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ITINERARY LONGET PASS A scanty meal to share together with the trail’s strain; a bottle that shatters during a daring escape and becomes a moment of sharing; two enemies side by side in the same long night: persons who meet and fight in the same destiny of a story. In the majestic frame of the Alps the boot steps on the trail give rhythm to the tale and echo to passions. LONGET PASS DURATION TWO EGGS WATCH THE VIDEO IT 1828 m FR 2060 m HAVE A LOOK AT THE OTHER ITINER ARIES Continue your journey on our social channels and download the app "Pas-si" for iOS and Android, in dedicated stores. CHIANALE, ITALY Contact us PASS Nothing is wasted in the mountains; everything is shared: even the rescue, even the joy. IAT Comunità Montana Valli del Monviso Piazza Marconi, 5 - 12020 Frassino (CN), Italia T +39 0175/970640, F +39 0175/970650, [email protected] Via Santa Croce, 4 - 12034 Paesana (CN), Italia T +39 0175/94273, F +39 0175/987082, [email protected] www.vallidelmonviso.gov.it Pas.si is a project AT NIGHT WATCH THE VIDEO CEILL AC, FRANCE A man in a trap and a single night to find the rescue. credit byfarm CO N IC E F R E E B IE KIDS ET fo r TO W IN A OKL WATCH THE VIDEO Office de Tourisme du Queyras Ville-Vieille - Maison du Tourisme, France T +33(0)492467618, [email protected] www.queyras-montagne.com Leaflet made of recycled paper. Respect the environment, don't throw it away THE GRAPPA APP MPL BO + A long walk on the roughest trails to escape the controls by German soldiers. FR 17,2 Km 2938 m THE STAGES OF THE ITINERARY: IT 6:30 HOURS WALKING E TE THE PAS- SI ITINERARY LONGET PASS CHIANALE FR IT CEILL AC Ordinary objects tell extraordinary tales undergone on each side of a pass, crossing a frontier. WWW.PAS-SI.COM Le Raux Saint-Véran Obsevatorie du Pic de Château Renard Grange Bemard ‹ - Ceillac FR CELLIAC Grange del Rio FRANCE - “AT NIGHT” CHIANALE IT 2060 m Bergerie du Bois Noir ITALY - “TWO EGGS” 1822 m Grange Vasserot LONGET PASS Cabane de la Lavine FRONTIER - “THE GRAPPA” Grange dell’Antolina Chianale 2649 m Col du Cristillan Genzana Grange Barbella Grange dei Russi Grange Rouph SCALA 1: 40.000 © OpenStreetMap contributors