New proposition and the development of a new multi channel
New proposition and the development of a new multi channel
Client Logo New proposition and the development of a new multi channel service for customers Capgemini Consulting helped Interpolis with the design of the value proposition, the business case, the marketing approach, the changes in the channels, the visits to customers and the project management. The situation Interpolis is a large insurance company working with both consumers and business customers. Interpolis cooperates with Rabobank for sales, advice and service for customers. For its small and medium enterprise customers, Interpolis wanted to improve its advisory services to prevent from electrical risks resulting in fire. The main reason is more value and service for customers and it is also important for reducing damage claims. Companies that do not install or maintain the electrical installation correctly, have more risks on fire. Capgemini Consulting was asked to help with the design of the value proposition, the business case, the marketing approach, the changes in the channels and the visits to customers, and the project management. In the project, elements from our customer experience approach were used, because the service needed to be implemented in all customer touchpoints in a consistent way. The solution Companies are visited by the risk advisors from Interpolis. Together with them and with the market manager for business customers we developed a vision on prevention services for customers. The risk on fire is not top of mind for most entrepreneurs. Therefore, we had to come up with creative ways to discuss the topic with business customers. Together with Interpolis, we created a new way of effective risk assessment, with online support, improved customer visits and mobile service for customers. In the project, we involved customers and we did a pilot among customers. The solution comprises the following elements: The business case we developed was also an excellent means for discussing the solution and the ideas we had to involve customers. We did an analysis on the claims from the past years to obtain insights into high risk sectors and companies. A separate deliverable was the proposition: what do we offer customers and how does this increase the value they perceive from Interpolis. Customers in high risk sectors or important customers are visited and receive advice by an Interpolis risk advisor. The risk advisor is supported in his work by a smartphone with an app to be used for risk assessment and advice. The mobile app combines findings and advice into a risk advisory report, that is mailed directly to the client. The advisory report includes pictures from the electrical installation that was discussed during the visit. The result This project resulted in a new way of working for risk advisory for customers, that will be extended to other risks. This way of working is changing the way risk advisors do their visits. From the pilot and from the first visits, Interpolis received a lot of positive reactions from clients. The existing customers value the new service and the visits. The risk advisors from Interpolis are very positive on the mobile support for their work. With the new smart phone they can finish the advisory report with more ease. The first customer visits already resulted in the prevention of electrical risk situations: at two restaurants, specific hazardous issues were found. The risks advisors assessed the issues as high risk, and total value of the assured businesses increased the initial investments in the project nearly ten-fold. How Interpolis and Capgemini Consulting worked together During the project, Interpolis and Capgemini Consulting worked together in a joint project team. Roles and responsibilities were organized in the most effective way. Capgemini was responsible for the project management and participated in several project streams. Why Interpolis chose Capgemini Consulting Capgemini was involved in several projects in a programme focusing on new services and prevention. Due to the excellent client relationship and strong results, Capgemini Consulting was asked to cooperate in this project. The client specifically opted for us because of the high focus of the end result. Overall programme manager Martin Jansen stated “we hired you because you get the things done”. ®® Selected customers are asked to do an assessment online. We created an easy online check on the electrical situation focusing on the awareness of the business customer. On the Interpolis website (www. we developed content for companies that want to start prevention. Customer can read online cases dedicated to their sector. We did a marketing campaign among selected business customer to create awareness and to get attention for this new service. We implemented an approach for tracking and tracing the results. About Capgemini With more than 115,000 people in 40 countries, Capgemini is one of the world’s foremost providers of consulting, technology and outsourcing services. The Group reported 2010 global revenues of EUR 8.7 billion Together with its clients, Capgemini creates and delivers business and technology solutions that fit their needs and drive the results they want. A deeply multicultural organization, Capgemini has developed its own way of working, the Collaborative Business ExperienceTM, and draws on Rightshore®, its worldwide delivery model. Capgemini Consulting is the Global Strategy and Transformation Consulting brand of the Capgemini Group, specializing in advising and supporting organizations in transforming their business, from the development of innovative strategy through to execution, with a consistent focus on sustainable results. Capgemini Consulting proposes to leading companies and governments a fresh approach which uses innovative methods, technology and the talents of over 3,600 consultants worldwide. For more information: www. Rightshore® is a trademark belonging to Capgemini Capgemini Consulting Papendorpseweg 100 P.O. box 2575 - 3500 GN Utrecht Tel. +31 30 689 26 28 E-mail: [email protected] 2011 Capgemini. All rights reserved. Rightshore® is a registered trademark belonging to Capgemini. Capgemini Consulting is the strategy and transformation consulting brand of Capgemini Group
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