TÜRKİYE’DE GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIMCILARI VE GELİŞTİRİCİLERİ REAL ESTATE INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS IN TURKEY Ceylan Intercontinental Türkiye Turkey GRI 2011 İSTANBUL 18 OCAK ISTANBUL 18 JANUARY İngilizce ve Türkçe Program English & Turkish Program 2011 TIPS Aşağıda GRI’dan en iyi şekilde faydalanmak için tavsiyelerimizi bulabilirsiniz. GRI oturumları panel şeklinde değildir. Oturum başkanının rehberliği eşliğinde kendi evinizde arkadaşlarınızla sohbet edermiş gibi konuşmalar ve tartışmalar şeklindedir. Sadece (eş)başkanlar değil, her katılımcı eşit olarak katılım sağlar. Oturum (eş)başkanının görevi, HERKEZİ konuşmaya ve katılmaya teşvik etmektir. (Eş)başkanlar odanın farklı yerlerinde oturur ve oturuma diğer katıılımcılarla eşit oranda katılım yapar, ne daha az, ne daha fazla. Eğer yeni ortaklarla iletişime geçmek faydalı olabilirse, sizi dilediğiniz kadar faal ve vocal olmaya davet ediyoruz. Bu, diğerlerinin sizi, sizin de diğerlerini daha iyi tanımanızı sağlayacaktır. Oturum Başkanı, sorularını, genelde sessizlikle sonuçlanacağından, odadaki herkese genel olarak sormayacaktır; isim vererek, işaret ederek belli bir kişiye yönelterek soracaktır. Ama herkesi yorum yapmaya, soru sormaya ve farklı fikir beyan etmeye teşvik ediyoruz. Lütfen oturum saati geldiğinde tercih ettiğiniz oturumun odasına gidiniz. Odalar oturumlar başladıktan sonra dolduğundan, boş oda sizi yanıltmasın. Hızlı bir şekilde dolacaktır. Bazı katılımcılar kimsenin duyamayacağı şekilde alçak sesle konuşmaktadırlar. Lütfen sesinizi yükseltiniz ve eğer duyamıyorsanız diğerlerini de seslerini yükseltmeye teşvik ediniz. Konuşmayı tekelinize almaktan, satış konuşması haline getirmekten kaçınınız. Oturum başkanı bu şekildeki konuşmaları sonlandıracaktır. GRI formatı, sektörün önde gelen üst düzey yöneticilerini, mümkün olduğu kadar doğal ve spontane bir ortamda, paylaşmaya, öğrenmeye ve arkadaşlıklar edinmeye teşvik edecek şekilde tasarlanmıştır. GRI toplantılarını nasıl daha iyi yapabileceğimiz konusunda tavsiyelere açığız. Here are a few tips that may be helpful in getting the most out of the GRI. GRI discussions are NOT panels. They are like after-dinner conversations in one’s own living room with a few good friends under the guidance of the moderating Chair. Everyone participates equally, not just the Discussion (co-)Chairs. The job of the moderating Chair is to make EVERYBODY talk and engage. Discussion co-Chairs sit scattered about the room and participate no more, no less than anyone else in the room. If connecting with new partners can be useful, we encourage you to ENGAGE as vocally and actively as you might enjoy. This will enable others to get to know you and you to get to know them. The Moderating Chair will be addressing questions DIRECTLY to particular participants, by name or by pointing at them, not just to anyone unspecified in the room at-large, as that is usually greeted with pregnant silence. Even so, you are encouraged to comment, question, dissent or otherwise interject. As no one will prompt you, please join the discussion room of your choice in time. Rooms only fill in AFTER a discussion starts and you need not be alarmed by a near empty room. It will quickly get crowded. Some participants speak so softly as to be unheard by most. SPEAK UP and remind others to do so if you can’t hear them. AVOID monopolizing conversation, self-promotion or commercial pitches as the Moderating Chair has been urged to cut them off. The GRI format was designed to enable senior industry leaders to share, learn and make friends in as natural, spontaneous and collegial a setting as possible. We welcome your suggestions as to how we can do better. WELCOME HOŞGELDİNİZ 2011 The mission of discussion Chairs at the GRI is not to talk but to make others talk, engage and connect. Türkiye GRI 2011’e hoşgeldiniz. Bütün GRI konferanslarında olduğu gibi, Türkiye GRI 2011’de, bugün burada bulunan, sektörün farklı alanlarında deneyimlere sahip bir çok kişi tarafından günümüzün sıcak konularını tartışmak üzere yaratıldı. Onlara ne kadar teşekkür etsek az. Emrah Şenel Henri Alster GRI, 2011 toplantılarının herhangi birinde bir oturum konusuna (eş) başkanlık yapmayı faydalı bulursanız, sizi bizimle kontağa geçmeye ve size programda en iyi şekilde yer vermek için tartışmaya davet ediyor. Farklı bir şekilde katılımı da tercih edebilirsiniz. Lütfen oturum sırasında, sizinle, sizin işinizle, sizin fırsatlarınızla ilgiliymişcesine söz alın, aktif olarak katılın. Çünkü zaten GRI’da herşey sizinle ilgili. We are delighted to welcome you to the Turkey GRI 2011. As with all GRI get-togethers, the Turkey GRI 2011 was created by many present here today who have contributed frontline expertise, intellectual brilliance, financial resources and more, to reach out to fellow leading lights and create a program to discuss today’s issues. We can’t thank them enough. If (co-)chairing one or more discussions could be useful to you at any forthcoming GRI event, we invite you to contact us and discuss how best to put them on the program. If any other type of involvement could be useful, it is similarly welcome. In the meantime, please join in the fray and engage in the discussions as if this was about you, your business, your opportunities. Because it is. Harika bir GRI deneyimi yaşamanızı dileriz. Bizimle olduğunuz için teşekkürler. We wish you a great GRI. Thanks for being with us. Emrah Şenel Director, Turkey/British/MENA GRI GRI – Global Real Estate Institute Henri Alster Chairman, GRI – Global Real Estate Institute VENUE CEYLAN INTERCONTINENTAL HOTEL Asker Ocagi Cad No.1, 34435 Taksim, Istanbul - Turkey Tel: +90 212 368 44 44 Fax: +90 212 231 84 62 [email protected] Inquiries and further information www.globalrealestate.org [email protected] Tel: +44 20 8492 2638 Fax: +44 20 8445 6633 All material throughout this program is subject to change without notice. 2011 THE GRI CAFE ... For those who think the opportunity to schedule personal meetings with so many of the industry’s best and brightest is too good to pass up... Schedule your appointments early... a AL s. pd IN res t u T F f p ou NO e o and tim k h at hec c se ea Pl TURKEY GRI 2011 SCHEDULE FLOORPLAN YAVUZ BAHÇE DOLMA 3 BAHÇE DOLMA 2 PELİN YENİGÜN-DİLEK chief economist GARANTI BANKASI BAHÇE DOLMA 1 TURKEY - CHANGING DYNAMICS? te KANUNI FATIH DOLMABAHÇE FOYER 09H00-10H00 KEYNOTE 10H30 - 11H30 14H15 - 15H15 LOJİSTİK VE DEPO GELİŞTİRME potensiyeli ve geleceği nedir? LOGISTICS & WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENT what is the potential & the future? SHOPPING MALL MANAGEMENT is it professional enough? ALIŞVERİŞ MERKEZLERİ YÖNETİMİ yeterince profesyonel mi? BUKET HAYRETÇİ ÖNDER AKPINAR ANIL KÖRPINAR UTKU ÖZTAŞKIN CANSEL TURGUT YAZICI MATTHEW WARNER NİHAT SANDIKÇIOĞLU JULIEN MARTIN NEŞE MERDİNLER ALISON REHILL-ERGÜVEN NURİ ŞAPKACI FOREIGN INVESTORS IN TURKEY appetite for risk or just cherry picking? RETAIL AND SHOPPING MALL INVESTMENTS what works, what doesn’t? MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS does “mixed use” add value? TURKEY 2011 where are the opportunities? GLENN AARONSON JOSEPH BONNER BURAK ERTEN ZEYNEP FETVACI SİBEL KONAK MEHMET ÖNKAL HANSJÖRG SOMMERAU CÜNEYT CAN TAŞAN PATRICK VAN DOOYEWEERT ANTHONY KHOI TORSTEN BAUER ANDREAS HOHLMANN HAKAN KODAL NEŞE MERDİNLER ALISON REHILL-ERGÜVEN PHILIPP VON WILMOWSKY GÜNİZ ÇELEN MUSTAFA ABADAN STEPHEN ASHFORD MUSA AYKAÇ MEHMET EVEN AYBARS KIZILSENCER ANTHONY KHOI ...AND FRIENDS NON-RECOURSE FINANCING FOR DEVELOPERS why not available in Turkey? DEBT MARKETS where are all the lenders? CROSS BORDER INVESTMENTS are you all set? HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS new trends or old expectations? MUSTAFA ÖZDEMİR ERSUN BAYRAKTAROĞLU DİDEM BERGHMANS MURAT ERGİN ÖMER İSVAN MARTIN ARMITSTEAD ALAEDDİN BABAOĞLU POĞDA DEMİRCAN HALUK KAYA OFİS YATIRIMLARI OFFICE INVESTMENTS do the economics work? AYLA HEYFEGİL ÖMER EGESEL ÇAGRI EROLSUN EVRİM KARAYEL MEHMET KAZANCIOĞLU SELÇUK ÖZDİL BURHANETTİN YURTSEVEN DOLMABAHÇE 3 KEYNOTE 09H00 - 10H00 DOLMABAHÇE 1 LAURENT CALONNE BARLAS BALCIOĞLU TAYLAN BAYKUT BERTI BRUDO JASON LUCAS DISTRESSED ASSETS DEALS frozen dreams? KANUNI TASSOS KOTZANASTASSIS ALİ OTMAR RIZA KADILAR BLAKE LOVELESS All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. MUSTAFA TİFTİKÇİOĞLU CENK ARSON CEM BODUR YAĞMUR YAŞAR ENERGY EFFICIENT GREEN BUILDINGS is it a fantasy or the future? SUHA ÖZKAN ALAN FELTOON YUSUF ZAHİT GÜNDOĞDU AYSE HASOL ERKTİN UTKU ÖZTAŞKIN 15H45 - 16H45 RESIDENTIAL what is the right strategy now? KONUTTA DOĞRU STRATEJİ NE? HALUK SUR ÖZLEM GÖKÇE KAAN GÜNER ÖZGÜR KINAY DOĞAN ÖKSÜM STEPHEN SCANLON TEVFİK TÜREL STELIOS ZAVVOS FAREWELL DRINKS 16H45 - 17H45 DOLMABAHÇE 2 LUNCH 13H15 - 14H15 12H15 - 13H15 TIMETABLE PROGRAM 2011 09H00-10H00 TURKEY - CHANGING DYNAMICS? PELİN YENİGÜN-DİLEK chief economist GARANTI BANKASI KEYNOTE TURKEY GRI 2011 Istanbul January 18 Ceylan Intercontinental Hotel Asker Ocagi Cad No.1, 34435 Taksim, Istanbul - Turkey PROGRAM 17 Ocak, Pazartesi Monday 17 January 18 Ocak, Salı Tuesday 18 January 19:00 - 22:00 08H00 09H00 - 10H00 10H30 - 16H45 13H15 - 14H15 16H45 - 17H45 GRI Kurul Yemeği GRI Board Dinner (Yalnız GRI Kurulu, Türkiye GRI sponsorları ve (eş) başkanlara ayrılmıştır) (Reserved for GRI Board, Turkey GRI Partners & Discussion Chairs only). Kayıt Check in Keynote Türkiye GRI Programı Turkey GRI Program Öğle Yemeği Lunch Kapanış Kokteyli Closing Drinks 2011 DISCUSSIONS TURKEY GRI 10H30-11H30 10H30-11H30 OFİS YATIRIMLARI OFFICE INVESTMENTS do the economics work? DOLMABAHÇE 3 with English translation Ayla Heyfegil Ömer Egesel Dr. Çağrı Erolsun Mehmet Levent Kazancıoğlu Selçuk Özdil Burhanettin Yurtseven Glenn Aaronson Joseph Bonner Burak Erten Zeynep Fetvacı Sibel Konak Mehmet Önkal Hansjörg Sommerau Cüneyt Can Taşan Patrick Van Dooyeweert Laurent Calonne Barlas Balcıoğlu Taylan Baykut Berti Brudo Jason Lucas Tassos Kotzanastassis Ali Otmar Evrim Karayel EVRİM KARAYEL general manager GÜRALLAR YAPI turkey MEHMET LEVENT KAZANCIOĞLU real estate / projects development director DOĞAN HOLDING turkey AYLA HEYFEGİL managing partner SERVOTEL CORPORATION turkey BURHANETTİN YURTSEVEN general manager PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS turkey FOREIGN INVESTORS IN TURKEY appetite for risk or just cherry picking? ZEYNEP FETVACI principal, head of business development PEAKSIDE CAPITAL uk SİBEL KONAK director of design & construction ICDC PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING usa DOLMABAHÇE 2 MEHMET ÖNKAL managing partner BDO HOSPITALITY CONSULTING turkey GLENN AARONSON ceo MULTI CORPORATION netherlands HANSJÖRG SOMMERAU senior partner, real estate SWISS CAPITAL GROUP switzerland BURAK ERTEN president of executive committee TULIP REAL ESTATE turkey NON-RECOURSE FINANCING FOR DEVELOPERS why not available in turkey? CÜNEYT CAN TAŞAN business development manager - turkey GLOBE INTERNATIONAL turkey PATRICK VAN DOOYEWEERT managing director REDEVCO TURKEY turkey BARLAS BALCIOĞLU partner BALCIOGLU SELCUK AKMAN AVUKATLIK BÜROSU turkey TAYLAN BAYKUT business development manager AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE turkey DOLMABAHÇE 1 BERTI BRUDO ceo GAIA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS turkey LAURENT CALONNE country manager, turkey EXTENSA GROUP belgium JASON LUCAS president AMSTAR GLOBAL usa DISTRESSED ASSETS DEALS frozen dreams? Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org DR. ÇAĞRI EROLSUN project management and development director DEDEMAN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY turkey SELÇUK ÖZDİL executive sales manager ARCELORMITTAL turkey JOSEPH BONNER managing director PRUDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS usa All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. ÖMER EGESEL general manager TEKFEN EMLAK GAYRİMENKUL GELİŞTİRME turkey KANUNI TASSOS KOTZANASTASSIS managing director 8G CAPITAL PARTNERS cyprus ALİ OTMAR partner PEAKSIDE CAPITAL uk DR. RIZA KADILAR country representative NATIXIS PRAMEX turkey BLAKE LOVELESS vice president MEYER BERGMAN uk Dr. Rıza Kadılar Blake Loveless 2011 DISCUSSIONS TURKEY GRI 12H15-13H15 12H15-13H15 LOJİSTİK VE DEPO GELİŞTİRME Potensiyeli ve Geleceği Nedir? BUKET HAYRETÇİ first vice president turkey AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE turkey LOGISTICS & WAREHOUSE DEVELOPMENT what is the potential and the future? ANIL GÖKÇEN KÖRPINAR managing director, real estate development RHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT turkey DOLMABAHÇE 3 ÖNDER AKPINAR general manager CITY’S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT turkey UTKU ÖZTAŞKIN business development director IDA GROUP turkey Buket Hayretçi Önder Akpınar Utku Öztaşkın Cansel Turgut Yazıcı Anthony Khoi Torsten Bauer Hakan Kodal Neşe Merdinler Alison Rehill-Ergüven Dr. Philipp Von Wilmowsky Mustafa Tiftikçioğlu Cenk Arson Cem Bodur Yağmur Yaşar CANSEL TURGUT YAZICI managing director, associate partner EVA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL CONSULTANCY turkey with English translation RETAIL AND SHOPPING MALL INVESTMENTS what works, what doesn’t? DOLMABAHÇE 2 ANTHONY KHOI president CENOR GROUP france TORSTEN BAUER managing director METRO GROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT turkey ANDREAS HOHLMANN general manager ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ turkey HAKAN KODAL president & ceo KREA REAL ESTATE turkey NEŞE MERDİNLER business development manager KOMSUFIRIN turkey ALISON REHILL-ERGÜVEN head of turkey PRADERA MANAGEMENT TURKEY turkey DR. PHILIPP VON WILMOWSKY managing partner PRIME DEVELOPMENT PROJE GELISTIRME turkey DEBT MARKETS where are all the lenders? DOLMABAHÇE 1 MUSTAFA TİFTİKÇİOĞLU senior vice president, project & acquisition finance GARANTI BANK turkey CENK ARSON chief executive officer RÖNESANS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT turkey CEM BODUR ceo MULTI TURKEY RETAIL FUND turkey YAĞMUR YAŞAR cfo RETFUND turkey All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org Anil Gökçen Körpınar Andreas Hohlmann 2011 DISCUSSIONS TURKEY GRI 14H15-15H15 14H15-15H15 SHOPPING MALL MANAGEMENT is it professional enough? ALIŞVERİŞ MERKEZLERİ YÖNETİMİ yeterince profesyonel mi? NİHAT SANDIKÇIOĞLU secretary general TURKISH COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS Turkey JULIEN MARTIN general manager CEFIC TURKEY turkey NEŞE MERDİNLER business development manager KOMŞUFIRIN turkey Nihat Sandıkçıoğlu Julien Martin Neşe Merdinler Alison Rehill-Ergüven Nuri Şapkacı Güniz Çelen Mustafa K. Abadan Stephen Ashford Musa Aykaç Mehmet Even Aybars Kizilsencer Mustafa Özdemir Ersun Bayraktaroğlu Didem Batum Berghmans Murat Ergin Suha Özkan Alan J. Feltoon Ayse Hasol Erktin Utku Öztaşkın ALISON REHILL-ERGÜVEN head of turkey PRADERA MANAGEMENT TURKEY turkey NURİ ŞAPKACI deputy general manager ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ turkey DOLMABAHÇE 3 with Turkish translation MIXED-USE DEVELOPMENTS does “mixed use” add value? DOLMABAHÇE 2 GÜNİZ ÇELEN president ÇELEN CORPORATE PROPERTY VALUATION AND COUNSELING turkey MUSTAFA K. ABADAN design partner SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL usa CROSS BORDER INVESTMENTS are you all set? DOLMABAHÇE 1 STEPHEN ASHFORD chief development/ operating officer OMNIYAT PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION uae MUSA AYKAÇ general manager NUROL GYO turkey MEHMET EVEN assistant general manager ZORLU GAYRIMENKUL GRUBU turkey AYBARS KIZILSENCER sales & marketing director EROĞLU YAPI CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT turkey MUSTAFA ÖZDEMİR managing director FAF INTERNATIONAL turkey ERSUN BAYRAKTAROĞLU partner, pwc turkey real estate leader PWC TURKEY turkey DİDEM BATUM BERGHMANS commercial director EQUITY TRUST turkey MURAT ERGİN managing director KUZEYBATI turkey ENERGY EFFICIENT GREEN BUILDINGS is it a fantasy or the future? KANUNI All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org SUHA ÖZKAN partner PRO^GE turkey ALAN J. FELTOON vice president & managing principal LEO A DALY usa YUSUF ZAHİT GÜNDOĞDU president FUJI MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL turkey AYSE HASOL ERKTİN partner, architect HAS ARCHITECTS turkey UTKU ÖZTAŞKIN business development director IDA GROUP turkey Yusuf Zahit Gündoğdu 2011 DISCUSSIONS 15H45-16H45 RESIDENTIAL what is the right strategy now? KONUTTA DOGRU STRATEJİ NE? DOLMABAHÇE 3 with Turkish translation TURKEY GRI 15H45-16H45 HALUK SUR board member EMLAK KONUT GYO turkey ÖZLEM GÖKÇE general manager EXTENSA ISTANBUL turkey KAAN YILGÜN GÜNER sales and marketing director AŞÇIOĞLU İNŞAAT turkey Haluk Sur Özlem Gökçe Kaan Yilgün Güner Özgür Kinay Doğan Öksüm Stephen J. Scanlon Stelios Zavvos Tevfik Turel ÖZGÜR KINAY board member/architect HITIT GROUP turkey DOĞAN ÖKSÜM ceo GENEL YAPI turkey STEPHEN J. SCANLON principal ICDC PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING usa TEVFIK TUREL ceo ATA REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT turkey STELIOS ZAVVOS ceo ZEUS CAPITAL PARTNERS greece TURKEY 2011 where are the opportunities? MODERATOR ANTHONY KHOI president CENOR GROUP france ...AND FRIENDS DOLMABAHÇE 2 HOTEL DEVELOPMENTS new trends or old expectations? DOLMABAHÇE 1 Anthony Khoi ÖMER K. İSVAN president SERVOTEL CORPORATION turkey MARTIN ARMITSTEAD senior vice president development, emea WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP uk ALAEDDİN BABAOĞLU co-founder, chairman of the board AMPLIO HOTEL INVESTMENTS turkey Ömer K. İsvan Martin Armitstead Poğda Demircan Haluk Kaya POĞDA DEMİRCAN development manager, turkey HILTON HOTELS turkey All material throughout this brochure is subject to change without notice. Ongoing updates at: www.globalrealestate.org HALUK KAYA chairman BEKAY PROPERTY PARTNERS turkey Alaeddin Babaoğlu TURKEY GRI 2011 GLENN AARONSON MUSTAFA K. ABADAN ceo design partner MULTI CORPORATION SKIDMORE, OWINGS & MERRILL PROJECT DEVELOPER, INVESTOR ARCHITECTURE, ENGINEERING Retail center development He became CEO of Multi Corporation in June 2007, leaving his previous position as Managing Director of Morgan Stanley Real Estate,where he headed European asset management and was directly responsible for Morgan Stanley’s investment in Multi Corporation.From 1998-2001 he completed the restructuring of Credit Suisse First Boston real estate operations in Europe,overseeing the disposition of $2.0 billion portfolio of earlier investments.He started his professional real estate career in 1978 acquiring and operating multifamily residential throughout the southeast U.S. He also spent a number of years working for the U.S. government in their effort to address real estate coming out of the domestic savings and loan crisis in the early 1990’s. SOM is world renowned for its Mixed Use projects such as Time Warner Center in NY SOM is one of the leading architecture firms in the world with an international reputation for excellence, and has received more than 1,400 awards. Mustafa Abadan joined SOM in 1983 and quickly established himself as a design force, becoming the youngest partner in 1995. As one of three design partners in the New York office charged with setting the design direction of the firm, Mr. Abadan has designed a diverse group of complex, large-scale buildings that exemplify his unique sensitivity to urban conditions, an inclusiveness of cultural context, and a multifaceted definition of modern architecture. ÖNDER AKPINAR MARTIN ARMITSTEAD general manager senior vice president development, emea CITY’S PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT WYNDHAM HOTEL GROUP Commercial real estate developments, investments and asset management in Turkey and overseas. City’s Property Development (CPD) is the commercial property development arm of the Gulaylar Group which is founded in 1926. CPD’s core markets for development include retail, office, logistics, hotel and luxury residential. Citys Nisantasi Shopping Center and a build-to-suit logistics facility developed for DHL are some of the significant projects throughout the landmark projects of CPD. CPD develops and owns the assets for long term investment purposes and currently the assets value under the group’s management is exceeding EUR 900M. CPD has a clear focus on Turkish market due to it’s very strong local and international network and corporate know how. Martin Armitstead holds the position of Senior Vice President - Development for the EMEA region, within the worlds largest hotel company - Wyndham Hotel Group. His remit is to direct the development team to grow the companies hotel brands (which include Wyndham, Ramada, Days Inn and Super 8), through a combination of franchise and management structures throughout Europe, Africa and the Middle East. CENK ARSON STEPHEN ASHFORD chief executive officer chief development / operating officer RÖNESANS REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT OMNIYAT PROPERTIES DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT PROPERTY DEVELOPMENT Was founded in Ankara in 2006, its subsidiaries and JVs are to develop land, residances, office buildings, shopping malls and hotels. Arson (42), who was previously Head of Structured Finance at AKBANK (2000-2005), has taken over the management of the representative office of Eurohypo. He is tasked with establishing Eurohypo in the Turkish market and quickly developing a sizeable portfolio as a Country Manager (2005-2010). Now, Mr.Arson has been working at RONESANS Real Estate Investment A.S. as CEO since July 2010. Cenk Arson holds an MBA (Warwick) and CFA certificate and is fluent in English. Real Estate Developer with Investment Management and Asset Management arms operating out of Dubai and internationally. Stephen has 20 years of international experience in world class real estate across the whole development chain working for leading global corporations such as Tishman Speyer and Lehrer McGovern International / Olympia & York realizing many world-class developments in multiple geographies including Europe, the Middle East and Asia. Omniyat is one of the most recognized and respected private real estate companies in the UAE with a premium brand and a unique approach creating technologically advanced and innovative bespoke developments to satisfy multiple income and end-user groups. Its portfolio exceeds 3 billion USD. CREATORS MUSA AYKAÇ ALAEDDİN BABAOĞLU general manager co-founder, chairman of the board NUROL GYO AMPLIO HOTEL INVESTMENTS Musa Aykaç manages real estate development projects over 10 years. Nurol Group has demonstrated high performance in Luxurious Housing, Mass Housing & Social Centre Projects, Hotel & Resort Projects, Office Buildings & Shopping Malls. Nurol Real Estate Investment Co. manages a rich portfolio of real estate and related capital market instruments and invests in profitable real estate projects.Nurol REIC’s ever-expanding and well-diversified portfolio consists of the following income-producing real estate properties:Nurol Residence - AnkaraNurol Plaza - IstanbulOasis Shopping Mall, Cultural and Entertainment Center - Mugla/Bodrum HOTEL INVESTOR INVESTORDEVELOPER Nurol Real Estate Investment Co. with Nurol Construction Co. is a major player in RE investment & development in commercial & residential markets. Investment company developing business hotel chain in Turkey first stage 20 hotels. Alaeddin Babaoğlu has over 25 years of professional experience in the international hospitality and leisure industry, including being the Senior Vice President of development for LTI International Hotels and the Vice President of Development for Mövenpick Hotels&Resorts. Alaeddin Babaoğlu has been focused on hotel and resort developments worldwide, including countries in Europe, Africa, the Middle East, Asia and the Americas. He is previously holding numerous positions in international joint venture companies as a director, board member and founding partner such as Amplio Hotel Investment.Alaeddin Babaoğlu graduated from the hotel management School in Heidelberg, Germany as a ‘Graduated Economist, Hotel Industry’. BARLAS BALCIOĞLU TORSTEN BAUER partner managing director BALCIOĞLU SELÇUK AKMAN AVUKATLIK BÜROSU METRO GROUP ASSET MANAGEMENT REAL ESTATE Barlas Balcioglu has been a real estate and corporate finance lawyer for about 10 years. His work has included representing banks in drafting and negotiating loan agreements; and representing owners, developers, and investors in connection with the development and sale of commercial real estate. He also specializes in M&As, joint ventures, and restructuring. He negotiated and drafted shareholders, share purchase, consortium, distribution, and asset transfer agreements. 4IPQQJOHDFOUFSTt QSPQFSUZBDUJWJUJFTPG.&530(3061tNBOBHFT more than 700 properties in 32 countries Torsten Bauer, Managing Director of METRO Group Asset Management Emlak Yönetim A.S., has been with the company for 19 years. After training as a banker Bauer graduated in business administration and made a degree in real-estate economy. Previously he executed the position of corporate finance and specialized in real estate finance for METRO Group, Germany. 2006 he became Administration Director of METRO Group Asset Management Turkey. Furthermore he executes his current position since 2010. TAYLAN BAYKUT ERSUN BAYRAKTAROĞLU business development manager partner, pwc turkey real estate leader AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE PWC TURKEY PROPERTY FINANCE ADVISORY SERVICES -FBEJOHJOUFSOBUJPOBMQSPQFSUZTQFDJBMJTUt BDSPTTUISFFDPOUJOFOUTtFVSPQFOPSUIBNFSJDB BTJBQBDJöDtUBJMPSNBEFöOBODJOHTPMVUJPOT Mr. Baykut is Manager Business Development of Aareal Bank AG’s Istanbul representative office. Prior to joining Aareal, he started his career at JPMorgan Chase & Co.’s investment banking division in New York, where he was responsible for the execution of North American oil and gas transactions. Consequently, he worked for Baxter Bold & Co., Deutsche Bank AG and Fideltus Capital, where he focused on corporate mergers and acquisitions, financial restructurings, and real estate private equity transactions. He received a BA in Economics with Highest Distinction from Hamilton College in 2000. UBYtBDDPVOUBODZtDPOTVMUBODZ Ersun is a tax partner and PwC Turkey’s real estate industry leader. He has been a tax practitioner for more than 20 years and has been providing advisory services to his several domestic and international clients in the real estate area. He’s obtained his Master of Arts degree in Economics at Western Michigan University in the USA. Ersun is the author of several articles in business dailies and real estate magazines. Also, he is a speaker in several domestic and international panels, discussions, conferences and a lecturer in several seminars on tax issues. TURKEY GRI 2011 DIDEM BATUM BERGHMANS JOSEPH BONNER commercial director managing director EQUITY TRUST PRUDENTIAL REAL ESTATE INVESTORS Corporate Service Provider Didem is Equity Trust’s representative in Turkey. Her focus covers both corporate services and private client work.She spent 15 year in various positions at Garanti Bank and ProLogis.She joined Equity Trust in 2006 in the Luxembourg Office,before returning to her native country in 2010. Equity Trust is the world’s leading independent provider of trust and fiduciary services.From our global network we provide premier services to corporations,intermediaries and high-net-worth individuals.Our powerful global position allows us to seamlessly establish complex,multi-jurisdictional investment holding and finance structure, while our independence from banks means real transparency,and the ability to provide you with the best solutions and service. Joe is the Managing Director, Chief Investment Officer responsible for sourcing and structuring real estate acquisitions in the MENA region. From 1998 until 2010 Joe was responsible for real estate acquisitions in the Northeast Region of the U.S. and Eastern Canada on behalf of third party pension funds. Joe’s team sourced, negotiated and performed due diligence for over 170 transactions, investing in excess of $10 billion. He has experience in all major project types, as well as the structuring of debt/equity joint ventures, development projects, mezzanine financing, opportunistic/value-added investing, core acquisitions and public market transactions. LAURENT CALONNE GÜNIZ ÇELEN country manager, turkey president EXTENSA GROUP ÇELEN CORPORATE PROPERTY VALUATION AND COUNSELING Personal expertise: Development of large-sized mixed-use real estate projects. As a developer, Extensa is committed to creating communities based on respecting the interests of all stakeholders. Ongoing projects include larger urban and suburban residential communities, mixed use developments as extension to the urban fabric and urban regeneration projects. In some of these projects, Extensa has teamed up with other developers or with local authorities. Geographically, Extensa now operates in Belgium, Luxemburg, Rumania, Slovakia and Turkey. Extensa was created in 1910 and is now part of Ackermans & van Haaren (Euronext, Brussels): www.avh.be. VALUATION & COUNSELING DEVELOPER The Extensa Group manages an investment portfolio of € 500 million and develops large mixed-use projects in different european countries. %VF%JMJHFODFt.BSLFU3FTFBSDI"OBMZTJTt "TTFU7BMVBUJPOt)JHIFTU#FTU6TFt 'FBTJCJMJUZt*OWFTUNFOU4USBUFHZ Development Consultancy Güniz Çelen, is a Chartered Appraiser and is recognized as one of the most prominent 1,100 Counselors of the real estate world with her CRE designation and holds FRICS and MAI designations as well. The 34 years of extensive and diversified hands-on experience in construction and investment environments has led to unique know-how in commercial, residential, hospitality and industrial development issues. She continues to speak and teach for the development of the appraisal profession. POĞDA DEMİRCAN ÖMER EGESEL development manager, turkey general manager HILTON HOTELS TEKFEN EMLAK GAYRİMENKUL GELİŞTİRME Pogda Demircan has a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA degree with a concentration in Finance. Prior to joining Hilton in April 2008, as the Development Manager responsible for Turkey , he worked in the areas of corporate finance and real estate development. DEVELOPER HOTEL MANAGEMENT leading global hospitality company, with more than 3,400 hotels in more than 79 countries and territories 0óDFtSFTJEFOUJBMtSFUBJM1SPKFDUTJOƞTUBOCVM tƞ[NJSPOHPJOHt3FTJEFOUJBMQSPKFDUVOEFS development in Konya Mr. Egesel started his career in STFA taking roles in international projects and continued with oil-gas and retail business. Throughout his career , he acted as Network Manager, Business Development Manager and General Manager of various international companies including Elf and DiaSa. He had been performing as General Manager of DiaSa since 2002 before he joined Tekfen Real Estate Development Company. He joined Real Estate Development Group as General Manager since 2008 and has worked as the General Manager of Tekfen Real Estate Development and Trade Co. Inc. CREATORS MURAT ERGİN DR. ÇAĞRI EROLSUN managing director project management and development director KUZEYBATI DEDEMAN REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PROPERTY CONSULTANT "HFODZt$POTVMUBODZt*OWFTUNFOUt1SPQFSUZ .BOBHFNFOU4FSWJDFTGPS0óDFt3FUBJMt Industrial and Residential Properties Murat Ergin is the founder and managing director of Turkey’s leading real estate services provider, Kuzeybati. Mr. Ergin started his real estate career in 1994 at Kuzeybati, where he established the brokerage, advisory, investment and finally Property Management teams. Kuzeybati is associated with Savills and provides services to a group of clientele from among international investors, developers and end users. Murat Ergin is a member of ULI , GYODER , Corenet and ICSC. Mr. Ergin is fluent in English and Turkish. 0óDFt)PUFMt&OUFSUBJONFOU$FOUFSt 3FTJEFOUJBMt3FUBJMJOWFTUPSBOE asset management Graduated from the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Istanbul Technical University, went on to complete an MBA, and was later awarded a PhD in Accounting & Finance. Mr.Erolsun has started his carrier in Yapı Kredi Bank, one Turkey’s biggest project finance institutions. As an Executive in Loans Department, assessing and financing private sector deals, he finalized several commercial and industrial projects in that period. He was then transferred to Nova Group as the Project Manager and was in charge of many hotel, hospital, retail chain, shopping mall, commercial and mix construction projects. Since 2007, Mr.Erolsun is working as the Project Management and Development Director of the Dedeman Real Estate Co. BURAK ERTEN AYSE HASOL ERKTİN president of executive committee partner, architect TULIP REAL ESTATE HAS ARCHITECTS -Corporate Finance Advisory background-Partner in BPA International, participated in various financial transactions involving forfaiting, structured finance, M&A and restructuring advisory.-Bosphorus University, Management Graduate TULIP is a foreign-capital property development company which is founded in June 2006. In order to realize this purpose, TULIP targets at realizing 4 Million square meters of real estate development in this period of timeWith total 200 years of combined experience in development & construction, TULIP’s partners have established permanent collaborations with powerful financial organizations and investors. ARCHITECTURE REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER Residential and Mix-use Developments )"4.JNBSML-UE)"4"SDIJUFDUT-UE JTPOFPG the leading design firms in Turkey Ayse Hasol Erktin is a partner at HAS Architects Ltd., one of the leading design firms in Turkey. She has been with HAS for twenty years where she has designed and coordinated the design process of various hospitality, healthcare, housing and office projects, including the 5 star Swissotel Grand Hotel Efes, and 45.000 sqm Anadolu Health Center, all of which were designed in coordination with a global team of specialists. Ayse Hasol Erktin is a member of ULI Turkey Executive Committee, served as the president of Istanbul Project Management Association in 2000-2001, and vice president of Harvard Alumni Club of Turkey between 1997-2002. She is a BREEAM Assessor and an EDAC Accredited Individual. MEHMET EVEN ALAN J. FELTOON assistant general manager vice president & managing principal ZORLU GAYRIMENKUL GRUBU LEO A DALY Mr. Even has been the exterior & interior designer for leading design and construction firms in Europe. He has developed Computer Automation technologies in Design, Business and Project Management and given consultancy services in Marketing and Business Development. He has been Construction Manager for shopping center, commercial projects and hotels in Austria and also Project & Quality Manager for Museums Quarter in Vienna. He has acted as Project & Business Development Manager of IKEA, Head of Developments of Sama Dubai LLC and Head of Projects & Developments of GMR International. Mr. Even is currently the Head of Developments of Zorlu Group which has Over 4 billion USD value mix use and resort projects. ARCHITECTURE FIRM DEVELOPER Investment company developing business hotel chain in Turkey first stage 20 hotels BXBSEXJOOJOHBSDIJUFDUVSFtFOHJOFFSJOHt QMBOOJOHtJOUFSJPSTtQSPHSBNNBOBHFNFOU firm with over 1,100 professionals in over 30 offices worldwide Mr. Feltoon brings more than 32 years of national architecture, planning and interior design experience to Leo A Daly. His work has earned him several awards, as well as recognition from the American Institute of Architects, Contract Magazine, and Interiors and Sources magazine. He is also an Adjunct Professor at Pratt Institute.Leo A Daly is an international recognized, award-winning architecture, engineering, planning, interiors, and program management firm. With over 1,100 professionals in over 30 offices worldwide, the firm is constantly ranked among the top design firms in the world. TURKEY GRI 2011 ZEYNEP FETVACI ÖZLEM GÖKÇE principal, head of business development general manager PEAKSIDE CAPITAL EXTENSA ISTANBUL INVESTOR & MANAGER REAL ESTATE DEVELOPER 0QQPSUVOJTUJDQSJWBUFFRVJUZ real estate investor EMEA Peakside Capital is a mid-sized real estate private equity firm which spun out of Bank of America Merrill Lynch (“BofAML”) in September 2010. Peakside provides real estate investment advisory services, deal origination and execution, asset management and fund management services across Europe, including Central and Eastern Europe and Turkey. Ms. Fetvaci is a Principal and Head of Business Development and Investor Relations at Peakside. She was formerly the head of Investor Relations at BofAML where she was responsible for all aspects of relations with third party investors for BofAML’s real estate funds in Europe and for fundraising strategy. 3FTJEFOUJBM0óDF3FUBJMtƞTUBOCVM5àSLJZFt NJPNt&YUFOTB#PNPOUJ "QBSUNBO&YUFOTB#PNPOUJ4UàEZP Ozlem Gökçe is an architect and urban designer holding an MBA degree. She focused on Real Estate Development on her career during her experiences at Enternasyonel Tourism Investments and Turkon Holding in key management positions. She joined Extensa in 2009 as General Manager and she’s also a board member. Extensa was founded 100 yrs ago to develop a number of large residential suburbs around the city of Antwerp in Belgium. In recent years Extensa established new companies in Romania, Slovakia and Turkey. In 2007, Extensa İstanbul had made land acquisitions in Bomonti Şişli and developing two residential projects with approximately 200 apartments. YUSUF ZAHİT GÜNDOĞDU KAAN YILGÜN GÜNER president sales and marketing director FUJI MIYAMOTO INTERNATIONAL AŞÇIOĞLU İNŞAAT Licensed as a structural engineer, he has supervised or directly engineered numerous structures in his 25 years of experience. During 14 years, he worked in Far East, Russia and Middle East countries.Fuji Miyamoto International is Turkey office of Miyamoto International - a Sacramento based US company, having provided engineering design services since 1946 for more than 8.000 buildings and structures with offices in US, Europe and Asia. We are a global earthquake + structural engineering firm providing critical services around the world. RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING CONSULTANCY 4USVDUVSBM&OHJOFFSJOHt#SJEHFTt )JHI3JTFt.BSJOF4USVDUVSFTt&BSUIRVBLF &OHJOFFSJOHt4FJTNJD3FIBCJMJUBUJPOt 3JTL"TTFTTNFOUt%VF%JMJHFODF Residential and Commercial Development t)JHI3JTF#VJMEJOHTt)PTQJUBM#VJMEJOHTt 4FMFOJVN5XJOT4FMFOJVN1MB[Bt4FMFOJVN Panorama, City Founded in 1976, Ascioglu Construction gained vast experience in the construction sector through hundred thousands of residential and commercial projects, speacialized in high-residential buildings. Kaan Yılgün Güner is the director of sales and marketing since 2007 holding a bachelor degree of Marketing And Sales Management from University of San Francisco, realised sales of Selenium Projects both Residential and Commercial in İstanbul BUKET HAYRETÇİ AYLA HEYFEGİL first vice president turkey managing partner AAREAL BANK AG, ISTANBUL REPRESENTATIVE OFFICE SERVOTEL CORPORATION Buket Hayretci is the First Vice President of Aareal Bank AG - Istanbul Representative Office . She graduated from Bosphorus University of Istanbul, Political Science and International Relations Department. After her graduation, she joined Turkish Foreign Trade Bank/Disbank as a management trainee and worked at the International Marketing Department. She is with Aareal Bank AG since 2003. She worked for the Credit Management and Marketing Departments for Turkey at the headquarters in Wiesbaden, Germany before transferring to Istanbul Representative Office in 2006. CONSULTANT PROPERTY FINANCE Leading international property specialist across three continents - europe, north america, asia/pacific - tailor-made financing solutions Tourism, residential & office projects spans over 41 Countries; Europe, Africa, ME, CIS & The Americas excluding USA & Asia Pacific Ayla Heyfegil is the vice president of the Servotel Corporation Istanbul office since 2003. With 20 years of progressive marketing, sales and operations experience in leisure, real estate and retail businesses and strength in building market presence and setting up sales organizations for new concepts and new products both in domestic and international markets, she held various management positions focusing on sales & marketing divisions in Hamoğlu Holding and Kemer Yapı ve Turizm AŞ and Kemer Golf & Country Club. Ayla Heyfegil holds B.A in political science from Bosphorus University and fluent in English. CREATORS ANDREAS HOHLMANN ÖMER K. İSVAN general manager president ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ SERVOTEL CORPORATION INVESTOR / MANAGER INVESTMENT ADVISORY Shopping centers; Istanbul, Ankara, Antalya, &TLJTFIJSPUIFSDJUJFTJO5VSLFZTRN GLA,1.000 tenants; 6 existing & 2 projects Andreas Hohlmann, General Manager ECE Türkiye Proje Yönetimi A.S., worked in several key positions in ECE Group. ECE Turkiye has been established in year 2000 in Istanbul . The company develops, plans, realises, leases and manages large - scale shopping centers in Turkey. As a long time investor ECE Türkiye operates, Metrocity, Beylikdüzü Migros Shopping Center and CarrefourSA Maltepe Park in Istanbul, ANKAmall in Ankara, Antalya Migros Shopping Center in Antalya and Espark in Eskisehir and has projects under development and/or at construction phase in Istanbul MarmaraPark and in Antalya TerraCity shopping centers as well as projects in different cities. 1SPKFDUBOE1SPQFSUZ"QQSBJTBMTt 'FBTJCJMJUZt$PODFQU%FWFMPQNFOU"EWJTPSZ t%FTJHO.BOBHFNFOUt#SBOEJOH"EWJTPSZt Sales & Marketing Management A graduate of University of Surrey in Hotel & Tourism Management, Isvan built his early career in hotel management with Sheraton Corporation, holding senior management positions in EAME &USA both at hotel, regional and at corporate levels. Having also served at Marketing board of Steigenberger, over the last 25 years Isvan advised new investments as well as operating assets in over 40 countries, spearheading Servotel Corporation into one of the leading Hotel Investment & Development Advisory firms globally, uniquely integrating economic impact, market research and strategic advisory with Asset Management and all those with concept, development, design & technical advisory. DR. RIZA KADILAR EVRİM KARAYEL country representative general manager NATIXIS PRAMEX GURALLAR YAPI Financial Consultancy Before joining Natixis Pramex Dr. Kadilar has been managing a London based banking subsidiary of a leading Turkish group. He started his career as a corporate banker, and held various managerial positions in international banking, including the establishment of a banking subsidiary in Amsterdam. Dr. Kadilar is a PhD in Media Economics. After a BSc degree at METU in Industrial Engineering, he has obtained his MSc degree at Stanford University, and completed his MBA at HEC, Paris. He has also attended an executive management course in strategic bank management at INSEAD. He is married to Pelin, and proud father of Kardelen. Re Investment & Development Evrim Karayel’s professional experience includes 10 years in the construction ,project management and business development of real estate markets of Turkey, Russian Federation and CIS countries. Mr. Karayel joined Gurallar Yapi in April 2010. He has been directing international and local operations of Gurallar Yapi. He graduated of DPU Engineering Faculty Civil Engineering Department. He speaks Turkish, English and Russian. Mr. Karayel is a member of GYODER and INDER in Turkey. HALUK KAYA MEHMET LEVENT KAZANCIOĞLU chairman real estate / projects development director BEKAY PROPERTY PARTNERS DOĞAN HOLDING Graduated from the Federal Technical Institute Zurich with an Msc. in Civil Engineering. In 1980, after working in Europe, he joined the family company Uçgen Construction as the Chairman. The company has specialized in the development and the turnkey construction of 4-5 star Hotels. Completed major ones are Radisson SAS hotels; in Ankara, Istanbul and St. Petersburg; the Conrad Istanbul, Swissotel Antalya and Sheraton Ashgabad. Radisson SAS Tbilisi is under construction. Bekay Property Partners is established by Mr. Kaya and some partners of Uçgen Construction, in December 2007. The main objective of the company is real estate development. INVESTOR / DEVELOPER INVESTOR #FMFL(PMG3FTPSU"OUBMZBTRN residences, 150 key luxury hotel. %PHBOƵJSLFUMFS(SVCV)PMEJOH"Ƶ www.doganholding.com.tr 26 years of experience in Project Engineering, Management and Project Development and commercial real estate investments: Special focus last 6 years on Real Estate Industries to financial and investment community both in domestic markets and from markets abroad. Key Responsibilities in RE development includes; Deal Sourcing and execution, internal alignment and coordination of different disciplines such as Financial, Legal and Technical aspects Leading the Due Diligence Team during the acquisition of the RE and closing deals Knowledge of local (Turkey) and International (Russia, Romania, USA, Germany) Civil construction feasibility studies including land development permit procedures with municipalities. TURKEY GRI 2011 ANTHONY KHOI ÖZGÜR KINAY president board member /architect CENOR GROUP HITIT GROUP INVESTOR & DEVELOPER CONSTRUCTION & REAL PROPERTY Founder and president of Cenor Group, a major international real estate company, with proven expertise in shopping centers Anthony Khoi is a graduate of Harvard Business School (AMP) and EM LYON Business School (MBA). He is also a French state licensed architect (DPLG) and he has completed the Real Estate Executive Program of Harvard Graduate School of Design. Anthony Khoi founded CENOR GROUP in 1995, and has since been the President and CEO of the company, a European and Turkish real estate group with expertise in investment, development, property management, and design of commercial real estate. RETFUND and CEFIC are CENOR’s leading companies in shopping center Development, Leasing, and Property Management active in Turkey. Since 2005, Anthony Khoi has also been the President of AERIUM Turkey. $POTUSVDUJPOt.FSDIBOEJTJOHBOE'JOBODF He started his career at Zafer Bekaroglu architecture company in a Kyrgyzstan Airport project. Then at Tek Yapı Insaat construction company he was the head of several projects in Kyrgyzstan. Working at Zambak architectural company he was in charge of running professional work over many projects in Istanbul, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Master and Doctor degrees were obtained while working in Germany at GIBGreiner company. Now he currently manages the 100 villas project in Belek. AYBARS KIZILSENCER HAKAN KODAL sales & marketing director president & ceo EROGLU YAPI CONSTRUCTION & REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT KREA REAL ESTATE Graduated from Yildiz Technical University as a Civil Engineer in 1996, he received his MBA from University of Baltimore in 2000. He continued his career in USA as marketing manager. In 2002, he moved back to Turkey and became the Assistant GM of Soyak Yapi Inc. responsible for Marketing, Sales and Corporate Communication for 5 years. After that he worked for Zorlu Property Development and Investment Inc. between 2007-2010 as an Assistant GM responsible for Project Development and Marketing. Since June 2010, he is working as a Sales & Marketing Director at Eroglu Yapi Construction & Real Estate Development Inc. INVESTOR PROPERTY GROUP .JYFE6TFt3FUBJMt0óDF3FTJEFOUJBM1SPKFDUT t1SPKFDU%FWFMPQNFOU$POTUSVDUJPOt Marketing & Sales Real estate developer and investment advisor Residential and retail developments Investment of US$ 1 billion Hakan Kodal, since July 2006, is the President & CEO of Krea Real Estate based in Istanbul, Turkey. He is also the Chairman of the Investment Committee of Bosphorus Real Estate Fund, jointly managed by Merrill Lynch GPI and Krea Real Estate. Between 1997 - 2007, he was the General Manager of Yapı Kredi Koray Real Estate Investment Company. Istanbul. Mr. Kodal holds a Bsc. Degree in Electronics and Telecommunication from ITU and Graduate degree from Ecole Superieure de Commerce de Paris. He is the founder Chairman of Council of Shopping Centers- Turkey (AYD), the National Association of Turkish Real Estate Investment Companies (GYODER), Global Trustee of Urban Land Institute (ULI) and Founder Chairman of ULI Turkey. SİBEL KONAK ANIL GÖKÇEN KÖRPINAR director of design & construction managing director - real estate development ICDC PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING RHEA REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT & DEVELOPMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT DEVELOPER / INVESTOR Integrated real estate firm merging BDRVJTJUJPOtEFWFMPQNFOUtQSPKFDU NBOBHFNFOUtDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEQSPQFSUZ management across unlimited products Sibel Konak, is a licensed architect graduate from ITU with a master’s degree and 14 years of experience in Istanbul, Berlin and San Francisco. ICDC controls the entire “project delivery process” from acquisition through property management. ICDC’s business model adapts to the needs of our clients by seamlessly combining each of the specialized disciplines required for effective project delivery. ICDC eliminates the added expense and reduces the management and communication requirements when several specialized firms are employed. ICDC seeks to maximize client value by providing a consolidated business model within a single company and create synergy between the diverse parties responsible for the final product. )PTQJUBMJUZtSFUBJMQBSLtQSJNFPóDFt MPHJTUJDTtIJHITUSFFUSFUBJMtCSPXOöFMEBOE HSFFOöFMEEFWFMPQNFOUtBTTFUNBOBHFNFOU He holds B.Sc. in Civil Engineering, M.Sc. in ETM, both from Bogazici University,and has PMP(Project Management Professional) designation from Project Management Institute of America, and Certified Appraiser from Capital Markets Board of Turkey. As MD at Rhea,he is responsible from opportunist RE investments such as;Hospitality sector esp. budget business hotels,Prime Offices,Build to suit type developments at Logistics,High Street Retail,Mixed use projects’ investments with his international RE Investment Management abilities about European and American pension/ mutual funds, combining with his extensive contacts among major tenants,developers and investors in all kind of RE sectors throughout Europe,USA&Middle East. CREATORS TASSOS KOTZANASTASSIS BLAKE LOVELESS managing director vice president 8G CAPITAL PARTNERS MEYER BERGMAN Tassos is the founder and managing director of 8GCB. Before that, he was a founding director of the European platform of HSBC Property Investments. He also worked for Pramerica R.E. Investors, Henderson Investors and IPD. He has amassed 14 years experience in key areas of real estate investment: fund management, transactions, asset management, valuation, performance measurement, strategy and research. Tassos holds a BSc (Hons.) in Economics & Accounting from the University of Bristol and an MSc in Land Management from the University of Reading. He is a CFA charter holder and a Chartered Surveyor (MRICS). PRIVATE EQUITY INVESTOR / ADVISOR Putting Real Estate to Work 3FUBJM1BO&VSPQFBOtûNNGVOEt CPUIFYJTUJOHEFWFMPQNFOUtDPSQPSBUF opportunities including public to private Blake Loveless joined Meyer Bergman Group in 2006 as an Associate, and focuses on transactions in Eastern and Western Europe. For three years prior to joining Meyer Bergman Group, Blake co-founded and managed a private equity investment and advisory group based in the Bahamas, where he was responsible for managing the $100 million portfolio of closely-held companies located across the Caribbean and internationally. Meyer Bergman has a proven track record of achieving superior returns through investing in real estate and real estate-related opportunities. Its principals have completed over 200 transactions in Europe, and the firm currently manages €2.6 billion of assets in 8 countries. JASON LUCAS JULIEN MARTIN president general manager AMSTAR GLOBAL CEFIC TURKEY Jason Lucas is President at Amstar and is responsible for management of the Company’s Russian and Turkish investments, consisting of four active retail and industrial warehouse developments and numerous land holdings. Before joining Amstar in 2007, Mr. Lucas was with Broadreach Capital in Los Angeles and at Morgan Stanley in New York City and San Francisco working on acquisitions for the Morgan Stanley Real Estate Funds. LEASING & MANAGEMENT INVESTOR 47 projects in Russia, Turkey, India, and the "NFSJDBTDBNJMMJPOPGFRVJUZBOEUPUBM assets under management of $1.65 billion General manager, leading a team of 100 professionals and responsible of 21 projects under leasing and management Julien Olivier Gabriel Martin started his career in 1995 at CONTINENT where he specialised in merchandising, pricing, recruitment and training. He joined CEFIC TURKEY as a Leasing Manager in 2000. His responsibilities included marketing & leasing of new projects, concept design, shop-mix and budget preparation. He has been appointed as a General Manager in 2006. Now, he is leading a team of 100 professionals and responsible from 21 projects under leasing and management. He was born in 1972 and holds a masters degree in International Management at I.S.G. Paris. He is a member of AMPD (Trade Council of Shopping Centers & Retailers). NEŞE MERDİNLER DOĞAN ÖKSÜM business development manager ceo KOMŞUFIRIN GENEL YAPI RETAIL, CHAIN BAKERY RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPER .BOVGBDUVSFSBOESFUBJMDIBJO i'SPNUIFHSBJOUPUIFUBCMFwTQFDJBMJ[FEJO bread and bakery products. Nese Merdinler (BS, Mathematics Engineering) entered the Real Estate business in 1998 with Yapı Kredi Koray REIT where she coordinated the marketing activities including the Award Winning Process of MIPIM 2002 of Istanbul Istanbul Project. Her career was followed by PY Consulting and Dogus GE REIT where she overcame over various project development responsibilities spanning from origination phase to development stage. Having 12 years of solid practical experience in market analysis, investment analysis and risk management in shopping centers and retail, she currently manages the Real Estate and Expansion Strategy of Komsufirin: the fastest growing chain bakery in Turkey with 50 stores. IJHIFOESFTJEFOUJBMtVSCBOSFTJEFOUJBMt TFDPOEIPNFtTVCVSCBOWJMMBTtCVJMEJOH SFOPWBUJPOtSFHFOFSBUJPOtTFOJPSIPNFt DPNNFSDJBMt5VSLFZ Dogan Oksum (40) is a graduate of Robert College and Bosphorus University.He is a Civil Engineer and has been in land development and construction business since 1992. He served on board of Robert College Alumni for 10 years and was the president in 2003 and 2004. He has established connections with the local governments, real estate associations, real estate brokers, architects, developers and other real estate service providers. The key strengths of Genel Yapi A.S. team are its depth of experience with 16 years of specific experience in real estate development and its strong business development ability. TURKEY GRI 2011 MEHMET ÖNKAL ALİ OTMAR managing partner partner BDO HOSPITALITY CONSULTING PEAKSIDE CAPITAL HOSPITALITY CONSULTING INVESTOR & MANAGER #%0)PTQJUBMJUZ$POTVMUJOHQSPWJEFTBEWJTPSZ and consulting services to all kinds of establishments in tourism industry Mehmet Onkal, ISHC and CHA, has a BA in Accounting and Finance. In 1970 he joined London office of Arthur Andersen and Co. In 1978, he joined ITT Sheraton Corporation and held various top management positions until 1992, including Regional Controller East Mediterranean, and Vice President Asia Pacific Division. Later, he was the GM of Istanbul Princess Hotel and the Princess Hotel Group. Mehmet is the Managing Partner of BDO Hospitality Consulting, and has done consultancy work in Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Cyprus, England, Ghana, Greece, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Italy, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Malta, Maldives, Saudi Arabia, Tanzania, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. 0QQPSUVOJTUJDQSJWBUFFRVJUZ real estate investor EMEA Mr. Otmar is Partner at Peakside Capital responsible for origination and execution of new investments in major European markets. Mr. Otmar has over 11 years of real estate private equity and investment banking experience with formerly Citigroup and Bank of America Merrill Lynch where he originated and executed European real estate investments with a volume in excess of €10 billion. Mr. Otmar has been responsible for structuring, raising and managing the Bosphorus Real Estate Fund I which has made investments in excess of €500 million in Turkey. MUSTAFA ÖZDEMİR SELÇUK ÖZDİL managing director executive sales manager FAF INTERNATIONAL ARCELORMITTAL First American Financial Corporation (NYSE: FAF) is a leading provider of title insurance and settlement services to the real estate and mortgage industries, that traces its heritage back to 1889. With revenues of approximately $4.0 billion in 2009, the company offers its products and services directly and through its agents and partners in all 50 states in USA and in more than 60 countries. Mustafa Ozdemir has been the Managing Director of the Turkish operations of the company since 2007. He was a real estate investor and investment banker before joining FAF International. STEEL PRODUCER TITLE INSURANCE FAF International provides title insurance and property services for Real Estate and Mortgage Industries 8PSMETTUFFMQSPEVDFSt -FBEFSJOTUSVDUVSBMIJHIRVBMJUZTUFFMT Born 1954, working for the steel industry for over 25 years. Pioneered modern steel structures promotion in Turkey, formed the first stocks for structurals steel. Has extensive knowledge about the structural steel markets in Turkey. Founding Board member of Turkish Constructional Steel Association. Speaker on many seminars and conferences on advantages of steel in construction and economy of steel structures. Enjoys photography, books, classical music, wine, gourmet cooking, biking and steel. ArcelorMittal provides technical assistance for building design for high rise,office & commercial buildings as well as design and economic feasibility optimization for higher return on investment or better net present value. SUHA ÖZKAN UTKU ÖZTAŞKIN partner business development director PRO^GE IDA GROUP Prof. Dr. Suha Ozkan is the Founding Partner of Pro^ge, and has been the Advisory Manager of Pro^ge’s Design Management Works since 2001 to today. Presently he is the Founding Chairman of World Architecture Community (WA) a Geneva and Istanbul based international consultancy company. WA is in the process finalising an internet based interactive world-wide architecture and planning community. In 2002, Prof. Dr. Ozkan was elected as a Council Member (Region II) of the International Union of Architects (UIA) and was the President of UIA’s XXII Congress held in Istanbul in 2005. He also chaired the Scientific Committee for the same event between 2002 and 2005. He is a member of UIA Competitions Committee. DEVELOPER / CONTRACTOR PROJECT MANAGEMENT The company undertakes ‘ Project and Construction Management jobs in Turkey and abroad International contractor with real estate development arm in turkey, interested in logistics, residential, office and hotels Utku Oztaskin (37) is a graduate of Huseyin Avni Sozen Anadolu Lisesi and Mimar Sinan University . Starting his international construction career in Soyak International Inc’s Russia operations, he later served in Bureau Veritas Kazakhstan where he was responsible for firm’s country-wide billion dollar project management portfolio as Operations Manager. As the Managing Director he led the high-end property development operations of a Kazakh developer, simultaneously developing seven projects with total 3,2 bil $ portfolio value, aiming for an IPO placement. He is currently in charge of IDA Group’s business development both on contracting and estate development sides. CREATORS ALISON REHILL-ERGÜVEN NİHAT SANDIKCIOGLU head of turkey secretary general PRADERA MANAGEMENT TURKEY TURKISH COUNCIL OF SHOPPING CENTERS ASSET MANAGEMENT "TTFU.BOBHFNFOU4QFDJBMJTUTt 3FUBJM3FBM&TUBUF'VOE4QFDJBMJTUTt&VSP #JMMJPOPGBTTFUTVOEFSNBOBHFNFOU Alison Rehill-Erguven: Before joining Pradera as Head of Turkey, Alison was with General Growth Properties for nine years in the US, most recently as Vice President of International where she managed the International Joint Ventures in Turkey and Brazil. Alison began her career in retail real estate at Simon Property Group in the US.Pradera AM PLC is an award winning specialist in Retail Real Estate Asset Management. Through Pradera branded funds, the company now has €2 billion of assets under management in 8 countries throughout Western and Eastern Europe. Pradera teams work from offices in London, Luxembourg, Madrid, Milan, Athens, Istanbul, Prague, Warsaw and Hong Kong. Nihat Sandıkcıoğlu is born in 1955 and graduate of TED Ankara College and M.E.T.U. Faculty of Adm.Sc. Management Dept. He started his business career in PUFLA Textiles as founder partner and GM. His professional career has started as CAPITOL SC. GM in 1992. Consequently he worked as Sales Mng.in PFI Uzay Gida, GM in KOSAŞ Residential Services, GM in Migros Beylikdüzü SC, Director of Cons.& RE Dept. and Director of Gen. Admin. & Proc. Dept. in TURKCELL, Board Member and GM in Service Group and Viya Group and GM in Tepe Nautilus SC. After his occupation as Dir.of SC Mang. in Krea RE, in Feb.2009 he joined AYD as Secretary General. Preliminary Corporate Identity Guide 2010 Logos•Colours•Typefaces NURİ ŞAPKACI STEPHEN J. SCANLON deputy general manager principal ECE TÜRKİYE PROJE YÖNETİMİ ICDC PROJECT MANAGEMENT & CONSTRUCTION ENGINEERING INVESTOR / MANAGEMENT PROJECT MANAGEMENT 4IPQQJOHDFOUFSTt*TUBOCVM"OLBSB"OUBMZB &TLJTFIJSPUIFSDJUJFTJO5VSLFZtTRN GLA,1.000 tenants, €1 bn investment volume existing & 2 projects Nuri Sapkaci, Deputy General Manager ECE Türkiye Proje Yönetimi A.S., joined the company in 2006 as Director Finance. ECE Turkiye has been established in year 2000 in Istanbul . The company develops, plans, realises, leases and manages large - scale shopping centers in Turkey. As a long time investor ECE Türkiye operates, Metrocity, Beylikdüzü Migros Shopping Center and CarrefourSA Maltepe Park in Istanbul, ANKAmall in Ankara, Antalya Migros Shopping Center in Antalya and Espark in Eskisehir and has projects under development and/or at construction phase in Istanbul Marmara Park and in Antalya TerraCity shopping centers as well as projects in different cities. Integrated real estate firm merging BDRVJTJUJPOtEFWFMPQNFOUtQSPKFDU NBOBHFNFOUtDPOTUSVDUJPOBOEQSPQFSUZ management across unlimited products A graduate of Boston College, Stephen Scanlon began his career in 1983 and held various international engineering and management positions. ICDC controls the entire “project delivery process” from acquisition through property management. ICDC’s business model adapts to the needs of our clients by seamlessly combining each of the specialized disciplines required for effective project delivery. ICDC eliminates the added expense and reduces the management and communication requirements when several specialized firms are employed. ICDC seeks to maximize client value by providing a consolidated business model within a single company and create synergy between the diverse parties responsible for the final product. HANSJÖRG SOMMERAU HALUK SUR senior partner, real estate board member SWISS CAPITAL GROUP EMLAK KONUT GYO INVESTOR Swiss market core and value added Foreign markets core and developments Hansjörg has been in the investment banking business for over twenty years. He was working for UBS in Switzerland and UBS Ltd in London, advising international clients in fixed income and corporate finance transaction. He was a co-founder of Swiss Capital Group in 1998 and build up the company’s asset management arm. He was involved in many Real Estate transactions in Switzerland as well as in cross-border transactions. He advises institutional and private investors in real estate transactions and investments in Switzerland and abroad. He holds an MBA of the University of St.Gallen. Haluk Sur is Chairman of Paladin Realty Partners - EurAsia. Mr. Sur is a senior real estate professional with over 25 years of experience in the Turkish market. Prior to joining Paladin Realty, Mr. Sur was a member of the executive committee of Ihlas Holdings (1992-1997) and the CEO of Ihlas REIT (1997-2006), one of the first publicly listed real estate investment trusts (REITs) in Turkey. Mr. Sur was appointed Chairman of the Turkish council of the Urban Land Institute (ULI) in 2007. He was also the co-founder of GYODER, Turkey’s real estate industry association, where he served as Vice Chairman in 2004 and Chairman from 2005 through 2006. TURKEY GRI 2011 CÜNEYT CAN TAŞAN MUSTAFA TİFTİKÇİOĞLU business development manager - turkey TFOJPSWJDFQSFTJEFOUQSPKFDUBDRVJTJUJPOöOBODF GLOBE INTERNATIONAL GARANTI BANK Cüneyt has studied politics in Turkey and economics in Germany. Globe is investor and investment partner of international investors, who invest in single properties, individual property items, portfolios or developments in Turkey and Europe. Either Globe invest in own investments completely alone or participate jointly in selected property investments with private or institutional investors. Globe is active in Property Development, Investment and Equity Partnerships. Globe is looking for development and income producing assets. Globe head office is in Zurich and offices in Munich and Istanbul. Over the last years, Globe Group was involved in property transactions over EUR 1,5 billion. ZURICH - MUNICH - ISTANBUL COMMERCIAL BANK INVESTOR 3FBMFTUBUFQSJWBUFFRVJUZJOWFTUPS3FUBJMt 0óDFt3FTJEFOUJBMt)PUFM 1SPKFDUöOBODFtBDRVJTJUJPOöOBODFtTUSVDUVSFE öOBODFtBEWJTPSZtJOWFTUNFOUCBOLJOH He has a total experience of 18 years in the finance sector,10 years of which is in project&acquisition finance with Garanti Bank. The bank’s project and acquisition finance team covers all the project,acquisition and other structured finance transactions and has a leading position in the Turkish market with a current loan book of $9 bn. Prior to that,he worked 8 years for affiliates of Eczacibasi Group,a conglomerate in Turkey,with financial planning,treasury and investment banking responsibilities. He holds a master’s degree in industrial & systems engineering from Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, USA with a major in economic decision analysis. His bachelor’s degree is also in industrial engineering from Bogazici University, Istanbul. TEVFİK TUREL CANSEL TURGUT YAZICI ceo managing director - associate partner ATA REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT EVA REAL ESTATE APPRAISAL CONSULTANCY INVESTOR/ DEVELOPER EVALUATION / CONSULTANCY Real Estate advisory services and property development/investment Mr. Türel is an experienced Project Manager/Developer and Project Advisor with more than 22 years relevant experience and currently is the CEO of Ata Real Estate Development. Previously, Mr. Türel was the General Manager for ECE for the development of new shopping centers in Turkey. Mr. Türel was also responsible for leading Stewart International’s worldwide efforts in Land and Real Estate Information Systems as well as Title Operations in the Eurasia Region. Mr. Türel has an MBA (International Management) from the University of Dallas, Texas, and a BS degree in Civil Engineering from Bosphorus University in Istanbul. 3FBM&TUBUF7BMVBUJPOt'FBTJCJMJUZ4UVEJFT t)JHIFTUBOE#FTU6TF4UVEJFTt.BSLFU 3FTFBSDIFTt-FOEFST4VQFSWJTPSZ DPOTUJOWFTUNFOUQSPHSFTTSFQPSUT Ms.Yazıcı has 16 years experience in the Turkish real estate market, particularly investment, development, consultancy and valuation. Ms.Yazıcı is Certified Real Estate Appraiser from Capital Market Board and also has FRICS degree. EVA Real Estate Appraisal Consultancy, was founded in Istanbul in 2008. The employees and founders of our company are the representatives of an extensive knowledge and pioneers in the real estate sector. With our associate’s long-years experience in the real estate sector; we provide independent, impartial, reliable, high-quality and scientific services on Real Estate sector. Company studies are carried out according to IVSC (International Valuation Standards) PATRICK VAN DOOYEWEERT DR. PHILIPP VON WILMOWSKY managing director managing partner REDEVCO TURKEY PRIME DEVELOPMENT PROJE GELISTIRME REDEVCO, a Cofra Holding company, manages and develops one of the largest retail real estate portfolios in Europe, with properties in top locations throughout its major cities. REDEVCO is active in 20 countries, mainly in Europe but also in Asia, where it has opened offices in Hong Kong and New Delhi. We have been actively expanding our activities in the field of shopping centre development. REDEVCO has signed a first joint venture agreement to develop a shopping centre in Wuhan, China. The Redevco portfolio, which also includes office buildings and logistics centres, currently comprises over 750 properties with a total value of approx. € 7 billion. INVESTOR INVESTOR / DEVELOPER 3FUBJM"MM5VSLFZTUSFFUTIPQUPTVQFSSFHJPOBM 4$0óDFT.BKPSDJUJFT$#%BOZTJ[F • Logistics centres. )JHI&OE*OOFS$JUZ4IPQQJOH$FOUFST 1st and 2nd tier cities, TRN(-"TRN(-" Pd combines all value creation levies for the investment, development and long term center management in one company. With its own architectural, construction management, leasing, development, center management, investment and financing departments it provides all services needed to create and manage institutional quality shopping centers. Philipp von Wilmowsky held MD positions with a leading European development and center management company as well as with a leading European open ended fund management company before he joined pd Turkey. CREATORS YAĞMUR YAŞAR PELİN YENİGÜN-DİLEK cfo chief economist, economic research department RETFUND GARANTI BANK INVESTMENT / DEVELOPMENT 3&5'6/%TVCTJEJBSZPG$&/03(3061 manages all phases of design, development, refurbishment or extension of shopping centers. Yagmur is the CFO of RETFUND Turkey since April 2009. RETFUND (a subsidiary of CENOR GROUP) manages all phases of land development, refurbishment or extension of shopping centers. RETFUND has seven shopping centers with total GCA of more than 600,000 m2 under planning, extension and development in Europe and Turkey. CENOR GROUP is a major international real estate group with proven expertise in development and management of shopping centers. Yagmur holds his BSc in Civil Engineering, and MBA degrees from M.E.T.U.. He is a qualified member of RICS since 2008. He has developed his expertise in real estate development and finance through his career in prominent banks and real estate investment companies. #BOL Pelin Yenigun-Dilek completed her bachelor’s degree in economics at Bogazici University (Istanbul, Turkey). She had a masters degree in development economics with a special focus on development banking in University of Kent in Canterbury (UK) in 1996. She had work experiences in UNIDO (Vienna, Austria), Industrial Development Bank of Turkey and Global Securities (Istanbul, Turkey) in economic research departments. During 2003-2004, she had another masters degree on International Business Economics with special focus on economics of EU from Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium). She has been working in Garanti Bank (Istanbul-Turkey) since 2006. She has a published work from TESEV ‘Civil Society Following the Budget-2006’. BURHANETTİN YURTSEVEN STELIOS ZAVVOS general manager ceo PRAMERICA REAL ESTATE INVESTORS ZEUS CAPITAL PARTNERS Pramerica Real Estate Investors is the real estate investment management business of Prudential Financial,Inc. of the United States. Pramerica Real Estate Investors’ specialized operating units offer a broad range of investment opportunities and investment management services in the United States, Europe, Asia, and Latin America. The company’s fund management operations are located in Parsippany,New Jersey; Atlanta,Georgia; Munich,Germany; London,England and Singapore;supported by a network of local offices throughout the world. As of March 31, 2009, Pramerica Real Estate Investors managed $42.1 billion of gross assets ($25.3 billion net) on behalf of more than 400 clients and is ranked among the largest real estate investment managers. INVESTOR INVESTOR Fund Management Company Investing in joint ventures with residential EFWFMPQFSTBOEBDRVJSJOHJODPNFQSPEVDJOH properties in Southeastern Europe Mr. Zavvos is Founder and CEO of Zeus Capital Partners L.P, a Private Equity Real Estate fund which provides equity financing to successful residential developers of primary homes and acquires income producing properties mainly in Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey and Serbia and other countries in Southeastern Europe. Mr. Zavvos was also Founder and CEO of Continental American Capital, an investment group which focuses on real estate investments and financing in the USA. He holds an MSc in Civil Engineering from Polytechnion University and an MBA from the Harvard Business School. He is President of the Harvard Business School Club of Greece. PARTNERS TÜRKİYE’DE GAYRİMENKUL YATIRIMCILARI VE GELİŞTİRİCİLERİ REAL ESTATE INVESTORS & DEVELOPERS IN TURKEY Türkiye Turkey Ceylan Intercontinental GRI 2011 İSTANBUL 18 OCAK ISTANBUL 18 JANUARY KNOWLEDGE PARTNERS INDUSTRY PARTNERS EUROPE MEDIA PARTNERS R EAL ES TATE I NVESTM ENT ACROSS THE WORLD THE GRI EUROPE CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT 4233 2011/2012 EVENTS GRI EUROPE CHAIRMEN’S RETREAT 2011 St Moritz, 20-23 January 4233 4233 4233 ASIA GRI 2011 Singapore, 16 February USA GRI 2011 New York, 2 March CHINA DEUTSCHE GRI 2011 Frankfurt, 3-4 May 4233 BRITISH GRI 2011 London, 11 May CHINA GRI 2011 Beijing, 2 June GRI EUROPE SUMMIT 2011 Paris, 7-8 September 4233 4233 RUSSIA GRI 2011 Moscow, 13 September 4233 INDIA GRI 2011 Mumbai, 5 October 4233 BRAZIL GRI 2011 Sao Paulo, 27 October 4234 4233 MENA GRI 2011 Sharm El Sheikh, 17 November NEW EUROPE GRI 2011 Vienna, 22 November www.globalrealestate.org TURKEY GRI 2012 Istanbul, January [email protected]