Debutante Cotillion - eBlack Champaign
Debutante Cotillion - eBlack Champaign
$oUltteentit Annual Debutante Cotillion' fiJatultdallJ uriftltil -i3J 6: 3 0 -1985 fo.lJn. ~han(/ellolt d(otel ~itatJnftat?nJ 91linoitJ, - -----~ <fianu:na UUfifj,e"lon f!}J6-i /fJoeidJj filtoudly fi/te6-en!fj, ~~/ad :?JJJtu/'JJ ~~ ~4th ~aI'9lJebulanle Cfiote"llion vifiltil ~~ ~985 fYlw Cfilianeello4 dtotel '.' ~IuMnfuei~J §tlltJUJi(j, . ') .. '-'. , 1 • '., ..~. ill' "''' ,... " .' ... ( ~ Apri I 13, 1985 Dear Cotillion Supporter, In 1972 lvhen Phi Beta Sigma fraternity {Epsi Ion Mu Sigma Chapted began this endeavor, five fine examples of Black womanhood decided that the Cotillion was, indeed, something worthwhile. Two years later, in 1974, a group of interested women began qssisting Phi Beta Sigma with the Cotillion--adding a "woman's touch" to the gala affair. By 1975 the women's group had adopted the official name of Gamma Upsi Ion Psi Society and since 1977 have been the sole producers of the annual Debutante Cotillion. More than 130 Debutantes have made their entrance into society through the Cotillion in its illustrious 14-year history. Each of those young ladies has received financial assistance for furthering her education at any college, trade school or university of her choice. Many have now obtained professional degrees and are working in their chosen career fields. But, no matter if, how or where they completed their higher education, we are extremely proud of each and everyone of them! you can feel proud, too. The financial assistance they receive in the form of a scholarship is made possible by yoU! It comes from your generous contributions in the form of patrons, advertisements and ticket purchases. We thank you moleheartedlv! We would like to express our st.ncere appreciation for support over these past 14 years and we look forward to your continued support. See you next year at our 15th Annual Debutante Coti 11 ion. Sincerely, The Women Of Gamma Upsilon Psi Society Chan~aign-Urbana, Illinois 139 l Jean !lavis Dean Davis ,'Aari on Jones Wi. 11 ene Howard Nethe .'3cQtt Margaret Smi th 6 ValerianSummerville Maruarine Pirtle President Gloria Dt-ish Assistant Secretary DorothH Greene Vice-President Ma:rH Cla.rk Secreta.rH Henrine CaseU Kathryn liwn.1?hrey Treasurer Historian 7 STATEMENT OF THE OCCASION On the occasion of our tenth anniversary, we would like to welcome you. We are pleased that you have chosen to celebrate this joyous event with us. The Gamma Upsilon Psi Society was founded in 1973 as a support group for the local alumni chapter of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. The purpose of this group,Interested Women of Champaign-Urbana Community, was to assist and give support to the men of Phi Beta Sigma with their Cotillion Ball, first presented in 1972. The Cotillion is open to all minority senior women attending the local high schools. Selection criteria include scholastic achievement, letters of recommendation, and ladylike behavior at school and in the community. In 1975 the women adopted Gamma Upsilon Psi Society (Gammas) as their official name and since 1977 they have been the sole producers and directors of the Cotillion Ball. Gamma's purpose is to promote and encourage young ladies of high school age to further their education at an institution of higher learning; be it professional, technical, religious or vocational. Through this community service they aid in better citizenship, civic pride,. cultural enrichment and the development of character. The Cotillion aids the Gammas in achieving this goal. Since its inception in 1973, the Gammas have been' under the extremely competent leadership of three ladies; Mrs. Kathryn B. Humphrey, Mrs. Margaret H. Smith and Mrs. Valerian Summerville. He thank you for your patronage during the past ten years and we solicit your continued support. Again, welcome to our Tenth Annual Cotillion Ball: "It's My Turn". 15 Welcome . • • Gloria Drish Invocation 'Rev. Jimm;t/ O. J:-1..olmes, Pastor Morniry Star Freewill Baptist Church'- Urbana, Illinois 9J)lnnelt Presentation of Debutantes and Escorts • • • • . .Melonee Bradley Father - Daughter Waltz. .Debutantes and Black Butterfly. · . Debutantes On P>roailway. . . Debutantes and Escorts Love Light In Flight Debutantes and Escorts Miss Personal i ty .1-:!enrine Casey Miss Enterprise. · . Mary Clark Presentation Of Certificates Gamma Upsilon Psi Remarks . . . • • . . . . . . . Marvarine Pirtle Live Music for Danciry ;';" Tan ~ '" 2 Pres~nters 3 1985 Debutantes and Escorts Eunice Elaine Carter. • •• Joe Lewis 13ernyce Lenee • • • • Darryl J. Terry Tracy Dawn Gi lmer • • • • • • • • Curtis LeSure Kimberly Anita Gipson • • • .Kenneth Gipson Wendy Jeanette Jones. • • • • • • .Robert Mullins III Kimberly Kay Keaton • • • • • • • • riounlltJl fiiied riiu"cken riWlWt ~eaJ, U)fit!t ~ .Darrin Smith Denena Antoinette Lee • • • • • oLiJi Hanny Cleta Dion Rodgers. • • • • Eclwin Cook, Jr. Patrice Lyn Rozelle •• • • • Chaunsey Hunter ,Stephanie Lynne Tatum • • • • • • • • • Torriona LaShaune Whitaker •• • .Eugene Jackson • • • Melvin Blackman Stqg Escort--Darryl Terry * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Coti II ion 1985 Production Staff Choreography. • • f!lkH4-. ---f!JJuttelt ~Ifee--fJTea-uItiM 4 Photography • • • • • Poll y Washi~ton • .' " • • • • • • .Storch Photographics Live Music •• Ecliti~/Layntt, • Tan Souvenir Journal. • • • • • Susan M. Smith Printi~, Souvenir Journal. • • • • • Taylor Printi~ Company Printi~, Tickets & Invitations 5 • • • • • • •Harry Ki~ Black butterfly Sail across the ~ters. Tell your sons and da~hters What the st~gle brings. Black butterfly Set the skies on fire. Rise up even higher So the qgeless winds of time can catch your Career Plans: To stud?! computer science at Parkland Colle..qe and le..ga1 secretarial Urbana High School 18 years old Morning 1 ight, si 1 ken dream take fl ight As the darkness gives ~y to the clawn. You've survived. Now your moment has arrived; Now lPUr dream has finally been born. sc~ence w~ngs. While you slept, the promise ~s unkept, :f3ut lPUr faith nus as sure as the stars. Now you're free And the war Id has come to see Just how proud and beautiful you are. Black butterfly Sail across the ~ters. Tell your sons and cla~hters What the st~gle brings. Black butterfly Set the skies on fire. Rise up even '/:r.igher So the qgeless winds of time can catch your wings. Debutante Elaine is the claughter of Mr, and ?,~rs .. Robert Carter. At Urbana High School she is a member ot the Principals Scholars .Program and the future Secretaries Association. Elaine is also treasurer of i'Ainori ties in Action. A member of Salem Bapt-ist- Church, she is act-ive in t-he choir. Elaine enjoys bowling, skating! typing and working with computers in her spare time. She is being presented by her father. Escort Let the current 1 itt your heart and send it soaring. Write your timeless messqge clear across the sky. So that all of us can read it And remember, when we need it That a dream conceived in truth can never die :f3utterfly. Now you're free And the world has come to see Just how proud and beautifu 1 lPU a -re. Black butterfly Sail across the ~ters. Tell your sons and cla~hters What the st~gle brings. Blat:.k butterfly Set the skies on fire. Rise up even higher So the qgeless winds of time can catch your wings. 8 A 1981 graduate of Urbana !jigh ·School, Joe Lewis has an As?ociate ryegree in Criminal Justice from Parkland College.. l:!e is presently working to~rcl a degree in Carpentry, a field in which he is employed at the University of Jllinois Joe Lewis 9 Urbana High Schoo 1 17 years old Career Plans: To attend Tennessee State Universi ty and study obstetrical nursing. The daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. CHell Tatton, :'Jebutante Lenee is a .Peer Counselor and a member of the Tigerettes, the Principals Scholars Program and she serves as secretary for Minorities in Action. Always interested in medicine and furthering her career goals, Lenee is active with Medical Career Students and is a certified Nurses Aide. Previousl;y she =s a Candy Striper at )Aerc;y Hospital. Lenee is a member of Canaan Baptist Church where she is affiliated with the Usher Board, the Baptist youth Fellowship and president of the youth Choir. She is being presented by her father. Urbana !:iigh School 17 years old Debutante Tracy is the daughter of Mrs. Lillie (jilmer. She is a member of Minorities in Action and the Principals Scholars Program. During her spare time she volunteers her services at the Champaign-Urbana Boys Club and the frances Nelson Health Center. Tracy's uncle, frank Bradford, is presenting her. Escort Escort A senior at Urbana High School, ~rryl sings in the school choir and with The Madrigals. He is also on the basketball and track teams and a member of the Student Senate. A member of Canaan, he also plans to major in computer engineering in coll~e. Darryl J. Terry 10 Career Plans: To study nursing at Parkland College A junior at Urbana High School, Curtis 'would like to pursve a career in music--either as a performer or a record producer. Curtis LeSure 11 Career PlaT-lS: To enter Parkl1amJEll Co7111ege and study t~ ~ i ng a Conune=ial A:r:-tist Central High School 18 years old The .daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Speedie McDowell, Debutante Kimberly is a membe:rc- off the Afro-American Club, the Pepettes, Future l!omemakers of America and the Phr,e,cipals Scholars Program. She is also the entertairunent editor for the CentraLl Jjign newspaper. Kim is a member of .'3ethe I A.M.E. Church, its Sunday Schoo I a:nd! young People's Department. A lover of fine arts, Kim has studied ballet, tap and j=z dancing •. She is also a creative wr-iter. Kim's father is present:i1l'9f her. 'fJebutante Wendl;l is. the daughter of Mrs... Pearlene Jones. She is a member of the PTOincipals Schc;>lars Program, Minorities In Action and the Tigerettes. Wendy also helps Out ~ a Peer Counselor, an Office Aide and a Library Aide. She is a member of Jericho Baptis.t Church. Hr. Lewis Martin is presenting Wendy. Escort Escort Escorting his twi17£ sisf:er~ Kenneth is attend i.1lI!!9T P'ii1!:1&.land College where hie is majoring in Art. Bie~ t=" wants to be a COlIJDJeI1:cm1L Artist after gr~i1fl9! from Tennessee Stare: l'kriversity. Kenneth Gipson 12 Career Plans: To study business at Southern Illinois Universi ty at Eclwamsvi lIe Urbana !1igh School 17 years old A junior at, Urbana High School, Robert plans to become a corp~rate lawyer and own his own law firm Robert ,...lull ins, III 13 ' !:ligh School 17 years old Ccireer Plans: to major in Music at Parkland College The daughter 9f Rev., and Mrs, Wi 11 iam 13, Keaton ,ryebutante Kim i,s captain of the ?epettes, pre~~dent of the Afro-American Club and vice-president oJ the Principals Scholars ?rogram. She was also nominated as Student of the Week and won an individual acni"evement award at summer camp. A member of Pi 19rim Baptist Church, Kim is Director of the Angelic Choir and Assistant Director of C;ospel for the Mass Cboi'r. She il:i, al&o Assistant Sunday School Secretary and a Sunday School Teacher. An acc01l1p l ished vocalist as well, Ki~ is a member of a singing gospel group that is C01Tlprl,sed of her sisters. She, i.s being presented by her father. Centennial High School 17 years old Career Plans: To attend Northern Illinois University and major in Speech CommunicationS ,Debutante Denena is the daughter of Mr and Mrs. ,Joe Lee. She is a member of the Lancers, Principals Scholars Program, Marching 13and and the Afro-American Club. Denena is a REAa:1 peer counselor and a member of the tennis team. She is also a member of Canaan Baptist Church. tJenena enjoys roller skating, swinuning and reaclLng. She is employed by Bishops Buffet in Champaign. tJenena s father is presenting her. I Escort Escort A junior at Central High School, ,Darrin is a member of Pilgrim 3aptist Church where he was past president of th~ choir and a member of the Usher !3oard. A junior at Centennial11igh Schpol, Liji plans to attend college and major in the social sciences. He is a member of the basketball team. Liji Hanny Darrin Smith 14 15 Career Plans: To study business at Northern Illinois liniversity Central Eigh School 17 years old The daughter of Ms. Mary E. Rpclgers, Debutante .1)ion is a member of the concert band, marching band and the election board. She is also a participant in Upward Bound. bion belongs. .to the youth Choir and the !fouth Baptist fellowship at ?-At:. Olive f!,apt:ist: Church where she is a.lso a member.' Mr. Edwin Cook, Sr., is presenting her,. Central fligh School 17 years old Career Plans: To attend Northern Illinois University and study accounting :gebutant:e Patrice is the daughter of Ms. Lynda Taylor. She l,S a member of the Principals Scholars Program and Upu.ard Bound. She has worked as a Candy Striper and is a member of Salem !3apt:ist Church. Patrice is listed in Who's Who Among American High SCh901 Students and she participated last year l,n a summer engineering program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Patrice is being presented by her cousin, Mr. Willie B. fra~lin. Escort Escort A senior at Central High School, Edwin is a Gemil1i who enjoys football and listening t:o music. He plans to enroll at Tennessee State University next year. Edwin Cook, A junior at Centennial High School, Chaunsey is a member of the track team. He plans to attend Morehouse College and major in engineering. .Jr. Chaunsey Hunter 16 17 Urbana High School 17 years old Career Plans: To become an attorney and later a judge. after completing studies in business law at Texas Southern University The daugh.ter of 'Rev, and Mrs. 13 •. J. Tatum, Debutante Stephanie is a member of Minorities. 1;n Action and the Tigerettes. She is also a Peer Counselor and a member of the track te(;iJTJ. Stephanie was voted best dressed and best looking senior by her fellow c1a.s$1TJQ.res this year. She was a participant in the ~Aiss Prince .!:-I..arl Shrinedom contest. Stephanie)is a member of Canaan Baptist Church where she is aff~liated ,w1;th t~e !fouth Choir, the Bap!is! youth Fellowship and is teacher's ass 1, stant 1.n the Jun1.or church. Stephan1.e loS employed at K-Mart in Urbana. Her father is: pre.senting her. ' Central Ifigh School 17 years old Debutante Shaune is: the daughter of Mrs .. Alma Head, She is a peer counselor, and a . VO ~unteer Office Assista~t., Shaune was chosen as the 1284 Homecoming Queen and she 1,S secretary of the Pr1.nc1.l'als Scholars :Program. She is also a member of the Student Counci.1, Spanish Club and the Parent/Teacher/Student Association. Shaune has Frtic;i:par~ i.n Unit,tf4,Sc;hools Panel ~iscussions and "was a featured speaker at t~e Un1.1::ersdlj of ']l11.no1.,s Black Women s Conference. Listed in Who's ~Vho Among ~er1.canH1,ghSc~Qol Students, Shaune has also received top honors from thePrinctpa~s Scholars and bel;a, S1.gma Theta. Shaune is employed at K-JAa'rt in Champaign and loS a member of the Un1.ted Pentacostal Church. Mr. Nick 130y saw is presenting her. Escort Escort A graduate of Central High " School, Eugene is attending Parkland College where he is majoring in Electro~ics. "He plans to attend n I inois State Universi tl...J to complete his studies. Eugene Jackson 13 Career Plans: / To become a physici~n after graduating. from St~acuse University A senior at Centennial High Schooi, Melvin plans to attend a fine arts college in Los Angeles and major in fashion design. Be would also like to be a model. He was a member of the football and track teams and was AIIConference in football. Melvin :Blackmon 19 fk~ 9J)altllnf/ 9J)au!lhtelt Storch PHOTOGRAPHIC 707 S. Prairie St. Champaign 356-4393 [JJhaune you're a joy in my life ••• with your radiant smile of sunshine and laughter. 1}ou are a source of real pride and happiness. I want you to hnolV how very 7mLch I am proud of ;you. Mll heart overflows wi th joy because of your achievements. I will always be here with support in all of your endeavors. • • • • • Portraits Weddings Family Groups In-home photography Out-door photography 20 Always remember where your blessi~s come from . I'll love you always, Mother 21 :&at Wi~ 1t ~v~ girl 1J~~3~ , you've come a long waH since the first time I saw my beautiful baby girl on what seems like only yesterday. )As you grow into young womanhooc!, be assured that I love you very, very much and, as I said to you not too long ago, you will always be successful in whatever you do because you have been and will contirw.e to be, simplU THE BEST! \., Shaune and Melvin Love, 22 23 Bigham's Park Avenue Apartments 1 & 2 Bedrooms Air Conditioned, Carpeted, All Electric Kitchen, WaZk-in Closets, Ceramic Tile Bathroom 302 & 306 East Park Avenue Champaign, III. 61820 Phone 356-3535 Geo. Bigham, Proprietor . . J. I/J;~. P ~ l. '.: 'T'S ;i? ILUNDIS POWER COMPANY . ~ ., OU!! BUiiiNebS 10 StRVE rY~omer VOu 8,,·,'II;Iif- Service Representative·s -~'l .~.4@ 4 .. Shaune and Juer\da Sandy Taylor Carol-yn l?roves Carrie Banks Ecldie Moore Julia Joppe 'Roger 'Ponti/ex Veda Coo 1 i ng Betty Witt Kau Williams Vi~ginia Blessman Anthony Marbury ,Dave 3u.tts Congratulations Shaune on Hour Debut!· ( \ 24 25 Carmen Coats !;3obby Gertz Maxine Wrisk Betsy :t3arton Alma Head ((I' --- i:: il OPERATING Bobby R.ichardson Ralph Heat t?n..rd ' Marcell us J l.m R.oosevelt R.uddy Nally Russell Knox lJene Eisley Lyle Fozler Phi I Cokran Horris WiTl171 1-1 .''OJ er . •arold Easton l?ache 1 Meeks Bob Smith .Bob Gall' ) " Norm Monire JvI.ark ..U:.arr1.son ' A.. Kirby L .. W•. Hartin 130b,~ Simmons :Sob BilE _".··o".·o .. c Phyl Ot-cutt ,.;rg... Joan W~egel .Kay Bart;" L OU1.S ' Laws , .om the l'eop I e of the r-.-_,as Sert.!1.ce ' !.Jepartment F- Cathy HcCoy +-. Chris $oti roff Ca-thy Lowary ~ ~t~ wlu/ t ~ ~WVI \I . .'. . '. . . JI ". ",' LOCAL 51 ., " '~ " .• '.. . . .' _.< 26 27 7' I .3EST WIsz-!.1='...5 TO Elaine Carter Tracy Gi lmer Kim Gipson Shaune lVh i taker SINCERE SYMPATHETIC LOCAL 51 SERVICE ,:.'1.'. II I, " i II NATHAN L. BLUnT FUNERAL DIRECTOR Kenny Morenz Ri.chard ~osenbaum Lar,y Craft TOI1JmY lja,t '!)aug - Parker 'Juneral J[ orne 704 N. 4TH STREET .John 0arvey Tommie Philler :5ud Zeck Toney Morgan Robert Brown Charles Schrock Wi !lie Franklin Gary Ward 13,own 13.i.ll Parson lJank 'Faggart Char 1es Laurent Gene 13rewer 2'7-35&1926 CHAMPAIGN. ILL. 61820 29 28 __ __=_=_= __=_=-=_"-_ _--::~:-::~:-:_=_=_=-= "...,------.,-,.-,--,c-cc--c----~_cc ____________ ~ _________ ~ r __ _ .As you look beyond the sky ~pu wi 11 see a rainbow of beauty and colors. Continue to follow it and you will reach your goals~n life. !3est Wishes Shaune frOm' The'Russells:""!.Jour Sister ,1 four Brother Duke, Mel, Marie " Mari 1 yn and COurtney Jueriela Kevin Kenny , Shaune-,May your goals be obtainable and your expectations high. When all has been achievecl, feel proud and say, "Worlel, I have arrivecl!" .A '!3eauty Salon for the Entire family Best 1~7ishes, 111 lYest Church Street Champaign, Illinois Gloria anc1. .Accie Mitchell Beverly Hills, California (217) 359=0490 30 31 61820 We love l;PU! Kevin and Grandma, Shaune & Grandpa Juer~da 13e~t W~shes To PIRTLE'S you Shaune, from Grandma Wi lner Johnson & Uncle .Elsie MARKET NOW OPEN ~, Fresh Fish, Vegetables, and Produce HOMEMADE CANDIES 902 North Fourth Street Champaign, Illinois Phone: 352-4339 OpenS·ixDays a Week! "0 AM - 8 PM 32 HAND DIPPED CHOCOLATES (217) 352-7102 . ~K~~ J{~~ 115 NORTH WALNUT STREET CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61820 Serving breakfast and lunch 6:00 a .. m. until 3:00 p.m. Monday th.ough friday ~cJ..~L I ittr~/ 6:00 a.m. unril 11;00 a.m. Sarurclay 33 T JrolYU b aders /..) the Meter k~e -hepartment from . Lower D Company III inol.s Butts Bros John Vonner 'Roger Elr~y 30bby Strl.rers Construction Co. . Phi 1 Gustafson Larry Meyers '~ Joe Bishop 1207 E. University Ave. Urbana, IL 61801 I 217-384-0621 I : 3~,~~g"e~ , i , I: : I' r1 iJ (OrYG· j..- Market Place ~1imTmiT!rraIIIl National Bank . Center Road 5 Convenl.ence.. 61820 ,: (217) 351-2870 - Member FDIC . Illl.nol.s, I' . • BALLOON • SINGING TELEGRAMS • BELL YGRAMS • BALLOON PART~~~LDREN BALLOON WEoDDINGS • BALLOONS IN It BOX • BY THE GROSS ••smLoONS SHIPPED Blifmited 701 NORTH RANDOLPH CHAMPAIGN BEST WISHES SHALI7\IE 34 35 WE'RE THE NEIGHBORHOOD PROFESSIONALS~M Tom Hays--John Estergarcl 13roker--Owner REALToR ASS(X:IATES Ron Band;tJ ryonna P~ersmith ~anette Hilderbrandt ~el Missier Jan Swenson Jack Shaffer Jim Ward 1)ale Mynagen PattN Bash, Sa I es ,lAanager Karen Srancucci Herschel Cline Roberta liarrison Cleveland Jefferson :Patty :Peterson Barbara Shaffer Don Tackler Dennis Bylena Leser Y-arp I us Good, better, best Never let it rest 'Til your good is better And your better best Best Wishes Shaune Call a professional, Call a friend Co~ratulations MAKING HOMES AFFORDABLE MADE US NUMBER 1. ~ CENTURY 21:" r.ul ~ 352-4211 pMfJJ. Shaune Skates, Inc. TOLL FREE: 1·800-457·6465 Ext. 310 In Indiana: 1·800·872·6701. Ext. 310 1mnh~1fr 1D (fJe.&,£d,'lntuior.r Home & Commercial Design With You In Mind 150t rr %oSpe.c.t Ave.. cnOJr\rQ.~r\. 1L 61821 ('217) ~s'-777i3 I A PHI THETA ''In•e ' re buddi11t>" .. 'v a t r acl't' 1. 1.on,• not 36 37 ,. rest1.~ INC upon one" CONGRATULATIONS SHAUNE! CONGRATULATIONS URBAN LEAGUE OF CHAMPAIGN COUNTY Best wishes in your very bright future. PIe are sure success 'I will follow you whereever you go! greg, Darrell, Jeffrey & Lovell The .13oysaws Vernon Barksta11, Executive Director 17 Taylor Street Champaign, IL 61820 (21 n 356-1364 'i, A UNITED WAY AGENCY 1 All that you clo, clo with your might. Things clone by halves are never clone right. From The Power Marketing Advisors Pat Moore SERVICE Mik.e Genin .13 & 1'l Auto Repair And Body Work Mike Richards 1114 North .Harket Street Champaign, Illinois 359-1902 61820 ~ II&:J Marketing Advisors How to keep your utility bill down 38 39 T Shaune May God bless you and always keep you. Congratulations Shaune! 217-344-8050 217-356-1022 ••• may your life be filled with TIOth i ng but the best! T. ELMO HALL SERVICE SERVICE STATION EQUIPMENT AND MAINTENANCE , ,I CARROLL HALL I I', "I I ' fort Wesley CatherinHogue Mr. & Mrs. Wi 11 iCUIJ Ren,fro Joyce and Lee Jones .Mr. & Mrs. fred Walker JCUlJes Davis Charlie Robertson Diane & Walt Smith Edwin & Magnolia Cook Jerome Cook Steve Berdine Charles Evans Waddell & Terry Hi 11 and tCUlJi ly Acres of 1300ks , Ltd. n izabeth A. Wi tt M. Elizabeth Barton Wi 11 iCUIJ Renfro Carmen Coats Shirley Boyer Eula Henderson Cody Obswe 11 Louise Tanner ,Marc White John & Lillie Terry Pamm ,Butler Bruce & Charlotte Nesbitt JCUlJes MiTIOr !3everly Hendri,c'k$ JCUlJes Davis Mark White Pearl Tate Davis & Halestine,Session Maud ie :t:dwards Jackie Vonner Vernon WilliCUllS Joyce Walker ~Dorothy & Sammy Taylor TaJuanna WilliCUllS Gladys 1 Marcus & Elmer 11.uthie Jackson Diane Brownlee ~orothy, Gail & Paul Nesbitt Kathleen Slates R.. L. DeShong Mr. & Mrs. A. Rivers Mr. & Mrs. Cahppel Nlr. Oscar Banks Wi'! lie & Robyn Claiborne Mr. & Mrs. Earl E. Voss Diane & Walt 3405 SO, PROSPECT CHAMPAIGN, ILL 61820 .';' n. :'Jebutante Shaune Whitaker Shaune: Best oJ luck in your ~leavors SUBARU~ ~'1e wish you 7mLch success in the Juture. Stall the line lovell, lPUng 10021 that yau are. ' tVlSSAtV/DAT1lIIII Mel Armstrong SALES COUNSELOR 1200'SLOOMINGTON ROAD 0 CHAMPAIGN, ILLINOIS 61820 Klnko's Copies 217/352-8910 40 l 613 South Wright Street. Champaign, Illinois 61820 41
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