighbors at Cainhoy Village, fought
one development threat after another.
The City of Charleston was permitting
development along the south end of the
Cainhoy peninsula in piecemeal fashion
due to little or no zoning. One such
incompatible land use pushed by the
city was a massive dirt mine, which Fred
and MaeRe and other citizens defeated
by suing in favor of zoning protection
for the area. But not all battles were
As Fred Lincoln explains to author
Herb Frazier in his 2011 book, Behind
God’s Back, most property owners
want their land value to rise, but he
says, “If you don’t plan to sell your
ancestral property, you want your value
to decrease because of tax concerns.”
Developers don’t easily grasp that
concept, according to Lincoln. “They
say [development] is going to appreciate
your property value so they are ready
to put a commercial development next
to these communities because, in their
eyes, this will help you; but it doesn’t
help us, it helps to force us off our
In 2013, the Berkeley County
School District identified a site on the
southern portion of the Guggenheims’
Cainhoy Plantation property for a
new high school. The Guggenheims’
representatives and the City of
Charleston claimed that fast-tracking
a master development plan for both
the southern and northern portions
of Cainhoy Plantation was necessary
to allow Berkeley County to move
forward with the proposed school. In
reality, Berkeley County could proceed
with the purchase and development
of school sites — including both a
high school and a middle school —
without precipitating a hastily drawn
development plan.
In spite of that fact, the developers
and the city are rushing approval of a
plan for both the northern and southern
portions of Cainhoy Plantation that
would permit the construction of
more than 18,000 residential units,
covering most of the high ground on
the property.
Unfortunately, the 1990s annexation
deal between the owners of Cainhoy
Plantation and the City of Charleston
allowed overly permissive zoning and
negated meaningful public input. The
Planning Commission’s scope of review
was reduced to “comment and review
of the relationship of the proposed
uses to roads, buffers and adjacent
properties . . . [with no] right to restrict
the use or density of the property as a
result of such review.” This amended
process was unprecedented and gave the
developers almost unlimited discretion
while receiving millions of dollars worth
of public subsidies and infrastructure.
Worthy of Preservation
ooking at a map puts the Cainhoy
peninsula in geographical and
historic context. On its borders
lie the historic Cooper and Wando
rivers, Beresford and Flagg creeks, as
well as the East Branch plantation
district and the 250,000-acre Francis
Marion National Forest. The
peninsula’s rich history is intimately
connected to these lands and waters.
Family ties go back several generations.
Many residents have lived here all
their lives. Some who did leave for
opportunity elsewhere are returning to
family lands to enjoy a peaceful, rural
quality of life.
At the heart of the peninsula is
9,000-acre Cainhoy Plantation, an
extraordinarily varied and rich tract.
Across the northern section stretches a
broad plateau, some 40 feet in elevation,
which harbors rare old-growth longleaf
pine forest and 16 endangered redcockaded woodpecker colonies.
Cainhoy is also part of the historic
Cooper River Corridor, anchoring the
southern end of the river just as Mepkin
Abbey anchors the north.
“There is so much historic
material both underground
and above ground that has
yet to be researched and
documented. There is a lack
of understanding on the part
of the city and the developers
as to what could be lost by
proceeding too fast.”
-Macky Hill
As Mepkin Abbot Stanislaus
Gumula states, “For good or bad we
are all connected. Like Childsbury,
Bonneau Ferry and Mepkin Abbey [all
of which are permanently protected],
Cainhoy Plantation has enormous
historic, cultural and ecological wealth;
and irreplaceable strategic value given
its place in this immensely complex
and intricate system that includes the
Francis Marion National Forest and the
Cooper and Wando rivers.”
Bisected by Clements Ferry Road,
the plantation is believed to harbor
a treasure trove of Native American
archaeological sites, colonial roads and
ferry landings, numerous historic houses
and churches and cemeteries, as well
as the remains of three centuries worth
of human enterprise. Macky Hill,
whose family owns nearby Middleburg
Plantation on the East Branch of the
Cooper River, has spent a lifetime
studying and exploring the area while
also serving as president of the CAWS
(continued on page 22)
Clean Air
The Bosworth Group
Legal Update
Charleston Shore
Power Now!
by Katie Zimmerman – Air, Water
and Public Health Program Director
his February was declared “Shore
Power Now” Month by Charleston
Communities for Cruise Control
(charlestoncruisecontrol.org). The
month was used to highlight the mounting
evidence showing that use of shore power at the proposed new
cruise terminal in Charleston could protect the community
from dangerous air pollution emitted from idling cruise ships.
February started with the announcement from state
Representatives Leon Stavrinakis (D-Charleston) and James
Merrill (R-Charleston) that they have placed a line item in
the state draft budget to set aside $5 million for shore power
infrastructure at the new terminal. The month culminated in
the passing of a Charleston City Council resolution supporting
shore power at the cruise terminal “when needed.” The next
step is to help our elected officials understand that “when
needed” means now!
Carnival Cruise Lines also announced this winter that it
plans to retrofit several of its ships, including the Charlestonbased Fantasy, with scrubber technology so that the ship can
continue to burn cheaper dirty fuel while attempting to reduce
emissions. While scrubbers would reduce sulfur dioxide and
some particulate pollution (compared to burning dirty fuel
without scrubbers), shore power would
reduce a greater share of the harmful
pollutants. Moreover, scrubbers and
shore power in combination would
result in the ultimate protection
of public health, especially when
SCE&G switches from coal-fired
power to a cleaner energy source as
anticipated in 2019.
Corps of Engineers Federal Permit Challenge
n a major victory last September, a U.S. District
Court found that a federal Corps of Engineers permit
issued for the proposed new cruise ship terminal was
unlawful. The S.C. State Ports Authority (SPA) and
the Corps then filed appeals. However, earlier this year,
those parties withdrew their appeals in recognition that
their legal challenges were unlikely to succeed. Now
the Corps of Engineers must re-evaluate SPA’s request
for a permit, looking at impacts of the entire project,
not just the pilings to support construction.
Carnival Nuisance Lawsuit
wo-and-a-half years after filing a lawsuit, the
Coastal Conservation League, the Preservation
Society of Charleston, the Historic Ansonborough
Neighborhood Association, and the Charlestowne
Neighborhood Association were told by the S.C.
Supreme Court that they had no standing to bring
nuisance claims against Carnival Corporation. While
disappointing, this was a technical ruling that did not
reflect on the merits of the case. Because it viewed
the negative impacts of cruise operations as being
widespread, the Court held that nuisance suits must be
brought by individual property owners.
State Permit Challenge
year after the Conservation League and its
coalition partners filed a request in the state’s
Administrative Law Court (ALC) for a hearing to
challenge the state permit to install pilings in the
critical area for the new cruise terminal, a trial date has
been set for this June. The Administrative Law Judge
recently issued several rulings that limit the ability of
League attorneys to gather evidence in the case and
properly prepare for trial. The League's attorneys
intend to challenge that ruling as unlawful.
In addition, attorneys from the South Carolina
Environmental Law Project and the Southern
Environmental Law Center representing the
Conservation League recently requested that the ALC
declare that inclusion of a cruise management plan
as a permit condition be binding on the State Ports
Authority. Among other things, the plan limits the
number of cruise ships at the new terminal to 104 ship
visits a year and requires a year-long consultation process
with multiple parties before that number can change.
State House 2014
Smart energy
for south carolina
by Hamilton Davis,
Director, Energy & Climate Program
olar energy had a banner
year in 2013, growing its
market in the United States
by 41 percent. Our
neighboring states
enjoyed much of this
growth, as North Carolina
(#3) and Georgia (#7) ranked in
the top ten nationally for installed
solar capacity. South Carolina also
saw its first utility-scale solar farm
developed in Colleton County —
a sign that the barriers to solar
energy in our state are beginning to
crumble. In addition, the Coastal
Conservation League has ramped up
efforts to bring South Carolinians
increased access to solar energy. On
the legislative and regulatory front,
we are working to make solar power
more available to citizens, which will
lead to a cleaner environment and
healthier economy for our state.
This single wind turbine blade was recently delivered to the
Clemson wind turbine testing facility in North Charleston.
Statewide Coalition
Collaborates on Solar Bill
he S.C. Energy Advisory
Committee (EAC) recently
completed a report on
solar energy issues and
opportunities in our state.
The Conservation League is
represented on this diverse
committee, which also includes
utility and manufacturing
representatives. The study serves
to highlight and explain many of
the core issues surrounding the
solar debate that is now underway
around the country.
As the cost of solar has
dropped precipitously and utility
rates have trended upward, the
opportunity for South Carolina
home and business owners
to invest in solar has become
increasingly attractive from an
economic perspective. Although
solar presents certain long-term
challenges to the traditional utility
business model, near-term solar
opportunities are abundant and
imminently manageable.
As noted in the EAC report’s
executive summary, “How state
policymakers structure the
legal, regulatory, and economic
environment will be critical in
setting the stage for successful
development and promotion of
distributed generation in South
State House 2014
To that end, the League and our
partners have been collaborating
with utility and business interests on
a comprehensive, consensus piece of
solar legislation that was passed out
of the Senate Judiciary Committee
on April 1st (S.1189). The legislation
would make solar leasing legal in
South Carolina while enabling
expanded utility investment in solar
deployment. This legislation marks
a significant step toward creating a
viable and diverse solar market for
our state.
As a result, the new law will
prompt increased use of solar energy
and opportunity for customer savings
on monthly power bills. It will
also solve many of the marketplace
limitations solar energy has faced in
South Carolina that prevent residents
from harnessing the power of the
sun. Specifically the proposal will:
Duke Energy Solar Proposal
Raise the state limit on the size
of commercial solar power
systems — now capped at 100
kilowatts — to 1 megawatt;
Increase the statewide limit of 2
percent for the aggregate amount
of solar power eligible for net
metering programs,
And encourage utilities to
increase the amount of solar
power they use in their mix
of energy sources.
he Conservation League, along
with its partners at the Southern
Environmental Law Center
and the Southern Alliance for
Clean Energy, recently intervened
in a docket before the S.C. Public
Service Commission for approval of
a new natural gas generating facility
proposed by Duke Energy for upstate
South Carolina. A key part of the
League’s recommendations to the
Commission was a requirement for
Duke Energy to evaluate proposals
from solar developers that could
offset the cost of operating the
proposed natural gas plant.
As utility-scale solar has continued
to decline in price, it has become
increasingly competitive with
traditional energy resources like coal
and natural gas. The Conservation
League proposal would create a
mechanism by which Duke Energy
could potentially mitigate the cost
of operating the new natural gas
plant if cheaper solar energy becomes
available. The Public Service
Commission is expected to issue
an order on matter in the coming
Southeastern Solar Photovoltaic Capacity (Megawatts)
Offshore Wind
n late December, the
Conservation League organized
a briefing before the S.C. Public
Service Commission (PSC)
focused on economic development
opportunities in our state associated
with the advancement of solar,
offshore wind, and energy efficiency.
Part of the briefing included
a discussion on economic
development opportunities related
to offshore wind. The Conservation
League has been providing
guidance and feedback on proposed
legislation that will enable greater
utility investment in offshore wind
research and development options.
In addition, the League is working
with the S.C. Energy Office and
Clemson’s Strom Thurmond
Institute to complete an offshore
wind rate impact study designed
to assess electricity rate impacts
from a small-scale offshore wind
demonstration project.
Presenters at the PSC briefing
included Lee Peterson, an attorney
and advisor on solar energy
from one of the nation’s largest
accounting firms, CohnReznick.
He focused his comments on
national and regional trends related
to solar energy. Also presenting
was Brian O’Hara, President of
the Southeastern Coastal Wind
Coalition, who provided an
overview of the growing offshore
wind opportunities along the
East Coast. In addition, Carol
Werner, Executive Director of the
Environmental and Energy Study
Institute, discussed innovative
financing options for energy
efficiency that could drive local
economic development while saving
residents money on their electricity
State House 2014
Ethics Reform in the Works
early a year after being passed by
the House of Representatives, a
comprehensive ethics reform bill
was approved by the Senate in late
February after weeks of debate. The
legislation has been sent back to the
House and is now awaiting concurrence
on significant amendments. The stated
goals of those advocating for ethics reform
include tougher enforcement of ethics
violations and the increased disclosure of
financial dealings and potential conflicts
of interest.
The latest version of the legislation
makes no significant progress or change
in enforcement of violations from current
law due to Senate amendments which
have stripped the tougher enforcement
provisions from the bill.
However, significant improvements
have been made in regards to conflict
of interest and disclosure. The
"blackout window" prior to elections,
a loophole which allows candidates to
hide contribution sources until after
the campaign, has been significantly
narrowed. Leadership PACs have been
abolished. The bill further provides
for increased disclosure of the sources
of legislators' income and increased
disclosure of conflicts of interest that
legislators' business relationships may
The ethics bill also makes some
reforms with regard to lobbyists. The
period of time that former legislators must
wait after leaving public office to lobby
has increased from one to two years.
Finally, the bill eliminates the ambiguous
"consultant" moniker for individuals who
are engaged in lobbying activities, but
have not registered as lobbyists with the
Ethics Commission.
The bill as passed by the Senate, was
returned to the House several weeks
ago. Rather than take up the bill for
concurrence or nonconcurrence, the
House reassigned the bill to an ad hoc
subcommittee for further discussion in
light of the significant changes made
in the Senate. That subcommittee met
for the first time on April 3rd, and has
already removed several sections added by
the Senate. Work will continue through
the spring.
Full Funding for
Conservation Bank
Dana Beach
n March 11th of this year, the S.C.
Conservation Bank’s budget request to
receive full operational funding for FY 20142015 was overwhelmingly approved by the
House of Representatives in a vote of 101 to 9.
Additionally on March 26th, the Senate Finance
Natural Resources and Economic Development
Subcommittee unanimously voted to approve
the agency’s funding request. The Senate Finance
Committee is now poised to consider the
appropriations bill in the coming weeks. The
Conservation Bank is expected to receive about
$10 million under its statutory funding formula.
The Coastal Conservation League and its
partners will continue to work to retain full
funding of the Conservation Bank and to prevent
any efforts to divert monies from this highly
successful public agency. Since its inception in
2002, the Conservation Bank has leveraged $102.9
million dollars to permanently protect a total of
just under 200,000 acres of significant lands and
historic sites across the State of South Carolina, at
an average cost of $540 per acre.
For the Future
Leaving a
by Shannyn Smith, Foundation and Major Gifts Officer
n 2014, the Coastal Conservation League celebrates 25
years of conservation success. As a result of the work of the
League’s dedicated staff, loyal members and outstanding
partner organizations, more than one million acres of
the coastal plain have been permanently protected,
benefiting South Carolina residents and visitors alike.
This achievement is just one of many that comprises the
League’s time-tested track record of hard work and innovative
partnerships. We plan to continue this same diligence and
dedication as we build upon our accomplishments for the
next quarter-century and beyond. Please join us in creating a
legacy for future generations of the Lowcountry.
By naming the Coastal Conservation League in your estate
plans, you can support the long-term financial strength of the
League and its conservation programs. Two of the simplest
legacy gifts include a bequest through your will or trust; or a
beneficiary designation of your retirement plan, life insurance
policy, bank account, brokerage account or certificates of
deposit. Designating the Conservation League as a primary
or contingent beneficiary is easy to do and normally only
involves the completion of a form.
Types of bequests that can be designated in your will or trust
include the following:
Q Specific Bequest: You may designate a specific dollar
amount or a particular asset (e.g., artwork, collectibles or
real estate) to the Conservation League.
Q Residuary Bequest: You may designate that the
Conservation League receive all or a portion of the
remainder of your estate.
Q Contingent Bequest: In the event that your primary
beneficiary or beneficiaries do not survive you, it is a
good idea to provide a contingent designation.
The benefits of revocable planned gifts such as these are
that you can make changes at any time, provide estate tax
savings and charitable estate tax deductions, and create a
legacy that reflects your values.
If you wish to make a legacy gift to the Coastal
Conservation League, please contact Shannyn Smith,
Foundation and Major Gifts Officer, at 843-725-2058
or [email protected] for more information.
We deeply appreciate your support over the last 25 years.
Making a long-term gift — such as those outlined above —
shows commitment beyond measure. We would love to
add your name to the Coastal Legacy Society roster and
welcome your inquiries.
Thank You!
Donor Spotlight
Q&A with Beth and Gene Grace of Beaufort Interview conducted by Danner Friedman, Membership Director
QQ What do you love about the
QA We love that our region is still
so free and open, and in so many ways,
similar to how it has been over the past
200 years. There are many places to visit,
to enjoy the outdoors, and to hunt, bird,
walk and fish. Out on our farm, which is
part of the old Fuller Plantation, we can see
the exact settings that Mr. Fuller himself
saw well over a century ago – no telephone
lines and vast, endless marshes and creeks.
The peace and serenity of the Lowcountry
is still available to all.
QQ Having donated to the Coastal
Conservation League for 20 consecutive
years, what first inspired you to give to
the organization?
QA In the early 1990s Beth was
involved with the Beaufort County
Council working on critical development
issues and the first master plan. The
Coastal Conservation League came down
to Beaufort and was an incredible resource
for knowledgeable decision-making. The
fact that Dana Beach was willing to jump
in and help right away meant a lot to
us. At first, many locals were not happy
with our decisions; but over time, more
and more people have come up to us and
thanked us for our work in keeping rural
lands rural in Beaufort County. The
master plan was difficult to ameliorate all
interests, but we set a precedent for good
stewardship that remains intact.
QQ What appeals to you most about
the work of the Conservation League?
QA We are all busy and therefore
cannot keep up with the many issues
that the Lowcountry faces, but the
Conservation League always has, and
we know, always will. While we don’t agree
with every issue the organization takes a
stand on, their track record over 25 years
At home along the Beaufort River – (l-r) Ashley Hefner and Dr. Katherine Grace Hefner
and their three children; Dr. Gene Grace and his wife, Beth, and their granddaughter; Dr. Heath
Simmons and Chilton Grace Simmons and their children.
has proven to be incredibly successful
and we look at their long-term impact.
Additionally, the League is excellent at
educating the public on conservation issues
that we face in the Lowcountry. It is the
only group doing so to such a high degree
and in such broad terms.
QQ What are the environmental
issues that concern you?
QA Our main interest is water quality
and maintaining the cleanliness and
productivity of our rivers and wetlands
in Beaufort County. The estuaries are
the nurseries of the rivers and oceans.
Smart, responsible planning is critical to
protecting the health of the waterways that
define the Lowcountry. As we have seen
in the past and can see with the zoning
in coastal areas, dense development along
rivers, marshes and wetlands can lead to a
variety of ecological issues.
QQ How does your interest in
hunting inform you as a conservationist?
QA Hunting keeps us connected to
the land, and spending time outdoors
encourages us to protect these rural and
beautiful places in the Lowcountry. We
find it a great way for our family to
spend time together and teach our six
grandchildren, who all live in Beaufort,
about wildlife, farming, and hunting as a
pastime. No matter whether you hunt,
fish, bird, or whatever your interests, there
is no greater sense of community than
passing along to future generations the
values of good stewardship.
QQ What do you hope for the future
of the Lowcountry?
QA We want to maintain and improve
what makes the Lowcountry such a
special place. With the influx of people
moving to the South Carolina coast, we
need to continue to promote responsible
development that preserves our unique
quality of life. We are thankful to the
Coastal Conservation League for guarding
the integrity of the Lowcountry for 25
years, and thus are able to look forward
to the next 25. The Conservation League
works for good stewardship values
throughout the region, but their influence
is really statewide; and for this, we are
Members' Corner
CCL Events
Journey of the Universe
The Conservation League, Sophia
Institute and College of Charleston
welcomed executive producers Mary
Evelyn Tucker and John Grim to
Charleston for a viewing of the Emmy
award-winning documentary Journey of
the Universe: An Epic Story of Cosmic,
Earth, and Human Transformation.
If you were not able to join us for
this event, check out more about the
documentary online:
Jim Pfitzer portrays Aldo Leopold at a performance sponsored
by the Conservation League and the College of Charleston.
Aldo Leopold on Stage
The Conservation League and College of Charleston Philosophy Department
sponsored a performance of Aldo Leopold: A Standard of Change — a oneman, one-act play, written by (and starring) storyteller Jim Pfitzer. Set one
evening in and around the famous Wisconsin shack that inspired much of
Aldo Leopold’s writing, A Standard of Change explores the influences and
challenges that led to Leopold penning his landmark book A Sand County
Almanac. If you missed this performance, be sure to check out more
information online: http://www.astandardofchange.com/
Mary Evelyn Tucker
Looking Back: Some Highlights of CCL’s First Decade
the Forest Service to
restore native ecosystems
in the Francis Marion
National Forest.
1989 CCL opens its first
office on King Street in
Charleston with a staff of
1989 In response
to Hurricane Hugo,
CCL begins successful
campaign to persuade
1990 CCL sponsors
first Coastal Land Use
Planning Conference in the
history of South Carolina,
featuring nationally
renowned land planners
Randall Arendt and Henry
1990 CCL begins
assisting the ACE Basin
Task Force with land use,
regulatory and road policy
issues impacting the ACE.
1991 CCL hosts land
use conference in
Charleston featuring New
Urbanism founder Andres
1990 CCL nominates
Cape Romain and
surrounding waters for
Outstanding Resource
Waters classification,
the highest standard of
protection available.
1992 CCL establishes
Sea Island Preservation
project with the Penn
Center, educating sea
island leaders on land use
and compatible economic
1993 CCL teams up with
local residents to stop a
highway bridge and resort
development slated for
Sandy Island, resulting in
the permanent protection
of the island five years
1993 CCL and SCELP
begin the fight to halt
a 400-slip Andell Lock
Harbor Marina between
Kiawah and Seabrook
Islands, culminating in
Thank You!
New Heavens, New Earth
Mark Your Calendar
QWednesday, April 30th —
Peak of the Season GrowFood Party
A benefit for GrowFood Carolina
Father Jeffrey Kendall’s book launch of New Heavens, New Earth was an
inspiration to all in attendance. The book tells the story of how Colleton
County residents came together to block a coal ash dump from being built
in their community. Father Kendall uses the struggle to explore the larger
questions of energy and man’s relationship to the earth. We extend a special
thank you to Bishop Gugliemone for hosting this wonderful event.
Join us at the warehouse to celebrate the Peak of the
Season with local farmers, food, music and libations.
Support GrowFood Carolina in their goal of connecting
local farms to local markets and creating a thriving local
food system! Dress to be outside. 5:30pm-8:30pm, 990
Morrison Drive, Charleston SC 29403. To purchase tickets,
please go to: bit.ly/NOExYr
QSaturday, May 3rd — Oakbrook Ashley
Riverfest. A celebration of community, history,
conservation and community. Stop by the CCL and
Growfood Carolina table! For more information check out:
QTuesday, May 6th — Lift the Lowcountry: A
Day of Community Giving. GrowFood Carolina and
more than 100 nonprofits in the Lowcountry will be part of
a national day of online giving. Through the generosity of
a local donor, each gift made on that day will be amplified
through matching funds. For more information, visit
lowcountrygivingday.org and stay tuned for more to come.
QWednesday, May 7th — Common Agenda
Lobby Day at the State House in Columbia.
QThursday, June 12th — Membership Outing
Celebrating the publication of New Heavens, New Earth at the residence of Bishop
Gugliemone in downtown Charleston.
Join us for an evening paddle to Crab Bank Seabird
Sanctuary in Charleston Harbor. Felicia Sanders of DNR
and our friends at Coastal Expeditions will be guiding this
excursion. Reserve your spot today! Contact Bea Girndt at
[email protected] or 843-725-2062.
Stay in touch with us on Facebook! Visit us at: https://www.facebook.
1997 with the invalidation
of the permit and
abandonment of the
project by the developer.
1994 CCL opens South
Coast office in Beaufort.
1995 CCL partners with
Horry and Georgetown
County residents to oppose
ill-conceived routes for
Carolina Bays Parkway and
701 Connector.
1995 CCL leads
opposition to amendments
intended to weaken the
federal Clean Water Act
and Endangered Species
1996 CCL convinces
the SC General Assembly
to enact the nation’s
strongest factory hog
operations law.
agencies, DOT establishes
a Wetlands Mitigation
1997 CCL launches
Charleston Greenbelt
1997 CCL assists in
the establishment of the
Waccamaw National
Wildlife Refuge.
1998 Beaufort County
passes Comprehensive
Plan shaped and supported
by CCL.
1998 Time for Kids
names Dana Beach “Hero
for the Planet.”
1999 Beaufort County
launches state's first
county land bank, designed
and supported by CCL.
1996 At the urging of
CCL and state resource
1999 Charleston
County passes
Comprehensive Plan,
the strongest ever in
S.C., with technical and
political support from
1999 CCL works
with legislators to
successfully restore
stronger water quality
standards for state's
rivers, creeks, estuaries
and lakes.
Members' Corner
GrowFood Dines with the Lee Brothers
Conservation League staffers (l-r) Bea Girndt, Lisa Turansky,
Danner Friedman and Shannyn Smith
Chef Ted Lee signs a copy of The Lee Bros new cookbook for Ben Williams
of Millgrove Farms.
GrowFood supporters (l-r) Susie O’Brien, Hartley Cooper and
Francie Downing.
Chef Ted Lee talks with farmers Joanna and Jimmy Livingston of
Wabi Sabi Farms.
(l-r) CCL board member David Westerlund and his wife Ann
with Steve and Sheri Wenger.
The Lee Brothers conceived of a spectacular menu for GrowFood
supporters at a "Thank You" dinner this winter.
Members' Corner
Live Oak Society Lunches at Willtown Bluff
Jennifer Davis and Charles Lane.
(l-r) John Rashford, Grace Rashford and Tina Allen.
(l-r) Pug Ravenel, Steve Dopp, Wendy Dopp and Croft Lane.
(l-r) Margaret Blackmer, Laura Vanderwerker and Greg Vanderwerker.
(l-r) Verner Daniel, Charles Lane and Steve Gates.
(l-r) Dick Schmaltz, Sara Clow and Steve Zoukis.
Steve Dopp and Jeffrey Schutz.
Good Food
Strengthening Local Food and Farm Policy
e are in the midst of a tasty local food
revolution. Local farmers are growing more
food to be sold in convenient locations across
the Lowcountry, thanks to GrowFood Carolina
and the Coastal Conservation League’s Sustainable
Agriculture Program. The Conservation League is
working to expand GrowFood Carolina’s success by working
closely with stakeholders to implement the recommendations
in the statewide strategic plan entitled Making Small Farms Big
Business. In this report, Ken Meter from Crossroads Resource
Center outlines an agenda for building the local food economy
across South Carolina by launching food hubs in targeted cities,
using GrowFood Carolina as a model, and supporting nodes of farmers
aggregating products in key locations to serve the hubs (see map).
The study also points to the need for implementing marketing and policy
initiatives that coordinate and strengthen local food and farm efforts. The
Conservation League is dedicating time to help leverage GrowFood Carolina’s
success to assist nascent food hubs in the Upstate as well as in the Pee Dee region,
while also paying close attention to supporting the local farms that serve those hubs.
GrowFood and League staff met with the S.C. House of Representatives Rural Caucus
in late February to deliver an enthusiastically received report on the importance of
investing in local agriculture.
Connecting with Williamsburg,
Florence, Jasper and Upstate
o support emerging food nodes, the Conservation League
and GrowFood Carolina have been coordinating local
farmers in targeted locations across the rural landscape
for evenings of education, collaboration and networking.
Beginning in Jasper County and extending through the Pee
Dee up to Florence, the meetings have been tremendously
successful in connecting local farmers to resources that
allow them to focus more on growing delicious fresh local
food. The outreach meetings have created a healthy link
between specialty growers and local buyers, allowing steadily
increasing revenues to flow back to farmers and the rural
communities in which they reside.
Word of the program’s success has spread. Consequently,
the Conservation League has been asked to assist with
conducting similar meetings in the Upstate beginning in late
April. The outreach series was made possible by the South
Carolina Department of Agriculture and the Specialty Crop
Block Grant. The Rural Resource Coalition S.C. and the
Jack Shuler, president of the Palmetto Agribusiness Council, speaks to
the farming community in Kingstree, S.C.
S.C. Wildlife Federation have worked with the League to
promote the outreach meetings. Supporting the farming
community is some of the most important work we can do to
expand local food availability.
Donor Spotlight
Q&A with Cara Lauria of the College of Charleston Interview conducted by Bea Girndt, Events Manager
deeper into the sciences and humanities,
I further understood the relationship
between humans and nature and our
ecological role on earth. The cool thing
about environmental studies is the mix
of all academic disciplines which lead to
a passion, motivation, and obligation to
do all I can to reduce the adverse impact
humanity is leaving on the planet. One
way to do this is through engagement
with the local organizations and clubs that
are working toward similar goals.
QQ Why do you find it important for
QQ What Clubs at College of
Charleston (CofC) and/or organizations
in town are you involved with?
QA I am an executive board member of
Green CofC, the college's sustainability
club where I co-lead a movement called
Reinvest CofC, which campaigns for
CofC to adapt socially responsible
investing strategies. I also intern with
CofC's Office of Sustainability and
assist managing the College's Bike Share
program, and the Charleston Lunz Group
Sierra Club, to increase collaboration
between the Sierra Club and CofC
students. I also enjoy volunteering with
GrowFood Carolina and the Coastal
Conservation League when time allows.
QQ What motivates you to get
involved with these groups?
QA I was first motivated to get
involved through an environmental
philosophy class, in which I was exposed
to the moral obligations we have to
current and future generations to leave
the earth in an equally habitable state
as we have inherited it. After going
your generation to get involved in the
community and raise awareness about
environmental issues and act on a local
level? Do you find it fun and easy to
get involved? Would you encourage
others to get involved?
QA It is necessary for our generation
to be involved in our local communities
because many environmental issues
seem to stem from a lack of community
engagement. When we are not active in
our communities we aren't fulfilling our
role as citizens and we aren't connecting
with our local environments. We are
becoming increasingly detached from not
only the natural world around us, but our
communities as well. This community
and ecological detachment causes adverse
relationships with the environment.
Luckily, it is so easy to get involved in
Charleston; there is so much going on. I
have found that one of the easiest ways
to get involved is through on-campus
activities, as those have led me to offcampus organizations and movements.
I would encourage anyone who is even
mildly interested in something to do a
little research and see what kind of things
are being done on campus and locally that
address their interests.
QQ What are the environmental
issues in the Lowcountry that most
concern you?
QA Food security is a global issue
but can be addressed through local
initiatives. Our unsustainable food
systems are an underlying source of many
environmental problems: climate change
and its many implications, water resource
issues, pollution, over-development,
etc. Many people don't know where
their food comes from; this detachment
promotes a lack of transparency in how
food is grown and brought to our plates,
which then allows environmentally
degrading methods to be used.
Fortunately, there are many organizations
throughout Charleston that work to
promote sustainable food systems and
agriculture. I plan to continue working
and studying the local food movement
and food security issues in Charleston
with these groups.
QQ What do you love about
the Lowcountry?
QA Warm weather, pluff mud, pine
trees, CofC and friendly people.
QQ What do you enjoy about
volunteering for the Conservation
QA I love that the League is a holistic
and interdisciplinary organization; they
understand the need for wilderness
conservation as well as rural/agricultural
conservation. They utilize all ideas and
components of sustainability to promote
their cause. I also love how they encourage
and value all members of the community,
even idealistic students!
In House
Ceara Donnelley Joins Conservation League Board
e welcome Ceara Donnelley
to the board of the Coastal
Conservation League. Ceara
graduated summa cum laude
from Yale with a BA in History and
received her JD from Yale Law School.
She practiced corporate law at Simpson,
Thacher & Bartlett, LLP in New York
City and also worked for the Brennan
Center for Justice and the Clinton
Foundation. Though a native and
devoted New Yorker, Ceara recently
moved to the Lowcountry with her
husband, Nate Berry, and two young
children, lured by the natural beauty of
the region’s landscapes and the growing
vibrancy of downtown Charleston.
Ceara sits on the board of the
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley
Foundation, which supports land
conservation and artistic vitality in
Chicago and Lowcountry South
Carolina. She also serves on the
board of the Center for Humans
and Nature (CHN), a not-for-profit
ideas organization founded by her
late father, philosopher and ethicist
Strachan Donnelley. Since its founding,
CHN’s mission has been to explore
and promote human responsibilities in
relation to nature.
Under Ceara’s stewardship as
vice chair and strategic counsel,
CHN has taken that mission digital,
launching www.humansandnature.
org and Questions for a Resilient
Future, a web-based series that seeks
to challenge assumptions about nature
and humanity’s place within it. In her
work with CHN, Ceara is focused as
much on asking the big questions as
she is on ensuring that any interested
and concerned citizen has the tools and
resources to answer them for him or
(Cainhoy, continued from page 9)
(Cooper, Ashley, Wando and Stono
rivers) Basin Focus Area. He considers
the Cainhoy peninsula one of the most
intact communities of land and people
left in the Lowcountry.
“It was populated very early on and
for centuries has remained relatively
undisturbed,” Hill says. Regarding the
Guggenheims’ Cainhoy Plantation,
“there is so much historic material both
underground and above ground that has
yet to be researched and documented.
There is a lack of understanding on the
part of the city and the developers as to
what could be lost by proceeding too
Recently, Cainhoy’s neighbor to the
northwest, the BP-Amoco chemical
plant, has registered its opposition
to the Cainhoy development. BP
argues that the proposal does not
take into account its proximity to
the plant and the danger of locating
a dense concentration of houses so
close to BP’s smokestacks across Flagg
Creek. In addition, BP’s program of
controlled pine forest burning, essential
to managing the woodland buffers
that surround the plant, could be
curtailed by the presence of residential
development on its borders. The same
issue exists with the management of the
national forest next door.
As the Post and Courier stated in
one of its many editorials opposing the
proposed development of Cainhoy,
“The size and scope of this project are
unprecedented and require a full public
dialogue before advancing further. The
project would ultimately be the size
of a small city. It should be handled
with extreme care, and its irreplaceable
historic, cultural and natural assets
should be protected. The fast track
that it is taking precludes that from
happening. Cainhoy Plantation needs
to be pulled from city agendas until the
public has had ample opportunity to
study it, voice their opinions and hear
back from the landowners.”
Thank You!
Contributions Received from
March 1, 2013 - February 28, 2014
The Coastal Conservation League works very hard to ensure that all donor names are
listed correctly; however, occasional mistakes do occur. Please contact Database Manager
Nora Kravec at (843) 725-2057 with any questions or corrections.
Anonymous (3)
Anonymous, Coastal Community
Penny and Bill Agnew GF
Mr. David Anderson GF
The Ceara Donnelley And Nathan Berry
Fund of the Chicago
Community Foundation
BlueCross BlueShield of
South Carolina Foundation GF
Frances P. Bunnelle Foundation GF
Butler Conservation Fund, Inc.
Charlotte Caldwell and
Jeffrey Schutz GF
Ceres Foundation, Inc GF
The Chicago Community Foundation
Coastal Community Foundation
of South Carolina GF
Community Foundation Serving Richmond
and Central Virginia GF
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin H. Cooper III GF
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley
Foundation GF
Strachan Donnelley Family Charitable
Lead Unitrust
Mr. and Mrs. John O. Downing GF
Dr. Paula Feldman and
Mr. Peter Mugglestone GF
The Festoon Foundation, Inc.
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Foundation for the Carolinas
Nancy and Larry Fuller
Mr. Steve Gavel GF
Mr. Joseph H. Gleberman
Goldman Sachs Gives
The Grantham Foundation
William and Mary Greve Foundation
Mr. Hank Holliday
The Rev. Alanson Houghton
Peter R. and Cynthia K. Kellogg
Foundation GF
Mr. and Mrs. Peter R. Kellogg GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles G. Lane
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Lane, Jr.
Mills Bee Lane Foundation
Mr. T. Cartter Lupton II GF
Dr. and Mrs. G. Alex Marsh III
The Meadows Charitable Trust
Merck Family Fund
Mertz Gilmore Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Jeremiah Milbank III
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Miller
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Ms. Justine J. Nathan
National Foundation for Philanthropy GF
Pathfinder Foundation, Inc. GF
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Phipps, Jr.
Artie and Lee Richards
Dr. and Mrs. Steven C. Rockefeller
Mr. and Mrs. Richard R. Schmaltz GF
Libby Smith GF
Fred and Alice Stanback, Jr.
Stony Point Foundation
Daniel K. Thorne Foundation, Inc.
Mr. Daniel K. Thorne
Tides Foundation
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation
Turner Foundation, Inc.
Jane Smith Turner Foundation GF
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Vardell III
WestWind Foundation
Yawkey Foundation
Stephen and Suzan Zoukis GF
Anonymous (3)
AMG Charitable Gift Foundation GF
John and Jane Beach
Mr. J. Anderson Berly III
Mr. and Mrs. Charles B. Chitty
The Colbert Family Fund of the Coastal
Community Foundation
Community Foundation of the
Lowcountry, Inc. GF
Mr. and Mrs. Ashley Cooper GF
Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. P. Steven Dopp
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Dudley
Mr. and Mrs. Berry Edwards GF
Laura and Steve Gates
Mr. and Mrs. S. Parker Gilbert
Katharine and Winslow Hastie GF
Linda Ketner
Mr. and Mrs. John E. Masaschi
Mrs. Frank McClain
Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace
McDowell, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. McNab, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward C. Mitchell, Jr.
Mr. Arnold Nemirow
Susie O'Brien GF
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen M. Parks
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Rion, Jr.
Gillian and Peter Roy GF
Mr. and Mrs. Klaus Said
Drs. Ryan and Erin Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. T. Paul Strickler
Ms. Bailey W. Symington GF
USDA - Rural Development Business
Enterprise Grant GF
Vanguard Charitable Endowment
Mrs. Douglas C. Walker
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Westerlund GF
Joe and Terry Williams
Henry and Sylvia Yaschik
Foundation, Inc. GF
Anonymous (2)
Anson Restaurant
Mr. and Mrs. William Applegate IV
Ashford Advisors LLC
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr.
Virginia and Dana Beach GF
Benwood Foundation, Inc. GF
Henry M. Blackmer Foundation, Inc. GF
Ms. Margaret N. Blackmer GF
Ms. Margaret P. Blackmer GF
Bailey Bolen and Carol Ervin GF
Dan and Merrie Boone Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel W. Boone III
Ms. Margaret F. Bridgforth GF
Circular Congregational Church
Mr. and Mrs. Richard E. Coen
Community Foundation of Greater
Chattanooga, Inc.
Les Dames d'Escoffier International,
Charleston Chapter GF
Michael and Megan Desrosiers GF
Ms. Carol B. Ervin GF
Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Fair, Jr.
James L. Ferguson
Mr. Robert W. Foster, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Garbee
Ms. Mary Louise Graff
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty
Half-Moon Outfitters GF
Mr. J. Drayton Hastie GF
Mr. and Mrs. Matthew B. Hastings GF
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Hawkins
James and Margaret Hoffman
Holly H. Hook and Dennis A. Glaves
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ilderton
Mr. and Mrs. John Philip Kassebaum
Bob and Jackie Lane
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leath, Jr.
Charlie and Sally Lee
Lasca and Richard Lilly
Dr. Suzanne Lindsay and
Mr. Bruce Lindsay
Mr. Lorcan Lucey
Magnolia Plantation Foundation GF
Jean Elliott Manning
Mr. and Mrs. Charles K. Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Mather
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin McCann
Mr. and Mrs. Francis X. McCann
Mrs. John L. McCormick
Mr. and Mrs. Clay McCullough
Mr. and Mrs. James O. Mills
Mr. and Mrs. Beezer Molten GF
Mr. and Mrs. Alan A. Moses
The New York Community Trust
The Osprey Foundation
Mr. Guy Paschal
Mr. and Mrs. David Paynter
Susan Pearlstine GF
Dr. Fred Pittman
Mrs. Joan C. Pittman
Joan Pittman Fund of Coastal Community
Foundation of SC
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost
The Prudential Foundation
Matching Gifts
Quinn Family Charitable GF
Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Quinn GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles D. Ravenel
Price R. and Flora A. Reid Foundation
Renaissance Charitable Foundation, Inc.
Grace Jones Richardson Trust
David W. and Susan G. Robinson
Margot and Boykin Rose
Dr. H. Del Schutte, Jr.
Schwab Charitable Fund
Mrs. Anne Rivers Siddons and
Mr. Heyward Siddons
Mr. David Siddons
Mr. and Mrs. Martin G. Skelly GF
Kaye S. Smith GF
Ms. Martha Jane Soltow
South Carolina State Ports Authority GF
William and Shanna Sullivan
Jan, Susan and Karen Suwinski
Mr. and Mrs. Jacques S. Theriot GF
Mr. John Thompson and
Ms. Julia Forster GF
Gary and Mary Beth Thornhill
Susan and Trenholm Walker GF
Dr. Robert Ellis Welch, Jr.
Winfield Foundation
Dr. Louis Wright and
Ms. Patricia Giddens GF
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen J. Ziff GF
Mr. and Mrs. Johnston Adams
Ms. Carrie Agnew
Mr. J. Marshall Allen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Almeida
Drs. T. Brantley and Penny Arnau
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
Mrs. Katrina Becker
Blackwater, LLC
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Blagden, Jr.
Dr. Eloise Bradham and
Dr. Mark George
Mr. and Mrs. John Burbage GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burt
Dr. and Mrs. Robert W. Cain GF
Leigh Mary W. Carter Foundation
Drs. John and Ruth Carter
Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Carter
The Cecil Family
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Chace, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Childs
The Coca-Cola Company Matching
Gifts Program
The Community Foundation of
Western North Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Cooney
Mr. and Mrs. Edward Crawford
Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Croft
Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Cross
Dr. and Mrs. William F. Crosswell
Mr. and Mrs. Colin Cuskley
Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Daly
Live Oak Society
GF = also a Growfood Carolina Donor
Thank You!
Live Oak Society
Ms. Connie Darden-Young and
Mr. Jesse Colin Young
Mr. F. Reed Dulany, Jr.
Ms. Margaret D. Fabri
Mr. David Farren
Mrs. Harriott H. Faucette
Mr. H. McDonald Felder
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Feldman
Mrs. Nancy B. Fetter
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Fienning GF
Dr. and Mrs. Philip A. Finley
Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles Ford
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Foster
Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Foulke
Francis Marion Hotel LP
Dorothea and Peter Frank
The Freddie Mac Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Freeman
Mr. and Mrs. Dave Gabriel
Mrs. E. Stack Gately
Drs. Andrew Geer and Susan Moore
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gephart, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Hale
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Harley
Mr. and Mrs. Robert K. Higgins, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Glenn Hilliard
Mr. William L. Hiott, Jr.
Mr. J. W. F. Holliday
Holly Houghton and David Walker
Mr. and Mrs. David C. House
Mr. and Mrs. John Huey, Jr.
Mr. Richard W. Hutson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Orton P. Jackson III
Ms. Anne F. Jennings
Ms. Holly R. Jensen
Mr. and Mrs. George P. Johnston
Ms. Jill Kammermeyer and
Mr. Robert Hochstetler
Dr. William Kee and Dr. Franklin Lee
Mr. and Mrs. James E. Kistler
Scott and Gayle Lane
Mr. David Lansbury GF
Dr. Diane D. Lauritsen
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Legerton III
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Leister GF
Kathie Livingston
Mrs. Patti Manigault
Mike and JoAnne Marcell
Market Street Trust Company
Dr. John Mattheis
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm McAlpin
Mr. and Mrs. George McCoy
Ms. Jamie Young McCulloch
Mrs. Harriet P. McDougal
Mr. and Mrs. Barclay McFadden III
John F. & Susan B. McNamara Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Ms. Georgia Meagher
Ms. Martha Morgan
Russell E. and Elizabeth W. Morgan
Ms. Elizabeth F. Orser
Palmetto Brewing of Charleston LLC GF
Charles and Celeste Patrick GF
Dr. Leslie H. Pelzer
The Pittsburgh Foundation
Plantation Services, Inc.
Ms. Cynthia Swanson Powell
The T. Rowe Price Program for
Charitable Giving
Mr. and Mrs. Gary P. Quigley
Dr. George Rabb
Mr. Richard Rainaldi and
Mr. and Mrs. David A. Creech
Nancy and Steve Cregg
Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Cumbaa
Jane Tucker Dana and
David D. Aufhauser
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P. Daniels
Mr. R. Gordon Darby
Mrs. Emily Darnell-Nunez
Mrs. Palmer Davenport
Ms. Jennifer Davis GF
Mr. Chris Davis
Mr. and Mrs. Emmett I. Davis, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs F. Garey De Angelis
Curtis and Arianna Derrick
Mr. Christopher DeScherer and
Ms. Amanda Honeycutt
Ms. Ann W. Dibble
Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Dodds
Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Edwards
Mr. D. Reid Ellis
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Ellison II
Mrs. Catherine M. Englehardt
Mr. Mark Essig and Mrs. Martha
Mark and Kay Ethridge
Ms. Nina M. Fair
Ms. Juliana Falk
Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Feldmann
Mary Fleming Finlay
Dr. Sandra L. Fowler
Mr. and Mrs. Harold F. Gallivan III
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Geer, Jr.
Dr. Annette G. Godow
Mary Jane Gorman
Dr. and Ms. Gene W. Grace
Dr. Timothy K. Gray
Dr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Greenberg
Mr. and Mrs. D. Maybank Hagood GF
Dr. Angela Halfacre
Ms. Mary E. S. Hanahan
Hank's Seafood GF
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Happe
Bill and Eleanor Hare
Dr. Kit M. Hargrove
Ms. Katharine M. Hartley
Ms. Sherrerd Hartness
Whitney and Elizabeth Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver R. Head, Jr.
Mr. William J. Hennessy, Jr.
Mr. Fred B. Herrmann
Mr. Edwin Hettinger and
Ms. Beverly Diamond
Ms. Susan Hilfer
Mr. and Ms. John A. Hill
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hoffius
Mr. and Mrs. Frank S. Holleman III
Home Team BBQ GF
Mr. and Mrs. Peter M. Horlbeck
Ms. Margaret L. Howell
Mr. and Mrs. David L. Huguenin
Ms. May Jones
Mr. J. Edward Joye
Mr. F. Kimball Joyner and
Mr. Derek Riggs
Mr. and Mrs. James J. Kerr
Mr. Mike Landrum and
Ms. Brenda Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Wood N. Lay
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Lee
Elizabeth C. Rivers Lewine
Dr. and Mrs. Lanneau D. Lide
Mr. Justin O'Toole Lucey, P.A.
Timothy J. Lyons, M.D.
Ms. Martha Records
Mr. and Mrs. S. Kim Reed
John M. Rivers, Jr. Foundation, Inc.
Mr. John M. Rivers, Jr.
Dr. Georgia C. Roane
Mrs. Susan Romaine
Bob Rymer and Catherine Anne Walsh
Sandhills Community College
Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Schenck
Mr. and Mrs. C. Troy Shaver, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Tobias Sherrill
Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. T. Grange Simons V
Mr. Matt Sloan
Dorothy D. Smith Charitable
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sniderman
Southern States Educational
Foundation Inc.
James Gustave Speth Fund for the
Environment of the
Open Space Institute, Inc GF
Libby and Charlie Speth GF
Mr. Elton B. Stephens III GF
Mr. Michael P. Thornton
Mr. John H. Tiencken, Jr.
The U.S. Charitable Gift Trust
Tom Uffelman and Patty Bennett
Dr. and Mrs. Greg VanDerwerker
Vortex Foundation
Wade Crow Engineering
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene M. Waldron, Jr.
Sally Webb
Ms. Sheila Wertimer and
Mr. Gary Gruca
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick H. West GF
Dr. and Mrs. Tad Whiteside
Mrs. Martha Maguire GF
Ms. Walda Wildman and
Mr. Mack Maguire
The Williams Companies, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. John Winthrop
Ms. Martha C. Worthy
Nick and Jane Wyer
Ms. Kate Adams and
Mr. Robert Sudderth GF
Richard and Tannis Alkire
Mr. and Mrs. Brady Anderson
Mr. Reed S. Armstrong
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
The Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mr. and Mrs Dennis Baer
Chuck and Betsy Baker
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Dr. Randy Basinger and
Ms. Louise Burpee
Ms. Christine Bogrette
Elizabeth Calvin Bonner Foundation
Gen. and Mrs. Walter E. Boomer
Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting
Ms. Amy Bunting
Mrs. Blair Bunting Darnell
Mr. and Mrs. John T. Cahill
Mr. Ed Carraway
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Cart
Nancy and Billy Cave
Charleston Artist Collective, LLC GF
Mr. Richard C. Clow GF
William and Lucile Cogswell GF
Communities of Coastal Georgia
Mr. and Mrs. Scott B. MacGlashin
Dr. and Mrs. Michael A. Maginnis
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Maize
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshburn
Dr. and Mrs. Brem Mayer
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence McElynn
Goffinet and Ian McLaren
Mercato GF
Dr. and Mrs. Keith Merrill
Mr. and Mrs. Roger F. Meyer
Kincaid and Allison Mills
Mr. and Mrs. John M. Mirsky
Mistler Family Foundation GF
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Mistler GF
Mr. and Mrs. Boulton D. Mohr
Mr. and Mrs. M. Lane Morrison
Mr. and Mrs. William D. Nettles, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Alan I. Nussbaum
Dr. Patrick M. O'Neil
Ms. Ellen P. Oblow
Dr. and Mrs. J. David Osguthorpe
Ms. Hadley A. Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Coleman C. Owens
Mrs. D. Williams Parker
Mrs. Constance S. Parramore
Dr. and Mrs. B. Daniel Paysinger
Peninsula Grill GF
Mr. Harry Polychron
Lydia Engelhardt, M.D. and
Bill Rambo, M.D.
The Honorable Arthur Ravenel, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Frederick E. Reed, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry F. Rivers, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank M. Rogers IV
W. Thomas Rutledge, Jr.
Mr. Hal Currey and
Ms. Margaret Schachte
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin F. Scheetz, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Schmitt, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Gerald J. Shealy
Dr. David Shi
Dr. and Mrs. William M. Simpson, Jr.
Dr. James G. Simpson
Mr. and Mrs. Huger Sinkler II
Dr. Cynthia P. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Gary C. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Mark G. Solow
Dr. and Mrs. James Stephenson
Mr. and Mrs. Louis E. Storen
Ms. Patricia Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. James Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. W. Charles Sullivan
Charles and Jo Summerall
Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Talbot
Dr. Arch W. Templeton
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Thorn GF
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde W. Timmons
United Way of the Piedmont
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan G. Verity
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Voight
Mr. and Mrs. Eliot Wadsworth II GF
Ms. Caroline Warren
Dr. Dara H. Wilber
Mr. Julian Wiles and Ms. Jenny Hane
Dr. and Mrs. George W. Williams
Jeremy and Lisa Willits
Dr. W. Curtis Worthington, Jr.
Mr. Bradford Wyche and
Ms. Diane Smock
Mr. and Mrs. Charles L. Wyrick, Jr.
Thank You!
December 1, 2013 – February 28, 2014
Anonymous (3)
Mr. and Mrs. Harold H. Adams, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
Dr. Michal Baird and Mr. Jim Darlington
Barrier Island Eco Tours
Bill and Ellen Bell
Mr. L. Russell Bennett
Edward and Adelaida Bennett
Mr. and Mrs. Colin C. Bentley
Mr. and Mrs. Philip J. Bergan
Mr. Rhett S. Bickley
Mr. John C. Bigler
Dr. and Mrs. Eric Billig
Ms. Donna Billings and Mr. Dennis White
Blu Restaurant GF
Mr. and Mrs. J. Sidney Boone, Jr.
Stephanie Boozer
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Brailsford III
Ms. Ruthann Burgess
Ms. Alyssondra Campaigne and
Mr. George Abar
Dr. and Mrs. J. Robert Cantey GF
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Carter III
Mr. T. Heyward Carter III
Mr. Karl E. Chatham
Mr. and Mrs. Scott S. Christian
Mr. Joseph F. Christie, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael R. Cooper
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Creed
Ms. Judy Cunningham
Ms. Rebecca R. Davenport
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Dias
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore DuBose
Mr. and Mrs. Paul Echausse
Michael and Anna Eddy
Drs. Douglas and Diane Ervin
Rev. Rodney Foster and Rev. Jody Foster
Ms. Mary Edna Fraser and Dr. John Sperry
Dr. Charles Friedman and
Ms. Karin Volquardsen
Mr. and Mrs. W. Foster Gaillard
Mr. Robert M. Gallant
Dr. Sidney Gauthreaux and
Ms. Carroll Belser
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Gedge
Mr. Andrew Geer
Mr. and Mrs. George R. Geer, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Benjamin M. Gimarc
Mr. Patrick Hall
Dr. Thomas Gross and Mrs. Susan Hamilton
Janis Hammett
Bill and Eleanor Hare
Ms. Joy D. Hawkins
High Cotton GF
Dr. Bill Holt
Mr. and Mrs. R. Walter Hundley
Stephanie and Noel Hunt
Husk - The Neighborhood Dining Group GF
Mr. Ethan Jackson GF
Dr. Joseph M. Jenrette III
Kristen Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. Tapley O. Johnson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Paul Jones
Mrs. Peggy Hendricks Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn F. Keyes
Ms. Susan Kilpatrick and Mr. Charles Norris
Marty and Julie Klaper
Nora Kravec and Charles Cyr
Ms. Susan Kruetzer
Mr. and Mrs. John Kwist
Melissa and Michael Ladd
Jonathan Lamb
Mr. Charles Lane, Jr.
Ms. Paula A. Lareau
Mr. and Mrs. W.B. Chisolm Leonard
Gordon and Catherine Locatis
Ms. Jessica Loring and
Mr. Larry Rasmussen
Timothy J. Lyons, M.D.
Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mark
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Marshburn
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Maybank
Stuart and Sarah McDaniel
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. McGee GF
Ms. Madeleine S. McGee and
Mr. Bunky Wichman
Tara McGrath and Doug Hatch
Mr. and Mrs. John Gregg McMaster III
Ms. Dorothy H. Meacham
Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Michaud
John and Joanne Milkereit
Mr. Benton Montgomery GF
Mr. and Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty III
Mr. Lee Morris
Mr. and Mrs. C. Lawrence Murphy
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly Murphy
Michele and Kotresha Neelakantappa
Kate and Lindsay Nevin
Mr. Bruce Newton and
Ms. Judy Sperling-Newton
Ms. Conyers Norwood
Ms. Sis Nunnally
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Paul T. Palmer, Jr.
Mrs. Constance S. Parramore
Ms. Patricia A. Pierce
Mr. and Mrs. Mason Pope
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Pritchett
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Prutting
The Honorable Arthur Ravenel, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Rensberry
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas P.R. Rivers
Mr. Dan Rogge
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Rutkowski
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Ryan GF
Mr. and Mrs. John I. Saalfield, Jr.
Ms. Laura Schaible
Dickie and Mary Schweers
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Scott
Slightly North of Broad GF
Mr. and Mrs. Murray Smith
Mr. Goodwin Smith, Jr. GF
Mr. Tyler A. Smith GF
Mr. and Mrs. Park B. Smith, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald F. Smith GF
Mr. and Mrs. Rik Snyder
Ms. Robin Solomon GF
Mrs. Patricia C. Stewart
Dr. and Mrs. Charles P. Summerall III
Dr. Arch W. Templeton
Drs. Christine and C. Murry Thompson, Jr.
Ms. Ann Timberlake and Mr. Ben Gregg
Dr. Ann Truesdale and Mr. James Truesdale
Dan and Cindy Tufford
Mr. David J. Waldron
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Walsh
Waste Management Employees' Better
Government Fund
Ms. Caroline Warren
Nancy Waters
Mr. Richard E. Watkins
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Webb
Dr. William Westerkam and
Ms. Kirsten Lackstrom
Mr. Joseph F. Whetstone
Caroline Hartzog White GF
Dr. Dara H. Wilber
Mr. Julian Wiles and Ms. Jenny Hane
Dr. and Mrs. Charles A. Wilfong
Dr. and Mrs. Al Wilson, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Mark Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. William C. Wilson, Sr.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Zimmerman
Anonymous (3)
Mr. John A'Hern
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew L. Abrams
Ms. Julie W. Acker
Mr. Keene Adams
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Agee
Mr. John Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Dennis M. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. Scott H. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. James Allen
Dr. and Mrs. William B. Allen
Mr. and Mrs. William Byrn Alsup III
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ambler
Mr. David W. Ames
Mr. and Mrs. W. Swinton Anderson
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Bainbridge
Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Baird
Dr. and Mrs. J. Gilbert Baldwin, Jr.
Ms. Jean R. Ballentine
Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Barker
Mr. Rodney Barlow and Dr. Patricia Fithian
Mr. and Mrs. Scott Y. Barnes GF
Mr. Arthur L. Baron
Basico GF
Mr. Leslie L. Bateson
Caroline V. Beeland and John M. Moore
Mr. Peter Bentley
Mr. Edgar A. Bergholtz
Mr. Dan Berman
Mr. Charles J. Bethea
Mr. and Mrs. Richard J. Bischoff
Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Bowen III
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle S. Braxton
Marilyn and Howard Brilliant
Stewart and Walter Bristow
Mr. Paul Bronzo
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Brooks
Mel and Jack Brown
Dr. and Mrs. Robert O. Brown
Ms. Brenda Burbage
Mr. Shan G. Burkhalter
Mr. and Mrs. Moultrie B. Burns, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Hardwick H. Burr
Mrs. Mary Ann Burtt
Mr. and Mrs. Grant Burwell
Mr. and Mrs. McBee Butcher
Ms. Barbara B. Butler
Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Butler
Ms. Paula W. Byers
Ms. Randy Cabell
Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Carling
Mr. Samuel C. Carlton
Mr. and Mrs. Alan H. Carothers
Mr. and Mrs. T. Heyward Carter, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Nelson Chandler
Mr. and Mrs. William A. Chandler
Mr. John F. Chilton IV GF
Juliet and Jeffrey Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Cohen
Barbara R. Cole
Ms. Dorothy Coley and Mr. Robert Cross
Community Foundation of Greater
Greensboro, Inc.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Conroy
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Cook, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Cooley
Mr. and Mrs. Nigel W. Cooper GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Corning
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Cotter, Jr.
Mrs. Lynda L. Courtney
Mr. John M. Cox
Mr. John C. Creed
Mrs. Nadine Darby
Mr. and Mrs. Morris K. Deason
Dr. Gordon Dehler and Dr. Ann Welsh
Mr. Thomas J. DeKornfeld
Ms. Susan G. Dickson
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Dodds
Mr. Richard P. Donohoe
Marie Timmons Dorn
Ms. Wayne Douglas
Fran and Chris Doyle GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. P. Duell
Ms. Candace Dyal
Mr. W. L. Edwards
Mr. and Mrs. Carl L. Eggerding
Drs. Nick and Linda Elksnin
Dr. William Ellison, Jr.
Drs. Jean and Charles Everett
Mr. Christopher Ewald and
Ms. Ann Gregory Kelly
Ms. Phyllis W. Ewing
Mr. Phil Fairbanks and Ms. Dale Friedman
Mrs. Theodora L. Feldberg
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Feldman
Dr. and Mrs. Robert L. Fenning
Dr. and Mrs. Gary E. Fink
Mr. and Mrs. John W. Foltz
Ms. Catherine H. Forrester GF
Mr. Robert D. Fray
Mr. and Ms. Michael D. Frederick
Danner Friedman and Elizabeth Kent
Mr. Elliott Friedman
Mrs. Sallie J. Fuerth GF
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Gasque
Mr. and Mrs. Steven S. Gilbert
Mr. Taylor Gillespie
Ms. Bea Girndt
Mary Jane Gorman
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Gould
Mr. and Mrs. James H. Grantham
Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Greenberger
Mr. Harlan Greene and Mr. Jonathan Ray
Mr. Jackson V. Gregory
Dr. Jerrold Griggs and Ms. Deynise Lau
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Gwyn
Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Hadley
Mr. and Mrs. Elliott M. Harrigan
Ms. Linda Hartough GF
Mr. William Andrew Hautt
Dr. and Mrs. John C. Hawk III
Lewis and Kim Hay
Mr. and Mrs. Clarke L. Hayes
Senator and Mrs. Wes Hayes
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hecker
Mr. and Mrs. Dean J. Hewitt
Mr. Joseph B. Hewitt
Mr. Charles W. High
Anna Kate and Hayne Hipp
Mr. Brad Hodson
Ms. Olivia Britton Holding
Ms. Debbie Holman-Gregory
Mr. and Mrs. Ozey K. Horton, Jr.
Ms. Amy Horwitz and Mr. Norm Shea GF
Mr. and Mrs. Gene R. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Howard
Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Howe
Mr. and Mrs. Richard A. Hricik
Ms. Rosemary Huhn
Drs. Richard and Margaret Hunt
Mrs. Mary Means Hutson
Ms. Elizabeth Ilderton
Mr. and Mrs. George Ivey
Pamela Jacobs
Mrs. Lois Jameson
Ms. Marsha B. Jenkins
Mr. and Mrs. Keith S. Jennings
Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Jerue GF
Mrs. Jane S. Johnson
Mark and Frances Jones
Ms. Linley Jones and Mr. Gregory Roth
Mr. and Mrs. Clifton S. Jones GF
Mr. Guy Jones
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Jules
Mr. and Mrs. Rick D. Kaylor
Dr. George T. Keller III
Mr. Thomas H. Kennedy
Mr. and Mrs. Benedict Kerrigone
Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Kinzer
GF = also a Growfood Carolina Donor
Thank You!
Mrs. Diane Vergot
Mr. and Mrs. Carl H. Von Ende
Mr. and Mrs. David C. Walker
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Walle
Dr. and Mrs. John Waters
Sam and Cindy Watson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Westbrook
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred White
Mr. David Whitten and Ms. Geri Scheller
Mr. and Mrs. T. Bright Williamson GF
Dr. H. Oliver Williamson
Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. John W. Wilson, Jr.
Ms. M. Cindy Wilson
Dr. and Mrs. Stanley M. Wilson
Ms. Caitlin M. Winans
Mrs. Elizabeth J. Witham
Mrs. Johnnie L. Witt
Ms. Patricia Wolman
Dr. Curtis Worthington and Dr. Jane Tyler
Capt. and Mrs. Richard T. Wright
Dr. and Mrs. Frank J. Wyman
Xiao Bao Biscuit GF
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Yorke
Mr. John Young
Mrs. Noel C. Young
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rutledge Young, Jr.
Mr. Simpson J. Zimmerman, Jr.
The staff of the Coastal Conservation League thanks YOU for
25 years of conservation success!
Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson D. Kirby III
Ms. Nancy M. Kreml
Dr. and Mrs. Seth P. Kupferman
Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln F. Ladd
Langdon's Restaurant & Wine Bar GF
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Latture
Mr. and Mrs. James B. Lau
Mr. William Lesesne
Gordon and Judy Levering
Dr. and Mrs. Jan V. Levitan
Mrs. Alice Levkoff GF
Rebecca Love
Mr. James J. Lundy, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Martin E. Lybecker
Mrs. Evelyn C. Marion
Van and Catherine Marshall
Dr. and Mrs. Charles J. Marti
Mr. and Mrs. William M. Matthew
Mr. and Mrs. C.R. Maxwell
Ms. Susan May and Mr. Andrew Owczarek
Mr. John T. McCarter GF
Christe McCoy-Lawrence
McCrady's - The Neighborhood
Dining Group GF
Ms. Eileen Mary McGuffie
Mr. and Mrs. John F. McIlwain
Mr. Robert A. McKenzie
Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm T. McPherson
Dr. Charles W. McRae
Mr. and Mrs. Dexter C. Mead
Mr. and Mrs. Frederick S. Middleton III
Capt. and Mrs. William L. Miles
Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. Miller
Angela and Howard Misthal
Dr. and Mrs. Mark D. Monson
Mr. and Mrs. Rick C. Montague
John M. Moore, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley L. Moore III
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur S. Morgenstern
Mr. and Mrs. John Muench
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Murphy
Mrs. Jeanne W. Myers
The Nelson Mead Fund
Drs. James and Noreen Nelson
David and Nancy Nettleton
Sally and John Newell
Dr. and Mrs. W. Eugene Notz
Mrs. Anne P. Olsen
Opal Restaurant GF
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Orr
Mr. and Mrs. David J. Painter
Palmetto Garden Club of South Carolina
Mr. and Mrs. A. Nicholas Papadea
Mr. Roger F. Pasquier
Erin Hardwick Pate
Dr. Robert Payne and
Mrs. Elizabeth Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pennebaker
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Perlmutter
Dr. and Mrs. T. C. Player, Jr.
Mr. Harry Polychron
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Powell
Mr. Norris Preyer and Dr. Lucy Preyer
Mrs. Delia Pridgen
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Pringle
Dr. and Mrs. William H. Prioleau, Jr.
The Prudential Foundation Matching Gifts
Mr. David Quick GF
Mr. Frank W. Rambo
Ms. Cheryl Randall
Mr. and Mrs. I. Mayo Read, Jr.
Kate Reddan GF
Dr. and Mrs. Jerry H. Reitzel
Mr. and Mrs. David Rice
Mr. Frederick W. Riesen, Jr.
Ms. Beverly Rivers
Katherine and Morris Roberts
Mr. Frank H. Roberts, Sr.
Mr. Richard S Rosen
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Rosengarten
Ms. Abby Rowland
Dr. Jeremy Rutledge
Dr. and Mrs. Mark H. Salley
Ms. Dorothy M. Sanders
Dr. and Mrs. Frank M. Sawyer
Mr. Gerald H. Schulze
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
Dr. and Mrs. Scott C. Shaffer
Mr. and Mrs. Norman C. Sharp
Senator and Mrs. Vincent A. Sheheen
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart A. Sheldon
Mr. and Mrs. William H. Shelley, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Shinn
Mr. Lawrence J. Simon
Mr. Mark Sloan and
Ms. Michelle Van Parys
The Honorable and Mrs. Gerald M. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Shawn K. Smith
Mr. and Mrs. Greg Smith GF
Mr. Tyson Smith
Mr. Harry F. Smithson
Mr. and Mrs. George Smyth, Jr.
Starr and Phil Snead
The Society of Saint Thomas and Saint Denis
Dr. Donald Sparks and Dr. Katherine
Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Stanley, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Steele
Mrs. Sandra S. Stephan
Ms. Danette Stovall
Mr. Andrew Streit
Mr. and Mrs. Jon Stuckey
Angela P. Stump GF
Mr. and Mrs. John P. Sullivan III
Mr. Elliott Sweet, M.D. GF
Col. and Mrs. Paul J. Sykes GF
Mr. and Ms. William B. Tausig
Ted's Butcher Block GF
The Glass Onion GF
Louis and Jane Theiling
Mr. Cunningham P. Thomas, Jr.
Dr. and Mrs. William Bonner Thomason
Mr. and Mrs. Phillip R. Thornton
Mr. and Mrs. Louis C. Tisdale, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas S. Tisdale GF
Mark and Lisa Jones Turansky
Dr. and Mrs. Ambrose G. Updegraff
Joan and Martin Ustin
Ms. Eleanne D. Van Vliet
Anonymous (2)
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Ackerman
Ms. Carole Addlestone GF
Judith and Roger Anderson
Dr. and Mrs. K. Eric Anderson
Mr. Andrew D. Annand
Mrs. Jessica Arant
Mrs. George C. Avent
Mr. Joseph Azar
Charles and Sharon Barnett GF
Ms. Leslie Barry
Mr. Adrian Barry
Mr. John Batson
Ms. Sheila L. Beardsley
Mr. and Mrs. Karl M. Becker
Ms. Helen Belencan and Mr. Gary Smith
Dr. and Mrs. Norman H. Bell
Mr. and Mrs. Craig M. Bennett, Jr.
Mrs. Katherine B. Beverly
Mr. Paul Boes
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon E. Bondurant
Ms. Julie H. Bower
Mr. S. Coleman Braxton
Ms. Susan Breslin
Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Brewer GF
Mr. Alfred V. Brown, Jr.
Ms. Gail Brownlee
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel D. Brownlee, Jr.
Mr. Scott Bryant
Dr. and Mrs. William Y. Buchanan, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Perry N. Bullard
Mrs. Georgia Burson
Ms. Angie Y. Calhoun
Mr. John Cameron
Ms. D. Elaine Camp
Ms. Katherine G. Campbell
Mr. Timothy Carens and
Ms. Elizabeth Van Pelt
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Carpenter III
Mr. Adrian J. Chanler
Mr. Ronald H. Charron
Ms. Lynn C. Chiappone
Mr. and Mrs. Hunter L. Clarkson
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Clauss
Dr. Jason Cohen
Mr. and Mrs. J. Terrell Cook, Sr.
Ms. Margaret Cormack GF
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cowan
Ms. Margaret A. Cromwell
Mr. and Mrs. D.M. Crutchfield
Mr. Beau Daen
Sterling Davenport
Miss Kathy Davis
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Davis
Dr. and Mrs. F. Carl Derrick
Neil and Renee Dickinson
Mr. and Mrs. Gerard P. Dionne
Ms. Mina Donovan
Barbara J. Doyle
Drayton Hall
Dr. William E. Dufford
Ms. Pamela J. Edwards
Mr. Randell Ewing
Mr. Henry W. Farnum
Mr. and Mrs. John L. Faucette
Mrs. Deborah B. Fenn
Mr. and Mrs. Helmut H. Fiedler
Mr. David Finger
Mr. James Fitch
Ms. Elizabeth Franchini
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Fraser III
Mr. and Ms. Porter Friedman
Mrs. Letitia Galbraith
Ms. Emily T. Gibbons
Mr. and Mrs. Donald A. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. Steven H. Gibson
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Gilbert
Tom and Sally Gillespie
Mrs. Michael S. Giuffre
Mrs. Dorothy P. Gnann
Dewey and Kira Golub GF
Ms. Mary L. Goodell
Ms. Marian Greely and Mr. Darrell Olson
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grice
Mrs. Richard B. Grimball
Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Grochowski
Dr. Mark Guilloud
Mr. Jeremiah Hallstrom
Ms. Elizabeth A. Hancock
Mr. Todd A. Hancock
Mr. Stephen Hanson
Mr. Gerald Haram and Ms. Barbara Gould
Mr. Robert Hare
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Harrigan
Ms. Agatha Harris
Mr. and Mrs. William B. Hassell
Mrs. Joan Hedley
Mr. Ian Hill and Ms. Kathy Lindsay
Mr. Austin Hipp
Mrs. June C. Hora
Ms. Margaret Howe
Mrs. Ruby Dee Hryharrow
Col. and Mrs. Perry A. Hudel
Mr. Edward James
Dr. Robert L. Janiskee
Mr. David B. Jennings
Ms. A. Neyle Jervey
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Johnson
Mr. Dan M. Johnson
Mr. and Mrs. R Hunter Kennedy III GF
Mrs. Mary Kennerty Lannen
Mr. and Mrs. Paul F. Kent
Ms. Joan Kinne
Mr. Michael Kohl and Dr. Jane McLamarrah
Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Kohler
Mr. Wayne Koon
Mr. Dennis A. Laabs
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Laney IV
Ms. Katherine Lang
Ms. Tori G. Langen
Mrs. Jenny C. Lawing
Mr. Stratton Lawrence
Ms. Caroline W. Lee
Dr. Susan Libes
Mr. and Mrs. Toney J. Lister
Mr. Matthew Lockhart
Mr. and Mrs. Wade H. Logan III
Mr. and Mrs. Danforth Loring
Mrs. Ingrid Low
Ms. Sheila Low-Beer GF
Mr. Robbie Lupo
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Madoff
Mr. Myles Maland
Mr. and Mrs. William E. Martin III
Ms. Linda R. Mason
Mr. and Mrs. Tug Mathisen
Mr. Stewart Maurice
Mrs. Laura M. and
Mr. Matthew S. McAlhaney
Jackson and Pamela McCarter
Mr. James O. McClellan III
Mr. David B. McCormack
Thank You!
Mrs. Kelly T. McKee
Dr. Phoebe A. McLeod
Mrs. Sue Ellen F. McNeil
Ms. Dolores J. Miller
Ms. Allison Elise Morrison
Eisuke and Daryll Murono
Dr. and Mrs. James R. Muscott
Mr. and Mrs. George M. Neil
Mrs. Phillis Newman
Mrs. Mary M. O'Connell
Ms. Brenda S. O'Shields
Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Olson
Ms. Natalie Olson
Ms. Jean L. Osborne
Mr. and Mrs. Steven W. Ouzts
Dr. Jeanne Owen
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Padgett
Mrs. Anne V. Padgett
Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Pagnotta
Dr. Olivia C. Palmer
Mr. Samuel P. Parker, Jr.
Mr. Hayes H. Patterson, Jr.
Mr. D. Lindsay Pettus
Dr. and Mrs. Keith C. Player
Ms. Susan H. Prettyman
Ms. Susan Priester
Mr. Kevin Prince and Dr. Mary Prince
Mr. and Mrs. Norman F. Pulliam
Dr. Ann A. Quattlebaum
Drs. Ross and Laura Rames
Mr. Fran Rametta
Dr. and Mrs. John H. Rashford
Ms. Marjorie Rath and Mr. David Bachman
Mr. John Richardson
Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Roberts
Mr. and Mrs. Frederich E. Roitzsch
Senator and Mrs. Michael T. Rose
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel H. Rosen
Ms. Marcia Rosenberg
Roti Rolls GF
Mr. and Mrs. Alwyn Rougier-Chapman
Ms. Traylor Rucker
Mr. Justin Rummage
Mr. and Mrs. James K. Rumrill
Mrs. Carol F. Ryder
Mr. Ronald Sebeczek
Mr. Brent Shealy
Dr. and Mrs. Harry E. Shealy, Jr.
Mrs. Pamela B. Shucker
Dr. Daniel Silver
Dr. and Mrs. Jack W. Simmons, Jr.
Mr. and Mrs. Uldis K. Sipols
Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Smith III
Copley Smoak
Mr. and Mrs. D. Paul Sommerville
Mr. James C. Spears, Jr.
Ms. Kathleen A. Spring
Ms. Mary E. Steimen
Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan M. Stein
Dr. Faye B. Steuer
Mr. and Mrs. George Stilwell
Dr. Elva C. Stinson
Dr. and Mrs. S. David Stoney, Jr. GF
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. Stoothoff
Mr. Eugene Sullivan
Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Terrill
Mrs. Wynne Thomas
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Tison GF
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Tracy
Tristan Restaurant GF
Mr. and Mrs. Maurice K. Veronee
Mr. Thomas Videyko and
Ms. Caroline Kemezys
Mrs. Mary Alice Walker
Ms. Elise Wallace
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warden
Mrs. Haley Warden Rodgers and
Mrs. Lauren Warden Rodgers
Mrs. Mary Theresa Wightman
Mr. and Mrs. James M. Williams
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Winslow
Drs. David Wishart and Josephine Wilson
Ms. Laura S. Witham
Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Wood
Mr. David Wyanski and Ms. Andrea Smith
Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas Wyche
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Young, Jr.
Ms. Elizabeth Zeck and Mr. Mark Berg
Gifts of Membership
Matching Gifts
Ms. Leslie Barry
for Adrian Barry
Bank of America Matching Gifts
The Boeing Company
The Coca-Cola Matching Gifts Program
Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation
Shell Oil Company Foundation
The UBS Foundation
Mr. and Mrs. Kyle Braxton
for S. Cole Braxton
Coastal Legacy Society
The Coastal Legacy Society honors those who have provided for
the Coastal Conservation League through their wills or estate plans.
By making a gift to the Coastal Legacy Society, you will join this group of
extraordinary individuals in their commitment to protect the Lowcountry
for generations. If you are interested in finding out more about naming
the Coastal Conservation League in your will or estate plans, please
contact Shannyn Smith at 843-725-2058 or [email protected].
Ethel-Jane Westfeldt Bunting*
Russell and Judith Burns
Charlotte Caldwell
Chip and Betty Coffee
Marcia Curtis*
Carol B. Ervin
Mary C. Everts*
Robert W. Foster, Sr.
Dr. Annette G. Godow
Florence E. Goodwin*
Janis Hammett
Ms. Teri Lynn Herbert
Katherine M. Huger
In memory of Diane D. Terni
Mr. and Mrs. William R. Barrett, Jr. GF
Dr. and Mrs. Robert H. Bowles GF
Ed Manigault, Jeff Lewis and Lauren Lanni GF
Susie O'Brien GF
Michael and Stark Ward GF
Ms. Katherine S. Zimmerman GF
In memory of George Rogers
Mr. Stan Severance
Juliet and Jeffrey Cohen
for Jason Cohen
Tara McGrath and Doug Hatch
for Mina Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
for Roderick Dowling
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Seibels
for Grenville Seibels
Ms. Caroline Warren
for Mason Pope
Bill Case
for Betty Kelsey
Katherine Cheshire Knott*
Dr. Thomas R. Mather
Miles F. McSweeney
Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Prevost
Ellen and Mayo Read
Mr. Jason A. Schall
Ms. Dorothy D. Smith*
Gus and Cameron Speth
Mr. and Mrs. John J. Tecklenburg
Mr. and Mrs. Thad Timmons
Sarah W. Toomer*
George W. Williams
In memory of J. Ryba
William and Marilyn Blizard
In memory of Billie Houghton
Mr. E. Dean Berry
Ms. Floy Work
In memory of Jane E. Lareau
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
Ms. Pamela J. Edwards
Dr. and Mrs. Richard C. Hagerty
Mrs. Elizabeth A. Judd
Dr. and Mrs. Christopher P. Marsh
Ms. Catherine G. Rogers
Ms. Merike Tamm
In honor of Mary Stuart Dawson
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In honor of Fleetwood Hassell
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In honor of Charles Lane
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In memory of John F. Maybank
Ms. Linda Lear
In honor of Lucy Seabrook
Rev. and Mrs. Henry E. Avent, Jr.
In honor of Thomas Morrison
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
In memory of Billie Mae LeBoutillier
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K. Clark
Mrs. Edward Vought
In honor of John M. Moore
Ms. Mary Evelyn Jones
In memory of David L. Arnoff
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Arnoff
In honor of John Warren
Ms. Caroline Warren
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
In memory of Deborah Winfield
Dr. Jerry P. Winfield
In memory of Josh Loflin
Mr. Stan Severance
In honor of Katie Bell
Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvihill
In memory of Kippi McCulloch
Mr. and Mrs. Marty Hook
In honor of Richard Rainaldi
Ms. Ann Baker Easley
Mrs. Jill J. Paul
In honor of Hudson Rogers
Dr. and Mrs. Charles C. Geer
In honor of Robert P. Schofield
Ms. Barbara Stein
In celebration of Stanley Stevens
Mr. and Mrs. David Graham
In memory of William M. Campbell
Ms. Elizabeth Mobley
P.O. Box 1765
Charleston, SC 29402-1765
For more information about the Coastal
Conservation League, check out our website
at www.CoastalConservationLeague.org
The mission of the
Coastal Conservation League
is to protect the threatened resources
of the South Carolina coastal plain —
its natural landscapes, abundant
wildlife, clean water, and quality of
life — by working with citizens and
government on proactive, comprehensive
solutions to environmental challenges.
NEW BOOK about the Deveaux Bank
seabird colony is being published this
spring by the Coastal Conservation
League in partnership with the
University of South Carolina Press. With
photographs and text by Dana Beach,
Deveaux chronicles the annual cycle
of reproduction and renewal on this ephemeral
sandbar, and the work of the scientists and
conservationists who labor to understand and
protect it. The book’s stories and images provide a
compelling call to action to save Deveaux and sites
like it — wellsprings of the Lowcountry’s natural
beauty and diversity.
The Conservation League has played a lead
role in protecting all types of coastal wildlife
habitat, especially critical seabird and shorebird
nesting and feeding areas like Deveaux Bank.
All proceeds of the book sales go directly towards
the conservation programs of the Coastal
Conservation League. To order your copy visit:
South Carolina
Coastal Conservation League